[pygtk] metaclass -- skip gobject.type_register(...)

2001-12-22 Thread Robert Nikander

Hi everyone,

I have been playing with metaclasses in Python and thought the 
following code was cool...

It is the signal.py demo with a metaclass.  I bet it is pretty easy to 
add the metaclass attribute to the C PyGObject class somewhere in 
gobjectmodule.c... then we could forget about type_register and the
__metaclass__ attribute.

Of course you can also look at the 'dict' from the class statment and
create signals and and properties according to __signals__, 
or something like that,  but I understand those features are already in 
though I don't know if they were implemented using a metaclass or not.


import gobject

class PyGObjectSubClass(type):

 # called before __init__ to actually create an object
 # here we are creating a class (or type) object
 def __new__(t, cname, bases, dict):
# super is probably overkill here, type.__new__ would be fine
 klass = super(PyGObjectSubClass, t).__new__(t, cname, bases, 
 print 'Created new class, now registering it.'
 return klass

class C(gobject.GObject):

 # we must tell Python to create this class as an 'instance' of
 # PyGObjectSubclass, rather than plain type.  We
 # could also inherit the metaclass attribute from gobject.GObject
 __metaclass__ = PyGObjectSubClass

 def __init__(self):
 self.__gobject_init__() # default constructor using our new 

 def do_my_signal(self, arg):
print C: class closure for `my_signal' called with argument, 

# gobject.type_register(C)
gobject.signal_new(my-signal, C, gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
   gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_INT, ))

class D(C):
 def do_my_signal(self, arg):
print D: class closure for `my_signal' called.  Chaining up to 
C.do_my_signal(self, arg)

# gobject.type_register(D)

def my_signal_handler(object, arg, *extra):
 print handler for `my_signal' called with argument, arg, \
  and extra args, extra

inst = C()
inst2 = D()

inst.connect(my_signal, my_signal_handler, 1, 2, 3)
inst.emit(my_signal, 42)
inst2.emit(my_signal, 42)
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[pygtk] textview iter position

2001-12-16 Thread Robert Nikander


I am trying to popup a widget in a TextView (for auto-completion 
options in an editor).
It looks like I need to use the 'add_child_in_window' method of 
TextView.  I am trying to get the coordinates with 
text_view.get_iter_location(iter, rect) and it wants a GdkRectangle to 
fill in as the second arg.

Problem: gtk.gdk.Rectangle() raises:

NotImplementedError: GdkRectangle can not be constructed

How do I get the coords to add the widget?  Or can I add a widget
another way?

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[pygtk] Generic Tree/List Model improvement.

2001-12-07 Thread Robert Nikander

Robert Nikander wrote:
 snip stuff about emitting signals from GenericTreeModel

James Henstridge wrote:
 The GenericTreeModel class has a number of limitations (you just ran 
 into some).  For 0.99.5, you probably can't do what you want.  Note 
 that GenericTreeModel will leak lots of references (and can't really 
 be fixed).

Well I did get it to emit signals.  I have to call get_iter to get a 
TreeIter.  Can't use tuples.

But you were not kidding about it leaking references.  I have been 
running a process overnight that has a few lists with 1000+ rows in 
them and 'top' reveals the memory footprint is now an obese 78 Megs.

I am interested in your comment 'it can't be fixed.'  I really like 
this toolkit -- it is so much more pleasant than trying to write GTK 
stuff in C! -- and I would take a hack at changing some source and 
seeing if I can't get a good abstract TreeModel working, but I don't 
want to waste my time if you have discovered that there is some reason 
it 'can't be done' -- some kind of essential design problem that I will 
run into after 5 days of hacking.   Can you elaborate a little on that 
comment?  Who is working on that code?



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Re: [pygtk] Tree/ListStore remove(iter)?

2001-12-06 Thread Robert Nikander

On 2001.12.05 21:09 James Henstridge wrote:

iter = model.get_iter(1, 6)

Ah.  I was confused about tuples/paths vs iterators. 
Thanks a ton to both Matt and James for answering all my questions.

How about getting the number of children in the list?

According to GTK docs it is model.iter_n_childen( NULL )
... but how to get a PyObject Iterator that is wrapped around NULL?

I appreciate the help, thanks,

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[pygtk] how to connect a TreeModel with View

2001-12-05 Thread Robert Nikander


I am trying to use the new TreeModel/View stuff in the latest pygtk 
(1.99.5).  In short, I need to know how to 'notify' the view when my 
model is updated.  I have copied from the example that shows a class 
that subclasses gtk.GenericTreeModel and overrides a bunch of on_* 
methods.   Now, my database gets updated and I want to signal the 
attached tree-view.  I tried:

 self.emit('row-inserted', new_iter, new_iter)

but got:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File ./gtktest.py, line 105, in change_tree
   File ./gtktest.py, line 19, in add_row
 self.emit('row-inserted', new_iter, new_iter)
TypeError: could not convert type tuple to GtkTreeIter required for 
parameter 1

I tried subclassing TreeIter and got the NotImplemented exception.

So, how are people using TreeModels?

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[pygtk] TreeItem gtk_object_unref error

2001-11-18 Thread Robert Nikander


I have been using GtkTreeItem and getting some errors from the 
underlying GTK C code.  It seems that when python determines that the 
object can be garbage colleted, it is calling the gtk_object_unref on 
the wrong object.  I was wondering if this is a bug, or am I doing 
something bass ackwards... I thought I could just loose references to 
widgets, and python/pygtk should take care of it.

Here is my code.  I want to create a new GtkTreeItem and stick in in the
dictionary, with 'ad' as the key.  The old TreeItem gets wiped out, but 
that is when the GTK errors start coming... If I save a reference to 
'oldti' somewhere, I don't get the error.

def _add_tree_item_for_app_data(self,ad):
 print 1
 if self.app_data_2_ti.has_key(ad):
 oldti = self.app_data_2_ti[ ad ]
 print oldti: , oldti
 ti = self.app_data_2_ti[ ad ] = gtk.GtkTreeItem(ad.name)
 print 2

Here is the console output when this function is called...

oldti:  gtk.GtkTreeItem instance at 0x102b55f0
Log from: MainView: added tree item for app data object

Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkobject.c: line 1172 (gtk_object_unref): 
assertion `GTK_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed.

thanks for any help,


ps. I am using 0.6.8 and gtk 1.2.10
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[pygtk] generating defs

2001-11-12 Thread Robert Nikander


I just got the lastest pygtk from CVS and I am getting some compile 
errors because the .defs files are from an older GTK.  So, is there a 
standard operating procedure for generating new .defs files from GTK 
headers? (1.3.10)  
The best I can come up with is:
h2def.py --onlyobjectdefs ${PATH_TO_GTK_HEADERS}/gtk/*.h  
h2def.py --onlyenums  ${PATH_TO_GTK_HEADERS}/gtk/*.h  

h2def.py ${PATH_TO_GTK_HEADERS}/gtk/*.h  gtk.defs  ## but then this 
has all the objs and enums, not just methods...

Maybe there is a script somewhere that I am missing?

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