Re: Multithreaded Python FSM (Harel State Machines)

2005-06-18 Thread Leonard J. Reder
WOW! Thanks, this looks remarkabley close to what I was talking about.
fraca7 wrote:
 Leonard J. Reder a crit :
 It's probably not what you're looking for, but it's the closest I can 
 think of.

Re: ANN: IssueTrackerProduct 0.6.9 with AJAX and Reports

2005-06-18 Thread serseri_30666
selam benim ismim samet bende sizin gruba katilmak istiyorumkabul
ederseniz sevinirim etmeseniz ayrilirim


Re: Loop until condition is true

2005-06-18 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Remi Villatel [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

| What I'm trying to achieve is a conditionnal loop of which the condition 
| test would be done at the end so the loop is executed at least once. It's 
| some way the opposite of while.
| So far, all I got is:
| while True:
|   some(code)
|   if final_condition is True:
|   break
|   #
| #
| What I don't find so nice is to have to build an infinite loop only to 
| break it.
| Is there a better recipe?

It depends, but that isn't too bad.  The alternative would be flag
variable, like looping = 1; while looping: ...

The construct you're looking for is until in C, and there have been
plenty of proposals to add this or other improvements to Python's
repertoire.  As far as I know, it hasn't happened because it isn't
really needed.  If you look at C code, at least in my experience the
until loop is quite rarely used.  (I don't see it once in the source
to Python 2.4, for example.)  Meanwhile, the while True (or while 1)
idiom is very familiar to Python programmers (just as the Python source
has dozens of for (;;)), so it's preferred for legibility.  It's nice,
don't worry.


OO approach to decision sequence?

2005-06-18 Thread Chinook
OO approach to decision sequence?

In a recent thread (Cause for using objects?), Chris Smith replied with (in 

If your table of photo data has several types of photos, and you find
yourself saying

if is_mugshot:
elif is_freehand:

then OOP will help organize your code.

This struck a chord because I'm trying to refactor a top-down approach to an 
OO approach.  The reason I am doing such is to try and get my mind wrapped 
around OO design, not because the particular module will benefit from an OO 
approach (it's a simple top-down recursive tree utility).  In fact it's 
probably ill suited for OO and that is why I chose it.  

I've used an OO approach where I built up record (instance) content in a 
variable record file, but here I'm trying to come at it from the opposite 
direction as variable record mapping (deconstructing) would be to such.  

Anyway, a tree node can be any of seven types where:

  if node_type_1:
# recurse
  elif node_type_2:
# terminus - do something
  elif node_type_3:
# terminus - do something else
# terminus - catch all, do yet something else
  return #to parent

So, where is the magic :~)  Seriously, how might OO help me organize this 
type of problem (alleviate the conventional lengthy if structure)?  I've 
looked at the cookbook, class interface techniques, factory functions and 
metaclasses till my head is swimming. Am I missing a bolt in the machinery 
somewhere, or simply trying to find magic that doesn't exist for a 
straightforward decision sequence?

Thank you,
Lee C


regarding popen function

2005-06-18 Thread praba kar

Dear All,

   The following way of popen function usage is
wrong or not kindly give me answer regarding this

time = os.popen(echo %s | tai64nlocal %

Actually here I didn't use any file handler and
I didn't close file handler.


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Re: tree functions daily exercise: Table

2005-06-18 Thread Xah Lee
The Perl version of the Tree function is posted. It's a bit long.
Please see the code here:

the choice of having a string as the first argument to Table is a bit
awkward in Perl. Possibly i'll have to rewrite it so that the first
argument is a function instead, where in each iteration the the
variables are fed to the function. This necessarily breaks the
Mathematica's syntactical form of Table, and is slightly less flexible
in power, but is more natural and practical in non-symbolic languages
like Perl, Python, Java.

I think the goal of the whole tree functions project
would make the code actually practically useful for processing trees in
each language, as opposed to sticking to uniformness of these functions
across languages.

later on, as we write more tree functions, the whole set will be very
useful in processing tree structures, such as XML and many other things
spurn from it today.

Disclaimer: this project is not affiliated with Wolfram Research Inc.



Re: ElementTree Namespace Prefixes

2005-06-18 Thread uche . ogbuji
Chris Spencer:

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Chris Spencer wrote:

  If an XML parser reads in and then writes out a document without having
  altered it, then the new document should be the same as the original.

 says who?

Good question. There is no One True Answer even within the XML

It all boils down to how you define the same. Which parts of the XML
document are meaningful content that needs to be preserved and which
ones are mere encoding variations that may be omitted from the internal

One can point out the XML namespaces spec all one wants, but it doesn't
matter.  The fact is that regardless of what that spec says, as you
say, Chris, there are too many XML technologies that require prefix
retention.As a simple example, XPath and XSLT, W3C specs just like
XMLNS, uses qnames in context, which requires prefix retention.
Besides all that, prefix retention is generally more user friendly in
round-trip or poartial round-trip scenarios.

That's why cDomlette, part of 4Suite [1] and Amara [2], a more Pythonic
API for this, both support prefix retention by default.




Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-18 Thread Andrea Griffini
On 17 Jun 2005 21:10:37 -0700, Michele Simionato

Andrea Griffini wrote:
 Why hinder ?

To be able to content himself with a shallow knowledge
is a useful skill ;)

Ah! ... I agree. Currently for example my knowledge
of Zope is pretty close to 0.00%, but I'm using it
and I'm happy with it. I did what I was asked to do
and took way less time than hand-writing the cgi stuff
required. Every single time I've to touch those scripts
I've to open the Zope book to get the correct method
names. But I'd never dare to call myself a zope
developer... with it I'm just at the hello world
stage even if I accomplished what would require a
lot of CGI expertise.
But once I remember running in a problem; there was
a file of about 80Mb uploaded in the Zope database
that I wasn't able to extract. I was simply helpless:
download always stopped arount 40Mb without any error
message. I wandered on IRC for a day finding only
other people that were better than me (that's easy)
but not good enough to help me.
In the end someone gave me the right suggestion, I
just installed a local zope on my pc, copied the
database file, extracted the file from the local
instance and, don't ask me why, it worked.
This very kind of problem solution (just try doing
stupid things without understanding until you get
something that looks like working) is what I hate
*MOST*. That's one reason for which I hate windows
installation/maintenance; it's not an exact science,
it's more like try and see what happens.
With programming that is something that IMO doesn't
pay in the long run.
I'm sure that someone that really knows Zope would
have been able to get that file out in a minute,
and may be doing exactly what I did.
But knowing why! And this is a big difference.

Indeed when talking about if learning C can hinder
or help learning C++ I remember thinking that to
learn C++ *superficially* learning C first is
surely pointless or can even hinder.
But to learn C++ deeply (with all its quirks) I
think that learning C first helps.

So may be this better explain my position; if you wanna
become a real programmer, one that really has things
under control, then learning a simple assembler first
is the main path (ok, may be even a language like C
can be a reasonable start, but even in such a low-level
language there are already so many things that are
easier to understand if you really started from bytes).

However, to be able to do just useful stuff with a
computer you don't need to start that low; you can
start from python (or, why not, even dreamweaver).


Re: Overcoming herpetophobia (or what's up w/ Python scopes)?

2005-06-18 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 The language is *always* spelt without the a, and usually all in
 lower-case: perl.

The language is title-cased (Perl), but the standard interpreter is
written in all lowercase (perl). Sort of like the distinction between
Python and CPython.

Re: Regex for repeated character?

2005-06-18 Thread John Machin
Doug Schwarz wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Leif K-Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How do I make a regular expression which will match the same character
repeated one or more times, instead of matching repetitions of any
(possibly non-same) characters like .+ does? In other words, I want a
pattern like this:

  re.findall(.+, foo) # not what I want
  re.findall(something, foo) # what I want
 ['f', 'oo']
 How's this?
[x[0] for x in re.findall(r'((.)\2*)', 'abbccccccbba')]
   ['a', 'bb', 'ccc', '', 'ccc', 'bb', 'a']

I think it's fantastic, but I'd be bound to say that given that it's the 
same as what I posted almost two days ago :-)

functions with unlimeted variable arguments...

2005-06-18 Thread Xah Lee
how can i define a function with variable parameters? For example,

f(a) would return [a]
f(a,b) would return [a,b]
f(a,b,...) would return [a,b,...]

One solution is of course to make the argument as a list. i.e.
but are there other solutions?



Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-18 Thread Michele Simionato
Your position reminds me of this:

Michele Simionato


Migrating from Windows to OS X

2005-06-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello, fellow programmers!

I am sitting in front of a nice new PowerBook portable which has OS
10.4 installed.  The web site says that Apple has shipped OS
10.4 with Python 2.3.5 installed.  How exactly do I access this?  I
have searched through the Applications and Libraries folders.  I found
the site-packages directory, but nothing other than that.

Thanks for your help,
John Ladasky


Re: OO approach to decision sequence?

2005-06-18 Thread Jordan Rastrick
I've coded some simple recursive tree data structures using OO before
(unfortunately not in Python though). It's not nessecarily an
ill-suited approach to the task, although it depends on the specific
details of what you're doing. What's the the piece of code from which
your if...elif fragment is taken actually supposed to do?

Without knowing more about your problem, I think the most obvious OO
approach would be to write a seperate (simple) class for each of
node_type_1, node_type_2, etc. Make sure each one provides the same
interface, i.e. defines the same set of methods. Then put the different
decision branches as implementations of a certain method in each class.

class Node_Type_1(object):
def recurse(self):
 # do stuff here

class Node_Type_2(object):
def recurse(self):
 # do other stuff here

only make sure you use more informative names than Node_Type_1 and
recurse :)

Your if elif code then collapses to:


where the node variables refers to an instance of any one of your
Node_Type classes.

OO isn't magic. You still in the end have to write the code that
implements the decision choices. In this example, its likely the OO
code is actually more verbose, since you have all the class and method
definitions to write as well.

But there are advantages. Adding new cases (new node_types) is simpler
and less error prone - you just write a new node_type class. The code
for the new class, unlike a new elif brach, is kept cleanly and safely
seperate from your existing, correctly working code. If you forget to
provide the new class with the recurse method, you get a runtime error.
But if you forget to add the case to your if..elif statement, you just
end up silently going with your sentinel else branch, which may not
be what you really want to do with that node_type. (in fact I'd usually
raise an exception on reaching the else branch in any such extended
if..elif structure, because it's almost always the result of an error
in your program logic)

Essentially, although you may end up writing more code, its also better
organised, since as you wish it avoids your 'conventional lengthy if

Its a partciularily useful approach if you have several different
functions that need to branch on node-type in this fashion (e.g. pretty
print the tree, post-order traverse it, run a search over it, etc). For
each such function, you just provide a method on every node_type class.
Again, if you forget to provide the code for a certain node_type, the
error is very easy to detect.

If your problem is simple, the OO approach may be overkill - your
current if..elif code may be the most straightfoward solution. But if
the problem is complicated, or has the potential to grow more
complicated, the advantages of the OO approach may be a worthwhile
trade off. Fortuantely Python is a multi-paradigm language, so the
choice to use or not use OO according to what best suits the design and
the problem is left up to you, the programmer, and is not thrust upon
you by the language.

And you certainly don't want metaclasses or anything else that complex
and deep for something like this.

Chinook wrote:
 OO approach to decision sequence?

 In a recent thread (Cause for using objects?), Chris Smith replied with (in

 If your table of photo data has several types of photos, and you find
 yourself saying
 if is_mugshot:
 elif is_freehand:
 then OOP will help organize your code.

 This struck a chord because I'm trying to refactor a top-down approach to an
 OO approach.  The reason I am doing such is to try and get my mind wrapped
 around OO design, not because the particular module will benefit from an OO
 approach (it's a simple top-down recursive tree utility).  In fact it's
 probably ill suited for OO and that is why I chose it.

 I've used an OO approach where I built up record (instance) content in a
 variable record file, but here I'm trying to come at it from the opposite
 direction as variable record mapping (deconstructing) would be to such.

 Anyway, a tree node can be any of seven types where:

   if node_type_1:
 # recurse
   elif node_type_2:
 # terminus - do something
   elif node_type_3:
 # terminus - do something else
 # terminus - catch all, do yet something else
   return #to parent

 So, where is the magic :~)  Seriously, how might OO help me organize this
 type of problem (alleviate the conventional lengthy if structure)?  I've
 looked at the cookbook, class interface techniques, factory functions and
 metaclasses till my head is swimming. Am I missing a bolt in the machinery
 somewhere, or simply trying to find magic that doesn't exist for a
 straightforward decision sequence?
 Thank you,
 Lee C


Re: smtplib and TLS

2005-06-18 Thread Matthias Kluwe
 Matthias Kluwe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 The server accepts and delivers my messages, but the last command

 socket.sslerror: (8, 'EOF occurred in violation of protocol')

 Did I miss something? Any hint is welcome.

 Looks like the module didn't send an TLS Close Notify message before
 closing the socket.  I don't see anything in the docs about how to
 send one from smtplib or socket, though.

Hmm. I tried


before server.quit() with the result of

SMTPServerDisconnected('Server not connected')

being raised. Quite an improvement ...



Re: functions with unlimeted variable arguments...

2005-06-18 Thread Paul Rubin
Xah Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 but are there other solutions?

Geez man, haven't you been around long enough to read the manual?

def f(*a): return a

Re: Migrating from Windows to OS X

2005-06-18 Thread Kalle Anke
On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 09:26:23 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(in article [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 I am sitting in front of a nice new PowerBook portable which has OS
 10.4 installed.  The web site says that Apple has shipped OS
 10.4 with Python 2.3.5 installed.  How exactly do I access this?  I
 have searched through the Applications and Libraries folders.  I found
 the site-packages directory, but nothing other than that.

Launch Terminal (can be found in /Application/Utilities/)

type python

that's it



Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread Jordan Rastrick
Another thing to keep in mind is that while technically both Python and
Java are converted into intermediate byte-codes, which are then
interpreted, the Java Virtual Machine runs java bytecode significantly
faster. Partly this is because Sun have put a lot of effort into making
Java as fast as possible, in an attempt to lure away
clockcycle-addicted C programmers; and partly its because having your
langugage statically typed makes it easier to do things quickly (for
technical reasons that I don't fully understand ;)) So Java has and
probably always will have an advantage in the execution speed steaks.

That doesnt change the fact that I'd rather code in Python over Java
any day of the wek, though :)


Re: functions with unlimeted variable arguments...

2005-06-18 Thread John Machin
Xah Lee wrote:
 how can i define a function with variable parameters? For example,
 f(a) would return [a]
 f(a,b) would return [a,b]
 f(a,b,...) would return [a,b,...]
 One solution is of course to make the argument as a list. i.e.
 but are there other solutions?
 def foo(*args):
... print repr(args)
... return list(args)
 foo(666, 'hello', 1.234)
(666, 'hello', 1.234)
[666, 'hello', 1.234]


Re: smtplib and TLS

2005-06-18 Thread Paul Rubin
Matthias Kluwe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hmm. I tried
 before server.quit() with the result of

I don't think that's exactly what you want.  You need to send a
specific TLS message BEFORE shutting down the socket, to tell the
other end that the TLS connection is ending.  That tells the server
that it shouldn't accept a TLS session resumption later.  The close
notify message is required because if you don't send it, an attacker
could truncate one of your TLS messages by cutting your connection.

Basically the socket library's SSL implementation is pretty crude.
You might try for a pure-Python
implementation that's also still missing stuff, but is getting there.

Python documentation problem

2005-06-18 Thread Xah Lee
Python documentation,

- Functions

Function objects are created by function definitions. The only
operation on a function object is to call it: func(argument-list).

There are really two flavors of function objects: built-in functions
and user-defined functions. Both support the same operation (to call
the function), but the implementation is different, hence the different
object types.

See the Python Reference Manual for more information.

Fuck the python doc wasted my time. Fuck python coders.
Each time i tried to use python doc and got frustrated because it being
grossly incompetent, i'll post a message like this, no more frequent
than once a week. This will go on as long the python community does
nothing to fix it or that i remain coding in python.
For reference, see



Re: OO approach to decision sequence?

2005-06-18 Thread Brian van den Broek
Chinook said unto the world upon 18/06/2005 02:17:
 OO approach to decision sequence?
 In a recent thread (Cause for using objects?), Chris Smith replied with (in 
   If your table of photo data has several types of photos, and you find
   yourself saying
   if is_mugshot:
   elif is_freehand:
   then OOP will help organize your code.
 This struck a chord because I'm trying to refactor a top-down approach to an 
 OO approach.  The reason I am doing such is to try and get my mind wrapped 
 around OO design, not because the particular module will benefit from an OO 
 approach (it's a simple top-down recursive tree utility).  In fact it's 
 probably ill suited for OO and that is why I chose it.  
 I've used an OO approach where I built up record (instance) content in a 
 variable record file, but here I'm trying to come at it from the opposite 
 direction as variable record mapping (deconstructing) would be to such.  
 Anyway, a tree node can be any of seven types where:
   if node_type_1:
 # recurse
   elif node_type_2:
 # terminus - do something
   elif node_type_3:
 # terminus - do something else
 # terminus - catch all, do yet something else
   return #to parent
 So, where is the magic :~)  Seriously, how might OO help me organize this 
 type of problem (alleviate the conventional lengthy if structure)?  I've 
 looked at the cookbook, class interface techniques, factory functions and 
 metaclasses till my head is swimming. Am I missing a bolt in the machinery 
 somewhere, or simply trying to find magic that doesn't exist for a 
 straightforward decision sequence?
 Thank you,
 Lee C

Hi Lee,

I'm a hobbyist who came to grok the OO approach in the last 6 months 
or so ago. So, take the comments with that in mind.

A simple toy example with the if type test approach:

  class A(object):
... pass
  class B(object):
... pass
  a = A()
  b = B()
  for item in (a, b):
... if type(item) == A:
... ident = an A
... if type(item) == B:
... ident = a B
... print Found %s %ident
Found an A
Found a B

Now, the same sort of behaviour where the if type testing has been 
replaced with code more in keeping with the OOP approach:

  class C(object):
... def report(self):
... print Found a C
  class D(object):
... def report(self):
... print Found a D
  c = C()
  d = D()
  for item in (c, d):
Found a C
Found a D

A metaphorical explanation that is a bit handwavy, but that I find useful:

In both approaches, there is a common behaviour you want the various 
types of objects to exhibit. (In a less 'toy' example the behaviour 
would be more complicated.)

In the if type style, you are asking each object what kind of object 
it is, and then setting an aspect of the behaviour as a function of 
the answer.

In the more OOP approach, you rely on the fact that each object knows 
what kind of object it is. So, you don't need to ask it, and adjust 
the behaviour accordingly. You just tell it to behave, and, knowing 
what kind of thing it is, it knows how to behave as befits that kind 
of thing.

Two big benefits in the context are that if you need to exhibit the 
same behaviour in multiple places, you don't have multiple if type 
chains, and, if you want to add a type, with its own specific 
behaviour, you just add a class, and there is no worry about hunting 
down the if type chains to update them.

There was a thread on the tutor list around mid-Feb. which really 
helped me come to understand the idea. Actually, from Dec. to Feb. or 
so, there are several long tutor threads where people gave me much 
useful help coming to see how to employ OOP. Might be worth a trip 
through the archive.


Brian vdB


Re: Python documentation problem

2005-06-18 Thread Erik Max Francis
Xah Lee wrote:

 Fuck the python doc wasted my time. Fuck python coders.

Use your words!

Erik Max Francis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Jose, CA, USA  37 20 N 121 53 W  AIM erikmaxfrancis
   The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.
   -- Plutarch

Re: OO approach to decision sequence?

2005-06-18 Thread John Machin
Jordan Rastrick wrote:
 I've coded some simple recursive tree data structures using OO before
 (unfortunately not in Python though). It's not nessecarily an
 ill-suited approach to the task, although it depends on the specific
 details of what you're doing. What's the the piece of code from which
 your if...elif fragment is taken actually supposed to do?
 Without knowing more about your problem, I think the most obvious OO
 approach would be to write a seperate (simple) class for each of
 node_type_1, node_type_2, etc. Make sure each one provides the same
 interface, i.e. defines the same set of methods. Then put the different
 decision branches as implementations of a certain method in each class.
 class Node_Type_1(object):
 def recurse(self):
  # do stuff here

etc etc

and perhaps if you found by the time you got to Node_Type_2 that its 
opensesame() method was identical to the opensesame() method for 
Node_Type_1, you might decide that having separate simple classes could 
be improved on by having a Node class, which you would subclass for each 
Node_Type_n ...

Re: Back to the future - python to C++ advice wanted

2005-06-18 Thread Kay Schluehr
D H wrote:

 That's why so many people have switched to Java or C# (or Python and
 other langugages of course).  You might talk to them about using Python,
 since Python and C/C++ fit together very nicely (with tools like BOOST,
 SWIG, Pyrex,...).  But me personally I like to avoid C++ altogether when
 possible, and use Java or C# instead, both of which also can be combined
 with python or python-like languages such as jython, groovy, or boo.

But accessing Java packages from jython does not reduce effecively the
underlying pain. Personally I favour for programming in C++ over Java,
because I feel at least the mind of an evil genius ( C++ template
programming is Turing complete, operator overloading enables objects
having a builtin groove ) where Java is plain mediocrity. In spirit it
is a kind of Anti-Python.

I recommend studying C++ idioms carefully.

If Georges starts on greenfields he may have a look at Qt and it's
object library which is not only concerned with widgets.

BOOST is more high brow and I guess that it compiles slow because it
uses templates extensively. Template metaprogramming as a compile time
language was a funny discovery. Here is some prove of it's



Re: Python documentation problem

2005-06-18 Thread Xah Lee
i wanted to find out if Python supports eval. e.g.

print eval(somecode) # prints 7

in the 14 hundred pages of python doc, where am i supposed to find this



Re: Python documentation problem

2005-06-18 Thread Brian van den Broek
Xah Lee said unto the world upon 18/06/2005 03:49:
 Python documentation,
 - Functions
 Function objects are created by function definitions. The only
 operation on a function object is to call it: func(argument-list).
 There are really two flavors of function objects: built-in functions
 and user-defined functions. Both support the same operation (to call
 the function), but the implementation is different, hence the different
 object types.
 See the Python Reference Manual for more information.
 Fuck the python doc wasted my time. Fuck python coders.
 Each time i tried to use python doc and got frustrated because it being
 grossly incompetent, i'll post a message like this, no more frequent
 than once a week. This will go on as long the python community does
 nothing to fix it or that i remain coding in python.
 For reference, see

I'm sure I will regret this in the morning . . . .

Xah, since the docs are a community effort, you surely can (and have) 
pointed to genuine blemishes in them.

I am however at a loss to understand just what the perceived problem 
is here. 5 short sentences, one defining a term, 1 stipulating the 
interface, two pointing out and clearing up a potential cause of 
confusion, and a reference. All are clear, and score quite well on the 
content:words measure to boot. (Certainly it is clearer and more 
informative than the words either you or I have here added.) What's 
your complaint? Not enough cursing?


Brian vdB


Re: Python documentation problem

2005-06-18 Thread Brian van den Broek
Xah Lee said unto the world upon 18/06/2005 04:11:
 i wanted to find out if Python supports eval. e.g.
 print eval(somecode) # prints 7
 in the 14 hundred pages of python doc, where am i supposed to find this
which I got to from
in less time that in took to type this.


Brian vdB


Re: OO approach to decision sequence?

2005-06-18 Thread Chinook
On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 03:52:28 -0400, Brian van den Broek wrote
(in article [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Chinook said unto the world upon 18/06/2005 02:17:
 OO approach to decision sequence?
 In a recent thread (Cause for using objects?), Chris Smith replied with (in 
 If your table of photo data has several types of photos, and you find
 yourself saying
 if is_mugshot:
 elif is_freehand:
 then OOP will help organize your code.
 This struck a chord because I'm trying to refactor a top-down approach to 
 OO approach.  The reason I am doing such is to try and get my mind wrapped 
 around OO design, not because the particular module will benefit from an OO 
 approach (it's a simple top-down recursive tree utility).  In fact it's 
 probably ill suited for OO and that is why I chose it.  
 I've used an OO approach where I built up record (instance) content in a 
 variable record file, but here I'm trying to come at it from the opposite 
 direction as variable record mapping (deconstructing) would be to such.  
 Anyway, a tree node can be any of seven types where:
 if node_type_1:
 # recurse
 elif node_type_2:
 # terminus - do something
 elif node_type_3:
 # terminus - do something else
 # terminus - catch all, do yet something else
 return #to parent
 So, where is the magic :~)  Seriously, how might OO help me organize this 
 type of problem (alleviate the conventional lengthy if structure)?  I've 
 looked at the cookbook, class interface techniques, factory functions and 
 metaclasses till my head is swimming. Am I missing a bolt in the machinery 
 somewhere, or simply trying to find magic that doesn't exist for a 
 straightforward decision sequence?
 Thank you,
 Lee C
 Hi Lee,
 I'm a hobbyist who came to grok the OO approach in the last 6 months 
 or so ago. So, take the comments with that in mind.
 A simple toy example with the if type test approach:
   class A(object):
 ...   pass
   class B(object):
 ...   pass
   a = A()
   b = B()
   for item in (a, b):
 ...   if type(item) == A:
 ...   ident = an A
 ...   if type(item) == B:
 ...   ident = a B
 ...   print Found %s %ident
 Found an A
 Found a B
 Now, the same sort of behaviour where the if type testing has been 
 replaced with code more in keeping with the OOP approach:
   class C(object):
 ...   def report(self):
 ...   print Found a C
   class D(object):
 ...   def report(self):
 ...   print Found a D
   c = C()
   d = D()
   for item in (c, d):
 Found a C
 Found a D
 A metaphorical explanation that is a bit handwavy, but that I find useful:
 In both approaches, there is a common behaviour you want the various 
 types of objects to exhibit. (In a less 'toy' example the behaviour 
 would be more complicated.)
 In the if type style, you are asking each object what kind of object 
 it is, and then setting an aspect of the behaviour as a function of 
 the answer.
 In the more OOP approach, you rely on the fact that each object knows 
 what kind of object it is. So, you don't need to ask it, and adjust 
 the behaviour accordingly. You just tell it to behave, and, knowing 
 what kind of thing it is, it knows how to behave as befits that kind 
 of thing.
 Two big benefits in the context are that if you need to exhibit the 
 same behaviour in multiple places, you don't have multiple if type 
 chains, and, if you want to add a type, with its own specific 
 behaviour, you just add a class, and there is no worry about hunting 
 down the if type chains to update them.
 There was a thread on the tutor list around mid-Feb. which really 
 helped me come to understand the idea. Actually, from Dec. to Feb. or 
 so, there are several long tutor threads where people gave me much 
 useful help coming to see how to employ OOP. Might be worth a trip 
 through the archive.
 Brian vdB

Thanks for the reply Brian.

I understand what you are saying.  The point I'm messing up my head with 
though, is when the entity (tree node in my case or variable record content 
deconstructing in the aspect example I noted) is not an instance of a class 
already - it is obtained from an external source and only decipherable by its 

In practical terms that leaves me with some decision sequence regardless and 
I was wondering (from what Chris Smith said) how that might be done in OOP.  
The whole problem may be that I'm reading too much into what Chris said :~)  
I will dig back through the Tutor archives as you suggested.

Thanks again,
Lee C


Re: regarding popen function

2005-06-18 Thread Michael Hoffman
praba kar wrote:

The following way of popen function usage is
 wrong or not kindly give me answer regarding this
 time = os.popen(echo %s | tai64nlocal %

I don't know, I don't know what tai64nlocal is or what's in line[2]. 
What happened when you tried it?

Personally I try to use the subprocess module rather than os.popen.
Michael Hoffman

Re: Overcoming herpetophobia (or what's up w/ Python scopes)?

2005-06-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 04:26:13 +, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

 On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 03:02:13 +1000, Steven D'Aprano
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the following in
 The language is *always* spelt without the a, and usually all in
 lower-case: perl.

   Given that, at least one well known, book relates the name to
 Practical Extraction () Report Language, whether that was a retrofit or
 not -- I'd be tempted to user PERL for the name...

According to Larry Wall, PERL is *officially* wrong and should *never* be

 All lowercase most
 likely reflects the standard habits of Linux/Unix command naming.

And since Larry came from that tradition, you are most likely
correct. And that is why originally the official name of the language was
all lowercase. Things change, and now Perl is officially the name of the
language, and perl officially the name of the implementation of the

Reading the Perl FAQs at is a good place to start.



Using swig to use an existing dll/library

2005-06-18 Thread peter . o . mueller
Hi together,

i have a Windows DLL in C that is internally multithreaded and provides
a callback function to signal specific events. As I understood one can
use normal C-code with swig. Is it also possible to use existing
DLLs? Does swig can also handel the callback method? If not - is there
another wrapper toolkit that can do that?



Re: Python documentation problem

2005-06-18 Thread Xah Lee
Apparently i tried it before posting
eval '3'
and got misleading errors because i forgot the parenthesis...

This is a easy one to find in the doc...
The unhelpful doc organization and past experiences confounded this




Re: exceptions considered harmful

2005-06-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 17 Jun 2005 20:00:39 -0400, Roy Smith wrote:

 H. S. Lahman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Never throw an exception. And if someone throws one at you,
  catch it immediately and don't pass it on.
 IMO, this is generally fine advice.  Languages provide exception 
 handlers so that applications have a chance to respond gracefully when 
 the software is in an unstable state.  IOW, you should never see an 
 exception unless the software is seriously broken.  A corollary is that 
 if the software is corrupted, then even processing the exception becomes 
 high risk.  So one should do as little as possible when processing 
 exceptions.  (Some languages provide a degree of bullet proofing, but 
 that just make the exception handling facility too expensive to use for 
 routine processing.)
 This sounds like a very C++ view of the world.  In Python, for example, 
 exceptions are much more light weight and perfectly routine.

Yes. Furthermore, there is a reason why they are called exceptions and not
errors. Exceptions don't necessarily mean something has gone wrong. They
can also mean, something has gone right, but it is an exceptional case. 

For example, Guido recommends using exceptions for handling exceptional
cases for command-line tools. Eg, something like this:

for switch in sys.argv[1:]:
if switch in (-h, --help):
raise HelpException
except HelpException:
print __doc__
sys.exit(0)  # because asking for help is not an error
print Program failed!
sys.exit(1)  # but an error is an error

Or something like this:

# long slow calculation
if condition():
# we can jump out of the slow calculation and take a short cut
raise QuickException
# and more long slow calculation here
partial_result = do_lots_more_work_here()
except QuickException:
# short and easy calculation
partial_result = do_quick_calculation()
# in either case, we need to do more work here
return do_more_work(partial_result)

Or even roll-back of processing:

process_data()  # can raise RecoverableError or FatalError
except RecoverableError:
except FatalError:
print A fatal error occurred.

Because Python's handling of try...except is lightweight and fast, this is
an idiom which is very practical to use in many situations where it
wouldn't be practical in other languages.

In conclusion: in Python, it is just not true that you should never see
an exception unless the software is seriously broken. It is very bad
advice to say that even processing the exception becomes high risk.

If the exception genuinely is an error, then it may be difficult to
recover, and the best thing you can do is fail gracefully. But that's no
reason to not use exceptions.



Re: Python documentation problem

2005-06-18 Thread Tassilo v. Parseval
Also sprach Xah Lee:

 i wanted to find out if Python supports eval. e.g.

 print eval(somecode) # prints 7

 in the 14 hundred pages of python doc, where am i supposed to find this

You are not going to find it in comp.lang.perl.misc.

use bigint;

Re: Python documentation problem

2005-06-18 Thread Xah Lee
 what is wrong with python doc

the problem is that the page essentially says nothing. Nothing that is
relevant to programing, and such nothingness occupies a significant
portion of the python doc. (at least a quarter) It is like reading a
manual to operate a machinery, and in every other paragraph it offers
the (technically-fantastically-correct) explanations of what bolt or
material were used where.

the cause of such nothingness situation is because the brainlessness
approach to doc organization coupled with standard computer industry
geeking moron's need to computer-sciency speak with implementation
infatuation. And in part it came to that really because they are
comparative morons.

for a more sincere, detailed account, please see:




Re: pygtk question

2005-06-18 Thread Christophe Lambin
RunLevelZero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hopefully someone can help me out here.  It's probably super simple but
 how do you select multiple items in a treeview?  I have
 gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE set but of course that was enough.

It should be enough to do this:


If it doesn't work, try posting a short example so someone can have a

Re: Python documentation problem

2005-06-18 Thread Kalle Anke
On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 11:49:38 +0200, Xah Lee wrote
(in article [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 the problem is that the page essentially says nothing. Nothing that is
 relevant to programing, and such nothingness occupies a significant
 portion of the python doc. (at least a quarter) It is like reading a
 manual to operate a machinery, and in every other paragraph it offers
 the (technically-fantastically-correct) explanations of what bolt or
 material were used where.

I'm new to Python and the information that's in the docs (at least that 
example) was what I was looking for. I read this as the referece manual, not 
a cookbook or a tutorial which clearly requires another style of 


Re: utf8 and ftplib

2005-06-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Richard Lewis wrote:

 OK, I've fiddled around a bit more but I still haven't managed to get it
 to work. I get the fact that its not the FTP operation thats causing the
 problem so it must be either the xml.minidom.parse() function (and
 whatever sort of file I give that) or the way that I write my results to
 output files after I've done my DOM processing. I'll post some more
 detailed code:

 def open_file(file_name):
ftp = ftplib.FTP(
ftp.login(self.login, self.passwd)

content_file = file(file_name, 'w+b')
ftp.retrbinary(RETR  + self.path, content_file.write)

## Case 1:
#self.document = parse(file_name)

## Case 2:
#self.document = parse(, 'r+b', utf-8))

# Case 3:
content_file =, 'r', utf-8)
self.document = parse(codecs.EncodedFile(content_file, utf-8,

 In Case1 I get the incorrectly encoded characters.

case 1 is the only one where you use the XML parser as it is designed to
be used (on the stream level, XML is defined in terms of encoded text,
not Unicode characters.  the parser will decode things for you)

given that he XML tree returned by the parser contains *decoded* Uni-
code characters (in Unicode string objects), what makes you so sure that
you're getting incorrectly encoded characters from the parser?


(I wonder why this is so hard for so many people?  hardly any programmer has
any problem telling the difference between, say, a 32-bit binary floating point
value on disk, a floating point object, and the string representation of a 
but replace the float with a Unicode character, and anglocentric programmers
immediately resort to poking-with-a-stick-in-the-dark programming. I'll figure
it out, some day...) 


Re: Python documentation problem

2005-06-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 12:02:07 +0200, Kalle Anke wrote:

 On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 11:49:38 +0200, Xah Lee wrote
 (in article [EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 the problem is that the page essentially says nothing. Nothing that is
 relevant to programing, and such nothingness occupies a significant
 portion of the python doc. (at least a quarter) It is like reading a
 manual to operate a machinery, and in every other paragraph it offers
 the (technically-fantastically-correct) explanations of what bolt or
 material were used where.
 I'm new to Python and the information that's in the docs (at least that 
 example) was what I was looking for. I read this as the referece manual, not 
 a cookbook or a tutorial which clearly requires another style of 

At the risk of making an ad hominem attack, Xah Lee's posts usually have
all the characteristics of Internet trolling. He unnecessarily cross-posts
to multiple newsgroups. He makes sweeping generalizations and inflammatory
criticisms based on little understanding. He frequently uses abusive
language. He tries to critique Python as an expert, and yet frequently
makes silly newbie mistakes or displays ignorance of some very basic
Python features.



Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-18 Thread Andrea Griffini
On 18 Jun 2005 00:26:04 -0700, Michele Simionato

Your position reminds me of this:

Yeah, but as I said I didn't use a TRS-80, but an
Apple ][. But the years were those ;-)


Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread cpunerd4
thanks all for the advice. The reason I was thinking about using java
(or C or something) was that it is a little more secure than
distributing the source code isn't it? And also, from what I know, the
Java virtual machine is more popular (and installed on more computers).
Although it might take me awhile to get to that stage.
once again thanks for your advice. The Dive into  Python book looks


MixIn method to call the method it overrides: how?

2005-06-18 Thread Mac
I have a MixIn class which defines a method foo(), and is then mixed in
with another class by being prepended to that class's __bases__ member,
thus overriding that class's definition of foo().  In my application
though it is necessary for the MixIn's foo() to call the overridden
foo().  How can I do this?

My current hack is to do this:

def foo():  # MixIn's method
orig_bases = self.__class__.__bases__
bases = list(orig_bases)
self.__class__.__bases__ = tuple(bases)
foo_orig =
self.__class__.__bases__ = orig_bases

# other stuff here...

Is there a better way?  Does the above even work as I think it does?


Re: functions with unlimeted variable arguments...

2005-06-18 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

Paul Rubin wrote:
 Xah Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  but are there other solutions?
 Geez man, haven't you been around long enough to read the manual?
 def f(*a): return a

He's been around long enough to rewrite the manual.

if-he-succeeds-we'll-all-have-to-take-up-perl-ly y'rs,
Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

Re: exceptions considered harmful

2005-06-18 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Fri, 17 Jun 2005 20:00:39 -0400, Roy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This sounds like a very C++ view of the world.  In Python, for example, 
exceptions are much more light weight and perfectly routine.

The problem with exceptions is coping with partial
updatd state. Suppose you call a complex computation
routine (say a boolean operation between winged edge
data structures representing nurbs boundary of two
solids) and that you get back a ZeroDivision
exception... how good is the data structure now ?

Either you have some way to be able to easily *guarantee*
coherence or you're doomed. Allowing the user to continue
without being sure about what is in memory is not going
to be that helpful; the result could be that instead
of losing last ten minuts you're going to waste the
last month of user work (because the user will save
the corrupted data and will notice problems only much
later). If however you can restore the situation by a
rollback or by loading a preimage, or you know that
the operation works only *reading* two solids and
creating a new one *and* you know that it's not a problem
to drop a broken solid data structure then I think it's
ok to swallow an exception.

IMO either you know exactly what caused the exception
and how the state got influenced, or you must have thick
logical walls protecting you and allowing the problem
to not propagate (for example an RDBMS rollback facility).

With python it's sort of easy to get rollback for class
instances if the code to protect doesn't plays strange
tricks. Even C++ is powerful enough to allow that.

With C++ care must be taken to just avoid memory leaks
or other resource related problem while in python this
is rarely a problem; but the real issue with exception is
partial state update and in this python is not different.
If you really have to check every place for possible
exceptions then the exception machinery is not such
a big win compared to return codes. IMO exceptions
are nice when there are many raise and few try or
except in the code; but then either you have state
protection or swallowing an exception is taboo.


Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread Renato Ramonda
cpunerd4 ha scritto:
 thanks all for the advice. The reason I was thinking about using java
 (or C or something) was that it is a little more secure than
 distributing the source code isn't it? 

As in protecting your code from prying eyes?

Then java is exactly like python: I can distribute a fully functional 
python program using only .pyc or .pyo files (unreadable) just as I can 
distribute only .class files (or jars) in java.

And reverse engineering (de-compiling) both is damn easy. The produced 
code won't be beautiful, sure, but don't rely on it if you want to keep 
your code secret (for whatever reason).

 And also, from what I know, the
 Java virtual machine is more popular (and installed on more computers).

And it is also HUGE, so anyone NOT having it will think twice before 
downloading it only for your app. Python on the other hand is installed 
by default on all linux and OSX machines, and on windows you can use 
py2exe and produce packages of 2-3MBs (correct me if I'm wrong) with 
everything bundled.


Usi Fedora? Fai un salto da noi:

Threading and serial port access

2005-06-18 Thread willie

I'm writing a program which requires the use of three serial ports and
one parallel port.  My application has a scanning devices on each port,
which I can access fine with pyserial.  However, I'm unsure of how
exactly I should be designing the program, I thought I could use
threading to start class:

class scanner(Thread):
def __init__(self,port):
self.port = port
def scan(self):
ser = serial.Serial(port)
print ser.portstr
id =

But this doesn't work as I thought when I call it like:

for port in range(0,totalserialports):  # loop through all serial ports
print starting thread for port %d %(port)
NewThread = scanner(port)

I get:

starting thread for port 0

Now, I know that I haven't specified any port timeouts, but I don't
want it to timeout, I want to open each port and keep it open
indefinately.  Threading seems to block waiting for the read from the
serial port.  How can I open every serial port at the same time, read
from it, do an action and then go back to it?  Anyone got any good
documentation sources for threading that explain things clearly and
gives examples? (I'm running python 2.3.4)

What's the most python like way of achieving my end goal?



William MacLeod


Re: pysqlite - Checking the existance of a table

2005-06-18 Thread Cousin Stanley
| I am starting to play with pysqlite,
| and would like to know if there is a function
| to determine if a table exists or not.


   One way to get at a list of table names
   in an SQLite data base is to query
   the  sqlite_master  table 

import sys
import sqlite

this_db  = sys.argv[ 1 ]

list_sql = [ select tbl_name ,
  from   sqlite_master ]

str_sql  = '\n'.join( list_sql )

dbc  = sqlite.connect( db = %s % this_db )

curs = dbc.cursor()

curs.execute( str_sql )

list_tables = curs.fetchall()

print '\nTable Names in SQLite DB  %s \n' % ( this_db )

for table_name in list_tables :

 print %s  % ( table_name )



Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona

== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News== The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ 
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Re: smtplib and TLS

2005-06-18 Thread Tim Williams

- Original Message - 
From: Paul Rubin

 Matthias Kluwe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hmm. I tried
  before server.quit() with the result of

 I don't think that's exactly what you want.  You need to send a
 specific TLS message BEFORE shutting down the socket, to tell the
 other end that the TLS connection is ending.  That tells the server
 that it shouldn't accept a TLS session resumption later.  The close
 notify message is required because if you don't send it, an attacker
 could truncate one of your TLS messages by cutting your connection.

 Basically the socket library's SSL implementation is pretty crude.
 You might try for a pure-Python
 implementation that's also still missing stuff, but is getting there.

I have found problems with the TLS built into smtplib when you are doing
something with sock elswhere in your app.
eg for me using [something].sock.settimeout(x)  or setting the default
timeout anywhere broke TLS in smtplib.

Have you verified that its your end that is broken,  not gmail's,  do other
servers give the same response ?The following servers accept incoming
TLS on port 25

And for quick tests you don't need to send an email (or authenticate),  just
use a NOOP after STARTTLS (and perhaps a RSET)  then QUIT  eg

server = smtplib.SMTP(hostname [,port])

Trevor's did the job nicely, solving my previous
TLS problems

(completely untested)

from tlslite.api import *

server = SMTP_TLS('', 587)
settings = HandshakeSettings()
server.login('[EMAIL PROTECTED]', password)
server.sendmail([EMAIL PROTECTED], toaddress, message)

HTH :)


Re: Threading and serial port access

2005-06-18 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 I'm writing a program which requires the use of three serial ports and
 one parallel port.  My application has a scanning devices on each port,
 which I can access fine with pyserial.  However, I'm unsure of how
 exactly I should be designing the program, I thought I could use
 threading to start class:
 class scanner(Thread):
 def __init__(self,port):
 self.port = port
 def scan(self):
 ser = serial.Serial(port)
 print ser.portstr
 id =
 But this doesn't work as I thought when I call it like:
 for port in range(0,totalserialports):  # loop through all serial ports
 print starting thread for port %d %(port)
 NewThread = scanner(port)
 I get:
 starting thread for port 0
 Now, I know that I haven't specified any port timeouts, but I don't
 want it to timeout, I want to open each port and keep it open
 indefinately.  Threading seems to block waiting for the read from the
 serial port.  How can I open every serial port at the same time, read
 from it, do an action and then go back to it?  Anyone got any good
 documentation sources for threading that explain things clearly and
 gives examples? (I'm running python 2.3.4)

The problem is not your code (as far as I can see that w/o running it), 
but that you didn't understand the threading API. You have to overload 
the run-method of a Thread object and then start your thread - which 
will result in executing the run method in a separate thread.

Like this:

class Poll(threading.Thread):
  def __init__(self):
  self.running = True

   def run(self):
   while self.running:
    # do whatever you want here

for t in [Poll() for i in xrange(3)]:

Apart from that the approach you use is wasting resources - if you are 
concerned about that (or better style...) use e.g. twisted with the 
serial and parallel support and its so-called select reactor. The idea 
behind that concept is that the OS is responsible for scannig IO-Ports. 
It notifies an application about newly arrived data by the system 
function select - which means that your program sits and waits not 
cosuming any resources until actual data arrives. See the module select 
for an overview, and google for python twisted serial.


Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2005-06-18, Renato Ramonda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And also, from what I know, the Java virtual machine is more
 popular (and installed on more computers).

 And it is also HUGE, so anyone NOT having it will think twice
 before downloading it only for your app. Python on the other
 hand is installed by default on all linux and OSX machines,
 and on windows you can use py2exe and produce packages of
 2-3MBs (correct me if I'm wrong). with everything bundled.

That's about right assuming you thrown in a few of the larger
libraries like wxWidgets.  A Win32 installer for a simple
Python app with bundled Python .dll starts at about 750K.

Python + py2exe + innoSetup rocks.  People have no idea they're
running a Python app.  The app installs and runs just like any

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  I feel like a wet
  at   parking meter on Darvon!

Re: Loop until condition is true

2005-06-18 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2005-06-18, Peter Otten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 until loop is quite rarely used.(Idon'tseeitonceinthesource
 to Python 2.4, for example.)

 Long time no C? 

 'until' in C is actually 

 while (expression);

 I found 136 occurrences of do { versus 754 of while ( and 1224 of for
 ( in the Python 2.4 source, so using these rough estimates do-while still
 qualifies as rarely used.

AFAICT, the main use for do/while in C is when you want to
define a block of code with local variables as a macro:

#define DoSomething(foo) \
 do \
   { \
   int i; \
/* do something with foo and i */ \
   } while (0)

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  I HIJACKED a 747 to
  at   get here!! I hope those
   visi.comfabulous CONEHEADS are
   at HOME!!

Re: Python documentation problem

2005-06-18 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2005-06-18, Xah Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Fuck the python doc wasted my time. Fuck python coders. Each
 time i tried to use python doc and got frustrated because it
 being grossly incompetent, i'll post a message like this, no
 more frequent than once a week. This will go on as long the
 python community does nothing to fix it or that i remain
 coding in python.

I guess it's kind of him to warn everybody who hasn't already
plonked him...

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  I'm wet! I'm wild!

Re: Python documentation problem

2005-06-18 Thread Jürgen Exner
Xah Lee wrote:
 Python documentation,
 [...] Python Reference Manual for more information.
 [...] python doc wasted my time. [...] python coders.
 [...] use python doc
 python community [...] coding in python.

[Sexual explicatives deleted]

And this outburst has exactly _what_ to do with Perl (see list of NGs)?



Re: Python documentation problem

2005-06-18 Thread Jürgen Exner
Xah Lee wrote:
 i wanted to find out if Python supports eval. e.g.

 print eval(somecode) # prints 7

 in the 14 hundred pages of python doc, where am i supposed to find
 this info?

Why are you asking in a Perl NG for information about Python?
Or are you also asking your backer how to trim a steak?



Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread cpunerd4
what is this py2exe thing? I think its what i've been looking
for...(and inno setup was in my plans (or maby null soft
installer...)). Another reason I was thinging java was because you can
run it in the browser.
Is py2exe included? Where can I find it? 


Re: pysqlite - Checking the existance of a table

2005-06-18 Thread Gerhard Häring
rh0dium wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am starting to play with pysqlite, and would like to know if there is
 a function to determine if a table exists or not.

You can try to access the table in a try-catch block, something like:

cur.execute(select * from tablename where 1=2)

and check if it fails.

Or you can query the sqlite_master table (don't know any specification 
off-hand, but it contains the schema information).

Instead of doing a select on sqlite_master, you can use pragma 
table_info, which returns information for each column in the table, 
and, apparently, an empty list if the table does not exist:

  cur.execute(pragma table_info(foo))
  print cur.fetchall()
[(0, u'bar', u'integer', 0, None, 0)]

  cur.execute(pragma table_info(foo_does_not_exist))
  print cur.fetchall()


-- Gerhard

Re: Loop until condition is true

2005-06-18 Thread Tim Williams

- Original Message - 
From: Remi Villatel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 There is always a nice way to do things in Python but this time I can't
 find one.

 So far, all I got is:

 while True:
 if final_condition is True:

 What I don't find so nice is to have to build an infinite loop only to
 break it.

If your final_condition is already defined outside the while then how

while not final_condition:

Simplistically, this equates to

 x = 0
 while not x == 5:
...  x += 1
 print x



Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2005-06-18, cpunerd4 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 what is this py2exe thing?

 Is py2exe included?

 Where can I find it?

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  I just bought

Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 15:00:02 +0200, Renato Ramonda wrote:

 cpunerd4 ha scritto:
 thanks all for the advice. The reason I was thinking about using java
 (or C or something) was that it is a little more secure than
 distributing the source code isn't it? 
 As in protecting your code from prying eyes?

Code isn't damaged by prying eyes, so why does it need to be protected?

I don't know what cpunerd4 (or whatever she, or he, prefers to be
called) means by more secure. But to me, secure means there are no
security holes or bugs with security implications in my software.

Hiding the source code does not make software more secure. Any bugs and
security holes will be there whether the software is distributed in source
code, object code, or something in between.

Anybody who thinks that hiding the source code makes their programs more
secure is in for a rude shock. The basic premise of security by obscurity
is that you try to ensure security by hiding certain facts about the
software or algorithm from regular users, hoping that nobody will find out
what those facts are. This is equivalent to putting an unlocked door in
your house, then draping some branches over it, trusting that the burglars
won't see the secret door and gain access to your house.

Anybody who doesn't understand why keeping source code secret does not
increase security should google for security by obscurity.



Re: MixIn method to call the method it overrides: how?

2005-06-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Something like this will do what you want to achieve. I think the above
does as well what you want, but to me my solution is much more clear

class Base(object):
def foo(self):
print 'Base foo'

class Derived(Base):
def foo(self):
super(Derived, self).foo()
print 'Derived foo'
d = Derived()


Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread cpunerd4
what I mean by secure is that no one can steal the code. I want to
create comercial applications eventually. (although I will work on open
source I hope, so don't get mad at me) and calling me cpunerd4 will be


Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread Renato Ramonda
cpunerd4 ha scritto:

 Another reason I was thinging java was because you can
 run it in the browser.

Bad idea in 99% of the cases: applets are evil.


Usi Fedora? Fai un salto da noi:

Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread Renato Ramonda
Grant Edwards ha scritto:

 Python is required and Java is optional and not installed by
 default in the Linux distros I'm familiar with.
 I don't know how many Windows systems have Java installed.
 I don't think any of mine do.

It's pretty much the other way round: java CANNOT be included by default 
in any (free) linux distro for license reasons, and it CANNOT be 
included by default in Windows as a consequence of court ruling: 
Microsoft is actually _not allowed_ to include Java.

The only system (apart from solaris, I guess) that has a JVM by default 
is OSX, and it's _NOT_ sun's one, but the internally developed one.


Usi Fedora? Fai un salto da noi:

Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
cpunerd4 wrote:
 what I mean by secure is that no one can steal the code. I want to
 create comercial applications eventually. (although I will work on open
 source I hope, so don't get mad at me) and calling me cpunerd4 will be

Commercial applications don't suffer from code-stealing. They might 
suffer from feature replicating competitors, or from non-paying users. 
But your code is usual so tied to your actual design approach that it is 
of no or at least limited use to anyone trying to create his own 
application. And 98% if not 100% of the code is not actually new or 
innovative by itself.

The only part of an app that might be of interest for others is 
something like a new algorithm - e.g. a videodecoder. But if it _is_ 
interesting, it can and will be reverse engineered - even if written in 
pure assembly. The only way to protect it is not to release it at all - 
by using a RPC mechansim like CORBA or XMLRPC to access it.

So - the bottomline is - don't worry about releasing the code too much. 
The question of FOSS or commercial is a license thing - the hindrance is 
of legal nature, not technical.


Localization in OSX

2005-06-18 Thread Dariosky
 I have a problem with L10N of an app, I'm unable to retrieve default
language in mac while this works for both Linux and Windows:


Where can I find default system settings with mac?



Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2005-06-18, cpunerd4 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 what I mean by secure is that no one can steal the code.

Distributing bytecode (Java or Python) vs. source only makes
little difference if your code is really worth stealing.
Distributing compiled C code will make it a little more
difficult, but if somebody wants to reverse engineer it, they

 I want to create comercial applications eventually.

Most commercial applications are stolen simply by copying the

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Either CONFESS now or
  at   we go to PEOPLE'S COURT!!

Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread cpunerd4
even so,
crackers have a harder time getting into compiled programs rather than
intepreted languages. I know hiding the code won't stop all crackers
but it will stop some of the casual theifs won't it? It's not so much
that they could steal code, it's that they could alter it and release
it somewere else and make their own money off it.


Re: Loop until condition is true

2005-06-18 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Peter Otten [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
| 'until' in C is actually 
| do 
| statement
| while (expression);

Oops.  Well, QED - I sure don't need it often.


Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread cpunerd4
by the way, you guys have talked me out of java. Im thinking about this
py2exe thing. (anyother suggestions)
I like this list. :)


Re: Loop until condition is true

2005-06-18 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 13:35:16 -, Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]

AFAICT, the main use for do/while in C is when you want to
define a block of code with local variables as a macro:

When my job was squeezing most out of the CPU (videogame
industry) I remember that the asm code generated by

   while (sz--  0)
 /* do some stuff */

was indeed worse than

 /* do some stuff */
   } while (--sz);

because of the initial empty-loop test (conditional jumps
were bad, and forward conditional jumps were worse).
So where at least one iteration was guaranteed the do-while
loop was a better choice.

Also I've been told there were compilers that if using
for or while loops the generated code was

 evaluate condition
 je L2
 jmp L1

Instead the do-while loop would have been

 evaluate condition
 jne L1

I.e. the code was better *for each iteration* (one conditional
jump instead of one conditional jump and one inconditional jump).

I think compiler got better since then, even if I don't think
they already so smart to be able to infer the one interation
guaranteed property to avoid the initial test that often.


Re: Migrating from Windows to OS X

2005-06-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Kalle Anke wrote:
 On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 09:26:23 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 (in article [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

  I am sitting in front of a nice new PowerBook portable which has OS
  10.4 installed.  The web site says that Apple has shipped OS
  10.4 with Python 2.3.5 installed.  How exactly do I access this?  I
  have searched through the Applications and Libraries folders.  I found
  the site-packages directory, but nothing other than that.

 Launch Terminal (can be found in /Application/Utilities/)

 type python

 that's it

O.K., I found it... thanks!  I haven't been down to the UNIX prompt on
the Mac before.

How are the development tools for the Mac?  I'll use IDLE if it's
available, but I like Scintilla better.

Repeating my thanks,
John Ladasky


Re: Migrating from Windows to OS X

2005-06-18 Thread Maurice LING
 Hello, fellow programmers!
 I am sitting in front of a nice new PowerBook portable which has OS
 10.4 installed.  The web site says that Apple has shipped OS
 10.4 with Python 2.3.5 installed.  How exactly do I access this?  I
 have searched through the Applications and Libraries folders.  I found
 the site-packages directory, but nothing other than that.
 Thanks for your help,
 John Ladasky

If I recall correctly, the actual Python installation is in 
/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework but the site-package is 
symlinked to /Library/Python. Do not attempt to touch that. This 
installation can be accessed in Terminal by typing pythonw.

Are you or will you be using package managers such as darwinports or Fink?


Re: Python documentation problem

2005-06-18 Thread axel
In comp.lang.perl.misc Xah Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i wanted to find out if Python supports eval. e.g.
 print eval(somecode) # prints 7
 in the 14 hundred pages of python doc, where am i supposed to find this
By using the index - it's an alphabetical list of names and topics.

Follow-ups set.



Re: Migrating from Windows to OS X

2005-06-18 Thread Kalle Anke
On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 17:07:04 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(in article [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 How are the development tools for the Mac?  I'll use IDLE if it's
 available, but I like Scintilla better.

Don't know ... I think that MacPython is perhaps what you're looking for.

Personally, I use BBEdit



Static (why?) PyDateTimeAPI and SIP

2005-06-18 Thread Denis S. Otkidach
I use datetime C API in extension module generated with SIP.  But SIP
break the code into several .cpp files compiled separately and
PyDateTimeAPI used by all macros constituting public interface is
declared static.

The current solution is to define my own functions in main module as

PyObject * mxo_PyDateTime_FromDateAndTime(int year, int month, int day,
  int hour, int minute, int seconds,
  int usecs);

PyObject * mxo_PyDateTime_FromDateAndTime(int year, int month, int day,
  int hour, int minute, int seconds,
  int usecs) {
return PyDateTime_FromDateAndTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds,
// and so on for each macro used


But I wonder why PyDateTimeAPI is declared static, and is the a better

Denis S. Otkidach  [ru]

Re: Set of Dictionary

2005-06-18 Thread Raymond Hettinger
 I know sets have been implemented using dictionary but
 I absolutely need to have a set of dictionaries...any
 ideas how to do that?

Yes.  Create a dictionary subclass that is hashable.  Be sure not to
mutate it after using it in a set.

 class FrozenDict(dict):
def __hash__(self):
return self._hash
except AttributeError:
self._hash = hash(tuple(sorted(self.iteritems(
return self._hash

 d1 = FrozenDict(a=1, b=2, c=3)
 d2 = FrozenDict(d=4, e=5, f=6)
 d3 = FrozenDict(b=2, c=3, a=1)
 s = set([d1, d2, d3])
set([{'e': 5, 'd': 4, 'f': 6}, {'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2}])
 d2 in s

Raymond Hettinger


Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread Peter Hansen
cpunerd4 wrote:
 even so,
 crackers have a harder time getting into compiled programs rather than
 intepreted languages. I know hiding the code won't stop all crackers
 but it will stop some of the casual theifs won't it? It's not so much
 that they could steal code, it's that they could alter it and release
 it somewere else and make their own money off it.

Roughly speaking, if your code is so valuable, there's very little you 
can do to stop if from being used in this way, except for keeping it 
inside a secured network appliance which prevents all access (though 
even then the box itself can be stolen, so you have to allow access only 
through the internet in that case).

Furthermore, protecting you from someone else making money off a copy of 
your program is basically what licenses are for, and if you have noticed 
they don't protect even Microsoft (see, for example, entire governments 
like the Indonesian government, which has mass-pirated Microsoft 
software for a long time).

On the other hand, while a license isn't a guarantee of much, it does 
make it easier to go after violators in a court and sue them for 
damages.  And if you think your software is really worth the efforts you 
are envisioning to protect it, you should be prepared to go after people 
in court when they violate your license, not trying to prevent them from 
copying it in the first place (which is basically impossible, except see 
my first point again ;-).

My main suggestion to you is this.  Many people with several decades 
more experience than you used to feel exactly as you do (I did!), and 
have now, after years of developing and selling commercial software, 
changed their view of the whole issue drastically.  Learn from others' 
mistakes and don't waste your time worrying about this stealing code 
thing... put your efforts into developing really useful, valuable 
software, and the world will beat a path to your door to give you money 
(see Google, for example), and while a few people might be trying to 
profit from your efforts without your permission, you'll either be in a 
good position to ignore them or sue them, as you will


Re: Unbound names in __del__

2005-06-18 Thread Peter Hansen
Torsten Bronger wrote:
 Peter Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
What's your use case for del?
 Every instance represents a session to a measurement instrument.
 After the instance is deleted, the session should be closed to free

You mean like GPIB devices?  We've written a lot of software that talks 
to instruments, as well as pumps, motors, and sensors of all kinds.  I 
haven't even needed to free resources, other than by closing a serial 
port, for example.  Such simple operations don't require the use of 
__del__ and can easily be done with simple .close() type calls as the 
application shuts itself down or finishes a test sequence or other 

Use of __del__ is, in my opinion, a bit of a crutch (meaning it seems to 
make life easier, but then you start relying on it and find it hard to 
do without).  Given that it isn't really reliable in non-trivial 
situations, I'd recommend pretending __del__ does not exist and 
restructuring your system to close these sessions explicitly, under your 
direct control, at the appropriate point.  This has worked very well for 
us so far.


Re: thread.start_new_thread question

2005-06-18 Thread Peter Hansen
Konstantin Veretennicov wrote:
 Thank you, but that doesn't answer my question. I was asking if there
 is a reason that args is not optional.

At the risk of increasing your frustration, I'm going avoid answering 
your question as well and simply point out that if you use the 
threading module, as is recommended, you won't have to deal with this 
issue at all, and your code will generally be simpler.

(To answer your real question I'd have to check the docs for thread 
and, since I _never_ use that module in spite of heavy use of threading, 
I can't help you more... sorry.)


Re: How should threads be terminated? (related to 'Help with thread related tracebacks')

2005-06-18 Thread Peter Hansen
Maxwell Hammer wrote:
 On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 16:20:23 -0400, Peter Hansen wrote:
If the question was well formulated, and it's been more than a couple of 
days, you should consider reposting.  It's very unusual for a post with 
such a subject (if it was a clear question) to get _no_ feedback around 
 Fair enough. The question is not expressed clearly for others. Do you have
 any suggestions as to how to describe the problem clearer?

I hope you didn't get the impression I was criticizing.  I don't recall 
your post at all, and definitely wasn't suggesting that it was unclear, 
merely asking you to verify that it was and, if not, rewrite it upon 

As for suggestions to make it clearer: I can't make any without digging 
back for your previous posting.  I generally don't take the time to do 
that since older messages are often gone from my server very quickly, 
and I don't like spending time digging around on Google Groups to find 
it.  Sorry, it's just one of my approaches to conserving my own time, 

 I can think of no other way but to say I have an app that when I terminate
 it, completes ok, However the last thing that happens before the shell
 prompt returns is that there is a traceback *within* python.
 (The actual post goes into more details of course.)

This sounds very much like the problem where, during the interpreter 
shutdown, all globals in all modules are rebound to None, but if daemon 
threads are still running they will quickly crash as a result and raise 
exceptions, usually referring to AttributeErrors where None doesn't 
have an attribute of a particular kind, usually the name of a method.

If I'd seen your post, I would probably have responded with as much at 
the time.  If you do a Google Groups search for some of those keywords 
and my name, you'll certainly find a half dozen other threads where 
someone else asked a similar question, even if I missed your post.

 I just took a guess that it is *thread* related from the output of the
 traceback. I'm still learning python, so how could one pose the problem
 And thanks for the feedback regarding threads, by the way.

No problem.  And if this post didn't help, please do repost the whole 
original question so I can see it again, and those who read the group 
via the mailing list will get a fresh email, etc...


Re: Shortcut to initialize variables

2005-06-18 Thread Peter Hansen
Andrew wrote:
 I'm writing a program that will take substitution and transposition
 cipher texts and spit out plain text with no human input. So I suppose
 I'll have dictionaries of digraphs and trigraphs too; for frequency

  Do you think this is to heavy of a project to learn the language?

Not at all, provided you're somewhat expert in the domain already, and 
are just using it as a means to help learn Python.

If you are learning both Python and how to break ciphers at the same 
time, I'd personally call it a little heavy... ;-)


Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread cpunerd4
I see your point, although I don't think there is much a 14 year old
can do to sue someone. . . I'm sure my code won't be that valuable
untill I'm older though. Thanks


Re: case/switch statement?

2005-06-18 Thread Peter Hansen
D H wrote:
 Peter Hansen wrote:
[some stuff Doug didn't like]

 I don't think you could have misread my simple suggestion to you any 
 more completely than you did.

Sorry, I'll try harder next time.


Re: regarding popen function

2005-06-18 Thread Peter Hansen
praba kar wrote:
The following way of popen function usage is
 wrong or not kindly give me answer regarding this
 time = os.popen(echo %s | tai64nlocal %

Did you try it?  Just open the Python interactive interpreter and see 
what happens:

Python 2.3.4 (#1, Feb  2 2005, 12:11:53)
[GCC 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)] on linux2
  import os
  line = ['', '', '@400042b40a8716ebce34']
  time = os.popen('echo %s | tai64nlocal' % line[2]).read()
'2005-06-18 07:50:21.384552500\n'

Or were you just asking if it was an appropriate way of using 
os.popen()?  If that's what you were asking, it would have been much 
clearer not to include the command itself, since clearly it just 
confuses people about what you are asking.

Yes, it's an appropriate way to use popen(), and it does seem to work if 
you have tai64nlocal in your path.

(Michael, tai64nlocal is a program that converts a special packed 
timestamp to human-readable form.  These timestamps are created, as I 
recall, by the multilog program that the developer of Qmail created.)


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-18 Thread Peter Hansen
D H wrote:
 Peter Hansen wrote:
 With respect to the author, and an understanding that there is 
 probably much that didn't go into his self-description (add 
 about.htm to the above URL), it sounds as though he knows primarily, 
 perhaps solely, C and C++, and has done relatively little serious 
 development since he seems to have spent most of his time either 
 teaching or writing (words, not source code).

 Does he even *know* any real high level languages such as Python?
 So you say he has done relatively little serious development and that 
 he may not even know about Python.  I didn't see any evidence from those 
 pages to draw either conclusion.  In fact the 4th paragraph quite 
 contradicts them both.

Clearly this is a matter of opinion.  Now that you've expressed yours, 
did you have a point to make besides that you like to contradict my 
posts?  Maybe you'd like to take the opportunity to mention Boo?


Re: ANN: Concurrence Alpha

2005-06-18 Thread Cockle Cowrie
On 6/17/05, Daniel Bickett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Concurrence is a networked file editing program that
enables multiple
 people to modify a document simultaneously. It is
written entirely in
 python, and uses the wxPython library for the GUI
and the Twisted
 library for networking.
 This marks the release of Concurrence Alpha,
and it can be
 found at the following link:
 It has been in development for just under three
weeks now, and for
 it's age it has quite a large feature set,
 * All modifications that occur in every client are
sent to the server
 (then to the other clients) real time and on a
first-come, first-serve
 * The lines on which the carets of the other users
in a given file
 rest are highlighted
 * A chat feature is included in each document window
to eliminate the
 necessity of a third party messenger client, while
improving the
 coordination of document editing
 * All of the features expected of one's day-to-day
text editor have
 been implemented
 * Python files are automatically detected and the
syntax is
 highlighted (in the near future this feature may be
toggled at will)
 The project can be discussed on the #concurrence
channel at, or on the mailing list
 Daniel Bickett
 dbickett at

Yahoo! Mail 
Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour: 


Re: pysqlite - Checking the existance of a table

2005-06-18 Thread Peter Hansen
Gerhard Hring wrote:
 Or you can query the sqlite_master table (don't know any specification 
 off-hand, but it contains the schema information).

Item #9 in the FAQ ( shows it as:

CREATE TABLE sqlite_master (
   type TEXT,
   name TEXT,
   tbl_name TEXT,
   rootpage INTEGER,
   sql TEXT


Re: Unbound names in __del__

2005-06-18 Thread Torsten Bronger

Peter Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Torsten Bronger wrote:

 keithley = GpibInstrument(14)

 A keithley.close() would be a wart in my opinion; instead I want
 to hide the whole session thing from the programmer.  Besides, I
 haven't yet given up the hope that the issues with __del__ can be

 At least one alternative comes to mind.  Have the GpibInstrument
 class (or its module) register an atexit() method, and have the
 constructor for that class track all instances.  On shutdown, the
 atexit method goes through all instruments that are still open and
 issues the .close() requests, or whatever you do in the __del__

However, this doesn't close sessions while the program is running.
If the programmer has the above code in a function which is called
repeatedly, he may run into trouble.  IIRC my current VISA DLL has
only 256 session slots.


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus

Re: [PyKDE] Static (why?) PyDateTimeAPI and SIP

2005-06-18 Thread Gerard Vermeulen
On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 19:52:20 +0400
Denis S. Otkidach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I use datetime C API in extension module generated with SIP.  But SIP
 break the code into several .cpp files compiled separately and
 PyDateTimeAPI used by all macros constituting public interface is
 declared static.
 The current solution is to define my own functions in main module as
 PyObject * mxo_PyDateTime_FromDateAndTime(int year, int month, int day,
   int hour, int minute, int seconds,
   int usecs);
 PyObject * mxo_PyDateTime_FromDateAndTime(int year, int month, int day,
   int hour, int minute, int seconds,
   int usecs) {
 return PyDateTime_FromDateAndTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds,
 // and so on for each macro used
 But I wonder why PyDateTimeAPI is declared static, and is the a better

To prevent namespace pollution.

Numeric and numarray have a different solution. From Numeric/arrayobject.h:

/* C API address pointer */
#if defined(NO_IMPORT) || defined(NO_IMPORT_ARRAY)
extern void **PyArray_API;
void **PyArray_API;
static void **PyArray_API;

which lets you use whatever you like and even rename the C API address pointer.

However, keep in mind that SIP can concatenate all C++ files which breaks
clever #defines that work if SIP generates separate C++ source files.

In fact, I use your method, when wrapping the Numeric and numarray files for
PyQwt.  The only difference is that I put all access to the C-API in handwritten
C++ files to use the conflicting APIs of Numeric and numarray in the same Python


Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 12:05:59 -0400, Peter Hansen wrote:

 Furthermore, protecting you from someone else making money off a copy of 
 your program is basically what licenses are for, and if you have noticed 
 they don't protect even Microsoft (see, for example, entire governments 
 like the Indonesian government, which has mass-pirated Microsoft 
 software for a long time).

Please call it what it is: copyright infringement, not piracy. Piracy
takes place in international waters, and involves one or more of theft,
murder, rape and kidnapping. Making an unauthorized copy of a piece of
software is not piracy, it is an infringement of a government-granted

In any case, there is a powerful argument for wanna-be Microsofts to
turn a blind eye to copyright infringements. It worked for Microsoft and
almost every other successful software company.

The biggest barrier to success for software developers is getting people
to even know your software exists. The second biggest barrier is
encouraging them to try your software. The third is getting them to keep
using your software once they've tried it. Actually collecting money from
them is at the bottom of the list -- you can't expect people to pay you
for using your software if they don't even know you exist.

Apart from the occasional public rant (such as Bill Gates' plea to users
not to make illegal copies of MS BASIC), in the early days Microsoft
didn't go out of their way to chase copyright infringers. If they had, the
users would have simply stopped using the MS software and used something
else. Instead, people grabbed copies of Word or Excel from their friends,
taking market share from WordPerfect, WordStar, Lotus etc. Eventually,
they would need an upgrade, or find it more convenient to buy than to
copy. Every so-called pirated copy had (at least) four benefits to
Microsoft: it denied a sale to Microsoft's competitors; it increased
users' familiarity and confidence with Microsoft's products; it built
Microsoft's brand recognition among software purchasers and IT
departments; and it was (usually) a future sale to Microsoft.

It was only as Microsoft approached monopoly status that copyright
infringement began to hurt them more than it gained them. With few if any
competitors, the loss of revenue from unauthorized copies of Word or Excel
or Windows became greater than the benefits.



Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread cpunerd4
the problem is that i don't even know the language yet. . .


Re: What makes an object uncopyable?

2005-06-18 Thread Konstantin Veretennicov
On 17 Jun 2005 15:41:07 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I am trying to make a copy of a certain Python object using the
 copy.copy() function.  When I try to perform this operation I get an
 error like the following:
 copy.Error: un(shallow)copyable object of type ...
 What factors determine whether an object can be copied?

You are probably trying to copy an instance of a class implemented in
C extension. AFAIK, Python classes have copy support by default, but
extension classes need to implement copy/pickle protocol.

- kv

Re: OO approach to decision sequence?

2005-06-18 Thread Chinook
On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 09:10:25 -0400, George Sakkis wrote
(in article [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Chinook wrote:
 I understand what you are saying.  The point I'm messing up my head with
 though, is when the entity (tree node in my case or variable record content
 deconstructing in the aspect example I noted) is not an instance of a class
 already - it is obtained from an external source and only decipherable by 
 In practical terms that leaves me with some decision sequence regardless and
 I was wondering (from what Chris Smith said) how that might be done in OOP.
 The whole problem may be that I'm reading too much into what Chris said :~)
 I will dig back through the Tutor archives as you suggested.
 What you are looking for is what is called the 'factory method pattern'
 ( and it's one of
 the cases where OOP doesn't eliminate the if/elif/elif (or switch in
 C++/Java). That's ok though because, as you noticed, at some point you
 have to take a decision. What's important is the once and only once
 principle, that is all the decision logic is encapsulated in a single
 method (or in python in a single function) instead of being replicated
 every time you want to use an existing Node.


Yes, that answers my question of how the issue is approached in OOP - thank 
you.  I'll do some more googling to find examples in Python and then try 
refactoring my little utility.  The effect on my little utility will be a 
verbose abstraction of a specific efficient top-down approach, but the 
intended goal is to learn how to better facilitate extensibility.  

Thanks to all that took the time to wade through my post and especially to  
those that offered their thoughts, 

Lee C


Re: Unbound names in __del__

2005-06-18 Thread Dieter Maurer
Peter Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes on Fri, 17 Jun 2005 08:43:26 -0400:
 And I don't recall the last time I saw a __del__ in third-party code I
 was examining.
 What's your use case for del?

I had to use one a few days ago:

 To call the unlink method of a minidom object when
 its container is destroyed.

 It would have been possible to let the cyclic garbage
 collector find and eliminate the cyclic minidom objects.
 But, DOMs may be large and I create lots of them in
 a short time (each in its own container)...



Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread Mrsani
 So true. Am I the only one who wonders this: If Python at runtime runs
 very much like Java and has generally about the same
 speed (or faster)



Re: Unbound names in __del__

2005-06-18 Thread Peter Hansen
Torsten Bronger wrote:
Torsten Bronger wrote:
keithley = GpibInstrument(14)

[on using atexit]
 However, this doesn't close sessions while the program is running.
 If the programmer has the above code in a function which is called
 repeatedly, he may run into trouble.  IIRC my current VISA DLL has
 only 256 session slots.

Hmm... it sounds to me as though the design of this DLL is such that one 
is expected to hold a session open for the duration of the application. 
So instead of creating new GpibInstrument objects as needed, then just 
sort of dropping them, the programmers would have to create the required 
instrument objects at the start of the program and reuse them when needed.

But that's as far as my thoughts take me on this, without working 
directly with you.  I guess you'll have to explore the __del__ approach 
through to its conclusion before you'll be confident it won't work (or 
perhaps you'll find a solution after all!).


Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread Chinook
On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 14:00:35 -0400, Steven D'Aprano wrote
(in article [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 12:05:59 -0400, Peter Hansen wrote:
 Furthermore, protecting you from someone else making money off a copy of 
 your program is basically what licenses are for, and if you have noticed 
 they don't protect even Microsoft (see, for example, entire governments 
 like the Indonesian government, which has mass-pirated Microsoft 
 software for a long time).
 Please call it what it is: copyright infringement, not piracy. Piracy
 takes place in international waters, and involves one or more of theft,
 murder, rape and kidnapping. Making an unauthorized copy of a piece of
 software is not piracy, it is an infringement of a government-granted
 In any case, there is a powerful argument for wanna-be Microsofts to
 turn a blind eye to copyright infringements. It worked for Microsoft and
 almost every other successful software company.
 The biggest barrier to success for software developers is getting people
 to even know your software exists. The second biggest barrier is
 encouraging them to try your software. The third is getting them to keep
 using your software once they've tried it. Actually collecting money from
 them is at the bottom of the list -- you can't expect people to pay you
 for using your software if they don't even know you exist.
 Apart from the occasional public rant (such as Bill Gates' plea to users
 not to make illegal copies of MS BASIC), in the early days Microsoft
 didn't go out of their way to chase copyright infringers. If they had, the
 users would have simply stopped using the MS software and used something
 else. Instead, people grabbed copies of Word or Excel from their friends,
 taking market share from WordPerfect, WordStar, Lotus etc. Eventually,
 they would need an upgrade, or find it more convenient to buy than to
 copy. Every so-called pirated copy had (at least) four benefits to
 Microsoft: it denied a sale to Microsoft's competitors; it increased
 users' familiarity and confidence with Microsoft's products; it built
 Microsoft's brand recognition among software purchasers and IT
 departments; and it was (usually) a future sale to Microsoft.
 It was only as Microsoft approached monopoly status that copyright
 infringement began to hurt them more than it gained them. With few if any
 competitors, the loss of revenue from unauthorized copies of Word or Excel
 or Windows became greater than the benefits.


Your weigh-in on semantics is misleading, but your elaboration of the aspect 
is very well put.

As to semantics, piracy is to the originator what freedom fighter is to those 
that perceive themselves as oppressed.  

On the other hand, your elaboration is a very good example of the altered 
consciousness of human nature.  That is, the acceptance of shades of 
complicity divorced from shades of guilt.  Of course, one can see (if they so 
chose) many more obvious examples in business, let alone government and 
religion :~)  

Lee C


oddness in super()

2005-06-18 Thread Michael P. Soulier
Ok, this works in Python on Windows, but here on Linux, with Python 2.4.1, I'm
getting an error. 

The docs say:

A typical use for calling a cooperative superclass method is:

class C(B):
def meth(self, arg):
super(C, self).meth(arg)

However, when I try this, which works on windows, with ActiveState
ActivePython 2.4.0...

class RemGuiFrame(RemGlade.RemFrame):
This class is the top-level frame for the application.

def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
Class constructor.
# Constructor chaining
super(RemGuiFrame, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)

...on linux I get this...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] pysrc]$ ./ 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./, line 206, in ?
frame_1 = RemGuiFrame(None, -1, )
  File ./, line 30, in __init__
super(RemGuiFrame, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
TypeError: super() argument 1 must be type, not classobj

Why the difference? Is Python portability overrated? Is this a bug?

I'm confused. 


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]  python -c 'import this'

Description: Digital signature

Re: extreme newbie

2005-06-18 Thread Ed Jensen
Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've guessed that python is purely an interpreted language unless its
 compiled into another language (ie. it needs python installed in order
 to run programs). Is this correct?
 It's just like Java.  It's compiled into bytecode and then the
 bytecode is executed on a virtual machine.

Keep in mind that all modern JVMs just-in-time compile Java bytecode
to native code.  It looks something like this:

Java source - Java bytecode - Java virtual machine - Native code

So, in the end, users are typically running natively compiled code.

(Warning: This is a simplification, but this description seems
adequate for the OP.)

Java typically outperforms Python by a very wide margin.

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