[issue45520] Frozen dataclass deep copy doesn't work with __slots__

2021-10-20 Thread Justin Furuness

Justin Furuness  added the comment:

Thank you for the in-depth explanation. That all makes sense to me, I have
run into the __slots__ with defaults issues before, I'll be sure to try out
these fixes. I appreciate you taking the time.


On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 5:28 PM Josh Rosenberg 

> Josh Rosenberg  added the comment:
> You're right that in non-dataclass scenarios, you'd just use __slots__.
> The slots=True thing was necessary for any case where any of the
> dataclass's attributes have default values (my_int: int = 0), or are
> defined with fields (my_list: list = field(default_factory=list)). The
> problem is that __slots__ is implemented by, after the class definition
> ends, creating descriptors on the class to access the data stored at known
> offsets in the underlying PyObject structure. Those descriptors themselves
> being class attributes means that when the type definition machinery tries
> to use __slots__ to create them, it finds conflicting class attributes (the
> defaults/fields) that already exist and explodes.
> Adding support for slots=True means it does two things:
> 1. It completely defines the class without slots, extracts the stuff it
> needs to make the dataclass separately, then deletes it from the class
> definition namespace and makes a *new* class with __slots__ defined (so no
> conflict occurs)
> 2. It checks if the dataclass is also frozen, and applies alternate
> __getstate__/__setstate__ methods that are compatible with a frozen,
> slotted dataclass
> #2 is what fixes this bug (while #1 makes it possible to use the full
> range of dataclass features without sacrificing the ability to use
> __slots__). If you need this to work in 3.9, you could borrow the 3.10
> implementations that make this work for frozen dataclasses to explicitly
> define __getstate__/__setstate__ for your frozen slotted dataclasses:
> def __getstate__(self):
> return [getattr(self, f.name) for f in fields(self)]
> def __setstate__(self, state):
> for field, value in zip(fields(self), state):
> # use setattr because dataclass may be frozen
> object.__setattr__(self, field.name, value)
> I'm not closing this since backporting just the fix for frozen slotted
> dataclasses (without backporting the full slots=True functionality that's a
> new feature) is possibly within scope for a bugfix release of 3.9 (it
> wouldn't change the behavior of working code, and fixes broken code that
> might reasonably be expected to work).
> --
> ___
> Python tracker 
> <https://bugs.python.org/issue45520>
> ___


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45520] Frozen dataclass deep copy doesn't work with __slots__

2021-10-19 Thread Justin Furuness

Justin Furuness  added the comment:

I didn't realize it was possible to add slots in that way (slots=True). I
think for normal classes manually defining __slots__ is the common way of
adding __slots__ (at least for me), so it feels weird to me that manually
defining __slots__ instead of adding slots=True produces different
behaviour. That being said, no strong motivation to change it, this fixes
my issue, feel free to close this.


On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 9:25 PM Josh Rosenberg 

> Josh Rosenberg  added the comment:
> When I define this with the new-in-3.10 slots=True argument to dataclass
> rather than manually defining __slots__ it works just fine. Looks like the
> pickle format changes rather dramatically to accommodate it.
> >>> @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
> ... class FrozenData:
> ... my_string: str
> ...
> >>> deepcopy(FrozenData('initial'))
> FrozenData(my_string='initial')
> Is there a strong motivation to support manually defined __slots__ on top
> of slots=True that warrants fixing it for 3.10 onward?
> --
> nosy: +josh.r
> ___
> Python tracker 
> <https://bugs.python.org/issue45520>
> ___


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43758] dict.config TimedRotatingFileHandler filename .suffix does not function

2021-04-06 Thread Justin Lee

New submission from Justin Lee :


I would like to change the .suffix for the TimedRotatingFileHandler for the 
"future-created" file in dictConfig written in json.

Is there any suggestion on how to do that?

messages: 390400
nosy: tea940314
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: dict.config TimedRotatingFileHandler filename .suffix does not function
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42695] tkinter keysym_num value is incorrect

2020-12-20 Thread Justin

Justin  added the comment:

TK bug ticket has been created at 


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[issue42695] tkinter keysym_num value is incorrect

2020-12-20 Thread Justin

New submission from Justin :

Hi there.
On my MacOS 10.14.16 laptop with a qwerty keyboard I was testing tkinter 
keyboard listening for an azerty keyboard layout by switching the layout to 
`French - PC`
When I press qwerty keys Shift + \ I expect to see 'μ' printed.
When looking at the tkinter events for that key press we see:
down {'keysym': 'Shift_L', 'keysym_num': 65505, 'keycode': 131072, 'char': ''}
down {'keysym': 'tslash', 'keysym_num': 956, 'keycode': 956, 'char': 'μ'}
up {'keysym': 'asterisk', 'keysym_num': 42, 'keycode': 2753468, 'char': 'μ'}
up {'keysym': 'Shift_L', 'keysym_num': 65505, 'keycode': 131072, 'char': ''}
So the char value is correct but the keysym_num is not the expected 181 for mu.
Comparing this to pressing Shift + / to generate the section symbol (§) we see:
down {'keysym': 'Shift_L', 'keysym_num': 65505, 'keycode': 131072, 'char': ''}
down {'keysym': 'section', 'keysym_num': 167, 'keycode': 167, 'char': '§'}
up {'keysym': 'section', 'keysym_num': 167, 'keycode': 2883751, 'char': '§'}
up {'keysym': 'Shift_L', 'keysym_num': 65505, 'keycode': 131072, 'char': ''}
Which produces the expected keysym_num of 167.

TLDR: the kysym_num value when writing the mu character is incorrect. It should 
be 181 and logging shows values of 956 and 42. Can this be fixed?

Here is the keyboard listener program which can be used for verification:
from tkinter import *

params = ['keysym', 'keysym_num', 'keycode', 'char']

def keyup(e):
d = {p: getattr(e, p) for p in params}
print('up', d)
# print('up', e.__dict__)
def keydown(e):
d = {p: getattr(e, p) for p in params}
print('down', d)
# print('down', e.__dict__)

root = Tk()
frame = Frame(root, width=100, height=100)
frame.bind("", keydown)
frame.bind("", keyup)
Note: my python version was installed from python.org and is:
Python 3.9.1 (v3.9.1:1e5d33e9b9, Dec  7 2020, 12:44:01) 
[Clang 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.27)] on darwin

messages: 383458
nosy: spacether
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: tkinter keysym_num value is incorrect

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42640] tkinter throws exception when key is pressed

2020-12-20 Thread Justin

Justin  added the comment:

Thank you very much. I understand and just wanted to let you know.
In brew I opened up this 
ticket(https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/issues/67327) with that team.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42640] tkinter throws exception when key is pressed

2020-12-20 Thread Justin

Justin  added the comment:

FYI, I just brew installed python and with:
Python 3.9.1 (default, Dec 17 2020, 03:56:09) 
[Clang 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.17)] on darwin
This issue still happens


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[issue42640] tkinter throws exception when key is pressed

2020-12-14 Thread Justin

Justin  added the comment:

Thanks for responding so quickly.
1. My python version is:
Python 3.8.6 (default, Oct  8 2020, 14:07:53) 
[Clang 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.17)] on darwin
2. N/A
3. >>> from tkinter.test.support import *
>>> get_tk_patchlevel()
(8, 5, 9, 'final', 0)
4. No; the pygame sample does not crash with this key input

Which version of TK 8.5.X fixes this, That's what it looks like here: 


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42640] tkinter throws exception when key is pressed

2020-12-14 Thread Justin

Justin  added the comment:

Sorry my verification keyboard listener program is not the pygame one. It is 
this one:
from tkinter import *
def keyup(e):
print('up', e.__dict__)
def keydown(e):
print('down', e.__dict__)

root = Tk()
frame = Frame(root, width=100, height=100)
frame.bind("", keydown)
frame.bind("", keyup)


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42640] tkinter throws exception when key is pressed

2020-12-14 Thread Justin

New submission from Justin :

On macOs 10.14.6 laptop with a qwerty layout, when I switch my keyboard layout 
to `French - PC` and use a tkinter keyboard listener
and press the '[' button which should be the '^' button on the azerty keyboard, 
this Error is thrown:
2020-12-14 10:13:26.533 Python[14880:1492926] *** Terminating app due to 
uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '-[__NSCFConstantString 
characterAtIndex:]: Range or index out of bounds'
*** First throw call stack:
0   CoreFoundation  0x7fff41ce49ad 
__exceptionPreprocess + 256
1   libobjc.A.dylib 0x7fff6c3dfa17 
objc_exception_throw + 48
2   CoreFoundation  0x7fff41ce47df 
+[NSException raise:format:] + 201
3   CoreFoundation  0x7fff41c5a159 
-[__NSCFString characterAtIndex:] + 102
4   Tk  0x7fff4da8a806 
TkpInitKeymapInfo + 719
5   Tk  0x7fff4da905e9 
Tk_MacOSXSetupTkNotifier + 793
6   Tcl 0x7fff4d98c48e 
Tcl_DoOneEvent + 301
7   _tkinter.cpython-38-darwin.so   0x0001090802de 
_tkinter_tkapp_mainloop + 342
8   Python  0x000108ac1b0a 
method_vectorcall_FASTCALL + 250
9   Python  0x000108b5a299 
call_function + 346
10  Python  0x000108b51457 
_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 3895
11  Python  0x000108b5ae5d 
_PyEval_EvalCodeWithName + 2107
12  Python  0x000108abad39 
_PyFunction_Vectorcall + 217
13  Python  0x000108abcc7d 
method_vectorcall + 135
14  Python  0x000108b5a299 
call_function + 346
15  Python  0x000108b51477 
_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 3927
16  Python  0x000108b5ae5d 
_PyEval_EvalCodeWithName + 2107
17  Python  0x000108b5047d 
PyEval_EvalCode + 51
18  Python  0x000108b89025 
run_eval_code_obj + 102
19  Python  0x000108b88473 run_mod + 82
20  Python  0x000108b87345 
PyRun_FileExFlags + 160
21  Python  0x000108b86a29 
PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags + 271
22  Python  0x000108b9e449 Py_RunMain + 
23  Python  0x000108b9e790 pymain_main 
+ 306
24  Python  0x000108b9e7de Py_BytesMain 
+ 42
25  libdyld.dylib   0x7fff6dbae3d5 start + 1
26  ??? 0x0002 0x0 + 2
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
Abort trap: 6
One can verify this by running this program on a macOs laptop with a qwerty 
keyboard, switching the layout to French - PC and pressing the '[' key.
import pygame
pygame.display.set_mode((100, 100))
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
pygame.quit(); #sys.exit() if sys is imported
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
key_name = pygame.key.name(event.key)
print(event, event.key.__class__, event.key, key_name)
elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
key_name = pygame.key.name(event.key)
print(event, event.key.__class__, event.key, key_name)

messages: 382998
nosy: spacether
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: tkinter throws exception when key is pressed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13337] IGNORE_CASE doctest option flag

2020-11-28 Thread Justin Baum

Change by Justin Baum :

keywords: +patch
nosy: +justinba1010
nosy_count: 3.0 -> 4.0
pull_requests: +22426
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/23547

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42140] asyncio.wait function creates futures set two times

2020-10-26 Thread Justin Arthur

Justin Arthur  added the comment:

> So the behaviour you describe will happen anyway.
Unless we make your change against the 3.9 branch, in which case the fix will 
make it into the 3.9.x series of patch releases.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42140] asyncio.wait function creates futures set two times

2020-10-26 Thread Justin Arthur

Justin Arthur  added the comment:

I believe the documentation may be referring to the English set and not a 
Python set, but I could be wrong.

Yury changed the wording from sequence to set in 3.7, but we didn't document a 
breaking change as far as I know. The purpose of those set constructions was to 
handle the many things other than a set that can be passed in that may have 
non-unique values. Early asyncio documentation included examples of passing 
wait() a list.

I wouldn't be surprised if there are other libraries or apps out there for 
which removing iterator support was an accidentally-breaking change and it may 
be strange if this is only is broken in 3.9.x, but working both before and 


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[issue42140] asyncio.wait function creates futures set two times

2020-10-26 Thread Justin Arthur

Justin Arthur  added the comment:

Your change makes perfect sense to me. It would be a backport-only change as 
the 2nd set creation is actually getting removed for the development version 
(3.10) to finalize the deprecation of wait's coroutine scheduling.

nosy: +JustinTArthur

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38912] test_asyncio altered the execution environment

2020-10-13 Thread Justin Arthur

Justin Arthur  added the comment:

The "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'close'" error is likely caused by a 
race against the loop calling the test protocol object's connection_made 
callback. I was able to reproduce this case occasionally on macOS and it's 
likely platform-agnostic. Given server/connection cleanup isn't context-managed 
or finally-driven on the affected tests, raising the NoneType error will skip 
cleanup and we see additional exceptions from unclosed networking components 
being garbage collected.

Tests using this test protocol pattern were either waiting for the callback 
already or were waiting on network i/o that happens long after connection 
establishment with the exception of:
- `test_create_server_ssl_verified`
- `test_create_unix_server_ssl_verified`

PR 22691 ensures those two tests wait for the connect callbacks as well.

This may not address the env changed error from recent msg378481, as the 
initial error is not necessarily disclosed in that log.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38912] test_asyncio altered the execution environment

2020-10-13 Thread Justin Arthur

Change by Justin Arthur :

nosy: +JustinTArthur
nosy_count: 5.0 -> 6.0
pull_requests: +21662
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/22691

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33533] Provide an async iterator version of as_completed

2020-10-08 Thread Justin Arthur

Change by Justin Arthur :

versions: +Python 3.10 -Python 3.8

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33533] Provide an async iterator version of as_completed

2020-10-02 Thread Justin Arthur

Change by Justin Arthur :

title: Provide an async-generator version of as_completed -> Provide an async 
iterator version of as_completed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33533] Provide an async-generator version of as_completed

2020-10-02 Thread Justin Arthur

Justin Arthur  added the comment:

Thanks, Hrvoje. I've updated the patch to match this bug's suggested format and 
have updated the documentation and What's New.

The one quirk that comes with the benefit of getting the same futures back is 
that we still allow both coroutines and futures to be passed in. Coroutines 
will not be yielded back in their original form, but instead a new task.


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[issue38032] lib2to3 doesn't parse Python 3 identifiers containing non-spacing marks

2020-10-01 Thread Justin Arthur

Justin Arthur  added the comment:

Not sure if there is consensus on how to fix, but fixing #12731 will fix this 
for most of the cases I've seen complaints about as a side effect.


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[issue33533] Provide an async-generator version of as_completed

2020-10-01 Thread Justin Arthur

Justin Arthur  added the comment:

I've added a new PR, PR 22491. This one has as_completed returning an iterator 
and includes tests for both the old and new style.

I see a trivial amount of latency added in extra call stack over Guido's 
original implementation. Should we decide to deprecate the 
plain-iterator-of-awaitables form, we can possibly regain that latency in 
refactoring this as an asynchronous generator.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33533] Provide an async-generator version of as_completed

2020-10-01 Thread Justin Arthur

Change by Justin Arthur :

nosy: +JustinTArthur
nosy_count: 5.0 -> 6.0
pull_requests: +21508
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/22491

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41337] strangnedd with the parser

2020-07-19 Thread Justin Hodder

New submission from Justin Hodder :

Here a colab that demostrates the bug
the following code gives"received an invalid combination of arguments - got 
(Tensor, Tensor), but expected one of:" 
import torch
The following code gives "TypeError: ones(): argument 'size' (position 1) 
must be tuple of ints, not str import torch"
import torch

components: Interpreter Core
files: pythos_parser_bug.ipynb
messages: 373937
nosy: Justin Hodder
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: strangnedd with the parser
versions: Python 3.6
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file49325/pythos_parser_bug.ipynb

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[issue40078] asyncio subprocesses allow pids to be reaped, different behavior than regular subprocesses

2020-03-26 Thread Justin Lebar

Change by Justin Lebar :

type:  -> behavior
versions: +Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40078] asyncio subprocesses allow pids to be reaped, different behavior than regular subprocesses

2020-03-26 Thread Justin Lebar

Change by Justin Lebar :

versions: +Python 3.7, Python 3.8

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue1187312] subprocess: optional auto-reaping fixing os.wait() lossage

2020-03-26 Thread Justin Lebar

Justin Lebar  added the comment:

15 years later, it seems asyncio subprocesses may have the same issue.  :)


nosy: +Justin.Lebar

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40078] asyncio subprocesses allow pids to be reaped, different behavior than regular subprocesses

2020-03-26 Thread Justin Lebar

New submission from Justin Lebar :

>From https://bugs.python.org/issue1187312 about regular subprocesses:

> So as long as the application keeps a reference to the
> subprocess object, it can wait for it; auto-reaping only
> starts when the last reference was dropped [in Popen.__del__].

asyncio subprocesses seem to behave differently.  When we notice the process 
has exited in BaseSubprocessTransport._process_exited, we call _try_finish(), 
which -- if all pipes are closed -- calls _call_connection_lost and sets 
self._proc to None.

At this point, my understanding is that once self._proc is GC'ed, we'll run 
Popen.__del__ and may reap the pid.

I would expect asyncio subprocesses to behave the same way as regular Popen 
objects wrt pid reaping.

components: asyncio
messages: 365095
nosy: Justin.Lebar, asvetlov, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: asyncio subprocesses allow pids to be reaped, different behavior than 
regular subprocesses

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38860] GenericPyCData_new does not invoke new or init

2020-01-22 Thread Justin Capella

Justin Capella  added the comment:

Becca were you still interested in this issue? 

Anyone agree the unit test seems to have a bug if that is intended behavior?

Is there a better forum for discussion about design/behavior, maybe the more 
generic issue of GenericPyCData_new using tp_alloc instead of tp_new


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39175] Funkness with issubset

2020-01-01 Thread Justin Hodder

Justin Hodder  added the comment:

AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'issubset'

And it doesn't explain why it works as expected in Brython.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39175] Funkness with issubset

2019-12-31 Thread Justin Hodder

Justin Hodder  added the comment:

oh I'm using Python 3.8.1 (32-bit)
on win10


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39175] Funkness with issubset

2019-12-31 Thread Justin Hodder

Justin Hodder  added the comment:

This works:
$ diff PythonDoesntWorks.py HowCanYouPayMana.v3.py
< if x2.issubset(set(avalMana.keys())):
> if x2.issubset(set(list(avalMana.keys(:

this doesn't work:
$ diff PythonDoesntWorks.py HowCanYouPayMana.v3.py
< if x2.issubset(set(avalMana.keys())):
> if x2.issubset(set(list(avalMana.keys(:
> print("cost",cost)


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39175] Funkness with issubset

2019-12-31 Thread Justin Hodder

New submission from Justin Hodder :

line 59,"print(x2,"avalMana",set(avalMana.keys()))" prints:"{('A', 'B')} 
avalMana {'A', ('A', 'B'), ('A', 'C')}"

line 60,"if x2.issubset(set(avalMana.keys())):" is False 
change line 60 to "if x2.issubset(set(list(avalMana.keys(:" and it 
works as expected.

components: Interpreter Core
files: PythonDoesntWorks.py
messages: 359137
nosy: Justin Hodder
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Funkness with issubset
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file48814/PythonDoesntWorks.py

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38860] GenericPyCData_new does not invoke new or init

2019-12-11 Thread Justin Capella

Justin Capella  added the comment:

It might make sense that CSimpleData types do not call init, which makes sense 
for _fields_ but it doesn't make sense to offer subclassing (of Structure) and 
not use the subclass, instead creating a type of the same name.

That test case is bugged, missing an underscore... The git blame wasn't 
"available" for that particular test but I would argue that it's testing for 
undocumented behavior :p

I wanted to be able to do assertions/initialization, I'm sure other people have 
expected from_buffer(_copy) et al would act as a class method, returning an 
instance of the subclass.

More generally, I think that GenericPyCData_new should not "tp_alloc"... What's 
_new about that?

My guess is there was at some level desire to "optimize" ctypes. If that does 
turn out to be the case I'd hope for a "unsimple" CData and ask that Structure 
be an instance of that.

Either way docs reflecting the behavior to Structure would be nice, I just hope 
it includes "prior to version" :p thanks for taking a look


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[issue38576] CVE-2019-18348: CRLF injection via the host part of the url passed to urlopen()

2019-11-20 Thread Justin Capella

Justin Capella  added the comment:

Can't see the specifics of that "restricted" redhat bug, but this was 
interesting bug and I wanted to ask if perhaps the domain in such cases should 
be IDN / punycoded ://xn--n28h.ws/ for example is ://.la

nosy: +b1tninja

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38860] GenericPyCData_new does not invoke new or init

2019-11-19 Thread Justin Capella

New submission from Justin Capella :

When subclassing the ctypes.Structure class, __new__ and __init__ are not 
invoked when using the inherited classmethod from_buffer_copy to create the 

I think this is because tp_alloc is ultimately used by GenericPyCData_new when 
creating the object using the from_buffer_copy classmethod inherited from 


Expected behavior: creation of Structure subclass object would invoke __new__ 
and possibly __init__.

components: ctypes
files: ctypesnew.py
messages: 357022
nosy: b1tninja
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: GenericPyCData_new does not invoke new or init
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file48723/ctypesnew.py

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38166] ast identifies incorrect column for compound attribute lookups

2019-09-13 Thread Justin McCann

New submission from Justin McCann :

This issue is related to https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-python/issues/7327 
and https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/3103

For compound attribute access in variable references like a.b.c.d, the AST 
reports the column of the first variable/attribute in the sequence instead of 
the specific attribute location. For example, the location of  c is reported as 
column 0 (a) and not column 4 (c).

Here's the AST test case provided by a pylint developer in a comment on pylint 
issue 3103; I confirmed the behavior is the same in python 3.8.0b4.
$ python3.8
Python 3.8.0b4 (v3.8.0b4:d93605de72, Aug 29 2019, 21:47:47)
[Clang 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import ast
>>> body = ast.parse('''
... print(x.item.akey > 2)
... ''')
>>> # x.item
... x_item = body.body[0].value.args[0].left.value
>>> print(x_item, x_item.attr, x_item.col_offset)
<_ast.Attribute object at 0x10a7751f0> item 6
>>> # x.item.akey
... print(x_item.value, x_item.value.col_offset) .  ### probably should be 8
<_ast.Name object at 0x10a775280> 6

Related issues:
* https://bugs.python.org/issue1440601 Add col information to parse & ast nodes
* https://bugs.python.org/issue10769 ast: provide more useful range information

Here is the resulting confusion when you use this output in pylint (and then 
VSCode highlights only "x" since it's the variable that starts in column 0):

Original pylint/vscode testcase:
class TestMe:
def __init__(self):
self.item = {'akey': 42}
self.again = self

x = TestMe()
### pylint error message here is
###testme.py:11:6: E1101: Instance of 'dict' has no 'akey' member 
### The problem is with `x.item`, but pylint shows the column for `x`
print(x.item.akey > 2)


Current behavior
$ pylint testme.py  -rn -sn
* Module testme
testme.py:10:6: E1101: Instance of 'dict' has no 'akey' member (no-member)
testme.py:12:6: E1101: Instance of 'dict' has no 'doesnotexist' member 

Expected behavior
$ pylint testme.py  -rn -sn
* Module testme
testme.py:10:8: E1101: Instance of 'dict' has no 'akey' member (no-member)
testme.py:12:14: E1101: Instance of 'dict' has no 'doesnotexist' member 

$ pylint --version output
pylint 2.3.1
astroid 2.2.5
Python 3.7.4 (default, Jul 9 2019, 18:13:23)
[Clang 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.4)]

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 352393
nosy: Justin McCann
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: ast identifies incorrect column for compound attribute lookups
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7, Python 3.8

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue12731] python lib re uses obsolete sense of \w in full violation of UTS#18 RL1.2a

2019-09-07 Thread Justin Arthur

Change by Justin Arthur :

nosy: +JustinTArthur

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38032] lib2to3 doesn't parse Python 3 identifiers containing non-spacing marks

2019-09-05 Thread Justin Arthur

Justin Arthur  added the comment:

Ned, can you confirm that 2to3 is not intended for cumulative/incremental runs 
over the same codebase?

If it's not intended to be run on previously ported code, this will just need 
to be fixed on the lib2to3 downstream projects like awpa and Black that are 
encountering this issue.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38032] lib2to3 doesn't parse Python 3 identifiers containing non-spacing marks

2019-09-04 Thread Justin ARthur

New submission from Justin ARthur :

Python 3 code with an identifier that has a non-spacing mark in it does not get 
tokenized by lib2to3 and will result in an exception thrown in the parsing 

Parsing the attached file (badvar.py), results in `ParseError: bad token: 
type=58, value='̇', context=('', (1, 1))`

This happens because the Name pattern regular expression in lib2to3 is `r'\w+'` 
and the word character class doesn't contain non-spacing marks (and possible 
other [continuation characters allowed in Python 3 

(reported by energizer in the Python IRC channel)

components: 2to3 (2.x to 3.x conversion tool), Library (Lib)
files: badvar.py
messages: 351153
nosy: JustinTArthur
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: lib2to3 doesn't parse Python 3 identifiers containing non-spacing marks
versions: Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file48592/badvar.py

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37372] datetime.time unpickling fails in case of python2 pickle with seconds>=24

2019-06-22 Thread Justin Blanchard

New submission from Justin Blanchard :

Under bpo-22005, Python 3 gained support for unpickling datetime data from 
Python 2. (Thanks!) It turns out the input validation isn't quite right: it 
bombs on datetime.time when the encoded seconds (not hours) field is >=24:

python2>>> datetime.time(1, 2, 3).__reduce__()
(, ('\x01\x02\x03\x00\x00\x00',))
python2>>> datetime.time(23, 24, 25).__reduce__()
(, ('\x17\x18\x19\x00\x00\x00',))

python3>>> datetime.time('\x01\x02\x03\x00\x00\x00')
datetime.time(1, 2, 3)
python3>>> datetime.time('\x17\x18\x19\x00\x00\x00')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
TypeError: an integer is required (got type str)

I would like to contribute a fix and will be opening a PR. This is my first 
contribution - any help and patience appreciated!

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 346284
nosy: Justin Blanchard
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: datetime.time unpickling fails in case of python2 pickle with seconds>=24
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37086] time.sleep error message misleading

2019-05-30 Thread Justin Fay

Justin Fay  added the comment:

>From looking at the code for this (note I am not a C programmer so may have 
>gotten this wrong) _PyTime_FromObject first checks if the object is a float 
>using PyFloat_Check(obj) this is evident as passing nan to time.sleep raises a 
>ValueError with the message "Invalid value NaN (not a number)". However if the 
>object is not a float it next assumes the only valid value to be an integer, 
>this logic appears fine to me. The problem however is if the object is not an 
>integer the code raises the error with the message that an integer is 
>required, it is unaware that a before this branch of the code executes a float 
>would have been an accepted value. In python I imagine the fix for this would 
>be along the lines

except (TypeError, ValueError):
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise TypeError('an float or integer is required')


Python tracker 
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[issue37086] time.sleep error message misleading

2019-05-29 Thread Justin Fay

New submission from Justin Fay :

Using python3.6 and calling `time.sleep` with an invalid argument the 
`TypeError` raised has the error message "TypeError: an integer is required". 
This is not the case as a float or integer is acceptable. Using python 2.7 the 
error message given is better "TypeError: a float is required".

messages: 343880
nosy: Justin Fay
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: time.sleep error message misleading
versions: Python 3.6

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36931] json lib doesnt want to load from file

2019-05-15 Thread Justin Rose

New submission from Justin Rose :

when I run the included file i get an error that looks like:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/justin/Desktop/pkmn/main.py", line 10, in 
expansion = json.load(expan_list)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/json/__init__.py", line 296, in load
return loads(fp.read(),
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'read'
dont know what to make of it

components: Extension Modules
files: main.py
messages: 342609
nosy: Justin Rose
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: json lib doesnt want to load from file
type: resource usage
versions: Python 3.6
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file48331/main.py

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35531] xml.etree.ElementTree Elment.find bug, fails to find tag

2018-12-18 Thread Justin

Justin  added the comment:

Issue was user error. I though that find did a full search of the tree when it 
only searches children.
Solution is:

ele = xml.find('.//faultstring')

resolution:  -> not a bug
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35531] xml.etree.ElementTree Elment.find bug, fails to find tag

2018-12-18 Thread Justin

New submission from Justin :

When the following text it loaded in to an ElementTree Element, the find method 
is unable to find one of the elements without a namespace assigned to it.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree

xml_text = """
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/;>a:ActionNotSupportedThe message with Action \'\' cannot be processed at the 
receiver, due to a ContractFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher. This may 
be because of either a contract mismatch (mismatched Actions between sender and 
receiver) or a binding/security mismatch between the sender and the receiver.  
Check that sender and receiver have the same contract and the same binding 
(including security requirements, e.g. Message, Transport, 

xml = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_text)
ele = xml.find('faultstring')
ele == None #True

components: XML
messages: 332106
nosy: spacether
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: xml.etree.ElementTree Elment.find bug, fails to find tag
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33643] Mock functions with autospec STILL don't support assert_called_once, assert_called, assert_not_called

2018-10-08 Thread Justin Dray

Justin Dray  added the comment:

I can still reproduce this with python 3.6.5:


no .assert_called() on autospec'd functions, but it works with normal 

ipython autocomplete shows assert_any_call, assert_called_once, 
assert_called_with and assert_has_calls as valid functions however?

nosy: +Justin Dray

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27755] Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox

2017-07-14 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

Thanks for analysing further, Terry. My original goal was a drop-in replacement 
for an aspect of IDLE I found quite annoying (on Windows).

Unfortunately, my limited playing with tkinter didn't inspire me to go beyond 


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29837] python3 pycopg2 import issue on solaris 10

2017-03-17 Thread justin

New submission from justin:


I have installed psycopg2 through pip3, but when I tried to import it, I got 
the following error. what could be the problem?

help> psycopg2  
problem in psycopg2 - ImportError: ld.so.1: python3.3: fatal: relocation error: 
file /opt/csw/lib/python3.3/site-packages/psycopg2/_psycopg.so: symbol 
timeradd: referenced symbol not found 



components: Build
messages: 289763
nosy: juwang
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: python3 pycopg2 import issue on solaris 10
type: compile error
versions: Python 3.3

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29518] 'for' loop not automatically breaking (index error on line of loop header)

2017-02-10 Thread Justin McNiel

Justin McNiel added the comment:

While restarting didn't fix it, waiting for the next morning did, so I am
afraid that that isn't possible, also, I have made tremendous changes to my
code since then, but I would by happy to send you any bit of my code that
you would like, it cold also be an issue with my computer, our IT
department is very work heavy and doesn't always install the operating
system properly (ie. not installing the driver for the touchpad)

On Feb 10, 2017 4:53 AM, "Steven D'Aprano" <rep...@bugs.python.org> wrote:

> Steven D'Aprano added the comment:
> I agree with Josh: the exception you are giving doesn't seem possible with
> the code snippet shown. Please COPY AND PASTE (not a screen shot) the text
> of the entire traceback, starting with the line "Traceback..."
> I suspect that you may have shadowed the built-in range or len object with
> some custom object, but I could be completely wrong. But without more
> information, we cannot tell what is going on.
> It would be really useful if you could provide a minimal (short as
> possible) script that reproduces the problem. And please confirm that you
> can reproduce the problem in the regular CPython interpreter, without using
> any third-party IDEs.
> --
> nosy: +steven.daprano
> ___
> Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
> <http://bugs.python.org/issue29518>
> ___


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[issue29518] 'for' loop not automatically breaking (index error on line of loop header)

2017-02-09 Thread Justin McNiel

New submission from Justin McNiel:

All for loops are refusing to break (Python 2.7.13) on win32
  - only on execution of '.py' file
an example would be:"
for x in range(5): #Line 1 of main.py
print x#Line 2 of main.py
and the resulting error would be:"
File "pathToFile\main.py", line 1, in 
for x in range(5):
IndexError: array index out of range
I also have 32-bit python 3.6 installed, but the default for opening '.py' 
files is python 2.7
This error happens on custom made generators too, but never in the interactive 

components: Windows
files: pythonError.png
messages: 287473
nosy: Justin McNiel, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: 'for' loop not automatically breaking (index error on line of loop 
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46616/pythonError.png

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28639] inspect.isawaitable(native_coro) returns int

2016-11-07 Thread Justin Mayfield

New submission from Justin Mayfield:

Patch available on my github fork..


components: asyncio
messages: 280280
nosy: Justin Mayfield, gvanrossum, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: inspect.isawaitable(native_coro) returns int
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28506] Multiprocessing Pool starmap - struct.error: 'i' format requires -2e10<=n<=2e10

2016-10-22 Thread Justin Ting

Justin Ting added the comment:

Actually, on further inspection, I seem to be having a slightly different 
problem with the same error that I initially described now.

Even after modifying my code so that each python forked off to another process 
was only given the following arguments:
args = [(None, models_shape, False, None, [start, end], 
'data/qp_red_features.npy') for start, end in jobs] 

where models_shape, start, and end are only single integers, the same error 
still comes up as a result. Within each process, I'm reading in a (relatively 
small, only 12MB) .npy ndarray and taking the [start:end] slice.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28506] Multiprocessing Pool starmap - struct.error: 'i' format requires -2e10<=n<=2e10

2016-10-22 Thread Justin Ting

Justin Ting added the comment:

Ah, should have picked that up, coding at 3:30am doesn't do wonders for
keeping a clear head.

Thanks Tim, I'll keep that in mind!

*Justin Ting*
*E* justingl...@gmail.com |  *M* +61 424 751 665 | *L*
<https://au.linkedin.com/in/justinyting>* | *G *https://github.com/jyting

On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 3:48 AM, Tim Peters <rep...@bugs.python.org> wrote:

> Tim Peters added the comment:
> This has nothing to do with the _values_ you're passing - it has to do
> with the length of the pickle string:
> def _send_bytes(self, buf):
> n = len(buf)
> # For wire compatibility with 3.2 and lower
> header = struct.pack("!i", n)  IT'S BLOWING UP HERE
> if n > 16384:
> ...
> self._send(header)
> self._send(buf)
> where the traceback shows it's called here:
> self._send_bytes(ForkingPickler.dumps(obj))
> Of course the less data you're passing, the smaller the pickle, and that's
> why it doesn't blow up if you pass subsets of the data.
> I'd suggest rethinking how you're sharing data, as pushing two-gigabyte
> pickle strings around is bound to be the least efficient way possible even
> if it didn't blow up ;-)
> --
> nosy: +tim.peters
> ___
> Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
> <http://bugs.python.org/issue28506>
> ___


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[issue28506] Multiprocessing Pool starmap - struct.error: 'i' format requires -2e10<=n<=2e10

2016-10-22 Thread Justin Ting

New submission from Justin Ting:

Multiprocessing is throwing this error when dealing with large amounts of data 
(all floating points an integers), but none of which exceeds the number 
boundaries in the error that it throws:

  File "/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 268, in 
return self._map_async(func, iterable, starmapstar, chunksize).get()
  File "/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 608, in get
raise self._value
  File "/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 385, in 
  File "/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/connection.py", line 206, 
in send
  File "/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/connection.py", line 393, 
in _send_bytes
header = struct.pack("!i", n)
struct.error: 'i' format requires -2147483648 <= number <= 2147483647
> /root/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/connection.py(393)_send_bytes()
-> header = struct.pack("!i", n)

It works fine on any number of subsets of this data, but not when put together.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 279200
nosy: Justin Ting
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Multiprocessing Pool starmap - struct.error: 'i' format requires 
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.5

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27755] Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox

2016-10-20 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

Is #24781 likely to make it into Python 3.6? Otherwise, would this patch be of 
any benefit in the meantime?


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue24837] await process.wait() does not work with a new_event_loop

2016-09-04 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:

I agree with Guido.  I spent a couple hours trying to debug some of my own code 
that turned out to be this issue.  My use case is single threaded too.

Perhaps I'm daft but I don't understand why the child watcher is part of the 
event loop policy.  At first glance it appears that it would be better suited 
being attached to any event loop in the main thread and then this wouldn't be 
an issue.

I wonder if this design is intended to support launching subprocesses from 
non-main thread event loops, which seems inherently dangerous and potentially 
misguided to me.

nosy: +Justin Mayfield

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[issue27755] Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox

2016-08-15 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

I wasn't sure if the ongoing work in #24781 essentially rendered my patch 
obsolete, so I keenly await Mark's response.

Upon reflection, I think my patch is a cheap win even if it's later overhauled 
by other improvements.

status: closed -> open

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27755] Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox

2016-08-14 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

Ah, I've noticed the folly of my ways. This sort of stuff is already being 
managed with patches filed under various other issues. It just wasn't obvious 
to me as I wasn't seeing many new improvements in the default branch or much 
communication on IDLE-dev.

resolution:  -> duplicate
status: open -> closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22395] test_pathlib error for complex symlinks on Windows

2016-08-13 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

This is no longer a problem for me and I can't reproduce why it was even a 
problem in the first place.

status: open -> closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21417] Compression level for zipfile

2016-08-13 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

I thought about that, but:

1. compresslevel=None might make look like no compression was being done at all
2. The current default is not 9 for all backends


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21417] Compression level for zipfile

2016-08-13 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

Would compresslevel be a suitable argument? All the backend compressors accept 
values from 1 to 9 if I'm not mistaken.

nosy: +jfoo

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27755] Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox

2016-08-13 Thread Justin Foo

Changes by Justin Foo <jcjf1...@gmail.com>:

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file44097/issue27755.patch

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27755] Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox

2016-08-13 Thread Justin Foo

New submission from Justin Foo:

One aspect of the IDLE interface that looks extremely old is the the dropdown 
menu. In the patch, I think I've preserved whatever essential functionality 
DynOptionMenu used to have, but I'm relatively unfamiliar with Tk so I'm not 

assignee: terry.reedy
components: IDLE
messages: 272609
nosy: jfoo, terry.reedy
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Retire DynOptionMenu with a ttk Combobox
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.6

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2016-02-10 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:


That sounds unrelated.  I'd treat it as a new issue until you have concrete 
evidence to the contrary.

Also on face value it sounds like it might just be your operating systems open 
file limit.  On OSX I think the default open file limit is in the hundreds (256 
on my box).  Generally on unix-oid platforms it can be checked and changed with 
the `ulimit -n` command.



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[issue6766] Cannot modify dictionaries inside dictionaries using Managers from multiprocessing

2015-12-02 Thread Justin Patrin

Justin Patrin added the comment:

I'm still running into these issues with Python 2.7.10. I'm trying to find a 
way to share dynamically allocated sub-dictionaries through multiprocessing as 
well as dynamically allocated RLock and Value instances. I can use the manager 
to create them but when I put them in a managed dict the various issues related 
in this ticket happen.

nosy: +Justin Patrin

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2015-11-19 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:

I should have commented more on the run_once removal.  The depiction given in 
its docstring seemed inconsistent with the new way stop works and I found no 
callers, so it seemed like it was best left out to avoid confusion.  No worries 
though, I didn't get to know that test module very well before messing with it. 
 It just came up in my scan for stop() callers.

Looks good, I've applied to a 3.5.0 build and will include it in my testing 
from now on.

Thanks Guido.


Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
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[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2015-11-19 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:

Ha, email race.

Regarding rev 2, the updated docstring and scheduled stop looks good along with 
alleviating the confusion I mentioned.

I'm not sure about your warning comment;  Perhaps that's a patch I didn't lay 
eyes on.



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[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2015-11-19 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:

I see.  Seems like good discussion over there.  I joined up.


Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2015-11-17 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:

Attached patch submission for stop flag proposal.  I assume you didn't mean a 
github PR since the dev docs seem to indicate that is for readonly usage.

This passes all the tests on my osx box but it should obviously be run by a lot 
more folks.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file41059/Issue25593_fix.patch

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2015-11-16 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:

You bet.


Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2015-11-16 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:


Let me know what I can do to help.


Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2015-11-12 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:


I was going to do an analysis what using _ready.appendleft() for adding 
selector events would do for that scenario.  The idea being to consistently 
juxtapose exiting callbacks, selector events and new callbacks.  However I 
think this just moves the pawn in this ioloop halting problem.

Is it worth investigating a change to the stop mechanism instead?  Instead of 
raising an exception in the middle of run_once, it could set a flag to be seen 
by run_forever().  This may avoid this class of problem altogether and ensure 
run_once is a fairly simple and predictable.


Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
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[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2015-11-12 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:

Yes, that's what I was suggesting.

Looking at tornado they do the stop between callbacks/matured-scheduled and 
events.  That approach seems somewhat arbitrary to me at first glance but 
tornado is very mature and they usually have good reasons for what they do.   

The notion of always completing a cycle seems more apt to me;  Ie. your first 

A compelling thought experiment for allowing stop() to be lazy is if a user 
could somehow know when stop() was going to run or when it had been run.  The 
nature of ioloop programming prevents you from knowing when it will run and 
because stop() has no return handle/future/task a user can't actually know when 
it did run.  Ie. there is no way to await/add_done_callback on it, so baring 
hacks that bookend a stop() with marker callbacks it should be, as you said, 
sufficiently vague to justify a (more) lazy effect.


I more or less agree on the s/cancelled/done/ changes.  I'm using a similar 
monkey patch in my libraries to dance around this issue right now.  I still 
don't exactly like the idea that code is written with an explicit expectation 
that it could be pending or cancelled, but then must also be inherently 
prepared for spurious done callbacks.  This seems like a borderline contract 
violation by add_writer() and co.  I suppose that add_writer() is primarily 
targeted at streams and the case of an EINTR in a socket connect() is a more a 
one-shot.  Tough call.


Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2015-11-11 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:

I don't believe this is a case of nonidempotent callbacks, unless you are 
referring to Future.set_result(), which by design can't be called twice.  The 
callbacks are given an inconsistent opportunity to modify the poll set because 
of indeterminacy in the ioloop.  That being said I understand your reluctance 
given the amount of turmoil this has but would argue that consistency with 
tornado is a powerful ally and that a model where any callback using call_soon 
will be guaranteed the opportunity to modify the poll set is a good thing.


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[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2015-11-11 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:


Shouldn't this not be the case for level triggered polling?  From looking at 
selectors it looks like these are always level triggered which means they 
should only event once.


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[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2015-11-11 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:

Attached server side of repro.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file41017/Issue25593_repro_server.py

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[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2015-11-11 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:

Just reproduced on Linux, Fedora Core 23.


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[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2015-11-11 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:

Attaching simplified test setup.   It does take some doing to repro so the 
local async server is required to make it happen (for me).  When I tried just 
pointing to python.org it would not repro in 100 iterations, but using a local 
dummy server repros 100% for me.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file41016/Issue25593_repro_client.py

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[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2015-11-11 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:

Nevermind, in the case of writeablity it won't matter either way.


So in looking at tornado's ioloop they run the ready callbacks before calling 
poll().  So the callbacks can modify the poll set.


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[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2015-11-11 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:

This code repros without aiohttp when pitted against the previously attached 
web server (again on OSX 10.11, mid-2012 MBPr).

Admittedly this may seem very arbitrary but I have better reasons in my 
production code for stopping an IOLoop and starting it again (which seems to be 
important to the reproduction steps).

import asyncio

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

def batch_open():
for i in range(100):
c = asyncio.ensure_future(asyncio.open_connection('', 8080))

def on_resp(task):

while True:


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[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2015-11-11 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:

I'm attaching a patch that runs `_ready` callbacks at the start of `_run_once`. 
 The style and implications are ranging so I leave it to you at this point.

keywords: +patch
Added file: 

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[issue25593] _sock_connect_cb can be called twice resulting in InvalidStateError

2015-11-11 Thread Justin Mayfield

Justin Mayfield added the comment:

I believe I'm seeing this bug in a non-threaded and non-forked env.  

 OSX 10.11.1 (15B42)
 Python 3.5.0 (from brew install)

I'm using aiohttp to create several dozens of HTTP connections to the same 
server (an async tornado web server).  Nothing special is being done around the 
event loop creation (standard get_event_loop()).  However in my system the 
event loop is frequently stopped, via ioloop.stop(), and restarted via 
ioloop.run_forever().  I'm not sure this is related to the issue yet, but it's 
worth mentioning.

I can't provide simplified test code just yet, but I can reproduce in my env 
with nearly 100% odds when doing a full system test.  Attached is a sample 

nosy: +Justin Mayfield
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file41015/asyncio_invalid_state_bt.txt

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[issue24652] C-API Pure Embedding enhancement

2015-07-17 Thread Justin Huang

New submission from Justin Huang:

From the example in here:


when directly using the example (compiling and trying with external file etc.) 
it doesn't work right away. Instead an extra line:

PySys_SetArgv(argc, argv);

must be added to get it to work.

messages: 246847
nosy: Justin Huang
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: C-API Pure Embedding enhancement
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue24645] logging.handlers.QueueHandler should not lock when handling a record

2015-07-16 Thread Justin Bronder

Justin Bronder added the comment:

On 16/07/15 20:03 +, R. David Murray wrote:
 R. David Murray added the comment:
 Can you expand on the deadlock?  Are you saying that the extra locking is 
 causing the deadlock?
 nosy: +r.david.murray, vinay.sajip
 versions:  -Python 3.2, Python 3.3
 Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org

Sure, here is the simplest example of the deadlock I could come up with.  Using
__repr__() in the way presented is pretty stupid in this case but it does make
sense if you have objects which are backed by a database where communication is
handled in a separate thread.

What happens is this:

1.  The main thread calls into the logger, handle() grabs the I/O lock.
2.  String expansion of the Blah instance begins, this makes a request to the
second thread.
3.  The second thread wants to log prior to responding, it gets stuck waiting 
the I/O lock in handle()

import logging
import logging.handlers
import queue
import types
import threading

fmt = logging.Formatter('LOG: %(message)s')

stream = logging.StreamHandler()

log_queue = queue.Queue(-1)
queue_handler = logging.handlers.QueueHandler(log_queue)
queue_listener = logging.handlers.QueueListener(log_queue, stream)

def handle(self, record):
rv = self.filter(record)
if rv:
return rv
# Uncomment to remove deadlock
#queue_handler.handle = types.MethodType(handle, queue_handler)

logger = logging.getLogger()

class Blah(object):
def __init__(self):
self._in = queue.Queue()
self._out = queue.Queue()

def pub():
logging.info('Got a request')

self._pub_thread = threading.Thread(target=pub)

def __repr__(self):
self._in.put('gimme data')
return self._out.get()

def __del__(self):

b = Blah()
logger.info('About to log')
logger.info('blah = %s', b)


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[issue24645] logging.handlers.QueueHandler should not lock when handling a record

2015-07-16 Thread Justin Bronder

New submission from Justin Bronder:

The Queue backing the QueueHandler is already sufficiently locking for 

This isn't a huge issue, but the QueueHandler is a very nice built-in which 
could be used to work around a deadlock I've encountered several times.  In 
brief, functions which can cause other threads to log being called from either 
__repr__() or __str__().

components: Library (Lib)
files: queue-handler-no-lock.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 246812
nosy: jsbronder
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: logging.handlers.QueueHandler should not lock when handling a record
versions: Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.4, Python 3.5, Python 3.6
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file39935/queue-handler-no-lock.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue24645] logging.handlers.QueueHandler should not lock when handling a record

2015-07-16 Thread Justin Bronder

Justin Bronder added the comment:

On 16/07/15 23:21 +, Vinay Sajip wrote:
 Vinay Sajip added the comment:
 I'm not sure I want to make a special case just to support what seems like a 
 somewhat pathological use case (no offence intended).
 If you need this, there's no reason you couldn't subclass QueueHandler and 
 override handle(), is there?

Hey, no offense taken, it wasn't even my code that tripped on this, I
just got the pleasure of debugging it!

Anyways, it's up to you all if you want to include this, as you
mentioned, it's easy enough to work around and I've already done so.

However, the reason I submitted the patch is because I believe using the
I/O lock is redundant as the Queue is handling the necessary
synchronization already.


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[issue23429] -5**4 returns -625 instead of 625

2015-02-10 Thread Justin

Justin added the comment:

I think there is a misunderstanding of precedence here. If we had an operation 
were -1 * 5**4, I could fully understand the statement of precedence. However, 
in the absence of the -1 *, the -5 becomes a single atom.

For example:
 myVal = -5
 # not -625 because it is treated as a single atom.

The statement -5**4 - 20, should yield the same result and yet, it does not.

 -5**4 - 20
 5**4 - 20

Let's take the reverse side of this

take 4**-2, if precedence is to hold the same way, why would this not be 16 
instead of the correct answer of 0.0625. In this instance, the unary sign all 
of a sudden jumped in precedence and became a single atom.



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[issue23429] -5**4 returns -625 instead of 625

2015-02-10 Thread Justin

Justin added the comment:

Thank you for the link. 

I can understand the language definition and I can accept it at face value. The 
confusion I have is that it does not appear to be consistent. My example of 
-5**4 vs 4**-2 would both have literals with a unary sign. One works as 
expected, whereas the other one does not. 

Granted that I am new to Python, although well experience in development and 
programming; I will conceded to those more experienced in Python development 
that it is as it should be.



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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23429] -5**4 returns -625 instead of 625

2015-02-09 Thread Justin

New submission from Justin:

Python 3.4.2 (v3.4.2:ab2c023a9432, Oct  6 2014, 22:15:05) [MSC v.1600 32 bit 
(Intel)] on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.


#note...this should be 625 and not a negative 625

messages: 235642
nosy: gilbe024
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: -5**4 returns -625 instead of 625
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.4

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[issue23317] Incorrect description of descriptor invocation in Python Language Reference

2015-01-26 Thread Justin Eldridge

Justin Eldridge added the comment:

Ah, I see how writing a description of this which is both concise and precise
would be difficult, especially for Python 2.

 But the Class Binding description is correct, since if the __get__ method is
 *not* defined on the type (of the descriptor), the descriptor instance itself
 is returned (so explicitly calling type in the equivalent expression would 

I see, but couldn't this also be held against the current equivalent?  That
is, saying A.x is equivalent to A.__dict__['x'].__get__(None, A) is not stricly
true when __get__ isn't defined on type(x).

I think I see now why this is difficult to document cleanly, and the Special
method lookup section of the documentation does a good job of explaining this.
The issue isn't exclusive to descriptors. It affects, for example, the
documentation on rich comparison operators, which says that x == y invokes
x.__eq__(y), when this hasn't quite been true since old-style classes.

So saying x == y is equivalent to x.__eq__(y) isn't really correct, and saying
that it is equivalent to type(x).__eq__(x,y) isn't quite right either, as
implicit invocation may bypass the metaclass's __getattribute__. The latter,
however, seems less wrong. Is there a reason that the former is preferred by
the documentation?


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[issue23317] Incorrect description of descriptor invocation in Python Language Reference

2015-01-25 Thread Justin Eldridge

New submission from Justin Eldridge:

The section titled Invoking Descriptors in the Python Language Reference [1]

Class Binding
If binding to a new-style class, A.x is transformed into the call: 
A.__dict__['x'].__get__(None, A).

This suggests that __get__ is looked up on the instance of x, when I believe
that it is actually looked up on the type. That is, it's my understanding that
A.x invokes:

type(A.__dict__['x']).__get__(A.__dict__['x'], None, Foo))

Here's some Python 3.4 code demonstrating this:

class A:

class Descriptor:
def __get__(self, obj, cls):

A.x = Descriptor()

def replacement_get(obj, cls):
print(This is a replacement.)

A.__dict__['x'].__get__ = replacement_get

Now, writing:


 A.__dict__['x'].__get__(None, A)
This is a replacement!

 type(A.__dict__['x']).__get__(A.__dict__['x'], None, A)

The documentation makes a similar statement about instance binding that also
appears to be incorrect. This is the case in all versions of the document I
could find.

What I believe to be the actual behavior is implied by a later section in the
same document, which states that the implicit invocation of special methods is
only guaranteed to work correctly if the special method is defined on the type,
not the instance.  This suggests that the statements in Invoking Descriptors
aren't quite correct, and while the true behavior is a little more verbose, I
think it would be worthwhile to update the documentation so as to avoid

[1]: https://docs.python.org/2/reference/datamodel.html#invoking-descriptors

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 234676
nosy: Justin.Eldridge, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Incorrect description of descriptor invocation in Python Language 
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.4, Python 3.5, Python 3.6

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[issue22395] test_pathlib error for complex symlinks on Windows

2014-09-13 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

The failing tests were:

* test_complex_symlinks_absolute
* test_complex_symlinks_relative
* test_complex_symlinks_relative_dot_dot

for both PathTest and WindowsPathTest, via inheritance from the _BasePathTest 


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[issue22395] test_pathlib error for complex symlinks on Windows

2014-09-12 Thread Justin Foo

New submission from Justin Foo:

The _check_complex_symlinks function compares paths for string equality instead 
of using the assertSame helper function. Patch attached.

components: Tests
messages: 226828
nosy: jfoo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: test_pathlib error for complex symlinks on Windows
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.5

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[issue22395] test_pathlib error for complex symlinks on Windows

2014-09-12 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

The _check_complex_symlinks function compares stringified paths for string 
equality instead of using the assertSame helper method. Patch attached.

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file36609/issue22395.patch

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[issue21699] Windows Python 3.4.1 pyvenv doesn't work in directories with spaces.

2014-06-09 Thread Justin Engel

New submission from Justin Engel:

Venv virtual environments don't work with spaces in the path.

(env) C:\My Directory\path  pip -V
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using 'C:\My 
Directory\path\env\Scripts\python.exe C:\My 
Directory\path\env\Scripts\pip.exe -V'

components: Windows
messages: 220098
nosy: Justin.Engel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Windows Python 3.4.1 pyvenv doesn't work in directories with spaces.
type: crash
versions: Python 3.4

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[issue20849] add exist_ok to shutil.copytree

2014-04-23 Thread Justin Myers

Changes by Justin Myers jus...@justinmyers.net:

nosy: +justin.myers

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[issue13936] RFE: change bool(datetime.time(0, 0, 0)) to evaluate as True

2014-03-13 Thread Justin Brown

Justin Brown added the comment:

This behavior conflicts with the other major classes, datetime.date and 
datetime.datetime. The ostensible reason for this falsy behavior is that 
midnight represents a fundamental zero point. We should expect to see similar 
zero points that evaluate to False for the other two classes. However, they do 
not include such falsy behavior.

In [2]: bool(datetime.datetime(datetime.MINYEAR, 1, 1))
Out[2]: True
In [3]: bool(datetime.date(datetime.MINYEAR, 1, 1))
Out[3]: True

Why don't these classes have any sense of zero at their minimums?

datetime.time.__bool__ should be dropped if for nothing more than consistency.

nosy: +fandingo

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[issue7511] msvc9compiler.py: ValueError when trying to compile with VC Express

2014-02-25 Thread Justin Foo

Justin Foo added the comment:

I think getting this bug fixed would be really nice from a user experience 
point of view.

I've further into this for my own setup, which is Python 3.3 64-bit, Visual C++ 
Express 2010 and the Windows SDK v7.1 (plus service packs), which is probably a 
typical setup for a user looking to build Python extensions without paying for 
a compiler. Here's what I've noticed, apart from the fact that msvccompiler9.py 
is a mess.

query_vcvarsall executes vcvarsall.bat amd64  set. The first part, trying to 
delegate to another batch file that doesn't exist, will fail. So no environment 
variables will be set, but the PATH environment variable always exists, hence 
ValueError: ['path'].

The DISTUTILS_USE_SDK environment variable is useless, even leaving aside the 
fact that MsSdk also needs to be defined. The idea is that distutils will trust 
that the user has set the appropriate environment variables (e.g. SetEnv.Cmd 
/Release). However, successful compilation of 64-bit extensions won't rely on 
this variable at all:

1. DISTUTILS_USE_SDK/MsSdk defined, SetEnv not called: cl.exe and friends 
can't be resolved and nothing works.

2. DISTUTILS_USE_SDK/MsSdk defined, SetEnv called: cl.exe and friends can be 
resolved and everything works.

3. DISTUTILS_USE_SDK/MsSdk undefined, SetEnv not called: vcvarsall.bat amd64 
will fail and we end up with ValueError: ['path'] as above.

4. DISTUTILS_USE_SDK/MsSdk undefined, SetEnv called: in query_vcvarsall, 
vcvarsall.bat amd64 still fails, but it doesn't matter at this point, because 
the environment variables INCLUDE, LIB, LIBPATH and PATH will exist, so parsing 
vcvarsall.bat amd64  set works. This doesn't guarantee linking with the 
correct bitness, but one would hope so :)

I believe SetEnv.Cmd can be found using 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\WinSDKTools 
or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft 

versions: +Python 3.4

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[issue20690] IDLE Indents convert to spaces and then throws error

2014-02-19 Thread Justin Barker

New submission from Justin Barker:

When I add some lines to my module code, some of the tabs that I enter convert 
to spaces.  This throws an inconsistency error and I can't get it to stop!

components: IDLE
files: test.py
messages: 211664
nosy: Justin.Barker
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: IDLE Indents convert to spaces and then throws error
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.3
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34148/test.py

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20301] Correct docs for default access argument for DeleteKeyEx

2014-01-19 Thread Justin Foo

New submission from Justin Foo:

The default access for winreg.DeleteKeyEx is winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY (as per the 
function signature). This the documentation for Python 2.7 has this correct.

Reference: http://hg.python.org/cpython/file/2e32462e4832/PC/winreg.c#l1089

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
files: winreg.DeleteKeyEx.docs.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 208462
nosy: docs@python, jfoo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Correct docs for default access argument for DeleteKeyEx
versions: Python 3.3, Python 3.4
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file33544/winreg.DeleteKeyEx.docs.patch

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