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2005-12-21 Por tôpico Administrador do IM/TWiki
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22 Dec 2005 - 01:40 - r1.53


 Projetos do PSL-BA TOC Ágora Tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um Sistema Livre de Gerenciamento de Processos para escritórios de Advocacia. Calourada Livre ... 



21 Dec 2005 - 13:07 - r1.67


 Contatos PSL-BA Atenção: esta lista de contatos tem o objetivo de ajudar as pessoas a entrar em contato direto com colaboradores do PSL-BA. Caso o seu contato seja ... 


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2005-12-21 Por tôpico Felipe Lobo
 Também são, mas posso opinar menos sobre esses (ou
 quase nada), o que esse pessoal aqui tá precisando é
 conhecer um pouco mais sobre outras formas de
 pensamento, que devem convergir em alguns pontos,
 em todos. E talvez seja importante uma visão menos
 Abraços, e vão ler outra coisa além de man pages
 se não levam isso ao pé da letra).  
 --- paduamelo [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  Genial e denso mesmo é isso aqui, escrito mais de
  150 anos antes de qualquer debate sobre trabalho
  imaterial, sobre conhecimento como mercadoria,
  ciência como força produtiva (Habermas). sobre
  capitalismo informacional (e suas contradições
  The exchange of living labour for objectified
  – i.e. the positing of social labour in the form
  the contradiction of capital and wage labour – is
  the ultimate development of the value-relation and
  of production resting on value. Its presupposition
  is – and remains – the mass of direct labour time,
  the quantity of labour employed, as the
  factor in the production of wealth. But to the
  degree that large industry develops, the creation
  real wealth comes to depend less on labour time
  on the amount of labour employed than on the power
  of the agencies set in motion during labour time,
  whose ‘powerful effectiveness’ is   itself in turn
  out of all proportion to the direct labour time
  spent on their production, but depends rather on
  general state of science and on the progress of
  technology, or the application of this science to
  production. (The development of this science,
  especially natural science, and all others with
  latter, is itself in turn related to the
  of material production.) Agriculture, e.g.,
  merely the application of the science of material
  metabolism, its regulation for the greatest
  advantage of the entire body of society. Real
  manifests itself, rather – and large industry
  reveals this – in the monstrous disproportion
  between the labour time applied, and its product,
  well as in the qualitative imbalance between
  reduced to a pure abstraction, and the power of
  production process it superintends. Labour no
  appears so much to be included within the
  process; rather, the human being comes to relate
  more as watchman and regulator to the production
  process itself. (What holds for machinery holds
  likewise for the combination of human activities
  the development of human intercourse.) No longer
  does the worker insert a modified natural thing
  [Naturgegenstand] as middle link between the
  [Objekt] and himself; rather, he inserts the
  of nature, transformed into an industrial process,
  as a means between himself and inorganic nature,
  mastering it. He steps to the side of the
  process instead of being its chief actor. In this
  transformation, it is neither the direct human
  labour he himself performs, nor the time during
  which he works, but rather the appropriation of
  own general productive power, his understanding of
  nature and his mastery over it by virtue of his
  presence as a social body – it is, in a word, the
  development of the social individual which appears
  as the great foundation-stone of production and of
  wealth. The theft of alien labour time, on which
  present wealth is based, appears a miserable
  foundation in face of this new one, created by
  large-scale industry itself. As soon as labour in
  the direct form has ceased to be the great
  well-spring of wealth, labour time ceases and must
  cease to be its measure, and hence exchange value
  [must cease to be the measure] of use value. The
  surplus labour of the mass has ceased to be the
  condition for the development of general wealth,
  just as the non-labour of the few, for the
  development of the general powers of the human
  With that, production based on exchange value
  down, and the direct, material production process
  stripped of the form of  penury and antithesis.
  free development of individualities, and hence not
  the reduction of necessary labour time so as to
  posit surplus labour, but rather the general
  reduction of the necessary labour of society to a
  minimum, which then corresponds to the artistic,
  scientific etc. development of the individuals in
  the time set free, and with the means created, for
  all of them. Capital itself is the moving
  contradiction, [in] that it presses to reduce
  time to a minimum, while it posits labour time, on
  the other side, as sole measure and source of
  wealth. Hence it diminishes labour time in the
  necessary form so as to increase it in the
  superfluous form; hence posits the superfluous in
  growing measure as a condition – question of life
  death – for the necessary. On the one side, then,
  calls to