[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2019-10-31 Thread Stephen Paul Chappell

Change by Stephen Paul Chappell :

nosy:  -Zero

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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2019-08-20 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy  added the comment:

I think that using tabs for Shell indents is IDLE's current worst design wart.  
But I agree with KBK (#1196946) that merely replacing tabs with spaces does not 
really solve the problem, which is the jagged physical margin consequent on 
physically indenting only the first line with a prompt. 

#37892 proposes to stop using tabs by implementing updated versions of the 
alternate fixes, 3 and 1, mentioned in msg151418 below. The alternate proposal 
will fix some other issues as well.

resolution:  -> rejected
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2017-06-14 Thread Louie Lu

Louie Lu added the comment:

In #30663, I add the line number sidebar to editor window. I've attempted to do 
the same in pyshell, something different that need to concern is the indent 
prompt showing.

nosy: +louielu

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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2015-11-19 Thread irdb

Changes by irdb :

nosy: +irdb

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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2015-01-08 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

I believe I explained above the logical and technical factors that make the 
Idle shell inherently different from the console shell in this regard.  As the 
title says, this issue is about not using tabs and not about mixing tabs and 
spaces.  As I already said, my intended fix is to put the prompt in a sidebar 
(adapting the proposed editor line number code), which will allow use of space 
indents in the entry area, as in the editor.


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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2015-01-08 Thread Al Sweigart

Al Sweigart added the comment:

There are three pieces of user-specified configuration: (1) the number of 
spaces for a tab set in IDLE's config, (2) the sys.ps1 value, and (3) the 
sys.ps2 value.

Currently IDLE's shell is ignoring (1) while the editor is not. IDLE's shell is 
ignoring (3) while the python shell isn't. I think the obvious solution is to 
make IDLE's shell follow the same behavior as IDLE's editor and the python 

The draw back comes from variable-pitch fonts, but I think using variable-pitch 
fonts is a minority use case and will create spacing issues regardless 
(compared pasting 8 spaces and pasting 1 tab into the editor with Lucida Sans 
Unicode). Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.

This issue is concerned with mixed tabs and spaces in the IDLE shell, which has 
a simple fix. Putting the  and ... prompts in a separate space so that they 
are not copied can be done in a separate issue.


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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2015-01-08 Thread Al Sweigart

Changes by Al Sweigart asweig...@gmail.com:

nosy: +Al.Sweigart

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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2014-10-06 Thread Stephen Paul Chappell

Stephen Paul Chappell added the comment:

In Lib\idlelib\PyShell.py, there are usetabs and indentwidth attributes in the 
PyShell class. Is there some reason that these settings cannot be reconfigured 
in the Options  Configure IDLE... menu? I just edited these to False and 4 
respectively and am quite content with the resulting behavior.


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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2014-10-06 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

They potentially could be.  However, if the result is something like
 if a:
if b:
or worse, with Lucida Sans Unicode, the visual equivalent of
 if a:
  if b:
then I do not find result very satisfactory.  I think moving the prompt to a 
sidebar, as with line numbers (forthcoming), is a better solution.  This will 
make code look good both in the shell and when copied and pasted elsewhere.  I 
hope to have a patch in a month or two.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2014-07-20 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

To continue and expand some things I said in various messages above...

The reason Shell does not and indeed should not have a secondary line prompt is 
that in Shell, ' ' means 'Enter a statement:' rather than just a line. Being 
able to enter, edit, and recall complete statements rather than just lines is 
an important feature of Idle's Shell.

For proportional fonts, I suspect the tab stops are every 8 em quads. A em quad 
(named after M) is square, so it is as wide as the font is high.

In msg151418 I suggested that the solution is to not mix prompts with user 
input, as is done. I gave the narrow prompt window as fix 3. I suggested as fix 
1 to put statement prompts and output indications on separate lines. Here is a 
mockup example.

def f(x):
if x:
print('got it')
return 'something'
got it

(The 'blank line' signaling 'end of statement' is intentionally suppressed.) 
This should be easy to do and, to me, looks pretty decent. The hesitation I had 
before is the copy for paste problem, but if that is a custom function, it 
would not be hard to reformat. A minor problem is the output could include 
':\n' or '---\n', but today one can do

 print( def fake():\n\treturn 'def'\n)
 def fake():
return 'def'


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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2014-07-19 Thread Stephen Paul Chappell

Stephen Paul Chappell added the comment:

If you want the IDLE shell to be as consistent as possible with the editor 
windows, changing the TAB binding to insert four spaces instead of a tab 
(alternative 2) would be helpful.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2014-07-19 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

The problem with just /\t// is the absence of a secondary prompt.

 def f():
return 'not acceptible'

Hence the 8+4+4... proposal. With a proportional font, the return would start 
to the *left* of def. Adding '... ' works for fixed pitch fonts, but '...' is 
much narrower than '' in a proportional font.

The problem with mandating 'fixed pitch' is that unicode fonts, such as Lucida 
Sans Unicode on Windows, are proportional.  With that font, spaces are very 
narrow: '8+4' would need to be 13 + 4 + 4 ... to look right, *on Idle*.  I feel 
that continuing to work with proportional fonts, for code not limited to ascii, 
is more important than this issue.

To look right regardless of font, code should start at the margin, with prompts 
in a separate narrow window. This means that output would not be dedented under 
input prompts.
 in def f():
 print('code against margin')

out code against margin
' in ' and 'out ' (or whatever input and output indicators were used) would 
be in a vertical strip (like line numbers) with, say, a light gray background 
(such as used here).  Normal output would be, say, the current blue on a very 
light blue background. Similarly for red stderr output. It takes very little 
tint to be distinct from a white background. I have set my custom configuration 
to try this out.

Cutting code is a different issue. As I said above, I think custom functions 
are needed. One could only cut code. Another could add ' ' and '... ' before 
input lines, for pasting into docstrings. Another could add '# ' before output 
lines, for pasting into messages in a form that readers could recut and paste 
into an editor.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2014-07-18 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

Raymond, I cannot program 'fix it'. I need an exact spec. I suspect that any 
change will upset someone. Which of the four alternative proposals would you 
consider to be an improvement? One of the problems is that what might look good 
on screen with colors, including shaded background, might not work as well when 
cut. We may have to try to separate the two.

assignee: kbk - terry.reedy

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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2014-06-20 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

[Cherniavsky Beni]
 it's makes copy-paste code between the shell and editor 
 windows confusing

This has been a continual source of frustration for students in my Python 
courses as well.  I'm looking forward to it being fixed.

priority: normal - high

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2014-06-05 Thread Stephen Paul Chappell

Changes by Stephen Paul Chappell noctis.skyto...@gmail.com:

nosy: +Zero
versions: +Python 3.4, Python 3.5

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2014-06-05 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Changes by Terry J. Reedy tjre...@udel.edu:

versions:  -Python 3.2, Python 3.3

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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2014-03-31 Thread Westley Martínez

Westley Martínez added the comment:

I think the prompt should be in margins, completely separate from the input.  
It is just meant to be a guide anyway, and make this would make it easy to copy 
code from the interactive shell to a file.  I think output should be in a 
separate window or frame altogether.  I see no reason for keeping it tied with 
the input.

nosy: +westley.martinez

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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2014-03-31 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

 IDLE defaults to indenting with 4 spaces in editor windows, 
 but hard TABs in the Python Shell window.  This is inconsistent 
 with PEP 8; what's worse, it's makes copy-paste code between 
 the shell and editor windows confusing and dangerous!

I also teach Python and find this to be a major PITA.

A Cntl-T turns tabs off but leaves the tab spacing at eight.

nosy: +rhettinger

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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2014-03-31 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

Continuing my last post ...
Fix 4 is to put prompts in a narrow window to the left of and kept in synch 
with the main shell input/output window. This is the approach used by Heblikar 
in #17535.


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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2014-03-17 Thread Kamushin Shen

Kamushin Shen added the comment:

I'm a GSOC student. And I submit this patch as a part of my proposal.
This patch solve the copy-paste problem by judging the first line. However, it 
seems a little ugly in IDLE.

nosy: +Kamushin.Shen
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34476/fix_indent.patch

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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2012-01-16 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy tjre...@udel.edu added the comment:

I closed #8285 as it merely reported a consequence of using tabs.

The Command Prompt window used for interactive Python on Windows only uses 
fixed-pitch fonts. Idle (tk) allows any font. I happen to use Lucida Sans 
Unicode (variable pitch) for what I think is the largest set of glyphs. 
(Perhaps Lucida Console (fixed) has the same set, I don't know. See #13802 for 
an idea to improve font selection in this regard.) Whatever we do should work 
well with either fixed or variable pitches. (The current patch does not -- see 
below.) Or we should prohibit variable pitch fonts and only allow fixed pitch 

Selection in CP selects a rectangle, so one can select code with or without the 
prompts. This is only possible with fixed pitch. Tk text boxes are limited to 
selecting a continuous stream of text, without excluding a margin.

This contrasts with, for example Notepad++. Its (tabbed) edit window has a gray 
left margin with line numbers. Then it has a narrow lighter gray column with 
[-] and [+] boxes to collapse and expand indented regions. Then it has a white 
text box for user entry and only user entry. Selections ignore the gray margins 
and only select within the white user text box. Perhaps this is done by tying 
three borderless windows to one vertical scroll bar, all inside one frame. I 
don't know. If we could do the same with tkinter, we could put prompts in a 
grayed margin, but I do not know if we can.

CP has tab stops at every 8 chars. So if one indents with tabs, the first 
indent is 4 spaces past the prompt and further indents are 8 spaces beyond the 
last. Not good. The alternative is hand spacing. Also not good if you do very 
much. Idle (Tk) appears to have tabs at fixed positions, regardless of the 
font. (Notepad++ acts like IDLE's edit windows -- a tab in converted to 4 
spaces.) In Lucida Sans, a tab is physically the same as 16 spaces. Since each 
'' is 3 spaces, an indent of 8 spaces instead of a tab is a dedent on the 
screen. So the patch does not work for me.

My conclusion is that having the shell write a prompt onto the user entry line, 
in the tk environment, is incompatible with the behavior we want. Fix 1 would 
be to put the prompt on a line by itself ('\n' or 'input\n'), use the same 
indents as the editor, and add an similar output marker ('###\n' or 
'output\n'). Option 2 is to omit prompts, use editor indents, and prefix every 
output line with '#'. Fix 3 would be to put the prompt in a grayed margin. (If 
this can be done, we could also add line #s as an editor option.)

A separate idea is to give output a colored background.


nosy: +terry.reedy
stage: needs patch - patch review
versions:  -Python 3.1

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2011-12-08 Thread Roger Serwy

Roger Serwy roger.se...@gmail.com added the comment:

Here's a simple patch to fix this bug.

The   prompt causes the first level of indented code to use 8 spaces. 
Further indented code should use 4 spaces, but still uses 8 spaces likely due 
to the bug described in #8285.

keywords: +patch
nosy: +serwy
versions: +Python 3.3
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file23887/issue7676.patch

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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2010-08-15 Thread Cherniavsky Beni

Cherniavsky Beni c...@users.sf.net added the comment:

This is almost a duplicate of http://bugs.python.org/issue1196946
(though the solution there took a different direction).


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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2010-07-20 Thread Tal Einat

Changes by Tal Einat talei...@gmail.com:

nosy: +taleinat

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[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2010-07-11 Thread Mark Lawrence

Changes by Mark Lawrence breamore...@yahoo.co.uk:

assignee:  - kbk
nosy: +kbk
stage:  - needs patch
versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7676] IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs

2010-01-11 Thread Cherniavsky Beni

New submission from Cherniavsky Beni c...@users.sf.net:

IDLE defaults to indenting with 4 spaces in editor windows, but hard TABs in 
the Python Shell window.  This is inconsistent with PEP 8; what's worse, it's 
makes copy-paste code between the shell and editor windows confusing and 

Recently I gave a 3-day Python course to 6 people.  I spent some time 
explaining the dangers of TABs with Python's indentation-sensitive syntax and 
telling them just use 4 spaces and all will be OK.  A few hours later one of 
them asked me why IDLE is refusing to run his code.  Turns out he copy-pasted 
code he tried out in the shell, edited it and tried running it, which resulted 
in a mix of tabs and spaces (which triggered IDLE's tabnanny check) and a 
mixture of 4 and 8 indents (which is ugly).

I had to explain IDLE's confusing behavior, introduce them to Untabify, and 
apologize for the inconvenience.  All this TABs stuff (and Untabify) are things 
people should eventually learn - but they shouldn't bite them on their first 
day!  (This is what Ubuntu calls a papercut.)

The rationale for the current behavior seems to be making indentation clear 
despite the prompt offsetting the first line by 4:

 for i in range(3):
print i

There are 3 alternative behaviors that would be better:

 (1) Use 8 spaces instead of a TAB.
 (2) Use 4 spaces.
 (3) Use 4 spaces, but add a GUI left margin of 4 to continuation lines.

(3) would be ideal, making copy-paste work cleanly while looking good.  I'm not 
sure if it can be implemented easily, but I'll look into it.

If it's hard, (2) would still be a big improvement IMHO.  I think correct 
behaviour is more important than looking good after   - but others may 
disagree on this.

If there is doubt, (1) is still strictly an improvement.  It can lead to mixed 
8/4 spaces - but at least there won't be invisible problems that the user 
doesn't understand.

[Configurability concerns: all I said above refers to the *default* behavior of 
IDLE, which should follow 4-spaces.  The user should be able to configure it to 
use another width, or TABs.  This option already exists - but it's ignored 
outright by the shell window.  Solutions (2) and (3) would make the shell 
window respect it.]

components: IDLE
messages: 97586
nosy: cben
severity: normal
status: open
title: IDLE shell shouldn't use TABs
type: behavior

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