[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-11-14 Thread Laurent Birtz

Laurent Birtz added the comment:

Thank you for the clarifications on the usage of cmd.exe and shell=True. I tend 
to forget that the shell support in subprocess isn't just about UNIX.

The point of running msys is getting programs to work as if they were in a 
limited UNIX environment without the emulation layer provided by Cygwin. It's 
nice if programs unaware of msys work out-of-the-box, but for use cases like 
mine what is needed is the possibility to write a program that works correctly 
on msys with a minimum of fuss.

Given that, conditionally setting os.dep on program entry and wrapping the 
calls to cmd.exe manually seems to fit the bill. I haven't tested if SCons 
plays nice with that change, so I may be in for a disappointment. Even if it 
doesn't work right, it would still be useful for me to temporarily change 
os.dep and join my paths correctly until I return control to SCons.

On my system, print os.environ["MSYSTEM"] yields MINGW32. That's all I need for 
detecting msys currently. If that ever break I'll find another method.


Python tracker 

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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-11-14 Thread Tim Golden

Tim Golden added the comment:

On 14/11/2013 00:21, Laurent Birtz wrote:
> Is it reasonable to believe that most Python programs don't care
> about the legacy shell API? 

No more than it is to believe that most Python programs don't care about
MSys or Cygwin ;)

For information, cmd.exe will happily run, eg, "c:/windows/notepad.exe".
The problem is that command-line programs built in to cmd.exe (such as
"type" and "dir") expect the slash to prefix a command-line switch. And
they don't seem to have particularly good escape- or quote-handling.
External command-line tools, like "xcopy", will happily act on
forward-slash pathnames as long as they're double-quoted.

Now certain of the Windows shell API (and here "shell" means: the visual
elements, *not* the cmd/PS command shell) will only operate on
backslash-separated paths. For example: SHILCreateFromPath:


I'm not exactly how much that affects the current discussion, but my
point is that there *are* places in Windows where the backslash is the
only acceptable separator.

Changing os.sep globally is real no-no. it has the potential to break a
*lot* of code and we're in no position to assess how it's been used.
Applying a change conditionally might be acceptable, but somone would
have to work out how we knew what environment we were in.



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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-11-13 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

subprocess has a 'shell=True' option, although its use is discouraged unless 
really necessary. To pursue this, I suggest running the test suite on Windows 
(including xp) with os.sep changed.


Python tracker 

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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-11-13 Thread Laurent Birtz

Laurent Birtz added the comment:

I agree with the "no magic bullet" point and that Microsoft is fully to blame 
for the situation.

About the catalogue of Windows APIs that accept slashes. I've read in various 
places that the only problematic case is the legacy shell API. The power shell 
seems to accept forward slashes.



Is it reasonable to believe that most Python programs don't care about the 
legacy shell API? I assume that the Python library uses CreateProcess() under 
the hood without touching cmd.exe. Some odd Python programs may invoke cmd.exe 
explicitly but hopefully that is a rare case.

If those assumptions hold, then changing os.sep *from the user script* would 
not break backward compatibility and allow Python to work as expected on MinGW. 
Arguably it's a simpler solution than requiring Python projects like Mercurial 
to tackle that issue themselves. Even if it's not the perfect solution, it's a 
step-up from "Non-Cygwin Python corrupts paths on MinGW and you can't make it 


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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-11-13 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan added the comment:

However, coming up with a way to detect that msys is in use, and publishing
that information for use by applications like Mercurial, or creating a
catalogue of which Windows APIs still don't accept forward slashes as path
separators could help the issue progress.

There's just no magic fix we can apply at the interpreter or standard
library level to make the problem go away - it's *precisely* the kind of
problem that exists in the space between the "POSIX shell on Windows"
provided by msys and the full POSIX API provided by Cygwin.


Python tracker 

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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-11-13 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan added the comment:

We can't change os.sep globally for the process because the Windows APIs
don't reliably accept forward slashes. Changing it when the Windows binary
is run through msys would thus mean potentially breaking currently working

Using the Cygwin Python instead is safer, since all the affected OS API
calls will be trapped by Cygwin's POSIX API implementation and translated
appropriately for Windows.

Terry's description when first closing this issue remains accurate: MS
created this mess through an atrociously poor choice of path separator
decades ago, and until *all* their APIs natively accept forward slashes as
path separators (which seems unlikely to ever happen), the only backwards
compatible answer currently appears to be to use a full POSIX interface
layer like Cygwin.


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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-11-13 Thread Laurent Birtz

Laurent Birtz added the comment:

First, I apologize for my overly harsh tone. A dismissive comment above struck 
a nerve but that doesn't excuse it.

@Lawrence: from my perspective it is a bug: the Python interpreter doesn't 
handle paths correctly on MinGW as I'd expect.

As Nick said, the ideal scenario would be to come up with a solution that 
actually fixes the problem on MinGW. I realize that very few people use MinGW 
and are impacted by this, so it seems like much effort for little gain. 
Nevertheless, perhaps the issue could be left open until someone decides to 
bite the bullet and fix it properly? I'm the one complaining and it's fair that 
I spend the effort to fix it, but like everyone I have limited time on my 
hands, and I can't do this now.

FWIW I see three potential solutions. I'm not involved in Python development 
and I don't know how applicable they are.

1) Modifying os.sep as described above.

Pros: it behaves as expected from the user point-of-view. It makes sense that 
the separator in this variable is used internally by the module for 
manipulating the paths. It may be straightforward to implement by making this a 
property and propagating the change to the Python code and/or interpreter code 
whenever it is set.

Cons: AFAICT there aren't obvious reasons why someone would modify os.sep 
currently, so it *should* be fine for backward compatibility for most users, 
but there is no guarantee.

2) Adding the function os.set_sep(separator). 

Like 1), but it's less transparent to the user, who might set os.sep naively 
like I did and be surprised that it doesn't work. I think that eliminates all 
potential backward compatibility issues though.

3) Detect MinGW.

It's brittle but it makes Python behaves as expected for the user -- who might 
still want/depend on the current behavior however? I'm not a fan of this but 
it's doable. If the MinGW detection fails then the behavior falls back to the 
standard Windows behavior. The reverse (assuming MinGW incorrectly) is way more 
problematic, but I think that the odds of that happening are very low. So 
essentially if the detection fails then only the MinGW users are impacted.

Nick, correct me if I'm wrong but the target platform for MinGW is mostly 
Windows itself, aside of this particular issue? The rest of the standard 
library seems to be working fine on MinGW as it is.

Thank you.


Python tracker 

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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-11-13 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan added the comment:

As noted above, it's still not clear the change *can* be implemented at the 
standard library level - we don't have the context to determine if a Windows 
native path or a POSIX path is more appropriate when a Windows build is being 
used in a POSIX environment.

>From the interpreter's point of view, the launch environment makes no 
>difference, the only thing that matters is the target platform for the build. 
>If they don't match, you're going to get weird glitches like this.


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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-11-13 Thread Eric V. Smith

Eric V. Smith added the comment:

Agreed with Nick. I think it's clear than any change to the behavior will have 
to take place inside os.path. I just don't know what that change would be.


Python tracker 

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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-11-13 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan added the comment:

You certainly can't replace *all* occurrences of backslash characters with 
forward slashes when running in a cygwin or msys shell anyway. Backslashes have 
many uses besides being (annoyingly) Windows path separators.


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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-11-13 Thread ThurnerRupert

ThurnerRupert added the comment:

david, you mentioned working code. i am the opposite of an expert in the source 
code of python, but i thought i would be able to at least find where the code 
is for sys.stdout.write and sys.stderr.write, where i thought \ should be 
replaced by / when running in cygwin or msys/mingw. embarrassing for me, i did 
not find it.


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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-11-12 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan added the comment:

There's also the fact that *Cygwin's* Python will behave like a *nix Python
and use backslashes. It's only the Windows Python that follows Windows
platform conventions.

So there's already a reasonable workaround in the cygwin case: use the
version which relies on the POSIX compatibility layer, not the Windows
native one.

As David pointed out, unless/until someone that is affected by the issue
can come up with a coherent design proposal for what the behaviour *should*
be that is a better solution than "just use the Cygwin Python instead if
you actually want POSIX behaviour", this isn't going to progress.

title: path separator output ignores shell's path separator: /  instead of \ -> 
path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

Python tracker 

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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-11-12 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

I think both of you could stand to turn down the rhetoric :)

Laurent: we're not saying there's no issue, we're saying we don't see an 
acceptable fix for the issue.

So the bottom line is that for this situation to improve someone is going to 
have to go through the hassle of figuring out *how* to make it better (working 
code, not just words, I think), and convincing people that it is a good idea.  
The better the solution is, the easier it will be to get it committed.  I don't 
think a "stop gap" kind of solution will be good enough (such as making the 
global os.sep value settable...I don't think that kind of global state change 
will fly, though I could be wrong).

There are other people interested in SCons/mingw support, and this could 
conceivably be a configure time option for such support, but *that* is a whole 
other area of discussion.  For that to get off the ground, there has to be 
someone willing to commit to supporting it (more than one, someone, I suspect) 
who can work well enough with the community to eventually become part of the 
core team.  (There are patches in this tracker relevant to that, and at least 
one someone working on making them better, but admit I haven't been following 
that activity and don't know if any of those patches have gotten reviewed yet.)


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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-11-12 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

How can you rant about something "won't get fixed" when it's an enhancement 
request?  If it's that important and/or so simple the OP or anyone else for 
that matter can provide a patch, including tests and doc changes.  Given that 
the issue is nearly 4 1/2 years old I'm not holding my breath.


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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-11-12 Thread Laurent Birtz

Laurent Birtz added the comment:

In my opinion, the decision to cross your arms and pretend there is no issue is 

Summary of your arguments:
- It's Microsoft's fault.
- Windows accepts backslashes anyway.
- Shell detection is difficult.
- It's a complex issue.

None of this is relevant to addressing the issue ThurnerRupert was facing. He 
asked to be able to CONFIGURE the path seperator. This needs not involve shell 
detection (which is indeed brittle). This could be handled simply by the user 
setting 'os.sep' and having os.path.join() and friends use that.

I'm using SCons on MinGW and the build is failing due to the messed-up paths.

I'm less than thrilled about learning that this won't get fixed. I feel that 
one of the important strength of Python is that it "just works" on many 
platforms and this amply justifies this issue not being treated with such 

nosy: +laurent.birtz

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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-05-13 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

The resolution should be 'This is a gawd-awful mess created by Microsoft 30 
years ago and we already do the best we sensibly can to deal with it' ;-) (and 
sensible people know it would be a mess from the first day).

To put is another way, the answer to the original question 'can this be 
configured somehow' seems to be 'not obviously'.

resolution:  -> works for me
status: open -> closed

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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-05-13 Thread Eric V. Smith

Eric V. Smith added the comment:

I say close it. Any "shell detection" is likely to be fragile, and any changes 
are likely to break something. It's not worth the risk.


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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2013-05-13 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

Can this issue to confined to the small round filing cabinet, mainly on the 
grounds that I find some of the wording undecipherable?

nosy: +BreamoreBoy

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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2009-06-15 Thread Eric Smith

Eric Smith  added the comment:

Tim Golden wrote:
> Just for information's sake, the shell APIs usually only accept backslashes.

That's good to know. Do you have any specific examples?

CreateFile and the like, which is where my experience is, take either. 
90% of my Windows Python programs use slashes exclusively. About the 
only time I get a backslash is when using os.path.join(), and then I end 
up with mixed slashes and backslashes. Windows handles these mixed paths 
correctly, as far as I can tell.


Python tracker 

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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2009-06-15 Thread Tim Golden

Tim Golden  added the comment:

Eric Smith wrote:
> Eric Smith  added the comment:
>> So is this a cosmetic issue or a functional issue? 
> It's a cosmetic issue.
>> Also, even if it could figure that out, how would it know whether
>> a particular filename "stringification" with os.path.join() was 
>> intended for display to the user or to be passed to a Windows API?
> The Windows API's (at least every one I've ever called) take either
> slashes or backslashes, so it wouldn't matter.

Just for information's sake, the shell APIs usually only accept backslashes.


nosy: +tim.golden
title: path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \ -> 
path separator output ignores shell's path separator: /  instead of \

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2009-06-15 Thread Eric Smith

Eric Smith  added the comment:

> So is this a cosmetic issue or a functional issue? 

It's a cosmetic issue.

> Also, even if it could figure that out, how would it know whether
> a particular filename "stringification" with os.path.join() was 
> intended for display to the user or to be passed to a Windows API?

The Windows API's (at least every one I've ever called) take either
slashes or backslashes, so it wouldn't matter.

I'm +0 on this request, if we could reliably figure out which separator
we wanted to use based on the shell (or maybe an environment variable).
It would be one more way to let me forget I'm using Windows instead of Unix.

My use case is mostly copying path's that have been print()'d from
within Python, then pasting them into a cygwin bash shell. All of the
backslashes need to be manually escaped (or the whole string quoted). Of
course this doesn't help with other characters that also need escaping
(like spaces). That and the fragile nature of the "which shell am I
running" check are why I'm +0.

nosy: +eric.smith

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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2009-06-14 Thread ThurnerRupert

ThurnerRupert  added the comment:

the parent process would be "sh.exe" in the msys case, contrary to the 
windows standard cmd.exe, explorer.exe, system, system idle 
process, ...

an example is the mercurial "status" command, see 

which uses 
y#l210 (pathto, ), and normpath = os.path.normcase(path).

which does at the end:

when string the string goes out on stdout or stderr it is not known 
any more it was a file path. hmm.


Python tracker 

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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2009-06-12 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan  added the comment:

I'm not sure Python *can* change its behaviour in this case. How would
it know which shell (cmd or msys/cygwin) it was launched from?

Also, even if it could figure that out, how would it know whether a
particular filename "stringification" with os.path.join() was intended
for display to the user or to be passed to a Windows API?

nosy: +ncoghlan

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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2009-06-12 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy  added the comment:

Rupert, your original posts mislabels slash '/' and backslach '\' as the
opposite.  I have no idea what change you are requesting.  Please post a
minimal (line or two) code example with actual output and desired output.

I do not know if changing os.sep changes output.  I suspect that what is
printed may be controlled somewhat by the OS.

nosy: +tjreedy
versions:  -Python 2.6, Python 3.1

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2009-06-08 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray  added the comment:

So is this a cosmetic issue or a functional issue?  Either way, it is a
feature request and I've updated the issue to reflect that.

If you want to look at the code, ntpath.py is probably the relevant module.

priority: normal -> low
resolution: invalid -> 
stage: committed/rejected -> 
type: behavior -> feature request
versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.2

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2009-06-08 Thread ThurnerRupert

ThurnerRupert  added the comment:

to give an example case, running mercurial, which we do for a couple 
of years now with success. one install, starting it either from cmd, 
or mingw/msys bash:
$ hg status
M src\com\file.txt
$ hg co -m "different path now" src/com/file.txt

apart from the backslash in the printed paths, we are very happy on 
how neatly python handles this case. 

it is running on windows, using the standard libraries, .. therefor 
everything else is really "windows". it would be quite an exceptional 
case if anything else would be affected. could you come up with an 
example which you were thinking on?

if you point us to some location in the code which would be best to 
start reading i'd be thankful.


Python tracker 

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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2009-06-08 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray  added the comment:

That would mean that python's notion of which OS it was running on
(windows or cygwin) would have to change depending on which shell it was
lanched from. This affects far more than the path seperator, and as far
as I know is not practical with the current python design (you are
welcome to try to work up a patch, though).

If you want cygwin behavior from python, run the cygwin python.

resolution:  -> invalid
stage:  -> committed/rejected

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2009-06-08 Thread ThurnerRupert

ThurnerRupert  added the comment:

if one installes python for windows with the provided installer, and 
then run this python from mingw/msys or cygwin, python prints 
backslash as path separator instead of forward slash.

it would be nice if python would notice that it was started out of 
bash and this determines the path separator vs "output", e.g. print to 
the console.


Python tracker 

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[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2009-06-05 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray  added the comment:

I'm not sure I understand the quesiton.  The cygwin path separator is
forward slash, isn't it?  Beyond that, I'm not clear on what behavior
you think is incorrect.  What "outputs"?

components: +Installation -IO
nosy: +r.david.murray
priority:  -> normal
type:  -> behavior

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2009-06-05 Thread ThurnerRupert

Changes by ThurnerRupert :

components: +IO, Windows

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6208] path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \

2009-06-05 Thread ThurnerRupert

New submission from ThurnerRupert :

when installing python for windows and running it from a msys or cygwin
shell, python does not notice that the path separator is backslash "/"
instead of forward slash "\".

can this be configured somehow, so the outputs are done like the current
shell accepts it? like checking in
http://docs.python.org/library/os.path.html what the parent process accepts?

messages: 88958
nosy: ThurnerRupert
severity: normal
status: open
title: path separator output ignores shell's path separator: / instead of \
versions: Python 2.6, Python 3.1

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