[PyMOL] Object-specific transparency

2002-07-25 Thread Gareth Stockwell
I would like to make one isosurface transparent, and leave another solid
(or set different levels of transparency for each).  I know
object-specific transparency works for molecule objects, e.g.

  load molA.pdb, A
  load molB.pdb, B
  show surface, A
  show surface, B
  set transparency, 0.5, A

(object B remains solidly-rendered)

But if I try the same for isosurfaces, e.g.

  load mapA.ccp4, mapA
  load mapB.ccp4, mapB
  isosurface surfA, A, 1
  isosurface surfB, B, 1
  set transparency, 0.5, surfA

...the transparency of BOTH isosurfaces changes, as reflected by the
messages in the console:

PyMOLset transparency, 0.5, surfA
 Setting: transparency set to 0.5 in object 'mapA'.
 Setting: transparency set to 0.5 in object 'mapB'.
 Setting: transparency set to 0.5 in object 'surfA'.
 Setting: transparency set to 0.5 in object 'surfB'.

Is there a way to make isosurface objects behave in the same way as the
molecule objects?


 Gareth Stockwell
 PhD student, Thornton Group
 EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute
 Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
 Cambridge CB10 1SD
 Tel 01223 492548Personal homepage:

Re: [PyMOL] Suppress some output

2002-07-25 Thread Nathaniel Echols
 Is there a way to keep my program 'quiet',
 or I can customize the output message myself?

Depending on your OS and shell, something like this may work:

denethor:~  /usr/local/pymol/pymol.com /dev/null 2/dev/null

This works under Bash in any modern Linux distribution, from what I've
seen.  I suspect it would work on Irix too (still using Bash).  I've had
the exact same problem- mainly with util.rainbow().


[PyMOL] Re: fitting residues

2002-07-25 Thread Jason Maynes

I am trying to color residues off a cartoon loop and want to color the
sticks version of the residue down to the Ca, but not the Ca itself
(ie. the residue and the cartoon are different colors).  The
problem is that if I color the Ca, then that section of the cartoon also
gets colored.  If I don't color the Ca, then the cartoon loop color comes
halfway up the bond to the Cbeta.  Does anybody have any suggestions, that
is if I haven't made the question so convoluted you can understand it.

Thanks in advance.


Jason Thomas Maynes
MD/PhD Program
Faculty of Medicine
University of Alberta