Re: [pygame] pygame website - the non-Django team.

2009-05-25 Thread orcun avsar
Is it because just you want to do it or you didn't liked current goings on
of the django-based development. if you didn't liked development of django
site you should point it out so it stops if general discussion is at same
opinion. i think this is what behaviour should be. i never say it's a bad
thing and you shouldn't do it because it's nice you want become
better and i'm not the one to decide on that but you. but there are points i
didn't liked. people will give efforts on this projects and there is one
goal at the end for the both teams. i don't join the idea *each code base
should be still useful for other projects even if it doesn't get used for*.  it's not like developing a game.  team that loses won't reach
into anything and all efforts they do will be ruined. i want to highlight
again that i don't mean you shouldn't do it and i don't feel like we will
win or lose. i'm just worried about one of the teams(not only us) efforts
will be wasted and nobody said us we will compete when it was starting.
excuse me but i also felt like some django hate on that message.

2009/5/25 René Dudfield

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- taking the C++ out of game development.
 - the web isn't just text and databases.
  - taking the framework out of webs.

 there is already another team working on a 'django' based remake of the
 pygame website.
 As mentioned here:
  and here:

 we are also working on a new website!  This email describes the
 non-django teams effort.  A little competition is never bad, and each code
 base should be still useful for other projects even if it doesn't get used

 May the best website win!

 = **The Plan.** **=
 * *=**

 *~ Stage one(1)*:
 - rewrite current site in python using existing templates.
 - Using python, *pygame*, mysql, cherrypy, ffmpeg, sqlalchemy,
 pygments, feedparser, lxml, and likely formencode/formalchemy/nicks formlib.
 - incorporate small features from long standing todo list into the rewrite.
 - start design of new website as we go.  Using moch ups, and design by Daniel
 Jones (portfolio link, (illume)
 Rene, (pymike), (akalias) Nicholas, and - getting feedback from community.
 - Daniel will send moch-ups to mailing list for review and crits.
 - use knowledge from redoing existing website in the design of the new

 Development is just starting in svn:

 A code layout something like this...



 Will include the database (with all personal details removed) as sql.
 sqllite for development, and mysql on the real server.  Since python comes
 with sqllite, people won't need to set up mysql to make changes.

 Including cherrypy, and sqlalchemy so people don't need to install them

 It's the same layout used by many pygames especially skellington based
 pyweek games.

 *~ Stage two(2):*
 - implement new features and design.
 - open up to other developers.

 Current todo list (as collected from

- feed(rss, atom) for wiki recent changes.
- Menu to use alternating background colours - to make it easier to
- Optional email notification on project change, including release and
comment. A per user, per project option.
- Nicer urls for projects. eg projects/512/zanthor/
- detect tabs in code blocks, and convert to spaces. Either ask to
convert to 4 or 8 spaces, or do some magic to figure out how many spaces.
- Browsing projects in more ways. By ranking, by date.
- Spotlight projects changeable from management area.
- Fix website for looking ok in 800x600 resolution - the header does
not scale down well.

 *= Stage X: Making an API usable 

Re: [pygame] pygame website - the non-Django team.

2009-05-25 Thread orcun avsar
there was too many messages on that topic, i was following yours and
marcus's messages on that topic because you were mentors for the GSoC. i
don't think everybody would ever come together at the same thought because
it's a matter of choice that chosing which framework to use. i lastly red
marcus's message which he was saying that  he trusts us and i thought it and
stop following that thread because so many messages were comparing django
and cherrypy. i didn't like it.  i missed your last message sorry for that.

If it was so clear that you will write the website since January, why
was it a point on GSoC list and why don't you have already started?
(Would you write your own page even if it was a GSoC project? What's the
difference now?)

i think jug touched a good point. i first red marcus's or your message
saying we can start our gsoc projects even if we didn't selected than when
jug mailed to list. i decided to join. we never forced to do it. i wasn't
thinking you will start to do it because it was on GSoC list and you were
mentor and reviewed our proposals for that project.when i sent my proposal
you seemed like you liked it. if you plan to do it, you shouldn't have let
us spread our times for our gsoc proposals.

sorry for little nervy behaviours.

2009/5/26 René Dudfield

 On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 3:43 AM, orcun avsar wrote:

 Is it because just you want to do it or you didn't liked current goings on
 of the django-based development. if you didn't liked development of django
 site you should point it out so it stops if general discussion is at same
 opinion. i think this is what behaviour should be. i never say it's a bad
 thing and you shouldn't do it because it's nice you want pygame.orgbecome 
 better and i'm not the one to decide on that but you. but there are
 points i didn't liked. people will give efforts on this projects and there
 is one goal at the end for the both teams. i don't join the idea *each
 code base should be still useful for other projects even if it doesn't get
 used for*.  it's not like developing a game.  team that loses
 won't reach into anything and all efforts they do will be ruined. i want to
 highlight again that i don't mean you shouldn't do it and i don't feel like
 we will win or lose. i'm just worried about one of the teams(not only us)
 efforts will be wasted and nobody said us we will compete when it was
 starting. excuse me but i also felt like some django hate on that message.


 I never got a response from you, or jug when I talked about it a couple of
 weeks ago here:

 The coding on the django based website started without discussion
 finishing.  There was a discussion with some different view points, and you
 just didn't seem to care and began the website, ignoring them anyway.  Then
 I didn't have any option but to start a website myself.

 I told you in other threads I was making one, and that there had been a
 plan to make one since January.  Again, neither you or jug responded.

Re: [pygame] PyGame Website Rewrite

2009-04-21 Thread orcun avsar
I had applied to same project too.  I was thinking same idea it can be good
to work with a team. I'd like to join.

2009/4/21 jug


 Even if it was not selected as a project for GSoC, I would like to do the
 pygame website rewrite.
 Like the other applicants, I'd do that with Django. Now that there can not
 only be one student/participant,
 it would be cool to work together and combine forces.

 Since I applied for GSoC, I've already made a small concept. Merging
 multiple implementing-/design ideas
 may become difficult, but before I go into detail just say me if you are


Re: [pygame] PyGame Website Rewrite

2009-04-21 Thread orcun avsar
Is the current documentation dynamic through the current release?

2009/4/22 Ian Mallett

 for example, does not link to pygame.color,
 among other modules

[pygame] GSoC A* for AI

2009-04-01 Thread Orcun Avsar
its only little time left for submiting deadline but i want to share
quickly my ideas with you about AI module and i can work for a
proposal. I red some discussions about this on the mailing list. Here
is my opinion. A* algorithm is not a very hard thing to write. Porting
it from C may make it faster but i think main question here how to
make it more usable. It should be used with minimal effort. Finding
shortest way is not as good as finding shortest way in shortest time
but algorithm or code can be healed, changed in future but usage must
be same and good. I plan to write a astar pathfinding module that is
practical to use.
something like first registering sprites or rects to module(rect
objects have coordinates and size ). Rect objects are general with all
games and this is better than creating a matrix or scanning a surface
for colorkeys.
pathfinder.register( user.rect )
pathfinder.register( enemy.rect )
pathfinder.register( house.rect )

and any time using some function like this  pathfinder.findway
and it can return a result like node points of shortest path like
(  (12,32), (12,300), (400,300)  ) that each node consist of x and y

[pygame] Re: Request for pygame new website project on GSoC

2009-03-30 Thread Orcun Avsar
Sharing design ideas with community can be very good. Actually i
didn't mention design at first because i almost like the design of
current site. So what was in my mind was a smilar design. But general
thought is more important at this point.I think its early to specify a
design model because it not a subject to say something about in a
flash. We can discuss and share our design ideas when project starts
and ask pygamer volunteers to help for the look and feel of the site.
I also forgot to mention testing. Im going to write tests for project
via doctest and unittest when midterm and deadline aproaches. Django
has good tools for testing. even a testclient that makes fake requests
for view testings.

Its my bad that i didn't bring out a timeline. I tried to create one.

Estimated Timeline

Till May 23 : Read documentation, general discuss with mentor, discuss
design ideas, gather more information, examine current
May 23 - July 6: Begin coding. Begin creating django applications
( with order:  users, projects, content, documentation,
wiki , snippets ) and code models for these applications (create
database structure). Begin writing base templates/css for decided
design model. Create main views and templates( main page, content
pages, project page, project listing page ) .
July 6 - July 10: Prepare mid-term evaluation. Create doctests or
unittests for models. Request tests for views. Test browser
compatibility. Deploy project for feedbacks from mentor and pygame
July 10 - July 13: Share ideas.
July 13 - August 10: Create management modules ( django auto-admin for
administrators and own in-site management module for members) . Code
wiki templates and views. Code snippet templates and views. code
documentation views and templates. integrate comments. Markup
language for safe user submited html data. Syntax higlighting for code
blocks.  Improve project browsing. Create script to carry over current data to new database. Rss/Atom feeds.
August 10: Improve documentation. Make doctests, unittests, request
tests . Finish project.

Hope this is an enough timeline.


On 30 Mart, 23:23, René Dudfield wrote:

 that looks pretty good.  One improvement is that you could try and put
 a timeline for when you think you will do things.

 Also, it would great if there were lots of unit tests.

 Also a stage at the beginning where we ask people with design ideas
 for the website to put them forward.  Pygame has a large community of
 people, some of whom are pretty good with gfx and design... so it'd
 make sense to let them contribute if they want.


 2009/3/31 orcun avsar

  Im glad you're interested in my participation. I tried to write in a
  explanatory way. So it's a little long i think or maybe boring.  Im
  looking forward to your thoughts.

  About Me
   1. Name: Orcun Avsar (Orçun Avşar)
       School: Second year at Canakkale 18 Mart University at Çanakkale/Turkey
       Branch: Computer Enginnering

   2. Contact Information:

   3. Time Zone and Preferred Language: Istanbul / Turkey UTC/GMT +2
  hours, English
   4. Time Commitment: I spend my summer at home in Urla/Izmir and
  will have lots of time (usually 4-7 hours a day ) to develop my
  project and will be mostly available to contact with the pygame
  comunitiy and my mentor.
   5. Programming Experience:
         My web skills are: Python(Django), HTML, JavaScript ( mostly Jquery
  and Jquery plugins) , Css , Ajax
          Im two years experienced with python and one year
  experienced with web and django framework.
          Django made projects that i made/join:
          -Last summer i joined a b2c project in Izmir for Taymet web
  company. This helped me to improve my web knowledge and get familiar
  with django:
          -Im currently working as a part-time student worker at my schools
  information department until summer. we're working on some
  e-university projects with django (like event management system,
  document chasing system)
          -I have a CMS like project that is smilar to my project's logic
  which is deployed recently:
         -Django snippets i made:
         -My programming blog have a few code examples:

  About Project
   I want to participate in Pygame Website Rewrite project for GsoC.
  First of all i love pygame. Its logic fits to python's simplicity
  philosophy and it provides a low-level game developing enviroment that
  doesn't limit any creativity. This is a hard thing to be found both on
  a game library. After i saw project i decided that best suits to me
  and this is something that really needs. Because
  is not only a project website

[pygame] Re: Request for pygame new website project on GSoC

2009-03-30 Thread Orcun Avsar
Thanks a lot but I want to try my change with this project if you
accept. Do students have to do anything like registering, during
application to GSoC?

 Note, that there's two others who are applying for the same project...
 so it could be good to submit a separate proposal if you want a better
 chance of being accepted

[pygame] Request for pygame new website project on GSoC

2009-03-29 Thread Orcun Avsar
Im studying computer enginnering in Canakkale/Turkey and its my second
year on the university.  I want to be a GSoC student for the Pygame
Website project this year. I'm two years experienced with python and
one year experienced with Web. Currently i'm working with Django
Framework for web projects. Reason that i choose that project is i
love both Pygame and Django. But I never had change of having good
time to improve myself on pygame. So i want to help/join the community
with another way that i have knowledge on. My plan to develop is first
making a clone of current system on python (i don't mean design but
database and functionality). Database smilarity is important to carry
over current data (users, projects, tags..) to new system. Then we can
add new features. I can also take the current database system and
overwrite new features on it ( django ORM can handle with Mysql,
Postrgresql, Sqlite,Oracle databases)  I guess django auto-admin won't
be very cute for pygame. So i will write my-own site management module
which will also use current django contrib applications (Users, Auth,
Sessions...). Im not a designer but I have enough Css, JavaScript
(mostly Jquery), Ajax knowledge  (and HTML needless to say).

I have a few projects. My most CMS like project is a software programs
reviewing site in turkish language which finished recently:
if you like i can create a new user account for you to examine admin
panel or you can use registration form.

I have a blog also:

I have a few django snippets:

Currently im working with django at my school's information department
we try to develop projects like: events management system, document
chasing system.

Thats all on my mind for now:) i like to hear from you soon.