[PyMOL] Re: Slowwwww ray

2005-11-21 Thread Michele Fuortes


 Stuart Endo-Streeter 
Default view, white with black background (sticks):
Ray: total time: 15.68 sec. = 229.5 frames/hour. (15.68 sec. accum.)

Surface ray (white w/ black background):
Ray: total time: 32.67 sec. = 110.2 frames/hour. (48.35 sec. accum.)

thanks a lot for the test. I guess I'm in the right spot.


Did you just migrate from an older version?

yes sir,

set orthoscopic
=3D>2.58 seconds on 2 X 2 Ghz opteron

load 1alk.pdb
show surface
set hash_max=3D160
=3D>10.7 seconds on 2 x 2 Ghz opteron

that explains it. I did the same test and it "went back" to the speed  
I remember.

How do you determine the hash_max, 160? just by testing it?



[PyMOL] Slowwwww ray

2005-11-21 Thread Michele Fuortes


I have a 2GHz G5, 6GB RAM, running OS X 10.4.3 server.
I started doing some modeling after about 6 months hiatus.
I'm using MacPymol 0.99b29 (no flickering with this).
it's slower than molasses. I get:

 Ray: total time: 16.16 sec. = 222.8 frames/hour (32.15 sec. accum.).

This is simple white surface on white black background, nothing  
changed from default.

It a fairly small molecule, 600 resi, 5400 atoms.

My card is the stock ATI Radeon 9800 Pro.
Could it be I messed up something with OpenGL?

Why is it so slooow



PS: would anybody with a similar setup try 1ALK.pdb show surface in  
white and tell my the time to ray?

Mine is:

Ray: total time: 25.45 sec. = 141.4 frames/hour (57.60 sec. accum.).

[PyMOL] Re: PyMOL-APBS os x

2004-07-16 Thread Michele Fuortes

I compiled APBS successfully.
Now when I try the plugin and click on Set Grid I get:

Error: 1
ValueError Exception in Tk callback
  Function:  at 0x81205f0> (type: )
  Args: ()
Traceback (innermost last):
line 1747, in __call__
line 153, in 
line 132, in _doCommand
line 1046, in execute
line 1087, in runPsize
  File "/Volumes/Hofdi/Unix/Software/apbs-0.3.1/tools/manip/psize.py", line
257, in runPsize
  File "/Volumes/Hofdi/Unix/Software/apbs-0.3.1/tools/manip/psize.py", line
106, in parseInput
self.q = self.q + float(words[3])
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 1.00103.81

any help?




Michele Fuortes, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Surgery
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
Cornell University  - Weill Medical College
E-mail: mfuor...@med.cornell.edu

[PyMOL] Re: MacPyMOL Beta 2 Announce/Caveat (Warren L. DeLano)

2004-02-05 Thread Michele Fuortes

>However, since I promised a public MacPyMOL announcement by late
>January, I am hereby announcing that MacPyMOL Beta 2 can now be
>downloaded from the following public URL:
>But first, a word of caution -- YOU MAY WISH TO WAIT for a later
>Why?  Because MacPyMOL Beta 2 is VERY BUGGY and largely UNTESTED.  In
>addition to Mac-specific Aqua GUI, image copy & paste, and QuickTime
>export, it contains a whole bunch of brand new cross-platform user
>interface code that will soon be in the open-source release as well.

Warren this is great software! Thanks for making the beta Mac version
I could not find a GUI way to run script though. Am I missing the right
place or is still not there.
Do NOT tell me ;-) that I have to navigate thru all my Mac folder structure
with cd/ls/ and mile long pathways.


[PyMOL] Re: PyMOL 0.93 and MacOS X

2003-12-21 Thread Michele Fuortes
Hi everybody,

I know I'm an idiot, but I cannot build pymol 0.93 on Mac OS 10.3 to save
my life.
After getting and resolving a lot of gl.h and glut.h complaints now I'm
stuck with:

building 'pymol._cmd' extension
-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lGL -lGLU -lglut -lpng -o
ld: can't locate file for: -lglut

Any kind soul there willing to help me?




Michele Fuortes, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Departments of Surgery and of Cell and Developmental Biology
Cornell University  - Weill Medical College
E-mail: mfuor...@removethismed.cornell.edu

RE: [PyMOL] electrostatic surface

2003-12-19 Thread Michele Fuortes
Todd Geders  said:

>Hello all,
>Here is a simple script that automates the electrostatic potential
>surface generation using Gromacs, MEAD, and Pymol for visualization.
>It's exclusively based off of the post by Esben Peter Friis:
>It requires you to massage your pdb file a bit, but it gets the job
>done.  Please glance at the comments in the script to see what I mean.

Thanks Todd for the script. I installed Gromacs 3.2 beta, MEAD 2.2.3 on Mac
OS 10.3.
The only change is that the $PDB.mdp file has to contain:

cpp = /usr/bin/cpp

to specify the cpp location in OS X.
Run the script, seems to work.

Now the question is how do I go about validating the results?
I tried to compare one image I get with the one published for 1ALK.pdb but
there were some differences :-(.

Would anyone in the list be willing to send me the files for one of their
proteins, so I can re-run the calculations and compare what I get?


Michele Fuortes


Michele Fuortes, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Departments of Surgery and of Cell and Developmental Biology
Cornell University  - Weill Medical College
E-mail: mfuor...@med.cornell.edu

[PyMOL] Pymol 0.93 and OS X - X 11

2003-11-10 Thread Michele Fuortes
Hi all,

I'm using a G4 and so far i have been using the GNU-Darwin version which is
the CD I bought.
I use it starting from X11 in Panther and it worked well.
Now it seems that the new Mac version 0.93 is much faster. But no GUI menu :-(

What I tried to do is to copy all the new modules files from the new
version in the old version and it seems to work well, the display is now
REALLY fast.

The only problem is that python starts as a separate application instead of
starting into X11.

What would be the way to have python start inside X11 instead of its?

Thanks a lot



Michele Fuortes, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Departments of Surgery and of Cell and Developmental Biology
Cornell University  Medical College
E-mail: mfuor...@med.cornell.edu