On Apr 21, 6:06 pm, Ken <k...@bob.sh> wrote:
> > My main problem is defining in puppet the name of the EBS volume to
> > attach, and having the puppet client on the EC2 instance actually
> > *attach* the volume after it has "spun-up".
> Is this because you want to be able to convert the EBS id to a /dev/
> sdX device? So the EBS volume id is what you reference in your
> configuration ...?

Not exactly. I'm working with an OpenSolaris instance. What I'm hoping
puppet can do is, when the instance starts up, issue the ec2 commands
to attach a specified EBS volume to itself then keep checking whether
the drive is available before issuing the ZFS commands to "import" the
newly-attached drive. Would this be possible? If so, which sections of
the documentation should I be focussing on?

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