Re: [pygame] Background ghosts

2009-01-02 Thread Michael Phipps
Weeble - 

You nailed it! Thanks for your help - it is very much appreciated.


Re: [pygame] Background ghosts

2009-01-01 Thread Michael Phipps
Hi Jake!

Thanks for responding.

The background that I blit in is the same size as the display surface, so I 
really am clearing the screen. :-/ I can see this - when I complete a row, I 
redraw the screen and everything looks fine. Then a new sprite starts making 
its  way down the board (imagine tetris) and, as soon as it is over top of the 
highest point where a block had been (even though it isn't there because rows 
disappeared), that old block  shows through.

As for the splitting the sprites, I considered that. The problem is that when a 
row is complete (just like in Tetris), a whole piece that fell wouldn't 
necessarily disappear, but only part of one. I guess I could separate each 
piece into multiple sprites, but that would involve dozens of sprites and I 
don't think that the tracking of it would be any better than what I have right 


-Original Message-
From: Jake b []
Date: 12/31/2008 23:12
Subject: Re: [pygame] Background ghosts

It looks like you never clear the screen. try something like:
def drawBoard():
   self.screen.fill( (128,128,128) )
   blit background to display
   for piece in fallenPieces:
blit piece to display

Why do you split sprites into two groups? ( stopped, and moving )

(Not sure if that will exactly integrate into how your code, is, but
this is what I mean):

class TetrisMain():
def __init__(self):
init pygame, surfaces, sprite groups
self.screen = #pygame screen
self.pieces_list = #sprite group filled with pieces

def draw(self):
clear, blit background, blit pieces, flip.
self.screen.blit( self.background, (0,0))

def loop(self):
main loop
self.pieces_list.update() # update using sprite group

On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 8:47 PM, Michael Phipps wrote:
 I am finishing up my first pygame; everything has been fun and easy except 

 The game is a tetris-like game (with a twist). I have the falling piece as a 
 sprite. The background is just a bitmap. The pieces that have already fallen, 
 I blit into place. So I have something like (in pseudo code):

 def drawBoard():
blit background to display
for piece in fallenPieces:
 blit piece to display

 while 1: # game loop
if sprite.nextLocation == taken
sprite = None
removeSolidRows() # This removes fallen pieces that have formed 
 complete rows

 The problem that I have is that as the sprite is falling, I can see rows that 
 have been removed. I have confirmed that drawBoard() is doing the right thing 
 - when the sprite hits the bottom and the screen redraws, the ghosts 
 disappear. They are only there when the sprite floats over them. It looks 
 like the sprite is getting the data from the old version of the screen (i.e. 
 before the last piece fell and rows were removed) to redraw the screen's 
 dirty regions.




Re: [pygame] Background ghosts

2009-01-01 Thread Michael Phipps
I don't usually respond to myself. :-) I thought some more about it and thought 
that maybe the source code would be helpful. The game needs a lot of spit and 
polish - the graphics are pretty ugly, the title screen is very basic, and ... 
oh - the game doesn't end when the tiles pile up over the top. Not to mention 
that the block sequence is always the same (this is for debugging).

Anyway, if someone wants to take a look, the code is attached...

-Original Message-
From: Michael Phipps []
Date: 01/01/2009 13:14
Subject: Re: [pygame] Background ghosts

Hi Jake!

Thanks for responding.

The background that I blit in is the same size as the display surface, so I 
really am clearing the screen. :-/ I can see this - when I complete a row, I 
redraw the screen and everything looks fine. Then a new sprite starts making 
its  way down the board (imagine tetris) and, as soon as it is over top of the 
highest point where a block had been (even though it isn't there because rows 
disappeared), that old block  shows through.

As for the splitting the sprites, I considered that. The problem is that when a 
row is complete (just like in Tetris), a whole piece that fell wouldn't 
necessarily disappear, but only part of one. I guess I could separate each 
piece into multiple sprites, but that would involve dozens of sprites and I 
don't think that the tracking of it would be any better than what I have right 


-Original Message-
From: Jake b []
Date: 12/31/2008 23:12
Subject: Re: [pygame] Background ghosts

It looks like you never clear the screen. try something like:
def drawBoard():
   self.screen.fill( (128,128,128) )
   blit background to display
   for piece in fallenPieces:
blit piece to display

Why do you split sprites into two groups? ( stopped, and moving )

(Not sure if that will exactly integrate into how your code, is, but
this is what I mean):

class TetrisMain():
def __init__(self):
init pygame, surfaces, sprite groups
self.screen = #pygame screen
self.pieces_list = #sprite group filled with pieces

def draw(self):
clear, blit background, blit pieces, flip.
self.screen.blit( self.background, (0,0))

def loop(self):
main loop
self.pieces_list.update() # update using sprite group

On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 8:47 PM, Michael Phipps wrote:
 I am finishing up my first pygame; everything has been fun and easy except 

 The game is a tetris-like game (with a twist). I have the falling piece as a 
 sprite. The background is just a bitmap. The pieces that have already fallen, 
 I blit into place. So I have something like (in pseudo code):

 def drawBoard():
blit background to display
for piece in fallenPieces:
 blit piece to display

 while 1: # game loop
if sprite.nextLocation == taken
sprite = None
removeSolidRows() # This removes fallen pieces that have formed 
 complete rows

 The problem that I have is that as the sprite is falling, I can see rows that 
 have been removed. I have confirmed that drawBoard() is doing the right thing 
 - when the sprite hits the bottom and the screen redraws, the ghosts 
 disappear. They are only there when the sprite floats over them. It looks 
 like the sprite is getting the data from the old version of the screen (i.e. 
 before the last piece fell and rows were removed) to redraw the screen's 
 dirty regions.




import sys, pygame, random

class scoreClass:
value = 100
def get(self):
return self.value
def increment(self,blocks,multiplier):

class rastras:
size = width, height = 640, 768
playfieldSize = 5,12
blockWidth,blockHeight = 48,48
playfieldOffset = 60,50
normalSpeed = 2
acceleratedSpeed = 8
score = scoreClass()
colors = ( (255,0,0), (0,255,0), (0,0,255), (0,255,255), (255,0,255), 
waysToScore = ((1,0),(0,-1),(-1,-1),(1,-1))

playfield = blockWidth*playfieldSize[0],blockHeight*playfieldSize[1]
playfieldBottom = playfield[1]+playfieldOffset[1]
scoreLocation = width/2 + (playfield[0]+playfieldOffset[0])/2, height/3 

screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 24)


Re: [pygame] @

2008-12-31 Thread Michael Phipps
Yanom - 

A decorator is a method that takes another method as a parameter so that it can 
do something. It is usually used for aspect oriented programming.

For example:

def logThisMethodCall(methodCall)
# Do some logging here

def myMethod(a,b,c)
# do Somthing in here

Now, whenever you call myMethod, logThisMethodCall gets called first, with 
the invocation of myMethod passed into it. You can use it for logging, security 
(i.e. does this person have permission to be calling this), etc.


-Original Message-
From: Yanom Mobis []
Date: 12/31/2008 11:19
Subject: Re: [pygame] @

so when you do this:

def bar(): pass

you assume that a function foo() already exists.

and it creates something like this:

def foo():
def bar(): pass

I'm sorry, I just got confused.

- On Wed, 12/31/08, Noah Kantrowitz wrote:
From: Noah Kantrowitz
Subject: Re: [pygame] @
Date: Wednesday, December 31, 2008, 3:01 AM

decorator. The short version is that this

def bar(): pass

is the same as this

def bar(): pass
bar = foo(bar)

The long version is look it up because it gets very complicated and


On Dec 30, 2008, at 9:55 PM, Yanom Mobis wrote:

 I was reading some Python code examples, and i found the @ symbol. What
exactly does this operator do?