Re: Conneg representation equivalence

2010-03-12 Thread Pierre-Antoine Champin
On 11/03/2010 23:55, Nathan wrote:
 Pierre-Antoine Champin wrote:
 On 11/03/2010 11:04, Toby Inkster wrote:
 On Thu, 2010-03-11 at 02:24 +, Nathan wrote:
 If I have multiple representations of a resource which I consider
 equal, let's say one of each of the following: RDF+XML, RDF+N3, SVG

 Then should all three representations be considered equivalent?
 They certainly *could* all represent the same thing. Whether they *do*
 represent the same thing is a judgement call.

 Well, if they are accessible via the same URI, using content
 negociation, then my reading of the HTTP specification is that they
 *must be* representations of the same resource.

 Not sure what Nathan means by equivalent...
 that I consider them semantically equal representations of a resource.
 for instance the same RDF encoded as N3 and RDF+XML.

I would rather write that they represent the same resource, then.
Equivalence is really a matter of what you intend to do with it. An HTML
entity and an RDF/XML entity can represent the same resource, but they
may not be equivalent to a human reader...

Note that the notion of RDF graph is a tricky one here, because in
some cases, this is neither the resource being identified by the URI nor
the entity retrieved through HTTP... Take for example

This URI would identifies a person (1), represented by an RDF graph (2),
serialized in RDF/XML (3). According to HTTP terminology, (1) is the
resource and (3) is the entity representing (1), but (2) has no precise
status here...

It does not mean that the RDF graph *can not* be considered as a
resource. As a matter of fact, the above URI will probably 303 redirect
to something like

which would idenfity the foaf profile, and could resolve in RDF/XML or
Turtle depending on Conneg, but the common practice is more to jump from
the URI of the person to the URI of a *specific* representation (.rdf or
.ttl or .html).

 Is it correct that all representations must have consistent fragment
 identifiers in order to be considered equivalent? 
 A fragment identifier should not identify different things in different
 representations. (Though it may be unrepresented in some or all of the

 Is that so?
 If I recall correctly the URI RFC (no internet when writing the mail,
 sorry), the semantics of fragments identifiers depends on the retrieved
 content-type. So why would they *have* to identify the same thing?

 That being said, I agree it sounds like a good practice. Especially if
 you consider an RDF/XML and a Turtle representation of the same RDF
 graph... If their fragment identifier were not consistent, that would be
 a serious headache... But is this rule written somewhere?
 yeah in awww

and more precisely in

Indeed, I once read that but had forgotten about it (though I wouldn't
have dared to behave otherwise ;)
Thanks for remininding me :)


RDF Serializations

2010-03-12 Thread Nathan
Hi All,

I've been putting some thought in to RDF Serializations in the context
of linked data; and ever increasingly I'm questioning why I feel the
need to offer the same RDF graphs serialized in different formats.

I guess a specific questions would be, does anybody operate a linked
data consuming library that doesn't support a particular serialization?

I'm starting to see this more as a processing / computation load
transfer between server and client, where most clients could easily
convert the serialization from one format to another, but prefer to
offload this to the server where possible.

What I'm gunning for in the end, is to only expose all linked data / rdf
as static RDF+XML documents within my application - would this in any
way make the data less linked because some clients don't support
RDF+XML or could I take it for granted that everybody (for instance
everybody on this list) could handle this serialization.

Any other comments or thoughts people may have on this topic are more
than welcome.

Many Regards,


Entity Search @ SEMSEARCH10

2010-03-12 Thread Duc Thanh Tran
(Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message)

Call for PARTICIPATION: Entity Search @ SEMSEARCH10


Fellow Researcher,

for this year's SemSearch workshop to be held at WWW 2010, we are glad
to announce a special track for entity search. This is to see where we
are and to promote further research on entity retrieval on the
semantic data. Please refer to the call below for more details on this

As many people were already asking, we would like to make clear that
the participation at the entity search evaluation is not necessary for
SemSearch10. As usual, we accept any papers that address the SEMSEARCH

For news and discussions related to SemSearch and evaluation at
SemSearch, please register at

We are looking forward to see you at SemSearch10 in Raleigh, NC!


Marko Grobelnik, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Peter Mika, Yahoo! Research, Barcelona, Spain
Thanh Tran Duc, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Haofen Wang, Apex Lab, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.


Entity Search @ SEMSEARCH10

Third International Semantic Search Workshop SemSearch10

April 26, 2010, Raleigh, NC, USA


Submission deadline for descriptions of Entity Search systems 
results: April 10th, 2010 (12.00 AM, GMT)


Our ultimate goal is to develop a benchmark, based on which semantic
search systems can be compared and analyzed in a systematic fashion.
Clearly, semantics can be used for different tasks (document vs. data
retrieval) and can be exploited throughout the search process (for
more usable query construction, for better matching and ranking, for
richer result presentation etc). Hence, such a benchmark shall enable
the study of different aspects of semantic search systems.

For this workshop, we will initially focus on the aspects of matching
and ranking in the semantic data search scenario. In particular, we
aim to analyze the effectiveness, efficiency and robustness of those
features of semantic search systems, which are ready to be applied to
the Web today: the capability to answer queries related to real world

The research questions we aim to tackle are:

- How well do semantic data search engines perform on the task of
Entity Search on the Web?
- What are the underlying concepts and techniques that make up the differences?

For answering these questions, we provide the following guidelines and
support for evaluating entity search systems:


We provide a set of queries that are focused on the task of entity
search. Every query is a plain list of keywords which refer to one
particular entity. In other words, the queries ask for one particular
entity (as opposed to a set of entity. These queries represent a
sample extracted from the Yahoo Web search query log. One example of
this type is Semantic Search workshop 2010 WWW, which retrieves
resources that are representations of or related to the current
Semantic Search workshop. More sample queries can be downloaded from
this link:

Access to the evaluation set of queries and thus participation in the
evaluation requires the signing of a license agreement.

To avoid the effect of ad-hoc optimization, we will make the final
queries used for the evaluation available to participants only shortly
before the submission deadline.


We provide a corpus of datasets, which contain entity descriptions in
the form of RDF. They represent a sample of Web data crawled from
publicly available sources. For this evaluation, we use the Billion
Triple Challenge 2009 dataset.
Further information and detailed statistics can be found here:

The original Billion Triple Challenge 2009 dataset contains blank
nodes. We will not deal with blank nodes in this evaluation and thus
require participants to encode blank nodes according to the following
rule: BNID map to, where BNID is
the blank node id. Since the blank node ids in that dataset are
unique, this convention is sufficient to map blank nodes to obtain
distinct URIs.

Instead of encoding the blank nodes using this convention,
participants can also download the following version of the Billion
Triple Challenge 2009 dataset where blank nodes are have been already
converted to URIs:

Relevance Judgment

The search systems produce lists of at 

RE: RDF Serializations

2010-03-12 Thread Rob Vesse
 Hi All,

 I've been putting some thought in to RDF Serializations in the context
 of linked data; and ever increasingly I'm questioning why I feel the
 need to offer the same RDF graphs serialized in different formats.

 I guess a specific questions would be, does anybody operate a linked
 data consuming library that doesn't support a particular serialization?

Yes I expect they do because unfortunately RDF/XML is still the only
officially endorsed W3C standard despite the plethora of other formats - not
every library supports every serialization and then you have the issue of
RDF embedded/implied in other formats - RDFa, micro formats, RSS, GRDDL -
where support is more patchy.

 I'm starting to see this more as a processing / computation load
 transfer between server and client, where most clients could easily
 convert the serialization from one format to another, but prefer to
 offload this to the server where possible.

A good library should be able to do the transformation efficiently whether
at the client/server end, unless you're serving massive RDF dumps where this
is infeasible/ill-advised for the server then there's no reason not to offer
multiple formats

 What I'm gunning for in the end, is to only expose all linked data / rdf
 as static RDF+XML documents within my application - would this in any
 way make the data less linked because some clients don't support
 RDF+XML or could I take it for granted that everybody (for instance
 everybody on this list) could handle this serialization.

Yes most clients would support RDF/XML as it's the only official W3C
standard but part of the ethos of the whole LOD movement is that the data
should be as open as possible - restricting it to one format limits the
openness of the data to some degree.  Personally from the point of view of
someone who both consumes Linked Data and writes parsers and serializers for
RDF I'd prefer to get my RDF in a format other than RDF/XML such as Turtle
as other formats are typically far easier (and faster) to parse.

Having it available in formats other than RDF/XML also allows for easy
scripting - someone could quite easily write a script to grab RDF in
NTriples format from some URI and then dump the Triples to the screen
without having to use a full blown RDF library whereas it's just not
possible if you're stuck with getting RDF/XML

I guess in answer to your question it doesn't make the data less linked but
it makes it less accessible i.e. open

 Any other comments or thoughts people may have on this topic are more
 than welcome.

 Many Regards,


Rob Vesse

PhD Student
IAM Group
Bay 20, Room 4027, Building 32
Electronics  Computer Science
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ

Re: RDF Serializations

2010-03-12 Thread Nathan
Rob Vesse wrote:
 Hi All,

 I've been putting some thought in to RDF Serializations in the context
 of linked data; and ever increasingly I'm questioning why I feel the
 need to offer the same RDF graphs serialized in different formats.

 I guess a specific questions would be, does anybody operate a linked
 data consuming library that doesn't support a particular serialization?
 Yes I expect they do because unfortunately RDF/XML is still the only
 officially endorsed W3C standard despite the plethora of other formats - not
 every library supports every serialization and then you have the issue of
 RDF embedded/implied in other formats - RDFa, micro formats, RSS, GRDDL -
 where support is more patchy.
 I'm starting to see this more as a processing / computation load
 transfer between server and client, where most clients could easily
 convert the serialization from one format to another, but prefer to
 offload this to the server where possible.
 A good library should be able to do the transformation efficiently whether
 at the client/server end, unless you're serving massive RDF dumps where this
 is infeasible/ill-advised for the server then there's no reason not to offer
 multiple formats
 What I'm gunning for in the end, is to only expose all linked data / rdf
 as static RDF+XML documents within my application - would this in any
 way make the data less linked because some clients don't support
 RDF+XML or could I take it for granted that everybody (for instance
 everybody on this list) could handle this serialization.
 Yes most clients would support RDF/XML as it's the only official W3C
 standard but part of the ethos of the whole LOD movement is that the data
 should be as open as possible - restricting it to one format limits the
 openness of the data to some degree.  Personally from the point of view of
 someone who both consumes Linked Data and writes parsers and serializers for
 RDF I'd prefer to get my RDF in a format other than RDF/XML such as Turtle
 as other formats are typically far easier (and faster) to parse.
 Having it available in formats other than RDF/XML also allows for easy
 scripting - someone could quite easily write a script to grab RDF in
 NTriples format from some URI and then dump the Triples to the screen
 without having to use a full blown RDF library whereas it's just not
 possible if you're stuck with getting RDF/XML
 I guess in answer to your question it doesn't make the data less linked but
 it makes it less accessible i.e. open

good answer; thanks :)

Invitation to contribute to DBpedia by improving the infobox mappings + New Scala-based Extraction Framework

2010-03-12 Thread Chris Bizer
Hi all,

in order to extract high quality data from Wikipedia, the DBpedia extraction
framework relies on infobox to ontology mappings which define how Wikipedia
infobox templates are mapped to classes of the DBpedia ontology.

Up to now, these mappings were defined only by the DBpedia team and as
Wikipedia is huge and contains lots of different infobox templates, we were
only able to define mappings for a small subset of all Wikipedia infoboxes
and also only managed to map a subset of the properties of these infoboxes.

In order to enable the DBpedia user community to contribute to improving the
coverage and the quality of the mappings, we have set up a public wiki at 

which contains: 

1. all mappings that are currently used by the DBpedia extraction framework
2. the definition of the DBpedia ontology and
3. documentation for the DBpedia mapping language as well as step-by-step
guides on how to extend and refine mappings and the ontology.

So if you are using DBpedia data and you you were always annoyed that
DBpedia did not properly cover the infobox template that is most important
to you, you are highly invited to extend the mappings and the ontology in
the wiki. Your edits will be used for the next DBpedia release expected to
be published in the first week of April.

The process of contributing to the ontology and the mappings is as follows:

1.  You familiarize yourself with the DBpedia mapping language by reading
the documentation in the wiki.
2.  In order to prevent random SPAM, the wiki is read-only and new editors
need to be confirmed by a member of the DBpedia team (currently Anja
Jentzsch does the clearing). Therefore, please create an account in the wiki
for yourself. After this, Anja will give you editing rights and you can edit
the mappings as well as the ontology.
3. For contributing to the next DBpedia relase, you can edit until Sunday,
March 21. After this, we will check the mappings and the ontology definition
in the Wiki for consistency and then use both for the next DBpedia release.

So, we are starting kind of a social experiment on if the DBpedia user
community is willing to contribute to the improvement of DBpedia and on how
the DBpedia ontology develops through community contributions :-)

Please excuse, that it is currently still rather cumbersome to edit the
mappings and the ontology. We are currently working on a visual editor for
the mappings as well as a validation service, which will check edits to the
mappings and test the new mappings against example pages from Wikipedia. We
hope that we will be able to deploy these tools in the next two months, but
still wanted to release the wiki as early as possible in order to already
allow community contributions to the DBpedia 3.5 release.

If you have questions about the wiki and the mapping language, please ask
them on the DBpedia mailing list where Anja and Robert will answer them.

What else is happening around DBpedia?

In order to speed up the data extraction process and to lay a solid
foundation for the DBpedia Live extraction, we have ported the DBpedia
extraction framework from PHP to Scala/Java. The new framework extracts
exactly the same types of data from Wikipedia as the old framework, but
processes a single page now in 13 milliseconds instead of the 200
milliseconds. In addition, the new framework can extract data from tables
within articles and can handle multiple infobox templates per article. The
new framework is available under GPL license in the DBpedia SVN and is
documented at

The whole DBpedia team is very thankful to two companies which enabled us to
do all this by sponsoring the DBpedia project:

1. Vulcan Inc. as part of its Project Halo ( Vulcan
Inc. creates and advances a variety of world-class endeavors and high impact
initiatives that change and improve the way we live, learn, do business
2.  Neofonie GmbH, a Berlin-based company offering leading technologies in
the area of Web search, social media and mobile applications

Thank you a lot for your support!

I personally would also like to thank:

1.  Anja Jentzsch, Robert Isele, and Christopher Sahnwaldt for all their
great work on implementing the new extraction framework and for setting up
the mapping wiki.
2.  Andreas Lange and Sidney Bofah for correcting and extending the mappings
in the Wiki.



Prof. Dr. Christian Bizer
Web-based Systems Group
Freie Universität Berlin
+49 30 838 55509

Re: Conneg representation equivalence

2010-03-12 Thread John Erickson
Nathan wrote:
 Is it correct that all representations must have consistent fragment 
 identifiers in order to be considered equivalent?
 A fragment identifier should not identify different things in different 
 representations. (Though it may be unrepresented in some or all of the 

From , the fragment
identifier must be defined consistently by the representations; the
*provider* decides when definitions of fragment identifier semantics
are sufficiently consistent...

 If I recall correctly the URI RFC..., the semantics of fragments identifiers 
 depends on the retrieved content-type. So why would they *have* to identify 
 the same thing?

From , Individual data
formats may define their own rules for use of the fragment identifier
syntax for specifying different types of subsets, views, or external
references that are identifiable as secondary resources by that media

 That being said, I agree it sounds like a good practice. Especially if you 
 consider an RDF/XML and a Turtle representation of the same RDF graph... If 
 their fragment identifier were not consistent, that would be a serious 
 headache... But is this rule written somewhere?

The interpretation in
suggests that it would be correct either for the fragment identifier
to be interpreted by the RFG/XML and Turtle representations
consistently --- refers to a semantically consistent secondary
representation --- or for an interpretation to not be defined at all.
It is not acceptable for representations with an interpretation
defined, to interpret the fragment identifier such that semantically
inconsistent secondary representations are returned. Interpret them
consistently, or don't interpret them, but don't do it inconsistently!

So maybe an answer to Nathan's question needs qualification; IF for
each representation of a resource an interpretation for a given
fragment identifier has been defined, AND we assume that the server is
exhibiting correct behavior, THEN we must accept that the secondary
representations meet the providers definition of consistent.

Consistency is not the same as equivalence; two representations might
return consistent secondary representations that cannot be
considered equal because they are of entirely different content

John S. Erickson, Ph.D.
Twitter: @olyerickson

Re: Conneg representation equivalence

2010-03-12 Thread Richard Cyganiak

On 11 Mar 2010, at 20:34, Pierre-Antoine Champin wrote:

Is it correct that all representations must have consistent fragment
identifiers in order to be considered equivalent?

A fragment identifier should not identify different things in  
representations. (Though it may be unrepresented in some or all of  


Is that so?
If I recall correctly the URI RFC (no internet when writing the mail,
sorry), the semantics of fragments identifiers depends on the  


Correct, see [1]: “The semantics of a fragment identifier are defined  
by the set of representations that might result from a retrieval  
action on the primary resource. The fragment's format and resolution  
is therefore dependent on the media type [RFC2046] of a potentially  
retrieved representation, even though such a retrieval is only  
performed if the URI is dereferenced.”

So why would they *have* to identify the same thing?

You just have to read one paragraph down:

“If the primary resource has multiple representations, as is often the  
case for resources whose representation is selected based on  
attributes of the retrieval request (a.k.a., content negotiation),  
then whatever is identified by the fragment should be consistent  
across all of those representations. Each representation should either  
define the fragment so that it corresponds to the same secondary  
resource, regardless of how it is represented, or should leave the  
fragment undefined (i.e., not found).”



That being said, I agree it sounds like a good practice. Especially if
you consider an RDF/XML and a Turtle representation of the same RDF
graph... If their fragment identifier were not consistent, that  
would be

a serious headache... But is this rule written somewhere?


URI Fragments

2010-03-12 Thread Nathan
Hi Again :)

Last question(s) related to fragments.. if I have:

Those are two unique URIs and thus two unique resources (?)

And the semantics of a fragment means that is a secondary resource, where is the primary resource (?)

Then if I delete a Primary resource, the secondary resources must also
be deleted, true / false (?).

Here are some examples, which may seem like over kill but some are
interesting and generally I *feel* rules like this should be either
always true, or always false, never varying.

if I remove a database table, then all it's rows also no longer exist.
if I remove London then the Tower of London also no longer exists.
if somebody removes me, then my arms also no longer exist.
if I remove test.html then test.html#whatever no longer exists.
if I remove test.rdf then test.rdf#this no longer exists
if I remove then no longer exists.

if I remove a row, the table still exists
if I remove the Tower of London, London still exists
if you remove my arms, I still exists and I'll find another way to type.
if I remove test.html#whatever test.html still exists
if I remove test.rdf#this, test.rdf still exists
if I remove then still exists.

If the above is true (secondary resource must also be deleted on removal
of primary resource), then I should never use a fragment Identifier to
refer to a non-virtual object (i.e. me a Person) - because I can't be
deleted by simply removing a resource. (?)



Notes on RDFa For Turtles

2010-03-12 Thread Paul Houle
I’ve gotten some great feedback and spent some time looking at specs, and
here are some thoughts.

“RDFa For Turtles” is an RDFa subset (profile?) that makes it easy to
specify triples in the HEAD of an HTML document.   I intend to distill it
into a short “HOWTO” document that any webmaster can understand and
correctly apply.  Towards that goal, it fixes certain choice to improve
interoperability.  I'm interested in any feedback that can further improve


Now, it’s tempting to say that RDFa documents can be ‘duck typed’; that is,
try to extract some RDFa triples, and if you get some, it’s an RDFa

I see one problem with that.  Superficially, it looks like RDFa should be
able to extract old-school

link rel=”{p}” href=”{o}” /

elements from the headers of legacy HTML and XHTML documents.   (Similarly,
people are being told to add a rel=”license” href=”{o}” to today’s HTML

These constructions havve the desired effect when the base of the document
is not specified, however, the use of base href=”{base}”  causes the RDFa
interpretation of these constructs to be different from that in legacy

To avoid this and other problems,  “RDFa For Turtles” documents use the
@about attribute of the html element to  explicitly specify the URL of the
current document.   “RDFa For Turtles” documents are not allowed to assert
triples about the current document unless that URI of that document is
specified explicitly.

It would be nice to have a reliable and simple way to make statements about
the current document for documents that are being written by hand,  but I
don’t think there is any,  at least not if the base element is in use.


When used in an XHTML document,  “RDFa For Turtles” uses the standard
DOCTYPE for XHTML+RDFa documents and is completely conformant with the
XHTML+RDFa specification.

“RDFa For Turtles” embedding in HTML will be based on the HTML 5 + RDFa

but will not require the use of a specific DOCTYPE.   “RDFa For Turtles”
will follow changes in HTML5 + RDFa as the standard matures.

Conformant “RDFa for Turtles” HTML documents have the following
(i) One or more RDFa statements can be extracted from the head using the
HTML 5 + RDFa rules
(ii) No statements are made without an explicit @about;  the head element
cannot contain an @about element;  the html element can contain only an
@about element that points to the current document URI
(iii) RDFa statements specified in the head must use the restricted “RDFa
For Turtles” vocabulary,   however
(iv) Arbitrary RDFa statements are allowed elsewhere in the document,
subject only to rule (ii)

“RDFa For Turtles” uses xmlns notation to define CURIE prefixes, as do
current HTML+RDF specifications,  but will track the change if a new
mechanism is introduced.


Here’s the “RDFa For Turtles” vocabulary:  all of these go into the head

If @about is specified explicitly in the html element, we can write

meta property={predicate} content={object}
meta property={predicate} content={object}

To assert triples about the current document.  We can also use @datatype
here,  @lang in HTML documents,  and @xml:lang in XHTML documents.

We can also write

link rel=”{reserved_value}” href=”{object}”
link rev=”{reserved_value}” href=”{subject}”


link rel=”{curie_predicate}” resource=”{object}”
link rel=”{curie_predicate}” resource=”{subject}”

I think the differential use of href and resource here maximizes backwards
and forwards compatibility.  It is non-conformant to use legacy
link/@relelements if @about is not set in the html element.  Also,

link about=”{any_subject}” rel=”{reserved_value}” href=”{object}”
link about=”{any_subject}” rel=”{reserved_value}” href=”{object}”

Is disallowed because legacy clients could misinterpret it.  If we want to
assert predicates such as “alternate”, “cite” about documents that are not
the present document, we need to add a namespace declaration like


and then write the predicate as a CURIE:

link about=”{any_subject}” rel=”xhv:{reserved_value}” resource=”{object}”

Of course, to assert triples about other things, we may add @about to link
and meta.  The shorthand form

link about=”{subject}” typeof=”{object}”

Is equivalent to

link about=”{subject}” predicate=”rdf:type” value=”{object}”

@about is required when using @typeof.

RDFa For Turtles allows (but discourages) the creation of blank nodes with
the safe CURIE syntax [_:suffix]

RDFa For Turtles supports the full range of possible syntax in @about,
@resource,  @rel, @rev and @property attributes (other than the
compatibility restrictions above.)  I’m planning,  however,  to split the
“RDFa For Turtles” spec to have a basic half that leaves out certain
features (@typeof,  use of Safe CURIEs, and space-separated CURIE/URI lists)
and an advanced half that adds a few dashes of syntactic sugar.

Re: URI Fragments

2010-03-12 Thread joel sachs


I'm not sure it's correct to refer to your examples as primary and 
secondary resources. As you point out, it is not true that

if I remove then no longer exists.

since the first URI refers to an information resource, while the second 
refers to a non-information resource.

You seem to take this as an argument against fragment identifiers, but it 
doesn't just apply to hash URIs. If the server goes down, then 
all URIs that it dereferences become non-dereferenceable, whether they are 
hash URIs or slash URIs.

Now, must we stop using a URI when the server that dereferences it goes 
down? I think there are cases where the answer is no, where it makes sense 
to continue using the URI as an identifier, even if the URI is no longer 
valid as an address. In the above case, there are
many webpages making assertions about ,

and those assertions are valid, regardless of the existence of
the server Making thoses assertions easy to find might be a
challenge, of course, which is why I would like to see rdf browsers do 
more than simply issue a GET on a URI when trying to resolve it.


On Fri, 12 Mar 2010, Nathan wrote:

Hi Again :)

Last question(s) related to fragments.. if I have:

Those are two unique URIs and thus two unique resources (?)

And the semantics of a fragment means that is a secondary resource, where is the primary resource (?)

Then if I delete a Primary resource, the secondary resources must also
be deleted, true / false (?).

Here are some examples, which may seem like over kill but some are
interesting and generally I *feel* rules like this should be either
always true, or always false, never varying.

if I remove a database table, then all it's rows also no longer exist.
if I remove London then the Tower of London also no longer exists.
if somebody removes me, then my arms also no longer exist.
if I remove test.html then test.html#whatever no longer exists.
if I remove test.rdf then test.rdf#this no longer exists
if I remove then no longer exists.

if I remove a row, the table still exists
if I remove the Tower of London, London still exists
if you remove my arms, I still exists and I'll find another way to type.
if I remove test.html#whatever test.html still exists
if I remove test.rdf#this, test.rdf still exists
if I remove then still exists.

If the above is true (secondary resource must also be deleted on removal
of primary resource), then I should never use a fragment Identifier to
refer to a non-virtual object (i.e. me a Person) - because I can't be
deleted by simply removing a resource. (?)



Re: RDF Serializations

2010-03-12 Thread Paul Houle
On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 5:23 AM, Nathan wrote:

 What I'm gunning for in the end, is to only expose all linked data / rdf
 as static RDF+XML documents within my application - would this in any
 way make the data less linked because some clients don't support
 RDF+XML or could I take it for granted that everybody (for instance
 everybody on this list) could handle this serialization.

  At some point you've got to put your foot down and stop supporting new
output formats.  If I invent one tomorrow,  that doesn't mean you have to
support it.

 There are three standards that I see in use:

(i) RDF/XML for relatively small triple sets (triples about a subject) that
are published in the typical linked data style that are not embedded in
other documents.  RDF/XML is particularly used for bnode-heavy applications
such as OWL schemas.
(ii) RDFa for embedding triples in other documents,  again,  in the linked
data context where any individual document contains just a small fraction
of the data in the system
(iii) Turtle-family serializations for large whole system dumps,  such as
the dbpedia dumps

 RDF/XML isn't my favorite serialization,  but it really does seem to be
the most widespread;  I think all linked data systems are going to support
it for input,  and ought to support it for output,  unless they are going
the publish RDFa embedded in document route.

 I think the software complexity argument against RDF/XML is weak these
days,  because we've had a decade to get good RDF/XML parsers.  if you're
working in some mainstream language,  it's just something you can download
and run.

 My more serious beef with RDF/XML is pedagogical:  it's not a good way
to teach people RDF because it's not immediately obvious to the beginner
where exactly the triples are.  RDF data modelling is actually incredibly
simple,  but you wouldn't know that if you started with RDF/XML.  Turtle,
however,  helps you understand RDF at a triple-by-triple level...  Once
you've gotten some experience with that,  RDF/XML makes a lot more sense.

Re: URI Fragments

2010-03-12 Thread Richard Cyganiak

Hi Nathan,

On 12 Mar 2010, at 14:00, Nathan wrote:

Last question(s) related to fragments.. if I have:

Those are two unique URIs and thus two unique resources (?)


And the semantics of a fragment means that is a secondary resource, where is the primary resource (?)

Then if I delete a Primary resource, the secondary resources must also
be deleted, true / false (?).

Here's my take on this.

The web is about representations of information resources. If you add  
RDF to the picture, then it's also about descriptions of arbitrary  

On the web, you can create and delete representations. You can create  
and delete descriptions. But you cannot create or delete resources.

For example, if you do an HTTP DELETE request to a URI, the  
representations at that URI are deleted. As a side effect, something  
in your system (file, database record, purchase order) might be  
deleted as well, because your system intrinsically connects the  
representation to that system-internal entity, but that side effect is  
part of the application's internals and not a concern for the web  

So, you can't really “delete” those primary and secondary resources.  
But if you delete all the representations of a primary resource, then  
this will delete the authoritative descriptions of the secondary  
resources, because those live inside the representations.


Here are some examples, which may seem like over kill but some are
interesting and generally I *feel* rules like this should be either
always true, or always false, never varying.

if I remove a database table, then all it's rows also no longer exist.
if I remove London then the Tower of London also no longer exists.
if somebody removes me, then my arms also no longer exist.
if I remove test.html then test.html#whatever no longer exists.
if I remove test.rdf then test.rdf#this no longer exists
if I remove then no longer exists.

if I remove a row, the table still exists
if I remove the Tower of London, London still exists
if you remove my arms, I still exists and I'll find another way to  

if I remove test.html#whatever test.html still exists
if I remove test.rdf#this, test.rdf still exists
if I remove then still exists.

If the above is true (secondary resource must also be deleted on  

of primary resource), then I should never use a fragment Identifier to
refer to a non-virtual object (i.e. me a Person) - because I can't  

deleted by simply removing a resource. (?)



Re: URI Fragments

2010-03-12 Thread Nathan
joel sachs wrote:
 I'm not sure it's correct to refer to your examples as primary and
 secondary resources. As you point out, it is not true that
 if I remove then no longer exists.
 since the first URI refers to an information resource, while the second
 refers to a non-information resource.

with regards primary and secondary: states:

   The fragment identifier component of a URI allows indirect
   identification of a secondary resource by reference to a primary
   resource and additional identifying information.  The identified
   secondary resource may be some portion or subset of the primary
   resource, some view on representations of the primary resource, or
   some other resource defined or described by those representations. states:

   The fragment identifier component of a URI allows indirect
   identification of a secondary resource by reference to a primary
   resource and additional identifying information

hence the usage :)

 You seem to take this as an argument against fragment identifiers, but
 it doesn't just apply to hash URIs. If the server goes down,
 then all URIs that it dereferences become non-dereferenceable, whether
 they are hash URIs or slash URIs.

I hope this doesn't come across wrong, but if we're saying that one
server can go down, then all servers can go down; and all linked data
can no longer be dereferenced; so for the sake of this conversation and
the whole linked data thing in general I'm most interested in addressing
what to do whilst the servers are live.

As for an argument against fragment identifiers - I'm not against them;
however if we take the case of TimBL's card; personally I can't see any
reason why he couldn't have a personal uri of say which 303 See Other through to his card; then
his personal uri is a resource all of its own and independent of any
representation; thus allowing representations to be moved around /
deleted without any effect on his personal URI, and further allow for
multiple information resources describing him, with different
media-types. This is digressing though and probably not worth discussing.

 Now, must we stop using a URI when the server that dereferences it goes
 down? I think there are cases where the answer is no, where it makes
 sense to continue using the URI as an identifier, even if the URI is no
 longer valid as an address. In the above case, there are
 many webpages making assertions about ,
 and those assertions are valid, regardless of the existence of
 the server Making thoses assertions easy to find might be a
 challenge, of course, which is why I would like to see rdf browsers do
 more than simply issue a GET on a URI when trying to resolve it.

Unsure, and I think about these things often; all I will say is that it
appears the web of data is fault tolerant thanks in part to sameAs and
dcterms:replaces - personally I would like to see usage of 410 Gone and
301 Moved Permanently to help matters but that's a different (yet
related) topic.

Back to the point in hand, surely if I delete a Primary resource, the
secondary resources must also be deleted, and this stands true in 99%
of use-cases; would that not indicate that the use-case where it doesn't
appear like it should be true may be implemented incorrectly? especially
if that same use-case can be implemented in a different way and allow
this statement to be true 100% of the time.

(trying to tread cautiously here)!

regards, nathan

 On Fri, 12 Mar 2010, Nathan wrote:
 Hi Again :)

 Last question(s) related to fragments.. if I have:

 Those are two unique URIs and thus two unique resources (?)

 And the semantics of a fragment means that is a secondary resource, where is the primary resource (?)

 Then if I delete a Primary resource, the secondary resources must also
 be deleted, true / false (?).

 Here are some examples, which may seem like over kill but some are
 interesting and generally I *feel* rules like this should be either
 always true, or always false, never varying.

 if I remove a database table, then all it's rows also no longer exist.
 if I remove London then the Tower of London also no longer exists.
 if somebody removes me, then my arms also no longer exist.
 if I remove test.html then test.html#whatever no longer exists.
 if I remove test.rdf then test.rdf#this no longer exists
 if I remove then no longer exists.

 if I remove a row, the table still exists
 if I remove the Tower of London, London still exists
 if you remove my arms, I still exists 

Re: URI Fragments

2010-03-12 Thread Nathan
Thanks for your reply Richard,

I'm going to go balls-out today and challenge a bit of this for the
sake of argument:

Richard Cyganiak wrote:
 Hi Nathan,
 On 12 Mar 2010, at 14:00, Nathan wrote:
 Last question(s) related to fragments.. if I have:

 Those are two unique URIs and thus two unique resources (?)
 And the semantics of a fragment means that is a secondary resource, where is the primary resource (?)

 Then if I delete a Primary resource, the secondary resources must also
 be deleted, true / false (?).
 Here's my take on this.
 The web is about representations of information resources. If you add
 RDF to the picture, then it's also about descriptions of arbitrary
 On the web, you can create and delete representations. You can create
 and delete descriptions. But you cannot create or delete resources.

I'd argue that a resource is anything that can be named (or assigned a
URI), regardless of whether it has a representation or not. Even without
a representation a resource could still be reserved (which allows
references to be made to a concept before any realization of that
concept exists - although I've yet to confirm if 204 could be used for
this..); in another use-case though a resource like /news/latest may be
nothing more than a conceptual map to another resource (served via a 3xx
code) - this is a resource with no representation, which can be both
created and deleted surely?

In another case; let's say planned to lease a /London_Office (resource)
which I then described with a representation and 303'd to; then I
decided not to lease the /London_Office so deleted the representation
/and/ the resource because /London_Office isn't something that can be
named because it no longer exists, was never realized, and moreover I
want it removed because it was a painful loss.

Thus, can you delete resources? or another way, can you delete a
conceptual map?

I can't really respond to anything below this until the aforementioned
has been addressed; other than one small point.

 For example, if you do an HTTP DELETE request to a URI, the
 representations at that URI are deleted. As a side effect, something in
 your system (file, database record, purchase order) might be deleted as
 well, because your system intrinsically connects the representation to
 that system-internal entity, but that side effect is part of the
 application's internals and not a concern for the web interface.
 So, you can't really “delete” those primary and secondary resources. But
 if you delete all the representations of a primary resource, then this
 will delete the authoritative descriptions of the secondary resources,
 because those live inside the representations.

if I remove the section and the reference test.html#whatever from
test.html; have I not deleted that secondary resource? it can't be named
any more, or referenced, or.. and so on


Thanks again,


 Here are some examples, which may seem like over kill but some are
 interesting and generally I *feel* rules like this should be either
 always true, or always false, never varying.

 if I remove a database table, then all it's rows also no longer exist.
 if I remove London then the Tower of London also no longer exists.
 if somebody removes me, then my arms also no longer exist.
 if I remove test.html then test.html#whatever no longer exists.
 if I remove test.rdf then test.rdf#this no longer exists
 if I remove then no longer exists.

 if I remove a row, the table still exists
 if I remove the Tower of London, London still exists
 if you remove my arms, I still exists and I'll find another way to type.
 if I remove test.html#whatever test.html still exists
 if I remove test.rdf#this, test.rdf still exists
 if I remove then still exists.

 If the above is true (secondary resource must also be deleted on removal
 of primary resource), then I should never use a fragment Identifier to
 refer to a non-virtual object (i.e. me a Person) - because I can't be
 deleted by simply removing a resource. (?)




Re: RDF Serializations

2010-03-12 Thread Damian Steer

On 12 Mar 2010, at 10:41, Rob Vesse wrote:

 Hi All,
 I've been putting some thought in to RDF Serializations in the context
 of linked data; and ever increasingly I'm questioning why I feel the
 need to offer the same RDF graphs serialized in different formats.
 I guess a specific questions would be, does anybody operate a linked
 data consuming library that doesn't support a particular serialization?
 Yes I expect they do because unfortunately RDF/XML is still the only
 officially endorsed W3C standard...

No longer true: RDFa in XHTML is a recommendation.[1] I've been corrected on 
that in the past :-)

N-Triples is, together with RDF/XML, the best supported serialisation.



Re: URI Fragments

2010-03-12 Thread Kingsley Idehen

Nathan wrote:

Hi Again :)

Last question(s) related to fragments.. if I have:

Those are two unique URIs and thus two unique resources (?)

My world view (i.e. I don't do Resource and Information Resource lingo):

Careless and dangerous, but accurate.

1.  -- a resource URI
2. -- a resource URI

Less confusing, assuming you are have a # terminated URI pattern in play:

1.  -- a resource URL
2. -- a data object URI (if we are talking about 
a commonly used Linked Data pattern, then URL above would be conduit to the EAV 
model based representation of the description of this data object)

And the semantics of a fragment means that is a secondary resource, where is the primary resource (?)


Then if I delete a Primary resource, the secondary resources must also
be deleted, true / false (?).
Not necessarily, this really depends on the Linked Data pattern you've 
adopted re. generic HTTP URIs. Basically, the pattern you've adopted 
such that  that you to Reference a Data Object and Access a 
Representation of its Description via a single URI.

Here are some examples, which may seem like over kill but some are
interesting and generally I *feel* rules like this should be either
always true, or always false, never varying.

if I remove a database table, then all it's rows also no longer exist.
if I remove London then the Tower of London also no longer exists.
if somebody removes me, then my arms also no longer exist.
if I remove test.html then test.html#whatever no longer exists.
if I remove test.rdf then test.rdf#this no longer exists
if I remove then no longer exists.
No, you've lost access to description of:, of course it still exists 

if I remove a row, the table still exists
if I remove the Tower of London, London still exists
if you remove my arms, I still exists and I'll find another way to type.
if I remove test.html#whatever test.html still exists
if I remove test.rdf#this, test.rdf still exists
if I remove then still exists.
How do you remove: ? Let's 
say you take it out of, then 
for agents that seek description of via aforementioned URL, 
you get nothing. Nothing stops the description existing in my 
linked data space :-)

If the above is true (secondary resource must also be deleted on removal
of primary resource),

Not true .

 then I should never use a fragment Identifier to
refer to a non-virtual object (i.e. me a Person) - because I can't be
deleted by simply removing a resource. (?)
Best to think about the issue of Identifier as absolutely distinct 
from Representation.


-- might come in handy re. Identifier matters .







Kingsley Idehen	  
President  CEO 
OpenLink Software 

Twitter/ kidehen 

Re: URI Fragments (typo fixed version)

2010-03-12 Thread Kingsley Idehen

Nathan wrote:

Hi Again :)

Last question(s) related to fragments.. if I have:

Those are two unique URIs and thus two unique resources (?)

My world view (i.e. I don't do Resource and Information Resource lingo):

Careless and dangerous, but accurate.

1.  -- a resource URI
2. -- a resource URI

Less confusing, assuming you are have a # terminated URI pattern in play:

1.  -- a resource URL
2. -- a data object URI (if we are 
talking about a commonly used Linked Data pattern, then URL above would 
be conduit to the EAV model based representation of the description of 
this data object)

And the semantics of a fragment means that is a secondary resource, where is the primary resource (?)


Then if I delete a Primary resource, the secondary resources must also
be deleted, true / false (?).
Not necessarily, this really depends on the Linked Data pattern you've 
adopted re. generic HTTP URIs. Basically, the pattern you've adopted 
such that: you can Reference a Data Object and Access a Representation 
of its Description, via a single Generic HTTP URI.

Here are some examples, which may seem like over kill but some are
interesting and generally I *feel* rules like this should be either
always true, or always false, never varying.

if I remove a database table, then all it's rows also no longer exist.
if I remove London then the Tower of London also no longer exists.
if somebody removes me, then my arms also no longer exist.
if I remove test.html then test.html#whatever no longer exists.
if I remove test.rdf then test.rdf#this no longer exists
if I remove then no longer exists.
No, you've lost access to description of:, of course it still exists 

if I remove a row, the table still exists
if I remove the Tower of London, London still exists
if you remove my arms, I still exists and I'll find another way to type.
if I remove test.html#whatever test.html still exists
if I remove test.rdf#this, test.rdf still exists
if I remove then still exists.

How do you remove: ? Let's 
say you take it out of, then 
for agents that seek description of via aforementioned URL, 
you get nothing. Nothing stops the description existing in my 
linked data space :-)

If the above is true (secondary resource must also be deleted on removal
of primary resource),

Not true .

 then I should never use a fragment Identifier to
refer to a non-virtual object (i.e. me a Person) - because I can't be
deleted by simply removing a resource. (?)
Best to think about the issue of Identifier as absolutely distinct 
from Representation.


-- might come in handy re. Identifier matters .



Kingsley Idehen	  
President  CEO 
OpenLink Software 

Twitter/ kidehen 

Re: URI Fragments (typo fixed version)

2010-03-12 Thread Nathan
Kingsley Idehen wrote:
 How do you remove: ? Let's
 say you take it out of, then
 for agents that seek description of via aforementioned URL,
 you get nothing. Nothing stops the description existing in my
 linked data space :-)

exactly.. how *DO* you remove a resource from the web of linked data?

let's just suppose that the high court has instructed it; it *must*
happen - how?

Re: URI Fragments

2010-03-12 Thread Nathan
joel sachs wrote:
 A couple of points ...
 On Fri, 12 Mar 2010, Nathan wrote:
 joel sachs wrote:

 I'm not sure it's correct to refer to your examples as primary and
 secondary resources. As you point out, it is not true that

 if I remove then no longer exists.

 since the first URI refers to an information resource, while the second
 refers to a non-information resource.

 with regards primary and secondary: states:

   The fragment identifier component of a URI allows indirect
   identification of a secondary resource by reference to a primary
   resource and additional identifying information.  The identified
   secondary resource may be some portion or subset of the primary
   resource, some view on representations of the primary resource, or
   some other resource defined or described by those representations. states:

   The fragment identifier component of a URI allows indirect
   identification of a secondary resource by reference to a primary
   resource and additional identifying information

 hence the usage :)

 But stresses that the terms
 primary and secondary apply only in the context of a particular URI;
 they do not imply any sort of you must have the first to have the
 second significance. This is in contrast to database tables and
 database rows, or London and the Tower of London. So lessons that
 you draw from resources that are primary and secondary in an
 ontological sense do not apply to the resources in a fragment URI. (I'm
 referring here to your last sentence of this email, which states that
 if I delete a Primary resource, the
 secondary resources must also be deleted, and this stands true in 99%
 of use-cases; would that not indicate that the use-case where it doesn't
 appear like it should be true may be implemented incorrectly?)

noted; we can agree though that if you remove the representation then
the fragment identified resource can no longer be dereferenced yes?

whereas if you use a non-fragment uri to identify a resource and 303 it
through to it's representation; then you are free to have multiple
mediatypes and move the representation without loosing the dereferencing

or am I wrong here?

 You seem to take this as an argument against fragment identifiers, but
 it doesn't just apply to hash URIs. If the server goes down,
 then all URIs that it dereferences become non-dereferenceable, whether
 they are hash URIs or slash URIs.

 I hope this doesn't come across wrong, but if we're saying that one
 server can go down, then all servers can go down; and all linked data
 can no longer be dereferenced;
 Surely the Web of Data should have a little bit of fault tolerance?

yes which is why I said:

 Unsure, and I think about these things often; all I will say is that it
 appears the web of data is fault tolerant thanks in part to sameAs and
 dcterms:replaces - personally I would like to see usage of 410 Gone and
 301 Moved Permanently to help matters but that's a different (yet
 related) topic.


Re: URI Fragments (typo fixed version)

2010-03-12 Thread Leigh Dodds

 exactly.. how *DO* you remove a resource from the web of linked data?

 let's just suppose that the high court has instructed it; it *must*
 happen - how?

What would you do for a document?

Its on your web site. Its also in the Google cache and the Wayback
Machine. What do you do? What are your legal requirements, and what
are your practical limitations?



Leigh Dodds
Programme Manager, Talis Platform

Re: URI Fragments

2010-03-12 Thread Richard Cyganiak

Hi Nathan,

On 12 Mar 2010, at 16:46, Nathan wrote:
Then if I delete a Primary resource, the secondary resources must  

be deleted, true / false (?).

The web is about representations of information resources. If you add
RDF to the picture, then it's also about descriptions of arbitrary

On the web, you can create and delete representations. You can create
and delete descriptions. But you cannot create or delete resources.

I'd argue that a resource is anything that can be named (or assigned a
URI), regardless of whether it has a representation or not. Even  

a representation a resource could still be reserved (which allows
references to be made to a concept before any realization of that
concept exists - although I've yet to confirm if 204 could be used for

I would agree with everything above. But I'd say that from the web  
POV, you can't do anything useful with a resource that is reserved but  
doesn't have a representation or provides some other useful response  
(such as 303) when resolved.

in another use-case though a resource like /news/latest may be
nothing more than a conceptual map to another resource (served via a  

code) -

Side note: I interpret 301, 302 and 307 as “try over there to get a  
representation of this resource”. So if you get a representation from  
the target, then I'd consider that a representation of the original  
resource. This interpretation is not backed by any spec or other  
authoritative document, but for me it makes the picture cleaner. 303  
of course is explicit about that the representation is of a  
*different* resource.

this is a resource with no representation, which can be both
created and deleted surely?

Well it can be created and deleted, but the web (by which I mean, HTTP  
and URIs) provides no standard way of creating or deleting resources  
that have no representation. You have to use some nonstandard  
mechanism of your own invention for this (which of course can be built  
on standard operations, e.g. POST). Hence my view that the creation or  
deletion of the resource is a side effect of something that you invoke  
that's “outside” of the web.

In another case; let's say planned to lease a /London_Office  

which I then described with a representation and 303'd to; then I
decided not to lease the /London_Office so deleted the representation
/and/ the resource because /London_Office isn't something that can be
named because it no longer exists, was never realized, and moreover I
want it removed because it was a painful loss.

Thus, can you delete resources? or another way, can you delete a
conceptual map?

I suppose you can delete them, but there is no operation for doing so  
in HTTP. Hence you'll have to devise your own mechanism for this. And  
wether deleting foo also deletes foo#bar is something that depends  
on how you model your domain concepts as resources, representations  
and descriptions. In general, the HTTP and URI specs don't constrain  

So, you can't really “delete” those primary and secondary  
resources. But
if you delete all the representations of a primary resource, then  
will delete the authoritative descriptions of the secondary  

because those live inside the representations.

if I remove the section and the reference test.html#whatever from
test.html; have I not deleted that secondary resource? it can't be  

any more, or referenced, or.. and so on

Good point, in this case you are right. For HTML documents,  
foo.html#whatever, if defined at all, will be a named element within  
the HTML document (see RFC 2854). It's pretty clear what it means to  
delete a named element in an HTML document (there are even DOM  
operations for doing so), it's pretty safe to say that you are  
deleting the secondary resource.

This is because RFC 2854 constrains the semantics of fragment IDs on  
HTML documents in such a way that it becomes clear what creating and  
deleting them means. The same would apply to any other media type  
where fragments identify parts of the document.

This is not the case for RDF media types, where the semantics of  
fragment IDs is essentially: “They identify whatever the full hash URI  
identifies according to the RDF graph in the document” (too lazy to  
dig out the reference -- the media type registration RFC for  
application/rdf+xml, which points to some section of some RDF spec  
that according to my understanding can be summarised as above).

So perhaps I should say that *in general* you cannot really delete  
resources, unless some spec (especially media type specs) defines the  
semantics of the resources in such a way that you can delete them.

Feel free to challenge some more ;-)

All the best,


Thanks again,


Here are some examples, which may seem like over kill but some are
interesting and generally I *feel* rules like this should be either
always true, or always 

Re: URI Fragments

2010-03-12 Thread Nathan
Richard Cyganiak wrote:
 Hi Nathan,
 On 12 Mar 2010, at 16:46, Nathan wrote:
 Then if I delete a Primary resource, the secondary resources must also
 be deleted, true / false (?).

 The web is about representations of information resources. If you add
 RDF to the picture, then it's also about descriptions of arbitrary

 On the web, you can create and delete representations. You can create
 and delete descriptions. But you cannot create or delete resources.

 I'd argue that a resource is anything that can be named (or assigned a
 URI), regardless of whether it has a representation or not. Even without
 a representation a resource could still be reserved (which allows
 references to be made to a concept before any realization of that
 concept exists - although I've yet to confirm if 204 could be used for
 I would agree with everything above. But I'd say that from the web POV,
 you can't do anything useful with a resource that is reserved but
 doesn't have a representation or provides some other useful response
 (such as 303) when resolved.

you can prevent it being used as an identifier for something else and
prevent possible ambiguity. For instance I'd like to reserve as my webid until I have a foaf profile up
there. Change this scenario to a shared server managed space and you
need to create that conceptual map even if it does map to an empty
set. (?)

 in another use-case though a resource like /news/latest may be
 nothing more than a conceptual map to another resource (served via a 3xx
 code) -
 Side note: I interpret 301, 302 and 307 as “try over there to get a
 representation of this resource”. So if you get a representation from
 the target, then I'd consider that a representation of the original
 resource. This interpretation is not backed by any spec or other
 authoritative document, but for me it makes the picture cleaner. 303 of
 course is explicit about that the representation is of a *different*

ahh a side note of my own on that point: 301 Moved Permanently would be
perfect for changing uri references in the web of linked data

The requested resource has been assigned a new permanent URI and any
   future references to this resource SHOULD use one of the returned
   URIs.  Clients with link editing capabilities ought to automatically
   re-link references to the request-target to one or more of the new
   references returned by the server, where possible.

but only when the resource doesn't have a fragment; otherwise it would
be ambiguous.

 this is a resource with no representation, which can be both
 created and deleted surely?
 Well it can be created and deleted, but the web (by which I mean, HTTP
 and URIs) provides no standard way of creating or deleting resources
 that have no representation. You have to use some nonstandard mechanism
 of your own invention for this (which of course can be built on standard
 operations, e.g. POST). Hence my view that the creation or deletion of
 the resource is a side effect of something that you invoke that's
 “outside” of the web.

Personally I think it does.. 410 Gone
The requested resource is no longer available at the server and no
   forwarding address is known.  This condition is expected to be
   considered permanent.  Clients with link editing capabilities SHOULD
   delete references to the request-target after user approval.

to me that says resource is deleted (gone), permanently, delete all
references if you can please.

again though, only when the resource doesn't have a fragment; otherwise
it would be ambiguous.

 In another case; let's say planned to lease a /London_Office (resource)
 which I then described with a representation and 303'd to; then I
 decided not to lease the /London_Office so deleted the representation
 /and/ the resource because /London_Office isn't something that can be
 named because it no longer exists, was never realized, and moreover I
 want it removed because it was a painful loss.

 Thus, can you delete resources? or another way, can you delete a
 conceptual map?
 I suppose you can delete them, but there is no operation for doing so in
 HTTP. Hence you'll have to devise your own mechanism for this. And
 wether deleting foo also deletes foo#bar is something that depends
 on how you model your domain concepts as resources, representations and
 descriptions. In general, the HTTP and URI specs don't constrain this.

see above re 410 Gone.

 So, you can't really “delete” those primary and secondary resources. But
 if you delete all the representations of a primary resource, then this
 will delete the authoritative descriptions of the secondary resources,
 because those live inside the representations.

 if I remove the section and the reference test.html#whatever from
 test.html; have I not deleted that secondary resource? it can't be named
 any more, or referenced, or.. and so on
 Good point, in this case you are right. For HTML documents,

Re: URI Fragments (typo fixed version)

2010-03-12 Thread Kingsley Idehen

Nathan wrote:

Kingsley Idehen wrote:

How do you remove: ? Let's
say you take it out of, then
for agents that seek description of via aforementioned URL,
you get nothing. Nothing stops the description existing in my
linked data space :-)

exactly.. how *DO* you remove a resource from the web of linked data?

let's just suppose that the high court has instructed it; it *must*
happen - how?

We'll high court will have figure out what a Web Eraser is, and then 
how it should be constructed  :-)

I think on the Web you could kinda achieve: Don't Say It Again. I really 
think that's it bar attempting to generate content that pushes all 
resource descriptions out of relatively reasonable scope (i.e. edges of 
the Web of Linked Data core, to the degree that can even be established).

For now, like Diamonds, Objects References are forever :-)



Kingsley Idehen	  
President  CEO 
OpenLink Software 

Twitter/ kidehen 

Re: URI Fragments (typo fixed version)

2010-03-12 Thread Nathan
Leigh Dodds wrote:
 exactly.. how *DO* you remove a resource from the web of linked data?

 let's just suppose that the high court has instructed it; it *must*
 happen - how?
 What would you do for a document?
 Its on your web site. Its also in the Google cache and the Wayback
 Machine. What do you do? What are your legal requirements, and what
 are your practical limitations?

maybe we can address this for the web of linked data resources before
the same issues arise..?

410 Gone and obedient http clients with link editing capabilities.

google cache remove, would be interesting to test the 410 with them though:


note the identical way's of doing it; robots.txt handles the current web
of documents (pretty much).

Re: URI Fragments (typo fixed version)

2010-03-12 Thread Kingsley Idehen

Nathan wrote:

Leigh Dodds wrote:


exactly.. how *DO* you remove a resource from the web of linked data?

let's just suppose that the high court has instructed it; it *must*
happen - how?

What would you do for a document?

Its on your web site. Its also in the Google cache and the Wayback
Machine. What do you do? What are your legal requirements, and what
are your practical limitations?

maybe we can address this for the web of linked data resources before
the same issues arise..?

410 Gone and obedient http clients with link editing capabilities.

google cache remove, would be interesting to test the 410 with them though:


note the identical way's of doing it; robots.txt handles the current web
of documents (pretty much).

How does that remove TimBL's URI in my linked data space? A URI that is 
owl:sameAs my local URI for him?



Kingsley Idehen	  
President  CEO 
OpenLink Software 

Twitter/ kidehen 

Re: URI Fragments (typo fixed version)

2010-03-12 Thread Nathan
Kingsley Idehen wrote:
 Nathan wrote:
 Leigh Dodds wrote:

 exactly.. how *DO* you remove a resource from the web of linked data?

 let's just suppose that the high court has instructed it; it *must*
 happen - how?
 What would you do for a document?

 Its on your web site. Its also in the Google cache and the Wayback
 Machine. What do you do? What are your legal requirements, and what
 are your practical limitations?

 maybe we can address this for the web of linked data resources before
 the same issues arise..?

 410 Gone and obedient http clients with link editing capabilities.

 google cache remove, would be interesting to test the 410 with them


 note the identical way's of doing it; robots.txt handles the current web
 of documents (pretty much).

 How does that remove TimBL's URI in my linked data space? A URI that is
 owl:sameAs my local URI for him?

hence why the subject is URI Fragments :) as I said earlier:

however if we take the case of TimBL's card; personally I can't see any
reason why he couldn't have a personal uri of say which 303 See Other through to his card; then
his personal uri is a resource all of its own and independent of any
representation; thus allowing representations to be moved around /
deleted without any effect on his personal URI, and further allow for
multiple information resources describing him, with different

and obviously as mentioned a few minutes ago in a reply to Richard, the
410 Gone could only apply (unambiguously) to resources without a hash.

All in I'm gunning for Roy T. Fieldings original single version of a
resource (and no fragments, except for a few use-cases which I'll cover
later) none of this two kinds of resource, and use HTTP status codes
and dereferencing to:

1: 204 No Content = resource which maps to an empty set / reserved
resource that can't be used for anything else

2: 303 See Other = indicates that the requested resource does not have a
representation of its own that can be transferred by the server over
HTTP (the way linked data already uses it)

3: 301 Moved Permanently = The requested resource has been assigned a
new permanent URI and any future references to this resource SHOULD use
one of the returned URIs.  Clients with link editing capabilities ought
to automatically re-link references to the request-target to one or more
of the new references returned by the server

4: 410 Gone = The requested resource is no longer available at the
server and no forwarding address is known.  This condition is expected
to be considered permanent.  Clients with link editing capabilities
SHOULD delete references to the request-target after user approval.

Regardless of semantic web, linked data is bound to http for the time
being thanks to dereferencing, http does give us the utilities to do
everything we need with regards linked data.

as for it not being bound in the future; all of these use cases can also
be represented in rdf with existing ontologies (dcterms:replaces and so
forth), and when something can't simply make a predicate that allows it,
shouldn't be too hard..

further in to the future I can't see any reason why we can't simply: owl:sameAs aprotocol://

I'm strongly putting focus back on the conceptual mapping side of
resources; that allows for anything and covers everything, afaict we
have no need to use #fragments at all.


For Discussion..

2010-03-12 Thread Nathan
Hi All,

following on from many previous emails; here's something to ponder:

- multiple quads or named graphs in a single rdf graph
- an asserted named graph
- a quoted named graph
- never describing a subject directly

hopefully should allow a groundwork for provenance, trust, and many
other things I'm sure you are all aware of. Looks quite interesting when
you generate a visual graph of the data model too (using say w3c rdf

simply putting this forward to the group for feedback and thoughts:

in n3 / Ntriples:

@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix foaf: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix w: . rdf:type w:NamedGraph ;
  dcterms:isPartOf ;
  w:assertedBy .
  rdf:type foaf:Person ;
  rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
  owl:sameAs ;
  rdfs:seeAlso ;
  foaf:mbox .
  rdf:type w:NamedGraph .
  rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
  owl:sameAs .


in rdf+xml too:

rdf:RDF xmlns=;

rdf:Description rdf:about=;
owl:sameAs rdf:resource=

w:NamedGraph rdf:about=;

w:NamedGraph rdf:about=;
dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource=
w:assertedBy rdf:resource=

foaf:Person rdf:about=;
owl:sameAs rdf:resource=


Many Regards,


SPARQL: sorting resources by label?

2010-03-12 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
The closest I get is the following SPARQL query:

 SELECT DISTINCT ?subj ?label
 GRAPH ?graph {
 ?subj ?pred ?obj .
 ?subj ?labelPred ?label .
 (?labelPred = # 
 FILTER( isLiteral(?label) )
 FILTER (?graph =
 ORDER BY ?label ?subj


- This solution also works for multiple label predicates (i.e., if there are 
subproperties of rdfs:label), then the unary disjunction (1) has more 

- ?graph is necessary, because Sesame does not support datasets and I want to 
restrict the query to all graphs that are currently visible.

- This query returns unlabeled resources first (?label is unbound), then 
labeled resources. Better would be to show labeled resources first. Best would 
be to mix them, where unlabeled resources are sorted according to their qname.

Can this be improved?

Thanks for any comments or suggestions...



Re: SPARQL: sorting resources by label?

2010-03-12 Thread Danny Ayers
On 13 March 2010 04:16, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

 Thanks for any comments or suggestions...

I'm a little perturbed that you have to use something so convoluted to
get labels

Why not something just like (whatever graph)  SELECT ?o WHERE { ?s
rdfs:label ?o } , or at worse an OPTIONAL on maybe dc:label or

- are the objects of any labels resources?

Can you please clarify what you are looking for, and explain further -
I honestly hope you are missing something there.

 If there is something wrong with the material, the problems should be
surfaced and fixed (and no doubt will be for the next rev, if need be)


Re: SPARQL: sorting resources by label?

2010-03-12 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
I have a GUI data structure that is a pair (resource, label). The label is used 
for humans, the resource is used to process RDF.

If I want SPARQL to produce list of these pairs ordered by label, this is the 
simplest query that I can think of.

This is but a start, I will later insert more FILTERs (for faceted navigation 


On Mar 13, 2010, at 4:51 , Danny Ayers wrote:

 On 13 March 2010 04:16, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
 Thanks for any comments or suggestions...
 I'm a little perturbed that you have to use something so convoluted to
 get labels
 Why not something just like (whatever graph)  SELECT ?o WHERE { ?s
 rdfs:label ?o } , or at worse an OPTIONAL on maybe dc:label or
 - are the objects of any labels resources?
 Can you please clarify what you are looking for, and explain further -
 I honestly hope you are missing something there.
 If there is something wrong with the material, the problems should be
 surfaced and fixed (and no doubt will be for the next rev, if need be)


Re: SPARQL: sorting resources by label?

2010-03-12 Thread Axel Rauschmayer

If one wants to produce a table

| URI | label | types |

SPARQL becomes even more unwieldy. Just think  of sorting the type column by 
the label of the types. Or even of producing a Java object for each row. The 
problem is that SPARQL does not support query rows in NFNF. Maybe DESCRIBE can 
be used in the future for this?


On Mar 13, 2010, at 4:51 , Danny Ayers wrote:

 On 13 March 2010 04:16, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
 Thanks for any comments or suggestions...
 I'm a little perturbed that you have to use something so convoluted to
 get labels
 Why not something just like (whatever graph)  SELECT ?o WHERE { ?s
 rdfs:label ?o } , or at worse an OPTIONAL on maybe dc:label or
 - are the objects of any labels resources?
 Can you please clarify what you are looking for, and explain further -
 I honestly hope you are missing something there.
 If there is something wrong with the material, the problems should be
 surfaced and fixed (and no doubt will be for the next rev, if need be)


encoding sparql queries made to dbpedia

2010-03-12 Thread Monika Solanki


While programmatically accessing dbpedia through GET using Jersey, I had 
to urlencode the query to UTF-8 and then replace the + with %20. 
Does anyone know of a better way to do this ?



Dr Monika Solanki
F27 Department of Computer Science
University of Leicester
Leicester LE1 7RH
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 116 252 3828
Google: 52.653791,-1.158414