[issue46455] Deprecate / remove os.name=java

2022-01-21 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

PS: "platform.system()" also documents `Java` as a value which doesn't seem to 
make that much sense, however it's an open set so probably less of an issue / 
source of confusion.


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[issue46455] Deprecate / remove os.name=java

2022-01-21 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel :

os.name is defined as:

> The following names have currently been registered: 'posix', 'nt', 'java'.

In my understanding, the value `'java'` is for the benefit of jython, which is 
rather poorly. Other third-party implementations which may or may not have a 
"full os module" (e.g. ironpython) do not -- as far as I can tell -- get to be 
registered against this value, and Python 3.3's addition of 
`sys.implementation` seems like a more reliable (and better supported) way to 
perform implementation-specific checks.

Therefore I feel `os.name == 'java'` only exists to confuse readers of the 
documentation, but doesn't really provide any value, and should be removed.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 411123
nosy: xmorel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Deprecate / remove os.name=java
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue45368] ~(True) and ~(False) gives incorrect result

2021-10-05 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

> True is a boolean so ~True should return False according to me.

That's be a BC break for no reason: if you want to invert a boolean you can 
just `not` it.

> True is not the same as 1

For historical reasons, in Python it is:

>>> bool.mro()
[, , ]
>>> True == 1
>>> False == 0

So when you call ~True, you're calling `int.__invert__(True)`, which behaves as 
what it is: the bitwise inverse of a two's-complement signed integer.

nosy: +xmorel

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[issue45365] concurrent.futures.Future should be suitable for use outside of executors

2021-10-04 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel :

concurrent.futures.Future currently has the note:

> Future instances are created by Executor.submit() and should not be created 
> directly except for testing.

That seems like a shame as futures are useful concurrency construct and having 
to rebuild them "by hand" seems like a waste.

What are the issues which prevent safely using futures outside of executors, 
and is there a way they could be fixed / lifted?

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 403181
nosy: xmorel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: concurrent.futures.Future should be suitable for use outside of executors
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10

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[issue43526] Programmatic management of BytesWarning doesn't work for native triggers.

2021-08-07 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

> If working Python 3 program suddenly became emitting BytesWarning it will 
> confuse users.

Oh yeah no I meant making it a normal warning, without needing the `-b` flag, 
not enabling it by default.

Because controlling / configuring warnings can be done programmatically and 
dynamically from inside the program, but in my understanding -b is either set 
or unset when calling it, if you're not setting it you're SOL. Or so I 
understand, I didn't find any switch accessible from inside the Python program.

> I think it would work. But it is significant amount of work (add 
> corresponding C API, parsing and copying code, documentation, tests)

Wouldn't it just be removing the check on `-b` in the tp_str slot of bytes and 

> and for small benefit. Would not be better to filter out warnings by message?

Well yes and no, my issue remains the one from the beginning: it's quite easy 
to unexpectedly stringify bytes, which usually isn't what's desired. Ensuring 
that doesn't happen requires making sure every developer and environment 
(non-production at least) does run python with -b to enable the warning, which 
is not as easy as the software being able to set that internally (which is 
doable for various deprecation warnings and friends).


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[issue43526] Programmatic management of BytesWarning doesn't work for native triggers.

2021-08-07 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

And though I did not check, I expect the `-b` flag exists mostly because of the 
performance impact of the warning any time bytes are checked for equality, but 
surely that impact would be limited and probably not very relevant for the 
stringification of bytes and that could (eventually) be moved out of the `-b` 
flag and to the regular warnings system?

I recall Inada-san tends to be quite involved in BytesWarning, is adding people 
to the nosy list something that's done or is it in bad taste?


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[issue43526] Programmatic management of BytesWarning doesn't work for native triggers.

2021-08-07 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

> I am not against documenting the behavior of -b and BytesWarning clearly. I 
> don't think that anyone would be against. Just somebody have to provide a PR.

Right but what about the ability to enable warning on stringification without 
enabling the warning on comparison? There are packages / situations where 
comparing strings and bytes makes a lot of sense (e.g. use string and byte 
versions of data as keys in the same dict), but I think stringifying bytes 
rarely if ever does.

> Explicitly repr-ing a bytes instance does not produce a warning, and never 
> produced, so I don't understand what do you mean.

Well that's absolutely ideal as I did not check if it did, just wanted to be 
clear that I wasn't looking for a warning in that case.


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[issue43526] Programmatic management of BytesWarning doesn't work for native triggers.

2021-08-06 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

Serhiy an other question (because I've encountered it *again*), do you think 
it'd be possible to split out the specific warning of stringifying (but *not* 
explicitely repr-ing) a bytes instance from everything else?

There are use-cases for it, but I think it's rather error prone when a `bytes` 
unexpectedly finds itself mixed into either string or non-string data which 
stringify "normally" and generates what is often garbage output.


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[issue44178] Add an interpreter-level critical section construct

2021-05-19 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel :

Python code uses a fair amount of globals, and sometimes there's no good choice 
but to do dodgy things and temporarily update global state for one reason or 
another e.g. redirect a standard fd or stream (cf redirect_stdout), 
monkey-patch a builtin to intercept some behaviour, etc...

One issue with this is, if the program is multithreaded there is no real way to 
prevent the interpreter from suspending the current thread *while doing the 
dodgy thing*. The only interpreter-level global lock would be the GIL, and 
while native extension can just not release the GIL this is not an option for 
Python code (as far as I know).

`sys` does provide getswitchinterval()/setswitchinterval() (and under the old 
GIL had getcheckinterval()/setcheckinterval()), but the semantics of these 
functions is a bit obscure (e.g. does `sys.setcheckinterval` update the 
*current* time slice os is the current thread doomed? can it fail? what happens 
if it does?) and they feel extremely uncomfortable.

As such, having a context manager which would explicitly but only prevent 
thread switching while it's held would be valuable. Assuming 
`setswitchinginterval` operates on the "current" timeslice, this would not 
provide any more misbehaving powers as any code can already call 
`sys.setswitchinterval(sys.maxsize)` (unless there are already mitigation 
systems in-place), and the contextmanager could just do that internally if that 
is the "correct" way to prevent thread switching under the current scheme.

The one thing which is not great is that this scheme might not really work 
under GILectomy, but then neither does switchinterval I think.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 393951
nosy: xmorel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add an interpreter-level critical section construct
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue12056] "…" (HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS) should be an alternative syntax for "..." (FULL STOP FULL STOP FULL STOP)

2021-05-19 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

> But if we allow for ellipsis, then would we not also have to start allowing 
> characters like ≥ and ≤ in Python?

No, they're not defined as canonically equivalent to >= and <= by the Unicode 

>>> unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', '…')
>>> unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', '≤')


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[issue44157] redirect_* should also redirect C-level streams

2021-05-17 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel :

In 3.4 (resp. 3.5), `redirect_stdout` and `redirect_stderr` were added to 
provide easy and reentrant stream redirection. Although that is documented, it 
seems like a waste that they only redirect the high-level `sys.std*`  streams: 
those are already pretty easy to redirect by simply setting the corresponding 
attribute, which is essentially what the contextmanager does. However,

* that does not work if the writer has imported the original stream object 
(`from sys import stderr`)
* that does not work if the writer bypasses or is not aware of the Python layer 
e.g. a native library

In that case, the user still has to deal with dup/dup2 dances in order to 
redirect the underlying fds, which is significantly more error-prone (and 
verbose) than intercepting the high-level `sys.std*` ever was.

On the other hand, it's also less expressive as it requires an actual fd, 
rather than a Python-level file-like object. So I can understand not doing it 
by default.

But still, I think I feel like it'd be very useful to either expand  the 
existing context managers to perform fd redirection, or have a separate context 
manager able to redirect arbitrary fds.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 393810
nosy: xmorel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: redirect_* should also redirect C-level streams
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43526] Programmatic management of BytesWarning doesn't work for native triggers.

2021-03-20 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

> In normal circumstances you should never deal with BytesWarning. The -b 
> option is only used for testing your program for some possible bugs caused by 
> migration from Python 2. If your program always worked only with Python 3, 
> the -b option has no use for you.

That's technically true for perfect programs, but practically if the program is 
not tested enough it's possible for it to contain unexpected instances of 
stringifying bytes which pass by mostly unnoticed, just with garbage bits of 
output which may or may not get reported.

Noticing such cases in an existing codebase is exactly what prompted me to try 
and enable BytesWarning (and then try and filter them to just conversion 
warnings, as the category is quite noisy with somewhat uninteresting warnings), 
and then spend a while trying to understand why programmatically enabling 
BytesWarning didn't do anything.

As noted in the last paragraph it's fine if `-b` is required to enable the 
feature, I'd just like to know if it could be documented clearly as it's 
somewhat frustrating to pore over the documentation of `warnings`, 
`BytesWarning`, and `-b`, diff the state of the filters configuration, etc… and 
end up finding out from a bpo comment whether the behaviour you're observing is 
intentional or not.


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[issue43527] Support full stack trace extraction in warnings.

2021-03-17 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel :

When triggering warnings, it's possible to pass in a `stacklevel` in order to 
point to a more informative cause than the `warnings.warn` call. 

For instance `stacklevel=2` is a common one for DeprecationWarning in order to 
mark the call itself as deprecated in the caller's codebase.

The problem with this is that it's not transitive, so when a dependency 
triggers a warning it can be hard to know where that comes from in the codebase 
(at least without `-Werror` which can prevent reaching the interesting warning 
entirely), and whether this is an issue in the codebase (e.g. passing bytes 
where the library really works in terms of strings) or whether it would be 
possible to work around the warning by using some other API.

In that case, the ability to show a full stack trace from the `stacklevel` down 
is very useful to diagnose such issues.

Not quite sure how it would be managed though: I'd think this should be part of 
the warnings filter information, but the `stacklevel` currently isn't stored 
there, and it might be risky to extend the warnings filter with a 6th field).

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 388914
nosy: xmorel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Support full stack trace extraction in warnings.
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43526] Programmatic management of BytesWarning doesn't work for native triggers.

2021-03-17 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

Addendum: is there a way to force `-b` from within the running Python program?


Python tracker 
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[issue43526] Programmatic management of BytesWarning doesn't work for native triggers.

2021-03-17 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel :

When setting `BytesWarning` programmatically (via the warnings API), though the 
`warnings.filters` value matches what's obtained via `python -b` and an 
explicit `warnings.warn` trigger will trigger, "native" triggers of the warning 
fail to trigger properly:

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('default', category=BytesWarning)
warnings.warn('test', category=BytesWarning)

If run using `python`, this will print:

test.py:4: BytesWarning: test
  warnings.warn('test', category=BytesWarning)

There is no warning for the string-ification of the bytes instance.

If run using `python -b`, the behaviour is as one would expect:

test.py:3: BytesWarning: str() on a bytes instance
test.py:4: BytesWarning: test
  warnings.warn('test', category=BytesWarning)

Inspecting `warnings.filters` shows now difference in their contents, in both 
cases it is:

[('default', None, , None, 0), ('default', None, 
, '__main__', 0), ('ignore', None, , None, 0), ('ignore', None, , None, 0), ('ignore', None, , None, 0), ('ignore', None, , None, 

(in Python 3.9).

The warning module's own suggestion:

import sys
if not sys.warnoptions:
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter("default") # Change the filter in this process

also fails to enable BytesWarning.

If this is intended behaviour, which seems to be the case according to 
ncoghlan's comment https://bugs.python.org/issue32230#msg307721, it should be 
clearly documented, as it's rather frustrating.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 388912
nosy: xmorel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Programmatic management of BytesWarning doesn't work for native triggers.
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43036] TOS-behaviour documentation is inconsistent

2021-01-27 Thread Xavier Morel

Change by Xavier Morel :

title: TOS-behaviour documentation is -> TOS-behaviour documentation is 

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43036] TOS-behaviour documentation is

2021-01-27 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel :

I was looking at the disassembly of a fairly straightforward listcomp:

[e for e in s if e[0]]

  1   0 BUILD_LIST   0
  2 LOAD_FAST0 (.0)
>>4 FOR_ITER16 (to 22)
  6 STORE_FAST   1 (e)
  8 LOAD_FAST1 (e)
 10 LOAD_CONST   0 (0)
 16 LOAD_FAST1 (e)

6, 8 bothered me because STORE_FAST is documented as

> Stores TOS into the local co_varnames[var_num].

So it seems like it leaves TOS and thus the LOAD is unnecessary, However 
looking at ceval.c:

PyObject *value = POP();
SETLOCAL(oparg, value);

so STORE_FAST does pop the TOS and the LOAD_FAST is necessary. This is 
confusing because there are instructions which literally have POP in their name 
whose stack behaviour is documented explicitly.

Should all bytecode instructions have their stack behaviour explicitly 
documented, or only those with an *odd* stack behaviour (e.g. 
JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP) and the rest maybe covered by a note saying that they 
will pop their parameters and push back their result or somesuch?


Furthermore, maybe optimising `STORE_LOCAL a; LOAD_LOCAL a` to `DUP_TOP; 
STORE_LOCAL a` would be useful? It obviously would have no effect on bytecode 
size since wordcode, and `fastlocals[i]` would be in cache and the conditional 
check likely predicted, but it seems like skipping them entirely would still be 
more reliable? This idea is somewhat supported by expression assignments 
already generating the latter:

>>> @dis.dis
... def foo():
... if a := thing():
... do(a)
  3   0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (thing)
  6 STORE_FAST   0 (a)

  4  10 LOAD_GLOBAL  1 (do)
 12 LOAD_FAST0 (a)
>>   18 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)

This optimisation would also trigger for e.g.

[x[i] for x in xs]


a = foo()
if a:
# do thing

making the latter generate bytecode identical to walrus assignments at least 
for the trivial case: currently the only difference (aside from line numbers) 
is that the normal assignment generates STORE_FAST;LOAD_FAST while expression 
assignments generate DUP_TOP;STORE_FAST.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 385762
nosy: docs@python, xmorel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: TOS-behaviour documentation is
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42644] logging.disable('WARN') breaks AsyncIO

2020-12-15 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

Oh I now see you've created a PR to do essentially that, nm.


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[issue42644] logging.disable('WARN') breaks AsyncIO

2020-12-15 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

> I think that patching logging.disable to raise a type error immediately would 
> be welcome

FWIW `logging` has a built-in checker / converter[0] which is already used in a 
bunch of places (e.g. the aforementioned setLevel), it could just be added 
inside `disable` in the same way it's used in setLevel[1] and would uniformly 
convert "level names" to proper levels or raise an error. That seems like a 
really easy patch / contribution.

[0] https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.9/Lib/logging/__init__.py#L189

[1] https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.9/Lib/logging/__init__.py#L906


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[issue42644] logging.disable('WARN') breaks AsyncIO

2020-12-15 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

The problem seems to be in the user code? As you were told by "Carreau", 
loggin.disable takes a logging level (an integer), since you're giving it a 
string which it dutifully stores, it blows up at the next logging call which 
happens to be in asyncio.

This is not an asyncio bug, nor is it a crash anymore than passing a broken key 
function to `sorted` is a *Python* crash.

At most it's an enancement request: `logging.disable` could raise a TypeError 
immediately or convert the value to a loglevel the way `setLevel` does instead 
of storing the broken value as-is (all it does currently is store the value it 
receives on the root logger without any check).

nosy: +xmorel

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[issue42572] Better path handling with argparse

2020-12-08 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

> What exactly do you do with a path argument?

Because they mention "convert[ing] the string to a path", I would expect an 
output of `pathlib.Path`, optionally checked for existence / non-existence and 
/ or kind (file, directory, symlink, ...).

Obviously it is rather easy to bring your own, but OP's expectation is that 
paths input is common enough (especially in smaller standalone scripts I would 
expect) that having a helper in a standard library would be... helpful.

nosy: +xmorel

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[issue42470] DeprecationWarning triggers for sequences which happen to be sets as well

2020-12-06 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

Tried patterning the PR after the one which originally added the warning. 
Wasn't too sure how the news item was supposed to be generated, and grepping 
the repository didn't reveal any clear script doing that, so I made up a date 
and copied an existing random bit (which I expect is just a deduplicator in 
case multiple NEWS items are created at the same instant?)


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[issue42470] DeprecationWarning triggers for sequences which happen to be sets as well

2020-12-06 Thread Xavier Morel

Change by Xavier Morel :

pull_requests: +22532
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/23665

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[issue42470] DeprecationWarning triggers for sequences which happen to be sets as well

2020-12-04 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

I was preparing to open the PR but now I'm doubting: should I open the PR 
against master and miss islington will backport it, or should I open the PR 
against 3.9?


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[issue42470] DeprecationWarning triggers for sequences which happen to be sets as well

2020-11-27 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

> Do you want to submit a PR for this?

Sure. Do you think the code I proposed would be suitable?

> * The current logic matches the logic before the warning was added.
> * The proposed logic matches what the code will do after the
>   deprecation period (it will only check for non-sequences).

Yes, that was my basis for it as it seemed sensible, but you're right that it's 
a bit of a behavioural change as you note:

> * There is some value in the warning in that it lets you know an
>   inefficient code path is being used (i.e. the conversion to a tuple).
> * The proposed logic doesn't just change the warning, it changes
>   what actually happens to the data.  IMO the change is for the
>   better, but it is a behavior change and could potentially cause
>   a failure in someone's code.

Aye, and also I guess the "sequence" implementation of the input collection 
might be less efficient than one-shot converting to a set and sampling from the 

> * The case of an object that is both a sequence and a set is
>   likely very rare.

Chances are you're right, but it's what got me to stumble upon it ($dayjob 
makes significant use of a "unique list / ordered set" smart-ish collection, 
that collection was actually registered against Set and Sequence specifically 
because Python 3's random.sample typechecks those, we registered against both 
as the collection technically implements both interfaces so that seemed like a 
good idea at the time).


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[issue42470] DeprecationWarning triggers for sequences which happen to be sets as well

2020-11-26 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel :

In 3.9, using `random.sample` on sets triggers

DeprecationWarning: Sampling from a set deprecated
since Python 3.9 and will be removed in a subsequent version.

*However* it also triggers on types which implement *both* Sequence and Set, 
despite Sequence on its own being fine.

The issue is that it first checks for Set and triggers a warning, and only then 
checks that the input is a sequence:

if isinstance(population, _Set):
_warn('Sampling from a set deprecated\n'
  'since Python 3.9 and will be removed in a subsequent 
  DeprecationWarning, 2)
population = tuple(population)
if not isinstance(population, _Sequence):
raise TypeError("Population must be a sequence.  For dicts or sets, 
use sorted(d).")

the check should rather be:

if not isinstance(population, _Sequence):
if isinstance(population, _Set):
_warn('Sampling from a set deprecated\n'
  'since Python 3.9 and will be removed in a subsequent 
  DeprecationWarning, 2)
population = tuple(population)
raise TypeError("Population must be a sequence.  For dicts or 
sets, use sorted(d).")

this also only incurs a single instance check for `_Sequence` types instead of 

messages: 381885
nosy: xmorel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: DeprecationWarning triggers for sequences which happen to be sets as well
versions: Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42106] docs.python.org prioritises search horribly

2020-10-21 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

Apparently it's at least a possibility on DDG's side 
(https://duckduckgo.com/search_box), don't know how easy it'd be to integrate 
in sphinx, or whether a hard dependency on an external search engine is 
acceptable / desirable.


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[issue42106] docs.python.org prioritises search horribly

2020-10-21 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel :

I expect it simply uses sphinx and I don't know if sphinx's search is easily 
customisable but the experience is really terrible when looking for the doc of 
a specific thing, *especially* when that thing is or is related to a builtin, 
which I'd expect to be extremely common. Though I expect part of the issue 
might also be that builtin or ABC methods are not documented *as such*, they're 
just written as code in tables.

For instance if you search "append": 

On my end, neither list nor MutableSequence appear anywhere on this page, even 
scrolling down.

Searching for "list": https://docs.python.org/3/search.html?q=list

The documentation for the builtin "list" object also doesn't appear on the 
page. "Data Structures"[0] and "built-in types"[1] appear below the fold and 
the former is genuinely useful but also very easy to miss (I had not actually 
noticed it before going back in order to get the various links and try to 
extensively describe the issue). Neither actually links to the `list` builtin 
type though.

Above the fold we find various "list" methods and classes from the stdlib as 
well as the PDB `list` comment, none of which seems like the best match for the 

And even Google doesn't help much there, most of the hits are for third-party 
documentation, and the one docs.python.org link is to the Data Structures page 
*of Python 2.7*.

[0] https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/datastructures.html?highlight=list
[1] https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html?highlight=list

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 379203
nosy: docs@python, xmorel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: docs.python.org prioritises search horribly
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33387] Simplify bytecodes for try-finally, try-except and with blocks.

2020-10-16 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

The 3.9 changelog mentions WITH_EXCEPT_FINISH but that seems to have ultimately 
been called WITH_EXCEPT_START, maybe it shoudl be updated also?

nosy: +xmorel

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue24828] Segfault when using store-context AST node in a load context

2020-10-16 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

Should I close this since I believe 2.7 is not supported anymore?


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[issue40325] Random.seed does not affect string hash randomization leading to non-intuitive results

2020-10-15 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

@rhettinger checking software against 3.9 there's a little issue with the way 
the check is done: if passed something which is *both* a sequence and a set 
(e.g. an ordered set), `random.sample` will trigger a warning, which I don't 
think is correct.

Should I open a new issue for that? Fix seems simple: just move the check for 
_Set inside the check for _Sequence, and raise if that doesn't pass either.

nosy: +xmorel

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42033] Seemingly unnecessary complexification of foo(**kw)

2020-10-15 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

I have not noticed anything, I was just looking at the bytecode changes and 
stumbled upon this oddity. Though I would expect a small slowdown as every 
fn(**kw) would now incur an extra dict copy, unless there’s something in 
call_function_ex which copies the input dict iff its ref count is not one?

For whatever that’s worth, the 3.8 bytecode has been there since 
call_function_ex was added in 3.6 and before that call_function_kw looks 
identical (load_global foo, load_local var, call_function_kw)


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[issue42033] Seemingly unnecessary complexification of foo(**kw)

2020-10-14 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel :

Following bpo-39320 the highly specialised bytecode for vararg calls were 
replaced by simpler ones, but there seems to be at least one area where the 
generated bytecode regressed for possibly no reason?

In Python 3.8, foo(**var) compiles to:

0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (foo)
4 LOAD_FAST2 (var)

In Python 3.9, it compiles to:

0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (foo)
6 LOAD_FAST2 (var)

The PR 18141 does not seem to change the implementation of CALL_FUNCTION_EX so 
I would expect that if it was fine with taking the `var` arbitrary mapping 
before it stil is now, and the extra two opcodes (and creation of a dict) is 

messages: 378613
nosy: Mark.Shannon, xmorel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Seemingly unnecessary complexification of foo(**kw)
versions: Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41641] Add a "message" action to warnings, to trigger for every *unique* message

2020-08-26 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel :

Warning actions allow deduplicating warning triggers based on category 
("once"), category + file ("module") and category + exact location ("default").

One thing which is missing is support for a single location generating warnings 
*on behalf* of other pieces of code.

`warnings.warn` provides some support via the "stacklevel" parameter, but it is 
difficult to compute if the warning is generated from somewhat nested generic 
code (or even impossible if the warning is generated from completely  generic 
code checking over e.g. data files or the like, or if the invoker could be 
invoked from multiple places with different depth difference from the code 
they're working for).

But in that case, the warning messages will often be unique per functional 
unit, so it could be a useful base for deduplication, even though the warning 
could dynamically be invoked multiple times (per functional unit) because e.g. 
code is reloaded or whatever.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 375924
nosy: xmorel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add a "message" action to warnings, to trigger for every *unique* message
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.9

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[issue30951] Documentation error in inspect module

2020-06-25 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel  added the comment:

Maybe something along the lines of "names other than arguments and function 
locals", or "names of the symbols used in the code object, other than arguments 
and function locals"? This is still slightly confusing because in the case of 
an import the name is present in both mappings, but less so than the outright 
lie of the current version.

Serhiy, is there a way to access the class's code object from Python? Also does 
that mean varnames is not used by class code objects despite it stating 
unambiguously that it stores locals?

nosy: +xmorel

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[issue30535] Warn that meta_path is not empty

2017-06-02 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel added the comment:

> Fair enough. So we can just add a sentence informing readers that
`meta_path`, by default, holds entries to handle the standard kinds of
modules (.py files, extension modules…).

Yeah that's basically what I meant, talking about a "warning" in python 3 may 
have been the wrong wording or given an incorrect impression, sorry about that.


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[issue30535] Warn that meta_path is not empty

2017-06-02 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel added the comment:

> A warning is probably too strong.  Also, it's easy to check sys.meta_path at 
> the interpreter prompt, so I'm not sure it's worth mentioning at all.

It's easy if you think of it and did not miss a small bit of the Python 3.3 
release note indicating that the *documented guarantees* of Python 2.x, 3.0, 
3.1 and 3.2 had been dropped, even as they were incorrectly still present in 
the official documentation itself.

I spent a few hours trying to understand why our import hooks did not work 
correctly anymore in 3.5, and I never even considered printing sys.meta_path in 
an open interpreter, I realised the behavioural change because I ended up 
printing meta_path after the addition of our custom hooks to make sure they 
were actually there.


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[issue30535] Warn that meta_path is not empty

2017-06-02 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel added the comment:

> I'm fine with adding a note to the Python 2 docs, but putting it in Python 3 
> seems to be going in the wrong direction as having sys.meta_path not be empty 
> is how Python will be going forward.

I don't think putting a note is any hint that the Python 3 behaviour (which I 
appreciate) would change, it would simply tell the reader that the list is not 
empty by default and they ought decide whether they want their finders to take 
precedence over (and insert at head) or be fallback to (and append) the builtin 

It could also link to the standard/builtin finders.


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[issue29920] Document cgitb.text and cgitb.html

2017-06-01 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel added the comment:

Should I close this since the PR was merged?


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[issue30535] Warn that meta_path is not empty

2017-06-01 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel added the comment:

And it turns out the change was noted in the Python 3.3 release notes[0] though 
not all the consequences were spelled out (and the meta_path and path_hooks 
documentations were not changed)

[0] https://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.3.html#visible-changes


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[issue30535] Warn that meta_path is not empty

2017-06-01 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel added the comment:

Addendum: the warning was present (in the documentation) until Python 3.5, even 
though Python 3.3 is apparently where the "default finders" were moved to 

> python3.2 -c 'import sys;print(sys.meta_path)'
> python3.3 -c 'import sys;print(sys.meta_path)'
[, , ]


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[issue30535] Warn that meta_path is not empty

2017-06-01 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel:

Encountered this issue porting Python 2 code manipulating meta_path to Python 3.

In Python 2, meta_path is empty by default and its documentation specifically 
notes that:

> sys.meta_path is searched before any implicit default finders or sys.path.

As a result, sys.meta_path.append() works perfectly well and is overwhelmingly 

In Python 3, this note was removed but the documentation does not specifically 
state default finders are present in meta_path, and the old code using 
sys.meta_path.append may now break as the default finders will silently take 
precedence on the custom ones if they believe they can do the job.

I'd like to add a warning to the Python 3 documentation (3.5+?) noting the 
presence of existing default loaders, and to the Python 2 documentation 
suggesting `sys.meta_path.insert(0, finder)` for future-proofing, would there 
be objections or issues?

[0] https://github.com/search?q=meta_path.append=Code=✓

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 294919
nosy: docs@python, xmorel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Warn that meta_path is not empty
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.5, Python 3.6

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[issue29920] Document cgitb.text and cgitb.html

2017-03-27 Thread Xavier Morel

Changes by Xavier Morel <xavier.mo...@masklinn.net>:

pull_requests:  -747

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[issue29920] Document cgitb.text and cgitb.html

2017-03-27 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel added the comment:

PR targetted to master rather than 2.7

pull_requests: +748

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[issue29920] Document cgitb.text and cgitb.html

2017-03-27 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel:

Currently, cgitb documents the hook (enable) and somewhat unclearly the ability 
to dump the HTML traceback to stdout, but despite that being technically 
available it does not document the ability to dump the traceback to a string as 
either text or html.

Possible further improvement: make ``cgitb.html`` and ``cgitb.text`` implicitly 
call `sys.exc_info()` if not given a parameter (much like `cgitb.handler` does).

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 290608
nosy: docs@python, xmorel
priority: normal
pull_requests: 747
severity: normal
status: open
title: Document cgitb.text and cgitb.html
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.6, Python 3.7

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[issue24828] Segfault when using store-context AST node in a load context

2015-08-08 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel:

It looks to be fixed in 3.3 and up, but in Python 2.7

import ast
m = ast.Module(body=[
ast.Expr(value=ast.Name(id='foo', ctx=ast.Store()))
code = compile(m, '', mode='exec')
will segfault on eval. So will a similarly incorrect ast.Attribute node.

Version tested:

Python 2.7.10 (default, May 28 2015, 12:02:55) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] on darwin

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 248269
nosy: xmorel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Segfault when using store-context AST node in a load context
type: crash
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.2

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[issue13405] Add DTrace probes

2014-06-26 Thread Xavier Morel

Changes by Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net:

nosy: +xmorel

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[issue14776] Add SystemTap static markers

2014-06-26 Thread Xavier Morel

Changes by Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net:

nosy: +xmorel

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[issue21590] Systemtap and DTrace support

2014-06-26 Thread Xavier Morel

Changes by Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net:

nosy: +xmorel

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[issue15639] csv.Error description is incorrectly broad

2012-08-14 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel added the comment:

Correction: csv also seems to raise csv.Error if the file contains NUL bytes:

Error: line contains NULL byte


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[issue15639] csv.Error description is incorrectly broad

2012-08-13 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel:

In both Python 2.7 and Python 3.x, csv.Error is documented as:

Raised by any of the functions when an error is detected.

As far as I can tell from using the module and looking at the code, this is 
completely incorrect. There is actually a single instance of csv.Error being 
used: the instantiation of csv.Dialect (which converts TypeError raised from 
_csv._Dialect() into csv.Error, a comment notes that this is for compatibility 
with py 2.3).

And the only way to hit that code paths seems to be subclassing `Dialect` and 
putting incorrect values in the various attributes (providing them to 
`csv.reader` raises a TypeError).

I believe the documentation to csv.Error should be changed to:

1. Mark it as effectively deprecated
2. Indicate that the only situation in which it it may be raised is when 
initializing a subclass of csv.Dialect

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 168096
nosy: docs@python, xmorel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: csv.Error description is incorrectly broad
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.3

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[issue13850] Summary tables for argparse add_argument options

2012-03-25 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net added the comment:

Had some time to play with this today, here's a draft matrix of actions and 
add_argument parameters which is pretty readable, but:

* It's incredibly not helpful for people who don't know argparse
* I tried adding effects descriptions in the cells instead of mere tick marks, 
the table becomes completely unreadable. I added a note directive below the 
table but it only lists a few really important/weird things, and it really 
won't scale beyond the current 3 items (which might already be too much)
* I completely removed the ``help`` action from the table as it's unlikely 
anyone will want to override it (and its row was completely blank)
* Hyperlinking and cross-linking (to the params, the actions, footnotes) would 
probably be a good idea, although it would definitely make the raw text 

I also tried my hand at formatting ``nargs``, but I don't see it as much 
clearer than http://docs.python.org/library/argparse.html#nargs without the 
examples, it's still just a mapping from a value to a behavior. I think the 
result would be just as good if the current ``nargs`` description was made into 
a definition list (in effect, it already is one emulated through an unordered 
list) and the examples were moved or removed.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file25018/argparse-actions-matrix

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[issue13850] Summary tables for argparse add_argument options

2012-03-25 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net added the comment:

completion for list item 4:

 although it would definitely make the raw text (in-rst) much harder to read 
 compared to the current table (which can be used from the rst source without 


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue13850] Summary tables for argparse add_argument options

2012-01-24 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net added the comment:

Creating the tables should not be too hard, especially using e.g. org-mode, but:

1. Where should those tables live? The argparse documentation is pretty big and 
there's no completely obvious place. I would guess table 1. could just replace 
the list of arguments in 
http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/argparse.html#the-add-argument-method but 
things are harder for `action` (as many actions have examples as well, so the 
listing can't just be replaced) and for `nargs`

2. If the current lists of `argument: role` (in ArgumentParser and 
add_argument) are not sufficient, why would a table somehow be considering it 
would *add* visual clutter (table borders, for instance)?

Maybe a good alternative would be to build a table style for info fields lists 
and to use :param: wherever that belongs?

Or the doc could be split into a quickstart with just a listing of arguments 
and a *very simple* example or two, and then the exhaustive documentation, 
which could even be a separate document?

nosy: +xmorel

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[issue13850] Summary tables for argparse add_argument options

2012-01-24 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net added the comment:

 My specific suggestion is to have a dedicated Quick Reference section 
 before the first example.

OK, that looks like a good plan.


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[issue13850] Summary tables for argparse add_argument options

2012-01-24 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net added the comment:

 The Parameters column would span multiple lines, with one parameter and a 
 brief description of the parameter on each line.

I started looking into that, and it turns out that's more annoying than 
expected: a bunch of parameters are shared by many (to all) actions, leading to 
lots of duplications in the table. And the full matrix of actions to parameters 
is not really explained in the doc.

In fact, I'm coming around to thinking a matrix of the interaction between 
actions and arguments could be better and clearer than a table of actions with 
parameters bunched together at the end.

In any case, it would certainly be more maintainable... except for rST not 
really having support for attributes on data tables, and (as far as I can tell) 
can't handle horizontal headers.


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[issue12056] … (HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS) should be an alternative syntax for ... (FULL STOP FULL STOP FULL STOP)

2011-05-11 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net:

In Python 3, ... became useable as a normal expression, and translates into 
an ellipsis instance.

Unicode defines an ellipsis character … (U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS) which is 
canonically equivalent to a 3-sequence of FULL STOP [U+002E U+002E U+002E]

I think it would be nice if Python supported … as an alternative to ...

components: Interpreter Core, Unicode
messages: 135771
nosy: xmorel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: … (HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS) should be an alternative syntax for ... 
type: feature request
versions: Python 3.2

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[issue11979] Minor improvements to the Sockets readme: typos, wording and sphinx features usage

2011-05-02 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net:

First patch fixes a typo (the reads a reply - then reads a reply) and — I 
believe — improves the wording of a pair of sentences.

Second patch makes use of Sphinx's ``:abbr:`` role, and removes some period 
which I think are redundant with the use of ``::``

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
files: wording
messages: 134970
nosy: docs@python, xmorel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Minor improvements to the Sockets readme: typos, wording and sphinx 
features usage
versions: Python 3.3
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file21853/wording

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[issue11979] Minor improvements to the Sockets readme: typos, wording and sphinx features usage

2011-05-02 Thread Xavier Morel

Changes by Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file21854/sphinx-features

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[issue11260] smtpd-as-a-script feature should be documented and should use argparse

2011-02-22 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net added the comment:

 Do tests currently exist for smtpd run as a script?

I have to confess I didn't think to check.

 If not, our experience with converting compileall to argparse indicates a 
 thorough test suite is needed (and even so we missed some things we hadn't 
 thought to test).

OK, so if there is no test suite currently I should create one, and if there is 
one I should ensure it's complete? I guess I should use compileall as an 
example of how to test modules-as-scripts if the former? Overall, 
smtpd-as-a-script is really pretty simple, it totals 28 lines apart from the 
argument parsing itself (which is a bit under 60 lines ignoring the help 
text/pattern and gets a bit under 50 including it post-patch), and as I 
mentioned the only part which actually needed changing is the arguments 
parsing, which was very well factored out.

 In other words, if the current code works, is updating it a sufficient 
 reason to change it, considering the chances of introducing new bugs?

I'm not sure, but one of the ways I see standard libraries is not just as 
ready to use code, it's also as a repository of how to do things. And to that 
end, if argparse is now considered the canonical way to parse command-line 
arguments (which I would expect), there are very few examples of how to do 
things in the stdlib itself (though there are examples outside of it, due to 
the life argparse had pre-stdlib).

It also rose to the occasion as I was wondering about the numerous standard 
library modules-as-scripts which are either undocumented or under-documented: 
because it had a good command-line documentation and a clean separation between 
the configuration (options parsing) and the actual execution, but no module 
documentation (in Doc/) it seemed like a good starting point: if it's not 
feasible to correctly convert best cases (and smtpd is probably one, short of 
modules using optparse probably) then the whole idea is stillborn: I do not see 
how it would be possible to fare better on some of the fully undocumented 
modules using manual options parsing, yet it would have to be expected.


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[issue11260] smtpd-as-a-script feature should be documented and should use argparse

2011-02-22 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net added the comment:

 any of the undocumented command-line interfaces are intentionally 
 undocumented -- they were there for the convenience of the developer for 
 exercising the module as it was being developed and are not part of the 
 official API.

I can understand that, but it's not clear from the source code which is which, 
and for several of them third-parties have taken up the convenience. Maybe a 
more formal process of defining which tools are to be considered official and 
which are easter-eggs is needed? In any case, even for easter eggs surely a 
good command-line documentation is a good idea (even if the module 
documentation side is not added due to the easter egg status) isn't it?

 The standard library's primary purpose is to be a library for use in user 
 programs, not to serve as a suite of applications.

Sure, and I don't think most of the module-as-scripts have what it takes to be 
seen as applications, but many are useful and/or interesting helpers/shortcuts 
for day to day tasks. http.server and smtpd are good examples of useful 
modules-as-scripts (http.server being the exact opposite of smtpd in that it 
has a module-as-script documentation but no documentation whatsoever on the 

 Real apps need more features than we usually offer and they need much faster 
 development cycles than supported by our 18-24 month release cycle. 

I think my suggestion has been misunderstood: I don't want to turn these into 
real apps, they're fine as basic scripts/helpers to spend 5mn on a task instead 
of half an hour. I think they deserve better than to be documented and known 
through StackOverflow or Reddit what are the -m stdlib features lists.

 To the extent the standard library serves as a set of examples, that is just 
 side benefit.  There are other ways to make code specifically for examples 
 (we include tons of examples in the documentation; we had a Demos directory; 
 there is the wiki; and there is the ASPN Cookbook site; etc)

Sure, but I think it's still an important driver of how things are done in 
that they're *concrete* examples, not abstract (of course the Cookbook is 
generally concrete as well). I'm not discounting the importance or quality of 
the rest of the documentation at all, or at least that was not my intention.

 All that being said, there are some exceptions and it make may sense to 
 document the interface in some where we really do want a command-line app.  
 I'll look at any patches you want to submit, but try to not go wild turning 
 the library into a suite of applications.  For the most part, that is not 
 what the standard library is about.

As I said, my only intention here is be to document (and argparsify/formalize) 
what is already there. I considered doing more (e.g. for the specific case of 
smtpd-as-a-script making ports optional even when hosts are specified, that 
kind of things) but decided against this distraction, I really just want to 
make existing module-as-script features simpler to discover and use.

That said, do you have guidelines of which areas this idea would be most 
interestingly/efficiently applied? Maybe a list of modules-as-scripts you know 
are used regularly and could benefit from some improvements in their interface 
or documentation?


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[issue11260] smtpd-as-a-script feature should be documented and should use argparse

2011-02-22 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net added the comment:

One more note I forgot previously: the conversion of as much scripts as 
possible to argparse would be for three reasons:

* Make behavior consistent across the board (e.g. -h/--help)
* Make CLI documentation format consistent across the board either so users 
know what to expect and when
* Provide easy to reach (for users) examples of using argparse


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[issue11260] smtpd-as-a-script feature should be documented and should use argparse

2011-02-22 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net added the comment:

Barry, do I correctly understand your comment to mean I should write end-to-end 
tests of the CLI (until reaching the already tested meat of smtpd), not just 
the CLI options parsing?


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[issue11260] smtpd-as-a-script feature should be documented and should use argparse

2011-02-22 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net added the comment:

 Only document and formalize the parts that are well thought out.

I don't believe I have the knowledge, right or ability to make that call for 
any module or package but a pair of extremely obvious ones (http.server seems a 
pretty good candidate as it's documented in the module doc, and is just missing 
a CLI help). Should I create a bug and nosy the people who have been involved 
in the module to get their opinion for each one? (as with this one, but maybe 
with a different wording/initial proposal) For this one, David expresses 
concerns on the stability on the interface (and the point of the idea), you 
express even bigger concerns with the idea itself and more generally 
modules-as-scripts in the stdlib (not their existence so much as their official 
support, which full documentation would imply, if I didn't misunderstand you), 
and Barry seems to okay the idea as long as an extensive test suite is created 
beforehand to ensure there is no regression, is that sufficient to go ahead 
with more work and defer the final decision for when that will be

Also, if this is to become an actual project if the smtpd stuff ever reaches 
fruition (though not necessarily a big or impactful one), should there be a 
meta-bug? (I know they're used in many bugzilla projects and I see the tracker 
handles dependencies)

 There's no harm in adding --help or a usage example, but please avoid making 
 behavior guarantees that we really don't want to have to live with.

I'm not sure what that results in: for quick hacks which are not to be 
officially supported, does this mean fixing the CLI (adding a help for tools 
missing one) is OK but no more? Is an argparse switch still acceptable? Tests 
for the CLI tool? I'm guessing documentation in the module would definitely be 
off limits for those, is my interpretation correct? And again, who would be 
allowed to make the call on which modules-as-scripts may be considered 
supported, and can't be?

With this one, I created separate patches for the documentation and the CLI 
parsing alterations, which would allow merging the CLI without adding it to the 
official documentation (which would I think imply a lack of official support), 
would that be OK for future works, if this one pans out?


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[issue11260] smtpd-as-a-script feature should be documented and should use argparse

2011-02-20 Thread Xavier Morel

New submission from Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net:

argparse has been merged to the standard library in 3.2, and (tell me if I'm 
wrong) would therefore be the best-practices way to parse command-line 

Numerous stdlib modules can be used as scripts, but they tend to have ad-hoc 
documentation (if they are at all documented) and arguments parsing (using any 
of the 4 available methods in Python: straight from sys.argv, getopt, optparse 
and argparse).

I picked smtpd as a first shot since it does something useful (SMTP proxy) and 
has a pretty good (if ad-hoc) command-line documentation.

smtpd is currently using getopt for its options parsing and the argument 
parsing is very cleanly factored: the port only had to replace the 
implementation of the `parseargs` function (and add and remove some helpers).

* The port keeps the existing arguments semantics (including the mandatory 
host:port syntax for the local and remote specs if overridden)

* The port tries to maintain the old error messages, but due to the way 
argparse works (or the way I used it for the specs) the parity is not perfect 
when providing incorrect specs

* The CLI help uses argparse's formatting, and the documentation for the local 
and remote specs was set on these arguments rather than as an epilog. The 
version string was also removed from the help screen

* Because they are set by argparse's arguments validation, the status codes on 
incorrect arguments are slightly different:
  - running smtpd.py as a regular user without the `--nosetuid` flag still 
exits with status 1
  - providing incorrect spec formats (missing or non-int port) or providing too 
many positional arguments (3 or more) now exits with status 2 (formerly 1)

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation, Library (Lib)
files: smtpd-to-argparse.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 128917
nosy: barry, docs@python, xmorel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: smtpd-as-a-script feature should be documented and should use argparse
versions: Python 3.3
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20812/smtpd-to-argparse.diff

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[issue11260] smtpd-as-a-script feature should be documented and should use argparse

2011-02-20 Thread Xavier Morel

Xavier Morel xavier.mo...@masklinn.net added the comment:

Second patch: documenting smtpd-as-a-script in the module's rst

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20813/smtpd-as-script-doc.diff

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