Re: How to add few pictures into one

2006-06-06 Thread Lad

  All that I want is this:
  I download ( via Python) some pictures from internet and I want to add
  all these pictures into one =one file/
  So far, I managed to download pictures but I do not know how to add i
  them nto one file.
  How can I do that?
  Thank you for reply and help
 Zip file? Image file? Add all these pictures into one file isn't (fro
 me) a sufficient specification.

I want to to do that as easy as possible. I think the easest way could
be add( append) an image to another into an image file so that I can
use an image browser and see all pictures in one file.
Is that possible?
Thank you for reply


Re: Reading from a file and converting it into a list of lines

2006-06-06 Thread Girish Sahani
Really sorry for that indentation thing :)
I tried out the code you have given, and also the one sreeram had written.
In all of these,i get the same error of this type:
Error i get in Sreeram's code is:
n1,_,n2,_ = line.split(',')
ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

And error i get in your code is:
for n1, a1, n2, a2 in reader:
ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack

Any ideas why this is happening?

Thanks a lot,


Re: C# equivalent to range()

2006-06-06 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Fuzzyman wrote:

 Well, this is true. Doesn't make it a *good* thing of course... :-)

on the other hand, the rules for what works and doesn't on public
forums have been finely tuned for many years.

that's why the rules don't apply to me people like Lee, Neuruss,
and others get the kind of pushback they're getting.  and frankly,
their approach doesn't work in real life, so what makes you think it 
would work on the internet?



Re: Again, Downloading and Displaying an Image from the Internet in Tkinter

2006-06-06 Thread Maric Michaud
Le Mardi 06 Juin 2006 03:08, Dustan a écrit :

 I should probably also mention, the only reason I downloaded the image
 to a file was because I don't know of any other way to do it. I feel no
 need to save the image to my hard drive.

using PIL, there is something like this (untested) :

(assuming you have put your image data in a file-like object, ie. a StringIO, 
named self._dled_img)

Label(self.frame, image=TkImage(


Maric Michaud

Aristote -
3 place des tapis
69004 Lyon
Tel: +33 426 880 097


2006-06-06 Thread praveenkumar . 117
  I am running python to c converter application. It throws an
error saying python.h file not found.
   Can somebody plz suggest how to resolve this problem.
Praveen Kumar


Re: OT: unix newbie questions

2006-06-06 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Carlos Lopez wrote:

 Please help i am losing my mind ... UNIX Newbee
 *23. How do you add a line to the end of an existing file myfile with 
 date stamp. (1) *

  f = open(myfile, a+)

 *24. Display recent 10 java files, (with *.java extension) , in 
 descending order by time, latest to oldest time. (1) *

  files = sorted(glob.glob(*.py), key=os.path.getmtime)[-10:]

 *25. How do you set only read permissions to user, group and others in 
 octal mode for a file myfile.txt ? (2)

  os.chmod(myfile.txt, 0444) # note the leading zero

 *26. You observed that some of your group members are fiddling with your 
 file  myfile and you wanted to remove the read permission to your 
 group. How do you do? (1)

  os.chmod(myfile.txt, 0404)

 *28. Here is another long listing of a file. (1)*

 -rw-r- 1 Y435678 odms 20 Sep 02 17:03 file.txt. ***
 *What are the owner permissions? *

  s = os.stat(
  if s  stat.S_IREAD: print READ
  if s  stat.S_IWRITE: print WRITE
  if s  stat.S_IEXEC: print EXEC

 *29. The file “users_data” has the following contents :  (1)
 Tom  Smith   7.00  15  105.00
 Rob  Sheryl   8.00 20  160.00
 Ken  Bradman  7.00 13   91.00
 Peter Smith  6.00 15   90.00
 Dennis  Smith   8.00 13  104.00
 Tom  Dave9.00 12  108.00 *
 *How do you sort the above file and redirect the output to another file 
 called “sortedusers” *

  out = open(sortedusers, w)

 *20. What is the command to list files in a directory : (2)


or, if you want full path names and glob-style filtering:

  glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, *))



Writing to a certain line?

2006-06-06 Thread Tommy B
I was wondering if there was a way to take a txt file and, while
keeping most of it, replace only one line. See, I'd have a file like:

Tommy 555
Bob 62
Joe 529

And I'd want to set it to be:

Tommy 555
Bob 66
Joe 529

Is there any easy way to do this?


Re: OT: unix newbie questions

2006-06-06 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

 *24. Display recent 10 java files, (with *.java extension) , in 
 descending order by time, latest to oldest time. (1) *
   files = sorted(glob.glob(*.py), key=os.path.getmtime)[-10:]

(to display the files, use print)



Re: Python.h

2006-06-06 Thread Fredrik Lundh

   I am running python to c converter application. It throws an
 error saying python.h file not found.
Can somebody plz suggest how to resolve this problem.

you need the python build files.  if you're using Linux, look for 
something named python-dev or python-devel in your favourite package 



Re: OT: unix newbie questions

2006-06-06 Thread Maric Michaud
Le Mardi 06 Juin 2006 08:36, Fredrik Lundh a écrit :
  *26. You observed that some of your group members are fiddling with your
  file  myfile and you wanted to remove the read permission to your
  group. How do you do? (1)

   os.chmod(myfile.txt, 0404)

 os.chmod(myfile.txt, 0400)
I guess.

or maybe you want something like this :

import os, stat
os.chmod(myfile.txt, os.stat(myfile.txt).st_mode - stat.S_IRGRP)


Maric Michaud

Aristote -
3 place des tapis
69004 Lyon
Tel: +33 426 880 097

python socket proxy

2006-06-06 Thread jstobbs
Hi all

I am trying to create a lighweight tcp proxy server.

I got this code from ActivePython documentation.
What I am trying to accomplish, is I need to connect to local instance
of the proxyserver ( This server must then connect to a
remote jabber server, send data, and listen to incoming data. When data
arrives, it must relay it back thru The reason why I need I
am trying to get this to work, is I eventually want to make this server
connect over ssl/tls (which macromedia flash doesnt support natively).

The existing code only echoes back what it gets in, and note what it
gets back from the remote server. Help would be appreciated

# Echo server program
import socket

HOST = '' # Symbolic name meaning the local
PORT = 50007  # Arbitrary non-privileged port
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind((HOST, PORT))
conn, addr = s.accept()
print 'Connected by', addr
while 1:
data = conn.recv(1024)
print (data)
if not data: break

# Echo client program
import socket

HOST = ''# The remote host
PORT = 5222  # The same port as used by the server
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
s.send('Hello, world')
data = s.recv(1024)
print data
print 'Received', repr(data)



Re: Reading from a file and converting it into a list of lines

2006-06-06 Thread John Machin
On 6/06/2006 4:15 PM, Girish Sahani wrote:
 Really sorry for that indentation thing :)
 I tried out the code you have given, and also the one sreeram had written.
 In all of these,i get the same error of this type:
 Error i get in Sreeram's code is:
 n1,_,n2,_ = line.split(',')
 ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack
 And error i get in your code is:
 for n1, a1, n2, a2 in reader:
 ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack
 Any ideas why this is happening?

In the case of my code, this is consistent with the line being empty, 
probably the last line. As my mentor Bruno D. would say, your test data 
does not match your spec :-) Which do you want to change, the spec or 
the data?

You can change my csv-reading code to detect dodgy data like this (for 

for row in reader:
 if not row:
 continue # ignore empty lines, wherever they appear
 if len(row) != 4:
 raise ValueError(Malformed row %r % row)
 n1, a1, n2, a2 = row

In the case of Sreeram's code, perhaps you could try inserting
 print line = , repr(line)
before the statement that is causing the error.

 Thanks a lot,

Re: How to add few pictures into one

2006-06-06 Thread bearophileHUGS
Lad wrote:
 I want to to do that as easy as possible.

But not even more easy.

 I think the easest way could be add( append) an image to another
 into an image file so that I can use an image browser and see all
 pictures in one file. Is that possible?

Well, you can do it with PIL, creating a very big white image and
putting on it all the images, as tiles.
But probably you want to do something different.
Maybe you can use PyUNO to create a PowerPoint-like (Presentation) file
with an image on each page.
If you are on Win another easy way is to create an Html page that shows
all the pics, open it with Explorer and save it as a single HMT file.
Probably there are other solutions.



RE: embedding Python in COM server loaded with win32com

2006-06-06 Thread Stefan Schukat

when you are running in Python the PyInitialize() is not called and 
therefore you don't have a valid threadstate since the call in win32com
uses the standard idiom 


You could use PyNewInterpreter to get a valid state, but this won't work
Python greater version 2.2, since with the new GILState API does not
allow more
than one interpreter per thread. You could work around the problem if
you would use 
a localserver instead of an inproc server. With that you would always
a clean process for your server.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
 Behalf Of Fozzie
 Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 3:57 PM
 Subject: embedding Python in COM server loaded with win32com
 I have a problem which is quite circular, and hopefully 
 either someone has encountered something similar or has a 
 reason why this will not work.
 We have a COM library providing mathematics to various 
 systems, most functions are hard-coded but we want to embed a 
 scripting language to allow arbitrary functions to be used in 
 the numeric engines within the library, and am using Python for this.
 This seems to work fine called from standalone apps, and from 
 VB, however, Python scripts, which access the scripts via 
 win32com.client fail in the embedding code in C++ whenever I 
 attempt to call PyImport_AddModule.
 As a concrete example, consider the following minimal 
 interface, (created using an ATL project in VC7),  which has 
 a single property, the user supplied script, and a single 
 function 'findRoot', which in this case is nothing more than 
 an indicator that the embedding worked,
 STDMETHODIMP CMinEmbed::get_script(BSTR* pVal) {
   *pVal = SysAllocString(A2OLE(__script.c_str()));
   return S_OK;
 STDMETHODIMP CMinEmbed::put_script(BSTR newVal) {
   __script = std::string( OLE2A( newVal));
   return S_OK;
 STDMETHODIMP CMinEmbed::findRoot(DOUBLE* root) {
   std::string progress;
   PyObject * main, * globals, * res, * func;
   try {
   progress = calling PyInitialize;
   if(!Py_IsInitialized()) Py_Initialize();
   progress = get __main__ module;
   main = PyImport_AddModule(__main__);
   progress = get __main__module dictionary;
   globals = PyModule_GetDict(main);
   progress = Run the script.;
   res = PyRun_String(__script.c_str(), 
 Py_file_input, globals, globals);
   progress = Get the function from main dictionary.;
   func = PyDict_GetItemString(globals, func);
   progress = test function, and return indicator;
   if(NULL != func  PyCallable_Check(func)) {
   *root = 1.0;
   } else {
   *root = -1.0;
   progress = clean up;
   return S_OK;
   } catch(...) {
   // SetFailString just sets the 
 ISupportErrorInfo interface
   SetFailString(IID_IMinEmbed, progress.c_str());
   return E_FAIL;
 When I build my server with the above method and run it at 
 the Python interpretor I get,
  from win32com.client import Dispatch s = 
  Dispatch('minServer.MinEmbed') s.script = 'def func(x) : 
 return x*x'
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
   File COMObject minServer.MinEmbed, line 2, in findRoot
 line 251, in _ApplyTypes_
 result = self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(*(dispid, LCID, 
 wFlags, retType,
 argTypes) + args)
 pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', 
 (0, None, 'Failure to get main module', None, 0, -2147467259), None)
 However, works fine from VB and standalone apps.
 Is this approach even doable? 
 Thanks in advance 
 Dave Foster

Re: C# equivalent to range()

2006-06-06 Thread Ant
 That's because many of them have killfiled you.

I actually wonder whether anyone does use killfiles. I just can''t
imagine the sort of person who writes plonk or welcome to my
killfile etc could bear to miss out on a reply to such a post in case
there's more to get angry about!

And people who are not riled enough by a post to comment on it probably
would'nt be fired up enough to bother killfiling either...


Re: C# equivalent to range()

2006-06-06 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Erik Max Francis enlightened us with:
 The other zilion persons who were not interested (other than the four I
 mentioned above) silently and peacefully ignored the question on went
 on with their happy lifes.

 That's because many of them have killfiled you.

I can say that I didn't killfile him. I just peacefully ignored the
question and went on with my happy life - I simply don't know anything
about C#.

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: Writing to a certain line?

2006-06-06 Thread Rene Pijlman
Tommy  B:
I was wondering if there was a way to take a txt file and, while
keeping most of it, replace only one line.

You'd need to read the file and parse it, to find the start position of
the line you want to change. Then seek output to that position and write
and flush the changes. You must keep the file locked during this
operation, to prevent other processes from changing the file in between
these steps. You can only replace a string with a string of the same

René Pijlman

Checking var is a number?

2006-06-06 Thread dav . phillips
I am very new to all this and need to know how to check
a variable to see if it is a number or not. Also can anyone
recommend a reference book apart from dive into python
preferably a reference with good examples of how to impliment

The project i have been given to work in is all CGI written
in Python.

Many Thanks 
David Phillips


Re: Writing to a certain line?

2006-06-06 Thread bruno at modulix
Tommy B wrote:
 I was wondering if there was a way to take a txt file and, while
 keeping most of it, replace only one line.

This is a FAQ (while I don't know if it's in the FAQ !-), and is in no
way a Python problem. FWIW, this is also CS101...

You can't do this in place with a text file (would be possible with a
fixed-length binary format).

The canonical way to do so - whatever the language, is to write the
modified version in a new file, then replace the old one.

import os
old = open(/path/to/file.txt, r)
new = open(/path/to/new.txt, w)
for line in old:
  if line.strip() == Bob 62
line = line.replace(62, 66)
os.rename(/path/to/new.txt, /path/to/file.txt)

If you have to do this kind of operation frequently and don't care about
files being human-readable, you may be better using some lightweight
database system (berkeley, sqlite,...) or any other existing lib that'll
take care of gory details.

Else - if you want/need to stick to human readable flat text files - at
least write a solid librairy handling this, so you can keep client code
free of technical cruft.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: the most efficient method of adding elements to the list

2006-06-06 Thread bruno at modulix
alf wrote:
 Would it be .append()? Does it reallocate te list with each apend?
 for i in xrange(n):

FWIW, you'd have the same result with:
l = range(n)

More seriously (and in addition to other anwsers): you can also
construct a list in one path:

  l = [i for i in xrange(n)]

or if you want operations and conditionals :

  l = [trasform(i) for i in xrange(n) if match_some_cond(i)]

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Checking var is a number?

2006-06-06 Thread Laszlo Nagy
 I am very new to all this and need to know how to check
 a variable to see if it is a number or not. Also can anyone
 recommend a reference book apart from dive into python
 preferably a reference with good examples of how to impliment
There are different types of number in Python.

Integers and Long integers (type: 'int', 'long')
Decimal numbers (class 'decimal.Decimal')
Floating point numbers (type 'float')

You can check this way:

import decimal

def print_type(var):
if isinstance(var,int):
print this is an integer
elif isinstance(var,long):
print this is a long integer
elif isinstance(var,decimal.Decimal):
print this is a decimal
elif isinstance(var,float):
print this is a float
print this is something else...

Test this:

this is an integer
this is a long integer
this is a float
  print_type('hello world')
this is something else...
this is something else...
  d = Decimal('123')
this is a decimal

 The project i have been given to work in is all CGI written
 in Python.
Probaby you wanted to convert a string into a number? For example:

  s = 'Foo'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
ValueError: invalid literal for int(): Foo

Or you can catch the exception:

  s = 'Foo2'
... intval = int(s)
... except ValueError:
... print This cannot be converted to an int.
This cannot be converted to an int.

Good luck!



Re: Checking var is a number?

2006-06-06 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 I am very new to all this and need to know how to check
 a variable to see if it is a number or not.

assuming that variable means string object and number means 
integer, you can use the isdigit predicate:

 if var.isdigit():
 print all characters in, var, are digits

if you want to check for anything that can be converted to a float, the 
best way is to do the conversion and trap any ValueError that may occur:

value = float(var)
 except ValueError:
 print not a valid float

if you want an integer instead, replace float with int.

if you had something else in mind, let us know.

  Also can anyone recommend a reference book apart from dive into python
  preferably a reference with good examples of how to impliment code.

you can find an extensive list of available books here:

some on-line code collections:

and don't forget the core references:



Re: python socket proxy

2006-06-06 Thread Filip Wasilewski
 Hi all

 I am trying to create a lighweight tcp proxy server.

There is a bunch of nice recipies in the Python Cookbook on port
forwarding. In the [1] and [2] case it should be fairly simple to add
an extra authentication step with pyOpenSSL.




Re: Checking var is a number?

2006-06-06 Thread dav . phillips
 Good luck!

I actually managed to get it sorted but i like that way of
doing it much better actually :)

David P


Re: How to add few pictures into one

2006-06-06 Thread Lad

 Lad wrote:
  I want to to do that as easy as possible.

 But not even more easy.

  I think the easest way could be add( append) an image to another
  into an image file so that I can use an image browser and see all
  pictures in one file. Is that possible?

 Well, you can do it with PIL, creating a very big white image and
 putting on it all the images, as tiles.
 But probably you want to do something different.
 Maybe you can use PyUNO to create a PowerPoint-like (Presentation) file
 with an image on each page.
 If you are on Win another easy way is to create an Html page that shows
 all the pics, open it with Explorer and save it as a single HMT file.
 Probably there are other solutions.

I was thinking about much less complicated task.
I thought about this:
Open a picture file( download it from internet) and write it in a
result file( being open in binary mode).
Then download another file and append to the result file.
And so on...
But is it possible? Will be the pictures in the result file seen


Re: Checking var is a number?

2006-06-06 Thread dav . phillips
I took a variable to mean a container for diffirent kinds of
either strings or integers etc, as i am mainly a asp, php,

Thanks for the list of references, that will come in very handy

Cheers Guys
David P


Re: Writing to a certain line?

2006-06-06 Thread Fredrik Lundh
bruno at modulix wrote:

 This is a FAQ (while I don't know if it's in the FAQ !-), and is in no
 way a Python problem. FWIW, this is also CS101...

feel free to repost your response here:



Re: Writing to a certain line?

2006-06-06 Thread Rene Pijlman
bruno at modulix:
You can't do this in place with a text file (would be possible with a
fixed-length binary format).

More precise: it's possible with any fixed-length change, in both binary
and text files, with both fixed and variable formats.

René Pijlman

Re: Checking var is a number?

2006-06-06 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 I took a variable to mean a container for diffirent kinds of
 information either strings or integers etc, as i am mainly a
  asp, php, developer.

in python, a variable is a name that refers to a specific object.  it's 
the object that has a type and a value, not the variable.  this article 
might be somewhat helpful:



Re: How to add few pictures into one

2006-06-06 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Lad wrote:

 Open a picture file( download it from internet) and write it in a
 result file( being open in binary mode).
 Then download another file and append to the result file.
 And so on...
 But is it possible? Will be the pictures in the result file seen

the internal structure of an image file is quite a bit more complicated 
than the internal structure of a text file, so it's not very likely that 
you would get very far with that approach.

why not just put all the files in a directory, and use an image viewer 
with collage or slideshow support ?



Re: check for dictionary keys

2006-06-06 Thread bruno at modulix
John Machin wrote:
 On 5/06/2006 10:46 PM, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 in my code, i use dict(a) to make to a into a dictionary , a comes
 from user input, so my program does not know in the first place. Then
 say , it becomes

 a = { '-A' : 'value1' , '-B' : value2 , -C : value3 , '-D' :
 'value4' }

 somewhere next in my code, i will check for these..:

 1)  -A and -B cannot exist together
 2) -A and -C cannot exist together
 3) -A and -B and -D cannot exist together
 4) and lots of other combinations to check for

 Looks like an option parser... If so, there's all you need in the
 standard lib (look for the optparse module).

 how can i efficiently check for the above? At first as i do simple
 checks , i use if and else.
 But as i began to check for more combinatoiuns, it gets messy

 First : use boolean logic (truth table, Kernaugh diagram, etc) to
 simplify things. As an example, rule #3 is useless - it's a subset of
 rule #1 (-A and -B and -D implies -A and -B). This should greatly
 reduce the number of needed tests.
 Good idea, but doesn't scale well.

Does it need to scale ? If there are lot of rules and frequently
changing, yes, automating the process will be a good idea - but if it's
about a program options, just using one's brain might be enough. At
least it forces one to think about what's going on...

 Simple code can weed out redundant

Simple code can weed out redundant *simple* rules !-)


 Then, write a simple rule system describing either valid inputs or
 invalid inputs (preferably the smallest set !-). FWIW, it can be as
 simple as a list of lambdas/error messages pairs, with lambdas being
 predicate taking dict keys as params:

 _RULES = [
   (lambda keys : '-A' in keys and '-B' in keys,
can't have both options -A and -B),
   (lambda keys : '-A' in keys and '-C' in keys,
can't have both options -A and -C),
   # etc...

 The evil HR director won't let the PHB pay me on a per LOC basis, so
 I've had to come up with a compact table-driven approach :-)

otI'm my own evil HR director and PHB  !-)/ot

Don't like table-driven programming, John ?

This solution takes very few lines, and while it's surely not a
full-blown rule engine, it's at least reasonably flexible.

(Not to say it's better than yours - it's of course a matter of
effective use case).

 def validate(options, rules):
   keys = options.keys()
   for predicate, message in rules:
 if not predicate(keys):
   raise ValueError(message)
 bad_combos = ['ABD', 'AC', 'AB', 'CA']
 def rule_compaction(bc_list, verbose=False):
 # The next few lines are admittedly oldfashioned :-)
 bc_sets = [set(x) for x in bc_list]
 deco = [(len(y), y) for y in bc_sets]
 bc_sets = [z[1] for z in deco]
 del deco
 if verbose:
 print bc_sets #1:, bc_sets
 for k in xrange(len(bc_sets)-1, 0, -1):
 candidate = bc_sets[k]
 for ko in bc_sets[:k]:
 if ko = candidate:
 if verbose:
 print candidate, knocked out by, ko
 del bc_sets[k]
 if verbose:
 print bc_sets #2:, bc_sets
 return bc_sets

Nice code - but how does it handle more complex predicates ? Seems you
can only deal with 'and' rules here. nitpickDoesn't scale well, you
said ?-)/nitpick

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Writing to a certain line?

2006-06-06 Thread bruno at modulix
Rene Pijlman wrote:
 bruno at modulix:
You can't do this in place with a text file (would be possible with a
fixed-length binary format).
 More precise: it's possible with any fixed-length change, in both binary
 and text files, with both fixed and variable formats.
Granted. But this is somewhat limited in what you can do when working
with text files...

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: How to add few pictures into one

2006-06-06 Thread Lad

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Lad wrote:

  Open a picture file( download it from internet) and write it in a
  result file( being open in binary mode).
  Then download another file and append to the result file.
  And so on...
  But is it possible? Will be the pictures in the result file seen

 the internal structure of an image file is quite a bit more complicated
 than the internal structure of a text file, so it's not very likely that
 you would get very far with that approach.

 why not just put all the files in a directory, and use an image viewer
 with collage or slideshow support ?

Thank you for your reply.
I really would like to have ALL pictures in one file.
So, what would be the easiest/best way how to do that?
Thank you for your reply


Re: is it possible to find which process dumped core

2006-06-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
if your core is from a python program you can check what file/function
was running

use this gdb macro:

define pbt
 set $i = 0
 set $j = 0
 while $i  1000
  select $i
  if $eip = PyEval_EvalFrame
   if $eip  PyEval_EvalCodeEx
echo c frame #
p $i
echo py frame #
p $j
set $j = $j+1
x/s ((PyStringObject*)f-f_code-co_filename)-ob_sval
x/s ((PyStringObject*)f-f_code-co_name)-ob_sval
echo line #
p f-f_lineno
  set $i = $i+1
document pbt
show python backtrace
macro by yairchu based on pyframe macro by jeremy hylton

works on python2.4 here but not 100% sure it will always work. it has
some nasty hack.
you can also see where each of the threads was by choosing the wanted
thread in gdb
I'll post my useful gdb macros to the web sometime soon


Re: check for dictionary keys

2006-06-06 Thread John Machin
On 6/06/2006 8:38 PM, bruno at modulix wrote:
 John Machin wrote:
 On 5/06/2006 10:46 PM, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 in my code, i use dict(a) to make to a into a dictionary , a comes
 from user input, so my program does not know in the first place. Then
 say , it becomes

 a = { '-A' : 'value1' , '-B' : value2 , -C : value3 , '-D' :
 'value4' }

 somewhere next in my code, i will check for these..:

 1)  -A and -B cannot exist together
 2) -A and -C cannot exist together
 3) -A and -B and -D cannot exist together
 4) and lots of other combinations to check for

 Looks like an option parser... If so, there's all you need in the
 standard lib (look for the optparse module).

 how can i efficiently check for the above? At first as i do simple
 checks , i use if and else.
 But as i began to check for more combinatoiuns, it gets messy

 First : use boolean logic (truth table, Kernaugh diagram, etc) to
 simplify things. As an example, rule #3 is useless - it's a subset of
 rule #1 (-A and -B and -D implies -A and -B). This should greatly
 reduce the number of needed tests.

 Good idea, but doesn't scale well.
 Does it need to scale ? If there are lot of rules and frequently
 changing, yes, automating the process will be a good idea - but if it's
 about a program options, just using one's brain might be enough. At
 least it forces one to think about what's going on...
 Simple code can weed out redundant
 Simple code can weed out redundant *simple* rules !-)
 Then, write a simple rule system describing either valid inputs or
 invalid inputs (preferably the smallest set !-). FWIW, it can be as
 simple as a list of lambdas/error messages pairs, with lambdas being
 predicate taking dict keys as params:

 _RULES = [
   (lambda keys : '-A' in keys and '-B' in keys,
can't have both options -A and -B),
   (lambda keys : '-A' in keys and '-C' in keys,
can't have both options -A and -C),
   # etc...

 The evil HR director won't let the PHB pay me on a per LOC basis, so
 I've had to come up with a compact table-driven approach :-)
 otI'm my own evil HR director and PHB  !-)/ot

ot You must have some interesting conversations with yourself !-) /ot

 Don't like table-driven programming, John ?

I love table-driven programming. You seem to misunderstand; In this case 
the bad combos list *is* the table.

 This solution takes very few lines, and while it's surely not a
 full-blown rule engine, it's at least reasonably flexible.
 (Not to say it's better than yours - it's of course a matter of
 effective use case).
 Nice code - but how does it handle more complex predicates ? Seems you
 can only deal with 'and' rules here.

More complex predicates are not in the OP's spec ... this is a defence I 
learned from somebody in this newsgroup recently :-)

 nitpickDoesn't scale well, you
 said ?-)/nitpick

I understand 'scale' to relate to size, not to complexity.


Re: How to add few pictures into one

2006-06-06 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Lad wrote:

 I really would like to have ALL pictures in one file.
 So, what would be the easiest/best way how to do that?

do you want to look at the images as a slideshow or as a collage?



Re: How to add few pictures into one

2006-06-06 Thread K.S.Sreeram
Lad wrote:
 I really would like to have ALL pictures in one file.

import Image

def merge_images( input_files, output_file ) :
img_list = [ for f in input_files]
out_width = max( [img.size[0] for img in img_list] )
out_height = sum( [img.size[1] for img in img_list] )
out = 'RGB', (out_width,out_height) )
y = 0
for img in img_list :
w,h = img.size
out.paste( img, (0,y,w,y+h) )
y += h output_file )

Use like this:
 merge_images( ['1.jpg','2.jpg','3.jpg'], 'output.jpg' )


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I wrote a program that takes an XML file into memory using Minidom. I
found out that the XML document is 10gb.

I clearly need SAX or something else?

Any suggestions on what that something else is? Is it hard to convert
the code from DOM to SAX?


Distutils: setup script for binary files

2006-06-06 Thread Roman Yakovenko
Hi. I want to create setup script, that will install compiled extension module
plus few binaries the extension module depends on.

For example: I have package X:

_x_.dll ( or so )
some other dll's ( so's ) _x_.dll depends on.

I took a look on Python documentation,, but it only
describes how to create
setup script for extension module from source files.

I think, I can treat _x_.dll as it was regular Python script. My
problem is, that on Linux
I should put some other so's in some directory, program loader can find.
How can I do this?

Any help is appreciated.


Roman Yakovenko
C++ Python language binding

Re: 10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-06 Thread Rene Pijlman
I wrote a program that takes an XML file into memory using Minidom. I
found out that the XML document is 10gb.

I clearly need SAX or something else?

Any suggestions on what that something else is? 

PullDOM. (not much)

René Pijlman

Re: 10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-06 Thread Mathias Waack

 I wrote a program that takes an XML file into memory using Minidom. I
 found out that the XML document is 10gb.
 I clearly need SAX or something else?

More memory;)
Maybe you should have a look at pulldom, a combination of sax and dom: it
reads your document in a sax-like manner and expands only selected

 Any suggestions on what that something else is? Is it hard to convert
 the code from DOM to SAX?

Assuming a good design of course not. Esp. if you only need some selected
parts of the document SAX should be your choice. 


Re: 10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-06 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 I wrote a program that takes an XML file into memory using Minidom. I
 found out that the XML document is 10gb.
 I clearly need SAX or something else?
 Any suggestions on what that something else is? Is it hard to convert
 the code from DOM to SAX?


You could used elementtree iterparse - that should be the easiest solution.



2006-06-06 Thread RonnyM

Need to vectorize this, but do not have a clue.

a = n*m matrix
x and y are n and m vectors


def fill(a, x, y):
for i in range(1,a.shape[0]):
xp = x[i]
for j in range(a.shape[1]):
yp = y[j]
a[i,j] = sin(xp*yp)*exp(-xp*yp) + a[i-1,j]
return a

Thanks in advance,

Ronny Mandal


Re: Expanding Search to Subfolders

2006-06-06 Thread PipedreamerGrey
Thanks, that was a big help.  It worked fine once I  removed

and changed for file, st in DirectoryWalker(.):
for file in DirectoryWalker(.): (removing the st)


Re: Expanding Search to Subfolders

2006-06-06 Thread PipedreamerGrey
Thanks everyone!


Re: 10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-06 Thread K.S.Sreeram
 I wrote a program that takes an XML file into memory using Minidom. I
 found out that the XML document is 10gb.

With a 10gb file, you're best bet might be to juse use Expat and C!!


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

cxFreeze executable linked to /usr/lib/

2006-06-06 Thread Raven
I compiled a python script using cxFreeze because I need a standalone
application, while the Windows version runs without any python
installation the linux version of the executable is linked to = /usr/lib/

thus the end user have to install python 2.3 in order to run the
binary. I would like to know if it's possible, using cxFreeze to create
a binary that is not linked to any python system library, for example
by putting the library in the directory where the binary file is



Re: How to add few pictures into one

2006-06-06 Thread Lad

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Lad wrote:

  I really would like to have ALL pictures in one file.
  So, what would be the easiest/best way how to do that?

 do you want to look at the images as a slideshow or as a collage?
As a collage only


Re: Writing to a certain line?

2006-06-06 Thread gene tani

bruno at modulix wrote:

 Else - if you want/need to stick to human readable flat text files - at
 least write a solid librairy handling this, so you can keep client code
 free of technical cruft.

 bruno desthuilliers

for human readable, you might want to look at reading and writing dicts
in YAML and SYCK libs, which is what this looks like


Re: Reading from a file and converting it into a list of lines: code not working

2006-06-06 Thread skip

Girish I have a text file in the following format:
Girish 1,'a',2,'b'
Girish 3,'a',5,'c'
Girish 3,'a',6,'c'
Girish 3,'a',7,'b'
Girish 8,'a',7,'b'
Girish .
Girish .
Girish .
Girish Now i need to generate 2 things by reading the file:
Girish 1) A dictionary with the numbers as keys and the letters as values.
Girish e.g the above would give me a dictionary like
Girish {1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'a', 5:'c', 6:'c' }
Girish 2) A list containing pairs of numbers from each line.
Girish The above formmat would give me the list as
Girish [[1,2],[3,5],[3,6][3,7][8,7]..]

Running this:

open(some.text.file, w).write(\

import csv

class dialect(csv.excel):
quotechar = '
reader = csv.reader(open(some.text.file, rb), dialect=dialect)
mydict = {}
mylist = []
for row in reader:
numbers = [int(n) for n in row[::2]]
letters = row[1::2]
mydict.update(dict(zip(numbers, letters)))

print mydict
print mylist

import os


displays this:

{1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'a', 5: 'c', 6: 'c', 7: 'b', 8: 'a'}
[[1, 2], [3, 5], [3, 6], [3, 7], [8, 7]]

That seems to be approximately what you're looking for.


capture video from camera

2006-06-06 Thread aljosa
i'm trying to capture video from camera/webcam using python.
so far i haven't found any library that would allow me to do that.

cross-platform solution related to SDL/pygame would be nice but a
simple solution to capture video under windows is ok.

Aljosa Mohorovic


Re: 10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-06 Thread Nicola Musatti

 I wrote a program that takes an XML file into memory using Minidom. I
 found out that the XML document is 10gb.

 I clearly need SAX or something else?

What you clearly need is a better suited file format, but I suspect
you're not in a position to change it, are you?

Nicola Musatti


Interpretation of UnhandledException.rpt

2006-06-06 Thread Gregor Horvath

in a windows server python application I receive once a week suddenly
and not reproducible the following error. UnhandledException.rpt file:

Exception code: C090 FLT_INVALID_OPERATION
Program: C:\Python24\python.exe Date:  6/ 6/2006 14:36:13 (MM/DD/
Fault address:  00E9ADF0 01:00019DF0

SS:ESP:0023:0021EF4C  EBP:02E91EF0
DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:

Call stack:
Address   Frame
00DC4DC7  02E91EF0  0001:3DC7 C:\Python24\DLLs\psycopg.pyd
2D36302D  36303032

*** Exception while writing report! ***

Do I read this correct, that the problem is in the InforDbCOM_Server.dll?
The call stack mentions the psycopg.pyd, can it be related to this problem?

How can I track down this problem?

  Servus, Gregor


Re: capture video from camera

2006-06-06 Thread Fredrik Lundh
aljosa wrote:

 i'm trying to capture video from camera/webcam using python.
 so far i haven't found any library that would allow me to do that.
 cross-platform solution related to SDL/pygame would be nice but a
 simple solution to capture video under windows is ok.

first google hit for python video capture:

for linux, see:



Re: 10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-06 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
K.S.Sreeram schrieb:
 I wrote a program that takes an XML file into memory using Minidom. I
 found out that the XML document is 10gb.
 With a 10gb file, you're best bet might be to juse use Expat and C!!

No what exactly makes C grok a 10Gb file where python will fail to do so?

What the OP needs is a different approach to XML-documents that won't 
parse the whole file into one giant tree - but I'm pretty sure that 
(c)ElementTree will do the job as well as expat. And I don't recall the 
OP musing about performances woes, btw.


Re: Vectorization

2006-06-06 Thread Paul McGuire
RonnyM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Need to vectorize this, but do not have a clue.

 a = n*m matrix
 x and y are n and m vectors


 def fill(a, x, y):
 for i in range(1,a.shape[0]):
 xp = x[i]
 for j in range(a.shape[1]):
 yp = y[j]
 a[i,j] = sin(xp*yp)*exp(-xp*yp) + a[i-1,j]
 return a

 Thanks in advance,

 Ronny Mandal

Something like this, but the first row in a is never modified, is this

Note: this is a brute force Python attempt at a matrix, using a list of
lists.  Look also at the array and numarray modules.

-- Paul

from math import sin,exp

def fill(a,x,y):
aRowCount = len(x)
aColCount = len(y)
#a = [[0]*aColCount for i in range(aRowCount)]
for ii,xp in enumerate(x[1:]):
i = ii+1
for j,yp in enumerate(y):
a[i][j] = sin(xp*yp)*exp(-xp*yp) + a[i-1][j]
return a

or more tersely (note - no side-effect of modifying a in place, makes a new

def fill2(a,x,y):
fn = lambda t,u,v:sin(t*u)*exp(-t*u) + v
return [a[0]] + [ [ fn(xp,yp,aa) for (yp,aa) in zip(y,arow) ] for
(xp,arow) in zip(x[1:],a[:-1]) ]


Re: Again, Downloading and Displaying an Image from the Internet in Tkinter

2006-06-06 Thread Dustan
Justin Ezequiel wrote:
 cannot help you with Tkinter but...


 perhaps this would let you open the file in Paint

Ok, that worked (was it plain w or the writelines/readlines that messed
it up?). But Tkinter still can't find the image. I'm getting an error

TclError: image C:\Documents and [pathname snipped] doesn't exist

If it makes a difference, I'm on a Windows XP machine, and don't have
to go cross-platform.


Re: follow-up to FieldStorage

2006-06-06 Thread John Salerno
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 John Salerno a écrit :
 If I want to get all the values that are entered into an HTML form and 
 write them to a file, is there some way to handle them all at the same 
 time, or must FieldStorage be indexed by each specific field name?
 AFAIK, FieldStorage is a somewhat dict-like object, but I'm not sure it 
 supports the whole dict interface. At least, it does support keys(), so 
 you should get by with:
 for k in fs.keys():
   print  myfile, k, :, fs[k]
 But reading the doc may help...

Thanks. The cgi docs don't seem to get into too much detail, unless I 
wasn't thorough enough. But your method seems like it might work well if 
I can't find something after another read through.

Re: 10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-06 Thread Paul McGuire
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I wrote a program that takes an XML file into memory using Minidom. I
 found out that the XML document is 10gb.

 I clearly need SAX or something else?

You clearly need something instead of XML.

This sounds like a case where a prototype, which worked for the developer's
simple test data set, blows up in the face of real user/production data.
XML adds lots of overhead for nested structures, when in fact, the actual
meat of the data can be relatively small.  Note also that this XML overhead
is directly related to the verbosity of the XML designer's choice of tag
names, and whether the designer was predisposed to using XML elements over
attributes.  Imagine a record structure for a 3D coordinate point (described
here in no particular coding language):

struct ThreeDimPoint:
xValue : integer,
yValue : integer,
zValue : integer

Directly translated to XML gives:


This expands 3 integers to a whopping 101 characters.  Throw in namespaces
for good measure, and you inflate the data even more.

Many Java folks treat XML attributes as anathema, but look how this cuts
down the data inflation:

ThreeDimPoint xValue=4 yValue=5 zValue=6/

This is only 50 characters, or *only* 4 times the size of the contained data
(assuming 4-byte integers).

Try zipping your 10Gb file, and see what kind of compression you get - I'll
bet it's close to 30:1.  If so, convert the data to a real data storage
medium.  Even a SQLite database table should do better, and you can ship it
around just like a file (just can't open it up like a text file).

-- Paul


Re: Again, Downloading and Displaying an Image from the Internet in Tkinter

2006-06-06 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Dustan wrote:

 Ok, that worked (was it plain w or the writelines/readlines that messed
 it up?).

the plain w; very few image files are text files.

  But Tkinter still can't find the image. I'm getting an error
 TclError: image C:\Documents and [pathname snipped] doesn't exist
 If it makes a difference, I'm on a Windows XP machine, and don't have
 to go cross-platform.

the image option takes a PhotoImage object, not a file name:

note that the built-in PhotoImage type only supports a few image 
formats; to get support for e.g. PNG and JPEG, you can use PIL which 
ships with it's own PhotoImage replacement:



Re: Expanding Search to Subfolders

2006-06-06 Thread PipedreamerGrey
Here's the final working script.  It opens all of the text files in a
directory and its subdirectories and combines them into one Rich text
file (index.rtf):

#! /usr/bin/python
import glob
import fileinput
import os
import string
import sys

index = open(index.rtf, 'w')

class DirectoryWalker:
# a forward iterator that traverses a directory tree, and
# returns the filename

def __init__(self, directory):
self.stack = [directory]
self.files = []
self.index = 0

def __getitem__(self, index):
while 1:
file = self.files[self.index]
self.index = self.index + 1
except IndexError:
# pop next directory from stack = self.stack.pop()
self.files = os.listdir(
self.index = 0
# get a filename, eliminate directories from list
fullname = os.path.join(, file)
if os.path.isdir(fullname) and not
return fullname

for file in DirectoryWalker(.):
# divide files names into path and extention
path, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
# choose the extention you would like to see in the list
if ext == .txt:
print file

# print the contents of each file into the index
file = open(file)
fileContent = file.readlines()
for line in fileContent:
if not line.startswith(\n):



Re: Expanding Search to Subfolders

2006-06-06 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Lou Losee wrote:

 How about something like:

 import os, stat
 class DirectoryWalker:
 # a forward iterator that traverses a directory tree, and
 # returns the filename

 not tested

speak for yourself ;-)

(the code is taken from )



Re: capture video from camera

2006-06-06 Thread aljosa
i searched on google and found
before i posted here.
videocapture has no docs and doesn't provide additional options like
motion detection nor any info on possibility of motion detection or
howto implement (use of minimal system resources).

i posted here to find out if anybody knows a better way to capture

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 aljosa wrote:

  i'm trying to capture video from camera/webcam using python.
  so far i haven't found any library that would allow me to do that.
  cross-platform solution related to SDL/pygame would be nice but a
  simple solution to capture video under windows is ok.

 first google hit for python video capture:
 for linux, see:


Namespace problems

2006-06-06 Thread Kiran
Hello All,
  I am kind of a beginner to python, but here is the deal.

  I am writing a wxpython Application, in which I have a GUI.  This GUI
imports some other modules that I have written, using the format
import mymodule as _MyModule

  Now, this GUI in addition to having all it's bells and whistles has a
console (from pyshell), so that the user can run their own scripts
inside this GUI.
  What I am trying to do is to get these scripts that the user runs to
be able to see all the other objects created and modules imported by
the GUI.

  To make this clear, what I want to be able to do for example is in my
script, do ,
  already having imported mymodule in the GUI.
  Any ideas on how to make this happen?  I don't want to import
mymodule in this script, i want this script to see the mymodule that I
imported in the main GUI.

thanks a lot for your help,


Re: 10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-06 Thread skip

Paul You clearly need something instead of XML.

Amen, brother...

+1 QOTW.


Re: capture video from camera

2006-06-06 Thread Fredrik Lundh
aljosa wrote:

 i posted here to find out if anybody knows a better way to capture

what other requirements did you forget to mention ?



retaining newline characters when writing to file

2006-06-06 Thread John Salerno
If I read a string that contains a newline character(s) into a variable, 
then write that variable to a file, how can I retain those newline 
characters so that the string remains on one line rather than spans 
multiple lines?

Example: In a CGI script, I'm reading the address field from an HTML 
form. Almost always the person will press ENTER so they can enter a 
second or third line. If I then want to write all the field values of 
this form to a CSV file, so that each person's entries takes one line, 
how can I ensure that the address string stays on one line despite the 
newline characters?

(Or is it better to just use separate text fields for each line of the 


Re: retaining newline characters when writing to file

2006-06-06 Thread Fredrik Lundh
John Salerno wrote:

 If I read a string that contains a newline character(s) into a variable, 
 then write that variable to a file, how can I retain those newline 
 characters so that the string remains on one line rather than spans 
 multiple lines?

you cannot: the whole point of a newline character is to start a new line.

however, some file formats let you escape the newline.  for example, 
in Python source code, you can use end a line with a backslash.  in CSV, 
you can put the string with newlines inside quotes, and Python's csv 
module knows how to do that:

import csv, sys

row = (One\nTwo\nThree, 1, 2, 3)

writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout)



(not all CSV readers can handle multiline rows, though)



Vancouver Python Workshop: New Keynoter

2006-06-06 Thread Brian Quinlan
What's New?

The Vancouver Python Workshop is pleased to announce the addition of a 
third keynote speaker to this year's conference.

Ian Cavén is the primary developer of the Lowry Digital Images motion 
picture restoration system. This Python and Zope-based system has been 
used to restore over 150 motion pictures. Highlights include Citizen 
Kane, Sunset Boulevard and both the Indiana Jones and Star Wars 
trilogies. While Ian was Chief Scientist at Lowry Digital, his rack of 
computers grew from a few Macintoshes on his desktop to over six hundred 
Macintosh and Linux servers - at one point earning Lowry the title as 
the second biggest installation of parallel processing Maintoshes in the 
world. In 2005, Lowry Digital Images was acquired by DTS (the famous 
movie audio company) and renamed DTS Digital Images. The motion picture 
restoration system has been discussed in publications as diverse as IEEE 
Spectrum, USA Today, the BBC NEWS, the New York Times and Ian 
has been a Python enthusiast since 1999.

About the Vancouver Python Workshop

The conference will begin with keynote addresses on August 4st by Guido 
van Rossum [1], Jim Hugunin [2], and Ian Cavén. Further talks (and 
tutorials for beginners) will take place on August 5th and 6th. The 
Vancouver Python Workshop is a community organized conference designed 
for both the beginner and for the experienced Python programmer with:

  * tutorials for beginning programmers
  * advanced lectures for Python experts
  * case studies of Python in action
  * after-hours social events
  * informative keynote speakers
  * tracks on multimedia, Web development, education and more

More information see:
or contact Brian Quinlan at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


In addition to the opportunity to learn and socialize with fellow
Pythonistas, the Vancouver Python Workshop also gives visitors the
opportunity to visit one of the most extraordinary cities in the world
[3]. For more information about traveling to Vancouver, see:

Important dates

Talk proposals accepted: May 15th to June 15th
Early registration (discounted): May 22nd to June 30th
Normal registration: from July 1st
Keynotes: August 4th
Conference and tutorial dates: August 5th and 6th

[1] Guido van Rossum (Google) is the inventor of Python and has managed 
its growth and development for more than a decade. Guido was awarded the 
Free Software Foundation Award in 2002 and Dr.Dobb's 1999 Excellence in 
Programming Award. Guido works at Google and spends half of his time on 

[2] Jim Hugunin (Microsoft) is the creator of numerous innovations that 
take Python into new application domains. Jim's most recent project, 
IronPython integrates Python into Microsoft's .NET runtime. Jim's 
previous project, Jython is Python for the Java runtime and was the 
second production-quality implementation of Python. Before that, Jim's 
Numeric Python adapted Python to the needs of number crunching 
applications. Jim works at Microsoft adapting the .NET runtime to the 
needs of dynamic languages like Python.




Re: retaining newline characters when writing to file

2006-06-06 Thread John Salerno
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 John Salerno wrote:
 If I read a string that contains a newline character(s) into a 
 variable, then write that variable to a file, how can I retain those 
 newline characters so that the string remains on one line rather than 
 spans multiple lines?
 you cannot: the whole point of a newline character is to start a new line.
 however, some file formats let you escape the newline.  for example, 
 in Python source code, you can use end a line with a backslash.  in CSV, 
 you can put the string with newlines inside quotes, and Python's csv 
 module knows how to do that:
 import csv, sys
 row = (One\nTwo\nThree, 1, 2, 3)
 writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout)
 (not all CSV readers can handle multiline rows, though)

Thanks. I should give the csv module a look too, while I'm at it.

calling functions style question

2006-06-06 Thread Brian
I just have a basic style question here.  Suppose you have the program:

def foo1():
do something

def foo2()
do something else

Assume that you want to call these functions at execution.  Is it more
proper to call them directly like:


or in an if __name__ == __main__: ?

Both will execute when the script is called directly, I was just
wondering if there is a preference, and what the pros and cons to each
method were.



Re: Namespace problems

2006-06-06 Thread Kay Schluehr
Kiran wrote:
 Hello All,
   I am kind of a beginner to python, but here is the deal.

   I am writing a wxpython Application, in which I have a GUI.  This GUI
 imports some other modules that I have written, using the format
 import mymodule as _MyModule

   Now, this GUI in addition to having all it's bells and whistles has a
 console (from pyshell), so that the user can run their own scripts
 inside this GUI.
   What I am trying to do is to get these scripts that the user runs to
 be able to see all the other objects created and modules imported by
 the GUI.

   To make this clear, what I want to be able to do for example is in my
 script, do ,
   already having imported mymodule in the GUI.
   Any ideas on how to make this happen?  I don't want to import
 mymodule in this script, i want this script to see the mymodule that I
 imported in the main GUI.

 thanks a lot for your help,

Well, it depends on the context. If the __main__ context is that of
PyShell it will likely contain no GUI object and you shall pass the GUI
to PyShell before a PyShell window is created ( e.g.
PyShell.__dict__[GUI] = GUI ). Descendent objects like mymodule that
live in the GUI context will be accessible in the usual way i.e. by

You can experiment a little bit with contexts. Simply open a Python
session and import PyShell:

 import PyShell
 PyShell.main()   # causes creation of main window for PyShell

Now you can inspect locals of PyShell using dir(). In this case the
__main__ context is that of the top level session in which PyShell runs
as an own session. You just have to import GUI to make it accessible to
PyShell. If PyShell is the __main__ context you might assign GUI as
described above.



Re: calling functions style question

2006-06-06 Thread Thomas Nelson
The difference becomes clear when you import your program into another
program (or the command line python editor).  __name__!='__main__' when
you import, so the functions will not be called if they're inside the
block.  This is why you see this block so often at the end of scripts;
so that the script runs its main functions when called as a standalone
program, but you can also import the code and do something with it
without setting off those functions.


Brian wrote:
 I just have a basic style question here.  Suppose you have the program:

 def foo1():
 do something

 def foo2()
 do something else

 Assume that you want to call these functions at execution.  Is it more
 proper to call them directly like:


 or in an if __name__ == __main__: ?

 Both will execute when the script is called directly, I was just
 wondering if there is a preference, and what the pros and cons to each
 method were.


what are you using python language for?

2006-06-06 Thread hacker1017
im just asking out of curiosity.


Re: Vectorization

2006-06-06 Thread Robert Kern
Paul McGuire wrote:
 RonnyM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

Need to vectorize this, but do not have a clue.

a = n*m matrix
x and y are n and m vectors


def fill(a, x, y):
for i in range(1,a.shape[0]):
xp = x[i]
for j in range(a.shape[1]):
yp = y[j]
a[i,j] = sin(xp*yp)*exp(-xp*yp) + a[i-1,j]
return a

Thanks in advance,

Ronny Mandal
 Something like this, but the first row in a is never modified, is this
 Note: this is a brute force Python attempt at a matrix, using a list of
 lists.  Look also at the array and numarray modules.

The array module doesn't do matrices, and numarray is deprecated. Please point
new users to numpy, instead.

Since the OP seems to already be using one of Numeric/numarray/numpy, (given
a.shape), I would suggest that he ask the question on the appropriate mailing

I won't attempt an answer until the OP answers about the first row.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: calling functions style question

2006-06-06 Thread Kay Schluehr

Brian wrote:
 I just have a basic style question here.  Suppose you have the program:

 def foo1():
 do something

 def foo2()
 do something else

 Assume that you want to call these functions at execution.  Is it more
 proper to call them directly like:


 or in an if __name__ == __main__: ?

 Both will execute when the script is called directly, I was just
 wondering if there is a preference, and what the pros and cons to each
 method were.


If you want those functions to be called each time your module gets
imported you have to apply calls out of the if __name__ ...
statement. If your module is, for certain reasons, always the __main__
module and never gets imported there is no obvious preference because
behaviour will be the same.


Re: what are you using python language for?

2006-06-06 Thread Grant Edwards
At the moment, I'm using it for

 1) Enginerring/scientific data analysis and visualization.

 2) Serial communication test programs.

 3) Small utilities for embedded software development
(processing map and hex files).
 4) Miscellaneous other stuff like grabbing all of the comic
strips I like every day and putting them on a local web
page so I can read them all in one place, deleting all of
the virus-laden e-mails that Postini catches, etc.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Is this BOISE??

Re: what are you using python language for?

2006-06-06 Thread Kay Schluehr
hacker1017 wrote:
 im just asking out of curiosity.

To get an impression you might have a look at the Europython 2006

Personally I'm playing with the language itself at the moment and
extend it through it:



Request for trackers to evaluate as SF replacement for Python development

2006-06-06 Thread Brett Cannon
The Python Software Foundation's Infrastructure committee has been charged with finding a new tracker system to be used by the Python development team as a replacement for SourceForge. The development team is currently unhappy with SF for several reasons which include:
* Bad interface Most obvious example is the Check to Upload button* Lack of reliability SF has been known to go down during the day unexpectedly and stay down for hours* Lack of workflow controls
 For instance, you cannot delete a category once createdFor these reasons and others, we are requesting the Python community help us find a new tracker to use. We are asking for test trackers to be set up to allow us to test them to see which tracker we want to move the Python development team to. This is in order to allow the Infrastructure committee to evaluate the various trackers to see which one meets our tracker needs the best.
Because we are not sure exactly what are requirements for a tracker are we do not have a comprehensive requirements document. But we do have a short list of bare minimum needs:* Can import SF data contains instructions on how to access the data dump and work with the support tools (graciously developed by Fredrik Lundh)
* Can export data To prevent the need to develop our own tools to get our data out of the next tracker, there must be a way to get a dump of the data (formatted or raw) that includes *all* information* Has an email interface
 To facilitate participation in tracker item discussions, an email interface is required to lower the barrier to add comments, files, etc.If there is a tracker you wish to propose for Python development team use, these are the steps you must follow:
* Install a test tracker If you do not have the server resources needed, you may contact the Infrastructure committee at infrastructure at, but our resources are limited by both machine and manpower, so *please* do what you can to use your own servers; we do not expect you to provide hosting for the final installation of the tracker for use by python-dev, though, if your tracker is chosen
* Import the SF data dump* Make the Infrastructure committee members administrators of the tracker
 A list of the committee members can be found at
* Add your tracker to the wiki page at This includes specifying the contact information for a *single* lead person to contact for any questions about the tracker; this is to keep communication simple and prevent us from having competing installations of the same tracker software
* Email the Infrastructure committee that your test tracker is up and ready to be viewedWe will accept new trackers for up to a maximum of two months starting 2006-06-05 (and thus ending 2006-08-07). If trackers cease to be suggested, we will close acceptance one month after the last tracker proposed (this means the maximum timeframe for all of this is three months, ending 2006-09-04). This allows us to not have this process carry on for three months if there is no need for it to thanks to people getting trackers up quickly.
As the committee evaluates trackers we will add information about what we like and dislike to the wiki page so that various trackers and change their setttings and notify us of such changes. This prevents penalizing trackers that are set up quickly (which could be taken as a sign of ease of maintenance) compared to trackers that are set up later but possibly more tailored to what the Infrastructure committee discovers they want from a tracker.
If you have any questions, feel free to email infrastructure at .- Brett Cannon Chairman, Python Software Foundation Infrastructure committee

Re: what are you using python language for?

2006-06-06 Thread Tim Chase
  4) Miscellaneous other stuff like grabbing all of the comic
 strips I like every day and putting them on a local web
 page so I can read them all in one place

I wonder how many other folks have done this too.  It was my 
first pet Python project, converting a Java rendition of the same 
app into Python.  Shorter, clearer, faster, better...

Mine uses my older Java config file (which, while tinkering with 
Java's XML libraries, ended up being XML), supports 
Referrer/Referer spoofing, searches pages for regexps so that I 
can find image URLs that have been munged with random numbers 
(like does).  It then builds a local HTML file that 
points at all the locally-saved images.

I wonder what other sorts of features folks have added in their 

I tried a multi-threaded version in Java, but had problems with 
it saturating my dialup connection, and returning some sort of 
errors (perhaps in violation of HTTP's suggestion that one only 
have, IIRC, 2 connections to a server at a given time).  I might 
try it again with Python.  I saw some function-call fly by 
recently that looked like it took a function reference and an 
array of parameter-arrays, and spawned a thread for each 
function.  I foolishly deleted that message, but it shouldn't be 
too hard to scare up again.  I think it involved importing 
something from the future.  A nice little status-GUI would be a 
nice addition, but I'm too lazy to go that far, leaving it with 
just a TUI.  Might be a good way to learn Python GUI programming...



Re: what are you using python language for?

2006-06-06 Thread Miguel Galves
I'm using for processing genetic and biological data, anda for fun...On 6/4/06, hacker1017 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:im just asking out of curiosity.-- Miguel Galves - Engenheiro de ComputaçãoJá leu meus blogs hoje? Para geeks 
http://log4dev.blogspot.comPra pessoas normaishttp://miguelgalves.blogspot.comNão sabendo que era impossível, ele foi lá e fez...

Re: what are you using python language for?

2006-06-06 Thread Carl J. Van Arsdall
hacker1017 wrote:
 im just asking out of curiosity.
We use python for somewhat complex build system which builds several 
versions of embedded Linux for multiple architectures (30+).  Two 
particularly interested aspects of this build system involve simple 
cluster management utilities (utilities to help manage distribution of 
work across 70 machines) and we are currently developing a distributed 
execution framework. 

Some cool stuff if you ask me (I mean, i had better like it, its my job!)



Carl J. Van Arsdall
Build and Release
MontaVista Software


Re: 10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-06 Thread Kay Schluehr

 I wrote a program that takes an XML file into memory using Minidom. I
 found out that the XML document is 10gb.

 I clearly need SAX or something else?

 Any suggestions on what that something else is? Is it hard to convert
 the code from DOM to SAX?

If your XML files grow so large you might rethink the representation
model. Maybe you give eXist a try?



Re: what are you using python language for?

2006-06-06 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-06-06, Tim Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  4) Miscellaneous other stuff like grabbing all of the comic
 strips I like every day and putting them on a local web
 page so I can read them all in one place

 I wonder how many other folks have done this too.  It was my 
 first pet Python project, converting a Java rendition of the same 
 app into Python.  Shorter, clearer, faster, better...

 Mine uses my older Java config file (which, while tinkering with 
 Java's XML libraries, ended up being XML),

Mine just has lists of strip/source pairs at the top of the
source code.

 supports Referrer/Referer spoofing,

Yup.  Although I wouldn't actually call mine spoofing. Since
I do grab the end URL from the referrer every time, it really
is referring me to the server where the image is.

 searches pages for regexps so that I can find image URLs that
 have been munged with random numbers (like does).
 It then builds a local HTML file that points at all the
 locally-saved images.

 I wonder what other sorts of features folks have added in their 

Mine scales the images up by 50% -- the native image size
provided by the distributors is just too small on my 19
1280x1024 screen.

 I tried a multi-threaded version in Java, but had problems
 with it saturating my dialup connection, and returning some
 sort of errors (perhaps in violation of HTTP's suggestion that
 one only have, IIRC, 2 connections to a server at a given
 time).  I might try it again with Python.  I saw some
 function-call fly by recently that looked like it took a
 function reference and an array of parameter-arrays, and
 spawned a thread for each function.  I foolishly deleted that
 message, but it shouldn't be too hard to scare up again.  I
 think it involved importing something from the future.  A nice
 little status-GUI would be a nice addition, but I'm too lazy
 to go that far, leaving it with just a TUI.  Might be a good
 way to learn Python GUI programming...

Mine runs as a cron job every morning before I get to the
office (which is where I read them -- don't tell anybody).

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Why was I BORN?

Pydev 1.1.0 Released

2006-06-06 Thread Fabio Zadrozny
Hi All,

Pydev and Pydev Extensions 1.1.0 have been released

Details on Pydev Extensions:
Details on Pydev: 
Details on its development:

Release Highlights in Pydev Extensions:

- Bug-fixes

Release Highlights in Pydev:

- Startup is now faster for the plugin: actions, scripts, etc. are now all initialized in a separate thread
- Indentation engine does not degrade as document grows
- Multiple-string does not mess up highlighting anymore
- code completion issue with {} solved
- Ctrl+W: now expands the selection to cover the whole word where the cursor is
- Assign to attributes (provided by Joel Hedlund) was expanded so that Ctrl+1 on method line provides it as a valid proposal
- A Typing preferences page was created so that the main page now fits in lower resolutions 

What is PyDev?

PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python and
Jython development -- making Eclipse a first class Python IDE -- It
comes with many goodies such as code completion, syntax highlighting,
syntax analysis, refactor, debug and many others.


Fabio Zadrozny
Software Developer

ESSS - Engineering Simulation and Scientific Software

Pydev Extensions

Pydev - Python Development Enviroment for Eclipse

Using Komodo 3.5 - Setting breakpoints in multiple *.py files

2006-06-06 Thread jeem
I am using ActiveState Komodo 3.5 to work on a large python 2.4
application with an extensive UI...  I am attempting to debug the
application and am setting breakpoints in 4 different *.py files..
Breakpoints in the main file are working OK, but any breakpoints in
imported files are not... The three imported files are open in Komodo
and are in the same local directory as the main file (in the
python24/Lib/site-packages tree)... The code sections I am trying to
debug are invoked by some UI events...  When I start the debugging
section and navigate to the features I am trying to debug, the
breakpoint are ignored...  I can execute a Break now command and the
IDE is smart enough to find and display imported *.py resources... but
normal breakpoints are ignored...

I am new to Komodo and Python, and the IDE debugging features are
certainly not working as expected, based upon my experience with Visual
Studio and JBuilder...  I've searched the included Help system and so
far haven't had any luck...



Need pixie dust for building Python 2.4 curses module on Solaris 8

2006-06-06 Thread skip

I'm having no success building the curses module on Solaris 8 (yes, I know
it's ancient - advancing the state-of-the-art is not yet an option) for
Python 2.4.  Sun provides an apparently ancient version of curses in
/usr/lib, so I downloaded and installed ncurses 5.5, both using default
settings and using --with-shared.  When the curses module is linked against I get some strange error about acs32map being undefined (which
appears to live in a couple termcap-ish files in /usr/lib).  When the curses
module is linked against libncurses.a I get bazillions of linker errors like

Text relocation remains referenced
against symbol  offset  in file
table.0 0x41
hls_palette 0x2dc   
cga_palette 0x2e3   
hls_palette 0x5e0   
cga_palette 0x5e7   
unknown   0xc9e   
unknown   0xcb7   
unknown   0x18

The build step and output from distutils are:

$ python ../ build_ext 
running build_ext
INFO: Can't locate readline library
INFO: Can't locate Tcl/Tk libs and/or headers
building '_curses' extension
gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC 
-I. -I/home/ink/skipm/src/python-svn/release24-maint/./Include 
-I/opt/app/g++lib6/python-2.4/include -I/usr/local/include 
-I/opt/app/g++lib6/python-2.4/include/python2.4 -c 
/home/ink/skipm/src/python-svn/release24-maint/Modules/_cursesmodule.c -o 
/home/ink/skipm/src/python-svn/release24-maint/Modules/_cursesmodule.c: In 
function `PyCursesWindow_GetStr':
warning: implicit declaration of function `mvwgetnstr'
gcc -shared 
 -L/opt/app/g++lib6/python-2.4/lib -L/usr/local/lib 
-L/opt/app/nonc++/ncurses-5.5/lib -Wl,-R/opt/app/nonc++/ncurses-5.5/lib 
-lncurses -o build/lib.solaris-2.8-i86pc-2.4/

Any ideas what's wrong and what I need to do to correct the problem?



Newbie: returning dynamicly built lists (using win32com)

2006-06-06 Thread Ransom
Very newb here, but my question will hopefully be obvious to someone.


import string
from win32com.client import Dispatch
docdir = 'E:\\scripts\\Python\\RSAutomation\\'

def getOldData(testcases):

excel = Dispatch(Excel.Application)
excel.Workbooks.Open(docdir + 'FILE.xls')

# load and create list from file (testcases.csv)
for rsinput in testcases.xreadlines():

inputlist = string.split(rsinput, ',')

# iterate through and update spreadsheet input
cellx = range(3,51)
values = range(0,48)
for i,r in zip(cellx, values):

excel.ActiveSheet.Cells(i,2).Value = inputlist[r]

# TODO: read output from cell 32,6 into a tuple or list and
then return list to __main__

print excel.ActiveSheet.Cells(32,6)   --This prints properly
as loop executes


if __name__ == __main__:
csv_testcases = open('arse_testcases.csv','r')

OK, so what is happening is that I am sending a list of data to an
overly complicated spreadsheet that produces it's own output (in cell
32,6). As I loop through multiple test cases, the print statement
calling into COM for the cell data seems to be printing out results
just fine. But when I try and put the output from the spreadsheet into
a dynamic list after the TODO section thusly:

outputlist = []
return outputlist

I get an error like:
[win32com.gen_py.Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library.Range instance at

I need to be able to return the dynamically generated built up by the
responses from the spreadsheet lookup call (the exce.Activesheet
thingy). Is there a better way to get this dynamically built list out
of the funtion?



Re: Newbie: returning dynamicly built lists (using win32com)

2006-06-06 Thread Nick Smallbone
I'm afraid I don't have a Windows machine to test on, but..

Ransom wrote:
 I get an error like:
 [win32com.gen_py.Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library.Range instance at

This isn't an error. This is a list with one element, where the element
apparently represents a range of Excel cells. So by using that element
you can do things like changing the formatting of the cell, as well as
finding out what data is in there.

It looks like you might need to use excel.ActiveSheet.Cells(32,
6).Value to get the contents of cell (32, 6). (It depends on what Excel
calls it, of course, so if it's not that have a look at Excel's VBA
documentation to see if it mentions anything.)



Re: Newbie: returning dynamicly built lists (using win32com)

2006-06-06 Thread Steve Holden
Ransom wrote:
 Very newb here, but my question will hopefully be obvious to someone.
 import string
 from win32com.client import Dispatch
 docdir = 'E:\\scripts\\Python\\RSAutomation\\'
 def getOldData(testcases):
 excel = Dispatch(Excel.Application)
 excel.Workbooks.Open(docdir + 'FILE.xls')
 # load and create list from file (testcases.csv)
 for rsinput in testcases.xreadlines():
 inputlist = string.split(rsinput, ',')
 # iterate through and update spreadsheet input
 cellx = range(3,51)
 values = range(0,48)
 for i,r in zip(cellx, values):
 excel.ActiveSheet.Cells(i,2).Value = inputlist[r]
 # TODO: read output from cell 32,6 into a tuple or list and
 then return list to __main__
 print excel.ActiveSheet.Cells(32,6)   --This prints properly
 as loop executes
 if __name__ == __main__:
 csv_testcases = open('arse_testcases.csv','r')
 OK, so what is happening is that I am sending a list of data to an
 overly complicated spreadsheet that produces it's own output (in cell
 32,6). As I loop through multiple test cases, the print statement
 calling into COM for the cell data seems to be printing out results
 just fine. But when I try and put the output from the spreadsheet into
 a dynamic list after the TODO section thusly:
 outputlist = []
 return outputlist
 I get an error like:
 [win32com.gen_py.Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library.Range instance at
That's not an error, that's a list containing a single Python COM object.

 I need to be able to return the dynamically generated built up by the
 responses from the spreadsheet lookup call (the exce.Activesheet
 thingy). Is there a better way to get this dynamically built list out
 of the funtion?
I suspect that you need to apply judicious conversions to string or 
numeric to grab the values of the cells you are interested in, 
unencumbered by the COM wrappings.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog
Recent Ramblings


Re: what are you using python language for?

2006-06-06 Thread Timothy Grant
On 6/4/06, hacker1017 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 im just asking out of curiosity.

My current gig is perl only, but I still use python for personal stuff

1) +Twisted for a couple of IRC Bots
2) an interface between TextMate and py.test
3) a soccer management game (wxPython + PyGame)

Stand Fast,

newbie: python application on a web page

2006-06-06 Thread puzz
Hi all,

I am so new to everything, I don't even know where to post my
question... do bear...

I made this Python calculator that will take an equation as an input
and will display the computed curves on a shiny Tkinter interface

Now, I'd like to make this application available on a public web
page... and all I could come up with was this post

I'd also appreciate a link to a beginner forum
Puzzled Me


Re: newbie: python application on a web page

2006-06-06 Thread Fredrik Lundh
puzz wrote:

 I made this Python calculator that will take an equation as an input
 and will display the computed curves on a shiny Tkinter interface

well, it doesn't sound like you're quite as newbie-ish as many other 
newbies ;-)

 Now, I'd like to make this application available on a public web
 page... and all I could come up with was this post

some potentially useful links:

 I'd also appreciate a link to a beginner forum

assuming beginner implies really wants to learn, this one's quite nice:



Re: 10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-06 Thread Felipe Almeida Lessa
Em Ter, 2006-06-06 às 13:56 +, Paul McGuire escreveu:
 (just can't open it up like a text file)

Who'll open a 10 GiB file anyway?



Re: capture video from camera

2006-06-06 Thread Sébastien Boisgérault

aljosa wrote:
 i searched on google and found
 before i posted here.


 videocapture has no docs

With the API docs in the .zip and the examples provided, you
should be able to handle it.I did :)

 and doesn't provide additional options like
 motion detection nor any info on possibility of motion detection or
 howto implement (use of minimal system resources).

Sure. You may try to use some external lib such as Camellia
( There are (swig-generated)
bindings for Ruby, writing a bridge to python should be

By the way, if you want to be cross-platform, you can use pyv4l
as a replacement of videocapture for Linux. Combine this with a
pygame integration and you're done.




Re: what are you using python language for?

2006-06-06 Thread Chris Cioffi
I tend to do a significant amount of EDI related work:-statistical analysis-X12-HTML formattingI've do a ton of customer DB reporting. I find it easier to use Python that Crystal reports for a lot of the stuff I do so I extract data and spit out CSV files for Excel to make it look pretty.
And I'm getting ready to do a fun/work project using TurboGears for a web-based migration tracking utility we need.ChrisOn 6/4/06, hacker1017
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:im just asking out of curiosity.
-- A little government and a little luck are necessary in life, but only a fool trusts either of them. -- P. J. O'Rourke

Re: what are you using python language for?

2006-06-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hacker1017 wrote:
 im just asking out of curiosity.

Math research on the Collatz Conjecture.


Re: Newbie: returning dynamicly built lists (using win32com)

2006-06-06 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Ransom wrote:

 Very newb here, but my question will hopefully be obvious to someone.

 OK, so what is happening is that I am sending a list of data to an
 overly complicated spreadsheet that produces it's own output (in cell
 32,6). As I loop through multiple test cases, the print statement
 calling into COM for the cell data seems to be printing out results
 just fine. But when I try and put the output from the spreadsheet into
 a dynamic list after the TODO section thusly:
 outputlist = []
 return outputlist
 I get an error like:
 [win32com.gen_py.Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library.Range instance at

the Cells call returns some kind of internal win32com object, not strings.

Python has two different ways of converting an object to a string of 
characters; str() and repr():

when you print an object, Python uses str() to do the conversion.

however, when you print a container, the container object's str() 
implementation often uses repr() on the members.

to apply str() to all list members, you can simply do:

 outputlist = map(str, outputlist)
 print outputlist


 print map(str, outputlist)

or some other variation thereof.



Re: newbie: python application on a web page

2006-06-06 Thread Daniel Nogradi
  I made this Python calculator that will take an equation as an input
  and will display the computed curves on a shiny Tkinter interface

 well, it doesn't sound like you're quite as newbie-ish as many other
 newbies ;-)

  Now, I'd like to make this application available on a public web
  page... and all I could come up with was this post

 some potentially useful links:

  I'd also appreciate a link to a beginner forum

 assuming beginner implies really wants to learn, this one's quite nice:

And perhaps you'll find this also helpful: an
apache module that embeds the interpreter into the webserver.

Re: 10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-06 Thread K.S.Sreeram
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 What the OP needs is a different approach to XML-documents that won't
 parse the whole file into one giant tree - but I'm pretty sure that
 (c)ElementTree will do the job as well as expat. And I don't recall the
 OP musing about performances woes, btw.

There's just NO WAY that the 10gb xml file can be loaded into memory as
a tree on any normal machine, irrespective of whether we use C or
Python. So the *only* way is to perform some kind of 'stream' processing
on the file. Perhaps using a SAX like API. So (c)ElementTree is ruled
out for this.

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 No what exactly makes C grok a 10Gb file where python will fail to do so?

In most typical cases where there's any kind of significant python code,
its possible to achieve a *minimum* of a 10x speedup by using C. In most
cases, the speedup is not worth it and we just trade it for the
increased flexiblity/power of the python language. But in this situation
using a bit of tight C code could make the difference between the
process taking just 15mins or taking a few hours!

Ofcourse I'm not asking him to write the entire application in C. It
makes sense to just write the performance critical sections in C, and
wrap it in Python, and write the rest of the application in Python.

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