Re: Status of Selectors API Level 1 Candidate

2011-02-22 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Tue, 22 Feb 2011 22:40:34 +0100, Mike Taylor   

I get a 404.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] Zip vs GZip Tar

2010-04-29 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 18:48:52 +0200, Gregg Tavares  wrote:

Has there been any consideration of switching the spec to a stream-able
format like gzipped tar files?  It seems like a shame to miss this use  

A streamable container, while intriguing, also has issues.  For streaming  
to be of use, you need to specify the order of resources: the widget's  
configuration file and start file should be the first two files in the  
resource bundle. Are there readily available (on all major platforms)  
tools that do this, easily?

(Other than that, see timeless' comments about this really being too late  
for the current spec)

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: CSS WG comments on View Modes Media Feature spec

2010-03-11 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Thu, 11 Mar 2010 09:36:19 +0100, Daniel Glazman  

   - if the current medium (CSS-speaking) is 'projection', does it
 assume view-mode is fullscreen? What about the other way round?
 (Opera for instance assumes 'projection' when fullscreen is on)

I personally don't think assuming full-screen for projection media is  
right.  While Opera switches to projection on full screen, I could easily  
see the case for having projection mode turned on in content embedded on  
web pages, for use cases like slideshare, 280 North, Google Docs  
presentations. Or for that matter, just keeping whatever media is current  
when switching to full screen.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] API - openURL security considerations

2010-02-18 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 22:09:00 +0100, Scott Wilson  

Hi both,

Apache Wookie (incubating) currently implements the widget.openURL
method by directly calling the browser's function - in
this example is there anything particularly special about the fact its
being called by a widget? Should our implementation do anything extra,
or is it better just leaving it to the browser to handle any problems?

The way I view this is roughly as follows:

1. opens a URL within the context of the widget, for  
instance for the purpose of authenticating a widget using something like  

2. widget.openURL() is used to pass a URL from a widget to the default  
protocol handler on a system for any given protocol, for instance to pass  
a URL from the widget to the web browser on the system, to place a phone  
call or pass a magnet link to a bittorrent client

The underlying difference here is that would retain a  
reference to the widget, usually through window.opener, while  
widget.openURL is fire and forget.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: Rechartering WebApp WG

2010-02-10 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Thu, 11 Feb 2010 05:40:04 +0100, Doug Schepers  wrote:

Hi, Folks-

Scott Wilson wrote (on 2/9/10 10:32 AM):

There are a couple of additional areas it would be useful to consider
for future work in the Widgets space, specifically:

- inter-widget communication (both single-user and multi-user, e.g.

I find this item to be interesting and worth taking on, but I think we  
ought to also evaluate it in a wider context than widgets.

Are these deliverables the Widgets folks are willing to take on?  If so,  
are there clear use case & requirements documents, and available editing  

Scott - you've already implemented and deployed functionality like this in  
Wookie, right?

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [WARP] Use cases for local network access

2010-02-04 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 19:09:26 +0100, Stephen Jolly  


As actioned in the 21st Jan teleconference, here are the use cases that  
have motivated my specific proposal for supporting local network access  
in the WARP spec (see  
for details).

1. A developer wishes to write widgets that can connect to the web API  
exposed by a network-connected television or personal video recorder  
(aka digital video recorder) on their home network.  This API allows  
(for example) the channel being viewed to be changed or the list of  
scheduled recordings to be modified, via a user interface presented by  
the widget.

During this teleconference, I was asked to elaborate my position on this  
topic.  The advantage of creating a definition of a local network is the  
following variant of the use case:

A developer wants to write a widget that posts whatever channel the user  
switches to on a network-connected TV to http://μ   
The problem, with WARP as is that, since the network address of said TV is  
indeterminate, the developer's only option is to allow the widget to  
connect to any URL it wishes (specifying '*' in origin, or add a large  
(read: huge) set of origins in order to be able to do this.

My proposal would be to add a second attribute to the specification, a  
boolean, such as origin-local, which would replace any IP address the user  
agent considers to be local, link-local or even local-machine addresses.   
Alternatively, should fine-grained distinction between the three, these  
could alternatively be keywords in the existing origin attribute.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

One , multiple resources

2010-01-29 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

This is an excerpt of something I wrote on the #webapps IRC channel:

 I have some exploratory work here (not going into details)
 let's just say that  for feature isn't enough
 but an example is actually Opera's own Unite
 (looking a bit further, though)
 let's say I wanted to spawn two workers, each with their own web  

 simply speaking, I can't
 currently, all I can do is:";>

The problem is roughly that the param key-value pair is insufficient when  
a  needs to both specify and configure multiple resources, such  
as one Opera Unite widget configuring two different web services. The  
example above could only ever load one single service per widget (and it  
would be what's specified in the widget's  element, to boot). A  
widget which wanted to configure one document per widget would need to  
nest the 's in something.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [WARP] Extending access to local network resources

2010-01-21 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Thu, 21 Jan 2010 12:45:46 +0100, Stephen Jolly  

but I think that a "link-local" restriction is a better match to my use  

I'm wondering if you are able to share a few example use cases, to aid  
understanding of what you want to achieve.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [WARP] Extending access to local network resources

2010-01-20 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Thu, 14 Jan 2010 19:04:18 +0100, Stephen Jolly  

There are a very large number of such networks in use worldwide: I  
believe that the vast majority of home networks and many wireless  
networks fall into this category.  The BBC is specifically concerned  
that the lack of distinction between local network resources and  
Internet resources in the current WARP model could prevent widgets from  
being able to access network resources served from media devices on home  

Anyway, the specific proposal I would like to make is for another  
special value of the "origin" attribute of the "access" element in the  
widget configuration document called "link-local" or similar, an  
associated special value in the access-request list and an associated  
processing rule that says that when the "link-local" value is specified,  
the user agent should grant access to network resources on the same  
subnet(s) as the user agent.

Just so we are on the same page here, by link-local, you mean exactly what  
(for IPv4) is defined in RFC 3927, which roughly translates to «Two  
devices connected directly, without involvment of DHCP» - a.k.a.

2. Users are likely to want control over which specific networks a  
widget is granted access to, rather than just a blanket "yes" or "no"  
permission to access whatever local network(s) to which the host may be  
connected when the widget is running.  I don't think that this is  
something that can or should be dealt with in the configuration of  
widgets.  I believe that good user experiences can be constructed to  
give the user that control, but I won't go into detail unless somebody  
asks me to.

I don't think going into detail is necessary at this stage.

3. I would expect most *useful* widgets that can access local network  
resources to need some kind of ability to browse the local link for  
resources to access.  Again, I think that's out of scope for a WARP  
alteration/supplement; it's the sort of thing people use mDNS + DNS-SD  
or UPNP's SSDP for, but those aren't web protocols, and Robin's  
threatened to drag me into the DAP WG if I start talking about device  

The mDNS-bit is about local service discovery, and likely belongs in the  
DAP, yes.

4. Clearly the "local network" and the "local link" are not necessarily  
the same thing.  I'm proposing a solution targeting the latter because  
(a) it actually has a useful definition and (b) I believe it to be  
sufficient for the use cases I care about.

Provided my understanding of link-local is in line with yours, I would  
prefer a mechanism for accessing the local network.

I look forward to your comments and criticisms - in particular I would  
like to understand the holes that Arve says are opened by making a  
distinction between "local" and "remote" IP addresses.

To moderate my statement a bit - it's more a concern than a risk, when you  
at all allow access to "local network", and you have relaxed cross-domain  
security, a maliciously crafted widget can potentially attack local  
networking equipment such as routers. (This risk also exists on the web,  
but is generally less practical, given that an attacker would be shooting  
blind due to the same-origin-policy)

The other problem is one of the definition of local network not being  
entirely clear - the archetypal definition is the IPv4 one with four  
reserved IP ranges.  That definition breaks for IPv6, and it breaks for  
networks not using NAT.  In order to have a useful definition, the network  
would have to provide information about the locality of any given host a  
widget tries to access.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: File API: Directories and System

2009-12-10 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Wed, 09 Dec 2009 19:22:08 +0100, Robin Berjon   

Note, I'm replying to both lists, but have set reply-to to  

as discussed in the joint WebApps API - DAP face to face, here is a  
rough proposal for the Directories and System parts of the File API:

There are two entry points. One is through  
navigator.device.fileSystems(), which upon success lists all available  
FSs. Naturally that only expected to be exposed in trusted environments  
(like widgets).

Some issues:

1. File and Directory are now mutually exclusive through the type  
attribute of the "Entry" interface. This means that it's impossible to  
have transparent handling of archive-type files. I would, given Widgets  
and ODF, at least expect having the ability to support transparent  
traversal in to .zip files from any specification, and thus rework the  
proposal into entries of one type, with properties denoting one or the  

2. This specification should really be one about directory traversal, and  
I would prefer to see any dependencies on FileReader or FileWriter  
removed. This implies merging the relevant parts of Directory and  
FileEntry into one type, namely "Entry".

3. When directory creation is concerned - having to recurse into the  
directory you want, just in order to create a new file/directory handle is  
somewhat inconvenient.

4. Dates associated with a file table entry are missing

5. Some (file system) properties of a file  
(read/write/execute/archive/hidden) are missing

6. There seems to be no error handling when traversing in to directories  
where the UA has no access.

7. I'm not sure I think the zip() method belongs in this spec at all: It  
seems fairly arbitrary

8. If zip is to be kept, it needs to apply equally to any entry.  It also  
must be made async, as compression may take a long time.

9. The spec lacks any means to handle invalid file names. Note that doing  
this is difficult, painful, and not at all consistent across file systems,  
OSes and implementations.  As an example, it's possible to create  
filenames in Windows that Windows can't later delete.

10. The spec doesn't seem to concern itself with the character encoding of  
the underlying file system. Intentional, or accident?

11. The spec also lacks a means of handling symbolic or hard links, or  

12. The mediaType attribute when creating a new file is superfluous on  
some systems, or may be in direct conflict with the file name.

13. The spec fails to address the file locking semantics on most operating  
systems.  Note that this problem should ideally be handled over to methods  
from stream/blob interfaces.

Comments are very much welcome, *BUT* it is very much appreciated if  
they can be made on the DAP's mailing list (  
rather than here.

Further replies directed to public-device-apis
Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [WARP4U] WARP with UPnP

2009-12-03 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Thu, 03 Dec 2009 12:12:23 +0100, Stephen Jolly  

Keeping things simple, the most compelling use case I can see (aka the  
one I care about...) is where the developer wants to write a widget that  
can access resources on a network with no centralised DNS or  
developer-predictable IP addresses.  This is the case for many home  

Through Opera Unite, Opera has a considerable interest in the  
discoverability of local web services (being agnostic with regards to the  
definition of "local", and the actual underlying implementation, whether  
that is called UPnP, m-DNS, or something entirely different).

At Opera, we already have (experimental) running code and DOM interfaces  
for such local service discovery. This spec is not in conflict with the  
WARP specification, nor does it have dependencies on it.  We would be  
willing to, given some preparation, provide this as input for a new  
working item.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [WARP4U] WARP with UPnP

2009-12-02 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Wed, 02 Dec 2009 13:18:43 +0100, Arthur Barstow   

It would be helpful to have a clear definition of at least: the problem  
statement, use case(s), requirement(s), security considerations,  
proposed syntax and semantics, UA processing model.

I would propose dropping any syntax and semantics, until we have a proper  
definition of the problem. What are we trying to solve?

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: Use Cases and Requirements for Saving Files Securely

2009-11-12 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Thu, 12 Nov 2009 10:59:04 +0100, Jonas Sicking  wrote:

Like I said, I think this might be possible to work around in the
implementation by making sure to neuter all executable files before
they go to disk.

I'm not sure it's possible to make complete workarounds. In the idealized  
case, Linux depends on the execute being set.  Many desktop users will  
have wine installed, though, in which case the wine program loader will  
pick up and execute the file, regardless of any extension.

(It can of course be argued that this is a fundamental problem of how wine  
is set up to integrate with the OS)

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: Rename “File API” to “FileReader API”?

2009-11-11 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Wed, 11 Nov 2009 02:47:50 +0100, Maciej Stachowiak   

I think file writing (once the script has securely received a file  
handle) has different security considerations than directory  
manipulation and opening of arbitrary files. File writing should be  
designed with the browser security model in mind, because it's something  
that is reasonable to expose to Web content, given the right model for  
getting a writable handle (private use area or explicitly chosen by the  
user via "Save As" dialog)

Note that both explicit content and private use areas/sandboxes has  
security implications.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: Use Cases and Requirements for Saving Files Securely

2009-11-11 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Mon, 02 Nov 2009 21:48:58 +0100, Doug Schepers  wrote:

Please send in use cases, requirements, concerns, and concrete  
suggestions about the general topic (regardless of your opinion about my  

One concern: There are historical vulnerabilities, such as> wherein a system could be  
compromised by the user navigating to a folder containing a malicious  
file, using the system's default file navigator.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: Rename “File API” to “FileReader API”?

2009-11-10 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Tue, 10 Nov 2009 10:59:23 +0100, Adam Barth  wrote:

Which is the proper mailing list to follow development of the file
writing API?  I'd like to follow it's security considerations.
Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: HTML extension for system idle detection.

2009-09-17 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Thu, 17 Sep 2009 22:13:09 +0200, Frederick Hirsch  

isn't the mere knowledge of the level of activity on a device a possible  
privacy concern, and couldn't the pattern of activity offer a traffic  
analysis type opportunity?

This is what I was getting at when asking the question initially:

* an employer could use it to determine whether an employee is using his  
computer or not
* ad delivery networks could use it for behavioral tracking and targeting  
of advertising.   Selling a "cure for loneliness" might stick more with  
someone who spends 16 hours daily in front of an active computer.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: HTML extension for system idle detection.

2009-09-17 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Thu, 17 Sep 2009 00:05:58 +0200, David Bennett  wrote:

I have a proposal for an extension to javascript to enable browsers to
access system idle information.  Please give me feedback and suggestions  
on the proposal.

What exactly are the security and privacy implications of detecting system
idle activity in the browser?

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] Widgets URI scheme... it's baaaack!

2009-09-02 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Wed, 02 Sep 2009 16:26:19 +0200, Robin Berjon  wrote:

Reading that thread I don't see a consensus emerging one way or another,  
and a lot of options appear to be considered that seem to be out of  
scope (or too close to the metal) for this specification. I see some  
arguments around using file: that could be used, but none seem to  
explain how it could be without entirely precluding other file: access  
(which could potentially be needed) or minting special names (e.g. a  
special file host), which strikes me as a bad idea.

In my opinion, the "file:" protocol needs to be avoided *at all costs*.   
User agents have, in over fifteen years of trying, not managed to agree on  
how to implement it interoperably, varying from how to encode drive and  
host names (on some operating systems) to how you deal with path traversal  
and content protection issues.  Neither have they managed to agree on what  
"origin" means, or whether it is acceptable to accept active content in  
this context.

We could spend man-years in trying to come up with something  
"interoperable" and be exactly where we were yesterday.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: Moving alerting methods to DAP (was: Re: [widgets] Draft Minutes from 13 August 2009 Voice Conf)

2009-08-24 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Mon, 24 Aug 2009 11:34:18 +0200, Robin Berjon  wrote:

Given that HTML5 is trying to get to LC within this decade, I doubt  
they'll accept that. The tendency is more to trim as many things out of  
the specification as they can find editors to sustain.

  Arve: I don't think DAP is right, but WebApps is OK if HTML WG
  doesn't want them

Care to detail why?

This is a purity-above-all argument, really, hence "think" instead of  
"does not belong in DAP".  Alerting methods are in no way device-specific  
or device-bound. Nor are they particularily specific to widgets (or HTML5,  
for that matter).

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: File API to separate reading from files

2009-08-19 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Wed, 19 Aug 2009 21:21:54 +0200, Jonas Sicking  wrote:

I do like the idea of having a stream primitive. I think we'll need
that for other things in the future such as reading data from a
camera, or reading data from a microphone.

I quite concur, and for the widget space, actually writing data is a real  

However I'm not convinced that we should force people to use streams
to deal with the simple use case of reading data from a file. In 95%
(if not more) of the cases the user simply wants to get the contents
of the file, and so forcing them to do that using:

Does the presence of an IOStream primitive exclude getAs*?
Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: Widget Accessibility

2009-08-14 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 12:55:35 +0200, Marcos Caceres   

That is, widgets have
no real knowledge of HTML, CSS, etc. You can have a fully conforming
widget that has no interface at all.

Just reiterating this point: Opera Unite [1], while currently using a  
proprietary manifest format are essentially widgets whose only interface  
is HTTP.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: Widget Accessibility

2009-08-14 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 19:45:14 +0200, Simon Harper

As far as I can see, the browser is the (JavaScript+HTML) interpreter,  
therefore a richer accessibility bridge is required, which will not be  
addressed by ARIA alone.

Just to clarify something here: The Widgets P&C specification is agnostic  
with regards to the underlying technology platform, and does not actually  
require the content contained within the widget to be web  
content/applications.  If you want to use "Widgets" as a  
container/packaging format for, say, Windows or Linux applications, you  
are most certainly free to do so (not that I would recommend it, though).

As such, I believe the widget space is the wrong arena to discuss  
accessibility issues, unless some part of the widget family of  
specifications directly prohibit accessible applications.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [File API] data URL method

2009-07-02 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Thu, 02 Jul 2009 18:38:03 +0200, Jonas Sicking  wrote:

On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 2:58 AM, Anne van Kesteren  
I tend to think that if we are going to introduce a URL scheme to point  
to file data on the system we should not be adding the data URL method.  
As far as I can tell there are no benefits to introducing it as it will  
only increase memory usage when used by authors and the uses it has can  
be perfectly achieved using the local file URL. Also, the local URL can  
be a synchronous API as there is no need to read the entire file  
directly and store it all into memory. You only need to return a URL.

I.e. instead of

   function(dataURL) { img.src = dataURL }

you would get

 img.src = file.localURL

which is better in many ways and not worse in any way I can think of  
(maybe apart from moving the discussion with the TAG regarding a new  
URL scheme a little bit ahead).

This would be a more interesting discussion if someone could actually
come up with a spec for localURL :)

Opera's File IO implementation for Widgets and Unite services (Which I  
would very much prefer to see unified with this spec, since there is a lot  
of overlap) has a concept of "local" URLs which is roughly as follows:


Where the path is the relative path from the file object corresponding to  
the mountpoint name. The original path is not exposed.

Note that even when selecting just a file, actually having a path  
reference is useful, if you at some point want to treat common archive  
formats as directories you want to descend in to, for the purpose of  
opening resources in for instance ODF or epub format documents.

Mostly it's the lifetime issue that concerns me. How long is such a
URL expected to work, and how do we prevent people from using it
longer than that?

Our initial security context is a bit different from in file upload, but  
the lifetime is one of the following:

1. Until unmounted manually, this is probably not a good idea for a file  
upload context.
2. Until the document is either destroyed or reloaded.  In the context of  
file upload, I would assume "until the user navigates away from the  
document would be sufficient.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] Please include a statement of purpose and user interaction expectations for

2009-06-02 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Tue, 02 Jun 2009 14:57:46 +0200, Henri Sivonen  wrote:

Please state the purpose of . (That it's for authorizing  
features that don't participate in the Web-oriented browser security  

Please include a corresponding UA requirement to obtain authorization  
from the user for the features imported with . (It seems that  
the security aspect requires an authorization and doesn't make sense if  
the dangerous feature are simply imported silently.) As far as I can  
tell, the spec doesn't currently explain what the UA is supposed to do  
with the 'feature list' once built.

Such authorization may be made in a number of other ways than 'from the  
user'.  A user agent distributor may for instance use signatures on  
applications to determine that the feature is safe[1] to access.

[1] «Safe»: here meaning that an application signed with a particular  
signature is in compliance with criteria regarding both security and  
privacy-related concerns.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] Public keys in widgets URI scheme?

2009-05-27 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Wed, 27 May 2009 23:09:11 +0200, Adam Barth  wrote:

Note that "random per-instance origin" here would normally imply that  
instance is created exactly once, on installation, instead of a new  
for every invocation, so a widget should keep the origin across  

But not across updates?

Currently, the update spec is in somewhat of a hiatus, but in my world,  
updating a widget would preserve its instance identifier. Anything else  
would be pointless.

(I'll answer to the separate bit about preferences tomorrow, but the gist  
is that it's instance-bound, but not origin-bound)

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] Public keys in widgets URI scheme?

2009-05-27 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Wed, 27 May 2009 20:37:53 +0200, Adam Barth  wrote:

Do widgets not plan to make use of localStorage?  This seems useful,
for example, in a weather widget, to store the list of ZIP codes that
the user wants to see the weather for.

This issue is twofold:

1. A widget is simply a packaging for any application, and may use any  
technology a widget user agent supports, so in that sense, a widget that  
supports HTML5 should support anything in widget transparently and without  
workaround.  This implies that widgets with underlying support would  
support HTML5 localStorage
2. The Widgets APIs and events uses the same storage interface as HTML5  
localStorage for storing preferences, and as such it is stored (although  
in this case, the storage is not origin-bound, like in HTML5.

With a random per-instance
origin, the widget won't be able to access its localStorage from its
last invocation.

Note that "random per-instance origin" here would normally imply that the  
instance is created exactly once, on installation, instead of a new  
instance for every invocation, so a widget should keep the origin across  

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] Widgets URI scheme... it's baaaack!

2009-05-27 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Tue, 26 May 2009 17:38:48 +0200, Jean-Claude Dufourd  

2- the browser will have to resolve the relative URI to an absolute URI  
because of the DOM spec, hence a possible vulnerability by divulging  
private information (e.g. actual name of current user in file: URI  
example of Apple Dashboard widgets) to scripts running in the widget.

Marcos mentions the widget V2 spec and extensibility as one reason for  
adopting the proposed URI scheme. I would like to understand how V2 and  
extensibility could make the URI scheme either seen by the author or  
exchanged between implementations, or make its absence otherwise imperil  


The main issue here, I think, is one of being proactive on this front.   
Given that absolute URIs are required for resolution, and that UA vendors  
will, unless specified, have to pick a URI scheme of their own, the  
situation may well arise where they have specified something that would  
either be insecure (eg. file:), incompatible ( again, file:) or  
inappropriate (all schemes that fail to make query strings and fragment  
identifiers useful)

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] Widgets URI scheme... it's baaaack!

2009-05-22 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Fri, 22 May 2009 21:31:11 +0200, William Edney  

Arve -

Getting the value of 'src' here using  
'document.images[0].getAttribute("src")' should return the relative path.

The Microsoft guys made a big deal out of the fact that IE8 (in IE8  
'strict standards' mode) will now properly return the relative path when  
'getAttribute()' is used, but the full path (as you state), when the  
'property access' version of the call is used. In IE < 8, some extra JS  
to determine base path and then relativize the value would be necessary  
in those browsers.

What Microsoft is doing here is fairly irrelevant. Gecko, Webkit and  
Presto all return the absolute URI for my exact example.  What you might  
be thinking of is getAttribute, which does return the raw contents of the  
attribute, but this is, afaict, not what browsers use to actually resolve  
the URI.


- Bill

On May 22, 2009, at 2:22 PM, Arve Bersvendsen wrote:

On Fri, 22 May 2009 20:21:56 +0200, Mark Baker  wrote:

I thought he had (somewhat grudgingly) accepted that way (the use of
relative references) forward, as IIRC, the widget: scheme idea was
dropped about that time.  Has some new requirement emerged since then
that makes relative references an undesirable option?

The problem here is that no user agent implementation I am aware of  
uses 'relative' URIs when resolving nodes.  If you provide src="foo/bar/baz.png" /> - they all compose an absolute URI from the  
string representing the relative URI, and expose that when you query  
for the attribute value, so putting my markup fragment into a document  
at the root of

// The following Outputs <a  rel="nofollow" href=""></a>

--Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] Widgets URI scheme... it's baaaack!

2009-05-22 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Fri, 22 May 2009 19:13:35 +0200, Larry Masinter   

What makes a set of widgets "related"? Is there an attack where
based on UUID knowledge where two unrelated widgets could somehow
appear "related"?

What "existing infrastructure for security" are you planning
to reuse?

Not having to rewrite from the bottom up how XMLHttpRequest works, and is  
checked in most user agents, as an example (It goes for a lot of other  
code in DOM).

Often, security loopholes are introduced when reusing
security infrastructure designed for one context in
a way that it wasn't designed for.

"thismessage:/" basically didn't allow references outside
the package at all. By adding a UUID and alluding to
"related" packages as possibly being available, "widget"
might become a vector.

I'm not saying it is, I'm just saying that getting external
review for security mechanisms and assumptions is critical.


-Original Message-
From: Arve Bersvendsen []
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 9:55 AM
To: Larry Masinter;; public-pkg-uri-scheme;  

Subject: Re: [widgets] Widgets URI scheme... it's bck!

On Fri, 22 May 2009 17:29:57 +0200, Larry Masinter 

If the widget: scheme is intended for inter-package references
then there are security issues with that. If not, then why the UUID?

At the time of writing, I do not see them being used for inter-package
references (If my understanding equals yours here, as in "references
between otherwise unrelated widgets".

The UUID? Well, it actually eases implementations a bit, since an
implementation can use the UUID as "domain" when requests are made, which
actually allows vendors to reuse existing infrastructure for security
checks and so on.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] Widgets URI scheme... it's baaaack!

2009-05-22 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Fri, 22 May 2009 20:21:56 +0200, Mark Baker  wrote:

I thought he had (somewhat grudgingly) accepted that way (the use of
relative references) forward, as IIRC, the widget: scheme idea was
dropped about that time.  Has some new requirement emerged since then
that makes relative references an undesirable option?

The problem here is that no user agent implementation I am aware of uses  
'relative' URIs when resolving nodes.  If you provide src="foo/bar/baz.png" /> - they all compose an absolute URI from the  
string representing the relative URI, and expose that when you query for  
the attribute value, so putting my markup fragment into a document at the  
root of

// The following Outputs <a  rel="nofollow" href=""></a>

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] Widgets URI scheme... it's baaaack!

2009-05-22 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Fri, 22 May 2009 17:29:57 +0200, Larry Masinter   

If the widget: scheme is intended for inter-package references
then there are security issues with that. If not, then why the UUID?

At the time of writing, I do not see them being used for inter-package  
references (If my understanding equals yours here, as in "references  
between otherwise unrelated widgets".

The UUID? Well, it actually eases implementations a bit, since an  
implementation can use the UUID as "domain" when requests are made, which  
actually allows vendors to reuse existing infrastructure for security  
checks and so on.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] Widgets URI scheme... it's baaaack!

2009-05-22 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Fri, 22 May 2009 15:25:40 +0200, Mark Baker  wrote:

I'm curious to learn where the requirement that "Must not allow
addressing resources outside a widget" came from?  Can you point to a
precedent for such a restriction in any other protocol?  I remember
TimBL writing something to the effect of "Anywhere you can use a URI,
you can use any URI", possibly in his design issues, but I can't find
a reference right now.

The point here is that the widget URI scheme is only supposed to be used  
to synthesise an origin so nodes in the DOM can be sensibly resolved for  
resources inside the package.  The reason for choosing a synthetic scheme  

1. A web (http(s?)) origin will not work, because a widget MAY be  
distributed over other channels than the web (such as bluetooth,  
pre-bundled on devices, installed through third-party package managment  
systems (debian packages/repositories)).
2. Further, (some) widgets might not provide an authorative means of  
determining the web origin of the widget, if any such origin existed in  
the first place.
3. A well-behaved widget runtime should provide complete isolation from  
the underlying operating system, including the layout of the file system
4. It must not be possible for a widget to resolve and reference resources  
in other widget packages on the same system (The underlying assumption  
here is that it should not be possible for a widget running on a user  
agent to determine which other widgets are running or installed on the  
same system.

Points 1/2 pretty much invalidate http as a valid origin, while 3/4  
invalidates the use of file: (which also has an entirely different set of  
compatibility issues between web ua's that I doubt will be resolved  
anytime soon.)

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] Call for Input: Use Cases and Requirements for Widgets Access Request spec

2009-05-22 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Fri, 22 May 2009 11:17:26 +0200, Scott Wilson  

[About use-cases and requirements for widgets access requests]

Is there a particular preferred format for submitting use cases?

Not that I know of, but I would much prefer to see one thread per use-case  
on this list, so they can be discussed separately, and also discussed as  
separate items in phone conferences.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widget] Security model

2009-05-19 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Tue, 19 May 2009 11:18:36 +0200, Marcos Caceres  wrote:

> With my "editor" hat on, I would like to propose the following
> security model for widgets:
> 1. If no  element is used, the application type (e.g., HTML,
> Flash, whatever) is responsible for providing the security
> context/rules under which the widget runs. For HTML this means that a
> widget runs as if you had dragged a HTML file from your hard-drive
> into the Web browser.

It's at this stage I should point out that "dragged a HTML file from your 
hard-drive in to the web browser" has no really consistent security model. 

* Some browsers will restrict XHR (and similar interfaces) to only work for 
valid subtrees of the top-level document.
* Some browsers will also enforce the previous rule for inlines
* Some browsers will allow cross-protocol loading of inline resources
* Some browsers will restrict this
* Other browsers, where the scripting hooks go fairly infinitely deep into the 
operating system (Hi, MSIE), will disable scripting and active content entirely.

It should also be pointed out that there are requirements floating about that 
basically say "No network access, unless expressly requested by the widgets"

> This defers the security problem to HTML5 or whoever wants to make use
> of widgets as a packaging format.  HTML5 already has to deal with
> situation where HTML files are run locally or with a synthetic origin
> (think email attachments).

This is a cop-out that *will* result in incompatible implementations of 
widgets, because a security model (including the network access bits of it) is 
sorely needed.

> 2. If  is used, then this is an "op-in" to a "widget security
> model" and all network activity is blocked by all means (like a
> firewall), except those access requests made via  element that
> have been granted by the UA. Access requests are granted via the UA
> security policy, which is outside the scope of the Widgets spec.

This would result in widgets that have no use for network access getting 
access, which may or may not be acceptable on mobile devices.

My proposal is roughly:

1. Adopt Opera's prior proposal as a starting model, work out the kinks, and 
leave this as the default model
2. Opt-in for "external-origin" widgets, which follow the W3C security model.  
Widgets claiming to use this model, can also easily be embedded on the web, and 
would work as a "stamp of inline-widget" approval.

> I personally think  should be removed from Widgets 1.0 and
> deferred to Widgets 2.0 once it is properly sorted out.

In my opinion: absolutely not, even if it implies delaying Widgets.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] window modes in P&C, was Re: Small question aboutlatestversionof "P&C specs" (11th Mar 2009)

2009-05-11 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Mon, 11 May 2009 15:10:57 +0200,  wrote:

> I received an email from Arve explaining the possible "spoofing"
> scenario.

Oops. I thought I'd sent that mail to everyone, and not just to Ivan personally.

> He says this, and I think he is right:
>> Forgive my ignorance, but... "spoofing attack"? O_o
> 1. Widget A is started in "Floating mode"
> 2. Widget A requests, and gets a mode change to "Application mode"
> 3. Widget A creates UI that looks like widget application grid 4. User
> thinks she or he is interacting with the application grid, and starts
> widget B 5. User types sensitive data into what she or he thinks is
> Widget B, while typing into widget A.
> Given this, I agree with Arve and I think we are fine here.
> Regards
> ---
> Ivan De Marino
> Orange Labs
> Mobile and Web Software Engineer, R&D UK
> tel. +44 20 8849 5806
> mob. +44 7515 955 861
> mob. +44 7974 156 216
> This e-mail, and any files transmitted with it, is intended only for the
> use of the person/s or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not
> the intended recipient (or authorised to receive information for the
> intended recipient) you must not use, disclose, copy, print or rely on
> this e-mail. If an addressing or transmission error has misdirected this
> e-mail, please notify the author by replying to this e-mail and delete
> all copies of this e-mail.  Thank you.
> France Telecom R&D UK Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales
> with company number 4193379. Our registered office is Minerva House,
> Montague Close, London, SE1 9BB.
> -Original Message-
> From: Marcos Caceres []
> Sent: 11 May 2009 13:59
> Cc:;
> Subject: Re: [widgets] window modes in P&C, was Re: Small question
> aboutlatestversionof "P&C specs" (11th Mar 2009)
> On 5/11/09 1:43 PM, wrote:
>> Forgive my ignorance, but... "spoofing attack"? O_o
> I guess Arve means click jacking.
>> I'll explain the scenario I have in mind:
>> - Widget calls the API "requestModeChange(> desired
>> mode>);"
>> - WUA checks if that mode is valid (the string is valid) and if the
>> WUA "likes" the mode (there could be WUA that supports only
>> "fullscreen", for example)
>> - WUA does a "modechange" on the Widget
> would it not be easier to just set the widget.viewMode property? If it
> works, then the mode changes, onModeChange is fired. If it fails,
> nothing happens (or an error is thrown):
> function changeMode(aMode){
> widget.viewMode = aMode;
> }
> widget.onModeChange = function(){
> ...
> }
> changeMode("banana"); //nothing happens
> changeMode("mini"); //nothing happens
> What might be useful is an event object that tells you what the window
> mode changed from to... maybe.
>> Where exactly you think there could be a "confused UI" or a
> "spoofing"?
> I guess a floating widget that mimics another application, or a full
> screen widget that emulates a locked screen asking you to enter your
> username and password.
>> ---
>> Ivan De Marino
>> Orange Labs
>> Mobile and Web Software Engineer, R&D UK
>> tel. +44 20 8849 5806
>> mob. +44 7515 955 861
>> mob. +44 7974 156 216
>> This e-mail, and any files transmitted with it, is intended only for
> the
>> use of the person/s or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not
>> the intended recipient (or authorised to receive information for the
>> intended recipient) you must not use, disclose, copy, print or rely on
>> this e-mail. If an addressing or transmission error has misdirected
> this
>> e-mail, please notify the author by replying to this e-mail and delete
>> all copies of this e-mail.  Thank you.
>> France Telecom R&D UK Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales
>> with company number 4193379. Our registered office is Minerva House,
>> Montague Close, London, SE1 9BB.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Arve Bersvendsen []
>> Sent: 11 May 2009 12:25
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [widgets] window modes in P&C, was Re: Small question
>> aboutlatestversion o

Re: [widgets] window modes in P&C, was Re: Small question about latestversion of "P&C specs" (11th Mar 2009)

2009-05-11 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Mon, 11 May 2009 13:14:40 +0200,  wrote:

> About the "widget requesting a resize", I sent in the past an email to
> Arve about something similar but not quite the same: a sort of "request
> mode change" or something. This would allow widgets to ASK the WUA for
> "mode change".
> Any news about that?

As I've noted in the past, I don't really think this is a good idea, as the 
distinction between "floating" and "application" (or whatever we do with this 
in the end), will result in a confusing UI at best. At worst, we could end with 
UI spoofing attacks.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: Storage and widgets

2009-04-27 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Sat, 25 Apr 2009 20:01:20 +0200, Scott Wilson 

> I think perhaps the underlying assumptions may vary according to the  
> type of UA?
> However, I think even on a single-user O/S (e.g. mobile) or in a  
> sandboxed user context you would still want to maintain storage of  
> preferences on a per-instance basis.

Correct, and this is what Opera's implementation currently does. In addition, 
Opera also defines an entirely separate context for every widget, so that 
cookies or history is not shared between widget instances.

For widget storage, we can probably add some prescriptive text to the A&E spec, 
but I'll have to admit that I'm not at all sure of where to put those other 
concerns, except in a separate specification.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

2009-04-24 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 13:21:15 +0200, Marcos Caceres  wrote:

>> In that case, it is not a request, so widget.changeMode()  
>> would be more appropriate, where a user agent MAY choose to not honor  
>> the request.
> If it doesn't, it would throw an exception. Right?

I would much prefer that it didn't, were we to specify this, as it would be 
consistent with other APIs for managing windows and sizes: never 
throws, neither does resizeTo|resizeBy|moveTo|moveBy

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

2009-04-24 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 12:26:29 +0200,  wrote:

> Hello guys.
> What would you think of an API for empowering the Widget to "ask for  
> mode change"?
> Something like:
>   widget.ModeChangeRequest();
> Of course the WUA can ignore the request.

In that case, it is not a request, so widget.changeMode() would be 
more appropriate, where a user agent MAY choose to not honor the request.

It should be noted, however, that this is problematic on device for a number of 
reasons, given that floating or mini widgets would typically exist on some 
"desktop" or in an application grid, so these mode changes are problematic from 
a UX-view (and may as well have a security implication or two)

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: Storage and widgets

2009-04-24 Thread Arve Bersvendsen
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 20:17:07 +0200, Thomas Roessler  wrote:

> Guido Grassel is reminding me that the HTML5 storage API keys off  
> origin. Thy means another wrinkle or the uri scheme/origin discussion.

Note that only the instantiations of storage, through the localStorage and 
sessionStorage, are using origin.  The storage interface itself does not, so I 
do not see any immediate consequences with regards to preferences or any uri 
scheme discussion.

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

New Widgets A&E Editors Draft

2009-04-16 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

We've pushed a new editors draft of Widgets API's and events on>.

Notable changes include:

* Removed section 5.  Resources are URI scheme agnostic, and package-internal 
URIs are instead expected to use whichever protocol is actually specified
* Removed section 6. We instead rely on the Widget interface being instantiated on 
whatever is considered the "Global" object, whether this is window or something 
* Removed show/hide() as of my earlier mail to the list.
* Addressed all red block issues (save the acknowledgments) 

I would like to push this to a working draft as soon as possible, and have a 
short editing period before aiming for LC.
Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

[Widgets A&E] Removing show() and hide()

2009-04-16 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

The show() and hide() methods from the Widgets A&E specification has a lot of 
potential to be abused, and annoying.  In this sense, it should really be hidden behind a 
 definitions, so a User Agent can optionally allow or disallow the feature.

With that in mind, I would propose dropping these two methods from A&E, and leave them to later be specified as an extension.  

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] s on s

2009-03-18 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 23:22:54 +0100, Robin Berjon  wrote:

I see a limited use case for the sort of example you propose, but I'm  
nevertheless going to push back against it. One reason is that it can  
already be described with features, to witness:

Getting in to the edge cases here: What if I have an application where falling 
back to read access is acceptable, if write fails (In other words, failure to 
adhere to some option is not fatal)?

Arve Bersvendsen

Developer, Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] s on s

2009-03-18 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 16:19:34 +0100, Robin Berjon  wrote:

On Mar 18, 2009, at 15:38 , Marcos Caceres wrote:
It might be good to add an s element on the  element  
to allow options to be set for features using name-value pairs. For  

Do you have some examples that involve things that aren't pants?

Does this suffice? 


The intent would be to allow a widget UA to allow native UI for selecting this, 
not dependent on for instance browseForDirectory().

Arve Bersvendsen

Developer, Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] Making config.xml mandatory

2009-03-10 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Mon, 09 Mar 2009 14:12:38 +0100, Hillebrand, Rainer 

Which different security privileges does a widget have in comparison to  
any other content? Doesn't it depend on a security policy that we do not  
define in the W3C?

While this is not yet defined by the W3C or other organizations, pre-existing 
implementations do indeed have different privileges:

1. Commonly, widget runtimes may ignore the same-origin policy that browsers 
have used
2. Some legacy implementations essentially have shell access, and bundle a set 
of Gnu (or gnu-like) tools
3. Filesystem access
4. Extended device API work is ongoing, such as OMTP's initiative
Arve Bersvendsen

Developer, Opera Software ASA,

Re: [Widgets] APIs and Events preference change

2009-03-09 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Mon, 09 Mar 2009 12:20:25 +0100, Arthur Barstow  


On Mar 5, 2009, at 9:14 AM, ext Arve Bersvendsen wrote:

After the last F2F in Paris, I spoke to Ian Hickson about the Storage  
APIs in HTML5, and my understanding is now that his intent is to split  
this part of the spec into a separate document. This makes it much  
easier for us to reference an external spec, given that the scope of  
such a specification is much smaller.

One comment I received is:

At the moment, there is no way to separate the localStorage for pages  
that are stored in the same domain and file system is considered one  

The result is that widgets could see each other's preferences.

What are your thoughts on how to change the definition of localStorage?

Note that there is a difference between localStorage and Storage.  I am assuming that an implementation will place a (different) instance of a Storage interface on the widget.preferences object. This object would not be bound to the same storage instance as window.localStorage, and instead have its origin set to that of the widget (whatever URI scheme or origin we end up with once those issues are resolved), translated: The widget interface would not end up using the same storage area.  

This already seems to be permitted by the current spec, still residing in HTML5 
[1], where there are two separate Storage instances in window.localStorage and 

Arve Bersvendsen

Developer, Opera Software ASA,

[Widgets] APIs and Events preference change

2009-03-05 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

After the last F2F in Paris, I spoke to Ian Hickson about the Storage APIs in 
HTML5, and my understanding is now that his intent is to split this part of the 
spec into a separate document. This makes it much easier for us to reference an 
external spec, given that the scope of such a specification is much smaller.

I have updated the spec, currently reflected in to be in line with the 
current state of this future specification.

Note that the Storage API as involved here obsoletes the need for the 
set/getPreference methods, and they are now commented out to reflect this.

If the change is acceptable, it should close ACTION-233 and ACTION-313
Arve Bersvendsen

Developer, Opera Software ASA,

Re: SVG as Widget Icon (was: Request for Comments: Last Call WD of Widgets 1.0: Packaging & Configuration spec; deadline 31 Jan 2009)

2009-01-29 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 19:59:53 +0100, Doug Schepers  wrote:

On another topic, I would like to use Widgets with pure SVG content,
rather than including HTML... I didn't see a clear way to do this, nor
was it explicitly disallowed.  I'll review the spec more to see if there
are problems in this regard.

Informational: Opera's pre-P&C-implementation allows widgets in any format that Opera 
can handle natively, using the widgetfile element [1][2].  Given that the 
P&C-specification does not explicitly disallow or mandate a content type for the start 
file, I would expect this behavior to be conformant in an implementation of P&C

[2] Should be testable both in Opera 9.6x and the upcoming Opera 10.00

Arve Bersvendsen

Developer, Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] A proposal on widget modes

2009-01-22 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Thu, 22 Jan 2009 14:25:02 +0100, Priestley, Mark, VF-Group 

Hi Arve,

Thanks for your feedback - I'm glad our thinking is along similar lines.
Some responses to your comments below.

Some responses below. Note that I have cut parts to which I have no direct 
answer yet.

Application mode is required outside of a mobile context, to
differentiate between chromeless (e.g. Opera
Widgets/Dashboard/etc) and widgets with OS Chrome (e.g. the
Adobe AIR view state model)

[MP] We are of course fine with an application mode being defined, we
don't have an opinion on what it should be... From your description we
assume it will be as per the floating mode but with chrome?

There are some expected differences in behavior.

1. Floating widgets are expected to be draggable from any area of the widget, 
except where defined by [CSS] to not be draggable. 'Application' Widgets are 
not expected to exhibit this behavior.
2. Application widgets are expected to be user-resizable, and so authors cannot 
rely on the widget having any particular viewport size.

This makes them behave much more like 'fullscreen' in a mobile context, or like 
a regular web page in a browser.

a.)onModeChange - an event triggered when the widget

transitions to a

new mode;

It needs to be specified _when_ this event is triggered. Is it
prior to the mode switch taking place?  Is it a DOM event, or
a callback.  Is it cancellable?

[MP] We think that this should be a DOM event that takes place after the
switch of modes. Not cancellable.

The downside to letting this happen after the mode switch, is that the widget might in this callback want to 

a.) Only one floating mode widget can have focus. The widget with
focus must have the highest z-index;

This is in direct conflict with Window behavior on Unix/Linux
system, where a window can have a lower z-index than other
windows, and still be focused. It is also in conflict with
Opera's current desktop widget implementation, where it is
possible to push widgets to stick to the desktop and as such
be overlaid by other windows.

[MP] Good points - so we could instead say something like the last
widget that the user interacted with
has focus? Would that work?

I'm not really sure there is a need to say anything really - because we'd be 
well into the domain of specifying interaction requirements and behavior of 
operating systems.

Arve Bersvendsen

Developer, Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] A proposal on widget modes

2009-01-20 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

Yes, from my standpoint, this seems to be a good proposal, but we might want to clear it with the CSS working group.  

Arve Bersvendsen

Developer, Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] Agenda for 18 December 2008 voice conference

2008-12-16 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 13:01:16 +0100, Arthur Barstow  

Below is the draft agenda for the December 18 Widgets Voice Conference  

I'm going to have to send my regrets.

Arve Bersvendsen

Developer, Opera Software ASA,

Re: partial signing (Re: ACTION-163)

2008-12-04 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Thu, 04 Dec 2008 15:42:46 +0100, Thomas Roessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Have you considered what the requirements would be for external  
resources, e.g., scripts sourced through a script tag?

That would have to be determined by a security model that applies to the signed 
package. Opera's implementation could for instance allow:"</a>;>

... while it could deny"</a>;>

Arve Bersvendsen

Developer, Opera Software ASA,

b. Action-233 "Research the Widget object's preference attribute to make sure it uses the correct type";

2008-12-04 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

Re:  <>

If we are deprecating preferences in favor of HTML5 persistent storage, this 
action point is irrelevant.

Arve Bersvendsen

Developer, Opera Software ASA,


2008-12-04 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

Opera's current position is that we do not wish to allow partial signing, as 

a) Unsigned components in a signed package can always in some way be treated as 
executable code, and thus it undermines any security model, or forces vendors 
to implement a much more complex tainting model for the content.

b) As for having different signatures for different components: While this is 
slightly less problematic, it should not fall in under use cases solved for any 
v1.0 specification, as it also complicates any security model too much at this 

Arve Bersvendsen

Developer, Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] Version string

2008-10-27 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Mon, 27 Oct 2008 20:11:20 +0100, Jon Ferraiolo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

We came up with an approach at OpenAjax Alliance for version strings  
where the string must begin with N.N (or N.N.N or N.N.N.N) but can  
contain arbitrary alpha text after the number value. Then we defined how  
to do numeric comparisons between the leading numeric parts of two  
different version strings.

So, you are allowing something like



Is any judgment whether one version in these cases is newer than the  
other? If so, which is newer of the following?


Arve Bersvendsen

Developer, Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] Preferences API

2008-09-30 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Tue, 30 Sep 2008 18:28:59 +0200, Marcos Caceres  

While I, in principle, agree that not replicating existing storage APIs  
is a

good thing, are we sure that all widget implementations will implement

As Jonas said, we would just mandate that implementations implement
just that one part of HTML5. Or, we just rip that part of HTML5 and
put it in our spec and make sure we keep them synced.

If we are to do one of these, I'd very much prefer not to have to keep it  
continously updated until 2022.

Also, are we sure that a preference storage may not have additional
requirements that make them a bad match (such as encryption of stored  

I also agree with Jonas that if it's good for widgets, it's probably
good for HTML5 as a whole. For V1 of widgets, I think that HTML5's
storage meets r26 [1]. But if new requirements arise (such as data
encryption) we should work with the HTML-WG on that.

Note that encryption, which was my example here, may be an implementation  
detail. I was just trying to say something about the requirement for HTML5  
and Widgets might be different.

Arve Bersvendsen

Developer, Opera Software ASA,

Re: [widgets] Preferences API

2008-09-30 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Tue, 30 Sep 2008 01:35:42 +0200, Marcos Caceres  

Hi All,
I think we should dump the Widgets preferences API in favor of HTML5
DOM's storage API. Basically, preferences API basically replicates
what DOM Storage already defines. Also, DOM storage is already
implemented across three or four browsers and we can assume the
specification to be fairly stable (or hopefully it will be by the time
we get to CR). Dumping the preferences API will also avoid problems in
the future as HTML5 becomes prevalent in the market.

While I, in principle, agree that not replicating existing storage APIs is  
a good thing, are we sure that all widget implementations will implement  
HTML5?  Also, are we sure that a preference storage may not have  
additional requirements that make them a bad match (such as encryption of  
stored data)?

Arve Bersvendsen

Developer, Opera Software ASA,

Re: [Widgets] Requirements LC

2008-06-20 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Fri, 20 Jun 2008 12:25:04 +0200, timeless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 11:08 AM, Arve Bersvendsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

The security policy proposed by Opera (and mostly implemented already)
allows you to XHR any content stored within the package archive itself,  
as it would allow you to include the contents of a package through  

Re: [Widgets] Requirements LC

2008-06-20 Thread Arve Bersvendsen

On Fri, 20 Jun 2008 09:11:42 +0200, Marcos Caceres  

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Marcos Caceres

To which Timeless replied...

Yes, that is possible (using XHR to load the config from within the
package), but then you have to walk an XML tree which sucks. The other
way is to use the properties that we have bound to the Widget object.
Check out

yeah, i'm sure such things are possible in some theoretical sense, but
i want to make sure that the API you're asking for doesn't
specifically do/enable this.

Arve? What does the proposed security policy say about this? Can XHR
be used to GET resources inside the package?

The security policy proposed by Opera (and mostly implemented already)  
allows you to XHR any content stored within the package archive itself,  
just as it would allow you to include the contents of a package through