[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2019-09-11 Thread Andrew Svetlov

Change by Andrew Svetlov :

resolution:  -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2019-09-11 Thread Andrew Svetlov

Andrew Svetlov  added the comment:

New changeset 0ba5dbd992d68d7df23396148ad55624200a1dbc by Andrew Svetlov (Miss 
Islington (bot)) in branch '3.8':
bpo-32972: Document IsolatedAsyncioTestCase of unittest module (GH-15878) 


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2019-09-11 Thread miss-islington

miss-islington  added the comment:

New changeset 6a9fd66f6e4445a418c43c92585b9e06d76df4b1 by Miss Islington (bot) 
(Xtreak) in branch 'master':
bpo-32972: Document IsolatedAsyncioTestCase of unittest module (GH-15878)


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2019-09-11 Thread miss-islington

Change by miss-islington :

pull_requests: +15559
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/15918

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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2019-09-10 Thread Andrew Svetlov

Andrew Svetlov  added the comment:


The test case re-creates a loop per test for the sake of test isolation 
(scheduled activities from test_a() don't interleave with test_b()).

Unfortunately, on the class level level (setUpClass()/tearDownClass()) the loop 
doesn't exits. There are other reasons that prevent adding them properly, at 
least not in 3.8.

Maybe later we can provide more rich support.


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2019-09-10 Thread Karthikeyan Singaravelan

Karthikeyan Singaravelan  added the comment:

I did an initial try at the documentation. I think most of the functions are 
very similar to the TestCase API and I just copied them to add the async 
related information. I guess it could be improved to keep the length down with 
still retaining the link to synchronous API. I added an example of a coroutine 
test case with the order of setup and teardown calls. 

I also realized during the docs that there is no async versions of class level 
setup and teardown calls. They are executed in a slightly different manner in 
unittest.suite module unlike per test setup and teardown. Is this an explicit 
decision to not support them? Is it worth documenting them?

Feedback welcome.

nosy: +xtreak

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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2019-09-10 Thread Karthikeyan Singaravelan

Change by Karthikeyan Singaravelan :

pull_requests: +15519
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/15878

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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2019-09-07 Thread Thrlwiti

Change by Thrlwiti :

nosy: +THRlWiTi

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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2019-05-29 Thread Andrew Svetlov

Andrew Svetlov  added the comment:

Let's keep the issue open until the documentation will be committed


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2019-05-29 Thread miss-islington

miss-islington  added the comment:

New changeset 4dd3e3f9bbd320f0dd556688e04db0a6b55a7b52 by Miss Islington (bot) 
(Andrew Svetlov) in branch 'master':
bpo-32972: Async test case (GH-13386)

nosy: +miss-islington

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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2019-05-17 Thread Andrew Svetlov

Andrew Svetlov  added the comment:

https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/13386 is a new attempt to solve the 
feature request


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2019-05-17 Thread Andrew Svetlov

Change by Andrew Svetlov :

pull_requests: +13301

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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2019-02-07 Thread Dave Shawley

Dave Shawley  added the comment:

PR 10296 is my implementation of a unittest.TestCase subclass solution to this 
issue.  This comment explains the approach and rationale in detail.  Let's 
discuss this and see if the implementation meets expectations or should be 

I refactored unittest.TestCase to isolate the running of test methods into a 
new helper method named _runTest and add a new hook named _terminateTest.  The 
_runTest method is used to customize test method execution in sub-classes.  The 
_terminateTest method is called from within the finally block in 
unittest.TestCase.run.  It is an empty method in unittest.TestCase.  This was 
the only change to unittest.TestCase.  A new class unittest.AsyncioTestCase was 
added that implements async-based testing.  It is a direct sub-class of 
unittest.TestCase that:

* uses a @property named loop to lazily create an event loop instance
* destroys the event loop instance in _terminateTest
* re-implements _runTest to call new asynchronous hook methods
* adds asyncSetUp and asyncTearDown methods that simply call the synchronous 
* re-implements doCleanups to call co-routines asynchronously

I used asyncio.iscoroutinefunction to detect if test methods or callbacks are 
co-routines.  You explicitly opt-in to async behavior using the async marker on 
things that you want to run on the loop.  This will cause problems with using 
the patch decorator on test methods since they will no not be detected as 
co-routines.  I took this approach primarily to simplify the code and enforce 
explicitness.  Since the implementation is a new sub-class, it cannot break 
existing code and new code can place the patch inside of the test method 
instead of decorating the method.

I believe that creating an destroying the loop with each test method execution 
is the safest approach for managing the lifecycle.  I view having the loop 
exist at the class level is an unnecessary optimization.  I also ensure that 
code under test that calls asyncio.get_event_loop or asyncio.get_running_loop 
will receive the loop by calling asyncio.set_event_loop with the new loop.  
This came up in PR review with Petter S.

The management of the loop is isolated into a property which makes it possible 
to create custom sub-classes that instantiate 3rd party loops that are asyncio 
compatible.  This is the only concession that my implementation makes to 
supporting other loop classes.

If it is not clear, I believe that a new sub-class of unittest.TestCase is 
necessary for a clean implementation.  It preserves unittest.TestCase so the 
risk of breaking existing code is minimized and the async functionality is 
isolated in a new class that is explicitly meant to test async code. This is 
also necessary if the implementation should exist in the asyncio module.


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2019-02-07 Thread Dave Shawley

Dave Shawley  added the comment:

Hi everyone, I'm trying to reboot conversation on this issue since I would love 
for this to land in Python 3.8.  At the recommendation of Terry Jan Reedy, here 
is my summary of where I think that the discussion is currently.  If anything 
is misrepresented, incorrectly linked, or if I misspelled anyones name, I 
apologize.  Feel free to correct any mistakes that you notice.

New subclass of TestCase versus enhancing unittest.TestCase

This was one of the primary discussion points since the start of this BPO.  I 
believe that Petter S (msg313454), Yury Selivanov (msg313695), and Andrew 
Svetlov (msg313481) were +1 on having a new sub-class of unittest.TestCase 
whereas Zachary Ware (msg313696) and R. David Murray (msg313413) would prefer 
that unittest.TestCase be enhanced to support async methods directly.

This is (in my opinion) the most contentious of the issues.  It also is the one 
with the largest impact on the implementation.  I feel that it is still largely 
up in the air amongst the core developers.

Lifecycle of the loop

Whether the loop should live for the entire execution of a TestCase or for the 
execution of an individual test method came up a few times.  Nathaniel Smith 
(msg313455) was concerned about callbacks leaking between tests.  Yury 
Selivanov and Zachary Ware agreed that having a single event loop per class was 
acceptable (msg313696 and msg313700).

Support for other loops

Supporting 3rd party loop implementations (e.g., Tornado, Twisted, curio/trio) 
was discussed briefly.  The conclusion that I drew from the discussion is that 
the built-in testing class was not required to offer direct support to 
non-asyncio compatible loops.  Most notably msg313481 from Andrew Svetlov 
influenced my implementation.

Where should support live?

This is only relevant if we are not enhancing unittest.TestCase.  Petter S 
favored that the separate test case implementation live in asyncio instead of 
unittest.  I don't believe that anyone else had a strong opinion on this issue.

Should we have explicit methods for async behavior?

Yury Selivanov was most outspoken on explicitly named "async" methods like 
"asyncSetup", "asyncAddCallback", and the like.  Particularly in msg313695 and 
msg313700.  Zachary Ware seemed to agree that the separation was necessary but 
the functionality could be implemented by calling the async methods from the 
existing setUp and setUpClass methods (msg313699).

Did I miss anything?


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-11-02 Thread Dave Shawley

Dave Shawley  added the comment:

I added a different implementation for consideration 

pull_requests: +9606

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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-10-30 Thread Petter S

Petter S  added the comment:

As far as I am concerned, the discussion can continue in this issue.

I still think a reasonable first step is to add a run hook to the regular 
TestCase class, like in PR 6051. But building consensus is a bit tricky.


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-10-30 Thread Dave Shawley

Dave Shawley  added the comment:

Hi all, I took a slightly different direction for adding async/await support to 
the unittest library.  I summarized the approach that I took in a message to 
(https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2018-October/054331.html) and a 
branch is available for preview in my fork of cpython 

My question is whether I should reboot this bpo with my PR or create a new one 
since the implementation is different than what was already discussed?

nosy: +dave-shawley

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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-12 Thread Yury Selivanov

Yury Selivanov  added the comment:

> - I would say event loop per class.  If someone really needs event loop per 
> method, they can create separate classes per method.  It's ugly, but 
> effective.


- We should have an async setUp capability.  Maybe we could add a helper method 
to be called from setUp rather than adding a whole new asyncSetUp into the 
protocol?  That eliminates the problem of which goes first.

I'd rather have a protocol :)  Protocols are easy to document and it's possible 
to statically validate them (with linters/metaclasses).  Calling some method 
from setUp to call asyncSetUp would be a common gotcha IMO.

We can always call synchronous setUp before asyncSetUp, I think it's intuitive 

Speaking of addCallback, we should have a distinct addAsyncCallback.  It's OK 
to have an object with both __call__ and __await__ methods -- in which case 
it's not clear which one you should call.

In general, while we will be adding a new subclass and a few 'async'-prefixed 
methods, it should still be relatively straightforward for people to write and, 
more importantly, read the code that uses them.


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-12 Thread Zachary Ware

Zachary Ware  added the comment:

Ok, Yury clarified a few points before I got my message submitted there, so 
some of my last message may be a bit misguided.  In particular, the problems 
with just using `asyncio.run` are clearer to me now.

To give my answers to Yury's open questions:

- We should have an async setUpClass capability, one way or another.

- I would say event loop per class.  If someone really needs event loop per 
method, they can create separate classes per method.  It's ugly, but effective.

- We should have an async setUp capability.  Maybe we could add a helper method 
to be called from setUp rather than adding a whole new asyncSetUp into the 
protocol?  That eliminates the problem of which goes first.


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-12 Thread Zachary Ware

Zachary Ware  added the comment:

1. I'm still -1 on a separate subclass, especially since the subclass should 
still be compatible with the base class.

2. This is only in consideration for 3.8 (even 3.7 is past feature freeze at 
this point), so the version-dependent behavior is unnecessary.

3. I agree that the `super().setUp()` idiom precludes allowing `setUp` and 
`tearDown` to be synchronous or asynchronous unless the idiom becomes 
`self.runMethod(super().setUp)`, but that's longer and harder to remember.  
`setUpClass` and `tearDownClass` also need to be considered.

You also still need to add tests.

`addCleanup` is an open question; I think it could handle sync or async on its 
own but could be convinced otherwise.

Andrew: Judging by your questions in msg313481 I think my description of 
`coroutine_runner` was not specific enough.  The basic idea is that 
unittest.case.TestCase is defined with `coroutine_runner = asyncio.run`, and if 
you need something else then you do:

class MyTest(TestCase):

# I assume trio has something like this :)
coroutine_runner = trio.run

async def test_something_in_trio(self):

asyncio gets the special treatment of having its runner set by default by 
virtue of being in the standard library.

I'm certainly open to better naming :)


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-12 Thread Yury Selivanov

Yury Selivanov  added the comment:

First, John and Peter, let's not have two competing PRs.  I'd prefer to have 
only one to make things easier to review.  So far it looks like Peter's is 
slightly more developed.  And this also seems to be a complex issue, so there's 
plenty of work to be done here and you can work on it jointly if you want.

I think a lot of Andrew's recommendations (see [1]) about doSetUp etc make 

The problem is how to marry methods like `asyncSetUpClass`, `asyncSetUp` and 
`runTest` together: all are async, all should be executed *within* one event 
loop.  They should also be executed *before* you call the actual test method, 
so it's *incorrect* to call the test case and decide if async set ups should be 
called or not.  This is another argument to have a separate AsyncioTestCase 
base class.

BTW, we can use asyncio.run() to execute only *one* coroutine.  If you have 
more than one, they will be executed in *different* event loops!  This is why 
the "coroutine runner" proposal is fundamentally incompatible with having 
`asyncSetUp` methods.

Speaking of asyncSetUp, let me re-iterate why we can't *just* reuse setUp:

  class B:

async def setUp(self):

  class A(B):

def setUp(self):

If we execute tests in A, 'bar' will never be printed.

So I'm suggesting to try another approach: have a generic ABC 
`unittets.AsyncTestCase(ABC)` with one abstract method: `makeAsyncExecutor`.  
This will be a class intended to be used by framework developers.

We then add a concrete `unittest.AsyncioTestCase(unittest.AsyncTestCase)` 
implementation class to unittest (or should it be asyncio? I'm fine either way).

So what will `makeAsyncExecutor` do?  It should return an instance of 
`unittest.AsyncExecutor(ABC)` object which roughly would look like the 
following (this is just an example design, we need to discuss it further):

  class AsyncExecutor(abc.ABC):

  def init(self)

  def runAsync(self, coro: typing.Coroutine)

  def shutdown(self)

Why do we need a proxy object?  Well, due to some historical reasons, 
`asyncio.loop.close()` just closes the loop.  The actual correct shutdown 
protocol for an asyncio program is a little bit more elaborate, you can take a 
look at how asyncio.run is implemented in Python 3.7: [2].  Correct 
initialization of an event loop might also require extra work.  And keep in 
mind, we want to have a more-or-less generic and reusable implementation here 
so that frameworks like Trio could use this new API too (that's not the main 
goal, but would be nice to have).

A few open questions: 

- Should we have 'asyncSetUpClass'?

- Should we have an event loop per one test case method, or per one class?  
Should this be configurable?  In my experience both things are needed from time 
to time.

- If we have 'asyncSetUp' should it be called before or after 'setUp'?

[1] https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/6051
[2] https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/asyncio/runners.py#L8


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-12 Thread Petter S

Petter S  added the comment:

Personally, I think John's PR is fine. (but the test class could arguably live 
in asyncio) I like that setUp, tearDown and test methods all can be async.

But if setUp and tearDown should never be async as Yury commented above, they 
don't need runners. That is what I went for in my PR.

Introducing three new public methods to TestCase is too much. I originally made 
the runner private, but Yury told me to make it public and document it.


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-12 Thread Petter S

Petter S  added the comment:

John: inspect.iscoroutinefunction(meth) does not work if the method is 
decorated with e.g. unittest.mock.patch.


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-12 Thread John Andersen

John Andersen  added the comment:

I've updated my pull request to do the following:

1. Provide a new AsyncTestCase class which is a subclass of TestCase
2. Run coroutines with a coroutineRunner property.
  a. In 3.6 this calls get_evet_loop.run_until_complete
  b. In 3.7 > this calls asyncio.run
3. setUp, testMethod s, and tearDown can be either async or not



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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-10 Thread Petter S

Change by Petter S :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +5812
stage:  -> patch review

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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-09 Thread Andrew Svetlov

Andrew Svetlov  added the comment:

1. We have an agreement that we need `asyncSetUp` and all family. I strongly 
support it. `super()` call is crucial argument I think.

2. Should async setup/teardown methods be a part of `unittest.TestCase` or we 
need a new AsyncTestCase class?

I believe adding async methods to TestCase makes no sense: without instructions 
how to run async code these methods are pretty useless and error-prone. 
Implementation of async startup/teardown without providing async runner (read 
about a runner below) looks like a error. If we mix everything into TestCase we 
should support virtually both modes in the single TestCase class: one for 
sync-only test case and other for async tests with async setup/teardown.

3. The next question is: should we support *every not existing yet* async 
framework by our tools or asyncio-compatible only. 
*Not existing yet* means we have no idea how to create a test loop, prepare it, 
run a test by loop, tear down everything.
Sure, we can invite a `async function runner` concept but I request a PEP for 
such significant addition with full specification.

Zachary Ware proposed `coroutine_runner` property in `TestCase`.
What is `coroutine_runner`? How should it work? How to run a coroutine? 
Subscribe for a UNIX signal or spawn a subprocess (asyncio has many tricks for 
signal/subprocess support, pretty sure they are not compatible with curio/trio 
approach)? Should we expose unified timer/socket/file API?
Is it ok that correct asyncio code will fail or even hang if `coroutine_runner` 
is not compatible with asyncio? If no -- that is benefit of *unified runner* if 
we need to use concrete runner family for writing tests?

In case of limiting build-in `AsyncioTestCase` to asyncio only we narrow down 
to very well defined asyncio API. Tornado and Twisted declared asyncio 
compatibility, they should work with the test case class.

curio/trio explicitly declared incompatibility with asyncio. That's fine, we 
should not support them by standard unittest classes too because we have no way 
to write tests for non-specified-yet contracts.


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-08 Thread Nathaniel Smith

Nathaniel Smith  added the comment:

You should also think about loop lifecycle: right now it's using the same loop 
for all test cases, so callbacks can leak between tests. Twisted actually goes 
a step further and explicitly checks for left over callbacks and fails the test 
if any are found.


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-08 Thread Petter S

Petter S  added the comment:

> 1. Do we need support for async versions of setUp, setUpClass, etc?  In my 
> opinion: yes.

I completely agree. I would imagine many or most real-world tests requiring 
async setUp. There is also the question on how a custom loop etc. can be used 
in the unit test class.

How about this: unittest.TestCase gets a very small refactor in which a 
overridable helper method is used to run the test method. This helper method 
can then be changed to run async methods in a subclass AsyncioTestCase (that 
probably should live in asyncio).

Pull request 6005 contained such a helper method, but the async part could be 
implemented in the subclass instead.


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-08 Thread Yury Selivanov

Yury Selivanov  added the comment:

> That code does not seem to work for me:
> https://gist.github.com/PetterS/f684095a09fd1d8164a4d8b28ce3932d
> I get "RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'test_async_with_mock' was never awaited"

> @mock.patch needs to work correctly for test methods.
> [..]
> No, unittest.TestCase can handle this, as demonstrated by two PRs in this 
> bug. This would not change the behavior of existing (working) code.

Correct, and while it's possible to fix my little helper to work with mocks, 
you're completely right that we can, indeed, implement async support in 
TestCase without a metaclass.  My mistake here, thanks for correcting!

In any case, while I think we can now talk about augmenting TestCase, I'd still 
want to first discuss few other issues:

1. Do we need support for async versions of setUp, setUpClass, etc?  In my 
opinion: yes.

2. There're a few options how to implement (1):

a) Add async support to TestCase. Automatically detect when a test is async, or 
when 'setUp' and friends are async and run them all with 'asyncio.run'.

b) Add async support to TestCase.  Add asyncSetUp, asyncSetUpClass, etc magic 
methods.  The argument in favour of this approach over (a) is that it's 
possible to safely use 'super()' calls when you have multiply inherited 

c) Add a new AsyncioTestCase specifically for working with asyncio (combine 
with option (b)).

I still don't like (a) because it involves too much implicit logic.  I think 
that it's simple enough to inherit your testcase from unittest.AsyncioTestCase 
and read a separate documentation specifically about it and not about generic 


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-08 Thread Petter S

Petter S  added the comment:

> No, it shouldn't break them if you wrap async methods carefully.
> Here's a metaclass that I wrote recently doing just that

That code does not seem to work for me:
I get "RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'test_async_with_mock' was never awaited"

@mock.patch needs to work correctly for test methods.

>> I'm really not seeing what a separate class buys you.
> I already mentioned in my previous comments that adding async support to 
> unittest.TestCase would require us to add a metaclass to it, which is 
> potentially a backwards incompatible change.

No, unittest.TestCase can handle this, as demonstrated by two PRs in this bug. 
This would not change the behavior of existing (working) code.


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-08 Thread Nathaniel Smith

Nathaniel Smith  added the comment:

Class decorators are also worth considering in cases where you find yourself 
reaching for a metaclass.

nosy: +njs

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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-07 Thread Zachary Ware

Zachary Ware  added the comment:

Why is a metaclass required?  Playing with a modified version of John's PR5938, 
it doesn't seem necessary.


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-07 Thread Yury Selivanov

Yury Selivanov  added the comment:

> I'm really not seeing what a separate class buys you.

I already mentioned in my previous comments that adding async support to 
unittest.TestCase would require us to add a metaclass to it, which is 
potentially a backwards incompatible change.

Moreover, I'm not even sure that `AsyncioTestCase` should be in the unittest 
module and not in asyncio.  Any non-trivial async package I've worked with 
usually requires quite a complicated setup to prepare an async test 
environment.  Usually a test case needs to test against different event loop 
policies or different event loops.  Which means that we need to support 
asynchronous versions of setUp, setUpClass, etc.  And I'm not sure we should 
just detect when they are asynchronous, perhaps we should make a set of new 
methods: asyncSetUp, asyncSetUpClass, etc.  This is something that needs more 

So far I see that two core asyncio devs are against the proposed idea of 
changing unittest.TestCase to support async transparently.  IMO it gives almost 
no benefits but will complicate the implementation of TestCase and TestRunner 
(which are already quite hairy).


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-07 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray  added the comment:

I agree with what Zach said in msg313352.  I don't see how having a separate 
class affects the problem of what to use to run an async def test case.  If "an 
AsyncTestCase should be enough" but "other frameworks will require a different 
test tool", why wouldn't support in TestCase for running the test under asyncio 
also be enough?  I'm really not seeing what a separate class buys you.


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-07 Thread Andrew Svetlov

Andrew Svetlov  added the comment:

I'm with Yuri: subclassing is under better control.
The need for a new subclass is relative rare, for the whole asyncio world 
AsyncioTestCase should be enough.
Another async framework most likely require a different test tool with another 
game rules.


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-06 Thread Yury Selivanov

Yury Selivanov  added the comment:

> Doesn't that break when, for example, test methods are decorated with 
> unittest.mock.patch?

No, it shouldn't break them if you wrap async methods carefully.

Here's a metaclass that I wrote recently doing just that: 


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-06 Thread Petter S

Petter S  added the comment:

> Also, I personally subclassed TestCase in many of my projects specifically to 
> add async support.  To do that you have to use a metaclass to scan class' 
> namespace for 'async def' functions.

Doesn't that break when, for example, test methods are decorated with 


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-06 Thread Yury Selivanov

Yury Selivanov  added the comment:

> How is a separate base class better? :)

It's very explicit that way.

Also, I personally subclassed TestCase in many of my projects specifically to 
add async support.  To do that you have to use a metaclass to scan class' 
namespace for 'async def' functions.

Currently, unittest.TestCase doesn't have a metaclass.  If you add one to it, 
it might break all packages that were subclassing TestCase with a metaclass.

> If you accidentally add `async` to the front of a test method in a 
> TestCase-derived test class, you get mostly-silent success with an 
> easily-ignored warning about a coroutine not being awaited.

Well, what if you use trio or curio?  You add an 'async' keyword and get a 
cryptic error that some framework internals just broke.

So I'm strong -1 on the coroutine_runner attribute idea.


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-06 Thread Petter S

Petter S  added the comment:

It's good to see others with the same idea as me. I just wrote 

In my opinion, there is no need for another test class. I completely agree with 
Zachary Ware that the current TestCase class is more or less broken (or at 
least easily misused) with respect to coroutines.

Fixing TestCase would not break existing code. The customization of event loop 
would not be hard to add.

nosy: +Petter S

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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-06 Thread Zachary Ware

Zachary Ware  added the comment:

How is a separate base class better? :)

Having a default coroutine runner on the standard TestCase means all you have 
to do to add async tests is tack an `async` onto the front of your method 
definition, and everything just works as it always has.  Making it a separate 
base class means you have to know about that base class, what it's called, and 
remember to derive your test class from it.  If you accidentally add `async` to 
the front of a test method in a TestCase-derived test class, you get 
mostly-silent success with an easily-ignored warning about a coroutine not 
being awaited.


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[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-06 Thread Yury Selivanov

Yury Selivanov  added the comment:

> Instead of a separate base class, what about an overridable 
> `coroutine_runner` attribute that defaults to `asyncio.run`?

How is that better?


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-06 Thread Zachary Ware

Zachary Ware  added the comment:

Instead of a separate base class, what about an overridable `coroutine_runner` 
attribute that defaults to `asyncio.run`?

nosy: +zach.ware

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-03-06 Thread Yury Selivanov

Yury Selivanov  added the comment:

I think the right approach would be to add an new base TestCase class: 
AsyncioTestCase.  There other frameworks that have different event loop 
implementations, so we can't assume that an `async def` test should always be 
executed by asyncio.

And you should use the `asyncio.run` function to run the coroutine.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-02-28 Thread John Andersen

John Andersen  added the comment:

More discussion indeed. I figured I was not alone in my desire to see async 
test support in the stdlib. Let me know what other changes would be good.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-02-28 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray  added the comment:

In order for this to be actually useful, I think we also need a mechanism to 
set up and run async cleanup methods.  In my own project I accomplish this by 
putting the run_until_complete in a try/finally loop and have an 
asyncAddCleanup method that just appends coroutines to a list that are then run 
in reversed order in the finally clause.

Whatever we come up with needs tests and docs, and before that, I'm sure, more 
discussion about the API.  Probably a topic for python-ideas?  Or the testing 

I really do think we should have async test support in the stdlib, though.  
Basic support isn't that hard (it's 15 lines in the test suite I'm using 

nosy: +r.david.murray
type: behavior -> enhancement
versions:  -Python 3.6, Python 3.7

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32972] unittest.TestCase coroutine support

2018-02-28 Thread John Andersen

New submission from John Andersen :

This makes unittest TestCase classes run `test_` methods which are async

components: Tests, asyncio
messages: 313063
nosy: asvetlov, pdxjohnny, yselivanov
priority: normal
pull_requests: 5708
severity: normal
status: open
title: unittest.TestCase coroutine support
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8

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