Re: Surface batch methods... Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-29 Thread Casey Duncan

On Apr 28, 2009, at 11:09 PM, René Dudfield wrote:


fill_multi might look like this:

Surface.fill_multi(color, rects, special_flags=0)

Basically the same as the fill() except the first two arguments  
buffer objects that are arrays of colors and rects respectively. I  
think it
would be best if color accepted both a single color value or an  
array of
RGBA values. I think supporting only RGBA (as 4-byte words) is good  
and the alpha would just be ignored if the surface did not support  
Though this would preclude indexed color surfaces. I'm open to  
opinion on


If color is an array, it would need to be the same length as rects  
to keep

things simple. Otherwise it would raise an exception (ValueError?).

blit_multi would be:

Surface.blit_multi(source, dests, area=None, special_flags=0)

source is a single surface, dests is an buffer array of x, y  
ints, or maybe a RectArray, see below. Area is a single rect, for  
now, but I
could imagine supporting an array of rects for advanced use (sprite- 


Seems like we would want a RectArray object to allow creation and  
manipulation and passing of rectangles en-masse from python, though  

that's overkill for a first rev.

I'm going to check out 1.9 now and see how it looks. I remember  
looking at
doing something similar in pygame from the lepton side and deciding  
it was
not too practical from an outside library. But, given these apis it  
would be
easy. I suspect the fill_multi() implementation will be more  
complex, we'll



Sounds pretty good.

A common use case for blit_multi would be when you are blitting a
whole group of sprites to the screen.  But you don't necessarily have
to complete each use case to start with... as long as the interface
raises exceptions when people try, and mention it in the docs.

I think it would be relatively easy to let source be a sequence of  
surfaces whose length must equal dests. OTOH, I'm not exactly sure if  
this is more or less convenient then just batching your sprites by  
surface and calling blit_multi for each batch. OTOOH, it would be very  
useful for mass blitting many animated sprites, a feature I just added  
to the OpenGL Lepton renders that would be very cool to also be able  
to do efficiently in pygame. So, I think it would be worth it.

One issue might be...
Surface.fill_multi(color, rects, special_flags=0)

With color it can be a single int, or (0,0,0) or (0,0,0,0).   So I
think the sequences would have to be len(rects) == len(color)

Except if you have 3-4 colors + rects...   ([1,2,3], [r1,r2,r3])
then the color argument has an ambiguity of either 3 colors, or 1

So perhaps explicit length of arguments?  Or a separate color and
colors argument?

I was thinking this would be determined by if the color value passed  
supported the buffer protocol, but that may be too magical and  
ambiguous. I think the one color for all rects use-case is worth  
supporting for convenience. perhaps changing the signature to all  
keywords would suffice:

Surface.fill_multi(color=None, rect_array=None, color_array=None,  

The crummy part being that rect_array is not really optional and one  
of color or color_array must be specified. This would of course be  
enforced by the api, but is a bit unintuitive. Then again calling it  
with positional args would work more or less as expected and it would  
only get slightly more verbose when you used a color_array.

We would basically have the same problem with the blit_multi, if it  
accepted both a single source surface and a sequence. So it would be  
good to make them consistent.

Also, I was assuming that color_array (aka colors) and rect_array (aka  
rects) would only accept array buffers and not arbitrary sequences of  
Color, Rect or tuple, but you seem to be implying support for the  
latter. Is that right?


Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-29 Thread Marcus von Appen
On, Tue Apr 28, 2009, Jake b wrote:

 On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Marcus von Appen wrote:
  On, Tue Apr 28, 2009, Lorenz Quack wrote:
Casey Duncan
Degrees, I'd say. The api should be easy to use and letting users
calculate the rad values before is not that intuitive.
   I just checked: unfortunately pygame seems to be inconsistent:
   use degrees and draw.arc uses radians.
  Which is a problem to get solved. Thus we should stick to degrees.
 I thought the standard was to use radians since trig. functions use radians.
 ( And opengl? )

OpenGL uses degrees - which brings me (personally) to use degrees,
too. Additionally it's easier to read and debug, if you work with
degrees, in my opinion, bceause you do not have to fire up your
calculator and convert the angular values the whole time.

What do you find easier to understand for angles? 1.5707963267948966 or
~90.0? ;-)
 I'm Curious: if pygame uses degrees, does it end up being faster than if
 pygame used radians, and the user has to manually convert to degrees? Or is
 the difference insignificant?

It is mostly insignificant, though the user would save one call to a
python function (and python's math module). Converting degrees to
radians is described as

rad = degrees * pi / 180.0

So it's a single multiplication and division. You can narrow that down
to a single multiplication, which python does and we can do as well. The
only difference thus would be the user's math.radians() call overhead.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Surface batch methods... Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-29 Thread Lenard Lindstrom
Quoting Casey Duncan
 Also, I was assuming that color_array (aka colors) and rect_array (aka  
 rects) would only accept array buffers and not arbitrary sequences of  
 Color, Rect or tuple, but you seem to be implying support for the  
 latter. Is that right?
Hi Casey,

See _arraysurfarray.c for an example of using the array interface. Unlike a
simple buffer it gives information on shape and item type. So object testing is
much more thorough and safe. Both Numeric and Numpy support the array interface.
And the Python 3 buffer interface is also supposed to provide similar 

Lenard Lindstrom

Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-28 Thread Marcus von Appen
On, Mon Apr 27, 2009, Lorenz Quack wrote:


Some general notes in short, which the other thread repliers already
pointed out:

Vector2d is needed
Vector3d is needed, too (at least for me), to have 2d/3d transformations.

Vector4d can be realised using the 'w' property easily in your Vector3d class.
Vector2d is basically Vector3d without considering a z component.

Daniel Jo
 Vector classes work well for convenience and code readability, but
 from a performance standpoint they aren't very useful.

Right, that's what batch operations are suitable for. Lorenz' proposal
mentions e.g. creating vectors from sequence types. If we add a set of
helper functions to the module (pygame.math.do_stuff (many_vectors)), we
can easily get around that issue. This only requires us to keep the
internally optimised methods separated well enough.

Casey Duncan
 array of C structs, but you can iterate them and access the individual
 vectors for position, velocity, etc. from python.

The proposed math helper functions thus should be suitable to operate on
array() objects or buffers, where the type and object size has to be
explicitily stated. We then can get equal results easily.

Brian Fisher:
 One aspect of vector class design that I've become more and more a fan of
 over time is vector immutability.


Casey Duncan
 PEP-8 for method and property naming!


Rene Dudfield
 What number types are used?  eg, can you have a float vector, a long vector,
 an int vector?  Any python number?  A uint8 ?

I'd vote for two major types here: long/int and float. Depending on what
the passed values are. If we argue to use 'any python number', we'll
have to refer to the number protocol anytime an arithmetic function
occurs. This makes anything painfully slow.

If the passed values are all int or long, the vector might be handled as
long/int vector with matching optimised functions. if the numbers are
all float, other matching optimised functions might be used.

However, those considerations should be handled later on. To implement
such hooks is a bit complex due to the behaviour specification. For now
I'd vote for using either float (double) as internal representation (for
being exact enough) and/or two vector types:

FVector (floating point)
LVector (long/int)  v.isNormalized() - bool  v.normalize() - None# normalizes inplace  v1.normalized() - v2# returns normalized vector

In my opinion normalize() and normalized() are far too ambiguous. We
might should use something like ip_XXX() for inplace operations:

  v.ip_normalize () - None
  v.normalize () - v2

We do that naming already for Rect objects and should take care of doing
that anywhere where inplace operations happen. The same then applies to
the rest of your inplace methods.

 1.6 properties
 ==  v.length - a # gets the magnitude/length of the vector  v.length = a
   # sets the length of the vector while preserving its direction

The setter might be risky due to rounding issues.  a) v.lengthSquared - a
   b) v.length2 - a
   # gets the squared length of the vector. same as or v * v  a) v.lengthSquared = a
   b) v.length2 = a
   # sets the squared length of the vector. preserving its direction

Same as above.

 1.7 comparison operations
 1.7.0the == and != and bool operater compare the differences against
   the attribute v._epsilon. this way the user can adjust the accuracy.  v == s - bool
   # true if all component differ at most by v._epsilon

How am I as user supposed to manipulate _epsilon? It should be made public.

 1.8 misc
 1.8.1  support iter protocol
 1.8.2  str(v) - [x, y, z]
 1.8.3  repr(v) - Vecx, y, z

Most objects have the same output for str() and repr(). Why do you
differ here?
 1.10 open questions (in no particular order)
 1.10.1  a) use radians for all angles
  b) use degrees for all angles

Degrees, I'd say. The api should be easy to use and letting users
calculate the rad values before is not that intuitive.

 1.10.2  what about slicing?

Slicing in a fixed 1-column matrix sounds useless to me.

 1.10.4  do we need int or complex vectors?

A specialised int vector class would be nice for even more optimised
code, but (in my opinion) that can be considered in a later stage. Most
of the time it's just about replacing C floating point functions with
the matching integer functions.

 1.10.5  what about negative indices in the sequence protocol?

Required as supported by the Python standard. The sequence protocol is
pretty easy to implement and usually you receive a nicely converted
positive Py_ssize_t, if it is within the range. Take a look at the
PixelArray and Color classes, which implement sequence 

Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-28 Thread Lorenz Quack


thanks for the feedback and suggestions.

That said, I just realized that I never really introduced myself. So here it 
I'm a physics student from germany. I took some programming classes of 
questionable quality in school. I really started of with C++ in 2003 and maybe 
a year and a half later with python and once I got over the fact that 
whitespaces matter it blew my mind!
Now I'm working on my final thesis (german: Diplomarbeit) and teach a beginners 
course on C++. That and a few other activities take quite some of my time but 
everything else is dedicated to bringing vector types to pygame =)
But don't think I jumped ship if I don't respond instantly. I'm just occupied 
with other affairs.

so enough of that. let's get down to business.

René Dudfield wrote:

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Casey Duncan wrote:

On Apr 27, 2009, at 6:16 PM, René Dudfield wrote:

Would be nice if the vectors storage of things could be anything
underneath.  This would be useful to allow them to use
pygame.Rect or numpy.array underneath.  This means they can
refer to a batch of vectors, but also operate only on a single
vector at a time.

+1, though there are performance vs. generality tradeoffs to be
made. On the general side, a vector class could assume the
underlying storage supports __getitem__, but the performance of this
would suffer, I think too greatly. On the performance side, it could
just have a pointer to an array of floats that it wraps with the
vector api. I used this strategy with Lepton and the performance is
great, but it is inflexible for the storage, and probably not very
practical for totally general use across different storages.

ah, that's an interesting point.  We could have a few special cases for 
giving a buffer to use.  Then as it's written in C, there will only be 
one pointer indirection.

I'm not sure I understand what you#re discussing here. Are you suggesting,
that one should be able to store any python object in the vector components?
For now I only considered numbers either double or int/long.
If I understood you correctly, what would be a use case of a vector class 
holding arbitrary objects? Are you thinking in the lines of something like this:

  # create in this case a 5-dimensional vector with obj positions
  positions = Vector([(1,2,3), (2,3,4), (3,4,5), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)])
  # create velocities for each object
  velocities = Vector([(2,0,0), (0,3,1), (0,1,0), (-5,0,.5), (1,1,1)])
  for timeslice in game.tick():
positions += timeslice * velocities

...this is interesting. As I said, until now I only considered normal math 
vectors. But as you already pointed out there would definitely be a speed penalty.

Wondering about why only 3 element vectors?  2,3, and 4 element
ones are common?

Yea, 2 and 4 dimensions shouldn't be a problem. I only proposed a API for 3 
dimensions because it's usually the richest. for example you don't have a 
cross-product in 4 dimensions. and I figured that if I wrote the whole thing 
for 2 and 4 dims as well it would have become a bit confusing. but fear not 2 
and 4 dimensions are on the list :)

Is there a way to make a combined 2,3,4 type?

Most operations can assume the higher dimensions are always zero, or
the length could just be variable. But in either case the code would
be slower than it would strictly need to be, since many operations
would do more work than needed or would require loops where they
would not be required for single purpose 2D, 3D or better vectors.

Exactly what Casey wrote.

What number types are used?  eg, can you have a float vector, a
long vector, an int vector?  Any python number?  A uint8 ?

Seems to me like the most general number type would be a double, as
it could comfortably support a wide range, does not generally have
resolution issues like a 32-bit float can and performs well on
modern hardware. It would also give consistent results compared to a
python float, which is nice.

I'm not sure what the use-case is for ints or (python) longs, the
latter would probably gain little by being coded in C compared to
pure python. Even in sprite-based 2D games, I find integers to be
far too coarse for vector math, and operations like normalize become
basically impossible.

If you support multiple vector numeric types, than you have to
confront a combinatorial explosion of type conversions and either
duplicate, templatize or generalize the code in such a way that you
trade either performance or maintainability or both.


Yeah, indeed.  Old numeric used to auto-generate most of its code for 
different types.  Also there is vectypes written in python that 
generates it's code for all of the different types ( ).

Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-28 Thread Lorenz Quack


as I already wrote in my other mail. thanks for the feedback!

Marcus von Appen wrote:

On, Mon Apr 27, 2009, Lorenz Quack wrote:


Some general notes in short, which the other thread repliers already
pointed out:

Vector2d is needed
Vector3d is needed, too (at least for me), to have 2d/3d transformations.

Vector4d can be realised using the 'w' property easily in your Vector3d class.
Vector2d is basically Vector3d without considering a z component.

I believe 3d is the most work and 2d is a trivial dumbing down and 4d is a 
trivial expansion while leaving out some special methods like v.cross().

Daniel Jo

Vector classes work well for convenience and code readability, but
from a performance standpoint they aren't very useful.

Right, that's what batch operations are suitable for. Lorenz' proposal
mentions e.g. creating vectors from sequence types. If we add a set of
helper functions to the module (pygame.math.do_stuff (many_vectors)), we
can easily get around that issue. This only requires us to keep the
internally optimised methods separated well enough.

seems like you already have this worked out in your head. but module-level 
batch functions sound like a good idea (even though I don't know how to 
actually implement that, yet).

Casey Duncan

array of C structs, but you can iterate them and access the individual
vectors for position, velocity, etc. from python.

The proposed math helper functions thus should be suitable to operate on
array() objects or buffers, where the type and object size has to be
explicitily stated. We then can get equal results easily.

just for clarity: do you mean that the helper functions should operate on 
arrays (numpy arrays?) of vectors of regular numbers. something like this:

  v1 = Vector3d((1, 2, 3))
  v2 = Vector3d((-4, 5.6, 7))
  a = array(v1, v2)
  axis = Vector3d((1,0,0))
  angle = 90 #degrees
  pygame.math.rotateBatch(axis, angle, a)

Brian Fisher:

One aspect of vector class design that I've become more and more a fan of
over time is vector immutability.


interesting. I need to see more code using immutable vectors to be totally 

Casey Duncan

PEP-8 for method and property naming!


+1. I'm for standard compliance. I just used my own style while writing the 
draft without thinking. but you're totally right.

Rene Dudfield

What number types are used?  eg, can you have a float vector, a long vector,
an int vector?  Any python number?  A uint8 ?

I'd vote for two major types here: long/int and float. Depending on what
the passed values are. If we argue to use 'any python number', we'll
have to refer to the number protocol anytime an arithmetic function
occurs. This makes anything painfully slow.

If the passed values are all int or long, the vector might be handled as
long/int vector with matching optimised functions. if the numbers are
all float, other matching optimised functions might be used.

However, those considerations should be handled later on. To implement
such hooks is a bit complex due to the behaviour specification. For now
I'd vote for using either float (double) as internal representation (for
being exact enough) and/or two vector types:

FVector (floating point)
LVector (long/int)

+1 on floating point vectors (though using double precision).
+0 on int/long. I would like to see some use cases of int vectors.
-1 on the names. I think floating point is the thing users normally want so I 
would call that Vector, Vector3d or whatever. The int vector is a special case 
and therefore wait in second line with a name like IVector (in python3 we only 
have int so I would go for the I instead of the L)  v.isNormalized() - bool  v.normalize() - None# normalizes inplace  v1.normalized() - v2# returns normalized vector

In my opinion normalize() and normalized() are far too ambiguous. We
might should use something like ip_XXX() for inplace operations:

  v.ip_normalize () - None
  v.normalize () - v2

We do that naming already for Rect objects and should take care of doing
that anywhere where inplace operations happen. The same then applies to
the rest of your inplace methods.

hm. ok. but the ip is after the name: v.normalize_ip()

1.6 properties
==  v.length - a # gets the magnitude/length of the vector  v.length = a
  # sets the length of the vector while preserving its direction

The setter might be risky due to rounding issues.

true, but I think this can be very usefull. and I can live with the fact that
v.length = 1.
v.length == 1.  # - false
when dealing with floating point variables you have to expect weird behavior 
like this.  a) v.lengthSquared - a
  b) v.length2 - a
  # gets the squared length of the vector. same as or v * v  a) v.lengthSquared = a
  b) v.length2 = a

Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-28 Thread Casey Duncan
Surface.fill_multi and Surface.blit_multi would be awesome for  
particle effects, in fact I could take good advantage of them in  
Lepton right now to make the pygame renderers mucho-faster.

Would that be something that would be considered in pgreloaded (or  
even pygame 1.9)? If so I would be interested in helping to implement  
them as I would be an early adopter ;^)


On Apr 27, 2009, at 11:38 PM, René Dudfield wrote:

hi again,

a slightly related point... consider that pygame already works with  
big multidimensional vectors of a limited amount of types - this is  

However it is limited to 1, 2, 3, and 4 uint8 multi dimensional  
vectors.  For these limited cases it is fairly fast.

It should be possible to make some sorts of really basic particle  
systems with Surface I guess.

Having one image for positions, one for direction vectors, one for  
lifetime etc.

To update the movement each frame, you'd use:
   position_surf.blit(directions_surf, (0,0), special_flags=BLEND_ADD)

Would still need a fast way to draw each particle based on the  
pixels in each surface.  If pygames functions/methods took more  
arrays it could be possible...  eg.  a Surface.blit_multi which took  
a buffer of destination rects.

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 3:06 PM, Casey Duncan  
I have found this to be generally true as well, and storing a large  
number of individual vector objects to be operated on in a batch  
performs poorly regardless of implementation language. As an  
example, for Lepton I coded a controller object which looped over a  
large number of particles to update their velocities. Under the  
covers the particles are stored as a simple array of C structs, but  
you can iterate them and access the individual vectors for position,  
velocity, etc. from python.

To make a long story short, the python version of the code that  
iterated and updated the velocities by manipulating vector objects  
was about 1600x slower than the equivalent C code that did the same  
using inline vector functions. psyco sped up the python code almost  
5x, but it still was no contest.

This is definitely an extreme case, but one relevant to game coding  
at least 8^)


On Apr 27, 2009, at 7:24 PM, Daniel Jo wrote:

I've pretty much abandoned the idea of vector classes in Python.  I've
tested various implementations: pure python classes (with and without
__slots__), C++ exposed through Pyrex/Cython, tuples manipulated
through add/mul/div/etc functions. . .  Of these, C++ turned out to be
the fastest, but faster by far than that was simply not using any
structure at all.  Store the components in tuples for convenience, but
extract them and manipulated them individually for complex equations.
Vector classes work well for convenience and code readability, but
from a performance standpoint they aren't very useful.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 4:28 PM, Brian Fisher 
I don't see a 3 element vector type being useful from a pygame  

What pygame api anywhere even takes 3 element lists aside from colors?
(which already have a special struct type thing)

I'm not saying 3 element vectors don't have their uses - just that  
the seem

to me to be a pretty random thing to have added to pygame, which is
exclusively 2d in every interesting respect. It seems like the sort  
of thing
to add that would add much more to the maintenance and testing cost  
of the
pygame library than it would bring to the users as a whole. To put  
way, there is no synergy between a 3 element vector class and  
pygame. Why
would a 3 element vector class be better as part of pygame than not?  

existing element of pygame is better or easier to use with a 3 element
vector also being part of pygame? a 2 element vector being part of pygame... rect could be  
better by
making use of it, it could be used as an argument to the various  

that take 2 element lists, etc. etc

... and a 3 element vector (and quaternions and matrices) being part  

pyOpenGL, that sounds great too...

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Lorenz Quack wrote:


I am interested in the inclusion of a vector and matrix types into  
as suggested here [4]. In this email I want to propose a API for a  


I will for brevity only present the API for the types in three  

The APIs for two or four dimensions should look analog.

Also I enumerated every API for easier reference in discussions.
Alternatives are denoted by lexical items (e.g. a) or b))
At the end I put together a small comparison to existing  

This is only a suggestion to spark discussion and provoke feedback. So
in your 2 cents.

sincerely yours

PS: If this turns out to be of any value I will put something similar
together for matrix types and quaternions.

* API draft v1.0 *

Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-28 Thread Marcus von Appen
On, Tue Apr 28, 2009, Lorenz Quack wrote:

 Marcus von Appen wrote:
  On, Mon Apr 27, 2009, Lorenz Quack wrote:

  Daniel Jo
  Vector classes work well for convenience and code readability, but
  from a performance standpoint they aren't very useful.
  Right, that's what batch operations are suitable for. Lorenz' proposal
  mentions e.g. creating vectors from sequence types. If we add a set of
  helper functions to the module (pygame.math.do_stuff (many_vectors)), we
  can easily get around that issue. This only requires us to keep the
  internally optimised methods separated well enough.
 seems like you already have this worked out in your head. but module-level 
 batch functions sound like a good idea (even though I don't know how to 
 actually implement that, yet).

Here's a short snippet:

static PyMethodDef _audio_methods[] = {
{ init, (PyCFunction) _sdl_audioinit, METH_NOARGS, DOC_AUDIO_INIT },


static PyObject*
_sdl_audioinit (PyObject *self)
   /* self resolves to the module, usually */
PyMODINIT_FUNC initaudio (void)
PyObject *mod = Py_InitModule3 (audio, _audio_methods, DOC_AUDIO);

It's fairly easy as you see. Instead of binding methods to the object,
you bind them to the module.

  Casey Duncan
  array of C structs, but you can iterate them and access the individual
  vectors for position, velocity, etc. from python.
  The proposed math helper functions thus should be suitable to operate on
  array() objects or buffers, where the type and object size has to be
  explicitily stated. We then can get equal results easily.
 just for clarity: do you mean that the helper functions should operate on 
 arrays (numpy arrays?) of vectors of regular numbers. something like this:
v1 = Vector3d((1, 2, 3))
v2 = Vector3d((-4, 5.6, 7))
a = array(v1, v2)
axis = Vector3d((1,0,0))
angle = 90 #degrees
pygame.math.rotateBatch(axis, angle, a)

Arbitrary arrays, sequences or buffers, to be more exact. Let's say,
I've got a sequence of numbers, which denote 3d vectors to be rotated:

  a = [(1,2,3), (-1, 0, 0), ...]
  v = Vector3d (1, 0, 0)
  # rotateBatch performs a PySequence_Check() and acts accordingly.
  pygame.math.rotateBatch (v, 90, a)

Now the same for a buffer:

  # Read 30 elements from some file.
  buf = myfile.doread_binary (30)
  v = Vector3d (1, 0, 0)
  # rotateBatch checks for the buffer, reads the element size hint (2
  # bytes for each element) and acts accordingly in the following way:
  # for i 0 to = len (buf) 
  #   elem = get [size] bytes element from buf as [type] value
  #   result = rotate (elem v, 90)
  #   set result back into buf
  pygame.math.rotateBatch (v, 90, buf, size=2, type=float)

and so forth. It might sound complex right now, but in fact it's quite
easy to realise it - we do it the whole time with surfaces :-).
  Rene Dudfield
  What number types are used?  eg, can you have a float vector, a long 
  an int vector?  Any python number?  A uint8 ?
  I'd vote for two major types here: long/int and float. Depending on what
  the passed values are. If we argue to use 'any python number', we'll
  have to refer to the number protocol anytime an arithmetic function
  occurs. This makes anything painfully slow.
  If the passed values are all int or long, the vector might be handled as
  long/int vector with matching optimised functions. if the numbers are
  all float, other matching optimised functions might be used.
  However, those considerations should be handled later on. To implement
  such hooks is a bit complex due to the behaviour specification. For now
  I'd vote for using either float (double) as internal representation (for
  being exact enough) and/or two vector types:
  FVector (floating point)
  LVector (long/int)
 +1 on floating point vectors (though using double precision).
 +0 on int/long. I would like to see some use cases of int vectors.
 -1 on the names. I think floating point is the thing users normally want so I 
 would call that Vector, Vector3d or whatever. The int vector is a special 
 and therefore wait in second line with a name like IVector (in python3 we 
 have int so I would go for the I instead of the L)

Those were just examples. Personally I'd favour Vector and IntVector
(IVector sounds like an interface to me). IntVector however is something
to be considered later on.  v.isNormalized() - bool  v.normalize() - None# normalizes inplace  v1.normalized() - v2# returns normalized vector
  In my opinion normalize() and normalized() are far too ambiguous. We
  might should use something like ip_XXX() for inplace operations:
v.ip_normalize () - None
v.normalize () - v2
  We do that naming already for Rect objects and should take care of doing
  that anywhere where inplace operations happen. The same 

Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-28 Thread Casey Duncan

On Apr 28, 2009, at 1:48 PM, Marcus von Appen wrote:

1.6 properties
==  v.length - a # gets the magnitude/length of the vector  v.length = a
 # sets the length of the vector while preserving its  

The setter might be risky due to rounding issues.

true, but I think this can be very usefull. and I can live with the  
fact that

v.length = 1.
v.length == 1.  # - false
when dealing with floating point variables you have to expect weird  

like this.

As I said, it's risky. If I set v.length = 1, I expect v.length == 1  

work. Any other behaviour is wrong for both, readability and behaviour
expectations, in my opinion.

How would you propose to make that true? I imagine you could store the  
length as a vector attribute, but then it's either a lie or it means  
the values must be scaled to it for every operation (i.e., x,y,z are  
always stored in unit-form and the length is stored separately).

Also, if length is settable, what happens when I do this:

v.length = 0
v.length = 1

That would work with the unit-form approach, but would result in some  
inconsistencies, i.e.:

v1 = Vector3(1,1,0)
v2 = Vector3(0,1,1)
v1 == v2
v1.length = v2.length = 0
v1 == v2
True? (I dunno, they are both null vectors)
v1.length = v2.length = 1
v1 == v2

Another option is to make length comparison epsilon-based to  
compensate for rounding, however that implies length returns some new  
number type that does that. Feels like a lot of effort for little  
gain, though it might be able to be done by a relatively simple float  
subclass, I dunno.

I kinda feel like a settable length is too magical. How about a  
scale_to_length() or somesuch method that lets you scale the vector to  
a given length (and raises an error for null vectors). I think that  
would be more explicit less surprising in corner cases. And it would  
be easy to document that scaling a vector to a given length does not  
guarantee the resulting length will be precisely that value due to  
rounding errors.


Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-28 Thread Jake b
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Marcus von Appen wrote:

 On, Tue Apr 28, 2009, Lorenz Quack wrote:
   Casey Duncan
   Degrees, I'd say. The api should be easy to use and letting users
   calculate the rad values before is not that intuitive.
  I just checked: unfortunately pygame seems to be inconsistent:
  use degrees and draw.arc uses radians.

 Which is a problem to get solved. Thus we should stick to degrees.

I thought the standard was to use radians since trig. functions use radians.
( And opengl? )

I'm Curious: if pygame uses degrees, does it end up being faster than if
pygame used radians, and the user has to manually convert to degrees? Or is
the difference insignificant?



Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-28 Thread Marius Gedminas
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 06:32:12PM +0200, Lorenz Quack wrote:  v.isNormalized() - bool  v.normalize() - None# normalizes inplace  v1.normalized() - v2# returns normalized vector

 In my opinion normalize() and normalized() are far too ambiguous. We
 might should use something like ip_XXX() for inplace operations:

   v.ip_normalize () - None
   v.normalize () - v2

 We do that naming already for Rect objects and should take care of doing
 that anywhere where inplace operations happen. The same then applies to
 the rest of your inplace methods.

 hm. ok. but the ip is after the name: v.normalize_ip()

When I see 'ip', I cannot stop thinking about IP addresses.

I think .normalize() vs .normalized() is clear enough, and also follows
the convention set by Python builtins (list.sort() vs sorted()).

And if vectors are immutable, this question becomes moot.

 1.6 properties
 ==  v.length - a # gets the magnitude/length of the vector  v.length = a
   # sets the length of the vector while preserving its direction

 The setter might be risky due to rounding issues.

 true, but I think this can be very usefull. and I can live with the fact that
 v.length = 1.
 v.length == 1.  # - false
 when dealing with floating point variables you have to expect weird 
 behavior like this.

I used to think that way.  Then I read _What Every Computer Scientist
Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic_ and understood that floats
are very predictable if you understand them.

(I still don't understand them. *wink*)

 1.7 comparison operations
 1.7.0the == and != and bool operater compare the differences 
   the attribute v._epsilon. this way the user can adjust the 
 accuracy.  v == s - bool
   # true if all component differ at most by v._epsilon

 How am I as user supposed to manipulate _epsilon? It should be made public.

 well. I thought you rarely want to twiddle with this so I marked it 
 private. I  thought the normal user doesn't want to be bothered with this 
 and the pro can access it.

I'm kind of expecting some expert to pop in and explain how this breaks
mathematical properties of equality (v1 == v2 and v2 == v3 no longer
implies v1 == v3) and how this could result in bugs and pain in real
life code.

 1.8 misc
 1.8.1  support iter protocol
 1.8.2  str(v) - [x, y, z]
 1.8.3  repr(v) - Vecx, y, z

 Most objects have the same output for str() and repr(). Why do you
 differ here?

 with repr I wanted to make explicitly clear that this is not a list but I 
 thought that the normal str() would look nicer that way. what would you  
 suggest? [x, y, z] for both (or (x, y, z) if we choose to make 
 vectors immutable) or Vector3dx, y, z?

I'm +0.95 for distinct __str__ and __repr__.  str is what you show your
users and should be short and clear, while repr is what you give the
programmers who're debugging and therefore exact types matter.

 1.10 open questions (in no particular order)
 1.10.1  a) use radians for all angles
  b) use degrees for all angles

 Degrees, I'd say. The api should be easy to use and letting users
 calculate the rad values before is not that intuitive.

math.radians(180) is not intuitive?  Well, maybe.  You have to know it's

(Can I mention math.hypot?  Nobody knows about math.hypot.  It's a
modest little function that deserves more fame than it gets.)

 I just checked: unfortunately pygame seems to be inconsistent: 
 transform.rotate use degrees and draw.arc uses radians.

Does transform.rotate rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise?  Pydoc
doesn't say.

   * __abs__
 pyeuclid returns the magnitude.
 3DVectorType returns vec3d(abs(x), abs(y), abs(z))
 vectypes and this proposal don't implement __abs__ to avoid confusion

 I'd expect abs() to get the magnitude/length, too.

 I don't so to avoid confusion I wouldn't implement it at all. how do 
 other people feel about this?

I'd expect len(v) to return its length, but (1) that would be a horrible
abuse of the sequence protocol, and (2) Python doesn't allow __len__ to
return a non-integer value, thankfully.

I didn't even know/had forgotten all about __abs__.

 thanks again for the quite thorough feedback.

Thanks for the comprehensive proposal.

Marius Gedminas
User n.:
A programmer who will believe anything you tell him.

Description: Digital signature

Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-28 Thread René Dudfield
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 2:29 AM, Casey Duncan wrote:
 Surface.fill_multi and Surface.blit_multi would be awesome for particle
 effects, in fact I could take good advantage of them in Lepton right now to
 make the pygame renderers mucho-faster.

 Would that be something that would be considered in pgreloaded (or even
 pygame 1.9)? If so I would be interested in helping to implement them as I
 would be an early adopter ;^)


Definitely!  That would be cool.

For pygame 1.9 it'd need to be ready within 4 weeks, with tests and
docs.  For 1.9.1 there's at least 4-5 months to go.

Would _multi methods work with different multiple arguments?  eg
multiple surfaces, multiple dst rects, multiple source rects?
Or you could just do one method for each multiple... or detect the
case based on the input arguments.

Probably best to just do your use case... (which is multiple src
rects?)... then raise NotImplementedError for other combinations.

I don't think that'd take long to make.


Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-28 Thread Casey Duncan

On Apr 28, 2009, at 8:41 PM, René Dudfield wrote:

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 2:29 AM, Casey Duncan  
Surface.fill_multi and Surface.blit_multi would be awesome for  
effects, in fact I could take good advantage of them in Lepton  
right now to

make the pygame renderers mucho-faster.

Would that be something that would be considered in pgreloaded (or  
pygame 1.9)? If so I would be interested in helping to implement  
them as I

would be an early adopter ;^)


Definitely!  That would be cool.

For pygame 1.9 it'd need to be ready within 4 weeks, with tests and
docs.  For 1.9.1 there's at least 4-5 months to go.

Would _multi methods work with different multiple arguments?  eg
multiple surfaces, multiple dst rects, multiple source rects?
Or you could just do one method for each multiple... or detect the
case based on the input arguments.

Probably best to just do your use case... (which is multiple src
rects?)... then raise NotImplementedError for other combinations.

fill_multi might look like this:

Surface.fill_multi(color, rects, special_flags=0)

Basically the same as the fill() except the first two arguments accept  
buffer objects that are arrays of colors and rects respectively. I  
think it would be best if color accepted both a single color value or  
an array of RGBA values. I think supporting only RGBA (as 4-byte  
words) is good enough and the alpha would just be ignored if the  
surface did not support it. Though this would preclude indexed color  
surfaces. I'm open to opinion on this.

If color is an array, it would need to be the same length as rects to  
keep things simple. Otherwise it would raise an exception (ValueError?).

blit_multi would be:

Surface.blit_multi(source, dests, area=None, special_flags=0)

source is a single surface, dests is an buffer array of x, y  
coordinate ints, or maybe a RectArray, see below. Area is a single  
rect, for now, but I could imagine supporting an array of rects for  
advanced use (sprite-sheet, etc).

Seems like we would want a RectArray object to allow creation and some  
manipulation and passing of rectangles en-masse from python, though  
maybe that's overkill for a first rev.

I'm going to check out 1.9 now and see how it looks. I remember  
looking at doing something similar in pygame from the lepton side and  
deciding it was not too practical from an outside library. But, given  
these apis it would be easy. I suspect the fill_multi() implementation  
will be more complex, we'll see.


Surface batch methods... Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-28 Thread René Dudfield
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Casey Duncan wrote:
 On Apr 28, 2009, at 8:41 PM, René Dudfield wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 2:29 AM, Casey Duncan wrote:

 Surface.fill_multi and Surface.blit_multi would be awesome for particle
 effects, in fact I could take good advantage of them in Lepton right now
 make the pygame renderers mucho-faster.

 Would that be something that would be considered in pgreloaded (or even
 pygame 1.9)? If so I would be interested in helping to implement them as
 would be an early adopter ;^)


 Definitely!  That would be cool.

 For pygame 1.9 it'd need to be ready within 4 weeks, with tests and
 docs.  For 1.9.1 there's at least 4-5 months to go.

 Would _multi methods work with different multiple arguments?  eg
 multiple surfaces, multiple dst rects, multiple source rects?
 Or you could just do one method for each multiple... or detect the
 case based on the input arguments.

 Probably best to just do your use case... (which is multiple src
 rects?)... then raise NotImplementedError for other combinations.

 fill_multi might look like this:

 Surface.fill_multi(color, rects, special_flags=0)

 Basically the same as the fill() except the first two arguments accept
 buffer objects that are arrays of colors and rects respectively. I think it
 would be best if color accepted both a single color value or an array of
 RGBA values. I think supporting only RGBA (as 4-byte words) is good enough
 and the alpha would just be ignored if the surface did not support it.
 Though this would preclude indexed color surfaces. I'm open to opinion on

 If color is an array, it would need to be the same length as rects to keep
 things simple. Otherwise it would raise an exception (ValueError?).

 blit_multi would be:

 Surface.blit_multi(source, dests, area=None, special_flags=0)

 source is a single surface, dests is an buffer array of x, y coordinate
 ints, or maybe a RectArray, see below. Area is a single rect, for now, but I
 could imagine supporting an array of rects for advanced use (sprite-sheet,

 Seems like we would want a RectArray object to allow creation and some
 manipulation and passing of rectangles en-masse from python, though maybe
 that's overkill for a first rev.

 I'm going to check out 1.9 now and see how it looks. I remember looking at
 doing something similar in pygame from the lepton side and deciding it was
 not too practical from an outside library. But, given these apis it would be
 easy. I suspect the fill_multi() implementation will be more complex, we'll


Sounds pretty good.

A common use case for blit_multi would be when you are blitting a
whole group of sprites to the screen.  But you don't necessarily have
to complete each use case to start with... as long as the interface
raises exceptions when people try, and mention it in the docs.

One issue might be...
Surface.fill_multi(color, rects, special_flags=0)

With color it can be a single int, or (0,0,0) or (0,0,0,0).   So I
think the sequences would have to be len(rects) == len(color)

Except if you have 3-4 colors + rects...   ([1,2,3], [r1,r2,r3])
then the color argument has an ambiguity of either 3 colors, or 1

So perhaps explicit length of arguments?  Or a separate color and
colors argument?

Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-27 Thread Brian Fisher
One aspect of vector class design that I've become more and more a fan of
over time is vector immutability.

So you can't say stuff like:
   vector.x += 2
   vector.x = 5

but instead would have to say stuff like:
   vector += (2, 0)
   vector = vector2d(5, vector.y)

their are a couple reasons to design them that way - first is no one can
ever change your attributes underneath you - which is a bug I've run into
every now and then with mutable vectors, and have had to work around by
having stuff contruct and return new vectors instead of returning the
internal one.

what I mean is code like this is pretty bad (but moderately easy to write)
  class Angel(object)
def __init__(self, offset):
  self.offset = offset

  t = new Angel()
  halo_pos = t.offset
  halo_pos.y -= 5
and immutability of vectors makes that bug impossible.

the second reason for immutability of vectors is that they can because keys
in dicts (something I've found useful, but have had to use 2 element tuples
instead to make it work)

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Lorenz Quack wrote:


 I am interested in the inclusion of a vector and matrix types into pygame
 as suggested here [4]. In this email I want to propose a API for a vector

 I will for brevity only present the API for the types in three dimensions.
 The APIs for two or four dimensions should look analog.

 Also I enumerated every API for easier reference in discussions.
 Alternatives are denoted by lexical items (e.g. a) or b))
 At the end I put together a small comparison to existing implementations.

 This is only a suggestion to spark discussion and provoke feedback. So
 in your 2 cents.

 sincerely yours

 PS: If this turns out to be of any value I will put something similar
 together for matrix types and quaternions.

 * API draft v1.0 *

 In the following I will use the notation:
   v, v1, v2, ... are vectors
   s, s1, s2, ... are objects implementing the sequences
  protocol (list, tuple, the proposed vector)
   a, a1, a2, ... are scalars (int, float)

 § 1 Vector type

 1.1 Class name and constructor
 1.1.1  a) Vector3
   b) Vector3d
 1.1.2  V(a1, a2, a3)# initialize x, y and z with a1, a2 and a3 respectivly
 1.1.3  V(s) # initialize x, y and z with s[0], s[1] and s[2]
 1.1.4  V()  # initialize x, y and z with zeros

 1.2 numerical behavior
 ==  v1 + s - v3  s + v1 - v3  v += s  v1 - s - v3  s - v1 - v3  v -= s  v1 * a - v3  a * v1 - v3  v *= a  v1 / a - v3  v /= a  v1 // a - v3  v //= a  v1 % a - v3  v %= a  v * s - a  # dot/scalar/inner product  s * v - a  # dot/scalar/inner product  +v1 - v2   # returns a new vector  -v1 - v2

 1.3 sequence behavior
 1.3.1len(v) - 3   # fixed length  v[0] - a # 0-based indexing  v[0] = a

 1.4 attributes
 1.4.0x, y, z (and w for 4th dimension)
 _epsilon for comparison operations  v.x - a  v.x = a

 1.5 methods
 === - a # dot/scalar/inner product
 1.5.2v.cross(s) - v   # cross/vector product
 # in 2 dimensions this returns v.x * s[1] - v.y * s[0]
 # this is not defined in 4 dimensions
 1.5.3v.outer(s) - m   # outer product yielding a matrix  v.isNormalized() - bool  v.normalize() - None# normalizes inplace  v1.normalized() - v2# returns normalized vector  v1.rotate(s1[, a]) - None
 # rotates around s1 by angle a. if a isn't given it
 # rotates around s1 by the magnitude of s1
 # this is an inplace operation  v1.rotated(s1[, a]) - v2
 # same as 1.5.6 but returns a new vector and leaves v1 untouched  v1.rotateX(a) - None
 # rotates v1 around the x-axis by the angle a  v1.rotatedX(a) - v2
 # same as but returns a new vector and leaves v1 untouched  # implement and 2 also for Y and Z
 1.5.7v1.reflect(s) - v2
 # reflects the vector of a surface with surface normal s
 1.5.8a) v1.interpolate(s, a) - generator of vectors
 b) v1.slerp(s, a) - generator of vectors
 # the distance between v1 and s divided in a steps
 1.5.9v.getAngleTo(s) - a
 # returns the angle between v and s v.getDistanceTo(s) - a
 # returns the distance between v and s v.getDistance2To(s) - a
 # returns the squared distance between v and s

 1.6 properties
 ==  v.length - a # gets the magnitude/length of the vector  

Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-27 Thread Casey Duncan

Any reason to not follow the pep-8 naming convention for methods, i.e.:


instead of:


or maybe even (the get seems a little superfluous):


Other pygame modules seem to use the pep-8 convention, would be a  
shame to break the nice consistency.


On Apr 27, 2009, at 3:59 PM, Lorenz Quack wrote:


I am interested in the inclusion of a vector and matrix types into  
as suggested here [4]. In this email I want to propose a API for a  
vector module.

I will for brevity only present the API for the types in three  

The APIs for two or four dimensions should look analog.

Also I enumerated every API for easier reference in discussions.
Alternatives are denoted by lexical items (e.g. a) or b))
At the end I put together a small comparison to existing  

This is only a suggestion to spark discussion and provoke feedback.  
So throw

in your 2 cents.

sincerely yours

PS: If this turns out to be of any value I will put something  
similar together for matrix types and quaternions.

* API draft v1.0 *

In the following I will use the notation:
  v, v1, v2, ... are vectors
  s, s1, s2, ... are objects implementing the sequences
 protocol (list, tuple, the proposed vector)
  a, a1, a2, ... are scalars (int, float)

§ 1 Vector type

1.1 Class name and constructor
1.1.1  a) Vector3
  b) Vector3d
1.1.2  V(a1, a2, a3)# initialize x, y and z with a1, a2 and a3  
1.1.3  V(s) # initialize x, y and z with s[0], s[1] and s[2]  

1.1.4  V()  # initialize x, y and z with zeros

1.2 numerical behavior
==  v1 + s - v3  s + v1 - v3  v += s  v1 - s - v3  s - v1 - v3  v -= s  v1 * a - v3  a * v1 - v3  v *= a  v1 / a - v3  v /= a  v1 // a - v3  v //= a  v1 % a - v3  v %= a  v * s - a  # dot/scalar/inner product  s * v - a  # dot/scalar/inner product  +v1 - v2   # returns a new vector  -v1 - v2

1.3 sequence behavior
1.3.1len(v) - 3   # fixed length  v[0] - a # 0-based indexing  v[0] = a

1.4 attributes
1.4.0x, y, z (and w for 4th dimension)
_epsilon for comparison operations  v.x - a  v.x = a

1.5 methods
=== - a # dot/scalar/inner product
1.5.2v.cross(s) - v   # cross/vector product
# in 2 dimensions this returns v.x * s[1] - v.y * s[0]
# this is not defined in 4 dimensions
1.5.3v.outer(s) - m   # outer product yielding a matrix  v.isNormalized() - bool  v.normalize() - None# normalizes inplace  v1.normalized() - v2# returns normalized vector  v1.rotate(s1[, a]) - None
# rotates around s1 by angle a. if a isn't given it
# rotates around s1 by the magnitude of s1
# this is an inplace operation  v1.rotated(s1[, a]) - v2
# same as 1.5.6 but returns a new vector and leaves v1  
untouched  v1.rotateX(a) - None
# rotates v1 around the x-axis by the angle a  v1.rotatedX(a) - v2
# same as but returns a new vector and leaves v1  
untouched  # implement and 2 also for Y and Z
1.5.7v1.reflect(s) - v2
# reflects the vector of a surface with surface normal s
1.5.8a) v1.interpolate(s, a) - generator of vectors
b) v1.slerp(s, a) - generator of vectors
# the distance between v1 and s divided in a steps
1.5.9v.getAngleTo(s) - a
# returns the angle between v and s v.getDistanceTo(s) - a
# returns the distance between v and s v.getDistance2To(s) - a
# returns the squared distance between v and s

1.6 properties
==  v.length - a # gets the magnitude/length of the vector  v.length = a
# sets the length of the vector while preserving its direction  a) v.lengthSquared - a
b) v.length2 - a
# gets the squared length of the vector. same as or  
v * v  a) v.lengthSquared = a
b) v.length2 = a
# sets the squared length of the vector. preserving its  

# the following only have meaning in 3 dimensions  v.r - a  # returns the r coordiante of sherical  

  # this is the same as the length property  v.r = a  v.phi - a # returns the phi coordiante of spherical  
coordiantes  v.phi = a  v.theta - a # returns the theta coordiante of spherical  
coordiantes  v.theta = a

1.7 comparison operations
1.7.0the == and != and bool operater compare the  

Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-27 Thread Casey Duncan

On Apr 27, 2009, at 4:28 PM, Brian Fisher wrote:

I don't see a 3 element vector type being useful from a pygame  
perspective. What pygame api anywhere even takes 3 element lists  
aside from colors? (which already have a special struct type thing)

I'd have to disagree with this myself, since pygame+pyOpenGL is a  
fairly popular combo, it seems like omitting 3d vectors on the grounds  
that most pygames are 2D is too minimalist. OTOH, I don't think it  
needs 4D vectors. 1D vectors, however, would be awesome ;^)

... and a 3 element vector (and quaternions and matrices) being part  
of pyOpenGL, that sounds great too...

I could be wrong, but I don't think pyOpenGL strives to provide such  
tools, which are not strictly part of the OpenGL api. Whereas pygame  
does try to provide such lower-level abstractions.

Of course you could make a slippery slope argument here, where there  
is soon demand for more 3D tools given 3D vectors, like rectangular  
prisms, etc.


Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-27 Thread René Dudfield
very good work.

+1 to the pep8 naming like someone else mentioned.

Would be nice if the vectors storage of things could be anything
underneath.  This would be useful to allow them to use pygame.Rect or
numpy.array underneath.  This means they can refer to a batch of vectors,
but also operate only on a single vector at a time.

Wondering about why only 3 element vectors?  2,3, and 4 element ones are
common?  Is there a way to make a combined 2,3,4 type?

What number types are used?  eg, can you have a float vector, a long vector,
an int vector?  Any python number?  A uint8 ?


On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Lorenz Quack wrote:


 I am interested in the inclusion of a vector and matrix types into pygame
 as suggested here [4]. In this email I want to propose a API for a vector

 I will for brevity only present the API for the types in three dimensions.
 The APIs for two or four dimensions should look analog.

 Also I enumerated every API for easier reference in discussions.
 Alternatives are denoted by lexical items (e.g. a) or b))
 At the end I put together a small comparison to existing implementations.

 This is only a suggestion to spark discussion and provoke feedback. So
 in your 2 cents.

 sincerely yours

 PS: If this turns out to be of any value I will put something similar
 together for matrix types and quaternions.

 * API draft v1.0 *

 In the following I will use the notation:
   v, v1, v2, ... are vectors
   s, s1, s2, ... are objects implementing the sequences
  protocol (list, tuple, the proposed vector)
   a, a1, a2, ... are scalars (int, float)

 § 1 Vector type

 1.1 Class name and constructor
 1.1.1  a) Vector3
   b) Vector3d
 1.1.2  V(a1, a2, a3)# initialize x, y and z with a1, a2 and a3 respectivly
 1.1.3  V(s) # initialize x, y and z with s[0], s[1] and s[2]
 1.1.4  V()  # initialize x, y and z with zeros

 1.2 numerical behavior
 ==  v1 + s - v3  s + v1 - v3  v += s  v1 - s - v3  s - v1 - v3  v -= s  v1 * a - v3  a * v1 - v3  v *= a  v1 / a - v3  v /= a  v1 // a - v3  v //= a  v1 % a - v3  v %= a  v * s - a  # dot/scalar/inner product  s * v - a  # dot/scalar/inner product  +v1 - v2   # returns a new vector  -v1 - v2

 1.3 sequence behavior
 1.3.1len(v) - 3   # fixed length  v[0] - a # 0-based indexing  v[0] = a

 1.4 attributes
 1.4.0x, y, z (and w for 4th dimension)
 _epsilon for comparison operations  v.x - a  v.x = a

 1.5 methods
 === - a # dot/scalar/inner product
 1.5.2v.cross(s) - v   # cross/vector product
 # in 2 dimensions this returns v.x * s[1] - v.y * s[0]
 # this is not defined in 4 dimensions
 1.5.3v.outer(s) - m   # outer product yielding a matrix  v.isNormalized() - bool  v.normalize() - None# normalizes inplace  v1.normalized() - v2# returns normalized vector  v1.rotate(s1[, a]) - None
 # rotates around s1 by angle a. if a isn't given it
 # rotates around s1 by the magnitude of s1
 # this is an inplace operation  v1.rotated(s1[, a]) - v2
 # same as 1.5.6 but returns a new vector and leaves v1 untouched  v1.rotateX(a) - None
 # rotates v1 around the x-axis by the angle a  v1.rotatedX(a) - v2
 # same as but returns a new vector and leaves v1 untouched  # implement and 2 also for Y and Z
 1.5.7v1.reflect(s) - v2
 # reflects the vector of a surface with surface normal s
 1.5.8a) v1.interpolate(s, a) - generator of vectors
 b) v1.slerp(s, a) - generator of vectors
 # the distance between v1 and s divided in a steps
 1.5.9v.getAngleTo(s) - a
 # returns the angle between v and s v.getDistanceTo(s) - a
 # returns the distance between v and s v.getDistance2To(s) - a
 # returns the squared distance between v and s

 1.6 properties
 ==  v.length - a # gets the magnitude/length of the vector  v.length = a
 # sets the length of the vector while preserving its direction  a) v.lengthSquared - a
 b) v.length2 - a
 # gets the squared length of the vector. same as or v * v  a) v.lengthSquared = a
 b) v.length2 = a
 # sets the squared length of the vector. preserving its direction
 # the following only have meaning in 3 dimensions  v.r - a  # returns the r coordiante of sherical coordinates

Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-27 Thread Daniel Jo
I've pretty much abandoned the idea of vector classes in Python.  I've
tested various implementations: pure python classes (with and without
__slots__), C++ exposed through Pyrex/Cython, tuples manipulated
through add/mul/div/etc functions. . .  Of these, C++ turned out to be
the fastest, but faster by far than that was simply not using any
structure at all.  Store the components in tuples for convenience, but
extract them and manipulated them individually for complex equations.
Vector classes work well for convenience and code readability, but
from a performance standpoint they aren't very useful.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 4:28 PM, Brian Fisher wrote:
 I don't see a 3 element vector type being useful from a pygame perspective.
 What pygame api anywhere even takes 3 element lists aside from colors?
 (which already have a special struct type thing)

 I'm not saying 3 element vectors don't have their uses - just that the seem
 to me to be a pretty random thing to have added to pygame, which is
 exclusively 2d in every interesting respect. It seems like the sort of thing
 to add that would add much more to the maintenance and testing cost of the
 pygame library than it would bring to the users as a whole. To put another
 way, there is no synergy between a 3 element vector class and pygame. Why
 would a 3 element vector class be better as part of pygame than not? what
 existing element of pygame is better or easier to use with a 3 element
 vector also being part of pygame? a 2 element vector being part of pygame... rect could be better by
 making use of it, it could be used as an argument to the various functions
 that take 2 element lists, etc. etc

 ... and a 3 element vector (and quaternions and matrices) being part of
 pyOpenGL, that sounds great too...

 On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Lorenz Quack wrote:


 I am interested in the inclusion of a vector and matrix types into pygame
 as suggested here [4]. In this email I want to propose a API for a vector

 I will for brevity only present the API for the types in three dimensions.
 The APIs for two or four dimensions should look analog.

 Also I enumerated every API for easier reference in discussions.
 Alternatives are denoted by lexical items (e.g. a) or b))
 At the end I put together a small comparison to existing implementations.

 This is only a suggestion to spark discussion and provoke feedback. So
 in your 2 cents.

 sincerely yours

 PS: If this turns out to be of any value I will put something similar
 together for matrix types and quaternions.

 * API draft v1.0 *

 In the following I will use the notation:
   v, v1, v2, ... are vectors
   s, s1, s2, ... are objects implementing the sequences
                  protocol (list, tuple, the proposed vector)
   a, a1, a2, ... are scalars (int, float)

 § 1 Vector type

 1.1 Class name and constructor
 1.1.1  a) Vector3
       b) Vector3d
 1.1.2  V(a1, a2, a3)# initialize x, y and z with a1, a2 and a3 respectivly
 1.1.3  V(s)         # initialize x, y and z with s[0], s[1] and s[2]
 1.1.4  V()          # initialize x, y and z with zeros

 1.2 numerical behavior
 ==  v1 + s - v3  s + v1 - v3  v += s  v1 - s - v3  s - v1 - v3  v -= s  v1 * a - v3  a * v1 - v3  v *= a  v1 / a - v3  v /= a  v1 // a - v3  v //= a  v1 % a - v3  v %= a  v * s - a      # dot/scalar/inner product  s * v - a      # dot/scalar/inner product  +v1 - v2       # returns a new vector  -v1 - v2

 1.3 sequence behavior
 1.3.1    len(v) - 3       # fixed length  v[0] - a         # 0-based indexing  v[0] = a

 1.4 attributes
 1.4.0    x, y, z (and w for 4th dimension)
         _epsilon for comparison operations  v.x - a  v.x = a

 1.5 methods
 1.5.1 - a     # dot/scalar/inner product
 1.5.2    v.cross(s) - v   # cross/vector product
         # in 2 dimensions this returns v.x * s[1] - v.y * s[0]
         # this is not defined in 4 dimensions
 1.5.3    v.outer(s) - m   # outer product yielding a matrix  v.isNormalized() - bool  v.normalize() - None    # normalizes inplace  v1.normalized() - v2    # returns normalized vector  v1.rotate(s1[, a]) - None
         # rotates around s1 by angle a. if a isn't given it
         # rotates around s1 by the magnitude of s1
         # this is an inplace operation  v1.rotated(s1[, a]) - v2
         # same as 1.5.6 but returns a new vector and leaves v1 untouched  v1.rotateX(a) - None
         # rotates v1 around the x-axis by the angle a  

Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-27 Thread Casey Duncan

On Apr 27, 2009, at 6:16 PM, René Dudfield wrote:

Would be nice if the vectors storage of things could be anything  
underneath.  This would be useful to allow them to use pygame.Rect  
or numpy.array underneath.  This means they can refer to a batch of  
vectors, but also operate only on a single vector at a time.

+1, though there are performance vs. generality tradeoffs to be made.  
On the general side, a vector class could assume the underlying  
storage supports __getitem__, but the performance of this would  
suffer, I think too greatly. On the performance side, it could just  
have a pointer to an array of floats that it wraps with the vector  
api. I used this strategy with Lepton and the performance is great,  
but it is inflexible for the storage, and probably not very practical  
for totally general use across different storages.

Wondering about why only 3 element vectors?  2,3, and 4 element ones  
are common?  Is there a way to make a combined 2,3,4 type?

Most operations can assume the higher dimensions are always zero, or  
the length could just be variable. But in either case the code would  
be slower than it would strictly need to be, since many operations  
would do more work than needed or would require loops where they would  
not be required for single purpose 2D, 3D or better vectors.

What number types are used?  eg, can you have a float vector, a long  
vector, an int vector?  Any python number?  A uint8 ?

Seems to me like the most general number type would be a double, as it  
could comfortably support a wide range, does not generally have  
resolution issues like a 32-bit float can and performs well on modern  
hardware. It would also give consistent results compared to a python  
float, which is nice.

I'm not sure what the use-case is for ints or (python) longs, the  
latter would probably gain little by being coded in C compared to pure  
python. Even in sprite-based 2D games, I find integers to be far too  
coarse for vector math, and operations like normalize become basically  

If you support multiple vector numeric types, than you have to  
confront a combinatorial explosion of type conversions and either  
duplicate, templatize or generalize the code in such a way that you  
trade either performance or maintainability or both.


Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-27 Thread Casey Duncan
I have found this to be generally true as well, and storing a large  
number of individual vector objects to be operated on in a batch  
performs poorly regardless of implementation language. As an example,  
for Lepton I coded a controller object which looped over a large  
number of particles to update their velocities. Under the covers the  
particles are stored as a simple array of C structs, but you can  
iterate them and access the individual vectors for position, velocity,  
etc. from python.

To make a long story short, the python version of the code that  
iterated and updated the velocities by manipulating vector objects was  
about 1600x slower than the equivalent C code that did the same using  
inline vector functions. psyco sped up the python code almost 5x, but  
it still was no contest.

This is definitely an extreme case, but one relevant to game coding at  
least 8^)


On Apr 27, 2009, at 7:24 PM, Daniel Jo wrote:

I've pretty much abandoned the idea of vector classes in Python.  I've
tested various implementations: pure python classes (with and without
__slots__), C++ exposed through Pyrex/Cython, tuples manipulated
through add/mul/div/etc functions. . .  Of these, C++ turned out to be
the fastest, but faster by far than that was simply not using any
structure at all.  Store the components in tuples for convenience, but
extract them and manipulated them individually for complex equations.
Vector classes work well for convenience and code readability, but
from a performance standpoint they aren't very useful.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 4:28 PM, Brian Fisher 
I don't see a 3 element vector type being useful from a pygame  
What pygame api anywhere even takes 3 element lists aside from  

(which already have a special struct type thing)

I'm not saying 3 element vectors don't have their uses - just that  
the seem

to me to be a pretty random thing to have added to pygame, which is
exclusively 2d in every interesting respect. It seems like the sort  
of thing
to add that would add much more to the maintenance and testing cost  
of the
pygame library than it would bring to the users as a whole. To put  
way, there is no synergy between a 3 element vector class and  
pygame. Why
would a 3 element vector class be better as part of pygame than  
not? what
existing element of pygame is better or easier to use with a 3  

vector also being part of pygame? a 2 element vector being part of pygame... rect could be  
better by
making use of it, it could be used as an argument to the various  

that take 2 element lists, etc. etc

... and a 3 element vector (and quaternions and matrices) being  
part of

pyOpenGL, that sounds great too...

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Lorenz Quack wrote:


I am interested in the inclusion of a vector and matrix types into  
as suggested here [4]. In this email I want to propose a API for a  


I will for brevity only present the API for the types in three  

The APIs for two or four dimensions should look analog.

Also I enumerated every API for easier reference in discussions.
Alternatives are denoted by lexical items (e.g. a) or b))
At the end I put together a small comparison to existing  

This is only a suggestion to spark discussion and provoke  
feedback. So

in your 2 cents.

sincerely yours

PS: If this turns out to be of any value I will put something  

together for matrix types and quaternions.

* API draft v1.0 *

In the following I will use the notation:
  v, v1, v2, ... are vectors
  s, s1, s2, ... are objects implementing the sequences
 protocol (list, tuple, the proposed vector)
  a, a1, a2, ... are scalars (int, float)

§ 1 Vector type

1.1 Class name and constructor
1.1.1  a) Vector3
  b) Vector3d
1.1.2  V(a1, a2, a3)# initialize x, y and z with a1, a2 and a3  

1.1.3  V(s) # initialize x, y and z with s[0], s[1] and s[2]
1.1.4  V()  # initialize x, y and z with zeros

1.2 numerical behavior
==  v1 + s - v3  s + v1 - v3  v += s  v1 - s - v3  s - v1 - v3  v -= s  v1 * a - v3  a * v1 - v3  v *= a  v1 / a - v3  v /= a  v1 // a - v3  v //= a  v1 % a - v3  v %= a  v * s - a  # dot/scalar/inner product  s * v - a  # dot/scalar/inner product  +v1 - v2   # returns a new vector  -v1 - v2

1.3 sequence behavior
1.3.1len(v) - 3   # fixed length  v[0] - a # 0-based indexing  v[0] = a

1.4 attributes
1.4.0x, y, z (and w for 4th dimension)

Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-27 Thread René Dudfield
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Casey Duncan wrote:

 On Apr 27, 2009, at 6:16 PM, René Dudfield wrote:

  Would be nice if the vectors storage of things could be anything
 underneath.  This would be useful to allow them to use pygame.Rect or
 numpy.array underneath.  This means they can refer to a batch of vectors,
 but also operate only on a single vector at a time.

 +1, though there are performance vs. generality tradeoffs to be made. On
 the general side, a vector class could assume the underlying storage
 supports __getitem__, but the performance of this would suffer, I think too
 greatly. On the performance side, it could just have a pointer to an array
 of floats that it wraps with the vector api. I used this strategy with
 Lepton and the performance is great, but it is inflexible for the storage,
 and probably not very practical for totally general use across different

ah, that's an interesting point.  We could have a few special cases for
giving a buffer to use.  Then as it's written in C, there will only be one
pointer indirection.

  Wondering about why only 3 element vectors?  2,3, and 4 element ones are
 common?  Is there a way to make a combined 2,3,4 type?

 Most operations can assume the higher dimensions are always zero, or the
 length could just be variable. But in either case the code would be slower
 than it would strictly need to be, since many operations would do more work
 than needed or would require loops where they would not be required for
 single purpose 2D, 3D or better vectors.

  What number types are used?  eg, can you have a float vector, a long
 vector, an int vector?  Any python number?  A uint8 ?

 Seems to me like the most general number type would be a double, as it
 could comfortably support a wide range, does not generally have resolution
 issues like a 32-bit float can and performs well on modern hardware. It
 would also give consistent results compared to a python float, which is

 I'm not sure what the use-case is for ints or (python) longs, the latter
 would probably gain little by being coded in C compared to pure python. Even
 in sprite-based 2D games, I find integers to be far too coarse for vector
 math, and operations like normalize become basically impossible.

 If you support multiple vector numeric types, than you have to confront a
 combinatorial explosion of type conversions and either duplicate, templatize
 or generalize the code in such a way that you trade either performance or
 maintainability or both.


Yeah, indeed.  Old numeric used to auto-generate most of its code for
different types.  Also there is vectypes written in python that generates
it's code for all of the different types ( ).

You want to use ints for precision I guess... and other use cases too.  eg,
using 8bit uints can mean massive memory savings (a vector can fit in one
word)... and you can also use less instructions to process a vector.

Re: [pygame] API draft for vector type

2009-04-27 Thread René Dudfield
hi again,

a slightly related point... consider that pygame already works with big
multidimensional vectors of a limited amount of types - this is Surface.

However it is limited to 1, 2, 3, and 4 uint8 multi dimensional vectors.
For these limited cases it is fairly fast.

It should be possible to make some sorts of really basic particle systems
with Surface I guess.

Having one image for positions, one for direction vectors, one for lifetime

To update the movement each frame, you'd use:
   position_surf.blit(directions_surf, (0,0), special_flags=BLEND_ADD)

Would still need a fast way to draw each particle based on the pixels in
each surface.  If pygames functions/methods took more arrays it could be
possible...  eg.  a Surface.blit_multi which took a buffer of destination

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 3:06 PM, Casey Duncan wrote:

 I have found this to be generally true as well, and storing a large number
 of individual vector objects to be operated on in a batch performs poorly
 regardless of implementation language. As an example, for Lepton I coded a
 controller object which looped over a large number of particles to update
 their velocities. Under the covers the particles are stored as a simple
 array of C structs, but you can iterate them and access the individual
 vectors for position, velocity, etc. from python.

 To make a long story short, the python version of the code that iterated
 and updated the velocities by manipulating vector objects was about 1600x
 slower than the equivalent C code that did the same using inline vector
 functions. psyco sped up the python code almost 5x, but it still was no

 This is definitely an extreme case, but one relevant to game coding at
 least 8^)


 On Apr 27, 2009, at 7:24 PM, Daniel Jo wrote:

  I've pretty much abandoned the idea of vector classes in Python.  I've
 tested various implementations: pure python classes (with and without
 __slots__), C++ exposed through Pyrex/Cython, tuples manipulated
 through add/mul/div/etc functions. . .  Of these, C++ turned out to be
 the fastest, but faster by far than that was simply not using any
 structure at all.  Store the components in tuples for convenience, but
 extract them and manipulated them individually for complex equations.
 Vector classes work well for convenience and code readability, but
 from a performance standpoint they aren't very useful.

 On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 4:28 PM, Brian Fisher

 I don't see a 3 element vector type being useful from a pygame
 What pygame api anywhere even takes 3 element lists aside from colors?
 (which already have a special struct type thing)

 I'm not saying 3 element vectors don't have their uses - just that the
 to me to be a pretty random thing to have added to pygame, which is
 exclusively 2d in every interesting respect. It seems like the sort of
 to add that would add much more to the maintenance and testing cost of
 pygame library than it would bring to the users as a whole. To put
 way, there is no synergy between a 3 element vector class and pygame. Why
 would a 3 element vector class be better as part of pygame than not? what
 existing element of pygame is better or easier to use with a 3 element
 vector also being part of pygame? a 2 element vector being part of pygame... rect could be better by
 making use of it, it could be used as an argument to the various
 that take 2 element lists, etc. etc

 ... and a 3 element vector (and quaternions and matrices) being part of
 pyOpenGL, that sounds great too...

 On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Lorenz Quack


 I am interested in the inclusion of a vector and matrix types into
 as suggested here [4]. In this email I want to propose a API for a

 I will for brevity only present the API for the types in three
 The APIs for two or four dimensions should look analog.

 Also I enumerated every API for easier reference in discussions.
 Alternatives are denoted by lexical items (e.g. a) or b))
 At the end I put together a small comparison to existing

 This is only a suggestion to spark discussion and provoke feedback. So
 in your 2 cents.

 sincerely yours

 PS: If this turns out to be of any value I will put something similar
 together for matrix types and quaternions.

 * API draft v1.0 *

 In the following I will use the notation:
  v, v1, v2, ... are vectors
  s, s1, s2, ... are objects implementing the sequences
 protocol (list, tuple, the proposed vector)
  a, a1, a2, ... are scalars (int, float)

 § 1 Vector type

 1.1 Class name and constructor
 1.1.1  a) Vector3
  b) Vector3d
 1.1.2  V(a1, a2, a3)# initialize x, y and z with a1, a2 and a3