Once I did this class for mailscanner installation, can be an example.

class mailscanner {

        exec {
                        command => $operatingsystem ? {
                                default => "yum install -y wget tar gzip rpm-
build binutils glibc-devel gcc make",
                        onlyif => "test ! -f /usr/src/

        exec {
                        command => "cd /usr/src ; wget
                        onlyif => "test ! -f /usr/src/
                        require => Exec["mailscanner_prerequisites"],

        exec {
                        command => "cd /usr/src ; tar -zxvf
                        require => Exec["mailscanner_download"],
                        onlyif => "test ! -d /usr/src/

        exec {
                        command => "cd /usr/src/$mailscannerver ; ./
                        require => [
                        unless => "rpm -qi mailscanner",

        service { mailscanner:
                name => "MailScanner",
                ensure => running,
                enable => true,
                hasrestart => true,
                hasstatus => true,
                require => Exec["mailscanner_install"],


On Jun 25, 10:42 pm, Neil K <sate...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am pretty new to Puppet. My puppet master server is a RHEL 5 box and
> puppet client is a CentOS 5.3 vm. I have managed to configure puppet
> server to successfully install.and upgrade rpm based packages on the
> client machine. Is it possible to install noon-rpm based packages
> using puppet? Like packages comes as tar.gz such as web based
> applications?
> If it is possible, please provide any example manifests or any good
> documents that I can follow.
> Thanks,
> Neil
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