Re: [PyMOL] A faster way of unbonding things?

2004-08-17 Thread Kaushik Raha
If you have a PDB file of the ligands and know the number of atoms in 
each ligand, then you could introduce a TER card after the each ligand. 
That way PyMOL will not draw bonds between the ligands. If you want to 
visualize it one after the other then MODEL and ENDMDL cards before and 
after each ligand would work too.


On Tuesday, August 17, 2004, at 01:02 PM, Michael George Lerner wrote:


I have a file which contains a protein and a bunch of ligands.  The
ligands come from a Monte Carlo simulation where they were allowed to 

to the protein, but not to eachother.  So, lots of the ligands overlap.
When PyMOL sees this, it draws bonds between the ligands.  Every time I
load up one of these structures, I have to unbond things with something

for i in range(160,660)'unbond resi %s, not resi %s'%(i,i))

which takes a *really* long time.  Is there a faster way to do this?  I
once hacked up the PyMOL source so that HETATMS with resi  N didn't 
bonded to anything else in the first place, but that's obviously a bad 

to do things (and I can't seem to compile things myself on our SGIs, so
it doesn't work there anyway).



This isn't a democracy;|_  |Michael Lerner
 it's a cheer-ocracy.  | ASCII ribbon campaign ( ) |   Michigan
-Torrence,  Bring It On|  - against HTML email  X  |  Biophysics
   |   / \ | mler...@umich

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[PyMOL] More on Plugins

2004-07-14 Thread Kaushik Raha


Since it is plugin season, I thought of contributing too. I have a 
plugin which is very specific to my research needs in structure based 
drug design. It marries the PyMOL interface with other command line 
software packages, such as DivCon and AMBER. Both these packages can be 
obtained from other sources. AMBER is a popular simulation package from 
UCSF.  DivCon was developed at the Merz research group at Penn State 
and can be obtained from

I did not write this with the aim to distribute it but just as a way to 
learn Python and PyMOL. But my colleagues who have used it, describe it 
as useful. So, PyMOL users who have access to these programs might find 
it useful too. In addition to the features that use the above programs, 
there are other features not dependent on any external programs and 
could be helpful during visualization and analysis of biomolecular 
structures. Anyway, a short description of the plugin can be found at 
the following location from where it can be downloaded too:

The introduction to the plugin in the above webpage is pretty ambitious 
and was written when the realization that a PhD has to be finished had 
not sunk in. But the features that have been described will all work 
once the programs are installed correctly. The installation is 
straightforward and follows the pymol plugin philosophy. If anybody is 
interested and has problems installing it then please e-mail me. As for 
platform dependence -- Since it uses external programs such as AMBER 
and DivCon, they need to be compiled for the specific platform. I have 
tested it out on RedHat Linux and it works fine. The features that do 
not need external programs (not too many of them yet) are platform 

I just checked out the sequence viewer in 0.96 and its great.


Kaushik Raha
Merz Research Group
Penn State University

On Wednesday, July 14, 2004, at 03:56 PM, Warren DeLano wrote:


Simply awesome!  It works great on Windows and Mac too...

Folks, I think we've finally hit on a workable paradigm for extending
PyMOL's capabilities via these lightweight, end-user-installable 

You have my full encouragement -- go crazy with this stuff!  This
grass-roots user-driven development is exactly what PyMOL was supposed 


To help the sharing process along, I've created a new plugins page on 

SourceForge site and welcome your submissions.

I can already see that we'll need a user-friendly Install Plugin... 
item in the next release that will automatically copy plugin files to 
correct location.  In the meantime, installation directions can be 
found on

that page...

Provided that plugins are released under a suitable (non-viral) 
license, I don't see any reason why good ones couldn't become part of 
standard PyMOL distribution, which would of course save users the 
trouble of

having to download and install them.


Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist
DeLano Scientific LLC
Voice (650)-346-1154
Fax   (650)-593-4020

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Charles Moad
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:32 AM
To: Michael George Lerner
Subject: Re: [PyMOL] Plug-in Menu

Thanks for the info.  Using your APBS as an example I
made a very simple remote pdb loader.  You can check it out
at; or
download it directly from;.

It is inspired from chimera's remote pdb loading feature.

Thanks again,
- Charlie

Michael George Lerner wrote:


There's some example code in


You can see how it works by copying it (uncommented) into a

new file

and placing that file in pymol/modules/pmg_tk/startup.

You'll see the

new plugins the next time you start PyMOL.  I have a larger plugin
that I've written .. I'll be sending out an announcement

about it later today.


This isn't a democracy;|_  |Michael Lerner
 it's a cheer-ocracy.  | ASCII ribbon campaign ( ) |   Michigan
-Torrence,  Bring It On|  - against HTML email  X  |  Biophysics
   |   / \ | mler...@umich

On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, Charles Moad wrote:

I am interested in developing some simple plugins for the new
release, and I was wondering if there was a document or api


how to go about this.  As the subject says, for example, how do you
add a plugin entry to the new menu bar list.


Charles Moad
Scientific Data Analysis Lab
Indiana University

This SF.Net email

[PyMOL] Coloring atoms by charge

2004-05-26 Thread Kaushik Raha
Hi, Is there a way to color atoms by charge in PyMOL? Can PyMOL read 
the charges in a PDB file use those charges to color the  atoms?


[PyMOL] Using Numeric from PyMOL

2003-11-17 Thread Kaushik Raha

Hi Warren,

I am trying to use the Numeric module from within my PyMOL pluggin 
but I can not get it to work. It complains while importing Numeric. The 
message is:

ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/Numeric/ 
undefined sybmol: _Py_NoneStruct

I had to change the PYTHONPATH variable in PyMOL 9.3 to get it to see 
Numeric since in 9.3 it seems like PyMOL uses ext as PYTHONPATH. In any 
case I dont think the problem is with changing the PYTHONPATH.  Have 
you been able to import Numeric to PyMOL? Please do let me know and any 
suggestions would be appreciated.



[PyMOL] N-Terminal hydrogens with Chempy

2003-11-12 Thread Kaushik Raha

Hi Warren,

I found out that it is possible to write out AMBER style atom name 
formats with hydrogens added using the Chempy which is pretty neat. 
However it seems like this does not recognize the N-terminal residue 
for adding hydrogens. Is that still the case?  I am still using PyMOL 
088 (I will soon upgrade).



Graduate Student
Penn State University
University Park

[PyMOL] AMBER Style Hydrogen

2003-10-06 Thread Kaushik Raha


I was using the add hydrogen functionality in PyMOL which works fine 
but it places the hydrogens after the heavy atoms in a protein. Is it 
possible to have AMBER style hydrogens added where the Hydrogens go 
after the heavy atom it is attached to? Better still can I have the 
names of the hydrogens similar to the AMBER hydrogens. I notice that 
the Chempy has AMBER libraries so is it possible to use that library to 
protonate  proteins?


Kaushik Raha.

Re: [PyMOL] Electrostatic potential maps in PyMOL

2003-07-10 Thread Kaushik Raha
Yu Chen, I think it is because of endianess. My phi files were 
generated by Delphi on an SGI in the GRASP format. My PyMOL 088 on 
Linux does not seem to mind it. I think Warren has fixed the problem of 
endianess and it should be fine in the next release.


On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 10:11 AM, Yu Chen wrote:

Thanks everybody for suggestiones, and Warren for fixing the problem. I
will see if we could generate some phimap not 65x65x65.

Ksushik, I don't know why your Delphi is working fine, here is my 

from load phimap, which it should be cause of the endianess:

  PHIMapToStr: now starting phimap
  PHIMapToStr: potential
  PHIMapToStr: qdiffxas: qdiffxs4 with an improved surfacing routine
  PHIMapToStr:  j#
  ObjectMap: Map Read.  Range = -3388. to 37
  Crystal: Unit Cell1.0001.0001.000
  Crystal: Alpha Beta Gamma90.000   90.000   90.000
  Crystal: RealToFrac Matrix
  Crystal: FracToReal Matrix
  Crystal: Unit Cell Volume1.
  Executive: object map created.


Yu Chen
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Chemistry Building, Rm 122
University of Maryland at Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250

phone:  (410)455-6347

On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Warren L. DeLano wrote:

Okay, scratch that -- I fixed the problem, relying on standard
Fortran unformatted IO conventions to automatically determine 

and map size.

PyMOL should now be able to read a PHI map of any dimensionality, so
long as record size is implicitly and correctly specified in the map
file.   This may or may not be the case for .phi files written from 

(for example, fld2phi is hard-coded for a 65x65x65 map, because the
data block's record length specifier is hardcoded to be 0x10c304 =

Can someone send me a PHI map which is not 65x65x65 for testing
purposes?  Please include the associated PDB file for visual
verification.  Thanks!

Looks like we'll need to push out another release sooner rather than


Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist
DeLano Scientific LLC
Voice (650)-346-1154
Fax   (650)-593-4020

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:pymol-users-] On Behalf Of Warren L. DeLano
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 2:20 PM
To: 'EPF (Esben Peter Friis)'; 'Kaushik Raha '; 'Yu Chen '
Subject: RE: [PyMOL] Electrostatic potential maps in PyMOL

Yes, you have identified the problem:  PyMOL 0.90 currently only 

PHI files in one of the two endian formats (not sure if it is big or

The problem is, how it PyMOL to determine which format the incoming


is in?  The file format is so darn implicit, I haven't yet come up


any effective way of doing it without risking a floating exception on
finicky hardware.

Any ideas?  If we can just determine the enddian-ness of the


file, then the rest is a snap.


Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist
DeLano Scientific LLC
Voice (650)-346-1154
Fax   (650)-593-4020

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PyMOL-users mailing list

Re: [PyMOL] Electrostatic potential maps in PyMOL

2003-07-09 Thread Kaushik Raha
There has been some talk on the list regarding failure of PyMOL in  
reading Delphi generated potential maps that I missed. I have generated  
phimap using a modified version of Delphi in the GRASP format that  
PyMOL reads and displays without any problem. So I am not sure what the  
problem is. Can anybody please let me know what was the problem with  
PyMOL reading Delphi generated GRASP potential maps? Was wondering if  
PyMOL is doing the right thing??

Kaushik Raha
Penn State University

On Wednesday, July 9, 2003, at 10:48 AM, EPF (Esben Peter Friis) wrote:

Hi PyMOL users,

MEAD's potential maps can be used in PyMOL, but it requires a little  
than a bit of tweaking, as the maps are in the AVS .fld format, which  

not be read by PyMOL. (These maps can be read by Dino, as Paulo just
mentioned). Also, PyMOL reads (as far as I can see) only big-endian

I have written a small program, which does the conversion from .fld to
big-endian-.phi, so the maps can be read by PyMOL. It just finished it
today, and it has only been tested on Linux (i386), so beware ;-)

To create a nice electrostatic surface, you need:

* Gromacs (not strictly necessary, but makes life easier) Download from
* MEAD. Download from
* fld2phi, source code quoted below (sorry, but I don't have access to  

external web server, and it's only about 4kb).
* PyMOL, of course (v0.88 or newer).

Here is an example how to create everything from scratch for 4PTI.pdb

Gromacs steps
1) use pdb2gmx to create .gro and .top files:
pdb2gmx -f 4PTI.pdb -o 4PTI.gro -p

2) use grompp to create .tpr file:
grompp -f 4PTI.mdp -p -o 4PTI.tpr -c 4PTI.gro

The file 4PTI.mdp contains the parameters for the Gromacs simulation.  
But as
we are not going to do any simulation this time, an empty file is ok.  
It can

be created with touch 4PTI.mdp.

3) use editconf to create a MEAD-readable pdb file:
editconf -f 4PTI.tpr -mead -o 4PTI.pqr.pdb

The output pdb file must then be renamed to be recognized by MEAD:
mv 4PTI.pqr.pdb 4PTI.pqr

MEAD steps

1) create a .ogm file which specifies the grid size. Notice that PyMOL  

only handle grids which are 65x65x65 points, so your only option is to
change the spacing between points. You can specify focussing options  
in the
.ogm file, but only the coarsest grid is written anyway, so you only  

one line in the 4PTI.ogm file:


See documentation for other centering options (first parameter). Next  

is the number of grid points on each side (must be 65 to be readable by
PyMOL). The last number is a real specifying the distance between grid

2) Run 'potential' to create the grid:
potential -epsin 2 -CoarseFieldOut 4PTI 4PTI

The epsin option is mandatory and specifies the internal (in the  

dielectric constant. The program will say something like:

WARINING from potential main program:
Could not open field point file, 4PTI.fpt, for reading. Exiting without
giving any potentials.

This can be ignored. The program still writes out a 4PTI.fld file with  

grid. Notice that this file in not overwritten, so you must delete it
manually if it already exists.

Convert to PyMOL readable grid

1) Use the fld2phi to convert the .fld file to a big-endian .phi grid  

fld2phi 4PTI.fld 4PTI.phi

This sould create a 4PTI.phi file which is readable by PyMOL.

PyMOL steps

1) Load the structure including the hydrogens built by Gromacs:
load 4PTI.pqr, 4PTI

2) Create a selection of the water:
select water, 4PTI and resn SOL

3) Remove the water atoms:
remove water

4) Show the surface of the 4PTI object:
show surface, 4PTI

5) Load the electrostatic grid:
load 4PTI.phi, map

You can show the extent of the grid box by clicking on the object  

map in the object list to the right.

6) Create a color ramp object:
ramp_new e_lvl, map, [-0.02,0.00,0.02]

7) Color the surface according to the grid and map:
set surface_color, e_lvl, 4PTI

Thats it. You can change the color scale on the fly by issuing another
ramp_new command with other numbers. The 3 numbers are red-point,
white-point and blue-point, respectively. The scale can also be  
changed by

ctrl+mid-click while you drag the color scale.

It is also possible to create one or more contour surfaces:
isosurface contour1, map, -0.05

where contour1 is the object name of the surface (choose whatever you  
map is the object name of the electrostatic potential map and the  
is the contour level. The commands isomesh and isodot have the same  

and do exactly what you think.

Best regards (and please forgive me for quoting source code here :)


*  Source code for fld2phi   *
*  save as: fld2phi.c

[PyMOL] 1-4 Lists

2003-06-05 Thread Kaushik Raha


The sculpting feature of PyMOL indicates that it creates 1-4 neighbor 
list. Does it create all (1-2, 1-3 and 1-4)? Is it possible to access 

Kaushik  Raha.
Penn State

Re: [PyMOL] Disulfide Bonds

2002-09-20 Thread Kaushik Raha
A similar question: Does PyMOL have a PDB file parser that can read 
disulphide linkages from the file and connect the atoms or one has to 
explicitly issue bond commands. Also, can PyMOL display hydrogen bonds 
without the user having to write out a list?


Kaushik Raha.
Penn State University.

On Friday, September 20, 2002, at 04:07 PM, DeLano, Warren wrote:


	If the sulfurs are within disulfide bonding distance, PyMOL should 
connect them by default.  If this is not happening, please send me the 
PDB file so I can take a look-see.

  Otherwise, you can use the bond command to attach them:

bond 24/sg,26/sg
bond 56/sb,99/sg


(unpick will hide the bond baton which gets displayed)


Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.

-Original Message-
From: Alex Morla []
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 8:48 AM
Subject: [PyMOL] Disulfide Bonds

Sorry if this is a novice question, but how do I display the
disulfide bonds
in my models?

Thanks, and keep up the great work!!

Alex Morla
Univ. of Illinois, Rockford.

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