[Puppet Users] Re: default options in site.pp

2009-05-08 Thread Peter Meier


 yumrepo { pic:
 baseurl  = 
 descr= pic,
 name = pic,
 enabled  = absent,
 *i also tried with absent and ' absent' .

I think it is ensure = absent

enable is to disable the repo, but to keep the information on disk.
However the type seems to assume enable = true for every option
different than false or 0.

 so, default option in site.pp is mandataory for the type?

I don't think so. However if you look at the yum-module I wrote
(http://git.puppet.immerda.ch/?p=module-yum.git) I manage the whole
directory of yum.repos.d to get rid off unmanaged repos.

cheers pete.

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[Puppet Users] Re: FreeBSD pw user provider password management

2009-05-08 Thread Andrew Wasilczuk

Peter Burkholder wrote:
 Is it this issue?


 You need to have ruby-shadow library and restart puppetd.

Thanks for your reply Peter.  Unfortunately this issue is talking about 
the useradd provider and I was asking about pw (which is the only option 
on FreeBSD).  As far as I can tell the pw provider for the user type 
doesn't support the password management feature at the moment and I was 
wandering why.  Is it because of a technical issue or it just hasn't 
been done yet?



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[Puppet Users] Re: default options in site.pp

2009-05-08 Thread Arnau Bria

On Fri, 08 May 2009 08:41:22 +0200
Peter Meier wrote:

Hi Pete,
  yumrepo { pic:
  baseurl  =
  http://server/mrepo/local-PIC-noarch/RPMS.pic/;, descr=
  pic, name = pic,
  enabled  = absent,
  *i also tried with absent and ' absent' .
 I think it is ensure = absent

In previous mail James told me it is enabled, and from type refernce:


Whether this repository is enabled or disabled. Possible values are
'0', and '1'. Set this to 'absent' to remove it from the file
completely Valid values are absent. Values can also match /(0|1)/

 enable is to disable the repo, but to keep the information on disk.
 However the type seems to assume enable = true for every option
 different than false or 0.
  so, default option in site.pp is mandataory for the type?
 I don't think so. However if you look at the yum-module I wrote
 (http://git.puppet.immerda.ch/?p=module-yum.git) I manage the whole
 directory of yum.repos.d to get rid off unmanaged repos.

it's an other way for having repos under control.

 cheers pete.

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[Puppet Users] stored ressources and file creation

2009-05-08 Thread Jean Spirat


 I was wondering, can we create stored virtual ressources like a @@file 
on a node and have it realized on another node ?


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[Puppet Users] Re: stored ressources and file creation

2009-05-08 Thread Peter Meier


  I was wondering, can we create stored virtual ressources like a @@file
 on a node and have it realized on another node ?

yes, we can. ;)

cheers pete

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[Puppet Users] Re: Tips for a new puppet setup

2009-05-08 Thread Trevor Vaughan


I would say that this is a good idea except for the custom fact part.

Since these are not items that you will 'discover' from the system, a
custom function that looks up items in a table/LDAP server/whatever
would be more appropriate.

This reduces the load on both your clients and your network.  Yes, not
by much for only two facts but, once you start down this path, you
will rapidly have a glut of facts that could more easily be discovered
by the server.


On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 03:26, Greg greg.b...@gmail.com wrote:


 One thing I found handy was to build up 2 custom facts to add into
 facter: defaultroute and site.
 defaultroute is used to determine which site a host is in...
 Personally I found the class heirarchy
 too limited since you can't inherit from multiple places... So you
 would need classes like site1-webserver,
 site2-webserver, site1-database, site2-database and so on... Too

 Adding in these custom facts allows you to add in config files based
 on which site the node lives.
 For example:

 file { /etc/resolv.conf:
   source = puppet:///network/resolv.conf-$site
   owner = root, group = root, mode = 644

 Heres the custom facts I added.
 (Note: the default route is Solaris specific as I don't need to manage
 any Linux boxes at my site)
 (Also note: My knowledge of Ruby is *really* basic at this stage,
 apologies if this code is bad)

 Facter.add(defaultroute) do
    setcode do
        defroutefh = File.open(/etc/defaultrouter)

 Facter.add(site) do
    setcode do
        case Facter.value('defaultroute')

 Now, this makes the answer to q1 a bit easier... I have mine
 modularised into groups based on what the config is about. Networking
 config is in one module, sudo management in another and so on. That
 way its (hopefully) more sane when you come to make changes. I guess
 the granularity that you put this on is up to you.

 2. I will leave this one to someone more experienced with Puppet than
 me, but I use modules to group similar classes
 together - kind of like a library. Its probably a very simplistic view
 of things, but so far it has worked well for me...

 3. My svn repository is set up as follows:

    - baseline/
        Main trunk - This is where most of the work gets done... Keep
 your live Puppet Master config tree here...
    - tags/
        Contains discrete release views.
    - branches/
        Haven't used this yet, but I'm planning on using this for
 larger changes, development work and so forth...

 I'm sure I have missed out something that I'm going to need later on,
 but figure its a reasonable starting point...

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[Puppet Users] Re: default options in site.pp

2009-05-08 Thread Evan Hisey

On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 1:41 AM, Peter Meier peter.me...@immerda.ch wrote:


 yumrepo { pic:
                 baseurl      = 
                 descr        = pic,
                 name         = pic,
                 enabled      = absent,

 *i also tried with absent and ' absent' .

 I think it is ensure = absent

 enable is to disable the repo, but to keep the information on disk.
 However the type seems to assume enable = true for every option
 different than false or 0.

 so, default option in site.pp is mandataory for the type?

 I don't think so. However if you look at the yum-module I wrote
 (http://git.puppet.immerda.ch/?p=module-yum.git) I manage the whole
 directory of yum.repos.d to get rid off unmanaged repos.

 cheers pete.
Nice module may use it. Looking over it I did find one minor issue
with the epel source:

yum::managed_yumrepo { epel-source:
descr = 'Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux $releasever -
$basearch - Source',
mirrorlist =
enabled = 1,
gpgcheck = 1,
failovermethod = priority,
failovermethod = 'priority',
gpgkey = 'file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL',
priority = 16,

As you can see you have 2 failovermethod = 'priority' entries.
Nothing big thought you might want to know..


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[Puppet Users] Re: stored ressources and file creation

2009-05-08 Thread Evan Hisey

On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 8:37 AM, Peter Meier peter.me...@immerda.ch wrote:


  I was wondering, can we create stored virtual ressources like a @@file
 on a node and have it realized on another node ?

 yes, we can. ;)

 cheers pete

Um cool, but how does that work? I am still trying to get a handle on
virtual resources. As I rewrite my not so great original manifests I
am thinking the whole virttual resources is going to be very very


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[Puppet Users] Re: default options in site.pp

2009-05-08 Thread Peter Meier


 Nice module may use it. Looking over it I did find one minor issue
 with the epel source:

 yum::managed_yumrepo { epel-source:
   descr = 'Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux $releasever -
 $basearch - Source',
 mirrorlist =
   enabled = 1,
   gpgcheck = 1,
   failovermethod = priority,
 failovermethod = 'priority',
   gpgkey = 'file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL',
   priority = 16,

 As you can see you have 2 failovermethod = 'priority' entries.
 Nothing big thought you might want to know..

bleh, thanks.

cheers pete

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[Puppet Users] Re: stored ressources and file creation

2009-05-08 Thread Peter Meier


  I was wondering, can we create stored virtual ressources like a @@file
 on a node and have it realized on another node ?

 yes, we can. ;)

 cheers pete

 Um cool, but how does that work? I am still trying to get a handle on
 virtual resources. As I rewrite my not so great original manifests I
 am thinking the whole virttual resources is going to be very very

node A:

@@file{'/tmp/foo': tag = $fqdnofothernode }

other node:

File| tag == $fqdn |

cheers pete

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[Puppet Users] SystemStackError

2009-05-08 Thread phynias

I have puppet installed on 15 identical CentOS 5.2 systems and it runs
perfectly on all of them but 2. i get the following different one from

the same version of ruby, facter, and puppet are on all machines using
Installed: ruby - 1.8.5-5.el5_2.6.x86_64
Installed: facter - 1.3.7-1.el5.rf.x86_64
Installed: puppet - 0.22.4-1.el5.rf.x86_64

debug: puppet: Setting vardir to '/var/lib/puppet'
debug: puppet: Setting logdir to '/var/log/puppet'
debug: puppet: Setting rundir to '/var/run/puppet'
debug: puppet: Setting ssldir to '$vardir/ssl'
debug: puppetd: Setting classfile to '$vardir/classes.txt'
debug: puppetd: Setting localconfig to '$vardir/localconfig'
debug: puppetd: Setting server to 'cacti.hautelook.com'
`initclass': stack level too deep (SystemStackError)
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util/classgen.rb:
156:in `each'
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util/classgen.rb:
156:in `initclass'
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util/classgen.rb:
111:in `genthing'
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util/classgen.rb:28:in
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/metatype/attributes.rb:
240:in `newparam'
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/type/schedule.rb:63
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util/classgen.rb:
118:in `class_eval'
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util/classgen.rb:
118:in `send'
... 26 levels...
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util/config.rb:588:in
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/network/client/
master.rb:241:in `initialize'
   from /usr/sbin/puppetd:308:in `new'
   from /usr/sbin/puppetd:308

#puppetd --debug --test
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter.rb:255:in `each_with_index': stack
level too deep (SystemStackError)
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter.rb:255:in `add'
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter.rb:89:in `add'
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter.rb:627:in `loadfacts'
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter.rb:626:in `each'
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter.rb:626:in `loadfacts'
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter.rb:1071
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet.rb:3:in `require'
   from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet.rb:3
   from /usr/sbin/puppetd:157:in `require'
   from /usr/sbin/puppetd:157

if anyone can help me even begin to look for something that might be
causing this i appreciate it so much. i have no idea how to even begin
solving this.

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[Puppet Users] SSL connection errors

2009-05-08 Thread Robin Sheat
My puppet setup has been working nicely for a while, but recently I get errors 
like this a lot:

May  9 15:46:33 puppet puppetd[22423]: 
Failed to retrieve current state of resource: Connection reset by peer - 
SSL_connect Could not describe /nagios/check_apt: Connection reset by peer - 
SSL_connect at /etc/puppet/modules/nagios/manifests/init.pp:163

The puppetmaster seems to stop logging anything by this point, although ps 
says that it's still there.

I'm using 0.24.8 RC1 (the latest I've found .debs for), and am using the 
default connection handling thing (WebBrick I presume) with about a dozen 
clients, give or take. Restarting the puppetmaster gets it going for a while, 
but after a variable length of time (usually days, although today it was 
about 12 hours) it'll start happening again.

Any ideas?

Robin ro...@kallisti.net.nz JabberID: eyth...@jabber.kallisti.net.nz

Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est?

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[Puppet Users] Re: exported res with multiple tags not working

2009-05-08 Thread Luke Kanies

On May 6, 2009, at 7:36 PM, Ben wrote:

 I am creating a define to manage cups printers on many servers and
 would like to export the necessary 'file' and 'exec' resources with
 multiple tags so i can be selective about what is realized on what
 servers but i don't seem to be able to get it working with multiple  

 The following examples do not work and i would expect them too.

 example 1:

 # Export resource test w/ mulitple tags.
 @@file { /tmp/test-${fqdn}: content = test ${fqdn},
  tag = [ exp-res-test-${fqdn},
 exp-res-test-${domain}, exp-res-test-all ];
 File| tag == exp-res-test-${fqdn} |

 On examining the database the resource is created and exported but non
 of the requested tags are created, only the autotags.

 example 2:

 # Export resource test w/ mulitple tags using a define.
 define exp-res-test () {

  @@file { /tmp/test-${fqdn}: content = test ${fqdn}; }
 exp-res-test { testing: }
 File| tag == exp-res-test-${fqdn} |

 Looking at the database for this one things are looking better, the
 resource is created, exported and all the requested tags are  
 with it but the resource is not realized by the 'File| tag ==
 exp-res-test-${fqdn} |' and the file is never created.

 I have tried a number of other configurations with no success.  Am i
 missing something or is this a bug?

What version are you using?

The tagging is a bit weird when searching for resources, because  
Puppet tries to match against any item in a list, but this should work  
for the most recent versions.

Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving
through traffic in a car that you are still paying for - in order to
get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the
house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.
 -- Ellen DeGeneres
Luke Kanies | http://reductivelabs.com | http://madstop.com

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