[Puppet Users] Re: environments for several internal customers?

2009-09-08 Thread Macno

I do that in this way:

On puppet.conf on the puppetmaster:
reports = store,rrdgraph,tagmail,log
autosign = true
environments = alpha,beta,gamma
manifest = /no/file

modulepath = /etc/puppet/data/beta/
manifest = /etc/puppet/manifests/site-beta.pp

modulepath = /etc/puppet/data/alpha/
manifest = /etc/puppet/manifests/site-alpha.pp

modulepath = /etc/puppet/data/gamma/
manifest = /etc/puppet/manifests/site-gamma.pp

 /etc/puppet/manifests/site-beta.pp has something like:
import project_beta (a module, in  where you define your
infrastructure, placed in /etc/puppet/data/beta/ )

Permissions on /etc/puppet/data/beta/ are limited to the users/groups
that can manage files for the beta environment.

On puppet.conf on the client (for example of the beta environment):
vardir = /var/lib/puppet
logdir = /var/log/puppet
rundir = /var/run/puppet
ssldir = $vardir/ssl
environment = beta

classfile = $vardir/classes.txt
localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
environments = beta

You can define also testing / production environments for each
department, with something like:

On clients:
vardir = /var/lib/puppet
logdir = /var/log/puppet
rundir = /var/run/puppet
ssldir = $vardir/ssl
environment = betaprod

classfile = $vardir/classes.txt
localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
environments = betatest,betaprod

(normal puppetruns use beta-prod, with puppetd -t --
environment=betatest you run on the test environment of beta).

puppet.conf on the puppet master becomes something like:
reports = store,rrdgraph,tagmail,log
autosign = true
environments = alphatest,alphaprod,betatest,betaprod ...
manifest = /no/file

modulepath = /etc/puppet/data/beta/test/
manifest = /etc/puppet/manifests/site-beta.pp

modulepath = /etc/puppet/data/beta/prod/
manifest = /etc/puppet/manifests/site-beta.pp

/etc/puppet/data/beta/test/ and /etc/puppet/data/beta/prod/ are both
git clones that pull from something like  /etc/puppet/data/beta/


Alessandro Franceschi

On 7 Set, 10:24, philipp Hanselmann philipp.hanselm...@gmail.com
 We are planning to use a puppet server for several internal customers at
 our school (ETHZ - Swiss Fedral Institute of Technology Zürich).

 One way could be to choose  a separate environment for each customer ...

 Each customer will get a normal user on the puppet server. With this he
 can edit his files inside his own environment path ...

 But how can  we ensure that the customers are separated? It should NOT
 be possible for customer X to choose a environment from customer Y.

 Is there a way to implement this?

 Philipp Hanselmann
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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet Camp

2009-09-08 Thread Macno

Thanks for the info, Andrew.
I'm waiting for passport reneval procedures and relative timings
before confirming my partecipation at the Puppet Camp.
I take the occasion for a general broadcast.
For the people planning to come to San Francisco some days before the
event (to cope with jet-lags or just visit the town) it could be nice
to plan some kind of informal meetup, more or less turistical, more or
less driven by weird sysadmin jokes ;-)
Who is interested for a can reply here or mail me.

Best regards,
Alessandro Franceschi

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[Puppet Users] Re: Forcing puppetd ask puppemasterd for new changes

2009-07-02 Thread Macno

--runinterval is an option to be used in daemon mode (place it in
If you trigger puppet via cron, you can decide the interval at cron

I personally would never place a runinterval value lesser than 30
minutes (3 mins is really extreme, if you need to apply changes
immediately use puppetrun, and leave the interval check at 30).


On 2 Lug, 10:47, Pavel Shevaev pacha.shev...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sorry folks, I'm replying to myself but here is what I found out. For
 some reason running with shorter --runinterval gives me a warning on
 the second and further update sessions with puppetmasterd:

 Other end went away; restarting connection and retrying.

 But puppetmasterd is running for sure

 Here is a sample verbose session:
 pacha...@stage ~ $ sudo puppetd --no-daemonize --server master
 --verbose --runinterval 30
 notice: Starting Puppet client version 0.24.4
 info: Retrieving plugins
 info: Caching catalog at /var/lib/puppet/localconfig.yaml
 notice: Starting catalog run
 * Some changes are applied here*
 notice: Finished catalog run in 2.15 seconds

 * Next interval *

 info: Retrieving plugins
 info: Configuration is up to date
 notice: Starting catalog run
 notice: Finished catalog run in 5.88 seconds
 info: Retrieving plugins
 warning: Other end went away; restarting connection and retrying
 info: Configuration is up to date
 notice: Starting catalog run
 notice: Finished catalog run in 1.08 seconds

 If I cancel this command witch Ctrl-C and start it again puppetd
 retrieves the new changes from the master.

 I definitely don't understand something very obvious related to the
 proper invocation of the puppetd daemon, please guide into the right

 Best regards, Pavel
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[Puppet Users] Re: cronjob every 15 minutes

2009-07-02 Thread Macno

You can do something like this

cron  {
 command = /server/www-production/www.server.de/cli/
 user= root,
 weekday = 3,
 minute  = $hostname ? {
server-vm1 = 15,45,
server-vm2 = 0,30
 hour= ['8-20'];

On 2 Lug, 09:04, Rupert linux...@googlemail.com wrote:
 im trying to create a class that creates a cronjob that is run ever 15
 minutes on 2 Servers.
 These jobs should run at 15 and 45 on one server and on 0 and 30 on
 the other server.
 When i set a variable to '0,30' puppet complains that its not a valid
 Is there a different approach in puppet for this?

 Here is my class:

 class cronjobs_servers {

 case $hostname {

         server-vm1: {
         server-vm2: {



         cron  {
             command = /server/www-production/www.server.de/cli/
             user    = root,
             weekday = ['1-5'],
             minute  = $cronminute2,
             hour    = 22;
         cron  {
             command = /server/www-production/www.server.de/cli/
             user    = root,
             weekday = 3,
             minute  = $cronminute,
             hour    = ['8-20'];
         cron  {
             command = /server/www-production/www.server.de/cli/
             user    = root,
             weekday = 3,
             minute  = $cronminute,
             hour    = ['8-20'];
         cron  {
             command = nice -n 19 /usr/sbin/tmpwatch -a -d -q 48 /
             user    = root,
             minute  = 2,
             hour    = 0;


 thx a lot

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[Puppet Users] Re: Installing applications using puppet

2009-07-01 Thread Macno

Once I did this class for mailscanner installation, can be an example.

class mailscanner {

exec {
command = $operatingsystem ? {
default = yum install -y wget tar gzip rpm-
build binutils glibc-devel gcc make,
onlyif = test ! -f /usr/src/

exec {
command = cd /usr/src ; wget
onlyif = test ! -f /usr/src/
require = Exec[mailscanner_prerequisites],

exec {
command = cd /usr/src ; tar -zxvf
require = Exec[mailscanner_download],
onlyif = test ! -d /usr/src/

exec {
command = cd /usr/src/$mailscannerver ; ./
require = [
unless = rpm -qi mailscanner,

service { mailscanner:
name = MailScanner,
ensure = running,
enable = true,
hasrestart = true,
hasstatus = true,
require = Exec[mailscanner_install],


On Jun 25, 10:42 pm, Neil K sate...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am pretty new to Puppet. My puppet master server is a RHEL 5 box and
 puppet client is a CentOS 5.3 vm. I have managed to configure puppet
 server to successfully install.and upgrade rpm based packages on the
 client machine. Is it possible to install noon-rpm based packages
 using puppet? Like packages comes as tar.gz such as web based

 If it is possible, please provide any example manifests or any good
 documents that I can follow.

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[Puppet Users] Re: EAL4+ general hardening settings with Puppet

2009-04-07 Thread Macno

Hallo Stephen,

 Well the two things I missed were: A documentation outlining all the
 steps being done, and that this is more of a hardening document. It
 can't bring a system to EAL3/4/x because the hardware and other parts
 need to be evaluated in toto by some 'authority'.

Yes, a more detailed documentation on the steps done with those puppet
modules (and the ones not done by the modules but still required) is
something I wanted to do, but for time constrains I preferred to write
down the operational stuff, leaving for better days complete docs.

 I don't want to come across as a nitpicker, but the difference is
 important for people who really need EAL-X. A common problem I have
 seen is that someone will find something listed as EAL4 and then
 finding out when the auditors show up they didn't have what they
 expected.  I don't know the best solution to this, but labeling things
 as hardening guidelines to help meet CAPP is probably better

You're right in underlining this but that's what I actually tried to
express writing:
Consider it a work in progress and by no means a complete solution to
achieve a certified EAL4+ system (that involves further steps that
range from installation of a systems to operations). 
o, in the linked http://www.example42.com/wiki/EalHardening  page:
EAL4+ compliance requires much more than what is configured with the
puppet modules provided here: it's a process that starts from the
hardware choice, the physical location and accessibility of the
servers, their installation, the configuration of the base system
(what is covered here) and the used services and also the day by day
operations on the system.
but maybe you're right if you consider the title of the post, which
might be confusing under this point of view.

Best regards,
Alessandro Franceschi
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[Puppet Users] Re: EAL4+ general hardening settings with Puppet

2009-04-07 Thread Macno

Thanks for the feedback, Larry,

 - The hardening module I would break out each of these services into
 separate modules, so it's more generic.  The hardening class itself I
 would consider a 'role' that would then include all of these modules
 (I have roles exist in the manifest folder and called by site.pp)

I agree with you. One of the reasons why I kept it as a module is due
to the other hardening subclasses that I didn't know where to place.
But I know know if I actually will change that. See below for details.

 - your logindefs class I would consider part of a shadow module that
 then has your specific security policy

Yes, that makes sense.

 - your modules are very centos/RH specific any plans on making them
 apply to other OSes?

Only upon request/necessity. I generally work on Centos/RedHat, when
I'll face the need to run puppet on other distros/os I'll arrange the
They already are genrally done in order to support multi os, but
actually all the default values are RH based.

 - If you are removing packages I would suggest by default installing
 the package and then creating an ::absent class to remove or
 a ::disable to stop the service but have the module installed.  This
 also then allows for keeping the package current via that module.

I thought about it, but, for packages, I preferred to launch a single
removal script (only once) for different reasosn:
- It's not mandatory but only suggested to remove those packages.
- A plethora of different modules (with actually not much more that
the package type) had to be done for most of them
- I didn't want to interfere with a possibly large number of modules
or possible custom changes by users
My point is: the package removal script has to be launched at first
puppet run to provide a clean system, then the admins should be free
to reinstall the removed packages as a deliberate choice and they
should do that via puppet possibly with custom classes, without being
sticked to the ones provdived with the hardening class (or role).

Note that for services I followed a different approach, managing them
with puppet types and probably in this case it's better to divide them
in different modules and provide service::disable classes. I'll
probably fix this and remove the hardening::service class.

 I'm not really familiar with EAL4+ CAPP can you tell me more about
 this?  How is something certified EAL4+ CAPP, and can something be

Stephen John Smoogen has well replied to this. Consider, as written in
various parts, that this set of puppet modules is NOT enough to
certify an EAL4+ system.
I actually suspect that very few systems in the planet can be
considered really EAL4+ RBAC certifiable in ongoing operations (does
anyone here use fully labeled networking in his systems?? Do sysadmins
ALWAYS follow the EAL4+ operations guidelines? ), but that's another

Best regards,
Alessandro Franceschi
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[Puppet Users] Re: EAL4+ general hardening settings with Puppet

2009-04-07 Thread Macno

Thanks for the feedback, Larry,

 - The hardening module I would break out each of these services into
 separate modules, so it's more generic.  The hardening class itself I
 would consider a 'role' that would then include all of these modules
 (I have roles exist in the manifest folder and called by site.pp)

I agree with you. One of the reasons why I kept it as a module is due
to the other hardening subclasses that I didn't know where to place.
But I know know if I actually will change that. See below for details.

 - your logindefs class I would consider part of a shadow module that
 then has your specific security policy

Yes, that makes sense.

 - your modules are very centos/RH specific any plans on making them
 apply to other OSes?

Only upon request/necessity. I generally work on Centos/RedHat, when
I'll face the need to run puppet on other distros/os I'll arrange the
They already are genrally done in order to support multi os, but
actually all the default values are RH based.

 - If you are removing packages I would suggest by default installing
 the package and then creating an ::absent class to remove or
 a ::disable to stop the service but have the module installed.  This
 also then allows for keeping the package current via that module.

I thought about it, but, for packages, I preferred to launch a single
removal script (only once) for different reasosn:
- It's not mandatory but only suggested to remove those packages.
- A plethora of different modules (with actually not much more that
the package type) had to be done for most of them
- I didn't want to interfere with a possibly large number of modules
or possible custom changes by users
My point is: the package removal script has to be launched at first
puppet run to provide a clean system, then the admins should be free
to reinstall the removed packages as a deliberate choice and they
should do that via puppet possibly with custom classes, without being
sticked to the ones provdived with the hardening class (or role).

Note that for services I followed a different approach, managing them
with puppet types and probably in this case it's better to divide them
in different modules and provide service::disable classes. I'll
probably fix this and remove the hardening::service class.

 I'm not really familiar with EAL4+ CAPP can you tell me more about
 this?  How is something certified EAL4+ CAPP, and can something be

Stephen John Smoogen has well replied to this. Consider, as written in
various parts, that this set of puppet modules is NOT enough to
certify an EAL4+ system.
I actually suspect that very few systems in the planet can be
considered really EAL4+ RBAC certifiable in ongoing operations (does
anyone here use fully labeled networking in his systems?? Do sysadmins
ALWAYS follow the EAL4+ operations guidelines? ), but that's another

Best regards,
Alessandro Franceschi
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Puppet Users group.
To post to this group, send email to puppet-users@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Puppet Users] Re: EAL4+ general hardening settings with Puppet

2009-04-07 Thread Macno

Thanks for the feedback, Larry,

 - The hardening module I would break out each of these services into
 separate modules, so it's more generic.  The hardening class itself I
 would consider a 'role' that would then include all of these modules
 (I have roles exist in the manifest folder and called by site.pp)

I agree with you. One of the reasons why I kept it as a module is due
to the other hardening subclasses that I didn't know where to place.
But I know know if I actually will change that. See below for details.

 - your logindefs class I would consider part of a shadow module that
 then has your specific security policy

Yes, that makes sense.

 - your modules are very centos/RH specific any plans on making them
 apply to other OSes?

Only upon request/necessity. I generally work on Centos/RedHat, when
I'll face the need to run puppet on other distros/os I'll arrange the
They already are genrally done in order to support multi os, but
actually all the default values are RH based.

 - If you are removing packages I would suggest by default installing
 the package and then creating an ::absent class to remove or
 a ::disable to stop the service but have the module installed.  This
 also then allows for keeping the package current via that module.

I thought about it, but, for packages, I preferred to launch a single
removal script (only once) for different reasosn:
- It's not mandatory but only suggested to remove those packages.
- A plethora of different modules (with actually not much more that
the package type) had to be done for most of them
- I didn't want to interfere with a possibly large number of modules
or possible custom changes by users
My point is: the package removal script has to be launched at first
puppet run to provide a clean system, then the admins should be free
to reinstall the removed packages as a deliberate choice and they
should do that via puppet possibly with custom classes, without being
sticked to the ones provdived with the hardening class (or role).

Note that for services I followed a different approach, managing them
with puppet types and probably in this case it's better to divide them
in different modules and provide service::disable classes. I'll
probably fix this and remove the hardening::service class.

 I'm not really familiar with EAL4+ CAPP can you tell me more about
 this?  How is something certified EAL4+ CAPP, and can something be

Stephen John Smoogen has well replied to this. Consider, as written in
various parts, that this set of puppet modules is NOT enough to
certify an EAL4+ system.
I actually suspect that very few systems in the planet can be
considered really EAL4+ RBAC certifiable in ongoing operations (does
anyone here use fully labeled networking in his systems?? Do sysadmins
ALWAYS follow the EAL4+ operations guidelines? ), but that's another

Best regards,
Alessandro Franceschi
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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet best practices: location specific configuration...

2009-03-12 Thread Macno


     How to best manage location-specific configuration

I generally approach this issue with node's inheritance, managing
variables at different levels, according to custom needs..
An example is better than many words:

node basenode {
$puppet_server =
$local_network =


node devel inherits basenode {
$local_network =
$ntp_server =
$zone = devel

node prod inherits basenode {
$local_network =
$ntp_server =
$puppet_server =
$zone = prod

node 'delta.lab42.it' inherits devel {
include general::webserver

node 'ntp.example42.com' inherits prod {
$ntp_server =
include general::ntpserver

you can define variables (used then in templates or wherever
necessary) at a top level (basenode) and redefine them at lower levels
(prod, test... generally these are intended as separated networks,
that may have different settings for services ar dsn, ntp and
You can also redefine some variables at the node level, for managing
specific cases.
The definition of a $zone variable, can be useful to manage broader
differencies (for example serving totally different files according to
the zone, or including only specific classes

class general {
include sysctl
include puppet
include nrpe
include snmpd
include ntp
include hosts
include cron
include resolver
include syslog

case $zone  {
prod:  { include hardening }
default:  {  }

class general::webserver inherits general {
$role = webserver
include apache

Just as a side note, I define $role as the general role of a system
(webserver, loadbalancer, dbserver, mailserver) and use the $role
variable in classes to eventually differentiate configuration on the
role od the system.
So, for each node, you have 2 main characterizations:
- The zone (network) where it stays
- The role (functions) it has

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