Re: pygame is low level Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-26 Thread Dave LeCompte (really)
Phil Hassey wrote:
>   Regarding more pygame features - I think all of the things you asked
> would require some work in c-land.  If you want it soon, you'd probably
> be the best person to implement it.

Oh, to be clear, that was my expectation all along - these were things
that most people (so far nobody) has had a need for, and none of them
(except maybe the Mac Menu thing) were all that involved, so I'm not
afraid of figuring them out, I just don't anticipate working on them right
away, because making wizards cast fireballs is so much more satisfying
than monkeying around with HWNDs.

Also, I've got other distractions, including Heroes, Supreme Commander,
and Galcon.

-Dave LeCompte

Re: pygame is low level Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-26 Thread Phil Hassey
  Regarding the lack of a page on the pygame website that collects these 
resources together - I'd suggest adding a wiki page that you feel does a good 
job of that :) 
  About pygame being low level, I agree, that's how I like it too!  But the 
page you suggested above would maybe help people find some of those wrappers 
more easily.  One thing I might do on my part (the website code itself) is add 
more modern tagging of projects or something sometime.  That way more 
categories could be linked to, etc... Any thoughts?
  Regarding more pygame features - I think all of the things you asked would 
require some work in c-land.  If you want it soon, you'd probably be the best 
person to implement it.

"Dave LeCompte (really)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Caleb Mahase wrote:
> However, as time went on I began to realize that is was only good for
> VERY simple games. Even simple things such as rotating an image on a
> specified axis became convoluted and overly-complicated.

I'm not sure I follow what you're trying to accomplish - could you explain

> I would highly
> reccommend that the Pygame team take a few pointers from the guy that
> developed Pysgear. Pygame is still low-level in many areas.

Are you referring to Pygsear?

I'm not familiar with it, but it looks to me to be a thin layer over
PyGame, including a UI implementation. What pointers would be useful to
take away from Pygsear?

I agree that PyGame is somewhat low level in places, in the sense that it
isn't a finished game engine. When I have written games using PyGame, I
wrote some non-game-specific code, including UI engine, a game state
system, and many other systems necessary to make a complete game, but not
designed specifically for the game I'm working on. The good news is that
the code I've written is reusable. The bad news is that you might not want
to write it the first time.

And you don't have to - as you mentioned, Pygsear exists. Also PGU and
OcempGUI, and there are a lot of other libraries out there that can
address specific requirements.

I think the variety of choices, while overwhelming, is good. I would
resist efforts to roll a single UI engine into PyGame, but I would
appreciate seeing an organized page on the site that would
collect these libraries for easier browsing.

While saying that PyGame is low-level in places, I find it frustratingly
high-level in other places. Here are a few platform-specific things I'd
like to be able to do easily from a PyGame app:
- open a window fullscreen on a second monitor on Windows
- open a window as a child of a Windows window referred by HWND
- retrieve the Windows HWND for my display window
- add menu items to the Macintosh menu and react to them

At some point when I get time to work on the projects that use these
features, I'll explore the platform-specific code necessary to accomplish
them, and if it means recompiling a custom version of PyGame to expose
these specific, low-level, pieces of functionality, that's OK.

But I'd rather be spending my time higher up, closer to the game code; I'd
rather that PyGame erred on the side of being too low-level than too
high-level. And I find that overall, it tends to do a good job at that.

-Dave LeCompte

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in 45,000 destinations on Yahoo! Travel to find your fit.

pygame is low level Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-26 Thread Dave LeCompte (really)
Caleb Mahase wrote:
> However, as time went on I began to realize that is was only good for
> VERY simple games. Even simple things such as rotating an image on a
> specified axis became convoluted and overly-complicated.

I'm not sure I follow what you're trying to accomplish - could you explain

> I would highly
> reccommend that the Pygame team take a few pointers from the guy that
> developed Pysgear. Pygame is still low-level in many areas.

Are you referring to Pygsear?

I'm not familiar with it, but it looks to me to be a thin layer over
PyGame, including a UI implementation. What pointers would be useful to
take away from Pygsear?

I agree that PyGame is somewhat low level in places, in the sense that it
isn't a finished game engine. When I have written games using PyGame, I
wrote some non-game-specific code, including UI engine, a game state
system, and many other systems necessary to make a complete game, but not
designed specifically for the game I'm working on. The good news is that
the code I've written is reusable. The bad news is that you might not want
to write it the first time.

And you don't have to - as you mentioned, Pygsear exists. Also PGU and
OcempGUI, and there are a lot of other libraries out there that can
address specific requirements.

I think the variety of choices, while overwhelming, is good. I would
resist efforts to roll a single UI engine into PyGame, but I would
appreciate seeing an organized page on the site that would
collect these libraries for easier browsing.

While saying that PyGame is low-level in places, I find it frustratingly
high-level in other places. Here are a few platform-specific things I'd
like to be able to do easily from a PyGame app:
- open a window fullscreen on a second monitor on Windows
- open a window as a child of a Windows window referred by HWND
- retrieve the Windows HWND for my display window
- add menu items to the Macintosh menu and react to them

At some point when I get time to work on the projects that use these
features, I'll explore the platform-specific code necessary to accomplish
them, and if it means recompiling a custom version of PyGame to expose
these specific, low-level, pieces of functionality, that's OK.

But I'd rather be spending my time higher up, closer to the game code; I'd
rather that PyGame erred on the side of being too low-level than too
high-level. And I find that overall, it tends to do a good job at that.

-Dave LeCompte

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-26 Thread Luke Paireepinart

At first, I found Pygame perfect for the games I wanted to create. 
However, as time went on I began to realize that is was only good for 
VERY simple games. Even simple things such as rotating an image on a 
specified axis became convoluted and overly-complicated. I would 
highly reccommend that the Pygame team take a few pointers from the 
guy that developed Pysgear. Pygame is still low-level in many areas.

Pygame is not for making particular types of games.
It's for making game engines.
Pygsear is just a wrapper for Pygame.
Essentially you're using a game engine someone else wrote.
Pygame will get too convoluted if they add engine-specific code to it --
what use is there for rotating a 2d image around an axis if you're using 
pygame with PyOpenGL, for example?


Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-26 Thread Bob Ippolito

On 2/26/07, Caleb Mahase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jer Juke wrote:

>Yeah, you heard me. Normally I wouldn't feel any need
>to pick out some random library and state how awful I
>think it is. But this is not "some random library". It
>is the "standard" game library for a most beautiful
>language known far and wide for it's power and easy of
>use, both when it comes to the language itself and
>it's libraries.
>The fact that Python is generally blessed with truly
>magnificent libraries everywhere is what makes Pygame
>stand so out. Pygame is in absolutely no way
>magnificent or even slightly pythonic. It's just a
>goddamn SDL wrapper.  Using the name Pygame for this
>abhorrent library is an atrocity. It should be called
>PySDL, and make it more obvious to the python
>community that Pygame is yet to be properly created.
>But that's not the worst part. PySDL (what you all
>call Pygame) is actually a very useful library. It
>does what it does QUITE WELL! It's perfect for
>creating higher level libraries. BUT PYGAME DOESN'T
>EVEN MANAGE TO BE PYGAME. Yes, I am talking about the
>fact that even half a year after the official Python
>2.5 came out, Pygame still does not EXIST FOR THIS
>PLATFORM. I can sympathize with taking a month to
>compile some new binaries. Developers do after all
>have other things to do. Even a couple of months is
>acceptable. But SERIOUSLY, a team of people that
>required update in the time-span of ONE HALF YEAR is a
>disgrace. No one cares if you are in the process of
>adding all sorts of awesome new crap to Pygame. Do you
>guys even have any idea how many python modules use
>Pygame for one reason or another? Until you actually
>How about some honesty? How about replacing "we needed
>an extra few weeks" on the pygame site with "we are
>not able to adequately maintain this package. new
>maintainers needed"?
>I know whoever maintains pygame aren't "paid". They
>don't "owe" anyone anything. But in my opinion, these
>people are a disgrace and a detriment to python game
>development efforts on the whole.
>Need Mail bonding?
>Go to the Yahoo! Mail Q&A for great tips from Yahoo! Answers users.
At first, I found Pygame perfect for the games I wanted to create.
However, as time went on I began to realize that is was only good for
VERY simple games. Even simple things such as rotating an image on a
specified axis became convoluted and overly-complicated. I would highly
reccommend that the Pygame team take a few pointers from the guy that
developed Pysgear. Pygame is still low-level in many areas.

pygame *is* very low level. Why not just use pygsear? It builds on top
of pygame, it doesn't supplant it.


Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-26 Thread Caleb Mahase

Jer Juke wrote:

Yeah, you heard me. Normally I wouldn't feel any need
to pick out some random library and state how awful I
think it is. But this is not "some random library". It
is the "standard" game library for a most beautiful
language known far and wide for it's power and easy of
use, both when it comes to the language itself and
it's libraries.

The fact that Python is generally blessed with truly
magnificent libraries everywhere is what makes Pygame
stand so out. Pygame is in absolutely no way
magnificent or even slightly pythonic. It's just a
goddamn SDL wrapper.  Using the name Pygame for this
abhorrent library is an atrocity. It should be called
PySDL, and make it more obvious to the python
community that Pygame is yet to be properly created.

But that's not the worst part. PySDL (what you all
call Pygame) is actually a very useful library. It
does what it does QUITE WELL! It's perfect for
creating higher level libraries. BUT PYGAME DOESN'T
EVEN MANAGE TO BE PYGAME. Yes, I am talking about the
fact that even half a year after the official Python
2.5 came out, Pygame still does not EXIST FOR THIS
PLATFORM. I can sympathize with taking a month to
compile some new binaries. Developers do after all
have other things to do. Even a couple of months is
acceptable. But SERIOUSLY, a team of people that
required update in the time-span of ONE HALF YEAR is a
disgrace. No one cares if you are in the process of
adding all sorts of awesome new crap to Pygame. Do you
guys even have any idea how many python modules use
Pygame for one reason or another? Until you actually

How about some honesty? How about replacing "we needed
an extra few weeks" on the pygame site with "we are
not able to adequately maintain this package. new
maintainers needed"?

I know whoever maintains pygame aren't "paid". They
don't "owe" anyone anything. But in my opinion, these
people are a disgrace and a detriment to python game
development efforts on the whole.

Need Mail bonding?
Go to the Yahoo! Mail Q&A for great tips from Yahoo! Answers users.


At first, I found Pygame perfect for the games I wanted to create. 
However, as time went on I began to realize that is was only good for 
VERY simple games. Even simple things such as rotating an image on a 
specified axis became convoluted and overly-complicated. I would highly 
reccommend that the Pygame team take a few pointers from the guy that 
developed Pysgear. Pygame is still low-level in many areas.

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-19 Thread Jason Marshall
Hey Numeric users,

If you want a Numeric 24.2 build for Python 2.5 and
Win32, go to and
look for the Numeric-24.2.win32-py2.5.exe link. I just
tested this build with the Surfarray Demo and it
worked. (René D.'s
is not there anymore.)

Happy surfarraying,
Jason M.

--- Phil Hassey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey,
> I've downloaded that binary and posted it to the
> pygame website under the downloads page.
> Later,
> Phil


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Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-19 Thread Brian Fisher

On 2/19/07, Jer Juke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sorry for throwing in that big flaming pile of dung
into your pretty mailinglist, as in apologies for all
the boring replies people posted in a response.

I'm sorry we bored you.

As for why I did not compile it myself it's because I
have no need for it.

Ah... so you recognized a need in the "standard game library", and
acknowledged it's value to other people... next you were fully capable
of taking a step to help others out, and you chose not to help or be
productive because you had no personal need for it?

well I've got no problem for that. I never expected anybody to act any

Cheers to Sami and Phil for being different sort of people.

I filed this complained exclusively due to my great
compassion for the newcomer to python.

Yes, now that you've said this, I've been looking back at your
original post, and your "compassion" comes through quite clearly. I
don't know why I missed it before

So thanks for compiling it, not for my sake

I'm glad you recognize that fact

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-19 Thread Phil Hassey

I've downloaded that binary and posted it to the pygame website under the 
downloads page.


Luke Paireepinart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Jer Juke wrote:
> Sorry for throwing in that big flaming pile of dung
> into your pretty mailinglist, as in apologies for all
> the boring replies people posted in a response.
> As for why I did not compile it myself it's because I
> have no need for it. 
> I filed this complained exclusively due to my great
> compassion for the newcomer to python. You know the
> one, fresh 2.5 install straight off the website, an
> optimistic twinkle in her eyes to try out this new
> awesome programming language to make games with pygame
> only to find out pygame doesn't work with python and
> goes off to become a shepard instead. I already
> supplied several such newcomers with instructions ala
> "uninstall python 2.5 and install python 2.4" and that
> just ain't cool you guys.
> So thanks for compiling it, not for my sake, but for
> those out there that are, unlike me, nice people. Now
> maybe in a few days - months in pygame-terms - it will
> actually appear on the site.
> great job guys!
> --- Sami Hangaslammi 
> wrote:
>> I did a quick test and everything seemed to work
>> fine, but haven't
>> tested it throughly, as I too am still mainly using
>> Python 2.4.
>> -- 
>> Sami Hangaslammi
> 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time 
> with the Yahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.

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Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-19 Thread Luke Paireepinart

Jer Juke wrote:

Sorry for throwing in that big flaming pile of dung
into your pretty mailinglist, as in apologies for all
the boring replies people posted in a response.

As for why I did not compile it myself it's because I
have no need for it. 

I filed this complained exclusively due to my great
compassion for the newcomer to python. You know the
one, fresh 2.5 install straight off the website, an
optimistic twinkle in her eyes to try out this new
awesome programming language to make games with pygame
only to find out pygame doesn't work with python and
goes off to become a shepard instead. I already
supplied several such newcomers with instructions ala
"uninstall python 2.5 and install python 2.4" and that
just ain't cool you guys.

So thanks for compiling it, not for my sake, but for
those out there that are, unlike me, nice people. Now
maybe in a few days - months in pygame-terms - it will
actually appear on the site.


great job guys!

--- Sami Hangaslammi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I did a quick test and everything seemed to work
fine, but haven't
tested it throughly, as I too am still mainly using
Python 2.4.

Sami Hangaslammi


8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time 
with the Yahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.


Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-19 Thread Jer Juke
Sorry for throwing in that big flaming pile of dung
into your pretty mailinglist, as in apologies for all
the boring replies people posted in a response.

As for why I did not compile it myself it's because I
have no need for it. 

I filed this complained exclusively due to my great
compassion for the newcomer to python. You know the
one, fresh 2.5 install straight off the website, an
optimistic twinkle in her eyes to try out this new
awesome programming language to make games with pygame
only to find out pygame doesn't work with python and
goes off to become a shepard instead. I already
supplied several such newcomers with instructions ala
"uninstall python 2.5 and install python 2.4" and that
just ain't cool you guys.

So thanks for compiling it, not for my sake, but for
those out there that are, unlike me, nice people. Now
maybe in a few days - months in pygame-terms - it will
actually appear on the site.

great job guys!

--- Sami Hangaslammi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I did a quick test and everything seemed to work
> fine, but haven't
> tested it throughly, as I too am still mainly using
> Python 2.4.
> -- 
> Sami Hangaslammi


8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time 
with the Yahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-17 Thread Lenard Lindstrom

Sami Hangaslammi wrote:

As Luke pointed out, Python extensions have to be compiled with the
same compiler as the main Python DLL, which in case of the official
win32 distribution is VS.NET. 

That's incorrect. The C calling convention is consistent across Window's 
compilers. The main concern is with linkage. Python 2.4 and 2.5 use the 
VC.NET 2003 proprietary msvcr71.dll library for the C standard library. 
MinGW headers are msvcr71 compatible, but MinGW doesn't link to msvcr71 
by default.

It's relatively simple if you have the
commercial version of Visual Studio, but scraping a compatible
environment out of the freely available parts is a major hassle.
There's also no tool for automatically getting the dependencies, so we
Windows users have to hunt precompiled binaries with Google or try to
compile them ourselves, which is usually a bit complicated because the
Makefiles are designed for gcc and gnu make and are not compatible
with the VS tools.

There are Unix like build environments for Windows, Cygwin and Msys. But 
if the C code only makes Unix specific system calls that is another problem.

So basically, almost every Windows pythonista who hasn't bought the
latest Visual Studio is on the mercy of precompiled binary installers
for Python extensions. Unfortunate but true.

Actually Python's distutils won't use the latest Visual Studio. 
msvcr71.dll is obsolete. Otherwise the free 2005 Express could be used. 
2003 Toolkit is no longer available, and in my experience, won't install 
on a newer XP system anyway.

Lenard Lindstrom

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-17 Thread Lenard Lindstrom

Sami Hangaslammi wrote: 

I did a quick test and everything seemed to work fine, but haven't
tested it throughly, as I too am still mainly using Python 2.4.

It work's for me as well, even the movie module.

Lenard Lindstrom

RE: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-17 Thread Johan Geldenhuys
I thought it was a good practice not to use the latest version of any
software package right away, there are always bugs to be fixed and it could
put time and effort to waste if work must be reversed due to bugs problems.



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Sami Hangaslammi
Sent: 17 February 2007 07:11 PM
Subject: Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

I did a quick test and everything seemed to work fine, but haven't tested it
throughly, as I too am still mainly using Python 2.4.

Sami Hangaslammi

On 2/17/07, Phil Hassey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sami,
> Thanks lots for your help.  I get an email or so every week asking when
> will be available (since I maintain the website.)  Can you post links to
> binaries here?  I'm not using python 2.5 yet - but if a few other people
> are could download them and test 'em out quick and say they work just
> I'll post them to the website and add a news message about that.
> Thanks!
> Phil
> Sami Hangaslammi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  FWIW, I've compiled pygame-1.7.1 (as well as Numeric-24.2 for
> surfarray) for Python2.5-win32 and would be happy to contribute the
> installer to the pygame site if there's need. I also tried compiling
> pygame-1.8 a couple of weeks back, but it seemed to have a lot of new
> dependencies for headers and libs that I couldn't find outright.
> --
> Sami Hangaslammi
> Cheap Talk? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-17 Thread Sami Hangaslammi

I did a quick test and everything seemed to work fine, but haven't
tested it throughly, as I too am still mainly using Python 2.4.

Sami Hangaslammi

On 2/17/07, Phil Hassey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Thanks lots for your help.  I get an email or so every week asking when they
will be available (since I maintain the website.)  Can you post links to the
binaries here?  I'm not using python 2.5 yet - but if a few other people who
are could download them and test 'em out quick and say they work just fine,
I'll post them to the website and add a news message about that.


Sami Hangaslammi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 FWIW, I've compiled pygame-1.7.1 (as well as Numeric-24.2 for
surfarray) for Python2.5-win32 and would be happy to contribute the
installer to the pygame site if there's need. I also tried compiling
pygame-1.8 a couple of weeks back, but it seemed to have a lot of new
dependencies for headers and libs that I couldn't find outright.

Sami Hangaslammi

Cheap Talk? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-17 Thread Phil Hassey

Thanks lots for your help.  I get an email or so every week asking when they 
will be available (since I maintain the website.)  Can you post links to the 
binaries here?  I'm not using python 2.5 yet - but if a few other people who 
are could download them and test 'em out quick and say they work just fine, 
I'll post them to the website and add a news message about that.


Sami Hangaslammi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: FWIW, I've compiled pygame-1.7.1 
(as well as Numeric-24.2 for
surfarray) for Python2.5-win32 and would be happy to contribute the
installer to the pygame site if there's need. I also tried compiling
pygame-1.8 a couple of weeks back, but it seemed to have a lot of new
dependencies for headers and libs that I couldn't find outright.

Sami Hangaslammi

Cheap Talk? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-17 Thread Sami Hangaslammi

On 2/17/07, Charles Joseph Christie II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Excuse me for hijacking this thread and asking, but how hard is it to
compile programs in Windows? 'Cause in Linux you just type:

./ configure && make && make install

and you're set to go after you settle dependency problems, which I
found overwhelmingly easy the last time I tried it in PCLinuxOS. And
since you compile everything in Gentoo Linux anyway, it was as easy as

emerge pygame

and dependencies and everything were grabbed for me.

so what do Windows users go through to compile stuff? I don't think it
would be worth complaining this much about it...

As Luke pointed out, Python extensions have to be compiled with the
same compiler as the main Python DLL, which in case of the official
win32 distribution is VS.NET. It's relatively simple if you have the
commercial version of Visual Studio, but scraping a compatible
environment out of the freely available parts is a major hassle.
There's also no tool for automatically getting the dependencies, so we
Windows users have to hunt precompiled binaries with Google or try to
compile them ourselves, which is usually a bit complicated because the
Makefiles are designed for gcc and gnu make and are not compatible
with the VS tools.

So basically, almost every Windows pythonista who hasn't bought the
latest Visual Studio is on the mercy of precompiled binary installers
for Python extensions. Unfortunate but true.

Sami Hangaslammi

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-16 Thread Luke Paireepinart

Charles Joseph Christie II wrote:

Excuse me for hijacking this thread and asking, but how hard is it to
compile programs in Windows? 'Cause in Linux you just type:

./ configure && make && make install

and you're set to go after you settle dependency problems, which I
found overwhelmingly easy the last time I tried it in PCLinuxOS. And
since you compile everything in Gentoo Linux anyway, it was as easy as

emerge pygame

and dependencies and everything were grabbed for me.

so what do Windows users go through to compile stuff? I don't think it
would be worth complaining this much about it...

I'm pretty sure you need to compile them with the same compiler that the 
Python interpreter was compiled with.

On Linux this is gcc or g++ or whatever, so it's no problem.
On Windows, I think they used VS 6 for 2.3, .NET 2003 for 2.4 and .NET 
2005 for 2.5.  Or something like that.

Anyway, so that's the first obstacle -  getting a copy of the compiler.
Then, there's no Yum or Apt or anything on Windows, so you have to 
browse the internets and get all the dependencies.

Also there's no makefile so you'd have to know how to set up the compiler.
If you had the right compiler it probably would take a couple of hours 
if you hadn't compiled a python package before.

That's just my speculation and I really don't know that much about it.

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-16 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
Excuse me for hijacking this thread and asking, but how hard is it to
compile programs in Windows? 'Cause in Linux you just type:

./ configure && make && make install

and you're set to go after you settle dependency problems, which I
found overwhelmingly easy the last time I tried it in PCLinuxOS. And
since you compile everything in Gentoo Linux anyway, it was as easy as

emerge pygame

and dependencies and everything were grabbed for me.

so what do Windows users go through to compile stuff? I don't think it
would be worth complaining this much about it...

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-16 Thread Brian Fisher

Idiotic flame-bait troll sharing his pain at the world caused by his
obvious social and professional inadequacies not-withstanding...

Having a pygame-1.7.1 python2.5-win32 installer posted on the download page would be nice. I would appreciate the
kindness of those involved in sharing the product of their work to
save me time & energy.

So could Sami's installer go up there?

On 2/15/07, Sami Hangaslammi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

FWIW, I've compiled pygame-1.7.1 (as well as Numeric-24.2 for
surfarray) for Python2.5-win32 and would be happy to contribute the
installer to the pygame site if there's need. I also tried compiling
pygame-1.8 a couple of weeks back, but it seemed to have a lot of new
dependencies for headers and libs that I couldn't find outright.

Sami Hangaslammi

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread Charles Christie


On 2/15/07, Jer Juke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yeah, you heard me. Normally I wouldn't feel any need
to pick out some random library and state how awful I
think it is. But this is not "some random library". It
is the "standard" game library for a most beautiful
language known far and wide for it's power and easy of
use, both when it comes to the language itself and
it's libraries.

The fact that Python is generally blessed with truly
magnificent libraries everywhere is what makes Pygame
stand so out. Pygame is in absolutely no way
magnificent or even slightly pythonic. It's just a
goddamn SDL wrapper.  Using the name Pygame for this
abhorrent library is an atrocity. It should be called
PySDL, and make it more obvious to the python
community that Pygame is yet to be properly created.

But that's not the worst part. PySDL (what you all
call Pygame) is actually a very useful library. It
does what it does QUITE WELL! It's perfect for
creating higher level libraries. BUT PYGAME DOESN'T
EVEN MANAGE TO BE PYGAME. Yes, I am talking about the
fact that even half a year after the official Python
2.5 came out, Pygame still does not EXIST FOR THIS
PLATFORM. I can sympathize with taking a month to
compile some new binaries. Developers do after all
have other things to do. Even a couple of months is
acceptable. But SERIOUSLY, a team of people that
required update in the time-span of ONE HALF YEAR is a
disgrace. No one cares if you are in the process of
adding all sorts of awesome new crap to Pygame. Do you
guys even have any idea how many python modules use
Pygame for one reason or another? Until you actually

How about some honesty? How about replacing "we needed
an extra few weeks" on the pygame site with "we are
not able to adequately maintain this package. new
maintainers needed"?

I know whoever maintains pygame aren't "paid". They
don't "owe" anyone anything. But in my opinion, these
people are a disgrace and a detriment to python game
development efforts on the whole.

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Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread Ryan Charpentier

Your two main issues seem to be that pygame isn't pythonic enough, and that
no one has compiled a python 2.5 version for you. I'm not quite sure what
you mean by not pythonic enough, I wouldn't mind if some of the functions in
some of the modules, for instance transform, were merged with Surface
objects. If you have some specific suggestions the developers would probably
like to hear them. As for not having a 2.5 version available for you, why
not compile it yourself? If you can't, that suggests you don't know what
compiling would entail, and in that case you really don't have enough
information to complain about how long it is taking for an official binary
to come out. Maybe there are some specific problems with 2.5 and pygame we
aren't aware of... but you should ask this list before overreacting and
calling the whole project a disgrace.

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread René Dudfield


On 2/15/07, Jer Juke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yeah, you heard me. Normally I wouldn't feel any need
to pick out some random library and state how awful I
think it is. But this is not "some random library". It
is the "standard" game library for a most beautiful
language known far and wide for it's power and easy of
use, both when it comes to the language itself and
it's libraries.

The fact that Python is generally blessed with truly
magnificent libraries everywhere is what makes Pygame
stand so out. Pygame is in absolutely no way
magnificent or even slightly pythonic. It's just a
goddamn SDL wrapper.  Using the name Pygame for this
abhorrent library is an atrocity. It should be called
PySDL, and make it more obvious to the python
community that Pygame is yet to be properly created.

But that's not the worst part. PySDL (what you all
call Pygame) is actually a very useful library. It
does what it does QUITE WELL! It's perfect for
creating higher level libraries. BUT PYGAME DOESN'T
EVEN MANAGE TO BE PYGAME. Yes, I am talking about the
fact that even half a year after the official Python
2.5 came out, Pygame still does not EXIST FOR THIS
PLATFORM. I can sympathize with taking a month to
compile some new binaries. Developers do after all
have other things to do. Even a couple of months is
acceptable. But SERIOUSLY, a team of people that
required update in the time-span of ONE HALF YEAR is a
disgrace. No one cares if you are in the process of
adding all sorts of awesome new crap to Pygame. Do you
guys even have any idea how many python modules use
Pygame for one reason or another? Until you actually

How about some honesty? How about replacing "we needed
an extra few weeks" on the pygame site with "we are
not able to adequately maintain this package. new
maintainers needed"?

I know whoever maintains pygame aren't "paid". They
don't "owe" anyone anything. But in my opinion, these
people are a disgrace and a detriment to python game
development efforts on the whole.

Need Mail bonding?
Go to the Yahoo! Mail Q&A for great tips from Yahoo! Answers users.

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread Bob Ippolito

On 2/15/07, Rikard Bosnjakovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 2/15/07, Bob Ippolito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think it would've taken a lot less time to compile some version (any
> version) of pygame for Python 2.5 than to write this message.

I'd beg to differ.

Pygame 1.7 had a lot of dependencies which was a real pain in the
backside to compile. Pango and Cairo pops up to mind, but these are
only a few. I think I struggled for about 5 straight hours before
throwing the Gnome/GTK/whatever-deps out and finally fallbacked to an
earlier binary version.

I'm pretty sure that neither Pango or Cairo are direct dependencies of
pygame. The majority of the libraries you need are the SDL ones, which
you can get precompiled on every platform that pygame supports. On top
of those you need couple other libraries like libpng, but you can get
those precompiled as well.

I could imagine that it would be a royal pain in the ass if you were
compiling EVERYTHING from scratch on a *nix platform... but don't do


Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread spotter .

On 2/15/07, Kamilche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jer Juke wrote:
> Yeah, you heard me
 > (snip)
> ...these people are a disgrace and a detriment to
 > python game development efforts on the whole.

You're not impressing anybody with your vicious attack on people who
maintain and support Pygame. You're doing them a great disservice, and
ensuring YOU will never receive any support from people who read this
mailing list.


Agreed. If a binary is not available, compile it, or ask around to see
if anybody had a compiled version. The pygame devels have been doing a
great job and without them, there wouldn't be any version of pygame.
Be thankful for what you have, and be patient, or if you want to see
the new version come out earlier, feel free to help them out, I'm sure
they can always use help.

Also, as there is the saying, You attract more flies with honey, not
with vinegar. Think about it.


Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread Kamilche

Jer Juke wrote:

Yeah, you heard me

> (snip)
...these people are a disgrace and a detriment to 

> python game development efforts on the whole.

You're not impressing anybody with your vicious attack on people who 
maintain and support Pygame. You're doing them a great disservice, and 
ensuring YOU will never receive any support from people who read this 
mailing list.


Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread Sami Hangaslammi

FWIW, I've compiled pygame-1.7.1 (as well as Numeric-24.2 for
surfarray) for Python2.5-win32 and would be happy to contribute the
installer to the pygame site if there's need. I also tried compiling
pygame-1.8 a couple of weeks back, but it seemed to have a lot of new
dependencies for headers and libs that I couldn't find outright.

Sami Hangaslammi

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread Rikard Bosnjakovic

On 2/15/07, Bob Ippolito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think it would've taken a lot less time to compile some version (any
version) of pygame for Python 2.5 than to write this message.

I'd beg to differ.

Pygame 1.7 had a lot of dependencies which was a real pain in the
backside to compile. Pango and Cairo pops up to mind, but these are
only a few. I think I struggled for about 5 straight hours before
throwing the Gnome/GTK/whatever-deps out and finally fallbacked to an
earlier binary version.

- Rikard.

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread altern

Luke Paireepinart wrote:

altern wrote:

Bob Ippolito wrote:

On 2/15/07, Jer Juke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yeah, you heard me. Normally I wouldn't feel any need
to pick out some random library and state how awful I
think it is. But this is not "some random library". It
is the "standard" game library for a most beautiful
language known far and wide for it's power and easy of
use, both when it comes to the language itself and
it's libraries.

The fact that Python is generally blessed with truly
magnificent libraries everywhere is what makes Pygame
stand so out. Pygame is in absolutely no way
magnificent or even slightly pythonic. It's just a
goddamn SDL wrapper.  Using the name Pygame for this
abhorrent library is an atrocity. It should be called
PySDL, and make it more obvious to the python
community that Pygame is yet to be properly created.

But that's not the worst part. PySDL (what you all
call Pygame) is actually a very useful library. It
does what it does QUITE WELL! It's perfect for
creating higher level libraries. BUT PYGAME DOESN'T
EVEN MANAGE TO BE PYGAME. Yes, I am talking about the
fact that even half a year after the official Python
2.5 came out, Pygame still does not EXIST FOR THIS
PLATFORM. I can sympathize with taking a month to
compile some new binaries. Developers do after all
have other things to do. Even a couple of months is
acceptable. But SERIOUSLY, a team of people that
required update in the time-span of ONE HALF YEAR is a
disgrace. No one cares if you are in the process of
adding all sorts of awesome new crap to Pygame. Do you
guys even have any idea how many python modules use
Pygame for one reason or another? Until you actually

How about some honesty? How about replacing "we needed
an extra few weeks" on the pygame site with "we are
not able to adequately maintain this package. new
maintainers needed"?

I know whoever maintains pygame aren't "paid". They
don't "owe" anyone anything. But in my opinion, these
people are a disgrace and a detriment to python game
development efforts on the whole.

I think it would've taken a lot less time to compile some version (any
version) of pygame for Python 2.5 than to write this message. You
could've instead wrote a much shorter message about the fact that you
compiled some version of pygame for python 2.5 on the platform you
care about and included a link to where it could be obtained from.

Would've been a lot more productive than a l*ng f*ck*ng r*nt about... 
not much.

so why nobody did it yet? He is talking about windows and windows 
users dont usually compile much, it would be very useful for them to 
have a 2.5 installer. I am not running 2.5 on my windows machine yet 
otherwise i would do it myself.


I  believe you'd also need .NET 2003 or something.
Nobody's done it yet for 1.8 because it's not a finalized version.  No 
one's done it for 1.7 because everyone's expecting 1.8 to come out.
Honestly why go through the trouble unless you actually have a need for 
some of the new functionality they added in 1.8?
(although I guess it would be nice to use 2.5 with pygame.  I don't 
know.  I just use 2.4 and pygame 1.7.1 cause I don't want to go through 
the trouble to update until they have a final release of 1.8.)

what about pygame 1.7.1 windows installer for python 2.5? i bet this is 
what he means.


Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread Luke Paireepinart

altern wrote:

Bob Ippolito wrote:

On 2/15/07, Jer Juke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yeah, you heard me. Normally I wouldn't feel any need
to pick out some random library and state how awful I
think it is. But this is not "some random library". It
is the "standard" game library for a most beautiful
language known far and wide for it's power and easy of
use, both when it comes to the language itself and
it's libraries.

The fact that Python is generally blessed with truly
magnificent libraries everywhere is what makes Pygame
stand so out. Pygame is in absolutely no way
magnificent or even slightly pythonic. It's just a
goddamn SDL wrapper.  Using the name Pygame for this
abhorrent library is an atrocity. It should be called
PySDL, and make it more obvious to the python
community that Pygame is yet to be properly created.

But that's not the worst part. PySDL (what you all
call Pygame) is actually a very useful library. It
does what it does QUITE WELL! It's perfect for
creating higher level libraries. BUT PYGAME DOESN'T
EVEN MANAGE TO BE PYGAME. Yes, I am talking about the
fact that even half a year after the official Python
2.5 came out, Pygame still does not EXIST FOR THIS
PLATFORM. I can sympathize with taking a month to
compile some new binaries. Developers do after all
have other things to do. Even a couple of months is
acceptable. But SERIOUSLY, a team of people that
required update in the time-span of ONE HALF YEAR is a
disgrace. No one cares if you are in the process of
adding all sorts of awesome new crap to Pygame. Do you
guys even have any idea how many python modules use
Pygame for one reason or another? Until you actually

How about some honesty? How about replacing "we needed
an extra few weeks" on the pygame site with "we are
not able to adequately maintain this package. new
maintainers needed"?

I know whoever maintains pygame aren't "paid". They
don't "owe" anyone anything. But in my opinion, these
people are a disgrace and a detriment to python game
development efforts on the whole.

I think it would've taken a lot less time to compile some version (any
version) of pygame for Python 2.5 than to write this message. You
could've instead wrote a much shorter message about the fact that you
compiled some version of pygame for python 2.5 on the platform you
care about and included a link to where it could be obtained from.

Would've been a lot more productive than a l*ng f*ck*ng r*nt about... 
not much.

so why nobody did it yet? He is talking about windows and windows 
users dont usually compile much, it would be very useful for them to 
have a 2.5 installer. I am not running 2.5 on my windows machine yet 
otherwise i would do it myself.


I  believe you'd also need .NET 2003 or something.
Nobody's done it yet for 1.8 because it's not a finalized version.  No 
one's done it for 1.7 because everyone's expecting 1.8 to come out.
Honestly why go through the trouble unless you actually have a need for 
some of the new functionality they added in 1.8?
(although I guess it would be nice to use 2.5 with pygame.  I don't 
know.  I just use 2.4 and pygame 1.7.1 cause I don't want to go through 
the trouble to update until they have a final release of 1.8.)

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread altern

Bob Ippolito wrote:

On 2/15/07, Jer Juke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yeah, you heard me. Normally I wouldn't feel any need
to pick out some random library and state how awful I
think it is. But this is not "some random library". It
is the "standard" game library for a most beautiful
language known far and wide for it's power and easy of
use, both when it comes to the language itself and
it's libraries.

The fact that Python is generally blessed with truly
magnificent libraries everywhere is what makes Pygame
stand so out. Pygame is in absolutely no way
magnificent or even slightly pythonic. It's just a
goddamn SDL wrapper.  Using the name Pygame for this
abhorrent library is an atrocity. It should be called
PySDL, and make it more obvious to the python
community that Pygame is yet to be properly created.

But that's not the worst part. PySDL (what you all
call Pygame) is actually a very useful library. It
does what it does QUITE WELL! It's perfect for
creating higher level libraries. BUT PYGAME DOESN'T
EVEN MANAGE TO BE PYGAME. Yes, I am talking about the
fact that even half a year after the official Python
2.5 came out, Pygame still does not EXIST FOR THIS
PLATFORM. I can sympathize with taking a month to
compile some new binaries. Developers do after all
have other things to do. Even a couple of months is
acceptable. But SERIOUSLY, a team of people that
required update in the time-span of ONE HALF YEAR is a
disgrace. No one cares if you are in the process of
adding all sorts of awesome new crap to Pygame. Do you
guys even have any idea how many python modules use
Pygame for one reason or another? Until you actually

How about some honesty? How about replacing "we needed
an extra few weeks" on the pygame site with "we are
not able to adequately maintain this package. new
maintainers needed"?

I know whoever maintains pygame aren't "paid". They
don't "owe" anyone anything. But in my opinion, these
people are a disgrace and a detriment to python game
development efforts on the whole.

I think it would've taken a lot less time to compile some version (any
version) of pygame for Python 2.5 than to write this message. You
could've instead wrote a much shorter message about the fact that you
compiled some version of pygame for python 2.5 on the platform you
care about and included a link to where it could be obtained from.

Would've been a lot more productive than a l*ng f*ck*ng r*nt about... 
not much.

so why nobody did it yet? He is talking about windows and windows users 
dont usually compile much, it would be very useful for them to have a 
2.5 installer. I am not running 2.5 on my windows machine yet otherwise 
i would do it myself.


Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread Luke Paireepinart

Jer Juke wrote:

Yeah, you heard me. Normally I wouldn't feel any need
to pick out some random library and state how awful I
think it is. But this is not "some random library". It
is the "standard" game library for a most beautiful
language known far and wide for it's power and easy of
use, both when it comes to the language itself and
it's libraries.

The fact that Python is generally blessed with truly
magnificent libraries everywhere is what makes Pygame
stand so out. Pygame is in absolutely no way
magnificent or even slightly pythonic. It's just a
goddamn SDL wrapper.

And WxPython is just a goddamn WxWindows wrapper... same with TkInter,
same with pyGTK, pyKDE, PyQt, etc.  And that's just gui frameworks.
The long and short of it is:  GUI toolkits need to be as fast as 
possible, because they just
display data that is calculated elsewhere, and you want as much cpu 
power as possible

to be in the calculations.
Therefore, any serious one would be a python binding to a C++ module.
it's not a disadvantage that it's a wrapper.  If it were written in pure 
python it would be much more complicated,
not to mention all of the 'reinventing the wheel' that would go on.  SDL 
is a good library for low-level access.

  Using the name Pygame for this
abhorrent library is an atrocity. It should be called
PySDL, and make it more obvious to the python
community that Pygame is yet to be properly created.
Ah, yes, let's rename it back to what it was originally named.  
Brilliant solution.
Pygame is the continuation of pySDL, with extra features that make it 
not an exact wrapper of SDL,

so the name pySDL is less accurate.

But that's not the worst part. PySDL (what you all
call Pygame) is actually a very useful library. It
does what it does QUITE WELL! It's perfect for
creating higher level libraries. BUT PYGAME DOESN'T
EVEN MANAGE TO BE PYGAME. Yes, I am talking about the
fact that even half a year after the official Python
2.5 came out, Pygame still does not EXIST FOR THIS

Binary installs are very different than a lack of support.
The newest version of pygame works on YOUR PLATFORM almost definitely,
although i can't be sure because I don't know WHAT PLATFORM you have.
Like Bob says, STFU and go compile it yourself if you want it so badly.

Same with lots of other open source projects, when pygame's not a 
development version it will have binaries.
But that's provided as a service to you; it's not requisite from the 
authors' point of view.

 I can sympathize with taking a month to
compile some new binaries. Developers do after all
have other things to do. Even a couple of months is
acceptable. But SERIOUSLY, a team of people that
required update in the time-span of ONE HALF YEAR is a
And which developers are we talking about that need binaries in order to 
use pygame?

Any hands? No?  hmm, curious.
So if you're too inept to make the source work for you, use the 1.7.1 
with python 2.4.  It's forward compatible, so don't worry.  Anyone who 
manages to install 1.8 will be able to run your programs.

 No one cares if you are in the process of
adding all sorts of awesome new crap to Pygame. Do you
guys even have any idea how many python modules use
Pygame for one reason or another? Until you actually

How about some honesty? How about replacing "we needed
an extra few weeks" on the pygame site with "we are
not able to adequately maintain this package. new
maintainers needed"?


I know whoever maintains pygame aren't "paid". They
don't "owe" anyone anything. But in my opinion, these
people are a disgrace and a detriment to python game
development efforts on the whole.
I can hardly imagine what terrible experience must've befallen you to 
make you this adamant about the issue.

Did you try to compile it but you couldn't get it to work?
Cry more, noob.
Your comments are not productive.
You lose 5 internets.

To be completely honest,
I agree with you, that it'd be nice if someone took the time to compile 
the binaries.
But your complete and utter lack of etiquette, tact, or common sense is 
Did you expect everyone to rally behind you and have a big renaming and 
compiling effort initiated?
Our perception of your intelligence and our opinion of the merit of your 
argument increase in direct proportion to how
well you can hide the fact that you're irritated, and how well you 
perform that basic, everyday task of not placing expletives throughout

your writing or speech.  The inverse is also true.
Therefore, in both categories, your score is lackluster.

hope that helps,

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread altern

Jer Juke wrote:

Yeah, you heard me. Normally I wouldn't feel any need
to pick out some random library and state how awful I
think it is. But this is not "some random library". It
is the "standard" game library for a most beautiful
language known far and wide for it's power and easy of
use, both when it comes to the language itself and
it's libraries.

The fact that Python is generally blessed with truly
magnificent libraries everywhere is what makes Pygame
stand so out. Pygame is in absolutely no way
magnificent or even slightly pythonic. It's just a
goddamn SDL wrapper.  Using the name Pygame for this
abhorrent library is an atrocity. It should be called
PySDL, and make it more obvious to the python
community that Pygame is yet to be properly created.

i always thought pySDL would be the best name, and i guess most people 
would think the same, but check this out

i guess thats the main reason for choosing pygame over pySDL as name.

I also think it would be really useful for the developers if you point 
the reasons why 'this abhorrent library is an atrocity' so that they can 
consider fixing/improving those areas of the library. Just try to be 
more constructive.

But that's not the worst part. PySDL (what you all
call Pygame) is actually a very useful library. It
does what it does QUITE WELL! It's perfect for
creating higher level libraries. BUT PYGAME DOESN'T
EVEN MANAGE TO BE PYGAME. Yes, I am talking about the
fact that even half a year after the official Python
2.5 came out, Pygame still does not EXIST FOR THIS
PLATFORM. I can sympathize with taking a month to
compile some new binaries. Developers do after all
have other things to do. Even a couple of months is
acceptable. But SERIOUSLY, a team of people that
required update in the time-span of ONE HALF YEAR is a
disgrace. No one cares if you are in the process of
adding all sorts of awesome new crap to Pygame. Do you
guys even have any idea how many python modules use
Pygame for one reason or another? Until you actually

How about some honesty? How about replacing "we needed
an extra few weeks" on the pygame site with "we are
not able to adequately maintain this package. new
maintainers needed"?

I know whoever maintains pygame aren't "paid". They
don't "owe" anyone anything. But in my opinion, these
people are a disgrace and a detriment to python game
development efforts on the whole.

try to do it yourself or ask politely for someone to do it. it is 
usually more effective. Are you talking about windows?


Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread Ken Seehart

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.  Clearly, the python
community needs a much superior game library, and clearly you
must be capable of developing such a library or you probably
would not have written that message.  We look forward to seeing
your new library, which is certain to become the new standard
for game development in python once everyone realizes how
awesome it is.  It is most unfortunate that the name "PyGame"
has been taken, but I'm sure you are a very creative person
capable of coming up with an even better name.

- Ken Seehart

Jer Juke wrote:

Yeah, you heard me. Normally I wouldn't feel any need
to pick out some random library and state how awful I
think it is. But this is not "some random library". It
is the "standard" game library for a most beautiful
language known far and wide for it's power and easy of
use, both when it comes to the language itself and
it's libraries.

The fact that Python is generally blessed with truly
magnificent libraries everywhere is what makes Pygame
stand so out. Pygame is in absolutely no way
magnificent or even slightly pythonic. It's just a
goddamn SDL wrapper.  Using the name Pygame for this
abhorrent library is an atrocity. It should be called
PySDL, and make it more obvious to the python
community that Pygame is yet to be properly created.

But that's not the worst part. PySDL (what you all
call Pygame) is actually a very useful library. It
does what it does QUITE WELL! It's perfect for
creating higher level libraries. BUT PYGAME DOESN'T
EVEN MANAGE TO BE PYGAME. Yes, I am talking about the
fact that even half a year after the official Python
2.5 came out, Pygame still does not EXIST FOR THIS
PLATFORM. I can sympathize with taking a month to
compile some new binaries. Developers do after all
have other things to do. Even a couple of months is
acceptable. But SERIOUSLY, a team of people that
required update in the time-span of ONE HALF YEAR is a
disgrace. No one cares if you are in the process of
adding all sorts of awesome new crap to Pygame. Do you
guys even have any idea how many python modules use
Pygame for one reason or another? Until you actually

How about some honesty? How about replacing "we needed
an extra few weeks" on the pygame site with "we are
not able to adequately maintain this package. new
maintainers needed"?

I know whoever maintains pygame aren't "paid". They
don't "owe" anyone anything. But in my opinion, these
people are a disgrace and a detriment to python game
development efforts on the whole.


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Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread Bob Ippolito

On 2/15/07, Jer Juke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yeah, you heard me. Normally I wouldn't feel any need
to pick out some random library and state how awful I
think it is. But this is not "some random library". It
is the "standard" game library for a most beautiful
language known far and wide for it's power and easy of
use, both when it comes to the language itself and
it's libraries.

The fact that Python is generally blessed with truly
magnificent libraries everywhere is what makes Pygame
stand so out. Pygame is in absolutely no way
magnificent or even slightly pythonic. It's just a
goddamn SDL wrapper.  Using the name Pygame for this
abhorrent library is an atrocity. It should be called
PySDL, and make it more obvious to the python
community that Pygame is yet to be properly created.

But that's not the worst part. PySDL (what you all
call Pygame) is actually a very useful library. It
does what it does QUITE WELL! It's perfect for
creating higher level libraries. BUT PYGAME DOESN'T
EVEN MANAGE TO BE PYGAME. Yes, I am talking about the
fact that even half a year after the official Python
2.5 came out, Pygame still does not EXIST FOR THIS
PLATFORM. I can sympathize with taking a month to
compile some new binaries. Developers do after all
have other things to do. Even a couple of months is
acceptable. But SERIOUSLY, a team of people that
required update in the time-span of ONE HALF YEAR is a
disgrace. No one cares if you are in the process of
adding all sorts of awesome new crap to Pygame. Do you
guys even have any idea how many python modules use
Pygame for one reason or another? Until you actually

How about some honesty? How about replacing "we needed
an extra few weeks" on the pygame site with "we are
not able to adequately maintain this package. new
maintainers needed"?

I know whoever maintains pygame aren't "paid". They
don't "owe" anyone anything. But in my opinion, these
people are a disgrace and a detriment to python game
development efforts on the whole.

I think it would've taken a lot less time to compile some version (any
version) of pygame for Python 2.5 than to write this message. You
could've instead wrote a much shorter message about the fact that you
compiled some version of pygame for python 2.5 on the platform you
care about and included a link to where it could be obtained from.

Would've been a lot more productive than a l*ng f*ck*ng r*nt about... not much.


Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread Jack Nutting

On 2/15/07, Jer Juke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[an angry diatribe]

I believe the standard response to the problem you describe is to say
something like, "if it's important to you, feel free to help us out
and do some work to make it happen".  But with the attitude you put on
display here, I personally wouldn't ask for your "help" on any project
I was involved in (but I can't speak for the pygame maintainers;
perhaps they're more gracious than I am).

// jack

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread Jim Froehlich


Don't try hide your feelings by sugarcoating things. Please tell us  
what you really think about Pygame...

;  )


On Feb 15, 2007, at 3:44 AM, Jer Juke wrote:

Yeah, you heard me. Normally I wouldn't feel any need
to pick out some random library and state how awful I
think it is. But this is not "some random library". It
is the "standard" game library for a most beautiful
language known far and wide for it's power and easy of
use, both when it comes to the language itself and
it's libraries.

The fact that Python is generally blessed with truly
magnificent libraries everywhere is what makes Pygame
stand so out. Pygame is in absolutely no way
magnificent or even slightly pythonic. It's just a
goddamn SDL wrapper.  Using the name Pygame for this
abhorrent library is an atrocity. It should be called
PySDL, and make it more obvious to the python
community that Pygame is yet to be properly created.

But that's not the worst part. PySDL (what you all
call Pygame) is actually a very useful library. It
does what it does QUITE WELL! It's perfect for
creating higher level libraries. BUT PYGAME DOESN'T
EVEN MANAGE TO BE PYGAME. Yes, I am talking about the
fact that even half a year after the official Python
2.5 came out, Pygame still does not EXIST FOR THIS
PLATFORM. I can sympathize with taking a month to
compile some new binaries. Developers do after all
have other things to do. Even a couple of months is
acceptable. But SERIOUSLY, a team of people that
required update in the time-span of ONE HALF YEAR is a
disgrace. No one cares if you are in the process of
adding all sorts of awesome new crap to Pygame. Do you
guys even have any idea how many python modules use
Pygame for one reason or another? Until you actually

How about some honesty? How about replacing "we needed
an extra few weeks" on the pygame site with "we are
not able to adequately maintain this package. new
maintainers needed"?

I know whoever maintains pygame aren't "paid". They
don't "owe" anyone anything. But in my opinion, these
people are a disgrace and a detriment to python game
development efforts on the whole.


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[pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-15 Thread Jer Juke
Yeah, you heard me. Normally I wouldn't feel any need
to pick out some random library and state how awful I
think it is. But this is not "some random library". It
is the "standard" game library for a most beautiful
language known far and wide for it's power and easy of
use, both when it comes to the language itself and
it's libraries.

The fact that Python is generally blessed with truly
magnificent libraries everywhere is what makes Pygame
stand so out. Pygame is in absolutely no way
magnificent or even slightly pythonic. It's just a
goddamn SDL wrapper.  Using the name Pygame for this
abhorrent library is an atrocity. It should be called
PySDL, and make it more obvious to the python
community that Pygame is yet to be properly created.

But that's not the worst part. PySDL (what you all
call Pygame) is actually a very useful library. It
does what it does QUITE WELL! It's perfect for
creating higher level libraries. BUT PYGAME DOESN'T
EVEN MANAGE TO BE PYGAME. Yes, I am talking about the
fact that even half a year after the official Python
2.5 came out, Pygame still does not EXIST FOR THIS
PLATFORM. I can sympathize with taking a month to
compile some new binaries. Developers do after all
have other things to do. Even a couple of months is
acceptable. But SERIOUSLY, a team of people that
required update in the time-span of ONE HALF YEAR is a
disgrace. No one cares if you are in the process of
adding all sorts of awesome new crap to Pygame. Do you
guys even have any idea how many python modules use
Pygame for one reason or another? Until you actually

How about some honesty? How about replacing "we needed
an extra few weeks" on the pygame site with "we are
not able to adequately maintain this package. new
maintainers needed"?

I know whoever maintains pygame aren't "paid". They
don't "owe" anyone anything. But in my opinion, these
people are a disgrace and a detriment to python game
development efforts on the whole.


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