[Puppet Users] Re: Craig Dunn's Roles/Profiles/Components Conflicts

2014-05-21 Thread jcbollinger

On Tuesday, May 20, 2014 12:54:15 PM UTC-5, Jesse Cotton wrote:

 Understood. However without creating a custom fact, I am not aware of a 
 way to say 'apache::keepalive = 1' only applies when a node has the profile 

There is no good way to say that to Puppet.  It reflects a non-idiomatic 
thought process.  Moreover, it's unlikely to be what you really want to say 
-- you might in the future want other nodes to have keepalive enabled, 
too.  You should instead consider how to assign apache::keepalive: 1 to 
exactly those nodes that get profile::apache_phpfpm.

There are at least two ways you could approach that problem:

   1. If you are using hiera to assign roles and/or profiles to nodes then 
   it should be entirely straightforward to override apache::keepalive at the 
   same hierarchy level where you assign profile::apache_phpfpm.
   2. You can perform a resource parameter override in 

If it is viable, the former is preferable to the latter.  A resource 
parameter override is a bit messy because it relies on implementation 
details of module 'apache'.  (It does not work to override class 
parameters; you must instead override one or more parameters of a bona fide 
resource, which can be of either defined or native type.)


 And the foregoing is based on using only the built-in YAML back end.  
 Hiera supports pluggable back ends, usable together or separately.  A 
 custom back end can employ whatever lookup or computation you want to serve 
 whichever data you choose.

 We're really trying to avoid this.

I don't blame you.  A custom back-end should certainly be a last resort.  
As you keep that alternative in reserve, however, don't forget that such a 
custom component does not necessarily need to replace the YAML back-end; 
hiera can use two (or more) at the same time.


 class profile::drupal (
   $apache_listen = ['80'],
   $apache_name_virtual_hosts = ['*:80'],
   $apache_modules = ['fastcgi'],
   $apache_fastcgi_servers = {
 'www' = {
   host = '',
   faux_path = '/var/www/php.fcgi',
   alias = '/php.fcgi',
   file_type = 'application/x-httpd-php'
   $phpfpm_pools = {
 'www' = {
   listen  = '',
   user = 'apache',
   pm_max_requests = 500,
   catch_workers_output = 'no',
   php_admin_value = {},
   php_value = {}
   $php_modules = [],
   $firewall_rules = {},
   $backup_jobs = {},
   $cron_jobs = {}
 ) {

   include ::apache
   ::apache::listen { $apache_listen: }
   ::apache::namevirtualhost { $apache_name_virtual_hosts: }
   ::apache::mod { $apache_modules: }
   create_resources(::apache::fastcgi::server, $apache_fastcgi_servers)

   include ::php::fpm::daemon
   create_resources(::php::fpm::conf, $phpfpm_pools)
   ::php::module { $php_modules: } ~ Service['php-fpm']

   # So the apache user is created before
   # php-fpm starts
   Class['::apache'] - Class['::php::fpm::daemon']

   create_resources(firewall, $firewall_rules)
   create_resources(::duplicity::job, $backup_jobs)
   create_resources(::cron::job, $cron_jobs)

 Either you're missing something or I am.  I see nothing in that class 
 that would inherently preclude it being composed.  In particular, the two 
 class declarations it contains both use 'include', not the resource-like 
 class declaration syntax.  If there is a barrier to composition it would be 
 related to composition with another class that declares some of the same 
 resources.  That problem has a solution, however: factor out the 
 multiply-declared resources into their own class or classes, which the 
 then-composable classes declare instead of declaring the resources directly.

 Duplicate declaration: Apache::Listen[80] is already declared in file ...

As I said, a duplicate resource.  As I said, factor it (and the others) 
out.  I think it's excellent practice to avoid resource declarations 
directly in profile classes, unless possibly of resources that are 
assuredly specific to the profile in which they appear.


 Yes, the class could be broken into separate classes but this only 
 exacerbates the issue of assigning variables based on the profile.

But that's just it: you don't *want* to assign data based (strictly) on 
profile.  Or if you do, then understand that it is inherently inconsistent 
with composable profiles.  Since the node characteristic that determines 
the combination of profiles in use is its role, it is on that basis that 
you want to assign data.  Indeed, that's what you already said with respect 
to apache::keepalive.  Note that with hiera, that doesn't mean you must 
avoid assigning data based on profile; it just means you must (also) be 
able to assign data based on role, with the role-based data having higher 


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[Puppet Users] Re: Craig Dunn's Roles/Profiles/Components Conflicts

2014-05-21 Thread Jesse Cotton

 But that's just it: you don't *want* to assign data based (strictly) on 
 profile.  Or if you do, then understand that it is inherently inconsistent 
 with composable profiles.  Since the node characteristic that determines 
 the combination of profiles in use is its role, it is on that basis that 
 you want to assign data.  Indeed, that's what you already said with respect 
 to apache::keepalive.  Note that with hiera, that doesn't mean you must 
 avoid assigning data based on profile; it just means you must (also) be 
 able to assign data based on role, with the role-based data having higher 

I understand this better now however the problem we were really struggling 
with was how to assign variables based on role or profile. Ie, how do you 
incorporate the the role or profile into the hierarchy so a variable only 
applies to nodes that have a particular role or profile. Your first 
suggestion is good although thats not how we're currently assigning classes.

On Wednesday, May 21, 2014 10:03:33 AM UTC-4, jcbollinger wrote:

 On Tuesday, May 20, 2014 12:54:15 PM UTC-5, Jesse Cotton wrote:

 Understood. However without creating a custom fact, I am not aware of a 
 way to say 'apache::keepalive = 1' only applies when a node has the profile 

 There is no good way to say that to Puppet.  It reflects a non-idiomatic 
 thought process.  Moreover, it's unlikely to be what you really want to say 
 -- you might in the future want other nodes to have keepalive enabled, 
 too.  You should instead consider how to assign apache::keepalive: 1 to 
 exactly those nodes that get profile::apache_phpfpm.

 There are at least two ways you could approach that problem:

1. If you are using hiera to assign roles and/or profiles to nodes 
then it should be entirely straightforward to override apache::keepalive 
the same hierarchy level where you assign profile::apache_phpfpm.
2. You can perform a resource parameter override in 

 If it is viable, the former is preferable to the latter.  A resource 
 parameter override is a bit messy because it relies on implementation 
 details of module 'apache'.  (It does not work to override class 
 parameters; you must instead override one or more parameters of a bona fide 
 resource, which can be of either defined or native type.)


 And the foregoing is based on using only the built-in YAML back end.  
 Hiera supports pluggable back ends, usable together or separately.  A 
 custom back end can employ whatever lookup or computation you want to serve 
 whichever data you choose.

 We're really trying to avoid this.

 I don't blame you.  A custom back-end should certainly be a last resort.  
 As you keep that alternative in reserve, however, don't forget that such a 
 custom component does not necessarily need to replace the YAML back-end; 
 hiera can use two (or more) at the same time.


 class profile::drupal (
   $apache_listen = ['80'],
   $apache_name_virtual_hosts = ['*:80'],
   $apache_modules = ['fastcgi'],
   $apache_fastcgi_servers = {
 'www' = {
   host = '',
   faux_path = '/var/www/php.fcgi',
   alias = '/php.fcgi',
   file_type = 'application/x-httpd-php'
   $phpfpm_pools = {
 'www' = {
   listen  = '',
   user = 'apache',
   pm_max_requests = 500,
   catch_workers_output = 'no',
   php_admin_value = {},
   php_value = {}
   $php_modules = [],
   $firewall_rules = {},
   $backup_jobs = {},
   $cron_jobs = {}
 ) {

   include ::apache
   ::apache::listen { $apache_listen: }
   ::apache::namevirtualhost { $apache_name_virtual_hosts: }
   ::apache::mod { $apache_modules: }
   create_resources(::apache::fastcgi::server, $apache_fastcgi_servers)

   include ::php::fpm::daemon
   create_resources(::php::fpm::conf, $phpfpm_pools)
   ::php::module { $php_modules: } ~ Service['php-fpm']

   # So the apache user is created before
   # php-fpm starts
   Class['::apache'] - Class['::php::fpm::daemon']

   create_resources(firewall, $firewall_rules)
   create_resources(::duplicity::job, $backup_jobs)
   create_resources(::cron::job, $cron_jobs)

 Either you're missing something or I am.  I see nothing in that class 
 that would inherently preclude it being composed.  In particular, the two 
 class declarations it contains both use 'include', not the resource-like 
 class declaration syntax.  If there is a barrier to composition it would be 
 related to composition with another class that declares some of the same 
 resources.  That problem has a solution, however: factor out the 
 multiply-declared resources into their own class or classes, which the 
 then-composable classes declare instead of declaring the resources directly.

 Duplicate declaration: Apache::Listen[80] is already declared in file ...

 As I said, a duplicate resource.  As I said, factor it (and the 

[Puppet Users] Re: Craig Dunn's Roles/Profiles/Components Conflicts

2014-05-20 Thread jcbollinger

On Monday, May 19, 2014 1:42:08 PM UTC-5, Jesse Cotton wrote:

 On Monday, May 19, 2014 10:18:11 AM UTC-4, jcbollinger wrote:

 On Friday, May 16, 2014 10:55:35 AM UTC-5, Jesse Cotton wrote:

 I work with Matt and am filling in for him since I posed this question 
 to him originally.

 Our confusion really lies around how you layout profiles for a 
 multi-function box. For example, suppose you have a role, CMS App Server 
 that will host various CMS like Wordpress, Drupal, and others. They are all 
 built on top of the same technologies, Apache, PHP, and MySQL. I don't 
 believe you can build a separate profile for each CMS b/c they will 
 conflict (at least within Puppet). Each will require a certain set of php 
 modules and settings, apache modules and settings, etc. So do you build a 
 single profile like profile::wordpress_drupal_cms3_cm4 or do you build a 
 profile::apachefpm profile? The later seems more logical to me however you 
 lose the ability to define profile specific hiera variables b/c 
 profile::apachefpm is generic.

 You can declare the same class multiple times, provided that you use the 
 'include' function or its cousins to do so.  That is a tremendously useful 
 technique for managing configurations where multiple facilities share 
 requirements on some of the same core resources.  Using 'include' instead 
 of resource-like class declarations means you must feed data to your 
 classes via hiera instead of via your manifests, but separating your data 
 from your manifests is good practice anyway.  That's what Christopher Wood 
 was pointing you toward, and it is good advice.

 We're aware of most of this and agree with most of this. However when you 
 always call include, you lose the ability to say a particular hiera 
 variable is attached to the profile. For example

 If you define:

 class profile::apache_phpfpm {
   include ::apache

 with the following in hiera:

 apache::keepalive = 1

 keepalive = 1 applies anywhere apache is included


 class profile::apache_phpfpm (
   $keepalive = 1
 ) {
   class { ::apache:
 keepalive = $keepalive

 profile::apache_phpfpm::keepalive = 1

 So with the later you can build a somewhat self-contained profile. With 
 the former you have to set variables globally or on a node.

That is what your data hierarchy is for.  Hiera does not limit you to only 
global and per-node data.  You can define as many hierarchy levels as you 
need, each grouping your nodes in its own way (though it usually makes the 
most sense for the groups at each level to be subsets of the groups at the 
next lower level).

And the foregoing is based on using only the built-in YAML back end.  Hiera 
supports pluggable back ends, usable together or separately.  A custom back 
end can employ whatever lookup or computation you want to serve whichever 
data you choose.



 It is thus possible to find and/or write composable classes and modules 
 for managing the components you want.  As David Schmitt observes, 
 composability is not automatic, but I don't see why your particular case of 
 an apache-based PHP app server with firewall rules and a specific 
 collection of PHP and apache modules should present any special problem.

 Thus, the answer to your question is neither.  You build a drupal 
 profile, and a wordpress profile, etc., and you use them all together.

 So below is an example for Drupal. It could literally be cloned for 
 Wordpress and Joomla. Unfortunately, b/c of the class declarations, it is 
 not composable.

 class profile::drupal (
   $apache_listen = ['80'],
   $apache_name_virtual_hosts = ['*:80'],
   $apache_modules = ['fastcgi'],
   $apache_fastcgi_servers = {
 'www' = {
   host = '',
   faux_path = '/var/www/php.fcgi',
   alias = '/php.fcgi',
   file_type = 'application/x-httpd-php'
   $phpfpm_pools = {
 'www' = {
   listen  = '',
   user = 'apache',
   pm_max_requests = 500,
   catch_workers_output = 'no',
   php_admin_value = {},
   php_value = {}
   $php_modules = [],
   $firewall_rules = {},
   $backup_jobs = {},
   $cron_jobs = {}
 ) {

   include ::apache
   ::apache::listen { $apache_listen: }
   ::apache::namevirtualhost { $apache_name_virtual_hosts: }
   ::apache::mod { $apache_modules: }
   create_resources(::apache::fastcgi::server, $apache_fastcgi_servers)

   include ::php::fpm::daemon
   create_resources(::php::fpm::conf, $phpfpm_pools)
   ::php::module { $php_modules: } ~ Service['php-fpm']

   # So the apache user is created before
   # php-fpm starts
   Class['::apache'] - Class['::php::fpm::daemon']

   create_resources(firewall, $firewall_rules)
   create_resources(::duplicity::job, $backup_jobs)
   create_resources(::cron::job, $cron_jobs)

Either you're missing something or I am.  I see nothing in that class that 
would inherently preclude it being composed.  In particular, the two class 

[Puppet Users] Re: Craig Dunn's Roles/Profiles/Components Conflicts

2014-05-20 Thread Jesse Cotton

 We're aware of most of this and agree with most of this. However when 
 you always call include, you lose the ability to say a particular hiera 
 variable is attached to the profile. For example

 If you define:

 class profile::apache_phpfpm {
   include ::apache

 with the following in hiera:

 apache::keepalive = 1

 keepalive = 1 applies anywhere apache is included


 class profile::apache_phpfpm (
   $keepalive = 1
 ) {
   class { ::apache:
 keepalive = $keepalive

 profile::apache_phpfpm::keepalive = 1

 So with the later you can build a somewhat self-contained profile. With 
 the former you have to set variables globally or on a node.

 That is what your data hierarchy is for.  Hiera does not limit you to only 
 global and per-node data.  You can define as many hierarchy levels as you 
 need, each grouping your nodes in its own way (though it usually makes the 
 most sense for the groups at each level to be subsets of the groups at the 
 next lower level).

Understood. However without creating a custom fact, I am not aware of a way 
to say 'apache::keepalive = 1' only applies when a node has the profile 

And the foregoing is based on using only the built-in YAML back end.  Hiera 
 supports pluggable back ends, usable together or separately.  A custom back 
 end can employ whatever lookup or computation you want to serve whichever 
 data you choose.

We're really trying to avoid this.



 It is thus possible to find and/or write composable classes and modules 
 for managing the components you want.  As David Schmitt observes, 
 composability is not automatic, but I don't see why your particular case of 
 an apache-based PHP app server with firewall rules and a specific 
 collection of PHP and apache modules should present any special problem.

 Thus, the answer to your question is neither.  You build a drupal 
 profile, and a wordpress profile, etc., and you use them all together.

 So below is an example for Drupal. It could literally be cloned for 
 Wordpress and Joomla. Unfortunately, b/c of the class declarations, it is 
 not composable.

 class profile::drupal (
   $apache_listen = ['80'],
   $apache_name_virtual_hosts = ['*:80'],
   $apache_modules = ['fastcgi'],
   $apache_fastcgi_servers = {
 'www' = {
   host = '',
   faux_path = '/var/www/php.fcgi',
   alias = '/php.fcgi',
   file_type = 'application/x-httpd-php'
   $phpfpm_pools = {
 'www' = {
   listen  = '',
   user = 'apache',
   pm_max_requests = 500,
   catch_workers_output = 'no',
   php_admin_value = {},
   php_value = {}
   $php_modules = [],
   $firewall_rules = {},
   $backup_jobs = {},
   $cron_jobs = {}
 ) {

   include ::apache
   ::apache::listen { $apache_listen: }
   ::apache::namevirtualhost { $apache_name_virtual_hosts: }
   ::apache::mod { $apache_modules: }
   create_resources(::apache::fastcgi::server, $apache_fastcgi_servers)

   include ::php::fpm::daemon
   create_resources(::php::fpm::conf, $phpfpm_pools)
   ::php::module { $php_modules: } ~ Service['php-fpm']

   # So the apache user is created before
   # php-fpm starts
   Class['::apache'] - Class['::php::fpm::daemon']

   create_resources(firewall, $firewall_rules)
   create_resources(::duplicity::job, $backup_jobs)
   create_resources(::cron::job, $cron_jobs)

 Either you're missing something or I am.  I see nothing in that class that 
 would inherently preclude it being composed.  In particular, the two class 
 declarations it contains both use 'include', not the resource-like class 
 declaration syntax.  If there is a barrier to composition it would be 
 related to composition with another class that declares some of the same 
 resources.  That problem has a solution, however: factor out the 
 multiply-declared resources into their own class or classes, which the 
 then-composable classes declare instead of declaring the resources directly.

Duplicate declaration: Apache::Listen[80] is already declared in file ...

Yes, the class could be broken into separate classes but this only exacerbates 
the issue of assigning variables based on the profile.

How are others constructing their hierarchies when using the Role  Profile 
pattern? Are you assigning variables based on a nodes role or profiles? If 
so, how? Custom facts, parameterized classes as we've done in the example 


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Craig Dunn's Roles/Profiles/Components Conflicts

2014-05-20 Thread Christopher Wood
On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 10:54:15AM -0700, Jesse Cotton wrote:
We're aware of most of this and agree with most of this. However when
you always call include, you lose the ability to say a particular
hiera variable is attached to the profile. For example
If you define:
class profile::apache_phpfpm {
  include ::apache
with the following in hiera:
apache::keepalive = 1
keepalive = 1 applies anywhere apache is included
class profile::apache_phpfpm (
  $keepalive = 1
) {
  class { ::apache:
    keepalive = $keepalive
profile::apache_phpfpm::keepalive = 1
So with the later you can build a somewhat self-contained profile.
With the former you have to set variables globally or on a node.
  That is what your data hierarchy is for.  Hiera does not limit you to
  only global and per-node data.  You can define as many hierarchy levels
  as you need, each grouping your nodes in its own way (though it usually
  makes the most sense for the groups at each level to be subsets of the
  groups at the next lower level).
Understood. However without creating a custom fact, I am not aware of a
way to say 'apache::keepalive = 1' only applies when a node has the
profile 'profile::apache_phpfpm'. 

It sounds like there's some generalizable rule where some hosts get certain 
settings (ex: keepalive) setting and some don't. Perhaps this could be broken 
out into another hiera layer? Cheapest possible example:

  - 'nodes/%{fqdn}'
  - 'roles/%{role}'
  - 'common'

There's this workflow:

puppetmaster uses ENC to get the node's role (named mytype here)
the role is used to name the class for hiera_include (role::mytype)
mytype.yaml is also a yaml file as part of that hiera level

Then in the yaml for phpfpm and needkeepalive you have apache::keepalive: 
true and in common.yaml you have apache::keepalive: false.

  And the foregoing is based on using only the built-in YAML back end. 
  Hiera supports pluggable back ends, usable together or separately.  A
  custom back end can employ whatever lookup or computation you want to
  serve whichever data you choose.
We're really trying to avoid this.
  It is thus possible to find and/or write composable classes and
  modules for managing the components you want.  As David Schmitt
  observes, composability is not automatic, but I don't see why your
  particular case of an apache-based PHP app server with firewall
  rules and a specific collection of PHP and apache modules should
  present any special problem.
  Thus, the answer to your question is neither.  You build a drupal
  profile, and a wordpress profile, etc., and you use them all
So below is an example for Drupal. It could literally be cloned for
Wordpress and Joomla. Unfortunately, b/c of the class declarations, it
is not composable.
class profile::drupal (
  $apache_listen = ['80'],
  $apache_name_virtual_hosts = ['*:80'],
  $apache_modules = ['fastcgi'],
  $apache_fastcgi_servers = {
    'www' = {
      host = '[1]',
      faux_path = '/var/www/php.fcgi',
      alias = '/php.fcgi',
      file_type = 'application/x-httpd-php'
  $phpfpm_pools = {
    'www' = {
      listen  = '[2]',
      user = 'apache',
      pm_max_requests = 500,
      catch_workers_output = 'no',
      php_admin_value = {},
      php_value = {}
  $php_modules = [],
  $firewall_rules = {},
  $backup_jobs = {},
  $cron_jobs = {}
) {
  include ::apache
  ::apache::listen { $apache_listen: }
  ::apache::namevirtualhost { $apache_name_virtual_hosts: }
  ::apache::mod { $apache_modules: }
  create_resources(::apache::fastcgi::server, $apache_fastcgi_servers)
  include ::php::fpm::daemon
  create_resources(::php::fpm::conf, $phpfpm_pools)
  ::php::module { $php_modules: } ~ Service['php-fpm']
  # So the apache user is created before
  # php-fpm starts
  Class['::apache'] - Class['::php::fpm::daemon']
  create_resources(firewall, $firewall_rules)
  create_resources(::duplicity::job, $backup_jobs)
  create_resources(::cron::job, $cron_jobs)
  Either you're missing something or I am.  I see nothing in that class
  that would inherently preclude it being composed.  In particular, the
  two class declarations it contains both use 'include', not the
  resource-like class declaration 

[Puppet Users] Re: Craig Dunn's Roles/Profiles/Components Conflicts

2014-05-19 Thread Joaquin Menchaca
Out of curiosity, what exactly are all the components you are trying to 
install, e.g. CMSes? Drupal? WordPress? Joomla?  Is that database going to 
be on the same system?

Note, segue here before I divulge a solution, perhaps sacrilegious, is that 
the role/profile might not be the best design pattern for, as it seems to 
be a top-down with functional decomposition, rather than a bottom-up 
approach (e.g. starting with apache, app-engine  child class, then cms  
child class, each one inheriting properties and actions of the parent).  
There are other OOP design patterns (yet to be documented) that could work 
for Puppet.  Still, here's a way to maybe get this to work with 

You could write maybe a fat_php module (not profile), but has parameters to 
turn on/off the features you want through parametrization.  Thus you can 
have this fat_php module support all the requirements to install everything 
under the sun, then a profile will toggle them on and off through 
parameters.  Thus, a package's ensure attribute can be set to present 
depending on what CMS the profile will build.  

The role would call whatever profile CMSes that are needed for that role, 
so it can call two or more CMS profiles.  Each one will toggle various 
options, such as a package's ensure to present, appropriate to the that 
CMS.  When the catalog is compiled, and 2+ CMSes were enabled, packages 
will only be installed once.  If any custom code should have some way to 
avoid collisions, if it has already been invoked previously, so you need to 
be careful to ensure it is idempotent, especially for exec { command: }.

When you advanced the code base to use Hiera, you can just use class 
includes, to have pure idempotence, and avoid specifying parameters through 
class { param=value }, which might cause some unexpected, ala honey badger 
(don't give a shit), results when classes might try to get installed 
twice or out of order between profiles included in the roles.

Similarly, you can have a fat MySQL module which has the needed schema and 
account configurations needed to make it work with whatever CMS.  These 
sets of configurations and actions are toggled on/off, and which will be 
set by the profile (or hiera config related to the profile).

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 5:39:05 AM UTC-7, Jesse Cotton wrote:

 Yes it is feasible :) So really the server is just a PHP app server. What 
 makes it useable for all of the CMSs is that the correct set of apache and 
 php modules are installed, and it has the correct firewall rules, cron jobs 
 and backup jobs configured. With this in mind, my inclination is to build a 
 cms_app_server profile but that seems more like a role then a profile.

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[Puppet Users] Re: Craig Dunn's Roles/Profiles/Components Conflicts

2014-05-19 Thread jcbollinger

On Friday, May 16, 2014 10:55:35 AM UTC-5, Jesse Cotton wrote:

 I work with Matt and am filling in for him since I posed this question to 
 him originally.

 Our confusion really lies around how you layout profiles for a 
 multi-function box. For example, suppose you have a role, CMS App Server 
 that will host various CMS like Wordpress, Drupal, and others. They are all 
 built on top of the same technologies, Apache, PHP, and MySQL. I don't 
 believe you can build a separate profile for each CMS b/c they will 
 conflict (at least within Puppet). Each will require a certain set of php 
 modules and settings, apache modules and settings, etc. So do you build a 
 single profile like profile::wordpress_drupal_cms3_cm4 or do you build a 
 profile::apachefpm profile? The later seems more logical to me however you 
 lose the ability to define profile specific hiera variables b/c 
 profile::apachefpm is generic.

You can declare the same class multiple times, provided that you use the 
'include' function or its cousins to do so.  That is a tremendously useful 
technique for managing configurations where multiple facilities share 
requirements on some of the same core resources.  Using 'include' instead 
of resource-like class declarations means you must feed data to your 
classes via hiera instead of via your manifests, but separating your data 
from your manifests is good practice anyway.  That's what Christopher Wood 
was pointing you toward, and it is good advice.

It is thus possible to find and/or write composable classes and modules for 
managing the components you want.  As David Schmitt observes, composability 
is not automatic, but I don't see why your particular case of an 
apache-based PHP app server with firewall rules and a specific collection 
of PHP and apache modules should present any special problem.

Thus, the answer to your question is neither.  You build a drupal 
profile, and a wordpress profile, etc., and you use them all together.


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[Puppet Users] Re: Craig Dunn's Roles/Profiles/Components Conflicts

2014-05-19 Thread Jesse Cotton
On Monday, May 19, 2014 10:18:11 AM UTC-4, jcbollinger wrote:

 On Friday, May 16, 2014 10:55:35 AM UTC-5, Jesse Cotton wrote:

 I work with Matt and am filling in for him since I posed this question to 
 him originally.

 Our confusion really lies around how you layout profiles for a 
 multi-function box. For example, suppose you have a role, CMS App Server 
 that will host various CMS like Wordpress, Drupal, and others. They are all 
 built on top of the same technologies, Apache, PHP, and MySQL. I don't 
 believe you can build a separate profile for each CMS b/c they will 
 conflict (at least within Puppet). Each will require a certain set of php 
 modules and settings, apache modules and settings, etc. So do you build a 
 single profile like profile::wordpress_drupal_cms3_cm4 or do you build a 
 profile::apachefpm profile? The later seems more logical to me however you 
 lose the ability to define profile specific hiera variables b/c 
 profile::apachefpm is generic.

 You can declare the same class multiple times, provided that you use the 
 'include' function or its cousins to do so.  That is a tremendously useful 
 technique for managing configurations where multiple facilities share 
 requirements on some of the same core resources.  Using 'include' instead 
 of resource-like class declarations means you must feed data to your 
 classes via hiera instead of via your manifests, but separating your data 
 from your manifests is good practice anyway.  That's what Christopher Wood 
 was pointing you toward, and it is good advice.

We're aware of most of this and agree with most of this. However when you 
always call include, you lose the ability to say a particular hiera 
variable is attached to the profile. For example

If you define:

class profile::apache_phpfpm {
  include ::apache

with the following in hiera:

apache::keepalive = 1

keepalive = 1 applies anywhere apache is included


class profile::apache_phpfpm (
  $keepalive = 1
) {
  class { ::apache:
keepalive = $keepalive

profile::apache_phpfpm::keepalive = 1

So with the later you can build a somewhat self-contained profile. With the 
former you have to set variables globally or on a node.


 It is thus possible to find and/or write composable classes and modules 
 for managing the components you want.  As David Schmitt observes, 
 composability is not automatic, but I don't see why your particular case of 
 an apache-based PHP app server with firewall rules and a specific 
 collection of PHP and apache modules should present any special problem.

 Thus, the answer to your question is neither.  You build a drupal 
 profile, and a wordpress profile, etc., and you use them all together.

So below is an example for Drupal. It could literally be cloned for 
Wordpress and Joomla. Unfortunately, b/c of the class declarations, it is 
not composable.

class profile::drupal (
  $apache_listen = ['80'],
  $apache_name_virtual_hosts = ['*:80'],
  $apache_modules = ['fastcgi'],
  $apache_fastcgi_servers = {
'www' = {
  host = '',
  faux_path = '/var/www/php.fcgi',
  alias = '/php.fcgi',
  file_type = 'application/x-httpd-php'
  $phpfpm_pools = {
'www' = {
  listen  = '',
  user = 'apache',
  pm_max_requests = 500,
  catch_workers_output = 'no',
  php_admin_value = {},
  php_value = {}
  $php_modules = [],
  $firewall_rules = {},
  $backup_jobs = {},
  $cron_jobs = {}
) {

  include ::apache
  ::apache::listen { $apache_listen: }
  ::apache::namevirtualhost { $apache_name_virtual_hosts: }
  ::apache::mod { $apache_modules: }
  create_resources(::apache::fastcgi::server, $apache_fastcgi_servers)

  include ::php::fpm::daemon
  create_resources(::php::fpm::conf, $phpfpm_pools)
  ::php::module { $php_modules: } ~ Service['php-fpm']

  # So the apache user is created before
  # php-fpm starts
  Class['::apache'] - Class['::php::fpm::daemon']

  create_resources(firewall, $firewall_rules)
  create_resources(::duplicity::job, $backup_jobs)
  create_resources(::cron::job, $cron_jobs)


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[Puppet Users] Re: Craig Dunn's Roles/Profiles/Components Conflicts

2014-05-19 Thread Joaquin Menchaca
You could do global variables, but you couldn't one set the hierarchy to 
the profile level?  Thus you isolate variables in preference to the 
profile, rather than a global mismash.  Stick with parametrization for now 
if this works, refactor later after getting it working, as you'll have a 
functional base state.

 We're aware of most of this and agree with most of this. However when you 
 always call include, you lose the ability to say a particular hiera 
 variable is attached to the profile. For example

 If you define:

 class profile::apache_phpfpm {
   include ::apache

 with the following in hiera:

 apache::keepalive = 1

 keepalive = 1 applies anywhere apache is included


 class profile::apache_phpfpm (
   $keepalive = 1
 ) {
   class { ::apache:
 keepalive = $keepalive

 profile::apache_phpfpm::keepalive = 1

I am not sure about this... Personally, I get scared of having too many 
sub-classes beyond install.pp, config.pp, service.pp, etc. It might make 
those files verbose, but then it is easier to contain and debug.  
Afterwards, parts into separate pieces, if this helps.

Is cron a separate class?  Personally, I put my bottom level modules into 
their product role, which may require cron functionality.  I avoid crafting 
classes based on their functionality, as this would be the same as having a 
class called package that accepts an array packages to be installed.  It 
gets hard to identify what is involved in installing a product or 
scheduling cleanup tasks for the same product; the code to implement a 
particular product gets scattered across many files, rather than 
self-contained in one module.

 So below is an example for Drupal. It could literally be cloned for 
 Wordpress and Joomla. Unfortunately, b/c of the class declarations, it is 
 not composable.

 class profile::drupal (
   $apache_listen = ['80'],
   $apache_name_virtual_hosts = ['*:80'],
   $apache_modules = ['fastcgi'],
   $apache_fastcgi_servers = {
 'www' = {
   host = '',
   faux_path = '/var/www/php.fcgi',
   alias = '/php.fcgi',
   file_type = 'application/x-httpd-php'
   $phpfpm_pools = {
 'www' = {
   listen  = '',
   user = 'apache',
   pm_max_requests = 500,
   catch_workers_output = 'no',
   php_admin_value = {},
   php_value = {}
   $php_modules = [],
   $firewall_rules = {},
   $backup_jobs = {},
   $cron_jobs = {}
 ) {

   include ::apache
   ::apache::listen { $apache_listen: }
   ::apache::namevirtualhost { $apache_name_virtual_hosts: }
   ::apache::mod { $apache_modules: }
   create_resources(::apache::fastcgi::server, $apache_fastcgi_servers)

   include ::php::fpm::daemon
   create_resources(::php::fpm::conf, $phpfpm_pools)
   ::php::module { $php_modules: } ~ Service['php-fpm']

   # So the apache user is created before
   # php-fpm starts
   Class['::apache'] - Class['::php::fpm::daemon']

   create_resources(firewall, $firewall_rules)
   create_resources(::duplicity::job, $backup_jobs)
   create_resources(::cron::job, $cron_jobs)


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[Puppet Users] Re: Craig Dunn's Roles/Profiles/Components Conflicts

2014-05-19 Thread Jesse Cotton
Perhaps I am overlooking something. How would you construct the hierarchy 
so you could set apache::keepalive for this profile?

class profile::apache_phpfpm {
  include ::apache

You could do global variables, but you couldn't one set the hierarchy to 
 the profile level?  Thus you isolate variables in preference to the 
 profile, rather than a global mismash.  Stick with parametrization for now 
 if this works, refactor later after getting it working, as you'll have a 
 functional base state.

We're aware of most of this and agree with most of this. However when you 
 always call include, you lose the ability to say a particular hiera 
 variable is attached to the profile. For example

 If you define:

 class profile::apache_phpfpm {
   include ::apache

 with the following in hiera:

 apache::keepalive = 1

 keepalive = 1 applies anywhere apache is included


 class profile::apache_phpfpm (
   $keepalive = 1
 ) {
   class { ::apache:
 keepalive = $keepalive

 profile::apache_phpfpm::keepalive = 1

 I am not sure about this... Personally, I get scared of having too many 
 sub-classes beyond install.pp, config.pp, service.pp, etc. It might make 
 those files verbose, but then it is easier to contain and debug.  
 Afterwards, parts into separate pieces, if this helps.

 Is cron a separate class?  Personally, I put my bottom level modules into 
 their product role, which may require cron functionality.  I avoid crafting 
 classes based on their functionality, as this would be the same as having a 
 class called package that accepts an array packages to be installed.  It 
 gets hard to identify what is involved in installing a product or 
 scheduling cleanup tasks for the same product; the code to implement a 
 particular product gets scattered across many files, rather than 
 self-contained in one module.

I am not sure I understand what you're suggesting here. The point of the 
create_resources calls at the very bottom is so we can attach backup jobs, 
cron jobs, firewall rules to the profile. You seem to be suggesting we 
should assign these at the role level. Is that correct? I see valid reasons 
for doing it either way but experience may dictate one is better then the 

Yes, apache, php, cron, duplicity, and firewall are all separate classes.


 So below is an example for Drupal. It could literally be cloned for 
 Wordpress and Joomla. Unfortunately, b/c of the class declarations, it is 
 not composable.

 class profile::drupal (
   $apache_listen = ['80'],
   $apache_name_virtual_hosts = ['*:80'],
   $apache_modules = ['fastcgi'],
   $apache_fastcgi_servers = {
 'www' = {
   host = '',
   faux_path = '/var/www/php.fcgi',
   alias = '/php.fcgi',
   file_type = 'application/x-httpd-php'
   $phpfpm_pools = {
 'www' = {
   listen  = '',
   user = 'apache',
   pm_max_requests = 500,
   catch_workers_output = 'no',
   php_admin_value = {},
   php_value = {}
   $php_modules = [],
   $firewall_rules = {},
   $backup_jobs = {},
   $cron_jobs = {}
 ) {

   include ::apache
   ::apache::listen { $apache_listen: }
   ::apache::namevirtualhost { $apache_name_virtual_hosts: }
   ::apache::mod { $apache_modules: }
   create_resources(::apache::fastcgi::server, $apache_fastcgi_servers)

   include ::php::fpm::daemon
   create_resources(::php::fpm::conf, $phpfpm_pools)
   ::php::module { $php_modules: } ~ Service['php-fpm']

   # So the apache user is created before
   # php-fpm starts
   Class['::apache'] - Class['::php::fpm::daemon']

   create_resources(firewall, $firewall_rules)
   create_resources(::duplicity::job, $backup_jobs)
   create_resources(::cron::job, $cron_jobs)


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Craig Dunn's Roles/Profiles/Components Conflicts

2014-05-18 Thread David Schmitt


To answer the original qustion with a somewhat cheap truism: It is 
possible, but not required that profiles are composable. E.g. 
profile::apache_server and profile::mysql_server should be trivially 
composable, because they manage disjunct sets of resources. On the other 
hand, profile::apache_server and profile::nginx_server might not be 
composable, because both need to use port 80, which cannot be shared.

So to the question of building composable profiles, if your profiles 
often need a specific set of php modules, it might ease the situation by 
creating a profile::fat_php_installation, which contains all required 
php modules and becomes the focal point for intra-cms-php-development. A 
different approach would be finegrained classes for each php module, 
which can be included multiple times across many profiles. A totally 
different approach would be to create local php installations for each 
CMS which do not talk to each other at all, leaving the CMS consumer to 
choose the exact patch level and composition required.

Surely, there are several other possibilities. Which one is the right 
one really depends on the structure of your development team and systems.

Regards, David

On 2014-05-17 14:39, Jesse Cotton wrote:

Yes it is feasible :) So really the server is just a PHP app server.
What makes it useable for all of the CMSs is that the correct set of
apache and php modules are installed, and it has the correct firewall
rules, cron jobs and backup jobs configured. With this in mind, my
inclination is to build a cms_app_server profile but that seems more
like a role then a profile.

On Friday, May 16, 2014 3:08:00 PM UTC-4, Joaquin Menchaca wrote:

Hello: This might be a dumb question, but can you build a system
manually with the various CMSes?  Are there a cross-set of
technologies (Apache, PHP, MySQL) that will work on all CMSes in
your organization?  I would think in terms in how you would build
these systems manually w/o puppet in some organized way, then see
how this can fit into puppet.   If you can build some reference
platform that can host some or all of these, then you have your
basic profile for that wonder-web-box system.

Complexity might come in when you start separating, such as putting
php in it's own module and apache in another, then sequencing them
in profile.  You can use augues to scissor in php specific
configurations (or alternatively creative erb ruby code to other
configurations).  This is what I do for a nginx + php-fm configuration.

class profile::webserver {  class  { nginx: } - class  { php: } }

On Friday, May 16, 2014 8:55:35 AM UTC-7, Jesse Cotton wrote:

I work with Matt and am filling in for him since I posed this
question to him originally.

Our confusion really lies around how you layout profiles for a
multi-function box. For example, suppose you have a role, CMS
App Server that will host various CMS like Wordpress, Drupal,
and others. They are all built on top of the same technologies,
Apache, PHP, and MySQL. I don't believe you can build a separate
profile for each CMS b/c they will conflict (at least within
Puppet). Each will require a certain set of php modules and
settings, apache modules and settings, etc. So do you build a
single profile like profile::wordpress_drupal_cms3_cm4 or do you
build a profile::apachefpm profile? The later seems more logical
to me however you lose the ability to define profile specific
hiera variables b/c profile::apachefpm is generic.

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[Puppet Users] Re: Craig Dunn's Roles/Profiles/Components Conflicts

2014-05-17 Thread Jesse Cotton
Yes it is feasible :) So really the server is just a PHP app server. What 
makes it useable for all of the CMSs is that the correct set of apache and 
php modules are installed, and it has the correct firewall rules, cron jobs 
and backup jobs configured. With this in mind, my inclination is to build a 
cms_app_server profile but that seems more like a role then a profile.

On Friday, May 16, 2014 3:08:00 PM UTC-4, Joaquin Menchaca wrote:

 Hello: This might be a dumb question, but can you build a system manually 
 with the various CMSes?  Are there a cross-set of technologies (Apache, 
 PHP, MySQL) that will work on all CMSes in your organization?  I would 
 think in terms in how you would build these systems manually w/o puppet in 
 some organized way, then see how this can fit into puppet.   If you can 
 build some reference platform that can host some or all of these, then you 
 have your basic profile for that wonder-web-box system.

 Complexity might come in when you start separating, such as putting php in 
 it's own module and apache in another, then sequencing them in profile.  
 You can use augues to scissor in php specific configurations (or 
 alternatively creative erb ruby code to other configurations).  This is 
 what I do for a nginx + php-fm configuration.

 class profile::webserver {  class  { nginx: } - class  { php: } }

 On Friday, May 16, 2014 8:55:35 AM UTC-7, Jesse Cotton wrote:

 I work with Matt and am filling in for him since I posed this question to 
 him originally.

 Our confusion really lies around how you layout profiles for a 
 multi-function box. For example, suppose you have a role, CMS App Server 
 that will host various CMS like Wordpress, Drupal, and others. They are all 
 built on top of the same technologies, Apache, PHP, and MySQL. I don't 
 believe you can build a separate profile for each CMS b/c they will 
 conflict (at least within Puppet). Each will require a certain set of php 
 modules and settings, apache modules and settings, etc. So do you build a 
 single profile like profile::wordpress_drupal_cms3_cm4 or do you build a 
 profile::apachefpm profile? The later seems more logical to me however you 
 lose the ability to define profile specific hiera variables b/c 
 profile::apachefpm is generic.

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Puppet Users group.
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[Puppet Users] Re: Craig Dunn's Roles/Profiles/Components Conflicts

2014-05-16 Thread Jesse Cotton
I work with Matt and am filling in for him since I posed this question to 
him originally.

Our confusion really lies around how you layout profiles for a 
multi-function box. For example, suppose you have a role, CMS App Server 
that will host various CMS like Wordpress, Drupal, and others. They are all 
built on top of the same technologies, Apache, PHP, and MySQL. I don't 
believe you can build a separate profile for each CMS b/c they will 
conflict (at least within Puppet). Each will require a certain set of php 
modules and settings, apache modules and settings, etc. So do you build a 
single profile like profile::wordpress_drupal_cms3_cm4 or do you build a 
profile::apachefpm profile? The later seems more logical to me however you 
lose the ability to define profile specific hiera variables b/c 
profile::apachefpm is generic.

On Thursday, May 15, 2014 1:22:02 AM UTC-4, mjus...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,

 We use the roles/profiles/components model originally suggested by Craig 
 Dunn fairly heavily.  In our case:

- The role is a business name, like Application X App Server
- The profile is the technical name, like Base Components or 
- The components are either wrapper classes around modules or modules 
themselves, like PHP or Apache.

 For the most part, this works well.  We can have, for example:

- MyFace Application Server
   - Base Components
  - SSSD
  - Sudo
  - NTP
   - PHP Webserver
  - PHP
  - Apache
  - Memcache
 However, we're running into trouble how to handle the situation where you're 
 running a box with multiple functions... for example, WordPress and Drupal. 
  In that case, how do you handle configuration conflicts?  On the surface, 
 it seems like we would create a more generic profile like PHP Webserver 
 (like I did in the above example).  If I do this, however, I lose the 
 ability to define profile specific variables such as firewall rules, cron 
 jobs, etc.

 Any thoughts on this?



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[Puppet Users] Re: Craig Dunn's Roles/Profiles/Components Conflicts

2014-05-16 Thread Joaquin Menchaca
Hello Jesse  Matt.

This might be a dumb question, but can you build a system manually with the 
various CMSes?  Are there a cross-set of technologies (Apache, PHP, MySQL) 
that will work on all CMSes in your organization?  I would think in terms 
in how you would build these systems manually w/o puppet in some organized 
way, then see how this can fit into puppet.   If you can build some 
reference platform that can host some or all of these, then you have your 
basic profile for that wonder-web-box system.

Complexity might come in when you start separating, such as putting php in 
it's own module and apache in another, then sequencing them in profile.  
You can use augues to scissor php specific configurations.  This is what I 
do for a nginx + php-fm configuration.

class profile::webserver {  class  { nginx: } - class  { php: } }

On Friday, May 16, 2014 8:55:35 AM UTC-7, Jesse Cotton wrote:

 I work with Matt and am filling in for him since I posed this question to 
 him originally.

 Our confusion really lies around how you layout profiles for a 
 multi-function box. For example, suppose you have a role, CMS App Server 
 that will host various CMS like Wordpress, Drupal, and others. They are all 
 built on top of the same technologies, Apache, PHP, and MySQL. I don't 
 believe you can build a separate profile for each CMS b/c they will 
 conflict (at least within Puppet). Each will require a certain set of php 
 modules and settings, apache modules and settings, etc. So do you build a 
 single profile like profile::wordpress_drupal_cms3_cm4 or do you build a 
 profile::apachefpm profile? The later seems more logical to me however you 
 lose the ability to define profile specific hiera variables b/c 
 profile::apachefpm is generic.

 On Thursday, May 15, 2014 1:22:02 AM UTC-4, mjus...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,

 We use the roles/profiles/components model originally suggested by Craig 
 Dunn fairly heavily.  In our case:

- The role is a business name, like Application X App Server
- The profile is the technical name, like Base Components or 
- The components are either wrapper classes around modules or modules 
themselves, like PHP or Apache.

 For the most part, this works well.  We can have, for example:

- MyFace Application Server
   - Base Components
  - SSSD
  - Sudo
  - NTP
   - PHP Webserver
  - PHP
  - Apache
  - Memcache
 However, we're running into trouble how to handle the situation where you're 
 running a box with multiple functions... for example, WordPress and Drupal. 
  In that case, how do you handle configuration conflicts?  On the surface, 
 it seems like we would create a more generic profile like PHP Webserver 
 (like I did in the above example).  If I do this, however, I lose the 
 ability to define profile specific variables such as firewall rules, cron 
 jobs, etc.

 Any thoughts on this?



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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

[Puppet Users] Re: Craig Dunn's Roles/Profiles/Components Conflicts

2014-05-16 Thread Joaquin Menchaca
Hello: This might be a dumb question, but can you build a system manually 
with the various CMSes?  Are there a cross-set of technologies (Apache, 
PHP, MySQL) that will work on all CMSes in your organization?  I would 
think in terms in how you would build these systems manually w/o puppet in 
some organized way, then see how this can fit into puppet.   If you can 
build some reference platform that can host some or all of these, then you 
have your basic profile for that wonder-web-box system.

Complexity might come in when you start separating, such as putting php in 
it's own module and apache in another, then sequencing them in profile.  
You can use augues to scissor in php specific configurations (or 
alternatively creative erb ruby code to other configurations).  This is 
what I do for a nginx + php-fm configuration.

class profile::webserver {  class  { nginx: } - class  { php: } }

On Friday, May 16, 2014 8:55:35 AM UTC-7, Jesse Cotton wrote:

 I work with Matt and am filling in for him since I posed this question to 
 him originally.

 Our confusion really lies around how you layout profiles for a 
 multi-function box. For example, suppose you have a role, CMS App Server 
 that will host various CMS like Wordpress, Drupal, and others. They are all 
 built on top of the same technologies, Apache, PHP, and MySQL. I don't 
 believe you can build a separate profile for each CMS b/c they will 
 conflict (at least within Puppet). Each will require a certain set of php 
 modules and settings, apache modules and settings, etc. So do you build a 
 single profile like profile::wordpress_drupal_cms3_cm4 or do you build a 
 profile::apachefpm profile? The later seems more logical to me however you 
 lose the ability to define profile specific hiera variables b/c 
 profile::apachefpm is generic.

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Puppet Users group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to puppet-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

[Puppet Users] Re: Craig Dunn's Roles/Profiles/Components Conflicts

2014-05-15 Thread jcbollinger

On Thursday, May 15, 2014 12:22:02 AM UTC-5, mjus...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,

 We use the roles/profiles/components model originally suggested by Craig 
 Dunn fairly heavily.  In our case:

- The role is a business name, like Application X App Server
- The profile is the technical name, like Base Components or 
- The components are either wrapper classes around modules or modules 
themselves, like PHP or Apache.

 For the most part, this works well.  We can have, for example:

- MyFace Application Server
   - Base Components
  - SSSD
  - Sudo
  - NTP
   - PHP Webserver
  - PHP
  - Apache
  - Memcache
 However, we're running into trouble how to handle the situation where you're 
 running a box with multiple functions... for example, WordPress and Drupal. 
  In that case, how do you handle configuration conflicts?  On the surface, 
 it seems like we would create a more generic profile like PHP Webserver 
 (like I did in the above example).  If I do this, however, I lose the 
 ability to define profile specific variables such as firewall rules, cron 
 jobs, etc.

 Any thoughts on this?

If you follow Dunn to the letter then each node has exactly one role.  
Therefore, if you want a box with multiple functions then you need to 
define a role that encompasses all of them.  That's a useful exercise in 
itself, as it makes you think about *why* those functions are all served by 
the same machine.

Suppose, then, that you have a role for what you're talking about, 
something such as Satellite Office Omnibus Server or whatever.  You then 
proceed as normal for the pattern, by defining one or more profiles for 
machines having that role.  Those profiles define all the needed 
components, just as your other profiles do.  Presumably the profiles for 
such roles will be larger than most.

I think the key hurdle here is defining appropriate roles.  Multi-function 
computer isn't a role, it's just a vague description.  Given genuine, 
coherent roles for these computers, I think everything else will fall out 
fairly naturally.


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