[issue40255] Fixing Copy on Writes from reference counting and immortal objects

2022-02-21 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

It seems that we are back on track with perf being back to neutral!

I've created 4 new PRs. Each with an optimization applied on top of the 
baseline introduction of instance immortalization.

The main PR 19474 currently stands at around 4%, after rebasing past Eric's PR 
30928 it went down to 3%.

This is the list of optimizations that I used to get some performance back:
* Immortalizing Interned Strings (PR 31488): 1% regression
* Immortalizing Runtime Heap After Startup (PR 31489): 0% regression
* Immortalizing Modules After Import (PR 31490): 1% regression
* Combined Optimizations (PR 31491): 0% improvement

All the PRs contain the results of the pyperformance benchmarks and they should 
each stand on their own in case we want to go for a subset of these 
optimizations rather than all of them. Make sure to look at each PR to read the 
implementation details.

For testing, in every PR I made sure all the tests were passing on my local 
environment. Though I do expect some failures happening in non-linux 
environments. I'll be fixing these over the next couple of days.


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[issue40255] Fixing Copy on Writes from reference counting and immortal objects

2022-02-21 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

pull_requests: +29621
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/31491

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40255] Fixing Copy on Writes from reference counting and immortal objects

2022-02-21 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

pull_requests: +29620
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/31490

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40255] Fixing Copy on Writes from reference counting and immortal objects

2022-02-21 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

pull_requests: +29619
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/31489

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40255] Fixing Copy on Writes from reference counting and immortal objects

2022-02-21 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

pull_requests: +29618
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/31488

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40255] Fixing Copy on Writes from reference counting and immortal objects

2022-02-11 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

@eric.snow great to hear about this update! I'll start looking at some of the 
techniques that we talked about to improve performance, I'm optimistic that 
we'll be able to close down the gap to 2%.


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[issue45348] math.log(243, 3) value issue

2021-10-02 Thread Eddie Caraballo

Eddie Caraballo  added the comment:

Issue seems to be with all power of 3 divisible by 5 (3**5, 3**10, etc).

Powers of 7 also seem to have the issue, where math.log(7**5, 7) = 5.01


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[issue45348] math.log(243, 3) value issue

2021-10-02 Thread Eddie Caraballo

New submission from Eddie Caraballo :

math.log(243, 3) should result in 5.0, but instead results in 4....

Can be worked around via base conversion (math.log10(243) / math.log10(3))

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 403065
nosy: eddiemichaelc
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: math.log(243, 3) value issue
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.9

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[issue43400] Remove "Mock is very easy to use" from unittest.mock documentation

2021-03-04 Thread Eddie Peters

Change by Eddie Peters :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +23522
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/24752

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[issue43400] Remove "Mock is very easy to use" from unittest.mock documentation

2021-03-04 Thread Eddie Peters

New submission from Eddie Peters :

The unittest.mock library is very useful and very powerful, but it is not "very 
easy to use." Docs are useful and important, or we wouldn't be here in a 
documentation issue.

I have watched several of the most experienced Python programmers I know 
struggle with various aspects of mock, including basic usage. I have sat with 
frustrated developers who have used mocking utilities in other languages but 
had little Python experience, and they were surprised by some mock behaviors 
and just couldn't get things "right" until they were helped by someone with all 
the tiny little healed-over cuts from lots of mock usage.

Again, mock is great, but maybe if I have these opinions, I should contribute 
to making mock more intuitive. That's true. For now, though, the documentation 
contains this little line in the opening paragraphs that is unnecessary and can 
only make new mock users feel bad about having trouble: "Mock is very easy to 
use and is designed for use with unittest."

I propose we remove the opinion "Mock is very easy to use" and change this line 
to "Mock is designed for use with unittest." The rest of the paragraph flows 
just fine without this:

"Mock is very easy to use and is designed for use with unittest. Mock is based 
on the ‘action -> assertion’ pattern instead of ‘record -> replay’ used by many 
mocking frameworks."

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 388102
nosy: docs@python, eppeters
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Remove "Mock is very easy to use" from unittest.mock documentation
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue40997] python 3.8.2: datetime.datetime(1969, 1, 1).timestamp() yields OSError

2020-06-16 Thread Eddie Parker

New submission from Eddie Parker :

Running the following yields an unexpected OSError: Invalid argument:

Python 3.8.2 (tags/v3.8.2:7b3ab59, Feb 25 2020, 23:03:10) [MSC v.1916 64 bit 
(AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import datetime
>>> datetime.datetime(1000,1,1).timestamp()
>>> datetime.datetime(1969,1,1).timestamp()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument

I understand that the time can't yield a valid timestamp, but the exception 
doesn't really explain that and the documentation doesn't mention OSError as an 
exception to indicate an invalid date is specified.

Ideally a better exception could be used (ValueError?) or the documentation 
could mention this possibility?  Or even better, allow timestamp() to take a 
parameter for what to return in the case of an invalid timestamp (None?)

I mention this because I hit this in some asyncio code which was a nuisance to 
debug and finding it excepting on a timestamp that had worked before with an OS 
error baffled me until I got it in a debugger.

Thanks as always!

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 371710
nosy: Eddie Parker
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: python 3.8.2: datetime.datetime(1969,1,1).timestamp() yields OSError
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8

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[issue40255] Fixing Copy on Writes from reference counting

2020-04-16 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

> which would potentially save the two word per object overhead

Btw, I misread. I thought `gc_bits` referred to the bits used by the GC in the 
reference count. In any case, you can still use a bit in the reference count :)


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[issue40255] Fixing Copy on Writes from reference counting

2020-04-16 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

> I'm somewhat puzzled how a version that does no more work and has no jumps is 
> slower.

Oh I think I know why there's some confusion. I've updated the PR from the 
initial version (which is probably the one that you saw). The branching does 
less work in Py_INCREF and Py_DECREF for all instances marked with the immortal 
bit by exiting early.

In the latest change, I added the immortal bit to a bunch of "known" immortal 
objects by. For instance:
* All static types (i.e: PyType_Type, etc.)
* All small ints (-5 to 256)
* The following Singletons: PyTrue, PyFalse, PyNone
* And the heap after the runtime is initialized (in pymain_main)

Example 1)
PyObject _Py_NoneStruct = {
  1, &_PyNone_Type
#endif  /* Py_IMMORTAL_OBJECTS */

Example 2)
static int
pymain_main(_PyArgv *args)
PyStatus status = pymain_init(args);
if (_PyStatus_IS_EXIT(status)) {
return status.exitcode;
if (_PyStatus_EXCEPTION(status)) {

/* Most of the objects alive at this point will stay alive throughout the
 * lifecycle of the runtime. Immortalize to avoid the GC and refcnt costs */
#endif  /* Py_IMMORTAL_OBJECTS */
return Py_RunMain();

Therefore, you are now making Py_INCREF and Py_DECREF cheaper for things like  
`Py_RETURN_NONE` and a bunch of other instances.

Let me know if that explains it! I could also send you patch of the branch-less 
version so you can compare them.

> but making the object header immutable prevents changes like

Why would it prevent it? These changes are not mutually exclusive, you can 
still have an immortal bit by:
1) Using a bit from `gc_bits`. Currently you only need 2 bits for the GC. Even 
with a `short` you'll have space for the immortal bit.
2) Using a bit from the ob_refcnt. Separately, using this allows us to 
experiment with a branch-less and test-less code by using saturated adds. For 

/* Branch-less incref with saturated add */
#define PY_REFCNT_MAX ((int)(((int)-1)>>1))
#define _Py_INCREF(op) ({
__asm__ (
"addl $0x1, %[refcnt]"
"cmovol  %[refcnt_max], %[refcnt]"
: [refcnt] "+r" (((PyObject *)op)->ob_refcnt)
: [refcnt_max] "r" (PY_REFCNT_MAX)


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[issue40255] Fixing Copy on Writes from reference counting

2020-04-16 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

> You are asking the whole world to take a hit on both performance and memory 
> use.

That's an explicit non-goal. That's why the code was guarded to add as an 
optional compilation mode

This should be added by default if and only if this is a neutral or an 
improvement on performance. Which by the way, the latest perf numbers suggest 
that we are now at perf parity / within error (pending official confirmation 
from running this on speed.python.org machines).

Also, can you expand on how is this a performance hit on memory?

> There is only one reference to copy-on-write in a comment. Yet this issue 
> about making object headers immutable.

The PR summary expands on Copy on Writes. If you think this belongs in-code, 
let me know and I can update the PR.

> then make the obvious improvement of changing the branchy code

That is strictly slower. The current version makes Py_INCREF and Py_DECREF 
cheaper for known immortal instances (i.e the heap after runtime init). This 
skips increasing and decreasing the refcount as well as the refcount check for 
deallocation. Using the proposed branch-less version makes all Py_INCREFs and 
Py_DECREFs more expensive.

I ran a couple of benchmarks with the branch-less version to highlight this:

Branch-less version:
unpack_sequence: Mean +- std dev: 98.2 ns +- 4.9 ns
richards: Mean +- std dev: 130 ms +- 5 ms
fannkuch: Mean +- std dev: 894 ms +- 18 ms

Branch version:
unpack_sequence: Mean +- std dev: 82.7 ns +- 3.9 ns
richards: Mean +- std dev: 123 ms +- 4 ms
fannkuch: Mean +- std dev: 838 ms +- 25 ms

> Immortality has advantages because it allows saturating reference counting 
> and thus smaller object headers, but it is not the same as making the object 
> header immutable.

In its current form, this change is not trying to do a strict immutability of 
the header. We can't guarantee that third-party extensions won't mutate the 
instance. Instead, this change tries to maintain an instance's immutability as 
long as it can.

If the issue is with naming, I can easily rename this to something else :)


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[issue40255] Fixing Copy on Writes from reference counting

2020-04-15 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

After the added optimizations and assuming that running this more rigorously 
(i.e PGO + LTO + full cpu isolation + speed.python.org machine) also shows the 
PR as perf neutral, what are people's thoughts so far?

Would this be enough to consider adding this change by default?

Are there still any concerns regarding correctness? It seems like most of the 
questions raised so far have already been addressed


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[issue40255] Fixing Copy on Writes from reference counting

2020-04-15 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

> The fastest would be to create an immortal block as part of the BSS 
> (uninitialized data).

That's an interesting idea, definitely worth exploring and we can probably get 
some perf win out of it. And yes, using the frozen modules is definitely a step 
forward and we can leverage that to move these instances into the rodata 
section of the binary.
> I had started doing an experiment with the arena approach before I noticed 
> Eddie's comment about it.  I would like to see his version.

What I had written up is slightly different from what you mentioned. I was 
mostly concerned about having a small object that we did not reach through the 
GC roots. If this small object would get a reference count bump, the whole 
arena would Copy on Write.

I added a commit to the PR with this Arena Immortalization so that you could 
take a look at the implementation: 

The idea is to walk all the arena's pools to mark them as immortal by using a 
new word added to pool_header. This word would help us identify if the pool is 
immortal on every pyalloc and pydealloc.

I still get some tests breaking with this, I haven't tried to debug it though


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[issue40255] Fixing Copy on Writes from reference counting

2020-04-15 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

I was able to get an equal (maybe slightly better) performance by following the 
advice from Steve and Neil and skipping reference counting of instances that we 
know are immortal.

It seems that by getting performance parity, we should be able to ease most of 
the concerns raised so far.

I've updated the PR to now immortalize:
* All static types (i.e: PyType_Type, etc.)
* All small ints (-5 to 256)
* The following Singletons: PyTrue, PyFalse, PyNone
* And the heap after the runtime is initialized (in pymain_main)

A quick caveat, immortalizing the runtime heap caused ~6 or so tests to fail 
since they depend on shutdown behavior which this now changes. In the PR I 
commented out the call to `_PyGC_ImmortalizeHeap` in `pymain_main` to pass the 
CI. Ignoring these failing tests for now, these are the benchmarks numbers that 
I got from pyperformance:

Baseline (master branch):
unpack_sequence: Mean +- std dev: 76.0 ns +- 4.9 ns
richards: Mean +- std dev: 116 ms +- 8 ms
fannkuch: Mean +- std dev: 764 ms +- 24 ms
pidigits: Mean +- std dev: 261 ms +- 7 ms

Immortalizing known immortals objects (Latest PR)
unpack_sequence: Mean +- std dev: 74.7 ns +- 5.1 ns
richards: Mean +- std dev: 112 ms +- 5 ms
fannkuch: Mean +- std dev: 774 ms +- 24 ms
pidigits: Mean +- std dev: 262 ms +- 11 ms

Only adding immortal branch (The commit that Pablo benchmarked)
unpack_sequence: Mean +- std dev: 93.1 ns +- 5.7 ns
richards: Mean +- std dev: 124 ms +- 4 ms
fannkuch: Mean +- std dev: 861 ms +- 26 ms
pidigits: Mean +- std dev: 269 ms +- 7 ms

The performance of Immortal Objects by default seems to now be within error of 
the master branch.


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[issue40255] Fixing Copy on Writes from reference counting

2020-04-11 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

> the CPU performance implications of adding a branch instruction to Py_INCREC 
> and Py_DECREF were, unsurprisingly, quite high.

Yeah, makes sense. I guess it really depends on the specific profile of your 

For Instagram this was an overall net positive change and we still have it in 
prod. The amount of page faults from Copy on Writes was so large that reducing 
it resulted in a net CPU win (even with the added branching). And of course, a 
huge reduction in memory usage.

> Microbenchmarks don't tell a good story, the python performance test suite 
> should

Agreed. I only added the Richards benchmark as a reference. I'm hoping someone 
can pick it up and have more concrete numbers on an average Python workload.

> Given that most people's applications don't fork workers, I do not expect to 
> see such an implementation ever become the default.

In any case, I gated this change with ifdefs. In case we don't have it by 
default, we can always can easily enable it with a simple 
`-DPy_IMMORTAL_INSTANCES` flag to the compiler.

> Also note that this is an ABI change as those INCREF and DECREF definitions 
> are intentionally public .h file

This has indeed been a bit of a pain for us as well. Due to how our tooling is 
set-up, there's a small number of third party libraries that are still causing 
Copy on Writes. Fortunately, that's the only drawback. Even if your 
immortalized object goes through an extension that has a different 
Py_{DECREF,INCREF} implementation, the reference count will still be so large 
that it will never be deallocated.


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[issue40255] Fixing Copy on Writes from reference counting

2020-04-11 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +18829
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/19474

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40255] Fixing Copy on Writes from reference counting

2020-04-11 Thread Eddie Elizondo

New submission from Eddie Elizondo :

Copy on writes are a big problem in large Python application that rely on 
multiple processes sharing the same memory.

With the implementation of `gc.freeze`, we've attenuated the problem by 
removing the CoW coming from the GC Head. However, reference counting still 
causes CoW.

This introduces Immortal Instances which allows the user to bypass reference 
counting on specific objects and avoid CoW on forked processes.

Immortal Instances are specially useful for applications that cache heap 
objects in shared memory which live throughout the entire execution (i.e 
modules, code, bytecode, etc.)

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 366216
nosy: eelizondo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Fixing Copy on Writes from reference counting
versions: Python 3.9

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[issue38076] Make struct module PEP-384 compatible

2020-01-21 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

> I'm concerned by release blocker because 3.9.0a3 version is supposed to be 
> released soon, and usually release blocker do block a release :-)

Ah! That makes sense!

In any case, feel free to ping me if you need help on my side to get this PR 
through (or to remove the release blocker).


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[issue38076] Make struct module PEP-384 compatible

2020-01-21 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

The PR that I sent out already fixes the issue. @vstinner, @pablogsal, please 
take a look again https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/18039

That should close this issue, no need to work around the bug priority.


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[issue38076] Make struct module PEP-384 compatible

2020-01-17 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

Hey all, I've got a fix for this bug and the CI is green: 

TL;DR: The module state have to be cleared at a later time. I explain in detail 
in the PR.

Also, I didn't add a new test since there was a test that was already checking 
for module states in `io`. I added a short comment on it in the PR as well. 
Otherwise, lmk and I can create a new test for it.


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[issue38076] Make struct module PEP-384 compatible

2020-01-17 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

pull_requests: +17438
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/18039

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[issue35381] posixmodule: convert statically allocated types (DirEntryType & ScandirIteratorType) to heap-allocated types

2019-11-24 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

PR with fix is out.


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[issue38803] test_wait3 and test_wait4 leaked references on x86 Gentoo Refleaks 3.x

2019-11-24 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

Victor, the PR with the fix is out. Easy catch after running it with my leak 


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[issue38803] test_wait3 and test_wait4 leaked references on x86 Gentoo Refleaks 3.x

2019-11-24 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +16856
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/17373

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35381] posixmodule: convert statically allocated types (DirEntryType & ScandirIteratorType) to heap-allocated types

2019-11-15 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

Woops! I'll get to it before the end of the weekend!


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[issue38803] test_wait3 and test_wait4 leaked references on x86 Gentoo Refleaks 3.x

2019-11-15 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

Woops! I'll get to it before the end of the weekend!

nosy: +eelizondo

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[issue38140] Py_tp_dictoffset / Py_tp_finalize are unsettable in stable API

2019-10-03 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

Woops, just realized that you already documented this, thanks! Btw, Victor 
already merged a fix for the windows compiler warning. This issue can be closed 


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38140] Py_tp_dictoffset / Py_tp_finalize are unsettable in stable API

2019-09-26 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

Hey Petr, I'll get to document this and fix the windows warning over the 
weekend. I'll ping you on Github once it's ready

nosy: +eelizondo

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[issue38152] AST change introduced tons of reference leaks

2019-09-14 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

The PR has been merged so the issue can be closed now


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[issue38152] AST change introduced tons of reference leaks

2019-09-13 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +15738
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/16127

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38152] AST change introduced tons of reference leaks

2019-09-13 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

I have a fix for this coming up.

nosy: +eelizondo

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[issue38150] test_capi: test_c_subclass_of_heap_ctype_with_del_modifying_dunder_class_only_decrefs_once() leaks

2019-09-13 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +15730
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/16115

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38150] test_capi: test_c_subclass_of_heap_ctype_with_del_modifying_dunder_class_only_decrefs_once() leaks

2019-09-13 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

> Checking for refleak takes between 2 and 6 hours.

Ouch! Makes sense then.

We could potentially add a `pre-merge` job that only runs once the merge starts 
to get executed. Anyways, that's a conversation for another time :-)


Thanks Stephane I'm very aware of that, I just thought that the build bots did 
that automatically at PR time. I rather have those drive the signal and letting 
my slow machine run for hours! Anyways, I'll just have to slightly change my 
workflow now

nosy:  -matrixise

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[issue38150] test_capi: test_c_subclass_of_heap_ctype_with_del_modifying_dunder_class_only_decrefs_once() leaks

2019-09-13 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

On it.

Also, I thought that the PR build bots already ran refleak tests by default? Do 
you know why this it's not integrated to the PR flow?

nosy: +eelizondo

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[issue34533] Apply PEP384 to _csv module

2019-09-12 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

pull_requests: +15700
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/16078

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38140] Py_tp_dictoffset / Py_tp_finalize are unsettable in stable API

2019-09-12 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +15697
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/16076

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[issue35381] posixmodule: convert statically allocated types (DirEntryType & ScandirIteratorType) to heap-allocated types

2019-09-10 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

pull_requests: +15533
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/15892

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[issue37879] Segfaults in C heap type subclasses

2019-08-17 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +15040
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/15323

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[issue37879] Segfaults in C heap type subclasses

2019-08-17 Thread Eddie Elizondo

New submission from Eddie Elizondo :

`subtype_dealloc` is not correctly handling the reference count of c heap type 
subclasses. It has some builtin assumptions which can result in the type 
getting its reference count decreased more that it needs to be, leading to its 
destruction when it should still be alive.

Also, this bug is a blocker for the full adoption of PEP384.

The full details of the bug along with a fix and tests are described in the 
Github PR.

messages: 349905
nosy: eelizondo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Segfaults in C heap type subclasses

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36531] PyType_FromSpec wrong behavior with multiple Py_tp_members

2019-04-04 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +12617
stage:  -> patch review

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36531] PyType_FromSpec wrong behavior with multiple Py_tp_members

2019-04-04 Thread Eddie Elizondo

New submission from Eddie Elizondo :

If a user accidentally defined more than one Py_tp_members in the spec, 
PyType_FromSpec will ignore all but the last use case. However, the number of 
members count will cause the type to allocate more memory than needed. This 
leads to weird behavior and crashes.

The solution is a one line fix to just restart the count if multiple 
Py_tp_members are defined.

messages: 339468
nosy: eelizondo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: PyType_FromSpec wrong behavior with multiple Py_tp_members

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[issue35810] Object Initialization does not incref Heap-allocated Types

2019-02-25 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

> could we just remove the whole concept of heap allocated types?

I do have plans to start migrating more and more CPython modules to use heap 
allocated types. For example I have posixmodule up in the queue (PR10854) and a 
local change with all of _io migrated. I'm only blocked by having correct 
refcnts in these types.

So, yes, let's work towards migrating all the static types to heap-allocated 
types! I have the time and energy to embark on this huge task so you'll see 
more and more of these PRs from me in the future. :)

> First let's make heap types more usable and bug-free, and then it will be 
> easier 

In that way, I agree with Petr, let's start by fixing the core issues first.

With all of that in mind, it seems to me that we are all agree on the current 
solution. Let's try to push this forward and merge the PR.


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[issue35810] Object Initialization does not incref Heap-allocated Types

2019-02-20 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

Bump to get a review on the PR: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/11661. 

I believe all comments have now been addressed as well as adding a porting to 
3.8 guide.


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[issue35810] Object Initialization does not incref Heap-allocated Types

2019-02-14 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

> Please open a thread on python-dev
Done! https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2019-February/156322.html

> Yes. You should add a new "Changes in the C API" 
Done as well, I also included examples for the scenarios that will need fixing 
to avoid having immortal types: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/11661

Looking forward to seeing this through!


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[issue35810] Object Initialization Bug with Heap-allocated Types

2019-02-12 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

Now, with that in mind - can you guys point me to the right thing to do now - 
how can we move this forward? :) 

* Should I write something up in python-dev/Discourse?
* Do I need to update the PY_VERSION_HEX?
* Do I need to write an entry in the Porting guide?

Let me know what you think!


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[issue35810] Object Initialization Bug with Heap-allocated Types

2019-02-12 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

Thanks for the thorough feedback Stefan!

I would like to just add an extra thing to everything you already mentioned: 

This change will NEVER cause a crash. The change that we are introducing is an 
incref to a type object (no decrefs). Thus, there are two-ish scenarios:

1) The type object is immortal: This means that the type does not incref/decref 
its refcount automatically on instance creation. Adding this incref will not 
affect the fact that it's already immortal. An example of this is 
structsequences. The change that I added in the PR is to convert it to an 
refcounted type (instead of immortal).

2.1) The type is recounted (automatically): Achieved through the generic 
allocation which already increfs the type. Given that this refactors that 
incref, then this behavior should stay exactly the same.

2.2) The type is refcounted (manually): Achieved by not using the generic 
allocation and instead using `PyObject_{,GC}_New{Var}`. To properly refcount 
this type, a manual incref is required after object instantiation. Usually, 
I've seen this pattern in very carefully engineered types where a NULL is 
jammed into `tp_new` to make it into a non-instantiable type. Examples of this 
are Modules/_tkinter.c and Modules/_curses_panel.c. Anyways, adding this incref 
will leak this type, but will not cause a crash.


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[issue35810] Object Initialization Bug with Heap-allocated Types

2019-01-30 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

Hi Petr,

Please take a look at the Github PR. What do you think that's missing to move 
this forward? I'd be more than happy to add more documentation/testing to it. 
Let me know what you think


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[issue35810] Object Initialization Bug with Heap-allocated Types

2019-01-23 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

keywords: +patch, patch, patch
pull_requests: +11461, 11462, 11463
stage:  -> patch review

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35810] Object Initialization Bug with Heap-allocated Types

2019-01-23 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

keywords: +patch, patch
pull_requests: +11461, 11462
stage:  -> patch review

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35810] Object Initialization Bug with Heap-allocated Types

2019-01-23 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +11461
stage:  -> patch review

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35810] Object Initialization Bug with Heap-allocated Types

2019-01-23 Thread Eddie Elizondo

New submission from Eddie Elizondo :

Heap-allocated Types initializing instances through `PyObject_{,GC}_New{Var}` 
will *NOT* not have their refcnt increased. This was totally fine under the 
assumption that static types are immortal. However, heap-allocated types MUST 
participate in refcounting. Furthermore, their deallocation routine should also 
make sure to decrease their refcnt to provide the incref/decref pair.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 334271
nosy: eelizondo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Object Initialization Bug with Heap-allocated Types
versions: Python 3.8

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35438] Cleanup extension functions using _PyObject_LookupSpecial

2018-12-10 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

I also fixed the title to properly reflect what this is trying to achieve.


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[issue35438] Cleanup extension functions using _PyObject_LookupSpecial

2018-12-10 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

title: Extension modules using non-API functions -> Cleanup extension functions 
using _PyObject_LookupSpecial

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35438] Extension modules using non-API functions

2018-12-10 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

@vstinner: Sorry for not being clear - The intention of this change is two-fold:
1) Simplify the implementation of these functions.
2) Reduce the surface area of the C-API.

Given that the same functionality can be achieved with public functions of the 
C-API. This is a nice cleanup over the current approach.


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[issue35438] Extension modules using non-API functions

2018-12-10 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +10316
stage:  -> patch review

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35438] Extension modules using non-API functions

2018-12-07 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

Correction, this is not as trivial as just using `PyObject_GetAttrString`. Will 
investigate the correct behavior.


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[issue35438] Extension modules using non-API functions

2018-12-07 Thread Eddie Elizondo

New submission from Eddie Elizondo :

Three extension modules: _testcapimodule.c, posixmodule.c, and mathmodule.c are 
using `_PyObject_LookupSpecial` which is not API.

These should instead use `PyObject_GetAttrString`, `PyType_GetSlot`.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 331364
nosy: eelizondo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Extension modules using non-API functions
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35381] Heap-allocated posixmodule types

2018-12-02 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +10089
stage:  -> patch review

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35381] Heap-allocated posixmodule types

2018-12-02 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

title: Heap-allocated Posixmodule types -> Heap-allocated posixmodule types

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[issue35381] Heap-allocated Posixmodule types

2018-12-02 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

title: Heap-allocated Posixmodule -> Heap-allocated Posixmodule types

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35381] Heap-allocated Posixmodule

2018-12-02 Thread Eddie Elizondo

New submission from Eddie Elizondo :

After bpo34784, there are still two more cases of statically allocated types 
(DirEntryType & ScandirIteratorType). These should also be heap allocated to 
make posixmodule fully compatible with PEP384.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 330906
nosy: eelizondo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Heap-allocated Posixmodule
versions: Python 3.8

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16086] tp_flags: Undefined behaviour with 32 bits long

2018-11-28 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

pull_requests: +10032

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34784] Heap-allocated StructSequences

2018-10-02 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

pull_requests: +9062

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34784] Heap-allocated StructSequences

2018-09-24 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +8929
stage:  -> patch review

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34784] Heap-allocated StructSequences

2018-09-24 Thread Eddie Elizondo

New submission from Eddie Elizondo :

PyStructSequence_NewType does not currently work. Read the full analysis here: 

This aims to fix the implementation of PyStructSequence_NewType.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 326205
nosy: eelizondo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Heap-allocated StructSequences
versions: Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34522] PyTypeObject's tp_base initialization bug

2018-08-29 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:


* This change currently works for all CPython. If you are using this pattern 
then you probably want to be using PyType_FromSpec rather than having a static 
PyTypeObject as discussed in PEP384: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0384. 
In general, extensions should all be using PyType_FromSpec rather than static 

* As mentioned by Erik Bray in the e-mail thread, the usage of a static 
PyTypeObject with a PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT requires a compile-time constant. 
This causes problems cross-compatibility problems, especially with Windows. You 
can read more here: 

In general, this pattern is just pervasive. It causes cross-compatibility 
issues, it can cause users to forget calling PyType_Ready on a type and we are 
better off without it.

Again, please read the mail thread. Everything that I'm saying here is all 
discussed there.


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[issue34522] PyTypeObject's tp_base initialization bug

2018-08-28 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

@ronaldoussoren Please read the complete analysis from the mailing list: 
https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2018-August/154946.html. The 
description here was just a rehash and I probably missed some context. 

Particularly, when I said: "PyTypeObject's ob_type should always be set by 
PyType_Ready" I was referring to the PyTypeObject's that are statically set in 
C code. Metatypes explicitly have to set the ob_type and that's already handled.

In the current state of things, you have static PyTypeObjects that are being 
used before calling PyType_Ready due to this macro. This change just 
standardizes the header of static PyTypeObject throughout the entire codebase.


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[issue34533] Apply PEP384 to _csv module

2018-08-28 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +8451
stage:  -> patch review

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34533] Apply PEP384 to _csv module

2018-08-28 Thread Eddie Elizondo

New submission from Eddie Elizondo :

This applies the heap type refactoring from PEP 384 to the _csv module.

components: Extension Modules
messages: 324268
nosy: eelizondo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Apply PEP384 to _csv module
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34522] PyTypeObject's tp_base initialization bug

2018-08-27 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +8432
stage:  -> patch review

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34522] PyTypeObject's tp_base initialization bug

2018-08-27 Thread Eddie Elizondo

New submission from Eddie Elizondo :

>From the documentation, it says that PyType_Ready should be called on `ALL` 
>type objects to finish their initialization 
>(https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/type.html#c.PyType_Ready). This means that a 
>PyTypeObject's ob_type should always be set by PyType_Ready.

It turns out that this is not actually followed by all the core types in 
CPython. This leads to the usage of types that were not initialized through 

This fix modifies PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT to default the type to NULL so that all 
objects have to be fully initialized through PyType_Ready.

* It initializes all the objects that were not being initialized through 
* Modifies PyType_Ready to special case the ob_type initialization of 
PyType_Type and PyBaseObject_Type.
* It modifies the edge case of _Py_FalseStruct and _Py_TrueStruct.

Read more: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2018-August/154946.html

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 324195
nosy: eelizondo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: PyTypeObject's tp_base initialization bug
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33058] Enhance Python's Memory Instrumentation with COUNT_ALLOCS

2018-03-12 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +5852
stage:  -> patch review

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33058] Enhance Python's Memory Instrumentation with COUNT_ALLOCS

2018-03-12 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

@serhiy.storchaka tracemalloc can't distinguish between the usage of gc allocs, 
normal mallocs, and free list reuse.


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[issue33058] Enhance Python's Memory Instrumentation with COUNT_ALLOCS

2018-03-12 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Eddie Elizondo  added the comment:

Currently, Python has very few instrumentation when it comes to the types of 
allocations that it's doing. For instance, we currently can't identify how many 
times an object uses free lists vs actual mallocs.

Currently, there's a special build which can be used by compiling with 
"-DCOUNT_ALLOCS". However, this build is not ABI compatible with extensions. 
Meaning you have to recompile all the modules that are used. Doing this on a 
large scale scenario (1000+ modules) is not feasible.

Thus, I propose the following enhancements:
* Make COUNT_ALLOCS ABI compatible

* Expand the counters to not only track allocs and frees but also distinguish 
* GC Counts: Allocs/Frees coming from PyObject_GC_Malloc PyObject_GC_Del
* Memory Counts: Allocs/Frees coming from PyMem_Malloc/PyObject_Malloc 
PyObject_Free (modulo GC objects).
* Free Lists: "Allocs/Frees" coming from specific object's free_lists/caches.
* Misc: Extra kinds of "Allocs/Frees" such as code's zombie frame.


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[issue33058] Enhance Python's Memory Instrumentation with COUNT_ALLOCS

2018-03-12 Thread Eddie Elizondo

New submission from Eddie Elizondo :


title: [WIP] Enhance Python's Memory Instrumentation with COUNT_ALLCOS -> 
Enhance Python's Memory Instrumentation with COUNT_ALLOCS

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33058] Enhancing Python

2018-03-12 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

nosy: elizondo93
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Enhancing Python
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33058] [WIP] Enhance Python's Memory Instrumentation with COUNT_ALLCOS

2018-03-12 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

title: [WIP] Enhancing Python's COUNT_ALLOCS -> [WIP] Enhance Python's Memory 
Instrumentation with COUNT_ALLCOS

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33058] [WIP] Enhancing Python's COUNT_ALLOCS

2018-03-12 Thread Eddie Elizondo

Change by Eddie Elizondo :

title: Enhancing Python -> [WIP] Enhancing Python's COUNT_ALLOCS

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32898] [BUILD] Using COUNT_ALLOCS breaks build

2018-02-21 Thread Eddie Elizondo

New submission from Eddie Elizondo :

The following build crashed:
mkdir debug && cd debug
../configure --with-pydebug

The bug was introduced here: 

1) s/inter/interp/
2) Declare PyTypeObject

components: Build
messages: 312504
nosy: elizondo93
priority: normal
pull_requests: 5578
severity: normal
status: open
title: [BUILD] Using COUNT_ALLOCS breaks build
type: compile error

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27934] json float encoding incorrect for dbus.Double

2016-09-02 Thread Eddie James

Changes by Eddie James :

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file44349/json-float-repr-2.7.patch

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27934] json float encoding incorrect for dbus.Double

2016-09-02 Thread Eddie James

Eddie James added the comment:

Python 2.7 also already behaves correctly for other dbus types:

Python 2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13) 
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import dbus
>>> import json
>>> x = dbus.Int32(3)
>>> x
>>> json.dumps(x)
>>> repr(x)


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[issue27934] json float encoding incorrect for dbus.Double

2016-09-02 Thread Eddie James

Eddie James added the comment:

Wait what about the json C code for 2.7? That's still using PyObject_Repr() 
which will call tp_repr for dbus.Double... Any suggestions?


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[issue27934] json float encoding incorrect for dbus.Double

2016-09-02 Thread Eddie James

Eddie James added the comment:

Thanks Mark, yes you installed the right package.

OK I didn't dig deep enough in the sub class. And yea, there shouldn't be any 
difference between float.__repr__ and float.__str__. Obviously repr calls the 
object's tp_repr method, while float.__repr__ calls the base float method, 
which is the one we want.

I didn't do any testing for python 3.x as I couldn't figure out how to import 
dbus into a local build of 3.x. My mistake here.

> For 2.7, we may want to consider processing float instances using 
> `float.__repr__` instead of plain old `repr`

That should work! I'll upload a new patch for 2.7


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[issue27934] json float encoding incorrect for dbus.Double

2016-09-02 Thread Eddie James

Eddie James added the comment:

Understood on 2.7, I wasn't aware it would cause any issues.

Dbus.Double is not a subclass of float unfortunately. Problem is that all Dbus 
types seem to have a custom tp_repr method that returns that strange formatting 
I mentioned. So repr won't be the same as str, in any version of python.


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[issue27934] json float encoding incorrect for dbus.Double

2016-09-01 Thread Eddie James

Changes by Eddie James :

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file44334/json-float-str-2.7.patch

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27934] json float encoding incorrect for dbus.Double

2016-09-01 Thread Eddie James

New submission from Eddie James:

JSON does not correctly encode dbus.Double types, even though all other dbus 
types are handled fine. I end up with output like this (0.25 is the floating 
point value): dbus.Double(0.25, variant_level=1)

Found that the encoding uses repr() for float objects but uses str() for 
integer objects. I propose a change to use str() for float objects as well. 
This could be ported back to 2.7 as well

components: Library (Lib)
files: json-float-str-default.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 274179
nosy: eajames
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: json float encoding incorrect for dbus.Double
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.6
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file44333/json-float-str-default.patch

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue18734] Berkeley DB versions 4.4-4.9 are not discovered by setup.py

2013-08-13 Thread Eddie Stanley

New submission from Eddie Stanley:

Support for Berkeley DB up to 5.3 was introduced in Python 2.7.4 (see issue 
#17477) however I'm having problems with the detection code in setup.py.

I'm working on RHEL4, I've got Berkeley DB 4.7.25 installed in /opt/db-4.7.25

When I try and "make" Python, it can't build _bsddb because no suitable version 
of db.h was found. 

The function gen_db_minor_ver_nums(major) looks as though it's supposed to spit 
out all the minor versions for a given major, however it doesn't appear to work 
properly for 4.x - surely 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 ... all the way to 4.9 (or whatever) 
should be generated. 

It only generates minor version "3" though. The end result is that 4.3 is the 
only working version in the 4.x series.

components: Build
messages: 195120
nosy: Eddie.Stanley
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Berkeley DB versions 4.4-4.9 are not discovered by setup.py
type: compile error
versions: Python 2.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5465] No edit in IDLE in right click context menu

2009-03-09 Thread Eddie Slimak

Changes by Eddie Slimak :

type:  -> behavior

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5465] No edit in IDLE in right click context menu

2009-03-09 Thread Eddie Slimak

New submission from Eddie Slimak :

I was mucking around attempting to get WConio working and so had an
installation for both python 2.5 and 2.6 at the same time.  After I
uninstalled python 2.5 windows somehow stopped associating .py files
with python.

components: IDLE, Windows
message_count: 1.0
messages: 83412
nosy: ESlim
nosy_count: 1.0
severity: normal
status: open
title: No edit in IDLE in right click context menu
versions: Python 2.6

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4621] zipfile returns string but expects binary

2008-12-20 Thread Eddie

Eddie  added the comment:

Attached is a patch that solves (I hope) the initial problem, the one
from Francesco Ricciardi.

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file12409/patch.diff

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4621] zipfile returns string but expects binary

2008-12-20 Thread Eddie

Eddie  added the comment:

I read again what STINNER Victor and I think that he found another bug.

Because, when listing the filenames of that zip file, the names are not
displayed correctly. In fact
'x/h├⌐' == 'x/hé'.encode('utf-8').decode('cp437')

So, there is again a problem with encodings when reading the contents.

The problem here is that when reading one can not give the filename,
because is not a key in the NameToInfo dictionary.

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4621] zipfile returns string but expects binary

2008-12-20 Thread Eddie

Eddie  added the comment:

The problem is not about reading the filenames, but reading the contents
of a file with filename that has non-ascii charaters.

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4621] zipfile returns string but expects binary

2008-12-18 Thread Eddie

Eddie  added the comment:

Sorry, my bad.
I did tried it but with the wrong version (2.5). And it worked perfectly.

So sorry again for my mistake.

Anyways, I've found the error.

The problem is caused by different encodings used when zipping.

In open, the method is comparing b't\x82st.xml' against
b't\xc3\xa9st.xml', and of course they are different.
But they are no so different, because b't\x82st.xml' is
'tést'.encode('cp437') and b't\xc3\xa9st.xml' is 'tést'.encode(utf-8).

The problem arises because the open method supposes the filename is in
utf-8 encoding, but in __init__ it realizes that the encoding depends on
the flags. 
if flags & 0x800:
filename = filename.decode.('utf-8')
filename = filename.decode.('cp437')

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4621] zipfile returns string but expects binary

2008-12-17 Thread Eddie

Eddie  added the comment:

The error you got is caused by giving the wrong parameters. You gave a
ZipInfo object instead of a filename.

If you execute data = testzip.read(t1.filename) yo will have no problems.

nosy: +Eddie

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