Re: [open-tran] hosting Iberian languages for

2010-06-24 Conversa Leandro Regueiro
On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Fran Diéguez wrote:
 Queredes que a monte nun servidor meu???

 O único que pido e que no footer poña algo así como Hospedado por
 Mabishu Studio embaixo.

 Dicídeme os requirimentos e a páxina de instrucións e tentarei
 investigar o tema. A carga é mínima e non haberá problema.

Non hai instrucións e os requirimentos tampouco os sei. Hai que
contactar directamente co desenvolvedor, Jacek Śliwerski, para que el
nos indique como facelo. Polo menos temos a seguridade de que é
factible xa que os estonios xa o fixeron e creo que agora aloxan no
seu servidor todo o tinglado para as linguas bálticas, o que lles
permitiu seguir funcionando cando o open-tran central estivo caido.
Proxecto mailing list

[open-tran] hosting Iberian languages for

2010-06-24 Conversa Leandro Regueiro
On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Fran Diéguez listas en wrote:
 Queredes que a monte nun servidor meu???

 O único que pido e que no footer poña algo así como Hospedado por
 Mabishu Studio embaixo.

 Dicídeme os requirimentos e a páxina de instrucións e tentarei
 investigar o tema. A carga é mínima e non haberá problema.

Non hai instrucións e os requirimentos tampouco os sei. Hai que
contactar directamente co desenvolvedor, Jacek Śliwerski, para que el
nos indique como facelo. Polo menos temos a seguridade de que é
factible xa que os estonios xa o fixeron e creo que agora aloxan no
seu servidor todo o tinglado para as linguas bálticas, o que lles
permitiu seguir funcionando cando o open-tran central estivo caido.

Re: [open-tran] hosting Iberian languages for

2010-06-23 Conversa Miguel Branco
O problema e que non sei se despois teremos a nosa web caída cada dous por
tres nin se hai xente para mantelo.

@admins hai sitio? hai quen o manteña?

2010/6/22 Leandro Regueiro

 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Leandro Regueiro wrote:
  On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:10 PM, Alexander Dupuy
  [Apropos of prior discussion of distributing functionality
  moving Estonian language lookups to server located in Estonia:]
  Jacek Śliwerski escribió:
  Apparently, it works very well for them. Estonian translations are
  available even at the times when the server is returning 500 for all
  remaining languages.
  PS. As a consequence, the Estonians started using the service a lot
  frequently and now they are the second largest group of visitors.
  Leandro Regueiro escribió:
  And Spain is the place where open-Tran is more visited? It could be
  since here are spoken four languages at least...
  In this case, it may well make sense to move the lookups for
  es/gl/ca/ca_valencia and maybe even pt to a server in Spain. I know that
  Junta de Extremadura in Spain provides hosting for the Pootle servers
  Pootle ( and Debian ( - perhaps
  could be convinced to provide something like the Estonians have done for I don't know who the appropriate contact person at the
  de Extremadura might be - perhaps somebody at could
  someone to contact?
  In Trasno project we are discusing the posibility of hosting the
  galician server.

 Ola, montamos ao final unha instancia propia do open-tran para que non
 estea caído cada dous por tres?
 Proxecto mailing list

Proxecto mailing list

Re: [open-tran] hosting Iberian languages for

2010-06-23 Conversa Santiago Rodríguez
No servidor actual, eu diria que non.

Podemos montalo na maquina da uvigo e ver como vai...


On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 3:58 PM, Miguel Branco wrote:

 O problema e que non sei se despois teremos a nosa web caída cada dous por
 tres nin se hai xente para mantelo.

 @admins hai sitio? hai quen o manteña?

 2010/6/22 Leandro Regueiro

 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Leandro Regueiro wrote:
  On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:10 PM, Alexander Dupuy
  [Apropos of prior discussion of distributing open-tran.eufunctionality by
  moving Estonian language lookups to server located in Estonia:]
  Jacek Śliwerski escribió:
  Apparently, it works very well for them. Estonian translations are
  available even at the times when the server is returning 500 for all
  remaining languages.
  PS. As a consequence, the Estonians started using the service a lot
  frequently and now they are the second largest group of visitors.
  Leandro Regueiro escribió:
  And Spain is the place where open-Tran is more visited? It could be
  since here are spoken four languages at least...
  In this case, it may well make sense to move the lookups for
  es/gl/ca/ca_valencia and maybe even pt to a server in Spain. I know
 that the
  Junta de Extremadura in Spain provides hosting for the Pootle servers
  Pootle ( and Debian ( -
 perhaps they
  could be convinced to provide something like the Estonians have done
 for I don't know who the appropriate contact person at the
  de Extremadura might be - perhaps somebody at could
  someone to contact?
  In Trasno project we are discusing the posibility of hosting the
  galician server.

 Ola, montamos ao final unha instancia propia do open-tran para que non
 estea caído cada dous por tres?
 Proxecto mailing list

Proxecto mailing list

[open-tran] hosting Iberian languages for

2010-06-23 Conversa Miguel Branco
O problema e que non sei se despois teremos a nosa web caída cada dous por
tres nin se hai xente para mantelo.

@admins hai sitio? hai quen o manteña?

2010/6/22 Leandro Regueiro leandro.regueiro en

 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Leandro Regueiro
 leandro.regueiro en wrote:
  On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:10 PM, Alexander Dupuy alex.dupuy en
  [Apropos of prior discussion of distributing functionality
  moving Estonian language lookups to server located in Estonia:]
  Jacek Śliwerski escribió:
  Apparently, it works very well for them. Estonian translations are
  available even at the times when the server is returning 500 for all
  remaining languages.
  PS. As a consequence, the Estonians started using the service a lot
  frequently and now they are the second largest group of visitors.
  Leandro Regueiro escribió:
  And Spain is the place where open-Tran is more visited? It could be
  since here are spoken four languages at least...
  In this case, it may well make sense to move the lookups for
  es/gl/ca/ca_valencia and maybe even pt to a server in Spain. I know that
  Junta de Extremadura in Spain provides hosting for the Pootle servers
  Pootle ( and Debian ( - perhaps
  could be convinced to provide something like the Estonians have done for I don't know who the appropriate contact person at the
  de Extremadura might be - perhaps somebody at could
  someone to contact?
  In Trasno project we are discusing the posibility of hosting the
  galician server.

 Ola, montamos ao final unha instancia propia do open-tran para que non
 estea caído cada dous por tres?
 Proxecto mailing list
 Proxecto en

 próxima parte 
Borrouse un anexo en formato HTML...

[open-tran] hosting Iberian languages for

2010-06-23 Conversa Santiago Rodríguez
No servidor actual, eu diria que non.

Podemos montalo na maquina da uvigo e ver como vai...


On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 3:58 PM, Miguel Branco mgl.branco en wrote:

 O problema e que non sei se despois teremos a nosa web caída cada dous por
 tres nin se hai xente para mantelo.

 @admins hai sitio? hai quen o manteña?

 2010/6/22 Leandro Regueiro leandro.regueiro en

 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Leandro Regueiro
 leandro.regueiro en wrote:
  On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:10 PM, Alexander Dupuy alex.dupuy en
  [Apropos of prior discussion of distributing open-tran.eufunctionality by
  moving Estonian language lookups to server located in Estonia:]
  Jacek Śliwerski escribió:
  Apparently, it works very well for them. Estonian translations are
  available even at the times when the server is returning 500 for all
  remaining languages.
  PS. As a consequence, the Estonians started using the service a lot
  frequently and now they are the second largest group of visitors.
  Leandro Regueiro escribió:
  And Spain is the place where open-Tran is more visited? It could be
  since here are spoken four languages at least...
  In this case, it may well make sense to move the lookups for
  es/gl/ca/ca_valencia and maybe even pt to a server in Spain. I know
 that the
  Junta de Extremadura in Spain provides hosting for the Pootle servers
  Pootle ( and Debian ( -
 perhaps they
  could be convinced to provide something like the Estonians have done
 for I don't know who the appropriate contact person at the
  de Extremadura might be - perhaps somebody at could
  someone to contact?
  In Trasno project we are discusing the posibility of hosting the
  galician server.

 Ola, montamos ao final unha instancia propia do open-tran para que non
 estea caído cada dous por tres?
 Proxecto mailing list
 Proxecto en

 próxima parte 
Borrouse un anexo en formato HTML...

[open-tran] hosting Iberian languages for

2010-06-23 Conversa Leandro Regueiro
2010/6/23 Santiago Rodríguez scollazo en
 No servidor actual, eu diria que non.
 Podemos montalo na maquina da uvigo e ver como vai...

Por min vale. En principio poderiamos probar só co galego para ver
como vai. Despois se sobra poderiamos intentar meter todos os idiomas
da península, aínda que boa parte do tráfico que recibe open-tran ven
dende a peninsula ibérica.

 On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 3:58 PM, Miguel Branco mgl.branco en 

 O problema e que non sei se despois teremos a nosa web caída cada dous por
 tres nin se hai xente para mantelo.
 @admins hai sitio? hai quen o manteña?

 2010/6/22 Leandro Regueiro leandro.regueiro en

 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Leandro Regueiro
 leandro.regueiro en wrote:
  On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:10 PM, Alexander Dupuy alex.dupuy en
  [Apropos of prior discussion of distributing
  functionality by
  moving Estonian language lookups to server located in Estonia:]
  Jacek Śliwerski escribió:
  Apparently, it works very well for them. Estonian translations are
  available even at the times when the server is returning 500 for all
  remaining languages.
  PS. As a consequence, the Estonians started using the service a lot
  frequently and now they are the second largest group of visitors.
  Leandro Regueiro escribió:
  And Spain is the place where open-Tran is more visited? It could be
  since here are spoken four languages at least...
  In this case, it may well make sense to move the lookups for
  es/gl/ca/ca_valencia and maybe even pt to a server in Spain. I know
  that the
  Junta de Extremadura in Spain provides hosting for the Pootle servers
  Pootle ( and Debian ( -
  perhaps they
  could be convinced to provide something like the Estonians have done
  for I don't know who the appropriate contact person at the
  de Extremadura might be - perhaps somebody at could
  someone to contact?
  In Trasno project we are discusing the posibility of hosting the
  galician server.

 Ola, montamos ao final unha instancia propia do open-tran para que non
 estea caído cada dous por tres?
 Proxecto mailing list
 Proxecto en

 Proxecto mailing list
 Proxecto en

[open-tran] hosting Iberian languages for

2010-06-23 Conversa mvillarino
2010/6/22 Leandro Regueiro leandro.regueiro en
 In this case, it may well make sense to move the lookups for
 es/gl/ca/ca_valencia and maybe even pt to a server in Spain. I know that the
 Junta de Extremadura in Spain provides hosting for the Pootle servers for
 Pootle ( and Debian ( - perhaps they
 could be convinced to provide something like the Estonians have done for I don't know who the appropriate contact person at the Junta
 de Extremadura might be - perhaps somebody at could suggest
 someone to contact?

Vistos os problemas que houbo en Debian para ter activo o l10n.debian,
mellor pasar da xunta de Estremadura.

 In Trasno project we are discusing the posibility of hosting the
 galician server.

 Ola, montamos ao final unha instancia propia do open-tran para que non
 estea caído cada dous por tres?

Voto que si.

[open-tran] hosting Iberian languages for

2010-06-23 Conversa Fran Diéguez
Queredes que a monte nun servidor meu???

O único que pido e que no footer poña algo así como Hospedado por
Mabishu Studio embaixo.

Dicídeme os requirimentos e a páxina de instrucións e tentarei
investigar o tema. A carga é mínima e non haberá problema.


O Mér, 23-06-2010 ás 15:58 +0200, Miguel Branco escribiu:
 O problema e que non sei se despois teremos a nosa web caída cada dous
 por tres nin se hai xente para mantelo. 
 @admins hai sitio? hai quen o manteña?
 2010/6/22 Leandro Regueiro leandro.regueiro en
 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Leandro Regueiro
 leandro.regueiro en wrote:
  On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:10 PM, Alexander Dupuy
 alex.dupuy en wrote:
  [Apropos of prior discussion of distributing
 functionality by
  moving Estonian language lookups to server located in
  Jacek Śliwerski escribió:
  Apparently, it works very well for them. Estonian
 translations are
  available even at the times when the server is returning
 500 for all
  remaining languages.
  PS. As a consequence, the Estonians started using the
 service a lot more
  frequently and now they are the second largest group of
  Leandro Regueiro escribió:
  And Spain is the place where open-Tran is more visited? It
 could be
  since here are spoken four languages at least...
  In this case, it may well make sense to move the lookups
  es/gl/ca/ca_valencia and maybe even pt to a server in
 Spain. I know that the
  Junta de Extremadura in Spain provides hosting for the
 Pootle servers for
  Pootle ( and Debian
 ( - perhaps they
  could be convinced to provide something like the Estonians
 have done for I don't know who the appropriate contact
 person at the Junta
  de Extremadura might be - perhaps somebody at could suggest
  someone to contact?
  In Trasno project we are discusing the posibility of hosting
  galician server.
 Ola, montamos ao final unha instancia propia do open-tran para
 que non
 estea caído cada dous por tres?
 Proxecto mailing list
 Proxecto en
 Proxecto mailing list
 Proxecto en

[open-tran] hosting Iberian languages for

2010-06-22 Conversa Leandro Regueiro
On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Leandro Regueiro
leandro.regueiro en wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:10 PM, Alexander Dupuy alex.dupuy en wrote:
 [Apropos of prior discussion of distributing functionality by
 moving Estonian language lookups to server located in Estonia:]

 Jacek Śliwerski escribió:

 Apparently, it works very well for them. Estonian translations are
 available even at the times when the server is returning 500 for all
 remaining languages.
 PS. As a consequence, the Estonians started using the service a lot more
 frequently and now they are the second largest group of visitors.

 Leandro Regueiro escribió:

 And Spain is the place where open-Tran is more visited? It could be
 since here are spoken four languages at least...

 In this case, it may well make sense to move the lookups for
 es/gl/ca/ca_valencia and maybe even pt to a server in Spain. I know that the
 Junta de Extremadura in Spain provides hosting for the Pootle servers for
 Pootle ( and Debian ( - perhaps they
 could be convinced to provide something like the Estonians have done for I don't know who the appropriate contact person at the Junta
 de Extremadura might be - perhaps somebody at could suggest
 someone to contact?

 In Trasno project we are discusing the posibility of hosting the
 galician server.

Ola, montamos ao final unha instancia propia do open-tran para que non
estea caído cada dous por tres?

Re: [opensuse-translation] project now with openSUSE

2008-05-20 Conversa Leandro Regueiro
Vexo que tamén lle meteron as cadeas do Xfce... Alguén se apunta a
traducir Xfce despois dos exames?? Son só 4500 cadeas...

Ata logo,
   Leandro Regueiro

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 11:13 AM, Leandro Regueiro wrote:
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Michael Skiba
 Date: Mon, May 19, 2008 at 8:17 PM
 Subject: [opensuse-translation] project now with openSUSE

 Hi everyone,

 I'm glad that I can inform you, that the localized openSUSE files were added
 to the Open-Tran* project DB.

 *=== Open-Tran ===
 For those of you who don't know what Open-Tran is: It's a translation
 database, it currently uses files of the KDE and Gnome project, and now also
 openSUSE. It's aim is to centralize the knowledge of thousend translators and
 thus provide a better consistence in open source translations.

 For more detailed informations please visit:

 I'd like to use this opportunity to recommend you to use,
 also I'd like to thank guy who made this possible:
 Jacek Śliwerski


Re: [opensuse-translation] project now with openSUSE

2008-05-20 Conversa mvillarino
O Martes, 20 de Maio de 2008, Leandro Regueiro escribiu:
 Vexo que tamén lle meteron as cadeas do Xfce... Alguén se apunta a
 traducir Xfce despois dos exames?? Son só 4500 cadeas...
Que marcador emprega para os atallos de teclado? , _ ou ~ ?
Best regards

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