[issue38794] Setup: support linking openssl statically

2021-04-05 Thread Lukas Vacek

Lukas Vacek  added the comment:

Thanks for the explanation of the secret workings behind the scenes.

What a productive and polite response.


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[issue38794] Setup: support linking openssl statically

2021-04-03 Thread Lukas Vacek

Lukas Vacek  added the comment:

For the record, this would have been solved more than a year ago already.

When this change was proposed more than a year ago it was rejected with "There 
is no need to add more configure flags to build Python with a custom OpenSSL 
installation. " yet now it's ok to add a new option --with-openssl-rpath 
https://bugs.python.org/issue43466 ?

And the first comment there, from python core dev nonetheless, is suggesting 
static linking as well. Emm... this would have been solved year and half ago. I 
would be happy to completely drop my proposed (and approved on gihub) changes 
and implement it in a different way.

The maintainer's attitude as demonstrated here can be really harmful in 
open-source projects (many of us still remember eglibc fork back in the day) 
but fortunately this is the first time I noticed such attitude among python 

Importantly the issue is resolved now (did it take a request from IBM's 
customer to get this implemented ;-) ?) and hopefully a lesson learnt and 
Christian will be more welcoming and less judgemental of outsiders' 


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[issue38794] Setup: support linking openssl statically

2019-11-15 Thread Lukas Vacek

Lukas Vacek  added the comment:

Christian, I don't want to argue.

Feel free to close both this bug and the PR as "enhancement rejected". Adding 
one ./configure option is not really worth arguing over, I can always compile 
python as I need. I just tried to solve the same problem for others because 
other people also want a simple way to install a new version of Python on old 
distros and have a working ssl module. 

If my contribution is not welcome it's fine.

However, I have a feeling the reason for the rejection is not technical because 
after I stated I am happy to help solve the problem in other ways ("If you can 
think of a better real world solution than static linking OpenSSL please share 
and let's do it!") you literally twisted my words 180 degrees ("You are trying 
to solve a problem by dictating the solution at the same time."). This is very 


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[issue38794] Setup: support linking openssl statically

2019-11-15 Thread Lukas Vacek

Lukas Vacek  added the comment:

In ideal world OpenSSL would provide stable ABI just like the other libraries 
Python depends on. That would be, unarguably, the best way to achieve that 
goal. Agreed.

Aferall frequent OpenSSL ABI breakages are the reason why apple switched to 
their own cryptography ABI 

Although OpenSSL is commonly used in the open source community, it doesn’t 
provide a stable API from version to version. For this reason, the programmatic 
interface to OpenSSL is deprecated in macOS and is not provided in iOS. Use of 
the Apple-provided OpenSSL libraries by apps is strongly discouraged.

To ensure compatibility, if your app depends on OpenSSL, you should compile it 
yourself and statically link a known version of OpenSSL into your app. Such use 
works on both iOS and macOS.

However, OpenSSL does not provide stable ABI and Python should deal with that 
as nicely as possible. If you can think of a better real world solution than 
static linking OpenSSL please share and let's do it!


Python tracker 
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[issue38794] Setup: support linking openssl statically

2019-11-15 Thread Lukas Vacek

Lukas Vacek  added the comment:

However, I'm still convinced many would appreciate adding this ./configure 


If you look at the associated PR you will see it should work fine, and be 
useful, on other POSIX systems as well. I can test on *BSD if necessary.

Only extra depedency of --with-openssl-static compared to --with-openssl is an 
assumption of existing files libssl.a libcrypto.a and OpenSSL has provided 
these files (when compiled static) since the very beginning despite somewhat 
frequent ABI changes. Option --with-openssl-static works with current libressl 
as well.


Python tracker 
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[issue38794] Setup: support linking openssl statically

2019-11-15 Thread Lukas Vacek

Lukas Vacek  added the comment:

Fair enough.

Btw. I picked versions 3.7 and up to show this feature should eventually be 
backported to older CPython versions that depend on OpenSSL >= 1.0.2. 

This feature is to avoid relying on rpath and relying on a seperate 
installation to be installed in specific location in your target system. Also 
there is no Tools/ssl/multissl.py in current cpython master.

I believe it's much preferably for administrators to use static linking in this 
case, but if you think it's not worth it, that's fine. Please close the related 
PR in the github with your explanation. Thank you.


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[issue38794] Setup: support linking openssl statically

2019-11-14 Thread Lukas Vacek

Change by Lukas Vacek :

title: Setup: support linking openssl staticly -> Setup: support linking 
openssl statically

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38794] Setup: support linking openssl staticly

2019-11-14 Thread Lukas Vacek

Change by Lukas Vacek :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +16663
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/17153

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38794] Setup: support linking openssl staticly

2019-11-14 Thread Lukas Vacek

New submission from Lukas Vacek :

Since 3.7 python depends on OpenSSL>=1.0.2 - this makes it hard to compile 
Python with SSL on older (yet still vendor supported) linux distributions.

It's easy to compile CPython even on old distributions like RHEL5, RHEL6, 
Ubuntu14.04 etc. except for ssl module.

Let's add an option to compile SSL staticly (--with-openssl-static) to make it 
easy to compile Python with SSL on systems with OpenSSL<1.0.2 as you usually 
don't want to install newer openssl as system libary nor mess with rpath/set 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH every time you run python.

When --with-openssl-static is not passed to ./configure everything should 
behave like before.

Installing CPython including ssl on system as old as RHEL5 with this option 
would be as easy as (after installing required build dependencies from rhel5 
repositories and libffi(-devel) libraries):

wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.2t.tar.gz
tar xf openssl-1.0.2t.tar.gz
cd openssl-1.0.2t
./config --openssldir=/etc/pki/tls -fPIC

wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.7.5/Python-3.7.5.tgz
tar xf Python-3.7.5.tgz
cd Python-3.7.5
./configure --with-openssl-static=path_to_just_compiled_ssl --prefix=prefix_path
make install

assignee: christian.heimes
components: SSL
messages: 356600
nosy: Lukas.Vacek, christian.heimes
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Setup: support linking openssl staticly
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue19186] expat symbols should be namespaced in pyexpat again

2014-05-09 Thread Lukas Vacek

Lukas Vacek added the comment:

Actually CFLAGS do indeed come before any include directories.

I can reproduce your problem:
mkdir /tmp/extra_include
cp /usr/include/expat.h /usr/include/expat_external.h /tmp/extra_include/
make CFLAGS="-I/tmp/extra_include"

You should use CPPFLAGS for extra include directories. Not an issue in CPython.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue19186] expat symbols should be namespaced in pyexpat again

2014-05-09 Thread Lukas Vacek

Lukas Vacek added the comment:

Hi Peter,

Thanks for taking the time to report your issue. I just tried on fresh 
up-to-date CentOS 6 and I could not reproduce the issue.

However, I think I figured out what went wrong. I can see you are supplying 
custom -I and -L paths (-I/apps/prod/releases/3.0/include ...) I suspect that 
when compiling pyexpat.c (in Modules/) the header file expat.h is picked up 
from this location before the bundled expat.h (in Modules/expat/) is found. But 
when compiling xmlparse.c (in Modules/expat/) the bundled header file expat.h 
*is* used this time. So we end up with our bundled expat compiled using 
namespacing and so defining symbols like PyExpat_XML_SetCommentHandler while 
pyexpat.c is looking for XML_SetCommentHandler because it is compiled *not* 
using our bundled expat.h.

I am not sure yet why your custom "-I" comes before 
"-I/ae/data/soft/opensource/build/python3/master/Python-3.4.0/Modules/expat" as 
it certainly should not. 

So far I tried building with CPPFLAGS and CFLAGS and in both cases my custom 
paths come after "-I.../Modules/expat" as it should.

Can you please provide your ./configure and make command lines and relevant 
environment variables?



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[issue21282] setup.py: More informative error msg for modules which built but failed import check

2014-04-17 Thread Lukas Vacek

New submission from Lukas Vacek:


Currently when a module builds successfully during cpython build but it can't 
be imported (import check around line 330 in setup.py) the module shows in 
"Failed to build these modules: " which can be misleading.

Especially when linking against libraries in non-standard locations the user 
would set LD_FLAGS and CPPFLAGS and then ... wonder why the cpython build 
process is not picking the libraries up and the module is not built.

I think the modules which *have built* but were removed because of a failed 
import check should be marked as such so the user knows what happens and can 
take appropriate actions (set LD_LIBRARY_PATH as well, for example).

A patch attached - it's a very simple change (about 10 lines), created with "hg 


components: Build
files: setup_failed_import_hgexport
messages: 216684
nosy: Lukas.Vacek
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: setup.py: More informative error msg for modules which built but failed 
import check
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.4, Python 3.5
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34942/setup_failed_import_hgexport

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue19186] expat symbols should be namespaced in pyexpat again

2014-02-04 Thread Lukas Vacek

Lukas Vacek added the comment:

attaching patch

keywords: +patch
nosy: +Lukas.Vacek
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file33905/fix_expat_names.patch

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