[issue46771] Add some form of cancel scopes

2022-02-16 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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[issue45670] New .mapping attribute is broken for some existing uses of dict views

2022-02-10 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

Thank you for confirming that ChainMap.__iter__() would be in the same boat as 
bidict if a similar .mapping attribute were ever added to dict_keyiterators. 
The specifics of this issue are interesting, but even more interesting to me is 
whatever learnings we can generalize from this.

After testing that the performance impact would be significant, I created the 
feature request you suggested in https://bugs.python.org/issue46713. Thanks for 
suggesting that.

In the meantime, I've updated the relevant docstrings:

>>> help(b.keys)
keys() -> KeysView[~KT] method of bidict.bidict instance
A set-like object providing a view on the contained keys.

When *b._fwdm* is a :class:`dict`, *b.keys()* returns a
*dict_keys* object that behaves exactly the same as
*collections.abc.KeysView(b)*, except for

  - offering better performance

  - being reversible on Python 3.8+

  - having a .mapping attribute in Python 3.10+
that exposes a mappingproxy to *b._fwdm*.

>>> help(b.values)
values() -> bidict.BidictKeysView[~VT] method of bidict.bidict instance
A set-like object providing a view on the contained values.

Since the values of a bidict are equivalent to the keys of its inverse,
this method returns a set-like object for this bidict's values
rather than just a collections.abc.ValuesView.
This object supports set operations like union and difference,
and constant- rather than linear-time containment checks,
and is no more expensive to provide than the less capable
collections.abc.ValuesView would be.

See :meth:`keys` for more information.


> The values() call unexpectedly returns an instance of dict_keys(). At first, 
> I was surprised that this got past the type checker -- you can do set 
> operations with KeysView but not with a ValuesView.

Check out https://github.com/jab/bidict/blob/82f931/bidict/_base.py#L38-L45:

class BidictKeysView(t.KeysView[KT], t.ValuesView[KT]):
"""Since the keys of a bidict are the values of its inverse (and vice 
the ValuesView result of calling *bi.values()* is also a KeysView of 

dict_keys: t.Type[t.KeysView[t.Any]] = type({}.keys())

See also https://github.com/python/typeshed/issues/4435 for a request that 
typeshed use a Protocol (structural typing) here.

Thanks again for taking the time to look at my code and discuss so generously.


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[issue46713] Provide a C implementation of collections.abc.KeysView and friends

2022-02-10 Thread Joshua Bronson

New submission from Joshua Bronson :

As suggested by @rhettinger in https://bugs.python.org/msg409443, I'm creating 
a feature request for C implementations of collections.abc.KeysView, 
ValuesView, and ItemsView.

Because these do not currently benefit from C speedups, they're a lot slower 
than their dict_keys, dict_values, and dict_items counterparts. As a result, 
libraries that implement custom Mapping types that are backed by dicts are 
incentivized to override the implementations of keys(), values(), and items() 
they inherit from collections.abc.Mapping to instead return their backing 
dicts' mapping views, causing a potential abstraction leak.

An example can be found in https://github.com/jab/bidict, which implements 
bidirectional mapping types that wrap a forward and an inverse dict which are 
kept in sync with one another.

>>> from bidict import *
>>> bi = bidict({1: 'one', 2: 'two'})
>>> bi.items()  # Overridden for performance:
dict_items([(1, 'one'), (2, 'two')])

Ditto for OrderedBidict:

>>> OrderedBidict(bi).keys()
_OrderedBidictItemsView(OrderedBidict([(1, 'one'), (2, 'two')]))

(The _OrderedBidictItemsView is a custom view whose __iter__ uses the 
implementation inherited by its collections.abc.ItemsView base class so that 
the correct order is respected, but proxies other method calls through to the 
backing dict's dict_items object: 

Here is a microbenchmark of calling __eq__ on an _OrderedBidictItemsView vs. a 
collections.abc.ItemsView, to estimate the performance impact (using Python 

❯ set setup '
from collections.abc import ItemsView
from bidict import OrderedBidict
d = dict(zip(range(), range()))
ob = OrderedBidict(d)'

❯ python -m pyperf timeit -s $setup 'ob.items() == d.items()' -o 1.json

❯ python -m pyperf timeit -s $setup 'ItemsView(ob) == d.items()' -o 2.json

❯ pyperf compare_to 2.json 1.json
Mean +- std dev: [2] 4.21 ms +- 1.10 ms -> [1] 168 us +- 6 us: 25.13x faster

This demonstrates a potentially significant speedup. Similar microbenchmarks 
for ItemsView vs. dict_items, as well as KeysView vs. both dict_keys and 
_OrderedBidictKeysView, also indicate similarly significant potential.

Note that the performance benefits of this may propagate to other code as well. 
For example, bidicts' __eq__ methods are implemented in terms of their 
itemsviews (see 
https://github.com/jab/bidict/blob/2ab42a/bidict/_base.py#L285-L286), so 
speeding up bidict.items().__eq__ speeds up bidict.__eq__ commensurately.

messages: 413020
nosy: jab
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Provide a C implementation of collections.abc.KeysView and friends

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46684] Expose frozenset._hash classmethod

2022-02-08 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

Thanks for the explanation, Raymond.


> Lastly, pure python hashable sets based on the ABC are not common

This would have implications for other use cases though, that are perhaps more 

See, for example, the following code: 

This example demonstrates an implementation of a hashable, immutable Mapping 
type, whose __hash__ implementation returns 
collections.abc.ItemsView(self)._hash(). Since there are several other 
libraries I know of that implement hashable/immutable mapping types as well, I 
thought this might be beneficial enough to users to warrant consideration.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46684] Expose frozenset._hash classmethod

2022-02-08 Thread Joshua Bronson

New submission from Joshua Bronson :

collections.abc.Set provides a _hash() method that includes the following in 
its docstring:

Note that we don't define __hash__: not all sets are hashable.
But if you define a hashable set type, its __hash__ should
call this function.
We match the algorithm used by the built-in frozenset type.

Because Set._hash() is currently implemented in pure Python, users face having 
to make a potentially challenging decision between whether to trade off runtime 
efficiency vs. space efficiency:

>>> hash(frozenset(x))  # Should I use this?
>>> Set._hash(x)# Or this?

The former requires O(n) memory to create the frozenset, merely to throw it 
immediately away, but on the other hand gets to use frozenset's __hash__ 
implementation, which is implemented in C.

The latter requires only O(1) memory, but does not get the performance benefit 
of using the C implementation of this algorithm.

Why not expose the C implementation via a frozenset._hash() classmethod, and 
change Set._hash() to merely call that?

Then it would be much clearer that using Set._hash() is always the right answer.

messages: 412856
nosy: jab
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Expose frozenset._hash classmethod

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45670] New .mapping attribute is broken for some existing uses of dict views

2021-12-31 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

Dear Raymond,

Thanks so much for the detailed response!

I wonder if you could explain how this case is different from the following:

>>> c = collections.ChainMap({1: 1}, {1: 2})
>>> iter(c)

>>> isinstance(c, dict)  # it's fine, we <3 duck typing!

Now suppose a new .mapping attribute were added to dict_keyiterator objects in 
a future version of Python, like the one that was added to dict view objects in 
Python 3.10. Then, wouldn't ChainMap find itself in a similar predicament as 
this issue is raising?

>>> iter(c).mapping
mappingproxy({1: None})

As in my example above, the {1: None} mapping here is an implementation detail 
of ChainMap.__iter__() that was never intended to be leaked to users. (Ref: 

Note also that ChainMap.__iter__() returns a dict_keyiterator object even 
though issubclass(ChainMap, dict) is False. We consider this just fine though, 
because the dict_keyiterator object currently behaves exactly like the 
generator object we would get if the code had done a `yield from d` rather than 
a `return iter(d)`. Except for being faster.

This parallels the implementations of bidict.keys()/values()/items(), which 
currently return dict_keys/dict_values/dict_items objects generated from 
internal data, that behave exactly like KeysViews(b)/ValuesView(b)/ItemsView(b) 
would*, except for being faster. And, as this issue is raising, except for this 
new .mapping attribute in Python 3.10+ now leaking internal state.

* I even have the passing property-based tests to prove it: 

(I also have counterpoints for your other feedback, but wanted to post this 
part first. And sorry for my delay in responding – hope it's not too late! And 
finally thanks so much again for considering this and for the time you took to 
give feedback on bidict – there's literally no better-qualified person in the 
world. I so appreciate it!)


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[issue45670] New .mapping attribute is broken for some existing uses of dict views

2021-10-29 Thread Joshua Bronson

New submission from Joshua Bronson :

As of bpo-40890 (released in Python 3.10), dict views now provide a public 
.mapping attribute, intended to allow users to recover a mappingproxy pointing 
to the original mapping.

However, this new attribute can actually point to the wrong mapping for some 
existing uses of dict views. And since the .mapping attribute is read-only, 
these existing uses have no way to set it to the correct value.

My bidict library (see https://github.com/jab/bidict) provides an example of 

A bidict implements a bidirectional mapping by building on top of two dicts 
(i.e. regular old one-directional mappings) internally -- one for the forward 
direction, and one for the inverse. When you call e.g. keys() or values() on a 
bidict, you get back a dict_keys view from one of the backing dicts, because 
this is a much more optimized implementation of these views than 
collections.abc.KeysView would be:

>>> import bidict
>>> b = bidict.bidict(one=1, two=2)
>>> b
bidict({'one': 1, 'two': 2})
>>> b.keys()
dict_keys(['one', 'two'])
>>> b.values()
dict_keys([1, 2])

However, now that these built-in dict_keys objects provide a .mapping attribute 
in Python 3.10, it points to one of the internal, backing dicts in this case, 
which is an implementation detail, rather than to the bidict instance:

>>> b.keys().mapping  # wrong
mappingproxy({'one': 1, 'two': 2})
>>> b.values().mapping  # wrong
mappingproxy({1: 'one', 2: 'two'})

Instead of the above, you should get:

>>> b.keys().mapping  # corrected:
mappingproxy(bidict({'one': 1, 'two': 2}))
>>> b.values().mapping  # corrected:
mappingproxy(bidict({'one': 1, 'two': 2}))

Since the .mapping attribute is read-only, there's no way for bidict to both 
keep exposing the optimized dict_keys implementations, which up till now have 
been perfectly correct, while now exposing a correct .mapping attribute for 
users of Python 3.10+.

(Other bidict types demonstrate this problem more by exposing even more 
obviously-unintended implementation details via this new .mapping attribute:

>>> f = bidict.FrozenOrderedBidict(b)
>>> f
FrozenOrderedBidict([('one', 1), ('two', 2)])
>>> f.keys().mapping  # ouch
mappingproxy({'one': _Node(prv=..., self=..., nxt=...), 'two': _Node(prv=..., 
self=..., nxt=...)})

Those internal _Node objects were never meant to be exposed to consumers, 
they're an implementation detail.)

It looks like cases like this were not considered when discussing bpo-40890, 
and if they had been, I wonder if the implementation would have been accepted 

Here are some potential directions for how to improve things for the future:

1. Expose a way for dict view users like bidict to continue to use optimized 
dict view implementations while opting out of the new .mapping attribute

2. Make the .mapping attribute no longer read-only, so libraries like bidict 
can set it correctly before exposing it to users

3. Merely update the documentation in 
 to mention that, because the .mapping attribute is read-only, it may not point 
to the original, intended mapping, but rather some internal mapping that the 
user was not intended to be exposed to.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, and thanks for your consideration.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 405317
nosy: jab, rhettinger
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: New .mapping attribute is broken for some existing uses of dict views
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10

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[issue40890] Dict views should be introspectable

2021-10-11 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab
nosy_count: 6.0 -> 7.0
pull_requests: +27187
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/28892

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44963] anext_awaitable is not a collections.abc.Generator

2021-08-20 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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[issue43468] functools.cached_property incorrectly locks the entire descriptor on class instead of per-instance locking

2021-08-01 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43751] await anext() returns None when default is given

2021-04-08 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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[issue27815] Make SSL suppress_ragged_eofs default more secure

2021-04-05 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43246] Dict copy optimization violates subclass invariant

2021-02-17 Thread Joshua Bronson

New submission from Joshua Bronson :

If I understand correctly, it should be an invariant that in the code below, 
for all "Parent" classes, for all "method"s, Child1.method should return the 
same result as Child2.method:

class Parent:
def __init__(self, value):
self._value = value

def method(self):
return self._value

class Child1(Parent):

c1 = Child1(42)
result = c1.method()
assert result == 42, result

class Child2(Parent):
def method(self):
return super().method()

c2 = Child2(42)
result = c2.method()
assert result == 42, result

But when "Parent" is "dict" and method is "__iter__", that is not the case:


class ChildDict1(dict):
"""Simplification of werkzeug.datastructures.MultiDict."""
def __init__(self):

if not SHOW_BUG:
def __iter__(self):
return super().__iter__()

def add(self, key, value):
self.setdefault(key, []).append(value)

def __setitem__(self, key, value):
"""Like add, but removes any existing key first."""
super().__setitem__(key, [value])

def getall(self, key) -> list:
return super().__getitem__(key)

def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Return the first value for this key."""
return self.getall(key)[0]

def items(self, multi=False):
for (key, values) in super().items():
if multi:
yield from ((key, value) for value in values)
yield key, values[0]

def values(self):
return (values[0] for values in super().values())

# Remaining overridden implementations of methods
# inherited from dict are elided for brevity.

cd1 = ChildDict1()
assert dict(cd1) == {}
cd1[1] = "one"
cd1.add(1, "uno")
assert cd1.getall(1) == ["one", "uno"]
assert list(cd1.items()) == [(1, "one")]
assert list(cd1.values()) == [ "one"]
assert dict(cd1) == {1: "one"}, cd1  # XXX

If you run the above as-is, the line marked "XXX" will trigger an 
AssertionError demonstrating the unexpected behavior. If you change SHOW_BUG to 
False, it won’t.

Is it intended that toggling the value of SHOW_BUG in this code causes 
different results?

You can visit https://repl.it/@jab/dict-subclass-copy-surprise to run the 
examples above directly in your browser.

messages: 387191
nosy: jab
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Dict copy optimization violates subclass invariant
type: behavior

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[issue14757] INCA: Inline Caching meets Quickening in Python 3.3

2021-02-03 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue31861] add aiter() and anext() functions

2020-12-18 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

Please see https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/23847 for the C 
implementation of aiter and anext added to builtins, as requested.

title: add aiter() and anext() functions to operator module -> add aiter() and 
anext() functions

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue31861] add aiter() and anext() functions to operator module

2020-12-18 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

pull_requests: +22708
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/23847

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue31861] add aiter() and anext() functions to operator module

2020-11-25 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

Nice to see there is still interest in this from someone else! Thanks, John. 
Are any core developers still interested in this?

If I can get a new PR together that adds C implementations of `aiter` and 
`anext` to builtins, would a committer still be interested in reviewing the 

A week from Friday, I'll have a rare and precious opportunity to spend the day 
contributing to open source. I have a bunch of different things I could work 
on, but would work on this if there is still interest. Thanks and hope this 
finds you all well.


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[issue7946] Convoy effect with I/O bound threads and New GIL

2020-10-02 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41303] perf_counter result does not count system sleep time in Mac OS

2020-08-04 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41451] Cannot subclass typing.Generic with __weakref__ slot in Python 3.6

2020-08-01 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

Thanks so much, @oremanj! Indeed, merely subscripting the class triggers the 
bug, and your 'del slots' workaround does the trick!

For completeness, there is an updated (yet more minimal) repro below/attached.

"""Repro for Python 3.6 slots + weakref + typing.Generic subclass bug."""

from typing import Generic, TypeVar
from weakref import ref

T = TypeVar("T")

class MyGeneric(Generic[T]):
"""MyGeneric works as expected.

>>> example = MyGeneric()
>>> example
<__main__.MyGeneric object at ...>
>>> example._other
<__main__.MyGeneric object at ...>
>>> example._other._other

>>> from pickle import dumps, loads
>>> pickled = dumps(example)
>>> roundtripped = loads(pickled)
>>> roundtripped
<__main__.MyGeneric object at ...>


__slots__ = ("_other", "__weakref__")

def __init__(self) -> None:

def _init_other(self) -> None:
other = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
other._other = ref(self)
self._other = other

def __getstate__(self) -> dict:
"""Needed to enable pickling due to use of __slots__ and weakrefs."""
return {}

def __setstate__(self, _) -> None:
"""Needed because use of __slots__ would prevent unpickling 

# Merely the following is enough to trigger the bug on Python 3.6:

# This works around the issue if run first (thanks @oremanj):
del MyGeneric.__slots__  # does not actually 'unslot' the class

if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file49357/bpo41451-repro-min+workaround.py

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41451] Cannot subclass typing.Generic with __weakref__ slot in Python 3.6

2020-07-31 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

Whittled this down to an even more minimal repro:

"""Repro for Python 3.6 slots + weakref + typing.Generic subclass bug."""

from typing import Generic, TypeVar
from weakref import ref

T = TypeVar("T")

class MyGeneric(Generic[T]):
"""MyGeneric works as expected.

>>> example = MyGeneric()
>>> from pickle import dumps, loads
>>> pickled = dumps(example)
>>> roundtripped = loads(pickled)
>>> roundtripped
<__main__.MyGeneric object at ...>


__slots__ = ("_other", "__weakref__")

def __init__(self) -> None:

def _init_other(self) -> None:
other = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
other._other = self
self._other = ref(other)

def __getstate__(self) -> dict:
"""Needed to enable pickling due to use of __slots__ and weakrefs."""
return {}

def __setstate__(self, _) -> None:
"""Needed because use of __slots__ would prevent unpickling 

# So far so good, but now let's make a subclass.
# The following class definition works on Python > 3.6, but fails on 3.6 with
# TypeError: __weakref__ slot disallowed: either we already got one, or 
__itemsize__ != 0
class FailsInPy36(MyGeneric[T]):
"""Minimal repro.

>>> repro = FailsInPy36()
>>> repro
<__main__.FailsInPy36 object at ...>


if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest

title: Class with __weakref__ slot cannot inherit from typing.Generic subclass 
-> Cannot subclass typing.Generic with __weakref__ slot in Python 3.6
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file49355/bpo41451-repro-min.py

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41451] Class with __weakref__ slot cannot inherit from typing.Generic subclass

2020-07-31 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

It turns out that this bug reproduces with any subclass of the generic type 
with a weakref slot, even without any multiple inheritance going on.

For example:

class Invertible2(Invertible[KT1, KT2]): pass

is enough to trigger this bug along with the Invertible class in my previous 
example. Attaching the more minimal repro with this comment, and renaming the 
issue to remove the reference to multiple inheritance.

title: Class with __weakref__ slot cannot inherit from multiple typing.Generic 
classes -> Class with __weakref__ slot cannot inherit from typing.Generic 
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file49353/bpo41451-repro.py

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41451] Class with __weakref__ slot cannot inherit from multiple typing.Generic classes

2020-07-31 Thread Joshua Bronson

New submission from Joshua Bronson :

This appears to be a bug in Python 3.6 that I hit while trying to add type 
hints to my bidirectional mapping library (https://bidict.rtfd.io).

Pasting a working, minimal repro below for easier inline viewing, and also 
attaching for easier downloading and running.

Please let me know if there is a workaround that would allow me to continue to 
support Python 3.6 after adding type hints without having to remove the use of 
slots and weak references. I spent a while trying to find one first but was 
then encouraged to report this by @ethanhs.

Thanks in advance for any pointers you may have.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Repro for Python 3.6 slots + weakref + typing.Generic bug."""

from typing import Iterator, Mapping, MutableMapping, TypeVar
from weakref import ref

KT1 = TypeVar("KT1")
KT2 = TypeVar("KT2")

class Invertible(Mapping[KT1, KT2]):
"""A one-element mapping that is generic in two key types with a reference 
to its inverse.

...which in turn holds a (weak) reference back to it.

>>> element = Invertible("H", 1)
>>> element

>>> element.inverse

>>> element.inverse.inverse

>>> element.inverse.inverse is element

>>> dict(element.items())
{'H': 1}
>>> dict(element.inverse.items())
{1: 'H'}
>>> list(element)

Uses the __slots__ optimization, and uses weakrefs for references in one 
to avoid strong reference cycles. And still manages to support pickling to 

>>> from pickle import dumps, loads
>>> pickled = dumps(element)
>>> roundtripped = loads(pickled)
>>> roundtripped


# Each instance has (either a strong or a weak) reference to its
# inverse instance, which has a (weak or strong) reference back.
__slots__ = ("_inverse_strong", "_inverse_weak", "__weakref__", "key1", 

def __init__(self, key1: KT1, key2: KT2) -> None:
self._inverse_weak = None
self._inverse_strong = inverse = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
self.key1 = inverse.key2 = key1
self.key2 = inverse.key1 = key2
inverse._inverse_strong = None
inverse._inverse_weak = ref(self)

def __len__(self) -> int:
return 1

def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[KT1]:
yield self.key1

def __getitem__(self, key: KT1) -> KT2:
if key == self.key1:
return self.key2
raise KeyError(key)

def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} key1={self.key1!r} 

def inverse(self) -> "Invertible[KT2, KT1]":
"""The inverse instance."""
if self._inverse_strong is not None:
return self._inverse_strong
inverse = self._inverse_weak()
if inverse is not None:
return inverse
# Refcount of referent must have dropped to zero,
# as in `Invertible().inverse.inverse`, so init a new one.
self._inverse_weak = None
self._inverse_strong = inverse = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
inverse.key2 = self.key1
inverse.key1 = self.key2
inverse._inverse_strong = None
inverse._inverse_weak = ref(self)
return inverse

def __getstate__(self) -> dict:
"""Needed to enable pickling due to use of __slots__ and weakrefs."""
state = {}
for cls in self.__class__.__mro__:
slots = getattr(cls, '__slots__', ())
for slot in slots:
if hasattr(self, slot):
state[slot] = getattr(self, slot)
# weakrefs can't be pickled.
state.pop('_inverse_weak', None)  # Added back in __setstate__ below.
state.pop('__weakref__', None)  # Not added back in __setstate__. 
Python manages this one.
return state

def __setstate__(self, state) -> None:
"""Needed because use of __slots__ would prevent unpickling 
for slot, value in state.items():
setattr(self, slot, value)
self._inverse_weak = None
self._inverse_strong = inverse = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
inverse.key2 = self.key1
inverse.key1 = self.key2
inverse._inverse_strong = None
inverse._inverse_weak = ref(self)

# So far so good, but now let's make a mutable version.
# The following class definition works on Python &g

[issue40816] Add missed AsyncContextDecorator to contextlib

2020-07-25 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

Python tracker 
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[issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop

2020-07-07 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13322] The io module doesn't support non-blocking files

2020-07-04 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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[issue32561] Add API to io objects for cache-only reads/writes

2020-07-04 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32884] Adding the ability for getpass to print asterisks when password is typed

2020-06-24 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue31122] SSLContext.wrap_socket() throws OSError with errno == 0

2020-05-12 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36054] Way to detect CPU count inside docker container

2019-04-18 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue31861] add aiter() and anext() functions to operator module

2019-03-04 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

If the deciders prefer to have these in the operator module for 3.8 (as Yury 
and Jelle requested above), my PR from a few months ago which implements this 
(https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/8895) can still be merged with no 
conflicts. I don't think any other changes to that patch are requested before 
it can be merged (i.e. it's only stalled on the decision whether to add these 
to builtins or operator), but I can still make time to address any new 
requested code changes if these are to go in operator.

If these are to go in builtins instead, @nanjekyejoannah has volunteered to 
pick that up. So it seems like this can move forward one way or the other once 
we have a decision on operator vs. builtins.


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[issue32956] python 3 round bug

2018-09-26 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

I spent a few minutes with git blame/checkout/show and so far have found 
https://bugs.python.org/issue1869 (via 
https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/e6a076d). Still reading -- looks like 
there were a number of different changes made to round() at the same time for 
various reasons -- so maybe changing from round_half_up to round_half_even was 
necessary for the other improvements, and it couldn't have been exposed as a 
separate function? Or maybe that was just never proposed?


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32956] python 3 round bug

2018-09-26 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

Thanks, Mark. Yes, I saw where Tim said round-half-even should be the default, 
but I didn't see any proposal to expose it as e.g. math.round_half_even() 
instead, nor a more complete look at what other languages do. That, along with 
the subject being 2.6 and not 3, made me think this change in Python 3 must 
have been discussed more fully elsewhere. Was it not?

And I agree -- nowhere have I been proposing changing "round" again. My 
proposals have been:

1. Update the round() docs to make the documentation of this behavior less 
2. include a (brief) justification (possibly even just a link to 
http://wiki.c2.com/?BankersRounding or some more-authoritative document), and
3. link to where else this change in Python 3 was discussed more, if anywhere, 
or else confirm this change was made based on no additional analysis that we 
can find written down.

It'd also be interesting to hear if this is something we wish we'd done 
differently now, but that shouldn't distract from 1, 2, and 3.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32956] python 3 round bug

2018-09-26 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

Thanks Serhiy, I read the Python-Dev thread you linked to, but that doesn't 
resolve the issues:

- Its topic is Python 2.6 (where this behavior does not occur) rather than 
Python 3 (where it does).

- A few messages into the thread Guido does address Python 3, but in fact says 
"I think the consensus is against round-to-even in 3.0" (see 

- There is no discussion of the fact that this behavior differs from the 
function named "round" in all the other programming languages I mentioned, and 
whether it would therefore be better exposed as an additional function (e.g. 
"round_to_even" or "round_unbiased", and in the math or statistics package 
rather than builtins). Surprisingly, Excel is the only other programming 
environment I saw discussed in the thread. (And round(2.5) == 3 there.)

So that all suggests there must be some other thread or issue where this change 
for Python 3 have been discussed, but I looked again and could not find it. 

The C "rint" example you gave just seems to prove the point that this behavior 
should have a distinct name from "round".

> It is a common knowledge that rounding half-to-even is what users want in 
> most cases

I don't think that's common knowledge; seems like citation needed? Based on all 
the other languages where this differs (not to mention Python 2), it's not 
clear users would want Python 3 to be the only different one. And this is 
definitely a surprise for the majority of programmers, whose experience with 
"round" is how it works everywhere else. (This is making it into pywat after 
all: https://github.com/cosmologicon/pywat/pull/40)

I can submit a PR for at least updating the docs about this (as per my previous 
comment) if that would be welcomed.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32956] python 3 round bug

2018-09-24 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

This was so surprising to me that I had to check some other languages that I 
had handy. It turns out that not one of JavaScript, Ruby, Perl, C++, Java, Go, 
or Rust agrees with Python. In fact they all agreed with one another that 2.5 
should round to 3. Examples below.

I understand from 
https://github.com/cosmologicon/pywat/pull/40#discussion_r219962259 that "to 
always round up... can theoretically skew the data" but it's not clear why 
that's a good enough reason to differ from the "round" function in all these 
other languages (as opposed to e.g. offering this alternative behavior in some 
additional "round_unskewed" function).

I assume the rationale for having Python 3's "round" differ from that of so 
many other languages was written down when this decision was made, but I 
searched and couldn't find it. Could anyone link to it in a comment here?

And would it be worth including rationale and a larger callout in the 
https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#round docs? The documentation 
of this behavior is a bit buried among other things, and the rationale for it 
is missing entirely.

$ node -e 'console.log(Math.round(2.5))'

$ ruby -e 'puts (2.5).round()'

$ perl -e 'use Math::Round; print round(2.5)'

$ cat test_round.cpp
int main(void) {
  printf("%f\n", round(2.5));
$ g++ test_round.cpp && ./a.out

$ cat TestRound.java
class TestRound {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
$ javac TestRound.java && java TestRound

$ cat test_round.go
package main
import "fmt"
import "math"
func main() {
$ go build test_round.go && ./test_round

$ cat test_round.rs
fn main() {
  println!("{}", (2.5_f64).round());
$ rustc test_round.rs && ./test_round

nosy: +jab

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue31861] add aiter() and anext() functions to operator module

2018-08-24 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

Interesting, thanks Yury!

I only saw the discussion here which implied these wouldn't go directly into 
builtins for 3.8 (and I searched here and in GitHub, and couldn't find the PR 
you mentioned either), so I'm curious if that was tracked somewhere. It'd be 
unfortunate if the work I did on that PR couldn't be used, but I'd be even 
happier to have these as builtins.

Thanks again for reviewing when you're back, and have a wonderful vacation in 
the meantime!


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue31861] add aiter() and anext() functions to operator module

2018-08-23 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

Updating the issue title to reflect the decision to add these to the operator 
module rather than to built-ins.

Submitted a PR here: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/8895

title: aiter() and anext() built-in functions -> add aiter() and anext() 
functions to operator module

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue31861] aiter() and anext() built-in functions

2018-08-23 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +8368
stage:  -> patch review

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20849] add exist_ok to shutil.copytree

2018-08-17 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

I submitted a new PR in https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/8792 that 
addresses the outstanding concerns in @ofekmeister's original PR. It includes 
passing tests and passes all the GitHub PR status checks. Does it look ok to 
merge? Thanks.


Python tracker 
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[issue20849] add exist_ok to shutil.copytree

2018-08-17 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20849] add exist_ok to shutil.copytree

2018-08-16 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

pull_requests: +8266

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue31861] aiter() and anext() built-in functions

2018-06-24 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33018] Improve issubclass() error checking and message

2018-03-12 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

I'll share the use case that prompted me to submit this PR in the first place.

I am the author of bidict (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bidict), which provides 
a bidirectional dict class. A bidict is just like a dict, except it 
automatically maintains its inverse bidict, which is accessible via its .inv 
attribute. To prevent a bidict and its inverse from creating a strong reference 
cycle, a weak ref is used to store the reference one direction.

bidicts implement my BidirectionalMapping ABC, which extends 
collections.abc.Mapping to include the .inv abstractproperty. 
BidirectionalMapping overrides __subclasshook__ so that outside implementations 
that don't subclass it explicitly may still be considered subclasses.

Recently, I tried something like `issublass('foo', BidirectionalMapping)`, and 
got the "cannot create weak reference to 'str' object" error. Because this 
error message differs from the (much more helpful) "arg 1 must be a class" 
error message that you get when you do e.g. `issubclass('foo', Mapping)`, I 
thought there might be a bug somewhere in my code. Then I looked deeper and 
found where this is really coming from.

I experimented more and noticed that `issubclass('foo', Reversible)` raises 
AttributeError, which isn't even the same type of error.

The exceptions that are raised in these cases seem like an abstraction leak. 
The error messages do not help users immediately realize what they did wrong 
and how they can fix it; more knowledge of internals is required to make sense 
of what's going on than should be needed. The inconsistency in these errors is 
a further problem. The same mistake should not cause three different errors 
unless there is some really good reason. This seems unintentional. Can any of 
the original authors say whether this is working as intended or if this is in 
fact an oversight?

The current behavior causes confusion for both less experienced and more 
experienced Python users alike. (Would anyone else here have correctly 
predicted all of the different errors that the examples above cause? How many 
other Python experts could have?) For less experienced users, Python's general 
consistency and predictability, lack of gotchas, and good errors are some of 
its best features. This is such an exception that it seems like a bug.

I'm happy for some other patch than the one I submitted in 
https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/5944 to land if necessary, as long as 
something fixes this. And fwiw, +1 for 3.7, unless anyone can demonstrate any 
credible risk.

Thanks for your consideration :)


Python tracker 
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[issue33018] Improve issubclass() error checking and message

2018-03-06 Thread Joshua Bronson

New submission from Joshua Bronson :

Creating this issue by request of INADA Naoki to discuss my proposed patch in 

Copy/pasting from that PR:

If you try something like issubclass('not a class', str), you get a helpful 
error message that immediately clues you in on what you did wrong:

>>> issubclass('not a class', str)
TypeError: issubclass() arg 1 must be a class
("AHA! I meant isinstance there. Thanks, friendly error message!")

But if you try this with some ABC, the error message is much less friendly!

>>> from some_library import SomeAbc
>>> issubclass('not a class', SomeAbc)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
 line 230, in __subclasscheck__
 line 84, in add
self.data.add(ref(item, self._remove))
TypeError: cannot create weak reference to 'str' object

("WTF just went wrong?" Several more minutes of head-scratching ensues. Maybe a 
less experienced Python programmer who hits this hasn't seen weakrefs before 
and gets overwhelmed, maybe needlessly proceeding down a deep rabbit hole 
before realizing no knowledge of weakrefs was required to understand what they 
did wrong.)

Or how about this example:

>>> from collections import Reversible
>>> issubclass([1, 2, 3], Reversible)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
 line 207, in __subclasscheck__
ok = cls.__subclasshook__(subclass)
 line 305, in __subclasshook__
return _check_methods(C, "__reversed__", "__iter__")
 line 73, in _check_methods
mro = C.__mro__
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute '__mro__'
Here you don't even get the same type of error (AttributeError rather than 
TypeError), which seems unintentionally inconsistent.

This trivial patch fixes this, and will hopefully save untold numbers of future 
Python programmers some time and headache.

Let me know if any further changes are required, and thanks in advance for 

messages: 313376
nosy: inada.naoki, izbyshev, jab, serhiy.storchaka
priority: normal
pull_requests: 5781
severity: normal
status: open
title: Improve issubclass() error checking and message
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7, Python 3.8

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[issue32999] issubclass(obj, abc.ABC) causes a segfault

2018-03-06 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32999] issubclass(obj, abc.ABC) causes a segfault

2018-03-06 Thread Joshua Bronson

Change by Joshua Bronson :

pull_requests: +5780

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28912] collections.abc.OrderedMapping

2016-12-21 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson added the comment:

For the record, it looks like Victor Stinner suggested doing this in 

Brett Cannon replied in 
https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2016-September/146350.html to 
suggest adding "ordered mapping" to the glossary instead. I took a quick look 
at https://docs.python.org/3.6/glossary.html and don't see it there.

nosy: +brett.cannon, haypo

Python tracker 
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[issue28912] collections.abc.OrderedMapping

2016-12-10 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson added the comment:

Sorry to hear but thanks for the consideration. To follow up on your comments:

> nice to see Guido's reasons for giving a -0 on the proposal.

(Guido was giving his -0 on a proposal for collections.abc.Ordered, whereas the 
main proposal here is collections.abc.OrderedMapping, sorry if that was 

> I would add that I haven't see any code in the wild that would benefit from 
> testing isinstance(m, OrderedMapping) and taking some different action 
> depending on the result.

Just to give you another data point, bidict.orderedbidict has been released 
into the wild for a little over 10 months, and people are using it. 
OrderedMapping would give users the following benefits:

>>> noble = orderedbidict([(2, 'helium'), (10, 'neon'), (18, 'argon')])

>>> b = bidict(noble)  # Discards the order.
>>> b  # Calls BidictBase.__repr__.
bidict({10: 'neon', 18: 'argon', 2: 'helium'})

>>> noble  # Also calls BidictBase.__repr__.
orderedbidict([('Cairo', 'Egypt'), ('Lima', 'Peru'), ('Tokyo', 'Japan')])

>>> # i.e. BidictBase.__repr__ interrogates isinstance(self, OrderedMapping)
>>> # to reflect any ordering correctly in the string representation.

>>> # OrderedMapping.__eq__ also checks isinstance(other, OrderedMapping)
>>> # to conditionally turn on order-sensitivity:
>>> noble == collections.OrderedDict(noble.items())
>>> noble == collections.OrderedDict(reversed(noble.items()))
>>> noble == dict(reversed(noble.items()))  # order-insensitive

(collections.OrderedDict and sortedcontainers.SortedDict could reap these same 
benefits from an OrderedMapping class.)

> Grant's sortedcollection is more sequence-like than mapping-like and the 
> bidict has its own interesting properties and neither are substitutable for 
> an OrderedDict.

Hm, I don't quite follow this. OrderedDict, SortedDict, and orderedbidict are 
all OrderedMappings, and should therefore be passable to any function that 
expects an OrderedMapping.

This part I do follow:

> In other words, the only properties these cluster on is the ordered equality 
> feature.  IMO, that particular feature hasn't established itself as being 
> valuable It is an interesting idea but I believe it that it would clutter 
> the module, slightly drowning-out the ABCs that have more broad and 
> established utility.

But based on this rationale, I would have thought Reversible wouldn't have been 
added. It was only after I found https://bugs.python.org/issue25987 the other 
day and saw that Reversible will be in 3.6 that I thought OrderedMapping had a 
case of similar strength, and so it seemed worth taking the time to try to 
contribute it for 3.7.

In any case, thanks again for your consideration, and if you have any further 
thoughts to share, it'd be much appreciated.

nosy: +abarnert

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28912] collections.abc.OrderedMapping

2016-12-08 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson added the comment:

I only just found the "[Python-ideas] Adding collections.abc.Ordered" thread at 
https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2015-November/037146.html - 
sorry for not seeing it sooner. Looking forward to catching up on what I missed.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28912] collections.abc.OrderedMapping

2016-12-08 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson added the comment:

Come to think of it, to be exact, rather than extending Reversible, 
OrderedMapping could extend a narrower interface, something like 
collections.abc.Ordered, along with extending Mapping. (Reversible implies 
Ordered, but Ordered does not imply Reversible: a singly-linked list is Ordered 
but not Reversible, for example.)

I guess we don't currently have Ordered because it wouldn't necessarily add any 
abstractmethods beyond what Iterable already provides. But it could provide a 
generic, concrete __eq__ implementation, something like:

class Ordered(Iterable):
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Ordered):
return NotImplemented
return all(i == j for (i, j) in zip(self, other))

which is not something that any existing collections.abc Iterable currently 

Even if an Ordered interface that's totally empty were available in the 
standard library, then Iterables across diparate codebases could opt into 
extending it as a standard signal that they iterate over their elements in a 
well-defined order, and could participate in other polymorphic code. Currently 
we have no such standard signal, do we?


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28912] collections.abc.OrderedMapping

2016-12-08 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson added the comment:

This patch improves the OrderedMapping.__eq__ implementation to be more generic 
in the case that ``other`` is an unordered Mapping of the same length as 

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file45805/jab-orderedmapping-2.patch

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28912] collections.abc.OrderedMapping

2016-12-08 Thread Joshua Bronson

New submission from Joshua Bronson:

Since code can be clearer than prose, I just sketched this idea out in the 
attached patch. Please take a look at it as a minimum demonstration of the 


The Python standard library provides collections.OrderedDict, along with 
several ABCs which OrderedDict extends, such as collections.abc.Mapping and (as 
of 3.6) collections.abc.Reversible, to enable better composability and 

Currently there is no collections.abc.OrderedMapping ABC, but I wonder if there 
should be. OrderedMapping could provide a concrete, generic implementation of 
__eq__, that performed an order-sensitive comparison when passed another 
OrderedMapping, while performing an order-insensitive comparison when passed an 
unordered Mapping. Then OrderedDict could derive from OrderedMapping, 
inheriting its generic __eq__ implementation, rather than implementing its own 
__eq__ method. Currently, OrderedDict's own __eq__ implementation does 
``isinstance(other, OrderedDict)`` to decide whether to perform an 
order-sensitive comparison, which thwarts interoperability. OrderedMapping 
could also derive from Reversible, signaling that classes that extend it 
implement __reversed__.

The interoperability gain here is not just theoretical. Several packages are 
published on PyPI which would be able to interoperate better if they could all 
extend a common OrderedMapping interface. Grant Jenks' 
sortedcontainers.SortedDict[1] and my own bidict.OrderedBidict[2] are two 
particularly popular examples.

Thanks for your consideration, and look forward to your feedback.

[1] http://www.grantjenks.com/docs/sortedcontainers/sorteddict.html
[2] https://bidict.readthedocs.io/en/dev/other-bidict-types.html#orderedbidict

components: Library (Lib)
files: jab-orderedmapping-1.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 282742
nosy: gvanrossum, jab, rhettinger
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: collections.abc.OrderedMapping
type: enhancement
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file45804/jab-orderedmapping-1.patch

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[issue27350] Compact and ordered dict

2016-09-10 Thread Joshua Bronson

Changes by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25243] decouple string-to-boolean logic from ConfigParser.getboolean and offer as separate function

2016-04-27 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson added the comment:

Though come to think of it, the issue you raised with using "from" in the 
method name wouldn't apply here, since the static method is on the bool class, 
and the method does return bool.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25243] decouple string-to-boolean logic from ConfigParser.getboolean and offer as separate function

2016-04-27 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson added the comment:

Actually, looks like the version of the patch I attached did use the name 
`bool.from_config_str`, sorry about that -- I'll attach a new patch renaming 
this to `bool.parse_config_str` if there is interest in further consideration.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25243] decouple string-to-boolean logic from ConfigParser.getboolean and offer as separate function

2016-04-27 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson added the comment:

Hi Raymond, I'm a bit confused by your comment. The patch I attached to my 
previous message adds the static method `bool.parse_config_str`. So there's no 
need to `import configparser` to use this, and "from" is no longer included in 
the proposed method name. Could you please take a look at my previous message, 
if you missed it, and reopen this if appropriate?


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25243] decouple string-to-boolean logic from ConfigParser.getboolean and offer as separate function

2015-11-01 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson added the comment:

My friend @novalis_dt and I worked up a patch for this including tests 
(attached). First time working with the CPython codebase but hope it's a 
reasonable start.

Here's a preview:

~> ./python.exe 

 Python 3.6.0a0 (default:9f8b5053e30d+, Nov  1 2015, 18:38:37)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 7.0.0 (clang-700.1.76)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> trues = ['true', 'yes', 'on', '1']
>>> [bool.from_config_str(i) for i in trues]
[True, True, True, True]
>>> falses = ['false', 'no', 'off', '0', '']
>>> [bool.from_config_str(i) for i in falses]
[False, False, False, False, False]

I would be happy to try to make any additional changes necessary (including 
changing ConfigParser.getboolean to use the new method) if there is interest.


keywords: +patch
nosy: +novalis_dt
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file40923/bool_from_config_str.patch

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17006] Add advice on best practices for hashing secrets

2015-10-29 Thread Joshua Bronson

Changes by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25243] decouple string-to-boolean logic from ConfigParser.getboolean and offer as separate function

2015-09-26 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson added the comment:

One way this could be offered is as a new static method on bool (something like 
bool.parse_str?), but I of course defer to the better judgment of the Python 
core developers. I'd be happy to take a crack at a patch adding it wherever you 
like, if you like.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25243] decouple string-to-boolean logic from ConfigParser.getboolean and offer as separate function

2015-09-26 Thread Joshua Bronson

New submission from Joshua Bronson:

ConfigParser.getboolean[1] has logic to convert strings like '0' and 'False' to 
False. This logic is generally useful in other contexts and need not be coupled 
to ConfigParser. Would you consider accepting a patch that factored this 
string-to-boolean logic out of ConfigParser into a standalone function, and 
changed ConfigParser.getboolean internally to call that?

Thanks for your consideration.


messages: 251664
nosy: jab
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: decouple string-to-boolean logic from ConfigParser.getboolean and offer 
as separate function
type: enhancement

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue24286] Should OrderedDict.viewitems compare equal to dict.viewitems when the items are equal?

2015-05-25 Thread Joshua Bronson

New submission from Joshua Bronson:

Is it intentional that the second assertion in the following code fails?

from collections import OrderedDict

d = dict(C='carbon')
o = OrderedDict(d)
assert d == o
assert d.viewitems() == o.viewitems()

Since d == o, I'm surprised that d.viewitems() != o.viewitems(). If that's 
intentional, I'd love to understand the rationale.

Note: I hit this while testing a library I authored, 
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bidict, which provides a 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bidirectional_map implementation for Python, so 
I'm especially keen to understand all the subtleties in this area.

Thanks in advance.

messages: 244066
nosy: jab
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Should OrderedDict.viewitems compare equal to dict.viewitems when the 
items are equal?
versions: Python 2.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23894] lib2to3 doesn't recognize rb'...' as a raw byte string in Python 3

2015-04-09 Thread Joshua Bronson

Changes by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23548] TypeError in event loop finalizer, new in Python 3.4.3

2015-03-29 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson added the comment:

Not sure if it's related / helpful but just in case, since upgrading from 3.4.2 
to 3.4.3, I'm now seeing this printed to stderr sometimes when my program exits:

Exception ignored in: Exception ignored in: Exception ignored in: Exception 
ignored in: Exception ignored in: Exception ignored in: Exception ignored in: 
Exception ignored in: Exception ignored in: Exception ignored in: Exception 
ignored in: Exception ignored in: Exception ignored in: Exception ignored in: 
Exception ignored in: Exception ignored in: Exception ignored in: Exception 
ignored in: Exception ignored in: Exception ignored in: Exception ignored in:


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23548] TypeError in event loop finalizer, new in Python 3.4.3

2015-03-29 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson added the comment:

Quoting Victor Stinner:
>  I may workaround the bug during Python finalization if more users report 
> this issue.

Read the above so reporting I'm hitting this too fwiw.

Thanks for the great work on asyncio.

nosy: +jab

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[issue18652] Add itertools.first_true (return first true item in iterable)

2014-04-01 Thread Joshua Bronson

Changes by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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[issue13035] "maintainer" value clear the "author" value when registering

2011-09-23 Thread Joshua Bronson

New submission from Joshua Bronson :

This issue was originally opened in the PyPI tracker but was dismissed on the 
theory that it's a bug in Python:


If in one package's setup.py I provide maintainer (with email) and author 
(whith email) after the "python setup.py register ... upload" I create a new 
package where I see the maintainer as a creator.

If I manually fix it through the pypi user interface it works, so seems that 
this is only a bug in the register procedure.

messages: 14
nosy: jab
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: "maintainer" value clear the "author" value when registering

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7734] discuss mark-as-invalid trick in heapq docs

2010-08-12 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

Thanks for the great additions.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7734] discuss mark-as-invalid trick in heapq docs

2010-01-18 Thread Joshua Bronson

New submission from Joshua Bronson :

Though the heapq module does not support changing the priority of a particular 
element of the heap (a necessary operation for the A* search family of 
algorithms), such an element can be marked as invalid and a new element can be 
added with different priority. Any element marked as invalid that makes it to 
the top of the heap can simply be popped off and ignored.

Users who haven't seen this trick before might mistakenly think the heapq 
module does not provide sufficient operations to implement A* search.

Please see the recent thread on comp.lang.python for more background:

assignee: georg.brandl
components: Documentation
messages: 98034
nosy: georg.brandl, jab, rhettinger
severity: normal
status: open
title: discuss mark-as-invalid trick in heapq docs
versions: Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2

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[issue6763] Crash on mac os x leopard in mimetypes.guess_type (or PyObject_Malloc)

2009-08-22 Thread Joshua Bronson

Changes by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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[issue6626] show Python mimetypes module some love

2009-08-22 Thread Joshua Bronson

Changes by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6614] heapq.nsmallest and nlargest should be smarter/more usable/more consistent

2009-07-31 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

> That is in the pure python version of nsmallest() and that
> code is not used (it is overriden by the C version).

So just because it isn't used by CPython it should remain in there even 
though as you said yourself it's completely without basis? What about non 
CPython? I'm not trying to "kick the ball around" here, we're both on the 
same team just trying to make Python better.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6614] heapq.nsmallest and nlargest should be smarter/more usable/more consistent

2009-07-31 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

One more thing:

> I prefer the docs the way they are.  They help the reader understand
> the relationship between min, max, nsmallest, nlargest, and sorted.

The docs still use the unspecific language "for smaller values of n" and 
"for larger values". I think careful readers would appreciate an addition 
along the lines of what you wrote earlier -- the optimal switchover point 
depends on the cost of the comparison function, the ordering of the input 
data, etc.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6614] heapq.nsmallest and nlargest should be smarter/more usable/more consistent

2009-07-31 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

> I prefer the docs the way they are.  They help the reader understand
> the relationship between min, max, nsmallest, nlargest, and sorted.

Except that it's no longer true that "when n==1, it is more efficient to use 
builtin min() and max() functions." Shouldn't this be updated to say "when 
it is equivalent to using the builtin min() and max() functions"?

> I'm not sure where you got the n * 10 <= len(iterable) switch-over
> point.

It's right in the file you linked to. Search for "n * 10" in 

> That is arbitrary.  The correct switchover point depends on the
> cost of the comparison function, whether the length of the input is
> known, whether the input data is partially ordered, memory constraints,
> whether a key function is used, and on other factors.   

So should that be removed, then?

> FWIW, I also wrote the logic for random.sample().  The switchover logic
> was straight-forward because performance depended on factors that were
> fully known (length of input, sample size, memory utilization, and
> average number of probes for each strategy).
> One other thought:  When memory is tight, the programmer needs to be
> able to select the heap algorithm in favor of sorted() even for
> relatively large values of n.  I do not want an automatic switchover
> point that takes away a programmer's choice between speed and space
> efficiency.

Agreed, and thanks for the additional info.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6614] heapq.nsmallest and nlargest should be smarter/more usable/more consistent

2009-07-31 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

Oh, that's great!

(I also noticed that the previously inutile line "_heappushpop = heappushpop" 
is now doing something in the heapq.py you linked to, nice.)

It looks like the docs haven't been updated yet though. For instance, 
http://docs.python.org/3.1/library/heapq.html still says "The latter two 
functions perform best for smaller values of n. For larger values, it is more 
efficient to use the sorted() function. Also, when n==1, it is more efficient 
to use the builtin min() and max() functions."

Also, I notice the pure Python implementation of nsmallest still does that 
check to see if n * 10 <= len(iterable), and if so uses an insort-based 
algorithm. It looks like this is still undocumented, inconsistent with the C 
implementation, and asymmetrical to the implementations of nlargest. If this 
branch is remaining there on purpose, I'd love see its existence mentioned and 
its theoretical basis explained in the docs, along with any similar branches 
implemented elsewhere in the code, if they should be.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6614] heapq.nsmallest and nlargest should be smarter/more usable/more consistent

2009-07-31 Thread Joshua Bronson

New submission from Joshua Bronson :

>From http://docs.python.org/library/heapq.html:
> The latter two functions (nlargest and nsmallest) perform best for
> smaller values of n. For larger values, it is more efficient to use
> the sorted() function. Also, when n==1, it is more efficient to use
> the builtin min() and max() functions.

A quick usability win for the heapq module: Be more specific than "smaller" and 
"larger", e.g. "when n is O(...(len(iterable)))".

>From http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/msg/9556f56ae25ecf3b:
> I find it interesting that the heapq functions tell you in the
> documentation that they aren't suitable for use where n==1 or where
> n is near the total size of the sequence whereas random.sample()
> chooses what it thinks is the best algorithm based on the input. At
> the very least I would have thought the heapq functions could check
> for n==1 and call min/max when it is.

+1. It looks like the pure Python implementation of nsmallest is actually 
choosing either an insort algorithm or a minheap algorithm based on whether n * 
10 <= 
len(iterable), but the C implementation of nsmallest unconditionally uses a 
algorithm. Neither the pure Python nor the C implementation of nlargest chooses 
algorithm conditionally. For the sake of consistency and usability, all 
implementations of nsmallest and nlargest should choose the most efficient 
from among min/max, insort, and minheap, and the docs should be updated to 
this behavior.

Also, in looking through the heapq.py that came with my Python 2.6.2 
distribution, I 
noticed that line 196 seems to have no reason to be there:
_heappushpop = heappushpop  
This is the only occurrence of "_heappushpop" in the file.

I made a patch for heapq.py, but since I'm not a CPython hacker, I thought it 
be better to leave the changes up to someone who could do both the pure Python 
the C implementations in tandem. I'd be happy to contribute documentation when 
time comes if that would help.

messages: 91134
nosy: jab
severity: normal
status: open
title: heapq.nsmallest and nlargest should be smarter/more usable/more 
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.5, Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.0, Python 3.1

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[issue4753] Faster opcode dispatch on gcc

2009-02-20 Thread Joshua Bronson

Changes by Joshua Bronson :

nosy: +jab

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5220] os.makedirs' mode argument has bad default value

2009-02-11 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

> My suspicion is that people setting explicit file permissions
> typically know what they are doing, and that you will find that
> your tickets get closed as invalid, explaining to you that this
> mode usage is fully intentional.

For what it's worth, I asked Mike Bayer (author of Beaker and Mako, the 
packages in question) what the intention was, and the 0750 seems to have 
been an error: Apparently HTML::Mason (what Myghty was based on) may 
have originally used 0750 but has since changed it to 0775 (search for 
"0775" in http://svn.urth.org/filedetails.php?
. The 0750 propagated from Myghty into Mako and Beaker, but has no 
apparent reason to be there.

For what else it's worth, I've run this by a few other programmers I 
consider quite smart and experienced (including Ian Bicking), and none 
of them realized the meaning of the mode parameter either. (If they had 
I never would have filed this ticket, as I checked with them first!)

I agree that knowledge of relative paths should be assumed, but I'm 
convinced that the mode behavior is widely misunderstood enough to 
warrant at least one-line "gotcha" in the docstring.

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5220] os.makedirs' mode argument has bad default value

2009-02-11 Thread Joshua Bronson

Joshua Bronson  added the comment:

Ah, I was misunderstanding the behavior of mkdir, thank you for the 

My misunderstanding stemmed from recently coming across two widely-used 
packages which both pass mode=0750 to os.makedirs. I have no idea why 
they would be doing this (as it effectively throws away part of the 
umask), unless they too are misunderstanding the mode parameter. My 
suspicion is that the mode parameter is widely misunderstood to mean the 
desired permissions of the created directory. I have filed tickets in 
the packages in which I came across this to make sure they're doing what 
they intend.

Could the __doc__ for os.mkdir and os.makedirs be expanded to make this 

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5220] os.makedirs' mode argument has bad default value

2009-02-11 Thread Joshua Bronson

New submission from Joshua Bronson :

os.makedirs' mode argument defaults to a hardcoded value of 511 (0777 in 
octal). This forces the caller to either pass in a different hardcoded value 
(commonly 0750), or to implement a workaround that calculates the expected 
mode based on the process owner's umask:

umask, _ = subprocess.Popen(['sh', '-c', 'umask'],
umask = int(umask, 8)
mode = 0777 ^ umask
os.makedirs(dir, mode)

Preferred behavior would be to have the mode default to the value which 
takes the umask into account rather than the hardcoded value 0777, so that 
directories would be created with the same permissions as e.g. files created 
via open(..).

N.B. I'm guessing the above workaround won't work on Windows (please excuse 
my poor Windows knowledge). All the more reason to have os.makedirs 
calculate the mode properly if none is given.

messages: 81666
nosy: jab
severity: normal
status: open
title: os.makedirs' mode argument has bad default value
versions: Python 2.4, Python 2.5, Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.0, Python 3.1

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