there was too many messages on that topic, i was following yours and
marcus's messages on that topic because you were mentors for the GSoC. i
don't think everybody would ever come together at the same thought because
it's a matter of choice that chosing which framework to use. i lastly red
marcus's message which he was saying that  he trusts us and i thought it and
stop following that thread because so many messages were comparing django
and cherrypy. i didn't like it.  i missed your last message sorry for that.

>If it was so clear that you will write the website since January, why
>was it a point on GSoC list and why don't you have already started?
>(Would you write your own page even if it was a GSoC project? What's the
>difference now?)

i think jug touched a good point. i first red marcus's or your message
saying "we can start our gsoc projects even if we didn't selected" than when
jug mailed to list. i decided to join. we never forced to do it. i wasn't
thinking you will start to do it because it was on GSoC list and you were
mentor and reviewed our proposals for that project.when i sent my proposal
you seemed like you liked it. if you plan to do it, you shouldn't have let
us spread our times for our gsoc proposals.

sorry for little nervy behaviours.

2009/5/26 René Dudfield <>

> On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 3:43 AM, orcun avsar <> wrote:
>> Is it because just you want to do it or you didn't liked current goings on
>> of the django-based development. if you didn't liked development of django
>> site you should point it out so it stops if general discussion is at same
>> opinion. i think this is what behaviour should be. i never say it's a bad
>> thing and you shouldn't do it because it's nice you want pygame.orgbecome 
>> better and i'm not the one to decide on that but you. but there are
>> points i didn't liked. people will give efforts on this projects and there
>> is one goal at the end for the both teams. i don't join the idea "*each
>> code base should be still useful for other projects even if it doesn't get
>> used for*".  it's not like developing a game.  team that loses
>> won't reach into anything and all efforts they do will be ruined. i want to
>> highlight again that i don't mean you shouldn't do it and i don't feel like
>> we will win or lose. i'm just worried about one of the teams(not only us)
>> efforts will be wasted and nobody said us we will compete when it was
>> starting. excuse me but i also felt like some django hate on that message.
> hello,
> I never got a response from you, or jug when I talked about it a couple of
> weeks ago here:
> The coding on the django based website started without discussion
> finishing.  There was a discussion with some different view points, and you
> just didn't seem to care and began the website, ignoring them anyway.  Then
> I didn't have any option but to start a website myself.
> I told you in other threads I was making one, and that there had been a
> plan to make one since January.  Again, neither you or jug responded.

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