Re: [Puppet Users] Re: multiple OS support conventions?

2010-05-15 Thread Dick Davies
Thanks all, think I had it in my head that a general 'os' module
could do simplify this, but I think you're probably right that handling
in the individual modules is better.
Then I can migrate to multi-platform support module by module,
and there's much less cross-module dependencies involved.

Thanks again!

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 6:17 PM, donavan wrote:
 On May 12, 1:03 am, Rohan McGovern wrote:
 I've been doing it like this, for an example module
 named baselayout:


     import *
     class baselayout {
       case $operatingsystem {
         Darwin:   { include baselayout::mac }
         OpenSuSE: { include baselayout::suse }


     class baselayout::mac {


     class baselayout::suse {

  ... etc.  I've just started, so there could be problems with this I
 haven't hit yet.

 +1 on this method. I handle it pretty much the same way. The
 difference would be using a modulename::base class for all of the
 common setup. Depending on the specific child classes they can then
 inherit modulename::base or include it. A simple exmaple can be seen
 in the Camp to Camp augeas module[1]. In general I try to avoid using
 parameter selectors for this type of customization.


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[Puppet Users] Re: multiple OS support conventions?

2010-05-14 Thread donavan
On May 12, 1:03 am, Rohan McGovern wrote:
 I've been doing it like this, for an example module
 named baselayout:


     import *
     class baselayout {
       case $operatingsystem {
         Darwin:   { include baselayout::mac }
         OpenSuSE: { include baselayout::suse }


     class baselayout::mac {


     class baselayout::suse {

  ... etc.  I've just started, so there could be problems with this I
 haven't hit yet.

+1 on this method. I handle it pretty much the same way. The
difference would be using a modulename::base class for all of the
common setup. Depending on the specific child classes they can then
inherit modulename::base or include it. A simple exmaple can be seen
in the Camp to Camp augeas module[1]. In general I try to avoid using
parameter selectors for this type of customization.


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[Puppet Users] Re: multiple OS support conventions?

2010-05-12 Thread Al @ Lab42
My approach to manage different OS is similar to the ones suggested
With these basic buidelines:

- When differences among OS are rather substancial, include specific
case $operatingsystem {
debian: { include apache::debian }
ubuntu: { include apache::debian }
default: { }

- When differences are just packages names, config file paths and so
on, managge differences in a specific params subclass where interla
variables are defined accoring to the OS:
class apache::params  {

# Basic settings
$packagename = $operatingsystem ? {
freebsd = apache20,
debian  = apache2,
ubuntu  = apache2,
default = httpd,

$servicename = $operatingsystem ? {
debian  = apache2,
ubuntu  = apache2,
default = httpd,

$username = $operatingsystem ? {
debian  = www-data,
ubuntu  = www-data,
default = apache,

$configfile = $operatingsystem ?{
freebsd = /usr/local/etc/apache20/httpd.conf,
ubuntu  = /etc/apache2/apache2.conf,
debian  = /etc/apache2/apache2.conf,
default = /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf,

$configdir = $operatingsystem ?{
freebsd = /usr/local/etc/apache20,
ubuntu  = /etc/apache2,
debian  = /etc/apache2,
default = /etc/httpd/conf,

$documentroot = $operatingsystem ?{
debian  = /var/www,
ubuntu  = /var/www,
suse= /srv/www,
default = /var/www/html,


In the above examples my default is RedHat/Centos, but it should be
better to explicitely define them.

- Classic Package-Service-ConfigFiles cases are manage in an unique
class apache {

require apache::params

package { apache:
name   = ${apache::params::packagename},
ensure = present,

service { apache:
name   = ${apache::params::servicename},
ensure = running,
enable = true,
pattern = ${apache::params::servicepattern},
hasrestart = true,
hasstatus = true,
require = Package[apache],
subscribe = File[httpd.conf],

file { httpd.conf:
#   mode = 644, owner = root, group = root,
require = Package[apache],
ensure = present,
path = ${apache::params::configfile},

case $operatingsystem {
debian: { include apache::debian }
ubuntu: { include apache::debian }
default: { }

if $backup == yes { include apache::backup }
if $monitor == yes { include apache::monitor }
if $firewall == yes { include apache::firewall }


- Generally I prefer to avoid defining / setting owners/permissions on
files I leave them to the standards provided byy the relevant

My 2c


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