Re: [pygame] how to change my subscription settings?

2009-08-17 Thread Brian Song

You can view everything there

Re: [pygame] Re: sprite.spritecollide

2009-08-15 Thread Brian Song
Follow up with this

if len(colliding_with) is not 0:
   for sprite in colliding_with:
#will go through each sprite in colliding_with
#if your sprite has a unique ID like try printing

Re: [pygame] sprite.spritecollide

2009-08-14 Thread Brian Song
colliding_with = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(x,y, 0)

colliding_with is a list of all objects x is colliding in y

Re: [pygame] Pygame games run slowly :(

2009-07-30 Thread Brian Song
Toni, you make a good argument, but some of your points are a bit
misleading. As for games not needing a lot of resources, your kind of off.
Only reason ps3s have 512MB is that it doesn't have to worry about the many
processes a computer OS requires. Plus the ram is top of the line (gddr3 /
xdr) and isn't really comparable to normal computer ram.

I agree that nothing beats efficient coding, but that can only go so far.
Sooner or later, you still have to upgrade. I personally am a fan of simple
games (#1 game is block dude.. anyone who had a ti83 or 89 should know what
it is). But you can't expect game programmers to all stay low tech. Yes
small mini computers and smart phones are becomming popular, but so are
stronger laptops and computers.

As for the slow game in question ( the
game designer does say "Thanks! And yes, framerate is definitely an issue on
(dare I say) lower-end computers"

Btw, the latest budget computers have at least 2.X GHz CPUs. So yea.. it's
time to upgrade.

Re: [pygame] Rect collision by direction

2009-06-06 Thread Brian Song
Diagonal collision detection seems to get a lot of people including myself
the first time. If you haven't fixed it yet, the remedy will most likely
require you to do 2 collision detections instead 1. Without looking at your
code, I'm gonna assume your doing collision detection on both axis at once.
What you should do instead is first check for collision on one axis, figure
out whats happening, then do a collision detection for the other axis.

Re: [pygame] A silly request

2009-05-07 Thread Brian Song
I thought it was put there to show that a good pygame developer != good

Re: [pygame] pygame.quit() not working after upgrade to python 2.6

2009-04-27 Thread Brian Song
Have you tried

if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 1:22 AM, Thadeus Burgess wrote:

> Is there any reason pygame.quit() hangs the application up?
> I am running python 2.6 on Ubuntu.
> It works on python 2.6 in windows.
> What, if any information could I provide to help track down the culprite?
> -Thadeus

Re: [pygame] Never seen this before

2009-04-24 Thread Brian Song
 If the problems fixed, yay. If not, you should put up most/all your source
so it's easier for people to see whats happening.

Re: [pygame] move problems

2009-04-09 Thread Brian Song
Yea... Jakes method would do.. or you can just simplify it

spaceship_speed = 10

if keys[K_LEFT]:
   x_move += -spaceship_speed
if keys[K_RIGHT]:
   x_move += spaceship_self.speed

rect = rect.move(x_move, 0)

BTW... spaceship.speed=(spaceship.speed[0]-10, spaceship.speed[1]) is
unnecessary. No point in rewriting the whole list when your only changing
one part

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:56 PM, Jake b  wrote:

> Print out .speed to see what the values are.
> example: in IDLE
> >>> from euclid import Vector2
>  >>> class Ship():
> def __init__(self):
> self.speed = Vector2(0,0)
> self.loc = Vector2(0,0)
> def accel(self, xvel, yvel):
> self.speed += Vector2(xvel, yvel)
> def update(self):
> self.loc += self.speed
> def __repr__(self): return "s=%s, l=%s" % (self.speed, self.loc )
>  >>> s = Ship()
> >>> s
> s=Vector2(0.00, 0.00), l=Vector2(0.00, 0.00)
> >>> s.accel( 10, 0 )
> >>> s
> s=Vector2(10.00, 0.00), l=Vector2(0.00, 0.00)
> >>> s.update()
> >>> s
> s=Vector2(10.00, 0.00), l=Vector2(10.00, 0.00)
> >>> s.update()
> >>> s
> s=Vector2(10.00, 0.00), l=Vector2(20.00, 0.00)
> --
> Jake

Re: [pygame] Sprite group drawing with offset

2009-03-10 Thread Brian Song
I'm reading this from my iPhone so I can't verify that this is my
working version, but I can tell that it's missing something important.
I basically changed the sprite.RenderUpdates.draw() to accept a second
and third argument "offsets [x,y]". By default they are set to 0,0
(this is whats missing... Should be def draw(self,screen, offset =
[0,0])) so there would be no argument/type error when older code uses
the draw method without passing the offsets. I felt by letting the
draw method accept an offset, it would be easier to shift a whole
sprite group at once while adding sprite rects to a rectlist.
On 3/10/09, Thiago Chaves  wrote:
> Hi,
> I just had a conversation with some people at #pygame on IRC, and it
> seems that at least me and unlucky777 agree that it would be cool to
> be able to pass an offset value to the drawing function on pygame
> sprite groups. The idea is that people who think about a "camera" (or
> when writing games have something more natural to work with).
> Anyway, unlucky777 came up wth some modified renderUpdates sprite
> group to solve a scrolling problem, while I caught myself putting
> offset information on the update method of my sprite classes so I
> could deal with the same problem (but apparently in an uglier way).
> I'm attaching unlycky777's relevant piece of code, and also what I
> came up with. Personally, I like unlucky's idea better.
> Any thoughts?
> -Thiago