[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2021-09-27 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka  added the comment:

That you need to override the __new__ method? I don't know whether it is 
documented specially. But the constructor calls __new__() and then __init__(). 
If changing the argument in __init__ does not help, it is because it was 
already proceeded in __new__.

If you ask about changes in 3.11, it is a side effect of issue44260.


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2021-09-23 Thread Matt Bogosian

Matt Bogosian  added the comment:

Thanks! Where's that documented? (Apologies if I missed it.)


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2021-09-23 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka  added the comment:

Matt, your example works in 3.11. In earlier versions you need to override the 
__new__ method.


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2021-09-23 Thread Matt Bogosian

Matt Bogosian  added the comment:

I landed here after investigating this surprising result:

  # test_case.py
  from random import Random
  from typing import Sequence, Union
  _RandSeed = Union[None, int, Sequence[int]]
  class MyRandom(Random):
def __init__(
  seed: _RandSeed = None,
  if seed is not None and not isinstance(seed, int):
seed = sum(seed)
  MyRandom([1, 2])


  python ./test_case.py
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/…/./test_case.py", line 16, in 
  MyRandom([1, 2])
  TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

In my observation, the Random class aspires to be an interface (and default 
implementation), but doesn't really live up to those aspirations. (See also 
https://github.com/python/typeshed/issues/6063.) I suspect nudging Random 
closer to its claims was the point of this proposal. I'm kind of sad it (or 
something like it) was rejected in favor of a process that will probably take 
years. Is there a reason not to do both, meaning heal what lives in the 
standard library now to live up to its own marketing *and* work toward a better 
interface in the future?

nosy: +posita

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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-29 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor  added the comment:

I created this issue to propose PR 19631 (BaseRandom class) which looked like 
as a good idea to me: simple base class which fix different kind of problems.

But it seems like other people would prefer a complete rewrite from scratch and 
require a PEP.

I abandonned my BaseRandom PR #19631 and my PR 19700 since there is no clear 
consensus on these changes. I'm not interested to write a PEP to redesign the 
module random.

I also close this issue as rejected. If someone wants to enhance the random 
module, it seems like a PEP is needed: at least, please open a separated issue.

I wrote PR #19797 "Remove C implementation of Random.randbytes()" to address 
initial Raymond's concern on randbytes() implementation:

resolution:  -> rejected
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-24 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

SystemRandom is a weird special case.  Otherwise, almost every PRNG is going to 
need seed(), getstate(), and setstate().  A base class should each offer some 
reusable code to minimize the burden on the subclass:

* The existing seed method allows multiple input types to be collapsed to a 
long integer.  A subclass can extend this as needed or can override it 
completely.  This is useful and will tend to give a more consistent API across 
multiple RNGs.

* The getstate/setstate methods take care of the gauss_next value and allow the 
seeding to be versioned.  This is also useful and helps us insulate users from 
state related implementation details such as gauss_next.

Please don't lose the above functionality by default.

Also, please make sure that code written to the existing spec continues to 

+1 on offering a PCG generator; however, it should an additional alternative to 
MT and SystemRandom rather than a replacement.  Also, it needs to work well on 
32-bit builds.  Notes should be added that its state space is *much* smaller 
than MT, so shuffle() becomes state space limited at much smaller population 
sizes -- meaning that a large number of possible permutations become 
unreachable by shuffle() -- for example, to cover all possible shuffles for a 
deck of 52 playing cards requires 226 bits.²  Also, I expect that PCG won't 
offer us the same performance advantage as it does for numpy because the MT 
code itself is only a fraction of the time in a call to random(); the rest of 
the time is in the function call overhead, converting the bytes to a C double, 
and creating a new Python float object.

I would still like to see a PEP for this. 

¹ https://code.activestate.com/recipes/576707/
² factorial(52).bit_length()


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-24 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

To be serious about numpy ;-) , people consuming a great many random outputs 
will eventually move to numpy out of necessity (speed).  So for that reason 
alone it's good to mimic what they do. But more fundamentally, they have more 
people with relevant deep knowledge contributing to the project than Python 
has. When, e.g., they were considering a Twister alternative, PCG's inventor 
contributed extensively to their discussion, and even created a new member of 
the PCG family to address concerns raised by numpy contributors' testing - sll 
_before_ it was released.

Apart from Mark chiming in, the Python project just doesn't get that level of 
help in these areas.


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-24 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor  added the comment:

Fun fact. When I wrote my "class NumpyRandom(random.BaseRandom):" example, I 
found a quite serious bug in numpy:

"default_rng.integers(2**32) always return 0"

Even numpy is not perfect yet :-)


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-24 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson  added the comment:


> Mark, you don't count ;-)

Yes, I was suspecting I'd fail the "real world" test. Fair enough. :-)


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-24 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

Mark, you don't count ;-)  Neither do I.  Of course I've subclassed Random too, 
to experiment with other base generators (including PCG variants).  But they're 
throwaways, and I don't care that it can require staring at the code to make as 
many changes as needed.  Developers _of_ Python don't need things to be trivial 
to make quick progress.

So I remain where I was:  +0, provided there are no notable runtime 
regressions.  Nice to have (hence "+"), but don't really care if it never 
happens (hence "0").

As to what numpy does, I'm always in favor of following their lead when 
possible and Pythonic.


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-24 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor  added the comment:

I see 3 options to fix randbytes() in subclasses:

(A) Remove the randbytes() optimization (C implementation): always implement it 
with getrandbits().

(B) Add BaseRandom base class: PR 19631.

(C) Modify __init_subclass__() to implement randbytes() with getrandbits() in 
subclasses: PR 19700


Option (A) is the simplest, but it makes randbytes() 5x slower.

Option (B) is my favorite: it keeps all random.Random optimization, it reduces 
SystemRandom footprint by 2 KB, it eases writing new subclasses (a single 
method must be defined).

Option (C) seems to be complicated to implement. I'm not sure that it does 
satisfy Raymond's requirements.


Option (A) and (C) don't solve my initial concern of this issue: it's not easy 
to subclass random.Random, it is still required to *override* 5 methods.

The main drawback of option (B) is that Random subclasses now inherit 
Random.randbytes() and so should override it which is new requirement. But 
technically, if Random.randbytes() is inherited: it respects its contract, it 
generates random bytes... it's just that it may not be the behavior expected by 
the developer.

My PR 19631 solves this drawback by *documenting* the new requirement in the 
Porting guide of What's New in Python 3.9. I'm not sure if it should be 
qualified as backward incompatible, but if yes, I propose to make it on purpose 
(other options have other drawbacks).


Honestly, so far, I'm confused. It's now unclear to me if subclassing the 
random.Random class is a supported feature and/or if we want to support it. 
It's also unclear to me if the performance matters in the random module. On one 
side, gauss() has an optimization which makes it not thread-safe, on the other 
side option (A) would make randbytes() 5x slower.

It's also possible to combine some options like (B)+(C) which solves the main 
(B) drawback.

Obviously, the last choice is to revert the randbytes() features (decide that 
it's no longer possible to add such new method to the random.Random because of 
drawbacks described in this issue).


Well, I proposed various options. Now I let you to decide ;-)


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-24 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson  added the comment:


> Honestly, if you consider that BaseRandom base class is not worth it, I will 
> just abandon this idea.

It's not that I think it's not worth it (I'm not currently convinced either 
way). It's more that if we're going to make a change, then it's not clear to me 
that the particular choice in the BaseRandom PR is necessarily the only or best 
way to do it. There are a good few technical choices to be made, and I think 
there's value in having a wider discussion.


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-24 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor  added the comment:

Raymond Hettinger: "It is not okay to flat out ignore the opposing comments 
from the module maintainers.  Being on the steering committee isn't a license 
to do whatever you want, ignoring published APIs, breaking user code, and 
ignoring other contributors.  If you want to go forward with this, there should 
be a PEP (and you should be recused from adjudicating it)."

That's a personal attack, would you mind to stay at the technical level, 
please? Thanks.


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-24 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor  added the comment:

> With the various competing options and the lack of agreement on what (if 
> anything) should be done, this feels like PEP territory.

Honestly, if you consider that BaseRandom base class is not worth it, I will 
just abandon this idea. I'm not interested to write a whole PEP just for that. 
(Maybe someone else is more motivated than me ;-))


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-24 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor  added the comment:

> However, if we want to think about a new subclassing API, it may be worth 
> looking at the recent Numpy changes. Numpy added a new random generator API 
> recently, with a design based on composition rather than inheritance (and 
> also they switched from Mersenne Twister to another underlying PRNG!):
> https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/random/index.html

Yeah, sometimes composition is simpler. My BaseRandom base class (PR 19631) can 
be used with composition indirectly, since all you need is to implemented 
getrandbits(). Example:

from numpy.random import default_rng
import random

class NumpyRandom(random.BaseRandom):
def __init__(self):
self._rng = default_rng()

def getrandbits(self, n):
# FIXME: support n larger than 64 ;-)
return int(self._rng.integers(2 ** n))

gen = NumpyRandom()
print(gen.randint(1, 6))


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-24 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor  added the comment:

I created this issue to address Raymond's comment:
"The randbytes() method needs to depend on genrandbits()."

I wrote PR 19700 to address that and only that.

With PR 19700, Random subclasses get a randbytes() implementation which uses 

*Maybe* we could do the same in Random subclasses for the random() method, so 
let's start with the simplest PR :-)

Let's fix the randbytes() issue first.


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-24 Thread STINNER Victor

Change by STINNER Victor :

pull_requests: +19019
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/19700

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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-24 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson  added the comment:

> it may be worth looking at the recent Numpy changes

Agreed: I do like the NumPy composition model (the random state object _has_ a 
bit generator, rather than _being_ an extended bit generator).

With the various competing options and the lack of agreement on what (if 
anything) should be done, this feels like PEP territory.


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-24 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson  added the comment:

Whoops. I thought the URL highlighter would be clever enough not to include the 
period. That URL is: https://github.com/mdickinson/pcgrandom


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-24 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson  added the comment:


> Who subclasses Random in the real world?  Who would want to?

Um. Me?

Or at least, I *wanted* to, when I was playing around with PCG. (See 
https://github.com/mdickinson/pcgrandom.) But after running into the same 
inelegancies (please note that I'm not calling them *issues*) as Victor, I 
decided to avoid the subclassing. That led to other inelegancies, like have to 
reproduce the code for all the various distribution sampling methods (beta, 
gamma, ...).  But I'm okay with that; this was just a toy project.


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-23 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

>> Making it easy to create subclasses was never a goal regardless.

> It's clearly advertised at the beginning of the documentation:
> "Class Random can also be subclassed if you want to use a
> different basic generator of your own devising: (...)"
> Do you mean that the documentation is wrong and users must
> not subclass random.Random?

I don't know about the docs, but I do know what the goals were whenever I wrote 
the code ;-)  It _can_ be subclassed - but so can be any class whatsoever.  
There was never an intent to make usefully subclass-ing Random easy:  which is 
precisely what you've discovered and are attempting to improve.

Already said that's fine by me, with caveats.  It's not worth much that I can 
see, beyond scratching an "elegance" itch that I don't happen to have in this 
case.  Who subclasses Random in the real world?  Who would want to?  Python 
wanted to in order to add SystemRandom, and did as little as necessary to do so 
usefully.  A long time ago, I believe we also supplied a subclass to give 
results identical to Python's ancient (& long gone) Wichmann-Hill generator.

Those two are the only cases I've heard of (outside of the test suite).

Provided reworking it doesn't break working code or slow things down, I'm +0.


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-23 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou  added the comment:

If I believe what Victor wrote about:
The implementation of random.Random, random.SystemRandom and
random.Random subclasses are not affected by this change.

then I don't understand how the API is changed.  IIUC, users subclassing 
random.Random won't see a difference.  However, users now can subclass 
BaseRandom which makes it easier to obtain a full-featured random generator 

However, if we want to think about a new subclassing API, it may be worth 
looking at the recent Numpy changes. Numpy added a new random generator API 
recently, with a design based on composition rather than inheritance (and also 
they switched from Mersenne Twister to another underlying PRNG!):


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-22 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

This is a breaking change.  The published API says that random() is the base 
method and that getrandbits() is optional.

It is not okay to flat out ignore the opposing comments from the module 
maintainers.  Being on the steering committee isn't a license to do whatever 
you want, ignoring published APIs, breaking user code, and ignoring other 
contributors.  If you want to go forward with this, there should be a PEP (and 
you should be recused from adjudicating it).


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-22 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor  added the comment:

Ok, PR 19631 is now ready for a review. I completed the documentation to better 
explain the rationale.

Copy of the What's New in Python 3.9 documentation:

"Add a new random.BaseRandom class: random number generator base class. A 
random.BaseRandom subclass must only implement a single method: getrandbits(), 
whereas a random.Random subclass must override 6 methods (getrandbits(), 
random(), randbytes(), seed(), getstate() and setstate())."

Copy of the commit message:

"BaseRandom implements random() and randbytes() using getrandbits().
It has no state and its gauss() method is thread safe. It has no
VERSION attribute and its seed() method has no version parameter.

The implementation of random.Random, random.SystemRandom and
random.Random subclasses are not affected by this change."


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-22 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor  added the comment:

In Python 3.8, random.Random docstring starts with "Random number generator 
base class".

I do understand that the random module design predates the abc module (added to 
Python 2.7). I'm now proposing to add a real base class to move it towards 
modern Python stdlib coding style.

That's the behavior that I would expect from a "base class":

>>> class MySequence(collections.abc.Sequence): pass
>>> seq=MySequence()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class MySequence with abstract methods 
__getitem__, __len__

Some examples of stdlib modules which implement base classes like this:

* collections.abc.Sequence
* numbers.Complex
* selectors.BaseSelector
* typing.SupportsInt

asyncio.AbstractEventLoop doesn't fail when an instance is created, but when an 
abstract method is created. Users can choose to inherit from 
asyncio.BaseEventLoop or asyncio.AbstractEventLoop depending if they wany to 
inherit partially of BaseEventLoop features, or really create an event loop 
from scratch (AbstractEventLoop). Other classes which are designed like that:

* email._policybase.Policy
* http.cookiejar.CookiePolicy
* importlib.abc.Loader
* wsgiref.handlers.BaseHandler

I don't think that it's worth it to bother with abc.ABC abstraction here, and 
so I only propose to provide methods which are implemented as "raise 


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[issue40346] Add random.BaseRandom to ease implementation of subclasses

2020-04-22 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor  added the comment:

> Making it easy to create subclasses was never a goal regardless.

It's clearly advertised at the beginning of the documentation:

"Class Random can also be subclassed if you want to use a different basic 
generator of your own devising: (...)"

Do you mean that the documentation is wrong and users must not subclass 

> If that makes any method currently in use slower, it's not worth it.

I don't think that my PR 19631 has any impact on random.Random and 
random.SystemRandom performances. Only new 3rd party classes which will be 
written to inherit from the *new* random.BaseRandom loose the gauss() 

It would be possible to keep the optimization, but it would make class 
inheritance more complex: subclasses would have to call seed(), getstate() and 
setstate() methods of BaseRandom. Moreover, I dislike that the base class is 
not thread state. I prefer to keep it simple and correct.

> that reworking this doesn't solve any actual problem.

I changed the issue title to clarify my intent.

My intent is to ease the creation of subclasses. In Python 3.8, a subclass has 
to *override* 5 methods: getrandbits(), random(), seed(), getstate() and 

With the proposed BaseRandom, a sublcass only has to *implement* *1* single 
method, getrandbits():

* random() and randbytes() are implemented with getrandbits() automatically
* seed(), getstate() and setstate() raise NotImplementedError, as done by 
SystemRandom currently. Obviously, you can override them if you want. But at 
least, you don't inherit the whole Mersenne Twister state by default.

The current problem is that Python 3.9 adds randbytes() which means that a 
class which inherit from random.Random now has to override not 5 but 6 methods: 
it now also has to override randbytes().

Raymond proposes to remove _random.Random.randbytes() C implementation and use 
instead a Python implementation which is 5x slower.

For me, it's surprising that if a subclass doesn't override all methods, it 
gets a Mersenne Twister implementation. See my msg366918 example. I would 
prefer a real base class with has no default implementation.

It doesn't prevent people to continue to inherit from random.Random: classes 
which inherit from random.Random continue to work.

Note: currently in my PR 19631, seed() has to be implemented since it's called 
by the constructor. I'm not sure if it's a good design or not.

title: Redesign random.Random class inheritance -> Add random.BaseRandom to 
ease implementation of subclasses

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