Re: What's the best way to optimize database connections in Pyramid?

2011-03-14 Thread Seth
Thank you everyone for your insightful comments. I would really love to see 
code examples (if available) of each of these different solutions you all 
are describing. I feel like I'm wading into the deep end of the pool here.

For the record (and for those wondering), I'm using mod_wsgi (daemon mode) 
for the hosting so "true" static routes aren't being handled by Pyramid, but 
cycling a new dbconn for every request is still not "the right way to do it" 
in my book.


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What's the best way to optimize database connections in Pyramid?

2011-03-13 Thread Seth
I was advised a while back by someone to throw my MongoDB connection call 
into a subscriber. However, this has proven to be 
a bad idea because the NewRequest subscriber gets called even if the request 
is a static_route request, and since the event.request object in the 
NewRequest subscriber doesn't have a matched_route attribute, there's no 
bullet-proof way to filter those out.

How are other people connecting to a db with high-traffic sites using 
Pyramid and avoiding the static_route re-connection nonsense? Perhaps we 
could request to get a matched_route object on the NewRequest event object?


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Re: Setting cookies in Pyramid for @action()s or HTTPFound redirects?

2011-03-13 Thread Seth
Thanks everyone! This has helped a ton.

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Re: Setting cookies in Pyramid for @action()s or HTTPFound redirects?

2011-03-10 Thread Seth
Currently I'm using the default cookie/session factories, but I'm looking to 
actually set cookies that last longer than the session so the 
request.session solution doesn't apply (unless I'm missing something 
there--I don't think it can be given a max_age). The callback method you 
suggested could work, but to me that's not really any simpler of a solution 
than creating the cookie manually and adding it to 

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Setting cookies in Pyramid for @action()s or HTTPFound redirects?

2011-03-10 Thread Seth
I'm having the hardest time figuring out the best way to set cookies for my 
methods that don't return a true "Response" object (and therefore, don't 
have a set_cookie() method). Is there no such helper in the Pyramid stack? 
The closest thing I've found so far is the "Varying Attributes of Rendered 
Responses" section ( ) but that doesn't really outline a 
helper method, and requires you to build the cookies manually and add them 
to the request.response_headerlist attribute.

Are those of us not returning "real" Response objects stuck with building 
our cookie strings manually, or am I missing something here?


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Re: Suggestions for running view code from a shell/cron?

2011-02-09 Thread Seth
I went down that path a little at first but got frustrated with bumping up 
against the fact that I'm trying to POST data to a method that I've got an 
ACL security policy on. I finally went the testing route because 
testing.setUp, testing.DummyRequest, and testing.DummySecurity policy all 
worked well together.

Perhaps I will give it another go and be more patient this time.

Thanks again,

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Re: Suggestions for running view code from a shell/cron?

2011-02-09 Thread Seth
Thanks for the suggestions. I actually can accomplish what I'd like to do 
using the pyramid.testing DummyRequest object without having to dive all the 
way into WebTest. As long as I'm not hearing any warnings against that here 
I think I'll move forward with that.


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Suggestions for running view code from a shell/cron?

2011-02-09 Thread Seth
This seems to me like it should be simple, so please excuse me if the answer 
is staring me in the face (I did some searching in the docs and elsewhere 
and couldn't find anything satisfactory):

I'm wondering what the recommended way is to run Pyramid view code from a 
shell/cron. It seems like it'd be pretty simple to load the pyramid.testing 
module and use DummyRequest to do things like create POSTs to view methods, 
but since testing.* probably wasn't intended for such purposes I'm hesitant 
to make that leap.

To be clear: I'm looking for a little more than a "from views import 
view_method; view_method()" approach. I'm hoping to be able to bootstrap the 
whole Pyramid app and actually simulate view *requests* (GET and POST) to 
these methods from a cron.



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Re: Fixing mongo auth issues in Pyramid: Middleware or Events?

2011-01-27 Thread Seth
Good to know. Thanks again!


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Re: Fixing mongo auth issues in Pyramid: Middleware or Events?

2011-01-27 Thread Seth
Thanks Chris, it works fine in a NewRequest event.

This does bring up a minor side-question about events though: Is it better 
for there to be only one event call per event type, or does it matter if 
there are multiple?

For example, in my I'm using:

config.add_subscriber(add_db_connection, NewRequest)
config.add_subscriber(add_identity, NewRequest)
config.add_subscriber(add_renderer_globals, BeforeRender)

Is Pyramid more efficient if I combine both those NewRequest subscribers 
into one subscriber call, or does it matter?


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Fixing mongo auth issues in Pyramid: Middleware or Events?

2011-01-27 Thread Seth
I've bumped into an issue with using mongoengine and pyramid when 
mongoengine needs to authenticate to mongodb. My app can't connect to the 
database when using the paster server, although all the tests run fine.

After a little googling, I came across this 
 describes issues with mongoengine's global connection object and 
suggests wrapping the connection inside middleware.

What would the suggested approach be in Pyramid? Would it be recommended to 
go the middleware route or would it be more "pyramidic" to add this sort of 
thing to the "new request" event?


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Re: Pyramid 1.0b2 released

2011-01-25 Thread Seth

This is such exciting news! Thanks for all your hard work (and everyone else 
who has contributed).


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Re: Pyramid 1.0a8 released

2010-12-30 Thread Seth
Thanks for all the input and I suppose Marius' answer is the most 
straightforward solution. Perhaps I was expecting something a little more 
like Mike's "category" style implementation, but I can see how that could 
become "too much complexity for too little value."

With regards to the peek_flash method: If one is using a templating system 
that allows python code in the template logic, this would likely be 
unnecessary; but for templates that only give you basic stuff like loops, 
tests, and prints, the peek method is needed for truth testing and multiple 
"non-loop" prints (i.e. printing different key/value pairs as in Marius' 

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Re: Pyramid 1.0a8 released

2010-12-29 Thread Seth
Hey Chris,

With regards to the flash messaging API, is there a reason why you chose not 
to provide a method which returns *any* flash message from any queue 
(preferably with a msg:queue key:val)? It would sure make template code 
easier if I *do* want different queues but *don't* really need them to be 
displayed in a complex manner in my templates.

For example, something like this would be nice to be able to do in my jinja2 
templates (without having to write my own session helpers):

{% if request.session.peek_flashes() %}

{% for flash in request.session.pop_flashes() %}
{% endfor %}

{% endif %}


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Re: Pyramid 1.0a8 released

2010-12-28 Thread Seth

My apologies, the 2nd issue was because I took 
out config.begin()/config.end() from my unittest setUp/tearDown methods 
because I thought they were no longer required. Adding them back causes the 
tests to pass.


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Re: Pyramid 1.0a8 released

2010-12-27 Thread Seth
Thanks Chris, I'm loving the new flash and CSRF APIs.

Two thing though:
1. If you run the new proutes and it encounters an exception (i.e. an 
intentionally raised pyramid.exceptions.Forbidden) then it dies. Is this the 
intended way?
2. A bunch of my unit tests are now failing which used the 
config.testing_securitypolicy method (has_permission reports that "No 
authentication policy in use."). Was this tweaked for this release (I'm not 
seeing anything in the changelogs)?

- Seth

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Re: Understanding traversal from a TurboGears perspective

2010-12-06 Thread Seth

*Thank you!* This discussion has help me immensely. I can see now that
the config.add_handler() / @action combination is probably the best
path for someone in my position to go down, and that I was probably
mixing the traversal/context stuff up with my TurboGears-ish thinking.

I heard on the podcast that Ben is working on a "migrating from pylons
to pyramid" guide, so I suspect that will clear things up further for


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Re: Understanding traversal from a TurboGears perspective

2010-12-06 Thread Seth
Okay, so I think I'm just having a hard time grokking the idea of a
"context" (even after beating myself to death with the documentation).

With that in mind, let me rephrase my initial question with a more
high-level question:

How is a large web application in Pyramid supposed to look?

Yes, that's a bit vague so let me clarify my thought process here:

  -  If I had a webapp with, say, 70+ available "routes" it seems
silly to me to specify every single view call in the config, so I
think I'd be a real fan of the config.scan() callable and the
corresponding @view_config decorator.

  -  TG's object dispatch (and other web frameworks I'm used to) make
the class/module hierarchy vs. url/path hierarchy pretty
straightforward, so it's more natural for me to think of a url as
traversing "controller objects" rather than having "model contexts."

  -  All the Pyramid example apps I've seen seem to have a single containing all the "view" methods. In a larger app setting,
wouldn't you want to split these up into separate view modules?
(forgive me, I have not gone googling for examples of large repoze.bfg

  -  So the issue that I'm wrestling with, of course, is how to make
the various @view_configs load the right view method from the
appropriate view module & method via a config.scan() process.

So maybe I want traversal, maybe I don't. Maybe I just need a "light-
bulb moment" about contexts. I think Pyramid's "different" way of
doing things just has me confused, coming from a background of using
frameworks that have a more "object dispatch" approach to urls/paths.

Which brings me to my new set of questions, which are:

1. What would a larger Pyramid app look like directory/module wise?
Wouldn't this look more like a default Pylons 1/TG 2 setup?
(controllers-*ahem*-views in a "views" dir, models in a "models" dir,
2. Are the Pyramid developers intentionally moving toward a less
"object dispatch" setup, and a more declarative setup where routes and
views are explicitly defined (no magic or ponies)?
3. With the movement away from controllers to a view-based setup, does
this make a Pylons 1 style "map.connect('/{controller}/{action}/
{id}')" route setup totally foreign?
4. Would a typical "large" Pyramid app then have lines and lines of
route/view definitions in the (or other config file)?

Please forgive me if all of this seems elementary to you bfg/Pyramid
experts. I've been a web developer for years but for some reason
Pyramid is making me feel like a n00b. Again, I think I need a
revelation about contexts.

Thanks for your time,

On Dec 4, 4:23 pm, Chris McDonough  wrote:
> Pyramid traversal and TurboGears object dispatch work very differently.
> In Pyramid, the graph of objects traversed isnt consulted for view
> logic.  Instead, the graph is a graph of "model" objects.  "Traversal"
> is the act of finding a "context".  When a context is found, traversal
> has done its job.  Subsequently a view is looked up based on that
> context and data in the request.

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Understanding traversal from a TurboGears perspective

2010-12-04 Thread Seth
I've been a TurboGears user for most of my projects but have just been
hired to start a new Pyramid project. Naturally, I'm interested in the
traversal approach to views and routes, but am having trouble figuring
out from the documentation exactly how traversal would work when
spanning across multiple view classes/modules.

Let's look at this typical TurboGears setup, for example (loosely
adapted to Pyramid):

--> The main root factory (myapp/views/ <--
from myapp.views.admin.root import AdminRootView

class RootView(object):
def __init__(self, request):
self.request = request

admin = AdminRootView

def index(self):
return 'index'

--> The admin root (myapp/views/admin/ <--
class AdminRootView(object):
def __init__(self, request):
self.request = request

def index(self):
return 'admin index'

@view_config(name='hello', renderer='string')
def hello(self):
return 'admin hello'

Of course, in a TurboGears-style setup, this would expose views for,, and However,
in Pyramid the views for the "sub-views" (/admin/*) don't seem to be
able to be found. I have succeeded in making this approach work by
using a "hybrid" setup (using add_route in the config and a
"route_name" parameter in the view_config), but I can't help but think
that there's got to be an easier way to do this and I'm just missing

So, is this not really the intended use for traversal? The examples I
found in the docs about classed-based traversal only go 1-layer deep
(a Root class). I couldn't seem to land on anything solid explaining a
larger app setup with views in their own subdirectory and hierarchical
parent/child classes as separately traversed views. Am I making things
too verbose, or am I just missing a piece of the puzzle?

Thanks for your help,

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