[issue7124] idle.py -n : help() doesn't work in a reopened shell window

2011-03-29 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

Right. I cannot replicate this bug even with an IDLE from Python 3.2. So it 
seems to me, that this problem has been solved.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7061] Improve 24.5. turtle doc

2010-11-05 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

What do you mean with similar approach?

Keep in mind, that functions derived form turtle methods,
call methods for the class variable _pen of class Turtle.
A new Turtle-object is bound to _pen, if it is not already
present, whenever one of these functions is called, via _getpen()

So perhaps _getpen() can do for you what you need?

(A similar approach is used for screen-oriented functions with turtle._screen.)

I'm very sorry that, due to time restrictions, for the next two or three months 
I'm not able to participate in these discussions as intensely as I'd like to.

Best regards,


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10199] Move Demo/turtle under Lib/

2010-10-27 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

Imho it is very important to clarify the name convention for demoscripts to be 
added to the demo before committing (or at least before the apperance of 
beta1). It decides about adding scripts to the Examples Menu of the viewer.

We all know, that things once they have found their way into Lib cannot be 
changed easily afterwards. Guidos argument on backwards compatibility applies. 
So now is the only point in time to decide about this.

Should we 
- stick with the tdemo_ prefix or 
- change to another pre- or postfix (like eg. bytedesign_demo)
- or should we allow for arbitrary *.py filenames with some exception (e.g. 
filenames that contain an underscore) to mark files that are not meant as demos 
for the viewer?

Please note that there are other constraints also for demo_files anyway, like 
the size of the graphics window and the presence of a main()-function to be 
called by the viewer. 

I'd like this to be decided actively. 

What do you think?
Best regards,


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10199] Move Demo/turtle under Lib/

2010-10-26 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

First of all: I'd not like to see turtle.py converted into a package. I think 
with the turtle module things should be as simple as possible and I don't see 
any need to put approx. 100kB of code into an __init__.py and be it only 
because there are hundreds of them and on cannot see from the name what's in 
there. I do not expect the avarage turtle user to look at the code, but 
certainly some teachers and instructors do even if they are not python 
specialists accustomed to the use of packages.

As far as I understood from the discussion the MAIN POINT is to make the 
turtleDemo accessible as easyly as possible.

So at first this needs a decision to put the demo code into the 

The next question is where to put it. In my opinion there are two possibilities.

1) The one mentioned by Alexander in msg119612: a turtledemo directory in Lib. 
2) To put a turtledemo directory into the Tools directory (in some sense the 
demoViewer is sort of a tool, isn't it.)

I quickly prepared a 'prototypical' collection with a modified viewer, which 
accounts for some of the arguments which came up in the current  discussion. It 
contains a turtledemo package. Please download it and have a look.

Each demo can be run by doubleclicking, as a standalone script, as well as from 
the turtledemo.viewer

If from the above options 1) were chosen or the package is somewhere else in 
the search path, on can - at the interactive prompt - do things like:

 from turtledemo import bytedesign

and also:

 from turtledemo import viewer

Morover one can load the examples into Idle and start them via the run-command. 
So one has a look at the code and moreover the possibility to make changes and 
try out, what happens.

I have renamed the sample scripts, omitting the tdemo_ - prefix, as 
this looks nicer (at least for me). The previous version turtleDemo recognized 
scripts with this suffix as belonging to the demo-suite and
added it to the examples menu. This was necessary because of a script, which 
cannot be demonstrated in the demo_viewer (two canvases). I changed this in my 
proposition in the following way: scripts that are in the demodirectory and 
should not appear in the DemoViewer's example-Menu, should end with _.py or 
some other extension.

To make the demo_viewer importable creates a special problem: the demos are 
imported by the demoViewer via the __import__ function, so everyone can add his 
own demos to the demo-directory and they will show up in the viewer. The 
original version (and even this one) can do this also for demos in 
subdirectories when started directly. (I've included as an example the geometry 
directory). This does't work yet for importing the viewer, I only provided a 
very clumsy quick and dirty solution and I hope that someone has a better, more 
bright idea to do this more elegantly and correctly.

Now for something completely different: how to make it easily accessible.

1) Put remarks (and links) into the documentation, near the head of the turtle 
module's docs. (Referring to 24.5.7)
2) Put a hint into the commentary/docstring of the file turtle.py itself.
3) I do not consider it a good idea to put the viewer.py into the 
if __name__ == __main__ - part of turtle.py thus replacing the current demo. 
I think this part should demonstrate the possibilities of the module without 
recurring to extra use of Tkinter (as the demo viewer does). (I must also 
confess, that the quality of the code of the viewer, which I programmed back in 
2006, does not reach the standards I tried to achieve for turtle.py)
4) BUT I'd find it useful to change this final demo code of turtle.py, so it - 
in the end - displays a message where to find more demos (i. e. turtledemo) or 
even to put there a question like (Do you want to see more demos?) and two 
turtle-generated buttons: YES and NO. If one chooses Yes, the 
turtledemo.viewer would pop up in a separate process.

Please consider this to be a proposal or a contribution. I'm very interested in 
discussing it further and bringing it to a quick and easy solution for Python 
3.2. Unfortunately I'm currently involved in a project (also python-related) 
with very severe time constraints for the next four to five month. So ideas for 
enhancing the demoviewer and probably turtle.py have to wait until then and 
possibly will be an issue for Python 3.3

Best regards,

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file19380/turtledemo32.zip

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8616] Changes to content of Demo/turtle

2010-05-25 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

Yes, tdemo_raund_dance.py and tdemo_scribble.py definitely do not work
with turtle.py from Python 2.7 :-(
I submitted them expecting, that my backport of turtle.py from Python 3.1 to 
Python 2.7 would be accepted. But, alas, I was too late :-(((

So it's definitely ok not to add it to the turtle-demo-collection.

The case of tdemo_nim.py is a mystery to me. To be sure to use the incriminated 
version I downloaded it from here (bug-tracker) and tried it out several times. 
The malfunction you mentioned never did occur. 

Moreover I've checked the code. Ther are only two lines, 62 (initialization 
with None) and 72, containing assignments to the NimModel.winner attribute 
which decides about the winner's announcement. Cannot imagine why this 
shouldn't work correctly?

In fact the very same script is contained in Demo/turtle of Python 3.1.2 (in 
fact since 3.1) and up to now I never got any feedback about any malfunction 
whatever. So please could you check it once again and give some information in 
oder to be able to reproduce the effect mentioned? I'm definitely very 
interested in *know*ing if the script is faulty or not.

However, committing this demo script or not can safely be regarded as a very 
unimportant issue. 

Regards, Gregor


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8615] turtle.py - backport of 3.1 features

2010-05-04 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

Here, just for your information, the appropriate unified diff (from the version 
in 2.7b1 to the new submitted one.

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file17207/turtle27b1_to_turtle27.diff

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8616] Changes to content of Demo/turtle

2010-05-04 Thread Gregor Lingl

New submission from Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net:

turtleDemo.py contains a string referring to the outdated xturtle.
Should be replaced according to the submitted diff.

Moreover I'd like to propose to add to demo-scripts to the Demo-directory, 
namely tdemo_nim.py and tdemo_round_dance.py as well as to replace the old 
tdemo_paint.py by the enhanced version tdemo_scribble.py. I'll add those files 

components: Demos and Tools
files: turtleDemo_27b1_to_turtleDemo.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 104977
nosy: georg.brandl, gregorlingl, loewis
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Changes to content of Demo/turtle
versions: Python 2.7
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file17208/turtleDemo_27b1_to_turtleDemo.diff

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8616] Changes to content of Demo/turtle

2010-05-04 Thread Gregor Lingl

Changes by Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file17209/tdemo_nim.py

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8616] Changes to content of Demo/turtle

2010-05-04 Thread Gregor Lingl

Changes by Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file17210/tdemo_round_dance.py

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8616] Changes to content of Demo/turtle

2010-05-04 Thread Gregor Lingl

Changes by Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file17211/tdemo_scribble.py

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8615] turtle.py - backport of 3.1 features

2010-05-04 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

As far as I remember, in the past there was a feature - freeze only with the 
appearance of beta2?

Maybe I'm wrong. So there remains only to try to interpret the term new 
feature appropriately, as all those features are already present in Python 
3.1. If there are serious objections against adopting it, I'll accept them of 

I just wanted to serve the community with making Python 2.7 more similar to 
Python 3.1



Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8615] turtle.py - backport of 3.1 features

2010-05-04 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

I see, that Benjamin Peterson, the release manager, is on the nosy list now. So 
please decide on this issue. If you need any supplementary information, I'll 
try to provide it.

(The issue concerning the adoption of this version of the turtle module for 
Python 3.1 can be found here: http://bugs.python.org/issue5923)



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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6717] Some problem with recursion handling

2009-10-16 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

I've written and appended with this message a small script using
tkinter, that produces the same crash as described earlier with turtle.py:


It occurs when heavily and fast dragging the red square. So the bug
doesn't depent on turtle.py

I'd like to mention again, that the corresponding script under Python26
does crash also, but with a regular Python Error-Message. It does not
kill IDLE when stated from within IDLE.

So I'd suggest to give this one a higher priority. Should be fixed with 3.2


Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file15149/tkinter_recursionbug_31.py

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7124] idle.py -n : help() doesn't work in a reopened shell window

2009-10-14 Thread Gregor Lingl

New submission from Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net:

The following procedure reveals a problem with help:

1) Start IDLE with -n option (no subprocess)
2) Create a script (e. g. helloworld one-liner
3) Run script
4) Close Shell Window
5) Via Menu: Run | Python Shell reopen Shell window
6)  help(print)
Help on ...
end:  string appended after the last value, default a newline.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#0, line 1, in module
  File C:\Python31\lib\site.py, line 429, in __call__
return pydoc.help(*args, **kwds)
  File C:\Python31\lib\pydoc.py, line 1710, in __call__
  File C:\Python31\lib\pydoc.py, line 1758, in help
  File C:\Python31\lib\idlelib\PyShell.py, line 1231, in write
self.shell.write(s, self.tags)
  File C:\Python31\lib\idlelib\PyShell.py, line 1212, in write
self.text.mark_gravity(iomark, right)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'mark_gravity'

So in a re-opened Shell-Window in an IDLE in -n mode, help() doesn't
work correctly.


components: IDLE
messages: 93980
nosy: gregorlingl
severity: normal
status: open
title: idle.py -n : help() doesn't work in a reopened shell window
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.1, Python 3.2

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7129] 'filling' missing in __all__

2009-10-14 Thread Gregor Lingl

New submission from Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net:

By oversight the turtle graphics function filling is missing in the
__all__ list which is composed by several parts, among them

So 'filling' has to be added to _tg_turtle_functions

a path is attached

components: Library (Lib)
files: filling-bug.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 94007
nosy: georg.brandl, gregorlingl, loewis
severity: normal
status: open
title: 'filling' missing in __all__
type: resource usage
versions: Python 3.1, Python 3.2
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file15128/filling-bug.diff

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7129] 'filling' missing in __all__ ot turtle.py

2009-10-14 Thread Gregor Lingl

Changes by Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net:

title: 'filling' missing in __all__ - 'filling' missing in __all__ ot turtle.py

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7052] from logging import * causes an error under Ubuntu Karmic

2009-10-04 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

The same True for captureWarnings? (It's also is only present in __all__)

nosy: +gregorlingl

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7052] from logging import * causes an error under Ubuntu Karmic

2009-10-04 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

As stated above: the name


is also present *only* in __all__. Same reason, same effect.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7061] Improve 24.5. turtle doc

2009-10-04 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

Thanks, Terry, for reading the docs that thoroughly.
Alas, for the next week I'm too busy (with preparing Python für Kids
for press) to work through this long list. 
Since it doesn't seem to be *very* urgent, I'll defer that work until
Oct. 12th or so. Then I'll be glad to discuss each and every point of
your list (some of them are known to me already) and I'm sure that the
necessary fixes and amendments can be done quickly then.
Best regards,


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6717] Some problem with recursion handling

2009-08-17 Thread Gregor Lingl

New submission from Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net:

I suspect that there is some deeper (more severe) issue behind the
problem I describe below. I've observed the following on Windows only.
Didn't try it with different OSs

running dragbug.py shows different behaviour with Python 3.1 compared to
Python 2.6:

Running it with Python 3.1 and performing heavy turtle dragging with the
mouse results in:

Fatal Python error: Cannot recover from stack overflow
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual
way. Please contact the application's support team
-- As I do at the moment ;-) 

Running the same script from Python 2.6: The error is much harder to
reproduce (only with very excessive dragging). It's a bit easier to
reproduce when running the program from a console and  if it occurs one
gets a conventional Python error message:

First a long sequence of:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception RuntimeError: 'maximum recursion depth exceeded while  

Followed by:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File dragbug.py, line 10, in module
  File c:\Python26\lib\traceback.py, line 57, in print_tb
if hasattr(sys, 'tracebacklimit'):
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'tracebacklimit'

This problem can be overcome by setting a higher recurson limit. But I
think one should require that it doesn't produce a Fatal Error like in
Python 3.1


components: Library (Lib)
files: dragbug.py
messages: 91664
nosy: gregorlingl
severity: normal
status: open
title: Some problem with recursion handling
versions: Python 3.1
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file14738/dragbug.py

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6618] Typo in a listing in 5.2.9 of language reference

2009-08-01 Thread Gregor Lingl

New submission from Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net:

Error in:

Python v3.1 documentation  The Python language reference 

In the listing at the end of section 5.2.9 Yield expressions,
line 7:

... except Exception, e:

is syntactically incorrect and consequently raises a Syntax Error.
Should read:

... except Exception as e:

assignee: georg.brandl
components: Documentation
messages: 91171
nosy: georg.brandl, gregorlingl
severity: normal
status: open
title: Typo in a listing in 5.2.9 of language reference
versions: Python 3.1

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6340] replace tdemo_chaos.py

2009-06-25 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

So do I.

I'd like to ask you to do the commit.

And I'd also like to suggest that - in the first three comment-lines of
the script - you replace

Datei:by  File:
Autor:by  Author:
Datum: 24. 6. 2009by  Date: 2009-06-24

Then (hopefully) we will never need to touch it any more ;-)

Thanks in advance


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6339] Some functional errors in turtle.py documentation (missing links)

2009-06-24 Thread Gregor Lingl

New submission from Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net:

In the Python3.1rc2 documentation for turtle.py there are the following
functional errors:

In the overview section the (newly added) entries for the functions/methods 


do not have links to the corresponding text sections. These exist but
also have errors, sometimes the leading 'turtle.' is missing, sometimes
the parameter self erroneously appears in the text.

I'm not very educated in restructured Text Syntax respectively the
documentatin system. Nevertheless I inspected the source and I assume
the following causes for this:

In the first lines of the sections for shearfactor and numinput there
are superfluous self, which should be deleted.

In the sections for get_shapepoly, onkeypress and numinput there are
perturbing colons at the end of the first lines, which perhaps should be

As I'm not sure if this suggestions are right and/or comlete and I do
not have any means to test them, I cannot submit a patch. 

Please could some docs-guru check my suggestions (and possibly repair
the defects) It would be fine if this errors wouldn't appear in 3.1


assignee: georg.brandl
components: Documentation
messages: 89682
nosy: georg.brandl, gregorlingl, loewis
severity: normal
status: open
title: Some functional errors in turtle.py documentation (missing links)
versions: Python 3.1

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6340] replace tdemo_chaos.py

2009-06-24 Thread Gregor Lingl

New submission from Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net:

I've submitted a replacement, which is functionally 100% equivalent,
but cleaner code, more appropriate for a demo:

four or five superfluous lines, which were remains from some previous
version are deleted now; names and comments are now in English.


components: Demos and Tools
files: tdemo_chaos.py
messages: 89686
nosy: georg.brandl, gregorlingl, loewis
severity: normal
status: open
title: replace tdemo_chaos.py
versions: Python 3.1
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file14358/tdemo_chaos.py

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6340] replace tdemo_chaos.py

2009-06-24 Thread Gregor Lingl

Changes by Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file14358/tdemo_chaos.py

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6340] replace tdemo_chaos.py

2009-06-24 Thread Gregor Lingl

Changes by Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file14359/tdemo_chaos.py

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6340] replace tdemo_chaos.py

2009-06-24 Thread Gregor Lingl

Changes by Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file14359/tdemo_chaos.py

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6340] replace tdemo_chaos.py

2009-06-24 Thread Gregor Lingl

Changes by Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file14360/tdemo_chaos.py

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5923] turtle.py update: 1.0 -- 1.1

2009-05-04 Thread Gregor Lingl

New submission from Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net:

I propose to update turtle.py with this new version 1.1 of the turtle

Summary of changes:

1. a few bugfixes, with 1 - 5 lines of code changed for each;
   these concern bugs that prevented turtle to run correctly

2. I've added four methods to the class TurtleScreeenBase:
   _onkeypress(fun, key)  (supplementing _onkeyrelease)
   mainloop()  (which is now a Screen-method and a function)
   textinput(title, prompt)
   numinput(title, prompt, default, minval, maxval)
  the latter two remedy the complete lack of input methods

   _onkey, an internal method name is changed to _onkeyrelease

3. I've added one method to the class TurtleScreen:
   onkeypress(fun, key=None)implemented in analogy to the
already present onkey()
   which got onkeyrelease as an alias.

4. I've changed several portions of the code that affect
  the representation of the turtleshape thus making it
  more compact (by removing some duplicated code) and more
  powerful, i. e. by adding the possibility to apply
  shearings to turtleshapes (in addition to the already present
  scaling and rotating transformations). Thus now the full
  range of (non singular) linear transformations is available.

  New methods in class RawTurtle:
   shearfactor(shear=None)set or get the shearfactor
   shapetransform(t11, t12, t21, t22)
   set or get the shape transform directly
   get_shapepoly() return the polygon of the current shape

  I've enhanced the functionality of tiltangle(angle=None)
  to contain also that of settiltangle and I propose to
  declare settiltangle as deprecated.
  5. I've removed a lot of codelines that were commented out
  during the process of transferring the module from 2.6
  to 3.0

6. I've implemented the bugfix for http://bugs.python.org/issue4117
  according do my proposition there and I strongly
  recommend this change again, as the bug described is very
  annoying, the fix is easy and no one proposed a better

For convenience I'll add the diff subsequently


components: Library (Lib)
files: turtle31.py
messages: 87132
nosy: benjamin.peterson, gregorlingl, loewis, rhettinger
severity: normal
status: open
title: turtle.py update: 1.0 -- 1.1
type: feature request
versions: Python 3.1
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file13870/turtle31.py

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5923] turtle.py update: 1.0 -- 1.1

2009-05-04 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

Just to see what I've changed:

The unified diff from version 1.0 ( Revision 69847 )
to the proposed version 1.1b

(Should result in version 1.1 'final'ly)

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file13871/turtle30_to_31.diff

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5923] turtle.py update: 1.0 -- 1.1

2009-05-04 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

I just wanted to submit the reply below. In the meantime Benjamin's
remark arrived. So perhaps the issue can be resolved successfully.

May I submit here one of the two example scripts I'd like to add to the
demos: tdemo_round_dance.py . Have a look at it and run it. 
Just for fun - in this strained situation - I hope you enjoy it.

I'll prepare the patch for the docs and I'll submit it as soon as
possible, not later than tomorrow.

Of course the print(_ver) statement should be commented out.



So perhaps there is someone else who could do it.

I'd like to state decisively:

Version 1.1 contains significant amendments.
I tested it thoroughly 
It would be a big advantage if others could test it also
during the 4 weeks of beta testing.

So I'd like to ask: Would it be practicable to put it
into 3.1b with the caveat to revert this adoption if it
turns out to have unrecoverable flaws? 

I'd like to remind you that Martin even did significant 
changes to version 1.0 only a few days before the final 
release of Python2.6. 

I know (and regret) that I submitted these changes rather late, 
but it was four days ago that I asked Martin and also Raymond for
advice on how to proceed with the submission but regrettably with 
no response. Unfortunately I'm a full time teacher and have to
do a lot of final exams these days. So I have only limited 
resources to work on turtle development. Nevertheless 
I'm anxious to only deliver valuable contributions.

I hope there is a way to accept these for now.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file13879/tdemo_round_dance.py

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5923] turtle.py update: 1.0 -- 1.1

2009-05-04 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

Here the patch to comment out the print(_ver) statement

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file13880/print_ver_patch.diff

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5923] turtle.py update: 1.0 -- 1.1

2009-05-04 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

Here is a patch for the documentation. It may contain some typos and/or
inaccuracies. I promise to check it and submit a patch if necessary
before final.

It contains also the announcement of two new demo scripts, the one
beeing round_dance submitted already, the other one being a nim game.
I'll submit it subsequently


Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file13885/turtle31.rst.diff

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5923] turtle.py update: 1.0 -- 1.1

2009-05-04 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl gregorli...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

The second demo script just announced

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file13886/tdemo_nim.py

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4117] missing update() in _Screen.setup() of Lib/turtle.py

2008-11-20 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

Here the patch, updated

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file12080/setup_patch.diff

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4117] missing update() in _Screen.setup() of Lib/turtle.py

2008-11-20 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

Sorry, but there is a remain from testing different versions of the
turtle module in the demo file's import statement.

Should read (of course):

from turtle import Screen, Turtle, mainloop

A corrected version is attached

Sorry, again, for the inconvenience

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file12081/setup_bug_demo.py

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4117] missing update() in _Screen.setup() of Lib/turtle.py

2008-11-19 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

I cannot call the Canvas method _update_idletasks() from within
_Screen.setup() becaus this would contradict to the architecture of the
module which isolates all direct references to Tkinter to
TurtleScreenBase. (The idea behind this is to make the module easily
portable, by porting only this class).

So if one followed your proposition one had to change TurtleScreenBase
which would result in a different (additional) patch.

For now I'd like to stick with the one proposed here - I worked a lot
with it, it works and I didn't experience unwanted side effects.

My question: I suppose to change the call self.cv.update() to
self.cv.update_idletasks() in TurtleScreenBase._update wouldn't work
properly so one had to add a new method to TurtleScreenBase - something
like TurtleScreenBase._update_idletasks. Originally I had the intention
to keep this interface as small as possible and use only things that are
really needed. Did you experience any problems or undesired behaviour
because of using unly cv.update? If so, please report it. Perhaps you
could also provide an example.


Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4117] missing update() in _Screen.setup() of Lib/turtle.py

2008-11-19 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

  I find that desire misguided; this is (IMO) a case of false abstraction.
  Is there any kind of proof that this design actually
  works, i.e. can be ported to a different GUI library (like, say,
  PythonWin? or AWT, when run in Jython?)
Yes there is. I have a (nearly complete) port to Pygame. (The only 
exception is the ondrag method, which I will incorporate if I have time
for it.) It runs all of the turtle graphics example scripts (except
colormixer which uses ondrag) without problems.

  Unless such proof can be provided (and then integrated into the code),
  I recommend to give up that objective, and start merging the base class
  code into the subclasses where reasonable.

Sorry, but I definitely shall not follow your recommendation.  I have
presented the architecture of the turtle module at Europython 2006  in a
talk which was visited also by Guido v. Rossum and later in Leipzig at a
workshop where you yourself, Martin, was present. On both of these
occasions I showed working prototypes of this port (along with another
one to VPython) and nobody had any objections nor were there any
objections by other useres who have used it up to now against this
design. You can find this also in the Tagungsband to the Leipzig
Python workshop together with some screenshots.

I'm very confident that this is a good design and I know (form the 
experience mentioned above) that it works. So instead I'll proceed with 
porting it to Jython and I for my part would consider it as an advantage
to have the same turtle module in both of these flavours of Python.

Two more remarks on this discussion, a specific one and a general one.

1. The bug I submitted a patch for is in the method setup() and in the 
__init__ method of _Screen, both of which usually will be called only 
once in a program.So in *this* case it cannot cause any performance 
problems. The bug  has annoying consequences and I found a simple 
remedy, which I consider appropriate for a bug-fix-release like 2.6.1. I
don't see any reason why to keep a known bug like this one in the code.
Acceptance of the patch will certainly not affect any more fundamental
amendments to follow (possibly). Moreover up to now I didn't hear of a
single complaint about the performance of the turtle module. I think
this is (i) because for beginning programmers this is no issue and (ii)
there are means (to call tracer() and also to call update() directly) to
control performance to a considerable extent. Shortly, my opinion is
that there are *good reasons* why the implementation is done like this,
seen from the educator's point of view.

2. Is it really fruitful to discuss  general design issues along with
(comparatively) small problems like this one - in the sense of
alternative ways to fix that problem? Implementations of redesigns like
the one you recommended wouldn't be accepted anyway for bug fix releases 
or releases in rc phase. I'm open to fundamental criticism also, but I 
think that should be led in Python-Dev or possibly comp.lang.python. And 
working out an amended concept would take some time and also it's 
implementation and it's testing. Moreover, to find co-workers to work on 
this would be an advantage.


Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4117] missing update() in _Screen.setup() of Lib/turtle.py

2008-11-19 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

 Most definitely. The module went into Python without any review
 whatsoever. Nobody (but you) has ever looked at the code in detail.

That's not True! Brad Miller, for example, who also had submitted
patches to the pythontracker, coauthor of Python Programming in
Context,  has used a predecessor of turtle.py as a main tool (swiss
army knife, as he says) in his book. He has contributed a few patches
(via private communication, before the module went into the Python
trunk), one of them directly concerning the update method. He had also
suggested some of the features, which I have added towards the end of
the development.

 You might argue that with due process, review should have taken
 place before the code was integrated. You might be right, but then
 the new turtle module wouldn't have been part of Python 2.6.

Rigth, more or less. At least I had expected, that someone reads the
doc-strings of the approx. 15 classes in the module. The one of
TurtleScreenBase reads like this:

Provide the basic graphics functionality.
Interface between Tkinter and turtle.py.

To port turtle.py to some different graphics toolkit
a corresponding TurtleScreenBase class has to be implemented.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4116] name conflict in ScrolledCanvas.__init__() in Lib/turtle.py

2008-11-18 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

I'd like to see this patch accepted and done for Python 2.6.1 and (at
the same time) python 3.0 before the last rc is released. So could you
dedicate a few minutes to reviewing it.

To demonstrate the nature of this issue (and also the nuisance it could
produce) I've constructed a minimal example to show the consequences of
the bug:

import turtle

s = turtle.Screen()

def changecolor():
s.bgcolor(1.0, 0.5)  # needs 3 floats as arguments

s.ontimer(changecolor, 1000)

This should create an error message like this:

TurtleGraphicsError: bad color arguments: (100, 100)

Instead it results in:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\_\provoke_error.py, line 11, in module
  File C:\Python26\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py, line 325, in mainloop
  File C:\Python26\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py, line 1414, in __call__
  File C:\Python26\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py, line 1175, in _report_exception
root = self._root()
AttributeError: _Root instance has no __call__ method

because the _root() method defined in line 1105 of Tkinter.py is
overwritten by the _root attribute of ScrolledCanvas (lines 362 and
382). So in these (hopefully rare) cases where an error message is
directly provoked from the Tkinter module, this will fail letting the
user without clue about what happened. 

With the proposed patch applied, the above script produces the correct
error message.

Regards, Gregor

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4117] missing update() in _Screen.setup() of Lib/turtle.py

2008-11-18 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

I'd also like to see this patch accepted and done for Python 2.6.1 and
(at the same time) python 3.0 before the last rc is released. So perhaps
you could you dedicate a few minutes to this one also.

Thanks for your efforts,

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4116] name conflict in ScrolledCanvas.__init__() in Lib/turtle.py

2008-10-13 Thread Gregor Lingl

New submission from Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

In ScrolledCanvas.__init__()  there's a name conflict with a methodname
of the parentclass Frame: _root. The bugfix consists in renaming this
attribute, which occurs only twice. No change in behaviour at all.


components: Library (Lib)
files: ScrolledCanvas.__init__.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 74709
nosy: gregorlingl, loewis
severity: normal
status: open
title: name conflict in ScrolledCanvas.__init__() in Lib/turtle.py
versions: Python 3.0
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file11776/ScrolledCanvas.__init__.diff

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4117] missing update() in _Screen.setup() of Lib/turtle.py

2008-10-13 Thread Gregor Lingl

New submission from Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

In Lib/turtle.py

_Screen.setup() needs a final update() call in order
to ensure, that immediately following calls of window_width() or
window_height() return correct values.

Consequently the setup() method call in _Screen.__init__()
has to take place only after the call of TurtleScreen.__init__()

components: Library (Lib)
files: _Screen.setup.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 74710
nosy: gregorlingl, loewis
severity: normal
status: open
title: missing update() in _Screen.setup() of Lib/turtle.py
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.0
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file11777/_Screen.setup.diff

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4116] name conflict in ScrolledCanvas.__init__() in Lib/turtle.py

2008-10-13 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

This patch applies to Python 2.6 as well

versions: +Python 2.6

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4117] missing update() in _Screen.setup() of Lib/turtle.py

2008-10-13 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

This patch applies to Python 2.6 as well

versions: +Python 2.6

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3956] turtle.py - bug in Screen.__init__()

2008-09-29 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

Agreeing to this patch, I'd just like to mention, that nevertheless this
change is not very pleasing for me. Not feeling that singleton with
inheritance is a 'meaningless' but rather a 'very special' concept,the
meaning of which could be explained, I've used this concept in the last
chapter of my book Python for Kids designing sort of a GameScreen
class derived from Screen(). Hmmm. So sthis seems to remain sort of a
unique selling point of xturtle for now. And in the 4th edition I can
certainly adapt this chapter. 

When 2.6 is out, what do you think is the right point for a further
discussion of this? (I think certainly not the bugtracker and
particularly not this issue.


Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3956] turtle.py - bug in Screen.__init__()

2008-09-29 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

... I meant: the right place for a further discussion 
Sorry, Gregor

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3941] Help in IDLE should open the chm file

2008-09-28 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

I just found out, that this doesn't work correctly, because the
Windows-helpfile in Python26rc2 is strangely named Python26c2.chm . It
works correctly however if one renames this file to Python26.chm (as
this is what the code in EditorWindow.py expects). 

So this will (almost certainly) be no problem in the final release.

Regards, Gregor

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3956] turtle.py - bug in Screen.__init__()

2008-09-28 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

I agree to Martin's patch for 2.6, because it seems to provide a more
clean solution. And, as he states, there will be time and opportunity to
discuss it more thoroughly later to possibly find another approach. As I
remarked before I know that singleton+inheritance is a controversial
subject. However the gang of four state in their book that one should
use the singleton design pattern if one needs exactly one instance af a
class and this should be extensible by subclassing ... (And there are
reasons why I'd like to have Screen() subclassable.)

Anyway, I think there are two more things to do:

1) Add a docstring to the Screen() function
2) Insert (at least) one sentence in the docs, 9.th paragraph of the
Introduction. Something like:

... so there can exist only one instance of Screen at a time. 
*Notice that consequently Screen cannot be sublassed.* 
It should be used when turtle is used as a standalone tool for doing
graphics. ...

Perhaps one should also note, that the singleton object is returned by a

I've applied the proposed patch (file11645) to a working copy and I've
tested it in interactive mode as well as with turtleDemo and all the
supplied demoscripts and found it to work well.

Last, but not least: thanks Martin for your contribution.


Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3956] turtle.py - bug in Screen.__init__()

2008-09-25 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

First of all I'd like to point you at a posting which I posted to
Python-dev on August 18th, where I addressed this issue in full detail. 


I hoped to provoke a clarifying discussion but I have to complain, that
I didn't succeed with this probably because many people were on vacation
at this time.

The only substantial reply I got was by Vern Ceder, a turtle graphics
veteran who contributed a lot to the old turtle module. He wrote:


I don't feel authoritative on the correctness/appropriateness of the 
implementation, but I do agree completely that behavior b, 
or what you have in the 3.0 version, is vastly preferable.


The design decision to use a singleton is of interest only for
interactive use. (A well designed Script uses at most one Screen() call
at the beginning. So that is no issue.)

I'll demonstrate here in a short interactive session (which you can
reproduce using IDLE with the -n switch as usual), why the solution
Martin proposes doesn't meet the requirements I tried to accomplish with
my code. This session 'simulates' a student curiously playing around and
experimenting with *the* Screen():

 from turtle import Screen, Turtle
 class YellowScreen(Screen):
def __init__(self):

 s = YellowScreen()
 t = Turtle()
 for i in range(10):

 s1 = Screen()
 s = YellowScreen()
[turtle.Turtle object at 0x01490450]
 class TextScreen(Screen):
def __init__(self):
self. writer = Turtle(visible=False)
def writeAt(self, x, y, txt):

 s = TextScreen()
 s.writeAt(0, -200, Read me ...)
[turtle.Turtle object at 0x01490450, turtle.Turtle object at 0x014902B0]
turtle.Turtle object at 0x014902B0
 class RedScreen(Screen):
def __init__(self):
Screen .__init__(self)
self.bgcolor(1, 0.5, 0.5)

 u = RedScreen()
 u.writeAt(0,200, Read me too)# should fail!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#21, line 1, in module
u.writeAt(0,200, Read me too)
AttributeError: 'RedScreen' object has no attribute 'writeAt'
 u = TextScreen()
 u.writeAt(0,200, Read me too)
 u.turtles()  # at this point for the first time occurs an 
 # unfavorable consequence of what Martin called a
 # 'design bug', namely a turtle in the turtles() list 
 # which is not used any more.
[turtle.Turtle object at 0x01490450, turtle.Turtle object at
0x014902B0, turtle.Turtle object at 0x014C2D10]
turtle.Turtle object at 0x014C2D10
turtle.Turtle object at 0x014C2D10
#  We want a fresh screen ...

So there occurres this and possibly some more somewhat weird elements, 
presumably a result of using the Singleton pattern which is especially
controversial in combination with inheritance. Nevertheless I decisively
propose to accept this behaviour in order to be able do things like the
ones demonstrated above. Morover I also consider it to be a benefit to
use spezialized and/or reusable screens derived from the Screen() class
in scripts, what would not be possible with a Screen()-function
returning *the* single _Screen() object. (All this meant in the context
of teaching and learning OOP).

Now for the additional questions of Martin:

Yes, the second if statement is superfluous. It looks like to be a
remain from Pen.__init__ from the old turtle module, where - in contrast
- it was not superfluous. My fault. It could be removed, but it doesn't
do harm. (The overwhelming part of the module is *re*written but it
still contains (in this case regrettably) quite some traces of the old
module.) And also the assignement of self to Turtle._screen in the last
line could be put into the if-statement-body. But somehow I seem to have
felt that a conditionally empty body of __init__() looks dangerous - or
at least not nice. More seriously taken, the Borg idiom ensures the
creation of new instances (with different id), sharing state and
behaviour and I somehow felt it to be better to have the last created
instance in Turtle._screen (whereas in fact this is of no importance).

My preliminary conclusion: as I'm not a professional programmer but a
teacher I can't judge the importance of observing the design 
principle mentioned by Martin. (I know the principle, I normally observe
it and consider it's non observation in the Screen class to be well
founded) But if you think, that there is no way around and it has to be
observed strictly, one had to leave

[issue3968] fill() and end_fill() do not work correctly

2008-09-25 Thread Gregor Lingl

New submission from Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

fill() and end_fill() do not work as expected. As a user 
on the tutor list wrote:

For a while now I've had trouble with end_fill(). Sometimes I can use
it to fill a figure such as a square, triangle or rectangle, but
sometimes not.

This is due to a missing update() call in the RawPen.fill() method

A patch is attached

Regards, Gregor

components: Tkinter
files: 2.5turtle_fillpatch.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 73825
nosy: gregorlingl
severity: normal
status: open
title: fill() and end_fill() do not work correctly
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.5
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file11604/2.5turtle_fillpatch.diff

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3969] turtle.py - setup() doesn't work correctly

2008-09-25 Thread Gregor Lingl

New submission from Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

setup() doesn't work correctly: startx argument is not recognized
This is due to a typo in the setup() function

A patch is attached.

Regards, Gregor

components: Tkinter
files: 2.5turtle_setup_patch.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 73826
nosy: gregorlingl
severity: normal
status: open
title: turtle.py - setup() doesn't work correctly
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.5
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file11605/2.5turtle_setup_patch.diff

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3968] turtle.py: fill() and end_fill() do not work correctly

2008-09-25 Thread Gregor Lingl

Changes by Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

title: fill() and end_fill() do not work correctly - turtle.py: fill() and 
end_fill() do not work correctly

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3956] turtle.py - bug in Screen.__init__()

2008-09-24 Thread Gregor Lingl

New submission from Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

There is a bug in Screen.__init__() (The Screen class uses the Borg
idiom to simulate a Singleton).

This bug is demonstrated best interactively from IDLE (using the -n
switch) like this:

 from turtle import Screen, Turtle
 t = Turtle()
 t.fd(100) # idea: let's have a yellow background, so we need
  # *the* screen
 s = Screen()  # the drawing vanishes

This is undesired behaviour. Instead the Screen() call should leave the
drawings an the turtles untouched and return the already existing
Screen. So the call of turtles() would result in something like:

[turtle.Turtle object at 0x01490330]

This is accomplished by the patch described in the attached file turtle.diff

Of course sequences of commands like those shown in the interactive
session above do not occur in well designed scripts, but they may well
occur during sessions of students in interactive classroom use. 

Two more important notes:

(1) This patch is already done in turtle.py for Python 3.0. So in 2.6 it
would ensure that Turtles and the Screen show identical behaviour in
both versions.

(2) This patch makes necessary one other patch in turtleDemo.py - in the
Demo directory - which is shown in the attached turtleDemo.diff 
turtleDemo.py is not a normal turtle application but a GUI - utility
designed to run a series of 'normal' turtle - apps conforming to some
simple rules (These apps in most cases use a Screen()). So when
switching from one to another demo script within turtleDemo one wants to
reinitialize the Canvas - what is just the contrary of what one wants
normally as explained above. This is accomplished by this patch of
turtleDemo.py. (This patch is also already done for Python 3.0)

files: turtle.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 73712
nosy: benjamin.peterson, gregorlingl, loewis
severity: normal
status: open
title: turtle.py - bug in Screen.__init__()
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.6
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file11591/turtle.diff

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3956] turtle.py - bug in Screen.__init__()

2008-09-24 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

Do the patch of turtleDemo.py if and only if the patch of turtle.py is

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file11592/turtleDemo.diff

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3950] turtle.py: bug in TurtleScreenBase._drawimage

2008-09-23 Thread Gregor Lingl

New submission from Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

In the first line of TurtleScreenBase._drawimage() there are to
scalefactors missing. This leads to the annoying fact, that the drawings
and the movement of a turtle which has an image shape differ.

This is shown in the short script
which I'll submit immediately. (You have to have huhn.gif in the same
directory as the script.)

After applying the bugfix submitted in 
this annoying behaviour goes away.

It is really an ambarassing and easy to fix bug.
Regards, Gregor

files: _drawimage-patch.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 73673
nosy: gregorlingl, loewis
severity: normal
status: open
title: turtle.py: bug in TurtleScreenBase._drawimage
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file11578/_drawimage-patch.diff

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3950] turtle.py: bug in TurtleScreenBase._drawimage

2008-09-23 Thread Gregor Lingl

Changes by Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

type:  - behavior
versions: +Python 2.6
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file11579/_drawimage_bug_fix_test.py

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3950] turtle.py: bug in TurtleScreenBase._drawimage

2008-09-23 Thread Gregor Lingl

Changes by Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file11580/huhn.gif

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3940] turtle.py - minor bugfixes

2008-09-22 Thread Gregor Lingl

New submission from Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Thorough testing revealesd the following bugs in turtle.py (Python 2.6):

1) Around lines 359 and 379: There's a name conflict with a methodname
of the parentclass Frame: _root. The bugfix consists in renaming this
attribute, which occurs only twice

2) Around line 732: Turtles with image-shapes do not recognize user
coordinates. This is fixed in  TurtleScreenBase method _drawimage by
introducing the corresponding scaling factors

3) Around line 3570: Calling the __init__ - Method of the Screen-class
(which uses the Borg idiom) destroys graphics and Turtles on the Screen.
This is an undesired behaviour. The fix brings the behaviour of Screen
in accordance with the Python 3.0 version.

4) Around line 3612: Screen.setup() needs a final update() call in order
to ensure, that immediately following calls of window_width() or
window_height() return correct values.

Moreover there is a correction of the version number and date

Bugfixes are attached in turtle.py.diff


components: Library (Lib)
files: turtle.py.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 73607
nosy: gregorlingl
severity: normal
status: open
title: turtle.py - minor bugfixes
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.6
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file11565/turtle.py.diff

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3940] turtle.py - minor bugfixes

2008-09-22 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

The bugfix for bug 3) described above makes necessary the insertion of a
line in turtleDemo.py (around line 96)

Again I've attached the corresponding diff file

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file11566/turtleDemo.diff

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3941] Help in IDLE doesn't work correctly

2008-09-22 Thread Gregor Lingl

New submission from Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

From IDLE either pressing F1 or choosing the menu Help-Python Docs
should open a Help-Window with the docs of the current version. (This
works well for instance in Python 2.5.2) The docs file normally resides
on the local computer in the Doc directory (at least under Windows)

With 2.6rc2 under Windows pressing F1 only opens a Browser with the url
http://www.python.org/doc/current/ which leads to the 2.5.2 documentation.  

It should be linked to the python26.chm file in the Doc directory


components: IDLE
messages: 73609
nosy: gregorlingl
severity: normal
status: open
title: Help in IDLE doesn't work correctly
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.6

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[issue3884] turtle in the tkinter package?

2008-09-21 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

Of course I highly appreciate this decision.

I'd like to point you to an urgent issue concerning turtle.py
which needs a decision and which I've just posted to Python-dev


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[issue3064] new turtle module for Python 3.0

2008-06-09 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

Here is the (slightly) modified docfile in rst-format for the new
turtle module for Python 3.0

I'll submit the diff (from the turtle.rst for Python 2.6) in a
follow up posting for your convenience. So you can easily check the few 
differences - as well as if I have used reST correctly.


Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file10563/turtle30.rst

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[issue3064] new turtle module for Python 3.0

2008-06-09 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

And here the diff from docfile turtle.rst to what I have named
turtle30.rst for now.


keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file10564/turtle.rst.diff

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[issue3064] new turtle module for Python 3.0

2008-06-08 Thread Gregor Lingl

New submission from Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

turtle3.zip contains the port of the new turtle module (including demo
viewer and demo scripts) to Python 3.0 . One demo script has been added

It has been tested under Windows/MacOsX/Linux without showing up any

I've done a few small changes to the API - as proposed in issue 1513695
- which are described in the docfile. 

Gregor Lingl

components: Tkinter
files: turtle3.zip
messages: 67852
nosy: gregorlingl, loewis
severity: normal
status: open
title: new turtle module for Python 3.0
type: feature request
versions: Python 3.0
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file10557/turtle3.zip

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[issue1513695] new turtle module

2008-06-02 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

I'd like to propose a few modifications of turtle.py for the transition
from Python 2.6 to Python 3.0, which would result in a cleaner interface
but also in some - i think marginal - incompatibiliy: 

1) drop from math import *

2) delete the methods Turtle.window_width() and Turtle.indow_height()
(They are mereley transferred from Screen to Turtle and are imho generic
Screen.methods. So they will still be present as Screen methods and as
functions. In fact this proposition has a didactic background - on
should teach to differentiate between Screen- and Turtle-methods as
belonging to two completely different types of objects, and the only
realistic reply to the student's question Why do Turtle objects have a
window_width() method would be: for historical reasons! When, if not
now, is time to make changes like this?)

3) The same is valid for Turtle.tracer() as tracer controls in fact
Screen-updates and not Turtle updates. (The only difference is, that
Turtle.tracer cannot be deleted, because it's (currently) used in
turtle.circle(), so I'd propose to rename it to Turtle._tracer() and so
delete it from the public interface.  Of course tracer() will also
remain present als Screen-method and as function.

Pros and cons?

I have prepared a file with these changes which could be used for
porting it to Python3.0. So if everybody agrees, I could upload it.

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[issue1513695] new turtle module

2008-06-02 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

In my last posting i forgot a fourth proposition.

Currently one has the Turtle.methods fill(), begin_fill() and end_fill()
As is stated in the old turtle docs the specification of fill is rather
complex. begin_fill() and end_fill(), are identical to fill(True) and
fill(False) (or fill(1) and fill(0)). That means, that begin_fill()
sometimes may do somthing unexpected, namely complete som filling
underway. In the new turtle module fill() without arguments returns the
filling state, i. e. True/False respectively.

I'd prefer the following:

begin_fill() should only start a new filling process and cancel some
underway, if necessary (that means: a filling without end_fill will
not take place) 

end_fill() should only complete the current filling process

a new method filling() should be used to ask if same filling is
currently taking place

and fill() could be dropped. (deprecated in 2.6)

I think Vern Ceders intention with introducing begin_fill and end_fill
was to have a clear and easily understandable meaning, which is only
partially accomplished with the current solution.

What is your opinion?

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[issue1513695] new turtle module

2008-06-01 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

here is my contribution. 
The zip-file contains

- the module turtle.py
- a doc-file turtle-docs.txt
- a subdirectory with a series of sample scripts and a demoviewer.
  (one of the demoscripts is a standalone script)

Clearly the docs have to be transformed to reST. I would do it or
participate but that certainly would only be ready within 2 or 3 weeks.
The end of the school year is near and I have a huge amount of work
in my school until approx. 20th of June. After this I have plenty of
time also for correcting etc. 

Of course I'll also do bugfixes etc. Anyway I'm interested in feedback
of any sort. 

I worked hard to do my best and I hope the result will be appreciated.
Best regards,

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file10493/turtle.zip

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[issue1513695] new turtle module

2008-03-17 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

This version runs under Python 2.5 and should run under python 2.6 It
still needs some amendments and polishing concerning the code as well as
the docstrings. Here it can serve as a starting point for a discussion
about necessary and/or desirable modifications.

A version for Python-3000 is under construction

For the new features please consult xturtle-docs.

Remarks on Martin's 10 points (msg 50550):

1) Should be discussed. I think a few demos would be fine, the whole
package perhaps would be to large. (I'll prepare a selection and upload
it in due time)
2) decision about replacement or supllement has still to be done. This
update will be easy ;-)
3) Who is that somebody?
4) Still has to be done
5) I for my part don't like Point, because this name refers more to the
geometrical than to the computational aspects of the object. What about
_Vec2 or _Vec2D? In this version an alias without the leading underscore
can be created via an entry in the xturtle.cfg file.
6) camelCase methodnames are changed to lowercase (at least the public ones)
7) Docstrings has still to be checked
8) n argument of clear has been dropped.
9) checkargs has been dropped (for now). It's purpose was intended to be
to check the types of the arguments and construct appropriate error
messages useful for programming beginners. I deferred it until I
eventually be able to come up with some intelligent solution using
decorators ;-) Would be fine but is not urgent.
10) Maybe there are still a few. These will be changed.

nosy: +glingl
versions: +Python 2.6 -Python 2.4
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file9693/xturtle.py

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1513695] new turtle module

2008-03-17 Thread Gregor Lingl

Changes by Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file9694/xturtle-docs.txt

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1513695] new turtle module

2008-03-17 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

If you put (this example of) xturtle.cfg either into the directory where
xturtle.py resides or into the current working directory, the
configuration will be loaded. In this case window size and turtle are
configured to look like in module turtle.
If no config-file is found a standard configuration is used. (This
standard configuration currently uses a scrolled canvas but could of
course be changed to look like that furnished by the above cfg-file.)

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file9695/xturtle.cfg

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1513695] new turtle module

2008-03-17 Thread Gregor Lingl

Changes by Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file9715/whatsnew.txt

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1513695] new turtle module

2008-03-17 Thread Gregor Lingl

Gregor Lingl [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

Supplementary remark:
xturtle has proved to run without problems under Python 2.6. (Not
surprisingly) it's behaviour is exactly like under Python 2.5,
with the exception, that the tested scripts run 5 to 15% faster.

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