Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-08-11 Thread Thomas Heller
On Wednesday 11 August 2010 00:45:44 Eric Niebler wrote:
 On 8/10/2010 3:52
PM, Thomas Heller wrote:
  On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 8:56 PM, Eric Niebler
  Good. Now if you are saying that Proto's existing transforms
  too low-level and that things like pre- and post-order traversals

 should be first class Proto citizens ... no argument. Patch? :-)
I think i am a little bit responsible for that whole discussion as i

  mentiones on IRC that proto transforms are hard for me.
 The #boost
IRC channel? Perhaps I should spend time there.

You definitely should :)

 So, why are they so hard. I am currently learning the principles of
compiler construction (lecture at university). We learn all those
algorithms to optimize the hell out of our codes. But these
all rely on bottom-up, top-down and what-not traversals of
  your AST.
proto transforms work a little bit different from these
  tree traversals.
BUT they are very similiar, and probably as you
  said, a little more low
level. Just my 2 cents ;)
 And a good 2 cents. I never actually took a
compiler construction class.
 Oops! But as I showed earlier in this thread,
pre-order traversal can be
 expressed in terms of fold. Post-order is much
the same. But if I'm
 going to go around claiming Proto is a
compiler-construction toolkit, it
 should have the algorithms that people
would expect, not the ones I just
 made up. :-P

Yeah, i already did some
traversals. But you have to think everytime: Did I make it right? Did I miss
some rule in my DSEL grammar?
IMHO, the important difference between a proto
transform and a proto expression traversal is that the transform has to
replicate your grammar, every time. And a traversal simply does not care if
your grammar is right or not. You just want to go over all elements of your
tree. The validity of your DSEL should have been checked one step before
(think of multi-pass compiler).
Joel Falcou showed a technique which, to
some extend is able to deal with the no-repetition part.

Let me give you an
example of a traversal which simply doesn't care if the expression given is
in the language or not (I will present you some transforms I have written
for phoenix3).

First, in pheonix, we want to know: What is the arity of our
expression, or sometimes a little weaker, do we have a nullary, or a n-ary

This is easily done with a proto transform, I agree.
For arity
calculation we have this transform (notice something? We have a transform
where a simple traversal would be sufficient):

  : proto::or_
proto::whenproto::terminalproto::_, mpl::int_0()
  , proto::_

 , mpl::nextproto::_value(proto::_child2)()
  , proto::otherwise
  , mpl::int_0()
  , mpl::maxarity, proto::_state()



Yet, very elegant (imho), it is quite
complex and not easily spotted what this code is doing.

With some kind of
post-order traversal and the appropriate visitor this might look simpler. I
have to admit though, i have no idea how such a traversal could look

Eric, in one of your posts you mentioned the potential of phoenix3. I
think, this potential can be highly increased by having some kind of
traversal helper functions, just because I think people are more familiar
with the concepts of traversals and visitors (or, FWIW, iterators) than with
proto transforms. On the other hand, proto transform already are a powerful
tool, perhaps a little too powerful for some simple tasks. Perhaps we have
to educate people for a mind-shift to the direction of proto transforms.

And if you think Proto's transforms are hard now, be glad you weren't

using Proto v2 in 2006. shudder

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-08-11 Thread joel falcou

On 11/08/10 17:52, Eric Niebler wrote:

I don't exactly recall the details of Joel's technique. My experiments
to separate transforms from grammars were largely unsuccessful because
control flow often need pattern matching. I'd like to see alternate designs.
Mine was just a post-order traversal by a visitor that could be 
specialized on node's tag

Ah, but the control flow of this transform depends on pattern matching
(i.e., the grammar) to dispatch to the correct handler. I'm interested
to see what this arity calculation would look like with a tree traversal.
Last time I tried, i ended up needing a meta-function that gave you the 
arity of any tag.

Then you did a fold of max over the tree traversal.
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-08-11 Thread Joel . Falcou
 This is kind of like Proto's evaluation contexts, IIUC. I'm not wild for
 them because often just the tag isn't enough information to find the
 right handler. But maybe it covers enough use cases and can be made
 easier to use. Right now, proto has an eval function that takes an
 expression and an evaluation context, but the user is responsible for
 the flow control. Maybe there should be a pre_order_eval and
 post_order_eval that takes on the control flow responsibilities.

Yes but here each tag specialization leaves in its own function object and
not as an operator()().

For sepcific need, we can specialize based on tag+type of visitor+type of

 Tags don't have arities. E.g. nothing prevents someone from creating an
 expression with tag::plus and 5 children.

Yes but the same way proto operator has the expected behavior by defualt,
one can expect they have expected arity.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-08-10 Thread Gordon Woodhull

Thanks Joel,

This is food for thought!

On Aug 10, 2010, at 2:47 AM, joel falcou wrote:

On 10/08/10 05:24, Gordon Woodhull wrote:

I wonder if Dan Marsden's Traversal library would solve this out of  
the box?

Oh nice link, I didn't knew that :o
The way I would solve it is to create an adapter that makes a Proto  
tree look like a graph...  Like Boost.Graph, Metagraph is designed  
to allow adapting any metadata that is already graphlike to have a  
graph API.  (This wasn't the right approach for MSM because there's  
nothing in those tables that immediately answers what are the  
edges for this vertex?)

If there is interest, I could probably pull this together pretty  
quickly, as Proto already has such an expressive API.  Then we'd  
immediately have inefficient implementations of DFS  BFS and I  
could see if there's a good way to factor out the color map stuff  
to make it speedy.

We're looking at two challenge in Proto :
- traversing the AST type at compile-time to apply meta-function  
onto tree node

I just committed an example which does this part.  See end of message.

- traversing the AST value at run-time to apply function onto tree  

This requires a Fusion/BGL interface, which I haven't thought out  
yet.  Probably just means moving a parameter from the  to () as  
usual. :-D

for example here is my current use-cases:

- walkign through a proto AST to apply a visitor onto node/leaf :  
turn the AST on array into the same AST with pointer element before  

Yes, I imagine that's the most common use case.  How hard can that  
Fusion/BGL interface be?

- turning the AST into a DAG


Stjepan Rajko and I talked about doing this in order to allow Proto  
expressions to define graph metadata.

Maybe you'd kind of cut and paste the Proto tree into an mpl graph  
while looking for vertices with duplicate IDs.  Should work just as  
well on graphs with cycles.

This way you'd end up with sort of a graph metadata overlay over the  
Proto tree.  Each vertex would contain metadata instructions for how  
to get to the corresponding Proto node in the expression, and each  
edge would be vertex+child#.  No extra runtime data needed, if I'm not  

You could also imagine doing this with a Fusion graph somehow, if you  
wanted to add runtime data...  but I don't grok the Fusion/Proto  
allocation/reference magic yet, so I'm not quite sure what I'm saying.

- applying a visitor performing osme kind of reduction on the tree  
startign form the leaf to evaluate the value of the AST in a given  
point of evaluation

Postorder traversal?  I guess the trick is in what you produce:  
annotating the existing nodes, easy, vs building something new, maybe  
not so.

- for a given assign node (lhs = rhs) check if the lhs data address  
is somewhere in the terminal of rhs. This is basically our trickiest  
runtime algorithm in nt2 that helps us detetcing alias in expression  
without having ppl using alias(x) function.

Again, DFS with a Fusion/BGL interface.

- detecting pattern in the AST (like a+b*c) and repalce all of them,  
recurisvely into another (here by madd(a,b,c)). It's currently done  
with special grammar and it's maybe better to do it like this but we  
never know.

Haha, I haven't thought about graph pattern matching for a while,  
though that's where I started with graphs 15 years ago.

Special-purpose Proto grammars/transforms are probably the best way to  
modify Proto expressions, but like you say, we never know.  Maybe  
something cool could be done with graph transformations of fusionish  
graph data.

Let me see if I am starting to understand the Proto/Fusion memory  
model.  You end up with the original expression as one object, and  
then a bunch of new AST nodes holding references into the original  
expression, right?

I'm from the old guard w/r to tree, so I'm mostly thinking in  
visitor. But if you care to show me how iterators can be used, I'm  
open to suggestion.

Cool.  Visitors are way more powerful.

If you go with iterators you end up creating different iterator types  
for every kind of traversal.  But then they don't muck with your  
control flow.  Here is a good message describing that approach, from  
one of the boost::tree discussions.  (There have been a few valiant  

So, here's how far I got tonight: there's
which does compile-time traversal of the Proto expression _1*12/_2,  
printing this nice error message showing that the preorder traversal  
worked (in reverse order):

proto_adaptor.cpp:132: error: No match for 'assertion_failed(
mpl_::failed  boost::mpl::equal

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-08-10 Thread Eric Niebler
On 8/10/2010 2:52 PM, wrote:
 Eric Niebler wrote:
 A pre-order traversal, pushing each visited node into an mpl vector? How
 I'm on a tiny mobile, but my idéa was to have such algo as proto
 transforms  grammar

Good. Now if you are saying that Proto's existing transforms are too
low-level and that things like pre- and post-order traversals should be
first class Proto citizens ... no argument. Patch? :-)

Eric Niebler
BoostPro Computing
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-07-27 Thread Eric Niebler
On 7/27/2010 9:01 AM, joel falcou wrote:
 what about having some Tree related trasnform/function/meta-function then ?
 I'm often thinking : dang, this transform is basically a BFS for a node
 verifying meta-function foo
 and have to rewrite a BFS usign default_ and such, which is relatively
 Now, sometimes it is dang, this code is basically splitting an AST into
 multiples AST everytime I found a bar tag or I need to do a DFS
 or even worse, I need to make the AST a DAG :E ...
 Do people think such stuff (maybe in proto::tree:: or smthg ?) be useful
 additions ?

That would be awesome, Joel!

Eric Niebler
BoostPro Computing
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-07-27 Thread joel falcou

On 27/07/10 15:08, Eric Niebler wrote:

That would be awesome, Joel!

I'll count on you for helping me making those looking nice :p
What's the easiest ? getting a proto-tree branch or what ?

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-07-27 Thread joel falcou

On 27/07/10 15:08, Eric Niebler wrote:

That would be awesome, Joel!

WHat's the easiest in term of code ?
I can bring up some git repo or shoudl I work in some svn branches of 
proto somewhere at boost ?

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] So I heard proto make AST ...

2010-07-27 Thread Christophe Henry
 I think you should talk to Gordon Woodhull. He's building a metagraph
 (among others) library, which I am going to use in msm for
 compile-time calculations and fsm analysis. This means there will be
 temporarily a metagraph library inside msm as proof of concept until
 there can be a review.
 Maybe he can adapt this library for proto analysis?

Oh yeah, will save me some time indeed.
Mayeb we shoudl invite him over here ?

I just sent him a mail. BTW the metagraph library is in the sandbox,
and a potential usage with msm was sent by Gordon on the devel list
just at the end of the BoostCon.

proto mailing list