Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-25 Thread Graham Klyne

Hi Kingsley,

You said, re Annalist:

My enhancement requests would be that you consider supporting of at
least one of the following, in regards to storage I/O:

1. LDP
2. WebDAV
3. SPARQL Graph Protocol
4. SPARQL 1.1 Insert, Update, Delete.

As for Access Controls on the target storage destinations, don't worry
about that in the RDF editor itself, leave that to the storage provider
[1] that supports any combination of the protocols above.

Thanks for you comments and feedback - I've taken note of them.

My original (and current) plan is to provide HTTP access (GET/PUT/POST/etc) with 
a little bit of WebDAV to handle directory content enumeration., which I think 
is consistent with your suggestion (cf. [1]).  The other options you mention are 
not ruled out.

You say I shouldn't worry too much about access control, but leave that to the 
back-end store.  If by this you mean *just* access control, then that makes 
sense to me.

A challenge I face is to understand what authentication tokens are widely 
supported by existing HTTP stores.  Annalist itself uses OpenID Connect (ala 
Google+, etc) is its main authentication mechanism, so I cannot assume that I 
have access to original user credentials to construct arbitrary security tokens.

I had been thinking that something based on OAuth2 might be appropriate (I 
looked at UMA [2], had some problems with it as a total solution, but I might be 
able to use some of its elements).  I took a look at the link you provided, but 
there seem to be a lot of moving parts and couldn't really figure out what you 
were describing there.





Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-24 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/24/15 6:07 AM, Graham Klyne wrote:

Hi Kingsley,

You said, re Annalist:

My enhancement requests would be that you consider supporting of at
least one of the following, in regards to storage I/O:

1. LDP
2. WebDAV
3. SPARQL Graph Protocol
4. SPARQL 1.1 Insert, Update, Delete.

As for Access Controls on the target storage destinations, don't worry
about that in the RDF editor itself, leave that to the storage provider
[1] that supports any combination of the protocols above.

Thanks for you comments and feedback - I've taken note of them.

My original (and current) plan is to provide HTTP access 
(GET/PUT/POST/etc) with a little bit of WebDAV to handle directory 
content enumeration., which I think is consistent with your suggestion 
(cf. [1]).


The other options you mention are not ruled out.


You say I shouldn't worry too much about access control, but leave 
that to the back-end store.  If by this you mean *just* access 
control, then that makes sense to me.

Read and Write modalities scoped to an identity principal.

A challenge I face is to understand what authentication tokens are 
widely supported by existing HTTP stores.

Most will support digest authentication. For more sophisticated 
solutions you should consider WebID-TLS [1] and WebACL [2] which simply 
boils down to servers determining identity principals and resource 
privileges via relations in a WebID-Profile [3] document and a server's 
WebACL doc.

You can also bolt OAuth on to WebDAV, as we have, but it may be a lot of 

BTW -- we do have a generic Authentication Layer in Virtuoso that 
supports Digest Authentication, WebID-TLS, basic PKIX+TLS, OpenID, and 
OAuth. We are even planning to decouple the aforementioned module from 
Virtuoso via a Javascript library that will be released in Open Source 
form to Github. Only hold-up is prioritization, so I can provide a firm 

Annalist itself uses OpenID Connect (ala Google+, etc) is its main 
authentication mechanism, so I cannot assume that I have access to 
original user credentials to construct arbitrary security tokens.

I had been thinking that something based on OAuth2 might be 
appropriate (I looked at UMA [2], had some problems with it as a total 
solution, but I might be able to use some of its elements).

See comment above.

I took a look at the link you provided, but there seem to be a lot of 
moving parts and couldn't really figure out what you were describing 

It looks like that on the surface, but it simply boils down to:

1. Javascript
2. Ajar (Asynchronous JavaScript and RDF) -- TimBL tried to kick of this 
Ajar meme a few years ago with limited uptake, but its darn neat!)

3. Terms for making Identity Claims from a Certificate Vocabulary
4. A Storage relation described by a Personal Information (PIM) Vocabulary
5. WebID-Profile document that includes relations based on terms from 
the PIM and Certificate vocabularies.

I re-read my original post [4], and realized its could be clearer, so 
I've tweaked it a little.  Thanks for bringing the many moving parts 
perception to my attention.


[1] -- WebID-TLS protocol
[2] -- a Web Access Control 
-- WebID Profile Document
-- slightly revised edition.







Kingsley Idehen 
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Re: AJAR (WAS: Microsoft Access for RDF?)

2015-02-24 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/24/15 12:20 PM, Paul Tyson wrote:

On Tue, 2015-02-24 at 11:43 -0500, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

It looks like that on the surface, but it simply boils down to:

1. Javascript
2. Ajar (Asynchronous JavaScript and RDF) -- TimBL tried to kick of this
Ajar meme a few years ago with limited uptake, but its darn neat!)

Kingsley, do you have further references for AJAR? It sounds like the
approach I stumbled onto while looking for a sensible way to make a
heavy client for displaying RDF. In theory it could provide great power
and simplicity, but I can't say I've worked through the initial
complexity to prove the point.


Quick description of an old TimBL post related to Ajar, using nanotation 
(which turns this post into an RDF data source) [1]:

 a schema:WebPage ;
rdfs:label Description of Ajar related items ;
rdfs:comment Describes Ajar concept and a related Blog Posting.
dcterms:created 2015-02-24T13:47:00-05:00^^xsd:dateTime ;
foaf:maker ;
xhv:license ;
cc:attributionName Kingsley Uyi Idehen ;
schema:about, .
a schema:BlogPosting ;
schema:about ;
rdfs:label Links on the Semantic Web ;
foaf:maker ;
dcterms:created 2005-12-30T15:04:00-05:00^^xsd:dateTime ;
rdfs:comment On the Semantic Web, links are also critical. Here, 
the local name, and the URI formed using the hash,
refer to arbitrary things. When a semantic web 
document gives information about something, and uses a
URI formed from the name of a different document, 
like foo.rdf#bar, then that's an invitation to look
up the document, if you want more information 
about. I'd like people to use them more, and I think we
need to develop algorithms which for deciding when 
to follow Semantic Web links as a function of what

we are looking for. -- TimBL
To play with semantic web links, I made a toy 
semantic web browser, Tabulator. Toy, because it is hacked up in
Javascript (a change from my usual Python) to 
experiment with these ideas. It is AJAR - Asynchronous Javascript
and RDF. I started off with Jim Ley's RDF Parser 
and added a little data store. The store understands the mimimal
OWL ([inverse] functional properties, sameAs) to 
smush nodes representing the same thing together, so it doesn't
matter if people use many different URIs for the 
same thing, which of course they can. It has a simple index and
supports simple query. The API is more or less the 
one which cwm and had been tending toward in python.

-- TimBL
schema:url ;
sioc:links_to,, ;
rdfs:seeAlso ;
opl:mentions .
a skos:Concept ;
rdfs:label Ajar ;
skos:prefLabel Asynchronous Javascript and RDF ;
is schema:about of,;
rdfs:comment Leveraging abstraction nature of RDF Language in 
conjunction with  XMLHttpRequest where format-specific is replaced with 
RDF [which isserializable using a 
variety of serialization formats].  XMLHttpRequest isn't actually XML 

xhv:related .

Hope that helps.

[1] -- Nanotation 
(which enables the embedding of RDF statements, using TURTLE notation, 
wherever plain text input is allowed)

[2] -- processed version of 
nantotions above (from a document saved to my Briefcase).


Kingsley Idehen 
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Re: AJAR (WAS: Microsoft Access for RDF?)

2015-02-24 Thread Paul Tyson
On Tue, 2015-02-24 at 11:43 -0500, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
 It looks like that on the surface, but it simply boils down to:
 1. Javascript
 2. Ajar (Asynchronous JavaScript and RDF) -- TimBL tried to kick of this 
 Ajar meme a few years ago with limited uptake, but its darn neat!)

Kingsley, do you have further references for AJAR? It sounds like the
approach I stumbled onto while looking for a sensible way to make a
heavy client for displaying RDF. In theory it could provide great power
and simplicity, but I can't say I've worked through the initial
complexity to prove the point.


Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-23 Thread Jean-Claude Moissinac
Perhaps something interesting here

Jean-Claude Moissinac

2015-02-23 10:34 GMT+01:00 Stian Soiland-Reyes

 On 21 February 2015 at 20:38, Michael Brunnbauer

  I admit that what you sketch here is better than what I have sketched
  named graphs. But it seems to require a very sophisticated editor or a
  very sophisticated user.

 Agreed that the editor needs to be more clever than three text fields
 with auto-complete. If a non-RDF user is to be making RDF, at a
 triple-level, then the editor must be guiding the user towards the
 basic Linked Data principles rather than be a glorified vim. :)

  I was talking about an editor where the user can
  add triples with arbitrary properties.

 .. and arbitrary properties/classes should include ones the user make
 up on the spot and relate it to existing properties/classes.

 Kingsley was talking about the sentences analogy, and I think we
 should keep this in mind. While you shouldn't normally write a whole
 book using your own terminology, it's very common to introduce at
 least SOME terminology that you specify or clarify for the scope of
 the text (e.g. the document, graph, dataset).

 It could be something as in a triple (a sentence), show something as
 simple as a little [+] button next to the property or class to
 specialize it and use this instead in that triple. (making it
 available for other triples)

 Perhaps Kingsley's approach have some mechanism for specializing or
 introducing new properties?

  So I would prefer the solution with named graphs that can be implemented
  easily. Yes, the additional information will be very vague without
  but it will at least be there.

 I wouldn't dismiss the named graphs-per-triple approach - although to
 me it sounds overkill (perhaps one named graph per transaction).

 However starting to encode relations between those named graphs to
 make them sequential (and thus encode some hidden semantic meaning) to
 me feels a bit like trickery - your user isn't really making RDF
 statements the way we commonly find it in Linked Data world - he's
 making some kind of custom graph-ordering-structure that is just
 represented in RDF.

 Using named graphs for provenance is however very much best practice -
 so if you just track the provenance of when triples were inserted and
 one of your views is to view the graph or statements about a subject
 in that order (present it as Insertion order or something), then you
 are good - you are not tricking the user anymore. You thus won't need
 to implement Move up buttons as you should not rewrite history. :)

 Stian Soiland-Reyes, eScience Lab
 School of Computer Science
 The University of Manchester

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-23 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/23/15 5:20 AM, Jean-Claude Moissinac wrote:

Perhaps something interesting here


BTW -- is there a live demo instance somewhere?


Kingsley Idehen 
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Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-23 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/23/15 4:34 AM, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote:

On 21 February 2015 at 20:38, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:

I admit that what you sketch here is better than what I have sketched with
named graphs. But it seems to require a very sophisticated editor or a
very sophisticated user.

Agreed that the editor needs to be more clever than three text fields
with auto-complete. If a non-RDF user is to be making RDF, at a
triple-level, then the editor must be guiding the user towards the
basic Linked Data principles rather than be a glorified vim. :)

I was talking about an editor where the user can
add triples with arbitrary properties.

.. and arbitrary properties/classes should include ones the user make
up on the spot and relate it to existing properties/classes.

Kingsley was talking about the sentences analogy, and I think we
should keep this in mind. While you shouldn't normally write a whole
book using your own terminology, it's very common to introduce at
least SOME terminology that you specify or clarify for the scope of
the text (e.g. the document, graph, dataset).

It could be something as in a triple (a sentence), show something as
simple as a little [+] button next to the property or class to
specialize it and use this instead in that triple. (making it
available for other triples)

Perhaps Kingsley's approach have some mechanism for specializing or
introducing new properties?

It doesn't have that right now, but it will have such functionality in 
due course. This feature may or may not make the initial public release.

At the current time, I use nanotation [1][2] as my mechanism to for 
achieving this goal. Ultimately, an RDF Editor should simply be an 
alternative to nantation that addresses the needs of those that don't 
want type RDF statements by hand, in any notation. Yes, they don't want 
to work with raw editors like: vi, vim, textmate, sublime etc..


[1]  -- I can create 
RDF statements that define the nature of things and/or the things themselves

[2] -- results of nanotation in 
a tweet that include the definition of

-- named graphs (documents) that contain the RDF statements used to 
define this particular relation  [basically, this was performed using a 
series of tweets] .


Kingsley Idehen 
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Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-23 Thread Jean-Claude Moissinac
I just pushed the link for information
I forward the question to the main author of the
He is the best to answer about it.​

Jean-Claude Moissinac

2015-02-23 14:29 GMT+01:00 Kingsley Idehen

  On 2/23/15 5:20 AM, Jean-Claude Moissinac wrote:

  Perhaps something interesting here


 BTW -- is there a live demo instance somewhere?


 Kingsley Idehen   
 Founder  CEO
 OpenLink Software
 Company Web:
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Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-23 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
On 21 February 2015 at 20:38, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:

 I admit that what you sketch here is better than what I have sketched with
 named graphs. But it seems to require a very sophisticated editor or a
 very sophisticated user.

Agreed that the editor needs to be more clever than three text fields
with auto-complete. If a non-RDF user is to be making RDF, at a
triple-level, then the editor must be guiding the user towards the
basic Linked Data principles rather than be a glorified vim. :)

 I was talking about an editor where the user can
 add triples with arbitrary properties.

.. and arbitrary properties/classes should include ones the user make
up on the spot and relate it to existing properties/classes.

Kingsley was talking about the sentences analogy, and I think we
should keep this in mind. While you shouldn't normally write a whole
book using your own terminology, it's very common to introduce at
least SOME terminology that you specify or clarify for the scope of
the text (e.g. the document, graph, dataset).

It could be something as in a triple (a sentence), show something as
simple as a little [+] button next to the property or class to
specialize it and use this instead in that triple. (making it
available for other triples)

Perhaps Kingsley's approach have some mechanism for specializing or
introducing new properties?

 So I would prefer the solution with named graphs that can be implemented
 easily. Yes, the additional information will be very vague without context
 but it will at least be there.

I wouldn't dismiss the named graphs-per-triple approach - although to
me it sounds overkill (perhaps one named graph per transaction).

However starting to encode relations between those named graphs to
make them sequential (and thus encode some hidden semantic meaning) to
me feels a bit like trickery - your user isn't really making RDF
statements the way we commonly find it in Linked Data world - he's
making some kind of custom graph-ordering-structure that is just
represented in RDF.

Using named graphs for provenance is however very much best practice -
so if you just track the provenance of when triples were inserted and
one of your views is to view the graph or statements about a subject
in that order (present it as Insertion order or something), then you
are good - you are not tricking the user anymore. You thus won't need
to implement Move up buttons as you should not rewrite history. :)

Stian Soiland-Reyes, eScience Lab
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-21 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/21/15 9:48 AM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

How do you minimize the user interaction space i.e., reduce clutter --
especially if you have a lot of relations in scope or the possibility that
such becomes the reality over time?

I don't think concurrent updates I related to resources or specific
to our editor.

Okay, so your editor simply writes data assuming the destination (a 
store of some sort) handles conflicts, right?

The Linked Data platform (whatever it is) and its HTTP
logic has to deal with ETags and 409 Conflict etc.

Dealing with conflict is intrinsic to this problem space.

I was wondering if this logic should be part of specifications such as
the Graph Store Protocol:
But I haven't an answer. Maybe it's an oversight on the W3C side?

No, I think it boils to down to implementations. A client or a server 
may or may not be engineered to deal with these matters.

We scope the description edited either by a) SPARQL query or b) named
graph content.

Yes, but these activities will inevitably encounter conflicts, which 
take different shapes and forms:

1. one user performing insert, updates, deletes in random order
2. many users performing the activities above, close-to-concurrently .

Ideally, the client should have the ability to determine a delta prior 
to its write attempt. The nature of the delta is affected by the 
relation in question. Similar issues arise in situations where relations 
are represented as tables, it just so happens that the destination store 
is a SQL RDBMS which has in-built functionality for handling these 
matters, via different concurrency and locking schemes (which can be at 
the record, table, or page levels).

Bearing in mind what's stated above, ideally, an  RDF Editor shouldn't 
assume it's writing to an RDBMS equipped with the kind of functionality 
that a typical SQL RDBMS would posses. Thus, it needs to have some kind 
of optimistic concurrency mechanism (over HTTP) that leverages the kind 
of grouping that named graphs, rdf relations, and rdf statement 
reification provide.

To conclude, its a good thing that we are now talking about RDF Editors 
and Read-Write Web issues. The silence on this matter, in relation to 
Linked Open Data, has been deafening :)


Kingsley Idehen 
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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-21 Thread Martynas Jusevičius
On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Kingsley  Idehen wrote:
 On 2/20/15 12:04 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

 Not to criticize, but to seek clarity:

 What does the term resources refer to, in your usage context?

 In a world of Relations (this is what RDF is about, fundamentally) its hard
 for me to understand what you mean by grouped by resources. What is the
 resource etc?

Well, RDF stands for Resource Description Framework after all, so
I'll cite its spec:
RDF graphs are sets of subject-predicate-object triples, where the
elements may be IRIs, blank nodes, or datatyped literals. They are
used to express descriptions of resources.

More to the point, RDF serializations often group triples by subject
URI. You can look at such group as a resource which has

   Within a resource block, properties are sorted
 alphabetically by their rdfs:labels retrieved from respective

 How do you handle the integrity of multi-user updates, without killing
 concurrency, using this method of grouping (which in of itself is unclear
 due to the use resources term) ?

 How do you minimize the user interaction space i.e., reduce clutter --
 especially if you have a lot of relations in scope or the possibility that
 such becomes the reality over time?

I don't think concurrent updates I related to resources or specific
to our editor. The Linked Data platform (whatever it is) and its HTTP
logic has to deal with ETags and 409 Conflict etc.

I was wondering if this logic should be part of specifications such as
the Graph Store Protocol:
But I haven't an answer. Maybe it's an oversight on the W3C side?

We scope the description edited either by a) SPARQL query or b) named
graph content.


 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:59 PM, Michael Brunnbauer

 Hello Martynas,

 sorry! You mean this one?

 Nice! Looks like a template but you still may have the triple object
 problem. Do you? If yes, how did you address it?


 Michael Brunnbauer

 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 04:23:14PM +0100, Martynas Jusevi??ius wrote:

 I find it funny that people on this list and semweb lists in general
 like discussing abstractions, ideas, desires, prejudices etc.

 However when a concrete example is shown, which solves the issue
 discussed or at least comes close to that, it receives no response.

 So please continue discussing the ideal RDF environment and its
 potential problems while we continue improving our editor for users
 who manage RDF already now.

 Have a nice weekend everyone!

 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Paul Houle wrote:

 So some thoughts here.

 OWL,  so far as inference is concerned,  is a failure and it is time to
 on.  It is like RDF/XML.

 As a way of documenting types and properties it is tolerable.  If I
 down something in production rules I can generally explain to an
 joe what they mean.  If I try to use OWL it is easy for a few things,
 for a few things,  then there are a few things Kendall Clark can do,
 then there is a lot you just can't do.

 On paper OWL has good scaling properties but in practice production
 win because you can infer the things you care about and not have to
 the large number of trivial or otherwise uninteresting conclusions you
 from OWL.

 As a data integration language OWL points in an interesting direction
 but it
 is insufficient in a number of ways.  For instance,  it can't convert
 types (canonicalize and,
 with trash dates (have you ever seen an enterprise system that didn't
 trash dates?) or convert units.  It also can't reject facts that don't
 matter and so far as both timespace and accuracy you do much easier if
 can cook things down to the smallest correct database.


 The other one is that as Kingsley points out,  the ordered collections
 need some real work to square the circle between the abstract graph
 representation and things that are actually practical.

 I am building an app right now where I call an API and get back chunks
 JSON which I cache,  and the primary scenario is that I look them up by
 primary key and get back something with a 1:1 correspondence to what I
 Being able to do other kind of queries and such is sugar on top,  but
 able to reconstruct an original record,  ordered collections and all,
 is an
 absolute requirement.

 So far my infovore framework based on Hadoop has avoided collections,
 containers and all that because these are not used in DBpedia and
 at least not in the A-Box.  The simple representation that each triple
 is a
 record does not work so well in this case because if I just turn blank
 into UUIDs and spray them across the cluster,  the 

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-21 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/21/15 9:48 AM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Kingsley  Idehen wrote:

On 2/20/15 12:04 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

Not to criticize, but to seek clarity:

What does the term resources refer to, in your usage context?

In a world of Relations (this is what RDF is about, fundamentally) its hard
for me to understand what you mean by grouped by resources. What is the
resource etc?

Well, RDF stands for Resource Description Framework after all, so
I'll cite its spec:
RDF graphs are sets of subject-predicate-object triples, where the
elements may be IRIs, blank nodes, or datatyped literals. They are
used to express descriptions of resources.

More to the point, RDF serializations often group triples by subject

The claim often group triples by subject  isn't consistent with the 
nature of an RDF Relation [1].

A _*predicate*_ is a sentence-forming _*relation*_. Each tuple in the 
relation is a finite, ordered sequence of objects. The fact that a 
particular tuple is an element of a predicate is denoted by 
'(*predicate* arg_1 arg_2 .. arg_n)', where the arg_i are the objects so 
related. In the case of binary predicates, the fact can be read as 
`arg_1 is *predicate* arg_2' or `a *predicate* of arg_1 is arg_2'.)  [1] .

RDF's specs are consistent with what's described above, and inconsistent 
with the subject ordering claims you are making.

RDF statements (which represent relations) have sources such as 
documents which are accessible over a network and/or documents managed 
by some RDBMS e.g., Named Graphs in the case of a SPARQL compliant RDBMS .

In RDF you are always working with a set of tuples (s,p,o 3-tuples 
specifically) grouped by predicate .

Also note, I never used the phrase RDF Graph in any of the sentences 
above, and deliberately so, because that overloaded phrase is yet 
another source of unnecessary confusion.




   Within a resource block, properties are sorted
alphabetically by their rdfs:labels retrieved from respective

How do you handle the integrity of multi-user updates, without killing
concurrency, using this method of grouping (which in of itself is unclear
due to the use resources term) ?

How do you minimize the user interaction space i.e., reduce clutter --
especially if you have a lot of relations in scope or the possibility that
such becomes the reality over time?

I don't think concurrent updates I related to resources or specific
to our editor. The Linked Data platform (whatever it is) and its HTTP
logic has to deal with ETags and 409 Conflict etc.

I was wondering if this logic should be part of specifications such as
the Graph Store Protocol:
But I haven't an answer. Maybe it's an oversight on the W3C side?

We scope the description edited either by a) SPARQL query or b) named
graph content.


On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:59 PM, Michael Brunnbauer

Hello Martynas,

sorry! You mean this one?

Nice! Looks like a template but you still may have the triple object
problem. Do you? If yes, how did you address it?


Michael Brunnbauer

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 04:23:14PM +0100, Martynas Jusevi??ius wrote:

I find it funny that people on this list and semweb lists in general
like discussing abstractions, ideas, desires, prejudices etc.

However when a concrete example is shown, which solves the issue
discussed or at least comes close to that, it receives no response.

So please continue discussing the ideal RDF environment and its
potential problems while we continue improving our editor for users
who manage RDF already now.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Paul Houle wrote:

So some thoughts here.

OWL,  so far as inference is concerned,  is a failure and it is time to
on.  It is like RDF/XML.

As a way of documenting types and properties it is tolerable.  If I
down something in production rules I can generally explain to an
joe what they mean.  If I try to use OWL it is easy for a few things,
for a few things,  then there are a few things Kendall Clark can do,
then there is a lot you just can't do.

On paper OWL has good scaling properties but in practice production
win because you can infer the things you care about and not have to
the large number of trivial or otherwise uninteresting conclusions you
from OWL.

As a data integration language OWL points in an interesting direction
but it
is insufficient in a number of ways.  For instance,  it can't convert
types (canonicalize and,
with trash dates (have you ever seen an enterprise 

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-21 Thread Martynas Jusevičius

I don't need a lecture from you each time you disagree.

Please explain what you think Resource means in Resource
Description Framework.

In any case, I think you know well what I mean.

A grouped RDF/XML output would be smth like this:

rdf:Description rdf:about=http://resource;
  rdf:type rdf:resource=http://type/

How would you call this? I call it a resource description. But the
name does not matter much, the fact is that we use it and it works.

On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 7:01 PM, Kingsley  Idehen wrote:
 On 2/21/15 9:48 AM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Kingsley  Idehen wrote:

 On 2/20/15 12:04 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

 Not to criticize, but to seek clarity:

 What does the term resources refer to, in your usage context?

 In a world of Relations (this is what RDF is about, fundamentally) its hard
 for me to understand what you mean by grouped by resources. What is the
 resource etc?

 Well, RDF stands for Resource Description Framework after all, so
 I'll cite its spec:
 RDF graphs are sets of subject-predicate-object triples, where the
 elements may be IRIs, blank nodes, or datatyped literals. They are
 used to express descriptions of resources.

 More to the point, RDF serializations often group triples by subject

 The claim often group triples by subject  isn't consistent with the nature
 of an RDF Relation [1].

 A predicate is a sentence-forming relation. Each tuple in the relation is a
 finite, ordered sequence of objects. The fact that a particular tuple is an
 element of a predicate is denoted by '(*predicate* arg_1 arg_2 .. arg_n)',
 where the arg_i are the objects so related. In the case of binary
 predicates, the fact can be read as `arg_1 is *predicate* arg_2' or `a
 *predicate* of arg_1 is arg_2'.)  [1] .

 RDF's specs are consistent with what's described above, and inconsistent
 with the subject ordering claims you are making.

 RDF statements (which represent relations) have sources such as documents
 which are accessible over a network and/or documents managed by some RDBMS
 e.g., Named Graphs in the case of a SPARQL compliant RDBMS .

 In RDF you are always working with a set of tuples (s,p,o 3-tuples
 specifically) grouped by predicate .

 Also note, I never used the phrase RDF Graph in any of the sentences
 above, and deliberately so, because that overloaded phrase is yet another
 source of unnecessary confusion.




   Within a resource block, properties are sorted
 alphabetically by their rdfs:labels retrieved from respective

 How do you handle the integrity of multi-user updates, without killing
 concurrency, using this method of grouping (which in of itself is unclear
 due to the use resources term) ?

 How do you minimize the user interaction space i.e., reduce clutter --
 especially if you have a lot of relations in scope or the possibility that
 such becomes the reality over time?

 I don't think concurrent updates I related to resources or specific
 to our editor. The Linked Data platform (whatever it is) and its HTTP
 logic has to deal with ETags and 409 Conflict etc.

 I was wondering if this logic should be part of specifications such as
 the Graph Store Protocol:
 But I haven't an answer. Maybe it's an oversight on the W3C side?

 We scope the description edited either by a) SPARQL query or b) named
 graph content.


 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:59 PM, Michael Brunnbauer

 Hello Martynas,

 sorry! You mean this one?

 Nice! Looks like a template but you still may have the triple object
 problem. Do you? If yes, how did you address it?


 Michael Brunnbauer

 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 04:23:14PM +0100, Martynas Jusevi??ius wrote:

 I find it funny that people on this list and semweb lists in general
 like discussing abstractions, ideas, desires, prejudices etc.

 However when a concrete example is shown, which solves the issue
 discussed or at least comes close to that, it receives no response.

 So please continue discussing the ideal RDF environment and its
 potential problems while we continue improving our editor for users
 who manage RDF already now.

 Have a nice weekend everyone!

 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Paul Houle wrote:

 So some thoughts here.

 OWL,  so far as inference is concerned,  is a failure and it is time to
 on.  It is like RDF/XML.

 As a way of documenting types and properties it is tolerable.  If I
 down something in production rules I can generally explain to an
 joe what they mean.  If I try to 

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-21 Thread Young,Jeff (OR)
You could call it a Concise Bounded Description

RDF is used to describe resources, most of which exist with or with RDF's help. 

 On Feb 21, 2015, at 1:39 PM, Martynas Jusevičius 
 I don't need a lecture from you each time you disagree.
 Please explain what you think Resource means in Resource
 Description Framework.
 In any case, I think you know well what I mean.
 A grouped RDF/XML output would be smth like this:
 rdf:Description rdf:about=http://resource;
  rdf:type rdf:resource=http://type/
 How would you call this? I call it a resource description. But the
 name does not matter much, the fact is that we use it and it works.
 On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 7:01 PM, Kingsley  Idehen wrote:
 On 2/21/15 9:48 AM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Kingsley  Idehen wrote:
 On 2/20/15 12:04 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
 Not to criticize, but to seek clarity:
 What does the term resources refer to, in your usage context?
 In a world of Relations (this is what RDF is about, fundamentally) its hard
 for me to understand what you mean by grouped by resources. What is the
 resource etc?
 Well, RDF stands for Resource Description Framework after all, so
 I'll cite its spec:
 RDF graphs are sets of subject-predicate-object triples, where the
 elements may be IRIs, blank nodes, or datatyped literals. They are
 used to express descriptions of resources.
 More to the point, RDF serializations often group triples by subject
 The claim often group triples by subject  isn't consistent with the nature
 of an RDF Relation [1].
 A predicate is a sentence-forming relation. Each tuple in the relation is a
 finite, ordered sequence of objects. The fact that a particular tuple is an
 element of a predicate is denoted by '(*predicate* arg_1 arg_2 .. arg_n)',
 where the arg_i are the objects so related. In the case of binary
 predicates, the fact can be read as `arg_1 is *predicate* arg_2' or `a
 *predicate* of arg_1 is arg_2'.)  [1] .
 RDF's specs are consistent with what's described above, and inconsistent
 with the subject ordering claims you are making.
 RDF statements (which represent relations) have sources such as documents
 which are accessible over a network and/or documents managed by some RDBMS
 e.g., Named Graphs in the case of a SPARQL compliant RDBMS .
 In RDF you are always working with a set of tuples (s,p,o 3-tuples
 specifically) grouped by predicate .
 Also note, I never used the phrase RDF Graph in any of the sentences
 above, and deliberately so, because that overloaded phrase is yet another
 source of unnecessary confusion.
  Within a resource block, properties are sorted
 alphabetically by their rdfs:labels retrieved from respective
 How do you handle the integrity of multi-user updates, without killing
 concurrency, using this method of grouping (which in of itself is unclear
 due to the use resources term) ?
 How do you minimize the user interaction space i.e., reduce clutter --
 especially if you have a lot of relations in scope or the possibility that
 such becomes the reality over time?
 I don't think concurrent updates I related to resources or specific
 to our editor. The Linked Data platform (whatever it is) and its HTTP
 logic has to deal with ETags and 409 Conflict etc.
 I was wondering if this logic should be part of specifications such as
 the Graph Store Protocol:
 But I haven't an answer. Maybe it's an oversight on the W3C side?
 We scope the description edited either by a) SPARQL query or b) named
 graph content.
 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:59 PM, Michael Brunnbauer
 Hello Martynas,
 sorry! You mean this one?
 Nice! Looks like a template but you still may have the triple object
 problem. Do you? If yes, how did you address it?
 Michael Brunnbauer
 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 04:23:14PM +0100, Martynas Jusevi??ius wrote:
 I find it funny that people on this list and semweb lists in general
 like discussing abstractions, ideas, desires, prejudices etc.
 However when a concrete example is shown, which solves the issue
 discussed or at least comes close to that, it receives no response.
 So please continue discussing the ideal RDF environment and its
 potential problems while we continue improving our editor for users
 who manage RDF already now.
 Have a nice weekend everyone!
 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Paul Houle wrote:

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-21 Thread Martynas Jusevičius
Hey Michael,

the resource description being edited is loaded with a SPARQL query.
The updated description is inserted using SPARQL update.

Although often it is useful to edit and update full content from a
named graph using Graph Store Protocol instead. So view and update
mechanisms are not necessarily symmetrical.

Triple objects also can ordered alphabetically? We use ordering
resources by properties (e.g. container items) a lot, but it is more
relevant in the view case than in the edit case.

Does that answer your question? If not, I'm not exactly sure what kind
of ordering you are referring to, or why it is relevant.

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 8:49 PM, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:

 Hello Martynas,

 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 06:04:49PM +0100, Martynas Jusevi??ius wrote:
 The layout is generated with XSLT from RDF/XML. The triples are
 grouped by resources. Within a resource block, properties are sorted
 alphabetically by their rdfs:labels retrieved from respective

 So the ordering of triple objects cannot be controlled by the user and this
 ordering is not relevant for your use case?


 Michael Brunnbauer

 ++  Michael Brunnbauer
 ++  netEstate GmbH
 ++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
 ++  81379 München
 ++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
 ++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89
 ++  E-Mail
 ++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B München)
 ++  USt-IdNr. DE221033342
 ++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
 ++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-21 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/21/15 2:57 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:


I am fully aware of the distinction between RDF as a data model and
its serializations. That's why I wrote: RDF *serializations* often
group triples by subject URI.

What I tweeted recently was, that despite having concept models and
abstractions in our heads, when pipelining data and writing software
we are dealing with concrete serializations. Am I not right?

Trouble here is that we have a terminology problem. If I disagree with 
you (about terminology), it is presumed I am lecturing.

FWIW -- serialization formats, notations, and languages are not the same 
thing. Unfortunately, all of these subtly distinct items are conflated 
in RDF-land.

So what I mean with it works is that our RDF/POST-based user
interface is simply a generic function of the RDF graph behind it, in
the form of XSLT transforming the RDF/XML serialization.

I commented on concurrency in the previous email, but you haven't
replied to that.

I'll go find that comment, and respond if need be. Otherwise, I would 
rather just make time to use your RDF editing tool and provide specific 
usage feedback, in regards to the issues of concern and interest to me.


On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 8:43 PM, Kingsley  Idehen wrote:

On 2/21/15 1:34 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:


I don't need a lecture from you each time you disagree.

I am not lecturing you. I am trying to make the conversation clearer. Can't
you see that?

Please explain what you think Resource means in Resource
Description Framework.

In any case, I think you know well what I mean.

A grouped RDF/XML output would be smth like this:

rdf:Description rdf:about=http://resource;
rdf:type rdf:resource=http://type/

You spoke about RDF not RDF/XML (as you know, they are not the same thing).
You said or implied RDF datasets are usually organized by subject.

RDF is an abstract Language (system of signs, syntax, and semantics). Thus,
why are you presenting me with an RDF/XML statement notation based response,
when we are debating/discussing the nature of an RDF relation?

Can't you see that the more we speak about RDF in overloaded-form the more
confusing it remains?

RDF isn't a mystery. It doesn't have to be some unsolvable riddle. Sadly,
that's its general perception because we talk about it using common terms in
an overloaded manner.

How would you call this? I call it a resource description.

See my comments above. RDF is a Language. You can create RDF Statements in a
document using a variety of Notations. Thus, when speaking of RDF I am not
thinking about RDF/XML, TURTLE, or any other notation. I am thinking about a
language that systematically leverages signs, syntax, and semantics as a
mechanism for encoding and decoding information [data in some context].

But the
name does not matter much, the fact is that we use it and it works.

Just works in what sense? That's why I asked you questions about how you
catered to integrity and concurrency.

If you have more than one person editing sentences, paragraphs, or a page in
a book, wouldn't you think handling issues such as the activity frequency,
user count, and content volume are important? That's all I was seeking an
insight from you about, in regards to your work.


On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 7:01 PM, Kingsley  Idehen wrote:

On 2/21/15 9:48 AM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Kingsley  Idehen wrote:

On 2/20/15 12:04 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

Not to criticize, but to seek clarity:

What does the term resources refer to, in your usage context?

In a world of Relations (this is what RDF is about, fundamentally) its
for me to understand what you mean by grouped by resources. What is the
resource etc?

Well, RDF stands for Resource Description Framework after all, so
I'll cite its spec:
RDF graphs are sets of subject-predicate-object triples, where the
elements may be IRIs, blank nodes, or datatyped literals. They are
used to express descriptions of resources.

More to the point, RDF serializations often group triples by subject

The claim often group triples by subject  isn't consistent with the
of an RDF Relation [1].

A predicate is a sentence-forming relation. Each tuple in the relation
is a
finite, ordered sequence of objects. The fact that a particular tuple is
element of a predicate is denoted by '(*predicate* arg_1 arg_2 ..
where the arg_i are the objects so related. In the case of binary
predicates, the fact can be read as `arg_1 is *predicate* arg_2' or `a
*predicate* of arg_1 is arg_2'.)  [1] .

RDF's specs are consistent with what's described above, and inconsistent
with the subject ordering claims you are making.

RDF statements (which represent relations) have sources such as documents
which are accessible over 

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-21 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/21/15 1:58 PM, Pat Hayes wrote:

On Feb 21, 2015, at 12:01 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

On 2/21/15 9:48 AM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Kingsley  Idehen

On 2/20/15 12:04 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

Not to criticize, but to seek clarity:

What does the term resources refer to, in your usage context?

In a world of Relations (this is what RDF is about, fundamentally) its hard
for me to understand what you mean by grouped by resources. What is the
resource etc?

Well, RDF stands for Resource Description Framework after all, so
I'll cite its spec:
RDF graphs are sets of subject-predicate-object triples, where the
elements may be IRIs, blank nodes, or datatyped literals. They are
used to express descriptions of resources.

More to the point, RDF serializations often group triples by subject

The claim often group triples by subject  isn't consistent with the nature of 
an RDF Relation [1].

Sure it is.

A predicate is a sentence-forming relation. Each tuple in the relation is a finite, 
ordered sequence of objects. The fact that a particular tuple is an element of a predicate is 
denoted by '(*predicate* arg_1 arg_2 .. arg_n)', where the arg_i are the objects so related. 
In the case of binary predicates, the fact can be read as `arg_1 is *predicate* arg_2' or `a 
*predicate* of arg_1 is arg_2'.)  [1] .

RDF's specs are consistent with what's described above,

Indeed. All the RDF relations are binary, so this is overkill, but...

and inconsistent with the subject ordering claims you are making.

Not in the least.


There is no implicit ordering in RDF.

The claim RDF serializations often group triples by subject URI is 
close to inferring a common practice ordering, when such isn't specified.

An application, e.g., the kind that's created this thread (i.e., an RDF 
Editor) could decide to order RDF statements by Subject, but it has 
implications. The very editor we will soon be releasing offers that kind 
of ordering, but not as the sole option.

At the start of this RDF Editor thread, I tried to bring a specific 
metaphor (Book [RDF Source], Pages [Named Graphs], Paragraphs [RDF 
Statements grouped by Predicate], and Sentences [RDF Statements]) into 
scope so that we had a simple basis for understanding issues that arise 
in a multi-user editor -- where operation atomicity is important, 
without totally killing concurrency.

As we already know from RDBMS experience in general, an RDF Editor (a 
client to a store) needs to be able to leverage optimistic concurrency, 
which may not actually match the UI/UX interaction experience of the 
user i.e., they see one thing, but at actual data persistence time 
something else is happening in regards to the actual atomic units that 
are subject to comparison with the original RDF source prior to actual 

RDF Editors are not a trivial matter, which is why after 14+ years we 
only beginning to attend to this issue as a matter of course re., the 
broader Linked Open Data cloud.

RDF triples can be organized in any way that suits the user, including by 
common subject if that is thought to be useful or intuitive.

Sets of RDF 3-tuples can be *ordered* in an app UI/UX as the developer 
sees fit, again there's no golden rule (including approaches that 
produce unusable apps that struggle with integrity and concurrency as 
data size and concurrent users increase) .

RDF 3-tuples are organized in line with RDF syntax rules. Assuming 
organize implies how an RDF 3-tuple (triple) is arranged, hence the 
subject-predicate-object structure.

  The RDF spec says nothing about how triples are to be ordered or organized.

I never said or implied it did. I simply referred to the nature of an 
RDF relation. Basically, what rdf:Property is about.

  RDF/XML syntax assumes a by-subject organization and so provides 
abbreviations which only work for that.

You know this already, but I just have to reply to your comment (we have 
an audience): RDF/XML != RDF :)

I wasn't replying to a question about RDF/XML, and I don't believe 
(circa. 2015) that RDF datasets are typically in RDF/XML form. That's 
not what I see these days, and I work with a lot of RDF data (not a 
secret to you or anyone else).

RDF statements (which represent relations) have sources such as documents which 
are accessible over a network and/or documents managed by some RDBMS e.g., 
Named Graphs in the case of a SPARQL compliant RDBMS .

In RDF you are always working with a set of tuples (s,p,o 3-tuples specifically)

yes, but

grouped by predicate .

Not necessarily. They can be grouped any way you like.

Yes, they can be grouped in an application, however the developer 
chooses, but that isn't what I was refuting or even concerned about.

My real concern boils down to an RDF Editor that can work against big or 
large RDF data sources without ignoring fundamental 

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-21 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/21/15 1:34 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:


I don't need a lecture from you each time you disagree.

I am not lecturing you. I am trying to make the conversation clearer. 
Can't you see that?

Please explain what you think Resource means in Resource
Description Framework.

In any case, I think you know well what I mean.

A grouped RDF/XML output would be smth like this:

rdf:Description rdf:about=http://resource;
   rdf:type rdf:resource=http://type/

You spoke about RDF not RDF/XML (as you know, they are not the same 
thing). You said or implied RDF datasets are usually organized by 

RDF is an abstract Language (system of signs, syntax, and semantics). 
Thus, why are you presenting me with an RDF/XML statement notation based 
response, when we are debating/discussing the nature of an RDF relation?

Can't you see that the more we speak about RDF in overloaded-form the 
more confusing it remains?

RDF isn't a mystery. It doesn't have to be some unsolvable riddle. 
Sadly, that's its general perception because we talk about it using 
common terms in an overloaded manner.

How would you call this? I call it a resource description.

See my comments above. RDF is a Language. You can create RDF Statements 
in a document using a variety of Notations. Thus, when speaking of RDF I 
am not thinking about RDF/XML, TURTLE, or any other notation. I am 
thinking about a language that systematically leverages signs, syntax, 
and semantics as a mechanism for encoding and decoding information [data 
in some context].

But the
name does not matter much, the fact is that we use it and it works.

Just works in what sense? That's why I asked you questions about how you 
catered to integrity and concurrency.

If you have more than one person editing sentences, paragraphs, or a 
page in a book, wouldn't you think handling issues such as the activity 
frequency, user count, and content volume are important? That's all I 
was seeking an insight from you about, in regards to your work.


On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 7:01 PM, Kingsley  Idehen wrote:

On 2/21/15 9:48 AM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Kingsley  Idehen wrote:

On 2/20/15 12:04 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

Not to criticize, but to seek clarity:

What does the term resources refer to, in your usage context?

In a world of Relations (this is what RDF is about, fundamentally) its hard
for me to understand what you mean by grouped by resources. What is the
resource etc?

Well, RDF stands for Resource Description Framework after all, so
I'll cite its spec:
RDF graphs are sets of subject-predicate-object triples, where the
elements may be IRIs, blank nodes, or datatyped literals. They are
used to express descriptions of resources.

More to the point, RDF serializations often group triples by subject

The claim often group triples by subject  isn't consistent with the nature
of an RDF Relation [1].

A predicate is a sentence-forming relation. Each tuple in the relation is a
finite, ordered sequence of objects. The fact that a particular tuple is an
element of a predicate is denoted by '(*predicate* arg_1 arg_2 .. arg_n)',
where the arg_i are the objects so related. In the case of binary
predicates, the fact can be read as `arg_1 is *predicate* arg_2' or `a
*predicate* of arg_1 is arg_2'.)  [1] .

RDF's specs are consistent with what's described above, and inconsistent
with the subject ordering claims you are making.

RDF statements (which represent relations) have sources such as documents
which are accessible over a network and/or documents managed by some RDBMS
e.g., Named Graphs in the case of a SPARQL compliant RDBMS .

In RDF you are always working with a set of tuples (s,p,o 3-tuples
specifically) grouped by predicate .

Also note, I never used the phrase RDF Graph in any of the sentences
above, and deliberately so, because that overloaded phrase is yet another
source of unnecessary confusion.




   Within a resource block, properties are sorted
alphabetically by their rdfs:labels retrieved from respective

How do you handle the integrity of multi-user updates, without killing
concurrency, using this method of grouping (which in of itself is unclear
due to the use resources term) ?

How do you minimize the user interaction space i.e., reduce clutter --
especially if you have a lot of relations in scope or the possibility that
such becomes the reality over time?

I don't think concurrent updates I related to resources or specific
to our editor. The Linked Data platform (whatever it is) and its HTTP
logic has to deal with ETags and 409 Conflict etc.

I was wondering if this logic should be part of specifications such as
the Graph 

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-21 Thread Martynas Jusevičius

I am fully aware of the distinction between RDF as a data model and
its serializations. That's why I wrote: RDF *serializations* often
group triples by subject URI.

What I tweeted recently was, that despite having concept models and
abstractions in our heads, when pipelining data and writing software
we are dealing with concrete serializations. Am I not right?

So what I mean with it works is that our RDF/POST-based user
interface is simply a generic function of the RDF graph behind it, in
the form of XSLT transforming the RDF/XML serialization.

I commented on concurrency in the previous email, but you haven't
replied to that.

On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 8:43 PM, Kingsley  Idehen wrote:
 On 2/21/15 1:34 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:


 I don't need a lecture from you each time you disagree.

 I am not lecturing you. I am trying to make the conversation clearer. Can't
 you see that?

 Please explain what you think Resource means in Resource
 Description Framework.

 In any case, I think you know well what I mean.

 A grouped RDF/XML output would be smth like this:

 rdf:Description rdf:about=http://resource;
rdf:type rdf:resource=http://type/

 You spoke about RDF not RDF/XML (as you know, they are not the same thing).
 You said or implied RDF datasets are usually organized by subject.

 RDF is an abstract Language (system of signs, syntax, and semantics). Thus,
 why are you presenting me with an RDF/XML statement notation based response,
 when we are debating/discussing the nature of an RDF relation?

 Can't you see that the more we speak about RDF in overloaded-form the more
 confusing it remains?

 RDF isn't a mystery. It doesn't have to be some unsolvable riddle. Sadly,
 that's its general perception because we talk about it using common terms in
 an overloaded manner.

 How would you call this? I call it a resource description.

 See my comments above. RDF is a Language. You can create RDF Statements in a
 document using a variety of Notations. Thus, when speaking of RDF I am not
 thinking about RDF/XML, TURTLE, or any other notation. I am thinking about a
 language that systematically leverages signs, syntax, and semantics as a
 mechanism for encoding and decoding information [data in some context].

 But the
 name does not matter much, the fact is that we use it and it works.

 Just works in what sense? That's why I asked you questions about how you
 catered to integrity and concurrency.

 If you have more than one person editing sentences, paragraphs, or a page in
 a book, wouldn't you think handling issues such as the activity frequency,
 user count, and content volume are important? That's all I was seeking an
 insight from you about, in regards to your work.


 On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 7:01 PM, Kingsley  Idehen wrote:

 On 2/21/15 9:48 AM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Kingsley  Idehen wrote:

 On 2/20/15 12:04 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

 Not to criticize, but to seek clarity:

 What does the term resources refer to, in your usage context?

 In a world of Relations (this is what RDF is about, fundamentally) its
 for me to understand what you mean by grouped by resources. What is the
 resource etc?

 Well, RDF stands for Resource Description Framework after all, so
 I'll cite its spec:
 RDF graphs are sets of subject-predicate-object triples, where the
 elements may be IRIs, blank nodes, or datatyped literals. They are
 used to express descriptions of resources.

 More to the point, RDF serializations often group triples by subject

 The claim often group triples by subject  isn't consistent with the
 of an RDF Relation [1].

 A predicate is a sentence-forming relation. Each tuple in the relation
 is a
 finite, ordered sequence of objects. The fact that a particular tuple is
 element of a predicate is denoted by '(*predicate* arg_1 arg_2 ..
 where the arg_i are the objects so related. In the case of binary
 predicates, the fact can be read as `arg_1 is *predicate* arg_2' or `a
 *predicate* of arg_1 is arg_2'.)  [1] .

 RDF's specs are consistent with what's described above, and inconsistent
 with the subject ordering claims you are making.

 RDF statements (which represent relations) have sources such as documents
 which are accessible over a network and/or documents managed by some
 e.g., Named Graphs in the case of a SPARQL compliant RDBMS .

 In RDF you are always working with a set of tuples (s,p,o 3-tuples
 specifically) grouped by predicate .

 Also note, I never used the phrase RDF Graph in any of the sentences
 above, and deliberately so, because that overloaded phrase is yet another
 source of unnecessary confusion.




Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-21 Thread Pat Hayes

On Feb 21, 2015, at 12:01 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

 On 2/21/15 9:48 AM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Kingsley  Idehen
 On 2/20/15 12:04 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
 Not to criticize, but to seek clarity:
 What does the term resources refer to, in your usage context?
 In a world of Relations (this is what RDF is about, fundamentally) its hard
 for me to understand what you mean by grouped by resources. What is the
 resource etc?
 Well, RDF stands for Resource Description Framework after all, so
 I'll cite its spec:
 RDF graphs are sets of subject-predicate-object triples, where the
 elements may be IRIs, blank nodes, or datatyped literals. They are
 used to express descriptions of resources.
 More to the point, RDF serializations often group triples by subject
 The claim often group triples by subject  isn't consistent with the nature 
 of an RDF Relation [1].

Sure it is. 
 A predicate is a sentence-forming relation. Each tuple in the relation is a 
 finite, ordered sequence of objects. The fact that a particular tuple is an 
 element of a predicate is denoted by '(*predicate* arg_1 arg_2 .. arg_n)', 
 where the arg_i are the objects so related. In the case of binary predicates, 
 the fact can be read as `arg_1 is *predicate* arg_2' or `a *predicate* of 
 arg_1 is arg_2'.)  [1] .
 RDF's specs are consistent with what's described above,

Indeed. All the RDF relations are binary, so this is overkill, but...

 and inconsistent with the subject ordering claims you are making. 

Not in the least. RDF triples can be organized in any way that suits the user, 
including by common subject if that is thought to be useful or intuitive. The 
RDF spec says nothing about how triples are to be ordered or organized. RDF/XML 
syntax assumes a by-subject organization and so provides abbreviations which 
only work for that.

 RDF statements (which represent relations) have sources such as documents 
 which are accessible over a network and/or documents managed by some 
 RDBMS e.g., Named Graphs in the case of a SPARQL compliant RDBMS .
 In RDF you are always working with a set of tuples (s,p,o 3-tuples 

yes, but

 grouped by predicate .

Not necessarily. They can be grouped any way you like. 


 Also note, I never used the phrase RDF Graph in any of the sentences above, 
 and deliberately so, because that overloaded phrase is yet another source of 
 unnecessary confusion. 
   Within a resource block, properties are sorted
 alphabetically by their rdfs:labels retrieved from respective
 How do you handle the integrity of multi-user updates, without killing
 concurrency, using this method of grouping (which in of itself is unclear
 due to the use resources term) ?
 How do you minimize the user interaction space i.e., reduce clutter --
 especially if you have a lot of relations in scope or the possibility that
 such becomes the reality over time?
 I don't think concurrent updates I related to resources or specific
 to our editor. The Linked Data platform (whatever it is) and its HTTP
 logic has to deal with ETags and 409 Conflict etc.
 I was wondering if this logic should be part of specifications such as
 the Graph Store Protocol:
 But I haven't an answer. Maybe it's an oversight on the W3C side?
 We scope the description edited either by a) SPARQL query or b) named
 graph content.
 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:59 PM, Michael Brunnbauer
 Hello Martynas,
 sorry! You mean this one?
 Nice! Looks like a template but you still may have the triple object
 problem. Do you? If yes, how did you address it?
 Michael Brunnbauer
 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 04:23:14PM +0100, Martynas Jusevi??ius wrote:
 I find it funny that people on this list and semweb lists in general
 like discussing abstractions, ideas, desires, prejudices etc.
 However when a concrete example is shown, which solves the issue
 discussed or at least comes close to that, it receives no response.
 So please continue discussing the ideal RDF environment and its
 potential problems while we continue improving our editor for users
 who manage RDF already now.
 Have a nice weekend everyone!
 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Paul Houle
 So some thoughts here.
 OWL,  so far as inference is concerned,  is a failure and it is time to
 on.  It is like RDF/XML.
 As a way of documenting types and properties it is tolerable.  If I
 down something in production rules I can generally explain to an

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-21 Thread Christoph Pinkel
Hello Paul,

I wouldn’t go as far as saying that OWL is a complete failure, but agree to 
most of those thoughts, especially:

 As a way of documenting types and properties it is tolerable.  If I write 
 down something in production rules I can generally explain to an average 
 joe what they mean.

 you can infer the things you care about and not have to generate the large 
 number of trivial or otherwise uninteresting conclusions you get from OWL.
What needs to be added here is that, in practice, you often even get unexpected 
and unwanted facts from OWL reasoning that might effectively break your 
database applications — especially if you are one of those average joes.

 As a data integration language OWL points in an interesting direction
Again, +1. More than just interesting, it can even be an extremely valuable 
asset. And the other things you mention are in fact not addressed in OWL but 
could be solved in combination with other tools.


Going back to your original problem (first e-mail and Einstein example), you 
could in principle also use our Information Workbench [1]. It can connect to 
any SPARQL endoint (although a Sesame repository is the preferred method). The 
built-in interface for each URI looks like this one [2]. Note, that the 
interface is editable, including adding/removing/changing triples, though only 
for authenticated users (so it doesn’t show in the example). In addition, you 
could use templates to add better customized views/forms for certain types.


Christoph Pinkel
Research  Development Engineer
T +49 6227 3580 87 – 50
fluid Operations AG | Altrottstrasse 31 | 69190 Walldorf | Germany |
fluidOps – Semantifying Business
Executive Board Dr. Andreas Eberhart, Dr. Stefan Kraus, Dr. Ulrich Walther | 
Supervisory Board Wolf Herzberger *, Prof. Dr. Andreas Reuter, Udo Tschira | 
Register Court Mannheim, HRB 709796 | VAT-No. DE258759786 
* Chairman
This e-mail may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are 
not the intended recipient (or have received this e-mail in error) please 
notify the sender immediately and destroy this e-mail. Any unauthorized 
copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this e-mail is strictly 

 On 20 Feb 2015, at 16:09, Paul Houle wrote:
 So some thoughts here.
 OWL,  so far as inference is concerned,  is a failure and it is time to move 
 on.  It is like RDF/XML.
 As a way of documenting types and properties it is tolerable.  If I write 
 down something in production rules I can generally explain to an average 
 joe what they mean.  If I try to use OWL it is easy for a few things,  hard 
 for a few things,  then there are a few things Kendall Clark can do,  and 
 then there is a lot you just can't do.
 On paper OWL has good scaling properties but in practice production rules win 
 because you can infer the things you care about and not have to generate the 
 large number of trivial or otherwise uninteresting conclusions you get from 
 As a data integration language OWL points in an interesting direction but it 
 is insufficient in a number of ways.  For instance,  it can't convert data 
 types (canonicalize and,  deal with trash dates (have 
 you ever seen an enterprise system that didn't have trash dates?) or convert 
 units.  It also can't reject facts that don't matter and so far as both 
 timespace and accuracy you do much easier if you can cook things down to the 
 smallest correct database.
 The other one is that as Kingsley points out,  the ordered collections do 
 need some real work to square the circle between the abstract graph 
 representation and things that are actually practical.
 I am building an app right now where I call an API and get back chunks of 
 JSON which I cache,  and the primary scenario is that I look them up by 
 primary key and get back something with a 1:1 correspondence to what I got.  
 Being able to do other kind of queries and such is sugar on top,  but being 
 able to reconstruct an original record,  ordered collections and all,  is an 
 absolute requirement.
 So far my infovore framework based on Hadoop has avoided collections,  
 containers and all that because these are not used in DBpedia and Freebase,  
 at least not in the A-Box.  The simple representation that each triple is a 
 record does not work so well in this case because if I just turn blank nodes 
 into UUIDs and spray them across the cluster,  the act of reconstituting a 
 container would require an unbounded number of passes,  which is no fun at 
 all with Hadoop.  (At first I though the # of passes was 

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-21 Thread Michael Brunnbauer

Hello Stian,

I admit that what you sketch here is better than what I have sketched with
named graphs. But it seems to require a very sophisticated editor or a
very sophisticated user. I was talking about an editor where the user can
add triples with arbitrary properties.

So I would prefer the solution with named graphs that can be implemented
easily. Yes, the additional information will be very vague without context
but it will at least be there.


Michael Brunnbauer

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 09:53:05PM +, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote:
 Sorry, now I forgot my strawman! Too late on a Friday..
 So say the user of an triple-order-preserving UI says:
 document prov:wasAttributedTo :alice, :charlie, :bob.
 .. And consider the order important because Bob didn't contribute as much
 to the document as Alice and Charlie.
 In that case the above statements is not detailed enough and some new
 property or resource is needed to represent this distinction in RDF.
 Here I would think OWL fear combined with desire to reuse existing
 vocabularies mean that you don't get specific enough. Its OK to state the
 same relation with two different properties, and even better to make a new
 sub property that explains the combination.
 In the strawman, using more specific properties like pav:authoredBy and
 prov:wasInfluencedBy would clarify the distinction much more than an
 ordered list with an unspecified order criteria.
 In other cases the property is really giving a shortcut, say;
 meeting :attendedBy :john, :alice, :charlie .
 ..And the user is also encoding arrival time at the meeting by the list
 But this is using :attendesBy to describe both who were there, and when
 they arrived. In this case, the event of arriving could better be modelled
 separately with a partial ordering.
 If you don't like double housekeeping (most programmers know the pitfalls
 here), then using OWL or inference rules  you can also infer attendance
 from the arrival events.

++  Michael Brunnbauer
++  netEstate GmbH
++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
++  81379 München
++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89 
++  E-Mail
++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B München)
++  USt-IdNr. DE221033342
++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel

Description: PGP signature

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Michael Brunnbauer

Hello Stian,

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 09:54:33AM +, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote:
 So if you tell the user his information is just RDF, but neglect to mention
 and then some, he could wrongfully think that his list of say preferred
 president has its order preserved in any exposed RDF.

Then tell the user his information is just a RDF dataset.

 My apologies, I got the impression there was a suggestion to control
 ordering of triples without making any collection statements.

I would suggest to do that with named graphs. We are talking about a generic
triple editor and IMO most properties are not compatible with collections.

Of course, there would also be a default graph mode in the editor that does
not use named graphs and does not support ordering.

  Don't let the user encode information he considers important in a way
 that is not preserved semantically.

Named graphs can be queried via SPARQL. You can query the default (union)
graph where this information would be lost or the named graphs where it is
preserved semantically and publicly accessible.


Michael Brunnbauer

++  Michael Brunnbauer
++  netEstate GmbH
++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
++  81379 München
++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89 
++  E-Mail
++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B München)
++  USt-IdNr. DE221033342
++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel

Description: PGP signature

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Michael Brunnbauer

Hello Paul,

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 09:19:06PM +0100, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
  Another case is where there really is a total ordering.  For instance,  the
  authors of a scientific paper might get excited if you list them in the
  wrong order.  One weird old trick for this is RDF containers,  which are
  specified in the XMP dialect of Dublin Core
 How do you bring this in line with property rdfs:range datatype, 
 property rdfs:range rdf:langString? I do not see a contradiction but this
 makes things quite ugly.
 How about all the SPARQL queries that assume a literal as object and not a RDF

Another simpler example would be property rdfs:range foaf:Person. says that Something is a Person if it
is a person. How can an RDF container of several persons be a person?

If one can put a container where a container is not explicitly sanctioned by 
the semantics of the property, then I have missed something important.


Michael Brunnbauer

++  Michael Brunnbauer
++  netEstate GmbH
++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
++  81379 München
++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89 
++  E-Mail
++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B München)
++  USt-IdNr. DE221033342
++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel

Description: PGP signature

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
On 19 Feb 2015 21:42, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

 No, this is dangerous and is hiding the truth.

(Just to clarify my view, obviously you know this :) )

That RDF Triples are not ordered in an RDF Graph. They might be ordered in
something else, but that is not part of the RDF graph. (Reification
statements can easily also become something else)

So if you tell the user his information is just RDF, but neglect to mention
and then some, he could wrongfully think that his list of say preferred
president has its order preserved in any exposed RDF.

If you don't tell him it is RDF (this is now the trend of Linked Data
movement..), fine! It's just a technology - he doesn't need to know.

 You can describe collections using RDF statements, I don't have any idea
how what I am talking about implies collection exclusion.

My apologies, I got the impression there was a suggestion to control
ordering of triples without making any collection statements.

 Don't let the user encode information he considers important in a way
that is not preserved semantically.

I simply meant to not store such information out of band, e.g. by virtue of
triple order or comments in a Turtle file, or by magic extra bits in some
database that don't transfer along to other consumers of the produced RDF.

It should be fine to store view-metadata out of bands (e.g. which field
was last updated) - but if it has a conceptual meaning to the user I think
it should also have meaning in the RDF and the vocabularies used.

If you are able to transparently do the right thing semantically, then

 Why do you think we've built an RDF editor without factoring in OWL?

Many people are still allergic to OWL :-(

And also I am still eager to actually see what you are talking about rather
than guessing! :-)

 I think we are better off waiting until we release our RDF Editor. We
actually built this on the request of a vary large customer. This isn't a
speculative endeavor. It's actually being used by said organization as I

Looking forward to have a go. Great that you will open source it!

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
Sorry, now I forgot my strawman! Too late on a Friday..

So say the user of an triple-order-preserving UI says:

document prov:wasAttributedTo :alice, :charlie, :bob.

.. And consider the order important because Bob didn't contribute as much
to the document as Alice and Charlie.

In that case the above statements is not detailed enough and some new
property or resource is needed to represent this distinction in RDF.

Here I would think OWL fear combined with desire to reuse existing
vocabularies mean that you don't get specific enough. Its OK to state the
same relation with two different properties, and even better to make a new
sub property that explains the combination.

In the strawman, using more specific properties like pav:authoredBy and
prov:wasInfluencedBy would clarify the distinction much more than an
ordered list with an unspecified order criteria.

In other cases the property is really giving a shortcut, say;

meeting :attendedBy :john, :alice, :charlie .

..And the user is also encoding arrival time at the meeting by the list

But this is using :attendesBy to describe both who were there, and when
they arrived. In this case, the event of arriving could better be modelled
separately with a partial ordering.

If you don't like double housekeeping (most programmers know the pitfalls
here), then using OWL or inference rules  you can also infer attendance
from the arrival events.

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/20/15 1:19 PM, Graham Klyne wrote:

Hi Stian,

Thanks for the mention :)

Graham Klyne's Annalist is perhaps not quite what you are thinking of
(I don't think it can connect to an arbitrary SPARQL endpoint), but I
would consider it as falling under a similar category, as you have a
user interface to define record types and forms, browse and edit
records, with views defined for different record types. Under the
surface it is however all RDF and REST - so you are making a schema by

Annalist is still in its prototype phase, but it's available to play 
with if anyone wants to try stuff.  See also for source.  There's also a 
Dockerized version.

It's true that Annalist does not currently connect to a SPARQL 
endpoint, but have recently been doing some RDF data wrangling and 
starting to think about how to connect to public RDF (e.g. is a first attempt 
at creating an editable version of some music data from your colleague 
Sean).  In this case, the record types and views have been created 
automatically from the raw data, and are pretty basic - but that 
automatic extraction can serve as a starting point for subsequent 
editing.  (The reverse of this, creating an actual schema from the 
defined types and views, is an exercise for the future, or maybe even 
for a reader :) )

Internally, the underlying data access is isolated in a single module, 
intended to facilitate connecting to alternative backends, which could 
be via SPARQL access.  (I'd also like to connect up with the linked 
data fragments work at some stage.)

If this looks like something that could be useful to anyone out there, 
about now might be a good time to offer feedback.  Once I have what I 
feel is a minimum viable product release, hopefully not too long now, 
I'm hoping to use feedback and collaborations to prioritize ongoing 


It is very good and useful, in my eyes!

My enhancement requests would be that you consider supporting of at 
least one of the following, in regards to storage I/O:

1. LDP
2. WebDAV
3. SPARQL Graph Protocol
4. SPARQL 1.1 Insert, Update, Delete.

As for Access Controls on the target storage destinations, don't worry 
about that in the RDF editor itself, leave that to the storage provider 
[1] that supports any combination of the protocols above.


-- Loosely-Coupled Read-Write Web pattern example.


Kingsley Idehen 
Founder  CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web:
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Twitter Profile:
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Personal WebID:

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
This is what I meant in my earlier message when touching on collection.

If the order of the resources (let's stick with foaf:Person) matter, then
the property used should not have a range of (only) foaf:Person.

So say

One problem is that say in OWL you don't really have an easy way to type
collections, e.g. ListPerson in Java.

The rdf:List is integrated in multiple serializations, but has had issues
with queries (sparql property paths help) and usage in OWL, where you
easily get moanings about rdf: namespace being special.

In OWL collections like co: you can use OWL restrictions to type collection
members, but this does push OWL into AI land as mentioned earlier - OWL
is not a schema language.

When we made prov:Collection it was meant as a genetic upper type of a
collection entity that could be used in-place of its members entities.

In the discussion for this, statements about a Collection, say

policy prov:wasAttributedTo :theBoard .
:theBoard a prov:Collection, prov:Agent ;
  prov:hadMember :alice, :bob, :charlie .

Then you still can't conclude that:
policy prov:wasAttributedTo :bob .

as he might or might not have contributed to the policy document whilst on
the board, but still is part-responsible for its creation (e.g. he didn't
veto it).

In the extension PROV Dictionary we agreed that order within a collection
was often important, and that arbitrary literal keys as commonly used in
JSON maps can have a meaning, even if just programmatic and not
semantically detailed.

A List can be just a dictionary using nonnegative integers as their keys.
(But you would have no EndOfList markers or guarantee that all keys were

You see the dictionary entries are here typed as prov:KeyValuePair, which
imply that the value is a member of the collection.

This is very similar to how CO has done inference between hasElement and
the property chain has item - hasElementContent using just OWL.

One great advantage of CO collections is that they can easily be subclassed
and typed by restrictions, e.g.

  hasElement only foaf:Person

Such collections can then be used as the range of a property in Union with

On 20 Feb 2015 19:32, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:

 Hello Pat,

 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 11:45:12AM -0600, Pat Hayes wrote:
   Another simpler example would be property rdfs:range foaf:Person. says that Something is a
Person if it
   is a person. How can an RDF container of several persons be a person?
  According the US Supreme Court a corporation is a person, so I would
guess that a mere container would have no trouble geting past the censors.

 I am seriously interested in your position on the topic.

 Do you say that anything goes as long as it stays satisfiable?

 Should I assume that some property applying to some container/collection
 applies to its members (which seems to be the implicit assumption here)?
 Should I modify my SPARQL queries accordingly?

 Let me play the censor a bit more :-)

 Let's admit that Dan also means legal person with person. But not every
 group of individuals acting together is a legal person. The example here
 a group of people co-authoring a paper. Also, the notion that foaf:Group
is a
 subclass of foaf:Person does not make any sense to me. Why then introduce
 foaf:Group at all?


 Michael Brunnbauer

 ++  Michael Brunnbauer
 ++  netEstate GmbH
 ++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
 ++  81379 München
 ++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
 ++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89
 ++  E-Mail
 ++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B München)
 ++  USt-IdNr. DE221033342
 ++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
 ++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Gannon Dick
If you don't like double housekeeping (most programmers know the pitfalls 
here), then using OWL or inference rules  you can also infer attendance from 
the arrival events.

Are most programmers who work for the Human Resources Department ignorant or 
just really scary ?
It's Friday.  Get thee to beer.  Quickly.

On Fri, 2/20/15, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote:

 Subject: Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?
 To: Michael Brunnbauer
 Cc:, Pat Hayes
 Date: Friday, February 20, 2015, 3:53 PM
 Sorry, now I
 forgot my strawman! Too late on a Friday..
 So say the user of an triple-order-preserving
 UI says:
 document prov:wasAttributedTo :alice,
 :charlie, :bob.
 .. And consider the order important because Bob
 didn't contribute as much to the document as Alice and
 In that case the above statements is not
 detailed enough and some new property or resource is needed
 to represent this distinction in RDF.
 Here I would think OWL fear combined with
 desire to reuse existing vocabularies mean that you
 don't get specific enough. Its OK to state the same
 relation with two different properties, and even better to
 make a new sub property that explains the combination.
 In the strawman, using more specific properties
 like pav:authoredBy and prov:wasInfluencedBy would clarify
 the distinction much more than an ordered list with an
 unspecified order criteria.
 In other cases the property is really giving a
 shortcut, say;
 meeting :attendedBy :john, :alice,
 :charlie .
 ..And the user is also encoding arrival time at
 the meeting by the list order. 
 But this is using :attendesBy to describe both
 who were there, and when they arrived. In this case, the
 event of arriving could better be modelled separately with a
 partial ordering.
 If you don't like double housekeeping (most
 programmers know the pitfalls here), then using OWL or
 inference rules  you can also infer attendance from the
 arrival events. 

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Martynas Jusevičius
I find it funny that people on this list and semweb lists in general
like discussing abstractions, ideas, desires, prejudices etc.

However when a concrete example is shown, which solves the issue
discussed or at least comes close to that, it receives no response.

So please continue discussing the ideal RDF environment and its
potential problems while we continue improving our editor for users
who manage RDF already now.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Paul Houle wrote:
 So some thoughts here.

 OWL,  so far as inference is concerned,  is a failure and it is time to move
 on.  It is like RDF/XML.

 As a way of documenting types and properties it is tolerable.  If I write
 down something in production rules I can generally explain to an average
 joe what they mean.  If I try to use OWL it is easy for a few things,  hard
 for a few things,  then there are a few things Kendall Clark can do,  and
 then there is a lot you just can't do.

 On paper OWL has good scaling properties but in practice production rules
 win because you can infer the things you care about and not have to generate
 the large number of trivial or otherwise uninteresting conclusions you get
 from OWL.

 As a data integration language OWL points in an interesting direction but it
 is insufficient in a number of ways.  For instance,  it can't convert data
 types (canonicalize and,  deal
 with trash dates (have you ever seen an enterprise system that didn't have
 trash dates?) or convert units.  It also can't reject facts that don't
 matter and so far as both timespace and accuracy you do much easier if you
 can cook things down to the smallest correct database.


 The other one is that as Kingsley points out,  the ordered collections do
 need some real work to square the circle between the abstract graph
 representation and things that are actually practical.

 I am building an app right now where I call an API and get back chunks of
 JSON which I cache,  and the primary scenario is that I look them up by
 primary key and get back something with a 1:1 correspondence to what I got.
 Being able to do other kind of queries and such is sugar on top,  but being
 able to reconstruct an original record,  ordered collections and all,  is an
 absolute requirement.

 So far my infovore framework based on Hadoop has avoided collections,
 containers and all that because these are not used in DBpedia and Freebase,
 at least not in the A-Box.  The simple representation that each triple is a
 record does not work so well in this case because if I just turn blank nodes
 into UUIDs and spray them across the cluster,  the act of reconstituting a
 container would require an unbounded number of passes,  which is no fun at
 all with Hadoop.  (At first I though the # of passes was the same as the
 length of the largest collection but now that I think about it I think I can
 do better than that)  I don't feel so bad about most recursive structures
 because I don't think they will get that deep but I think LISP-Lists are
 evil at least when it comes to external memory and modern memory

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/20/15 4:54 AM, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote:

On 19 Feb 2015 21:42, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

 No, this is dangerous and is hiding the truth.

(Just to clarify my view, obviously you know this :) )

That RDF Triples are not ordered in an RDF Graph.


They might be ordered in something else, but that is not part of the 
RDF graph.

You can produce an order using:

select * where {graph named-graph-iri {?s ?p ?o}}
order by ?p

offset and limit can be used to create a paging mechanism, if required. 
Subqueries can be used for further optimize when the named graph is very 
large etc.

This UI would be for the user to alter relation subjects or objects. 
Predicate alternation isn't an option in this UI. Basically, the user it 
focused on relationship entities for a specific relationship type.

(Reification statements can easily also become something else)

UI leveraging Reification:

This provides an ability to let the user interact with a collection of 
statements in a UI where subject, predicate, and objects can be altered. 
Basically, they have a UX oriented towards sentence editing.

So if you tell the user his information is just RDF, but neglect to 
mention and then some, he could wrongfully think that his list of 
say preferred president has its order preserved in any exposed RDF.

Not the intent here at all.

If you don't tell him it is RDF (this is now the trend of Linked Data 
movement..), fine! It's just a technology - he doesn't need to know.

In our case we are showcasing RDF as Language, and using the UI/UX to 
bolster that point of view, using different UI/UX patterns to address 
the different ways a user can create or alter relations.

 You can describe collections using RDF statements, I don't have any 
idea how what I am talking about implies collection exclusion.

My apologies, I got the impression there was a suggestion to control 
ordering of triples without making any collection statements.

An RDF editor has to allow users create any kind of relation that's 
possible in the RDF Language.

 Don't let the user encode information he considers important in a 
way that is not preserved semantically.


I simply meant to not store such information out of band, e.g. by 
virtue of triple order or comments in a Turtle file, or by magic 
extra bits in some database that don't transfer along to other 
consumers of the produced RDF.

Okay, we don't do that. In fact, exposing relations as groups of rdf 
statements grouped by predicate enables clients lever optimistic 
concurrency patterns since they can make hash based checksums on the 
predicate based grouping that are tested prior to final persistence on 
the target store (SPARQL, WebDAV, LDP compliant).

It should be fine to store view-metadata out of bands (e.g. which 
field was last updated) - but if it has a conceptual meaning to the 
user I think it should also have meaning in the RDF and the 
vocabularies used.

We have a View that works with Controls en route to Data Persistence at 
storage location that supports one of: SPARQL 1.1 Insert, Update, 
Delete,  SPARQL Graph Protocol, LDP, and WebDAV . The Editor we've built 
is Javascript based. It also makes use of rdfstore.js, our generic I/O 
layer (also in Javascript) and a few other bits ontology lookups etc.., 
plus some bits JQuery integration etc..

If you are able to transparently do the right thing semantically, 
then hurray!

I think we do, but we'll see what everyone thinks once its released :)

 Why do you think we've built an RDF editor without factoring in OWL?

Many people are still allergic to OWL :-(

We aren't :)

And also I am still eager to actually see what you are talking about 
rather than guessing! :-)

 I think we are better off waiting until we release our RDF Editor. 
We actually built this on the request of a vary large customer. This 
isn't a speculative endeavor. It's actually being used by said 
organization as I type

Looking forward to have a go. Great that you will open source it!



Kingsley Idehen 
Founder  CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web:
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Twitter Profile:
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Personal WebID:

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Paul Houle
So some thoughts here.

OWL,  so far as inference is concerned,  is a failure and it is time to
move on.  It is like RDF/XML.

As a way of documenting types and properties it is tolerable.  If I write
down something in production rules I can generally explain to an average
joe what they mean.  If I try to use OWL it is easy for a few things,
 hard for a few things,  then there are a few things Kendall Clark can do,
 and then there is a lot you just can't do.

On paper OWL has good scaling properties but in practice production rules
win because you can infer the things you care about and not have to
generate the large number of trivial or otherwise uninteresting conclusions
you get from OWL.

As a data integration language OWL points in an interesting direction but
it is insufficient in a number of ways.  For instance,  it can't convert
data types (canonicalize and,
 deal with trash dates (have you ever seen an enterprise system that didn't
have trash dates?) or convert units.  It also can't reject facts that don't
matter and so far as both timespace and accuracy you do much easier if you
can cook things down to the smallest correct database.

The other one is that as Kingsley points out,  the ordered collections do
need some real work to square the circle between the abstract graph
representation and things that are actually practical.

I am building an app right now where I call an API and get back chunks of
JSON which I cache,  and the primary scenario is that I look them up by
primary key and get back something with a 1:1 correspondence to what I
got.  Being able to do other kind of queries and such is sugar on top,  but
being able to reconstruct an original record,  ordered collections and all,
 is an absolute requirement.

So far my infovore framework based on Hadoop has avoided collections,
 containers and all that because these are not used in DBpedia and
Freebase,  at least not in the A-Box.  The simple representation that each
triple is a record does not work so well in this case because if I just
turn blank nodes into UUIDs and spray them across the cluster,  the act of
reconstituting a container would require an unbounded number of passes,
 which is no fun at all with Hadoop.  (At first I though the # of passes
was the same as the length of the largest collection but now that I think
about it I think I can do better than that)  I don't feel so bad about most
recursive structures because I don't think they will get that deep but I
think LISP-Lists are evil at least when it comes to external memory and
modern memory hierarchies.

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/20/15 10:23 AM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

I find it funny that people on this list and semweb lists in general
like discussing abstractions, ideas, desires, prejudices etc.

That's because dog-fooding hasn't yet become second nature, across the 
aforementioned communities. Don't give up, just keep pushing the case 
via real  examples etc..

However when a concrete example is shown, which solves the issue
discussed or at least comes close to that, it receives no response.

Yes, that is the general case, but don't give up. Keep pushing, things 
will change, they have too!

So please continue discussing the ideal RDF environment and its
potential problems while we continue improving our editor for users
who manage RDF already now.

Please keep up your good work and overall effort in general. Don't get 
frustrated (I know that's easier said than done).

RDF Editors are vital, in regards to bootstrapping a Read-Write Linked 
Open Data ecosystem. The more the merrier, as long as the solutions in 
question are based on open standards (RDF, SPARQL, LDP, HTTP, URIs, 
WebDAV etc..).


Have a nice weekend everyone!

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Paul Houle wrote:

So some thoughts here.

OWL,  so far as inference is concerned,  is a failure and it is time to move
on.  It is like RDF/XML.

As a way of documenting types and properties it is tolerable.  If I write
down something in production rules I can generally explain to an average
joe what they mean.  If I try to use OWL it is easy for a few things,  hard
for a few things,  then there are a few things Kendall Clark can do,  and
then there is a lot you just can't do.

On paper OWL has good scaling properties but in practice production rules
win because you can infer the things you care about and not have to generate
the large number of trivial or otherwise uninteresting conclusions you get
from OWL.

As a data integration language OWL points in an interesting direction but it
is insufficient in a number of ways.  For instance,  it can't convert data
types (canonicalize and,  deal
with trash dates (have you ever seen an enterprise system that didn't have
trash dates?) or convert units.  It also can't reject facts that don't
matter and so far as both timespace and accuracy you do much easier if you
can cook things down to the smallest correct database.

The other one is that as Kingsley points out,  the ordered collections do
need some real work to square the circle between the abstract graph
representation and things that are actually practical.

I am building an app right now where I call an API and get back chunks of
JSON which I cache,  and the primary scenario is that I look them up by
primary key and get back something with a 1:1 correspondence to what I got.
Being able to do other kind of queries and such is sugar on top,  but being
able to reconstruct an original record,  ordered collections and all,  is an
absolute requirement.

So far my infovore framework based on Hadoop has avoided collections,
containers and all that because these are not used in DBpedia and Freebase,
at least not in the A-Box.  The simple representation that each triple is a
record does not work so well in this case because if I just turn blank nodes
into UUIDs and spray them across the cluster,  the act of reconstituting a
container would require an unbounded number of passes,  which is no fun at
all with Hadoop.  (At first I though the # of passes was the same as the
length of the largest collection but now that I think about it I think I can
do better than that)  I don't feel so bad about most recursive structures
because I don't think they will get that deep but I think LISP-Lists are
evil at least when it comes to external memory and modern memory


Kingsley Idehen 
Founder  CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web:
Personal Weblog 1:
Personal Weblog 2:
Twitter Profile:
Google+ Profile:
LinkedIn Profile:
Personal WebID:

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Michael Brunnbauer

Hello Martynas,

sorry! You mean this one?

Nice! Looks like a template but you still may have the triple object ordering
problem. Do you? If yes, how did you address it?


Michael Brunnbauer

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 04:23:14PM +0100, Martynas Jusevi??ius wrote:
 I find it funny that people on this list and semweb lists in general
 like discussing abstractions, ideas, desires, prejudices etc.
 However when a concrete example is shown, which solves the issue
 discussed or at least comes close to that, it receives no response.
 So please continue discussing the ideal RDF environment and its
 potential problems while we continue improving our editor for users
 who manage RDF already now.
 Have a nice weekend everyone!
 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Paul Houle wrote:
  So some thoughts here.
  OWL,  so far as inference is concerned,  is a failure and it is time to move
  on.  It is like RDF/XML.
  As a way of documenting types and properties it is tolerable.  If I write
  down something in production rules I can generally explain to an average
  joe what they mean.  If I try to use OWL it is easy for a few things,  hard
  for a few things,  then there are a few things Kendall Clark can do,  and
  then there is a lot you just can't do.
  On paper OWL has good scaling properties but in practice production rules
  win because you can infer the things you care about and not have to generate
  the large number of trivial or otherwise uninteresting conclusions you get
  from OWL.
  As a data integration language OWL points in an interesting direction but it
  is insufficient in a number of ways.  For instance,  it can't convert data
  types (canonicalize and,  deal
  with trash dates (have you ever seen an enterprise system that didn't have
  trash dates?) or convert units.  It also can't reject facts that don't
  matter and so far as both timespace and accuracy you do much easier if you
  can cook things down to the smallest correct database.
  The other one is that as Kingsley points out,  the ordered collections do
  need some real work to square the circle between the abstract graph
  representation and things that are actually practical.
  I am building an app right now where I call an API and get back chunks of
  JSON which I cache,  and the primary scenario is that I look them up by
  primary key and get back something with a 1:1 correspondence to what I got.
  Being able to do other kind of queries and such is sugar on top,  but being
  able to reconstruct an original record,  ordered collections and all,  is an
  absolute requirement.
  So far my infovore framework based on Hadoop has avoided collections,
  containers and all that because these are not used in DBpedia and Freebase,
  at least not in the A-Box.  The simple representation that each triple is a
  record does not work so well in this case because if I just turn blank nodes
  into UUIDs and spray them across the cluster,  the act of reconstituting a
  container would require an unbounded number of passes,  which is no fun at
  all with Hadoop.  (At first I though the # of passes was the same as the
  length of the largest collection but now that I think about it I think I can
  do better than that)  I don't feel so bad about most recursive structures
  because I don't think they will get that deep but I think LISP-Lists are
  evil at least when it comes to external memory and modern memory

++  Michael Brunnbauer
++  netEstate GmbH
++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
++  81379 München
++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89 
++  E-Mail
++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B München)
++  USt-IdNr. DE221033342
++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel

Description: PGP signature

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/20/15 10:09 AM, Paul Houle wrote:

So some thoughts here.

OWL,  so far as inference is concerned,  is a failure and it is time 
to move on.  It is like RDF/XML.

I think that's a little too generic a comment. Describing the nature of 
relations using relations is vital.

Not all of OWL is vital, at the onset. Basically, OWL doesn't need to be 
at the front-door per se., but understanding its role, in regards to 
relations semantics description and exploitation is important.

RDF/XML's problems have tarnished OWL, as it has the notion of a 
Semantic Web in general. For starters, too many OWL usage examples 
(circa., 2105) are *still* presented using  RDF/XML :(

The creation and management of RDF/XML is THE real problem. It messed up 
everything, and stayed at the fore front (as the sole official W3C RDF 
notation standard) for way too long. Exponential decadence++ par excellence!

As a way of documenting types and properties it is tolerable.

Methinks, very useful.

If I write down something in production rules I can generally explain 
to an average joe what they mean.  If I try to use OWL it is easy 
for a few things,  hard for a few things,  then there are a few things 
Kendall Clark can do,  and then there is a lot you just can't do.

On paper OWL has good scaling properties but in practice production 
rules win because you can infer the things you care about and not have 
to generate the large number of trivial or otherwise uninteresting 
conclusions you get from OWL.

You need both, with rules being much clearer starting points for users 
and developers.

It's a journey back to Prolog [1] i.e., long awaited 5GL == Webby Prolog.

As a data integration language OWL points in an interesting direction 
but it is insufficient in a number of ways.  For instance,  it can't 
convert data types (canonicalize and,  deal with trash dates (have you ever seen 
an enterprise system that didn't have trash dates?) or convert units. 
It also can't reject facts that don't matter and so far as both 
timespace and accuracy you do much easier if you can cook things down 
to the smallest correct database.

Task better handled via rules.


[1] -- A Prolog to Prolog by 
John F. Sowa  (Last Modified: 11/07/2001 14:13:17) .


Kingsley Idehen 
Founder  CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web:
Personal Weblog 1:
Personal Weblog 2:
Twitter Profile:
Google+ Profile:
LinkedIn Profile:
Personal WebID:

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Pat Hayes

On Feb 20, 2015, at 2:42 AM, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:

 Hello Paul,
 On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 09:19:06PM +0100, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
 Another case is where there really is a total ordering.  For instance,  the
 authors of a scientific paper might get excited if you list them in the
 wrong order.  One weird old trick for this is RDF containers,  which are
 specified in the XMP dialect of Dublin Core
 How do you bring this in line with property rdfs:range datatype, 
 property rdfs:range rdf:langString? I do not see a contradiction but this
 makes things quite ugly.
 How about all the SPARQL queries that assume a literal as object and not a 
 Another simpler example would be property rdfs:range foaf:Person. says that Something is a Person if it
 is a person. How can an RDF container of several persons be a person?

According the US Supreme Court a corporation is a person, so I would guess that 
a mere container would have no trouble geting past the censors.


 If one can put a container where a container is not explicitly sanctioned by 
 the semantics of the property, then I have missed something important.
 Michael Brunnbauer
 ++  Michael Brunnbauer
 ++  netEstate GmbH
 ++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
 ++  81379 München
 ++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
 ++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89 
 ++  E-Mail
 ++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B München)
 ++  USt-IdNr. DE221033342
 ++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
 ++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel

IHMC (850)434 8903 home
40 South Alcaniz St.(850)202 4416   office
Pensacola(850)202 4440   fax
FL 32502  (850)291 0667   mobile (preferred)

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/20/15 12:04 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

Hey Michael,

this one indeed.

The layout is generated with XSLT from RDF/XML. The triples are
grouped by resources.

Not to criticize, but to seek clarity:

What does the term resources refer to, in your usage context?

In a world of Relations (this is what RDF is about, fundamentally) its 
hard for me to understand what you mean by grouped by resources. What 
is the resource etc?

  Within a resource block, properties are sorted
alphabetically by their rdfs:labels retrieved from respective

How do you handle the integrity of multi-user updates, without killing 
concurrency, using this method of grouping (which in of itself is 
unclear due to the use resources term) ?

How do you minimize the user interaction space i.e., reduce clutter -- 
especially if you have a lot of relations in scope or the possibility 
that such becomes the reality over time?


On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:59 PM, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:

Hello Martynas,

sorry! You mean this one?

Nice! Looks like a template but you still may have the triple object ordering
problem. Do you? If yes, how did you address it?


Michael Brunnbauer

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 04:23:14PM +0100, Martynas Jusevi??ius wrote:

I find it funny that people on this list and semweb lists in general
like discussing abstractions, ideas, desires, prejudices etc.

However when a concrete example is shown, which solves the issue
discussed or at least comes close to that, it receives no response.

So please continue discussing the ideal RDF environment and its
potential problems while we continue improving our editor for users
who manage RDF already now.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Paul Houle wrote:

So some thoughts here.

OWL,  so far as inference is concerned,  is a failure and it is time to move
on.  It is like RDF/XML.

As a way of documenting types and properties it is tolerable.  If I write
down something in production rules I can generally explain to an average
joe what they mean.  If I try to use OWL it is easy for a few things,  hard
for a few things,  then there are a few things Kendall Clark can do,  and
then there is a lot you just can't do.

On paper OWL has good scaling properties but in practice production rules
win because you can infer the things you care about and not have to generate
the large number of trivial or otherwise uninteresting conclusions you get
from OWL.

As a data integration language OWL points in an interesting direction but it
is insufficient in a number of ways.  For instance,  it can't convert data
types (canonicalize and,  deal
with trash dates (have you ever seen an enterprise system that didn't have
trash dates?) or convert units.  It also can't reject facts that don't
matter and so far as both timespace and accuracy you do much easier if you
can cook things down to the smallest correct database.

The other one is that as Kingsley points out,  the ordered collections do
need some real work to square the circle between the abstract graph
representation and things that are actually practical.

I am building an app right now where I call an API and get back chunks of
JSON which I cache,  and the primary scenario is that I look them up by
primary key and get back something with a 1:1 correspondence to what I got.
Being able to do other kind of queries and such is sugar on top,  but being
able to reconstruct an original record,  ordered collections and all,  is an
absolute requirement.

So far my infovore framework based on Hadoop has avoided collections,
containers and all that because these are not used in DBpedia and Freebase,
at least not in the A-Box.  The simple representation that each triple is a
record does not work so well in this case because if I just turn blank nodes
into UUIDs and spray them across the cluster,  the act of reconstituting a
container would require an unbounded number of passes,  which is no fun at
all with Hadoop.  (At first I though the # of passes was the same as the
length of the largest collection but now that I think about it I think I can
do better than that)  I don't feel so bad about most recursive structures
because I don't think they will get that deep but I think LISP-Lists are
evil at least when it comes to external memory and modern memory

++  Michael Brunnbauer
++  netEstate GmbH
++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
++  81379 München
++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89
++  E-Mail
++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B München)
++  USt-IdNr. DE221033342
++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel


Kingsley Idehen 
Founder  CEO

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Adrian Walker
Hi All,

The infrastructure used in [1,2] to get transparency and auditability may
be of interest for this discussion.

Thanks for comments,   -- Adrian



On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 12:45 PM, Pat Hayes wrote:

 On Feb 20, 2015, at 2:42 AM, Michael Brunnbauer

  Hello Paul,
  On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 09:19:06PM +0100, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
  Another case is where there really is a total ordering.  For
 instance,  the
  authors of a scientific paper might get excited if you list them in the
  wrong order.  One weird old trick for this is RDF containers,  which
  specified in the XMP dialect of Dublin Core
  How do you bring this in line with property rdfs:range datatype,
  property rdfs:range rdf:langString? I do not see a contradiction but
  makes things quite ugly.
  How about all the SPARQL queries that assume a literal as object and
 not a RDF
  Another simpler example would be property rdfs:range foaf:Person. says that Something is a
 Person if it
  is a person. How can an RDF container of several persons be a person?

 According the US Supreme Court a corporation is a person, so I would guess
 that a mere container would have no trouble geting past the censors.


  If one can put a container where a container is not explicitly
 sanctioned by
  the semantics of the property, then I have missed something important.
  Michael Brunnbauer
  ++  Michael Brunnbauer
  ++  netEstate GmbH
  ++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
  ++  81379 München
  ++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
  ++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89
  ++  E-Mail
  ++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B München)
  ++  USt-IdNr. DE221033342
  ++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
  ++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel

 IHMC (850)434 8903 home
 40 South Alcaniz St.(850)202 4416   office
 Pensacola(850)202 4440   fax
 FL 32502  (850)291 0667   mobile (preferred)

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Adrian Walker
Hi All,

The infrastructure used in [1,2] to get transparency and auditability may
be of interest for this discussion.

Thanks for comments,   -- Adrian



On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 12:45 PM, Pat Hayes wrote:

 On Feb 20, 2015, at 2:42 AM, Michael Brunnbauer

  Hello Paul,
  On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 09:19:06PM +0100, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
  Another case is where there really is a total ordering.  For
 instance,  the
  authors of a scientific paper might get excited if you list them in the
  wrong order.  One weird old trick for this is RDF containers,  which
  specified in the XMP dialect of Dublin Core
  How do you bring this in line with property rdfs:range datatype,
  property rdfs:range rdf:langString? I do not see a contradiction but
  makes things quite ugly.
  How about all the SPARQL queries that assume a literal as object and
 not a RDF
  Another simpler example would be property rdfs:range foaf:Person. says that Something is a
 Person if it
  is a person. How can an RDF container of several persons be a person?

 According the US Supreme Court a corporation is a person, so I would guess
 that a mere container would have no trouble geting past the censors.


  If one can put a container where a container is not explicitly
 sanctioned by
  the semantics of the property, then I have missed something important.
  Michael Brunnbauer
  ++  Michael Brunnbauer
  ++  netEstate GmbH
  ++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
  ++  81379 München
  ++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
  ++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89
  ++  E-Mail
  ++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B München)
  ++  USt-IdNr. DE221033342
  ++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
  ++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel

 IHMC (850)434 8903 home
 40 South Alcaniz St.(850)202 4416   office
 Pensacola(850)202 4440   fax
 FL 32502  (850)291 0667   mobile (preferred)

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Graham Klyne

Hi Stian,

Thanks for the mention :)

Graham Klyne's Annalist is perhaps not quite what you are thinking of
(I don't think it can connect to an arbitrary SPARQL endpoint), but I
would consider it as falling under a similar category, as you have a
user interface to define record types and forms, browse and edit
records, with views defined for different record types. Under the
surface it is however all RDF and REST - so you are making a schema by

Annalist is still in its prototype phase, but it's available to play with if 
anyone wants to try stuff.  See also for 
source.  There's also a Dockerized version.

It's true that Annalist does not currently connect to a SPARQL endpoint, but 
have recently been doing some RDF data wrangling and starting to think about how 
to connect to public RDF (e.g. 
is a first attempt at creating an editable version of some music data from your 
colleague Sean).  In this case, the record types and views have been created 
automatically from the raw data, and are pretty basic - but that automatic 
extraction can serve as a starting point for subsequent editing.  (The reverse 
of this, creating an actual schema from the defined types and views, is an 
exercise for the future, or maybe even for a reader :) )

Internally, the underlying data access is isolated in a single module, intended 
to facilitate connecting to alternative backends, which could be via SPARQL 
access.  (I'd also like to connect up with the linked data fragments work at 
some stage.)

If this looks like something that could be useful to anyone out there, about now 
might be a good time to offer feedback.  Once I have what I feel is a minimum 
viable product release, hopefully not too long now, I'm hoping to use feedback 
and collaborations to prioritize ongoing developments.


Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Paul Houle

so far as corporation is a person that is what we have foaf:Agent
for.  A corporation can sign contracts and be an endpoint for communication
and payments the same as a person so to model the world of law,  business,
 finance and stuff that is a very real thing.

   If you take that idea too literally,  however,  it conflicts with a
person is an animal in terms of physiology,  but that too can be modelled.


   the trouble with OWL is that things that almost work have a way of
displacing things that do work,  particularly in a community that has the
incentive structures that the semweb community has.  We have the problem of
a really bad rep in many circles,  I see people say stuff like this all the

and I have to admit that back in 2004 I was the guy who stood in the back
of the conference room and said isn't this like the stuff they tried in
the 80's that didn't work.  A lot of people believe that guff,  and
combine that with the road rage of people who look for US states in DBpedia
and find that 3 of them got dropped on the floor,  it can be very hard to
get taken seriously.

Lemire's unconstructive criticism displaces real criticism,  but that kind
of criticism could be displaced by constructive criticism about the
standards we have.

For instance,  I think RDF Data Shapes is a great idea but I needed it back
in 2007 and it just astonishing to me that it took so long for it to happen.

(Now I must admit I am most curious about why it is standards for rules
interchange,  i.e. the RuleML family,  KIF,  and a few others have had such
a hard time going,  whereas you find things like Drools,  Blaze Advisor,
 and iLog running many real world systems.)

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 12:45 PM, Pat Hayes wrote:

 On Feb 20, 2015, at 2:42 AM, Michael Brunnbauer

  Hello Paul,
  On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 09:19:06PM +0100, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
  Another case is where there really is a total ordering.  For
 instance,  the
  authors of a scientific paper might get excited if you list them in the
  wrong order.  One weird old trick for this is RDF containers,  which
  specified in the XMP dialect of Dublin Core
  How do you bring this in line with property rdfs:range datatype,
  property rdfs:range rdf:langString? I do not see a contradiction but
  makes things quite ugly.
  How about all the SPARQL queries that assume a literal as object and
 not a RDF
  Another simpler example would be property rdfs:range foaf:Person. says that Something is a
 Person if it
  is a person. How can an RDF container of several persons be a person?

 According the US Supreme Court a corporation is a person, so I would guess
 that a mere container would have no trouble geting past the censors.


  If one can put a container where a container is not explicitly
 sanctioned by
  the semantics of the property, then I have missed something important.
  Michael Brunnbauer
  ++  Michael Brunnbauer
  ++  netEstate GmbH
  ++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
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  ++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
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  ++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
  ++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel

 IHMC (850)434 8903 home
 40 South Alcaniz St.(850)202 4416   office
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Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-20 Thread Michael Brunnbauer

Hello Pat,

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 11:45:12AM -0600, Pat Hayes wrote:
  Another simpler example would be property rdfs:range foaf:Person. says that Something is a Person if 
  is a person. How can an RDF container of several persons be a person?
 According the US Supreme Court a corporation is a person, so I would guess 
 that a mere container would have no trouble geting past the censors.

I am seriously interested in your position on the topic.

Do you say that anything goes as long as it stays satisfiable?

Should I assume that some property applying to some container/collection also 
applies to its members (which seems to be the implicit assumption here)?
Should I modify my SPARQL queries accordingly?

Let me play the censor a bit more :-)

Let's admit that Dan also means legal person with person. But not every
group of individuals acting together is a legal person. The example here was
a group of people co-authoring a paper. Also, the notion that foaf:Group is a 
subclass of foaf:Person does not make any sense to me. Why then introduce 
foaf:Group at all?


Michael Brunnbauer

++  Michael Brunnbauer
++  netEstate GmbH
++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
++  81379 München
++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89 
++  E-Mail
++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B München)
++  USt-IdNr. DE221033342
++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel

Description: PGP signature

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Michael Brunnbauer

Hello Paul,

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 12:27:41PM -0500, Paul Houle wrote:
 I think you're particular concerned about the ordering of triples where ?s
 and ?p are the same?
 ?s ?p ?o1 , ?o2, ?o3, ?o4 .

The case for ?s ?p is more compelling but that does not mean that the case for
?s should be dropped.

 One scenario is we are drawing a page about the creative works of Issac
 Asimov,  the Kinks,  or Jeff Bridges and want to see titles that everybody
 recognizes at the top of the list.  In some of these cases there is a
 subjective element in that there is no global total ordering or even a
 partial ordering (see Arrow's Theorem),  but it's fair to say more people
 know the song Lola than Ducks on the Wall.

Don't forget the use case where the user wants to have his ordering and not
some global ordering.

Does Arrow's Theorem say something about partial orderings? The Wikipedia 
article about Arrow's Theorem talks about complete rankings, which I take to
mean total ordering.

 With RDF* you can put on edge weights which will support cases like that.

This means automatically generated edge weights? Doesn't this assume that a 
reasonable number of people have made the same statement before and that the
editor has has to somehow find this number and compare it with other
numbers or get the edge weight from a central service?

 Another approach is to further specify the data model so you get behavior
 like hashtables in PHP -- PHP hashtables support random access look up but
 if you iterate over them things come out in the order you put them in.

I am not sure I understand this. How would this look like? Triples about 
MD5-hashes of serialized triples?

 Another case is where there really is a total ordering.  For instance,  the
 authors of a scientific paper might get excited if you list them in the
 wrong order.  One weird old trick for this is RDF containers,  which are
 specified in the XMP dialect of Dublin Core

How do you bring this in line with property rdfs:range datatype, especially
property rdfs:range rdf:langString? I do not see a contradiction but this
makes things quite ugly.

How about all the SPARQL queries that assume a literal as object and not a RDF

 It's definitely a tooling issue but it does involve
 looking at hard issues in the underlying data model.

You can definitely solve it with one named graph per triple - which may look 
like a hard issue for some people.


Michael Brunnbauer

++  Michael Brunnbauer
++  netEstate GmbH
++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
++  81379 München
++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89 
++  E-Mail
++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B München)
++  USt-IdNr. DE221033342
++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel

Description: PGP signature

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/19/15 1:40 PM, Bo Ferri wrote:

Hi Paul,

maybe I'm wrong, but I think what you are generally looking for (in 
the Semantic Web world) is the things that are going on at RDF Shapes 
group [1], or (but I guess you are aware of them)? What they can't do 
(yet; afaik) is the family instance loop check, or?

On 2/18/2015 11:59 PM, Paul Houle wrote:

For small projects you don't need access controls,  provenance and that
kind of thing,  but if you were trying to run something like Freebase
and Wikidata where you know what the algebra is the obvious thing to do
is use RDF* and SPARQL*.

No, why? - Wikidata's data model goes beyond RDF (triple based 
statements) for good reason. I'm always wondering why the heck we 
true Semantic Web developer still insist so hard on our beloved RDF 
(which all its drawbacks). 


Look forward. Think property graph and graph databases in general ;)


You can also combine both perfectly, see, e.g., this graph data model 
[3] - RDF compatible, but able to store qualified attributes (e.g. 
order or provenance) at statement basis (without reification et. al).

RDF is a Language, poorly promoted as a  Data Model (a term which is 
ultimately a can of worms, exemplified by all the confusion its 
inflicted on everyone to date).

Re. editing of graph information, you may have a look at OrientDB's 
graph editor [4], which offers neat editing options direct in the 
graph (yay!).


I do not know of a single so-called Graph Database that even 
comprehends the concept of data de-silo-fication [1][2][3][4]. 
Basically, for data to flow it can only do so via identifiers that 
resolve to descriptions using a platform agnostic protocol.

Data is represented using relations [5][6].

RDF is a Data Representation Language [7].


[1] -- What sits 
between You and Your data
[2] -- Open 
Database Connectivity vs Open Data Connectivity
-- Linked Local Data vs Linked Open Data
[4] -- What RDF is 
about, illustrated (as they say: a picture speaks a thousand words)
[5] -- What is a 
[6] -- What is a 
[7] -- RDF 
is a Language .






Kingsley Idehen 
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Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Bernadette Hyland
Hi Paul,
I’ve looked at your initial msg  22 responses, including the Albert Einstein 
references that detail your requirements.

If I may rephrase your question, you appear to be looking for something simple 
for non-technical people to use, thus the “Access” reference. Also, you appear 
to need a tool that is template-driven in order to create Web forms for viewing 
and editing semi  structured data. Further, you’d like this tool to be 1) 
Linked Data aware and 2) able to query any SPARQL endpoint you point it to, and 
3) it must be Web scale.

If that is a fair summary of requirements, I encourage you to look at the 
Callimachus Open Source Project.[1]  Callimachus helps Web developers create 
linked data based applications. Code is on GitHub.[2]

Callimachus is an IDE for data-driven apps. It is database agnostic and can 
speak to any SPARQL v1.1 compliant endpoint, including but not limited to 
GraphDB, MarkLogic 8, AllegroGraph and StarDog.  To be clear, Callimachus is 
not a database — it talks to persistent stores via SPARQL among other protocols.

The apps created using Callimachus are simple to use -- they look  feel like a 
wiki.  If you can fill out a web form or use a wiki, you can use a Callimachus 

Our team routinely combines public  private datasources that are extracts of 
RDBMS (as CSV usually), and RDF to publish hundreds of millions of nicely 
styled pages (using Bootstrap3). Callimachus supports all kinds of nice 
transformations using pipelines, active PURLs, etc.

For your needs, check out a basic Callimachus app that combines several public 
data sources, allows for crowdsourcing and includes content from US open gov’t 
sites, Wikipedia (DBpedia), Open Corporates and Open Street Maps.  See the 
public Orgpedia pilot, an open organizational data project funded by the Sloan 
Foundation. Orgpedia is a free, not for profit online directory using open data 
about US, international, public  private companies.[3]  This app shows 
ownership of US based nuclear power plants, driven by some open datasets from 
the US EPA, Nuclear Regulatory Commission and SEC.

I think your question involves crowdsourcing —  you can see how we handled 
crowdsourcing, starting with authenticating using a FB, Google, Yahoo! or 
Callimachus account. A user can add images, link to Wikipedia articles or make 
corrections to existing data using a familiar Web form.[4]

Have a look  email the Callimachus public list if you have any questions.[5]  
All the best.


Bernadette Hyland 






 On Feb 18, 2015, at 3:08 PM, Paul Houle wrote:
 I am looking at some cases where I have databases that are similar to Dbpedia 
 and Freebase in character,  sometimes that big (ok,  those particular 
 databases),   sometimes smaller.  Right now there are no blank nodes,  
 perhaps there are things like the compound value types from Freebase which 
 are sorta like blank nodes but they have names,
 Sometimes I want to manually edit a few records.  Perhaps I want to delete a 
 triple or add a few triples (possibly introducing a new subject.)
 It seems to me there could be some kind of system which points at a SPARQL 
 protocol endpoint (so I can keep my data in my favorite triple store) and 
 given an RDFS or OWL schema,  automatically generates the forms so I can 
 easily edit the data.
 Is there something out there?
 Paul Houle
 Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
 (607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
No, this is dangerous and is hiding the truth. Take the red pill and admit
to the user that this particular property is unordered, for instance by
always listing the values sorted (consistency is still king).

Then make it easy to do lists and collections.

Don't let the user encode information he considers important in a way that
is not preserved semantically.

If you are limited by typing of rdf:List elements, then look at  owl
approaches for collections that allow you to order items and use owl
reasoning for list membership - see

Ordering of which properties to show in which order on a form is another
matter, that is a presentational view over the model. The :View could
simply be a choice of an owl:Class and a partial order of owl:Properties
instances of that class should have.

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
Yes, RDF 1.1 allows blank nodes to be shared across named graphs in a
single dataset - obviously programmatically you have to be careful
about how you achieve this.

From :

 Blank nodes can be shared between graphs in an RDF dataset.

There's also nothing preventing an application from having union
graphs which hides the named graphs - this is commonly available in
many triple store. You can in theory also generate virtual graphs
which are merging just a selection of named graphs in a dataset.

Combining named graphs with an annotation model like W3C Web
Annotation Model or the
nanopublications means you can
get scoping of the triples and an easy way to attach metadata about
who made those triples, without needing to duplicate the information
using reification (which could easily become disentangled from the
true triples)

On 19 February 2015 at 09:52, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:

 Hello Paul,

 an interesting aspect of such a system is the ordering of triples - even
 if you restrict editing to one subject. Either the order is predefined and the
 user will have to search for his new triple after doing an insert or the user
 determines the position of his new triple.

 In the latter case, the app developer will want to use something like
 reification - at least internally. This is the point when the app developer
 and the Semantic Web expert start to disagree ;-)

 Maybe they can compromise on a system with a separate named graph per triple
 (BTW what is the status of blank nodes shared between named graphs?).


 Michael Brunnbauer

 On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 03:08:33PM -0500, Paul Houle wrote:
 I am looking at some cases where I have databases that are similar to
 Dbpedia and Freebase in character,  sometimes that big (ok,  those
 particular databases),   sometimes smaller.  Right now there are no blank
 nodes,  perhaps there are things like the compound value types from
 Freebase which are sorta like blank nodes but they have names,

 Sometimes I want to manually edit a few records.  Perhaps I want to delete
 a triple or add a few triples (possibly introducing a new subject.)

 It seems to me there could be some kind of system which points at a SPARQL
 protocol endpoint (so I can keep my data in my favorite triple store) and
 given an RDFS or OWL schema,  automatically generates the forms so I can
 easily edit the data.

 Is there something out there?

 Paul Houle
 Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
 (607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype

 ++  Michael Brunnbauer
 ++  netEstate GmbH
 ++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
 ++  81379 München
 ++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
 ++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89
 ++  E-Mail
 ++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B München)
 ++  USt-IdNr. DE221033342
 ++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
 ++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel

Stian Soiland-Reyes, eScience Lab
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Emmanuel Pietriga

 On 19 févr. 2015, at 11:31, Uldis Bojars wrote:
 It would make sense to define UI element order at a higher level than 
 individual triples. Defining the position for every triple separately would 
 lead to chaos.
 A more sensible approach 'd be to define the order of statements [about 
 something] at the property level. 
 E.g. display the most important properties first, then have an ordered list 
 of other properties that we know are frequently used for this type of objects 
 and, as fallback, list all other (unknown) properties at the end.

The Fresnel RDF vocabulary was designed to let you specify this sort of things. 
It lets you specify different “lenses” that apply to specific types of RDF 
resources (e.g. those that are instances of a given class, or those that match 
a particular SPARQL query) and then gives the RDF browse that applies a lens to 
a resource indications about which properties should be displayed, in what 
order, what properties can be used as fallbacks for others, etc. Plus some 
high-level indication about how property values should be formatted.

[2]   (ISWC paper)

Emmanuel Pietriga

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Michael Brunnbauer

Hello Uldis,

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 12:31:40PM +0200, Uldis Bojars wrote:
 It would make sense to define UI element order at a higher level than
 individual triples. Defining the position for every triple separately would
 lead to chaos.
 A more sensible approach 'd be to define the order of statements [about
 something] at the property level.
 E.g. display the most important properties first, then have an ordered list
 of other properties that we know are frequently used for this type of
 objects and, as fallback, list all other (unknown) properties at the end.

This is the first case i described: A predefined ordering. If the user
introduces a new property or a new object, the position will not be clear.


Michael Brunnbauer

++  Michael Brunnbauer
++  netEstate GmbH
++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
++  81379 München
++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89 
++  E-Mail
++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B München)
++  USt-IdNr. DE221033342
++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel

Description: PGP signature

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Michael Brunnbauer

Hello Paul,

an interesting aspect of such a system is the ordering of triples - even
if you restrict editing to one subject. Either the order is predefined and the
user will have to search for his new triple after doing an insert or the user
determines the position of his new triple.

In the latter case, the app developer will want to use something like
reification - at least internally. This is the point when the app developer 
and the Semantic Web expert start to disagree ;-)

Maybe they can compromise on a system with a separate named graph per triple
(BTW what is the status of blank nodes shared between named graphs?).


Michael Brunnbauer

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 03:08:33PM -0500, Paul Houle wrote:
 I am looking at some cases where I have databases that are similar to
 Dbpedia and Freebase in character,  sometimes that big (ok,  those
 particular databases),   sometimes smaller.  Right now there are no blank
 nodes,  perhaps there are things like the compound value types from
 Freebase which are sorta like blank nodes but they have names,
 Sometimes I want to manually edit a few records.  Perhaps I want to delete
 a triple or add a few triples (possibly introducing a new subject.)
 It seems to me there could be some kind of system which points at a SPARQL
 protocol endpoint (so I can keep my data in my favorite triple store) and
 given an RDFS or OWL schema,  automatically generates the forms so I can
 easily edit the data.
 Is there something out there?
 Paul Houle
 Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
 (607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype

++  Michael Brunnbauer
++  netEstate GmbH
++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
++  81379 München
++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89 
++  E-Mail
++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B München)
++  USt-IdNr. DE221033342
++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel

Description: PGP signature

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Stian Soiland-Reyes
Graham Klyne's Annalist is perhaps not quite what you are thinking of
(I don't think it can connect to an arbitrary SPARQL endpoint), but I
would consider it as falling under a similar category, as you have a
user interface to define record types and forms, browse and edit
records, with views defined for different record types. Under the
surface it is however all RDF and REST - so you are making a schema by

On 18 February 2015 at 20:08, Paul Houle wrote:
 I am looking at some cases where I have databases that are similar to
 Dbpedia and Freebase in character,  sometimes that big (ok,  those
 particular databases),   sometimes smaller.  Right now there are no blank
 nodes,  perhaps there are things like the compound value types from
 Freebase which are sorta like blank nodes but they have names,

 Sometimes I want to manually edit a few records.  Perhaps I want to delete a
 triple or add a few triples (possibly introducing a new subject.)

 It seems to me there could be some kind of system which points at a SPARQL
 protocol endpoint (so I can keep my data in my favorite triple store) and
 given an RDFS or OWL schema,  automatically generates the forms so I can
 easily edit the data.

 Is there something out there?

 Paul Houle
 Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
 (607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype

Stian Soiland-Reyes, eScience Lab
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Uldis Bojars
On 19 February 2015 at 11:52, Michael Brunnbauer

 an interesting aspect of such a system is the ordering of triples - even
 if you restrict editing to one subject. Either the order is predefined and
 user will have to search for his new triple after doing an insert or the
 determines the position of his new triple.

 In the latter case, the app developer will want to use something like
 reification - at least internally. This is the point when the app developer
 and the Semantic Web expert start to disagree ;-)

 Maybe they can compromise on a system with a separate named graph per
 (BTW what is the status of blank nodes shared between named graphs?).

It would make sense to define UI element order at a higher level than
individual triples. Defining the position for every triple separately would
lead to chaos.

A more sensible approach 'd be to define the order of statements [about
something] at the property level.

E.g. display the most important properties first, then have an ordered list
of other properties that we know are frequently used for this type of
objects and, as fallback, list all other (unknown) properties at the end.


Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/19/15 4:52 AM, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:

Hello Paul,

an interesting aspect of such a system is the ordering of triples - even
if you restrict editing to one subject. Either the order is predefined and the
user will have to search for his new triple after doing an insert or the user
determines the position of his new triple.

In the latter case, the app developer will want to use something like
reification - at least internally. This is the point when the app developer
and the Semantic Web expert start to disagree ;-)

Not really, in regards to Semantic Web expert starting to disagree per 
se. You can order by Predicate or use Reification.

When designing our RDF Editor, we took the route of breaking things down 
as follows:

Book (Named Graph Collection e.g. in a Quad Store or service that 
understands LDP Containers etc..)  -- (contains) -- Pages (Named 
Graphs) -- Paragraphs (RDF Sentence/Statement Collections).

The Sentence/Statement Collections are the key item, you are honing 
into, and yes, it boils down to:

1. Grouping sentences/statements by predicate per named graph to create 
a paragraph
2. Grouping sentences by way of reification where each sentence is 
identified and described per named graph.

Rather that pit one approach against the other, we simply adopted both, 
as options.

Anyway, you raise a very important point that's generally overlooked. 
Ignoring this fundamental point is a shortcut to hell for any editor 
that's to be used in a multi-user setup, as you clearly understand :)


Maybe they can compromise on a system with a separate named graph per triple
(BTW what is the status of blank nodes shared between named graphs?).


Michael Brunnbauer

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 03:08:33PM -0500, Paul Houle wrote:

I am looking at some cases where I have databases that are similar to
Dbpedia and Freebase in character,  sometimes that big (ok,  those
particular databases),   sometimes smaller.  Right now there are no blank
nodes,  perhaps there are things like the compound value types from
Freebase which are sorta like blank nodes but they have names,

Sometimes I want to manually edit a few records.  Perhaps I want to delete
a triple or add a few triples (possibly introducing a new subject.)

It seems to me there could be some kind of system which points at a SPARQL
protocol endpoint (so I can keep my data in my favorite triple store) and
given an RDFS or OWL schema,  automatically generates the forms so I can
easily edit the data.

Is there something out there?

Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype


Kingsley Idehen 
Founder  CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web:
Personal Weblog 1:
Personal Weblog 2:
Twitter Profile:
Google+ Profile:
LinkedIn Profile:
Personal WebID:

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/19/15 10:32 AM, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:

Hello Paul,

let me put this into two simple statements:

1) There is no canonical ordering of triples

2) A good triple editor should reflect this by letting the user determine the 


Michael Brunnbauer



On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 03:50:33PM +0100, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:

Hello Paul,

I am not so sure if this is good enough. If you add something to the end of a
list in a UI, you normally expect it to stay there. If you accept that it
will be put in its proper position later, you may - as user - still have
trouble figuring out where that position is (even with the heuristics you gave).

The problem repeats with the triple object if the properties have been ordered.
As user, you might feel even more compelled to introduce a deviant ordering on
this level.


Michael Brunnbauer

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 09:07:37AM -0500, Paul Houle wrote:

There are quite a few simple heuristics that will give good enough
results,  consider for instance:

(1) order predicates by alphabetical order (by rdfs:label or by localname
or the whole URL)
(2) order predicates by some numerical property given by a custom predicate
in the schema
(3) order predicates by the type of the domain alphabetically, and then
order by the name of the predicates
(4) work out the partial ordering of types by inheritance so Person winds
up at the top and Actor shows up below that

Freebase does something like (4) and that is good enough.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 8:01 AM, Kingsley Idehen

On 2/19/15 4:52 AM, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:

Hello Paul,

an interesting aspect of such a system is the ordering of triples - even
if you restrict editing to one subject. Either the order is predefined
and the
user will have to search for his new triple after doing an insert or the
determines the position of his new triple.

In the latter case, the app developer will want to use something like
reification - at least internally. This is the point when the app
and the Semantic Web expert start to disagree ;-)

Not really, in regards to Semantic Web expert starting to disagree per
se. You can order by Predicate or use Reification.

When designing our RDF Editor, we took the route of breaking things down
as follows:

Book (Named Graph Collection e.g. in a Quad Store or service that
understands LDP Containers etc..)  -- (contains) -- Pages (Named Graphs)
-- Paragraphs (RDF Sentence/Statement Collections).

The Sentence/Statement Collections are the key item, you are honing into,
and yes, it boils down to:

1. Grouping sentences/statements by predicate per named graph to create a
2. Grouping sentences by way of reification where each sentence is
identified and described per named graph.

Rather that pit one approach against the other, we simply adopted both, as

Anyway, you raise a very important point that's generally overlooked.
Ignoring this fundamental point is a shortcut to hell for any editor that's
to be used in a multi-user setup, as you clearly understand :)


Maybe they can compromise on a system with a separate named graph per
(BTW what is the status of blank nodes shared between named graphs?).


Michael Brunnbauer

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 03:08:33PM -0500, Paul Houle wrote:

I am looking at some cases where I have databases that are similar to
Dbpedia and Freebase in character,  sometimes that big (ok,  those
particular databases),   sometimes smaller.  Right now there are no blank
nodes,  perhaps there are things like the compound value types from
Freebase which are sorta like blank nodes but they have names,

Sometimes I want to manually edit a few records.  Perhaps I want to
a triple or add a few triples (possibly introducing a new subject.)

It seems to me there could be some kind of system which points at a
protocol endpoint (so I can keep my data in my favorite triple store) and
given an RDFS or OWL schema,  automatically generates the forms so I can
easily edit the data.

Is there something out there?

Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype


Kingsley Idehen
Founder  CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web:
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Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype

++  Michael Brunnbauer
++  netEstate GmbH
++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
++  81379 München

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Bo Ferri

Hi Paul,

maybe I'm wrong, but I think what you are generally looking for (in the 
Semantic Web world) is the things that are going on at RDF Shapes group 
[1], or (but I guess you are aware of them)? What they can't do (yet; 
afaik) is the family instance loop check, or?

On 2/18/2015 11:59 PM, Paul Houle wrote:

For small projects you don't need access controls,  provenance and that
kind of thing,  but if you were trying to run something like Freebase
and Wikidata where you know what the algebra is the obvious thing to do
is use RDF* and SPARQL*.

No, why? - Wikidata's data model goes beyond RDF (triple based 
statements) for good reason. I'm always wondering why the heck we true 
Semantic Web developer still insist so hard on our beloved RDF (which 
all its drawbacks). Look forward. Think property graph and graph 
databases in general ;)
You can also combine both perfectly, see, e.g., this graph data model 
[3] - RDF compatible, but able to store qualified attributes (e.g. order 
or provenance) at statement basis (without reification et. al).
Re. editing of graph information, you may have a look at OrientDB's 
graph editor [4], which offers neat editing options direct in the graph 




Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/19/15 4:08 PM, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote:

No, this is dangerous and is hiding the truth.


Take the red pill and admit to the user that this particular property 
is unordered, for instance by always listing the values sorted 
(consistency is still king).

A Predicate is a sentence forming Relation. Thus, you can effectively 
group RDF relations by Predicate scoped to a Named Graph IRI, if you 
choose. Naturally, you can also apply other forms of ordering, en route 
to effect UI/UX.

Then make it easy to do lists and collections.

You can describe collections using RDF statements, I don't have any idea 
how what I am talking about implies collection exclusion.

Don't let the user encode information he considers important in a way 
that is not preserved semantically.


If you are limited by typing of rdf:List elements, then look at  owl 
approaches for collections that allow you to order items and use owl 
reasoning for list membership - see

Why do you think we've built an RDF editor without factoring in OWL?

Ordering of which properties to show in which order on a form is 
another matter, that is a presentational view over the model.


The :View could simply be a choice of an owl:Class and a partial order 
of owl:Properties instances of that class should have.

There is no perfect view. You simply need a view to enables:

1. coherent data curation
2. provides the user with choices in regards to how items are categorized.

I think we are better off waiting until we release our RDF Editor. We 
actually built this on the request of a vary large customer. This isn't 
a speculative endeavor. It's actually being used by said organization as 
I type

We've opted (we didn't have to) to make it Open Source too.


Kingsley Idehen 
Founder  CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web:
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Twitter Profile:
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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Gannon Dick
Hi Paul,

Thanks for the detailed answer.

There is human culture, and language, etc..  All in all we are a complicated 
species, but somehow, at whatever Latitude we are, snow, rain, heat, gloom of 
night, etc. we maintain an average internal body temperature of about 37 
Centigrade (98.6 F). Humans all have this property, and we are the only animals 
with gadgets that locate us in time and space.  We wander around in an 
isotropic fashion like  Englishmen without dogs. It is not Brownian Motion, one 
can chart seasonal variation in location ... after all we might be 
Australians without dogs.

Here are the charts.  The variation over a year's time compared with tropical 
variation (tropics 45 Degrees N and -45 Degrees South) is tiny, tiny, tiny ( 
13 arc minutes).

Gadgets wildly over exaggerate their judgement as to our true location over 
time.  The commercial world desperately wants to believe they know something 
important and Linked Open Data cannot stop their believing. We can, however 
make sure we don't feed the beast.  It won't hurt RDF or Semantics a bit.

Stian said, and I would agree:
No, this is dangerous and is hiding the truth. Take the red pill and admit to 
the user that this particular property is unordered, for instance by always 
listing the values sorted (consistency is still king).


On Wed, 2/18/15, Paul Houle wrote:

 Subject: Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?
 To: Gannon Dick
 Cc: Linked Data community
 Date: Wednesday, February 18, 2015, 6:10 PM
  there is the general project of capturing 100% of critical
 information in documents and that is a wider problem than
 the large amount of Linked Data which is basically
 that a lot of data in this world is in spreadsheets (like
 relational tables but often less discipline) and in formats
 like XML and JSON that are object-relational in the sense
 that a column can contain either a list or set of
 Even before we
 tackle the problem of representing the meaning of written
 language (particularly when it comes to policies,
  standards documents,  regulations,  etc. as opposed to
 Finnegan's Wake or Mary had a little lamb)
 there is the slightly easier problem of understanding all
 the semi-structured data out there.
 Frankly I think the Bible gets
 things all wrong at the very beginning with In the
 beginning there was the word... because in the
 beginning we were animals and then we developed the language
 instinct,  which is probably a derangement in our ability
 to reason about uncertainty which reduces the sample space
 for learning grammar.
 Often people suggest that animals
 are morally inferior to humans and I think the bible has a
 point where in some level we screw it up,  because animals
 don't do the destructive behaviors that seem so
 characteristic of our species and that are often tied up
 with our ability to use language to construct contafactuals
 such as the very idea that there is some book that has all
 the answers because once somebody does that,  somebody else
 can write a different book and say the same thing and then
 bam your are living after the postmodern heat death,  even
 a few thousand years before the greeks.
 (Put simply:  you will find that
 horses,  goats,  cows,  dogs,  cats and other
 domesticated animals consistently express pleasure when you
 come to feed them,  which reinforces their feeding.  A
 human child might bitch that they aren't getting what
 they want,  which does not reinforce parental feeding
 behavior.  Call it moral or social reasoning or whatever
 but when it comes to maximizing one's utility function,
  animals do a good job of it.  The only reason I'm
 afraid to help an injured raccoon is that it might have
 Maybe the
 logical problems you get as you try to model language have
 something to do with human nature,  but the language
 instinct is a peripheral of an animal and it can't be
 modeled without modeling the animal.
 There is a huge literature of first
 order logic,  temporal logic,  modal logic and other
 systems that capture more of what is in language and the
 question of what comes after RDF is interesting;
  the ISO Common Logic idea that we go back to the predicate
 calculus and just let people make statements with arity
 2 in a way that expands RDF is great,  but we really
 need ISO Common Logic* based on what we know now.  Also
 there is no conceptual problem in introducing arity  2
 in SPARQL so we should just do it -- why convert relational
 database tables to triples and add the complexity when we
 can just treat them as tuples under the SPARQL
 Anyway there
 is a big way to go in this direction and I have thought
 about it deeply because I have stared into the
 commercialization valley of death for so long,  but I think
 an RDF

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Paul Houle
I think you're particular concerned about the ordering of triples where ?s
and ?p are the same?

?s ?p ?o1 , ?o2, ?o3, ?o4 .


Sometimes people don't care,  sometimes they do.

One scenario is we are drawing a page about the creative works of Issac
Asimov,  the Kinks,  or Jeff Bridges and want to see titles that everybody
recognizes at the top of the list.  In some of these cases there is a
subjective element in that there is no global total ordering or even a
partial ordering (see Arrow's Theorem),  but it's fair to say more people
know the song Lola than Ducks on the Wall.

With RDF* you can put on edge weights which will support cases like that.

Another approach is to further specify the data model so you get behavior
like hashtables in PHP -- PHP hashtables support random access look up but
if you iterate over them things come out in the order you put them in.

Another case is where there really is a total ordering.  For instance,  the
authors of a scientific paper might get excited if you list them in the
wrong order.  One weird old trick for this is RDF containers,  which are
specified in the XMP dialect of Dublin Core

where you write something like

   dcterms:creator (Ralph Alpher,Hans Bethe,George Gamow) .

In their version you are using text and not some authority record but if
you just want to annotate the average business document it works.

So yeah,  I agree that ordering is a big issue in RDF;  you are coming from
it as a requirement for the editor,  I see it as important if we want to
use RDF technology as a universal solvent for dealing with all the JSON,
 XML and equivalently expressive documents and messages which support
ordered collection.  It's definitely a tooling issue but it does involve
looking at hard issues in the underlying data model.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Michael Brunnbauer

 Hello Paul,

 let me put this into two simple statements:

 1) There is no canonical ordering of triples

 2) A good triple editor should reflect this by letting the user determine
 the order


 Michael Brunnbauer

 On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 03:50:33PM +0100, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
  Hello Paul,
  I am not so sure if this is good enough. If you add something to the end
 of a
  list in a UI, you normally expect it to stay there. If you accept that it
  will be put in its proper position later, you may - as user - still have
  trouble figuring out where that position is (even with the heuristics
 you gave).
  The problem repeats with the triple object if the properties have been
  As user, you might feel even more compelled to introduce a deviant
 ordering on
  this level.
  Michael Brunnbauer
  On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 09:07:37AM -0500, Paul Houle wrote:
   There are quite a few simple heuristics that will give good enough
   results,  consider for instance:
   (1) order predicates by alphabetical order (by rdfs:label or by
   or the whole URL)
   (2) order predicates by some numerical property given by a custom
   in the schema
   (3) order predicates by the type of the domain alphabetically, and then
   order by the name of the predicates
   (4) work out the partial ordering of types by inheritance so Person
   up at the top and Actor shows up below that
   Freebase does something like (4) and that is good enough.
   On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 8:01 AM, Kingsley Idehen
On 2/19/15 4:52 AM, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
Hello Paul,
an interesting aspect of such a system is the ordering of triples -
if you restrict editing to one subject. Either the order is
and the
user will have to search for his new triple after doing an insert
 or the
determines the position of his new triple.
In the latter case, the app developer will want to use something
reification - at least internally. This is the point when the app
and the Semantic Web expert start to disagree ;-)
Not really, in regards to Semantic Web expert starting to disagree
se. You can order by Predicate or use Reification.
When designing our RDF Editor, we took the route of breaking things
as follows:
Book (Named Graph Collection e.g. in a Quad Store or service that
understands LDP Containers etc..)  -- (contains) -- Pages (Named
-- Paragraphs (RDF Sentence/Statement Collections).
The Sentence/Statement Collections are the key item, you are honing
and yes, it boils down to:
1. Grouping sentences/statements by predicate per named graph to
 create a
2. Grouping sentences by way of reification where each sentence is
identified and described per named graph.
Rather that pit one approach against the other, we simply adopted
 both, as
Anyway, you raise a very 

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Paul Houle
There are quite a few simple heuristics that will give good enough
results,  consider for instance:

(1) order predicates by alphabetical order (by rdfs:label or by localname
or the whole URL)
(2) order predicates by some numerical property given by a custom predicate
in the schema
(3) order predicates by the type of the domain alphabetically, and then
order by the name of the predicates
(4) work out the partial ordering of types by inheritance so Person winds
up at the top and Actor shows up below that

Freebase does something like (4) and that is good enough.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 8:01 AM, Kingsley Idehen

 On 2/19/15 4:52 AM, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:

 Hello Paul,

 an interesting aspect of such a system is the ordering of triples - even
 if you restrict editing to one subject. Either the order is predefined
 and the
 user will have to search for his new triple after doing an insert or the
 determines the position of his new triple.

 In the latter case, the app developer will want to use something like
 reification - at least internally. This is the point when the app
 and the Semantic Web expert start to disagree ;-)

 Not really, in regards to Semantic Web expert starting to disagree per
 se. You can order by Predicate or use Reification.

 When designing our RDF Editor, we took the route of breaking things down
 as follows:

 Book (Named Graph Collection e.g. in a Quad Store or service that
 understands LDP Containers etc..)  -- (contains) -- Pages (Named Graphs)
 -- Paragraphs (RDF Sentence/Statement Collections).

 The Sentence/Statement Collections are the key item, you are honing into,
 and yes, it boils down to:

 1. Grouping sentences/statements by predicate per named graph to create a
 2. Grouping sentences by way of reification where each sentence is
 identified and described per named graph.

 Rather that pit one approach against the other, we simply adopted both, as

 Anyway, you raise a very important point that's generally overlooked.
 Ignoring this fundamental point is a shortcut to hell for any editor that's
 to be used in a multi-user setup, as you clearly understand :)


 Maybe they can compromise on a system with a separate named graph per
 (BTW what is the status of blank nodes shared between named graphs?).


 Michael Brunnbauer

 On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 03:08:33PM -0500, Paul Houle wrote:

 I am looking at some cases where I have databases that are similar to
 Dbpedia and Freebase in character,  sometimes that big (ok,  those
 particular databases),   sometimes smaller.  Right now there are no blank
 nodes,  perhaps there are things like the compound value types from
 Freebase which are sorta like blank nodes but they have names,

 Sometimes I want to manually edit a few records.  Perhaps I want to
 a triple or add a few triples (possibly introducing a new subject.)

 It seems to me there could be some kind of system which points at a
 protocol endpoint (so I can keep my data in my favorite triple store) and
 given an RDFS or OWL schema,  automatically generates the forms so I can
 easily edit the data.

 Is there something out there?

 Paul Houle
 Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
 (607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype


 Kingsley Idehen
 Founder  CEO
 OpenLink Software
 Company Web:
 Personal Weblog 1:
 Personal Weblog 2:
 Twitter Profile:
 Google+ Profile:
 LinkedIn Profile:
 Personal WebID:

Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-19 Thread Michael Brunnbauer

Hello Paul,

I am not so sure if this is good enough. If you add something to the end of a
list in a UI, you normally expect it to stay there. If you accept that it
will be put in its proper position later, you may - as user - still have
trouble figuring out where that position is (even with the heuristics you gave).

The problem repeats with the triple object if the properties have been ordered.
As user, you might feel even more compelled to introduce a deviant ordering on
this level.


Michael Brunnbauer

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 09:07:37AM -0500, Paul Houle wrote:
 There are quite a few simple heuristics that will give good enough
 results,  consider for instance:
 (1) order predicates by alphabetical order (by rdfs:label or by localname
 or the whole URL)
 (2) order predicates by some numerical property given by a custom predicate
 in the schema
 (3) order predicates by the type of the domain alphabetically, and then
 order by the name of the predicates
 (4) work out the partial ordering of types by inheritance so Person winds
 up at the top and Actor shows up below that
 Freebase does something like (4) and that is good enough.
 On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 8:01 AM, Kingsley Idehen
  On 2/19/15 4:52 AM, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
  Hello Paul,
  an interesting aspect of such a system is the ordering of triples - even
  if you restrict editing to one subject. Either the order is predefined
  and the
  user will have to search for his new triple after doing an insert or the
  determines the position of his new triple.
  In the latter case, the app developer will want to use something like
  reification - at least internally. This is the point when the app
  and the Semantic Web expert start to disagree ;-)
  Not really, in regards to Semantic Web expert starting to disagree per
  se. You can order by Predicate or use Reification.
  When designing our RDF Editor, we took the route of breaking things down
  as follows:
  Book (Named Graph Collection e.g. in a Quad Store or service that
  understands LDP Containers etc..)  -- (contains) -- Pages (Named Graphs)
  -- Paragraphs (RDF Sentence/Statement Collections).
  The Sentence/Statement Collections are the key item, you are honing into,
  and yes, it boils down to:
  1. Grouping sentences/statements by predicate per named graph to create a
  2. Grouping sentences by way of reification where each sentence is
  identified and described per named graph.
  Rather that pit one approach against the other, we simply adopted both, as
  Anyway, you raise a very important point that's generally overlooked.
  Ignoring this fundamental point is a shortcut to hell for any editor that's
  to be used in a multi-user setup, as you clearly understand :)
  Maybe they can compromise on a system with a separate named graph per
  (BTW what is the status of blank nodes shared between named graphs?).
  Michael Brunnbauer
  On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 03:08:33PM -0500, Paul Houle wrote:
  I am looking at some cases where I have databases that are similar to
  Dbpedia and Freebase in character,  sometimes that big (ok,  those
  particular databases),   sometimes smaller.  Right now there are no blank
  nodes,  perhaps there are things like the compound value types from
  Freebase which are sorta like blank nodes but they have names,
  Sometimes I want to manually edit a few records.  Perhaps I want to
  a triple or add a few triples (possibly introducing a new subject.)
  It seems to me there could be some kind of system which points at a
  protocol endpoint (so I can keep my data in my favorite triple store) and
  given an RDFS or OWL schema,  automatically generates the forms so I can
  easily edit the data.
  Is there something out there?
  Paul Houle
  Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
  (607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype
  Kingsley Idehen
  Founder  CEO
  OpenLink Software
  Company Web:
  Personal Weblog 1:
  Personal Weblog 2:
  Twitter Profile:
  Google+ Profile:
  LinkedIn Profile:
  Personal WebID:
 Paul Houle
 Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
 (607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype

++  Michael Brunnbauer
++  netEstate GmbH
++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
++  81379 München
++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89 
++  E-Mail
++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B 

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-18 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/18/15 3:08 PM, Paul Houle wrote:
I am looking at some cases where I have databases that are similar to 
Dbpedia and Freebase in character,  sometimes that big (ok,  those 
particular databases),   sometimes smaller.  Right now there are no 
blank nodes,  perhaps there are things like the compound value types 
from Freebase which are sorta like blank nodes but they have names,

Sometimes I want to manually edit a few records.  Perhaps I want to 
delete a triple or add a few triples (possibly introducing a new subject.)

It seems to me there could be some kind of system which points at a 
SPARQL protocol endpoint (so I can keep my data in my favorite triple 
store) and given an RDFS or OWL schema,  automatically generates the 
forms so I can easily edit the data.

Is there something out there?


We will soon release (this month or early March at the latest) a 
Read-Write Editor for RDF, in Open Source form, that addresses some of 
these features. Naturally, it supports WebID, LDP, WebACL etc..


Kingsley Idehen 
Founder  CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web:
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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-18 Thread Martynas Jusevičius
Hey Paul,

we have the editing interface, but ontologies are not of much help
here. The question is, how and where to draw the boundary of the
description that you want to edit, because millions of triples on one
page will not work.

Fine-grained named graphs and/or SPARQL queries/updates are 2
solutions for this.


On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 9:08 PM, Paul Houle wrote:
 I am looking at some cases where I have databases that are similar to
 Dbpedia and Freebase in character,  sometimes that big (ok,  those
 particular databases),   sometimes smaller.  Right now there are no blank
 nodes,  perhaps there are things like the compound value types from
 Freebase which are sorta like blank nodes but they have names,

 Sometimes I want to manually edit a few records.  Perhaps I want to delete a
 triple or add a few triples (possibly introducing a new subject.)

 It seems to me there could be some kind of system which points at a SPARQL
 protocol endpoint (so I can keep my data in my favorite triple store) and
 given an RDFS or OWL schema,  automatically generates the forms so I can
 easily edit the data.

 Is there something out there?

 Paul Houle
 Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
 (607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype

Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-18 Thread Paul Houle
I am looking at some cases where I have databases that are similar to
Dbpedia and Freebase in character,  sometimes that big (ok,  those
particular databases),   sometimes smaller.  Right now there are no blank
nodes,  perhaps there are things like the compound value types from
Freebase which are sorta like blank nodes but they have names,

Sometimes I want to manually edit a few records.  Perhaps I want to delete
a triple or add a few triples (possibly introducing a new subject.)

It seems to me there could be some kind of system which points at a SPARQL
protocol endpoint (so I can keep my data in my favorite triple store) and
given an RDFS or OWL schema,  automatically generates the forms so I can
easily edit the data.

Is there something out there?

Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254paul.houle on Skype

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-18 Thread Martynas Jusevičius
Why do you assume I assume something?

I simply stated what should be considered. When Paul replies, we'll
know what kind of dataset it is, and whether these issues apply.

He mentions DBPedia as an example, which returns around 20 named
graphs for triples. How are those supposed to be edited?

select distinct ?g where { graph ?g { ?s ?p ?o } }

count() didn't work for me BTW.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 10:51 PM, Kingsley  Idehen wrote:
 On 2/18/15 4:01 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

 we have the editing interface, but ontologies are not of much help
 here. The question is, how and where to draw the boundary of the
 description that you want to edit, because millions of triples on one
 page will not work.

 Why do you assume that the target of an edit is a massive dataset presented
 in a single page?


 Kingsley Idehen
 Founder  CEO
 OpenLink Software
 Company Web:
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 Personal WebID:

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-18 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 2/18/15 5:07 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

Why do you assume I assume something?

Because he spoke about an Microsoft-Access-like solution. If you've used 
that tool you would know that massive dataset edits, as you indicated, 
can't be the focal point of his quest, hence my comment.

I simply stated what should be considered. When Paul replies, we'll
know what kind of dataset it is, and whether these issues apply.

See my comment above.

He mentions DBPedia as an example, which returns around 20 named
graphs for triples. How are those supposed to be edited?

He can (if he needs to) scope his activity to triples associated with a 
specific named graph.

select distinct ?g where { graph ?g { ?s ?p ?o } }

  didn't work for me BTW.

Yes, that's by design [1].

[1] -- 
DBpedia fair use policy .


On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 10:51 PM, Kingsley  Idehen wrote:

On 2/18/15 4:01 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

we have the editing interface, but ontologies are not of much help
here. The question is, how and where to draw the boundary of the
description that you want to edit, because millions of triples on one
page will not work.

Why do you assume that the target of an edit is a massive dataset presented
in a single page?


Kingsley Idehen
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Kingsley Idehen 
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Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-18 Thread Paul Houle
Well here is my user story.

I am looking at a page that looks like this

it drives me up the wall that the following facts are in there:

   dbpedia-owl:childOf :EinsteinFamily ;
   dbpedia-owl:parentOf :EinsteinFamily .

which is just awful in a whole lot of ways.  Case (1) is that I click an X
next to those two triples and they are gone,  Case (2) is that I can create
new records to fill in his Family tree and that will involve many other
user stories such as (3) user creates literal field and so forth.

Freebase and Wikidata have good enough user interfaces that revolve
around entities,  see  (while you still can)

but neither of those is RDF-centric.  It seems to me that an alternative
semantics could be defined for RDF and OWL that work work like so:

* we say :Albert_Einstein is a :Person
* we then see some form with fields people can fill,  or alternately there
is a dropdown list with predicates that have this as a known domain;  the
range can also be used backwards so that we expect a langstring or integer
or link to another :Person

It's important that this be some tool that somebody who knows little about
RDF can enter data and edit it with a little bit of task-oriented (as
opposed to concept-oriented training.)

The idea here is that the structures and vocabulary are constrained so that
the structures are not complex;  both DBpedia and Freebase are so
constrained.  You might want to say things like

[ a   sp:Ask ;
rdfs:comment must be at least 18 years old^^xsd:string ;
sp:where ([ sp:object sp:_age ;
sp:predicate my:age ;
sp:subject spin:_this
  ] [ a   sp:Filter ;
[ sp:arg1 sp:_age ;
  sp:arg2 18 ;
  a sp:lt

and that is cool,  but I have no idea how to make that simple for a muggle
to use and I'm interested in these things that are similar in character to
a relational database,  so I'd say that is out-of-scope for now.  I think
this tool could probably edit RDFS schemas (treating them as instance data)
but not be able to edit OWL schemas (if you need that use an OWL editor)

Now if I was really trying to construct family trees I'd have to address
cycles like that with some algorithms and heuristics because it probably
take a long time to pluck them out by hand,  but some things you'll want to
edit by hand and that process will be easier if you are working with a
smaller data set,  which you can easily find.

If you have decent type data,  as does Freebase,  it is not hard to pick
out pieces of the WikiWorld,  such as ski areas or navy ships and the
project of improving that kind of database with hand tools is much more

For small projects you don't need access controls,  provenance and that
kind of thing,  but if you were trying to run something like Freebase and
Wikidata where you know what the algebra is the obvious thing to do is use

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-18 Thread Martynas Jusevičius

does this look something like the interface you could use?


On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 11:59 PM, Paul Houle wrote:
 Well here is my user story.

 I am looking at a page that looks like this

 it drives me up the wall that the following facts are in there:

dbpedia-owl:childOf :EinsteinFamily ;
dbpedia-owl:parentOf :EinsteinFamily .

 which is just awful in a whole lot of ways.  Case (1) is that I click an X
 next to those two triples and they are gone,  Case (2) is that I can create
 new records to fill in his Family tree and that will involve many other user
 stories such as (3) user creates literal field and so forth.

 Freebase and Wikidata have good enough user interfaces that revolve around
 entities,  see  (while you still can)

 but neither of those is RDF-centric.  It seems to me that an alternative
 semantics could be defined for RDF and OWL that work work like so:

 * we say :Albert_Einstein is a :Person
 * we then see some form with fields people can fill,  or alternately there
 is a dropdown list with predicates that have this as a known domain;  the
 range can also be used backwards so that we expect a langstring or integer
 or link to another :Person

 It's important that this be some tool that somebody who knows little about
 RDF can enter data and edit it with a little bit of task-oriented (as
 opposed to concept-oriented training.)

 The idea here is that the structures and vocabulary are constrained so that
 the structures are not complex;  both DBpedia and Freebase are so
 constrained.  You might want to say things like

 [ a   sp:Ask ;
 rdfs:comment must be at least 18 years old^^xsd:string ;
 sp:where ([ sp:object sp:_age ;
 sp:predicate my:age ;
 sp:subject spin:_this
   ] [ a   sp:Filter ;
 [ sp:arg1 sp:_age ;
   sp:arg2 18 ;
   a sp:lt

 and that is cool,  but I have no idea how to make that simple for a muggle
 to use and I'm interested in these things that are similar in character to a
 relational database,  so I'd say that is out-of-scope for now.  I think this
 tool could probably edit RDFS schemas (treating them as instance data) but
 not be able to edit OWL schemas (if you need that use an OWL editor)

 Now if I was really trying to construct family trees I'd have to address
 cycles like that with some algorithms and heuristics because it probably
 take a long time to pluck them out by hand,  but some things you'll want to
 edit by hand and that process will be easier if you are working with a
 smaller data set,  which you can easily find.

 If you have decent type data,  as does Freebase,  it is not hard to pick out
 pieces of the WikiWorld,  such as ski areas or navy ships and the
 project of improving that kind of database with hand tools is much more

 For small projects you don't need access controls,  provenance and that kind
 of thing,  but if you were trying to run something like Freebase and
 Wikidata where you know what the algebra is the obvious thing to do is use
 RDF* and SPARQL*.

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-18 Thread Gannon Dick
Hi Paul,

I'm detecting a snippy disturbance in the Linked Open Data Force :)

The text edit problem resides in the nature of SQL type queries vs. SPARQL type 
queries.  It's not in the data exactly, but rather in the processing 
(name:value pairs).  To obtain RDF from data in columns you want to do a parity 
shift rather than a polarity shift.

Given the statement:

Mad Dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun

(parity shift) Australians are Down Under Englishmen and just as crazy.
(polarity shift) Australians are negative Englishmen, differently crazy.

Mad Dogs ? Well, that's another Subject.

The point is, editing triples is not really any easier than editing columns, 
but it sometimes looks dangerously easy.


[1]  'Air and water are good, and the people are devout enough, but the food is 
very bad,' Kim growled; 'and we walk as though we were mad--or English. It 
freezes at night, too.'
--  Kim by Rudyard Kipling (Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)), Chapter 
XIII, Copyright 1900,1901

On Wed, 2/18/15, Paul Houle wrote:

 Subject: Microsoft Access for RDF?
 To: Linked Data community
 Date: Wednesday, February 18, 2015, 2:08 PM
 I am looking at some
 cases where I have databases that are similar to Dbpedia and
 Freebase in character,  sometimes that big (ok,  those
 particular databases),   sometimes smaller.  Right now
 there are no blank nodes,  perhaps there are things like
 the compound value types from Freebase which are
 sorta like blank nodes but they have names,
 Sometimes I want to manually edit a few
 records.  Perhaps I want to delete a triple or add a few
 triples (possibly introducing a new subject.)
 It seems to me there could be some kind of system
 which points at a SPARQL protocol endpoint (so I can keep my
 data in my favorite triple store) and given an RDFS or OWL
 schema,  automatically generates the forms so I can easily
 edit the data.
 Is there something out there?
 Paul Houle
 Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
 (607) 539 6254    paul.houle on Skype   

Re: Microsoft Access for RDF?

2015-02-18 Thread Paul Houle
Yes,  there is the general project of capturing 100% of critical
information in documents and that is a wider problem than the large amount
of Linked Data which is basically RelationalDatabase++.

Note that a lot of data in this world is in spreadsheets (like relational
tables but often less discipline) and in formats like XML and JSON that are
object-relational in the sense that a column can contain either a list or
set of rows.

Even before we tackle the problem of representing the meaning of written
language (particularly when it comes to policies,  standards documents,
 regulations,  etc. as opposed to Finnegan's Wake or Mary had a little
lamb) there is the slightly easier problem of understanding all the
semi-structured data out there.

Frankly I think the Bible gets things all wrong at the very beginning with
In the beginning there was the word... because in the beginning we were
animals and then we developed the language instinct,  which is probably a
derangement in our ability to reason about uncertainty which reduces the
sample space for learning grammar.

Often people suggest that animals are morally inferior to humans and I
think the bible has a point where in some level we screw it up,  because
animals don't do the destructive behaviors that seem so characteristic of
our species and that are often tied up with our ability to use language to
construct contafactuals such as the very idea that there is some book that
has all the answers because once somebody does that,  somebody else can
write a different book and say the same thing and then bam your are living
after the postmodern heat death,  even a few thousand years before the

(Put simply:  you will find that horses,  goats,  cows,  dogs,  cats and
other domesticated animals consistently express pleasure when you come to
feed them,  which reinforces their feeding.  A human child might bitch that
they aren't getting what they want,  which does not reinforce parental
feeding behavior.  Call it moral or social reasoning or whatever but when
it comes to maximizing one's utility function,  animals do a good job of
it.  The only reason I'm afraid to help an injured raccoon is that it might
have rabies.)

Maybe the logical problems you get as you try to model language have
something to do with human nature,  but the language instinct is a
peripheral of an animal and it can't be modeled without modeling the animal.

There is a huge literature of first order logic,  temporal logic,  modal
logic and other systems that capture more of what is in language and the
question of what comes after RDF is interesting;  the ISO Common Logic
idea that we go back to the predicate calculus and just let people make
statements with arity 2 in a way that expands RDF is great,  but we really
need ISO Common Logic* based on what we know now.  Also there is no
conceptual problem in introducing arity  2 in SPARQL so we should just do
it -- why convert relational database tables to triples and add the
complexity when we can just treat them as tuples under the SPARQL algebra?

Anyway there is a big way to go in this direction and I have thought about
it deeply because I have stared into the commercialization valley of death
for so long,  but I think an RDF editor for Linked Data as we know it
which is more animal in it's nature than human is tractable and useful and
maybe a step towards the next thing.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 6:28 PM, Gannon Dick wrote:

 Hi Paul,

 I'm detecting a snippy disturbance in the Linked Open Data Force :)

 The text edit problem resides in the nature of SQL type queries vs. SPARQL
 type queries.  It's not in the data exactly, but rather in the processing
 (name:value pairs).  To obtain RDF from data in columns you want to do a
 parity shift rather than a polarity shift.

 Given the statement:

 Mad Dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun

 (parity shift) Australians are Down Under Englishmen and just as crazy.
 (polarity shift) Australians are negative Englishmen, differently crazy.

 Mad Dogs ? Well, that's another Subject.

 The point is, editing triples is not really any easier than editing
 columns, but it sometimes looks dangerously easy.


 [1]  'Air and water are good, and the people are devout enough, but the
 food is very bad,' Kim growled; 'and we walk as though we were mad--or
 English. It freezes at night, too.'
 --  Kim by Rudyard Kipling (Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)), Chapter
 XIII, Copyright 1900,1901
 On Wed, 2/18/15, Paul Houle wrote:

  Subject: Microsoft Access for RDF?
  To: Linked Data community
  Date: Wednesday, February 18, 2015, 2:08 PM

  I am looking at some
  cases where I have databases that are similar to Dbpedia and
  Freebase in character,  sometimes that big (ok,  those
  particular databases),   sometimes smaller.  Right now
  there are no blank nodes,  perhaps