Re: Points of order on this WG

2009-06-25 Thread Doug Schepers

Hi, Arun-

Arun Ranganathan wrote (on 6/25/09 1:38 AM):

On Jun 23, 2009, at 5:10 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

The Web Storage specification is someone dead-locked right now due
to the  lack of consensus on whether to use SQL or not.

This topic continues to be discussed in Mozilla newsgroups. Few are
reconciled to SQL usage:


Solutions such as BrowserCouch (which straddles localStorage currently)
offer other options:

I'd personally rather see a clear articulation of use cases that we
agree are important for the web than further specification work.

Actually, I think that's an excellent point.  Nikunj, maybe that is the 
next logical step?  Could you take charge of that?

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Re: Points of order on this WG

2009-06-25 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 25 Jun 2009, Doug Schepers wrote:
 On Jun 23, 2009, at 5:10 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
  The Web Storage specification is someone dead-locked right now due to the
  lack of consensus on whether to use SQL or not.
 I don't buy this argument for an instant, and I'd be very surprised if 
 anyone in the WebApps WG did.  This specification was published as 
 specified because it matched the behavior (more or less) of an 
 implementation (WebKit), and it's disingenuous to pretend that that 
 doesn't set a precedent for the future development of the specification.
 Let's be frank: there is good reason to specify and standardize 
 something that exists in a browser, because there is implementation 
 experience, and opportunity for widespread adoption, which is often 
 good; this is especially so with an implementation in a widespread 
 open-source engine like WebKit, because it can be reused.  I don't find 
 fault with that premise.
 But just because it's been implemented doesn't mean it's the correct or 
 best (or even a good) solution.  There is less justification for 
 insisting on a single solution when it's only been implemented in one 
 browser engine, and only just recently.  There's little evidence that 
 this will work well for other implementers, nor that this is the 
 solution that works best for content developers.
 I cannot take seriously a claim that a spec can't be changed due to a 
 lack of consensus when the claimant has openly and repeatedly 
 indicated a disinterest in consensus. So, the only conclusion I can draw 
 is that the spec is currently in a holding pattern to allow the 
 currently specified solution to gain defacto weight through real-world 
 content, and possibly garner premature implementations before it is even 
 in LC, thus making it all but impossible to change.  As Kyle Weems put 
 it: Deny, Delay, Too Late.

I think there may have been some misunderstanding about what I said above 
(possibly because of my typo; s/someone/somewhat/).

When I say that the Web Storage spec is deadlocked, I mean that as it 
stands, it isn't acceptable, since it doesn't represent what at least one 
major vendor (Mozilla) wants, but that there haven't been any alternative 
proposals that have gained widespread approval either, and so I don't know 
how to move the spec forward. (I've been working with Mozilla off-line to 
try to resolve this, but do not yet have a solution.)

There is no attempt on my part to force anything through de-facto 
implementations; it is in fact the lack of vendors willing to implement 
what is in the spec that is keeping it in a holding pattern. There is no 
claim that Web Storage can't be changed; indeed, I claim that it _must_ be 
changed, it's just that I'm not sure what it should be changed _to_.

In any case, adding a new feature to a spec whose future is uncertain 
isn't a good idea because it means that the new feature's progress is tied 
to the uncertain future of the rest of the spec. Thus, my recommendation 
to Nikunj would be to create a new WG deliverable, not one tied to the 
fate of the SQL Database section.

 Nikunj has asked that his proposal be given equal weight and 
 consideration. While I'm not sure that's possible even now, because of 
 the existing implementation, I personally think it is reasonable to give 
 him a platform to demonstrate the relative merits of his alternate 

I think Nikunj's proposal definitely is worthy of being persued, just like 
the working group is persuing dozens of other proposals like XHR, CORS, 
Selectors API, Workers, Server-Sent Events, Web Sockets, etc. I don't 
believe it really fits into the Web Storage spec (if anything, I think we 
should split Web Storage into two further specs, not add a third wholly 
independent feature to it). However, I would definitely support an FPWD 
publication of Nikunj's proposal, as I have for other proposals.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: Do we need to rename the Origin header?

2009-06-25 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Adam wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Bil wrote:
 Continuing your example, if XHTML defines requests from form as 
 privacy-sensitive, then the UA will have two different behaviors for 
 Sec-From, depending on if it's rendering HTML5 or XHTML?

 That's correct.  Hopefully folks writing specs at the application
 layer will coordinate so as not to make the web platform any more
 confusing than it is already.  :)

To make it clear what the intent is here:

We know that people are building web applications where GET requests
cause state changes on the server side. While this is unfortunate, we
don't believe that people will stop.

Thus we sometimes want Sec-From to be included in GET requests.

At the same time, it's a quite common practice on the web today for
sites to allow other users to put a href=... links on their site.
For example discussion boards often detect addresses and turn them
into links, some, such as wikipedia, even allow users to hide which
url the link is going to by specifying an arbitrary text for the link.
In these cases we don't want the person inserting the link to be able
to speak for the site the link was located on.

Additionally, one of the reasons why the referer (sic) header is
being so frequently blocked is that it leaks information about where
users are coming from. For example when a political website linking to it has bothered many users that this tells google my
political affiliation, causing them to filter the referer header.

Thus in these two cases we don't want the GET request to include a
Sec-From header containing the originating website.

The difference between these two cases is purely in the context from
which the GET request was created. While we could enumerate these
contexts in Adams spec, IETF has in the past expressed a dislike for
specifying application behavior, prefering only to define protocol
behavior. Thus we have to define the protocol in an IETF spec, and
allow HTML5 (or some other spec) to selectively invoke the different
behaviors defined by the IETF spec.

/ Jonas

Re: Handling too few arguments in method calls

2009-06-25 Thread Cameron McCormack
Cameron McCormack:
  From some very brief testing, it seems that Firefox and Opera tend
  to throw an exception when calling a method with too few arguments,
  while IE, Safari and Chrome will assume that the missing arguments
  were the undefined value.

Simon Pieters:
 Hmm. What did you use as test case?

I did calls like:


making sure I could distinguish between that behviour and the behaviour
I’d get if calling with (undefined).

 I think I prefer option 2. It's easier for authors to find their mistake. 
 If a spec author wants the behavior of option 1, then that's possible 
 with [Optional].

I tend to prefer option 2, as well, for those reasons, plus it might
help us if we introduce new overloadeded operations later.  For example,
if we had

  interface A {
/* f1 */ void f();
/* f2 */ void f(in boolean x, in boolean y, in boolean z);

and authors were calling A.f(something) and getting f2, then it might
make it harder for us to introduce

  void f(in boolean w);

or even

  void f(in DOMString w);

later on.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: Do we need to rename the Origin header?

2009-06-25 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 05:50:32 +0200, Bil Corry wrote:
Continuing your example, if XHTML defines requests from form as  
privacy-sensitive, then the UA will have two different behaviors for  
Sec-From, depending on if it's rendering HTML5 or XHTML?

HTML5 defines an XHTML serialization too. (Which is also the XHTML UAs  
implement.) Keeping the behavior of the two serializations as similar as  
possible is a goal of the HTML5 effort so this should not happen.

Anne van Kesteren

[WebIDL] Callback, PropertyOnly, NoInterfaceObject

2009-06-25 Thread Marcin Hanclik
Hi Cameron,

Following our conversation on the geolocation ML
I have the following clarification request related to the Web IDL spec.

In the geolocation spec we have now:
  interface PositionOptions {
attribute boolean enableHighAccuracy;
attribute long timeout;
attribute long maximumAge;

Proposed and agreed in our mail discussion:
  interface PositionOptions {
attribute boolean enableHighAccuracy;
attribute long timeout;
attribute long maximumAge;

Our intentions are:
1) Not to instantiate the interface object with new PositionOptions();
This is handled by not specifying [Constructor] extended attribute.
2) Not to have PositionOptions on the ES global object.
This shall be handled by specifying [NoInterfaceObject]. But it seems to have 
to be removed.
3) Use PositionOptions interface to specify properties of the object passed to 
e.g. getCurrentPosition() method.
This is handled by specifying [Callback].
4) Resulting from the above, use the PositionOptions as follows:

a) What is the PropertyOnly argument/identifier for?
It seems unclear from the Web IDL spec.
Does it specify that the interface has one attribute only and ES binding just 
one property?
Or does it specify that the interface includes only attributes?
Or does it signify only the opposite to FunctionOnly?
Shouldn't we have the PositionOptions specified as follows?
  interface PositionOptions {
attribute boolean enableHighAccuracy;
attribute long timeout;
attribute long maximumAge;


Marcin Hanclik
ACCESS Systems Germany GmbH
Tel: +49-208-8290-6452  |  Fax: +49-208-8290-6465
Mobile: +49-163-8290-646

Access Systems Germany GmbH
Essener Strasse 5  |  D-46047 Oberhausen
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Geschaeftsfuehrer: Michel Piquemal, Tomonori Watanabe, Yusuke Kanda

This e-mail and any attachments hereto may contain information that is 
privileged or confidential, and is intended for use only by the
individual or entity to which it is addressed. Any disclosure, copying or 
distribution of the information by anyone else is strictly prohibited.
If you have received this document in error, please notify us promptly by 
responding to this e-mail. Thank you.

[widgets] dig sig RelaxNG schema

2009-06-25 Thread Kai Hendry
Using and
rnv [1] I've been trying to validate the example:

Firstly does widgets-digsig have it's own grammar.rnc? I have not been
able to find one.

Using xmldsig-core-schema.rnc I ran into a couple of problems. Firstly
I had to alter:

Object.ANY = (element * {Object.ANY}|attribute * {text}|text)*

To accept the new elements introduced by

Also the xmldsig-core-schema.rnc seems sensitive to element order. So
I made a change to the rnc to get the example signature1.xml to

 -Signature.attlist, SignedInfo, SignatureValue, KeyInfo?, Object*
+Signature.attlist, SignedInfo, Object*, SignatureValue, KeyInfo?

Or perhaps the order of the example is incorrect?

Be great to see more fully worked examples. An author-signature.xml
example would be good.

Kind regards,


Belated Regretts for telcon.

2009-06-25 Thread Andrew Sledd
Last minute changes in schedule prevented me from attending. Sorry for
late regretts.

Re: Do we need to rename the Origin header?

2009-06-25 Thread Bil Corry
Jonas Sicking wrote on 6/25/2009 2:11 AM: 
 On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Adam wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Bil wrote:
 Continuing your example, if XHTML defines requests from form as 
 privacy-sensitive, then the UA will have two different behaviors for 
 Sec-From, depending on if it's rendering HTML5 or XHTML?
 That's correct.  Hopefully folks writing specs at the application
 layer will coordinate so as not to make the web platform any more
 confusing than it is already.  :)
 To make it clear what the intent is here:
 We know that people are building web applications where GET requests
 cause state changes on the server side. While this is unfortunate, we
 don't believe that people will stop.
 Thus we sometimes want Sec-From to be included in GET requests.
 At the same time, it's a quite common practice on the web today for
 sites to allow other users to put a href=... links on their site.
 For example discussion boards often detect addresses and turn them
 into links, some, such as wikipedia, even allow users to hide which
 url the link is going to by specifying an arbitrary text for the link.
 In these cases we don't want the person inserting the link to be able
 to speak for the site the link was located on.
 Additionally, one of the reasons why the referer (sic) header is
 being so frequently blocked is that it leaks information about where
 users are coming from. For example when a political website linking to it has bothered many users that this tells google my
 political affiliation, causing them to filter the referer header.
 Thus in these two cases we don't want the GET request to include a
 Sec-From header containing the originating website.
 The difference between these two cases is purely in the context from
 which the GET request was created. While we could enumerate these
 contexts in Adams spec, IETF has in the past expressed a dislike for
 specifying application behavior, prefering only to define protocol
 behavior. Thus we have to define the protocol in an IETF spec, and
 allow HTML5 (or some other spec) to selectively invoke the different
 behaviors defined by the IETF spec.

Thanks for the clarification.  Will there be some mechanism within HTML5 to 
denote links that are privacy-sensitive versus those that are not?  I'm 
imagining that by default, links to external resources would be considered 
private unless denoted as public (non-private?).

- Bil

Re: Points of order on this WG

2009-06-25 Thread Arthur Barstow

Nikunj, All,

Charles will respond separately regarding a way forward but I want to  
respond to the false accusation below.

On Jun 24, 2009, at 8:13 PM, ext Nikunj R. Mehta wrote:

The WG chair went ahead with the publication of the Web Storage draft
overriding serious objections about it's direction and emphasis.

The record actually shows Nikunj saying:


Oracle conditionally supports the publishing this draft as FPWD
provided that the abstract is worded appropriately.


Here's what Oracle would like to see in the abstract:

This specification defines two APIs for persistent data storage in Web
clients: one for accessing key-value pair data and another for
accessing structured data.

Ian agreed [1] to make the requested change above (it is included in  
the FPWD [2]) and thus addressed the only concern you raised re  
publishing the FPWD.

-Regards, Art Barstow



Re: [widgets] Draft Minutes from 25 June 2009 Voice Conference

2009-06-25 Thread Arthur Barstow

On Jun 25, 2009, at 10:16 AM, Barstow Art (Nokia-CIC/Boston) wrote:

The draft minutes from the June 25 Widgets Security voice conference
are available at the following and copied below:

The correct URI is:

-Regards, Art Barstow

Re: Handling too few arguments in method calls

2009-06-25 Thread Darin Adler

What about too many arguments, and ignoring extra ones? Is that settled?

-- Darin

Re: Points of order on this WG

2009-06-25 Thread Nikunj R. Mehta

I have listed these requirements on my blog -

I will put these together in a forma suitable for W3C uses.


On Jun 24, 2009, at 11:13 PM, Doug Schepers wrote:

Hi, Arun-

Arun Ranganathan wrote (on 6/25/09 1:38 AM):

On Jun 23, 2009, at 5:10 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

The Web Storage specification is someone dead-locked right now due
to the  lack of consensus on whether to use SQL or not.

This topic continues to be discussed in Mozilla newsgroups. Few are
reconciled to SQL usage:


Solutions such as BrowserCouch (which straddles localStorage  

offer other options:

I'd personally rather see a clear articulation of use cases that we
agree are important for the web than further specification work.

Actually, I think that's an excellent point.  Nikunj, maybe that is  
the next logical step?  Could you take charge of that?

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Re: Points of order on this WG

2009-06-25 Thread Nikunj R. Mehta

On Jun 24, 2009, at 7:34 PM, Michael(tm) Smith wrote:

Nikunj R. Mehta, 2009-06-24 17:13 -0700:

I want to raise two formal points of order about the manner in  
which this WG

has operated, particularly in respect to Web Storage.

1. Charter
2. Process

Firstly, no one seriously responds to proposals about things that are
officially in the WG's charter.

That's not true.

If you believe that's been the case with a specific proposal, then
let's please talk about that specific proposal instead of turning
this into a process discussion.

Please look to the bottom of my original email to see why this became  
a process discussion. If my interpretation is incorrect, please  
explain in the context of the specific details there instead of simply  
saying it is not true.

If there is inadequate interest, then we should get rid of the
responsibility from this WG's charter.

If there's inadequate interest in *a particular proposal* from
other members of the group -- particularly among the vendors who
would be expected to implement it -- then that would be a pretty
good indicator that an investment of the already-constrained
resources of the group into trying harder to move that the
proposal forward might not be an investment that's likely to pay
off for us well as a group (in terms of actually being successful
at getting it implemented in UAs).

1. Oracle provided use cases and requirements [1] around storage in  
Web browsers.

2. Oracle submitted a proposal first in October [2].
3. The WG's charter was changed and deliverables added without an open  
process [3].
4. Oracle revised its proposal in April [4] based on limited feedback  
on public-webapps. Oracle has also implemented this proposal in a  
browser plug-in for Safari and Firefox before submitting this proposal.
5. This WG provided two very brief sets of questions. I responded to  
both sets of questions without any delay, and assumed that the  
questions were answered. Of these one was simply asking me to go to  
HTML5 without attempting to address any of the requirements identified  
in [2] or the technical details of the revised proposal [4].
6. Then I asked for permission to add to the Web Storage draft, and  
was told that my proposal did not belong there, without any explanation.

On the other hand, there were no documented requirements for Web  
Storage (and most likely for other Web* FPWDs) until I asked for it.  
Even then all I get is one requirement at least be as useful as  
SQL [4a].

There has been reluctance to support for the current Web Storage  
draft's SQL mission in popular browsers. It is evident from [5], [6],  
and [7] and still we are consuming this WG's precious time for that  

The policy of this group is to interpret silence as assent, isn't it.  
By that token, browser vendor members of this WG have have supported  
Oracle's current proposal because no one has said that implementing  
this spec is not in their and/or the Web's interest.

On the other hand, if Web Storage and related matters are in
this WG's charter based on this WG's agreement, there should be
feedback from its members,

As far as I can see, that's already happening.

Not true in the case of Oracle's proposals.

and at least substantive discussions by its appointed editors.

First off, Ian is not an appointed editor for the Web Storage
draft. He's the editor of that particular draft by virtue of the
fact that he's the one wrote it. But the fact that he wrote it
and contributed it to the group does not magically bless it nor
necessarily give it any position of special entitlement in the
group. If you or any other member wants to contribute a related or
alternative draft and check it into the group's document
repository, you are very much encouraged to do so. We can then
continue with discussion about it -- with a status of Editor's
Draft in the group -- up to the point where we decide if/when we
decide as a group that we want to transition it to a First Public
Working Draft.

Let's see how this process works in practice. W3C is setting up a CVS  
account for me as we speak.



Re: Points of order on this WG

2009-06-25 Thread Nikunj R. Mehta

On Jun 24, 2009, at 10:24 PM, Doug Schepers wrote:

Hi, Nikunj-

I think Mike was overly blunt, but essentially correct in his  
response, but I'd like to add a specific comment inline...

Nikunj R. Mehta wrote (on 6/24/09 8:13 PM):

On Jun 23, 2009, at 5:10 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
The Web Storage specification is someone dead-locked right now due  
to the

lack of consensus on whether to use SQL or not.


As Kyle Weems put it: Deny, Delay, Too Late.


I would endorse you, Nikunj, to edit the Web Storage spec to include  
your proposal.  However, I will also say that the burden of proving  
that your solution is better lies on you.  I'm not going to pretend  
this is not an uphill battle.  If you or someone on the Oracle team  
wants to demonstrate an implementation of your proposal, or even  
better, contribute that code to the WebKit or Mozilla codebase, that  
would be a compelling way of demonstrating relative merits...  
cutting-edge authors could experiment with both and provide feedback  
about what aspects of each they prefer.  That would be an effective  
argument in favor of one or the other.

You bet.

I will say that Hixie's proposal (which, if I understand it, comes  
from Apple's implementation) has an advantage, because he has been  
working within W3C and directly with browser vendors for a while; he  
knows how to write specifications in the style that implementers  
prefer, and he also has their respect on technical matters.  You  
would do well to specify your proposal in a manner similar to his,  
with similar detail, and to cultivate credibility and relationships  
with browser vendors if you want to gain preference for your  
proposal.  I'm sorry this is not the most encouraging statement, but  
I believe it is factual, and it is intended as helpful advice.

No worries.

Re: [widgets] dig sig RelaxNG schema

2009-06-25 Thread Frederick Hirsch


XML Signature 1.1 is specified using XML Schema [1].  XML Signature  
1.1 has a draft RNG schema [2].  We did not develop an rnc grammar for  
widget signature.

The XML Security WG started to work on an XML Signature 1.1 RNG schema  
[2] but since we do not have deep expertise in the group we have not  
progressed this yet. However the tests from XML Signature Second  
Edition validated against it. We received some feedback about using  
different styles of RNG schema authoring which we do not have much  
expertise in the group to process -  If you are able to help get the  
schema correct that would be helpful. It is on our list of things to  
do to attempt to improve it, if we can get help.

Is having RNG/RNC schema important? Can you or someone in the WebApps  
working group please help, perhaps by reviewing our RNG schema  
document and suggesting improvements?

I'm copying this message with the XML Security WG.


regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
Chair XML Security WG



On Jun 25, 2009, at 7:13 AM, ext Kai Hendry wrote:

Using and
rnv [1] I've been trying to validate the example:

Firstly does widgets-digsig have it's own grammar.rnc? I have not been
able to find one.

Using xmldsig-core-schema.rnc I ran into a couple of problems. Firstly
I had to alter:

Object.ANY = (element * {Object.ANY}|attribute * {text}|text)*

To accept the new elements introduced by

Also the xmldsig-core-schema.rnc seems sensitive to element order. So
I made a change to the rnc to get the example signature1.xml to

-Signature.attlist, SignedInfo, SignatureValue, KeyInfo?, Object*
+Signature.attlist, SignedInfo, Object*, SignatureValue, KeyInfo?

Or perhaps the order of the example is incorrect?

Be great to see more fully worked examples. An author-signature.xml
example would be good.

Kind regards,


Re: Points of order on this WG

2009-06-25 Thread Nikunj R. Mehta

On Jun 25, 2009, at 9:34 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

Nikunj, All,

Charles will respond separately regarding a way forward but I want  
to respond to the false accusation below.

On Jun 24, 2009, at 8:13 PM, ext Nikunj R. Mehta wrote:

The WG chair went ahead with the publication of the Web Storage draft
overriding serious objections about it's direction and emphasis.

The record actually shows Nikunj saying:


Oracle conditionally supports the publishing this draft as FPWD
provided that the abstract is worded appropriately.


Here's what Oracle would like to see in the abstract:

This specification defines two APIs for persistent data storage in Web
clients: one for accessing key-value pair data and another for
accessing structured data.

Ian agreed [1] to make the requested change above (it is included in  
the FPWD [2]) and thus addressed the only concern you raised re  
publishing the FPWD.

Seeing the way things were, there was no way to stop the publication  
[1]. To mitigate the negative effects of publication, Oracle made its  
assent conditional. In reality, the chairs should have taken in to  
account the prior reluctance to continue with the draft [2] and asked  
the author to seek requirements and provide cautionary text in  
prominent places in the FPWD.


Re: Do we need to rename the Origin header?

2009-06-25 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 8:10 AM, Bil wrote:
 Jonas Sicking wrote on 6/25/2009 2:11 AM:
 On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Adam wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Bil wrote:
 Continuing your example, if XHTML defines requests from form as 
 privacy-sensitive, then the UA will have two different behaviors for 
 Sec-From, depending on if it's rendering HTML5 or XHTML?
 That's correct.  Hopefully folks writing specs at the application
 layer will coordinate so as not to make the web platform any more
 confusing than it is already.  :)

 To make it clear what the intent is here:

 We know that people are building web applications where GET requests
 cause state changes on the server side. While this is unfortunate, we
 don't believe that people will stop.

 Thus we sometimes want Sec-From to be included in GET requests.

 At the same time, it's a quite common practice on the web today for
 sites to allow other users to put a href=... links on their site.
 For example discussion boards often detect addresses and turn them
 into links, some, such as wikipedia, even allow users to hide which
 url the link is going to by specifying an arbitrary text for the link.
 In these cases we don't want the person inserting the link to be able
 to speak for the site the link was located on.

 Additionally, one of the reasons why the referer (sic) header is
 being so frequently blocked is that it leaks information about where
 users are coming from. For example when a political website linking to it has bothered many users that this tells google my
 political affiliation, causing them to filter the referer header.

 Thus in these two cases we don't want the GET request to include a
 Sec-From header containing the originating website.

 The difference between these two cases is purely in the context from
 which the GET request was created. While we could enumerate these
 contexts in Adams spec, IETF has in the past expressed a dislike for
 specifying application behavior, prefering only to define protocol
 behavior. Thus we have to define the protocol in an IETF spec, and
 allow HTML5 (or some other spec) to selectively invoke the different
 behaviors defined by the IETF spec.

 Thanks for the clarification.  Will there be some mechanism within HTML5 to 
 denote links that are privacy-sensitive versus those that are not?  I'm 
 imagining that by default, links to external resources would be considered 
 private unless denoted as public (non-private?).

This is still being debated. But lets do that in a separate thread.

/ Jonas

Re: Points of order on this WG

2009-06-25 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Jun 24, 2009, at 11:35 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

In any case, adding a new feature to a spec whose future is uncertain
isn't a good idea because it means that the new feature's progress  
is tied
to the uncertain future of the rest of the spec. Thus, my  

to Nikunj would be to create a new WG deliverable, not one tied to the
fate of the SQL Database section.


I think Nikunj's proposal definitely is worthy of being persued,  
just like
the working group is persuing dozens of other proposals like XHR,  

Selectors API, Workers, Server-Sent Events, Web Sockets, etc. I don't
believe it really fits into the Web Storage spec (if anything, I  
think we
should split Web Storage into two further specs, not add a third  
independent feature to it). However, I would definitely support an  

publication of Nikunj's proposal, as I have for other proposals.

I strongly agree on these points. I would prefer to see SQL Storage  
split out of the rest of Web Storage. We seem to have rough consensus  
and strong multilateral implementor interest on LocalStorage and  
SessionStorage, and they should be allowed to move forward on the  
standards track quickly. SQL Storage remains contentious, and only  
Apple and Google have shown strong implementor interest so far. And it  
has no technical tie to the other storage drafts. I also think  
Nikunj's proposal should be yet a third separate orthogonal draft.


Re: Points of order on this WG

2009-06-25 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Jun 25, 2009, at 12:42 PM, Nikunj R. Mehta wrote:

I think Nikunj's proposal definitely is worthy of being persued,  
just like
the working group is persuing dozens of other proposals like XHR,  

Selectors API, Workers, Server-Sent Events, Web Sockets, etc. I don't
believe it really fits into the Web Storage spec (if anything, I  
think we
should split Web Storage into two further specs, not add a third  
independent feature to it). However, I would definitely support an  

publication of Nikunj's proposal, as I have for other proposals.

That is encouraging. I will be glad to edit an FPWD that includes B- 
tree, interception, and programmable cache, if the WG so prefers.

It seems to me that Berkley DB style database storage, and request  
interception / programmable cache are orthogonal ideas and should  
arguably be separate drafts. I would assume request interception and  
programmable cache are usable regardless of what client-side storage  
APIs are available, much as HTML5 Application Cache is independent of  
these APIs. If anything, it seems more closely related to AppCache  
than to any proposed storage solution.


Re: Points of order on this WG

2009-06-25 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Nikunj R. wrote:
 On Jun 24, 2009, at 11:35 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
 I have proposed to Mozilla a solution that provides access to an organized
 key-value database such as that provided in the (open source) Berkeley DB.
 In essence, a database is a simple B-tree - it keeps keys sorted and permits
 duplicate keys. It is able to find a key or a key prefix, which enables
 efficient searching through a very large number of items. If we are
 ambitious (i.e., need more functionality), we can add indexes and joins to
 this spec. There is unlikely to be an interoperability nightmare, such as
 that which is the most likely outcome with SQL, it does not mandate the use
 of any query language, and there is at least 40 years of experience with it,
 including in highly resource-constrained environments. (There are 200
 million copies of Berkeley DB in deployment [1]).

This is what so far seems like the best solution to me. I.e. something
that is more backend-ish than what a SQL API would be.

I'd love to see something that allows you to implement a SQL API on
top of. But that also allows you to implement something like MungoDB
very effectively.

 I think Nikunj's proposal definitely is worthy of being persued, just like
 the working group is persuing dozens of other proposals like XHR, CORS,
 Selectors API, Workers, Server-Sent Events, Web Sockets, etc. I don't
 believe it really fits into the Web Storage spec (if anything, I think we
 should split Web Storage into two further specs, not add a third wholly
 independent feature to it). However, I would definitely support an FPWD
 publication of Nikunj's proposal, as I have for other proposals.

 That is encouraging. I will be glad to edit an FPWD that includes B-tree,
 interception, and programmable cache, if the WG so prefers.

What I don't understand is, why does interception (I assume you mean
HTTP interception?) and programmable cache, belong in the same spec as
a B-tree?

/ Jonas

Re: Handling too few arguments in method calls

2009-06-25 Thread Cameron McCormack
Aaron Boodman:
 But there is also an issue of legacy code. I brought this issue up in
 a webkit bug awhile ago, and one concern from the webkit developers
 was that introducing an exception would almost certainly break
 sites. My opinion is that those sites are almost certainly already

I would worry about that, too.  The amount of brokenness it experiences
because of a change to using exceptions could be far greater than it is

 As a simple example, consider the setAttribute() method. Both
 arguments are required, but in WebKit, if you don't pass either value
 it is coerced to string. So if we take a simple attribute like
 someElement.setAttribute(title);  // throws in Firefox, sets title
 to undefined' in WebKit
 Philosophically, I want to say that pages that are passing too few
 arguments to DOM APIs are already broken, just in less obvious ways.
 Breaking in more obvious ways would be better.

So we could change this to be:

  interface Element {
void setAttribute(in DOMString name, [Optional] in DOMString value);

to keep setAttribute(title) working, but I think making the
optionalness of the argument to other language bindings in this case
isn’t a good idea.  Also in this particular case it doesn’t seem like it
would be needed for web compatibility, if Firefox and Opera can get away
with throwing here.

If there’s a real need to allow some arguments on particular operations
in ECMAScript to be optional, and coerced from an undefined value, then
we can introduce an ECMAScript-specific extended attribute that permits
this.  But in general I agree that it would be better if we could remain

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: Handling too few arguments in method calls

2009-06-25 Thread Cameron McCormack
Darin Adler:
 What about too many arguments, and ignoring extra ones? Is that

It seems consistent with current implementations to ignore extra
arguments.  That approach might go against the desire to maximise the
freedom API designers have to add additional overloaded operations
later, though.  If we had

  interface A {
void f();

and for whatever reason authors sometimes called it with an argument,
then it might make it harder to update the interface to

  interface A {
void f();
void f(in float x);

later on.  I have no idea how common it is for authors to pass too many
arguments to web APIs.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: Handling too few arguments in method calls

2009-06-25 Thread Cameron McCormack
Oliver Hunt:
 There's also overloaded functions like (for example)  
 void drawImage(in HTMLImageElement image, in float dx, in float dy,  
 [Optional] in float dw, in float dh)

 if I do drawImage(image, x, y, foo) is this under-provision for  
 drawImage(image,x,y,foo,undefined) or over provision for  
 drawImage(image,x,y) or is it an error?

Currently, passing a number of arguments (4) in between the allowed
numbers (3  5) gives a TypeError.  I’d be inclined to consider these
cases as under-provision.

 Do we need an annotation to say something like
 void drawImage(in HTMLImageElement image, in float dx, in float dy,  
 [Optional 2] in float dw, in float dh)
 (or something) that would say the next 2 arguments are optional, but  
 both must be provided?

Well, maybe.  [Optional] actually means the argument it appears on and
all following, as a group, can be omitted.  I think this is a little
confusing, though, so I’m thinking about allowing [Optional] only if it
is the last argument, or if all following arguments are [Optional]
(or [Variadic]).  For other cases, like drawImage() here, you can use
explicit overloading:

  void drawImage(in HTMLImageElement image, in float dx, in float dy);
  void drawImage(in HTMLImageElement image, in float dx, in float dy,
 in float dw, in float dh);

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: Points of order on this WG

2009-06-25 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Jun 25, 2009, at 5:23 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Nikunj R. wrote:

On Jun 24, 2009, at 11:35 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
I have proposed to Mozilla a solution that provides access to an  
key-value database such as that provided in the (open source)  
Berkeley DB.
In essence, a database is a simple B-tree - it keeps keys sorted  
and permits
duplicate keys. It is able to find a key or a key prefix, which  

efficient searching through a very large number of items. If we are
ambitious (i.e., need more functionality), we can add indexes and  
joins to
this spec. There is unlikely to be an interoperability nightmare,  
such as
that which is the most likely outcome with SQL, it does not mandate  
the use
of any query language, and there is at least 40 years of experience  
with it,

including in highly resource-constrained environments. (There are 200
million copies of Berkeley DB in deployment [1]).

This is what so far seems like the best solution to me. I.e. something
that is more backend-ish than what a SQL API would be.

I'd love to see something that allows you to implement a SQL API on
top of. But that also allows you to implement something like MungoDB
very effectively.

I doubt you can efficiently or correctly implement SQL on top of a  
Berkeley-DB-style API.

As a side note, it should be noted Berkeley DB itself could not be  
used by WebKit or Gecko to implement the spec, because even though it  
is open source, the license is not compatible with the LGPL. It seems  
unlikely that non-open-source browser engines could use it either,  
unless they are willing to pay Oracle for a commercial license. So  
it's very important for the spec to be clear and detailed, because  
everyone will have to implement it from scratch.

It's also not clear to me if a BDB-level API is sufficient for  
developer needs. As I understand it, it's basically a giant dictionary  
with unstructured keys and values. So it's not providing much over  
LocalStorage, except for prefix matching and the ability to hold large  
amounts of records or records that are individually large. There's no  
way to efficiently query by one of several fields, as I understand it.
