[Puppet Users] Re: puppet-lint questions

2014-04-15 Thread Alexander Fortin
On Monday, April 14, 2014 7:16:39 PM UTC+2, Daniele Sluijters wrote:

 Sometimes things don't become more legible if you're forced to break it 
 off somehow at 80 chars. We still try very hard to respect the 80 chars but 
 sometimes, we go over it.

Just a note on the 80 chars limitation: in the past I found it frustrating 
too, but today I see it's working well with code reviews software (Gerrit) 
that split the window in two with the old and new version of the file.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Slides TDD with puppet - puppetcamp paris yesterday

2014-04-15 Thread Alexander Fortin
On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 1:10:05 PM UTC+2, Felix.Frank wrote:

 On 04/15/2014 09:25 AM, Nikola Petrov wrote: 
  I haven't used catalog-diff but I 
  am suspecting that it might be a substitute for the rspec tests. Tell me 

 No. rspec allows you to implement unit tests to catch certain regression 
 bugs. catalog-diff is rather concerned with integration testing 
 (although you can use rspec for that as well). 

I think with catalog-diff we're catching regression bugs too, meaning that 
if the module interface is broken in the proposed commit, it will show up 
as an error (unless no node is actually including the refactored module).


  does it provide the following: 
  * Automatic runs through guard/rake/whatever on every commit to verify 
  that I am not breaking things like permissions on files 

 You could do that, but compiling each of your nodes' catalog on every 
 commit would be excessive. 

I agree it can be overkill for many environments, I guess depends on what 
you actually want to test, or better, what kind of confidence you want to 
have that your committed code is not actually breaking anything.

To me seems that the catalog-diff approach is catching a broad variety of 
problems, also some that (I think) can't be easily catch by expressions in 

For example, somewhere in a random manifest I'm just changing declaration 
style for a class, from 'include myclass' to class {'myclass': }, leading 
to possible declaration dependency order / duplicated declarations 
problems: Node A (which I am currently working on) is including only one 
declaration, but node B was evaluating that class declaration two times, 
hence the duplicate declaration only on node B.

Can rspec-puppet catch also this kind of problems? More in general, I'd 
like to know if rspec-puppet can give me the confidence that, given a node 
resource, the new version of the catalog will compile for that node.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Slides TDD with puppet - puppetcamp paris yesterday

2014-04-14 Thread Alexander Fortin
On Sunday, April 13, 2014 11:57:19 AM UTC+2, Johan De Wit wrote:

 I still am so surprised when asking who is doing some kind of 'testing', 
 almost nobody raises is hand . 

 Most people just don't' see the sense of doing rspec unit tests - why 
 writing the same code twice ? 

 Well, I think there is still a lot of talking to do  

Hi Johan,

sorry for the missed presentation at Puppet User Group Berlin, I'll make it 
one day or another and I'll share the slides at least ;)

I'll be very happy to discuss further the testing topic, because testing is 
also very important to us. Actually we do lots of testing on our manifests 
(but not with rspec) and catalogs, and precisely I think that puppet 
catalog-diff [1] is the key piece in the pipeline for us, because it shows 
us for real what's actually changing with every commit we push to our 
manifests, plus the noop runs before merging to prod give us the final safe 
net to be sure we don't get any unexpected change in production. For the 
last 8 months or so it's been working surprisingly well for us and I'm 
really willing to share our experience with the community and also getting 
and suggestions about how to improve it even further.

By the way, I'm another one that's not so convinced about the rspec tests 
value, to me seems that the unit tests themselves are much less relevant 
for a declarative-like language like Puppet. I mean, there's no 'design' 
that has to emerge by the unit tests getting green, in our team we already 
share a defined design for module structure, and, say, if the coder write 
the spec for a file to be there, I don't see why I should trust that more 
than a definition of that same thing in the manifest itself, hence the 
feeling of code duplication with no real value added.

What I can see very clearly for normal software development, those values 
coming from TDD, I can't see easily for Puppet manifests writing. Something 
like Beaker [2] is what we'd like to add to our testing pipeline, i.e. 
running tests for the full stack in a VM, but again, stil more then willing 
to change my mind about rspec-puppet ;)

[1] https://github.com/ripienaar/puppet-catalog-diff
[2] https://github.com/puppetlabs/beaker/wiki/Overview


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[Puppet Users] Re: puppet-lint questions

2014-04-14 Thread Alexander Fortin

On Friday, April 11, 2014 12:32:39 AM UTC+2, Rich Burroughs wrote:

 I saw one of the Puppet Labs webinars about setting up your Puppet 
 development environment, and at one point it mentioned using a git hook to 
 run puppet-lint before committing. We do that where I work with puppet 
 parser validate, but right now a lot of our code would not pass a 
 puppet-lint run with no options.

 I'm curious how many people actually are that strict about it.

Hi Rich, in our team we use puppet-lint strictly (meaning, if a manifest 
can't pass any linter test, it can't be merged), and personally I like it 
because it help standardize the code style and in general make the 
manifests more readable. As far as I know, it is enforcing most (if not 
any) Puppetlabs style guide rules [1].

Also, I have a couple of specific questions about errors that show up in 
 our manifests commonly.

 We get this a lot:

   WARNING: quoted boolean value found on line 39

 With code like this:

 $foo=hiera('foo', 'false'),

 We've given a default of false for a Hiera lookup. It doesn't seem like 
 there's a way around this, it seems like it actually needs to be quoted.

I think this is a problem with the hiera function, from a puppet point of 
view to me a boolean literal seems more appropriate, a string containing 
'false' is semantically quite misleading. I remember I somehow solved the 
problem with a default '' (empty string) value for the hiera function, but 
maybe it's not fitting your use case as well. Another workaround is to 
define a default foo key in hiera itself to false. Not sure what hiera 
version you're running, maybe it changed with more recent versions.

 One other example:

   WARNING: double quoted string containing no variables on line 57

 We get this when we are doing a tidy and are globbing:

   tidy { $log_directory:
 schedule = weekly,
 backup   = false,
 type = ctime,
 recurse  = true,
 matches  = foo.out*,
 age  = 97d,

 Again, I think this is supposed to be double quoted (I found some examples 
 on the Puppet Labs site that had double quotes).

I never used the tidy resource but I'm quite sure the globbing will be done 
at apply time and not at compile time, puppet master has no notion of 
what's inside the agent filesystem in the first place. Nevertheless, 
quoting rules are quite clear [2] and a double quote should only be needed 
to interpolate variables inside the string.

 I know I can pass options to disable those checks, but in both cases there 
 are times we might legitimately make a mistake that would cause that error, 
 and I wouldn't want to ignore those...

Yeah, I know it's a little painful to follow them all strictly at the 
beginning (especially the missing-docs and 80 chars ones), but in my 
experience in the long run it pays off in terms of readability, so I'd 
advise to use puppet-lint wherever possible

[1] http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/style_guide.html
[2] http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/style_guide.html#quoting


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[Puppet Users] Re: Error when checking out repo with svn+ssh

2014-03-27 Thread Alexander Fortin
On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 8:06:02 PM UTC+1, rupsmaths wrote:

 When i try running puppet agent -t --server master
 i get the following error:
 *Error: Execution of '/usr/bin/svn --non-interactive checkout 
 svn+ssh://repo' returned 1: svn: To better debug SSH connection problems, 
 remove the -q option from 'ssh' in the [tunnels] section of your Subversion 
 configuration file.*
 *svn: Network connection closed unexpectedly*

 I have added the private key on to my client machine so that i dont have 
 to enter the password again and again.

 What should i do? I hope i have explained the problem good enough..Waiting 
 for your help guys.

Hi. Not sure where that vcsrepo resource is coming from, anyway I guess 
it's a defined resource declaring an Exec that tries to run your svn 
command. Maybe the (shell) environment you're testing your script from is 
different from the one your Puppet run is using (i.e. different users) ?

Anyway, the general advise is to provide the more data and context you can 
if you want others to help you out solving your problem ;) For example, try 
to run puppet with --debug and/or --trace option and see if it gives you 
more hints, by the way the svn error message is already giving you some, so 
maybe also remove (temporally) the -q option there to have more information.

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[Puppet Users] Re: Disable SSL when compiling catalogs for testing purposes

2014-03-06 Thread Alexander Fortin
On Thursday, March 6, 2014 3:15:39 PM UTC+1, jcbollinger wrote:

 Do you see the ca in most of those?  That stands for certificate 
 authority.  The one file that doesn't have it, ssl/crl.pem, is a 
 certificate revocation list, which is also associated with the CA.  The 
 Puppet master provides a (as in one) certificate authority for the 
 infrastructure it manages.  It will create the needed keys and certificate 
 only if they do not already exist.

 IMPORTANT: you must not disturb the master's CA.  Doing so will make the 
 certificates it has already signed unusable, rendering those agents using 
 them both unwilling AND unable to request catalogs from that master.

Hi John, thanks for the concern and for the insights you are providing. 
Yes, now I realize it's not creating the $host cert as I initially said but 
only the certificate authority files. I think I could just create these 
files just once and place them in the Docker image to avoid puppet 
recreating them at any run, maybe it will not give us any visible gain in 
performance but it's trivial to do so why not.

Also, these puppet master --compile processes are not run in the actual 
puppet master machine(s) but on dedicated testing environments (Jenkins + 
Docker images) so no harm done to the actual CA :)

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[Puppet Users] Re: ignoring changes to a file

2014-03-05 Thread Alexander Fortin
On Wednesday, March 5, 2014 3:41:45 PM UTC+1, kaustubh chaudhari wrote:

 Hi All,

 One of my application requires me to copy a config file after installation 
 the application. This needs to be done only once after installation

 However this config file is managed by a central server and keeps on 
 getting updated every day, which means puppet will overwrite the updated 
 file every day.
 Which is a problem.

 How can i configure puppet to ignore changes to this file. Is there a way 
 to do this ?


Whether to replace a file or symlink that already exists on the local 
system but whose content doesn’t match what the source or content attribute 
specifies. Setting this to false allows file resources to initialize files 
without overwriting future changes. Note that this only affects content; 
Puppet will still manage ownership and permissions. Defaults to true.

Valid values are true, false, yes, no

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[Puppet Users] Disable SSL when compiling catalogs for testing purposes

2014-03-05 Thread Alexander Fortin
Hi folks,

recently in our Puppet pipeline we added a few tests on catalogs
leveraging Ripienaar's puppet-catalog-diff [1]. Basically, before
merging to production, for each node we compare the catalogs between
production and the committed developing version, to spot any (maybe
unwanted) change before the agent run. Also, we run catalog diffs for
a single node locally in a Docker container to help refactoring-like
tasks, and to test with different versions of puppet too (still at
v2.7, will upgrade to 3 hopefully very soon).

This has been working quite well for us so far, but of course will be
nice to reduce the amount of time needed to run those tests. I know
very little about the puppet master process, but my understanding is
that every time we create the catalog, i.e. running

puppet master --compile myhost

this will also create a SSL cert for myhost. Is there a way to disable
this behavior? Any other suggestions about how to make this catalog
creation process as lightweight as possible?


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[Puppet Users] Re: Disable SSL when compiling catalogs for testing purposes

2014-03-05 Thread Alexander Fortin
On Wednesday, March 5, 2014 7:07:42 PM UTC+1, jcbollinger wrote:

 On Wednesday, March 5, 2014 8:35:40 AM UTC-6, Alexander Fortin wrote:

 [...] my understanding is 
 that every time we create the catalog, i.e. running 

 puppet master --compile myhost 

 this will also create a SSL cert for myhost.

 I can't say for certain that you're wrong, but I have never heard of that 
 certificate-generating behavior.  From whence comes your understanding?

I noticed because running two 'puppet master --compile' in parallel with 
the same host and same vardir path was creating conflicts, anyway these are 
the (SSL) files that get created at every run:


Even if Puppet were doing that, I think you would find the savings 
 available from eliminating it to be negligible compared to the cost of the 
 actual catalog compilation.

I guess you are right, I hoped it was just a matter of setting a config 
parameters to false but didn't find anything like that. Thanks

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[Puppet Users] Environment supersets using Hiera

2013-02-22 Thread Alexander Fortin
Hi folks,

I'm using Puppet 3.0.1 and hiera 1.1.1, and this is my hierarchy now:
  - %{fqdn}
  - %{environment}
  - common

but I'd like to achieve something like this:

if my node has environment=vagrant, then Hiera sources should be:
- /var/lib/hiera/vagrant.yaml
- /var/lib/hiera/devel.yaml
- /var/lib/hiera/common.yaml

if environment=devel:
- /var/lib/hiera/devel.yaml
- /var/lib/hiera/common.yaml

if environment=production:
- /var/lib/hiera/common.yaml

I'm going through documentation but seems there's no mention to this
kind of setup.

Any hint? Thanks!

Alexander Fortin

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Re: [Puppet Users] Thoughts on job listings?

2012-05-31 Thread Alexander Fortin
On 5/30/12 11:07 PM, R. Tyler Croy wrote:
 I think this is the best idea here, a This Week in Puppet Jobs would be a
 good email, low noise, high signal :)

Oh yes, I like this suggestion too!

My +1

Alexander Fortin

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet syntax check for Komodo Edit

2012-02-19 Thread Alexander Fortin
On 2/18/12 9:01 PM, Mister IT Guru wrote:
 Hi All,
 Please forgive me for jumping on this thread, but I'm a bit shocked -
 Syntax highlighting for puppet? Sorry for being slow on this one, I have
 been cracking my eyes using nano, and basic text editors - It never
 crossed my mind to use an IDE!!
 Feel free to shame me as you see fit - I think I deserve punishment for
 missing a trick here! I've seen two recommendations for OSX users,
 Komodo Edit, and Eclipse. I think I'll download them now, I'm open for
 other suggestions!

Hi! no shame, you've got to use the tool you feel more comfortable with
;) Each one has pros and cons of course.

Actually I've been using mostly VIM + VIM-Puppet so far, but given that
recently I've been writing more and more Python code, I feel that an IDE
is more handy, especially for features like projects, so I double
click on a project name and I get any previously opened file in a tab.

PS still struggling to make Geppetto install PyDev :-/

Alexander Fortin

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet syntax check for Komodo Edit

2012-02-18 Thread Alexander Fortin
On 2/18/12 2:55 PM, Henrik Lindberg wrote:
 For Eclipse, there is PyDev for Python, and the Dynamic Lanugages
 toolkit has support for several others (like Ruby). You can install
 Geppetto into an Eclipse, or install support for other languages into
 Geppetto (which is essentially a stripped down Eclipse with only the
 things required for Puppet development).

 Did you try PyDev? Is that where the pain came from :) ?

No :) I was just scared by the bloat that comes with Eclipse, but I'll
give a try to the second option you suggest (Geppetto + languages
support) though.

Alexander Fortin

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Re: [Puppet Users] Uninstall Puppet and Facter from OSX

2011-11-29 Thread Alexander Fortin

On 11/28/11 5:59 PM, Nigel Kersten wrote:

You should, yes.

I'd actually suggest the best thing to do is to run
conf/osx/createpackage.sh to generate a proper Mac pkg out of the
tarball. That will do some extra things like set up the right directory
ownership for you.

The previous install.rb install should have put files into:

and removing all those should effectively remove the install.

Thanks Nigel, I've followed your suggestion and now I'm running puppet 
v2.7.6 installed via gem

PS I wasn't able to find the createpackage.sh script you suggested though

Alexander Fortin

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[Puppet Users] Uninstall Puppet and Facter from OSX

2011-11-28 Thread Alexander Fortin

Hi folks,

I'm a new Mac user and a while ago I installed puppet (2.6.7) + facter 
(1.5.8) from tarballs provided by puppetlabs.com on my Lion machine.

Now, I'd like to go for gem install and get puppet 2.7, but I'm not sure 
if I need to remove the puppet I've got installed right now before doing so.

Thanks for your time,

Alexander Fortin

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Multiple nodes.pp files

2011-11-27 Thread Alexander Fortin

On 11/24/11 5:58 AM, Iain Sutton wrote:

Aside: do you perhaps mean

source = file(/home/$::realuser/puppet/files/smb.conf),

instead of

content = file(/home/$::realuser/puppet/files/smb.conf),


No, I'm using content =, and it works if I use actual strings instead 
of variables.

Do you have any lines like:
notice(the value of realuser is ${realuser}  and ::realuser is
${::realuser} )

in your manifest to confirm what the variables might actually contain?

I've added your line as suggested but as soon as I import the manifest 
file that uses those variables, it doesn't compile:

Could not find any files from /home//puppet/files/smb.conf at 
/home/alex/puppet/manifests/samba.pp:7 on node blah

Alexander Fortin

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Multiple nodes.pp files

2011-11-22 Thread Alexander Fortin

On 11/21/11 9:28 PM, jcbollinger wrote:

What if you spell it like so:

mysersource { /etc/$::myvariable: ensure =  present }


This is the actual code now:

file { /etc/samba/smb.conf:
ensure = present,
content = file(/home/$::realuser/puppet/files/smb.conf),
require = Package[samba],
notify = Service[$sambaservices],

but I get the same output from apply:

Could not find any files from /home//puppet/files/smb.conf at 
/home/alex/puppet/manifests/samba.pp:7 on node blah

Alexander Fortin

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Multiple nodes.pp files

2011-11-22 Thread Alexander Fortin

On 11/22/11 7:37 PM, Aaron Grewell wrote:

Curly braces perhaps?
content =  file(/home/${realuser}/puppet/files/smb.conf),

Tried both with ${realuser} and with ${::realuser}, no luck.

Alexander Fortin

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Multiple nodes.pp files

2011-11-21 Thread Alexander Fortin

On 11/21/11 11:13 AM, Luke Bigum wrote:

Yes, big difference.

The 'import' function will literally add the contents of a manifest file
into where your import statement is, it's like a 'include woof.h' in
C/C++ or source /etc/sysconfig/woof in Bash. It should really never be
used anywhere outside of site.pp to add classes and functions but rather
with Puppet's class autoloading functionality.


I think it's related. I'm using 2.7.3 with puppet apply only and I've 
noticed that if you declare a variable in the importing manifest (say, 
init.pp), it will not be callable from the imported manifest. So:

$myvariable = blabla
myresource { $myvariable : ensure = present }

import secondmanifest.pp


mysersource { /etc/$myvariable: ensure = present }

doesn't work.

Alexander Fortin

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[Puppet Users] eggdrop-puppet-notificator

2011-08-31 Thread Alexander Fortin

Hi folks.

I've just written a small plug-in for Eggdrop:


Maybe someone here is running both a puppet master and an eggdrop 
process on the same machine and wishes to get notified about missing 
nodes (via IRC and email). I like very much that Dashboard tells me 
which node is missing for more than 60mins, but I didn't know how to get 
notified too, so...  I'm sure there are better ways to do it but this 
was just the easier I've seen, so of course any comment/bug report etc 
is very appreciated ;)

Alexander Fortin

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Announce: Dashboard 1.2.0 is available now

2011-08-31 Thread Alexander Fortin

On 08/27/2011 08:07 PM, Ramin K wrote:

ruby 1.8.5, released Apr 2006
ruby 1.8.7, released May 2008
ruby 1.9.2, released Oct 2010

Not exactly bleeding edge though I suppose anything released in the
last four years could be considered that when compared to RHEL 5.:-)

FWIW, if you think of the releases as Ruby 1.0.x, 1.5.x, and 2.0.x
respectively the differences in capabilities will make more sense.

For my environment, having puppet agents = 2.6.4 is the only blocking 
issue, because I'd like to stay with Debian/Ubuntu packages and so far 
the most I can get from stable versions are 2.6.2 (the only exception 
being FreeBSD 8.2 shipping 2.6.7)

Argh... I just can't wait to see the new Dashboard! :D

Alexander Fortin

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Re: [Puppet Users] eggdrop-puppet-notificator

2011-08-31 Thread Alexander Fortin

On 08/31/2011 02:25 PM, Ohad Levy wrote:

nice! any chance you would consider adding a query to foreman?
easy to get that info via:


Hi Ohad! Unfortunately I've got no Foreman so no way to test it (and no 
real need to extend it because no Foreman in the near future here...)

If you (or anyone) want to submit a patch I'll be more than happy :) 
Just ask to be added to the GitHub project and I'll give you RW.

Alexander Fortin

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[Puppet Users] Can a node access a not-imported module's files?

2011-06-15 Thread Alexander Fortin
Hi folks, I've finally found the time (and the will!) to test puppet and 
thanks to this ml and other great resources like docs.puppetlabs.com and 
#puppet on freenode, I must admit it's much easier than what I thought. 
It's evident this is a great community indeed, nice job everyone!

I've got a doubt and I wasn't able to find documentation about, so I 
thought it was time to try out this ML too: I'd like to manage sensitive 
data like PEM certs (to manage openvpn services for instance) and I'm 
puzzled by this doubt: is it possible for a client to steal 
information from the master? I mean, can mynode see 
modules/mymodule/files/mysecretfile even if the node 'mynode' is not 
including that module?

Alexander Fortin

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Re: [Puppet Users] Can a node access a not-imported module's files?

2011-06-15 Thread Alexander Fortin

On 06/15/2011 04:54 PM, Nigel Kersten wrote:

By default, yes.

It is possible to construct an API call to access fileserver data that
hasn't been explicitly assigned to that node.

However you can construct your own ACLs to restrict access to certain
files using auth.conf


For such data, I would create a specific module or custom fileserver
mount, and restrict access to it explicitly.


Thanks Nigel, I'll think about that option. I'm not yet sure if it's a 
better idea to keep secret files stored just on one secure place (say, 
an encrypted folder on my laptop or better) as I'm doing now, then 
collecting them on a server.

It was more a curiosity then a real necessity, many thanks for the 
explanation though.

Alexander Fortin

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Can a node access a not-imported module's files?

2011-06-15 Thread Alexander Fortin

On 06/15/2011 05:01 PM, Nigel Kersten wrote:

Check the correct format for generate(). That's a terrible idea if the
catalog gets written to disk anywhere. Can someone confirm?

Only the agents who have been delivered that resource will end up with
that data in their catalog.

I should have mentioned this solution as well.

Note too the file() function which lets you simply return the contents
of a file without needing to jump through the hoop of using cat.

Yes, this sounds reasonable!

@Luke: about the catalog writing danger, do you refer to the client or 
the master? Anyway, to make this work, eventually both client and master 
will store the secret somewhere, so I don't think is an issue as far as 
the secret/catalog is only readable by root.

Alexander Fortin

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