[Puppet Users] Puppet agent certs: do they live in /etc/puppet/ssl or /var/lib/puppet/ssl?

2015-08-10 Thread Graham Leggett
Hi all,

I have been trying to configure a number of puppet agents with certificates 
and keys that are pregenerated. In theory, this means putting the certs in 
the right place and starting puppet agent.

In practise this seems to be hard.

After installing the puppet v3.4.3 package on ubuntu 14.04, a directory 
tree is created under /var/lib/puppet/ssl as follows:


I place the key and cert in this tree expecting puppet to do the right 
thing, but when I start puppet agent for the first time as below a new 
directory tree is created below /etc/puppet/ssl, new keys are created and 
all my pregenerated keys and certs are ignored:


Is there a way to make puppet agent's behaviour predictable when it comes 
to certs and keys? Which directory is the one a puppet agent should be 
using, /etc/puppet/ssl or /var/lib/puppet/ssl?

In all cases puppet is being run as root (with sudo).

root@snip-brk01:~# sudo cat /etc/puppet/puppet.conf 
certname = snip-pup01.snip
server = snip-pup01.snip
environment = dev
runinterval = 1h


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Re: [Puppet Users] Is puppet right for us?

2011-12-07 Thread Graham Leggett
On 07 Dec 2011, at 10:22 PM, Luke wrote:

 We are web app startup that is attempting to embrace the devops
 We have a mixture of redhat and centos ESX VMs spread across dev/QA/
 prod environments. We are currently using nagios for monitoring. Our
 servers consist of apache, tomcat and mysql. We are looking for open
 sourced software (we are a startup so we are broke! but commercial
 support could be an option once we get big).
 We are looking for a tool that will not only allow us to automate our
 complex server builds and web app deployments but will assist our devs
 with getting their builds ready to deploy. Monitoring, integration of
 Tomcat, mysql etc would be nice as well since configuring nagios is a
 Can puppet do all of these things? Does it sound right for us?
 We are also considering CFengine and Chef. Would puppet be a better
 fit over these two? If so why?

When we (a large media company facing the same problem) built our platform, we 
were Redhat based, and so initially chose RPM as a deployment mechanism, with 
RPMs rolled using maven (even the non Java ones). What that meant was that our 
applications and our configs were rolled into proper RPMs, deployed to yum 
repositories, and deployed using the same tooling that already existed on the 

This had a number of advantages:

- Developers were expected to integrate their own packages and deliver them as 
RPMs. This is immensely powerful - no longer do developers and integration 
teams play tennis with code lobbed over a wall, now it's purely the developers 
in control of the code. Apart from the initial resistance from developers 
(what? more work?), they soon realised the upsides (what? you mean it deployed 
somewhere else and just worked without anyone messing with my code?). If 
something went wrong, it was almost always the developer's fault, and the 
developer could just deploy the RPM to a sandbox and debug it. When something 
is clearly one person's fault, they just get on with fixing it, no fighting 

- Deployments were simple - deploy the RPM, done. This took discipline, as ops 
had to refuse complicated install instructions (anything beyond deploy RPM; 
restart service was rejected), but the advantage was that once the code was 
deployed to one environment, it could be deployed to the next and we'd know it 
would work. Because deployments were effectively all the same, they were quick 
to do, and didn't require any specialised training over and above that an ops 
person already knew about managing the system. This saved a fortune.

- Rollbacks were both possible and simple - if something didn't work, you 
rolled back to the previous RPM, done. Suddenly deployments were far less 
risky, and downtime was negligible. Deployments were an office hours affair, 
and that saved a lot of money on staff.

- Deployments were repeatable - If you deployed an RPM to a testing environment 
and it worked, you could deploy the RPM to a live environment and be assured 
that it would work without worrying that some 20 step process wasn't followed 

- Whatever you could do, you could undo - If you wanted to uninstall an 
application or website, you uninstalled the RPM, done. If you wanted to know 
what package owned a particular file on the machine, you asked RPM, it would 
tell you.

- Documentation evaporated, and this is a Good Thing(TM). If everything works 
the same way, you don't need to document it beyond documenting the expected way 
to do things for the first RPM.

There were some downsides though:

- Configuration was deployed by RPM too, and for complex configurations (such 
as those of a whole class of webserver) this made sense and was a huge help, 
but for simple configurations this was a curse, as you had to release a new RPM 
for every change.

- External config such as digital certificates were handled manually, and 
wasn't ideal.

- Despite the protection provided by RPM, developers still found new and 
interesting ways to subvert the RPM process to break things. Fortunately this 
was the exception, not the rule.

To solve this, we introduced puppet to complement the RPM based stuff above, 
and by and large it has been successful, but there have been downsides.

- It is very tempting for someone who knows puppet to just do it in puppet, 
and we ended up with some configs done in RPM, and others in puppet. Complex 
configurations in puppet are big, unwieldy, slow to run, and difficult to 
understand, and cannot be uninstalled from the affected machines.

- RPM includes the concept of versioning natively, but puppet expects you to 
apply your own versioning scheme outside of puppet, and in our case we just 
didn't. Sure, the puppet config was in source control, but there was no 
functionality to branch or tag, nor was there a way to deploy or roll back 
atomic changes. We no longer had the certainty of it worked in test so it will 
definitely work in live, and this was a step 

[Puppet Users] Using puppet+augeas to modify multiple files

2011-11-28 Thread Graham Leggett
Hi all,

I have a task to convince puppet and augeas to modify multiple postfix
files, most specifically /etc/postfix/main.cf and /etc/postifx/
acceptdomains.cf (and other LDAP related files), and I'm struggling to
find out how to do that. I have found examples on how to use augeas to
modify just one file at a time, but no information seems to be
available when multiple files are involved.

I started with the config published here, and have no idea what to
change to convince puppet+augeas to edit both /etc/postfix/main.cf
and /etc/postfix/acceptdomains.cf at the same time:


Does anyone have a sample configuration on how you would modify
multiple files at once, or have a clue on where to start?


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[Puppet Users] Re: Using puppet+augeas to modify multiple files

2011-11-28 Thread Graham Leggett
On 27 Nov 2011, at 20:04, Graham Leggett wrote:

 I have a task to convince puppet and augeas to modify multiple postfix
 files, most specifically /etc/postfix/main.cf and /etc/postifx/
 acceptdomains.cf (and other LDAP related files), and I'm struggling to
 find out how to do that. I have found examples on how to use augeas to
 modify just one file at a time, but no information seems to be
 available when multiple files are involved.
 I started with the config published here, and have no idea what to
 change to convince puppet+augeas to edit both /etc/postfix/main.cf
 and /etc/postfix/acceptdomains.cf at the same time:
 Does anyone have a sample configuration on how you would modify
 multiple files at once, or have a clue on where to start?

Answering my own question, I've discovered that augeas doesn't support multiple 
files at all without a custom lens being created to support it.

Or to declare it more accurately, augeas only knows about specific files 
defined in specific locations, it has no concept of a general file in a general 
location that you might want to apply a lens to.

I eventually worked around the issue by making a custom lens copied from the 
augeas postfix_main.aug lens that listed the extra ldap templates as matching a 
wildcard, at this point augeas started working correctly.

Something else I discovered is that augeas has no error handling of any kind - 
if it doesn't recognise a file as matching one of the predetermined locations 
built into the lens, it will silently ignore the file, and not tell you why.


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[Puppet Users] Templates + Parameterised classes

2011-11-28 Thread Graham Leggett
Hi all,

I have found the puppet docs for parameterised classes, and I have found the 
docs for templates, but I cannot find it documented anywhere on how to expose a 
parameter from a parameterised class inside a template.

I am trying to embed the parameter name using % parameter_name % inside the 
template, but all I get in the final file is the empty string, and no clear 
indication as to why.

Is there a set of docs anywhere that explains how to do this?


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