ANN: progressbar 2.2 - Text mode progressbar for console applications

2006-05-08 Thread Nilton Volpato
Text progressbar library for python.

This library provides a text mode progressbar. This is tipically used to 
display the progress of a long running operation, providing a visual clue 
that processing is underway.

The ProgressBar class manages the progress, and the format of the line is 
given by a number of widgets. A widget is an object that may display 
diferently depending on the state of the progress. There are three types 
of widget: - a string, which always shows itself; - a ProgressBarWidget, 
which may return a diferent value every time it's update method is called; 
and - a ProgressBarWidgetHFill, which is like ProgressBarWidget, except it 
expands to fill the remaining width of the line.

The progressbar module is very easy to use, yet very powerful. And 
automatically supports features like auto-resizing when the terminal size 
is changed. It's also efficient, because the text is only updated if need, 
with a minimum overhead in the case there is no need for updating.

It was tested and works under windows, linux and macosx. And should also 
work in many other untested operating systems.

You may get it from pypi:

Thanks, Nilton.

Nilton Volpato
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] % ('nilton', 'volpato')

Support the Python Software Foundation:

PyYAML-3.01: Initial Release

2006-05-08 Thread Kirill Simonov
PyYAML: YAML parser and emitter for Python

YAML is a data serialization format designed for human readability and
interaction with scripting languages.  PyYAML is a YAML parser and
emitter for Python.

PyYAML features a complete YAML 1.1 parser, Unicode support, pickle
support, capable extension API, and sensible error messages.  PyYAML
supports standard YAML tags and provides Python-specific tags that allow
to represent an arbitrary Python object.

PyYAML is applicable for a broad range of tasks from complex
configuration files to object serialization and persistance.

You may download PyYAML from


 import yaml

... name: PyYAML
... version: 3.01
... description: YAML parser and emitter for Python
... homepage:
... keywords: [YAML, serialization, configuration, persistance, pickle]
... )
{'keywords': ['YAML', 'serialization', 'configuration', 'persistance',
'pickle'], 'version': 3.01, 'homepage': '',
'description': 'YAML parser and emitter for Python', 'name': 'PyYAML'}

 print yaml.dump(_)
version: 3.01
name: PyYAML
keywords: [YAML, serialization, configuration, persistance, pickle]
description: YAML parser and emitter for Python


PyYAML homepage:
PyYAML documentation:

TAR.GZ package:
ZIP package:
Windows installer:

PyYAML SVN repository:
Submit a bug report:

YAML homepage:
YAML-core mailing list:


* Initial release.  The version number reflects the codename of the
  project (PyYAML 3000) and differenciates it from the abandoned PyYaml


The PyYAML module is written by Kirill Simonov [EMAIL PROTECTED].

PyYAML is released under the MIT license.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

released: RPyC 2.55

2006-05-08 Thread sebulba
Remote Python Call (RPyC) - transparent and symmetrical python RPC and
distributed computing library

download and info:
full changelog:
release notes:

major changes:
* added isinstance and issubclass for remote objects
* moved to tlslite for authentication and encryption
* added server discovery (using UDP broadcasts)
* refactoring 



Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-08 Thread Alex Martelli
Tomasz Zielonka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Also, having anonymous functions doesn't take your common sense away, so
 you still have a chance.

I've seen many people (presumably coming from Lisp or Scheme) code
Python such as:

myname = lambda ...

rather than the obvious Python way to do it:

def myname(...

((they generally do that right before they start whining that their
absurd choice doesn't let them put statements inside the unnamed
function that they need to assign to a name)).

_THAT_ is what having many semantically overlapping (or identically
equivalent) ways to perform the same task does to people: it takes the
common sense away from enough of them that I'm statistically certain to
have to wrestle with some of them (be it as suppliers, people I'm trying
to help out on mailing lists etc, students I'm mentoring -- at least
being at Google means I don't have to fear finding such people as my
colleagues, but the memories and the scars of when I was a freelance
consultant are still fresh, and my heart goes out to the 99% of sensible
Pythonistas who don't share my good luck).

As long as Guido planned to remove lambda altogether in Python 3.0, I
could console myself with the thought that this frequent, specific
idiocy wasn't one I would have to wrestle with forever; now I know I
will have no such luck -- it's back to the dark ages.  ((If I ever _DO_
find a language that *DOES* mercilessly refactor in pursuit of the ideal
only one obvious way, I may well jump ship, since my faith in Python's
adherence to this principle which I cherish so intensely has been so
badly broken by GvR's recent decisions to keep lambdas, keep [genexp]
as an identical synonym for list(genexp), add {1,2,3} as an identical
synonym for set((1,2,3))...); though, being a greedy fellow, I'll
probably wait until all my Google options have vested;-)).


Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-08 Thread Alex Martelli
Patrick May [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: alleged reply to me, which in fact quotes (and responds to) only
to statements by Brian, without mentioning Brian...

Mr May, it seems that you're badly confused regarding Usenet's quoting
conventions.  You may want to repeat your answer addressing specifically
the poster you ARE apparently answering. Nevertheless, I'll share my

  Using lambda in an expression communicates the fact that it will
 be used only in the scope of that expression.  Another benefit is that
 declaration at the point of use means that all necessary context is
 available without having to look elsewhere.  Those are two pragmatic

You still need to look a little bit upwards to the point of use,
almost invariably, to see what's bound to which names -- so, you DO
have to look elsewhere, nullifying this alleged benefit -- looking at
the def statement, immediately before the point of use, is really no
pragmatic cost when you have to go further up to get the context for all
other names used (are they arguments of this function, variables from a
lexically-containing outer function, assigned somewhere...), which is
almost always.  And if you think it's an important pragmatic advantage
to limit potential scope drastically, nothing stops you from wrapping
functions just for that purpose around your intended scope -- me, I find
that as long as functions are always kept small (as they should be for a
host of other excellent reasons anyway), the ambiguity of scope being
between the def and the end of the containing function is nil (literally
nil when the statement right after the def, using the named function, is
a return, as is often the case -- pragmatically equivalent to nil when
the statements following the def are 1 but sufficiently few).

Your pragmatic benefits, if such they were, would also apply to the
issue of magic numbers, which was discussed in another subthread of
this unending thread; are you therefore arguing, contrary to widespread
opinion [also concurred in by an apparently-Lisp-oriented discussant],
that it's BETTER to have magic unexplained numbers appear as numeric
constants out of nowhere smack in the middle of expressions, rather
than get NAMED separately and then have the names be used?  If you
really believe in the importance of the pragmatic benefits you claim,
then to be consistent you should be arguing that...:

return total_amount * 1.19

is vastly superior to the alternative which most everybody would deem

return total_amount * VAT_MULTIPLIER

because the alternative with the magic number splattered inexplicably
smack in the middle of code communicated the fact that it's used only
within that expression, and makes all context available without having
to look elsewhere (just one statement up of course, but then this
would be identically so if the one statement up was a def, and we were
discussing named vs unnamed functions vs magic numbers).

  3. It adds another construction to the language.
  That's a very minimal cost relative to the benefits.

To my view of thinking, offering multiple semantically equivalent ways
(or, perhaps worse, nearly equivalent but with subtle differences
ones) to perform identical tasks is a *HUGE* conceptual cost: I like
languages that are and stay SMALL and SIMPLE. Having only one obvious
way to do it is just an ideal, but that's no reason to simply abrogate
it when it can so conveniently be reached (my only serious beef with
Python it has it *HAS* abdicated the pursuit of that perfect design
principle by recent decisions to keep lambda, and to keep the syntax
[genexp] as an identical equivalent to list(genexp), in the future
release 3.0, which was supposed to simplify and remove redundant stuff
accreted over the years: suddenly, due to those decisions, I don't
really look forward to Python 3.0 as I used to - though, as I've already
mentioned, being a greedy fellow I'll no doubt stick with Python until
all my Google options have vested).

  You haven't made your case for named functions being preferable.

I think it's made at least as well as the case for using constant-names
rather than magic numbers numeric constants strewn throughout the
code, and THAT case is accepted by a wide consensus of people who care
about programming style and clarity, so I'm pretty happy with that.


Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-08 Thread Adam Jones

Ken Tilton wrote:
 Alexander Schmolck wrote:
  [trimmed groups]
  Ken Tilton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 yes, but do not feel bad, everyone gets confused by the /analogy/ to
 spreadsheets into thinking Cells /is/ a spreadsheet. In fact, for a brief
 period I swore off the analogy because it was so invariably misunderstood.
 Even Graham misunderstood it.
  Count me in.

 g But looking at what it says: Think of the slots as cells in a
 spreadsheet (get it?), and you've got the right idea. , if you follow
 the analogy (and know that slot means data member in other OO models)
 you also know that Serge's Spreadsheet example would have scored a big
 fat zero on the Miller Analogy Test. Serge in no way made slots in
 Python classes behave like cells in a spreadsheet. He simply started
 work on a Spreadsheet application, using Python classes along the way. Bzzt.

 While everyone makes the mistake, it is only because few of us (me
 included) read very carefully. Especially if they are more interested in
 flaming than learning what someone is saying.

I don't really mean any disrespect here, but if an analogy is not
interpreted correctly by a large group of people, the analogy is crap,
not the people. Yes, I understood it, specifically because I have spent
enough time dinking around with cell functions in a spreadhseet to
understand what you meant.

Maybe it would help to change the wording to functions with cell
references in a spreadsheet instead of cells in a spreadsheet. Yes,
you lose the quippy phrasing but as it is most people use spreadsheets
as simple database with informal ad hoc schema and mostly ignore the
more powerful features anyways, so explicit language would probably
help the analogy. I'm guessing if you made some vague allusions to how
sum(CellRange) works in most spreadsheets people would get a better
idea of what is going on.


ANN: progressbar 2.2 - Text mode progressbar for console applications

2006-05-08 Thread Nilton Volpato
Text progressbar library for python.

This library provides a text mode progressbar. This is tipically used to 
display the progress of a long running operation, providing a visual clue that 
processing is underway.

The ProgressBar class manages the progress, and the format of the line is given 
by a number of widgets. A widget is an object that may display diferently 
depending on the state of the progress. There are three types of widget: - a 
string, which always shows itself; - a ProgressBarWidget, which may return a 
diferent value every time it's update method is called; and - a 
ProgressBarWidgetHFill, which is like ProgressBarWidget, except it expands to 
fill the remaining width of the line.

The progressbar module is very easy to use, yet very powerful. And 
automatically supports features like auto-resizing when the terminal size is 
changed. It's also efficient, because the text is only updated if need, with a 
minimum overhead in the case there is no need for updating.

It was tested and works under windows, linux and macosx. And should also work 
in many other untested operating systems.

You may get it from pypi:

Thanks, Nilton.

Nilton Volpato
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] % ('nilton', 'volpato')

Re: why _import__ only works from interactive interpreter?

2006-05-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You are absolutely right, it's that empty entry that allows the
absolute path to work.
I'll probably add the path to sys.path, but as this is only a config
file from which I need just a few vars, I'll try to use execfile,
looking in past threads it looks like a better option for this use, I
really don't need the new path, it could introduce subtle bugs as it is
not something expected.

Any equivalent way of doing the same with execfile?


New pyparsing wiki

2006-05-08 Thread Paul McGuire
I've converted the pyparsing project home page to a wiki, hosted at

Please come and visit the new pyparsing project site, and add your
contributions to the public Tips and Documentation pages!

-- Paul


Why list.sort() don't return the list reference instead of None?

2006-05-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
L = [4,3,2,1]
L will refer to None, why L.sort() don't return the L?
I want to ask why the designer of Python do so?


Re: Why list.sort() don't return the list reference instead of None?

2006-05-08 Thread Robert Kern
 L = [4,3,2,1]
 L will refer to None, why L.sort() don't return the L?
 I want to ask why the designer of Python do so?

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: Why list.sort() don't return the list reference instead of None?

2006-05-08 Thread Erik Max Francis

 L = [4,3,2,1]
 L will refer to None, why L.sort() don't return the L?
 I want to ask why the designer of Python do so?

Because that's the convention that signifies that a Python method 
mutates the object rather than returns a new one.

Erik Max Francis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Jose, CA, USA  37 20 N 121 53 W  AIM erikmaxfrancis
   Sitting in the den and / Looking at the phone as if it owed / Owed me
   a favor -- Blu Cantrell

Re: Why list.sort() don't return the list reference instead of None?

2006-05-08 Thread Lawrence Oluyede

 I want to ask why the designer of Python do so?

I'm not a Python core developer nor a designer but I've always known that
sort() is a in-place sort and since the list is a mutable object it mutates the
list sending the sort() message. If you want to get back a sorted iterable
use... sorted :)

L = [3, 1, 2]
ls = sorted(L)

now ls is your list, sorted.

Lawrence -
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Only one obvious way...

2006-05-08 Thread JShrager
If I ever _DO_ find a language that *DOES* mercilessly refactor in pursuit
 of the ideal only one obvious way, I may well jump ship, since my faith in
 Python's adherence to this principle which I cherish so intensely has
 been so badly broken ...

The phrase only one obvious way... is nearly the most absurd
marketing bullshit I have ever heard; topped only by it fits your
brain. Why are so many clearly intelligent and apparently
self-respecting hard-core software engineers repeating this kind of
claptrap? It sounds more like a religious cult than a programming
language community. If one of my students answered the question: Why
use X for Y? with X fits your brain. or There's only one obvious
way to do Y in X. I'd laugh out loud before failing them.


Re: which is better, string concatentation or substitution?

2006-05-08 Thread Leif K-Brooks
fuzzylollipop wrote:
 niether .join() is the fastest

Please quote what you're replying to.

No, it's the slowest:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit 'p%s/p\n\n' % 'foobar'
100 loops, best of 3: 0.607 usec per loop
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit 'p' + 'foobar' + '/p\n\n'
100 loops, best of 3: 0.38 usec per loop
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit ''.join(['p', 'foobar', '/p\n\n'])
100 loops, best of 3: 0.817 usec per loop

Re: reading a column from a file

2006-05-08 Thread pyGuy
f = open(datafile.txt, r)
data = [line.split('\t') for line in f]
pressure = [float(d[1]) for d in data]
temp = [float(d[2]) for d in data]

This will parse the file into a matrix stored in 'data'. The last two
lines simply iterate through second and third columns respectively,
converting each element to a float (from string as it was read in from
file) and assign to the appropriate vars.


Tkfont.families does not list all installed fonts

2006-05-08 Thread Atul

I have installed a truetype font (.ttf) on a linux machne (SUSE linux
10, KDE) by copying it to my .fonts folder. I can use the font in all
applications like open-office and firefox browser.

However, I cannot use the font in a python app that I am writing. The
list returned by Tkfont.families does not contain this particular font.

Any suggestions ?



Re: Getting HTTP responses - a python linkchecking script.

2006-05-08 Thread Rene Pijlman
with urllib2 it doesn't seem possible to get HTTP status codes.

except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
if e.code == 403:

René Pijlman

Re: why _import__ only works from interactive interpreter?

2006-05-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sorry to follow up myself, I've finally used the execfile approach,
passing an empty dict for capturing locals and then just processing it:

new_settings = {}
execfile(self.SETTINGS_MODULE, new_settings) # returns its locals in

# assign UPPER_CASE vars
for setting in new_settings.keys():
setting_value = new_settings[setting] # do what you want with the

It looks like a better solution than polluting the namespace and allows
to use any file as a config file withou the need to have it on


ANN: progressbar 2.2 - Text mode progressbar for console applications

2006-05-08 Thread Nilton Volpato
Text progressbar library for python.

This library provides a text mode progressbar. This is tipically used to 
display the progress of a long running operation, providing a visual clue 
that processing is underway.

The ProgressBar class manages the progress, and the format of the line is 
given by a number of widgets. A widget is an object that may display 
diferently depending on the state of the progress. There are three types 
of widget: - a string, which always shows itself; - a ProgressBarWidget, 
which may return a diferent value every time it's update method is called; 
and - a ProgressBarWidgetHFill, which is like ProgressBarWidget, except it 
expands to fill the remaining width of the line.

The progressbar module is very easy to use, yet very powerful. And 
automatically supports features like auto-resizing when the terminal size 
is changed. It's also efficient, because the text is only updated if need, 
with a minimum overhead in the case there is no need for updating.

It was tested and works under windows, linux and macosx. And should also 
work in many other untested operating systems.

You may get it from pypi:

Thanks, Nilton.

Nilton Volpato
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] % ('nilton', 'volpato')

Re: Why list.sort() don't return the list reference instead of None?

2006-05-08 Thread Lawrence Oluyede

 However, I wonder why L.sort() don't return the reference L, the
 performance of return L and None may be the same. 

It's not the same. sort() does not return anything.


I've just explained to you and so the others: by default operations on mutable
objects are in place.

s = abc

does return another string. String are immutable references.

Lawrence -
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Getting HTTP responses - a python linkchecking script.

2006-05-08 Thread blair . bethwaite
Rene Pijlman wrote:
 with urllib2 it doesn't seem possible to get HTTP status codes.

 except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
 if e.code == 403:

Thanks.  Is there documentation for this available somewhere online, I
can't see it to obviously in the library reference?



Python's regular expression?

2006-05-08 Thread Davy
Hi all,

I am a C/C++/Perl user and want to switch to Python (I found Python is
more similar to C).

Does Python support robust regular expression like Perl?

And Python and Perl's File content manipulation, which is better?

Any suggestions will be appreciated!
Best regards,


Re: Python's regular expression?

2006-05-08 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Davy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Does Python support robust regular expression like Perl?

Yep, Python regular expression is robust. Have a look at the Regex Howto: and the re module:

Lawrence -
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Why list.sort() don't return the list reference instead of None?

2006-05-08 Thread Sybren Stuvel
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
 However, I wonder why L.sort() don't return the reference L, the
 performance of return L and None may be the same.

It's probably because it would become confusing. Many people don't
read the documentation. If L.sort() returns a sorted version of L,
they would probably assume it didn't do an in-place sort. The effects
of an unexpected in-place sort are much harder to track down and debug
than a function returning None.

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

printing out elements in list

2006-05-08 Thread micklee74

i have a list with contents like this
alist = ['QWER' , 'askfhs', 'REWR' ,'sfsdf' , 'FGDG',
'sdfsdgffdgfdg' ]

how can i convert this list into a dictionary such that

dictionary = { 'QWER':'askfhs' , 'REWR' : 'sfsdf' , 'FGDG',
'sdfsdgffdgfdg' }



Re: Getting HTTP responses - a python linkchecking script.

2006-05-08 Thread Rene Pijlman
Rene Pijlman wrote:
 with urllib2 it doesn't seem possible to get HTTP status codes.

 except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
 if e.code == 403:

Thanks.  Is there documentation for this available somewhere online, I
can't see it to obviously in the library reference?

No, this seems to be missing from the documentation.

René Pijlman

Re: Python's regular expression?

2006-05-08 Thread Mirco Wahab
Hi Davy wrote:

 I am a C/C++/Perl user and want to switch to Python 


 (I found Python is more similar to C).

;-) More similar than what?

 Does Python support robust regular expression like Perl?

It supports them fairly good, but it's
not 'integrated' - at least it feels not
integrated for me ;-) If you did a lot of
Perl, you know what 'integrated' means ...

 And Python and Perl's File content manipulation, which is better?

What is a 'file content manipulation'?
Did you mean 'good xxx level file IO',
where xxx means either 'low' or 'high'?

 Any suggestions will be appreciated!

Just try to start a small project in Python -
from source that you already have in C or Perl
or something.



Re: printing out elements in list

2006-05-08 Thread Tim N. van der Leeuw
Using slices and built-in zip:

 alist = ['QWER' , 'askfhs', 'REWR' ,'sfsdf' , 'FGDG', 'sdfsdgffdgfdg' ]
 dict(zip(alist[::2], alist[1::2]))
{'QWER': 'askfhs', 'FGDG': 'sdfsdgffdgfdg', 'REWR': 'sfsdf'}

Slightly more efficient might be to use izip from itertools:

 from itertools import izip
 dict(izip(alist[::2], alist[1::2]))
{'QWER': 'askfhs', 'FGDG': 'sdfsdgffdgfdg', 'REWR': 'sfsdf'}

And perhaps using islice from iterools might improve efficiency even

 from itertools import islice, izip
 dict(izip(islice(alist, 0, None, 2), islice(alist, 1, None, 2)))
{'QWER': 'askfhs', 'FGDG': 'sdfsdgffdgfdg', 'REWR': 'sfsdf'}

(I didn't try to time any of these solutions so I have no real idea
which is more efficient, but using iterators from the itertools-module
should in theory mean you create less temporary objects; especially
with large lists this can be a win)




Re: which is better, string concatentation or substitution?

2006-05-08 Thread Duncan Booth
Leif K-Brooks wrote:

 fuzzylollipop wrote:
 niether .join() is the fastest
 Please quote what you're replying to.
 No, it's the slowest:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit 'p%s/p\n\n' % 'foobar'
 100 loops, best of 3: 0.607 usec per loop
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit 'p' + 'foobar' + '/p\n\n'
 100 loops, best of 3: 0.38 usec per loop
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit ''.join(['p', 'foobar', '/p\n\n'])
 100 loops, best of 3: 0.817 usec per loop

If you are only concatenating a few strings together, then straight 
concatenation will be faster, but when joining many strings together 
concatenating strings can be much slower compared to join. In the OP's 
original example:

def p(self, paragraph):
 self.source += 'p' + paragraph + '/p\n\n'

it is the concatenation to self.source which is could become the 
bottleneck, it doesn't really matter how the text of the paragraph 

For most purposes use what looks clearest at the time: it isn't worth the 
hassle of obfuscating your code until you've identified a real cpu hog. On 
the other hand, the str.join idiom is sufficiently common in Python that 
sometimes it wins on clarity and simplicity as well. e.g. If you build a 
list of lines to join then you don't have to repeat '\n' on the end of each 
component line.

BTW, be careful using timeit. I nearly got caught out running your tests:

C:\Python25python -m timeit ''.join(['p', 'foobar', '/p\n\n'])
100 loops, best of 3: 0.872 usec per loop

C:\Python25python -m timeit 'p' + 'foobar' + '/p\n\n'
1000 loops, best of 3: 0.049 usec per loop

C:\Python25python -m timeit 'p%s/p\n\n' % 'foobar'
1000 loops, best of 3: 0.0495 usec per loop

C:\Python25cd \python24

C:\Python24python -m timeit ''.join(['p', 'foobar', '/p\n\n'])
100 loops, best of 3: 1.05 usec per loop

C:\Python24python -m timeit 'p' + 'foobar' + '/p\n\n'
100 loops, best of 3: 0.359 usec per loop

Spot the really fast concatenations in Python 2.5 which is now detecting 
the constant strings and concatenating them once only. It also does that 
for the string formatting which only leaves poor old join to actually do 
any work in these tests.

Re: printing out elements in list

2006-05-08 Thread I V
On Mon, 08 May 2006 00:44:39 -0700, micklee74 wrote:
 i have a list with contents like this
 alist = ['QWER' , 'askfhs', 'REWR' ,'sfsdf' , 'FGDG',
 'sdfsdgffdgfdg' ]
 how can i convert this list into a dictionary such that
 dictionary = { 'QWER':'askfhs' , 'REWR' : 'sfsdf' , 'FGDG',
 'sdfsdgffdgfdg' }

This strikes me as a little bit voodish, but you could do:

dictionary = dict(zip(alist[::2], alist[1::2]))

Re: printing out elements in list

2006-05-08 Thread micklee74
thanks for all your replies...I will go test them out..
I was wondering what does this mean alist[1::2]?


Re: Why list.sort() don't return the list reference instead of None?

2006-05-08 Thread Tim N. van der Leeuw
So you write:

for key in sorted(dict.iterkeys()):
   ... do it ...

dict.iterkeys() returns an iterable which doesn't even have a
sort-method; and somehow I find it unnatural to apply a 'sort' method
to an iterator whereas I find it perfectly natural to feed an iterator
to a function that does sorting for anything iterable...




Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-08 Thread Anton Vredegoor

 When you consider that there was just a big flamewar on comp.lang.lisp
 about the lack of standard mechanisms for both threading and sockets in
 Common Lisp (with the lispers arguing that it wasn't needed) I find it
 curious that someone can say Common Lisp scales well.

In comp.lang.python there are often discussions about which is the best 
web framework or what is the best gui. There seems to be some common 
meme in these kinds of discussions and the lambda controversy. I'm even 
ready to expand the concept even more and include documentation problems 
and polymorphic typing.

So what is the big advantage of using parens then that is making people 
give up documenting their code by naming functions? (See, I'm getting 
into the right kind of lingo for discussing these kind of questions)

Well, there seems to be some advantage to conceptually decoupling a 
function from what it is doing *now* (which can be easily named) and 
what it is doing in some other situation. Naming things is only a 
ballast and makes the mental model not fit the brain (introducing 
pythonic terminology here for the lispers).

This is a lot like polymorphic functions. For example an adding function 
   sometimes adds integers and sometimes floats or complex variables and 
it can be defined just once without specifying which type of parameters 
it is going to get. I assume this to be a piece of cake for most lispers 
and pythoneers, but possibly this could still confuse some static typers.

An anonymous function is like a polymorphic function in that it is 
possible to make the mental model about it polymorphic, instead of 
just its parameters. This enables the lispers to just take what it does 
and paste it where that needs to be done (inventing crypto speak here).

This is a very effective way of handling operations and it would 
surprise me if not 99 percent of the Python coders do things mentally 
this way too and only add names and documentation at the last possible 
moment (mental compile time documentation procedure).

So here we're integrating mental models concerning polymorphism into the 
way we talk and think about code, and naming things explicitly always 
seems to be a burden.

But now we let the other side of our brain speak for a moment, it was 
always the side that translated everything we wanted to say to each 
other here into mental Unicode so that we can hear what the others are 
saying (further diving into the linguistic pit I am digging here).

Yes, communication is what suffers from *not* naming things, and right 
after it documentation and standardization. How else are we going to 
communicate our findings verbally to the non coders and the trans coders?

Also naming functions and variables can help us create appropriate 
mental models that 'fix' certain things in place and keep them in the 
same state, because now they are 'documented'. This promotes people 
being able to work together and also it enables measuring progress, very 
important aspects for old world companies who won't understand the way 
things are evolving (even if they seem to have roaring success at the 

Not to say that I invented something new, it was always a theme, but now 
it's a meme,(he, he), the conflict between the scripture and the 
mysticism. It's such a pity that everyone understands some way or 
another that mysticism is the way things work but that none wants to 
acknowledge it.

What am I doing here coding Python one might ask, well, the knowledge 
has to be transfered to my brain first *somehow*, and until someone 
finds a better way to do that or until there is so much procedural 
information in my head that I can start autocoding (oh no) that seems to 
be the better option.



Re: python 2.5a2, gcc 4.1 and memory problems

2006-05-08 Thread Michele Petrazzo
 Michele Petrazzo wrote:
 I haven't tried to recompile py 2.4 myself with gcc 4.1 because it 
 is already compiled with it (4.0.3), so I think (only think) that 
 is a py 2.5 problem. I'm right? or I have to compile it with 
 something other switches?
 Sounds like a gcc problem to me.  Try adding --with-pydebug in the 
 configure options.  My guess is that it will work.  This option 
 enables asserts, but more importantly disables optimization.

Yes, with this option it work, but has very bad performances.

 My guess is that this is an optimization problem with gcc.  I assume
  -fno-strict-aliasing is one of the gcc flags.  It should be as this 
 is required for building python.

Yes, I specify that flag for compiling, but still the same... Always
problems. Also tried with --without-pymalloc and no changes.

 Cheers, n

I think that I'll wait for the firsts debian packages, or compile it
with gcc 3.3.


Re: Image SIG ML Moderator does not respond

2006-05-08 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Calvin Spealman wrote:

 I have tried repeatedly to make a post to the Image SIG ML, and get nothing
 but automated responses that I must wait for word from the moderator to
 approve my posting on the list. I have gotten no reply, positive or not, in
 over a month. I am assuming the Image SIG moderator is currently MIA.

is this the post you're talking about ?



data entry tool

2006-05-08 Thread Peter

This post seeks advice on whether python would be appropriate for a task, or
whether you can suggest another approach.

The project is to transcribe historical records such as schools admissions,
ship passenger lists, birth/death/marriages, etc for genealogy studies. 
What we need is a simple software tool that will give the user a form set
out like the page being transcribed, do some simple validation and put the
data in a file (can be fixed field length plain text).  Data files from
volunteers will be compiled into a master database.

This software tool needs to work on a variety of different computers; Win95,
Win98, WinXP, Mac, Linux.

So, would python be a good choice for this, and how should I go about it? 
I'm not a programmer and have only done a few little python scripts that
run from the command line.




RE: Need to send email on HIGH Disk usage

2006-05-08 Thread Tim Golden
[C Saha]

| I am looking for a py script which will send me email when 
| ever my disk becomes more than 90% full. By the way my OS is Win XP.
| If anybody have already has written same type of script or 
| something very similar kind of script will also be great. 

You can certainly do this with a WMI event. 

You might start by combining this example:

with one like this:

For the event type, you'll need to use Modification.

I'm happy to put together an example script for
you, but I didn't want to take away the fun of


This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by Star. The
service is powered by MessageLabs. For more information on a proactive
anti-virus service working around the clock, around the globe, visit:


Re: the tostring and XML methods in ElementTree

2006-05-08 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 I wanted to see what would happen if one used the results of a tostring
 method as input into the XML method.  What I observed is this:
 a) beforeCtag.text is of type type 'str'
 b) beforeCtag.text when printed displays: I'm confused
 c) afterCtag.text is of type type 'unicode'
 d) afterCtag.text when printed displays: I?m confused

the XML file format isn't a Python string serialization format, it's an XML 
serialization format.

as stated in the documentation, ET always uses Unicode strings for text that
contain non-ASCII characters.  for text that *only* contains ASCII, it may use
either Unicode strings or 8-bit strings, depending on the implementation.

the behaviour if you're passing in non-ASCII text as 8-bit strings is undefined
(which means that you shouldn't do that; it's not portable).

to learn more about Unicode in Python, google for python unicode.



Re: printing out elements in list

2006-05-08 Thread Tim N. van der Leeuw
alist[::2] means taking a slice. You should look up slice-syntax in the
tutorials and reference manual.

in general,

alist[1:5] means: take list elements position 1 up to (excluding) 5.
(List indexing starts at position 0, so the first element in the list
is not included!)
alist[0:5] means: take list elements position 0 up to (excluding) 5; in
other words: the first 5 elements.
A shortcut for this is: alist[:5] -- omitting an index position means a
default of 'start' resp. 'end'.
So to take all elements from the 5th to the end of list, you write:
alist[4:] (remember that indexing starts at position 0, so 0 is your
first element, 4 is your 5th).

To take a slice that is the whole list, write: alist[:]

Slices discussed so far take all elements in the indicated range,
however you can specify a 'step' with your slices. Default step is 1,
but to skip every other element you write:
Which takes all elements of your list, starting at position 0, adding 2
to the index each step, so next is item 2, then 4, etc, until end of
Now we have all the 'even-numbered' elements in the list, to get the
'odd-numbered elements' write:

I hope this helps.




Re: How can I do this with python ?

2006-05-08 Thread Tim N. van der Leeuw
Your question is insufficiently clear for me to answer.

Do you want to know how to read from standard-input in a Python

Do you want to know how to start an external program from Python, and
then connect something to that programs standard input?

Do you want to know something else?

Please specify!




Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-08 Thread Thomas F. Burdick

 Alex Martelli wrote:
  Steve R. Hastings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
But the key in the whole thread is simply that indentation will not
scale. Nor will Python.
   This is a curious statement, given that Python is famous for scaling well.
  I think ridiculous is a better characterization than curious, even
  if you're seriously into understatement.
 When you consider that there was just a big flamewar on comp.lang.lisp
 about the lack of standard mechanisms for both threading and sockets in
 Common Lisp (with the lispers arguing that it wasn't needed) I find it
 curious that someone can say Common Lisp scales well.

You really need to get better at distinguishing between reality and
usenet flamewars.  While some comp.lang.lispers were bitching back and
forth about this, others of us were in Hamburg listening to Martin
Cracauer from ITA talking about Common Lisp in a high-performance
search environment.  In case you aren't aware, ITA is the company
that makes the search engine behind Orbitz.


Re: Python CHM Doc Contains Broken Links on Linux in xCHM.

2006-05-08 Thread Razvan Cojocaru
 Is this a problem with the chm docs themselves OR is it a problem with
 xCHM? The same chm works just fine on Windows whereas on Linux I am
 having problems. Anyone experiencing the same? is a fix coming?

It's already been fixed. You're running an old version (the screenshot
says 1.2). The latest official release version is 1.7.1. I believe that
problem has been fixed since 1.7.


Re: Is this a good use of __metaclass__?

2006-05-08 Thread Michele Simionato
Answering to the title of your post, no, this is not a good use of
Your problem seems a textbook example of multiple dispatch, so I
you to look at PEAK with has an implementation of multimethods/generic
functions. Notice that Guido seems to be intentioned to add support for
generic functions in future versions of Python, so that solution would
likely have the
blessing of the BDFL ;)
The problem you have with your metaclass version, is the infamous
conflict. It can be solved by hand or automatically
( but it
is best
to avoid it altogether. Just use PEAK or an hand made dispatcher, like
instance this one:

class SimpleDispatcher(object): # this is on purpose not object
A dispatcher is a callable object that looks in a namespace
for callable objects and calls them with the signature

``dispatcher(callablename, dispatchtag, *args, **kw)``

The namespace can be a module, a class, a dictionary, or anything
that responds to ``getattr`` or (alternatively) to ``__getitem__``.

Here is an example of usage:

 call = SimpleDispatcher(globals())

 def manager_showpage():
...return 'Manager'

 def member_showpage():
... return 'Member'

 def anonymous_showpage():
... return 'Anonymous'

 call('showpage', 'anonymous')
 call('showpage', 'manager')
 call('showpage', 'member')

def __init__(self, ns):
self._ns = ns
def __call__(self, funcname, classname, *args, **kw):
func = getattr(self._ns, '%s_%s' % (classname, funcname))
except AttributeError:
func = self._ns['%s_%s' % (classname, funcname)]
return func(*args, **kw)

if __name__ == __main__:
import doctest; doctest.testmod()

BTW, the usual advice holds here: if you can find an workable solution
not involving
metaclasses and decorators, don't use them.

  Michele Simionato


Re: data entry tool

2006-05-08 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Peter wrote:

 This post seeks advice on whether python would be appropriate for a task,
 or whether you can suggest another approach.
 The project is to transcribe historical records such as schools
 admissions, ship passenger lists, birth/death/marriages, etc for genealogy
 studies. What we need is a simple software tool that will give the user a
 form set out like the page being transcribed, do some simple validation
 and put the
 data in a file (can be fixed field length plain text).  Data files from
 volunteers will be compiled into a master database.
 This software tool needs to work on a variety of different computers;
 Win95, Win98, WinXP, Mac, Linux.
 So, would python be a good choice for this, and how should I go about it?
 I'm not a programmer and have only done a few little python scripts that
 run from the command line.

Make it a webapp. That will guarantee to make it runnable on the list of
OSses you gave. Use Django/TurboGears/ZOPE for the application itself-
whichever suits you best.


Re: Dispatching operations to user-defined methods

2006-05-08 Thread Hallvard B Furuseth
Michele Simionato writes:
 Apparently Guido fell in love with generic functions, so
 (possibly) in future Python versions you will be able to
 solve dispatching problems in in an industrial strenght way.

Looks interesting, I'll keep an eye on that.

 Sometimes however the simplest possible way is enough, and you
 can use something like this :

 class SimpleDispatcher(object):

That doesn't make use of any subclass hierarchies the user defines
though.  But maybe it's just as well to scan his class for names
once he has defined it, and build the dispatch table myself.


Modifying PyObject.ob_type

2006-05-08 Thread Hallvard B Furuseth
I've got some fixed-size types with identical object layout defind in C.
The only differences are: Which methods they have, the name, and some
are subtypes of others.

Can I modify the ob_type of their instances, to switch between which of
these types an object has?


How to get a part of string which follows a particular pattern using shell script

2006-05-08 Thread Hari
Hi all,

I need to get a part of string which follows a pattern 'addr='

For example:

b)test=/dev/root on / typr nfs

I need to get the ipaddress from the above two strings a and b which
follows 'addr='. I tried to use cut, but it accepts only single charter

as delimiter. If I give delimiter as 'addr=' for cut command it gives
me a error.

So please help me.

A bunch of thanks in advance. 



Re: printing out elements in list

2006-05-08 Thread micklee74
thanks for the detailed explaination... i know about basic lists
slicing..just havn't seen one with steps yet..
thanks again...clp rocks.


yahoo sender name

2006-05-08 Thread I Made Putrama
You can go to Options menu,  then klikMail menu. Under Management tab, klik Mail Adresses  Then edit your account there..  regards,  faino  ---hey...I know this is off the "python" topicbut I have yahoo mail and would like to change my "sender name" I have gone to the "edit account" area and have changed all names that can be edited to a consistent name other than the current sender name...but for some reason it will not change the sender anybody familiar with yahoo mail and changing names?  -thanks in advance-
		How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low  PC-to-Phone call rates.--

Re: Python's regular expression?

2006-05-08 Thread Davy
Hi Mirco,

Thank you!

More similar than Perl ;-)

And what's 'integrated' mean (must include some library)?

I like C++ file I/O, is it 'low' or 'high'? 



List of lists of lists of lists...

2006-05-08 Thread Ángel Gutiérrez Rodríguez
I would like to have a list of lists N times deep, and my solution is (in

def deep(x):
  return a

for N: mylist=deep(mylist)

Is there a more elegant way to do it?

The maine idea is: from a list having the numbre of steps along N
dimensions, generate a list with an item at each possible point.

Example 1: N=2  list=[2,3]  result=[[1,2],[1,2],[1,2]]
Example 2: N=3  list=[3,1,2]  result=[[[1,2,3]],[[1,2,3]]]
Ángel Gutiérrez Rodríguez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Instituto de Ciencia de los Materiales de Madrid - CSIC
SpLine - European Syncrothorn Radiation Facility - Grenoble - France

Postal adress: Departamento de Química Física y Analítica 
Universidad de Oviedo - c/Julián Clavería 8 33006 - Oviedo 
Asturias - Spain
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Telf.: +34-985103687

Re: Python's regular expression?

2006-05-08 Thread Davy
By the way, is there any tutorial talk about how to use the Python
Shell (IDE). I wish it simple like VC++ :)



Re: How to get a part of string which follows a particular pattern using shell script

2006-05-08 Thread nikie
Hari wrote:

 Hi all,

 I need to get a part of string which follows a pattern 'addr='

 For example:

 b)test=/dev/root on / typr nfs

 I need to get the ipaddress from the above two strings a and b which
 follows 'addr='. I tried to use cut, but it accepts only single charter

 as delimiter. If I give delimiter as 'addr=' for cut command it gives
 me a error.

Regular Expressions are probably the easiest way to do this. Example:

import re

str = a)test=
b)test=/dev/root on / typr nfs

m =\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+), str)

- Prints:

Read the Python manual on Regular Expressions (module re) or google for
Python regular expression tutorials if your search is more complex than
this (or if you want to know what's going on). If you want a good
in-depth text on the subject, I'd recommend J. Friedls Mastering
Regular Expressions.

Have fun.


[ANN] PyYAML-3.01: YAML parser and emitter for Python

2006-05-08 Thread Kirill Simonov
PyYAML: YAML parser and emitter for Python

I am pleased to announce the initial release of PyYAML.

YAML is a data serialization format designed for human readability and
interaction with scripting languages.  PyYAML is a YAML parser and
emitter for Python.

PyYAML features a complete YAML 1.1 parser, Unicode support, pickle
support, capable extension API, and sensible error messages.  PyYAML
supports standard YAML tags and provides Python-specific tags that allow
to represent an arbitrary Python object.

PyYAML is applicable for a broad range of tasks from complex
configuration files to object serialization and persistance.

You may download PyYAML from


 import yaml

... name: PyYAML
... version: 3.01
... description: YAML parser and emitter for Python
... homepage:
... keywords: [YAML, serialization, configuration, persistance, pickle]
... )
{'keywords': ['YAML', 'serialization', 'configuration', 'persistance',
'pickle'], 'version': 3.01, 'homepage': '',
'description': 'YAML parser and emitter for Python', 'name': 'PyYAML'}

 print yaml.dump(_)
version: 3.01
name: PyYAML
keywords: [YAML, serialization, configuration, persistance, pickle]
description: YAML parser and emitter for Python


PyYAML homepage:
PyYAML documentation:

TAR.GZ package:
ZIP package:
Windows installer:

PyYAML SVN repository:
Submit a bug report:

YAML homepage:
YAML-core mailing list:


* Initial release.  The version number reflects the codename of the
  project (PyYAML 3000) and differenciates it from the abandoned PyYaml


The PyYAML module is written by Kirill Simonov [EMAIL PROTECTED].

PyYAML is released under the MIT license.


Web framework comparison video

2006-05-08 Thread Iain King

Thought this might be interesting to y'all.  (I can't watch it 'cos I'm
at work, so any comments about it would be appreciated :)



get Windows file type

2006-05-08 Thread BartlebyScrivener
Using Python on Windows XP, I am able to get almost all file and path
info using os.path or stat, but I don't see a way to retrieve the file
type? E.g. Microsoft Word file, HTML file, etc, the equivalent of what
is listed in the Type column in the Windows Explorer box.




Re: Python Eggs Just install in *ONE* place? Easy to uninstall?

2006-05-08 Thread Damjan
 But not matter where eggs are installed they
 are never spread across multiple places
 on hard drive right?  An egg is all under
 one node of tree right?

From what I've seen, no.
For example installing TurboGears will also install the tg-admin script
in /usr/bin/ and there are a lot of other projects that install custom


Re: get Windows file type

2006-05-08 Thread Sybren Stuvel
BartlebyScrivener enlightened us with:
 Using Python on Windows XP, I am able to get almost all file and
 path info using os.path or stat, but I don't see a way to retrieve
 the file type? E.g. Microsoft Word file, HTML file, etc, the
 equivalent of what is listed in the Type column in the Windows
 Explorer box.

I'm afraid you'll have to get that from the registry. That will only
give you the descriptive name of the extension, though, and not the
type of contents of the file, i.e. if you have a HTML file named
'somefile.avi', Windows recognises it as an AVI and not an HTML file.

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Logging vs printing

2006-05-08 Thread Leo Breebaart
alisonken1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Leo Breebaart wrote:

  I am writing fairly large console scripts in Python. They
  have quite a few command-line options, which lead to
  configuration variables that are needed all over the program
  (e.g. the --verbose option alone is used by just about
  every function and method).
 One question I have is about the --verbose option.
 If you're doing something that is equivalent to logging to
 file | console, rather than continuing to pass the
 '--verbose' flag around, why not just use the built-in logging
 facility to manage the extra output?

Good point. It's not a real conscious decision, and I have one or
two other projects lying around where I do in fact use logging. I
think the main reason why I am not using it by default is
because, when all is said and done, it still comes easier to me
to resort to guarded print statements then to set up and use the
logging machinery.

This may well be a false economy in the long run, but it is
nevertheless how I perceive it in day-to-day programming. 

(Related to this is that while I found e.g. the optparse
documentation very clear and relevant to my needs, the logging
documentation and examples, while readable, just never seem to
relate to what I actually need. This is not a complaint -- just
a subjective observation.)

But you are right. Especially for the larger projects I really
should bite the bullet and start using the logging module.

Leo Breebaart  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Logging vs printing

2006-05-08 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Leo Breebaart enlightened us with:
 I think the main reason why I am not using it by default is because,
 when all is said and done, it still comes easier to me to resort to
 guarded print statements then to set up and use the logging

The logging machinery isn't that huge nor is it difficult to set up:

import logging

log = logging.getLogger('')

and that's all there is to it.

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-08 Thread Ken Tilton

Adam Jones wrote:
 Ken Tilton wrote:
Alexander Schmolck wrote:

[trimmed groups]

Ken Tilton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

yes, but do not feel bad, everyone gets confused by the /analogy/ to
spreadsheets into thinking Cells /is/ a spreadsheet. In fact, for a brief
period I swore off the analogy because it was so invariably misunderstood.
Even Graham misunderstood it.

Count me in.

g But looking at what it says: Think of the slots as cells in a
spreadsheet (get it?), and you've got the right idea. , if you follow
the analogy (and know that slot means data member in other OO models)
you also know that Serge's Spreadsheet example would have scored a big
fat zero on the Miller Analogy Test. Serge in no way made slots in
Python classes behave like cells in a spreadsheet. He simply started
work on a Spreadsheet application, using Python classes along the way. Bzzt.

While everyone makes the mistake, it is only because few of us (me
included) read very carefully. Especially if they are more interested in
flaming than learning what someone is saying.

 I don't really mean any disrespect here, but if an analogy is not
 interpreted correctly by a large group of people, the analogy is crap,
 not the people. 

No, I do not think that follows. I reiterate: people (inluding me!) read 
too quickly, and this analogy has a trap in it: spreadsheets are /also/ 

The analogy is fine and the people are fine, but as you suggest there is 
a human engineering problem to be acknowledged.

btw, I have a couple of links to papers on similar art and they all use 
the spreadshett metaphor. It is too good not to, but...

 Yes, I understood it, specifically because I have spent
 enough time dinking around with cell functions in a spreadhseet to
 understand what you meant.
 Maybe it would help to change the wording to functions with cell
 references in a spreadsheet instead of cells in a spreadsheet.

g We could do a study. I doubt your change would work, but, hey, that 
is what studies are for.

I think probably the best thing to do with the human engineering problem 
is attack the misunderstanding explicitly. Now if you are like most 
people, you think that means X. It does not. And then give an example, 
and then again say what it is not.

Anyone who comes away from /that/ with the wrong idea just is not trying.

But I would not put that in the project synopsis, and that is all the 
original confused poster read. Just not trying.



Have you ever been in a relationship?
Attorney for Mary Winkler, confessed killer of her
minister husband, when asked if the couple had
marital problems.

Re: Python's regular expression?

2006-05-08 Thread Mirco Wahab
Hi Davy

  More similar than Perl ;-)

But C has { }'s everywhere, so has Perl ;-)

  And what's 'integrated' mean (must include some library)?

Yes. In Python, regular expressions are just
another function library - you use them like
in Java or C.

In Perl, it's part of the core language, you
use the awk-style (eg: /.../) regular expressions
everywhere you want.

If you used regexp in C/C++ before, you can use them
in almost the same way in Python - which may give you
an easy start.

BTW. Python has some fine extensions to the
perl(5)-Regexes, e.g. 'named backreferences'.

But you won't see much regular expressions
in Python code posted to this group, maybe
because it looks clunky - which is unpythonic ;-)

Lets see - a really simple find/match
would look like this in Python:

   import re

   t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
   p = re.compile('(blue|white|red)')
   if p.match(t):
  print t

which prints the text 't' because  of
the positive pattern match.

In Perl, you write:

   use Acme::Pythonic;

   $t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
   if ($t =~ /(blue|white|red)/):
 print $t

which is one line shorter (no need
to compile the regular expression
in advance).

  I like C++ file I/O, is it 'low' or 'high'?

C++ has afaik actually three levels of I/O:

(1) - (from C, very low) operating system level, included
by io.h which provides direct access to operating system
services (read(), write(), lseek() etc.)

(2) - C-Standard-Library buffered IO, included by stdio.h,
provides structured 'mid-level' access like (block-) fread()/
fwrite(), line read (fgets()) and formatted I/O (fprintf()/

(3) - C++/streams library (high level, fstream, iostream, sstream),
which abstracts out the i/o devices, provides the same set of
functionality for any abstract input or output.

Perl provides all three levels of I/O, the 'abstracting' is introduced
by modules which tie 'handle variables' to anything that may receive
or send data.

Python also does a good job on all three levels, but provides
the (low level) operating system I/O by external modules (afaik).
I didn't do much I/O in Python, so I can't say much here.



A better way to split up a list

2006-05-08 Thread fidtz
The code below works fine, but it is less than nice to look at and
somewhat long winded. Is there a better way to do the docstring task?
This is the first working version, and can proabably be compacted a
bit (list comprehensions etc) but I am looking for a better basic
approach. Any help much appreciated :)

from itertools import islice
def chopupmoves(movelist):
'''creates a list of 3 lists from one list, that should all have
(length of movelist)/3 length, with any remainder getting added to the
third list'''
outputlist = [[],[],[]]

parlen = int(len(movelist)/3)
if parlen  3:
parlen = 3

stoplist=[0];exit = 0
while exit  len(movelist):
exit = exit + parlen
while len(stoplist)  4:

for x in range(len(stoplist)-1):
for i in islice(movelist,stoplist[x],stoplist[x+1],1):
return outputlist
movelist = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
print chopupmoves(movelist)


Re: Designing Plug-in Systems in Python

2006-05-08 Thread Jorge Godoy
mystilleef wrote:
 Are there any good tutorials on how to design good plug-in
 systems with Python, or any language? What are the best
 practices for designing plug-in systems in Python? How would
 you go about designing one? What are common pitfalls in
 designing one? Any pointers, suggestions, resources and
 advice is welcome.

I am liking to use setuptools and its entry points.  With this, your program
can check for a specific thing and load all modules that provides something
like myapp.plugins.  

Take a look at it.


Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
- Qualquer coisa dita em latim soa profundo.
- Anything said in Latin sounds smart.

Re: Logging vs printing

2006-05-08 Thread Leo Breebaart
Sybren Stuvel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Leo Breebaart enlightened us with:

  I think the main reason why I am not using [logging] by
  default is because, when all is said and done, it still comes
  easier to me to resort to guarded print statements then to
  set up and use the logging machinery.
 The logging machinery isn't that huge nor is it difficult to set up:
 import logging
 log = logging.getLogger('')
 and that's all there is to it.

I did say: it comes easier *to me* -- I am aware that my own
tastes, which may not be shared by others, or be entirely
logical, feature into this.

Having said that, I do think it's also not *quite* as trivial as
you claim. In order to duplicate what I already have (if config.verbose:
print msg), I probably need to log at the DEBUG level, and I
need to change the format so that that output looks like the
'print' output (no timestamping cruft etc.)

Okay, you say, that's still easy. It's just:

logging.debug('A debug message')

And that's true, but I did have to go and look this up, and I
made a couple of false starts first. I can only repeat that the
workings of the logging framework are rarely intuitive to me.

Also, assume that I have set it up as above. Now I want certain
other print statements to go to sys.stderr alone. If I understand
the docs correctly (possibly I don't), the way to do this is to
start attaching explicit StreamHandlers and whatnot. Whereas with
print, I can say print sys.stderr, msg.

I know that it won't take much for a script to become so complex
that the extra stuff logging buys you vastly overpowers the
convenience of the print statements. I have just not needed that
often enough for it to become second nature to use in smaller
scripts as well.

Leo Breebaart  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Python's regular expression?

2006-05-08 Thread John Machin
On 8/05/2006 10:31 PM, Mirco Wahab wrote:
 Lets see - a really simple find/match
 would look like this in Python:
import re
t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
p = re.compile('(blue|white|red)')
if p.match(t):

What do you expect when t == green socks and red shoes? Is it possible 
that you mean to use search() rather than match()?

   print t
 which prints the text 't' because  of
 the positive pattern match.
 In Perl, you write:
use Acme::Pythonic;
$t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
if ($t =~ /(blue|white|red)/):
  print $t
 which is one line shorter (no need
 to compile the regular expression
 in advance).

There is no need to compile the regex in advance in Python, either. 
Please consider the module-level function search() ...
if|white|red, t):
# also, no need for () in the regex.


Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-08 Thread David C.Ullrich
On Sun, 07 May 2006 10:36:00 -0400, Ken Tilton [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Your spreadsheet does not have slots ruled by functions, it has one slot 
for a dictionary where you store names and values/formulas.

Go back to your example and arrange it so a and b are actual slots (data 
members? fields?) of the spreadsheet class. You can just stuff numbers in a:

sheet1.a = 42

but b should be somehow associated with a rule when sheet1 is created. 
As I said in the other post, also associate an on-change callback with 
slots a and b.

I must be missing something - seems this should be easy using
__setattr__ and __getattr__. Then _literally_ there's just a
dict containing names and functions, but when you _use_ the
class it looks just like the above:


When that is done we can look at a working example and see how well 
Python fared without macros and full-blown lambda.

No lambda in the non-programmer-half-hour implementation below.
You need to define a named function for each cell to use as
a callback. Except for that what are Cells supposed to do that
the implementation below doesn't do?

class Cell:

  def __init__(self, name, owner, callback): = name
self.callback = callback
self.owner = owner

  def onchange(self, value):
self.value = value
self.callback(self, value)

class Cells:

  def __init__(self):
#self.slots = {}
#Oops, don't work so well with __setattr__:
self.__dict__['slots'] = {}

  def __setattr__(self, name, value):

  def __getattr__(self, name):
return self.slots[name].value

  def AddCell(self, name, callback):
self.slots[name] = Cell(name, self, callback)


Sample use:

cells = Cells()

def acall(cell, value):
  cell.owner.slots['b'].value = value + 1


def bcall(cell, value):
  cell.owner.slots['a'].value = value - 1


cells.a = 42
print cells.a, cells.b
cells.b = 24
print cells.a, cells.b

David C. Ullrich

Re: Python's regular expression?

2006-05-08 Thread Duncan Booth
Mirco Wahab wrote:

 Lets see - a really simple find/match
 would look like this in Python:
import re
t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
p = re.compile('(blue|white|red)')
if p.match(t):
   print t
 which prints the text 't' because  of
 the positive pattern match.
 In Perl, you write:
use Acme::Pythonic;
$t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
if ($t =~ /(blue|white|red)/):
  print $t
 which is one line shorter (no need
 to compile the regular expression
 in advance).

There is no need to compile the regular expression in advance in Python 

   t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
   if re.match('(blue|white|red)', t):
  print t

The only advantage to compiling in advance is a small speed up, and most of 
the time that won't be significant.

Re: How can I do this with python ?

2006-05-08 Thread Xiao Jianfeng
Tim N. van der Leeuw wrote:
 Your question is insufficiently clear for me to answer.

 Do you want to know how to read from standard-input in a Python

 Do you want to know how to start an external program from Python, and
 then connect something to that programs standard input?

 Do you want to know something else?

 Please specify!




For example, I can call vim and do something like this in a shell script,


vim a.file-EOF

I want to know how to call vim and to the same thing with python.


Re: Python CHM Doc Contains Broken Links on Linux in xCHM.

2006-05-08 Thread vbgunz
Thank you Razvan. You're right. I downloaded the 1.7.1 source and built
it and the links do work just fine. Thank you for pointing that out!


Re: A better way to split up a list

2006-05-08 Thread Tim Chase
 The code below works fine, but it is less than nice to
 look at and somewhat long winded. Is there a better way
 to do the docstring task? This is the first working
 version, and can proabably be compacted a bit (list
 comprehensions etc) but I am looking for a better basic 
 approach. Any help much appreciated :)

It looks like there may be some problems with your code, 
such that it doesn't work fine...particularly in lists 
with 1, 2, or 3 elements.

The below chopupmoves2 function does what you describe, 
and is nice and short.  A bunch of test-cases get generated 
and compared so you can see their output.  The 
chopupmoves2() function regularly returns your described 
results, while things seem a bit off with the chopupmoves()



from itertools import islice
def chopupmoves2(movelist):
 size = len(movelist) / 3
 return [

def chopupmoves(movelist):
 '''creates a list of 3 lists from one list, that should 
all have
(length of movelist)/3 length, with any remainder getting 
added to the
third list'''
 outputlist = [[],[],[]]

 parlen = int(len(movelist)/3)
 if parlen  3:
 parlen = 3

 stoplist=[0];exit = 0
 while exit  len(movelist):
 exit = exit + parlen
 while len(stoplist)  4:

 for x in range(len(stoplist)-1):
 for i in islice(movelist,stoplist[x],stoplist[x+1],1):
 return outputlist
# test them with a bunch of test-cases
movelist =[]
for i in xrange(1,12):
 print Movelist:, movelist
 print \toriginal:, chopupmoves(movelist)
 print \tTim's:   , chopupmoves2(movelist)


Re: Logging vs printing

2006-05-08 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Leo Breebaart enlightened us with:
 Okay, you say, that's still easy. It's just:


I always use a separate logger, as per my example. That would then
just require an additional line:


 And that's true, but I did have to go and look this up, and I made a
 couple of false starts first. I can only repeat that the workings of
 the logging framework are rarely intuitive to me.

If you're just writing software for yourself, that's fine. If you want
to share your software, things that are intuitive to you might not be
to others. In such a case (and usually software is going to be shared
at some point or another) it's generally a good idea to spend a few
minutes learning how to use such a system, because then other people
will see your code using things they are already familiar with.

Reusing other people's code instead of writing your own logging, also
means that other people will fix bugs for you.

 I know that it won't take much for a script to become so complex
 that the extra stuff logging buys you vastly overpowers the
 convenience of the print statements. I have just not needed that
 often enough for it to become second nature to use in smaller
 scripts as well.

I don't use the logging module in small scripts either, but as soon as
it gets over 100 lines, I do. It's quite easy to get it going, once
you get the hang of it.

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: Python's regular expression?

2006-05-08 Thread Mirco Wahab
Hi John

import re

t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
p = re.compile('(blue|white|red)')
if p.match(t):
 What do you expect when t == green socks and red shoes? Is it possible
 that you mean to use search() rather than match()?

This is interesting.
What's in this example the difference then between:

   import re

   t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
   if re.compile('blue|white|red').match(t):
  print t


   t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
   if'blue|white|red', t):
  print t

 There is no need to compile the regex in advance in Python, either.
 Please consider the module-level function search() ...
 if|white|red, t):
 # also, no need for () in the regex.

Thats true. Thank you for pointing this out.
But what would be an appropriate use
of search() vs. match()? When to use what?

I answered the posting in the first place
because also I'm coming from a C/C++/Perl
background and trying to get along in Python.




Re: Web framework comparison video

2006-05-08 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Iain King enlightened us with:

 Thought this might be interesting to y'all.  (I can't watch it 'cos
 I'm at work, so any comments about it would be appreciated :)

It's a nice video, I really enjoyed it. Even though the website you
linked says it's a 60 minute vid, it's only just over 30 minutes.

So far, I've created my own web framework - mostly because I didn't
see a simple to use framework that could do what I wanted it to do:
properly handle client-side caching. Looking at the Plone website, it
looks like they do support that. Perhaps I'll look into Plone for my
site in the future ;-) For now, I'm very happy with my own framework

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: A better way to split up a list

2006-05-08 Thread John Machin
On 8/05/2006 10:45 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The code below works fine, but it is less than nice to look at and
 somewhat long winded. Is there a better way to do the docstring task?
 This is the first working version, and can proabably be compacted a
 bit (list comprehensions etc) but I am looking for a better basic
 approach. Any help much appreciated :)
 from itertools import islice
 def chopupmoves(movelist):
 '''creates a list of 3 lists from one list, that should all have
 (length of movelist)/3 length, with any remainder getting added to the
 third list'''
 outputlist = [[],[],[]]
 parlen = int(len(movelist)/3)
 if parlen  3:
 parlen = 3
What's this for? It causes weird things to happen with short lists.

 stoplist=[0];exit = 0
 while exit  len(movelist):
 exit = exit + parlen
 while len(stoplist)  4:
 for x in range(len(stoplist)-1):
 for i in islice(movelist,stoplist[x],stoplist[x+1],1):
 return outputlist
 movelist = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
 print chopupmoves(movelist)

Unless I've totally misunderstood your spec, you don't need all that 
islice and stoplist stuff.

def chopupmoves2(movelist):
 parlen = len(movelist) // 3
 return [movelist[:parlen], movelist[parlen:parlen*2], 

for k in range(13):
 mlist = range(k)
 print v1, chopupmoves(mlist)
 print v2, chopupmoves2(mlist)


Re: reading a column from a file

2006-05-08 Thread Larry Bates
Check out the csv module.

-Larry Bates

Gary Wessle wrote:
 I have a file with data like
 location pressure temp
 str   flootfloot
 I need to read pressure and temp in 2 different variables so that I
 can plot them as lines. is there a package which reads from file with
 a given formate and returns desired  variables? or I need to open,
 while not EOF read, parse, build list, return?

Re: Python's regular expression?

2006-05-08 Thread Mirco Wahab
Hi Duncan

 There is no need to compile the regular expression in advance in Python 
 The only advantage to compiling in advance is a small speed up, and most of 
 the time that won't be significant.

I read 'some' introductions into Python Regexes
and got confused in the first place when to use
what and why.

After some minutes in this NG I start to get
the picture. So I narrowed the above regex-question
down to a nice equivalence between Perl and Python:


   import re

   t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
   if re.match('blue|white|red', t):
   print t

   t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
   if'blue|white|red', t):
  print t


   use Acme::Pythonic;

   $t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
   if $t =~ /blue|white|red/:
 print $t

And Python Regexes eventually lost (for me) some of
their (what I believed) 'clunky appearance' ;-)



Re: which is better, string concatentation or substitution?

2006-05-08 Thread Roy Smith
 John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My initial feeling is that concatenation might take longer than 
 substitution, but that it is also easier to read:
 def p(self, paragraph):
  self.source += 'p' + paragraph + '/p\n\n'
 def p(self, paragraph):
  self.source += 'p%s/p\n\n' % paragraph
 Is there a preference between these two ways?

One may be marginally faster, but they both require copying the source 
string, and are thus both O(n).  If you're just doing one or a small fixed 
number of these, it really doesn't matter.  Pick whichever one you think is 
easier to read.

On the other hand, if you're doing a lot of them (i.e. in a loop), the 
entire loop will now be O(n^2), which is a killer.  If that's the case, 
what you want to do is accumulate the individual substrings in a list, then 
join the list elements all at once:

parts = []
for paragraph in foo:
parts.append ('p')
parts.append (paragraph)
parts.append ('p\n\n')
# or maybe instead of that ...
# parts += ['p', paragraph, 'p\n\n']

self.source = .join (parts)

This only requires a single copy, and thus you're back to being O(n), which 
beats the heck out of O(n^2).

Re: Web framework comparison video

2006-05-08 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Sybren Stuvel enlightened us with:
 Perhaps I'll look into Plone for my site in the future ;-)

I take that back. The Plone webserver is hosted by XS4ALL, the best
ISP in The Netherlands, which resides in Amsterdam. I happen to live
in Amsterdam too, so you'd expect the site to be fast. Well, it took 5
to 15 seconds to get a page from their FAQ[1], which is just way too
slow. As a comparison, the XS4ALL website[2] took only 0.4 seconds. I
tested it using time lynx -dump $URL /dev/null.


 For now, I'm very happy with my own framework

Looks like I'll be happy a while longer!

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: Using time.sleep() in 2 threads causes lockup when hyper-threading is enabled

2006-05-08 Thread OlafMeding

 I did this under a debug build of Python

Perhaps this is the reason why you were not able to reproduce the
problem.  Could you try again with a standard build of Python?

I am a bit surprised that nobody else has tried running the short
Python program above on a hyper-threading or dual core / dual processor



Re: Python's regular expression?

2006-05-08 Thread John Machin
On 8/05/2006 11:13 PM, Mirco Wahab wrote:
 Hi John
import re

t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
p = re.compile('(blue|white|red)')
if p.match(t):
 What do you expect when t == green socks and red shoes? Is it possible
 that you mean to use search() rather than match()?
 This is interesting.
 What's in this example the difference then between:

I suggest that you (a) read the description on the difference between 
search and match in the manual (b) try out search and match  on both 
your original string and the one I proposed.

import re
t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
if re.compile('blue|white|red').match(t):
   print t
t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
if'blue|white|red', t):
   print t
 But what would be an appropriate use
 of search() vs. match()? When to use what?

ReadTheFantasticManual :-)



2006-05-08 Thread Michael Yanowitz

   Someone on my team tried out installing my Python code and
found that setting PYTHONPATH does not work, but setting PATH
environment variable works the way PYTHONPATH should. Is that
how it supposed to be, or is that a bug or feature?

-Original Message-  (parts deleted)
Subject: question on Python for windows

I ran into trouble getting our software to work with the debuggers
based on the user guide (updated after the CDROM).

Where is the directory containing
the Python scripts .

this actually is the PATH, not PYTHONPATH, and is correct if you
installed the Python scripts to the Python scripts folder, and then start
up from the Python scripts folder, which I would say is normally not
going to be the case.

I installed our software to C:\sp

I installed Python to E:\Python24 (the default is the same folder on C
drive, I just changed the drive letter)

when I installed the additional 3 packages they knew where Python was
already and all I did was pick the default choices.

but, the trouble was that the PYTHONPATH using . and .. does not find
the Python scripts folder if you are in C:\sp

I used this to make it work (based on Python in E:\Python24 and in C:\sp)

set PATH=%PATH%;E:\Python24;E:\Python24\Scripts

now I start in my C:\sp folder (where the config.txt file is) and
everything works fine

I did try just setting PYTHONPATH but it is actually PATH that matters.
  If you don't include the Python base and Scripts folders in the PATH
it does not work.  I verified that not setting PYTHONPATH but just set
PATH to include the Python base and scripts folders does work.

Thanks in advance:


Re: utility functions within a class?

2006-05-08 Thread John Salerno
 John Salerno wrote:
 What I originally meant was that they would not be called from an
 instance *outside* the class itself, i.e. they won't be used when
 writing another script, they are only used by the class itself.
 Yep, so you want to encapsulate the functionality that those methods
 provide, which is the whole point of building them in a class in the
 first place.  And you want them to be private to the class so that they
 do not form part of the classes public/external interface.

But it's right that they should still be regular instance methods? So 
from within the class I still call them as self._generate_head(), etc.?

Re: A better way to split up a list

2006-05-08 Thread fidtz
Argh, embarassment on my part due to incomplete spec. movelist is used
to store a list of chess moves and splitting it up in this way is so it
can be printed in a space that is 3 lines high but quite wide. Thus the
way the list grows as it is appended to in chopupmoves is intended.


Re: which is better, string concatentation or substitution?

2006-05-08 Thread John Salerno
Roy Smith wrote:

 One may be marginally faster, but they both require copying the source 
 string, and are thus both O(n).

Sorry, I'm not familiar with the O(n) notation.

 If you're just doing one or a small fixed 
 number of these, it really doesn't matter.  Pick whichever one you think is 
 easier to read.

Thanks guys. I have a handful of methods that each do this task once per 
call, so I suppose this counts as not a lot, at least not at one time. 
And it seems like a good point that the real problem could be constantly 
concatenating with self.source, rather than the smaller pieces being put 

Re: A better way to split up a list

2006-05-08 Thread Larry Bates
 The code below works fine, but it is less than nice to look at and
 somewhat long winded. Is there a better way to do the docstring task?
 This is the first working version, and can proabably be compacted a
 bit (list comprehensions etc) but I am looking for a better basic
 approach. Any help much appreciated :)
 from itertools import islice
 def chopupmoves(movelist):
 '''creates a list of 3 lists from one list, that should all have
 (length of movelist)/3 length, with any remainder getting added to the
 third list'''
 outputlist = [[],[],[]]
 parlen = int(len(movelist)/3)
 if parlen  3:
 parlen = 3
 stoplist=[0];exit = 0
 while exit  len(movelist):
 exit = exit + parlen
 while len(stoplist)  4:
 for x in range(len(stoplist)-1):
 for i in islice(movelist,stoplist[x],stoplist[x+1],1):
 return outputlist
 movelist = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
 print chopupmoves(movelist)

Try something like this:

def chopupmoves(movelist):
return [movelist[0:3], movelist[3:6], movelist[6:]]

-Larry Bates

Re: A better way to split up a list

2006-05-08 Thread Larry Bates
 The code below works fine, but it is less than nice to look at and
 somewhat long winded. Is there a better way to do the docstring task?
 This is the first working version, and can proabably be compacted a
 bit (list comprehensions etc) but I am looking for a better basic
 approach. Any help much appreciated :)
 from itertools import islice
 def chopupmoves(movelist):
 '''creates a list of 3 lists from one list, that should all have
 (length of movelist)/3 length, with any remainder getting added to the
 third list'''
 outputlist = [[],[],[]]
 parlen = int(len(movelist)/3)
 if parlen  3:
 parlen = 3
 stoplist=[0];exit = 0
 while exit  len(movelist):
 exit = exit + parlen
 while len(stoplist)  4:
 for x in range(len(stoplist)-1):
 for i in islice(movelist,stoplist[x],stoplist[x+1],1):
 return outputlist
 movelist = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
 print chopupmoves(movelist)

Try something like this:

def chopupmoves(movelist):
return [movelist[0:3], movelist[3:6], movelist[6:]]

-Larry Bates


2006-05-08 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Michael Yanowitz wrote:

   Someone on my team tried out installing my Python code and
 found that setting PYTHONPATH does not work, but setting PATH
 environment variable works the way PYTHONPATH should. Is that
 how it supposed to be

PATH is used by the operating system to find executables, and PYTHONPATH
is used by Python to find Python modules.

why setting the PATH helped in your case is impossible to tell, without knowing
exactly what your application does.



Scaled Vector Graphics

2006-05-08 Thread Greg Lindstrom
I have been asked to write a routine to merge documents in pfd and svg formats into a single file (preferably pfd format). Currently we send the pdf image to the printer followed by the svg image (a scan of a health care claim) but this is not a satisfactory solution. We have as many as 3000 document pairs daily (another project in development will send all the information to out clients electronically via EDI X12 format).
Does Python offer support for working with svg files? I've looked at the PIL and Reportlab packages and Googled around but have not found anything. My other option is to snag one of the routines I've found that claim to convert scg to pdf and then merge them as pdf files.
Any help or suggestions you may supply will be greatly appreciated,Greg LindstromNovaSys HealthLittle Rock, Arkansas (USA)

Re: reading a column from a file

2006-05-08 Thread Larry Bates
Check out the csv module.

-Larry Bates

Gary Wessle wrote:
 I have a file with data like
 location pressure temp
 str   flootfloot
 I need to read pressure and temp in 2 different variables so that I
 can plot them as lines. is there a package which reads from file with
 a given formate and returns desired  variables? or I need to open,
 while not EOF read, parse, build list, return?

Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-08 Thread David C.Ullrich
On Mon, 08 May 2006 08:05:38 -0500, David C. Ullrich


def acall(cell, value):
  cell.owner.slots['b'].value = value + 1

Needing to say that sort of thing every time
you define a callback isn't very nice.
New and improved version:

class Cell:

  def __init__(self, name, owner, callback): = name
self.callback = callback
self.owner = owner

  def onchange(self, value):
self.value = value
self.callback(self, value)

  def __setitem__(self, name, value):
self.owner.slots[name].value = value

class Cells:

  def __init__(self):
self.__dict__['slots'] = {}

  def __setattr__(self, name, value):

  def __getattr__(self, name):
return self.slots[name].value

  def AddCell(self, name, callback):
self.slots[name] = Cell(name, self, callback)


cells = Cells()

def acall(cell, value):
  cell['b'] = value + 1


def bcall(cell, value):
  cell['a'] = value - 1


cells.a = 42
print cells.a, cells.b
cells.b = 24
print cells.a, cells.b

#OR you could give Cell a __setattr__ so the above
#would be cell.a = value - 1. I think I like this
#version better; in applications I have in mind I
#might be iterating over lists of cell names.

David C. Ullrich

Re: Python's regular expression?

2006-05-08 Thread Mirco Wahab
Hi John

 But what would be an appropriate use
 of search() vs. match()? When to use what?
 ReadTheFantasticManual :-)

From the manual you mentioned, i don't get
the point of 'match'. So why should you use
an extra function entry match(),

re.match('whatever', t):

which is, according to the FM,
equivalent to (a special case of?)'^whatever', t):

For me, it looks like match() should
be used on simple string comparisons
like a 'ramped up C-strcmp()'.

Or isn't ist? Maybe I dont get it ;-)



Re: which is better, string concatentation or substitution?

2006-05-08 Thread John Salerno
Duncan Booth wrote:

 If you build a 
 list of lines to join then you don't have to repeat '\n' on the end of each 
 component line.

How would that work? Wouldn't the last line in the list still need the 

Re: utility functions within a class?

2006-05-08 Thread John Salerno
John Salerno wrote:
 John Salerno wrote:
 What I originally meant was that they would not be called from an
 instance *outside* the class itself, i.e. they won't be used when
 writing another script, they are only used by the class itself.

 Yep, so you want to encapsulate the functionality that those methods
 provide, which is the whole point of building them in a class in the
 first place.  And you want them to be private to the class so that they
 do not form part of the classes public/external interface.
 But it's right that they should still be regular instance methods? So 
 from within the class I still call them as self._generate_head(), etc.?

I tried the underscore method, but I was still able to call it as a 
regular instance method in the interpreter. Is that what's supposed to 

Re: Scaled Vector Graphics

2006-05-08 Thread Phil Thompson
On Monday 08 May 2006 2:58 pm, Greg Lindstrom wrote:
 I have been asked to write a routine to merge documents in pfd and svg
 formats into a single file (preferably pfd format).  Currently we send the
 pdf image to the printer followed by the svg image (a scan of a health care
 claim) but this is not a satisfactory solution.  We have as many as 3000
 document pairs daily (another project in development will send all the
 information to out clients electronically via EDI X12 format).

 Does Python offer support for working with svg files?  I've looked at the
 PIL and Reportlab packages and Googled around but have not found anything.
 My other option is to snag one of the routines I've found that claim to
 convert scg to pdf and then merge them as pdf files.

 Any help or suggestions you may supply will be greatly appreciated,

PyQt4 supports the rendering of SVG images onto PDF via the QSvgRenderer and 
QPrinter classes.


hyperthreading locks up sleeping threads

2006-05-08 Thread OlafMeding
Below are 2 files.  The first is a Python program that isolates the
problem within less than 1 hour (often just a few minutes).  The second
is a C++ program that shows that the Win32 Sleep() function works as
expected (ran from Friday afternoon until Monday morning).

Note, the Python programs hangs (stops responding) with hyper-threading
turned on (a BIOS setting), but works as expected with hyper-threading
turned off.

This problem happens on Windows only (not on Linux for days).

Variations of the Python program also lock up:

Tried importing win32api instead of time and using the
win32api.GetTickCount() and win32api.Sleep() methods.

Tried using lock = threading.Event() and lock.wait() instead of

Tried import Queue using q = Queue.Queue() and q.get(True, self.t).

Note, the Windows task manager shows 2 CPUs on the Performance tab with
hyper-threading is turned on.

Both Python 2.3.5 and 2.4.3 (downloaded from have this

The operating system is MS Windows XP Professional.

winmsd.exe shows:
2CPUs: x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 1 GenuineIntel ~3000 MHz
Version: 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600

Could someone with a hyper-threading (or dual core or multi processor)
CPU please
confirm this bug?

Many Thanks


Here is the expected output of both programs (the progam has locked up
if the numbers stop printing):
thread 1 started, sleep time 0.010
thread 2 started, sleep time 0.003
1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1

import threading
import time

class Task(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, n, t):
self.n = n  # thread id
self.t = t  # sleep time
def run(self):
print 'thread %d started, sleep time %.3f' % (self.n, self.t)
count = 0
printCount = int(10 / self.t)
while True:
start = time.clock()
stop = time.clock()
if stop - start  1.0:
print 'thread', self.n, stop - start

count += 1
if count  printCount:
count = 0
print self.n,  # print sign of live

def test():
thread1 = Task(1, 0.01)  # thread 1, sleep 10 ms
thread2 = Task(2, 0.003) # thread 2, sleep  3 ms



// testsleep.cpp
// Compiled with Visual C++ version 6 as a Win32 console application.

#include windows.h
#include stdio.h
#include time.h

typedef struct {
int id;
int ms;
} param_s;

DWORD WINAPI threadFunction(LPVOID param)
param_s* p = (param_s*)param;
long elapsedTime;
long time1, time2;
long printCount = long(1 / p-ms);  // loop iterations in 10
long count = 0;

printf(thread %d started, sleep time: %d ms \n, p-id, p-ms);

while(true) {
time1 = GetTickCount();
time2 = GetTickCount();

elapsedTime = time2 - time1;
if(elapsedTime  1000)
printf(thread %d slept for %d ms \n, p-id,

if(count  printCount) {
count = 0;
printf(%d , p-id);  // print sign of live

return 0;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
long time1, time2;
param_s p1, p2; = 1; = 10; = 2; = 3;

time1 = GetTickCount();
while(true) {
time2 = GetTickCount();
if (time1 != time2) {
printf(clock resolution: %d ms \n, time2 - time1);

CreateThread(NULL, 0, threadFunction, (void*)p1, 0, NULL);
CreateThread(NULL, 0, threadFunction, (void*)p2, 0, NULL);

getchar();  // wait until the user presses the enter key.

return 0;


Re: How can I do this with python ?

2006-05-08 Thread Philippe Martin
Xiao Jianfeng wrote:

 Tim N. van der Leeuw wrote:
 Your question is insufficiently clear for me to answer.

 Do you want to know how to read from standard-input in a Python

 Do you want to know how to start an external program from Python, and
 then connect something to that programs standard input?

 Do you want to know something else?

 Please specify!



 For example, I can call vim and do something like this in a shell script,
 vim a.file-EOF
 I want to know how to call vim and to the same thing with python.


os.popen should do that.




2006-05-08 Thread Rene Pijlman
Fredrik Lundh:
PATH is used by the operating system to find executables, and PYTHONPATH
is used by Python to find Python modules.

Yes, but Python also finds modules in its own installation. So changing
PATH may cause another installation of Python to be run, which may have
some other set of installed modules.

When a module named spam is imported, the interpreter searches for a file
named in the current directory, and then in the list of
directories specified by the environment variable PYTHONPATH. This has the
same syntax as the shell variable PATH, that is, a list of directory
names. When PYTHONPATH is not set, or when the file is not found there,
the search continues in an installation-dependent default path; on Unix,
this is usually .:/usr/local/lib/python.

René Pijlman

Retrieving event descriptors in Tkinter

2006-05-08 Thread Avi Kak
Does Tkinter provide a function that returns all the event descriptors
for a given widget class?  I am looking for something similar to what
you get in Perl/Tk when you call bind() with a single explicit
argument. For example, in Perl/Tk,

$widget-bind( Tk::Button )

returns a list like


Is it possible to do the same in Tkinter?  I have looked through
Fredrik Lundh's on-line reference and also the one by John Shipman. I
am unable to locate the function I need. Perhaps I have not looked hard
enough.  Any help would be much appreciated.


Avi Kak


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