Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-07 Thread Charles Pritchard
In fairness, and perspective, GLSL is a big leap, adding one more language with 
neat features like swizzle and matrix math.

SQL is too big a leap for the time being. I'd like to see a continued effort at 
'borrowing' from our new web family member, glsl. Typed arrays are wonderful. 
There's been a little exploration into CSSMatrix for mat4 operations. 
Interesting stuff.

That's my top-post opinion.

I have a lot of respect for sqlite-- postgres devs gave me the impression 
they'd prefer a method based API over relexing or reusing the sqlite dialect.


On Apr 6, 2011, at 10:24 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

 On 4/4/11 10:15 AM, Ryan Fugger wrote:
 That's not the only reason.  Mozilla laid out others ten months ago:
 Mozilla's plan appears to be to implement IndexedDB on top of SQLite,
 This is not a plan so much as a current stopgap.
  Why not just expose the thing and let developers worry about whether
  what they're using is standard or not, and suffer the consequences
  later, if in fact there are any?
 Because due to the incentive structure here the entities making the bad 
 decisions are not the ones who end up having to suffer the consequences.  
 It's a typical case of externalizing the negatives.
 It seems to me that the proper role for standards
 is to step in and help clear things up when they get messy
 Often it's too late by then.

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 9:33 PM, Joran Greef wrote:
 On 06 Apr 2011, at 2:53 AM, Pablo Castro wrote:

 The goal of IndexedDB has always been to enable things like RelationalDB and 
 CouchDB to be built on top, while maintaining a reasonable level of 
 functionality for those that wanted to use it directly. I really like the 
 idea of thinking of RelationalDB as something that's built as a library on 
 top of IndexedDB. Are there specific tweaks we can make to IndexedDB so it 
 can be a good lower-layer for RelationalDB, such that RelationalDB could be 
 built as a pure JavaScript library?


 1. Treat object values as opaque (necessary to avoid 
 deserialization/serialization overhead, this is mandatory for storing 
 anything over 50,000 objects on a device like an iPad or iPhone).

Please explain this in more detail as I have no idea what you mean by
treat as opaque. Are you saying that we should not allow storing
objects but rather only allow storing strings? If not, surely any type
of object needs to be serialized upon storage. If you are simply
suggesting forbidding storing objects, then this doesn't seem like a
blocker. Simply store a string and we won't serialize anything.

I'm also interested in what you are basing the claim on overhead on.
Have you profiled a IndexedDB implementation? If so, which? And if
Firefox, did you do so before or after we switched away from using a
JSON serializer?

 2. Enable indices to be modified at time of putting/deleting objects (index 
 references provided by application at time of putObject/deleteObject call).

I don't believe that this is a blocker. You can simply modify the
object you are storing to add properties and then index of these
properties. What you are suggesting only has the advantage that it
allows storing objects without modifying them. While that can be
important, it isn't a blocker to at least creating a prototype

 3. Provide a simpler, more powerful locking mechanism, opaque to IndexedDB, 
 to provide finer-grained application-specific locking (i.e. have we just 
 entered into a sync process with the master database).

Are you talking about supporting row-level locking? As far as I can
tell we support as fine grained locking as possible without going to
row-level locks. We already support more fine grained locking than for
example WebSQL which only support whole-database locks.

None of the issues you are listing seems like blockers for creating a
RelationalDB implementation on top of IndexedDB. And there's still an
abundance of lack of proposals.

/ Jonas

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Joran Greef
On 06 Apr 2011, at 8:56 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 1. Treat object values as opaque (necessary to avoid 
 deserialization/serialization overhead, this is mandatory for storing 
 anything over 50,000 objects on a device like an iPad or iPhone).
 Please explain this in more detail as I have no idea what you mean by
 treat as opaque. Are you saying that we should not allow storing
 objects but rather only allow storing strings? If not, surely any type
 of object needs to be serialized upon storage. If you are simply
 suggesting forbidding storing objects, then this doesn't seem like a
 blocker. Simply store a string and we won't serialize anything.
 I'm also interested in what you are basing the claim on overhead on.
 Have you profiled a IndexedDB implementation? If so, which? And if
 Firefox, did you do so before or after we switched away from using a
 JSON serializer?

Yes, it must accept a string value and store that directly. The opaque 
terminology comes from some of the BDB papers.

I tested both Chrome and Firefox implementations 3 weeks ago. Both were an 
order of magnitude slower than using SQLite as a key-value store (storing 
strings as blobs). You can use whatever serializer you like, but it will always 
be slower than avoiding serialization completely (this is possible by the way, 
my application does not deserialize objects received from the server before 
storing them). Even if your serializer takes only 1ms per serialize call, 
that's 50 seconds for 50,000 objects. For my use-case that is unacceptable, 
considering that SQLite is available in Chrome and Safari. I will encourage my 
users to use those browsers and continue developing for SQLite until IndexedDB 
resolves this issue.

How would you support indices (see below) if you say Simply store a string and 
we won't serialize anything.?

 2. Enable indices to be modified at time of putting/deleting objects (index 
 references provided by application at time of putObject/deleteObject call).
 I don't believe that this is a blocker. You can simply modify the
 object you are storing to add properties and then index of these
 properties. What you are suggesting only has the advantage that it
 allows storing objects without modifying them. While that can be
 important, it isn't a blocker to at least creating a prototype

How would you index objects passed to putObject as a string (see above)? Plus 
you have the unnecessary object creation overhead. How fast is it to create 
50,000 objects on an iPad? What would that do to the GC and why would you want 
to do that if you don't need to?

I would like to see Mozilla do as they say: re-implement a SQLite on 
IndexedDB themselves, that is just as fast and memory efficient as the 
original, before suggesting that this is possible, that the web therefore be 
deprived of SQLite. Furthermore, that Mozilla stop using SQLite for all 
internal use, and rely solely on IndexedDB instead. That is essentially the 
request that Mozilla are making of web developers today.

It's clear that scores of web developers are upset with the decision to 
deprecate WebSQL. It's not clear that IndexedDB provides anything close in 
terms of actual raw performance. This surprised me greatly since I assumed 
IndexedDB would naturally leverage established indexed key-value ideas (for 
instance to quote BDB - In Berkeley DB, the key and value in a record are 
opaque to Berkeley DB) which would give it an edge over SQLite.

Pragmatically speaking, would it really be so hard for Mozilla to join Chrome, 
Safari and Opera and provide an embedding of SQLite along with IndexedDB?

If IndexedDB is as good as you suggest it is, then I am sure developers will 
flock to it, and you won't need to speculate as to whether or not SQLite will 
take over the web and then break backwards compatibility (despite a stated 
objective and proven track record of not doing so). And if SQLite did ever 
break backwards compatibility then developers would have IndexedDB. And if 
applications relying on SQLite are abandoned by their authors and broken as a 
result of not upgrading, then arguably those applications should be deprecated 
and not SQLite.

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 3:21 AM, Joran Greef wrote:
 On 06 Apr 2011, at 8:56 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 1. Treat object values as opaque (necessary to avoid 
 deserialization/serialization overhead, this is mandatory for storing 
 anything over 50,000 objects on a device like an iPad or iPhone).

 Please explain this in more detail as I have no idea what you mean by
 treat as opaque. Are you saying that we should not allow storing
 objects but rather only allow storing strings? If not, surely any type
 of object needs to be serialized upon storage. If you are simply
 suggesting forbidding storing objects, then this doesn't seem like a
 blocker. Simply store a string and we won't serialize anything.

 I'm also interested in what you are basing the claim on overhead on.
 Have you profiled a IndexedDB implementation? If so, which? And if
 Firefox, did you do so before or after we switched away from using a
 JSON serializer?

 Yes, it must accept a string value and store that directly. The opaque 
 terminology comes from some of the BDB papers.

This is already supported, so I don't understand why you list this as
a blocker for implementing something like RelationalDB.

 I tested both Chrome and Firefox implementations 3 weeks ago. Both were an 
 order of magnitude slower than using SQLite as a key-value store (storing 
 strings as blobs). You can use whatever serializer you like, but it will 
 always be slower than avoiding serialization completely (this is possible by 
 the way, my application does not deserialize objects received from the server 
 before storing them). Even if your serializer takes only 1ms per serialize 
 call, that's 50 seconds for 50,000 objects. For my use-case that is 
 unacceptable, considering that SQLite is available in Chrome and Safari. I 
 will encourage my users to use those browsers and continue developing for 
 SQLite until IndexedDB resolves this issue.

Sounds like you have no basis for saying that serialization is an issue then.

 How would you support indices (see below) if you say Simply store a string 
 and we won't serialize anything.?

This however is a problem I agree. However shouldn't be a blocker for
RelationalDB. You'd simply get a bit of overhead. In fact, writing a
prototype would allow us to measure how big that overhead is and would
make an excellent case for adding the API you are suggesting.

/ Jonas

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/4/2011 8:07 AM, Joran Greef wrote:

SQLite has a fantastic track record of maintaining backwards compatibility.
Sort of.  They didn't between SQLite 2 and SQLite 3.  There also have 
been some (albeit minor) backwards compatibility issues with SQLite 3.x 
releases.  The most serious of which deal with performance 
characteristics changing because they changed how the optimizer works.

These type of things are acceptable to deal with in browser code because 
you can change your code unlike on the web (unless you want to have 
different code for each browser, and then each browser version).  It's 
that, or browsers can ship one version of SQLite for all eternity.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/4/2011 10:28 AM, Joran Greef wrote:

Do you think it would be wise then to advocate doing away with SQLite before 
IndexedDB has had a chance to prove itself? Surely two competing APIs would be 
the fastest way to bring IndexedDB up to speed?
Who is advocating doing away with it?  Note that I would not consider 
vendors not implementing it as doing away with it.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Joran Greef
On 06 Apr 2011, at 6:26 PM, Shawn Wilsher wrote:

 On 4/4/2011 8:07 AM, Joran Greef wrote:
 SQLite has a fantastic track record of maintaining backwards compatibility.
 Sort of.  They didn't between SQLite 2 and SQLite 3.  There also have been 
 some (albeit minor) backwards compatibility issues with SQLite 3.x releases.  
 The most serious of which deal with performance characteristics changing 
 because they changed how the optimizer works.
 These type of things are acceptable to deal with in browser code because you 
 can change your code unlike on the web (unless you want to have different 
 code for each browser, and then each browser version).  It's that, or 
 browsers can ship one version of SQLite for all eternity.

We only need one fixed version of SQLite to be shipped across Chrome, Safari, 
Opera, Firefox and IE. That in itself would represent a tremendous goal for 
IndexedDB to target and to try and achieve. When it actually does, and 
surpasses the fixed version of SQLite, those developers requiring the raw 
performance and reliability of SQLite could then switch over.

It is too soon to deprecate SQLite in the browser. IndexedDB is only getting 
started. It is beta and nowhere near the performance and test coverage of 

A fixed version of SQLite across browsers would be helpful at this stage. If 
Mozilla could lead the way on this it would be fantastic. Perhaps that would 
satisfy all parties on these issues?

It would also give IndexedDB implementors sufficient incentive to optimize 
their implementations, and developers the safety net of SQLite until such time 
as they do.

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/4/2011 10:18 AM, Joran Greef wrote:

How would you create an index on an existing object store in IndexedDB 
containing more than 50,000 objects on an iPad, without incurring any object 
deserialization/serialization overhead, without being an order of magnitude 
slower than SQLite, and without bringing the iPad to its knees? If you can do 
it with even one IndexedDB implementation out there then kudos and hats off to 
you. :)
You keep bringing this point up, but only a naive implementation of 
IndexedDB would bring a device to it's knees (or a poorly implemented 
thread scheduler, which I don't expect the iPad to have).  The API is 
asynchronous, which means it doesn't need to (nor should it) happen on 
any thread that the UI is being drawn on.

You still have a point about it possibly taking longer, but even then, 
that will be implementation dependent.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Joran Greef
On 06 Apr 2011, at 6:49 PM, Shawn Wilsher wrote:

 On 4/4/2011 10:18 AM, Joran Greef wrote:
 How would you create an index on an existing object store in IndexedDB 
 containing more than 50,000 objects on an iPad, without incurring any object 
 deserialization/serialization overhead, without being an order of magnitude 
 slower than SQLite, and without bringing the iPad to its knees? If you can 
 do it with even one IndexedDB implementation out there then kudos and hats 
 off to you. :)
 You keep bringing this point up, but only a naive implementation of IndexedDB 
 would bring a device to it's knees (or a poorly implemented thread scheduler, 
 which I don't expect the iPad to have).  The API is asynchronous, which means 
 it doesn't need to (nor should it) happen on any thread that the UI is being 
 drawn on.
 You still have a point about it possibly taking longer, but even then, that 
 will be implementation dependent.

I bring up the iPad example because I had experience with a LocalStorage 
implementation (I think it was Safari) loading the contents of LocalStorage 
into memory synchronously on first access, blocking the UI thread. I am 
probably wrong on this one but I think I remember reading on Web Apps that this 
was one of the motivations behind limiting LocalStorage quota to around 10mb. 
At the time I was one of those who believed that LocalStorage would support 
storage of at least 10 GB as a matter of course. I hope you can understand my 
slight distrust of subsequent storage APIs (other than those of proven track 
record) in this light.

It would still take longer (easily 30-50 seconds per 50,000 objects more than 
an opaque key-value store built on SQLite) even if the IndexedDB implementation 
was asynchronous. The developer would also have a tough time reasoning about 
when index migrations would be finished, since IndexedDB offers no control over 
the migration process and provides no way to modify index memberships directly. 
For those that care about these things, IndexedDB does not provide sufficient 
low-level storage primitives.

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/6/2011 9:44 AM, Joran Greef wrote:

We only need one fixed version of SQLite to be shipped across Chrome, Safari, 
Opera, Firefox and IE. That in itself would represent a tremendous goal for 
IndexedDB to target and to try and achieve. When it actually does, and 
surpasses the fixed version of SQLite, those developers requiring the raw 
performance and reliability of SQLite could then switch over.
I don't believe any browser vendor would be interested in shipping two 
different version of SQLite (one for internal use, and one for the web). 
 I can say, with certainty, that Mozilla is not.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/6/2011 10:06 AM, Joran Greef wrote:

I bring up the iPad example because I had experience with a LocalStorage 
implementation (I think it was Safari) loading the contents of LocalStorage 
into memory synchronously on first access, blocking the UI thread. I am 
probably wrong on this one but I think I remember reading on Web Apps that this 
was one of the motivations behind limiting LocalStorage quota to around 10mb. 
At the time I was one of those who believed that LocalStorage would support 
storage of at least 10 GB as a matter of course. I hope you can understand my 
slight distrust of subsequent storage APIs (other than those of proven track 
record) in this light.
localStorage had a major design flaw that shipped and was then used 
before it was identified (at least that's my understanding of the 
timeline).  That flaw is that it requires disk I/O to happen before (in 
webkit's case onload) or during the call to the API.  IndexedDB (and 
WebSQL) were specifically designed to avoid this by doing the work 



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 10:14 AM, Shawn Wilsher wrote:
 On 4/6/2011 9:44 AM, Joran Greef wrote:
 We only need one fixed version of SQLite to be shipped across Chrome,
 Safari, Opera, Firefox and IE. That in itself would represent a tremendous
 goal for IndexedDB to target and to try and achieve. When it actually does,
 and surpasses the fixed version of SQLite, those developers requiring the
 raw performance and reliability of SQLite could then switch over.

 I don't believe any browser vendor would be interested in shipping two
 different version of SQLite (one for internal use, and one for the web).  I
 can say, with certainty, that Mozilla is not.

In addition, as previously stated, the near certainty that there is,
hidden somewhere in the code, some security bugs (there are *always*
security bugs) means that browsers can not/will not ship a single
fixed version.

When a security bug is encountered, either the browsers update to a
new version of sqlite (if it's already been fixed), thus potentially
breaking sites, or they patch sqlite and then upgrade to the patched
version, thus potentially breaking sites, or they fork sqlite and
patch the error only in their forked version, still potentially
breaking sites but also forking the project.  The only thing that is
*not* a valid possibility is the browsers staying on the single fixed
version, thus continuing to expose their users to the security bug.


Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Joran Greef
On 06 Apr 2011, at 7:14 PM, Shawn Wilsher wrote:

 On 4/6/2011 9:44 AM, Joran Greef wrote:
 We only need one fixed version of SQLite to be shipped across Chrome, 
 Safari, Opera, Firefox and IE. That in itself would represent a tremendous 
 goal for IndexedDB to target and to try and achieve. When it actually does, 
 and surpasses the fixed version of SQLite, those developers requiring the 
 raw performance and reliability of SQLite could then switch over.
 I don't believe any browser vendor would be interested in shipping two 
 different version of SQLite (one for internal use, and one for the web).  I 
 can say, with certainty, that Mozilla is not.

If Mozilla enjoys using the latest version of SQLite (and I assume they are not 
planning on replacing internal SQLite embeddings with IndexedDB - not at this 
stage at least), then web developers deserve the latest version.

Ship the latest version of SQLite (even with the -moz prefix). Developers 
targeting HTML 5 are used to API changes, waiting on browsers and trying to 
reason about broken implementations. The library writers will quickly grow over 
any SQLite version changes should they even ever arise.

Would you run the Mozilla production database on any browser's implementation 
of IndexedDB? How can you expect developers to run their production client code 
on IndexedDB? It's simply not ready and will not be for at least a year or two 
or three. How likely is it that SQLite (given it's history) will remove the 
SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements before then?

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Joran Greef
On 06 Apr 2011, at 7:24 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

 When a security bug is encountered, either the browsers update to a
 new version of sqlite (if it's already been fixed), thus potentially
 breaking sites, or they patch sqlite and then upgrade to the patched
 version, thus potentially breaking sites, or they fork sqlite and
 patch the error only in their forked version, still potentially
 breaking sites but also forking the project.  The only thing that is
 *not* a valid possibility is the browsers staying on the single fixed
 version, thus continuing to expose their users to the security bug.

Browser vendors are moving to shorter and shorter release cycles. People have 
stopped viewing these things through the IE6-here-forever lens. Browsers are 
starting to update themselves automatically, even nightly. If a security issue 
were to be found, it would be highly unlikely that its patch would break any 
SQL interface of SQLite.

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 4/6/11 10:30 AM, Joran Greef wrote:

If Mozilla enjoys using the latest version of SQLite (and I assume they are not 
planning on replacing internal SQLite embeddings with IndexedDB - not at this 
stage at least), then web developers deserve the latest version.

This is not obvious a priori, for what it's worth.

Mozilla also enjoys using self-modifying machine code [1], for example. 
 Yet we have no plans to expose that capability directly to the web.

Ship the latest version of SQLite (even with the -moz prefix).

In case this was not clear, we think that this would be actively bad for 
the web, not least by increasing the barrier to entry into the web space 
for new browsers.



Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Joran Greef
On 06 Apr 2011, at 7:42 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

 On 4/6/11 10:30 AM, Joran Greef wrote:
 If Mozilla enjoys using the latest version of SQLite (and I assume they are 
 not planning on replacing internal SQLite embeddings with IndexedDB - not at 
 this stage at least), then web developers deserve the latest version.
 This is not obvious a priori, for what it's worth.

The point was made with reference to Mozilla expecting web developers to run 
production client code on IndexedDB, when Mozilla themselves run production 
code on SQLite.

Boris, Jonas and Shaun, we could talk round and round in circles. It seems 
you're not too concerned by any of the performance and design problems re: 
indexedDB that I have raised. You ask for proposals but it's clear you're not 
sold on these issues. If you were, I am sure you would be among the first to 
provide them.

Do you have real-world experience developing web-based applications, targeting 
mobile and desktop, with offline support for storing, indexing, migrating and 
synchronizing several million objects? Or are we all arguing in the realm of 
conjecture (it should be able to) without having encountered any of these 
issues ourselves, or having any basis for our claims?

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 On 4/6/11 10:30 AM, Joran Greef wrote:

 If Mozilla enjoys using the latest version of SQLite (and I assume they
 are not planning on replacing internal SQLite embeddings with IndexedDB -
 not at this stage at least), then web developers deserve the latest version.

 This is not obvious a priori, for what it's worth.

 Mozilla also enjoys using self-modifying machine code [1], for example.  Yet
 we have no plans to expose that capability directly to the web.

 Ship the latest version of SQLite (even with the -moz prefix).

 In case this was not clear, we think that this would be actively bad for the
 web, not least by increasing the barrier to entry into the web space for new

For what it's worth, this thread is very much going in circles.

I've listed several reasons why I'm not supporting shipping WebSQL in
Firefox. Nothing in this thread has persuaded me otherwise. In
particular some sort of competition between IndexedDB and WebSQL
doesn't change that in the least.

Further, there have have been claims of various blockers for
implementing something like RelationalDB or even WebSQL on top of
IndexedDB. So far these claims are unsubstantiated.

I really don't think this thread is going to go much further than
this. I'd love for someone to implement a higher-level API on top of
IndexedDB. This will help us find shortcomes in the API, and
bottlenecks in the implementation. But until someone actually does
that, all we have is unsubstantiated guesses.

Others should feel free to continue this thread, but I doubt I will.

/ Jonas

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Ryan Fugger
 That's not the only reason.  Mozilla laid out others ten months ago:

Mozilla's plan appears to be to implement IndexedDB on top of SQLite,
and then encourage developers to build SQL in javascript on top of
IndexedDB.  That seems like a ludicrous hoop to jump through to avoid
letting SQLite become an ad-hoc standard, not to mention a terrible
performance killer for the sake of... what, exactly?  Why not just
expose the thing and let developers worry about whether what they're
using is standard or not, and suffer the consequences later, if in
fact there are any?  It seems to me that the proper role for standards
is to step in and help clear things up when they get messy, not to
prevent developers from accessing useful tools.  If SQLite offers a
consistent SQL interface for the next decade, this will all seem very
foolish, and if they don't, nothing's stopping a fork from maintaining
whatever standard has evolved up to that point, or making
improvements to make it more suitable for exposing to developers
through the browser.


Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Charles Pritchard

On 4/4/2011 10:15 AM, Ryan Fugger wrote:

That's not the only reason.  Mozilla laid out others ten months ago:

Mozilla's plan appears to be to implement IndexedDB on top of SQLite,
and then encourage developers to build SQL in javascript on top of
IndexedDB.  That seems like a ludicrous hoop to jump through to avoi

They have no intention of exposing SQLite to the untrusted environment,
having it in a standards doc wouldn't change that.

SQL has been done-before in JS, I don't see what Mozilla's enthusiasm about
an SQL+IDB layer is about.

I'm a big fan of sqlite. I love public domain software. I think it's a 
great idea.

And this is no slight on sqlite; it does not implement some exotic features
that really make SQL powerful.

Windowing functions really cut down on code:

I do like the RelationalDB idea being floated, I'd like to see more energy
put into that proposal.

It looks like something that's easier to implement on top of JS objects, 
SQLite, or ArrayBuffer,

than starting with the SQLite SQL dialect.

It's still complicated, in that it may easily be fed large joins that 
will grind the computer to a halt,

so that's something that needs to be taken into account.

I'm happier working with IDB than SQLite. I'm happier with IDB than the 
FileSystem API, too.

It's just easier for the items I work on.

And I'm happy that webkit has SQLite available in their public api, 
because I've fallen

back to it many times for data storage. But I just use it in key value pair.


Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-06 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 4/4/11 10:15 AM, Ryan Fugger wrote:

That's not the only reason.  Mozilla laid out others ten months ago:

Mozilla's plan appears to be to implement IndexedDB on top of SQLite,

This is not a plan so much as a current stopgap.

 Why not just expose the thing and let developers worry about whether
 what they're using is standard or not, and suffer the consequences
 later, if in fact there are any?

Because due to the incentive structure here the entities making the bad 
decisions are not the ones who end up having to suffer the consequences. 
 It's a typical case of externalizing the negatives.

It seems to me that the proper role for standards
is to step in and help clear things up when they get messy

Often it's too late by then.


RE: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-05 Thread Pablo Castro

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Keean Schupke
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 10:17 PM

 Something like RelationalDB gives you the power of a relational-db with no 
 dependence on a specific implementation of SQL, so it would be compatible 
 enough for the web.  It fixes all the problems with the standardisation of 
 WebSQL that have been talked about so far.  I think it would find no 
 technical issues that block its standardisation.  As a high level DB API it 
 does not need all the low-level features of IndexedDB, so its API can be 
 much simpler and cleaner. RelationalDB can at least be provided as a library 
 on top of IndexedDB, and it can use WebSQL where it is supported. My concern 
 with the library approach is performance when implemented on top of 

The goal of IndexedDB has always been to enable things like RelationalDB and 
CouchDB to be built on top, while maintaining a reasonable level of 
functionality for those that wanted to use it directly. I really like the idea 
of thinking of RelationalDB as something that's built as a library on top of 
IndexedDB. Are there specific tweaks we can make to IndexedDB so it can be a 
good lower-layer for RelationalDB, such that RelationalDB could be built as a 
pure JavaScript library?


Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-05 Thread Joran Greef
On 06 Apr 2011, at 2:53 AM, Pablo Castro wrote:

 The goal of IndexedDB has always been to enable things like RelationalDB and 
 CouchDB to be built on top, while maintaining a reasonable level of 
 functionality for those that wanted to use it directly. I really like the 
 idea of thinking of RelationalDB as something that's built as a library on 
 top of IndexedDB. Are there specific tweaks we can make to IndexedDB so it 
 can be a good lower-layer for RelationalDB, such that RelationalDB could be 
 built as a pure JavaScript library?

1. Treat object values as opaque (necessary to avoid 
deserialization/serialization overhead, this is mandatory for storing anything 
over 50,000 objects on a device like an iPad or iPhone).
2. Enable indices to be modified at time of putting/deleting objects (index 
references provided by application at time of putObject/deleteObject call).
3. Provide a simpler, more powerful locking mechanism, opaque to IndexedDB, to 
provide finer-grained application-specific locking (i.e. have we just entered 
into a sync process with the master database).

If I may say so, it does seem odd that some would advocate the difficulties of 
speccing merely the interface of something like SQLite, and then advise others 
to suggest re-implementing it entirely. If there was a specific BTree API in 
the browser and a powerful asynchronous sLocalStorage mechanism this might be 
something for the brave, but IndexedDB is a little too tightly coupled to it's 
own interface agenda at the moment to make this goal possible.

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-04 Thread Joran Greef
On 04 Apr 2011, at 4:39 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 Hence it would still be the case that we would be relying on the
 SQLite developers to maintain a stable SQL interpretation...

SQLite has a fantastic track record of maintaining backwards compatibility.

IndexedDB has as yet no track record, no consistent implementations, no 
widespread deployment, only measurably poor performance and a lukewarm indexing 
and querying API.

If anything it's the other way round. You have yet to convince developers that 
IndexedDB will be faster, more stable, more powerful, more memory efficient 
than SQLite and with better test coverage at that.

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-04 Thread Keean Schupke
This is ignoring the possibility that something like RelationalDB could be
used, where a well defined common subset of SQL can be used (and I use
well-defined in the formal sense). This would allow a relatively thin
wrapper on top of most SQL implementations and would allow SQLite (or BDB)
to be used as the backend.

As a seasoned C++ programmer, I could even write a Firefox plugin using
XPCOM as a reference implementation using the same API as the JavaScript
RelationalDB implementation on my GitHub. Although I am not keen on putting
in the time to do this if nobody is interested.

To me is seems this thread is going in circles. RelationalDB does not have
the standardisation problem that WebSQL has, but is still a relatively thin
API layer that can be implemented over the top of a fast and well tested SQL
implementation. It is based on sound theory and research defining the
abstraction layer, and has a relationally complete API, so there should be
no need to change the core API in the development of a standard.


On 4 April 2011 14:39, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Saturday, April 2, 2011, Joran Greef wrote:
  I am incredibly uncomfortable with the idea of putting the
  responsibility of the health of the web in the hands of one project.
  In fact, one of the main reasons I started working at Mozilla was to
  prevent this.
  / Jonas
  I agree with you. All the more reason to support both WebSQL and
 IndexedDB. It is not a case of either/or. It would be healthy to have
 competing APIs.

 Competition might be a great thing. But it doesn't address the issue
 in the least. It would still be the case that some developers would
 choose to use WebSQL, and browser makers would still have to support
 it, including support the SQL dialect it uses.

 Hence it would still be the case that we would be relying on the
 SQLite developers to maintain a stable SQL interpretation to keep a
 healthy and functional web.

 / Jonas

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-04 Thread Joran Greef
On 04 Apr 2011, at 5:26 PM, Keean Schupke wrote:

 This is ignoring the possibility that something like RelationalDB could be 
 used, where a well defined common subset of SQL can be used (and I use 
 well-defined in the formal sense). This would allow a relatively thin wrapper 
 on top of most SQL implementations and would allow SQLite (or BDB) to be used 
 as the backend.

Yes, if an implementation of RelationalDB arrives which is solid and fast with 
support for set operations that would be great. The important thing is that we 
have two competing APIs (and preferably a strong API with a great track record).

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-04 Thread Keean Schupke
Yes, it already has well defined set operations. Solid is a matter of
testing by enough people (and if you wanted to try it and feed back that
would be a start). Fast should not be a problem, as the SQL database does
all the heavy lifting.

In more detail, Codd's six primitive operators are project, restrict,
cross-product, union and difference. Relations are an extension of Sets, so
intersection and difference on compatible relations behave like they would
on sets.

RelationalDB already implements the following 5 methods making it
relationally-complete. Meaning it can do anything you could possibly want to
do with relations using combinations of these 5 methods.

Relation.prototype.project = function(attributes) { // this implements
rename as well.
Relation.prototype.restrict = function(exp)
Relation.prototype.join = function(relation, exp) {
Relation.prototype.union = function() {};
Relation.prototype.difference = function() {};

Of course some things can be made easier, so the following methods, although
they can be defined in terms of the above 5, will be provided (in future
implementations) to keep user code concise and implementations thin and

// derived methods
Relation.prototype.intersection = function() {};
Relation.prototype.thetajoin = function() {};
Relation.prototype.semijoin = function() {};
Relation.prototype.antijoin = function() {};
Relation.prototype.divide = function() {};
Relation.prototype.leftjoin = function() {};
Relation.prototype.rightjoin = function() {};
Relation.prototype.fulljoin = function() {};

We also hope to provide the lattice operators meet and join:

Just these two operators can replace all 5 of Codd's primitives (including
all set operations). With just these two you can do anything that you can
with _all_ the above. Meet is actually the same as Codd's natural-join
(unfortunately terminology in different mathematical fields is not
consistent here) and Join is a generalised union operator.


To see how Meet and Join can be used to construct each of the above


On 4 April 2011 15:36, Joran Greef wrote:

 On 04 Apr 2011, at 5:26 PM, Keean Schupke wrote:

  This is ignoring the possibility that something like RelationalDB could
 be used, where a well defined common subset of SQL can be used (and I use
 well-defined in the formal sense). This would allow a relatively thin
 wrapper on top of most SQL implementations and would allow SQLite (or BDB)
 to be used as the backend.

 Yes, if an implementation of RelationalDB arrives which is solid and fast
 with support for set operations that would be great. The important thing is
 that we have two competing APIs (and preferably a strong API with a great
 track record).

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-04 Thread Keean Schupke
On 4 April 2011 15:55, Keean Schupke wrote:

 Yes, it already has well defined set operations. Solid is a matter of
 testing by enough people (and if you wanted to try it and feed back that
 would be a start). Fast should not be a problem, as the SQL database does
 all the heavy lifting.

 In more detail, Codd's six primitive operators are project, restrict,
 cross-product, union and difference. Relations are an extension of Sets, so
 intersection and difference on compatible relations behave like they would
 on sets.

I missed 'rename' from my list of Codd's operators. Our 'project' function
provides both project  rename, so I overlooked it.



Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-04 Thread Mikeal Rogers
i've mostly stayed out of this thread because i felt like i'd just being fanning the flames but i really can't stay out anymore.

databases are more that SQL, always have been.

SQL is a DSL for relational database access. all implementations of SQL have a similar set of tools they implement first and layer SQL on top of. those tools tend to be a storage engine, btree, and some kind of transactional model between them. under the ugly covers, most databases look like berkeleydb and the layer you live in is just sugar on top.

creating an in-browser specification/implementation on top of a given relational/SQL story is a terrible idea. it's unnecessarily limiting to a higher level api and can't be easily extended the way a simple set of tools like IndexedDB can.

suggesting that other databases be implemented on top of SQL rather than on top of the tools in which SQL is built is just backwards to anyone who's built a database.

it's not very hard to write the abstraction you're talking about on top of IndexedDB, and until you do it i'm going to have a hard time taking you seriously because it's clearly doable.

i implemented a CouchDB compatible datastore on top of IndexedDB, it took me less than a week at a time when there was only one implementation that was still changing and still had bugs. it would be much easier now.

it needs to be updated to use the latest version of the spec which is a day of work i just haven't gotten to yet.

the constructs in IndexedDB are pretty low level but sufficient if you know how to implement databases. performance is definitely an issue, but making these constructs faster would be much easier than trying to tweak an off the shelf SQL implementation to your use case.

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-04 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 8:07 AM, Joran Greef wrote:
 On 04 Apr 2011, at 4:39 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 Hence it would still be the case that we would be relying on the
 SQLite developers to maintain a stable SQL interpretation...

 SQLite has a fantastic track record of maintaining backwards compatibility.

 IndexedDB has as yet no track record, no consistent implementations, no 
 widespread deployment,

It's new.

 only measurably poor performance

Ironically, the poor performance is because it's using sqlite as a
backing-store in the current implementation.  That's being fixed by
replacing sqlite.

 and a lukewarm indexing and querying API.

Kinda the point, in that the power/complexity of SQL confuses a huge
number of develoeprs, who end up coding something which doesn't
actually use the relational model in any significant way, but still
pays the cost of it in syntax.

(I found normalization forms and similar things completely trivial
when I was learning SQL, but for some reason almost every codebase
I've looked at has a horribly-structured db.  As far as I can tell,
the majority of developers just hack SQL into being a linear object
store and do the rest in their application code.  We can reduce the
friction here by actually giving them a linear object store, which is
what IndexedDB is.)


Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-04 Thread Keean Schupke
Some thoughts:

On 4 April 2011 16:10, Mikeal Rogers wrote:

 i've mostly stayed out of this thread because i felt like i'd just being
 fanning the flames but i really can't stay out anymore.

 databases are more that SQL, always have been.

 SQL is a DSL for relational database access. all implementations of SQL
 have a similar set of tools they implement first and layer SQL on top of.
 those tools tend to be a storage engine, btree, and some kind of
 transactional model between them. under the ugly covers, most databases look
 like berkeleydb and the layer you live in is just sugar on top.

SQL is a standard language (or API) for talking to databases. Why should a
developer need to learn a different API for each database. W3 is about
standardising APIs. SQL is just an API standardised as a DSL. It is good for
all the reasons any standard is good. Add to that the sound mathematical
theory of relational-algebra, means it has a lot going for it. Although like
any standard is has its problems, most of those seem to be where it has
deviated away from the pure relational-algebra.

 creating an in-browser specification/implementation on top of a given
 relational/SQL story is a terrible idea. it's unnecessarily limiting to a
 higher level api and can't be easily extended the way a simple set of tools
 like IndexedDB can.

Its not limiting it provides a more powerful (higher level) interface, that
allows developers to concentrate on what to do with the data not how to do

 suggesting that other databases be implemented on top of SQL rather than on
 top of the tools in which SQL is built is just backwards to anyone who's
 built a database.

RelationalDB is not a database its a relational-data model.

 it's not very hard to write the abstraction you're talking about on top of
 IndexedDB, and until you do it i'm going to have a hard time taking you
 seriously because it's clearly doable.

Surely its the API that is important, not how it is implemented? You can try
the API now implemented on top of WebSQL. The API will stay the same no
matter what underlying technology is used.

 i implemented a CouchDB compatible datastore on top of IndexedDB, it took
 me less than a week at a time when there was only one implementation that
 was still changing and still had bugs. it would be much easier now.

 it needs to be updated to use the latest version of the spec which is a day
 of work i just haven't gotten to yet.

I am not overly impressed by CouchDB.

 the constructs in IndexedDB are pretty low level but sufficient if you know
 how to implement databases. performance is definitely an issue, but making
 these constructs faster would be much easier than trying to tweak an off the
 shelf SQL implementation to your use case.

I look at the amount of man hours that have gone into developing SQLite, and
BDB and I think, hey if its so easy to write a high performance database,
those guys must have been wasting a lot of time?


Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-04 Thread Keean Schupke
On 4 April 2011 16:04, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

 On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 8:07 AM, Joran Greef wrote:
  On 04 Apr 2011, at 4:39 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  Hence it would still be the case that we would be relying on the
  SQLite developers to maintain a stable SQL interpretation...
  SQLite has a fantastic track record of maintaining backwards
  IndexedDB has as yet no track record, no consistent implementations, no
 widespread deployment,

 It's new.

  only measurably poor performance

 Ironically, the poor performance is because it's using sqlite as a
 backing-store in the current implementation.  That's being fixed by
 replacing sqlite.

  and a lukewarm indexing and querying API.

 Kinda the point, in that the power/complexity of SQL confuses a huge
 number of develoeprs, who end up coding something which doesn't
 actually use the relational model in any significant way, but still
 pays the cost of it in syntax.

 (I found normalization forms and similar things completely trivial
 when I was learning SQL, but for some reason almost every codebase
 I've looked at has a horribly-structured db.  As far as I can tell,
 the majority of developers just hack SQL into being a linear object
 store and do the rest in their application code.  We can reduce the
 friction here by actually giving them a linear object store, which is
 what IndexedDB is.)


SQLite has seen really good use in the mobile app community on both iPhone
and Android. I would have thought that if we wanted the same kind of
thriving app developer community around HTML5 web-apps, taking a few leaves
from the mobile developers book would not be a bad idea?

IMHO its those kind of developers HTML5 should be trying to attract, in
addition to the current web developers.


Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-04 Thread Keean Schupke
I would point out that RelationalDB is relationally complete and the api
does not depend on the sqlite spec at all.

On Apr 1, 2011 8:58 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:
 Lastly, some vendors have expressed unwillingness to embed SQLite for
 legal reasons. Embedding other peoples code definitely exposes you to
 risk of copyright and patent lawsuits. While I can't say that I fully
 agree with this reasoning, I'm also not the one that would be on the
 receiving end of a lawsuit. Nor am I a lawyer and so ultimately will
 have to defer to people that know better. In the end it doesn't really
 matter as if a browser won't embed SQLite then it doesn't matter why,
 the end result is that the same SQL dialect won't be available cross
 browser which is bad for the web.

 If SQLite was to be used as a web standard, I'd hope that it wouldn't
 up in a spec as simply do what SQLite does, but as a complete spec of
 SQLite's behavior.  Browser vendors could then, if their lawyers
 implement their own compatible implementation, just as they do with other
 web APIs.  I'd expect large portions of SQLite's test suite to be
 as a major starting point for spec tests, too.

 Have you read the WebSQL spec?

 Creating such a spec would be a formidable task, of course.

 Indeed. One that the SQL community has failed in doing so far. And
 they have a lot more experience with SQL than we do.

 / Jonas

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-04 Thread Joran Greef
On 04 Apr 2011, at 6:10 PM, Mikeal Rogers wrote:

 it's not very hard to write the abstraction you're talking about on top of 
 IndexedDB, and until you do it i'm going to have a hard time taking you 
 seriously because it's clearly doable.

You assume I have not written the abstraction I am talking about on top of 

 the constructs in IndexedDB are pretty low level but sufficient if you know 
 how to implement databases. performance is definitely an issue, but making 
 these constructs faster would be much easier than trying to tweak an off the 
 shelf SQL implementation to your use case.

How exactly would you make a schema-enforcing interface faster than a stateless 

How would you implement application-managed indices on top of IndexedDB without 
being slower than SQLite?

How would you implement set operations on indices in IndexedDB without being 
slower or less memory efficient than SQLite?

How would you create an index on an existing object store in IndexedDB 
containing more than 50,000 objects on an iPad, without incurring any object 
deserialization/serialization overhead, without being an order of magnitude 
slower than SQLite, and without bringing the iPad to its knees? If you can do 
it with even one IndexedDB implementation out there then kudos and hats off to 
you. :)

I understand your point of view. I once thought the same. You would think that 
IndexedDB would be more than satisfactory for these things. The question is 
whether IndexedDB provides adequate and performant database primitives, to the 
same degree as SQLite (and of course SQL is merely an interface to database 
storage primitives, I do not recalling saying otherwise).

You can build IndexedDB on top of SQLite (as some browsers are indeed doing), 
but you cannot build SQLite on IndexedDB.

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-04 Thread Mikeal Rogers





Joran Greef
  April 4, 2011 April 4, 201110:18 AM

On 04 Apr 2011, at 6:10 PM, Mikeal Rogers wrote:

  it's not very hard to write the abstraction you're talking about on top of IndexedDB, and until you do it i'm going to have a hard time taking you seriously because it's clearly doable.

You assume I have not written the abstraction I am talking about on top of IndexedDB?

  the constructs in IndexedDB are pretty low level but sufficient if you know how to implement databases. performance is definitely an issue, but making these constructs faster would be much easier than trying to tweak an off the shelf SQL implementation to your use case.

How exactly would you make a schema-enforcing interface faster than a stateless interface?

How would you implement application-managed indices on top of IndexedDB without being slower than SQLite?


this assumes your indexes can be describe well in sqlite and that
you want them generated at write time. one of the performance
optimizations couchdb makes is to generate secondary indexes at read
time which is much more efficient as you can batch the processing
and do a single bulk transaction which limits IO. if you need,
exactly, the indexes sqlite provides then i'm sure they will be well
optimized in sqlite, but for everyone else.


How would you implement set operations on indices in IndexedDB without being slower or less memory efficient than SQLite?


you can do pretty much anything if you write a good abstraction and
leverage transactions. if it's too slow complain to the vendor and
it'll get improved, that's how we've been improving performance in
the browser for many, many years and it seems to be working.


How would you create an index on an existing object store in IndexedDB containing more than 50,000 objects on an iPad, without incurring any object deserialization/serialization overhead, without being an order of magnitude slower than SQLite, and without bringing the iPad to its knees? If you can do it with even one IndexedDB implementation out there then kudos and hats off to you. :)


the biggest bottleneck here in the current implementation would be
the transaction overhead on a database this size, which is because
of performance problems in sqlite which is underlying the
implementation. sqlite can't fix this, it's currently the problem.
the object serialization is not a huge performance issue,
performance issues in databases are almost always do to IO or
transaction locks.

I understand your point of view. I once thought the same. You would think that IndexedDB would be more than satisfactory for these things. The question is whether IndexedDB provides adequate and performant database primitives, to the same degree as SQLite (and of course SQL is merely an interface to database storage primitives, I do not recalling saying otherwise).


sqlite doesn't expose it's primitives well, it exposes it's
abstractions. berkeleydb exposes it's primitives well, and you could
make the case that it would be a better thing to standardize on,
although i wouldn't think that would be a great idea either.


You can build IndexedDB on top of SQLite (as some browsers are indeed doing), but you cannot build SQLite on IndexedDB.

you should most definitely be able build sqlite on top of IDB, there
would be a performance penalty of course, which we can address, but
you should be able to do it. if you can't then we need to extend the




Keean Schupke
  April 4, 2011 April 4, 20118:55 AM

Yes, it already has well defined set operations. Solid is a
matter of testing by enough people (and if you wanted to try it
and feed back that would be a start). Fast should not be a
problem, as the SQL database does all the heavy lifting.

  In more detail, Codd's six primitive operators are
project, restrict, cross-product, union and difference.
Relations are an extension of Sets, so intersection and
difference on compatible relations behave like they would on

RelationalDB already implements the following 5 methods
  making it relationally-complete. Meaning it can do
  anything you could possibly want to do with relations
  using combinations of these 5 methods.

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-04 Thread Joran Greef
On 04 Apr 2011, at 6:04 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

 It's new.

Do you think it would be wise then to advocate doing away with SQLite before 
IndexedDB has had a chance to prove itself? Surely two competing APIs would be 
the fastest way to bring IndexedDB up to speed?

 Ironically, the poor performance is because it's using sqlite as a
 backing-store in the current implementation.  That's being fixed by
 replacing sqlite.

Yes I am aware of this. There are some design flaws in IndexedDB. For instance, 
it does not regard objects as opaque (as would a typical key-value store), 
which means that creating an index on an existing object store would require 
deserializing/serializing every object therein. Doing that for 50,000 objects 
on an iPad would be breathtaking.

I have written object stores on top of SQLite and they are already an order of 
magnitude faster than IndexedDB with a more powerful and memory efficient API 
to boot.

 Kinda the point, in that the power/complexity of SQL confuses a huge
 number of develoeprs, who end up coding something which doesn't
 actually use the relational model in any significant way, but still
 pays the cost of it in syntax.

I was not referring to SQL but to the underlying primitives exposed through the 
SQL interface. For example, set operations on indices, or the ability to index 
objects with array values.

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-04 Thread Keean Schupke
On 4 April 2011 22:55, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  There are several reasons why we don't want to rely exclusively on
  SQLite, other than solely W3C formalia.
  First of all, what should we do once the SQLite team releases a new
  version which has some modifications in its SQL dialect? We generally
  always need to embed the latest version of the library since it
  contains critical bug fixes, however SQLite makes no guarantees that
  it will always support exactly the same SQL statements. . . .

 These are good reasons, and I have no problem with them.  SQLite is
 designed with very different compatibility and security needs than the
 web platform has, and its performance goals might be different in some
 respects as well.  There are various ways that you could address this
 short of making up something completely different, but I'm not sure
 whether it would be a good idea.

 Anyway, I didn't intend to reignite this whole discussion.  The
 decision has been made, now we get to see what comes of it.

 On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 11:07 AM, Joran Greef wrote:
  SQLite has a fantastic track record of maintaining backwards

 SQLite does not face anything close to the compatibility requirements
 that web browsers face.  There are perhaps billions of independent web
 pages, which don't have any control over what browser versions they're
 being run in.  These pages are expected to work in all browsers even
 if they were written ten years ago and no one has looked at them
 since, and even if they were written incompetently.  Just because
 something has an excellent compatibility track record by the standards
 of application libraries doesn't mean it's compatible enough for the

Something like RelationalDB gives you the power of a relational-db with no
dependence on a specific implementation of SQL, so it would be compatible
enough for the web.  It fixes all the problems with the standardisation of
WebSQL that have been talked about so far.  I think it would find no
technical issues that block its standardisation.  As a high level DB API it
does not need all the low-level features of IndexedDB, so its API can be
much simpler and cleaner. RelationalDB can at least be provided as a library
on top of IndexedDB, and it can use WebSQL where it is supported. My concern
with the library approach is performance when implemented on top of


Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-02 Thread Nathan Kitchen
I agree that it'd be best to have a spec independent of database platform,
which is why I was asking about an idea along the lines of RelationalDB the example I gave in the email
which initiated this discussion, both of which are entirely abstracted from
the underlying database (SQLite or otherwise - doesn't even have to be SQL).

Was anything like this considered before WebSQL was canned?

Also, +1 on looking at a FireFox plugin to drum up some interest on this.

On 2 April 2011 05:32, Ian Hickson wrote:

 On Fri, 1 Apr 2011, Arthur Barstow wrote:
  On Apr/1/2011 3:39 PM, ext Glenn Maynard wrote:
   If SQLite was to be used as a web standard, I'd hope that it wouldn't
   up in a spec as simply do what SQLite does, but as a complete spec of
   SQLite's behavior.
  FYI, the Web SQL Database NOTE says:
  5. Web SQL
  User agents must implement the SQL dialect supported by Sqlite 3.6.19.
  and I don't recall anyone ever committing to creating the later.

 Actually I did, multiple times. But nobody was interested in
 reimplementing that dialect independently, so all the points Jonas raised
 still apply.

 Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
 Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-02 Thread Joran Greef
On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 00:42:40, Glenn Maynard wrote:

 You can certainly ask if they're interested in doing so, not for our
 benefit (whoever our means), but for the benefit of the Web as a whole,
 and there's nothing at all rude in asking.  I'd say the opposite: it's rude
 to assume they wouldn't be interested, rather than asking and letting them
 come to their own decision.  (I don't know where the notion of forcing
 them to do anything came from.)

I have been reading up more on the history of SQLite. It is a stellar 
implementation, just to highlight a few points:

1. Most of the SQLite source code is devoted purely to testing and 
verification. An automated test suite runs millions and millions of test cases 
involving hundreds of millions of individual SQL statements and achieves 100% 
branch test coverage.

2. SQLite can also be made to run in minimal stack space (4KiB) and very 
little heap (100KiB), making SQLite a popular database engine choice on memory 
constrained gadgets such as cellphones, PDAs, and MP3 players.

3. Faster than popular client/server database engines for most common 

4. Supports terabyte-sized databases and gigabyte-sized strings and blobs.

5. The developers continue to expand the capabilities of SQLite and enhance 
its reliability and performance while maintaining backwards compatibility with 
the published interface spec, SQL syntax, and database file format.

It is easier to build a performant IndexedDB on SQLite than to build a 
performant SQLite on IndexedDB. Maybe that is something to think about. 
Developers need working database primitives, more than they need convenience.

There may be conjectural reasons for Mozilla not implementing WebSQL, but the 
track history of SQLite is hard to ignore. Mozilla is already embedding SQLite 
for other uses, and appears to be a sponsor of the project.

SQLite may not be a specification in our sense of the word, but in a Web 
sense of the word, it is so widely deployed already that it would be hard not 
to call it a standard.

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-02 Thread Joran Greef
 I am incredibly uncomfortable with the idea of putting the
 responsibility of the health of the web in the hands of one project.
 In fact, one of the main reasons I started working at Mozilla was to
 prevent this.
 / Jonas

I agree with you. All the more reason to support both WebSQL and IndexedDB. It 
is not a case of either/or. It would be healthy to have competing APIs.

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-02 Thread Keean Schupke

Anyway RelationalDB defines its API without reference to the underlying SQL
or non-SQL database... So as a candidate for replacing WebSQL, it does not
suffer from that problem.


On 2 April 2011 14:56, Glenn Maynard wrote:

 On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 5:24 AM, Keean Schupke wrote:

 Infact now BDB supports the SQLite-3.0 API, you can have two
 implementation that conform to the same API. So the original reason for
 abandoning WebSQL seems no longer valid. As there are now more than one
 implementation of the SQLite-3.0 API it is a de-facto (open) standard.

 Based on,
 it's not like an independent implementation.

 Glenn Maynard

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-01 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 No, it actually sounds like a success; it prevented a specification being
 created which would have been tied to a particular implementation, no matter
 how widely-deployed.

 For comparison, IE6 was very widely deployed circa 2002.  And yet specifying
 CSS, say, by saying just do exactly what IE6 does would not have been a
 good idea.  Neither is defining WebSQL to do exactly what some particular
 version of SQLite does, and no one stepped up to define it better.

IE6 is closed-source software written for a single platform.  SQLite
is in the public domain, works for all major operating systems and
lots of minor ones, and is already used (I think?) by every major
browser except IE.  That makes all the difference.  There's some
benefit to having multiple interoperable implementations even if the
reference implementation is public-domain, but enormously less than
when the only implementations are controlled by particular parties.

I think SQLite isn't a great long-term solution, because in the long
term a single implementation stifles innovation.  But it's also very
powerful, pretty familiar to web developers (who are used to MySQL),
requires vastly less implementation effort than making up a new
system, and is in practice going to be much more interoperable than
anything written separately by different browsers.  So refusing to
consider it just because there isn't a written standard or multiple
interoperable implementations is not sound.

When the Wikimedia Foundation was considering an official
Board-approved policy for what file formats they'd allow for upload on
sites like Wikimedia, the draft required that the
format be Defined by an open standard, implementation, or
specification not under proprietary control.  Notice that an open
*standard* was not required -- an open *implementation* was enough.
.doc need not apply, but LaTeX or MediaWiki wikitext are perfectly
fine.  The proposal was never formally adopted, but I think this
philosophy makes a lot of sense.  Many (although certainly not all) of
the reasons for standards evaporate when you have a reference
implementation under a BSD-style license or better.

So if the only objection to WebSQL is there's no way we're going to
get a formal spec or two interoperable implementations, I'd really
encourage objectors to step back and ask themselves why they *want* a
formal spec and two interoperable implementations.  Those requirements
are not axiomatic, they're means to obtain practical ends like
allowing competitions and avoiding user lock-in.  How many of those
ends are really contrary to using SQLite as a de facto standard, and
do the remaining ones really outweigh the practical advantages?

(I came to this discussion very late, so apologies if there are
additional objections to WebSQL that no one's mentioned in this
specific thread, but have mentioned in the dozens of threads about
this before now.)

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-01 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/1/2011 5:40 AM, Nathan Kitchen wrote:

Are there any browser vendor representatives on the mailing list who would
care to comment on the criteria for implementing something akin to Keean's
RelationalDB  idea? What would need
to be in place to start work on such an implementation?
It wouldn't be terribly difficult to prototype this as an add-on for 
Firefox, I don't think (and I'd be happy to provide technical assistance 
to anyone wishing to do so).  Doing this would allow web developers to 
install the add-on and play with it, which can give us useful feedback.

I'm not saying we'd move it into the tree at that point, but it's a good 
first step to building a case to take it.

1. Opportunity to explore more solutions to offline data than *just *
There is also and (even if you don't like them, they 
are other solutions to the offline problem).  Browser vendors are not 
just looking at IndexedDB.

2. Many web developers have a working knowledge of SQL, so the concepts
of a relational database may be more familiar. If adoption could be
considered a proxy for the success of a standard, I'd suggest that aiming
for something the web development community understands would be a large
factor in adoption.
I don't really think IndexedDB is that dissimilar to a relational 
database.  There are a lot of one-to-one mappings of concepts of one to 
the other.

3. It's probably (!) easier to implement RelationalDB than IndexedDB, as
it maps fairly cleanly to existing relational database technologies. This
would allow vendors to implement it using Sqlite, Access, etc independent of
the spec.
Given that most vendors already have working implementations of 
IndexedDB, I don't think this is a good argument ;)



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-01 Thread Shawn Wilsher

On 4/1/2011 9:39 AM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

IE6 is closed-source software written for a single platform.  SQLite
is in the public domain, works for all major operating systems and
lots of minor ones, and is already used (I think?) by every major
browser except IE.  That makes all the difference.  There's some
benefit to having multiple interoperable implementations even if the
reference implementation is public-domain, but enormously less than
when the only implementations are controlled by particular parties.
How, exactly, does it make all the difference?  I sure hope you aren't 
suggesting that the spec say do what this code does.

So if the only objection to WebSQL is there's no way we're going to
get a formal spec or two interoperable implementations, I'd really
encourage objectors to step back and ask themselves why they *want* a
formal spec and two interoperable implementations.  Those requirements
are not axiomatic, they're means to obtain practical ends like
allowing competitions and avoiding user lock-in.  How many of those
ends are really contrary to using SQLite as a de facto standard, and
do the remaining ones really outweigh the practical advantages?

That's not the only reason.  Mozilla laid out others ten months ago:



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-01 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 No, it actually sounds like a success; it prevented a specification being
 created which would have been tied to a particular implementation, no matter
 how widely-deployed.

 For comparison, IE6 was very widely deployed circa 2002.  And yet specifying
 CSS, say, by saying just do exactly what IE6 does would not have been a
 good idea.  Neither is defining WebSQL to do exactly what some particular
 version of SQLite does, and no one stepped up to define it better.

 IE6 is closed-source software written for a single platform.  SQLite
 is in the public domain, works for all major operating systems and
 lots of minor ones, and is already used (I think?) by every major
 browser except IE.  That makes all the difference.  There's some
 benefit to having multiple interoperable implementations even if the
 reference implementation is public-domain, but enormously less than
 when the only implementations are controlled by particular parties.

 I think SQLite isn't a great long-term solution, because in the long
 term a single implementation stifles innovation.  But it's also very
 powerful, pretty familiar to web developers (who are used to MySQL),
 requires vastly less implementation effort than making up a new
 system, and is in practice going to be much more interoperable than
 anything written separately by different browsers.  So refusing to
 consider it just because there isn't a written standard or multiple
 interoperable implementations is not sound.

 When the Wikimedia Foundation was considering an official
 Board-approved policy for what file formats they'd allow for upload on
 sites like Wikimedia, the draft required that the
 format be Defined by an open standard, implementation, or
 specification not under proprietary control.  Notice that an open
 *standard* was not required -- an open *implementation* was enough.
 .doc need not apply, but LaTeX or MediaWiki wikitext are perfectly
 fine.  The proposal was never formally adopted, but I think this
 philosophy makes a lot of sense.  Many (although certainly not all) of
 the reasons for standards evaporate when you have a reference
 implementation under a BSD-style license or better.

 So if the only objection to WebSQL is there's no way we're going to
 get a formal spec or two interoperable implementations, I'd really
 encourage objectors to step back and ask themselves why they *want* a
 formal spec and two interoperable implementations.  Those requirements
 are not axiomatic, they're means to obtain practical ends like
 allowing competitions and avoiding user lock-in.  How many of those
 ends are really contrary to using SQLite as a de facto standard, and
 do the remaining ones really outweigh the practical advantages?

 (I came to this discussion very late, so apologies if there are
 additional objections to WebSQL that no one's mentioned in this
 specific thread, but have mentioned in the dozens of threads about
 this before now.)

There are several reasons why we don't want to rely exclusively on
SQLite, other than solely W3C formalia.

First of all, what should we do once the SQLite team releases a new
version which has some modifications in its SQL dialect? We generally
always need to embed the latest version of the library since it
contains critical bug fixes, however SQLite makes no guarantees that
it will always support exactly the same SQL statements.

For normal software this is fine. You simply retest your software
after upgrading to the latest version and if it treats any of your
queries differently, you simply adjust your query or your code to
account for this.

However web apps are afforded no such luxury. They have no control
over when users upgrade their browsers to one with a new version of
SQLite. This is why it is critically important on the web to maintain
stable APIs. Unfortunately SQLite does not provide such a stable API.

To make matters worse, since we are exposing the SQLite engine
directly to potentially harmful web content, it is extra important to
be tracking the latest version of SQLite as to pick up any and all
security fixes.

Second, as a browser developer, I am not at all excited about the idea
of locking myself in to shipping SQLite forever. What if a new better
embeddable SQL engine comes along and I want to switch to using that?
Just because SQLite is popular now doesn't mean that in 10 years it
couldn't be a unmaintained project largely replaced by some other
embeddable SQL engine.

Lastly, some vendors have expressed unwillingness to embed SQLite for
legal reasons. Embedding other peoples code definitely exposes you to
risk of copyright and patent lawsuits. While I can't say that I fully
agree with this reasoning, I'm also not the one that would be on the
receiving end of a lawsuit. Nor am I a lawyer and so 

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-01 Thread Arthur Barstow

On Apr/1/2011 3:39 PM, ext Glenn Maynard wrote:
If SQLite was to be used as a web standard, I'd hope that it wouldn't 
show up in a spec as simply do what SQLite does, but as a complete 
spec of SQLite's behavior.

FYI, the Web SQL Database NOTE says:


5. Web SQL

User agents must implement the SQL dialect supported by Sqlite 3.6.19.

and I don't recall anyone ever committing to creating the later.


Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-01 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:
 Lastly, some vendors have expressed unwillingness to embed SQLite for
 legal reasons. Embedding other peoples code definitely exposes you to
 risk of copyright and patent lawsuits. While I can't say that I fully
 agree with this reasoning, I'm also not the one that would be on the
 receiving end of a lawsuit. Nor am I a lawyer and so ultimately will
 have to defer to people that know better. In the end it doesn't really
 matter as if a browser won't embed SQLite then it doesn't matter why,
 the end result is that the same SQL dialect won't be available cross
 browser which is bad for the web.

 If SQLite was to be used as a web standard, I'd hope that it wouldn't show
 up in a spec as simply do what SQLite does, but as a complete spec of
 SQLite's behavior.  Browser vendors could then, if their lawyers insisted,
 implement their own compatible implementation, just as they do with other
 web APIs.  I'd expect large portions of SQLite's test suite to be adaptable
 as a major starting point for spec tests, too.

Have you read the WebSQL spec?

 Creating such a spec would be a formidable task, of course.

Indeed. One that the SQL community has failed in doing so far. And
they have a lot more experience with SQL than we do.

/ Jonas

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-01 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 3:53 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
Creating such a spec would be a formidable task, of course.

 Indeed. One that the SQL community has failed in doing so far. And
 they have a lot more experience with SQL than we do.

That suggests a very different rationale for not using SQL: it's too
complex to specify interoperably.  If true, it is, in my opinion, a much
more compelling line of argument than the others.

Glenn Maynard

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-01 Thread Keean Schupke
Hi Shawn

I would be interested in this. What would need to be done to make this a
Firefox plugin? I've done XPCOM stuff before in xulrunner if that's any

 On Apr 1, 2011 6:09 PM, Shawn Wilsher wrote:
 On 4/1/2011 5:40 AM, Nathan Kitchen wrote:
 Are there any browser vendor representatives on the mailing list who
 care to comment on the criteria for implementing something akin to
 RelationalDB idea? What would need
 to be in place to start work on such an implementation?
 It wouldn't be terribly difficult to prototype this as an add-on for
 Firefox, I don't think (and I'd be happy to provide technical assistance
 to anyone wishing to do so). Doing this would allow web developers to
 install the add-on and play with it, which can give us useful feedback.

 I'm not saying we'd move it into the tree at that point, but it's a good
 first step to building a case to take it.

 1. Opportunity to explore more solutions to offline data than *just *
 There is also and (even if you don't like them, they
 are other solutions to the offline problem). Browser vendors are not
 just looking at IndexedDB.

 2. Many web developers have a working knowledge of SQL, so the concepts
 of a relational database may be more familiar. If adoption could be
 considered a proxy for the success of a standard, I'd suggest that
 for something the web development community understands would be a large
 factor in adoption.
 I don't really think IndexedDB is that dissimilar to a relational
 database. There are a lot of one-to-one mappings of concepts of one to
 the other.

 3. It's probably (!) easier to implement RelationalDB than IndexedDB, as
 it maps fairly cleanly to existing relational database technologies. This
 would allow vendors to implement it using Sqlite, Access, etc independent
 the spec.
 Given that most vendors already have working implementations of
 IndexedDB, I don't think this is a good argument ;)



Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-01 Thread Ian Hickson
On Fri, 1 Apr 2011, Arthur Barstow wrote:
 On Apr/1/2011 3:39 PM, ext Glenn Maynard wrote:
  If SQLite was to be used as a web standard, I'd hope that it wouldn't show
  up in a spec as simply do what SQLite does, but as a complete spec of
  SQLite's behavior.
 FYI, the Web SQL Database NOTE says:
 5. Web SQL
 User agents must implement the SQL dialect supported by Sqlite 3.6.19.
 and I don't recall anyone ever committing to creating the later.

Actually I did, multiple times. But nobody was interested in 
reimplementing that dialect independently, so all the points Jonas raised 
still apply.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-01 Thread Ian Hickson
On Fri, 1 Apr 2011, Glenn Maynard wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  First of all, what should we do once the SQLite team releases a new 
  version which has some modifications in its SQL dialect? We generally 
  always need to embed the latest version of the library since it 
  contains critical bug fixes, however SQLite makes no guarantees that 
  it will always support exactly the same SQL statements.

 I don't find this compelling, because it assumes that the release
 methodology of SQLite is fixed in stone.

It would be incredibly rude of us to force an independent team of 
developers to change development practices for our benefit.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-01 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 12:33 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

  I don't find this compelling, because it assumes that the release
  methodology of SQLite is fixed in stone.

 It would be incredibly rude of us to force an independent team of
 developers to change development practices for our benefit.

You can certainly ask if they're interested in doing so, not for our
benefit (whoever our means), but for the benefit of the Web as a whole,
and there's nothing at all rude in asking.  I'd say the opposite: it's rude
to assume they wouldn't be interested, rather than asking and letting them
come to their own decision.  (I don't know where the notion of forcing
them to do anything came from.)

Glenn Maynard

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-04-01 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Friday, April 1, 2011, Glenn Maynard wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 12:33 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 I don't find this compelling, because it assumes that the release

 methodology of SQLite is fixed in stone.

 It would be incredibly rude of us to force an independent team of
 developers to change development practices for our benefit.

 You can certainly ask if they're interested in doing so, not for our 
 benefit (whoever our means), but for the benefit of the Web as a whole, and 
 there's nothing at all rude in asking.  I'd say the opposite: it's rude to 
 assume they wouldn't be interested, rather than asking and letting them come 
 to their own decision.  (I don't know where the notion of forcing them to 
 do anything came from.)

I am incredibly uncomfortable with the idea of putting the
responsibility of the health of the web in the hands of one project.
In fact, one of the main reasons I started working at Mozilla was to
prevent this.

/ Jonas

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-03-31 Thread Benjamin Poulain

On 03/31/2011 05:19 PM, ext Nathan Kitchen wrote:

I've been watching discussions on IndexedDB for a while now, and
wondered if anyone would mind spending a few moments to explain how
IndexedDB is related (or not) to WebSQL. Is IndexedDB seen as replacing
the functionality originally offered by WebSQL? If not, are there any
plans to make a cross-platform variant of Web SQL?

WebSQL in its current form is pretty dead, see :
quoteBeware. This specification is no longer in active maintenance and 
the Web Applications Working Group does not intend to maintain it 

quoteThis document was on the W3C Recommendation track but 
specification work has stopped. The specification reached an impasse: 
all interested implementors have used the same SQL backend (Sqlite), but 
we need multiple independent implementations to proceed along a 
standardisation path./quote

I suggest you to look at the mailing list archive if you want all the 


Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-03-31 Thread Nathan Kitchen
That's nice, pretty much what I was thinking but somewhat more complete : )
Is there not a w3 group progressing something like this? And if not, who
would need to be lobbied to get one started?!

As an aside, I note you didn't implement date as a supported data type.
Was that a conscious decision, and if so what was the reasoning behind it?


On 31 March 2011 16:33, Keean Schupke wrote:

 Have a look at my RelationalDB API

 In particular examples/candy.html

 A lot of work went into the underlying concepts - Its work originally
 published by myself and others at the 2004 Haskell Workshop, and follows on
 from HaskellDB which was the original inspiration behind C#s Linq

 It implements the relational-algebra operators as methods that operate on
 relation objects.

 Let me know what you think.


 On 31 March 2011 15:19, Nathan Kitchen wrote:


 I've been watching discussions on IndexedDB for a while now, and wondered
 if anyone would mind spending a few moments to explain how IndexedDB is
 related (or not) to WebSQL. Is IndexedDB seen as replacing the functionality
 originally offered by WebSQL? If not, are there any plans to make a
 cross-platform variant of Web SQL?

 If (?) most web developers know SQL, is there a case to be made for
 abstracting SQL into JSON/JavaScript rather than moving to IndexedDB
 document storage? Reasons for asking this:

- Many of the posts appearing to come from the dev community rather
than W3C seem to expect more SQL-esque functionality from IndexedDB. If 
enthusiasts who get involved enough to post to the board are expecting
SQL/query type experience, maybe there is a driver for a native database 
supporting this.
- Several people have noted that third-party frameworks could
implement this functionality. This might be a daft question, but isn't it
easier to implement an IndexedDB-like framework on top of WebSQL, 
 than a
WebSQL-like framework on top of IndexedDB (overuse of quotes to 
the general concept).

 I had a ponder on how I'd like to see such a framework implemented (in
 both Access  SQLite :p ), and came up with a stack of pseudo-code below in
 my lunch break. Might make an interesting discussion point. It's not really
 IndexedDB, it's WebSQL v2. Or maybe WebJSQL or something. I'd be really
 interested to understand what advantages IndexedDB has over an
 implementation like the one below though.

 // First, open a database with the specified name. The number at the
 // end denotes the version of the specification that the application
 // plans to use. This allows forward-compatibility with vNext.
 var db = window.openDatabase(shoppinglist, 1.0);

 // Next, create some migrations. These are predefined structures which
 // are validated by the browser database engine. A migration consists
 // of two actions: one up, one down. Each action specifies some
 // operations and parameters. It's up to the browser database to read
 // these and perform the appropriate action, as defined in the spec.

 // Other actions may include a batch add for static data. It could
 // also be valid to have key and index creation and removal as separate
 // actions.

 var createTripTableAction = {
 action: create-table,
 params: {
 name: trip,
 columns: [
   { name: id, type: whole-number, primaryKey: true },
   { name: name, type: string, length: 32, regex: [A-Z]{1,32}
 } // regex: wouldn't that be nice...
 indexes: [
 columns: [
   { name: name,   type: full-text }
   } // More indexes here if required

 var removeTripTableAction = {
 action: remove-table,
 params: {
 name: shopping,
 cleardata: true

 var createShoppingTableAction = {
 action: create-table,
 params: {
 name: shopping,
 columns: [
   { name: id, type: whole-number, primaryKey: true },
   { name: tripid, type: whole-number },
   { name: name, type: string, length: 128, nillable: false },
   { name: cost, type: decimal-number }
 keys: [
   { local: tripid, foreign: { table: trips, column: id },
 cascade-delete: true } }
 indexes: [
 columns: [
   { name: tripid, type: asc },
   { name: name,   type: full-text }

 var removeShoppingTableAction = {
 action: remove-table,
 params: {
 name: shopping,
 cleardata: true

 var migTrip = { up: createTripTableAction, down: removeTripTableAction };
 var migShopping = { up: createShoppingTableAction, down:

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-03-31 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Benjamin Poulain wrote:
 WebSQL in its current form is pretty dead, see :
 quoteBeware. This specification is no longer in active maintenance and
 Web Applications Working Group does not intend to maintain it

 quoteThis document was on the W3C Recommendation track but specification
 work has stopped. The specification reached an impasse: all interested
 implementors have used the same SQL backend (Sqlite), but we need multiple
 independent implementations to proceed along a standardisation

This is painful to read.  WebSQL development died because SQLite, the most
widely-deployed database software in the world, was too good?  That sounds
like a catastrophic failure of the W3C process.

Glenn Maynard

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-03-31 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 3/31/11 12:06 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:

This is painful to read.  WebSQL development died because SQLite, the
most widely-deployed database software in the world, was too good?  That
sounds like a catastrophic failure of the W3C process.

No, it actually sounds like a success; it prevented a specification 
being created which would have been tied to a particular implementation, 
no matter how widely-deployed.

For comparison, IE6 was very widely deployed circa 2002.  And yet 
specifying CSS, say, by saying just do exactly what IE6 does would not 
have been a good idea.  Neither is defining WebSQL to do exactly what 
some particular version of SQLite does, and no one stepped up to define 
it better.


Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-03-31 Thread Keean Schupke
No real reason - just trying to implement a minimal framework. Date objects
would be a definite must have going forward.

I was interested in trying to get something like this standardised, as I
believe it has none of the issues that stopped WebSQL, as it defines a
complete relational API independent of the implementation of SQL behind it.

The key thing is to get the browser implementors interested in implementing
it. If even one of the main browser implementors is not interested in
implementing it, then it will suffer the same fate as WebSQL.

Independent of standardisation (which I would like) I intend to try and
implement the same API on top of WebSQL and IndexedDB as a library. So
people are free to use the backend with the best performance without
changing their code. It aims to be as stateless as possible, and to
implement relational algebra on relations.


On 31 March 2011 15:54, Nathan Kitchen wrote:

 That's nice, pretty much what I was thinking but somewhat more complete : )
 Is there not a w3 group progressing something like this? And if not, who
 would need to be lobbied to get one started?!

 As an aside, I note you didn't implement date as a supported data type.
 Was that a conscious decision, and if so what was the reasoning behind it?


 On 31 March 2011 16:33, Keean Schupke wrote:

 Have a look at my RelationalDB API

 In particular examples/candy.html

 A lot of work went into the underlying concepts - Its work originally
 published by myself and others at the 2004 Haskell Workshop, and follows on
 from HaskellDB which was the original inspiration behind C#s Linq

 It implements the relational-algebra operators as methods that operate on
 relation objects.

 Let me know what you think.


 On 31 March 2011 15:19, Nathan Kitchen wrote:


 I've been watching discussions on IndexedDB for a while now, and wondered
 if anyone would mind spending a few moments to explain how IndexedDB is
 related (or not) to WebSQL. Is IndexedDB seen as replacing the functionality
 originally offered by WebSQL? If not, are there any plans to make a
 cross-platform variant of Web SQL?

 If (?) most web developers know SQL, is there a case to be made for
 abstracting SQL into JSON/JavaScript rather than moving to IndexedDB
 document storage? Reasons for asking this:

- Many of the posts appearing to come from the dev community rather
than W3C seem to expect more SQL-esque functionality from IndexedDB. If 
enthusiasts who get involved enough to post to the board are expecting
SQL/query type experience, maybe there is a driver for a native database 
supporting this.
- Several people have noted that third-party frameworks could
implement this functionality. This might be a daft question, but isn't it
easier to implement an IndexedDB-like framework on top of WebSQL, 
 than a
WebSQL-like framework on top of IndexedDB (overuse of quotes to 
the general concept).

 I had a ponder on how I'd like to see such a framework implemented (in
 both Access  SQLite :p ), and came up with a stack of pseudo-code below in
 my lunch break. Might make an interesting discussion point. It's not really
 IndexedDB, it's WebSQL v2. Or maybe WebJSQL or something. I'd be really
 interested to understand what advantages IndexedDB has over an
 implementation like the one below though.

 // First, open a database with the specified name. The number at the
 // end denotes the version of the specification that the application
 // plans to use. This allows forward-compatibility with vNext.
 var db = window.openDatabase(shoppinglist, 1.0);

 // Next, create some migrations. These are predefined structures which
 // are validated by the browser database engine. A migration consists
 // of two actions: one up, one down. Each action specifies some
 // operations and parameters. It's up to the browser database to read
 // these and perform the appropriate action, as defined in the spec.

 // Other actions may include a batch add for static data. It could
 // also be valid to have key and index creation and removal as separate
 // actions.

 var createTripTableAction = {
 action: create-table,
 params: {
 name: trip,
 columns: [
   { name: id, type: whole-number, primaryKey: true },
   { name: name, type: string, length: 32, regex:
 [A-Z]{1,32} } // regex: wouldn't that be nice...
 indexes: [
 columns: [
   { name: name,   type: full-text }
   } // More indexes here if required

 var removeTripTableAction = {
 action: remove-table,
 params: {
 name: shopping,
 cleardata: true


Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-03-31 Thread Joran Greef
 This is painful to read.  WebSQL development died because SQLite, the most 
 widely-deployed database software in the world, was too good?  That sounds 
 like a catastrophic failure of the W3C process.
 Glenn Maynard


I am starting to think that Mozilla will step up and provide an embedding of 
SQLite, even if it has to only think of it as such. It will have to.

People would rather use a working database than something crippled albeit 
specced (see LocalStorage or IndexedDB).

It was things like XHR in all their unspecced glory that brought the web to 
where it is today.

Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

2011-03-31 Thread Keean Schupke
On 31 March 2011 19:08, Joran Greef wrote:

  This is painful to read.  WebSQL development died because SQLite, the
 most widely-deployed database software in the world, was too good?  That
 sounds like a catastrophic failure of the W3C process.
  Glenn Maynard


 I am starting to think that Mozilla will step up and provide an embedding
 of SQLite, even if it has to only think of it as such. It will have to.

 People would rather use a working database than something crippled albeit
 specced (see LocalStorage or IndexedDB).

 It was things like XHR in all their unspecced glory that brought the web to
 where it is today.

Do you want to take a look at my RelationalDB library - it could form the
basis of a replacement for WebSQL, and as it is based on relational algebra
not SQL, it has not user visible dependencies on the particular SQL

Have a look at:

For a usage example. This should run in chrome right now (using WebSQL as a

I would appreciate any thoughts, comments etc.
