Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Tarek Ziadé
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 7:00 AM, Russell E. Owen wrote:

 If the files are shared among all users then /usr/local/something
 seems more reasonable.

 I also think whatever you choose for linux is also the best choice for
 Mac OS X (my preferred platform). While there are other possible
 directories, such as ~/Library/Application Support/something, all
 tools derived from unix that I know about use the unix convention (ssh,
 X11, bash...) and I would argue that Python is close enough to count
 even though it is a framework build. Put another way, copying the unix
 convention is simple, is exactly what power users would expect and I
 don't see it would do any harm.

Choosing an arbitrary location we think is good on every system is fine
and non risky I think, as long as Python let the various distribution
change those paths though configuration.

In fact, that's one of the future goal of the sysconfig module I had in mind.

Instead of having it reading paths from python variables, I would like
to introduce
a configuration file global to Python containing all the installation paths, and
the paths we are currently discussing.

That file could then be changed by distributions depending on their layouts.

It will avoid distributions to hack Python to change those paths.
For instance, Ubuntu currently patches distutils to change the
installation paths.

So let's:

- define all the default locations for each system
- define a sysconfig.cfg file that contains all installation paths,
for each target system
- change so it uses it, instead of the global dicts it
currently has


Tarek Ziadé |
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] mingw support?

2010-08-12 Thread David Cournapeau
On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 10:21 PM, Sturla Molden wrote:

 David Cournapeau:
 Autotools only help for posix-like platforms. They are certainly a big
 hindrance on windows platform in general,

 That is why mingw has MSYS.

I know of MSYS, but it is not very pleasant to use, if only because it
is extremely slow. When I need to build things for windows, I much
prefer cross compiling to using MSYS. I also think that cross
compilation is more useful than native mingw build alone - there are
patches for cross compilation, but I don't know their current status,


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Tim Golden

On 11/08/2010 16:22, Éric Araujo wrote:

It would be nice to define one standard location for config files used
by stdlib modules, and maybe also by third-party programs related
closely to Python development (testing tools, static code checkers and
the like), in a way that doesn’t clutter the user home directory with a
dozen dotfiles while still being easily found.

(The Unix notions of dotfiles and home directory have to be adapted to
use non-dotfiles in some standard place on various Windows. The Mac
experts disagree on the right directory to use.)

The canonical place on Windows (per Microsoft [1]) is:

for roaming data: the Application Data folder (exposed as the
APPDATA env var and as CSIDL_APPDATA pre-Vista and the
FOLDERID_RoamingAppData Known Folder on Vista+).

for non-roaming data: the local app data (CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA
or FOLDERID_LocalAppData)

The obvious difference is whether a user expects the data to be
available for the same account on a different computer. At present,
the user site packages are held under %APPDATA%\Python\Pythonxx,
ie are considered roaming.

Unfortunately, the canonical place is not always the place most
used. Especially since the convention under *nix is to place dotfile
or dotdirs under $HOME. Windows doesn't, by default, have a $HOME so
various locations are considered $HOME, including (but not limited

* the directory pointed to by %HOME%
* the directory pointed to by %USERPROFILE%
* the My Documents shell folder
  (often, but not always, %USERPROFILE%\My Documents)
* c:\ (no: really)
* the NT profile home directory (typically a mapped share)

Dotfiles are possible on Windows; the issue is that they can't
be created within the shell (ie within Windows Explorer). They
can be renamed, edited, etc without issue, so it's not much of
a problem. They can be created by any program which can call
CreateFile -- including Python, obviously.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Steve Holden
On 8/12/2010 5:50 AM, Tim Golden wrote:
 On 11/08/2010 16:22, Éric Araujo wrote:
 It would be nice to define one standard location for config files used
 by stdlib modules, and maybe also by third-party programs related
 closely to Python development (testing tools, static code checkers and
 the like), in a way that doesn’t clutter the user home directory with a
 dozen dotfiles while still being easily found.

 (The Unix notions of dotfiles and home directory have to be adapted to
 use non-dotfiles in some standard place on various Windows. The Mac
 experts disagree on the right directory to use.)
 The canonical place on Windows (per Microsoft [1]) is:
 for roaming data: the Application Data folder (exposed as the
 APPDATA env var and as CSIDL_APPDATA pre-Vista and the
 FOLDERID_RoamingAppData Known Folder on Vista+).
 for non-roaming data: the local app data (CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA
 or FOLDERID_LocalAppData)
 The obvious difference is whether a user expects the data to be
 available for the same account on a different computer. At present,
 the user site packages are held under %APPDATA%\Python\Pythonxx,
 ie are considered roaming.
 Unfortunately, the canonical place is not always the place most
 used. Especially since the convention under *nix is to place dotfile
 or dotdirs under $HOME. Windows doesn't, by default, have a $HOME so
 various locations are considered $HOME, including (but not limited
 * the directory pointed to by %HOME%
 * the directory pointed to by %USERPROFILE%
 * the My Documents shell folder
   (often, but not always, %USERPROFILE%\My Documents)
 * c:\ (no: really)
 * the NT profile home directory (typically a mapped share)
 Dotfiles are possible on Windows; the issue is that they can't
 be created within the shell (ie within Windows Explorer). They
 can be renamed, edited, etc without issue, so it's not much of
 a problem. They can be created by any program which can call
 CreateFile -- including Python, obviously.

Didn't we have this discussion when per-user libraries came up?
Shouldn't we be using a subdirectory of that location? We ruin the risk
of Python becoming distributed so finely it becomes impossible to change
things, what with per-user libraries, per-version shared binaries,
per-user-per-version library configuration files and the rest.

One might make a case that all configuration data should be stored in a
single SQLite database (with a suitable API to hide the relational
nature of the store). Then at least there would only be one file no
matter how many versions of Python were installed. Seriously. We are
already spending enough time doing stat calls on non-existent directories.


PS: Then we can start putting the libraries themselves in the database.
That works really well.
Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
DjangoCon US September 7-9, 2010
See Python Video!
Holden Web LLC

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Tim Golden

On 12/08/2010 11:18, Steve Holden wrote:

On 8/12/2010 5:50 AM, Tim Golden wrote:

[... snip explanation of standard  non-standard locations ...]

Didn't we have this discussion when per-user libraries came up?
Shouldn't we be using a subdirectory of that location?

Yes we should. My explanation above was really just painting the
picture. It should have been an Appendix for the Truly Interested.

One might make a case that all configuration data should be stored in a
single SQLite database (with a suitable API to hide the relational
nature of the store). Then at least there would only be one file no
matter how many versions of Python were installed. Seriously. We are
already spending enough time doing stat calls on non-existent directories.

-1 on this. I don't care how many stats we're doing; I want to be able
to see my configuration / libraries etc without firing up a sqlite

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Tim Golden

On 12/08/2010 10:50, Tim Golden wrote:

Unfortunately, the canonical place is not always the place most
used. Especially since the convention under *nix is to place dotfile
or dotdirs under $HOME. Windows doesn't, by default, have a $HOME so
various locations are considered $HOME, including (but not limited

* the directory pointed to by %HOME%
* the directory pointed to by %USERPROFILE%
* the My Documents shell folder
(often, but not always, %USERPROFILE%\My Documents)
* c:\ (no: really)
* the NT profile home directory (typically a mapped share)

Additionally, on Windows Python expands ~ to the first of:


all of which are perfectly defensible defintions of Home on
Windows. But combining that with the Unix-minded concept of
create a dotfile called ~/.myapp means you get dotapps in
non-standard places on Windows.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Michael Foord

On 12/08/2010 11:18, Steve Holden wrote:

On 8/12/2010 5:50 AM, Tim Golden wrote:

On 11/08/2010 16:22, Éric Araujo wrote:

It would be nice to define one standard location for config files used
by stdlib modules, and maybe also by third-party programs related
closely to Python development (testing tools, static code checkers and
the like), in a way that doesn’t clutter the user home directory with a
dozen dotfiles while still being easily found.

(The Unix notions of dotfiles and home directory have to be adapted to
use non-dotfiles in some standard place on various Windows. The Mac
experts disagree on the right directory to use.)

The canonical place on Windows (per Microsoft [1]) is:

for roaming data: the Application Data folder (exposed as the
APPDATA env var and as CSIDL_APPDATA pre-Vista and the
FOLDERID_RoamingAppData Known Folder on Vista+).

for non-roaming data: the local app data (CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA
or FOLDERID_LocalAppData)

The obvious difference is whether a user expects the data to be
available for the same account on a different computer. At present,
the user site packages are held under %APPDATA%\Python\Pythonxx,
ie are considered roaming.

Unfortunately, the canonical place is not always the place most
used. Especially since the convention under *nix is to place dotfile
or dotdirs under $HOME. Windows doesn't, by default, have a $HOME so
various locations are considered $HOME, including (but not limited

* the directory pointed to by %HOME%
* the directory pointed to by %USERPROFILE%
* the My Documents shell folder
   (often, but not always, %USERPROFILE%\My Documents)
* c:\ (no: really)
* the NT profile home directory (typically a mapped share)

Dotfiles are possible on Windows; the issue is that they can't
be created within the shell (ie within Windows Explorer). They
can be renamed, edited, etc without issue, so it's not much of
a problem. They can be created by any program which can call
CreateFile -- including Python, obviously.



Didn't we have this discussion when per-user libraries came up?
Shouldn't we be using a subdirectory of that location? We ruin the risk
of Python becoming distributed so finely it becomes impossible to change
things, what with per-user libraries, per-version shared binaries,
per-user-per-version library configuration files and the rest.


User editable configuration files are very different from libraries. The 
per user site-packages folder *should* be hidden somewhere out of the 
way where you can get at them if you want them but won't stumble across 
them all the time. e.g. AppData on Windows.

For files we expect the user to be able to edit we shouldn't go out of 
our way to make them hard or inconvenient to find.

One might make a case that all configuration data should be stored in a
single SQLite database (with a suitable API to hide the relational
nature of the store).
Yay - let's recreate the Windows registry! A binary blob only editable 
with special tools, we know how much users love that.


  Then at least there would only be one file no
matter how many versions of Python were installed. Seriously. We are
already spending enough time doing stat calls on non-existent directories.


PS: Then we can start putting the libraries themselves in the database.
That works really well.


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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Tim Golden

On 12/08/2010 11:40, Michael Foord wrote:

User editable configuration files are very different from libraries. The
per user site-packages folder *should* be hidden somewhere out of the
way where you can get at them if you want them but won't stumble across
them all the time. e.g. AppData on Windows.

For files we expect the user to be able to edit we shouldn't go out of
our way to make them hard or inconvenient to find.

This really comes down -- as with the Mac discussion last week, I
think -- to the tension between standard file locations and easy-to-get-to.
The difference on Windows, though, is that while on Mac it's either:
Apple standard /This/That/TheOther vs Unix standard $HOME/.something
on Windows it's %APPDATA%\myprog vs whatever-I-thought-of-at-the-time.

APPDATA isn't actually that hard to get to on any version of Windows
post 2000. (Just stick %APPDATA% into any Explorer window -- even
IE, for goodness sake). Even from the command line it's not hard:

notepad %APPDATA%\python\python26\idle.ini

Ultimately, as a Windows user/developer, I'd vote for a memorable
consistency, which for me would be %APPDATA%\python\... If everything's
in one place, I'll just create a shortcut / hardlink / whatever to get
me there when I want to change things.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Michael Foord

On 12/08/2010 11:54, Tim Golden wrote:

On 12/08/2010 11:40, Michael Foord wrote:

User editable configuration files are very different from libraries. The
per user site-packages folder *should* be hidden somewhere out of the
way where you can get at them if you want them but won't stumble across
them all the time. e.g. AppData on Windows.

For files we expect the user to be able to edit we shouldn't go out of
our way to make them hard or inconvenient to find.

This really comes down -- as with the Mac discussion last week, I
think -- to the tension between standard file locations and 

The difference on Windows, though, is that while on Mac it's either:
Apple standard /This/That/TheOther vs Unix standard $HOME/.something
on Windows it's %APPDATA%\myprog vs whatever-I-thought-of-at-the-time.

APPDATA isn't actually that hard to get to on any version of Windows
post 2000. (Just stick %APPDATA% into any Explorer window -- even
IE, for goodness sake). Even from the command line it's not hard:

notepad %APPDATA%\python\python26\idle.ini

Ultimately, as a Windows user/developer, I'd vote for a memorable
consistency, which for me would be %APPDATA%\python\... If everything's
in one place, I'll just create a shortcut / hardlink / whatever to get
me there when I want to change things.

How is ~/python not memorable or consistent? (And cross-platform 
memorability and consistency is valuable too.)

Another issue is discoverability. Many users won't know about these 
config files unless they *see* them. Sure if you *know* where they are 
then editing them is easy - but how often as a user do you browse your 
AppData folder? (As a windows user the only times I went delving in this 
mysterious location was trying to diagnose obscure errors.)

I'm not aware of any consistent pattern of putting *user editable* files 
in AppData, and I doubt this is where most users would look for them. In 
fact for Windows the *correct* thing to do is probably to use the 
registry and then provide a graphical tool for editing the values. If 
you're arguing for consistency why not argue for this? If we were to 
provide native GUI tools for editing values then the location suggested 
by Ronald for the Mac (which is the standard location for preferences 
files maintained by GUI tools) would also be the right location.

All the best,


Python-Dev mailing list


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acceptable use policies (”BOGUS AGREEMENTS”) that I have entered into with your 
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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Tim Golden

On 12/08/2010 12:17, Michael Foord wrote:

How is ~/python not memorable or consistent? (And cross-platform
memorability and consistency is valuable too.)

I was thinking outside Python rather than inside it (where ~ has no
meaning on Windows) but you make a good point here. If we were just
discussing Python code this would effectively be a winning point IMO.

Another issue is discoverability. Many users won't know about these
config files unless they *see* them.

While I sympathise with this, I'm not sure how much weight
one should give it in the context of this discussion. In the Unix
world, if I were guessing, I would justifiably look in
~/.myapp followed perhaps by /etc/myapp. On Windows, I might go
for the registry, as you mention elsewhere, and look in
HKLM\Software\MyApp but for actual files I'm not sure where
discoverable would be.

re: using the Registry: To be honest, I was answering the literal
question posed by Eric: where to put config files? Not the wider
question: how should config data be stored? Where the answer to
the latter question might be: the Registry -- much as I find it
awkward to work with at times.

One very definite point in its favour as regards this discussion
is that Python on Windows *already* defines a key in the Registry
(and has done so since v2.0 at least) and it would make some sense
to place things under there.

Ultimately, I don't feel very strongly about this subject. I'm more
concerned that the chosen location (file or registry or whatever) be
documented -- and documented from a Windows perspective as well, so
you don't have to guess what HOME means in this context.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Éric Araujo
 If the files are shared among all users then /usr/local/something
 seems more reasonable.

Oh, right, I forgot to think about system-wide config files. They have
to be supported by another function in site.

A lot of programs have similar-looking code to get a list of filenames
and then process it with configparser or something else:
find_config_files in Distutils, get_standard_config_files in Docutils,
rcpath in Mercurial. There are different namings to support (rc, .cfg,
.conf, etc.) and also config directories (for Mercurial), but it does
not seem impossible to define a standard function that would benefit
Python itself and other programs.

 Choosing an arbitrary location we think is good on every system is fine
 and non risky I think, as long as Python let the various distribution
 change those paths though configuration.

Don’t you have a bootstrapping problem? How do you know where to look at
the sysconfig file that tells where to look at config files?

 In fact, that's one of the future goal of the sysconfig module I had in mind.

Seems great.

 So let's:
 - define all the default locations for each system
 - define a sysconfig.cfg file that contains all installation paths,
 for each target system
 - change so it uses it, instead of the global dicts it
 currently has

I wonder if this is so complex that a wiki page or something else would
be better suited than email to iron out the proposal. Or maybe it’s time
for that sysconfig.cfg PEP you planned to do.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Éric Araujo
Le 12/08/2010 12:18, Steve Holden a écrit :
 Didn't we have this discussion when per-user libraries came up?
 Shouldn't we be using a subdirectory of that location?

As pointed out by Antoine, Georg, Michael and I, the PEP 370 directory
for user site-packages is not the right place to put config files.

 PS: Then we can start putting the libraries themselves in the database.
 That works really well.

I don’t know you well enough to tell if this is the final hint that you
were sarcastic.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Paul Moore
On 12 August 2010 12:59, Tim Golden wrote:
 re: using the Registry: To be honest, I was answering the literal
 question posed by Eric: where to put config files? Not the wider
 question: how should config data be stored? Where the answer to
 the latter question might be: the Registry -- much as I find it
 awkward to work with at times.

 One very definite point in its favour as regards this discussion
 is that Python on Windows *already* defines a key in the Registry
 (and has done so since v2.0 at least) and it would make some sense
 to place things under there.

 Ultimately, I don't feel very strongly about this subject. I'm more
 concerned that the chosen location (file or registry or whatever) be
 documented -- and documented from a Windows perspective as well, so
 you don't have to guess what HOME means in this context.

One potential solution would be to use something like
os.path.expanduser(~/.python), where os.path.expanduser has a
defined behaviour on Windows (one that could do with a little
clarification, yes I know, doc patch welcomed...), but also add an
additional option, that os.path.expanduser will first look in the
registry for the value HKLM\Software\Python\PythonCore\HOME and use
that if present. Then users could set their own interpretation, in a
Windows-standard manner.

If that would be an acceptable option, I could supply a patch to
os.path.expanduser. I will do a clarifying doc patch regardless.


PS We could also support ~user by looking in HKEY_USERS\user
SID\Software\Python\... but that's probably YAGNI :-)
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Fred Drake
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 6:18 AM, Steve Holden wrote:
 Didn't we have this discussion when per-user libraries came up?
 Shouldn't we be using a subdirectory of that location? We ruin the risk
 of Python becoming distributed so finely it becomes impossible to change
 things, what with per-user libraries, per-version shared binaries,
 per-user-per-version library configuration files and the rest.

Yes, we did.  That was in the context of some people's desire for a
per-user site-packages directory, and the result is that we're now
saddled with a per-user site-packages directory.

The structure determined there was the same sort of half-way
version-specific mess as so many others are: libraries are
per-python-version, and scripts are installed cowboy-style (whoever
got there last, wins).

Perhaps user configuration belongs in ~/.local/, or ~/.local/python/
(with attendant Windows  Mac OS noises); I don't really care where it
lands, because right now we just have a mess.  Getting it right with
respect to Window's roaming notion and how people expect to work
with it is... unlikely.  Picking a place is better than not, so we
know where to find things.  But that's all it buys us.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.    fdrake at
A storm broke loose in my mind.  --Albert Einstein
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Remove unit test needed

2010-08-12 Thread Mark Dickinson
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 12:56 PM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:


 I would like to see “unit test needed” removed from the workflow menu in
 the bug tracker. The reason is that we don't do test-driven development
 (or, at least, most of us don't) and this stage entry is therefore
 useless and confusing. Saying to someone that an unit test is needed
 happens during the patch review - it isn't a separate stage in itself.

Is that stage supposed to (at least partly) capture the idea
'reproducible test-case needed', or 'verification needed'?  That would
seem like a more useful notion.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] mingw support?

2010-08-12 Thread linux
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 05:38:52PM +0900, David Cournapeau wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 10:21 PM, Sturla Molden wrote:
  David Cournapeau:
  Autotools only help for posix-like platforms. They are certainly a big
  hindrance on windows platform in general,
  That is why mingw has MSYS.
 I know of MSYS, but it is not very pleasant to use, if only because it
 is extremely slow. When I need to build things for windows, I much
 prefer cross compiling to using MSYS. I also think that cross
 compilation is more useful than native mingw build alone - there are
 patches for cross compilation, but I don't know their current status,

My argument goes that one of the biggest differences between the
GNU/Linux and the Windows way of computing is the barrier between user
and programmer. In the Windows way, you are either a user or a
programmer. On Linux, just by the way you can download software and
run ./configure   make  make install, you are encouraged to look at the
source code and by this you might in the not-so-long run start
reporting bugs to mailing lists and see that there are actually people
who might be able to sort out the bugs and that you might become one
of them.

The Windows way, you think those bugs are unavoidable and start making
jokes out of a feeling of frustration and helplessness.

That's where msys/mingw is supposed to come in, if only it was easier
to install, so that new Programmers don't get locked in in the
Microsoft compiler products and thereby the divide between the
software communities gets wider and wider. 

Don't get me wrong, I think the python project is doing a great job in
terms of cross-platform portability, but things would be easier if
there was an easy combination of msys, mingw and autotools.

And by the way, I think the way the big linux distros like fedora and
mandrake distribute software is more similar to the windows way of


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Remove unit test needed

2010-08-12 Thread Alexander Belopolsky
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 9:18 AM, Mark Dickinson wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 12:56 PM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 I would like to see “unit test needed” removed from the workflow menu in
 the bug tracker.
 Is that stage supposed to (at least partly) capture the idea
 'reproducible test-case needed', or 'verification needed'?  That would
 seem like a more useful notion.


I have two problems with  “unit test needed”:

1.  Similar to Antoine, I find it ambiguous whether a bug without a
patch is in “unit test needed” or patch needed stage.

2.  I much prefer a small script reproducing the bug to a regression
suite patch.  In most cases unit tests require too much irrelevant
scaffolding to be useful in understanding or debugging the issue.

I remember there was an idea somewhere to replace patch tag with a
check-list with boxes for code, tests, and docs.  I think that would
be better than unit test needed stage.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] mingw support?

2010-08-12 Thread Cesare Di Mauro

 On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 05:38:52PM +0900, David Cournapeau wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 10:21 PM, Sturla Molden
   David Cournapeau:
   Autotools only help for posix-like platforms. They are certainly a big
   hindrance on windows platform in general,
   That is why mingw has MSYS.
  I know of MSYS, but it is not very pleasant to use, if only because it
  is extremely slow. When I need to build things for windows, I much
  prefer cross compiling to using MSYS. I also think that cross
  compilation is more useful than native mingw build alone - there are
  patches for cross compilation, but I don't know their current status,

 My argument goes that one of the biggest differences between the
 GNU/Linux and the Windows way of computing is the barrier between user
 and programmer. In the Windows way, you are either a user or a
 programmer. On Linux, just by the way you can download software and
 run ./configure   make  make install, you are encouraged to look at the
 source code and by this you might in the not-so-long run start
 reporting bugs to mailing lists and see that there are actually people
 who might be able to sort out the bugs and that you might become one
 of them.

 The Windows way, you think those bugs are unavoidable and start making
 jokes out of a feeling of frustration and helplessness.

 That's where msys/mingw is supposed to come in, if only it was easier
 to install, so that new Programmers don't get locked in in the
 Microsoft compiler products and thereby the divide between the
 software communities gets wider and wider.

 Don't get me wrong, I think the python project is doing a great job in
 terms of cross-platform portability, but things would be easier if
 there was an easy combination of msys, mingw and autotools.

 And by the way, I think the way the big linux distros like fedora and
 mandrake distribute software is more similar to the windows way of


 Python-Dev mailing list

Anyway Visual Studio, even with the Express Edition, is simpler and more
productive for a Windows programmer.

You must suggest at least an equivalent free alternative to make the
switch convenient.

Otherwise we are talking about philosophy or religion, and nobody will
change his ideas.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Remove unit test needed

2010-08-12 Thread Alexander Belopolsky
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Fred Drake wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Alexander Belopolsky wrote:
 I remember there was an idea somewhere to replace patch tag with a
 check-list with boxes for code, tests, and docs.  I think that would
 be better than unit test needed stage.

 Are you suggesting check boxes for what's needed, or for what's present?

Please see .
Ezio, thanks for the link.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Remove unit test needed

2010-08-12 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Thu, 12 Aug 2010 11:02:29 -0400
Alexander Belopolsky wrote:
 I remember there was an idea somewhere to replace patch tag with a
 check-list with boxes for code, tests, and docs.  I think that would
 be better than unit test needed stage.

To me the simpler the better. If there's a patch then it's the
reviewer's task to point out what's missing - and that's
context-dependent: some fixes don't need a doc change or a test case
(or, at least, they can do without).

The rationale is that the more complex a system is, the less likely we
are to use it. Our current keywords are severely under-used.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Michael Foord

On 12/08/2010 08:26, Tarek Ziadé wrote:

Choosing an arbitrary location we think is good on every system is fine
and non risky I think, as long as Python let the various distribution
change those paths though configuration.

In fact, that's one of the future goal of the sysconfig module I had in mind.

Instead of having it reading paths from python variables, I would like
to introduce
a configuration file global to Python containing all the installation paths, and
the paths we are currently discussing.

That file could then be changed by distributions depending on their layouts.


Yes - this sounds good. +1 It also provides a single place for users who 
are unhappy with the defaults that we choose.


It will avoid distributions to hack Python to change those paths.
For instance, Ubuntu currently patches distutils to change the
installation paths.

So let's:

- define all the default locations for each system
- define a sysconfig.cfg file that contains all installation paths,
for each target system
- change so it uses it, instead of the global dicts it
currently has




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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Remove unit test needed

2010-08-12 Thread Michael Foord

On 12/08/2010 12:56, Antoine Pitrou wrote:


I would like to see “unit test needed” removed from the workflow menu in
the bug tracker. The reason is that we don't do test-driven development
(or, at least, most of us don't) and this stage entry is therefore
useless and confusing. Saying to someone that an unit test is needed
happens during the patch review - it isn't a separate stage in itself.

The reason I'm asking is that I've seen some triagers bumping a lot of
issues to “unit test needed” lately, and I find this annoying. What we
need is patches, not unit tests per se.


I often see patches without a test, and have assumed this is what this 
stage is for - where a patch is provided without a corresponding test.

On the other hand checkboxes for fix / test / docs sounds fine.




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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Nick Coghlan
2010/8/12 Éric Araujo
 Choosing an arbitrary location we think is good on every system is fine
 and non risky I think, as long as Python let the various distribution
 change those paths though configuration.

 Don’t you have a bootstrapping problem? How do you know where to look at
 the sysconfig file that tells where to look at config files?

Personally, I'm not clear on what a separate syconfig.cfg file offers
over clearly separating the directory configuration settings and
continuing to have distributions patch directly. The
bootstrapping problem (which would encourage classifying synconfig.cfg
as source code and placing it alongside is a major part
of that point of view.


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] mingw support?

2010-08-12 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 My argument goes that one of the biggest differences between the
 GNU/Linux and the Windows way of computing is the barrier between user
 and programmer. In the Windows way, you are either a user or a

Such arguments are off-topic for python-dev; please use one of the
Linux advocacy forums.

A little bit on-topic, I think that Python actually helps to lower
the barrier between users and programmers on Windows.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Glyph Lefkowitz

On Aug 12, 2010, at 6:30 AM, Tim Golden wrote:

 I don't care how many stats we're doing

You might not, but I certainly do.  And I can guarantee you that the authors of 
command-line tools that have to start up in under ten seconds, for example 
'bzr', care too.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Thu, 12 Aug 2010 18:14:44 -0400
Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
 On Aug 12, 2010, at 6:30 AM, Tim Golden wrote:
  I don't care how many stats we're doing
 You might not, but I certainly do.  And I can guarantee you that the
 authors of command-line tools that have to start up in under ten
 seconds, for example 'bzr', care too.

The idea that import time is dominated by stat() calls sounds rather
undemonstrated (and unlikely) to me.



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [RELEASED] Python 3.2 alpha 1

2010-08-12 Thread Victor Stinner
 ... Highlights are:
 * numerous improvements to the unittest module
 * PEP 3147, support for .pyc repository directories
 * an overhauled GIL implementation that reduces contention
 * many consistency and behavior fixes for numeric operations
 * countless fixes regarding string/unicode issues; among them full
   support for a bytes environment (filenames, environment variables)
 * a sysconfig module to access configuration information
 * a pure-Python implementation of the datetime module
 * additions to the shutil module, among them archive file support
 * improvements to pdb, the Python debugger

Hey, Python 3(.2) becomes more sexy than Python 2(.7)!

Victor Stinner
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] mingw support?

2010-08-12 Thread Greg Ewing

Cesare Di Mauro wrote:

You must suggest at least an equivalent free alternative to make the 
switch convenient.

Otherwise we are talking about philosophy or religion, and nobody will 
change his ideas.

I think the point is that *because* people don't want to change
their ideas, it would be good to have a mingw-based alternative.
Otherwise everyone is forced to convert to the Windows religion.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] mingw support?

2010-08-12 Thread Michael Foord

On 13/08/2010 00:44, Greg Ewing wrote:

Cesare Di Mauro wrote:

You must suggest at least an equivalent free alternative to make 
the switch convenient.

Otherwise we are talking about philosophy or religion, and nobody 
will change his ideas.

I think the point is that *because* people don't want to change
their ideas, it would be good to have a mingw-based alternative.
Otherwise everyone is forced to convert to the Windows religion.

You mean people using Windows are forced to use Windows?



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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 12 Aug 2010 08:18:27 pm Steve Holden wrote:
 One might make a case that all configuration data should be stored in
 a single SQLite database (with a suitable API to hide the relational
 nature of the store).


Please don't even *consider* such a thing. Haven't we learned from 
Firefox? I for one am getting heartily sick and tired of having 
to fix (that is, throw away) corrupted Firefox databases. Please 
don't go down that path.

Steven D'Aprano
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Toshio Kuratomi
On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 07:48:22AM +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 2010/8/12 Éric Araujo
  Choosing an arbitrary location we think is good on every system is fine
  and non risky I think, as long as Python let the various distribution
  change those paths though configuration.
  Don’t you have a bootstrapping problem? How do you know where to look at
  the sysconfig file that tells where to look at config files?

I'd hardcode a list of locations.
  [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'sysconfig.cfg'),
   os.path.join('/etc', 'sysconfig.cfg')]

The distributor has a limited choice of options on where to look.

A good alternative would be to make the config file overridable.  That way
you can have sysconfig.cfg next to or in a known config
directory relative to the python stdlib install but also let the
distributions and individual sites override the defaults by making changes
to /etc/python3/sysconfig.cfg for instance.

 Personally, I'm not clear on what a separate syconfig.cfg file offers
 over clearly separating the directory configuration settings and
 continuing to have distributions patch directly. The
 bootstrapping problem (which would encourage classifying synconfig.cfg
 as source code and placing it alongside is a major part
 of that point of view.
Here's some advantages but some of them are of dubious worth:

* Allows users/site-administrators to change paths and not have packaging
  systems overwrite the changes.
* Makes it conceptually cleaner to make this overridable via user defined
  config files since  it's now a matter of parsing several config files
  instead of having a hardcoded value in the file and overridable values
  outside of it.
* Allows sites to add additional paths to the config file.
* Makes it clear to distributions that the values in the config file are
  available for making changes to rather than having to look for it in code
  and not know the difference between thaat or say, the encoding parameter
  in python2.
* Documents the format to use for overriding the paths if individual sites
  can override the defaults that are shipped in the system version of


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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Éric Araujo
 A good alternative would be to make the config file overridable.  That way
 you can have sysconfig.cfg next to or in a known config
 directory relative to the python stdlib install but also let the
 distributions and individual sites override the defaults by making changes
 to /etc/python3/sysconfig.cfg for instance.

Putting configuration files next to source code does not agree with the
FHS. Your message gave me an idea though: Some function could be called
in sitecustomize (symlinked from /etc on Debian e.g.) to set the path to

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread David Cournapeau
On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 7:29 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 On Thu, 12 Aug 2010 18:14:44 -0400
 Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:

 On Aug 12, 2010, at 6:30 AM, Tim Golden wrote:

  I don't care how many stats we're doing

 You might not, but I certainly do.  And I can guarantee you that the
 authors of command-line tools that have to start up in under ten
 seconds, for example 'bzr', care too.

 The idea that import time is dominated by stat() calls sounds rather
 undemonstrated (and unlikely) to me.

It may be, depending on what you import. I certainly have seen (and
profiled) it. In my experience, stat calls and regex compilation often
come at the top of the culprits for slow imports. In the case of
setuptools namespace package, there was a thread on 23rd april on
distutils-sig about this issue: most of the slowdown came from
unneeded stat (and symlink translations).


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] mingw support?

2010-08-12 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Michael Foord writes:

   I think the point is that *because* people don't want to change
   their ideas, it would be good to have a mingw-based alternative.
   Otherwise everyone is forced to convert to the Windows religion.

  You mean people using Windows are forced to use Windows?

By far not all, but some are.  Like me, I only use Windows when my
boss holds up a pink paper and says shall I sign this?  So far I
haven't felt a need to build Python on Windows, but if I did I would
strongly prefer to use a familiar (to me) build system based on the
autotools and GCC.

Because I haven't felt that need, I don't think MSYS/mingw support is
a big deal.  But apparently there are a few people whose Windows use
case is characterized both by platform coercion and a desire to build
Python themselves.

The question is who will support those folks?  I don't see any
reason why you or Martin should support MSYS/mingw if you don't want
to, but please don't put down the folks who ask for it.  Just say no,
it's not worth it.  Or maybe, if you want to do the work, I might
contribute some reviews.  Or whatever.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-12 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Michael Foord writes:

  How is ~/python not memorable or consistent? (And cross-platform
  memorability and consistency is valuable too.)

But what does ~ mean on Windows?  Inside of Python you can have a
consistent definition, but that doesn't help people whose installer
gets mixed signals so Python itself is in the wrong place, or who are
using external tools (uninstaller, editor, application, etc) that work
on or with Python.

I'm not arguing for use of AppData, but at least it's easy to explain,
and easy to implement, for consistency.

  Another issue is discoverability. Many users won't know about these
  config files unless they *see* them.

OK, maybe AppData's out.

  In fact for Windows the *correct* thing to do is probably to use
  the registry and then provide a graphical tool for editing the
  values. If you're arguing for consistency why not argue for this?

Sounds reasonable to me.  Except Python's standard GUI is probably not
up to Windows standards of beauty

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