
2012-08-27 Thread Patrick Logan
Recently seen on Hacker News: an attempt to make semi-structured data
about a business easier to update across various yellow-pages-like

Support for Turtle in WebID

2011-12-22 Thread Patrick Logan
The WebID incubation effort is documented at there is a discussion on the mail list
about supporting the Turtle
format. We are looking for input from members of the linked data community

Currently RDF/XML and XHTML+RDFa 1.1 are required for consumers of WebID
profiles/pages. Support for Turtle would probably be worded as a required
addition to these other formats.

The incremental cost of supporting Turtle seems fairly low, given support
for RDF/XML.

Do readers of this list foresee any significant issues with this addition?
Would you recommend this addition?


Re: Combining Linked Data HTTP URIs and HTML5 WebSocket URIs

2011-11-19 Thread Patrick Logan
The problem I am having coming to terms with your question is that the
web socket protocol is full custom once the two endpoints have
established that they are indeed using web sockets.

The http protocol defines all kinds of details that continue from
connection through disconnection (e.g. what kind of data is being

This seems kind of like designing for a gate array (http) vs. a full
custom IC. That's probably what you expect, and that's fine - it's
just you've created an ASIC -- an Application-Specific Integrated

And so along the lines of what Kingsley wrote in his response, it
seems to me you could:

* Design a vocabulary for describing servers and performance metrics
using any URL scheme.

* Design (at least) two access mechanisms, one based on http and the
other based on web sockets. Clients of the latter would just have to
understand your application-specific protocol designed to transmit web
socket data frames to be formatted and parsed as you see fit.

Either access mechanism could be used to communicate (subsets of) the
same graph.

Potentially confused, I am...

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 6:22 PM, wrote:
 Hi All,

 I have a couple of questions re combining Linked Data HTTP URIs and HTML5
 WebSocket URIs.

 There are a couple of applications that I would like to build which have a
 mix of static and dynamic data. For the dynamic data I am planning to use
 HTML5 WebSockets [1][2] which uses the ws:// and wss:// prefixes.

 As an example I want to report the runtime status of the servers in a
 Weblogic cluster.  Using JMX monitoring to get the actual status I could


 to display the current status of each server in my monitoring app.

 I am also planning to display LinkedData[3] about each server using the URIs and

 It would seem logical to use owl:sameAs to combine the HTTP URIs and the
 Websocket URIs to assert that they are referring to the same individuals,
 but is that valid?

 I.e. can the following two statements be made in OWL? owl:sameAs
 ws:// . owl:sameAs
 ws:// .

 Does the forth LinkedData[3] principal

 4. Include links to other URIs. so that they can discover more things.

 implicitly include links to Websocket URIs ?


 Richard Hancock


Re: Combining Linked Data HTTP URIs and HTML5 WebSocket URIs

2011-11-19 Thread Patrick Logan
I'd like to hear ideas about that as well.

A few thoughts off the top of my head:

1. HTTP cache-control headers - expires, if-modified-since, etc.

2. For a custom web sockets protocol, similar header/meta information
could be part of the exchange.

3. Use XMPP + BOSH or web sockets for pushing changes.

Changes themselves could be described by Atom, RSS, or the ChangeSet
vocabulary ( ).


On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 2:05 PM, wrote:
 Thanks David, Kingsley and Patrick for the answers so far.

 maybe I should restate my question  as follows:

 With the current specs and definitions of Linked Data currently available,
 what is the best way to indicate that parts of the information being
 returned are dynamic?

 For the server examples below I could create an owl model with server
 status as a property, but how do I indicate that the value of status is a
 dynamic property which may change in the near future?

 What I would like is a Linked Data browser similar to Tabulator that can
 generically read my Linked Data and having discovered that a particular
 property is dynamic provide live updates of that property.

 To my mind HTML5 WebSockets have the potential to provide that dynamic
 functionality (though currently only via logic specific to a custom

 So, (leaving aside HTML5 websockets for the moment) my initial question
 comes down to what is the best way to indicate that the values of some
 properties are dynamic?



 The problem I am having coming to terms with your question is that the
 web socket protocol is full custom once the two endpoints have
 established that they are indeed using web sockets.

 The http protocol defines all kinds of details that continue from
 connection through disconnection (e.g. what kind of data is being

 This seems kind of like designing for a gate array (http) vs. a full
 custom IC. That's probably what you expect, and that's fine - it's
 just you've created an ASIC -- an Application-Specific Integrated

 And so along the lines of what Kingsley wrote in his response, it
 seems to me you could:

 * Design a vocabulary for describing servers and performance metrics
 using any URL scheme.

 * Design (at least) two access mechanisms, one based on http and the
 other based on web sockets. Clients of the latter would just have to
 understand your application-specific protocol designed to transmit web
 socket data frames to be formatted and parsed as you see fit.

 Either access mechanism could be used to communicate (subsets of) the
 same graph.

 Potentially confused, I am...

 On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 6:22 PM, wrote:
 Hi All,

 I have a couple of questions re combining Linked Data HTTP URIs and
 WebSocket URIs.

 There are a couple of applications that I would like to build which have
 mix of static and dynamic data. For the dynamic data I am planning to
 HTML5 WebSockets [1][2] which uses the ws:// and wss:// prefixes.

 As an example I want to report the runtime status of the servers in a
 Weblogic cluster.  Using JMX monitoring to get the actual status I could


 to display the current status of each server in my monitoring app.

 I am also planning to display LinkedData[3] about each server using the
 URIs and

 It would seem logical to use owl:sameAs to combine the HTTP URIs and the
 Websocket URIs to assert that they are referring to the same
 but is that valid?

 I.e. can the following two statements be made in OWL? owl:sameAs
 ws:// . owl:sameAs
 ws:// .

 Does the forth LinkedData[3] principal

 4. Include links to other URIs. so that they can discover more things.

 implicitly include links to Websocket URIs ?


 Richard Hancock


Re: Facebook Linked Data

2011-09-28 Thread Patrick Logan
Question: would be be reasonable to include more than one of those choices?

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 5:51 AM, Toby Inkster wrote:
 On Tue, 27 Sep 2011 15:04:13 -0400
 Tim rdf wrote:

 Thanks for pointing out that it might be a foaf:Account and not

 I need to dig into their semantics before I run around misusing them!

 You could even do:
                a foaf:Person ;
                rdfs:seeAlso .

 And let crawlers come to their own conclusions.

 Toby A Inkster

Re: Facebook Linked Data

2011-09-27 Thread Patrick Logan
On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 12:01 AM, Sebastian Schaffert wrote:

 Ok, let me be a bit more precise: I can stick with REST, JSON, and
 human readable service descriptions for each service that define for
 me how to call the REST webservice and how the JSON (or whatever)
 data that comes back will look like. But Linked Data could do
 better: there could be a uniform way of accessing the data and a
 unified contract about what comes back.

Agreed. I think we need to remind ourselves that we are at the
very beginning of the internet, not to mention the semantic


Re: Facebook Linked Data

2011-09-26 Thread Patrick Logan
On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Sebastian Schaffert wrote:

 the point here is that this philosophical discussion...

I did not see anything philosophical in the discussion. I am confused
by that statement.

 When I request a Linked Data resource, I expect what comes back to describe 
 what I requested. Otherwise, I as a developer have no way of knowing how I 
 should access the data: when I request a resource that is a document and I 
 get back a description of a person (i.e. other subject) how should I know 
 where to start?

It looks to me as though you received exactly what Jesse described in
his announcement...

If you don't have a vanity URL but know your Facebook ID, you can use
that instead (which is actually the fundamental method).

 Developers need well-defined behaviour, and not this service does it like 
 this, and that service does it like that. This is not the interoperability 
 promise the Semantic Web gives.

Certainly greater levels of compatibility will take time across the
wide-open internet. But this message seems to be saying, I did not
heed the description of the service as it was announced, and the
result surprised me, therefore the service is not practical???


Re: Cost/Benefit Anyone? Re: Vote for my Semantic Web presentation at SXSW

2011-08-19 Thread Patrick Logan
As fascinating as this discussion is, maybe the two of you want to
work it out directly and then report back with a summary?

Speaking as just one subscriber's data point, of course, I'm...


On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 7:41 AM, Patrick Durusau wrote:

 Correction: I have never accused you of being modest or of not being an
 accountant. ;-)

 Nor have I said the costs you talk about in your accountant voice don't

 The problem is identifying the cost to a particular client, say of email
 spam, versus the cost the solution for the same person.

 For example, I picked a spam article at random that says a 100 person firm
 *could be losing* as much as $55,000 per year due to spam.

 Think about that for a minute. That works out to $550 per person.

 So, if your solution costs more than $550 per person, it isn't worth buying.

 Besides, the $550 per person *isn't on the books.* Purchasing your solution
 is. As they say, spam is a hidden cost. Hidden costs are hard to quantify or
 get people to address.

 Not to mention that your solution requires an investment before the software
 can exist for any benefit. That is an even harder sell.

 Isn't investment to enable a return from another investment (software,
 later) something accountants can see?

 Hope you are having a great day!


 PS: The random spam article:

 On 8/19/2011 9:57 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

 On 8/19/11 6:37 AM, Patrick Durusau wrote:


 One more attempt.

 The press release I pointed to was an example that would have to be
 particularized to a CIO or CTO in term of *their* expenses of integration,
 then showing *their* savings.

 Yes, and I sent you a link to a collection of similar documents from which
 you could find similar research depending on problem type. On the first page
 you should have seen a link to a research document about the cost of email
 spam, for instance.

 CEO, CIOs, CTOs are all dealing with costs of:

 1. Spam
 2. Password Management
 3. Security
 4. Data Integration.

 There isn't a shortage of market research material re. the above and their
 costs across a plethora of domains.

 The difference in our positions, from my context, is that I am saying
 the benefit to enterprises has to be expressed in terms of *their* bottom
 line, over the next quarter, six months, year.

 For what its worth I worked for many years as an accountant before I
 crossed over to the vendor realm during the early days of Open Systems --
 when Unix was being introduced to enterprises. That's the reason why
 integration middleware and dbms technology has been my passion for 20+
 years. I am a slightly different profile to what you assume in your comments
 re. cost-benefits analysis.

 I hear (your opinion likely differs) you saying there is a global
 benefit that enterprises should invest in with no specific ROI for their
 bottom line in any definite period.

 See comment above. I live problems first, then architect technology to
 solve them. When I tell you about the costs of data integration to
 enterprises I am basically telling you that I've lived the problem for many
 years. My understanding is quite deep. Sorry, but this isn't an area when I
 can pretend to be modest :-)

 Case in point, CAS, Coming up on 62 million organic
 and inorganic substances given unique identifiers. What is the incentive for
 any of their users/customers to switch to Linked Data?

 I think the issue is more about: what would identifiers provide to this
 organization with regards to the obvious need to virtualize its critical
 data sources such that:

 1. data sources are represented as fine grained data objects
 2. every data object is endowed with an identifier
 3. identifiers become superkey that provide conduits highly navigable data
 object based zeitgeists -- a single identifier should resolve to graph
 pictorial representing all data associated with that specific identifier and
 and additional data that has been reconciled logically e.g., leverage
 owl:sameAs and IFP (inverse functional property) logic.

 As I said several post ago, your success depends upon people investing in
 a technology for your benefit. (In all fairness you argue they benefit as
 well, but they are the best judges of the best use of their time and


 Hope you are looking forward to a great weekend!


 On 8/18/2011 10:09 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

 On 8/18/11 5:27 PM, Patrick Durusau wrote:


 Citing your own bookmark file hardly qualifies as market numbers.

 My own bookmark? I gave you a URL to a bookmark collection. The
 collection contains links for a variety of research documents.

 People promoting technologies make up all sorts of numbers about what
 use of X will save. Reminds me of the music or software theft numbers.

 Er. and you posted a link to a press 

Re: in RDF ...

2011-06-07 Thread Patrick Logan
Would it be reasonable to use rather than in the URIs? Essentially mirror what one might hope
for to become. Then if it does become that, link the two

On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 1:22 AM, Michael Hausenblas wrote:
 Something I don't understand. If I read well all savvy discussions so far,
 publishers behind URIs are unlikely to ever provide any
 RDF description,

 What makes you so sure about that not one day in the (near?) future the URIs will serve RDF or JSON, FWIW, additionally to HTML? ;)

 Dr. Michael Hausenblas, Research Fellow
 LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
 DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
 NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
 Ireland, Europe
 Tel. +353 91 495730

 On 7 Jun 2011, at 08:44, Bernard Vatant wrote:

 Hi all

 Something I don't understand. If I read well all savvy discussions so far,
 publishers behind URIs are unlikely to ever provide any
 RDF description, so why are those URIs declared as identifiers of RDFS
 classes in the For all I can see, is the URI of an information resource, not of a
 So I would rather have expected mirroring of the URIs by URIs, the later fully dereferencable proper RDFS classes
 expliciting the semantics of the former, while keeping the reference to the
 source in some dcterms:source element.

 Example, instead of ...

 rdf:Description rdf:about=;
 rdf:type rdf:resource=
 rdfs:label xml:lang=enPerson/rdfs:label
 rdfs:comment xml:lang=enA person (alive, dead, undead, or
 rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=
 rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource=

 where I see a clear abuse of rdfs:isDefinedBy, since if you dereference
 the said URI, you don't find any explicit RDF definition ...

 I would rather have the following

 rdf:Description rdf:about=;
 rdf:type rdf:resource=
 rdfs:label xml:lang=enPerson/rdfs:label
 rdfs:comment xml:lang=enA person (alive, dead, undead, or
 rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=
 dcterms:source rdf:resource=

 To the latter declaration, one could safely add statements like

 schema.rdfs:Person rdfs:subClassOf  foaf:Person


 Or do I miss the point?


 2011/6/3 Michael Hausenblas

 ... is now available - we're sorry for the delay ;)

 Dr. Michael Hausenblas, Research Fellow
 LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
 DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
 NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
 Ireland, Europe
 Tel. +353 91 495730

 Bernard Vatant
 Senior Consultant
 Vocabulary  Data Integration
 Tel:       +33 (0) 971 488 459
 3, cité Nollez 75018 Paris France

Re: in RDF ... expected Types in RDFS

2011-06-06 Thread Patrick Logan
Google has advised against mixing markup because it confuses their
parsers. I have not seen similar advice from the other two vendors.

(Which strikes me as odd, but nevertheless...)

On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Daniel Schwabe wrote:
 I can see the point with Good Relations - they acknowledge they will continue 
 supporting RDFa *with the vocabularies they already support*.
 My question then was about RDFa support for ** vocabulary.
 Also, Gio's question is applicable - can one have page markups with both RDFa 


 On Jun 6, 2011, at 14:02  - 06/06/11, Martin Hepp wrote:

 A related matter:

 Neither Google nor Yahoo are abandoning RDFa parsing. In fact, they improved 
 their parsing in the past two days when they started to accept price 
 information in GoodRelations only if the gr:validThrough value is a 
 xsd:datetime literal in the future. I noticed this when suddenly my 
 test-cases at

 did no longer validate and I had to change the data.

 Those examples also show that both of their parsers can handle multiple RDFa 
 vocabularies, e.g. combining GoodRelations with the Vehicle Sales Ontology or the Tickets Ontology,

 So it is your choice to stick to open vocabularies for Web data and RDFa, 
 instead of trashing superior work for a single, rigid, one-size-fits-all 
 taxonomy and the much lesser used Microdata syntax. I am not sure whether 
 paving the way for into the RDF world is the right signal.

 If you want to make sure that open, RDFa-based data will be honored by 
 Google and Yahoo, the best thing you can do is foster the creation of such. 
 The most effective way would be for all of you to encourage students to 
 write GoodRelations extension modules for popular shop software, or to 
 manually add it to large shop sites, e.g. as thesis projects. This is by far 
 the strongest lever to foster mass adoption of RDFa.

 We already have such for Magento, Joomla, WPEC/Wordpress; Drupal Commerce, 
 Prestashop, and oxid eSales are coming. See


 On Jun 6, 2011, at 3:53 PM, Daniel Schwabe wrote:

 I can agree, in principle, that it may be good that will 
 contribute to the generation of more structured data, albeit not linked, at 
 least in the beginning.
 Nevertheless, they could have at least published their vocabulary in RDFS, 
 as M. Hausenblas and his group at DERI brilliantly did, if only to show 
 support for the standard... but this is besides the point.
 My major concern is that this seems to be not only a matter of syntax, as 
 it is unclear whether their crawlers will *parse* RDFa at all for e.g.,
 From the FAQ, they seem to indicate that they *may* do so if RDFa uptake 
 increases (very vague as to what a satisfactory level of adoption is).

 So, can someone clarify, if possible, whether if I publish a page using 
 RDFa and syntax, it will be properly parsed and indexed in 
 any of those search engines?



Re: How To Do Deal with the Subjective Issue of Data Quality?

2011-04-07 Thread Patrick Logan
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 2:17 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

 The beauty of the Web (to me) is that it's architecture ultimately
 allows everyone to agree to disagree, without going to war.

Yes, achieving better ways to understand the agreements, the
disagreements, and the technical failures is as good of a goal as any.

 I think the Web will allow user agents coalesce around data spaces that over
 value. Others will simply wither away over time. No set of draconian rules
 will avert this reality because said reality is wired into the fabric of
 scale-free networks such as the Web.

I agree. I don't think one can demand more than that. We can hope to
try to aid that (loose) process.

 I believe Data Wikis will go long way to crowd sourcing data reconciliation.
 Of course, for that to happen you need access control lists (ACLs) and
 verifiable identity, which is why the WebID protocol (an application of
 Linked Data) is so important to this whole topic of subjective data quality.

I am not familiar with that, but I'll look at it. Off the cuff, I have
doubts an ACLs are appropriate for the web, where the nature of URLs
seems to have a built-in affinity to a capability-based access

 If the logic is already making its way into the data, why not make
 conversations about data reconciliation part of the data too? Wikipedia
 sorta, works, but Data Wikis will take this matter to much greater heights.
 We'll never be able to compute Why from Who, What, Where, and When
 data with 100% precision. Adding reconciliatory conversations into the data
 via Data Wikis will get us much closer than we are today.

I think I am with you.


Re: Any reason for ontology reuse?

2010-12-03 Thread Patrick Logan
In many cases a wider variety of contributors will have thought through the
problem space more thoroughly. And having been applied already could save
some effort in your appliances.
 On Dec 3, 2010 1:18 PM, Percy Enrique Rivera Salas wrote:
 Dear all,

 I would like to know, which are the specific reason(s),
 for reuse terms from well-known vocabularies in the process of Publish
 Linked Data on the Web?
 (Thesis, dissertation or paper references are very welcome.)

 In [1] we can find one reason.

 *In order to make it as easy as possible for client applications to
 your data,
 *you should reuse terms from well-known vocabularies wherever possible*

 Any other reason?

 Thanks in advance for your help.

 Best Regards,

