Re: destabilizing core technologies: was Re: An RDF wishlist

2010-07-02 Thread Patrick Durusau


A somewhat longer response with references to some of the discussion on 
the list yesterday.

On 7/1/2010 6:30 AM, Dan Brickley wrote:

Hi Patrick,



I don't know what else to call the US Department of Defense mandating the
use of SGML for defense contracts. That is certainly real-world and it
seems hard to step on an economic map of the US without stepping in defense
contracts of one sort or another.

Yes, you are right. It is fair and interesting to bring up this
analogy and associated history. SGML even got a namecheck in the
original announcement of the Web, see and
even today HTML is not yet re-cast in terms XML, much less SGML. Many
today are looking to JSON rather than XML, perhaps because of a lack
of courage/optimism amongst XMLs creators that saddled it with more
SGML heritage than it should now be carrying. These are all reasons
for chopping away more bravely at things we might otherwise be afraid
of breaking. But what if we chop so much the original is
unrecognisable? Is that so wrong? What if RDF's biggest adoption
burden is the openworld triples model?


Without pre-judging what needs to be changed (if anything), consider the 
history of HTML 3.2. Possibly the most successful markup language of all 

HTML 3.2 did not:

1) Have puff pieces extolling its virtues in Scientific American

2) It did not have a cast of thousands of researchers publishing papers 
and dissertations

3) It did not have near the investment in $Millions in various software 

4) It did not take ten years and even then have people are lamenting its 
lack of adoption

HTML 3.2 did have:

1) *A need perceived by users as needing to be met*

2) *A method to meet that need that was acceptable to users*

Note for purposes of the rest of this post I concede that I *don't know* 
the answer to either of those questions for any semantic integration 
technology. If I did, that answer would have been on the first lines of 
this post.

What I am suggesting is that we need to examine those two questions 
instead of deciding that RDF was right all along and users are simple 
failing to do their part.

Clinging to decisions that seemed right at the time they were made is a real
problem. It is only because we make decisions that we have the opportunity
to look back and wish we had decided differently. That is called experience.
If we don't learn from experience, well, there are other words to describe that.


So, I wouldn't object to a new RDF Core WG, to cleanups including eg.
'literals as subjects' in the core data model, or to see the formal
semantics modernised/simplified according to the latest wisdom of the

I do object to the idea that proposed changes are the kinds of thing
that will make RDF significantly easier to deploy. The RDF family of
specs is already pretty layered. You can do a lot without ever using
or encountering rdf:Alt, or reification, or OWL DL reasoning, or RIF.
Or reading a W3C spec. The basic idea of triples is pretty simple and
even sometimes strangely attractive, however many things have been
piled on top. But simplicity is a complex thing! Having a simple data
model, even simple, easy to read specs, won't save RDF from being a
complex-to-use technology.


The proposed changes *may not* be the ones that are required.

On the other hand, saying that we have invested $millions in RDF as is 
so it has to work should result in a return of false from any 
reasoning engine. Including human ones.

The amount of effort expended in trying to stop the tides may be 
enormous that that isn't a justification of a technique or even the project.

We have I think a reasonably simple data model. You can't take much
away from the triples story and be left with anything sharing RDF's
most attractive properties. The specs could be cleaner and more
accessible. But I know plenty of former RDF enthuasiasts who knew the
specs and the tech inside out, and still ultimately abandoned it all.
Making RDF simpler to use can't come just from simplifying the specs;
when you look at the core, and it's the core that's the problem, there
just isn't much left to throw out.


It may not be a problem with RDF at all.

It could be that RDF is an entirely consistent and useful model, but 
just not for any problem that users see.

That is really the question for adoption isn't it?

Do users see the same problem?

If they don't, building systems for problems they don't see seems like a 
poor strategy.

Moreover, knowing they don't see it and continuing with the same 
activity and expecting a different result, well, you know what repeating 
the same thing and expecting a different result is.

Some of the audience for these postings will remember that the result of
intransigence on the part of the SGML community was XML.

XML was a giant gamble. It's instructive to look back at what
happened, and 

Re: destabilizing core technologies: was Re: An RDF wishlist

2010-07-02 Thread Ian Davis

Without disputing your wider point that HTML hit the sweet point of
usability and utility I will dispute the following:

 HTML 3.2 did have:

 1) *A need perceived by users as needing to be met*

Did users really know they wanted to link documents together to form a
world wide web? I spent much of the late nineties persuading companies
and individuals of the merits of being part of this new web thing and
then gritting my teeth when it came to actually showing them how to
get a page online - it was a painful confusion of text editors ( no
you can't use wordperfect ), fumbling in the dark ( no wysiwyg ),
dialup ( you mean I have to pay?)  and ftp! When MS frontpage came
along the users loved it because all that pain went away but they
could not understand why so many people laughed at the results.

I think we all have short memories.

The advantage that HTML had was that people were able to use it before
creating their own, i.e. they were aleady reading websites so could at
some point say I want to make one of those. The problem RDF is
gradually overcoming is this bootstrapping stage. It has a harder time
because, to be frank, data is dull. But now people are seeing some of
the data being made available in browseable form e.g. at
or dbpedia and saying, I want to make one of those.


Re: destabilizing core technologies: was Re: An RDF wishlist

2010-07-02 Thread Patrick Durusau


On 7/2/2010 5:25 AM, Ian Davis wrote:


Without disputing your wider point that HTML hit the sweet point of
usability and utility I will dispute the following:


HTML 3.2 did have:

1) *A need perceived by users as needing to be met*


Did users really know they wanted to link documents together to form a
world wide web? I spent much of the late nineties persuading companies
and individuals of the merits of being part of this new web thing and
then gritting my teeth when it came to actually showing them how to
get a page online - it was a painful confusion of text editors ( no
you can't use wordperfect ), fumbling in the dark ( no wysiwyg ),
dialup ( you mean I have to pay?)  and ftp! When MS frontpage came
along the users loved it because all that pain went away but they
could not understand why so many people laughed at the results.


Well, possibly. I am not sure that is how users saw the need.

That's the rub, I think it is hit or miss.

In the publishing area where I worked when the web came along, it was a 
question of being able to make low return material available to a wider 
audience for less distribution cost.

Not so much being part of a linked web as making material accessible.

How many users saw it that way I cannot say.

I think we all have short memories.

The advantage that HTML had was that people were able to use it before
creating their own, i.e. they were aleady reading websites so could at
some point say I want to make one of those. The problem RDF is
gradually overcoming is this bootstrapping stage. It has a harder time
because, to be frank, data is dull. But now people are seeing some of
the data being made available in browseable form e.g. at
or dbpedia and saying, I want to make one of those.


Good point. But the basic tools to handle data have been around for a 
long time.

Why so long to get to the place where users can say: I want to make one 
of those. ?

Which I agree is a very good strategy.

Hope you are having a great day!




Patrick Durusau
Chair, V1 - US TAG to JTC 1/SC 34
Convener, JTC 1/SC 34/WG 3 (Topic Maps)
Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300
Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps)

Another Word For It (blog):
Twitter: patrickDurusau

Re: destabilizing core technologies: was Re: An RDF wishlist

2010-07-02 Thread Henry Story

On 2 Jul 2010, at 11:39, Patrick Durusau wrote:

 Good point. But the basic tools to handle data have been around for a long 

The web could only get going in the 90ies when 

  1) Windows 95 become (A GUI) widely deployed and relatively stable and had 
support for threads
  2) modems were cheap and available
  [3 the soviet unions had fallen, so the fear mongers had no security buttons 
to press]

In 1997 the SSL layer (https) gave an extra boost as it made commerce possible.

 Why so long to get to the place where users can say: I want to make one of 
 those. ?

   There are many reasons, but most of all is that people don't in fact 
understand hypertext, as being linked information. Or the people in charge of 
data don't think of it that way easily.

   Engineers have for 50 years been educated in closed world systems, every 
programming language
including Prolog and lisp have local naming conventions that don't scale 
globally, and database people
make a fortune with SQL. The people interact only very lightly with the web. 
Usually there is a layer of Web Monkeys in between them and the web. 

   So when you ask those engineers to build a global distributed information 
system, they 
come up with the closest to what they know - which is remote method calls - and 
they invent XML/RPC which leads to SOAP. 

  So it is not easy to get the knowledgeable people on board. The Web Monkeys 
are not very good at modelling, and the back end engineers don't understand the 
web. Finally the business people have problems understanding abstract concepts 
such as network effect.

  It just took time then to do a few demos, which the University of Berlin put 
together, slowly getting other people on board.

  It just takes time to rewire the brain of millions of people.


Re: destabilizing core technologies: was Re: An RDF wishlist

2010-07-02 Thread Bob Ferris

Hi Ian,

 But now people are seeing some of

the data being made available in browseable form e.g. at
or dbpedia and saying, I want to make one of those.

I don't really believe that people would say after browsing dbpedia I 
want to make one of those. That's not the User Experience users expect 
to get. Please remember the Semantic-Web-UI discussion last time. 
People are tending to use/experience richer visualisations of the 
data/knowledge/information in the background. I hear often, especially 
in the last time, the term 'story telling' - and that's it, I think.



Re: destabilizing core technologies: was Re: An RDF wishlist

2010-07-02 Thread Patrick Durusau


On 7/2/2010 5:58 AM, Henry Story wrote:

On 2 Jul 2010, at 11:39, Patrick Durusau wrote:


Good point. But the basic tools to handle data have been around for a long time.

The web could only get going in the 90ies when

   1) Windows 95 become (A GUI) widely deployed and relatively stable and had 
support for threads
   2) modems were cheap and available
   [3 the soviet unions had fallen, so the fear mongers had no security buttons 
to press]

In 1997 the SSL layer (https) gave an extra boost as it made commerce possible.

Err, you are omitting one critical fact. The one that lead to TBL's 
paper being rejected from the hypertext conference. Links could fail.

That is reportedly one of the critical failings of early hypertext 
systems was that links could not be allowed to fail. That blocked any 
sort of global scaling.

Hmmm, wonder what happens when links fail with RDF, considering that it 
requires the yet to be implemented 303 solution?

Why so long to get to the place where users can say: I want to make one of 
those. ?

There are many reasons, but most of all is that people don't in fact 
understand hypertext, as being linked information. Or the people in charge of 
data don't think of it that way easily.


Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by:

that people in fact don't understand hypertest, as being linked 
information. ???

Engineers have for 50 years been educated in closed world systems, every 
programming language
including Prolog and lisp have local naming conventions that don't scale 
globally, and database people
make a fortune with SQL. The people interact only very lightly with the web. Usually 
there is a layer of Web Monkeys in between them and the web.


The reason I don't understand your earlier point or this one is that 
users for hundreds of years have been well familiar with texts making 
references to other texts, which to my mind qualifies as hypertext, 
even if it did not have the mechanical convenience of HTML.

What else do you think hypertext would be?

So when you ask those engineers to build a global distributed information 
system, they
come up with the closest to what they know - which is remote method calls - and 
they invent XML/RPC which leads to SOAP.

   So it is not easy to get the knowledgeable people on board. The Web Monkeys 
are not very good at modelling, and the back end engineers don't understand the 
web. Finally the business people have problems understanding abstract concepts 
such as network effect.

   It just took time then to do a few demos, which the University of Berlin put 
together, slowly getting other people on board.

   It just takes time to rewire the brain of millions of people.


Well, I am not so sure that we need to rewire the brain of millions of 
people. so much as we need to have our technologies adapt to them. Yes?

Granting that consumers can and do adapt to some technologies, the more 
consistent a technology is with how people think and work the easier its 
adoption. Yes?

Hope you are looking forward to a great weekend!


Patrick Durusau
Chair, V1 - US TAG to JTC 1/SC 34
Convener, JTC 1/SC 34/WG 3 (Topic Maps)
Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300
Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps)

Another Word For It (blog):
Twitter: patrickDurusau

Re: destabilizing core technologies: was Re: An RDF wishlist

2010-07-02 Thread Patrick Durusau


On 7/2/2010 7:11 AM, Henry Story wrote:



Well, I am not so sure that we need to rewire the brain of millions of 
people. so much as we need to have our technologies adapt to them. Yes?

When it was discovered that the earth was round, the brains of everyone on 
earth had to be rewired.
Of course people only selectively did that. Those who believed it and 
understood the implications rewired the brains of just enough people so they 
could make fortunes, colonise whole continents and rule the world for centuries.

Actually the discovery that the world was round, I assume you mean by 
Columbus, is a myth. It was well know that the earth was round long 
before then. The disagreement was about how large the earth was. As a 
matter of fact Columbus had seriously under estimated the distance to 
make the voyage.

Nor did he or any of the opponents to his voyage expect to discover a 
new continent.

The most accessible account on the myth about the world being flat is 
Umberto Eco's Serendipities: Language and Lunacy. 1998 - See the 
chapter The Force of Falsity.

Hope you are having a great day!


Patrick Durusau
Chair, V1 - US TAG to JTC 1/SC 34
Convener, JTC 1/SC 34/WG 3 (Topic Maps)
Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300
Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps)

Another Word For It (blog):
Twitter: patrickDurusau

Re: destabilizing core technologies: was Re: An RDF wishlist

2010-07-02 Thread Kingsley Idehen

Bob Ferris wrote:

Hi Ian,

 But now people are seeing some of

the data being made available in browseable form e.g. at
or dbpedia and saying, I want to make one of those.

I don't really believe that people would say after browsing dbpedia I 
want to make one of those. 


No, they don't say: I want to make one of those, they say things like: 
I would like to have one of those.

Very similar to organizations (an people) saying: I want a Web Site.

They key to any tech adoption (in the real world) ultimately comes down 
to making opportunity costs palpable. It's always ultimately about 
tangible (rather than hypothetical value).

That's not the User Experience users expect to get. Please remember 
the Semantic-Web-UI discussion last time. 

UI is not the issue, that's such a misconception.

Netscape, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo! etc.. started off with what many 
would call darn ugly Web Sites. They key to their success was using HTML 
to construct short paths to:

1. Value Discovery
2. Opportunity Cost Palpability.

Linked Data is ultimately about loose coupling of Information and Data 
(which aren't the same thing). Basically, enabling us to free ourselves 
of the inherent subjectivity of all projected information via access to 
The Data Sources Behind The Information.

We simply need user interaction patterns that build on the burgeoning 
Linked Data substrate.

For those who continue to be confused about Web 2.0 (a realm that 
emerged fundamentally as a contemptuous response to the hypothesis heavy 
RDF) look at how it came to be:

1. Feeds
2. Feed Syndication
3. Pingers
4. Friending.

All of the items above represent patterns for social interaction via the 
People are tending to use/experience richer visualisations of the 
data/knowledge/information in the background. I hear often, especially 
in the last time, the term 'story telling' - and that's it, I think.

Story telling also works well. That said, RDF's story remains one of the 
very worst ever told IMHO.






Kingsley Idehen	  
President  CEO 
OpenLink Software 

Twitter/ kidehen 

Re: destabilizing core technologies: was Re: An RDF wishlist

2010-07-02 Thread Kingsley Idehen

Bob Ferris wrote:

Hi Ian,

Am 02.07.2010 12:26, schrieb Ian Davis:

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Bob  wrote:

Hi Ian,

But now people are seeing some of

the data being made available in browseable form e.g. at
or dbpedia and saying, I want to make one of those.

I don't really believe that people would say after browsing dbpedia 
I want
to make one of those. That's not the User Experience users expect 
to get.

Please remember the Semantic-Web-UI discussion last time. People are
tending to use/experience richer visualisations of the
data/knowledge/information in the background. I hear often, 
especially in

the last time, the term 'story telling' - and that's it, I think.

Actually there is a class of people that do say that. They want to be
the dbpedia of X, whatever X is. No matter how much we can criticise
dbpedia for its appearance or data quality, we have to applaud the
fact that it defined a new category of service.

You are right, I welcomed it also, when people are saying after they 
have browsed dbpedia - I want to make one of those. However, I 
believe also that the number X representing these people, is much 
smaller as the number Y of people wanting a richer User Experience.




Just as the DBpedia node lead to the LOD Cloud. There is similar 
movement (vertical and horizontal) re. organizations seeking their 
private and/or service specific variants.

You would be quite surprised at the number of DBpedia (and other LOD 
cloud nodes) variants already operating as private lookup oriented data 
spaces within organizations. This train left the station a long time ago.

People want the kind of valuable experience that dense lookup meshes 
like DBpedia (and the rest of LOD) accord.

What is Google when all is said an done? A huge Table (geographically 
splintered across a massive physical data storage complex).

People want to Find Stuff with Precision. That's one example of what 
Linked Data ultimately delivers without the underlying costs of a Google 
style data complex. We just need to continue to orient ourselves (Linked 
Data technology vendors) towards better user interaction patterns that 
align to problems that have reach breaking point with users.

Another example is an Open Social Web. Privacy matters, and there's lots 
of stuff from the Linked Data realm (e.g. WebIDs,  FOAF+SSL, ACLs, Cloud 
Storage etc..) that will make this happen too.

BTW - thanks to veering this conversation to the practical rather than 



Kingsley Idehen	  
President  CEO 
OpenLink Software 

Twitter/ kidehen 

Re: destabilizing core technologies: was Re: An RDF wishlist

2010-07-02 Thread Kingsley Idehen

Patrick Durusau wrote:


On 7/2/2010 5:58 AM, Henry Story wrote:

On 2 Jul 2010, at 11:39, Patrick Durusau wrote:

Good point. But the basic tools to handle data have been around for 
a long time.

The web could only get going in the 90ies when

   1) Windows 95 become (A GUI) widely deployed and relatively stable 
and had support for threads

   2) modems were cheap and available
   [3 the soviet unions had fallen, so the fear mongers had no 
security buttons to press]

In 1997 the SSL layer (https) gave an extra boost as it made commerce 

Err, you are omitting one critical fact. The one that lead to TBL's 
paper being rejected from the hypertext conference. Links could fail.

And there lies the critical misconception.

404 is the feature that debunked the misconception and lead to the Web 
scaling. How about that?

What happened to the Hypertext Conference? What happened to the Web and 
zillion Web themed conferences later?

The ingenuity of the 404 is that is maps reality. We are all imperfect, 
our imperfections are features rather than bugs!

TimBL flipped the script.

More flipping to come re. business model too, but you need to grok the 
Magic of Being You! first.

That is reportedly one of the critical failings of early hypertext 
systems was that links could not be allowed to fail. That blocked any 
sort of global scaling.

Hmmm, wonder what happens when links fail with RDF, considering that 
it requires the yet to be implemented 303 solution?

See my comments above.

The pursuit of globally perfect statements in the RDF realm is one of 
its many flaws.

If I recall, Pat Hayes once said to me: Take DBpedia down! Just because 
of some erroneous data. My reply to him was: No, I can fix the records 
without taking DBpedia down, the data is in a DBMS where the data is 
partitioned using Named Graphs.  etc..  As of today, he even suggest I 
stop using RDF (truly LOL!!).




Kingsley Idehen	  
President  CEO 
OpenLink Software 

Twitter/ kidehen 

Re: destabilizing core technologies: was Re: An RDF wishlist

2010-07-01 Thread Dan Brickley
Hi Patrick,

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Patrick Durusau wrote:

 Just a quick response to only one of the interesting points you raise:

 It's clear that many workshop participants were aware of the risk of
 destabilizing the core technologies just as we are gaining some very
 promising real-world traction. That was a relief to read. For those
 who have invested time and money in helping us get this far, and who
 had the resources to participate, this concern was probably enough to
 motivate participation.

 It might be helpful to recall that destabilizing the core technologies was
 exactly the approach that SGML took when its little annoyances
 [brought] friction and frustration to those working with [SGML]...

 There was ...promising real-world traction.

 I don't know what else to call the US Department of Defense mandating the
 use of SGML for defense contracts. That is certainly real-world and it
 seems hard to step on an economic map of the US without stepping in defense
 contracts of one sort or another.

Yes, you are right. It is fair and interesting to bring up this
analogy and associated history. SGML even got a namecheck in the
original announcement of the Web, see and
even today HTML is not yet re-cast in terms XML, much less SGML. Many
today are looking to JSON rather than XML, perhaps because of a lack
of courage/optimism amongst XMLs creators that saddled it with more
SGML heritage than it should now be carrying. These are all reasons
for chopping away more bravely at things we might otherwise be afraid
of breaking. But what if we chop so much the original is
unrecognisable? Is that so wrong? What if RDF's biggest adoption
burden is the openworld triples model?

 Clinging to decisions that seemed right at the time they were made is a real
 problem. It is only because we make decisions that we have the opportunity
 to look back and wish we had decided differently. That is called experience.
 If we don't learn from experience, well, there are other words to describe 


So, I wouldn't object to a new RDF Core WG, to cleanups including eg.
'literals as subjects' in the core data model, or to see the formal
semantics modernised/simplified according to the latest wisdom of the

I do object to the idea that proposed changes are the kinds of thing
that will make RDF significantly easier to deploy. The RDF family of
specs is already pretty layered. You can do a lot without ever using
or encountering rdf:Alt, or reification, or OWL DL reasoning, or RIF.
Or reading a W3C spec. The basic idea of triples is pretty simple and
even sometimes strangely attractive, however many things have been
piled on top. But simplicity is a complex thing! Having a simple data
model, even simple, easy to read specs, won't save RDF from being a
complex-to-use technology.

We have I think a reasonably simple data model. You can't take much
away from the triples story and be left with anything sharing RDF's
most attractive properties. The specs could be cleaner and more
accessible. But I know plenty of former RDF enthuasiasts who knew the
specs and the tech inside out, and still ultimately abandoned it all.
Making RDF simpler to use can't come just from simplifying the specs;
when you look at the core, and it's the core that's the problem, there
just isn't much left to throw out.

 Some of the audience for these postings will remember that the result of
 intransigence on the part of the SGML community was XML.

XML was a giant gamble. It's instructive to look back at what
happened, and to realise that we don't need a single answer (a single
gamble) here. Part of the problem I was getting at earlier was of
dangerously elevated expectations... the argument that *all* data in
the Web must be in RDF. We can remain fans of the triple model for
simple factual data, even while acknowledging there will be other
useful formats (XMLs, JSONs). Some of us can gamble on lets use RDF
for everything. Some can retreat to the original, noble and neglected
metadata use case, and use RDF to describe information, but leave the
payload in other formats; others (myself at least) might spend their
time trying to use triples as a way of getting people to share the
information that's inside their heads rather than inside their

 I am not advocating in favor of any specific changes. I am suggesting that
 clinging to prior decisions simply because they are prior decisions doesn't
 have a good track record. Learning from prior decisions, on the other hand,
 such as the reduced (in my opinion) feature set of XML, seems to have a
 better one. (Other examples left as an exercise for the reader.)

So, I think I'm holding an awkward position here:

* massive feature change (ie. not using triples, URIs etc); or rather
focus change: become a data sharing in the Web community not a
doing stuff with triples community
* cautious 

Re: destabilizing core technologies: was Re: An RDF wishlist

2010-07-01 Thread Norman Gray

Dan and all, hello.

On 2010 Jul 1, at 11:30, Dan Brickley wrote:

 Yes, you are right. It is fair and interesting to bring up this
 analogy and associated history. SGML even got a namecheck in the
 original announcement of the Web,


 So, I think I'm holding an awkward position here:
 * massive feature change (ie. not using triples, URIs etc); or rather
 focus change: become a data sharing in the Web community not a
 doing stuff with triples community
 * cautious feature change (tweaking the triple model doesn't have many
 big wins; it's simple already)

This is a very thought-provoking argument.

There's a third position: no feature change, but change our goals.

Myself, I finally 'got' SGML (and by implication XML), when I struggled through 
the HyTime spec (anyone remember that?), and finally really properly understood 
the extent to which it was the _abstraction_ of structured information that was 
the point of it, and nothing to do with what the tags looked like, or which 
parser you were using, or any of that mess.  It may be HyTime that the RDF data 
model is analogous to, and not XML after all.

Because of the many-fold annoyingnesses of RDF, it's far too easy for us to be 
distracted by issues which are to some greater or lesser extent syntactical 
(which arguably includes the 'literals as subjects' argument).

One big point about RDF, for me, is that if you can prove (perhaps only to 
yourself) that you can round-trip information from its source, into triples, 
and back, then you have proven something useful and interesting about the RDF 
model in question, _even if_ you never actually publish those triples.  If you 
can serialise those (abstract) triples into an EXIF header, a FITS header (my 
game), JSON, XML, HTML, or whatever, then you completely know the semantics of 
that serialisation, and that there isn't anything missing.  The analogy with 
HyTime is therefore that it helps the understanding or discipline of a designer 
or standards author, not that it's anything anyone else would want to see.  
(HyTime was addressed to DTD authors, not SGML authors).

Thus I can imagine setting up a service which stores its 'knowledge' as 
RDF-style triples (because that's a good fit to the heterogeneous nature of the 
information in question), but makes it available, and documented, only as JSON 
or microformats/RDFa.  It's fundamentally an RDF application, but there isn't a 
single triple visible from the outside.

Thus we might not have to change the spec, just drop our expectation that 
anyone who isn't an 'information architect'[1] will ever read it.  Changing who 
we regard as the 'users' might also release us from some obsessing about 
creating user-accessible tools.

Best wishes,


[1] O!  Hats off!

Norman Gray  :