[Puppet Users] EC2 master restart, broken agents

2011-03-08 Thread Phillip B Oldham
A quick overview of our setup:

We have an EBS-backed puppet master instance with an Elastic IP, and a
number of puppet agent AMI images in various regions. When these AMIs
were created, they were authenticated with the puppet master using the
following command:

# puppet agent --certname=$(cat /etc/puppet/certname) --server
puppet.ourdomain.net --waitforcert 30 --test

...and accepted on the puppet master with:

# puppet cert --certname=$(cat /etc/puppet/certname) --sign {instance-

Spinning up new instances of the AMIs worked without issue.

Now, the problem:

Recently we had to reboot our puppet master instance. As expected, the
Elastic IP stayed the same. As far as we can tell, the *hostname*
stayed the same also. Since it was just a reboot, this can happen.

However, despite setting the --certname on both the master and agent
and the IP and hostname not changing, our agents are now complaining
that the hostname not match with the server certificate.

We're at a loss on how to fix this. We'd rather fix this on the server
rather than have to re-image the AMIs, as it was a time-consuming
operation and we can't put aside time to re-image the AMIs every time
the master reboots.

Any suggestions on how to track down where the problem is or how to
fix it?

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[Puppet Users] Re: EC2 master restart, broken agents

2011-03-08 Thread Phillip B Oldham
Ignore everything I wrote -- my configuration file which started up
the puppet master sets the --certname, however it was corrupt after a
config tweak. Fixing that fixed the communication.

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[Puppet Users] Re: Make puppet clients look at a domain name rather than an IP?

2011-02-25 Thread Phillip B Oldham
On Feb 16, 2:40 pm, Nigel Kersten ni...@puppetlabs.com wrote:
 Where does it say this Phillip? We must have some unclear documentation.


It is quite confusing... I struggled for a moment getting a puppet-
master daemon running, too - the configuration documentation could
maybe do with a little more work for those not used to the ruby
environment or usual set-up of ruby daemons. The following paragraph
threw me (from 

 If you’re running on Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, or Solaris, the 
 OS package already contains a suitable init script. If you don’t have one, 
 you can either create your own using an existing init script as an example, 
 or simply run without one (though this is not advisable for production 

... sounds fine, however there's no example of how to actually run the
puppet master directly on the command-line (I'd installed via a ruby

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[Puppet Users] hostname not match with the server certificate error

2011-02-25 Thread Phillip B Oldham
Hi all

I'm trying to set up a separate puppet master and client on EC2. I've
used two instances of CentOS5.4 with nothing other than the base
install and have installed puppet via the ruby gems. Puppet is at
2.6.4 on both machines.

I've been following the guide to get a basic configuration working
(http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/configuring.html) with a little
tweak because I'm on EC2, but I'm not able to authenticate my agent
with the master.

Here's the steps I'm taking, and the output:

[agent]# echo foobar  /etc/puppet/certname
[agent]# puppet agent --certname=$(cat /etc/puppet/certname) --server
puppet.mydomain.org --waitforcert 30 --test
info: Creating a new SSL key for webserver
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
info: Caching certificate for ca
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
info: Creating a new SSL certificate request for webserver
info: Certificate Request fingerprint (md5):
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session

Then on the master:

[master]# puppet cert --list
[master]# puppet cert --sign foobar
notice: Signed certificate request for foobar
notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest foobar at '/etc/

Then back on the client:

info: Caching certificate for foobar
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: hostname not match
with the server certificate
warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

I'm not entirely sure what I'm not doing right. The docs don't provide
much help for this error, nor does the troubleshooting section. I'm
rather stuck!

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[Puppet Users] Is it possible to configure multi-master/circular replication for MySQL?

2011-02-01 Thread Phillip B Oldham
Is it possible for puppet to configure a set of MySQL masters and
manage circular replication, so that if additional master nodes are
required (or need to be stopped  moved) puppet can add them to the
set and bring them up to date? How would it cope with unresponsive
nodes; could puppet reconfigure the set to remove it from the config
of the various other nodes to ensure the chain isn't broken?

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[Puppet Users] Pre-sign offline servers?

2010-05-06 Thread Phillip B Oldham
How can I pre-sign a server which doesn't yet have a domain pointing
to it?

I'm trying to get an EC2 base image together which is pre-signed
with our master, so I can spin-up as many instances as required. These
instances which will all share the same characteristics and files
(they're basically dupes), and will all sit behind a load-balancer, so
they've all been given the same hostname/fqdn.

I've tried following the steps outlined in a serverfault[1] answer but
I seem to only get the following error:

# puppetd --fqdn webserver --server puppet.my.org --waitforcert 60 --
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: hostname not match
with the server certificate
warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

Can anyone point me to, or possibly provide, the steps I need to
follow to (pre-)sign this image?

[1] http://serverfault.com/questions/137292

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[Puppet Users] Re: Pre-sign offline servers?

2010-05-06 Thread Phillip B Oldham
Should probably mention:

Master is a CentOS 5.2 box running puppet 0.25.4, not running inside
Client is a CentOS 5.4 box also running puppet 0.25.4, EC2 instance.

Puppet has been installed from yum on both machines, and both are

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[Puppet Users] puppetmaster not responding

2010-04-29 Thread Phillip B Oldham
I'm unable to get a response from the puppetmaster I'm testing with.

`netstat -apn` shows puppetmaster/ruby listening on port 8140, but
telnet connections are refused both from a different location and from
the commandline on the master server.

I've restarted a number of times but I'm still getting nothing, and
AFAICT there aren't any conflicting firewall rules; I've even switched
it off to be doubly-sure.

Any suggestions as to why it wouldn't be responding?

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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet EC2: Attach an EBS volume at boot?

2010-04-23 Thread Phillip B Oldham
So, am I correct in thinking then that the following workflow *can't*
be done with puppet?

1) The EC2 instance starts up, and the puppet client on the instance
connects to the puppet master.
2) The puppet client receives the EC2 authentication credentials (env
vars, certs, etc) from the master.
3) The master tells the client which EBS volums to attach at which
mount points.
4) The client uses the authentication credentials to execute the EC2
commands to attach the volumes.
5) The client then removes the EC2 creds (unset env vars, rm certs,
etc) for security.

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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet EC2: Attach an EBS volume at boot?

2010-04-22 Thread Phillip B Oldham
On Apr 21, 6:06 pm, Ken k...@bob.sh wrote:
  My main problem is defining in puppet the name of the EBS volume to
  attach, and having the puppet client on the EC2 instance actually
  *attach* the volume after it has spun-up.

 Is this because you want to be able to convert the EBS id to a /dev/
 sdX device? So the EBS volume id is what you reference in your
 configuration ...?

Not exactly. I'm working with an OpenSolaris instance. What I'm hoping
puppet can do is, when the instance starts up, issue the ec2 commands
to attach a specified EBS volume to itself then keep checking whether
the drive is available before issuing the ZFS commands to import the
newly-attached drive. Would this be possible? If so, which sections of
the documentation should I be focussing on?

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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet EC2: Attach an EBS volume at boot?

2010-04-22 Thread Phillip B Oldham
On Apr 22, 9:26 am, Matt mattmora...@gmail.com wrote:
 I personally prefer to set-up the instances externally with some other tool,
 saves having AWS credentials on the EC2 instance.

So there's no way for the puppet config on the master to have the AWS
credentials and pass them down to the instance/client?

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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet EC2: Attach an EBS volume at boot?

2010-04-22 Thread Phillip B Oldham
On Apr 22, 12:04 pm, Ken k...@bob.sh wrote:
  I personally prefer to set-up the instances externally with some other tool,
  saves having AWS credentials on the EC2 instance.

 I agree. Its a concern that each box will have so much control over
 not only themselves but other instances that the key has access to. If
 that 1 box is compromised then the would-be hacker can take control of
 all the other boxes as well.

Can the puppet master issue the ec2 commands from the main server
then? If not, any suggestions for other tools with which I can
automate this part of the process?

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[Puppet Users] Puppet EC2: Attach an EBS volume at boot?

2010-04-21 Thread Phillip B Oldham
Is it possible, using puppet, to configure an EC2 instance so that
when it boots it attaches  mounts an EBS volume? If so, what steps
would one take to achieve this?

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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet EC2: Attach an EBS volume at boot?

2010-04-21 Thread Phillip B Oldham
Thanks for the reply. I think the mounting part should be straight

My main problem is defining in puppet the name of the EBS volume to
attach, and having the puppet client on the EC2 instance actually
*attach* the volume after it has spun-up.

On Apr 21, 1:07 pm, Ken k...@bob.sh wrote:
  Is it possible, using puppet, to configure an EC2 instance so that
  when it boots it attaches  mounts an EBS volume? If so, what steps
  would one take to achieve this?

 The mounting should normally be done by your os - ie. put the entry
 in /etc/fstab.

 However - puppet can manage the /etc/fstab file with the 'mount'
 resource if you wanted:


 But - I'm guessing your problem is that you don't want to re-create
 your EBS/AMI image every time you change /etc/fstab right?

 If you didn't want to save the entry in fstab and do the whole
 'snapshot' image thing (to persist your /etc/fstab entry in your EBS/
 AMI image) you could have puppet always start at bootup and let puppet
 do the mounting.

 Puppet will mount the file-system at any time quite happily in this
 regard. Just need to make sure that your ensure line is 'mounted'. For

 mount {/mnt/point:
   device = /dev/sdc1,
   ensure = mounted,


 Just make sure you getting your ordering right - as most people would
 be used to mounts appearing quite early in any boot sequence ... if
 you manage your service starts in puppet as well, you can let puppet
 do the ordering for you.


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[Puppet Users] Is it possible for puppet to compile packages?

2010-03-10 Thread Phillip B Oldham
We use Nginx rather than apache due to a number of useful modules,
however these modules need to be compiled in and therefore we're
unable to use a package manager for installation.

Would it be possible with puppet to grab specific versions of the
various source files, compile them, and then configure the servers?

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