Re: Transitioning to WebApps Mailing List

2008-06-10 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

Hi Doug,

Would it be possible to just automatically subscribe members of both  
old lists to the new list, to smooth the transition?

On Jun 10, 2008, at 8:49 AM, Doug Schepers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, WebApps Fans-

As a follow-on to my previous invitation, I just wanted to give a  
tip about what I see as the easiest way to do this transition.

Step 1: Join public-webapps ( 
 ); you need to do this explicitly even if you're a members of the  
WebApps WG;

Step 2: When replying to an email thread on either public-webapi or  
public-appformats, add public-webapps to the recipients list;

Step 3: When replying to an email thread on public-webapps, remove  
public-webapi or public-appformats from the recipients list, if they  
are on there.

This way, we can have a fairly smooth transfer, though for some  
older issues, you may have to refer to some emails on one of the  
older lists.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, WebApps, SVG, and CDF

Re: Note for DOM L3 Core SE

2008-06-09 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Jun 8, 2008, at 11:35 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Jun 6, 2008, at 2:20 PM, Travis Leithead wrote:

While implementing some improvements to getAttribute in IE8, we  
actually checked in code that is conformant to what the spec says  
about the return value:

Return Value
The Attr value as a string, or the empty string if that attribute  
does not have a specified or default value

Once this code was in, we immediately hit app and site compat  
problems because we always returned a string--an empty string--if  
the "attribute [did] not have a specified or default value".

As it turns out in practice, all browsers actually implement this  
a slightly different way: they return the value as a string, or  
null if the attribute does not have a specified or default value.  
In other words, if there is no entry for the requested attribute  
in the NamedNodeMap, then null is returned.

IE8 is being fixed to be conformant with what everyone else has  
implemented, I just thought I would pass this along to whomever is  
doing the DOM L3 Core Second Edition so that it might be recorded  
in that spec, an errata, or so that we can discuss.
Anne and I suggested an errata for this a few years back, but the  
DOM folks were not receptive at the time, out of consideration for  
server-side Java DOM implementations:
See the thread for more discussion.
I also at the time raised another compatibility issue that I  
thought should be fixed in errata:
The short version is that DOM forbids inserting nodes into a  
different document than their ownerDocument, but browsers allow it  
(in at least some cases).

Yup, this is a bad situation indeed. Basically browsers are stuck  
with no good way out: Be compatible with the spec, or be compatible  
with the web. Of course any serious web browser is going to choose  
the latter.

The way out in this case is to fix the spec, in my opinion. Which  
hopefully we will do. Fortunately, I think these two issues may be the  
only two hard Web incompatibilities in all of DOM Core, which is not  
bad compared to other specs from the same era.

 - Maciej

Re: Note for DOM L3 Core SE

2008-06-06 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Jun 6, 2008, at 2:20 PM, Travis Leithead wrote:

While implementing some improvements to getAttribute in IE8, we  
actually checked in code that is conformant to what the spec says  
about the return value:

Return Value
The Attr value as a string, or the empty string if that attribute  
does not have a specified or default value

Once this code was in, we immediately hit app and site compat  
problems because we always returned a string--an empty string--if  
the "attribute [did] not have a specified or default value".

As it turns out in practice, all browsers actually implement this a  
slightly different way: they return the value as a string, or null  
if the attribute does not have a specified or default value. In  
other words, if there is no entry for the requested attribute in the  
NamedNodeMap, then null is returned.

IE8 is being fixed to be conformant with what everyone else has  
implemented, I just thought I would pass this along to whomever is  
doing the DOM L3 Core Second Edition so that it might be recorded in  
that spec, an errata, or so that we can discuss.

Anne and I suggested an errata for this a few years back, but the DOM  
folks were not receptive at the time, out of consideration for server- 
side Java DOM implementations:

See the thread for more discussion.

I also at the time raised another compatibility issue that I thought  
should be fixed in errata:

The short version is that DOM forbids inserting nodes into a different  
document than their ownerDocument, but browsers allow it (in at least  
some cases).

These two issues are Safari's only failures in the official DOM Level  
1 Core test suite. I believe neither of these failures can be fixed  
without significantly breaking web compatibility.


Re: DOM based API

2008-06-06 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Jun 6, 2008, at 7:55 AM, Mark Baker wrote:

On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 4:20 PM, Andrei Popescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  


I am interested in working on a specification of a DOM API that  

Web pages to access the user's geolocation information (e.g. latitude
and longitude).

I'm very glad to see somebody mention using the DOM API for this kind
of information, right off the bat.  I'm a big believer in reuse, and
feel that this API is an obvious candidate for reusing the DOM, i.e.
providing a "Location" Javascript object that's also a DOM Document.

I don't understand why you would want the "Location" object to be a  
DOM Document. (It needs a better name, by the way, so it doesn't  
conflict with the Location object that is window.location.) And I  
don't think that is what Andrei had in mind, as I understand it, he  
just wants an API that aligns well with the DOM, not necessarily one  
that makes non-markup information appear to be part of a Document.

I think presenting geolocation info as a Document would have the  
disadvantages of more memory use and less obvious access for authors.

What are the advantages?


Re: XHR review extension

2008-06-03 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Jun 3, 2008, at 7:12 AM, Doug Schepers wrote:

Hi, Anne-

Anne van Kesteren wrote (on 6/3/08 9:44 AM):
On Tue, 03 Jun 2008 15:33:34 +0200, Erik Dahlstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
The SVG WG would like to request a two week extension for  
reviewing the XMLHttpRequest LC draft.

Please let us know if that is acceptable,
I think I would rather just move on given how long the review  
period has been and how long we've been working on XMLHttpRequest  
Level 1, but that shouldn't preclude the SVG WG from providing  
feedback later on.

Noted.  But this is not an editorial decision, it is a WG decision.

I don't see the harm in extending the LC period for a week or two:  
the test suite is not done; there is no urgent release cycle for  
implementations coming up; and the plan is to simply park this in CR  
until HTML5 is more mature.  So, I propose we honor this request.

Given the length of time this spec has been in development and under  
review, I do not see a pressing need to extend LC.


Re: Dedicated Geolocation List and Channel

2008-06-03 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Jun 3, 2008, at 11:19 AM, Doug Schepers wrote:

Hi, Maciej-

Maciej Stachowiak wrote (on 6/3/08 1:53 PM):
At this point I am really confused about where to discuss  
geolocation APIs, and I would rather not have it bounce back and  
forth. Maybe we should just wait until the chartering process  
reaches its conclusion.

There's nothing to be confused about.  Regardless where the  
deliverable ends up, whether in the proposed Geolocation WG, or the  
WebApps WG, the *discussion list* will be the same:

Well I'm pretty interested in coordinating with Google, Opera and  
Mozilla on this and it seems like they were interested in keeping the  
work and discussion here. It's true that you announced a new mailing  
list but it doesn't seem like anyone here asked for it. If it's going  
to be a mailing list for the WebApps WG, then maybe it would be good  
for the WG to discuss whether we want a separate list.

I would strongly encourage folks to join and start discussions now,  
rather than waiting.  A chartering period, with the review from W3C  
Management and the Advisory Committee, takes at least 6 weeks, and  
that doesn't include the time have preliminary discussions about it  
and to write the charter.  Hixie indicated that Google did not want  
to wait even 2 weeks, and I agree that keeping momentum is a high  
priority. Naturally, if Apple wants to wait until the chartering  
period is over, that's your prerogative, but it doesn't seem like a  
good use of time and energy.

Well, I wasn't that confused about where disucussion should go until  
you asked everyone to move discussion to a new list, when folks seemed  
happy to have it here.

I sense that, for some reason, people are feeling territorial about  
this issue, and I'm not sure why.  Can you please articulate what  
your concerns about this happening in WebApps are, rather than in a  
dedicated WG?

I don't have any concerns about this being in WebApps. I think that  
would be a great option.


Re: Dedicated Geolocation List and Channel

2008-06-03 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

At this point I am really confused about where to discuss geolocation  
APIs, and I would rather not have it bounce back and forth. Maybe we  
should just wait until the chartering process reaches its conclusion.


On Jun 3, 2008, at 7:24 AM, Doug Schepers wrote:

Hi, Ian-

Ian Hickson wrote (on 6/3/08 6:04 AM):

On Mon, 2 Jun 2008, Doug Schepers wrote:
Matt Womer and I have started a new email list for discussing  
geolocation. The new list, public-geolocation [1], will be  
archived, and the intent is for it to be the public list for the  
planned Geolocation WG:
Could we please keep the discussion to this group? It seems like  
most people on this group agree that the work should happen in this  
group,  and it would be very confusing to have to move stuff back  
and forth, especially if the charter proposal for geo fails, as  
seems likely given several browser vendors have requested that it  
stay in this group.

I appreciate that sentiment, and I see the browser vendors as a  
vital constituency in a successful Geolocation API specification.   
However, they are not the only stakeholders.

To make this a truly open and universal API with broad uptake, we  
want to cultivate the participation of other industries in addition  
to browser vendors; camera manufacturers, GPS vendors, car makers,  
mobile phone operators, other standards bodies, etc.  While some of  
them may have no direct interest in an API, they are likely to have  
insight into other aspects of geolocation that will inform an  
effective API.  Many of them have shown interest in this in the past.

From an IPR perspective, in order for a large company (or other  
organization) to get involved in the WG, they would have to do a  
wide-ranging (and lengthy and expensive) patent search.  To join the  
WG, the company's patent search would have to cover *everything*  
that the WebApps WG is doing, not just geolocation.  As you know,  
geolocation itself is a very mature technology, and there are  
hundreds of patents regarding its minutiae; if it turns out that the  
work we do ends up being contentious and spawning a PAG (Patent  
Advisory Group), it is better that it be isolated and not slow down  
the work going on in the rest of the WebApps WG.

In addition to this, the vast majority of topics and emails on this  
list will not concern these other folks at all; it is rather  
overwhelming to get involved in such a high-traffic (and frankly  
contentious) list, especially if you aren't already in Web standards  

So, regardless of where the actual deliverable ends up, it is  
therefore better to have a dedicated mailing list, for exactly the  
reason you state: it's confusing to have it move around, and keeping  
it on one list devoted to the topic will be much easier to track.   
If it happens that the Geolocation WG chartering fails, then the  
list can simply be attached to the WebApps WG.  Easy.

There is no additional burden on the WebApps WG participants to  
subscribe to one more list (or join one more WG), and there is a  
substantial burden on other interested parties in monitoring the  
public WebApps list.  Seems like a clear choice to me.

So, I'd respectfully ask that geolocation topics be conducted on  
public-geolocation, rather than slowing down the technical  
discussion by debating where we should be doing the work.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG, CDF, and WebAPI

Re: Event handler attributes (Was: Dependencies in XHR)

2008-05-28 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 27, 2008, at 11:56 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

(In particular, I think we really need to get over the concept of "but
that's a host language issue" or "that doesn't belong in my spec"  
and so
on -- we're defining a single platform here, it isn't useful for us  
to be
declining responsibility over the more complicated parts. While the  

of orthogonal technologies would have been nice, the Web is at a point
where all the technologies are embedded in each other to some  
extent, and

we should embrace that, not try to deny it. We will have a healthier
technology stack if we consider the HTML and SVG specs, say, to be
different chapters of the same language spec, rather than if we  

them to be separate languages.)

I strongly agree with this sentiment. I strongly prefer if similar  
concepts shared between SVG and HTML can be defined in a consistent  
way in a single place. I would say many parts of HTML5 arguably fall  
in this category and I am ok with them being in HTML5 mainly as a  
matter of expediency, and I hope that in time these things can be  
factored out. Every little thing like this that is different is a  
point of pain for implementors of and authors in the emerging Web  
platform that includes both HTML and SVG.

If any such items can be factored sooner rather than later, then that  
will be welcome news. I apologize also for the item I volunteered to  
factor out but have not taken to completion (the Window object). It  
turned out to be a lot harder to do than I expected going in.


Re: Proposal to work on Geolocation

2008-05-27 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 27, 2008, at 3:34 PM, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

On Tue, 27 May 2008 23:38:37 +0200, Maciej Stachowiak  

On May 27, 2008, at 2:01 PM, Doug Schepers wrote:

In fact, I proposed on the WebApps WG charter to add this  
deliverable. However, the Advisory Committee's review of the  
charter indicated that the Membership wants this to happen in a  
dedicated Geolocation API WG.

The W3C intends to follow through on that, and to allocate Team  
resources to this valuable technology.  We will announce something  
formal soon.

I could not find record of any such objection in the Advisory  
Committee mailing list archives, or any record of an official W3C  
decision on this point. As Team contact, could you please explain  
who made this decision and on what basis?

In which case I presume that someone used their ability to reply to  
the Team privately instead of being open about what they wanted.  
This disturbs me a little since it increases the resources and  
coordination required, IMHO, to do what is a pretty simple piece of  

For the record, Opera would also like to see the geolocation work  
take place inside the webAPI group and is unhappy that it has been  
removed from the proposed charter for Web Apps.

And in case it wasn't clear, Apple would like to see this work item  
taken up, preferably inside this WG to save delay and coordination  

We cannot volunteer editing resources but we would like to help with  
review and test cases.


Re: Proposal to work on Geolocation

2008-05-27 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 27, 2008, at 2:01 PM, Doug Schepers wrote:

Hi, Ian-

Thanks for this proposal.

I strongly believe that W3C should be working on this, and over the  
last few weeks, Mike Smith and I have been talking to key vendors  
and other parties to bring together the proper resources to do this,  
including some discussion at Google.  We have identified several  
interested parties.

In fact, I proposed on the WebApps WG charter to add this  
deliverable. However, the Advisory Committee's review of the charter  
indicated that the Membership wants this to happen in a dedicated  
Geolocation API WG.

The W3C intends to follow through on that, and to allocate Team  
resources to this valuable technology.  We will announce something  
formal soon.

Rest assured that Mike and I are intent on ensuring that there is no  
scope creep for this API, and that the Geolocation API WG will take  
a pragmatic, vendor-aware approach, and will act quickly.

I could not find record of any such objection in the Advisory  
Committee mailing list archives, or any record of an official W3C  
decision on this point. As Team contact, could you please explain who  
made this decision and on what basis?


Re: setRequestHeader / Accept

2008-05-25 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 25, 2008, at 3:19 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Sun, 25 May 2008 18:04:14 +0200, Julian Reschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:
Apparently existing content does not rely on it (FF gets away with  
implementing something that IMHO makes *much* more sense). So why  
standardize it at all, or, when doing so, select something that  
doesn't make sense in practice?

Or are you claiming that people who set a header to null *really*  
want the specified behaviour?

It's consistent with other JavaScript APIs were null also means  

Overloading this API to also do removal of the header is not a goal  
here and is simply a bug in Firefox as it also does that for the  
empty string value (Firefox simply treats null identically to the  
empty string, where other browsers treat it identically to "null".

Treating null as empty string here may be sensible (no strong opinion  
either way) but removing the header when set to empty seems wrong. If  
header removal is really essential we should add a method for it.


Re: setRequestHeader / Accept

2008-05-25 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 25, 2008, at 11:40 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Julian Reschke wrote:

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
On Sat, 24 May 2008 18:27:47 +0200, Julian Reschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
Per the updated specification which uses Web IDL IE and Safari  
are conformant here. (null and undefined are simply stringified.)

Not terrible useful, I would say. Is that something we have to  
live with because of the IDL definition???

It matches two implementations and is the default behavior for  
null/undefined when passed to something that accepts a string.
Apparently existing content does not rely on it (FF gets away with  
implementing something that IMHO makes *much* more sense). So why  
standardize it at all, or, when doing so, select something that  
doesn't make sense in practice?
Or are you claiming that people who set a header to null *really*  
want the specified behaviour?

Agreed. We have in the past said that in the cases where it doesn't  
seem like the web is depending on a certain behavior one way or the  
other do what is most useful. I don't really think it matters much  
if null is treated as 'remove' or as 'do nothing', but appending  
'null' seems pretty useless in pretty much all cases.

We shouldn't let what webidl says dictate what we do one way or the  
other. It's just a spec for the idl language, not a recommendation  
for how interfaces should behave.

Web IDL can be used to specify all sorts of different behaviors for  
null and undefined. Its default setting is not really materially  
relevant. To change the spec behavior we would just have to change the  
IDL in the XHR spec.

I agree it is unlikely that content deeply depends on behavior for  
null or undefined, but it might be worth doing some testing to  
quantify this.


Re: XHR LC comments

2008-05-19 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 19, 2008, at 3:21 PM, Sunava Dutta wrote:

[Sunava Dutta] Compatible with the web sounds very nice and is  
something I think I share with you. I think you mean compatible with  
browsers who enable the technologies when you mean compatible with  
the web?

Jonas means that it should enable existing Web content to continue to  
work as expected, to the extent possible. So if browsers have a  
specific behavior but we have strong reason to believe Web content  
does not rely on it (for example if every browser does something  
wildly different and we can't find any specific examples of reliance),  
then that behavior is likely not relevant to Web compatibility.

Getting back to more specifics, if we're talking about compatibility  
I absolutely believe the spec should be relevant to existing  
implementations. I'm amenable to what Maciej said when he mentioned  
that in the case (I'm assuming this is a rarity) where the  
implementations are doing whacky things or doing nothing at all, it  
makes sense to work together to identify a way/solution that will  
allow for convergence.

It's not a rarity. The state of XHR interoperability is fairly poor  
for edge cases.


Re: XHR LC comments

2008-05-17 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 17, 2008, at 1:03 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:

Sunava Dutta wrote:

At this point, I'm not sure why we're bothering with XHR1 at all.  
It is

*not* what the current implementations do anyway.
[Sunava Dutta] I'm sorry, this statement is concerning and I'd like  
to understand it better. We haven’t had a chance to run the latest  
test suite yet but expect the test suite to be compliant with at  
least two existing implementations. Do you mean the XHR 1 draft is  
not interoperable with existing implementations?


Absolutely. Everytime I check something that is of interest to me it  
turns out that there is no interop, and that only some or even none  
of the browsers works as specified.

We decided long ago (and subsequently reaffirmed) that instead of  
leaving the spec so vague that all existing implementations are  
automatically compliant, we would define a shared interoperable  
behavior so that implementations can converge. It should not be news  
to anyone that implementations are not automatically 100% compliant.


- Support for HTTP extension methods: IE violates the SHOULD level  
requirement to support extenstion methods. Opera silently (!!!)  
changes extension method names to "POST".

- setRequestHeader: none of the browsers throws an exception when  
setting the header to null. Some do something useful (removing the  
header), some treat it like an empty string, some seem to set the  
valoue to the string "null".

I'm also concerned that the spec proposes behaviour that leads to  
silent data loss, although it's totally unclear why this is needed  
for interoperability (such as when a DOM to be serialized has no XML  

It seems that what's needed here is more work on the test suite. LC  
is way too early.

By W3C Process, the test suite is supposed to be developed during the  
CR period. So by having one at all before LC, we are ahead of schedule.


Re: XHR LC comments

2008-05-16 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 16, 2008, at 12:04 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
In practice it is much more important for same-origin to be  
consistently between XHR and HTML5 (and other Web standards) than  
for it

to be precisely consistent cross-browser, as inconsistencies in the
same-origin policy could lead to security holes. Thus, taking a  

of what HTML5 says and putting it in XHR1 would be a dead letter,
because if HTML5 changes and browsers change to match it, they will  

leave their XHR implementation using an older version of the security

Interesting enough, this seems to be exactly the opposite of what Ian
just said :-):

HTML5 and browsers all differ slightly from each other on these  
issues. Though HTML5 does not aim to invent anything in the area of  
cross-domain security, I think there will be iterative convergence  
among the implementations and the spec.

The point is, if XHR1 ends up requiring something different than HTML5  
does, at least one of those will be ignored by implementors. Or to  
look at it another way, either HTML5 will not change on anything it  
requires on this, in which case citing its definitions won't actually  
change the meaning of XHR1 in the future; or it will change, in which  
case having an obsolete copy of the definitions in XHR1 will be  
actively harmful.

So we should either cite by reference or be prepared to promptly issue  
errata in the future.


Ian> The point is that Apple and Microsoft are both going to  
implement the

Ian> thing as required by the Web in 2000, not as defined in HTML5.
HTML5 is
Ian> describing existing practice on these matters, not defining new

BR, Julian

Re: XHR LC comments

2008-05-15 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 15, 2008, at 1:24 PM, Julian Reschke wrote:

practice, take anything away from the ability to get interoperable  
implemenations of the feature described in XHR1.


What if Apple implements the thing as defined by HTML5-as-of-2008,  
and Microsoft as defined in HTML5-as-of-2009?

If it matters, then it's a problem. If it doesn't matter, leave it  
out of the XHR spec, as apparently, it's irrelevant for the goal  
it's trying to achieve.

In practice it is much more important for same-origin to be  
implemented consistently between XHR and HTML5 (and other Web  
standards) than for it to be precisely consistent cross-browser, as  
inconsistencies in the same-origin policy could lead to security  
holes. Thus, taking a snapshot of what HTML5 says and putting it in  
XHR1 would be a dead letter, because if HTML5 changes and browsers  
change to match it, they will not leave their XHR implementation using  
an older version of the security policy.


Re: Blobs: An alternate (complementary?) binary data proposal (Was: File IO...)

2008-05-13 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 13, 2008, at 5:08 AM, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

On Sun, 11 May 2008 05:10:57 +0200, Aaron Boodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 1:18 AM, Maciej Stachowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
... I'm not really clear on why Blobs must be distinct from  

As I read it, the Blob proposal also explicitly ties in a bit of  
file interaction (which is why it is related to the fileIO proposal).

That seems to be where things are evolving, but in the original  
proposal Blobs were also to be used for such things as the binary  
image data in a , or binary data retrieved by XMLHttpRequest,  
or binary data dynamically generated by script. (I proposed renaming  
Blob to File because I think the non-file uses are better served via  

I also notice that you used int64 in many of the APIs. JavaScript  

represent 64-bit integers in its number type. ...

I think our assumption is that 2^53 is large enough to represent the
length of all the blobs going in and out of web apps for the
forseeable future. We would just throw when we receive a number that
is larger than that saying that it is out of range. Is there a better
way to notate this in specs?

Well, you at least have to be pretty explicit about it I think.  
Better would be to find a type that Javascript can do, though.

(I suspect that if we are still relying on a thing called 'blob'  
because we still don't have real file system access with some sense  
of security by the time we want to hand around a Terabyte in a web  
application, that we will have seriously failed somewhere. Although  
it isn't impossible that we end up there).

I see no reason the Blob proposal couldn't handle uploading a Terabyte  
of data. 2^53 > 10^4. Indeed, for data that large you really do want a  
filesystem reference that you can hand directly to a network API so it  
can be sent without having to load the whole thing into memory via  


Re: [selectors-api] Proposal to Drop NSResolver from Selectors API v1

2008-05-12 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 12, 2008, at 9:38 AM, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

* Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

You can just use `function(p) { return namespaces[p]; }` then.

Sure, but there's no actual need to allow running arbitrary code and
all the risks that creates/

Which is no risks at all. You can simply parse the selector for the  
fixes, resolve all the distinct ones and the default namespace, then  

the gathered information in the selection process. That's no different
than the calling script doing the same, filling a table in the  
and passing the table. If you want to do something more clever, you  

also cleverly shoot yourself in the foot, yes.

It is better API design to remove the possibility of some categories  
of errors.

(There are other problems with using an object like the one you  

like being unable to specify a default namespace, unless you introduce
some kind of magic prefix representing the default namespace;  

you don't gain much; you could also just accept a simple string in the
form "prefix1=ns1 prefix2=ns2 ..." like MSXML does for XPath, but  

isn't really a problem worth solving with the resolver function.)

I'm convinced. I like the string better than my proposal. It removes  
the need to specify anything regarding setters or other language  

Using a function does not seem to provide any value over providing the  
data in some trivial static form, and at least some complications. It  
seems like the only reason we have that design in the spec is inertia.  
Are you willing to argue that it is better than other solutions on the  
merits, for any reason other than it happens to be what is already in  
the draft spec?


Re: [selectors-api] Proposal to Drop NSResolver from Selectors API v1

2008-05-12 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 12, 2008, at 8:00 AM, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

* Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

This does not look much better (it does avoid repeatedly mentioning
the xmlns namespace at least):

function resolver(prefix) {
   if (prefix == "xht") {
return "";;
   } else if if (prefix == "svg") {
return "";;
   } else if (prefix == "mml") {
return "";;
   return null; // ???

However, this does look better:

var namespaces = {xht: "";; svg: 
"; mml: ""; };

You can just use `function(p) { return namespaces[p]; }` then.

Sure, but there's no actual need to allow running arbitrary code and  
all the risks that creates/

You'll have to define what happens if you pass `{ get svg()  
{ ... } }` if you

allow this,

I would define that getters are ignored (after all, the point of this  
is to avoid code execution)

and what to pass in other language bindings.

Other language bindings are the 1% case for this API (and that's being  
generous). They can just use Nodes. Or anyone who wishes to champion a  
more convenient syntax for some specific binding can propose what  
language-specific dictionary type should be allowed to use Nodes.


Re: [selectors-api] Proposal to Drop NSResolver from Selectors API v1

2008-05-12 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 12, 2008, at 6:16 AM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:

This is possible, since the spec is already compatible with  
Node.lookupNamespaceURI().  I think it would just require that a  
Node be passed and ignore any other type of object.  But, there are  
a few problems with the approach.

If scripts were to use elements from the actual document to obtain  
prefixes, it ties the script to that document and others that use  
the same prefixes only.  Scripts intended for reuse elsewhere would  
need to construct their own node and set all necessary namespaces.

The code for creating that is, unfortunately, a little complex, and  
so it is not ideal.

var nsresolver = document.createElementNS(" 
", "div");

nsresolver.setAttributeNS("";, "xmlns",

nsresolver.setAttributeNS(", "xmlns:math",

With HTML5 available (and therefore innerHTML on XML nodes), I'd do it  
like this:

var doc = document.implementation.createDocument();
   '"; xmlns:svg=" 
" xmlns:math=""; />';

var nsNode = doc.firstChild.firstChild;

That doesn't look so bad for authors. But see also my alternative  

The Namespace URI Lookup algorithm [1] seems to indicate that the  
element needs to have an expicit xmlns attribute set in order to get  
the default namespace from its value, instead of just obtaining it  
from the element's actual namespace.  But the problem is,  
implementations don't agree with each other.  They also don't agree  
on what to return when the paramter is null, undefined or "".

If querySelector takes a node, it doesn't matter what the Namespace  
URI Lookup algorithm says because Selectors API can iteself spec  
something useful and consistent notwithstanding what  
Node.lookupNamespaceURI does.

The bottom line here is that we're trying to represent what should  
really be a simple dictionary with a function, and it creates all  
sorts of unnecessary complexity.


Re: [selectors-api] Proposal to Drop NSResolver from Selectors API v1

2008-05-12 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 12, 2008, at 5:52 AM, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

* Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
A function is not a particularly convenient way to specify a  
mapping, and it creates these error handling issues as well as  

problems with case (in)sensitivity. Even though NSResolver is what
XPath uses, wouldn't it be simpler to just accept an object that
provides the relevant namespace mappings?

That would preclude simple solutions to the resolution problem like

I originally thought that >this could be a JSON-style JavaScript  

but it seems to me that a DOM node would actually work just as well.
Most of the time, you want to use the namespace prefixes in effect  

the root element, and if not, then it is pretty simple to construct a
DOM node with all the right xmlns declarations.

That would not have the particular problem above, but many others.
I do not think you want the prefixes on the document element most
of the time, it is not as easy to create such a node as you suggest,
and all in all this would likely cause great confusion. It's hard
to imagine the typical user of this API using code like this:

 var node = document.createElementNS(null, "magic-ns-element");
   'xmlns:xht', '');
   'xmlns:svg', '');
   'xmlns:mml', '');

I think this would be a very bad idea.

This does not look much better (it does avoid repeatedly mentioning  
the xmlns namespace at least):

function resolver(prefix) {
if (prefix == "xht") {
return "";;
} else if if (prefix == "svg") {
return "";;
} else if (prefix == "mml") {
return "";;
return null; // ???

However, this does look better:

var namespaces = {xht: "";; svg: " 
"; mml: ""; };

I therefore make a second proposal to accept either vanilla JS objects  
of this format or DOM nodes, instead of NSResolver objects.


Re: [selectors-api] Proposal to Drop NSResolver from Selectors API v1

2008-05-12 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 12, 2008, at 12:44 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Jonas Sicking wrote:
What are the remaining issues that are still holding us back? It  
seems to me like if we know we're going to add this in a version  
2, but we already have a done specification for it, why not  
include it?
In relation to the NSResolver, the major issue is that I need to  
define how to handle hostile NSResolvers and deal with unexpected  
DOM modifications.

I don't actually think there is a lot to do spec-wise here. IMHO all  
that is needed is to say something like:

"An implementation encouraged to deal with hostile NSResolvers and  
are allowed to throw an exception if such resolvers are detected".

Having considered it for some time, I think running arbitrary code to  
resolve namespace prefixes is a bad approach.

A function is not a particularly convenient way to specify a namespace  
mapping, and it creates these error handling issues as well as causing  
problems with case (in)sensitivity. Even though NSResolver is what  
XPath uses, wouldn't it be simpler to just accept an object that  
provides the relevant namespace mappings? I originally thought that  
this could be a JSON-style JavaScript object, but it seems to me that  
a DOM node would actually work just as well. Most of the time, you  
want to use the namespace prefixes in effect for the root element, and  
if not, then it is pretty simple to construct a DOM node with all the  
right xmlns declarations. I think this would be better than copying  
the bad NSResolver design from XPath. It would also likely be more  
efficient, and quite possibly less error-prone.

It seems to me that implementations aren't going to be affected  
one way or the other on this. If we do include it in the spec  
anyone can still implement everything but namespaced selectors. I  
think implementors are competent enough to prioritize  
appropriately without us holding their hand. Especially if their  
CSS engine does not yet support namespaced selectors.


I guess except that they couldn't do silly PR claims like "full  
Selectors API v1 support"). If we wanted to satisfy such desires  
we could say that it's ok to claim full support even without  
NSResolver if your CSS engine does not support namespaced selectors.
I decided to retain the NSResolver in the spec for now.  However, I  
have made support for it optional and defined that if it isn't  
supported, a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR exception must be raised if an  
NSResolver is passed.

Sounds good to me.

I'm not very happy with this because it precludes coming up with a  
better solution than NSResolver.


Re: Blobs: An alternate (complementary?) binary data proposal (Was: File IO...)

2008-05-11 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 11, 2008, at 6:01 PM, Aaron Boodman wrote:

On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 5:46 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Well, that depends on how good the OS buffer cache is at  
prefetching. But in

general, there would be some disk access.

It seems better if the read API is just async for this case to prevent
the problem.

It can't entirely prevent the problem. If you read a big enough chunk,  
it will cause swapping which hits the disk just as much as file reads.  
Possibly more, because real file access will trigger OS prefetch  
heuristics for linear access.

I see what you mean for canvas, but not so much for XHR. It seems  
a valid use case to want to be able to use XHR to download very  
files. In that case, the thing you get back seems like it should  

an async API for reading.

Hmm? If you get the data over the network it goes into RAM. Why  
would you
want an async API to in-memory data? Or are you suggesting XHR  
should be
changed to spool its data to disk? I do not think that is practical  
to do
for all requests, so this would have to be a special API mode for  

that are expected to be too big to fit in memory.

Whether XHR spools to disk is an implementation detail, right? Right
now XHR is not practical to use for downloading large files because
the only way to access the result is as a string. Also because of
this, XHR implementations don't bother spooling to disk. But if this
API were added, then XHR implementations could be modified to start
spooling to disk if the response got large. If the caller requests
responseText, then the implementation just does the best it can to
read the whole thing into a string and reply. But if the caller uses
responseBlob (or whatever we call it) then it becomes practical to,
for example, download movie files, modify them, then re-upload them.

That sounds reasonable for very large files like movies. However,  
audio and image files are similar in size to the kinds of text or XML  
resources that are currently processed synchronously. In such cases  
they are likely to remain in memory.

In general it is sounding like it might be desirable to have at least  
two kinds of objects for representing binary data:

1) An in-memory, mutable representation with synchronous access. There  
should also be a copying API which is possibly copy-on-write for the  
backing store.

2) A possibly disk-backed representation that offers only asynchronous  
read (possibly in the form of representation #1).

Both representations could be used with APIs that can accept binary  
data. In most cases such APIs only take strings currently. The name of  
representation #2 may wish to tie it to being a file, since for  
anything already in memory you'd want representation #1. Perhaps they  
could be called ByteArray and File respectively. Open question: can a  
File be stored in a SQL database? If so, does the database store the  
data or a reference (such as a path or Mac OS X Alias)?


Re: Blobs: An alternate (complementary?) binary data proposal (Was: File IO...)

2008-05-11 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 11, 2008, at 4:40 PM, Aaron Boodman wrote:

On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 4:22 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Here's one additional question on how this would work with  
The read API for ByteArray is currently synchronous. Doesn't this  

that with large files accessing bytearray[n] could block?

If the ByteArray were in fact backed by a file, then accessing  
could lead to part of the file being paged in. However, the same is  
true if

it is backed by RAM that is swapped out. Even accessing uninitialized
zero-fill memory could trap to the kernel, though that's in general  
not as

bad as hitting disk (whether for swap or file bytes).

But expressing the API as an array makes it seem like access is always
cheap, encouraging people to just burn through the file in a tight
loop. Such loops would actually hit the disk many times, right?

Well, that depends on how good the OS buffer cache is at prefetching.  
But in general, there would be some disk access.

I can see how you may want to have an object to represent a file  
that can be
handed to APIs directly, but that has only an async read interface  
for JS.

However, I am pretty sure you would not want to use such an object to
represent binary data returned from an XHR, or the pixel contents  
of a
. After all, the data is already in memory. So perhaps  
files need a
distinct object from other forms of binary data, if we wanted to  

such a restriction.

I see what you mean for canvas, but not so much for XHR. It seems like
a valid use case to want to be able to use XHR to download very large
files. In that case, the thing you get back seems like it should have
an async API for reading.

Hmm? If you get the data over the network it goes into RAM. Why would  
you want an async API to in-memory data? Or are you suggesting XHR  
should be changed to spool its data to disk? I do not think that is  
practical to do for all requests, so this would have to be a special  
API mode for responses that are expected to be too big to fit in memory.


Re: Blobs: An alternate (complementary?) binary data proposal (Was: File IO...)

2008-05-11 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 11, 2008, at 4:08 PM, Aaron Boodman wrote:

On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 3:02 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Both of these can be addressed by the APIs (including the worker  
mechanism) making a copy, which can use a copy-on-write mechanism  
to avoid

actually making a copy in the common case.

Ok, so just so I'm clear, does the following example snippet
accurately reflect how you propose that things work?

I'm not sure I am following it all exactly, but I think yes. Variable  
assignment would not trigger any copy-on-write behavior, since it is  
still the same object. Passing to an API (including sendMessage to a  
worker) would make a copy-on-write virtual copy.

var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "example", true);
req.onreadystatechange = handleResult;

function handleResult() {
 if (req.readyState != 4) return;

 var b1 = req.responseByteArray;
 var b2 = b1;
 assert(b1 === b2); // they refer to the same object

 // print the contents of the array
 for (var i = 0; i < b1.length; i++) {

 b1[0] = 42;
 assert(b2[0] == 42);

 var worker = window.createWorker("worker.js");
 worker.sendMessage(b1); // branches b1
 b1[0] = 43; // modification does not affect what got sent to worker

// worker.js
worker.onmessage = function(b) {
 assert(b[0] == 42);

I'm still not convinced that immutability is good, or that the  

ByteArray proposal can't handle the required use cases.

Here's one additional question on how this would work with ByteArray.
The read API for ByteArray is currently synchronous. Doesn't this mean
that with large files accessing bytearray[n] could block?

If the ByteArray were in fact backed by a file, then accessing  
bytearray[n] could lead to part of the file being paged in. However,  
the same is true if it is backed by RAM that is swapped out. Even  
accessing uninitialized zero-fill memory could trap to the kernel,  
though that's in general not as bad as hitting disk (whether for swap  
or file bytes).

I can see how you may want to have an object to represent a file that  
can be handed to APIs directly, but that has only an async read  
interface for JS. However, I am pretty sure you would not want to use  
such an object to represent binary data returned from an XHR, or the  
pixel contents of a . After all, the data is already in  
memory. So perhaps files need a distinct object from other forms of  
binary data, if we wanted to enforce such a restriction.


Re: Blobs: An alternate (complementary?) binary data proposal (Was: File IO...)

2008-05-11 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 10, 2008, at 11:39 PM, Chris Prince wrote:

On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 1:18 AM, Maciej Stachowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

I'm not really clear on why Blobs must be distinct from ByteArrays.
The only explanation is: "The primary difference is that Blobs are
immutable*, and can therefore represent large objects." But I am not
sure why immutability is necessary to have the ability to represent
large objects. If you are thinking immutability is necessary to be
able to have large objects memory mapped from disk, then mmap with a
private copy-on-write mapping should solve that problem just fine.

Making Blobs immutable simplifies a number of problems:

(1) Asynchronous APIs.

Large Blobs can be passed to XmlHttpRequest for an asynchronous POST,
or to Database for an asynchronous INSERT.  If Blobs are mutable, the
caller can modify the contents at any time.  The XmlHttpRequest or
Database operation will be undefined.

Careful callers could wait for the operation to finish (at least in
these two examples; I'm not sure about all possible scenarios).  But
this is starting to put quite a burden on developers.

(2) HTML5 Workers.

There are cases where apps will get a Blob on the UI thread, and then
want to operate on it in a Worker.  Note that the Blob may be
file-backed or memory-backed.

Worker threads are isolated execution environments.  If Blobs are
mutable, it seems like tricky (or impossible) gymnastics would be
required to ensure one thread's file writes aren't seen by another
thread's reads, unless you create a copy.  And that is doubly true for
memory-backed blobs.

(I'm not even considering older mobile operating systems, which may
not have all the file and memory capabilities of modern OSes.)

Both of these can be addressed by the APIs (including the worker  
transfer mechanism) making a copy, which can use a copy-on-write  
mechanism to avoid actually making a copy in the common case.

It seems like immutability creates its own problems. If you have a  
large piece of binary data, say retrieved over the network from XHR,  
and the only way to change it is to make a copy, and you have multiple  
pieces of your code that want to change it, you are going to be  
allocating memory for many copies.

(I should add that I also find the name "Blob" distasteful in an API,  
but that is a minor poin).

I'm still not convinced that immutability is good, or that the  
ECMAScript ByteArray proposal can't handle the required use cases.


Re: Blobs: An alternate (complementary?) binary data proposal (Was: File IO...)

2008-05-10 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 7, 2008, at 10:08 PM, Aaron Boodman wrote:

Hi everyone,

Opera has a proposal for a specification that would revive (and  

the file upload API that has been lingering so long as a work item.

The Gears team has also been putting together a proposal for file
access which overlaps in some ways with Opera's, but is also
orthogonal in some ways:

I really like the idea of adding consistent APIs for binary data in  
the many places in the Web platform that need them. However, I'm not  
really clear on why Blobs must be distinct from ByteArrays. The only  
explanation is: "The primary difference is that Blobs are immutable*,  
and can therefore represent large objects." But I am not sure why  
immutability is necessary to have the ability to represent large  
objects. If you are thinking immutability is necessary to be able to  
have large objects memory mapped from disk, then mmap with a private  
copy-on-write mapping should solve that problem just fine.

In fact, immutability seems clearly undesirable for many of these  
APIs. Seems like you will want to modify such things and create them  
from scratch.

I also notice that you used int64 in many of the APIs. JavaScript  
cannot represent 64-bit integers in its number type. All JavaScript  
numbers are IEEE floating point doubles. This will lose precision at  
the high end of the int64 range, which is likely unacceptable for many  
of these APIs. Thus, if 64-bit is really needed, then a primitive type  
will not do. You either need two int32s or an object type  
encapsulating this.


I would summarize the key differences this way:

* We introduce a new interface - a blob - that represents an immutable
chunk of (potentially large) binary data
* We propose adding the ability to get and send blobs to many
different APIs, including XHR, the  element,
database, , etc.
* We attempt far less interaction with the filesystem (just extending
the input element and allowing exporting a blob to a file).

To answer one of Maciej's questions from the other thread, we intend
this for use on the open web and do not intend for it to require any
particular security authorization.

We would also love feedback, and would like to work with any
interested vendors to iterate this to something others would


- a

Re: Security Re: File IO...

2008-05-08 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 8, 2008, at 1:18 AM, Arve Bersvendsen wrote:

On Wed, 07 May 2008 20:57:25 +0100, Maciej Stachowiak  

They both said that this proposal was only meant for things like  
widgets, and agreed with my assessment that it would be a giant  
security hole if exposed to web content.

Without commenting further: Yes, in its current incarnation it  
raises security concerns, but what I meant to say was more "Our  
primary use case, and concerns that we have put into the initial  
proposal are centered around locally installed web applications, aka  

I would not exclude making a subset of the proposal available to web  
applications though. Note that the current proposal speaks of  
FileStreams -- ideally, these should be generic IOStreams, and  
should apply to other protocols than "mountpoint" or "file".  Think  
scratch areas, webdav/svn integration, file upload with folder watch  
(but the method of doing so would have to be well-defined and more  
secure).  The initial proposal is not meant to cover this, but a  
properly worked out, future revision could cover both.

I would be happy to review a proposal that is intended for Web  
content, once one is available.


Re: specification of "legacy" key events

2008-05-08 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 8, 2008, at 2:14 AM, Hallvord R. M. Steen wrote:

but when re-reading the E-mail what Oliver actually said is a bit  
more complex than I managed to capture in the proposed spec.

The most important point is that the keyCode of any keydown and  
keypress event must be 229 if an IME is processing the input. Apart  
from that there is some inconsistency -

Firefox fires keydown and keypress for the *first* character - the  
one that initiates IME processing. Then it fires no keydown/press/up  
events until character conversion is confirmed in the IME (for  
Japanese IME this is done by pressing enter and Firefox fires a  
keyUp for the enter key).

On the other hand, MSIE fires keydown and keyup events - keydown has  
code 229 and keyup has the virtual key code normally associated with  
the given key.

Safari behaves like IE.

Opera seems to fire an initial keydown and no more events - nearly  
what Firefox does but without the keypress.

IMHO, there is no strong use case for firing events while IME is  
processing - AFAIK there is nothing the web app can do about the  
input except confuse itself. Unless someone brings up use cases or  
content that depends on what Safari&IE do I'd suggest we specify  
something along the lines of what Firefox&Opera do. To be specific,  
a keydown and a keypress with codes 229 initally and no events while  
IME is handling input. Inserting the text might cause a keyup for  
enter (if that IME uses enter to confirm input) and must cause a  
textInput event.

We have had requests to fire some kind of identifiable event when  
typing occurs during IME processing for use cases like the following:

1) To resize an area based on user typing, even during IME entry (yes,  
this works right, the text is in the text field even when unconfirmed..
2) To have special keyboard shortcuts work in a text field even during  
IME entry.

We originally had the Firefox-like model and deliberately switched to  
the IE-like model to cater to use cases like this and because we  
believe it is more Web compatible.

As such, I would strongly argue for the IE/Safari model instead of the  
Firefox/Opera model.


Re: Security Re: File IO...

2008-05-07 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

Hey Chaals,

On May 7, 2008, at 10:39 AM, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

On Wed, 07 May 2008 16:47:06 +0100, Maciej Stachowiak  

Yep. That's the idea.

Here are some of the more obvious security issues:

[several obviously interesting things]
6) Despite clearly having major security considerations, the  
document has no Security Considerations section.

Indeed. (It also has no table of contents). There are obviously  
security issues any time you give access to something like the  
filesystem. That said, there are valuable use cases for access to  
the filesystem. The idea of standardising this currently rough  
proposal is that we identify and deal with those. An obvious  
approach would be to limit availability of this to "trusted content"  
for some definition of that (and different browsers currently have  
different definitions).

Before I follow up, can you clarify whether this API is intended to be  
exposed to general Web content, or only to special local "trusted"  
content such as widgets? I briefly discussed the spec on IRC with Anne  
van Kesteren and Arve Bersvendson (who said he was the author of the  
proposal). They both said that this proposal was only meant for things  
like widgets, and agreed with my assessment that it would be a giant  
security hole if exposed to web content.

On the other hand, the way you presented the proposal sounded to me  
like it was intended for general Web content, including content served  
over HTTP. The proposal itself says, "This document describes an  
interface for an abstract File I/O interface where web applications  
can interact with a file system, without any prior knowledge about the  
underlying filesystem." And you suggested that it could replace the  
File Upload deliverable, which I believe was targeted at general Web  

Can you please clarify which is intended?

My security comments were all based on an assumption that this  
proposal is meant for general Web content. I believe the proposal is  
not even an adequate starting point for an API exposed to the Web.  
Designing a filesystem API without concern for security is easy, and  
pretty much the only hard part is figuring out how to fit it into the  
Web security model. As such, I do not think it is particularly helpful  
to throw out a proposal with no security and ask the group to bolt  
security on. I would like to ask that Opera take at least a first pass  
at designing a security model if this is indeed intended as a Web- 
facing API.

If the proposal is only intended for content like widgets, then it  
might be adequate, but I don't think we could count it as fulfilling  
any of our work items for Web-facing APIs. Apple would also prefer to  
see the group put higher priority on Web-facing APIs than widget-only  
APIs. We are unlikely to implement widget-only specs. However, if  
others in the group would like to standardize widget-only API then I  
do not object on security grounds.


Re: File IO...

2008-05-07 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 7, 2008, at 6:39 AM, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

Hi folks,

Opera has a proposal for a specification that would revive (and  

the file upload API that has been lingering so long as a work item.

In a nutshell, it provides the ability for a web application to get a
filespace, by asking the user to identify such a space, and making it
available to that application something like a virtual file system.

I am concerned about the security implications of this proposal. File  
upload in HTML is based on the user explicitly selecting a particular  
file. This has relatively low security risk, since the user is  
choosing one specific file that he or she wishes to transmit, and all  
that can be done with that file is upload its bytes.

However, this API grants much more power than that. Here are some of  
the more obvious security issues:

1) It allows access to a whole directory at a time. In fact,  
browseForDirectory() starts in the user's home directory by default.  
This makes it very easy to get the unaware user to grant access to  
their whole home directory, or a large part of it. Thus, a user could  
think they are only going to let the web app use a couple of files,  
but in fact it can scan their whole home directory in the background  
for sensitive information.

2) browseForDirectory() can grant access that persists beyond the  
current session. Thus, unlike , which grants one- 
time access, browseForDirectory() grants permanent access to  
everything in a directory for all time. This greatly heightens the  
security risk. Even if I trust a site to read some files once, now if  
it gets hacked and I visit it, it has access to all my files right  
away, without giving me a chance to notice. In addition, users may not  
even be aware that access has been granted permanently, and no  
provision is made for revoking that access.

3) browseForFile() does not have a user interaction restriction or in  
general the good security qualities of .

4) The File object gives many capabilities beyond reading files,  
including copying, moving, and deleting files, and creating files and  
directories. This creates many new security risks. For the first time,  
if the user clicks OK on a dialog, it will be possible for a web  
application to wipe his or her directory. In addition, it will be  
possible to replace applications or other files in the user's home  
directory with malicious native code.

5) The mountpoint: URL protocol is pretty vaguely specified, however,  
if the intent is that this URL scheme is exposed to all web content,  
then as soon as the user has granted one web application access to his  
files, all web sites will have access. If this is not the intent, then  
the new URL scheme has a context-sensitive meaning that is based on  
the refering site, which is complex and is likely to lead to coding  
errors in security policy.

6) Despite clearly having major security considerations, the document  
has no Security Considerations section.

Here are some comments that are not directly security related:

A) The "storage" system directory provides a private filesystem  
sandbox to a web application. Given HTML5 key/value storage and
HTML SQL storage, is it really necessary to have yet another form of  
local data scratch area? Direct file system access, even if sandboxed,  
carries many more risks since for example the UA must be careful to  
avoid following symlinks out of the storage directory and so forth.  
The two HTML5 storage mechanisms avoid this risk. In addition, unlike  
the HTML5 mechanism, no provision is made for quota.

B) The "application" system directory is described as giving access to  
"The files and folders where the application resides". In the case of  
Web applications, the normal place where the application resides is an  
HTTP URL, not a location on the filesystem. The emerging standards- 
based way to locally "install" a web application is HTML5 Application  
caches. This part of the spec seems to presuppose a mechanism to  
locally install a Web application by copying its files to a local  
directory, which is not described in the spec.

C) Instead of building on the successful   
mechanism, which has received close security scrutiny for years, this  
spec builds a whole separate mechanism. No justification is given for  
why a brand new API is better than extending 

Use cases include single or bulk file upload (e.g for images, a set of
files, etc),

Web Forms 2 already covers this with multi-file upload.

I do not think we can seriously consider this proposal until security  
issues are addressed. The current spec does not seem to have given any  
consideration to Web security.


Re: [SelectorsAPI] Analysis of Context-Rooted Queries (was: Thoughts on querySelectorAll)

2008-05-05 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 5, 2008, at 2:13 PM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:

*Solution 5*

 Define the methods to behave as if an implicit :scope selector
 and descendant combinator were prepended to each selector in
 the group.

This would work by taking the selector and appending the equivalent  
of ":scope " to the beginning of it, and then parsing as  
usual.  :scope could be implemented in any way the UA wanted here  
since it's not actually used by the author.

While this looks promising on the surface, the real problem lies in  
the implementation of the selector parsing. This requires signifant  
changes to the grammar of selectors, and thus alteration of the  
selector engines in browsers.

Consider the following selector:

">strong, >em"

The expectation would be for this to become:

":scope >strong, :scope >em"

The question is how to parse and convert it.

One possibility is to make the scoped API (whether that is  
querySelector on elements or some new method) only accept a single  
selector, not a group of selectors. This would remove any parsing  
difficulties. Also, if commas are only ever used to separate the  
selectors in a group in Selector syntax, then prepending ":scope " and  
inserting " :scope " after every comma before parsing would work. I  
believe this is currently true of Selectors, though it may change in  
the future. I would guess the only likely place for commas to appear  
would be in parameters to function-like pseudo-classes, in which case  
the algorithm above but excluding commas nested inside parentheses  
would be more future-proof. Detail of the algorithm:

1. Initialize nesting level to 0
2. Initialize the output string to the empty string
3. While characters in the input string remain:
3.a. read the current character
3.b. if the current character is:
   ",": if the nesting level is 0, append ", :scope " to the  
output string
   "(": increase the nesting level by 1, and append "(" to the  
output string
   ")": decrease the nesting level by 1, and append ")" to the  
output string

   anything else: append the current character to the output string
 3.c. advance to the next character
4. return the output string


Re: [selectors-api] Extended Attribute [NoNull] in the IDL

2008-05-02 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 2, 2008, at 8:17 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Cameron McCormack wrote:
I think of it more like that null is the actual namespace URI  
value, and

that an empty string is the non-standard way of specifying it (rather
than the other way around).  Which makes me think of this more as
something the method should handle, rather than something the  

worry about.

But the method signature in IDL is DOMString.  So by the time it  
sees the argument, it will be a DOMString.  The only question is  
which DOMString.

In Gecko, if you pass in "" it will see the string "".

If you pass in null, it will see a string that is equal to "" but  
has a "this is a null string" bit set.

Conceptually, the latter is more like a |char * str = NULL| and the  
former is more like a |char * str = "";| but both represented by a  
String object of some sort.

This is essentially what WebKit does as well (for methods where we've  
indicated null should convert to null string). In other cases, the  
default JS rule is used, yielding "null".

It might make sense to declare this the default conversion of null  
to DOMString and then have NoNull mean that the  
Object.prototype.toString conversion should be used instead.

It would be a little awkward that the DOM default is not the same as  
JS language builtins but we effectively have this problem already.


Re: [selectors-api] Extended Attribute [NoNull] in the IDL

2008-05-02 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 2, 2008, at 8:03 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:

Maciej Stachowiak:
I'm not sure what NoNull is supposed to mean, but existing DOM APIs  
take strings almost always either treat JS null the same as "", or  
same as "null". I think Web IDL should define a property to  

these cases. In WebKit's IDL we have the overly verbose
[ConvertNullToNullString] extended attribute for the first case (we
internally distinguish null string from empty string and I think  

may be a tiny number of APIs that actually treat null and empty
differently). I am not sure which of these behaviors [NoNull] applies

[NoNull] is meant to mean that null values won’t get passed  
through, and
instead have to be treated the same as a value of whatever is inside  
valuetype<>.  Thus for DOMString, you’d get the normal  


What’s the distinction between a null string and the null value?   
Is the

null string just a way to force the null value into your string type,

It's not generally a meaningful distinction. Our string type  
internally distinguishes empty and null strings. JS strings do not  
have such a distinction, and null is not a valid instance of the  
string type. Both typically act the same as the empty string, but a  
very few places may check specifically for null string basically as a  
hack to let JS null pass through a string-typed argument.

We have similar extended attributes for IDL method return values or
attributes that are nominally DOMString but may return other values  

as null, or occasionally undefined,

I think because DOMString is actually a
valuetype, a null value is allowed.

Well, JS is an odd duck here. It does not have an instance of the  
string type, but it does have a null value (of a different type) and  
dynamic type conversion and a weird rule for how null is converted to  

I guess what NoNull is saying is that null should stringify according  
to JS rules, yielding "null", with the default assumption being that  
DOMString parameters in IDL may take JS null. But NoNull does not seem  
like a very clear way to express that idea (at least to me, as an  
implementor more familiar with JS and DOM internals than with the  
details of OMG IDL).

Also, notwithstanding the polite fiction that DOMString is a  
valuetype>, in real bindings it is treated as  
a custom type that matches the native language's string type. So I  
would not read too much into its theoretical IDL definition.

or in at least one crazy case, boolean false (thanks to whoever
designed queryCommandValue).

Maybe in crazy cases like that the return value should be │any│?

For our bindings code at least we prefer to be specific, since |any|  
without additional knowledge of the actual types possible would  
require hand-coding.


Re: [selectors-api] Extended Attribute [NoNull] in the IDL

2008-05-02 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 2, 2008, at 7:37 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:

Boris Zbarsky:
In that case, the null behavior doesn't make any sense to me...  I  
expect querySelector(null) to either behave as  
querySelector("null") (as
in Opera) or as querySelector("") (as in Gecko and apparently  

If there’s a need for null to stringify to "", then I can add another
extended attribute to Web IDL.

It needs to for many standard DOM methods. Most core DOM methods that  
take namespaces treat a null namespaceURI or prefix parameter the same  
as the empty string, not the same as the string "null". As mentioned,  
I advise looking at WebKit's IDL files since we have represented most  
of the weird cases there. I think the empty string conversion may  
actually be somewhat more common in DOM APIs, although it is not the  
native ECMAScript string conversion behavior.


Re: [selectors-api] Extended Attribute [NoNull] in the IDL

2008-05-02 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 2, 2008, at 7:23 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:
What do they do if there is an element named  in the  

IE 8 Beta: Returns null or empty NodeList

Interesting.   What happens in IE8b1 if you do:


Throws a SYNTAX_ERR.

In that case, the null behavior doesn't make any sense to me...  I  
would expect querySelector(null) to either behave as  
querySelector("null") (as in Opera) or as querySelector("") (as in  
Gecko and apparently Webkit)...

Sounds like whatever gets specified here we need a test for it in  
the test suite, at least.

I'm not sure what NoNull is supposed to mean, but existing DOM APIs  
that take strings almost always either treat JS null the same as "",  
or the same as "null". I think Web IDL should define a property to  
distinguish these cases. In WebKit's IDL we have the overly verbose  
[ConvertNullToNullString] extended attribute for the first case (we  
internally distinguish null string from empty string and I think there  
may be a tiny number of APIs that actually treat null and empty  
differently). I am not sure which of these behaviors [NoNull] applies  

We have similar extended attributes for IDL method return values or  
attributes that are nominally DOMString but may return other values  
such as null, or occasionally undefined, or in at least one crazy  
case, boolean false (thanks to whoever designed queryCommandValue).


Re: [SelectorsAPI] Thoughts on querySelectorAll

2008-05-02 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 2, 2008, at 5:35 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

One alternative solution would be to say that the string ":scope "  
is always prepended to the passed in selector. That would mean that  
a selector like "div span" would be matched as ":scope div span"  
where obviously the "div" and "span" parts can only match  
descendants of the context node, and selection can never leak out  
outside the context node. It would even make a selector like "> div"  
work since it would be matched as ":scope > div" which is a valid  

I proposed something similar on #whatwg today, that we add  
queryScopedSelector / queryScopedSelectorAll to elements, which has  
this behavior. See  for discussion.

Yes, if we wanted this to handle cases like "div, p" right, you can't  
just do a simple prepend of ":scope", you have to treat it as ":scope  
div, :scope p". Such an API would make clear that we were introducing  
a new notion of "scoped selector" which differs from selectors in the  
CSS sense. Also, this could be specified in Selectors API without  
waiting for :scope to make it into a spec, by saying the selector acts  
as if some simple selector that uniquely matches the scope node had  
been prepended to each selector in the group.

The only real downside with that proposal is that the passed in  
selector is not a valid selector. And it doesn't work really well  
for selector groups such as "div, span", where what you'd really  
want is for ":scope" to be prepended to each group, which makes  
parsing a lot of fun...

Yes, unfortunately I think significant parsing hackery would be  
required to handle this. Either a second Selector parser, or a special  
pre-parser that could inject ":scope" or nonstandard equivalent in the  
right places. Or we could just say that a "scoped selector" can only  
be a selector, not a group of selectors, so commas are a syntax error.


Re: [SelectorsAPI] Thoughts on querySelectorAll

2008-05-02 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 2, 2008, at 2:15 PM, John Resig wrote:

There's a solution to the above that is both simple and intuitive:  
The first character of the selector that the UA doesn't know what to  
do with. For example, in the above, it would be:


Your proposed "first character of the selector that the UA doesn't  
know what to do with" carries a lot of assumptions. For example, it's  
not obvious to me why in the second case, | isn't "the first character  
the UA doesn't know what to do with". It's also not clear why the  
error pointer is not at "a" in the second example, since the whole  
subexpression inside :not is what is in error (since it is not a  
simple selector).

I think it would be fairly complicated to define a way of reporting a  
specific "error character" in the face of varying browser support for  
different aspects of selectors. What exactly is the goal? Are you  
trying to distinguish real syntax errors from selectors that the UA  
doesn't know, but the library does? Or are you trying to find a  
reliable way to feature-test for different aspects of selectors up  

In the former case, why not just have the library always try to parse  
the selector, and if it fails, you know that neither the UA nor the  
library could handle it. In the latter case, you could do it like this:

querySelector("a") --> exception means simple element selectors are  
not supported, unlikely, but probably means this impl is unusable
querySelector("a > b") --> exception means direct descendant  
combinator is not supported
querySelector(":not(a)") --> exception means :not descendant  
combinator is not supported
querySelector(":not(a > b)") --> exception means non-simple selectors  
inside :not are not supported

I am not entirely sure how this preflighting helps, but perhaps in  
some cases, you could arrange to have querySelector do most of the  
work for a selector it can't handle, with additional filtering by the  
JS library. I think specific capability testing would be more useful  
for this than an indicator of the error location.

You just have to ask yourself "am I use this expression?" if not,  
then it's an error and that's where you mark it. It's  
inconsequential that the useragent supports :not in the :not|test|  
example since not enough information is provided to actually use it.

I'm not sure I understand the distinction. What about this invalid  
selector: ":not(a". The error is lack of a close paren. Is the failure  
past the a (where you saw the end of the string instead of a close  
paren or some other character that would be allowed), or at the a  
(since that is the start if the subexpression that did not complete  
":not(") or at the colon, since you don't have a full valid :not  
expression? I am not sure how to tell. To a Selectors parser this case  
is actually no different than your :not(a:link) case, since you push a  
":not(" token and then an "a" token and then hit a parse error. But it  
is not really the same kind of mistake.

So, in summary, it is pretty complex to define interoperable "first  
bad character" error info. And this doesn't even match the way CSS  
parsers tend to work. If you build an LALR(1) parser, as with the  
reference grammar, the failure is often that it can't combine a  
sequence of tokens that are individually valid and the parser doesn't  
generally know enough to identify which token was bad. Compare this to  
a C compiler. They have basically the same idea of what programs are  
valid, but gcc and MSVC will not give you identical column numbers for  
errors, even though the C grammar is well-defined. It would take  
additional spec language to guarantee that.

We may still be able to help the use case you want handled, but I'd  
still like to understand more what you want to do with the error info.  
Is it for total library fallback, partial library fallback, or some  
other reason?

By the way, I appreciate that you and other JS library authors are  
looking at this API and providing feedback. I am inclined to add :- 
webkit-scoped support in WebKit's implementation as this would allow a  
very easy way to achieve the usual JS library semantics.


Re: [SelectorsAPI] Thoughts on querySelectorAll

2008-05-01 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 30, 2008, at 1:37 PM, John Resig wrote:

* Combinator-rooted Queries

I read about some prior discussion concerning this (especially in  
relation to DOMElement.querySelectorAll-style queries). This is an  
important part of most libraries, as it stands. Maciej's proposed  
solution of using :root to allow for front-leading combinators is  
perfectly acceptable to me (where :root is made equivalent to the  
element, not the document element).

My most recent suggestion was to introduce a :scope pseudo-class for  
this instead of :root. I think this could also be used to do element  
scoped queries that work the way current JS libraries do: ":scope div  
> span" would find only a span child of a div that is somewhere in  
the current scope.


Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests

2008-04-29 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 29, 2008, at 2:14 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Tue, 29 Apr 2008, Chris Wilson wrote:

Given the multitude of issues raised, and the obvious back-and-forth
that denotes many differing opinions, I'd suggest having a telecom to
discuss these questions, and make sure that Sunava, Eric and myself  


I'm with Anne on this. Please reply to the e-mails before convening a
telecon. It is very difficult to carefully consider feedback in the
context of a telecon.

The problem isn't "back-and-forth" denoting "many differing  
opinions", the

problem is that we don't know what Microsoft's opinion _is_.

Telecons are by their nature much less open, and minutes are almost
uniformly so poor that it is hard to impossible to get precise  
details out of telecons. A telecon would not be appropriate at this  

I would also prefer to see a clear statement of Microsoft's position  
in written form ahead of the telecon. By their nature, these are  
issues that need careful analysis, and cannot be evaluated fully in  
the context of a teleconference.


Re: [XMLHttpRequest] Last Call

2008-04-16 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 16, 2008, at 7:50 PM, Kris Zyp wrote:

We still do not have anyway to advice user agents of long-lived  
responses in order to avoid the problem of indefinitely queued  
pipelined requests/responses. With both pipelining and long-lived  
responses becoming more common, this seems to be an envitable  
problem. It doesn't seem acceptable to simply ignore this issue. I  
am not asking for anything increasing the XHR implementation burden,  
simply a standard way of advising so that authors and user agents  
can communicate, so user agents have an approach for implementing  
proper delegation of pipelined requests when users start complaining  
of problems.

I think this would be more appropriate to deal with in XHR2, since we  
don't have a settled design for this feature and XHR1 is already way  
behind schedule.

 - Maciej

Thank you,

- Original Message - From: "Anne van Kesteren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

To: "Web API WG (public)" 
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 12:40 PM
Subject: [XMLHttpRequest] Last Call


The Web API WG resolved yesterday to publish a Last Call Working  
Draft of The XMLHttpRequest Object specification. Thanks to the  
webmasters at the W3C it was published earlier today. Last Call  
comments can be made until 2 June 2008. (Please don't comment about  
the "befor" typo there. My mistake.)

The draft is located here:

This is a rough list of the changes since the last published draft:

 * Removed dependency on DOM Level 3 Events
 * Removed dependency on Window Object 1.0
   (we already depended on HTML 5 so we could use that instead)
 * Clearly marked which HTTP methods are to raise SECURITY_ERR
 * Mention HttpOnly in the security section
 * Accept-Language is set conditionally
 * Requests using a GET method will not have an entity body
 * responseText can no longer return null
 * responseText and responseXML no longer throw
 * Headers starting with Sec- will raise
 * getResponseHeader() will return null for invalid headers
 * getAllResponseHeaderS() returns empty string in case of failure

A more detailed log of these changes, including links to the actual  
text changes, is available from, here:

Happy times reviewing!

Kind regards,

Anne van Kesteren

Re: [selectors-api] Handling :link and :visited Pseudo Classes

2008-04-16 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 16, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Travis Leithead wrote:

Travis, last time I asked about this you declined how to say how  

could be solved but said you thought it was possible. Would you be
willing to explain further now?

Sorry Maciej, I'm still going to decline to say how, but insist that  
it is possible. With Software, anything's possible :)

No, not anything. No amount of brilliant engineering will solve the  
halting problem.

But I agree that in this case the question is more what the  
consequences are of a solution, rather than whether it is possible at  
all. For making technical decisions as a group, "trust me" is not very  
high quality input.

David's described solution sounds almost feasible, other than possibly  
compatibility impact (I'm not sure how common it is to set properties  
other than color or background-color in :visited rules, or how  
often :link rules set a non-color property that is not set  
for :visited). It also seems to still leave holes for timing attacks.


-----Original Message-
From: Maciej Stachowiak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 2:40 PM
To: Arve Bersvendsen
Cc: Travis Leithead; Lachlan Hunt; public-webapi
Subject: Re: [selectors-api] Handling :link and :visited Pseudo  

On Apr 16, 2008, at 2:26 PM, Arve Bersvendsen wrote:

On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 22:49:30 +0200, Travis Leithead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Yes, the selectors API will ignore any selector with a :link
or :visited pseudo-class. We shipped that with the intention of
providing a 360 degree protection from the :link/:visited problem
in our final release, but I believe that the rest of the plan has
been cut.

I am curious as to what the benefit of this would be.

Agreed. Besides what Arve posted, there are all sorts of ways
for :link vs :visited to affect the layout of other elements. Besides
normal flow siblings it could affect the size and/or position of other
floats in the same containing block (if floated), its children, its
parent, and so forth. So I don't see how you could hide visited link
information for attackers short of doing an extra style resolution and
layout solely to handle queries for  style or layout information.
Furthermore, giving answers from these queries that don't match the
true layout could break scripts doing animations or script-driven

In addition, CSS inheritence could alter non-size properties of
children like color, so restricting :link and :visited to properties
that don't affect size or position wouldn't work either.

I'd like us to understand how it is feasible to every fully solve this
problem before catering to partial solutions in the Selectors API  

Travis, last time I asked about this you declined how to say how this
could be solved but said you thought it was possible. Would you be
willing to explain further now?


A simple exploit that routes around the entire problem roughly
consists of this:

p,body,a { margin: 0; padding: 0 }
a:link { display: block; }
a:visited { display: none; }

onload = function(){
  var ele = document.getElementById('adjacentElement')
  if (0 == ele.offsetTop){
ele.innerText = "FAIL: Visit to detected"
}";>Visit this linkPASS

Note that I could replace the particular means of getting the
reference to the paragraph with any number of other means:

var ele = document.querySelector('p');
var ele = document.querySelector('a+p');
var ele = document.querySelector('#adjacentElement');
var ele = document.getElementsByTagName('a').nextSibling;

Which leaves you only the option of checking whether layout has been
affected and refuse to return anything whenever layout has been
affected by the :visited state of a link.

Also note that it is impossible to protect against Anne's suggested
exploit where you load a randomized and unique tracker image as
background or content for visited links, and do the data collection
serverside instead.

Arve Bersvendsen

Developer, Opera Software ASA,

Re: [selectors-api] Handling :link and :visited Pseudo Classes

2008-04-16 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 16, 2008, at 3:28 PM, L. David Baron wrote:

On Wednesday 2008-04-16 23:26 +0200, Arve Bersvendsen wrote:
Also note that it is impossible to protect against Anne's suggested  

where you load a randomized and unique tracker image as background or
content for visited links, and do the data collection serverside  

It's not impossible; it just requires deviations from current
standards and probably a lot of work.

On Wednesday 2008-04-16 14:39 -0700, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
I'd like us to understand how it is feasible to every fully solve  
problem before catering to partial solutions in the Selectors API  

My current thinking (from ) is that
what we'd need to do to fix this is:

1. change CSS selector matching so that :visited rules are used
   *only* for the non-alpha components of the 'color' and
   'background-color' properties (and everything else is computed
   based on the :link rules)

2. make getComputedStyle and any other APIs lie about those two

I guess you would have to extend this to rules that use :visited  
or :link anywhere in the selector (for example before a sibling or  
descendant combinator) and make sure the getComputedStyle lies extend  
to descendants that inherit the color as well.

Also, I think setting background-color may be subject to a timing- 
based attack if the default is transparent, since it will require  
extra rect fills, and setting color may be subject to a timing based  
attack if the anti-aliasing mode changes based on the color of text,  
resulting in different cost of drawing the text. I believe this is  
true on Mac OS X.


Re: [selectors-api] Handling :link and :visited Pseudo Classes

2008-04-16 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 16, 2008, at 2:26 PM, Arve Bersvendsen wrote:

On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 22:49:30 +0200, Travis Leithead <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

Yes, the selectors API will ignore any selector with a :link  
or :visited pseudo-class. We shipped that with the intention of  
providing a 360 degree protection from the :link/:visited problem  
in our final release, but I believe that the rest of the plan has  
been cut.

I am curious as to what the benefit of this would be.

Agreed. Besides what Arve posted, there are all sorts of ways  
for :link vs :visited to affect the layout of other elements. Besides  
normal flow siblings it could affect the size and/or position of other  
floats in the same containing block (if floated), its children, its  
parent, and so forth. So I don't see how you could hide visited link  
information for attackers short of doing an extra style resolution and  
layout solely to handle queries for  style or layout information.  
Furthermore, giving answers from these queries that don't match the  
true layout could break scripts doing animations or script-driven  

In addition, CSS inheritence could alter non-size properties of  
children like color, so restricting :link and :visited to properties  
that don't affect size or position wouldn't work either.

I'd like us to understand how it is feasible to every fully solve this  
problem before catering to partial solutions in the Selectors API spec.

Travis, last time I asked about this you declined how to say how this  
could be solved but said you thought it was possible. Would you be  
willing to explain further now?


A simple exploit that routes around the entire problem roughly  
consists of this:

p,body,a { margin: 0; padding: 0 }
a:link { display: block; }
a:visited { display: none; }

 onload = function(){
   var ele = document.getElementById('adjacentElement')
   if (0 == ele.offsetTop){
 ele.innerText = "FAIL: Visit to detected"
 }";>Visit this linkid="adjacentElement">PASS

Note that I could replace the particular means of getting the  
reference to the paragraph with any number of other means:

 var ele = document.querySelector('p');
 var ele = document.querySelector('a+p');
 var ele = document.querySelector('#adjacentElement');
 var ele = document.getElementsByTagName('a').nextSibling;

Which leaves you only the option of checking whether layout has been  
affected and refuse to return anything whenever layout has been  
affected by the :visited state of a link.

Also note that it is impossible to protect against Anne's suggested  
exploit where you load a randomized and unique tracker image as  
background or content for visited links, and do the data collection  
serverside instead.

Arve Bersvendsen

Developer, Opera Software ASA,

Re: [DOML3Events] ACTION-267 Proposal for event iterator

2008-04-14 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 14, 2008, at 3:26 PM, Doug Schepers wrote:

Hi, Jonas-

Jonas Sicking wrote (on 4/14/08 5:58 PM):
Like Boris points out, there is no need to expose debugging APIs to  
web pages. Browsers can expose those thorough internal APIs to  
their tools.

Actually, I've seen Web apps that allow creation and debugging of  
content, and I think that's a perfectly legitimate use case.  I  
would like to have this list of event listeners available.

As Jonas pointed out, many other APIs needed for debugging are not  
available to web content. Debugging web content inside other web  
content will not be made practical by this one feature. So I don't  
find it that compelling a use case.


Re: [DOML3Events] ACTION-267 Proposal for event iterator

2008-04-09 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 9, 2008, at 2:16 PM, Travis Leithead wrote:

I've been specifically requested to add such support into IE by  
various customers. Most of their use-cases involve script that is  
trying to 'clean-up' event handlers for which they did not set, and  
do not have a pre-existing handle to the function callback.

Could you be more specific about the use cases? That sounds pretty  
vague, and from your example, it's also not clear that enumeration is  
even the most useful API to address these use cases. It sounds like an  
API to clear all event listeners on a node would be more appropriate.

I also wonder why anyone would want to remove event handlers that they  
did not install themselves, we have not received requests like this  
for Safari or WebKit. I wonder if this might be due to the fact that  
leaving event listeners attached after leaving the page can cause  
memory leaks in IE. Other browsers don't have this problem, so I think  
the right solution, if this is the motivation, would be to fix the  
memory leaks.

Also I am not sure why IE customers would be requesting extensions to  
DOM Events, since IE doesn't yet support DOM Events at all. (Though to  
be fair, perhaps you are translating requests for extensions to IE's  
event model into requests for extensions to DOM events.)


Re: [DOML3Events] ACTION-267 Proposal for event iterator

2008-04-09 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 9, 2008, at 11:07 AM, Travis Leithead wrote:

In considering a design for the event iterator (allow devs to  
enumerate what events have been _added_ via addEventListener to a  
given object), I looked at too general approaches:

Before analyzing the pros and cons of specific designs, what is the  
motivation for adding this functionality at all? Previously, the  
working group resolved to remove the related but less powerful  
hasEventListenerNS method for lack of a use case, and because there  
are potential security issues.


Re: What is Microsoft's intent with XDR vis-à-vis W3C? [Was: Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests]

2008-04-02 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

Hi Tyler,

On Apr 2, 2008, at 6:08 PM, Close, Tyler J. wrote:

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Apr 2, 2008, at 4:52 PM, Close, Tyler J. wrote:

Sending the user's cookies, as AC4CSR does, is just not a viable
design, since the target resource cannot determine whether or not
the user consented to the request. I've posted several explanations
of the attacks enabled by this use of ambient authority, and, in my
opinion, the issues are still outstanding. The use of ambient
authority in AC4CSR is a show-stopper, as reflected in the decision
Mozilla announced on this mailing list.

Can you please post these examples again, or pointers to where you
posted them? I believe they have not been previously seen on the Web
API list.

I've written several messages to the appformats mailing list. I  
suggest reading all of them.

W3C's search finds the following 50 messages from you:

Can you help me out with finding which contain descriptions of  
security flaws in the spec (which have not yet been addressed through  
spec changes)? The first three I looked at randomly did not contain  
any descriptions of security flaws.

The most detailed description of the attacks are in the message at:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a correction at:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for stepping up with some actual specific attacks. I will read  
them carefully and respond soon with my analysis (also in light of  
Ian's reply to you).

A number of people have mentioned that the AC approach to
cross-site XHR is insecure (or that XDR is somehow more secure),  
but I

have not yet seen any examples of specific attacks. I would love to
see this information. If I do not see a description of a specific
attack soon I will assume these claims are just FUD.

I think we've met before at a SHDH event. That was a more pleasant  
conversation. Hopefully, we'll be able to regain that tone.

Sorry for tossing you in the same bucket as those making (so far)  
unsubstantiated claims. I'm not trying to be unfriendly here, I'm just  
trying to get us to objective facts about security, which so far have  
been lacking in this discussion. This is very frustrating to me,  
because saying a spec is insecure without giving details is just  
yelling fire in a crowded theater. Whereas describing specific attacks  
is very helpful, so thank you for doing so.

Note also that sending of cookies is not an essential feature of
AC4CSR; certainly it could be a viable spec with that feature  

Do you believe there are any other showstopper issues?

Possibly. There is a lot of complexity in the AC4CSR proposal. I've  
been writing about the most severe things as I find them.

Now would be a great time to collapse the wave function on that  
"possibly". I have been trying to think of attack models against both  
AC and XDR myself and so far have not come up with anything that holds  
water (I did mistakenly think AC had a DNS rebinding vulnerability,  
but I was wrong). We must carefully identify the security issues  
(including second-order effects that may result from limiting  
capabilities) to make informed decisions about this technology area.


Re: What is Microsoft's intent with XDR vis-à-vis W3C? [Was: Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests]

2008-04-02 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 2, 2008, at 4:52 PM, Close, Tyler J. wrote:

Sending the user's cookies, as AC4CSR does, is just not a viable  
design, since the target resource cannot determine whether or not  
the user consented to the request. I've posted several explanations  
of the attacks enabled by this use of ambient authority, and, in my  
opinion, the issues are still outstanding. The use of ambient  
authority in AC4CSR is a show-stopper, as reflected in the decision  
Mozilla announced on this mailing list.

Can you please post these examples again, or pointers to where you  
posted them? I believe they have not been previously seen on the Web  
API list. A number of people have mentioned that the AC approach to  
cross-site XHR is insecure (or that XDR is somehow more secure), but I  
have not yet seen any examples of specific attacks. I would love to  
see this information. If I do not see a description of a specific  
attack soon I will assume these claims are just FUD.

Note also that sending of cookies is not an essential feature of  
AC4CSR; certainly it could be a viable spec with that feature removed.  
Do you believe there are any other showstopper issues?


Re: [Element Traversal LC] access to element by index

2008-04-02 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 2, 2008, at 2:44 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Henri Sivonen wrote:

On Apr 2, 2008, at 00:48, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
OK.  So item() would be available on Element after casting it to  
NodeList in those implementations.  I guess you're saying that the  
cast would not longer be unambiguous if there were multiple  
NodeLists that might make sense?  So childElements couldn't be  
implemented with a |return this;|?

That doesn't seem like such a terrible implementation burden to  
me, to be honest...
I'm not claiming it would be awfully hard, but it does change the  
impact of Element Traversal from adding four or five methods on an  
existing class (mere code footprint; super-simple) to adding more  
run-time object instances. And then, there are issues like should  
childElements return the same object every time. And if yes, then  
the implementor needs to add a new pointer to each element node or  
to add a hashtable on the owner document or something along those  
lines. Again, not awfully hard, but still more complex than just  
adding convenience methods on an existing class.

Sure it's more complex, but it's still trivial.

In WebKit, it would be more than one line of code to add a new kind of  
NodeList. Not a ridiculous amount of code though.

However, I think live NodeLists are an anti-pattern. They tend to be  
horrible for performance in the face of mutation (and even when there  
isn't mutation, extra objects are allocated). This is part of why I  
strongly argued for querySelectorAll to return a non-live list. And  
using indexing is not really any more convenient than using next/ 
previous methods.

I can live with the editor's decision either way on this one.


Re: [Bindings] What does typeof return for interface objects?

2008-03-19 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 19, 2008, at 12:08 AM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

ECMA-262 actually allows typeof to return anything at all for host  
objects (which all of the DOM binding objects are). So it would not  
be an ECMA-262 violation, technically, for an uncallable object to  
give typeof == 'function', but I do think it would be a bad idea.

In WebKit we currently follow the ECMA-262 callability-based  
approach even for host objects, but not all web engines do. For  
example, I believe that in Trident, NodeLists are callable but give  
a typeof result of 'object' instead of 'function'.

Alexey points out that we have had a bug filed because we report  
'function' in this case: <>.

But it's not really clear if the IE behavior of being callable but  
reporting typeof == 'object' is required for compatibility (it is  
clear that NodeLists actually being callable is).

There is much more discussion in the bug.


Re: [Bindings] What does typeof return for interface objects?

2008-03-19 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 18, 2008, at 11:06 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:

Travis Leithead:

I can think of some interesting use cases for implementing [[call]]
on an interface object... I'd prefer to leave it unspecified at best.


I agree with Hixie on the point of specifying the behavior of typeof,
and to me typeof HTMLDocument == 'function' makes sense, since I  

of these as 'constructor objects' (even if they don't allow object
construction in some cases).

But if you want ‘typeof HTMLDocument == 'function'’, then you would
need to mandate [[Call]] being implemented on the interface object,
since ECMA-262 says that the typeof operator returns 'function' only  
the object implements [[Call]].  And then if you require [[Call]] to  

implemented, then you’d need to say what that function would do.

ECMA-262 actually allows typeof to return anything at all for host  
objects (which all of the DOM binding objects are). So it would not be  
an ECMA-262 violation, technically, for an uncallable object to give  
typeof == 'function', but I do think it would be a bad idea.

In WebKit we currently follow the ECMA-262 callability-based approach  
even for host objects, but not all web engines do. For example, I  
believe that in Trident, NodeLists are callable but give a typeof  
result of 'object' instead of 'function'.


Re: Safari 3.1 adding showModalDialog??

2008-03-18 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 18, 2008, at 2:22 PM, Travis Leithead wrote:

Not to say that I object... :)

...but why this API and not showModelessDialog too?
I'd be interested to know the rationale for this decision on  
WebKit's part.

We've been shipping showModalDialog for years on Mac, but I think it  
didn't work on Windows in our betas. We had to add it for  
certification with certain "enterprise" web applications years ago.

We've never had a request for showModelessDialog or equivalent  
functionality (as far a sI know).

Also, was openDialog considered (from FF)?

We asked the ISVs who wanted a way to do a modal dialog and they  
preferred the IE API. Neither seemed technically better or worse as  
far as we could tell.


Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests

2008-03-18 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 17, 2008, at 7:52 PM, Sunava Dutta wrote:

Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] noted:
<server side is likely to increase, not reduce attack surface.>>

If a service is defined as accepting one format, it need only accept  
that format, and can reject anything else.  Sniffing is not  
recommended or desirable.

Such a service should reject an incorrect MIME type, which text/plain  
would be for XML.

Remember, even if you allow the Content-Type to be specified by the  
caller, the server has NO guarantee that the Content-Type specified  
is an accurate description of the POST body content.  To remain  
secure, servers MUST be robust in the face of malformed input.

However, sniffing in text/plain is a whole different ball of wax.

Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] noted:
<Access- Control model as compared to XDR, at least none that have  
held up to closer scrutiny. Is Microsoft aware of any specific such  
risks, as opposed to general concerns?>>

The Security Worries section here: 
 and the Security section here: 
  describe some of the concerns related to the Access-Control  
model.  We believe that the XDR model effectively mitigates the  
concerns described.

Do you have any specifics? Which of those items, in particular, do you  
think represent security vulnerabilities in XHR2+AC? Which are  
addressed by XDR? I can do this analysis myself if necessary, but if  
Microsoft is making the claim that XDR is more secure and that you  
believe XHR2+AC has security vulnerabilities, I think you should  
provide specific evidence to back up these claims.

(Note that these are both lists of issues that are believed to be  
adequately addressed, so it is not immediately obvious which items you  
believe are vulnerabilities.)

Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] noted:
<authoring and implementation are worth discussing as well, but I  
think the approaches are similar enough that simplicity in itself is  
not a major security issue.>>

While simplicity alone obviously is no guarantee of security, design  
complexity almost always leads to implementation bugs.   
Implementation bugs in access control mechanisms lead to security  

That is true. But based on my experience writing the original  
implementation of XMLHttpRequest for WebKit, and my review of the  
spec, I do not think XHR2+AC rises to the level of complexity that is  
highly likely to lead to implementation bugs.


Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests

2008-03-17 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 17, 2008, at 2:29 PM, Sunava Dutta wrote:

Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
<content with a proper MIME type cross-domain.>>

You're right-- setting an arbitrary request content-type is a  
capability not present in HTML forms today.  While we believe that  
this is a minimal increase in attack surface, we agree that it's  
worth considering whether or not such capability should be removed.

If removed, all XDR POST requests could be sent with:

   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Servers would then be flexible in interpreting the data in the  
higher-level format they expect (JSON, XML, etc).

I think encouraging more content sniffing of text/plain on the server  
side is likely to increase, not reduce attack surface.

Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] asked:
<to the API and protocol differences.>>

We believe that the XDR proposal represents a simpler mechanism for  
enabling the most commonly requested types of cross-domain access.   
We believe that such simplicity will lead to improved security in  
practical implementations by browsers.

There are many threats against a cross-domain communication  
mechanism, so we believe the simplicity of XDR makes it more  
suitable than attempting to plumb cross-domain capabilities into the  
existing XHR object.  In particular, we are concerned that  
attempting to introduce new restrictions/added complexity on an XHR  
object when it is used in a cross-domain manner will result in a  
confusing programming model for the web developer.

So far I have not heard any *specific* security risks of the Access- 
Control model as compared to XDR, at least none that have held up to  
closer scrutiny. Is Microsoft aware of any specific such risks, as  
opposed to general concerns?

Certainly simplicity of client-side authoring, server-side authoring  
and implementation are worth discussing as well, but I think the  
approaches are similar enough that simplicity in itself is not a major  
security issue.


Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests

2008-03-15 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 14, 2008, at 4:59 PM, Eric Lawrence wrote:


Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] asked:
<XMLHttpRequest standard that is being developed by Web API and Web  
App Formats (and as implemented in Firefox betas)? From Apple's  
point of view we would like to have a unified standard in this area.>>

We believe that the XDR proposal exposes a smaller surface of attack  
than the Cross-Site extensions for XHR.  Specifically, it can be  
demonstrated that the capabilities exposed by XDR are virtually  
identical to the capabilities exposed by existing HTML tags.  The  
one exception (obviously) is that the XDR object allows examination  
of response bodies cross-domain if and only if the server explicitly  
indicates that such access is permissible via the  
XDomainRequestAllowed header.

But not exactly identical, since forms can't be used to POST XML  
content with a proper MIME type cross-domain. This is actually more  
restricted in XHR2+AC.


Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] asked, in part:
<some other method can do anything that you can't do with a cross- 
domain form submission. You can set custom headers, but that seems  
unlikely to make the difference between safe and unsafe.>>

It's certainly a possibility.  For instance, consider a device which  
accepts SOAP XML as input  The designers of the device were wise to  
note that a cross-domain form submission could be made (encType =  
text/plain) that contains XML-formatted content, and thus they  
devised an anti-CSRF mechanism of rejecting requests that do not  
bear a proper SOAPAction header.  Such restriction properly blocks  
CSRF via HTML forms, but is put at risk if a cross-domain XHR  
request is able to send arbitrary headers.

On the other hand, if the anti-CSRF mechanism were checking for a  
proper XML Content-Type instead of looking for a SOAPAction header,  
XDR would be more vulnerable than XHR2+AC. If the server also checks  
the Host header, then XHR2+AC would be completely safe (since no DNS  
rebinding attack is then possible).

In any case, it seems like this could be addressed through a strict  
whitelist of allowed request headers, including such critical headers  
as Accept and Accept-Language but ruling out SOAPAction. Or XHR2+AC  
could even block all custom headers on cross-site requests. Let's take  
that point as negotiable. Allowed methods are also a negotiable point.  
These issues both address what may be customized on the request, but  
the most obvious incompatibilities between XDomainRequest and XHR2+AC  
are the API and protocol.

What I'd like to understand is whether there are security benefits to  
the API and protocol differences. Or if not, if there is any other  
reason to prefer the Microsoft-proposed API and protocol to the  
current draft standards. Can anyone from Microsoft address that point?


Re: [selectors-api] Why no querySelector(All) on DocumentFragments?

2008-03-14 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 14, 2008, at 2:25 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Jonas Sicking wrote:
If we merge DocumentSelector and ElementSelector into simply  
NodeSelector we'll more or less automatically get the functions on  

Not necessarily.  I'm not advocating that all Nodes be castable to  
NodeSelector.  Just that whatever nodes querySelector(All) work on  

We'd also get it for attribute nodes which might be less desirable.

I don't think it's desirable at all.

Though we could say that the interface is only required to be  
implemented on Documents, Elements and DocumentFragments.

That would be my suggestion, yes.  ;)

If we could get a :scope pseudo-element that would be an excellent  
solution IMHO, and would be great with scoped stylesheets as has  
been pointed out elsewhere in the last few days.


That said, is there interest in getting this spec to CR quickly,  
since it seems some UAs are planning to ship it in the near future  
even though it's a Working Draft?  Or are said UAs willing to make  
changes to their implementation after shipping as the spec changes?

UAs are also planning to ship HTML5 features, and that's nowhere near  
CR. For Safari/WebKit we are willing to keep up with changes but we  
hope and assume there wouldn't be gratuitous incompatibilities  
created. For example, extending the interface to DocumentFragment,  
adding :scope, or adding parallel methods for element-rooted queries  
would both be reasonable changes from our point of view. Because this  
API is driven to a large extent by a desire to replace AJAX library  
functionality with more performance native versions, I think it's  
important to make sure we actually satisfy their use cases, and we're  
learning about that from the existing early implementations as JS  
library authors play with them.

The main thing I'd like to see ASAP is a good test suite, and we don't  
need to wait for CR to start building that.


Re: [selectors-api] Why no querySelector(All) on DocumentFragments?

2008-03-14 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 14, 2008, at 1:56 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

I think ability to do element-rooted selector queries (either  
through a new method or a :scope pseudo-element) is more important,  
since it's needed to replicate the feature set of JS query libraries.

If we could get a :scope pseudo-element that would be an excellent  
solution IMHO, and would be great with scoped stylesheets as has  
been pointed out elsewhere in the last few days.

Is that something that should be defined by this WG? It would suck  
to have to wait for Level 4 Selectors. Other WGs have defined  
selectors, but I'm not sure how good of an idea that is.

I would prefer to see it in the Selectors spec, but it would have to  
come out of CR for that. Perhaps the editor of the Selectors spec  
(Hixie) would like to weigh in. Alternately, we could temporarily  
define the pseudo-element in the Selectors API spec.

The alternative, defining another set of methods would be something  
that we could do, but that solution feels a lot less appealing.

I agree, :scope seems more elegant, and parallel methods can't handle  
the "> span" immediate children use case very nicely.


Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests

2008-03-14 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 14, 2008, at 2:42 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Also, the OPTIONS request is there to prevent requests that XDR  
simply always allows, i.e. cross site requests using unsafe methods.  
So I'm not sure I see how XDR is safer in that regard here.

I would be very interested to hear back on the two first emails I  
posted to this thread as they relate to this exact subject.

The attack scenario would be like this:
- binds to point to's IP
- does a cross-domain XHR to with POST or a  
custom method, making sure to allow

- rebinds to point to's IP
- does a cross-domain XHR to with POST or a  
custom method, it is now allowed

The end result is that you send a request with a disallowed method to, but the user's normal cookies or other credentials won't  
be sent since the request is sent to, not, as far as the client knows.

However, after thinking about this, you could achieve the same by DNS  
rebinding using itself, making the XHR not cross-domain at  
all. So, even though there seems to be a potential gap in the OPTIONS  
pre-request here, it does not appear to be a new hole.

I am also not sure if a DNS rebound cross-domain XHR with POST or some  
other method can do anything that you can't do with a cross-domain  
form submission. You can set custom headers, but that seems unlikely  
to make the difference between safe and unsafe. You can also use  
methods besides the ones allowed for form posting. I am not sure why  
the OPTIONS preflight check was added in the first place, I hope  
whoever came up with the pre-check design can chime in to indicate  
whether this attack subverts the purpose of the check.


/ Jonas

Jonas Sicking wrote:
So the worry here is a scenario where an attacker tricks a user to  
go to which does an evil POST to And at the  
same time the attacker launches a DNS rebind attack on the user for  
the domain name such that the OPTIONS request goes to  
an attacker controlled server which approves the POST, but then  
lets the actual post go to the real server?
If so, couldn't the user simply trick the user to go to, and use a DNS rebind attack so that when is fetched it returns a HTML page that contains  
script that uses normal XHR to do a POST to When the  
POST happens the attacker lets that go to the real  
I.e. I don't see how Cross-site XHR in combination with DNS rebind  
attacks lets you do something that DNS rebind attacks doesn't  
already let you do on it's own.

XXX = Cross-site Extensions to XHR. So basically XHR+AC spec.
/ Jonas
Chris Wilson wrote:
Yes, DNS rebinding is one of the major attack vectors I was  
talking about.  If the access controls are negotiated  
independently of the actual request/response, this is nearly  
always a concern.  (Yes, you could require follow-ups to go to the  
same IP address; that's both a pain to actually implement (because  
a high-level request needs low-level access; typically, I don't  
believe we need to know about the IP address at the XHR level) and  
somewhat confusing (because it will break if there's normal,  
permitted DNS round-robin going on, e.g.).

Maciej, does XXX = XHR L2 or XDR?

-Original Message-
From: Maciej Stachowiak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008 1:25 PM
To: Jonas Sicking
Cc: Chris Wilson; Web API WG (public); Eric Lawrence; Zhenbin Xu;  
Gideon Cohn; Sharath Udupa; Doug Stamper; Marc Silbey

Subject: Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests

On Mar 14, 2008, at 11:24 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Can you describe what you mean by "persistent allow" design?

Anne and I discussed this comment on IRC. One possible flaw is that
the OPTIONS request to guard against an unaware server receiving  

domain POST or other methods is subject to a DNS rebinding attack
(though this could be fixable by requiring the OPTIONS and the  

up request to go to the same IP or something along those lines). I'm
not sure if this is the vulnerability Chris had in mind. I don't  
XXX has the same vulnerabilities as Flash though, because the  

control headers are not an out-of-band control file so the actual
access control check can't be bypassed via DNS rebinding, only the
method check.

 - Maciej

/ Jonas

Chris Wilson wrote:

Oops.  Obviously, this was not to go to the whole group.
I've been asked a lot, over the last week and a half, why we
implemented XDR rather than the current cross-domain XHR
proposals.  The short version is, as Sunava discusses in the
summary of this mail, that x-domain XHR (and Flash's approach, et
al) is su

Re: [selectors-api] Why no querySelector(All) on DocumentFragments?

2008-03-14 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 12, 2008, at 12:25 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Is there a reason why querySelector(All) is not supported on  
DocumentFragment nodes?  It seems to me that such support could be  
useful...  It's already supported on disconnected subtrees rooted by  
an Element, as far as I can tell, so it doesn't seem like the  
DocumentFragment case would be all that different.

I'd have no objection to supporting these methods on DocumentFragment  
too, although it does not seem terribly important.

I think ability to do element-rooted selector queries (either through  
a new method or a :scope pseudo-element) is more important, since it's  
needed to replicate the feature set of JS query libraries.


Re: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests

2008-03-14 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 14, 2008, at 11:24 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Can you describe what you mean by "persistent allow" design?

Anne and I discussed this comment on IRC. One possible flaw is that  
the OPTIONS request to guard against an unaware server receiving cross- 
domain POST or other methods is subject to a DNS rebinding attack  
(though this could be fixable by requiring the OPTIONS and the follow- 
up request to go to the same IP or something along those lines). I'm  
not sure if this is the vulnerability Chris had in mind. I don't think  
XXX has the same vulnerabilities as Flash though, because the access- 
control headers are not an out-of-band control file so the actual  
access control check can't be bypassed via DNS rebinding, only the  
method check.

 - Maciej

/ Jonas

Chris Wilson wrote:

Oops.  Obviously, this was not to go to the whole group.
I’ve been asked a lot, over the last week and a half, why we  
implemented XDR rather than the current cross-domain XHR  
proposals.  The short version is, as Sunava discusses in the  
summary of this mail, that x-domain XHR (and Flash’s approach, et  
al) is subject to specific x-domain injection attacks because of  
its persistent-allow design.

*From:* Chris Wilson
*Sent:* Friday, March 14, 2008 11:00 AM
*To:* Sunava Dutta; Web API WG (public)
*Cc:* Eric Lawrence; Zhenbin Xu; Gideon Cohn; Sharath Udupa; Doug  
Stamper; Marc Silbey

*Subject:* RE: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests
I’d move half the summary section up front to make it clear why  
we’re not wild about x-domain XHR.  You need to lead with that.

*From:* Sunava Dutta
*Sent:* Thursday, March 13, 2008 8:47 PM
*To:* Sunava Dutta; Web API WG (public)
*Cc:* Eric Lawrence; Chris Wilson; Zhenbin Xu; Gideon Cohn; Sharath  
Udupa; Doug Stamper; Marc Silbey

*Subject:* IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests
XDR helps web developers to create secure mashups, replacing less  
secure or non-performant approaches, including SCRIPT SRC’ing  
content or IFRAME injection.
Microsoft would like to submit XDR to the W3C for standardization  
so that other browsers can benefit from this technology.

 XDomainRequest (XDR)
   Table of Contents
1.0   Summary
2.0   Background: /Overview of how XDR allows cross site requests/
3.0   API Documentation: /Lists the programming interface/methods/ 
4.0   Security Model Flowchart: /Highlights the security checks  
that IE8 makes for an XDR Request./
5.0   Sample Site and Script: /For developers wishing to create an  
XDR page./
6.0   Developer Benefits of using XDR: /Covers XDR’s strengths by  
demonstrating XDR’s goals of security and simplicity./
7.0   Developer Release Notes: /A short bulleted list of issues  
developers should we aware of when using the object and a summary  
of what XDR cannot do./

1.0 Summary
/With* Cross Domain Request* *(XDR)* developers can create cross  
site data aggregation scenarios. Similar to the XMLHttpRequest  
object  but with a simpler programming model, this request, called  
XDomainRequest, is an easy way to make anonymous requests to third  
party sites that support XDR and opt in to making their data  
available across domains. Three lines of code will have you making  
basic cross site requests. This will ensure data aggregation for  
public sites such as blogs etc will be simple, secure and fast. XDR  
is an approach designed from the grounds up with a focus on  
security. We understand the current cross domain XMLHTTPRequest  
proposal and recognize its ability to provide a broader set of  
services particularly around declarative auditing for access  
control based scenarios and authenticated connections. It does  
however come at the risk of more complexity and surface area of  
attack. While these are certainly compelling scenarios we realize  
that existing implementations have bugs (linked 1 , 2 ), some  
of which are resolved from the past like TOUCTOU and others like  
DNS Rebinding remain mostly unaddressed. In addition, maintaining  
configuration is challenging post deployment as Flash has  
(wildcarding) in the past. The IE team is not comfortable  
implementing a feature with a high surface area of attack and open/ 
incoming security issues and proposes XDR as a safer alternative.///

2.0 Background
 Browsers enforce the same site origin policy, which blocks web  
pages from accessing data from another domain. Websites often work  
around this policy by having their server request content from  
another site’s server in the backend, thus circumventing the check  
within the browser.

	Text Box: Figure 1 – IE7 and below need to make a request to  
the mashup server which then needs to be proxied to the web server.
In IE8 web pages can simply make a cross domain data request within  

Re: [selectors-api] Why have two identical differently named interfaces?

2008-03-13 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 13, 2008, at 4:53 AM, Alex Russell wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Mar 12, 2008, at 8:46 AM, liorean wrote:

On 12/03/2008, Boris Zbarsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I guess I could do the two interfaces, but I'm having a hard time  

different extensions being made to these two interfaces (as

opposed to wholly

new interfaces being invented, as was done here).

I can actually imagine one extension that only makes sence on  

and not on any other nodes - element-rooted instead of
subtree-only-but-document-rooted queries. (I don't see any real
benefit from such an interface though, but I've seen the idea
mentioned on the mailing lists.)

The benefit here is the (potential) ability to root queries to  
containing nodes. Nearly every JavaScript library that does CSS  
selectors handles the equivalent of:

node.querySelectorAll("> .thinger");

Which currently has no expression via valid CSS 3 selectors. There's  
no concept of a query being a descendant of a selector root node  
although the above use-case occurs very frequently in real-world  

It seems foolish to extend the CSS 3 selectors WD to support a  
syntax that is simple-selector free, whereas it has use in the DOM- 
centric APIs.

Whether this needs to be handled via separate interfaces, I can't  
say (and don't care).

Maybe the best solution would be to add a :scope pseudo-element which  
is the target of the querySelectorAll call if not called on the  
document. That would allow old-school JS library semantics just by  
prepending ":scope ".


Re: XHR setRequestHeader("connection", "close") is bogusly rejected

2008-03-11 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 11, 2008, at 7:00 AM, Kris Zyp wrote:

for UAs is best approach, and that it should be a number-based   
advice, not a boolean, so that it could be used more effectively  
and  flexibly in heuristic algorithms for making informed  
pipelining  decisions.

Can you be more specific in what you mean about "number-based  
advice"? (Apologies if you explained this in an earlier message, I  
tried  skimming them and did not find a description).

I couldn't find my previous message in the archives, so I included  
below again (sorry about posting it again). Basically I was  
suggesting that a property (called "durability") could take a number  
(rather than a boolean), that would represent advice about how long  
the author expected the response to take. The user agent could  
utilize this advice in any way it sees fit. A number provides more  
information (a greater range of values) than a boolean, and it could  
effectively be used as weighting in user agent heuristics. The  
advice could be used by user agents to determine if the connection  
should be counted against the connection limit (if it is larger than  
a threshold), and it could used as advice for pipelining. The user  
agent is not required to respond in any certain way, but this is  
author provided advice, that the user agent may use in any way it  

The advantage of a number may be more clearly seen in a pipeline  
ordering example. Suppose I issue 4 requests, and I expect request A  
to take a few milliseconds, request B to take a half a second,  
request C to take a couple seconds, and request D could last  
indefinitely. I could set different durability values for each XHR  
request, and then the user agent could potentially use these values  
(possibly in combination with other information, like connection  
speed, proxy information, and so forth) to determine the order of  

xhrA.durability = 0.01;
xhrB.durability = 0.5;
xhrC.durability = 2;
xhrD.durability = 100;
In this situation, a browser may decide to send A and B on different  
connections, and send C as pipelined by request A. It may also  
choose to send D on completely separate connection and not count  
that against the connection limit. However, the advice does not  
require the user agent to take any specific action, the browser can  
weigh the advice in combination with other factors, depending on the  
situation. Anyway, here is the more detailed proposal I had sent  
out, I apologize if you have already received it/read it (it had a  
subject "Re: Pipelining Control Proposal"):

As a browser implementor, I don't think I would find this more useful  
than a boolean property indicating a connection is likely to be long- 
lived. I can't imagine doing anything more complicated than picking a  
threshold value to decide whether to count a request towards the  
connection limit and whether to consider pipelining requests on its  
connection. If all implementors did this, we'd likely end up with  
somewhat different threshold values, which would be unfortunate.

Also, I'm skeptical that authors can estimate request latency with  
anything near that kind of precision. Thus, it is likely to be an  
unreliable source of information, meaning that the details of the  
value couldn't be trusted anyway, and even a high-low threshold might  
be unreliable. But most authors know if their XHR connection is  
intended to be used persistently, so the one bit of info would be more  

Are there any implementors who would find an estimate of the request  
latency more useful than a boolean "likely to be persistent" indicator?


Re: XHR setRequestHeader("connection", "close") is bogusly rejected

2008-03-10 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 10, 2008, at 4:37 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Kris Zyp wrote:

However, there are web apps in existence (e.g., Gmail)
that set the "connection: close" header to inform the
user-agent that the HTTP transaction is going to take
a long time.  (This is also informative for the
server.)  This allows a user-agent to not count this
connection against the RFC 2616 recommended maximum of
2 persistent connections per host.
As far as I can tell, Firefox is the only browser that regards  
"connection: close" as an indication that the connection should not  
be counted against the connection limit

What gives you that idea? I'm not actually sure since I don't know  
the inner workings of the network code, but I have never heard of  
such behavior.

A commenter on this WebKit bug said so: . But further testing does not seem to bear out this claim.


Re: XHR setRequestHeader("connection", "close") is bogusly rejected

2008-03-10 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 10, 2008, at 7:34 AM, Kris Zyp wrote:

If the problem we are trying to solve is preventing potentially  
long- lived requests from blowing out the connection limit I think  
it would  be better to either:

1) Add an explicit XHR property that indicates this request may be  
long-lived - this would not only bypass the connection limit but  
would also indicate to the UA that it should not pipeline other  
requests on  the same connection, if it supports pipelining.

2) Never count XHR-initiated http requests towards the per-server  
connection limit.
 not seem necessary for the goal of bypassing the connection  
limit on the UA side. And it seems that an explicit XHR property  
for this would  be more clear.
I agree, I think #1 is the way to go. I don't like #2, because  
connection limits really are valuable for minimizing server load,  
and even can help prevent DOS attacks. As I just mentioned in the  
other email, "Connection: close" is not an appropriate form of  
advice, IMO. I think that an explicit property that provides advice  
for UAs is best approach, and that it should be a number-based  
advice, not a boolean, so that it could be used more effectively and  
flexibly in heuristic algorithms for making informed pipelining  

Can you be more specific in what you mean about "number-based advice"?  
(Apologies if you explained this in an earlier message, I tried  
skimming them and did not find a description).


Re: XHR setRequestHeader("connection", "close") is bogusly rejected

2008-03-07 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 7, 2008, at 3:02 PM, Morgan L wrote:

Ah, that make sense to me.  I think the current text
has caused major browser engines to "mistakenly" stop
supporting connection: close.  It is easy to blindly
implement whatever the "standards" say :-)

I think it would help if a caveat were added along the
lines of what you have written here.  I think the
"connection: close" example should be used to
demonstrate why it might be wise for a user-agent to
customize what request headers it rejects.

I'm not sure that section 13.5.2 implies that
"connection: close" can be wrong.  It is true that an
XHR users cannot assume that the origin server will
see the "connection: close" header, but it is still
always the case that the UA would see it.  And, in the
example that I provided, the goal is to tell the UA
that it does not need to count this request against
the max-persistent-connections-per-host limit.At
least, I can't see how allowing XHR users to specify
"connection: close" can be regarded as harmful.


If the problem we are trying to solve is preventing potentially long- 
lived requests from blowing out the connection limit I think it would  
be better to either:

1) Add an explicit XHR property that indicates this request may be  
long-lived - this would not only bypass the connection limit but would  
also indicate to the UA that it should not pipeline other requests on  
the same connection, if it supports pipelining.

2) Never count XHR-initiated http requests towards the per-server  
connection limit.

Given that IE has increased their per-server connection limit to 6,  
and since the HTTP working group is considering dropping the  
connection limit as a formal spec requirement, I would probably advise  
#2 for WebKit and have commented to that effect in the bug you cited.  
From the spec point of view, I think #1 makes more sense since it may  
be inappropriate to require #2 (thoughts from other implementors  

Requiring UAs to recognize "Connection: close" as a hint that the  
connection may be long-lived and should not count towards the limit is  
also possible as a variant of option 1. But I am not sure they should  
be required to also pass the header to the origin server. This does  
not seem necessary for the goal of bypassing the connection limit on  
the UA side. And it seems that an explicit XHR property for this would  
be more clear.


Re: [xmlhttprequest] getResponseHeader() for invalid header

2008-03-07 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 7, 2008, at 3:12 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Sat, 08 Mar 2008 00:06:02 +0100, Maciej Stachowiak  

On Mar 7, 2008, at 2:59 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
Currently getResponseHeader() returns the empty string for invalid  
header names.  Would people object if I changed that to returning  
null instead (basically making it equivalent to headers not part  
of the response)? Thanks.

What do current implementations do for these cases?

I think three out of four return null for a non-existent header (IE  
being the exception, iirc). Firefox and an internal version of Opera  
also return null for invalid headers. (Although for Firefox it seems  
to differ on based on whether the request has happened already or  

In that case I think it makes sense to use null for both missing and  
invalid headers.

 - Maciej

Re: [xmlhttprequest] getResponseHeader() for invalid header

2008-03-07 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 7, 2008, at 2:59 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Currently getResponseHeader() returns the empty string for invalid  
header names.  Would people object if I changed that to returning  
null instead (basically making it equivalent to headers not part of  
the response)? Thanks.

What do current implementations do for these cases?

 - Maciej

Re: Geolocation API proposal

2008-03-07 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 7, 2008, at 2:38 AM, Doug Schepers wrote:

Hi, Aaron-

Aaron Boodman wrote (on 3/6/08 8:55 PM):

I work on Google Gears team. If you're not familiar with what Gears
is, you can learn more here:
We've been working on an API that will allow an application to obtain
(with permission) the user's current location. I posted this to the
WhatWG mailing list, but it was suggested that this might be a more
appropriate place.
Anyway, here's our current design:
We think there's a lot of potential for interesting applications with
a API like this. Some examples would be recommendations for nearby
restaurants, turn by turn directions, or city walking tours.
Are there any other vendors interested in implementing something like
this? If so, we'd like to work together to come up with a standard.
Otherwise, I'll just put this out there for comment for the time
being. We'd appreciate any feedback on the design, one way or the

This is interesting stuff, and I agree it is very useful to have.

There is already some activity happening in this area, in the  
Ubiquitous Web Applications Working Group (UWA or UbiWeb). [1]  It's  
obviously a hot topic, and one I personally hope can be specified  
and deployed quickly (since we're already about 15 years behind  
Japan in this stuff ^_^ ).

I think you hit the nail regarding vendors... that's a crucial next  

I'm happy to facilitate bringing your insight in this area to W3C,  
and I'm sure we can find the best way to move this forward, and get  
involvement from other vendors.  Feel free to drop me a line  
offlist, and I can do a bit more research and point you in the right  


I am much more interested in Aaron's proposal than in DCCI (comments  


Re: Extra Connection Support Proposal

2008-03-06 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Mar 6, 2008, at 7:09 AM, Kris Zyp wrote:

Thanks for the heads up, Mark, I will be watching the activity  
there, that would be great if the problem can be dealt with in that  
However, the issues of responses being indefinitely queued in  
pipelining situations and unbounded memory growth on continuous  
streaming responses are still present, and I don't think there is  
anything the HTTP WG can do about that.

I think a hint that a request is expected to be long-term persistent  
would be useful in any case, to let the user agent know that it  
shouldn't pipeline other requests on the same connection. Perhaps this  
can be a simple boolean, if http itself relaxes connection limits and  
so removes the need for more complex functionality along these lines.

 - Maciej

- Original Message - From: "Mark Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Kris Zyp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 6:16 AM
Subject: Re: Extra Connection Support Proposal

FYI, you might be interested in this recent discussion in the HTTP  

which could make this proposal unnecessary;


Re: multipart, server-sent events, and

2008-02-19 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Feb 19, 2008, at 11:12 AM, Robert Sayre wrote:

On Feb 19, 2008 1:50 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Probably the appropriate forum to make this proposal would be the  

HTTP Working Group. I'll join the appropriate mailing list if others
are interested in pursuing it there. In advance of this, we could
agree by convention on an unofficial "Connection: x-pipeline" value  

see how well this proposal works in practice.


It's a good idea, but some proxies forward hop-by-hop headers. :(
See <>

That document mentions some proxies forwarding headers listed in  
"Connection", and some specific fixed hop-by-hop headers (Trailer, TE,  
Upgrade). But do any proxies actually forward the "Connection" header  

FWIW, the next Firefox beta will have pipelining enabled for https. I
won't be surprised if we hit bad bugs. Falling back to https in
combination with your proposed connection token might be a fine idea.

That would certainly remove the risk of mistaken forwarding of the  
"Connection" header.


Re: Extra Connection Support Proposal

2008-02-19 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Feb 19, 2008, at 7:55 AM, Kris Zyp wrote:

Extra Connection Support

The XMLHttpRequest should define a property called  
"extraConnection". When

extraConnection is set to true, it indicates that this XHR object's
connection SHOULD NOT be counted against the user agent's connection  
That is if the user agent adheres to the two-connection limit as  
by RFC 2616 section 8.1.4, it SHOULD allow two connections not  
counting this
XHR object's connection. If the user agent has other or additional  
limits, this connection should not be counted in the accounting for  

connection limits.

As with pipelining, I think this would be better handled at the HTTP  
level than the XHR API level. We could define response headers for a  
server to indicate that it allows more than two connections per  
client, or alternately that a specific connection should not count  
towards the limit.

 - Maciej

Only one XHR object should be allowed to gain extra connection  
status per
document per server. Each document in the browser may be permitted  
one extra

connection per server. Within a document if an XHR object has an extra
connection status for, no other XHR objects may have extra
connection status for that server until the first XHR object has  

it's connection. However, another XHR object may have extra connection
status to Each document in the browser should have it's  
own set
of extra connections for XHR objects. This limitation is intended to  

a vector of denial of service attacks.

To gain extra connection status, the extraConnection property on the  
object can be set to true. When it is set to true, if the XHR object  
allowed to gain extra connection status (no other XHR objects  
currently have
extra connection status in this document for the specified target  
the XHR object will be given extra connection status and subsequent  
to the property will return true. If the XHR object is not allowed  
to gain
extra connection status, subsequent access to the property should  

false. The following is an example of valid usage:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET","/resource",true);
xhr.extraConnection = true;
var succesful = xhr.extraConnection;

Setting the extraConnection property should throw an exception if it  
called before a URL is provided to the XHR object (through the open  
or the constructor). The extra connection status remains in effect  
until the
connection is closed (by network error on normal termination), at  
which point

the property should return false.

Since the extraConnection property usually indicates that the  
response will be a
long-lived streaming response, user agents SHOULD NOT pipeline  
requests on this
connection unless the author explicitly specifies such pipelines  
using pipelining

control (see the Pipelining Control Proposal).

Re: multipart, server-sent events, and

2008-02-19 Thread Maciej Stachowiak
e. (See end of this  

On Feb 18, 2008, at 9:20 PM, Mark Baker wrote:

Hi Maciej,

On 2/18/08, Maciej Stachowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Last time I looked into this, there were some proxies and some origin
server configurations (in particular certain Apache modules, perhaps
now obsolete) that broke with pipelining.

Can you define "broke"?

I've done a search on Apache and Squid pipelining bugs, and didn't
find any open ones.

I'll try to do more thorough research, but see above. The result was  
undetectable data corruption in at least some cases.

Since it is not possible to
find out from the server if pipelining is correctly supported, and
since it is not generally possible to tell from the response that it
has failed, enabling it by default in the browser http stack was  
not a

safe thing to do.

Since the breakage is caused in at least some cases by proxies, it is
not in general safe to let XHR users opt in since they may control  

origin server but generally would not control whatever proxies are
between the server and the user.

Pipelining is a great potential performance improvement and it's sad
that it can't safely be used on the public Internet right now, so I
hope we someday find a way out of the impasse.

Well, I'd like to see some hard evidence of this before we write it  

I think we need some research before making a decision either way. I  
just wanted to make clear the nature of the risks, and in particular  
that content author opt-in was not sufficient to fully mitigate them.

In any case, I think there is a safer way to enable safe opt-in to  
HTTP pipelining, not just for XHR but for all content. I think the  
best solution is to us a hop-by-hop HTTP header to signal server-side  
support for pipelining. In particular, the "Connection" header is hop- 
by-hop, allows an open-ended series of values, and is semantically  
appropriate for this purpose. So I would propose that we define an  
HTTP response header field of "Connection: pipeline" to indicate that  
the server supports pipelining and encourages its use for this  
particular connection.

I believe this solution is better than a script-side solution in two  

1) The opt-in uses a hop-by-hop mechanism, so it will not cause  
problems with proxies when the origin server can promise to correctly  
implement pipelining but an intervening proxy cannot. Therefore it  
will save us the effort of even investigating the potential problems  
caused by troublesome proxies and weighing their cost.

2) It can work for ordinary resource loads as well as for XHR, so the  
potential performance benefit is much greater.

Probably the appropriate forum to make this proposal would be the IETF  
HTTP Working Group. I'll join the appropriate mailing list if others  
are interested in pursuing it there. In advance of this, we could  
agree by convention on an unofficial "Connection: x-pipeline" value to  
see how well this proposal works in practice.



Re: multipart, server-sent events, and

2008-02-18 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Feb 15, 2008, at 2:09 PM, Mark Baker wrote:

On 2/14/08, Kris Zyp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Another functionality that I believe would be extremely valuable to  
for XHR would be HTTP pipelining control. Most browsers do not  
provide HTTP
pipelining because of compatibility concerns and performance  
implications of

improperly order requests.

I thought it was just that most proxies don't support it on the
outbound connection.  And I've never seen any ordering problems from
the support, or lack thereof, of pipelining.

But I certainly agree that pipelining control would be really useful.

Last time I looked into this, there were some proxies and some origin  
server configurations (in particular certain Apache modules, perhaps  
now obsolete) that broke with pipelining. Since it is not possible to  
find out from the server if pipelining is correctly supported, and  
since it is not generally possible to tell from the response that it  
has failed, enabling it by default in the browser http stack was not a  
safe thing to do.

Since the breakage is caused in at least some cases by proxies, it is  
not in general safe to let XHR users opt in since they may control the  
origin server but generally would not control whatever proxies are  
between the server and the user.

Pipelining is a great potential performance improvement and it's sad  
that it can't safely be used on the public Internet right now, so I  
hope we someday find a way out of the impasse.


Re: IE Team's Feedback on the XHR Draft

2008-02-08 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Feb 8, 2008, at 12:03 PM, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

On Fri, 08 Feb 2008 22:22:59 +0530, Chris Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

2) In fact, on that note, we're interested to see the test suite be  
linked, normatively if necessary.

Yes. I think this is a valuable piece of feedback. Currently W3C  
process doesn't require test suites until you're trying to get out  
of CR and I think it would be better to have them earlier.

I agree that official test suites should be developed earlier than CR.  
Thorough test suites are critical to identifying implementation  
issues, and especially important for specs written after the fact for  
de facto standard technologies. This is a case where it is hard to  
tell if we have met our technical goals without a test suite.  
Fortunately, we have unofficial test suites as a starting point.

However, I think that per standard practice the test suite should not  
be considered normative, only the text of the spec. In particular,  
conformance requirements that are not covered by a test must still be  
binding, and in case of conflict between the test suite and the spec,  
the spec must win. Of course, if the test suite and the spec ever  
disagree we will have to publish bug fixes to the test suite or errata  
to the spec, but in the meantime we need to be clear which is normative.


Re: IE Team's Feedback on the XHR Draft

2008-02-07 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

Hi Doug,

On Feb 7, 2008, at 2:32 PM, Doug Schepers wrote:

Hi, Anne-

I'm stepping in here to inform on a matter of process.  This is not  
a judgment on the technical merits of either position.

Anne van Kesteren wrote (on 2/7/08 5:42 AM):

o   As per our agreement in the tech plenary the spec will conform  
to IE's implementation of XHR (with the exception of constants)  
and will be changed accordingly. The tests are important for us  
and other UAs as it's the guarantor of that.
We have had no such agreement. I indicated that we have followed  
the IE for a lot of scenarios, but there are some deviations.

It is true that there was no formal resolution on this issue.

(As an aside: Sunava, for future reference, it's most expeditious to  
request a formal resolution on matters about which you feel very  
strongly.  This clears up any ambiguity, makes a point of reference  
for future discussion, and gives opponents an opportunity to present  
counter-arguments. )

However, I seem to recall general agreement about this point among  
the majority of participants; alas, this was not clearly captured in  
the minutes (though the minutes are good, it's hard to grab general  

I was present for the discussion at the Tech Plenary, and I recall the  

1) Sunava was concerned that the XMLHttpRequest spec as written would  
cause compatibility problems for IE, because it might deviate  
significantly from IE's current behavior.
2) Anne indicated that the spec in fact followed IE behavior pretty  
closely, more so than other browsers, where behavior diverged, and  
that this was a general goal but not a strict requirement.
3) We all agreed that it was Microsoft's responsibility to review the  
spec, test IE's implementation, and reported on differences between  
IE's behavior and the spec, and particularly note ones that may affect  
web compatibility.
4) We agreed that, given this information, we would study what changes  
to the spec were appropriate and would make reasonable accomodations.

In particular, Sunava promised that Microsoft would do #3 with a  
deadline of a month after the tech plenary. Now three months later,  
Microsoft has not provided the information they agreed to gather.

I certainly do not recall the group making an agreement to change the  
spec to be 100% IE-compliant, or to make any changes for IE's benefit  
in the absence of further specific information from Microsoft.

Given this, I think the ball remains in Microsoft's court to point out  
where the spec deviates from IE's behavior, and how important these  
behaviors are for compatibility. I am opposed to the group making any  
kind of open-ended commitment in the absence of specific information.

Moreover, this is, in fact, what this WG was chartered to do  
regarding XHR:
"This deliverable should begin by documenting the existing  
XMLHttpRequest interface."

The question becomes, is IE's implementation to be considered  
canonical, or is it up to interpretation vis a vis later  
implementations (FF, Opera, Safari, et al)?

We also later agreed that a spec so broad that it made all existing  
implementations conforming would end up being useless; the conformance  
requirements would have not aided interoperability. Thus we extended  
our goal to specify something as close to existing implementations as  
possible, but also specific in its conformance requirements.

Pursuant to that, is there a way to document the existing behavior  
such that it does not make existing implementation retroactively  
"non-conforming"?  Or that does not affect existing content?  I  
don't know whether or not the existing specification meets these  
criteria, but I think that would be the best path forward.

I think the spec should consider all of the existing implementations  
and in particular what aspects of those implementations are important  
in practice for web compatibility. I believe it does a good job of  
this, but of course specific information to the contrary from  
Microsoft or other parties would be welcome.


Re: [XHR] send doesn’t explain what to do when method is GET

2007-12-17 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Dec 17, 2007, at 5:44 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Dec 14, 2007, at 4:11 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Julian Reschke wrote:

Jonas Sicking wrote:
Does any currently released browse include the body when doing  
an XHR GET request? If a big majority of them currently drop the  
body, then it seems like it would help interoperability if the  
spec explicitly stated that the body should be dropped.
Disagreed. Please do not try to standardize HTTP APIs that  
profile what HTTP allows.

XHR already disallows a lot of things that HTTP allows. Setting  
certain headers, cross site requests, etc. Why is this different?

Besides that, Björn already reported that both IE7 and FF happily  
pass the body, as they should (IMHO).

My reading of Björns email was that they did not drop it for HEAD,  
OPTIONS and EXAMPLE did not drop the entity body. In my testing  
IE, Firefox and Opera all dropped the entity body of GET requests.

Did you try Safari (or can you post the test case so I can try it?)

I did not try safari. You can try it here:

Safari 3.0.4 (on Mac OS X 10.5) also appears to drop the entity body.  
(Side not for future testing: if you can test IE you can probably test  
Safari for Windows.)


Re: [XHR] send doesn’t explain what to do when method is GET

2007-12-15 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Dec 14, 2007, at 4:11 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Julian Reschke wrote:

Jonas Sicking wrote:
Does any currently released browse include the body when doing an  
XHR GET request? If a big majority of them currently drop the  
body, then it seems like it would help interoperability if the  
spec explicitly stated that the body should be dropped.
Disagreed. Please do not try to standardize HTTP APIs that profile  
what HTTP allows.

XHR already disallows a lot of things that HTTP allows. Setting  
certain headers, cross site requests, etc. Why is this different?

Besides that, Björn already reported that both IE7 and FF happily  
pass the body, as they should (IMHO).

My reading of Björns email was that they did not drop it for HEAD,  
OPTIONS and EXAMPLE did not drop the entity body. In my testing IE,  
Firefox and Opera all dropped the entity body of GET requests.

Did you try Safari (or can you post the test case so I can try it?)


Re: ISSUE-119: names lengthComputable and total

2007-12-10 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Dec 10, 2007, at 11:16 AM, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

On Mon, 10 Dec 2007 17:54:49 +0100, Maciej Stachowiak  

What would look compelling to me is web content depending on the  
specific names. That's more important than whether someone shipped  
an implementation.

That could indeed be a much more compelling argument. Can you show  
that such content does or does not exist?

As far as I know, it does not. I think the burden of proof would be on  
anyone who wants to claim it does. I don't think anyone is claiming  
this, though.

Having an implementation that is difficult to change, shipped in  
millions of devices, does seem like an argument of some strength in  
the absence of a strong counter argument.

I don't think the API we design for the Web should be driven by non- 
Web uses like JSR-280. It's nice when they can benefit, sure, but the  
W3C's mission is the Web.

I'll admit that method naming isn't the biggest issue. But it seems  
like bad precedent to start giving weight to external standards  
that copy very early stage W3C standards, as this subverts the  
W3C's own standards process, which runs by different rules than the  
Java Community Process.

The base specification has been around for a long time (we inherited  
it from SVG), and it was pretty baked already. People have  
implemented, people have written it up (although it is only draft),  
and based other stuff on it. Others have just chosen equally bad  
names for the same thing. And fundamentally, this naming issue  
doesn't seem to be a really big deal.

The spec has been significantly reworked since it started.  
lengthComputable in particularly was removed entirely for a while and  
added back in March 2007. The whole event design was changed  
significantly based in part on my feedback. I'm not sure we can  
consider it "pretty baked".

This specific issue isn't that big a deal. However, in the past in  
other working groups, the argument "we can't change this because it's  
in JSR-something-or-other" was used many times to reject comments that  
pointed out serious substantive problems with the spec. Allowing a  
Final JSR spec which cut and pasted a W3C Working Draft  to affect  
what may change on the W3C side subverts the W3C Process. Clearly,  
agreements to note what W3C specs are a work in progress are not  
enough to prevent this.

So I'd like to request that Sun not copy immature Web API WG  
specifications into JSRs in the future.


Re: ISSUE-119: names lengthComputable and total

2007-12-10 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Dec 10, 2007, at 8:17 AM, Jean-Yves Bitterlich wrote:

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Dec 10, 2007, at 7:15 AM, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

Ikivo have told me that they also implemented already with the  
existing event names, and would write to say so.

I am therefore resolving this issue by not changing the names.

I don't think the JSR objection is very strong, since JSR-280 says:

"Note – Note that MouseWheelEvent and ProgressEvent are newly  
included in the W3C DOM3 draft specification and have not yet gone  
through the W3C public review.  These W3C specifications are  
therefore to be considered as work in progress. There may be some  
modifications to these event types in the JSR280 Maintenance  
Release to ensure alignment with the DOM3 Event types."
This clause has been added in respect to the agreement between W3C  
and Sun/JSR-280 given the current state of the related W3C  

Sure, and I think we need to respect the spirit and not just the  
letter of that agreement. It seems like a bad idea to freeze W3C specs  
in very early development just because a faster-moving standards  
process copies them.

In general I don't think we want to set a precedent of locking in  
bad names in Editor's Drafts without a compelling reason. An  
implementation alone is not much reason, there would have to be  
significant content depending on it.
agreed. However, JSR-280 is Final Release: i.e. a Reference  
Implementation (RI) as well as a Test and Compatibility Kit (TCK)  
are available and licensed/licensable; Moreover a development kit   
is also available and compliant.

This looks compelling enough ... too me :-)

What would look compelling to me is web content depending on the  
specific names. That's more important than whether someone shipped an  

I'll admit that method naming isn't the biggest issue. But it seems  
like bad precedent to start giving weight to external standards that  
copy very early stage W3C standards, as this subverts the W3C's own  
standards process, which runs by different rules than the Java  
Community Process.


Re: ISSUE-119: names lengthComputable and total

2007-12-10 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Dec 10, 2007, at 7:15 AM, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

Ikivo have told me that they also implemented already with the  
existing event names, and would write to say so.

I am therefore resolving this issue by not changing the names.

I don't think the JSR objection is very strong, since JSR-280 says:

"Note – Note that MouseWheelEvent and ProgressEvent are newly included  
in the W3C DOM3 draft specification and have not yet gone through the  
W3C public review.  These W3C specifications are therefore to  
beconsidered as work in progress. There may be some modifications to  
these event types in the JSR280 Maintenance Release to ensure  
alignment with the DOM3 Event types."

In general I don't think we want to set a precedent of locking in bad  
names in Editor's Drafts without a compelling reason. An  
implementation alone is not much reason, there would have to be  
significant content depending on it.




On Mon, 05 Nov 2007 21:34:50 +0100, Jean-Yves Bitterlich <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

To the question in ISSUE-119 whether "[...] they already get  
with these names somewhere?", the answer would yes given that the  
Release of "JSR-280 XML API" ( 

defines the following methods based on the already existing names:

|boolean| 	|*getLengthComputable  

 Specifies whether the total size of the transfer is known.
| int|  |*getLoaded *()|
 Specifies the number of bytes downloaded since the beginning
of the download.
| int|  |*getTotal *()|
 Specifies the expected total number of bytes of the content
transferred in the operation.

Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

Anne opined, a while ago, that these two attributes should have  

more closely related. In my request for further information, nobody
said they had any great reason for keeping the current names.

I therefore propose to resolve this issue by changing the name
"lengthComputable" to "totalKnown". Any objections?



Jean-Yves Bitterlich, Senior Staff Engineer
Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1, 85551 Heimstetten, Germany

Geschäftsführer: Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Bömer;
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Häring
Amtsgericht München: HRB 161028, WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 20803943
HypoVereinsbank München, Konto 31 625 009, BLZ 700 202 70

Charles McCathieNevile  Opera Software, Standards Group
   je parle français -- hablo español -- jeg lærer norsk  Try the Kestrel - Opera 9.5  

Re: [XHR] send doesn’t explain what to do when method is GET

2007-12-10 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Dec 10, 2007, at 6:05 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:

I think my bottom line is the same as Boris's, I would like to see  
the spec allow XHR implementations not to send GETs with an entity- 

I would argue that both the simplest thing and the right thing here  
is not to state anything at all, and let RFC2616bis clarify.

1) The RFC will only clarify the protocol issues (whether a GET  
request is allowed to have a body). I don't think that automatically  
specifies the behavior at the XMLHttpRequest API level. In particular  
if the RFC does not allow some kinds of requests to have a body, that  
doesn't define what should happen if you client code tries to include  
one anyway (exception? silently ignored? sent anyway? implementation- 
defined?). And conversely, if the RFC treats some set of things  
without special-casing, that doesn't automatically mean XHR can't  
special-case anyway, for example it special-cases a number of request  
headers already.

2) We could probably make up spec language that specifies this in  
terms of whatever the RFC ends up saying, but it would be pretty  

3) The spec as written doesn't "state nothing", it appears to clearly  
require sending an entity body and does not allow ignoring the body or  
throwing an exception regardless of what is allowed per RFC. So some  
change is needed, one way or another.


Re: [XHR] send doesn’t explain what to do when method is GET

2007-12-09 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Dec 9, 2007, at 7:50 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On the other hand, the inability of a library/client/HTTP stack to  
pass a body in GET requests is a clear sign that it special-cases  
message passing behavior based on the request method, which would  
be a very bad design.
That doesn't seem right to me. HTTP client special-casing based on  
request method is required or recommended by the RFC in some cases:
- For TRACE, it is indisputably mandatory for an http client  
library to special-case the method (since it MUST NOT send an  

Hm, no. It means that the client must not send the body, where the  
client consists of a client library and code driving it. It's not  
clear that it's the library's role to enforce this.

All right, it would be an plausible library design to allow sending of  
bad requests. Personally I think many kinds of bad requests should be  
disallowed or corrected by the library. I would consider it very bad  
design for a library to let a client application send an incorrect  
Content-Length, particularly if it is the client library's  
responsibility to manage persistent connections. I think my point is  
just that special-casing certain request types is not obviously wrong,  
as you said, and so the fact that behavior is different

- Responses to OPTIONS, PUT and DELETE are not cacheable,  
apparently notwithstanding response headers.

We're now talking about caching, and I totally agree that more  
clarifications are required here (I was referring to the actual  
message transmission in my reply).

Caching most certainly affects the message transmission behavior of a  
caching client library (which is what most browser-hosted  
XMLHttpRequest implementations would use).

- Responses to POST are not cacheable unless explicitly specified  
by Cache-Control or Expires response headers.
- Issuing a PUT, POST or DELETE should invalidate cached entities  
for the corresponding Request-URI.

...see above...

- For GET, some special semantics are defined for conditional and  
range headers.

Are you saying that handling of conditionals is different for GET?  

I honestly couldn't understand which aspects were meant to apply only  
to GET and which to all methods, so I'll withdraw this example. The  
discussion of GET has an extended discussion of how some headers make  
it a "conditional GET" or "range GET" which is lacking for the other  
methods, but the prose describing those headers is not clear about  
their applicability. Section 14.25 describing If-Modified-Since sounds  
like it applies to all methods, but also specifically describes the  
behavior for GET.

So please let the HTTPbis WG worry about how to resolve this  
issue; and do not step into areas not owned by this WG.
The relevant input to this working group as far as HTTP is  
concerned is the appropriate RFCs. HTTPbis WG members may have  
useful information on the content of current or future RFCs, but it  
is certainly within this WGs purview to read and interpret the  
relevant specifications for ourselves.


What I was trying to say (and apparently failed to) was that if  
*this* WG feels there's a problem in RFC2616, the right thing to do  
is to raise this issue over on the HTTPbis working group, and let  
*that* working group discuss it (which, btw, is an IETF WG and thus  
completely free to participate).

I agree, and actually I am now encouraged to raise issues with the  
HTTPbis WG about things in the spec that seem unclear.

I think my bottom line is the same as Boris's, I would like to see the  
spec allow XHR implementations not to send GETs with an entity-body.


Re: [XHR] send doesn’t explain what to do when method is GET

2007-12-09 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Dec 9, 2007, at 6:00 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
From the RFC2616, section 4.3: "A message-body MUST NOT be included  
in a request if the specification of the request method (section  
5.1.1) does not allow sending an entity-body in requests."
Chasing the pointers to Section 9, it appears that the methods from  
section 5.1.1 that explicitly allow sending an entity-body in  
requests are OPTIONS, POST and PUT. For TRACE, section 9 explicitly  
states that the request MUST NOT include an entity. For GET, HEAD  
and DELETE is is not stated whether they MAY include an entity-body  
or MUST NOT. It's unclear to me if this means they allow it or not.  
Does "does not allow" mean "does not (explicitly) allow" or  
"(explicitly) disallows"? So it may not be valid HTTP to send  
requests with those methods that include an entity-body, in which  
case it seems clearly non-buggy for http libraries to forbid  
sending a body in these cases. I hope future HTTP RFCs make it more  
clear whether these methods allow an entity-body.

This is a known issue, see < 

It seems that pending resolution of this issue, it's inappropriate to  
require XMLHttpRequest implementations to sometimes send requests that  
may be in violation of the RFC.

Furthermore, the RFC-specified semantics and behavior of GET, HEAD  
and DELETE do not depend on the entity-body, only the Request-URI  
and request headers. It appears to me that a server would be in  
violation of RFC2616 if it ever did anything different in response  
to requests with these methods based on the contents or mere  
presence of an entity-body.

I don't see why that would be a violation. As far as I can tell,  
some people consider it an extension point.

9.1.1 "In particular, the convention has been established that the GET  
and HEAD methods SHOULD NOT have the significance of taking an action  
other than retrieval."

9.3 "The GET method means retrieve whatever information (in the form  
of an entity) is identified by the Request-URI."

Seems to me that processing a GET request should not have any action  
on the server other than retrieval, and retrieves an entity identified  
by the Request-URI (and not, for instance, by any possible entity body).

Also, it seems that if a GET response that varies based on entity-body  
is allowed at all, it would have to be specified as uncacheable or it  
would break integrity of caches.

On this basis too it seems acceptable for libraries to drop an  
entity-body sent with one of these methods; even if it legal to  
include an entity-body in such cases (which is dubious), it clearly  
can't make a difference to a conforming server, so there's no  
reason not to drop it.

It's not clear at all, IMHO, otherwise we probably wouldn't discuss  

All right, I will admit that this is unclear (along with many other  
details of the HTTP protocol).

And finally, pragmatically, at least some user agents have not  
allowed entity-bodies with GET requests, it may cause problems with  
servers in practice, and it seems like a significant burden to  
require support. It seems like a bad idea to impose a burdensome  
implementation requirement in order to support a use that has no  
valid use case.

On the other hand, the inability of a library/client/HTTP stack to  
pass a body in GET requests is a clear sign that it special-cases  
message passing behavior based on the request method, which would be  
a very bad design.

That doesn't seem right to me. HTTP client special-casing based on  
request method is required or recommended by the RFC in some cases:

- For TRACE, it is indisputably mandatory for an http client library  
to special-case the method (since it MUST NOT send an entity-body).
- For GET, HEAD and DELETE, it is unclear based on the current RFC  
whether the same special-casing is mandatory, forbidden or optional.
- Responses to OPTIONS, PUT and DELETE are not cacheable, apparently  
notwithstanding response headers.
- Responses to POST are not cacheable unless explicitly specified by  
Cache-Control or Expires response headers.
- Issuing a PUT, POST or DELETE should invalidate cached entities for  
the corresponding Request-URI.
- For GET, some special semantics are defined for conditional and  
range headers.

There are many other mentions of specific methods or groups of methods  
by name in the RFC. I did not carefully study which of those impose  
additional requirements for special cases based on request method on  
the client.

In general, an http client library that does caching will perform a  
variety of special-case handling based on particular request methods,  
request headers, and response headers.

The HTTP spec defines the message format uniformly across methods  
(with the known exception HEAD

Re: [XHR] send doesn’t explain what to do when method is GET

2007-12-09 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Dec 7, 2007, at 12:29 PM, Mark Baker wrote:

On 12/7/07, Boris Zbarsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

Is it conforming for a UA to drop the body for GET requests?

Not as far as I can tell.

I'd like to request that this be changed, then.  Otherwise you're  
requiring UAs to rewrite their HTTP layers to support entity-bodies  
with GET

requests (or switch to using different HTTP libraries, etc).

If you're using a library which doesn't support entity bodies on GET,
then that can only be because it special cases GET when it shouldn't.
Sounds like a bug to me.

From the RFC2616, section 4.3: "A message-body MUST NOT be included  
in a request if the specification of the request method (section  
5.1.1) does not allow sending an entity-body in requests."

Chasing the pointers to Section 9, it appears that the methods from  
section 5.1.1 that explicitly allow sending an entity-body in requests  
are OPTIONS, POST and PUT. For TRACE, section 9 explicitly states that  
the request MUST NOT include an entity. For GET, HEAD and DELETE is is  
not stated whether they MAY include an entity-body or MUST NOT. It's  
unclear to me if this means they allow it or not. Does "does not  
allow" mean "does not (explicitly) allow" or "(explicitly) disallows"?  
So it may not be valid HTTP to send requests with those methods that  
include an entity-body, in which case it seems clearly non-buggy for  
http libraries to forbid sending a body in these cases. I hope future  
HTTP RFCs make it more clear whether these methods allow an entity-body.

Furthermore, the RFC-specified semantics and behavior of GET, HEAD and  
DELETE do not depend on the entity-body, only the Request-URI and  
request headers. It appears to me that a server would be in violation  
of RFC2616 if it ever did anything different in response to requests  
with these methods based on the contents or mere presence of an entity- 
body. On this basis too it seems acceptable for libraries to drop an  
entity-body sent with one of these methods; even if it legal to  
include an entity-body in such cases (which is dubious), it clearly  
can't make a difference to a conforming server, so there's no reason  
not to drop it.

And finally, pragmatically, at least some user agents have not allowed  
entity-bodies with GET requests, it may cause problems with servers in  
practice, and it seems like a significant burden to require support.  
It seems like a bad idea to impose a burdensome implementation  
requirement in order to support a use that has no valid use case.


Re: Compatibility of SVG Tiny 1.2's getURL() and XMLHttpRequest

2007-10-14 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Oct 13, 2007, at 11:31 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:

* Other IRI schemes may be supported for postURL, but only if they  

  functionally equivalent to HTTP (such as itms).

I am not sure what you mean by "itms" or what "functionally  
to HTTP" means, but this would seem to be an odd restriction; you  

have it for "getURL", and you can POST to mailto:... or news:... just
fine, as demonstrated e.g. by libwww-perl. XMLHttpRequest also does  

expose any checks, so implementations would probably need additional
logic to ensure they don't improperly support postURL().

By “itms” I mean iTunes Music Store URIs, as mentioned here:

By “functionally equivalent to HTTP” I mean “is the same as HTTP but
happens to use a different URI scheme”, which is closer to the actual
wording that would be included (“functionally equivalent” being a bit

I don't think special consideration for "itms" is necessary. This URI  
scheme really only exists as a way to get things to open in iTunes,  
and I would not expect it to be natively supported by any  
XMLHttpRequest implementations.


Re: Compatibility of SVG Tiny 1.2's getURL() and XMLHttpRequest

2007-10-13 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Oct 13, 2007, at 8:44 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:

Hi group.

The SVG WG is currently tightening the description of the getURL and
postURL methods so that it is clear what to do when faced with non- 

IRIs.  You can see the current definition here:

We wish to avoid unnecessary incompatibilities between these methods  

XMLHttpRequest.  Our current proposal is to define these methods such

 * If getURL is called with an HTTP or HTTPS IRI, then an HTTP request
   with the GET method will be used.
 * Other IRI schemes may be supported for getURL, and if they are
   supported, the method will retrieve the resource identified by
   the IRI.
 * If postURL is called with an HTTP or HTTPS IRI, then an HTTP  

   with the POST method will be used.
 * Other IRI schemes may be supported for postURL, but only if they  

   functionally equivalent to HTTP (such as itms).
 * For non-HTTP(S) IRIs, AsyncStatusCallback.status will be set to  

   if the resource was successfully retrieved in full, and false
 * For non-HTTP(S) IRIs, AsyncStatusCallback.contentType will be set  


Any pointers on compatibility issues which would make it more  

to implement getURL by means of using XMLHttpRequest behind the scenes
would be appreciated.

The easiest way to ensure that getURL() and postURL() could be  
implemented with XMLHttpRequest behind the scenses is to define them  
in terms of equivalent XHR operations and normatively reference XHR  
(implementations would be required to act as if it had been  
implemented this way).

Better still would be to drop them and replace them with a requirement  
to support XHR, since they provide a subset of its functionality  
without significant added convenience.


Re: Feedback from the IE Team: Web API XHR Draft

2007-09-27 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Sep 27, 2007, at 1:20 AM, Mike Wilson wrote:

There is a possible alternate goal of documenting for authors what  
current implementations do and giving them enough information to  
target the interoperable subset.
I too haven't followed the XHR discussion in detail for a while, but  
I remember that the goal previously was to have the XHR spec reflect  
current implementation(s?) of XHR, and once that was finalized the  
next version of the spec would introduce new requirements and  

That was the original goal, but it turned out to be too hard to make a  
useful spec based on this - see below.
But it turned out in the course of developing the spec that there  
were enough individually small differences to make such an excercise  
Considering that IE "invented" XHR (apart from the object naming),  
couldn't the first version of the spec just describe the existing IE  
behaviour in detail? That would match the previous wg intention and  
certainly make things easy for the IE team and their backwards  
compatibility. That would mean the first step in the following plan:

1) Describe original XHR implementation(s) in detail.
2) Iron out kinks and upgrade to new DOM/BOM types without adding  
3) Add functionality (currently some mentioned as "future" or "Not  
in this Specification").

I personally have no objection to changing the spec to be closer to IE  
behavior, if Microsoft has specific changes to request. This is  
justifiable both for compatibility reasons and possibly as a courtesy.  
Their request so far is instead to make the spec requirements less  
specific, so that implementations could have large differences in  
behavior but still be conforming. That is what I am against.

 I guess you have already been through this discussion, dropped it,  
and instead decided to go for step (2) of the plan above. Though, my  
interpretation of the IE team's thoughts is that it is a lot of work  
for them to comply with step (2) and still they have not gained any  
new functionality, only created backwards compatibility problems.  
The history of web browsers have been about getting new things done,  
so I think there could be other vendors also not rushing to fulfill  
step (2) but instead waiting for (3).

So, my point here is: while I think (2) is a great way to formalize  
current XHR in a future-proof way, I don't expect quick adoption. If  
this is the goal I think it will have a high risk of failing.
If the goal for (2) is to be just an intermediate step (spec-wise)  
that vendors will not implement on itself, then fine, the step (3)  
implementations will be far enough into the future so vendors  
(including MS/IE) will have more time to plan and comply with the  
new stuff in step (2).

Vendors other than Microsoft have already been making changes to their  
XHR implementations to align with the spec. It's true that IE adoption  
rates are slower, but this cuts both ways. It's not clear if IE7 will  
pass IE6 in usage share by the time IE8 comes out.

We don't have window.document2 to access a DOM2-capable DOM.
This is a very good point.
B) Microsoft already has an IE-specific legacy interface that could  
be used for a 100% backwards-compatible version of XHR: new  
ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"). Support for the new  
XMLHttpRequest() syntax is new to IE7, therefore it is likely that  
old or even new IE-specific content uses the ActiveXObject syntax.  
Content that exclusively uses the XMLHttpRequest syntax is  more  
likely to depend on Firefox behavior. Therefore it seems unlikely  
the compatibility risk with XHR is that severe, indeed, it might be  
outweighed by the sites that would newly work.
Agreed, but it contradicts my guess-work above about adoption time.  
By the time IE has implemented the referenced DOM/BOM types there  
may be a large installed base using "old-school" IE7 XMLHttpRequest.

This would have to be content that cares about IE7 but not other  
browsers or IE6. For now at least, it appears that IE6 is still the  
most popular browser .


Re: Feedback from the IE Team: Web API XHR Draft

2007-09-26 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Sep 26, 2007, at 12:41 AM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

Hi Sunava,

Thanks for sending this feedback.

Here are my high-level comments:

1) I am strongly opposed to greatly weakening the implementation  
conformance requirements. Changing the spec requirements so that  
existing implementations, even if they vary significantly in  
behavior, are already conforming.

My syntax here was fractured but I meant to say that such a change  
would be bad, since it would lose interoperability benefits. I hope it  
was reasonably clear in context.


Re: Feedback from the IE Team: Web API XHR Draft

2007-09-26 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

Hi Sunava,

Thanks for sending this feedback.

Here are my high-level comments:

1) I am strongly opposed to greatly weakening the implementation  
conformance requirements. Changing the spec requirements so that  
existing implementations, even if they vary significantly in behavior,  
are already conforming. The reason we have specifications is to enable  
better interoperability. If the specification simply rubber stamps all  
existing implementations, which differ enough to cause  
interoperability problems, then we will do nothing to achieve this  
goal. There is a possible alternate goal of documenting for authors  
what current implementations do and giving them enough information to  
target the interoperable subset. But it turned out in the course of  
developing the spec that there were enough individually small  
differences to make such an excercise fruitless.

2) I am strongly opposed to requiring a whole new interface to be  
invented solely to add new methods and properties, for the following  
(a) This is contrary to the way other W3C specs have evolved. DOM  
Level 2 builds on top of DOM Level 1, it doesn't define a brand new  
set of different objects. We don't have window.document2 to access a  
DOM2-capable DOM. This has proven to be a successful strategy. In the  
meantime, "DOM Level 0" (not really a DOM level but a de facto set of  
incompatible interfaces) continues to lack formal specifications for  
many details and remains a major area of interoperability problems  
between browsers. Given this, I think your citation of DOM Level 0  
does not appear to present a good model for future standards.
(b) Feature testing for individual properties and methods, and  
using library code to make up the difference, is a simple, well - 
understood and time-tested technique. It is simpler than having  
alternate access for completely different interfaces, which is likely  
to slow adoption relative to extending the interface and promoting  
feature testing.
(c) Supporting two different interfaces with major overlap  
increases implementation complexity.

To address some specific points:

On Sep 25, 2007, at 7:35 PM, Sunava Dutta wrote:

Re-summarizing the points of our feedback regarding the XHR draft  
for the public list.
·Interoperability/Compatibility for v1 spec for XHR is  
critical if the spec is to achieve consensus.  XHR was first  
implemented a decade ago, and a huge amount of existing content  
relies upon the stability of the existing implementation.  The v1  
XHR spec should seek to ensure interoperability between the existing  
client implementations and the deployed base of content.
·All new functionality/features should be specified in a new  
Level of the XHR specification. This will permit developers the  
freedom that comes with a new object without the risk of  
incompatibility with the hundreds of millions of existing browsers  
that implement XHR today. As you know, the purpose of versioning is  
to guarantee this compatibility while ensuring that innovation can  
proceed without risk.  This reminds me of the DOM L1 vs DOM L0,  
where the DOM L1 spec was engineering to include all new  
functionality over the DOM L0 which was assumed to be baseline  
interoperable across browsers.

·The thread below has more details and specific instances.

From: Sunava Dutta
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 4:20 PM
To: Anne van Kesteren
Cc: Chris Wilson; Cyra Richardson; Doug Stamper; Zhenbin Xu; Levent  
Besik; Eric Lawrence; Marc Silbey

Subject: Feedback from the IE Team: Web API XHR Draft

Hello Anne,
I’ve taken a pass at the spec and have a few comments below…

·As you can imagine, we have a huge commitments to  
developers who build on IE and maintain legacy sites on IE.  
Compatibility consequently is not optional for us. We can’t break  
existing compat. The object in its current form has been out there  
for years, is very widely deployed and browsers like FF model our  
o   The challenge arising from the existing draft comes in the level  
of detail defined in the spec. For example, a number of algorithms  
specified in the spec (such as that for the open call) do not allow  
for accommodating different UA’s. For a new specification this would  
be great. For a spec that is based on existing technology that’s  
widely implemented around IE’s behavior this is a challenge since IE  
does not adhere to the algorithm.
o   The spec specifies the table of the errors that should be  
returned and the exact text and type of the errors. The types and  
text of errors inherit from other W3C specs that we don’t support.  
We return our own errors here that do not match syntactically the  
errors the W3C defines although they are thrown for the same events.  
Specifying the exact text of the error is not recommended.
o   If we were to make changes (not possible)  we would still leave  
web developers maintain

Re: XHR: definition of same-origin

2007-09-25 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Sep 25, 2007, at 5:53 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Wed, 29 Aug 2007 08:51:29 +0200, Maciej Stachowiak  

Could you say how you'd envision the fix to address the problem?

The current spec doesn't define "same origin" at all. Thinking  
about it more though, it seems like it would be impossible to  
define correctly without extensive detailed reference to HTML  

Do you still think this is true? What exactly is needed from HTML?

I'm not sure offhand if baseURI is the right way to determine the  
security domain. While setting document.domain does not apply, frames  
or windows initially loaded with about:blank or no URI at all  
generally get the security domain of their parent frame or opener  
respectively. I am not certain if this is also supposed to be  
reflected in baseURI in all cases, but in any case it doesn't in  
Safari ( gets a baseURI of about:blank). So  
I don't think the spec can define the browsing context's origin  
without reference to HTML.


Re: Comments on XMLHttpRequest -- From CDF WG Review

2007-09-25 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Sep 25, 2007, at 2:29 AM, Steve K Speicher wrote:

These comments are regarding the 18-June-2007 XMLHttpRequest WD [1]  
and a

bit delayed but hopefully still useful.

1) #conformance for "Comforming user agent", it states:
"If the user agent does not support XML (including support for  

the XML response entity body must (always) be null."

Is this stating that a server responding to an XMLHttpRequest load or
such, must know if the user agent supports XML (including support for
namespaces) and respond with null or is it up to the conforming user  

to decide if it supports XML and whether to always sets the response  


The latter. The client determines whether the cient-side has XML  
support and acts accordingly.

2) #dependencies for "DOM", "Window", "HTTP":
I find the phrasing of: "must support some version of DOM Events and  
Core " to be very confusing.  Then there is a reference (normative?)  
DOM3 Core and Events.  So the "some version" really DOM Level 3 or  
is DOM

Level 0 ok, as it is *some verson* of DOM?

The lowest level of DOM Events would be 2, The lowest for DOM Core  
would be 1. In practice, DOM 2 Core may be the practical minimum.


Re: XHR: definition of same-origin

2007-09-21 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Sep 21, 2007, at 3:34 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Wed, 29 Aug 2007 05:04:24 +0200, Maciej Stachowiak  
Since this affects interoperability as well as security I would  
suggest adding a definition, unless the spec expected to define  
same-origin is going to happen soon.

I think HTML5 needs to define this as my understanding is that  
document.domain is also relevant in deciding whether or not a  
request is same-origin. I'm not sure if that's happening soon though.

I don't think document.domain would apply when determining same origin  
for XMLHttpRequest. document.domain only relaxes access rules if both  
the source and target frame set document.domain. This prevents from unilaterally deciding it should have access to a subframe. But there is no target frame in the case of  
XMLHttpRequest, so this can't apply. Note that document.domain (when  
set by both source and target frame) also lets you ignore port and  
protocol differences, which once again is not desirable for XHR.


Re: XHR: definition of same-origin

2007-08-29 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Aug 29, 2007, at 12:52 AM, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

* Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

The requests will be sent with different 'Host' http request headers
headers. A server configured as a virtual host could easily return
different content for "" and "". So it's  
immediately obvious that they are the same resource identifier.  
URIs including different hostnames that resolve to the same IP  

are definitely NOT the same resource identifier, though once again
what will differ in what is sent over the wire is the 'Host' header.

The URLs are equivalent, if you send different Host headers, that's  
choice, but it's neither required nor otherwise necessary. As an  
Internet Explorer 6 will not send the default port in the Host  
header (a
sensible choice since poorly written scripts sometimes can not cope  
that). Whatever you do though, you are not talking to different  
hosts. A
better case might have been vs 

OK, looking at the various URI RFCs it seems proper to consider them  

Also, knowing the default protocol for a scheme is protocol-specific,
so whether an origin is considered the same would depend on whether
the UA is natively aware of it. Why might that matter? Consider a URI
scheme that can be handled only by a plugin and not the UA itself,  

example rtsp: can be handled by the QuickTime plugin but not directly
by most web browsers. If we expect a scheme's default port to have no
effect on same-origin checks, then a UA would have no way to  

implement the check for content where plugin data is considered to be
the origin.

I don't think cross-scheme (or cross-port as would usually be implied
by cross-scheme) access is currently considered same-origin. If it  

you could use XHR to send HTTP requests to the server's SMTP service.

No, it's not, but it might be that two resources loaded over a scheme  
that cannot be directly processed by the UA may want to communicate  
with each other. I guess this couldn't apply to XHR, but it seems like  
a potential problem for other specifications using a same-origin  
policy if the results are dependent on what schemes the UA knows.

Any definition of a same-origin policy would have to define how to
determine the hostname and port. Given this, we could say that the  

registering a scheme should be referenced to determine the default
port, or we could include the rule for specific well-known schemes.
well-known schemes are where the bulk of any interoperability issues
will lie anyway, and for security, it's probably ok if  
err on the side of considering two URIs not to be the same origin  

in doubt.

As far as XHR is concerned, the assumption is that the XHR executes in
the context of some URL and attempts requests to some other URL. In  

sense I would expect a definition to say, take both URLs, strip these
details off, and check whether the resulting URLs are equivalent as  

fined by the relevant scheme's specification (if you don't go with the
more traditional same-port, same-host, same-scheme definition). If you
want cross-scheme, cross-port, or cross-host access, "same-origin"  

not be a suitable term.

It would work to specify the rules without specifying how to determine  
the origin URI of the XHR completely. However, the rule you mention  
would not work as is. For instance two textually identical data: URLs  
should not be considered to constitute a same origin for scripting  
purposes (though for XHR it doesn't matter). There may be other  
exceptions like this. Same-origin checks for scripting access are also  
affected by the document.domain property, which may supersede the URI  
check, though once again I don't think this applies to XHR.


Re: XHR: definition of same-origin

2007-08-29 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Aug 29, 2007, at 12:03 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
Any definition of a same-origin policy would have to define how to  
determine the hostname and port.

For what it's worth, an origin in Gecko also includes the scheme.   
This handles things like http-to-https access (not allowed), unknown  
schemes (only same-origin with another URI for that same unknown  
scheme no matter what) and so forth well.

Yes, we compare schemes as well, I just mentioned this because getting  
the scheme is obvious, while getting the host might in principle be  


P.S. If we do want to specify what an "origin" is we should perhaps  
also think about URI schemes that do not have a host and port.

That's part of what makes things complicated. In a web page, for  
example, the origin for a frame that loaded "about:blank" will be the  
URI of its parent, not its own URI. Similarly for windows and openers.  
The XHR spec might be able to tell you what to do with the origin URI  
once you have it, and how to compare it to the URI to be loaded, but  
it can't tell you what the origin URI actually is. Probably the best  
hope for now is to include it in the HTML5 spec, although it's really  
needed for non-HTML languages as well.


Re: XHR: definition of same-origin

2007-08-28 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Aug 28, 2007, at 8:25 PM, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

* Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

The XHR spec doesn't define same-origin. We had a webkit bug filed
differently where we apparently interpreted same-origin differently
than IE or Firefox: <>

In particular, we would not consider to be
the same origin as

Since this affects interoperability as well as security I would
suggest adding a definition, unless the spec expected to define same-
origin is going to happen soon.

That might make sense, but I am unsure how the bug you mention is
relevant here.

The bug just raised the issue in my mind, since it is one example  
where the comparison is not obvious.

It seems clear to me that
and are exactly the same resource identifier,
just like HTTPS://example.COM is the same as

The requests will be sent with different 'Host' http request headers  
headers. A server configured as a virtual host could easily return  
different content for "" and "". So it's not  
immediately obvious that they are the same resource identifier. Indeed  
URIs including different hostnames that resolve to the same IP address  
are definitely NOT the same resource identifier, though once again  
what will differ in what is sent over the wire is the 'Host' header.  
Anyway, it would be good to clarify this somewhere but I now think  
that the XMLHttpRequest spec may not be a workable place.

Also, knowing the default protocol for a scheme is protocol-specific,  
so whether an origin is considered the same would depend on whether  
the UA is natively aware of it. Why might that matter? Consider a URI  
scheme that can be handled only by a plugin and not the UA itself, for  
example rtsp: can be handled by the QuickTime plugin but not directly  
by most web browsers. If we expect a scheme's default port to have no  
effect on same-origin checks, then a UA would have no way to correctly  
implement the check for content where plugin data is considered to be  
the origin. (Fortunately this doesn't normally come up in HTML since  
the page embedding the plugin is considered the origin, but I could  
imagine similar situations.)

It seems to me that if we add some kind of definition, we would
not make explicit all the scheme-specific equivalence rules, and
as such not really clarify the matter for the specific issue you

Any definition of a same-origin policy would have to define how to  
determine the hostname and port. Given this, we could say that the RFC  
registering a scheme should be referenced to determine the default  
port, or we could include the rule for specific well-known schemes.  
well-known schemes are where the bulk of any interoperability issues  
will lie anyway, and for security, it's probably ok if implementations  
err on the side of considering two URIs not to be the same origin when  
in doubt.

Could you say how you'd envision the fix to address the problem?

The current spec doesn't define "same origin" at all. Thinking about  
it more though, it seems like it would be impossible to define  
correctly without extensive detailed reference to HTML details.


XHR: definition of same-origin

2007-08-28 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

The XHR spec doesn't define same-origin. We had a webkit bug filed  
differently where we apparently interpreted same-origin differently  
than IE or Firefox: 

In particular, we would not consider to be  
the same origin as

Since this affects interoperability as well as security I would  
suggest adding a definition, unless the spec expected to define same- 
origin is going to happen soon.


Re: [XHR2] text/html and responseXML

2007-08-02 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Aug 2, 2007, at 6:12 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 01:00:14 +0200, Maciej Stachowiak  
I'm a little bit worried that if we enable scripts for XHR (they  
are currently disabled in firefox) that sites would break. Though  
chances are probably pretty small. However if scripts are enabled  
we need to define exactly in which context they execute. Should  
they have their own 'window'? If not 'window.document' would not  
refer to their own document.

Yes, I'm not really sure if it's a good idea, but we should  
consider the pros and cons of both options.

I tend to agree with Niklas Åkerlund that XMLHttpRequest is for  
fetching a single resource (of data). If we'd execute scripts in  
that resource per the HTML parser that would mean that other  
resources have to be loaded as well. In my current copy of  
XMLHttpRequest level 2 I have written that the parser should run  
with support for scripting disabled for that reason. (I'll hope to  
check in a copy once I've clearly marked outstanding issues, maybe  
later today.)

Does this mean that the following should also apply:

 will not trigger stylesheet loads
 will not load the linked document
 will not load its image contents

The last is particularly tricky, since right now in browsers an HTML  
IMG element always tries to load its image, even when not in a document.

Perhaps a good thing to test would be what thesese kinds of elements  
do if you put them in an XML response in the XHTML namespace, for  
browsers that support XHTML.


Re: DOM3 Key events

2007-08-01 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Aug 1, 2007, at 8:13 PM, Doug Schepers wrote:

Hi, Oliver-

Oliver Hunt wrote (on 8/1/2007 6:48 PM):
Really?  By my testing it matches Firefox 2 behaviour on both mac  
and windows.

IE behaviour results in the keypress not being fired.
Oh, sorry, i didn't clarify (because that was just a note to be  
taken in the context of the earlier event handler definition) the  
textInput event is distinct from keypress, the sequence of events  
is (in vageuly regex-like syntax):

(keydown -> (keypress -> textInput?)?)+ -> keyup

We do plan on adding keypress (though I'd like to deprecate it), and  
will be defining the event order.

What exactly would be the point of deprecating it? Given the vast  
amount of content using it, it is highly unlikely that future  
implementations would remove it.


Re: [XHR2] text/html and responseXML

2007-07-30 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Jul 29, 2007, at 1:27 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Jul 28, 2007, at 4:04 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Jonas already mentioned it in another e-mail and this feature was  
indeed planned (by me 8-)) for XMLHttpRequest level 2.  
responseText already follows text/html rules for encoding  
detection etc. but for parsing we probably need to state that it  
needs to run with support for scripting disabled which affects how  
 is parsed etc. I'm wondering if we should do it like  
that or have scripts not run and parse  as if scripting  
was enabled. (I'm not sure whether HTML 5 has an option for the  
latter, but that's for instance how html5lib currently works.)

Any opinions on this? Anything else I should pay attention too  
when adding this feature?
I would guess a popular use would be to grab HTML fragments and  
insert them into the current document, in which case it would be  
desirable to parse as if  was not disabled. I'm also not  
sure that scripting needs to be disabled, at least in the non-cross- 
domain case. I could imagine interesting uses for either.

The author always has the option of not including   
elements in their response, so I think the usecase is still supported.

The author of the page using XMLHttRequest may not be the same as the  
author of the page being requested. I'd guess a common use would be to  
grab the HTML of existing pages, not ones custom-authors just for XHR  

I'm a little bit worried that if we enable scripts for XHR (they are  
currently disabled in firefox) that sites would break. Though  
chances are probably pretty small. However if scripts are enabled we  
need to define exactly in which context they execute. Should they  
have their own 'window'? If not 'window.document' would not refer to  
their own document.

Yes, I'm not really sure if it's a good idea, but we should consider  
the pros and cons of both options.


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