[issue43143] Allow multiple assignment (i.e. tuple on LHS) in walrus operator

2021-02-07 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:


I would like to put this ticket in the context of other grammar-related 
tickets/elaboration for the assignment operator:

https://bugs.python.org/issue42316 - allow foo[a:=1] instead of foo[(a:=1)]
https://bugs.python.org/issue42374 - allow (c := i for i in b) instead of ((c 
:= i) for i in b)
https://bugs.python.org/issue42381 - allow {i := 0 for i in b} instead of {(i 
:= 0) for i in b}

All of the above were implemented. Of course, allow parallel assignment, which 
was previously disabled, is somewhat a bigger change then allowing 
unparenthesized assignment usage. But from the grammar point of view, they are 
of the same nature (using walrus-aware term at right place). The initial patch 
I have on my hands is:
-| a=NAME ':=' ~ b=expression { _Py_NamedExpr(CHECK(expr_ty, 
_PyPegen_set_expr_context(p, a, Store)), b, EXTRA) }
+| a=star_targets ':=' ~ b=expression { _Py_NamedExpr(CHECK(expr_ty, 
_PyPegen_set_expr_context(p, a, Store)), b, EXTRA) }

And let's review the 'foo[(a := 1)]' case from more angles. C had assignment as 
expression from the very beginning, but in all fairness, I never saw "foo[a = 
1]" in my whole life (well, maybe in https://www.ioccc.org/ submissions). But 
we see that with Python, people are not too shy to use that. And they even 
submit issues like "hey, I don't want to write foo[(a := 1)], I want to write 
foo[a := 1] !" And they don't get replies like "you know, doing assignment in 
index would hamper readability/maintainability; and those extra parens are 
there exactly to hint you more about this fact". Instead, the case is getting 
acked and fixed.

So, under such circumstances, I don't think that writing "min((a, b) := (b, 
a))" should be considered "much worse" than "foo[a := 1]", and should be kept 
disallowed (as again, fix for both is of the same nature).


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[issue43143] Allow multiple assignment (i.e. tuple on LHS) in walrus operator

2021-02-07 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Change by Paul Sokolovsky :

nosy: +lys.nikolaou

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[issue43143] Allow multiple assignment (i.e. tuple on LHS) in walrus operator

2021-02-06 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

New submission from Paul Sokolovsky :

Currently (CPython 3.10.0a4) having a tuple on left-hand side of assignment 
expression/operator (aka walrus operator) is not allowed:

>>> ((a, b) := (1, 2))
  File "", line 1
((a, b) := (1, 2))
SyntaxError: cannot use assignment expressions with tuple

As far as can tell, there's no explicit consideration of this case in the 
PEP572. There closest it has is under the 
 section, "Iterable packing and unpacking (both regular or extended forms) are 
not supported".

But note that the usecase presented above is better seen as "parallel 
assignment", not as "iterable unpacking".

Next issue: PEP572 puts heavy emphasis on the "named expression" usecase. I 
would like to emphasize, that "naming an expression" seems like *just one of 
usecases* for assignment operator. First and foremost assignment operator is, 
well, assignment.

With that in mind, ((a, b) := (1, 2)) is compatible with "naming expressions" 
idea, it "gives names" to multiple expressions at once.

There's a temptation to suggest that the above could be rewritten as:

((a := 1), (b := 2))

, and for the "naming" usecase, that would be true.  But as noted above, 
"naming" is just *one* of the usecases. Following can't be "sequentialized" 
like that:

((b, a) := (a, b))

And for as long as someone considers the following acceptable:

func(a := val)

There's little point to prohibit the following:

min((b, a) := (a, b))

And that's the main argument - consistency between assignment statement and 
assignment operator. For as long as this is allowed:

a, b = b, c

it makes sense to allow:

((a, b) := (b,c))

(Extra parens account for different in grammar and precedence for the operator).

This issue is posted to capture discussion initially posted to 


, to serve as a reference to whoever may be searching the bugtracker for this 

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 386551
nosy: pfalcon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Allow multiple assignment (i.e. tuple on LHS) in walrus operator

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[issue42729] tokenize, ast: No direct way to parse tokens into AST, a gap in the language processing pipiline

2020-12-24 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

> the idea was proposed purely to "close a gap"

That pinpoints it well. I was just writing a tutorial on implementing custom 
import hooks, with the idea to show people how easy it to do it in Python. As 
first step, I explained that it's bad idea to do any transformations on surface 
representation of a program. At the very least, it should be converted to token 
stream. But then I found that I need to explain that we need to convert it 
back, which sounds pretty weird and undermines the idea:

def xform(token_stream):
for t in token_stream:
if t[0] == tokenize.NAME and t[1] == "function":
yield (tokenize.NAME, "lambda") + t[2:]
yield t

with open(filename, "rb") as f:
# Fairly speaking, tokenizing just to convert back to string form
# isn't too efficient, but CPython doesn't offer us a way to parse
# token stream so far, so we have no choice.
source = tokenize.untokenize(xform(tokenize.tokenize(f.readline)))
mod = type(imphook)("")
exec(source, vars(mod))
return mod

Having written that comment, I thought I could as well just make one more step 
and monkey-patch "ast" for parse_tokens() function - I'll need to explain that, 
but the explanation probably wouldn't sound worse than the explanation above. 
And then it was just one more step to actually submit patch for 
ast.parse_tokens(), and that's how this ticket was created!


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[issue42729] tokenize, ast: No direct way to parse tokens into AST, a gap in the language processing pipiline

2020-12-24 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

> There is a considerable tension on exposed parts of the compiler pipeline for 
> introspection and other capabilities and our ability to do optimizations. 
> Given how painful it has been in the past to deal with this, my view is to 
> avoid exposing as much as possible anything in the compiler pipeline, so we 
> don't shoot ourselves in the foot in the future if we need to change stuff 
> around.

That's somewhat extreme outcome when a problem is known and understood, but the 
best solution is deemed not doing anything.

But the problem of "doing it wrong" definitely known and exists. One known way 
to address it is to design generic interfaces and implement them. This ticket 
is exactly about that - defining a missing interface for a parser in Python. 
It's not about *the* CPython's C parser and its peculiarities. (But even it 
fits with the generic interface proposed.)


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[issue42729] tokenize, ast: No direct way to parse tokens into AST, a gap in the language processing pipiline

2020-12-24 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

> but the thing I don't quite get is the use case.

And if that went unanswered: the usecase, how I'd formulate it, is to not 
expose CPython historical implementation detail of "tokenize" being 
disconnected from the rest of the language processing infrastructure, and make 
them learn tricks like needing to go back to character program form if they 
ever start to use "tokenize", but let it all integrate well into single 
processing pipeline.


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[issue42729] tokenize, ast: No direct way to parse tokens into AST, a gap in the language processing pipiline

2020-12-24 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

> What prevents you from using ast.parse(tokenize.untokenize(token_stream))?

That's exactly the implementation in the patch now submitted against this 
issue. But that's the patch for CPython, the motive of the proposal here is to 
establish a standard API call for *Python*, which different implementation can 
implement how they like/can/need.

> Also, tokens -> AST is not the only disconnected part in the underlying 
> compiler.

We should address them, one by one.

> Stuff like AST -> Symbol Table 

Kinda yes, again, based on CPython implementation history, we have only source 
-> Symbol table (https://docs.python.org/3/library/symtable.html). Would be 
nice to address that (separately of course).

> AST -> Optimized AST

Yes. PEP511 touched on that, but as it-as-a-whole was rejected, any useful 
sub-ideas from it don't seem to get further progress either (like, being able 
to disable some optimizations, and then maybe even exposing them as standalone 

> I'd also suggest moving the discussion to the Python-ideas, for a much 
> greater audience.

That's how I usually do, but I posted too much there recently. I wanted to 
submit a patch right away, but noticed that standard commit message format is 
"bpo-X: ...", so I created a ticket here to reference in the commit.


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[issue42729] tokenize, ast: No direct way to parse tokens into AST, a gap in the language processing pipiline

2020-12-24 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Change by Paul Sokolovsky :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +22773
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/23922

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[issue42729] tokenize, ast: No direct way to parse tokens into AST, a gap in the language processing pipiline

2020-12-24 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

New submission from Paul Sokolovsky :

Currently, it's possible:

* To get from stream-of-characters program representation to AST representation 
* To get from AST to code object (compile()).
* To get from a code object to first-class function to the execute the program.

Python also offers "tokenize" module, but it stands as a disconnected island: 
the only things it allows to do is to get from stream-of-characters program 
representation to stream-of-tokens, and back. At the same time, conceptually, 
tokenization is not a disconnected feature, it's the first stage of language 
processing pipeline. The fact that "tokenize" is disconnected from the rest of 
the pipeline, as listed above, is more an artifact of CPython implementation: 
both "ast" module and compile() module are backed by the underlying bytecode 
compiler implementation written in C, and that's what connects them.

On the other hand, "tokenize" module is pure-Python, while the underlying 
compiler has its own tokenizer implementation (not exposed). That's the likely 
reason of such disconnection between "tokenize" and the rest of the 

I propose to close that gap, and establish an API which would allow to parse 
token stream (iterable) into an AST. An initial implementation for CPython can 
(and likely should) be naive, making a loop thru surface program 
representation. That's ok, again, the idea is to establish a standard API to be 
able to go tokens -> AST, then individual Python implementation can 
make/optimize it based on their needs.

The proposed name is ast.parse_tokens(). It follows the signature of the 
existing ast.parse(), except that first parameter is "token_stream" instead of 

Another alternative would be to overload existing ast.parse() to accept token 
iterable. I guess, at the current stage, where we try to tighten up type 
strictness of API, and have clear typing signatures for API functions, this is 
not favored solution.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 383680
nosy: BTaskaya, pablogsal, pfalcon, serhiy.storchaka
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: tokenize, ast: No direct way to parse tokens into AST, a gap in the 
language processing pipiline
versions: Python 3.10

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[issue42559] random.getrandbits: Should it be explicit that it returns unsigned/non-negative integer?

2020-12-07 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

Raymond Hettinger: Thanks for acking it would be a useful change!

ZackerySpytz: Thanks for making a patch!


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[issue42559] random.getrandbits: Should it be explicit that it returns unsigned/non-negative integer?

2020-12-03 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

New submission from Paul Sokolovsky :

Current docs for random.getrandbits() ( 
https://docs.python.org/3/library/random.html#random.getrandbits ) read 
(3.9.1rc1 at the top of the page):

Returns a Python integer with k random bits. This method is supplied with the 
MersenneTwister generator and some other generators may also provide it as an 
optional part of the API. When available, getrandbits() enables randrange() to 
handle arbitrarily large ranges.

So, based that it talks about "bits", it's easy to imagine that the result is 
unsigned. But it's interesting that it mentions "a Python integer", not even 
just "integer". And Python integers are known to be signed.

So I'd say, there's enough of ambiguity in there, and would be nice to 
explicitly specify that it's "unsigned (non-negative) Python integer".

If there's interest for the background of concern, some implementations may 
have "small" and "large" integers underlyingly (which used to be exposed at the 
user-level in Python2). "Small" integers would be cheaper, but of course, they 
would be signed. So, at certain value of getrandbits() parameter, there may be 
a temptation to use up a sign bit of a small integer, instead of going straight 
to allocating expensive large integer. It should be clear this is NOT a valid 
"optimization", and result should be always non-negative.

messages: 382434
nosy: pfalcon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: random.getrandbits: Should it be explicit that it returns 
unsigned/non-negative integer?
versions: Python 3.9

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[issue32615] Inconsistent behavior if globals is a dict subclass

2020-01-17 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

> We may be possible to replace bytecode from `STORE_GLOBAL _cnt; LOAD_GLOBAL 
> _cnt` into `DUP_TOP; STORE_GLOBAL _cnt`.

Sounds good, and that's why I personally care about the "STORE" case, and the 
patch I submit touches only it, which would affect only cases when explicit 
"global var" declarations are used, which aren't frequent. I definitely would 
be too shy to submit a patch for more LOAD_* cases, though I may image why 
people may want that still.


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[issue32615] Inconsistent behavior if globals is a dict subclass

2020-01-17 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

Absolutely should be able to optimize namespace access. The fact that namespace 
is a dict is an implementation detail, it's still inefficient even with all 
those version counters and inline caches. Ironically, to let people prototype 
better, more efficient ways to deal with namespace access, it should be 
possible to override an object used as a namespace. Thanks for making that much 
more complicated.


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[issue32615] Inconsistent behavior if globals is a dict subclass

2020-01-16 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

> exec() function is currently quite clear

A recent case: https://bugs.python.org/issue38316, co_stacksize was quite clear 
what it is. Turned out, a bug in the documentation (likely, just someone forgot 
to update it to the actual code). That's just one case, there're tons of bugs 
in the docs.


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[issue32615] Inconsistent behavior if globals is a dict subclass

2020-01-16 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

> Namespace performances are really critical for overall Python performances.

Yeah, that's why I'd like for myself and other people to make it easy to 
explore the behavior of namespace lookups, to see how to optimize them.

> You're free to fork Python and modify the C code to implement your use case, 
> to study Python internals.

Thanks, already done. I'm now looking for a way to share those studies with 
other people, who won't patch and compile CPython. So, no worries, I've already 
lost, I need that fix yesterday, in actual versions of CPython deployed around 
the world. The rest if just idea that bugs which aren't fixed, persist; and the 
very interesting case of decision making by CPython core developers.


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[issue32615] Inconsistent behavior if globals is a dict subclass

2020-01-16 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

> Paul: you're are in front of 3 core developers who are rejecting your feature 
> request.

But no, it's not my feature request. There were 2 tickets by at least 2 people. 
I just saw my case to be similar to cases of those people, so instead of 
creating duplicate bug reports, I chimed in, to show the general issue: various 
name-related opcodes don't treat namespace objects consistently.

And if I'm in front on 3 core developers here, then only because someone's 
Rubber Ducky (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging) took a good 
vacation. Because I may imagine following "debugging session":

- Hey Ducky, some time ago I hacked on one project. As you know, I'm a core 
developer, so I kinda can add things on my whim, so I added some stuff to 
CPython core for that project, not consistent, not complete. Since then, I lost 
interest in my project, and as you can imagine, couldn't care less about the 
code in the core. The problem? It was almost 8 years ago. People discovered 
those features, and came to use on them. Not only that, they raise heads and 
demand it to be implemented more thoroughly and consistently. So, don't you 
think now would be good time to punish them and just rip that code out?

- You say how could I possible to do that on my own? No worries, I have 2 more 
buddies vouching for me, we core developers never let each other down.

- You're saying that removing features after 8 years is problematic? No 
worries, we can always say it was a regression from just 3 years ago.

- Hey Ducky, there's a more problem still, there's a particularly obnoxious 
dude, who initially tried to argue need for adding a feature based on my 8-year 
old code. If we support stuff in LOAD_GLOBAL, he says, then it should be piece 
of cake to support it in STORE_GLOBAL, which is called much less frequently. 
But we got him into the cold with a news of removal that 8-year code. Still he 
can't calm down, and changing tactics arguing that due to the way that globals 
are used at the module level (as locals too), then STORE_GLOBAL should behave 
consistently with STORE_NAME, tossing some pretty simple exec() code showing 
inconsistency. Should we just ignore him, or go for total punishment and make 
it "consistent" just the same as above, by removing support in STORE_NAME, 
instead of adding to STORE_GLOBAL? Now, that code is 16 years old. Do you think 
we can go for a twist like that?


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[issue32615] Inconsistent behavior if globals is a dict subclass

2020-01-16 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

> you ask to modify Python so you can pass dict subclasses as namespaces and 
> expect CPython to respect the mapping protocol

But no, per your own account, you made noticeable, though not complete, code 
changes in that direction. The only thing I'm saying "now that it's all there, 
it's only logical to fix the missing parts, about which people report issues". 
While you suddenly come up with "alternative" solution - throw it all away.

And I always just took your word for it, but now did some git logging/blaming. 
So, LOAD_GLOBAL handling of dict subclasses was introduced by you in 
 , in 2012, almost 8 years ago. 

And what about STORE_NAME handling? I traced that to 
 of 2004.


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[issue32615] Inconsistent behavior if globals is a dict subclass

2020-01-16 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

Ok, so the patch for my usecase (STORE_GLOBAL) is vividly trivial, so to go 
thru the full circle, I posted it: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/18033 


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[issue36220] LOAD_NAME and LOAD_GLOBAL, STORE_GLOBAL handle dict subclasses for globals() differently

2020-01-16 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Change by Paul Sokolovsky :

pull_requests: +17429
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/18033

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[issue32615] Inconsistent behavior if globals is a dict subclass

2020-01-16 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

s/only our own usecase/only your own usecase/ (missing "y" typo)


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[issue32615] Inconsistent behavior if globals is a dict subclass

2020-01-16 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

> Later, I closed my pysandbox beause it was "broken by design":

Thanks for the link, insightful. Still unclear, by design of what it's broken 

> Paul Sokolovsky wrote in bpo-36220 than his idea is also to implement a 
> sandbox

Depends on the definition of "sandbox". If it's "But I was contacted by
different companies interested to use pysandbox in production on their
web application.  So I think that there is a real need to execute
arbitrary untrusted code." (re: https://lwn.net/Articles/574323/). Then no, I 
definitely not developing such a "sandbox".

If by "sandbox" you mean "ability to override some namespacing rules used by 
Python", then yep, I, and other folks (according to these >1 issue reports) 
interested in that. It's unclear why demise of your particular project should 
affect all other possible projects interested in dealing with namespacing 
matters. I for example interested in study of some properties of corpus of 
Python code. I can understand your claim that you "own" the partial features 
you introduced, but claiming them to be useful for only our own usecase is 
somewhat ..., well, short-sighted, just as claiming that all such uses should 
cease and desist is as insightful as claiming that, for example, list 
comprehensions are useless because you faced a case when one needs to be 
rewritten as explicit loop.

> IMHO we should reject dict subclasses to make Python (especially ceval.c) 
> more efficient.

I'm afraid efficiency story for CPython is irrecoverably lost, unless someone 
secretly works on adding JIT to it, but as we know, JIT work happily happens 
outside of it, in multiples. CPython still can either serve as a common 
platform for prototyping and experimentation, or complicate that by a committee 
fiat. Because the current situation is that CPython is too dynamic to be 
"slow", but not enough dynamic to perform useful instrumentation easily. For 
example, to comfortably do study on the proportions of actual usage of various 
"overdynamic" features.


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[issue32615] Inconsistent behavior if globals is a dict subclass

2019-12-30 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

> I agree with Terry, the moment you pass a dict subclass to exec you are out 
> of contract. If any, we may need to sanitize the input to exec, although I 
> don't think is worth paying the performance price for that.

exec() params are already checked, as a seconds param, only dict or dict 
subclasses are accepted. Seems like good enough contract.

> Paul, I don't know if you are being sarcastic here so I will assume that you 
> are not but in case you are, I suggest you stop as this violates our CoC.

I am not, and please stop your accusations, that violates CoC.


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[issue32615] Inconsistent behavior if globals is a dict subclass

2019-12-30 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

> The doc for exec says globals "must be a dictionary (and not a subclass of 
> dictionary)"

Docs are full of mistakes and outdated information.

Fixing STORE_GLOBAL case from https://bugs.python.org/issue36220#msg359046 
would be trivial and cheap re: overheads. And useful, yeah.

And the gentleman who submitted the other ticket argues that:

> but the inconsistency between LOAD_NAME and LOAD_GLOBAL definitely seems 
> wrong.

Which is easy to agree with, though there're more concerns re: runtime overhead.


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[issue32615] Inconsistent behavior if globals is a dict subclass

2019-12-30 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

Some smart maintainer closed https://bugs.python.org/issue36220 as a duplicate 
of this one. That ticket might have more details of the underlying issues.

nosy: +pfalcon

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[issue36220] LOAD_NAME and LOAD_GLOBAL, STORE_GLOBAL handle dict subclasses for globals() differently

2019-12-30 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky  added the comment:

> I wanted to write a sandbox for Python.

Sandbox indeed, it is.

class NS(dict):

def __setitem__(self, k, v):
if not isinstance(v, type(lambda: 0)):
raise RuntimeError("Global variables considered harmful")

globals = NS()

exec("foo = 1", globals)

But then:

global foo
foo = "watch me escaping your sandboxes"
""", globals)

This is due to STORE_GLOBAL not handling dict subclasses, unlike STORE_NAME.

While @Kevin Shweh's issue with LOAD_NAME, and @vstinner's concerns of adding 
yet another branch to LOAD_NAME implementation may be one matter, issue with 
STORE_GLOBAL is both related and somewhat different. STORE_GLOBAL's should be 
relatively infrequent, so adding another branch to it unlikely will be 
quantifiable in performance. But lack of its support disallows to write to 
tools which police/constrain Python's overdynamicity, which is useful in the 

Anyway, I decided to not open a separate ticket for this, but add here. Fairly 
speaking, as long as work to support dict subclasses as globals/locals started, 
the only reasonable way forward seems to implement it completely.


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[issue36220] LOAD_NAME and LOAD_GLOBAL, STORE_GLOBAL handle dict subclasses for globals() differently

2019-12-30 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Change by Paul Sokolovsky :

nosy: +pfalcon
title: LOAD_NAME and LOAD_GLOBAL handle dict subclasses for globals() 
differently -> LOAD_NAME and LOAD_GLOBAL, STORE_GLOBAL handle dict subclasses 
for globals() differently

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[issue38316] docs: Code object's "co_stacksize" field is described with mistake

2019-09-29 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

New submission from Paul Sokolovsky :

CPython's Data Model -> Internal types -> Code objects, direct link as of 
version 3.7 is: 
 , states following:

* "co_nlocals is the number of local variables used by the function (including 
* "co_stacksize is the required stack size (including local variables);"

However, practical checking shows that co_stacksize is the required stack size 
WITHOUT local variables. One could argue about the meaning of "local variables" 
in the description of co_stacksize above, saying that what is meant is 
temporary stack variables of something. That's why I quoted above co_nlocals 
description too, it clearly shows that local variebles are local function 
variables (include functions args), and nothing else.

Code to reproduce:

def func():
a = 1
b = 2
c = 3

print("co_stacksize", func.__code__.co_stacksize)
print("co_nlocals", func.__code__.co_nlocals)

Result of running:
$ python3.7 script_under_test.py 
co_stacksize 1
co_nlocals 3

Clearly, co_stacksize doesn't include the size of local vars, or it would have 
been larger than co_nlocals in printout.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 353508
nosy: docs@python, pfalcon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: docs: Code object's "co_stacksize" field is described with mistake
versions: Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue12345] Add math.tau

2016-08-12 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky added the comment:

What about rounding pi to 3 (and tau to 6)?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indiana_Pi_Bill (and I'm sure we can find a cute 
video about how cool to have pi as 3 to add it to the docs).

nosy: +pfalcon

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[issue26899] struct.pack_into(), struct.unpack_from() don't document support for negative offsets

2016-05-01 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

New submission from Paul Sokolovsky:


Actual source contains code like:

if (offset < 0)
offset += vbuf.len;

to allow specify offsets from the end of a buffer.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 264590
nosy: docs@python, pfalcon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: struct.pack_into(), struct.unpack_from() don't document support for 
negative offsets
versions: Python 3.6

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[issue1103213] Adding a recvexactly() to socket.socket: receive exactly n bytes

2016-04-08 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Changes by Paul Sokolovsky :

nosy: +pfalcon

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue24449] Please add async write method to asyncio.StreamWriter

2015-06-15 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky added the comment:

Thanks for the response.

> and an API with more choices is not necessarily better.

I certainly agree, and that's why I try to implement MicroPython's uasyncio 
solely in terms of coroutines, without Futures and Transports. But I of course 
can't argue for dropping Transports in asyncio, so the only argument I'm left 
with is consistency of API (letting use coroutines everywhere).

> I'm sure this has come up before, I could've sworn it was you, sorry if it 
> wasn't.

No, I brought issue of Futures dependency (yes, that was wide and long 
discussion), then about yielding a coroutine instance as a way to schedule it. 
But during the time I'm on python-tulip, I didn't remember someone bringing up 
issue of asymmetry between read & write, but I would imagine someone would have 
done that before me. (Which might hint that the issue exists ;-) ).

> the common mistake (amongst beginners) of forgetting the "yield from" or 
> 'async' would be much harder to debug

So, this is not first time you provide this argument for different cases, one 
would think that this pin-points pretty serious flaw in the language and it's 
priority to find a solution for it, and yet PEP3152 which does exactly that was 
rejected, so maybe it's not that *serious*. Indeed, it's common sense that it's 
possible to make a hard to debug mistake in any program, and in any concurrent 
program (doesn't matter of which paradigm) it's order of magnitude easier to do 
one and harder to debug respectively. But asyncio does have tools to debug such 
issue. And one would think that easiest way to preclude mistake is to avoid 
inconsistencies in the API.

I know there's a very find balance between all the arguments, and only you can 
know where it lies, but kindly accept external feedback that the above 
explanation (syntax is more prone to mistakes) looks like universal 
objectivized rejection in rather subjective cases.

What saddens me here is that this decision puts pretty high lower bound for 
asyncio memory usage (and I tried hard to prove that asyncio is suitable 
paradigm even for smaller, IoT-class devices). It's also hard to argue that 
Python isn't worse than Go, Rust and other new kids on the block - because 
indeed, how one can argue that, if even the language author uses argument 
"language syntax, while exists, isn't good enough to do the obvious things".


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[issue24449] Please add async write method to asyncio.StreamWriter

2015-06-14 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky added the comment:

No, I haven't brought this "many times before". Discussion on the mailing list 
last week was first time I brought up *this* issue. But it's indeed not the 
first time I provide feedback regarding various aspects of asyncio, so I wonder 
if this issue was closed because of "this" in "this issue" or because of "many 
times before"...

> If you need awrite(), it's a two-line helper function you can easily write 
> yourself.

Yes, and I have it, but I don't see how that helps anybody else. If it's 
2-liner, why don't you want to add it? Can there please be discussion of the 
arguments provided in the description?


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[issue24449] Please add async write method to asyncio.StreamWriter

2015-06-14 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

New submission from Paul Sokolovsky:

This issue was brought is somewhat sporadic manner on python-tulip mailing 
list, hence this ticket. The discussion on the ML:

(all other messages below threaded from this)


Summary of arguments:

1. This would make such async_write() (a tentative name) symmetrical in usage 
with read() method (i.e. be a coroutine to be used with "yield from"/"await"), 
which certainly reduce user confusion and will help novices to learn/use 

2. write() method is described (by transitively referring to 
WriteTransport.write()) as "This method does not block; it buffers the data and 
arranges for it to be sent out asynchronously." Such description implies 
requirement of unlimited data buffering. E.g., being fed with 1TB of data, it 
still must buffer it. Bufferings of such size can't/won't work in practice - 
they only will lead to excessive swapping and/or termination due to out of 
memory conditions. Thus, providing only synchronous high-level write operation 
goes against basic system reliability/security principles.

3. The whole concept of synchronous write in an asynchronous I/O framework 
stems from: 1) the way it was done in some pre-existing Python async I/O 
frameworks ("pre-existing" means brought up with older versions of Python and 
based on concepts available at that time; many people use word "legacy" in such 
contexts); 2) on PEP3153, which essentially captures ideas used in the 
aforementioned pre-existing Python frameworks. PEP3153 was rejected; it also 
contains some "interesting" claims like "Considered API alternatives - 
Generators as producers - [...] - nobody produced actually working code 
demonstrating how they could be used." That wasn't true at the time of PEP 
writing (http://www.dabeaz.com/generators/ , 2008, 2009), and asyncio is 
actually *the* framework which uses generators as producers.

asyncio also made a very honorable step of uniting generators/coroutine and 
Transport paradigm - note that as PEP3153 shows, Transport proponents 
contrasted it with coroutine-based design. But asyncio also blocked (in both 
senses) high-level I/O on Transport paradigm. What I'm arguing is not that 
Transports are good or bad, but that there should be a way to consistently use 
coroutine paradigm for I/O in asyncio - for people who may appreciate it. This 
will also enable alternative implementations of asyncio subsets without 
Transport layer, with less code size, and thus more suitable for constrained 

Proposed change is to add following to asyncio.StreamWriter implementation:

def async_write(self, data):

I.e. default implementation will be just coroutine version of synchronous 
write() method. The messages linked above discuss alternative implementations 
(which are really interesting for complete alternative implementations of 

The above changes are implemented in MicroPython's uasyncio package, which 
asyncio subset for memory-constrained systems.

Thanks for your consideration!

components: asyncio
messages: 245336
nosy: gvanrossum, haypo, pfalcon, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Please add async write method to asyncio.StreamWriter
versions: Python 3.5

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23702] docs.python.org/3/howto/descriptor.html still refers to "unbound methods"

2015-03-18 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

New submission from Paul Sokolovsky:

Under https://docs.python.org/3/howto/descriptor.html#functions-and-methods , 
there're several references to unbound methods (including in expected output 
from the interpreter).

As known, unbound methods are gone in Python3, so seeing those are confusing. 
(I didn't sharply know that unbound methods are gone from Py3, so was pretty 
confused by the examples there, comparing them with actual output of Cpython 

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 238468
nosy: docs@python, pfalcon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: docs.python.org/3/howto/descriptor.html still refers to "unbound methods"
versions: Python 3.4

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[issue21511] Thinko in Lib/quopri.py

2014-05-16 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky added the comment:

This is minor issue indeed, uncovered when trying to run quopri.py with 
MicroPython http://micropython.org . I now worked around this on MicroPython 
side, but otherwise I set to report any issues I've seen with MicroPython 
porting, in the hope that MicroPython effort is good member of Python 
community. If the original report is unclear, feel free to point to any vague 
spots, and I'll elaborate on it. Thanks.


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[issue21511] Thinko in Lib/quopri.py

2014-05-15 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

New submission from Paul Sokolovsky:

Lib/quopri.py for version 3.3..3.5-tip contains following code:

ESCAPE = b'='
line = input.readline()
if not line: break
i, n = 0, len(line)
if n > 0 and line[n-1:n] == b'\n':
elif i+1 < n and line[i+1] == ESCAPE:

So, ESCAPE is defined as bytes, we see that "line" is read as bytes, and 
characters are accessed using idiom like "line[n-1:n]", but then it uses 
"line[i+1]", which returns int and thus will never be equal to ESCAPE.

I'm not sure what exact semantic condition that branch represents, for me it 
looks like "==" sequence to be decoded as "=". But I don't see such encoding 
variant in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quoted-printable . Either way, 
replacing that condition with "and False", still passes test_quopri.py

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 218618
nosy: pfalcon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Thinko in Lib/quopri.py
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.5

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21464] fnmatch module uses regular expression with undefined result to perform matching

2014-05-10 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky added the comment:

I see, so it's my misreading of the "re" module docs. I kinda thought that "x" 
in "(?x)" means "any single-character flag of set (?aiLmsux)". I was wrong, it 
is the specific literal flag. 

Also, rereading it again, the doc says "the letters set the corresponding 
flags: [list of flags], for the entire regular expression." So, my report is 

Just to give some context, I hit this when porting fnmatch.py to MicroPython 
(http://micropython.org/), which doesn't use native CPython SRE, but instead 
system PCRE. Well, it would be nice if stdlib maintained kind of compatibility 
with original PCRE semantics, but that's kinda wishful thinking, we'll work it 
around on our side. 

Closing this.

resolution:  -> works for me
status: open -> closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21464] fnmatch module uses regular expression with undefined result to perform matching

2014-05-09 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Changes by Paul Sokolovsky :

title: fnmatch module uses undefined regular expression to perform matching -> 
fnmatch module uses regular expression with undefined result to perform matching

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21464] fnmatch module uses undefined regular expression to perform matching

2014-05-09 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

New submission from Paul Sokolovsky:

fnmatch.translate() ends with:

return res + '\Z(?ms)'

However, https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/re.html#regular-expression-syntax 

Note that the (?x) flag changes how the expression is parsed. It should be used 
first in the expression string, or after one or more whitespace characters. If 
there are non-whitespace characters before the flag, the results are undefined.

Hence, fnmatch uses undefined pattern, and indeed, it fails with alternative 
Perl-compatible regular expression implementations (specifically, PCRE, which 
appear to do something like apply flag at the point of its occurrence).

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 218198
nosy: pfalcon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: fnmatch module uses undefined regular expression to perform matching
versions: Python 3.4

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21365] asyncio.Task reference misses the most important fact about it, related info spread around intros and example commentary instead

2014-04-27 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky added the comment:

Based on discussion 
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/python-tulip/zfMQIUcIR-0 . That 
discussion actually questions the grounds of such Task behavior, and points it 
as a violation of "Explicit is better than implicit" principle, and as 
inconsistent behavior wrt to similar objects in Python stdlib (threads, 
processes, etc.)

This ticket however assumes that there're very good reasons for such behavior, 
and/or it just should be accepted as API idiosyncrasy which is late to fix, and 
just tries to make sure that docs are not culprit for mismatching user 


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[issue21365] asyncio.Task reference misses the most important fact about it, related info spread around intros and example commentary instead

2014-04-27 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

New submission from Paul Sokolovsky:

It caused me a big surprise that asyncio.Task object automatically schedules 
itself in the main loop for execution upon creation (i.e. in constructor).

Nowhere in the main reference part of section " Task" 
(https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/asyncio-task.html#task) does it mention 
that fact. Vice versa, it explicitly says that Task is merely "A coroutine 
object wrapped in a Future.", which surely sets grounds for surprise when 
finding that Task is not just coroutine wrapped in Future, but exhibits extra 
behavior unexpected of plain Future.

Docs cursorily mention this property of Task outside main reference section for 
it. Specifically:

1) " Coroutines", end of intro section:

"In the case of a coroutine object, there are two basic ways to start it 
running: call yield from coroutine from another coroutine (assuming the other 
coroutine is already running!), or convert it to a Task."

I would argue that this is way too cursorily and doesn't put strong enough 
emphasis on the property of self-scheduling, to catch attention of novice or 
casual reader. For example, my entailments after reading the passage above are: 
"... or convert it to a Task, to schedule it in a loop [explicitly], because a 
coroutine can't be scheduled in a loop directly, but Task can be".

2) Very end of subsection " Example: Parallel execution of tasks", a 
short line squeezed between colored example block and new section heading - a 
place where some user will miss it outright: "A task is automatically scheduled 
for execution when it is created."

Based on case study above, I would like to propose:

1). In section " Task", in class description, make unmissable fact 
that instantiating an object makes it scheduled. For example, append after: "A 
coroutine object wrapped in a Future. Subclass of Future." following: 
"Instantiating object of this class automatically schedules it to be run in an 
event loop specified by 'loop' parameter (or default event loop)."

2) Ideally, update 2 excerpts above to convey more explicit information, and be 
more visible (for case 2, for example, move it before the example, not after).

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 217272
nosy: docs@python, pfalcon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: asyncio.Task reference misses the most important fact about it, related 
info spread around intros and example commentary instead
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.5

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21180] Cannot efficiently create empty array.array of given size, inconsistency with bytearray

2014-04-13 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky added the comment:


> People might expect that array.array('i', 3) creates an array with the single 
> value 3.

I don't know which people would expect that. Personally I recognize the need to 
create an empty array of of given size, and have read the docs for builtin 
"bytearray" type, and expect extension type array.array to work the same. I'd 
even say that I found any other expectations ungrounded, in particular, a way 
to create an array of single int is obviously bytearray([3]) or 
array.array('i', [3]).

Anyway, as I say in "2014-04-13 15:29" comment, I'm only glad to follow with 
PEP467 changes. Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to update initial ticket 
description with updated proposal.

> array.array('i', len=3)

The whole scope of this ticket is to have consistent API between bytearray and 
array.array. So, the only way I could suggest (or back) the above is if PEP467 
was changed too, and as you suggest, I don't do that. (I personally also 
dislike overuse of keyword args.)

> In any case, it is unlikely that anything will be done with this issue unless 
> you provide a patch (and that still would be no guarantee that somebody 
> accepts it).

The ending is the saddest. As I mentioned, the best outcome I could imagine of 
such reports is that people who consider changing builtin types to also 
consider obvious stdlib counterparts too. (There's another issue - stdlib is 
indeed enormous, so it would be nice to separate it (speculatively) into 
["builtin types/lib"], "core stdlib", and "extended stdlib". There's clear 
difference between array module and for example unittest or logging.

Thanks for hint re: mailing Nick Coghlan - nice to know that's acceptable, 
that's certainly easier than figuring out which mailing list to use and then to 
follow it. (I see that Nick is in noselist of this ticket, but I guess I'll 
mail him anyway to have my conscience clear that I did everything to make 
Python better (== more consistent)).


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[issue21180] Cannot efficiently create empty array.array of given size, inconsistency with bytearray

2014-04-13 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky added the comment:

@Terry J. Reedy:

Thanks for the pointer. My inital response is , another bloating of 
namespace. But I'm adjusting.

But that PEP shows the issue with all that activity: CPython stdlib got so big 
and bloated, that it lives its own life and people consider it normal. So, 
there're PEPs to perfectalize bytearray, without paying attention to the fact 
that array.array('B') is pretty much the same thing, but apirots (cf. bitrot) 
behind it.

So, following PEP467, this request should be updated to call for 
array.array.zero(typecode, size) factory method. Note that it would need to 
take 2 arguments to follow array.array API. Is that good or bad? IMHO, not much 
worse than introducing separate factory method at all. But again, author of 
PEP467 should rather consider how those proposals extend to other related types.

If you participate in the discussion of the PEP, I'd appreciate if shared there 
link to this ticket - I'm not in loop of general CPython development and have 
limited resources to learn/follow them. Thanks.


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[issue21180] Cannot efficiently create empty array.array of given size, inconsistency with bytearray

2014-04-13 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky added the comment:

> >>> array.array('i', [0]) * 3

@Serhiy Storchaka:

The keyword is "efficiently". Let's analyze: this creates useless 
array.array('i', [0]) object destined only for garbage collection. Then, it 
forces using loop of loops to fill in a new object. Whereas array.array('i', 3) 
immediately reduces to a memset().

You can say that these implementation efficiency issues are of little concert 
to CPython. But what's being reported here is that, while generally Python is 
pretty good in allowing to efficiently process raw binary data (memoryview and 
all other bits and pieces), there are inconsistent accidental gaps in API here 
and there which jeopardize  efficiency, in obvious way (and also obvious to 
resolve), what may be of concern for other Python implementations (my case).


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[issue17345] Portable and extended type specifiers for array module

2014-04-08 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky added the comment:

See also http://bugs.python.org/issue9066

nosy: +pfalcon

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[issue9066] Standard type codes for array.array, same as struct

2014-04-08 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky added the comment:

See also http://bugs.python.org/issue17345


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[issue9066] Standard type codes for array.array, same as struct

2014-04-08 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky added the comment:

> It's not clear to me that importing specifier prefixes from the struct module 
> is the best way to go about this, though.

What are other alternatives then? Using struct's syntax has obvious benefit of 
being consistent and not confusing people any further.

nosy: +pfalcon

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21180] Cannot efficiently create empty array.array of given size, inconsistency with bytearray

2014-04-08 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

New submission from Paul Sokolovsky:

With bytearray, you can do:

>>> bytearray(3)

However, with arrays:

>>> array.array('i', 3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

Given that int passed as seconf argument is not handled specially in array, I'd 
like to propose to make it an initial size of a zero-filled array to create. 
This will make it: a) consitent with bytearray; b) efficient for the scenarios 
where one needs to pre-create array of given length, pass to some (native) 
function to fill in, then do rest of processing. For the latter case, assuming 
that both fill-in and further processing is efficient (e.g. done by native 
function), the initial array creation becomes a bottleneck.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 215757
nosy: pfalcon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Cannot efficiently create empty array.array of given size, inconsistency 
with bytearray
type: performance
versions: Python 3.4

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17145] memoryview(array.array)

2014-04-08 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Changes by Paul Sokolovsky :

nosy: +pfalcon

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20475] pystone.py in 3.4 still uses time.clock(), even though it's marked as deprecated since 3.3

2014-02-02 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky added the comment:

Yes, and my note about "scientificity" above. Also compare with your own 
account of time.perf_counter() above ("Usually time.perf_counter() is the 
expected function.")

Also, I didn't want to start discussion on how to do benchmarking right, just 
to point out a small inconsistency, and suggest a fix which balances on 
(down-to-earth) correctness and practicality. It even can be ignored, except 
that such small inconsistencies accumulate and then some time later stick from 
every hole if not addressed.


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[issue20475] pystone.py in 3.4 still uses time.clock(), even though it's marked as deprecated since 3.3

2014-02-02 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky added the comment:

> The problem with pystone is that such tool is used to compare performances 
> between different versions of Python.

That's why I just propose to switch it to time.time(), which surely is 
available on each and every Python version and implementation. If there's a 
concern that some implementation may have only 1-second precision, then: 1) 
well, pystone has limits to its "scientificity", it's more like 
quick-run-anywhere, there's pybench for "real" testing (it's maintained and 
supported I hope); 2) number of iteratations can be bumped from 50K to 


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20475] pystone.py in 3.4 still uses time.clock(), even though it's marked as deprecated since 3.3

2014-02-01 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Changes by Paul Sokolovsky :

components: +Benchmarks
versions: +Python 3.3, Python 3.4

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20475] pystone.py in 3.4 still uses time.clock(), even though it's marked as deprecated since 3.3

2014-02-01 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

New submission from Paul Sokolovsky:

http://docs.python.org/3.3/library/time.html#time.clock says that it's 
deprecated, but pystone.py in Python-3.4.0b3 tarball still uses it. 

Please kindly consider switching it to plain time.time() and not to some other 

My usecase is: I'm working on alternative Python implementation, I of course 
want to benchmark it, and of course want to claim that I ran unmodified 
pystone.py. Now to achieve that, I need to implement deprecated function.

messages: 209916
nosy: pfalcon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: pystone.py in 3.4 still uses time.clock(), even though it's marked as 
deprecated since 3.3
type: enhancement

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue1346238] A constant folding optimization pass for the AST

2013-12-31 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Paul Sokolovsky added the comment:

8 years after the original patch, there's still no trivial constant folding in 
bytecode generated (because peephole of course is not a real optimizer to 
consistently catch all cases):

$ cat const.py 
FOO = 1
BAR = FOO + 2 + 4

$ python --version
Python 2.7.3

$ python -OO -m dis const.py
  1   0 LOAD_CONST   0 (1)
  3 STORE_NAME   0 (FOO)

  2   6 LOAD_NAME0 (FOO)
  9 LOAD_CONST   1 (2)
 13 LOAD_CONST   2 (4)
 17 STORE_NAME   1 (BAR)
 20 LOAD_CONST   3 (None)

$ python3.3 --version
Python 3.3.3

$ python3.3 -OO -m dis const.py
  1   0 LOAD_CONST   0 (1) 
  3 STORE_NAME   0 (FOO) 

  2   6 LOAD_NAME0 (FOO) 
  9 LOAD_CONST   1 (2) 
 13 LOAD_CONST   2 (4) 
 17 STORE_NAME   1 (BAR) 
 20 LOAD_CONST   3 (None) 

nosy: +pfalcon

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10203] sqlite3.Row doesn't support sequence protocol

2010-10-26 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

Changes by Paul Sokolovsky :

versions: +Python 2.7

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10203] sqlite3.Row doesn't support sequence protocol

2010-10-26 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

New submission from Paul Sokolovsky :

sqlite.Row class doesn't implement sequence protocol, which is rather 
unfortunate, because it is described and expected to work like a tuple, with 
extra mapping-like functionality.

Specific issue I hit:

Adding rows to PyGTK ListStore,

model = gtk.ListStore(*db.getSchema())
for r in listGen():

I get:

TypeError: expecting a sequence

Looking at PyGTK sources, append() method uses PySequence Check() on the 
argument. Looking at Python 2.6.5 abstract.c:

PySequence_Check(PyObject *s)
if (s && PyInstance_Check(s))
return PyObject_HasAttrString(s, "__getitem__");
if (PyObject_IsInstance(s, (PyObject *)&PyDict_Type))
return 0;
return s != NULL && s->ob_type->tp_as_sequence &&
s->ob_type->tp_as_sequence->sq_item != NULL;

And sqlite3.Row doesn't set ob_type->tp_as_sequence as of Py 2.6.5 or 2.7.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 119639
nosy: pfalcon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: sqlite3.Row doesn't support sequence protocol
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.6

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