Re: [pygtk] Problem with CellRendererToggle

2006-11-18 Thread Pipen

On 11/18/06, Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have three cell renderers in one column, so the path I get in 
> callback is always the same no matter what cell I click in the column.
> Is there a way to know exactly what whas clicked in the column?
> I have to check if I'll be able to get cell renderer position boundaries and
> match it with button-press event x/y position. However it'll be a bit dirty,
> even if it works.

We use to have the toggle packed into a column like that as well.  If I
remember correctly clicking anywhere on the row would always toggle the
toggle.  The other problem we had was that it would not always render
correctly.  The line spacing was wrong with rows overlapping I think.

Then we added more columns with additional information as well as right
mouse button popup menus.  I would recommend you separate out the toggle
into its own column. It will simplify things.  Otherwise I think you
will have to get mouse pointer coordinates and compute its position on
your window... until you figure out if it was your toggle it was over.

I did it. This is how it works now:

def on_sets_button_press( self, tree, event ):
   if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS and event.button in (1, 3):
   pathinfo = tree.get_path_at_pos( int(event.x), int(event.y) )
   if pathinfo is not None and event.button == 1:
   path, col = pathinfo[:2]
   cell = col.get_cell_renderers()[SETS_COL_TOGGLE]# Toggle cell.
   ctmin = 16 * len(path)   # <- this is the left
toggle boundary.
   ctmax = ctmin + cell.get_size(tree, None)[2] # <- and
this is right one.
   if ctmin <= event.x < ctmax:# Toggle cell.
   # <- Toggle current node (and all subnodes).
   return True# <- do not propagate event (no cursor-changed).
   elif pathinfo is not None and event.button == 3:
   # <- context menu
   return True# <- same as above.
   return False

1. I have to find out what is the width of those treeview expand "thingies".
  That's why I use fixed 16px width.
2. I should add column spacing between cells to the result of ctmax.

Here is another way of calculating ctmax (however result slightly differ (2px)):
ctmax = ctmin + col.cell_get_position(cell)[1]

Thanks for your help.

Artur M. Piwko
pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Problem with CellRendererToggle

2006-11-18 Thread Brian
On Sat, 2006-18-11 at 10:52 +0100, Pipen wrote:
> On 11/18/06, Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > you need to check the path in the toggled callback to see if it is on
> > the toggle.
> >
> I have three cell renderers in one column, so the path I get in 
> 'button-clicked'
> callback is always the same no matter what cell I click in the column.
> Is there a way to know exactly what whas clicked in the column?
> I have to check if I'll be able to get cell renderer position boundaries and
> match it with button-press event x/y position. However it'll be a bit dirty,
> even if it works.

We use to have the toggle packed into a column like that as well.  If I
remember correctly clicking anywhere on the row would always toggle the
toggle.  The other problem we had was that it would not always render
correctly.  The line spacing was wrong with rows overlapping I think.

Then we added more columns with additional information as well as right
mouse button popup menus.  I would recommend you separate out the toggle
into its own column. It will simplify things.  Otherwise I think you
will have to get mouse pointer coordinates and compute its position on
your window... until you figure out if it was your toggle it was over.


pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Problem with CellRendererToggle

2006-11-18 Thread Pipen

On 11/18/06, Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

you need to check the path in the toggled callback to see if it is on
the toggle.

I have three cell renderers in one column, so the path I get in 'button-clicked'
callback is always the same no matter what cell I click in the column.
Is there a way to know exactly what whas clicked in the column?

I have to check if I'll be able to get cell renderer position boundaries and
match it with button-press event x/y position. However it'll be a bit dirty,
even if it works.

Artur M. Piwko
pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Problem with CellRendererToggle

2006-11-17 Thread Brian
On Fri, 2006-17-11 at 18:28 +0100, Pipen wrote:
> Hi.
> Each row in my TreeView contains a column with: toggle, pixbuf and
> text renderer respectively. If need to maintain the following
> situations:
> - user clicks on the toggle - toggle receives 'toggled' event;
> treeview row cursor should not change.
> - user clicks on the rest of the row (pixbuf, text) - treeview row
> cursor should change, toggle should not receive 'toggled' event.
> The program does not work as I expected. I receive 'toggled' and
> 'cursor-changed' events no matter what part the user clicks. If the user
> clicks on the toggle, the treeview row cursor changes to the row clicked
> toggle is in.
> The following code sets up the TreeView (SETS_COL_TOGGLE is 0,
> store = gtk.TreeStore( bool, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str, int )
> col = gtk.TreeViewColumn( 'Sets' )
> # Toggle.
> cell = gtk.CellRendererToggle()
> cell.set_property( 'activatable', True )
> cell.connect_object( 'toggled', self.on_set_toggled, store )
> col.pack_start( cell, False )
> col.add_attribute( cell, 'active', SETS_COL_TOGGLE )
> # Pixbuf.
> cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
> col.pack_start( cell, False )
> col.add_attribute( cell, 'pixbuf', SETS_COL_ICON )
> # Text.
> cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
> col.pack_start( cell, True )
> col.add_attribute( cell, 'text', SETS_COL_NAME )
> self.treesets.append_column( col )
> self.treesets.set_model( store )
> I successfuly set up this kind of tree behavior using Qt, I'm fighting
> Gtk right now.
> Any kind of suggestion would be appreciated.

you need to check the path in the toggled callback to see if it is on
the toggle.

Here is some code from our app that uses several columns in a treeview,
one of which is a toggle (not always shown/used for some views).  Sorry,
I wasn't the one that originated this code and I have not worked on it
lately.  You should be able to figure out what you need from it and the
embedded comments.

class PackageView(CommonTreeView):
# Note! this is a gtk.TreeView type class and swap out the treeview 
# dependending on what we need to display at the time.

# connect to clicked event
self.connect("cursor_changed", self._clicked)
self.connect("button_press_event", self.on_button_press)

def on_button_press(self, treeview, event):
utils.debug.dprint("VIEWS: Handling PackageView button press event")
self.event = event # save the event so we can access it in _clicked()
if event.type != gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS:
utils.debug.dprint("VIEWS: Strange event type got passed to 
on_button_press() callback...")
utils.debug.dprint("VIEWS: event.type =  %s" %str(event.type))
if event.button == 3: # secondary mouse button
self.dopopup = True # indicate that the popup menu should be 
self.dopopup = False
# Test to make sure something was clicked on:
pathinfo = treeview.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x), int(event.y))
if pathinfo == None:
self.dopopup = False
return True
path, col, cellx, celly = pathinfo
utils.debug.dprint("VIEWS: pathinfo = %s" %str(pathinfo))
#treeview.set_cursor(path, col, 0) # Note: sets off _clicked again
return False

def on_toggled(self, widget, path):
self.toggle = path
utils.debug.dprint("VIEWS: Toggle activated at path '%s'" % path)
self.set_cursor(path) # sets off _clicked
return True

def _clicked(self, treeview, *args):
""" Handles treeview clicks """
utils.debug.dprint("VIEWS: Package view _clicked() signal caught")
# get the selection
package = get_treeview_selection(treeview, 2)
#utils.debug.dprint("VIEWS: package = %s" % package.full_name)
if (not package and not self.toggle) or package.full_name == "None":
self.mainwindow_callback("package changed", None)
return False
if self.toggle != None : # for upgrade view
iter = self.get_model().get_iter(self.toggle)
#if self.upgrade_model.get_value(iter, 0) != "None":
check = self.upgrade_model.get_value(iter, 1)
check = not check
self.upgrade_model.set_value(iter, 1, check)
package.is_checked = check
self.dopopup = False # don't popup menu if clicked on checkbox
self.toggle = None
return True # we've got it sorted
#utils.debug.dprint("VIEWS: full_name != _last_package = %d" 
%(package.full_name != self._last_selected))
self.mainwindow_callback("package changed", package)
self._last_selected = package.full_name

#pop up menu

[pygtk] Problem with CellRendererToggle

2006-11-17 Thread Pipen


Each row in my TreeView contains a column with: toggle, pixbuf and
text renderer respectively. If need to maintain the following
- user clicks on the toggle - toggle receives 'toggled' event;
treeview row cursor should not change.
- user clicks on the rest of the row (pixbuf, text) - treeview row
cursor should change, toggle should not receive 'toggled' event.

The program does not work as I expected. I receive 'toggled' and
'cursor-changed' events no matter what part the user clicks. If the user
clicks on the toggle, the treeview row cursor changes to the row clicked
toggle is in.

The following code sets up the TreeView (SETS_COL_TOGGLE is 0,

   store = gtk.TreeStore( bool, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str, int )
   col = gtk.TreeViewColumn( 'Sets' )
   # Toggle.
   cell = gtk.CellRendererToggle()
   cell.set_property( 'activatable', True )
   cell.connect_object( 'toggled', self.on_set_toggled, store )
   col.pack_start( cell, False )
   col.add_attribute( cell, 'active', SETS_COL_TOGGLE )
   # Pixbuf.
   cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
   col.pack_start( cell, False )
   col.add_attribute( cell, 'pixbuf', SETS_COL_ICON )
   # Text.
   cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
   col.pack_start( cell, True )
   col.add_attribute( cell, 'text', SETS_COL_NAME )
   self.treesets.append_column( col )
   self.treesets.set_model( store )

I successfuly set up this kind of tree behavior using Qt, I'm fighting
Gtk right now.
Any kind of suggestion would be appreciated.

Artur M. Piwko
pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ: