Fredericksburg VA ZPUG, tomorrow 7:30-9 PM: Jim Fulton's State of Zope

2006-03-07 Thread Gary Poster
Sorry to all for the late notice.

Tomorrow, March 8, from 7:30 to 9:00 PM, instead of the previously  
discussed presentations (IronPython and Twisted/Zope 3), Jim Fulton  
will present his State of Zope talk recently delivered at PyCon, and  
lead discussion afterwards.  The meeting with have the usual  
selection of delicious food and carbonated beverages.

General ZPUG information

When: second Wednesday of every month, 7:30-9:00.

Where: Zope Corporation offices. 513 Prince Edward Street;  
Fredericksburg, VA 22408 (tinyurl for map is

Parking: Zope Corporation parking lot; entrance on Prince Edward Street.

Topics: As desired (and offered) by participants, within the  
constraints of having to do with Python or Zope.

Contact: Gary Poster ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 6)

2006-03-07 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW:  This PyCon has been better in so many respects than the three that
preceded it.  ...  PyCon will continue to improve. - Steve Holden, chairman
of PyCon 2003-2005

Design patterns are kind of like sarcasm: hard to use well, not always
appropriate, and disgustingly bad when applied to problems they are not
meant to solve. - ajones

Most of most design patterns is to work around the fact that it's
difficult in Java and C++ to do many things. - Roy Smith

Alex Martelli, Duncan Booth, Steven D'Aprano, and Peter Hansen
illustrate that, where a C programmer thinks of an inline
assignment, a Pythoneer looks for an opportunity to define a
generator--and so on:

Even rawstrings can't be entirely raw.  Blackbird, Steven D'Aprano,
and Alex Martelli explain the principal subtlety of their interpretation:

As you should have heard by now, Queue.Queue is often the best way to
organize cooperation among threads:

Remember that the Wiki has lots of information about PyCon2006,
both in anticipation and reflection:

Everything Python-related you want is probably one or two clicks away in
these pages:'s Python Language Website is the traditional
center of Pythonia
Notice especially the master FAQ

PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the
marvelous daily python url  
Mygale is a news-gathering webcrawler that specializes in (new)
World-Wide Web articles related to Python. 
While cosmetically similar, Mygale and the Daily Python-URL
are utterly different in their technologies and generally in
their results.

For far, FAR more Python reading than any one mind should
absorb, much of it quite interesting, several pages index
much of the universe of Pybloggers.

comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software.  Be
sure to scan this newsgroup weekly.

Steve Bethard, Tim Lesher, and Tony Meyer continue the marvelous
tradition early borne by Andrew Kuchling, Michael Hudson and Brett
Cannon of intelligently summarizing action on the python-dev mailing
list once every other week.

The Python Package Index catalogues packages.

The somewhat older Vaults of Parnassus ambitiously collects references
to all sorts of Python resources.   

Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group
mailing lists

Python Success Stories--from air-traffic control to on-line
match-making--can inspire you or decision-makers to whom you're
subject with a vision of what the language makes practical.

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) has replaced the Python
Consortium as an independent nexus of activity.  It has official
responsibility for Python's development and maintenance.
Among the ways you can support PSF is with a donation.

Kurt B. Kaiser publishes a weekly report on faults and patches.
Cetus collects Python hyperlinks.

Python FAQTS

The Cookbook is a collaborative effort to capture useful and
interesting recipes.

Among several Python-oriented RSS/RDF feeds available are
For more, see
The old Python To-Do List now lives principally in a
SourceForge reincarnation.
The online Python Journal is posted at 

ANN: webstring 0.1 released

2006-03-07 Thread L. C. Rees
This is the first public release of webstring.

webstring is a web templating engine that allows programs to manipulate
XML and HTML documents with standard Python sequence and string
operators. It is designed for those whose preferred web template
languages are Python and HTML (and XML for people who swing that way).

webstring's design is inspired by PyMeld but with a stricter Python
feel. Like PyMeld, it strictly seperates the view (XML/HTML) from the
controller (Python). Web designers can rest easy knowing that they can
devote more time to mastering the complexities of HTML while
programmers can now spend their days writing controller logic.

webstring was written as a wrapper for Fredrik Lundh's cElementTree
package, so the cElementTree and ElementTree packages are required. It
also requires Fredrik Lundh's elementtidy package for trying to make
sense of HTML from off the beaten track. All of these packages are
available for download at:

webstring is currently only known to work with Python 2.4.

webstring's documentation at this point is found in its source code
alongside its unit tests.

The file is available for download from:


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: PyGUI 1.6.1

2006-03-07 Thread greg
PyGUI 1.6.1 is now available:

Bug fixes:

- Mouse down event in a GLView caused a crash.

- Canvas methods fill_poly() and stroke_poly() didn't work. Added
a test for these.

What is PyGUI?

PyGUI is an experimental highly-Pythonic cross-platform
GUI API. Implementations are currently available for
MacOSX and Gtk. For a full description of the project
goals, see the PyGUI web page at the above address.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

pywinauto 0.2.5 released

2006-03-07 Thread Mark Mc Mahon

The 0.2.5 release of pywinauto is now available.

pywinauto is a set of open-source (LGPL) modules for using Python as a GUI
automation 'driver' for Windows NT based Operating Systems (NT/W2K/XP).

SourceForge project page:

Download from SourceForge

Here is the list of changes:
0.2.5 More refactoring, more tests


* Added wrapper classes for Menus and MenuItems this enabled cleaner
  interaction with Menu's. It also gives more functionality - you can now
  programmatically Click() on menus, and query if a menu item is checked
  or not.

* Added application.WindowSpecification.Wait() and WaitNot() methods.
  These methods allow you to wait for a control to exist, be visible,
  be enabled, be ready (both enabled and visible!) or to wait for the
  control to not be in any of these states. WaitReady(),
  WaitNotEnabled(), WaitNotVisible() now use these methods. I was
able to also
  add the missing methods WaitNotReady(), WaitEnabled(), WaitVisible(),
  WaitExists(), WaitnotExists(). Please use Wait() and WaitNot() as I have
  Deprecated these Wait* methods.

* Slightly modified timeout waits for control resolution so that a timed
  function more accurately follows the timeout value specified.

* Added application.Application.start() and connect() static methods. These
  methods are factory methods in that they will return an
initialized Application
  instance. They work exactly the same as start_() and connect()
as they are
  implemented in terms of those.

from pywinauto.application import Application
notepad = Application.start(notepad)
same_notepad = Application.connect(path = notepad)

* Updated the examples to follow changes to the code - and to make
them a little
  more robust.

* Added a new Controls Overview document page which lists all the actions on
  all controls.

* Added more unit tests now up to 207 from 134 (added 68 tests)

If you want to follow this project then please sign up to the mailing list:


Mark Mc Mahon
Manchester, NH 03110, USA

PA HREF=;pywinauto 0.2.5/A
Simple Windows GUI automation with Python. (07-Mar-06)

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: 2006 Python training courses, San Francisco

2006-03-07 Thread w chun
WE are giving 4 more Python training sessions (held near the San
Francisco airport) for the remainder of this year.

For the first time, there will be an advanced Python course
available to the public.  In fact, we've added the March intro course
date for those prepping to take the advanced class in May.  You may
register for any of the 4 courses/dates below.

(Intensive) Introduction to Python
March 29-31, 2006
August 16-18, 2006

Advanced Python Programming
May 17-19, 2006
November 8-10, 2006

LOCALS: it'll be at a hotel with BART and CalTrain access (San Bruno stations)

VISITORS: free shuttle directly from the San Francisco airport, lots
of free food and wireless

DISCOUNTS available. for more info and details, go to and click Python training.


ps. a great big public THANKS to Rob Stephenson for putting together
the short PodCast clip of one of our training sessions for your
viewing pleasure on a video iPod or iTunes on your Mac!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Core Python Programming, Prentice Hall, (c)2006,2001

wesley.j.chun :: : silicon valley, ca

Support the Python Software Foundation:

BayPIGgies: March 9, 7:30pm (Google)

2006-03-07 Thread Aahz
The next meeting of BayPIGgies will be Thurs, March 9 at 7:30pm at

This meeting features a PyCon report from Guido van Rossum and possibly

BayPIGgies meetings alternate between IronPort (San Bruno, California)
and Google (Mountain View, California).  For more information and
directions, see

Before the meeting, we sometimes meet at 6pm for dinner.  Discussion of
dinner plans is handled on the BayPIGgies mailing list.  

Advance notice:  We need a speaker for April.  Please e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] if you want to suggest an agenda (or volunteer to
give a presentation).

19. A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming,
is not worth knowing.  --Alan Perlis

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: It is fun.the result of str.lower(str())

2006-03-07 Thread Duncan Booth
Sullivan WxPyQtKinter wrote:

 Guess what would be the result of these functions:
 If you guess them correctly, please explain.

I think it was because I've read the manuals.

Re: SAX/Python : read an xml from the end to the top

2006-03-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
kepioo schrieb:
 I currently have an xml input file containing lots of data. My objectiv
 is to write a script that reports in another xml file only the data I
 am interested in. Doing this is really easy using SAX.
 The input file is continuously updated. However, the other xml file
 should be updated only on request.
 Everytime we run the script, we track the new elements in the input
 file and report them in the output file.
 My idea was to :
 _ detect in the output file the last event reported
 _ read the input file from the end
 _ report all the new events ( since the last time the script was run).
 Question : IS it possible to read an XML file and process it from the
 end to the beginning, using SAX

No. And in no other XML-related technology I know of.

Generally speaking, I'd say your approach is inherently flawed. XML as a 
language requires well-formed documents to have 
exactly one root element. This makes it unsuitable
for e.g. logging-files, as these have no explicit end - except the implicit 
last log-entry. So you will always have 
something like this:

--- begin ---
--- end ---

I don't know _what_ you do, but unless you always write the whole XML-file 
completely new, you can't possibly write that 
  closing end-tag. So you end up with an malformed xml-document. Or you _do_ 
write all the file contents new each time - 
but then you'd be able to reverse the order of elements so that the last came 
first. But I doubt the latter, as it 
imposes a great performance-bottleneck with little gain.

SAX won't puke on you for your file being malformed, as it only learns about 
that when it is to late. So - you might use 
it, as when that happens you are already finished with your actual task.

But you will always have to parse it from the beginning, to catch the document 
header, and there is no fast-forward 
build into SAX.

So - what are your options?

  - use seperate output files for each entry, that are well-formed in 
themselves. Beware if you've got plenty of them 
(few K to M) that some FS might not deal well with that

  - if you can keep the file open reading all the time (because you are kind of 
a background process), you can read the 
contents, create a buffer and search for start-tags in that yourself. Then you 
can snip out the necessary portions, 
complete them with a xml-header and feed them separately.

  - if you can't keep it open, you can simulate that using the seed-function

Both the last options are somewhat cumbersome, as you have to do a lot of 
parsing yourself - the exact purpose one chose 
XML the first time... From that follows the last advice:

  - ditch XML. Either totally, or at least as format for the whole file. 
Instead, use some protocol like this:

--- begin ---
Chunk-Length: 100
?xml version=1.0?
root... ( a 100 byte size xml document)
Chunk-Length: 200
?xml version=1.0?
root... ( a 200 byte size xml document)

Then you can easily read through your document, skip unnecessary entries and 
extract the ones you want. Or, when keeping 
the file open, know exactly what to read for the next chunk.


Re: popen and exit code on Windows

2006-03-07 Thread Giovanni Bajo

 On UNIX one can use popen* to get a pipe for reading, a pipe for
 writing, and the exit code of the child process via a call to close()
 on the last pipe. Is there any way, in principle, to simulate such
 behaviour on Windows? Some googling reveals that direct use of the
 popen* functions on Windows will not do the trick, but are there
 indirect ways?

This is well-tested:

def launch(cmd, split_lines=True):
Launch a sub-process. Return its output (both stdout and stderr),
optionally split by lines (if split_lines is True). Raise a LaunchError
exception if the exit code of the process is non-zero (failure).
if not in ['nt', 'os2']:
p = popen2.Popen4(cmd)
if split_lines:
out = p.fromchild.readlines()
out =
ret = p.wait()
if ret == 0:
ret = None
ret = 8
i,k = os.popen4(cmd)
if split_lines:
out = k.readlines()
out =
ret = k.close()

if ret is None:
return out
raise LaunchError(ret, cmd, out)

Giovanni Bajo


Re: Pyserial again

2006-03-07 Thread luca72
Here is my code ; why after the readline the port close?

ser = serial.Serial(0)
ser.baudrate = 9600
ser.parity = serial.PARITY_ODD
ser.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_TWO
ser.bytesize =serial.EIGHTBITS
ser.setRTS(level = 0)
ser.setDTR(level = 0)
ser.timeout = 1


Why after this the port close.

Regards Luca


Re: It is fun.the result of str.lower(str())

2006-03-07 Thread bruno at modulix
Sullivan WxPyQtKinter wrote:
 Guess what would be the result of these functions:

s/functions/method calls/


= 'ASFA'.lower() = 'asfa'


= ''.join(['1','1','1']) = '111'


= 'a'.join('b') = 'b'

 If you guess them correctly, 

No need to guess, there's this thing named the python interactive shell,
you know... And it even has an integrated help system.

 please explain.

Explain what ? It's all in the fine manual.

* Klass() is a call to Klass's constructor and returns an instance of Klass.

* Klass.method(klass_instance) is the same as klass_instance.method()
* str is the builtin string class.
* without any args, the str constructor returns an empty string
* str.join() takes a sequence of strings and join'em with the target str
instance as separator

Now would you be kind enough to explain what's funny about all this ?

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Checking function calls

2006-03-07 Thread bruno at modulix
James Stroud wrote:

 Since python is weakly typed,



bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Compile ui files from within Eclipse

2006-03-07 Thread Fabio Zadrozny
Chuck wrote:


I am new to the Eclipse IDE.

I am using pydev plug-in to create python projects.

Is there a way to create custom builders to build certain types of

I have done this with other IDE's but can't seem to figure it out
with Eclipse.

I am trying to build *.ui files of a pydev project to create the
corresponding py files.

For example to do this the manual way I would:

pyuic.exe c:\source.ui  c:\



You can, just create an external tool. (menu: run  external tools  
external tools). You can also add a keybinding to the last external tool 



Fabio Zadrozny
Software Developer

ESSS - Engineering Simulation and Scientific Software

Pydev Extensions

PyDev - Python Development Enviroment for Eclipse


Re: It is fun.the result of str.lower(str())

2006-03-07 Thread Christos Georgiou
On Tue, 07 Mar 2006 10:23:59 +0100, rumours say that bruno at modulix
[EMAIL PROTECTED] might have written:

snip various python expressions

Now would you be kind enough to explain what's funny about all this ?

I would guess it's the statement: Funny, it works!
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
Dear Paul,
please stop spamming us.
The Corinthians

Re: Is this not infinite?

2006-03-07 Thread Peter Hansen
John Salerno wrote:
 Kent Johnson wrote:
This should be
 def __init__(self, etc):
 Base.__init__(self, etc...)
It's a typo in the book.
 Thank goodness! At least I know my mind is heading in the right 
 direction then...  :)

Which book?  Many of the authors are here, and I don't recall seeing 
that one reported before.  These things can sometimes be patched in an 
errata page for the book, or at least noted here for posterity in case 
anyone else tries searching.



Re: Pyserial again

2006-03-07 Thread Peter Hansen
luca72 wrote:
 Here is my code ; why after the readline the port close?

What is the line of code before the first one shown here?

 ser = serial.Serial(0)
 ser.baudrate = 9600
 ser.parity = serial.PARITY_ODD
 ser.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_TWO
 ser.bytesize =serial.EIGHTBITS
 ser.setRTS(level = 0)
 ser.setDTR(level = 0)
 ser.timeout = 1
 Why after this the port close.

What's the next line of code after ser.readline()?



Re: SAX/Python : read an xml from the end to the top

2006-03-07 Thread kepioo
Hi Diez,

thank you for your answer. Let me give you more background on the

The input xml I am parsing is always well formed. It is coming out from
another application that append to this xml. I didn't see the source
code of the application, but i know that it is not re-writing the whole
xml. I thinnk it is just removing the last root element, adding the new
tags and writing again the /root tag.

We don't want to create new output files for every entry ( each entry
is an event, and we have approximativaly 5 events per minute). So I
have to stick with this xml input file.

I guess, i will parse it till I find the last reported event and update
the output xml from there, reporting only the events I am interested
inI hope SAX won't take too much time to do all this...(let's say 1
event = 10 tags, 5 events/minutes, xml file running for 1 month --
5400 000 opening tags)...

What do you think?


Can anyone explain this behaviour (class attribute vs instance lookup)

2006-03-07 Thread Bruno da Silva de Oliveira
Hi all,From what I understand about the lookup semantics of instances and classes, the following is expected: class A(object): pass... A.__module__
'__main__' A().__module__'__main__'IOW, if an attribute is not found in the instance, it is looked-up in class, and if found, returned. Then, I was pluzzed by this behaviour: A.__name__
'A' A().__name__Traceback (most recent call last): File stdin, line 1, in ?AttributeError: 'A' object has no attribute '__name__'It seems that '__name__' is being treated differently somehow. I guess this involves the descriptor machinery, but I don't know the internals of the new-class completely to explain the above behaviour in detail. Can anyone explain precisely the above semantics? 
Best Regards,Nicodemus.

Re: SAX/Python : read an xml from the end to the top

2006-03-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 We don't want to create new output files for every entry ( each entry
 is an event, and we have approximativaly 5 events per minute). So I
 have to stick with this xml input file.

Well, the overall amount of data won't change. But I can understand that
decision. However, you might consider using a  file per day/week.

 I guess, i will parse it till I find the last reported event and update
 the output xml from there, reporting only the events I am interested
 inI hope SAX won't take too much time to do all this...(let's say 1
 event = 10 tags, 5 events/minutes, xml file running for 1 month --
 5400 000 opening tags)...

Use my suggested approach 2 - that boils down to using seek and some
hand-written parsing/buffering. A little bit nasty, but better than
consuming all of that file through sax.


Re: SAX/Python : read an xml from the end to the top

2006-03-07 Thread Peter Hansen
kepioo wrote:
 The input xml I am parsing is always well formed. It is coming out from
 another application that append to this xml. I didn't see the source
 code of the application, but i know that it is not re-writing the whole
 xml. I thinnk it is just removing the last root element, adding the new
 tags and writing again the /root tag.

If the writers had a clue, they probably just seek to the end of the 
file minus len('/root') (or whatever) and then overwrite with the new 
entry and another /root element.  At least, that's what seemed like 
the obvious approach when I had to do this once.

Not that this is particularly relevant to the problem. ;-)

 I guess, i will parse it till I find the last reported event and update
 the output xml from there, reporting only the events I am interested
 inI hope SAX won't take too much time to do all this...(let's say 1
 event = 10 tags, 5 events/minutes, xml file running for 1 month --
 5400 000 opening tags)...
 What do you think?

I think (guessing wildly) you probably have a fairly restricted number 
of possibilities being written to this file, possibly as simple as the 
somewhat stereotypical 'entry text=blah blah/' type of thing which 
I've seen lots of times.

If so, you can simply treat this as a text file which you process 
manually, in whatever direct and crude fashion works best, such as by 
seeking 1000 chars back from the end (assuming new entries are always 
less than that length), scanning for the last entry string, and 
slicing and dicing till you find the stuff you need.

In other words, screw SAX, just grab the data directly and forget about 
all those silly well-formed XML issues etc.  Go for the simplest thing 
that could possibly work, and if you don't need the complexity of SAX, 
don't use it.



Webhosting python info

2006-03-07 Thread googlinggoogler

Is there a way in python to have all the modules/ packages availiable
to me printed out, like phpinfo ( on my




Re: Peter Naur wins ACM Turing Award

2006-03-07 Thread Colin J. Williams
Kay Schluehr wrote:
 Terry Reedy wrote:

Peter Naur was co-developer of Backus/Naur grammar notation, co-author and
editor of the Algol 60 specification, and co-developer of a successful
Algol compiler.
 That's very fine. Peter Naur has to be honored before he dies and Algol
 gets forgotten forever. Sarkasm mode off. Is it just me who thinks that
 this grand-old-man gala should be cancelled and replaced by a fields
 medal mode where the jury has to prove that it is a little more up to
 date? Maybe being at age of 50 would be good upper limit ( our
 societies grow older ;) This mode would enable to honor Simon Peyton
 Jones and Philip Wadler for Haskell and introducing monads to Haskell
 before the language is phased out in 20+ years.
Without detracting from the last sentence, I disagree.

Peter Naur's honour is long overdue.

Colin W.

Re: Cryptographically random numbers

2006-03-07 Thread Gervasio Bernal
Bryan Olson wrote:
 Tuvas wrote:
Ahh, you are correct, that is a large bug... How about this one?
 Much better. Do note the comments from Emile van Sebille and Paul
 Rubin. There are some minor style and efficiency points, but it
 looks reasonable.
 Incidentally, as of Python 2.4, the standard library offers
 random.SystemRandom, which will generate integers in any desired
 range using os.urandom as the entropy source.

How can I generate a random string containing digits, symbols and
letters? I will use this random string for the key of a cryptographic


Re: New website

2006-03-07 Thread Nicola Musatti

Phoe6 wrote: evolved  very nice and noticed today the new
 website going live. There is a change in the look n feel, wherein it
 looks more official and maximum possible information about python is
 now directly accessible from the home page itself.  Kudoes to the
 design team.

Sigh! Another of these sites that all look the same, with two
screenfuls of info on the home page that are going to be in the way of
every returning user...

Not to mention the dull color scheme and the unremarkable logo. I can't
say I'm impressed.

Nicola Musatti


Re: Checking function calls

2006-03-07 Thread Roy Smith
Fredrik Tolf wrote:
If I have a variable which points to a function, can I check if certain
argument list matches what the function wants before or when calling it?

Currently, I'm trying to catch a TypeError when calling the function
(since that is what is raised when trying to call it with an illegal
list), but that has the rather undesirable side effect of also catching
any TypeErrors raised inside the function. Is there a way to avoid that?

The only way is to read the documentation for the function (or, the
source code).

Can you be a little more specific about what you're trying to do?  Can
you post your code?

Getting File Permissions

2006-03-07 Thread Hari
For getting permissions of a file, the following script has been
suggested in the same group

import os, stat
st = os.stat(myfile)
mode = st[stat.ST_MODE]
print mode is, octal(mode  0777)

But while executing I am getting error message as follows

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File stdin, line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'octal' is not defined

Since I am new to python, can any one help me to solve this error?
A bunch of thanks in advance.



Re: Getting File Permissions

2006-03-07 Thread Kent Johnson
Hari wrote:
 For getting permissions of a file, the following script has been
 suggested in the same group
 import os, stat
 st = os.stat(myfile)
 mode = st[stat.ST_MODE]
 print mode is, octal(mode  0777)
 But while executing I am getting error message as follows
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
 NameError: name 'octal' is not defined

The correct name is oct(). The docs on built-in functions are helpful here:


Re: Getting File Permissions

2006-03-07 Thread Juho Schultz
Hari wrote:
 For getting permissions of a file, the following script has been
 suggested in the same group
 import os, stat
 st = os.stat(myfile)
 mode = st[stat.ST_MODE]
 print mode is, octal(mode  0777)
 But while executing I am getting error message as follows
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
 NameError: name 'octal' is not defined
 Since I am new to python, can any one help me to solve this error?
 A bunch of thanks in advance.

You can use oct instead of octal.

Re: Getting File Permissions

2006-03-07 Thread Tim Chase
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
 NameError: name 'octal' is not defined
 Since I am new to python, can any one help me to solve this error?

Looks like you just want the oct() function (not octal())

  [x for x in dir(__builtins__) if x.lower().find(oct) 
!= -1]

The __builtins__ will tell you what functions python 
supports natively, and you can query against this list for 
patterns, as done above.



Re: Pyserial again

2006-03-07 Thread luca72
def OnButton1Button(self, event):

   ser = serial.Serial(0)
 ser.baudrate = 9600
 ser.parity = serial.PARITY_ODD
 ser.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_TWO
 ser.bytesize =serial.EIGHTBITS
 ser.setRTS(level = 0)
 ser.setDTR(level = 0)
 ser.timeout = 1


no code before




Re: Simulation Programming Skills and Python

2006-03-07 Thread Mc Osten
On Mon, 06 Mar 2006 10:48:46 -0500, Richard Blackwood wrote:

 Two, is 
 Python a good language for simulation programming?

Civilization 4 is (partly) written in Python. I suppose they thought Python
was a good language for that. I said partly because as far as I know some
code is C++ for speed reasons.

USB Priests for only 10$

Re: Python and Java

2006-03-07 Thread JKPeck
Thanks for these suggestions.  To be clear, we already have a Python
2.4 minimum requirement for other reasons, and we are looking for a
long-term solution so that as Python advances, the scripting solution
can keep up in a timely way.

Since the Java code is for a very large, complex application, we need
to bring Python to Java rather than Java to Python.

We will take a look at some of the other ideas.


CP4E? (was: Help - just a few lines of code needed)

2006-03-07 Thread Cameron Laird
There is some fine permutation code in the cookbook.  Take a look at .

You can easily code something like:
 Unfortunately I am not able to program it myself, so
 I would appreciate if someone could write this piece of
 software, compile it (for DOS or Windows) and send the .exe file to:

 lory88 at gmail . com

Meet us halfway, here.  At least install Python.

Also, it's a dangerous world out there.  Don't run .exe s sent to you
by people you don't know.

All true.

This situation rather intrigues me at what I'll call a
managerial level.  I'm sympathetic to the possibility 
that Lory might have a life where compilation and 
script-launching and our other commonplaces are very
remote; I salute him or her for recognizing that 
string permutation is indeed a feasible goal for a
simple .EXE.  I know *I* sometimes am in the situation
of not having a useful Windows installation of a C
compiler, or adequate Java environment, or ..., and I
lean on the kindnesss o strangers at least temporarily.

At the same time, there's little incentive for
comp.lang.python to take on the burden of application
development for transients in Pythonia.  Lory, we can
walk you through the at least install Python part Mr.
Zenger mentions above in ten minutes; truly, it'll take
less time than it would to negotiate delivery of a 
special-purpose executable for you.

I remain curious:  how'd you come to Python for your
need?  Is there some particular reason--most likely,
that you're a potential Python student yourself--that
we should help you?  Is there a reason--that this is
an assignment you're to do on your own?--that we should

Re: Checking function calls

2006-03-07 Thread gene tani

Roy Smith wrote:
 Fredrik Tolf wrote:
 If I have a variable which points to a function, can I check if certain
 argument list matches what the function wants before or when calling it?
 Currently, I'm trying to catch a TypeError when calling the function
 (since that is what is raised when trying to call it with an illegal
 list), but that has the rather undesirable side effect of also catching
 any TypeErrors raised inside the function. Is there a way to avoid that?

 The only way is to read the documentation for the function (or, the
 source code).

 Can you be a little more specific about what you're trying to do?  Can
 you post your code?

if you know ahead of runtime which methods are at issue and what method
signatures you want, multimethod decorators, maybe?
(read comments: PJE, ian bicking

or you can arg-test inside the method, which isn't much fun


Re: Python and Java

2006-03-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
JKPeck wrote:

 Suppose you have an application written in Java, and you want to enable
 other applications or processes written in Python to communicate with
 it, i.e., to use Python as a scripting language for the application.
 On Windows you could do this with COM and various addons such as
 J-Integra and Mark Hammond's libraries.
 How would you do this if you want a mechanism that is portable across
 Windows, Linux, Mac, and Unix?
 Any ideas?  Jython would be a natural candidate, but it is stuck at
 Python 2.1 and seems to have an uncertain future.



Re: Cryptographically random numbers

2006-03-07 Thread Tuvas
from os import urandom
def cstring(bytes):
if c'0' and c'z':
return ret

That should do it, though I bet there might be a more efficient way. I
don't know if that's the set of characters you want to use, but... If
you want a better answer, you'd have to be more specific.


Re: Python and Java

2006-03-07 Thread Harry George

 Suppose you have an application written in Java, and you want to enable
 other applications or processes written in Python to communicate with
 it, i.e., to use Python as a scripting language for the application.
 On Windows you could do this with COM and various addons such as
 J-Integra and Mark Hammond's libraries.
 How would you do this if you want a mechanism that is portable across
 Windows, Linux, Mac, and Unix?
 Any ideas?  Jython would be a natural candidate, but it is stuck at
 Python 2.1 and seems to have an uncertain future.
 Thanks in advance.

If you need real CPython (e.g., need add-on libraries compiled in C),
then XMLRPC is a clean way to make the connection.

AES encryption

2006-03-07 Thread Tuvas
I have just finished a new function that will do AES128 encryption,
which is the standard for private-key cryptology today. In fact, the
NSA permitted AES to be used for classified documents in the USA, the
first time a public algorithm has been given this honor (Secret and Top
Secret documents can use AES as well, but must use a larger key (192 or
256 bits)) I've tested my function with a thousand random texts, it
seems to return the same result as received every time.

If you want to take a look,

Note, I still wouldn't quite encrypt your credit card numbers, but,
well, it does seem to be secure enough... I would like comments as to
anything fairly simple I might be able to do to increase security. I've
tested the algorithm about a thousand times, with no appearant
failures, but, there still could be one that I haven't found yet, so...


Difference between a library and a module...

2006-03-07 Thread sophie_newbie
OK this might seem like a retarded question, but what is the difference
between a library and a module?

If I do:

import string

am I importing a module or a library?

And if i do string.replace() am I using a module or a function or a
method or what?



What version of python is running a script

2006-03-07 Thread Fernando Rodríguez


How can my script tell which version of python is running it?



Re: Pyserial again

2006-03-07 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-03-07, luca72 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here is my code; why after the readline the port close?

 ser = serial.Serial(0)
 ser.baudrate = 9600
 ser.parity = serial.PARITY_ODD
 ser.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_TWO
 ser.bytesize =serial.EIGHTBITS
 ser.setRTS(level = 0)
 ser.setDTR(level = 0)
 ser.timeout = 1

 Why after this the port close.

Because the ser object is never used after that point, so it
get's garbage collected and deleted.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  for ARTIFICIAL
  at   FLAVORING!!

Re: What version of python is running a script

2006-03-07 Thread Ratko Jagodic
import syssys.version yields something like:2.3.4 (#53, May 25 2004, 21:17:02) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)]On 3/7/06, Fernando Rodríguez
How can my script tell which version of python is running it?Thanks--


Re: Difference between a library and a module...

2006-03-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm not 100% sure what is a library in python.  Your example above is
importing a module.

Someone else can correct me, but I use libraries to refer to underlying
c/c++ code that is required for the python modules to function.  So in
pure python you are really only dealing with modules.

string.replace() I'm 90% sure is a function in the string module.
However something like this:
foo = bar

bar.capitalize is executing a method.  Actually at this point
string.replace() may be a method as well, I don't know for sure as I
haven't inspected the string module's code.

Read some intro to OOP, for a better understanding, but the main
difference between a function and a method, is that a method is
associated with some class or object.  In Python it's really only
objects (even class is an object)  Hence when I created the string
object foo, and executed Capitalize() it was a method on the string
object. the same thing as a function might look something like:

# defining a function
def capitalize(inStr)
  #do stuff  here to capitalize the string
  return outStr

foo = capitalize(bar)

hope this helps.


Re: What version of python is running a script

2006-03-07 Thread Juho Schultz
Fernando Rodríguez wrote:
 How can my script tell which version of python is running it?

import sys
# examine these variables

Re: raw strings and \

2006-03-07 Thread John Salerno
Alex Martelli wrote:
 John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alex Martelli wrote:

 Now get back to work on your new Nutshell book :-)
 Yep, good point!-)
 Are you working on a new edition? I didn't see any new Python books 
 listed on O'Reilly's site through April, but I'd definitely be 
 interested in new versions of the books I plan to get soon (Cookbook and
 Nutshell, for example, although I figure the Cookbook is fairly new at
 this point.)
 Yep, a 3rd edition of the Cookbook is not in the cards.  A 2nd edition
 of the Nutshell is, and if all goes well should be out before the fall.

Awesome, can't wait!  :)

Re: Difference between a library and a module...

2006-03-07 Thread Laszlo Zsolt Nagy
sophie_newbie wrote:

OK this might seem like a retarded question, but what is the difference
between a library and a module?

If I do:

import string

am I importing a module or a library?

I'm not a guru, but... I think that modules are things that live inside 
the Python language. In the above case, you are importing a Python 
module. I think that a library is something that resides on the file 
system and contains code. But it can be anything, and it exists outside 
a Python program. I have the feeling that a library is usually lives in 
compiled form, while a python module can be anything that can be 
'import'-ed (py file, pyd file or an so file...)

And if i do string.replace() am I using a module or a function or a
method or what?

What you call here is:  string.replace. In the standard string module, 
replace is a function. But if string refers to a custom module, then 
string.replace could be a class or an object (or any callable) as well.

By the way, modules are not callable at all.
Methods can only be called with an object.
Class methods can be called with a class.

Well, a module is itself a special object, called the 'module object'. 
Module objects have no class, and they cannot be instantiated or called.

I hope this helps.



inserting into a list

2006-03-07 Thread John Salerno
Let me apologize in advance for what I'm sure is an achingly simple 
question, but I just can't find the answer in either of my Python books. 
I've tried a few tests with the interactive prompt, but they don't work 

All I'm trying to do is insert an item into a list, like so:

L = [1, 2, 4]

and I want to insert the integer 3 into the position L[2], so that the 
list reads [1, 2, 3, 4]

I've tried all kinds of combinations of slicing assignment, but I always 

TypeError: can only assign an iterable

Can someone please embarrass me with the simple answer?  :)

Re: Pyserial again

2006-03-07 Thread Steve Holden
Grant Edwards wrote:
 On 2006-03-07, luca72 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Here is my code; why after the readline the port close?

ser = serial.Serial(0)
ser.baudrate = 9600
ser.parity = serial.PARITY_ODD
ser.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_TWO
ser.bytesize =serial.EIGHTBITS
ser.setRTS(level = 0)
ser.setDTR(level = 0)
ser.timeout = 1


Why after this the port close.
 Because the ser object is never used after that point, so it
 get's garbage collected and deleted.

The ser name is still bound to the serial object, surely?

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog


Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 6)

2006-03-07 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW:  This PyCon has been better in so many respects than the three that
preceded it.  ...  PyCon will continue to improve. - Steve Holden, chairman
of PyCon 2003-2005

Design patterns are kind of like sarcasm: hard to use well, not always
appropriate, and disgustingly bad when applied to problems they are not
meant to solve. - ajones

Most of most design patterns is to work around the fact that it's
difficult in Java and C++ to do many things. - Roy Smith

Alex Martelli, Duncan Booth, Steven D'Aprano, and Peter Hansen
illustrate that, where a C programmer thinks of an inline
assignment, a Pythoneer looks for an opportunity to define a
generator--and so on:

Even rawstrings can't be entirely raw.  Blackbird, Steven D'Aprano,
and Alex Martelli explain the principal subtlety of their interpretation:

As you should have heard by now, Queue.Queue is often the best way to
organize cooperation among threads:

Remember that the Wiki has lots of information about PyCon2006,
both in anticipation and reflection:

Everything Python-related you want is probably one or two clicks away in
these pages:'s Python Language Website is the traditional
center of Pythonia
Notice especially the master FAQ

PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the
marvelous daily python url  
Mygale is a news-gathering webcrawler that specializes in (new)
World-Wide Web articles related to Python. 
While cosmetically similar, Mygale and the Daily Python-URL
are utterly different in their technologies and generally in
their results.

For far, FAR more Python reading than any one mind should
absorb, much of it quite interesting, several pages index
much of the universe of Pybloggers.

comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software.  Be
sure to scan this newsgroup weekly.

Steve Bethard, Tim Lesher, and Tony Meyer continue the marvelous
tradition early borne by Andrew Kuchling, Michael Hudson and Brett
Cannon of intelligently summarizing action on the python-dev mailing
list once every other week.

The Python Package Index catalogues packages.

The somewhat older Vaults of Parnassus ambitiously collects references
to all sorts of Python resources.   

Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group
mailing lists

Python Success Stories--from air-traffic control to on-line
match-making--can inspire you or decision-makers to whom you're
subject with a vision of what the language makes practical.

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) has replaced the Python
Consortium as an independent nexus of activity.  It has official
responsibility for Python's development and maintenance.
Among the ways you can support PSF is with a donation.

Kurt B. Kaiser publishes a weekly report on faults and patches.
Cetus collects Python hyperlinks.

Python FAQTS

The Cookbook is a collaborative effort to capture useful and
interesting recipes.

Among several Python-oriented RSS/RDF feeds available are
For more, see
The old Python To-Do List now lives principally in a
SourceForge reincarnation.
The online Python Journal is posted at 

ANN: PyGUI 1.6.1

2006-03-07 Thread greg
PyGUI 1.6.1 is now available:

Bug fixes:

- Mouse down event in a GLView caused a crash.

- Canvas methods fill_poly() and stroke_poly() didn't work. Added
a test for these.

What is PyGUI?

PyGUI is an experimental highly-Pythonic cross-platform
GUI API. Implementations are currently available for
MacOSX and Gtk. For a full description of the project
goals, see the PyGUI web page at the above address.

Re: SAX/Python : read an xml from the end to the top

2006-03-07 Thread kepioo
Thanks Diez for your suggestion, I'll look around to find out more
about the seek function ( i learnt python 2 weeks ago and I do not have
a programmer background, but so far, I am doing well).


I cannot really process as your advice : it is not that stereotypical
entrieswe built a data structure for the xml and we report various
types of events, always under the same format but with different
contents types.

The script i am writing aims at picking only special events (
identified by a route tag and an information tag).

Anyway, thank you for your advices!!


Re: generators shared among threads

2006-03-07 Thread Alex Martelli

 Thanks for the great advice, Alex.  Here is a subclass that seems to

You're welcome!

 from Queue import Queue
 from itertools import count
 class reentrantQueue(Queue):
 def _init(self, maxsize):
 self.maxsize = 0
 self.queue = []   # so we don't have to override put()
 self.counter = count()
 def _empty(self):
 return False
 def _get(self):
 def next(self):
 return self.get()
 def __iter__(self):
 return self

You may also want to override _put to raise an exception, just to avoid
accidental misuse, though I agree it's marginal. Also, I'd use maxsize
(if provided and 0) as the upperbound for the counting; not sure that's
necessary but it seems pretty natural to raise StopIteration (rather
than returning the counter's value) if the counter reaches that
maxsize. Last, I'm not sure I'd think of this as a reentrantQueue, so
much as a ReentrantCounter;-).


Re: inserting into a list

2006-03-07 Thread Christoph Haas
On Tuesday 07 March 2006 16:18, John Salerno wrote:
 Let me apologize in advance for what I'm sure is an achingly simple
 question, but I just can't find the answer in either of my Python books.
 I've tried a few tests with the interactive prompt, but they don't work

 All I'm trying to do is insert an item into a list, like so:

 L = [1, 2, 4]

 and I want to insert the integer 3 into the position L[2], so that the
 list reads [1, 2, 3, 4]





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Re: inserting into a list

2006-03-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
John Salerno wrote:

 Let me apologize in advance for what I'm sure is an achingly simple
 question, but I just can't find the answer in either of my Python books.
 I've tried a few tests with the interactive prompt, but they don't work
 All I'm trying to do is insert an item into a list, like so:
 L = [1, 2, 4]
 and I want to insert the integer 3 into the position L[2], so that the
 list reads [1, 2, 3, 4]
 I've tried all kinds of combinations of slicing assignment, but I always
 TypeError: can only assign an iterable
 Can someone please embarrass me with the simple answer?  :)

 l = [1,2,3]
 l.insert(2, 10)
[1, 2, 10, 3]

Embarrasing enough?


Re: Pyserial again

2006-03-07 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-03-07, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here is my code; why after the readline the port close?

ser = serial.Serial(0)
ser.baudrate = 9600
ser.parity = serial.PARITY_ODD
ser.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_TWO
ser.bytesize =serial.EIGHTBITS
ser.setRTS(level = 0)
ser.setDTR(level = 0)
ser.timeout = 1


Why after this the port close.
 Because the ser object is never used after that point, so it
 get's garbage collected and deleted.


 The ser name is still bound to the serial object, surely?

I don't see any references to ser after the call to ser.readline().

Do you?  ;)

I was trying to make the point [again] that it's impossible to
to tell what's going on because the OP refuses to post enough
of his code to allow meaningful analysis.  

He's been told at least three times in as many postings that he
needs to post a complete example that demonstrates the problem
he's trying to solve, but he refuses.  I've explained multiple
times that the excerpts he's posting aren't sufficient.  He
persists in posting small snippets of mostly-irrelevant code
with no context.

I give up.  

I have a feeling I'm just annoying the mule at this point.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  It don't mean a
  at   THING if you ain't got
   visi.comthat SWING!!

Re: inserting into a list

2006-03-07 Thread Ratko Jagodic
from the Library Reference:s.insert(i, x)
same as s[i:i] = [x]
(5)On 3/7/06, John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:Let me apologize in advance for what I'm sure is an achingly simple
question, but I just can't find the answer in either of my Python books.I've tried a few tests with the interactive prompt, but they don't workeither.All I'm trying to do is insert an item into a list, like so:
L = [1, 2, 4]and I want to insert the integer 3 into the position L[2], so that thelist reads [1, 2, 3, 4]I've tried all kinds of combinations of slicing assignment, but I alwaysget:
TypeError: can only assign an iterableCan someone please embarrass me with the simple answer?:)--


Re: Difference between a library and a module...

2006-03-07 Thread bruno at modulix
sophie_newbie wrote:
 OK this might seem like a retarded question,

Better to look like an ignorant than to stay one !-)

 but what is the difference
 between a library and a module?

Python only defines 'modules' and 'packages'. A module can technically
be any python source file, but usually refers to a python source file
that defines symbols (variables, constants, functions, classes...) and
is meant to be imported (vs. a 'script', which is meant to be executed).

A package is a kind of a super-module - a collection of modules and
packages -. To make a package, just put your modules in a folder and add
a file (which can be empty, the mere existence of this file
is enough to turn your folder into a python package)

'librairy' is a non python-specific, more or less formal term that
refers to a collection of functions, classes, variables etc... (just
like a (real) library is a collection of books).

In Python, 'library' can apply either to an external system lib (.dll on
Windows, .so on *n*x), a collection of packages and modules, a single
package, or even a single module...

 If I do:
 import string
 am I importing a module or a library?

Could be a module, a package, or a module wrapping an external lib
(AFAIK, the string module is a wrapper around a system lib).

The term 'module' refers in fact to two things: the physical python
source file, and the python object created from it by an import
statement. When importing a package, Python creates in the current
namespace a module object[1] from the file. Any symbol
defined in the will become available as an attribute of the
module object.

Of course, if the is empty, this won't give you much !-)

 And if i do string.replace() am I using a module or a function or a
 method or what?

In this case : string.replace() is the function 'replace' defined in the
module 'string'.

More generally: when you import a module (or package FWIW, cf above),
Python creates a module object. Symbols defined in the (physical) module
become attributes of the (object) module. Some of these attributes are
'callable' (functions, classes,... ).


Why ?

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Pyserial again

2006-03-07 Thread luca72
Hello Grant and Hello Steve.

Pls. don't kill me, but if you try the code above written you see that
after the read the port close.
My question is only: why it close without the close command?


Re: Python advocacy in scientific computation

2006-03-07 Thread Magnus Lycka
Terry Reedy wrote:
 I believe it is Guido's current view, perhaps Google's collective view, and 
 a general *nix view that such increases can just as well come thru parallel 
 processes.  I believe one can run separate Python processes on separate 
 cores just as well as one can run separate processes on separate chips or 
 separate machines.  Your view has also been presented and discussed on the 
 pydev list.  (But I am not one for thread versus process debate.)

That's ok for me. I usually have lots of different things
happening on the same computer, but for someone who writes
an application and want to make his particular program faster,
there is not a lot of support for building simple multi-process
systems in Python. While multi-threading is nasty, it makes
it possible to perform tasks in the same program in parallel.

I could well imagine something similar to Twisted, where the
different tasks handled by the event loop were dispatched to
parallel execution on different cores/CPUs by some clever
mechanism under the hood.

If the typical CPU in X years from now is a 5GHz processor with
16 cores, we probably want a single Python program to be able
to use more than one core for CPU intensive tasks.

least if writing threaded applications becomes less error prone
in competing languages, this might well be the weak point of Python
in the future.
 Queue.Queue was added to help people write correct threaded programs.

What I'm trying to say is that multi-threaded programming
(in all languages) is difficult. If *other* languages manage
to make it less difficult than today, they will achieve a
convenient performance boost that Python can't compete with
when the GIL prevents parallel execution of Python code.

- For many years, CPU performance has increased year after
   year through higher and higher processor clock speeds. The
   number of instructions through a single processing pipeline
   per second has increased. This simple kind of speed increase
   is flattening out. The first 1GHz CPUs from Intel appeared
   about five years ago. At that time, CPU speed still doubled
   every 2 years. With that pace, we would have had 6GHz CPUs
   now. We don't! Perhaps someone will make some new invention
   and the race will be on again...but it's not the case right

- The hardware trend right now, is to make CPUs allow more
   parallel execution. Today, double core CPU's are becoming
   common, and in a few years there will be many more cores
   on each CPU.

- While most computers have a number of processes running in
   parallel, there is often one process / application that is
   performance critical on typical computers.

- To utilize the performance in these multi-core processors,
   we need to use multi-threading, multiple processes or some
   other technology that executes code in parallel.

- I think languages and application design patterns will evolve
   to better support this parallel execution. I guess it's only
   a few languages such as Erlang that support it well today.

- If Python isn't to get far behind the competition, it has
   to manage this shift in how to utilize processor power. I
   don't know if this will happen through core language changes,
   or via some conveninent modules that makes fork/spawn/whatever
   and IPC much more convenient, or if there is something
   entirely different waiting around the corner. Something is
   needed I think.

Re: inserting into a list

2006-03-07 Thread John Salerno
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 l = [1,2,3]
 l.insert(2, 10)
 [1, 2, 10, 3]
 Embarrasing enough?

Actually, I was trying to figure it out with the slice technique 
instead. But yeah, as Christopher's example showed, it's not hard. But I 
didn't realize you had to assign a list item to the slice, so I was doing:

L[2:2] = 3

among other things, but they all involved '= 3', not '= [3]'

Re: inserting into a list

2006-03-07 Thread John Salerno
Christoph Haas wrote:


I'm still a little confused about this. If what I'm inserting is just an 
integer, why wouldn't

L[2:2] = 3

work? What if you wanted to insert an actual list into that slot? Would 
you have to wrap it in double brackets?

Re: What version of python is running a script

2006-03-07 Thread Cameron Laird
Fernando Rodríguez  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


How can my script tell which version of python is running it?
  $ python
  Python 2.3.5 (#2, Aug 30 2005, 15:50:26) 
  [GCC 4.0.2 20050821 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.1-6)] on linux2
  Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
   import sys
   print sys.version
  2.3.5 (#2, Aug 30 2005, 15:50:26) 
  [GCC 4.0.2 20050821 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.1-6)]

'Does that make it clear?

Re: popen and exit code on Windows

2006-03-07 Thread iker . arizmendi
Thanks for the reply Giovanni. Is this behaviour of the close method on
Windows documented anywhere?



SOAPpy, WSDL and objects

2006-03-07 Thread Bob . Capa

I am trying to access a webservice which needs a login request of the
following form:


I am trying to do this with the following code:

from SOAPpy import WSDL
server = WSDL.Proxy(m_url)
request = {'firstname': FirstName,
'lastname': LastName}

But this will be sending the following:

Basically, I need to know how to change the code so it generates
'request' instead of 'v1'.

Have a nice evening!


Re: Python version of XMLUnit?

2006-03-07 Thread uche . ogbuji
Kent Johnson wrote:
 I have found XMLUnit to be very helpful for testing Java and Jython code
 that generates XML. At its heart XMLUnit is an XML-aware diff - it
 parses expected and actual XML and pinpoints any differences. It is
 smart enough to ignore things like attribute order, different quoting
 and escaping styles, and insignificant whitespace.

 Now I am working on a CPython project and have a similar need. Is there
 any comparable tool for Python? Basically I'm looking for a tool to
 compare XML and show diffs in an intelligible fashion that is usable
 from Python unit tests (using py.test, if it matters).

One possible approach is to use c14n to in effect normalize the XML so
that you can use regular text compare.  This is not as sophisticated as
a full XML diff, but it's definitely a viable approach for testing.

For those who migh tbe interested in that approach, learn more about
c14n here:

It includes a brief example using the c14n module in PyXML

I also recently checked in c14n capability for 4Suite.  It offers the
same level of coverage as PyXML's, but operates in streaming, rather
than DOM mode.

4Suite also contains in its test suite routines (TreeCompare) for
comparing XMl and HTML while ignoring non-significant syntactic

Certainly full xmldiff is very useful.  One nice thing about LogiLabs's
app is that it  can output XUpdate, which could be used with, say
4Suite's 4XUpdate to apply a patch to another document.

Uche Ogbuji   Fourthought, Inc.


Re: Pyserial again

2006-03-07 Thread Petr Jakes
Peter Hansen was asking you for the code AFTER the ser.readline() not
BEFORE!! the code you have originally posted here

the best way how to examine if your code works is to try to write some
simplest code as possible first (not buttons, not GUI etc..., just a
simple code)
(all this suggestions were already mentioned in one of your previous
postings, see

Regarding to your questions in this posting I think you can try
something like:

import serial
ser=serial.Serial(0, 9600, 8, E, stopbits=2, timeout=1)
while 1:
print s.readline()

In your original code you have posted here, you read one line from the
serial port only. It means the code reads byte by byte from the serial
port till the end of line byte ('\n') is recognized. Than the reading
stops and after that the whole code is finished because no
other code lines after the ser.readline(). If no data present on the
serial port for longer than timeout defined, it will stop reading
serial port and the code finishes as well.

3) please note, you can define serial port as following as well which
is ,IMHO, more readable:

ser=serial.Serial(0, 9600, 8, E, stopbits=2, timeout=1)

(it was recommended to you in above mentioned posting as well)

You can find plenty of examples on in
the Examples paragraph. Try to study and search before you ask.


Petr Jakes


Re: Pyserial again

2006-03-07 Thread luca72
Ok you write that it close :Because the ser object is never used
after that point, so it
get's garbage collected and deleted.

But for example if i make one button with the same caracteristic of the
previous com port:

def OnButton1Button(self, event):

   ser = serial.Serial(0)

 ser.baudrate = 9600
 ser.parity = serial.PARITY_ODD
 ser.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_TWO
 ser.bytesize =serial.EIGHTBITS
 ser.setRTS(level = 0)
 ser.setDTR(level = 0)
 ser.timeout = 1
  But with
  a = textCtrl1GetValue()  # i put here some different string
to send
  ser.write (a)
  b = ser.readline()

why at any read the serial close, is possible to prevent the closure of
the port?


Distutils places 'extra_compile_args' in the wrong place?

2006-03-07 Thread greg . alpedhuez
I'm completely new to this, but trying to compile some code I've been
given which uses the python Distutils stuff.  I need to pass some
compiler directives to gcc, and the documentation suggests that the
parameteres 'extra_compile_args' can be used.  However, this does so
AFTER the rest of the arguments, including the -o output name and the
sourcecode file name, so gcc ignores it (and tells me that it is doing

How do I get my compiler directives passed correctly?
How do I find the other directives that seems to put in by

My current
setup (name = extension,
   description =  Extension to Python,
   ext_modules = [Extension('PyHST_c',







Re: inserting into a list

2006-03-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
John Salerno wrote:

 Christoph Haas wrote:
 I'm still a little confused about this. If what I'm inserting is just an
 integer, why wouldn't
 L[2:2] = 3

Because a slice represents a list - even if it is a one-elemented one. So,
replacing it you need another list.

 What if you wanted to insert an actual list into that slot? Would 
 you have to wrap it in double brackets?

Why don't you just _try_ that? It would have been way faster than to ask
questions you can easily answer yourself.


Re: Pyserial again

2006-03-07 Thread luca72
 Peter Hansen was asking you for the code AFTER the ser.readline()
BEFORE!! the code you have originally posted here

I have read the example but if i ask is bucause i don't or maybe i
don't understand the example




Re: inserting into a list

2006-03-07 Thread Mel Wilson
John Salerno wrote:
 Christoph Haas wrote:
[ ... ]
  What if you wanted to insert an actual list into that 
slot? Would
 you have to wrap it in double brackets?


It's a strong-typing thing.  Slices of lists are lists, and 
therefore what you assign to one has got to be a list, or 
convertible to a list (a tuple would work.)

Python 2.4.2 (#1, Jan 23 2006, 21:24:54)
[GCC 3.3.4] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more 
[1, 2, 3, 4]



Re: inserting into a list

2006-03-07 Thread Warby
It makes sense because a slice IS a list, so you should assign a list
to it.  Yours is just a special case in which the target slice has a
length of zero.  It's still a list, just an empty one:

 L = [1,2,4]
 print L[2:2]

As for your question, yes:

 L = [1,2,4]
 L[2:2] = [[3]]
 print L
[1, 2, [3], 4]

Cheers! :)


Re: inserting into a list

2006-03-07 Thread John Salerno
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 Why don't you just _try_ that? It would have been way faster than to ask
 questions you can easily answer yourself.

I did try it, but I was still hoping for an explanation, which I've also 
gotten from you guys, some in nicer terms than others.

Re: inserting into a list

2006-03-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
John Salerno wrote:

 Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Why don't you just _try_ that? It would have been way faster than to ask
 questions you can easily answer yourself.
 I did try it, but I was still hoping for an explanation, which I've also
 gotten from you guys, some in nicer terms than others.

You got an explanation to your first question from me.

But you obviously _didn't_ try your second one. Which would be a no-brainer
as Warby's reply shows, and given that you already knew how to insert a
single element list I consider it being not so nice of _you_ not to do so,
but instead post before you tried.


Attaching files in windows using Python.

2006-03-07 Thread sri2097
Hi all,
I have to select a particular file (using the 'Browse') button in
Windows. After this I need to populate the 'Open Dialogue Box' with the
path of the file I need (I have the entier path of the file I need).
Then I need to select the 'Open' Button.

Only after this the file I want is attached.

Any idea as to how this can be done using 'Win32 API's.

While looking for the proper answer to this I found that 'Mark
Hammond's'  Python for Windows documentation is not detail enough.

Any help in this regard would be much appreciated.


Re: inserting into a list

2006-03-07 Thread John Salerno
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 John Salerno wrote:
 Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 Why don't you just _try_ that? It would have been way faster than to ask
 questions you can easily answer yourself.
 I did try it, but I was still hoping for an explanation, which I've also
 gotten from you guys, some in nicer terms than others.
 You got an explanation to your first question from me.
 But you obviously _didn't_ try your second one. Which would be a no-brainer
 as Warby's reply shows, and given that you already knew how to insert a
 single element list I consider it being not so nice of _you_ not to do so,
 but instead post before you tried.

Actually, I did try the second one too, but I'm not trying to get into a 
fight here, so let's just forget it. I appreciate the fact that you 
responded at all, and with answers to my questions.

Re: Python advocacy in scientific computation

2006-03-07 Thread Michael Tobis
 makes all kinds of inlined code extremely clumsy or practically impossible
 in Python.

This is the only sensible argument against the indentation thing I've
heard. Python squirms about being inlined in a presentation template.
Making a direct competitor to PHP in pure Python is problematic.

While there are workarounds which are not hard to envision, it seems
like the right answer is not to inline small fragments of Python code
in HTML, which is probably the wrong approach for any serious work
anyway. This problem does, however, seem to interfere with adoption by
beginning web programmers, who may conceivably end up in PHP or perhaps
Perl Mason out of an ill-considered expedience.

Why this should matter in this discussion, about scientific
programming, escapes me though.

When you say all kinds of inlined code, do you have any other
examples besides HTML?



os.execve(pth,args,env) and os.chroot(pth) = problems

2006-03-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello fellow python users,

I've been working on a basic implementation of a privilege separated
web server, and I've goto the point of running a basic cgi script.
Basically when the execCGI function in my program is called a
few things should happen, it should fork (which it does), the stdout of
the child should be redirected to a given pipe (which it does), and the
script should execute using execve(which is has problems with).  Also
before the execCGI() fucntion is executed, a few important things
happen in __init__: os.chroot('/var/www/webroot/') the path is web
server root and os.setuid(33) where 33 is the uid of a user on my
machine.  It seems me that the os.chroot() call is messing up the
os.execve() (which executes the cgi script).  os.execve(pth, args,
envVariables) is only executed if os.path.exists(pth) returns True.
But when I run a CGI script that os.path.exists(pth) returns True for,
then os.execve(pth) python throws back the error:

File /***/***/***/, line 201, in execCGI
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

However I don't see how this is possible if os.path.exists(pth) returns
True, why is it os.execve() has problems finding it.

I thought it might be a user permission problem, but I've run it
without the chroot and with the setuid and it works fine.  So I'm
pretty sure its something to do with the chroot conflicting with the
os.execve().  Also execution privileges for the script file are also
checked before execution.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated

Here are the relevant functions of

class Unpriv(object):

def __init__(self):
pipes = sys.argv
self.fromParent, self.toParent = os.pipe()
# this is just how http requested are recieved from a privilege
part and sent back
os.dup2(int(pipes[2]), self. toParent)   ##write
os.dup2(int(pipes[1]), self.fromParent)   ##read

   os.chroot('/var/www/webroot/') ##chrooting
   os.setuid(33)  ##setuid

def checkFileExists(self, pth):## just calls os.path.exists()
return os.path.exists(pth)

def execCGI(self, pth):
x = pth.rfind('?')
if x   -1:
path = pth[:x]
query = pth[x+1:]
query = query.replace('+', ' ')
path = pth
query = ''

##populate enviroment variables, not yet implemented
envVariables = {}

readEnd, writeEnd = os.pipe()
parentStout = sys.stdout.fileno()
args = ['']

pid = os.fork()

if pid == 0:

os.dup2(writeEnd, sys.stdout.fileno()) ##this works

## this is the problem!
if self.checkFileExists(pth):
   os.execve(pth , args, envVariables)
 ## just some debug info for me.
 ## in fact part of pth is there
 ##however for some reason execve doesn't see
 print 'the directory listing is:',


else:  #parent
#read the output from the script
scriptOutPut =, 10)
#just some debug info for me
return scriptOutPut

Please excuse any problems with the formatting.
Thanks in advance.


Re: Pyserial again

2006-03-07 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-03-07, luca72 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Grant and Hello Steve.

 Pls. don't kill me, but if you try the code above written you see that
 after the read the port close.
 My question is only: why it close without the close command?

I've answered that question TWICE.

The ser object is getting garbage collected.  That closes the

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Yow! Are we laid
  at   back yet?

Re: Pyserial again

2006-03-07 Thread Richie Hindle

 Here is my code; why after the readline the port close?
 ser = serial.Serial(0)
 Why after this the port close.

 Because the ser object is never used after that point, so it
 get's garbage collected and deleted.

 The ser name is still bound to the serial object, surely?

A piece of that code has been chopped off by someone's newsreader - it's the
body of a method, and ser.readline() is the last line of that method.

Richie Hindle

Richie Hindle

Re: Pyserial again

2006-03-07 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-03-07, luca72 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok you write that it close :Because the ser object is never
 used after that point, so it get's garbage collected and


 But for example if i make one button with the same caracteristic of the
 previous com port:

 def OnButton1Button(self, event):

ser = serial.Serial(0)

 ser.baudrate = 9600
 ser.parity = serial.PARITY_ODD
 ser.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_TWO
 ser.bytesize =serial.EIGHTBITS
 ser.setRTS(level = 0)
 ser.setDTR(level = 0)
 ser.timeout = 1
   But with
   a = textCtrl1GetValue()  # i put here some different string
 to send
   ser.write (a)
   b = ser.readline()

I have no idea what you mean by that.  POST THE CODE.  With
both button handlers.  

I'm GUESSING (since you won't post enough code for me to
actually figure it otu) that ser is local to your button
handlers and it's going out of scope and getting deleted when
the button handler returns.

Do you understand what I wrote above?

 why at any read the serial close, is possible to prevent the
 closure of the port?

Yes.  Make sure the ser object doesn't get deleted.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  A can of ASPARAGUS,
  at   73 pigeons, some LIVE ammo,
   visi.comand a FROZEN DAQUIRI!!

Re: Attaching files in windows using Python.

2006-03-07 Thread sri2097
Hi all,
I have got this far till now -

import win32gui, struct, array, string


def arrayToStrings(resultArray):
return list-of-strings corresponding to a char array,
   where each string is terminated by \000, and the whole
   list by two adjacent \000 bytes

# perhaps a loop of string.split would be faster...
while len(astr) and astr[0]!='\000':
return manyStrings

def szFrom(anarray):
return the string-pointer (sz) corresponding to a char
   array, 0 (null pointer) if no array

if anarray: return anarray.buffer_info()[0]
else: return 0

def arrayFrom(astring,additional=0):
return a char array built from a string, plus 0
   or more \000 bytes as filler

if not astring: astring=''
return array.array('c',astring+additional*'\000')

def arrayMulti(stringlist):
return a char array built from many strings, each
   separated by a \000 byte, and two \000's at the end

return arrayFrom(string.join(stringlist,'\000'),2)

def buildOfn(resultarray,filters=None,initdir=None,title=None,
build an OPENFILENAME struct as a string, with several
   options and a given result-array for the string[s] that
   will result from the GetOpenFileName call

if multisel: flags=flags|OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT
if oldlook: flags=flags~OFN_EXPLORER
return struct.pack(
76, 0, 0,   # size, owner-hwnd, hinstance
szfilter, 0, 0, 0,  # filter, custom-filter,
szfile, maxfile,# file, max-file
0, 0,   # file-title, max-file-title
szinitdir, sztitle, # initial-dir, dialog-title
flags, 0, 0,# flags, file-offset, file-extension
0,  # def-ext
0, 0, 0)# cust-data, func-hook, template-name

def openNames(forsave=0,filters=None,initdir=None,title=None,
return a list of filenames for open or save, given
   interactively by the user through a common-dialog; if
   more than 1 string is returned, the first is the directory,
   followed by the filenames.

if forsave: isok=win32gui.GetSaveFileName(ofn)
else: isok=win32gui.GetOpenFileName(ofn)
if not isok: return []
return arrayToStrings(resultBuffer)

def _test():
return openNames(
filters=('Texts and scripts','*.txt;*.py','Py stuff','*.py*')

if __name__=='__main__':
print _test()

But hear the Dialogue_box stops and waits for the user to select a
file. But Since I have the entire path of the file, How do I pass it to
the file name to populate the box automatically instead of the user
manually selecting a file.

Any further help will be appreciated.


Re: Confused by Method(function) of a module and method of a class/instance

2006-03-07 Thread Rene Pijlman
Sullivan WxPyQtKinter:
Why do the three expression yield the same result abc?

Because all three converted ABC to lowercase, as per your request.

René Pijlman

Re: AES encryption

2006-03-07 Thread Bryan Olson
Tuvas wrote:
 I've tested my function with a thousand random texts, it
 seems to return the same result as received every time.

Unfortunately, the results seem incorrect, self-consistent
as they may be. The following will call your code, and
check the results against 3 popular test vectors.


 # Assert false if test fails

 test_key = (
 0x2b, 0x7e, 0x15, 0x16, 0x28, 0xae, 0xd2, 0xa6,
 0xab, 0xf7, 0x15, 0x88, 0x09, 0xcf, 0x4f, 0x3c,
 0x76, 0x2e, 0x71, 0x60, 0xf3, 0x8b, 0x4d, 0xa5,
 0x6a, 0x78, 0x4d, 0x90, 0x45, 0x19, 0x0c, 0xfe)

 test_plaintext = (
 0x32, 0x43, 0xf6, 0xa8, 0x88, 0x5a, 0x30, 0x8d,
 0x31, 0x31, 0x98, 0xa2, 0xe0, 0x37, 0x07, 0x34)

 expected = (
 (0x39, 0x25, 0x84, 0x1d, 0x02, 0xdc, 0x09, 0xfb,
 0xdc, 0x11, 0x85, 0x97, 0x19, 0x6a, 0x0b, 0x32),

 (0xf9, 0xfb, 0x29, 0xae, 0xfc, 0x38, 0x4a, 0x25,
 0x03, 0x40, 0xd8, 0x33, 0xb8, 0x7e, 0xbc, 0x00),

 (0x1a, 0x6e, 0x6c, 0x2c, 0x66, 0x2e, 0x7d, 0xa6,
 0x50, 0x1f, 0xfb, 0x62, 0xbc, 0x9e, 0x93, 0xf3))

 key_sizes = (16, 24, 32)
 plaintext = s2num(''.join([chr(c) for c in test_plaintext]))
 for i in range(len(key_sizes)):
 key_size = key_sizes[i]
 key = s2num(''.join([chr(c) for c in test_key[:key_size]]))
 expected = s2num(''.join([chr(c) for c in expected[i]]))
 ciphertext = encryptb(plaintext, key)
 assert ciphertext == expected
 deciphertext = decryptb(ciphertext, key)
 assert deciphertext == plaintext


Re: Compile ui files from within Eclipse

2006-03-07 Thread Chuck
Well, I tried that but there isnt a way to get the filename without the

For example,
pyuic -o MyClass.ui

Using the variables in the external tool config I dont see a way to get
just the filename in order to create an output filename and pass it
into the pyoic.


Re: Peter Naur wins ACM Turing Award

2006-03-07 Thread Terry Reedy

Colin J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Terry Reedy wrote:

Peter Naur was co-developer of Backus/Naur grammar notation, co-author 
editor of the Algol 60 specification, and co-developer of a successful
Algol compiler.

 Peter Naur's honour is long overdue.

That was my reaction also, tempered by three observations.

1. I do not have enough detailed knowledge of who invented what when to 
judge details of credit allocation.

2. The importance of Algol60 (and the impetus of the award) is not its 
usage in the 60s but the dominance of the family of languages it inspired, 
including, at least in some important parts, Python.  But this has been a 
gradual development.  So when did the award become 'due', to make it 
'overdue' now?  (I would say by 1990, at least.)

3. To call it overdue suggests that it should have been awarded before, 
*instead of* to someone else.  But I am not about to suggest which of the 
previous (worthy, I am sure) recipients he should have been instead of ;-).

Nobel's will specificed awards for the most important contribution in the 
previous year.  The Nobel committees recognized that this is ludicrous in 
that recognition of importance can take decades.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: inserting into a list

2006-03-07 Thread John Salerno
Warby wrote:
 It makes sense because a slice IS a list, so you should assign a list
 to it.  Yours is just a special case in which the target slice has a
 length of zero.  It's still a list, just an empty one:
 L = [1,2,4]
 print L[2:2]
 As for your question, yes:
 L = [1,2,4]
 L[2:2] = [[3]]
 print L
 [1, 2, [3], 4]
 Cheers! :)

Thanks guys! What I wasn't realizing was that a slice is a list, so I 
needed a list.  :)

Re: setting PYTHONPATH

2006-03-07 Thread Terry Hancock
On Sun, 5 Mar 2006 23:05:31 -0800 (PST)
anushya beauty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Anybody, please help me to set PYTHONPATH to import
   my modules?. Where is sy.path set?
   In some python groups site, to import the user modules,
   they explained  to  create one file in my
   module directory (this file  should include __all__
   variable, which refer to the modules that the  user
   wants to import). How to set the __all__ var?

   is an environment variable. You set this however your
   operating system lets you do handle them. In Linux or
   Unix with csh/tcsh, this looks like:

   setenv PYTHONPATH /path/to/python/files

   in bash/sh it looks like:

   set PYTHONPATH=/path/to/python/files

   and I'm sure there's some way to do it in Windows and
   OS X.

   means the name path in the module sys  So, in order to
   see that, you need to (from python):

 import sys
['', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python2.3',
'/usr/lib/python2.3/plat-linux2', ...]

As you can see, it's a list.  You can append to it, or
more likely, prepend the directory you need.

   is a magic variable in the (or any
   module) which you can set to define which names will
   be imported when you import from that module:

If module contains:
__all__ = ['a', 'b']
a = 1
b = 2
c = 3

then another module which imports from foo will get
a and b, but not c:

 from foo import *
(1, 2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'c' is not defined

 This is how you make a package out of a directory of
 python modules. Its namespace is the package-wide
 space. So you can control what modules are loaded with
 explicit commands, or you can leave it empty and then
 you will have to do explicit imports of sub-modules:


 requires explicit imports of ham and eggs modules:

 import spam
 import spam.ham
 import spam.eggs

Although these things are all interesting, they are not
closely related, and you haven't really said what your
problem is, so I don't know which is going to be helpful to

Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


Re: Compile ui files from within Eclipse

2006-03-07 Thread Chuck
I guess I could prompt for input but was hoping to find a better way.


Re: Pyserial again

2006-03-07 Thread Peter Hansen
Richie Hindle wrote:
 A piece of that code has been chopped off by someone's newsreader - it's the
 body of a method, and ser.readline() is the last line of that method.

I'm pretty sure that's true.  Technically, however, it's still a guess, 
though at this point one I'm sure we're all comfortable making.

That's why I asked about code *after* that last line.  He replied there 
was no code before, but I think we can be generous in interpreting that 
(through the language barrier) as no code after.

Unfortunately, at this point we're getting into application design 
issues unless and until Luca can learn enough Python and other 
programming stuff to understand why ser is going out of scope 
because it's a local variable and is then being garbage collected.

(Luca, if you're reading, you really either have to just do exactly what 
Grant tells you :-), or learn about these issues enough to understand. 
If you don't know about object construction and destruction, memory 
allocation and garbage collection, the concept of scope and the 
difference between things like local variables, global variables, and 
attributes, we're going to continue to have an exceptionally difficult 
and frustrating time helping you.  Serial ports aren't trivial, and 
combining them with a GUI program written by a rookie is a pretty big 
order.  You can learn enough to figure this out, but it will be lots of 
work and a challenge.  If you're up to it, please go read that how to 
ask smart questions page thoroughly if you haven't already, realizing 
that we're not trying to be rude by asking you to read it, and pay 
attention when someone asks you to try out different things, such as 
posting a small program that reproduces the problem, or post all the 
code rather than just snippets.  Good luck.)



Re: Python as an extension language

2006-03-07 Thread Terry Hancock
On Mon, 06 Mar 2006 12:20:32 +0100
Torsten Bronger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sybren Stuvel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Torsten Bronger enlightened us with:
  I already know how to do that in principle.  My only
 concern is  distributing the thing, especially for the
 Windows platform.
  Check out distutils and py2exe.
 I know that py2exe can convert a Python script into an EXE
 file, however, I have no Python script.  I only have C++
 source code, and I'd like to avoid saying, well, please
 install my little EXE and this 10MB Python MSI for
 scripting it.

If your C++ file is so small, then maybe you should
not embed a Python interpreter in it, but rather allow it to
be compiled as a Python module. Just write a Pyrex or Python
C/API wrapper for it, and include a build for the Python

Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


ANN: 2006 Python training courses, San Francisco

2006-03-07 Thread w chun
WE are giving 4 more Python training sessions (held near the San
Francisco airport) for the remainder of this year.

For the first time, there will be an advanced Python course
available to the public.  In fact, we've added the March intro course
date for those prepping to take the advanced class in May.  You may
register for any of the 4 courses/dates below.

(Intensive) Introduction to Python
March 29-31, 2006
August 16-18, 2006

Advanced Python Programming
May 17-19, 2006
November 8-10, 2006

LOCALS: it'll be at a hotel with BART and CalTrain access (San Bruno stations)

VISITORS: free shuttle directly from the San Francisco airport, lots
of free food and wireless

DISCOUNTS available. for more info and details, go to and click Python training.


ps. a great big public THANKS to Rob Stephenson for putting together
the short PodCast clip of one of our training sessions for your
viewing pleasure on a video iPod or iTunes on your Mac!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Core Python Programming, Prentice Hall, (c)2006,2001

wesley.j.chun :: : silicon valley, ca

Re: SAX/Python : read an xml from the end to the top

2006-03-07 Thread Peter Hansen
kepioo wrote:
 I cannot really process as your advice : it is not that stereotypical
 entrieswe built a data structure for the xml and we report various
 types of events, always under the same format but with different
 contents types.
 The script i am writing aims at picking only special events (
 identified by a route tag and an information tag).

Can you post one or two small examples that show the range of 
possibilities?  I still have this feeling there will be a simpler 
approach than really parsing the XML, but maybe I'm wrong.



Re: how about adding ping's uuid module to the standard lib ?

2006-03-07 Thread Trent Mick
[Fredrik Lundh wrote]
 see subject and
 comments ?

+1, once it has been vetted a bit (as is being done on the tracker)


Trent Mick

Re: generators shared among threads

2006-03-07 Thread jess . austin
Alex wrote:
 Last, I'm not sure I'd think of this as a reentrantQueue, so
 much as a ReentrantCounter;-).

Of course!  It must have been late when I named this class...  I think
I'll go change the name in my code right now.


Re: processing the genetic code with python?

2006-03-07 Thread nuttydevil
Thanks so much guys for you all your help. I've had a month to learn
python and do this for my project, I had the basics down but just kept
getting unstuck. I won't message again - promise! Hehehe, thanks again


Re: Opening files without closing them

2006-03-07 Thread 3c273
Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Paul Rubin wrote:
  Say that the open is inside the try block.  If the file can't be
  opened, then 'open' raises an exception, 'f' doesn't get set, and then
  the 'finally' clause tries to close f.  f might have been previously
  bound to some other file (which still has other handles alive) and so
  the wrong file gets closed.

 And even if 'f' wasn't bound to anything, you will get a NameError instead
 the exception that you're really interested in seeing.

Thanks to both of you. So in order to be thorough, should I be doing:
except: IOError:
print 'doesn't exist'

contents =

Thanks again.


Re: New website

2006-03-07 Thread Michael Tobis
While the new one is much better than the old website, the logo strikes
me as awful.

I tried to suggest repurposing the much better PyCon logo, but it
didn't raise the vast groundswell of support I wanted it to. But for
whatever its worth I'll try again. My rant is here:



Re: New website

2006-03-07 Thread projecktzero
I think the new site is great. I really don't understand all the nit
picking that's going on from the armchair web designers. The new site
is clean and professional. It needs to go live soon!


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