ANN: Python Enthought Edition Version 0.9.7 Released

2006-06-07 Thread Bryce Hendrix
Enthought is pleased to announce the release of Python Enthought Edition 
Version 0.9.7 ( -- a python 
distribution for Windows.

0.9.7 Release Notes:

Version 0.9.7 of Python Enthought Edition includes an update to version 
1.0.7 of the Enthought Tool Suite (ETS) Package and bug fixes-- you can look at 
release notes for this ETS version here:

About Python Enthought Edition:
Python 2.3.5, Enthought Edition is a kitchen-sink-included Python 
distribution for Windows including the following packages out of the box:

Enthought Tool Suite
Scientific Python
and many more...

More information is available about all Open Source code written and 
released by Enthought, Inc. at


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Vancouver Python Workshop: New Keynoter

2006-06-07 Thread Brian Quinlan
What's New?

The Vancouver Python Workshop is pleased to announce the addition of a 
third keynote speaker to this year's conference.

Ian Cavén is the primary developer of the Lowry Digital Images motion 
picture restoration system. This Python and Zope-based system has been 
used to restore over 150 motion pictures. Highlights include Citizen 
Kane, Sunset Boulevard and both the Indiana Jones and Star Wars 
trilogies. While Ian was Chief Scientist at Lowry Digital, his rack of 
computers grew from a few Macintoshes on his desktop to over six hundred 
Macintosh and Linux servers - at one point earning Lowry the title as 
the second biggest installation of parallel processing Maintoshes in the 
world. In 2005, Lowry Digital Images was acquired by DTS (the famous 
movie audio company) and renamed DTS Digital Images. The motion picture 
restoration system has been discussed in publications as diverse as IEEE 
Spectrum, USA Today, the BBC NEWS, the New York Times and Ian 
has been a Python enthusiast since 1999.

About the Vancouver Python Workshop

The conference will begin with keynote addresses on August 4st by Guido 
van Rossum [1], Jim Hugunin [2], and Ian Cavén. Further talks (and 
tutorials for beginners) will take place on August 5th and 6th. The 
Vancouver Python Workshop is a community organized conference designed 
for both the beginner and for the experienced Python programmer with:

  * tutorials for beginning programmers
  * advanced lectures for Python experts
  * case studies of Python in action
  * after-hours social events
  * informative keynote speakers
  * tracks on multimedia, Web development, education and more

More information see:
or contact Brian Quinlan at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


In addition to the opportunity to learn and socialize with fellow
Pythonistas, the Vancouver Python Workshop also gives visitors the
opportunity to visit one of the most extraordinary cities in the world
[3]. For more information about traveling to Vancouver, see:

Important dates

Talk proposals accepted: May 15th to June 15th
Early registration (discounted): May 22nd to June 30th
Normal registration: from July 1st
Keynotes: August 4th
Conference and tutorial dates: August 5th and 6th

[1] Guido van Rossum (Google) is the inventor of Python and has managed 
its growth and development for more than a decade. Guido was awarded the 
Free Software Foundation Award in 2002 and Dr.Dobb's 1999 Excellence in 
Programming Award. Guido works at Google and spends half of his time on 

[2] Jim Hugunin (Microsoft) is the creator of numerous innovations that 
take Python into new application domains. Jim's most recent project, 
IronPython integrates Python into Microsoft's .NET runtime. Jim's 
previous project, Jython is Python for the Java runtime and was the 
second production-quality implementation of Python. Before that, Jim's 
Numeric Python adapted Python to the needs of number crunching 
applications. Jim works at Microsoft adapting the .NET runtime to the 
needs of dynamic languages like Python.




Support the Python Software Foundation:

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 7)

2006-06-07 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW:  You can gain substantial speed-ups in very certain cases, but the
main point of Pyrex is ease of wrapping, not of speeding-up. - Simon Percivall

The rule of thumb for all your Python Vs C questions is ...
1.) Choose Python by default.  . . . - Ravi Teja

Do you remember Python's early (notice the mention of traversal of the
World-Wide Web.  All of it!) days?  Guido invites your reminiscences:   

Paul Boddie wraps up the how can I compile Python? FAQ as
authoritatively as possible (at least for the moment):

Nick Craig-Wood contributes a Process definition to access a Linux
process table programmatically:

Embedding Python?  Initialization is more subtle than first appears.
Stefan Schukat explains an example which arises when working with

pysqlite has a create_function.  Gerhard Haering illustrates its use:

Everything Python-related you want is probably one or two clicks away in
these pages:'s Python Language Website is the traditional
center of Pythonia
Notice especially the master FAQ

PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the
marvelous daily python url
Mygale is a news-gathering webcrawler that specializes in (new)
World-Wide Web articles related to Python.
While cosmetically similar, Mygale and the Daily Python-URL
are utterly different in their technologies and generally in
their results.

For far, FAR more Python reading than any one mind should
absorb, much of it quite interesting, several pages index
much of the universe of Pybloggers.

comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software.  Be
sure to scan this newsgroup weekly.

Python411 indexes podcasts ... to help people learn Python ...
Updates appear more-than-weekly:

Steve Bethard, Tim Lesher, and Tony Meyer continue the marvelous
tradition early borne by Andrew Kuchling, Michael Hudson and Brett
Cannon of intelligently summarizing action on the python-dev mailing
list once every other week.

The Python Package Index catalogues packages.

The somewhat older Vaults of Parnassus ambitiously collects references
to all sorts of Python resources.

Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group
mailing lists

Python Success Stories--from air-traffic control to on-line
match-making--can inspire you or decision-makers to whom you're
subject with a vision of what the language makes practical.

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) has replaced the Python
Consortium as an independent nexus of activity.  It has official
responsibility for Python's development and maintenance.
Among the ways you can support PSF is with a donation.

Kurt B. Kaiser publishes a weekly report on faults and patches.

Although unmaintained since 2002, the Cetus collection of Python
hyperlinks retains a few gems.

Python FAQTS

The Cookbook is a collaborative effort to capture useful and
interesting recipes.

Among several Python-oriented RSS/RDF feeds available are
For more, see
The old Python To-Do List now lives principally in a
SourceForge reincarnation.

The online Python Journal is 

Pydev 1.1.0 Released

2006-06-07 Thread Fabio Zadrozny
Hi All,

Pydev and Pydev Extensions 1.1.0 have been released

Details on Pydev Extensions:
Details on Pydev: 
Details on its development:

Release Highlights in Pydev Extensions:

- Bug-fixes

Release Highlights in Pydev:

- Startup is now faster for the plugin: actions, scripts, etc. are now all initialized in a separate thread
- Indentation engine does not degrade as document grows
- Multiple-string does not mess up highlighting anymore
- code completion issue with {} solved
- Ctrl+W: now expands the selection to cover the whole word where the cursor is
- Assign to attributes (provided by Joel Hedlund) was expanded so that Ctrl+1 on method line provides it as a valid proposal
- A Typing preferences page was created so that the main page now fits in lower resolutions 

What is PyDev?

PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python and
Jython development -- making Eclipse a first class Python IDE -- It
comes with many goodies such as code completion, syntax highlighting,
syntax analysis, refactor, debug and many others.


Fabio Zadrozny
Software Developer

ESSS - Engineering Simulation and Scientific Software

Pydev Extensions

Pydev - Python Development Enviroment for Eclipse

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANNOUNCE: Zenoss 0.20.0 Available

2006-06-07 Thread Erik A. Dahl
Version 0.20.0 of Zenoss is available for download.

This version adds native SNMP performance monitoring and a new  
install system.

To download:

Release Notes:

Project Blurb:

Zenoss is a powerful enterprise monitoring system written in Python/ 
Zenoss provides monitoring of organization-wide infrastructure in an  
integrated product.

Key features include:
   - Monitoring across layers (network, servers, apps, environment...)
   - Monitoring across platforms (windows, linux, unix...)
   - Monitoring across perspectives (availability, performance,  
events, configuration)
   - Support for various collection methods (SNMP, WMI, SSH, Telnet)
   - Automated modeling of the IT environment
   - Role-based access/management through web portal
   - GPL License



Erik Dahl


Support the Python Software Foundation:

python-dev Summary for 2006-04-01 through 2006-04-15

2006-06-07 Thread Steven Bethard
python-dev Summary for 2006-04-01 through 2006-04-15

.. contents::

[The HTML version of this Summary is available at]


Python 2.5a1 Released

Python 2.5 alpha 1 was released on April 5th.  Please download it and
try it out, particularly if you are an extension writer or you embed
Python -- you may want to change things to support 64-bit sequences,
and if you have been using mismatched PyMem_* and PyObject_*
allocation calls, you will need to fix these as well.

Contributing threads:

- `TRUNK FREEZE. 2.5a1, 00:00 UTC, Wednesday 5th of April.`__
- `outstanding items for 2.5`__
- `chilling svn for 2.5a1`__
- `Reminder: TRUNK FREEZE. 2.5a1, 00:00 UTC, Wednesday 5th of April.`__
- `RELEASED Python 2.5 (alpha 1)`__
- `segfault (double free?) when '''-string crosses line`__
- `pdb segfaults in 2.5 trunk?`__
- `IMPORTANT 2.5 API changes for C Extension Modules and Embedders`__

Contributor agreements

If you're listed in the `Python acknowledgments`_, and you haven't
signed a `contributor agreement`_, please submit one as soon as
possible.  Note that this includes even the folks that have been
around forever -- the PSF would like to be as careful as possible on
this one.

.. _Python acknowledgments:
.. _contributor agreement:

Contributing threads:

- `PSF Contributor Agreement for pysqlite`__

Firefox Python bug searches

Anthony Baxter has created a `Firefox searchbar`_ for finding Python
bugs by their SourceForge IDs.  There are also two Firefox sidebar
options: `Mark Hammond's`_ and `Daniel Lundin's`_.

.. _Firefox searchbar:
.. _Mark Hammond's:
.. _Daniel Lundin's:

Contributing thread:

- `Firefox searchbar engine for Python bugs`__

Building Python with the free MS Toolkit compiler

Paul Moore documented how to build Python on Windows with the free MS
Toolkit C++ compiler `on the wiki`_.  The most up-to-date version of
these instructions is in `PCbuild/readme.txt`_.

.. _on the wiki:
.. _PCbuild/readme.txt:

Contributing thread:

- `Building Python with the free MS Toolkit compiler`__

Please login to the wiki when you make changes

Skip Montanaro has requested that anyone posting to the wiki sign in
first, as this makes things easier for those monitoring changes to the
wiki. When you're logged in, your changes appear with your name, and
so can be immediately recognized as not being wiki-spam.

Contributing thread:

- `Suggestion: Please login to wiki when you make changes`__

Checking an older blamelist

While the buildbot blamelist may scroll off the `main page`_ in a
matter of hours, you can still see the blamelist for a particular
revision by checking a particular build number, e.g. to see build 800
of the trunk on the G4 OSX, you could check

.. _main page:

Contributing threads:

- `Preserving the blamelist`__
- `TODO Wiki (was: Preserving the blamelist)`__


Garbage collection issues

One of the 

ANN: W3C batchvalidator script 1.6

2006-06-07 Thread Christof Höke
what is it
A short script which calls the W3C HTML Validator in batch mode. 
Adapted from a Perl version.

changes since the last release
New option ``UPLOADFROMURL`` to retrieve files from e.g. a local server 
which the w3 validator may not be able to access. Useful if dynamic 
pages like .php or .jsp pages need to be validated.


download validate-1.6 - 060606 from

tested on Python 2.4 only but should work on other versions as it is 
really quite simple...

Included is a (modified) script (originally from to be 
able to POST fields and files to an HTTP host as multipart/form-data.

any comment will be appreciated, thanks

Support the Python Software Foundation:

IPython 0.7.2 is out.

2006-06-07 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

The IPython team is happy to release version 0.7.2, with a lot of new
enhancements, as well as many bug fixes.

We hope you all enjoy it, and please report any problems as usual.

WHAT is IPython?

1. An interactive shell superior to Python's default. IPython has many
features for object introspection, system shell access, and its own special
command system for adding functionality when working interactively.

2. An embeddable, ready to use interpreter for your own programs. IPython can
be started with a single call from inside another program, providing access to
the current namespace.

3. A flexible framework which can be used as the base environment for other
systems with Python as the underlying language.

4. A shell for interactive usage of threaded graphical toolkits. IPython has
support for interactive, non-blocking control of GTK, Qt and WX applications
via special threading flags. The normal Python shell can only do this for
Tkinter applications.

Where to get it

IPython's homepage is at:

and downloads are at:

We've provided:

  - Source download (.tar.gz)
  - An RPM (for Python 2.4, built under Ubuntu Dapper 6.06).
  - A Python Egg (
  - A native win32 installer.

The egg is 'light', as it doesn't include documentation and other ancillary
data.  If you want a full ipython installation, use the source tarball or your
distribution's favorite system.

We note that IPython is now officially part of most major Linux and BSD
distributions, so packages for this version should be coming soon, as the
respective maintainers have the time to follow their packaging procedures.
Many thanks to Jack Moffit, Norbert Tretkowski, Andrea Riciputi, Dryice Liu
and Will Maier for the packaging work, which helps users get IPython more

Many thanks to Enthought for their continued hosting support for IPython.

Release notes

As always, the full ChangeLog is at  The
highlights of this release follow.  Also see the What's New page at

for more details on some of these features.

* Walter Doerwald's ipipe module, which provides a handy way to browse and
manipulate tabular data, e.g. groups of files or environment variables (this
is currently mostly a *nix feature, due to its need for ncurses).  Walter is
now a member of the IPython team.

* The IPython project is the new home for the UNC readline extension, which
allows win32 users to access readline facilities (tab completion, colored
prompts, and more).  UNC readline has been renamed PyReadline, and has a
number of important new features, especially for users of non-US keyboards.
See this page for more details:

* A new extension and configuration API.

* Hardened persistence. Persistence of data now uses pickleshare, a
shelve-like module that allows concurrent access to the central ipython
database by multiple ipython instances.

* Simpler output capture: files=!ls will now capture the 'ls' call into
the 'files' variable.

* New magic functions: %timeit, %upgrade, %quickref, %cpaste, %clip,
%clear.  Also, a 'raw' mode has been added to %edit, %macro, %history.

* Batch files. If the file ends with .ipy, you can launch it by ipython
myfile.ipy.  It will be executed as if it had been typed interactively (it
can contain magics, aliases, etc.)

* New pexpect-based 'irunner' module, to run scripts and produce all the
prompts as if they had been typed one by one.  This lets you reproduce a
complete interactive session from a file, which can be very useful when
producing documentation, for example.  The module provides default runners for
ipython, plain python and SAGE (  Users can subclass
the base runner to produce new ones for any interactive system whose prompts
are predictable (such as gnuplot, a system shell, etc.).

* New option to log 'raw' input into IPython's logs.  The logs will then be
valid .ipy batch scripts just as you typed them, instead of containing the
converted python source.

* Fixes and improvements to (X)Emacs support.  PDB auto-tracking is back
(it had broken in 0.7.1,  and auto-indent now works inside emacs ipython
buffers.   You will need to update your copy of ipython.el, which you can get
from the doc/ directory.  A copy is here, for convenience:

* The ipapi system offers a new to_user_ns() method in the IPython object,
to inject variables from a running script directly into the user's namespace.
   This lets you have internal variables from a script visible interactively
for further manipulation after %running it.

* Thanks to Will Maier, IPython is now 

Fredericksburg, VA ZPUG June 14: meld3 templating and memcached sessions

2006-06-07 Thread Gary Poster
Please join us Wed., June 14, 7:30-9:00 PM, for another meeting of  
the Fredericksburg, VA Zope and Python User Group (ZPUG). We will  
have two full presentations, and some good snacks.

If you plan to attend, an email 24 hours in advance would be  
appreciated (but last minute attendees are welcome).

- Chris McDonough will talk about meld3, a Python HTML/XML templating  
system in the spirit of PyMeld and other 'push-based' templating  
systems. (

- Tres Seaver will present Using memcached in Python and Zope,  
including a demo of using his 'mcdutils' product to do shared session  
management in Zope.


General ZPUG information

When: second Wednesday of every month, 7:30-9:00.

Where: Zope Corporation offices. 513 Prince Edward Street;
Fredericksburg, VA 22408 (tinyurl for map is

Parking: Zope Corporation parking lot; entrance on Prince Edward Street.

Topics: As desired (and offered) by participants, within the
constraints of having to do with Python or Zope.

Mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Contact: Gary Poster ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] Firedrop 0.2.2

2006-06-07 Thread Fuzzyman
`Firedrop 2 0.2.2`_ is
now available.

You can download it from :


This is an important release with several new features, and
contributions from new developers joining the team.

What is Firedrop2 ?

**Firedrop2** is a free, cross-platform blogging tool written in
`Python`_. It keeps your blog source files on
computer, making it a *clientside* tool. This means you control your
and can easily move it from one server to another, with no risk of
losing data.
It also means you can manage your blog *offline*.

It is fully open source, and has all the features you expect from a
blogging program :

* {acro;RSS;Really Simple Syndication} feed generation
* Categories
* Automatic archive generation
* A powerful set of plugins, including spellchecker, emailer, and
* Entries can be made in text, {acro;HTML}, {acro;ReST}, textile,
sextile or markdown markup
* HTML templating system and macros for all sorts of tricks
* Built-in {acro;FTP} capability for uploading your blog to a server
* Integrated blog comments support (Through Haloscan_)
* Because it's written in Python, it is easy to extend Firedrop or
create new   plugins for it

What's New ?

This release has a lot of bugfixes and changes. Hopefully I've
remembered the important ones. {sm;:-)}

* Fixed a bug with categories and the unicode wxPython
* Added the Themes plugin by Stewart Midwinter [#]_
* RSS feeds can be generated for all the categories, by Davy Mitchell
* Firedrop now saves user data in the users home (checking sensibly for
directories where it has write permissions)
* Now includes support for the `Haloscan`_
comments system.
* Addition of the Firedrop2 banner by Stewart Midwinter.

Plus other code improvements and bug fixes.

Their is already work being done on the next release. This will include
features like :

* Faster build time through entry HTML caching
* Blog statistics report generation
* Tagging
* A Podcast plugin
* Extension to the plugin protocol for extra plugin capabilities

.. [#] The Themes plugin requires version 0.3.32 of `Wax`_, or more recent.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Reading from a file and converting it into a list of lines

2006-06-07 Thread Girish Sahani
 On 6/06/2006 4:15 PM, Girish Sahani wrote:
 Really sorry for that indentation thing :)
 I tried out the code you have given, and also the one sreeram had
 In all of these,i get the same error of this type:
 Error i get in Sreeram's code is:
 n1,_,n2,_ = line.split(',')
 ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

 And error i get in your code is:
 for n1, a1, n2, a2 in reader:
 ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack

 Any ideas why this is happening?

 In the case of my code, this is consistent with the line being empty,
 probably the last line. As my mentor Bruno D. would say, your test data
 does not match your spec :-) Which do you want to change, the spec or
 the data?
Thanks John, i just changed my Data file so as not to contain any empty
lines, i guess that was the easier solution ;)

 You can change my csv-reading code to detect dodgy data like this (for

 for row in reader:
  if not row:
  continue # ignore empty lines, wherever they appear
  if len(row) != 4:
  raise ValueError(Malformed row %r % row)
  n1, a1, n2, a2 = row

 In the case of Sreeram's code, perhaps you could try inserting
  print line = , repr(line)
 before the statement that is causing the error.

 Thanks a lot,



assign operator as variable ?

2006-06-07 Thread s99999999s2003
in python is there any way to do this

op = 
a = 10
b = 20
if a op b :
   print a is less than b




Re: A more elegant way to do this list comprehension?

2006-06-07 Thread Gary Herron
Levi Self wrote:
 This probably seems very trivial, maybe even a bit silly, but I was
 wondering if someone has a better list comprehension that does the
 same thing as this one:

  print [[[i]*i for i in range(1,9)][j][k] for j in range(8) for k
 in range(j+1)]
 [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7,
 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8]

Sure.  Try:
[i+1 for i in range(8) for j in range(i+1)]

Gary Herron


Re: 10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-07 Thread Fredrik Lundh
fuzzylollipop wrote:

 you got no idea what you are talking about, anyone knows that something
 like this is IO bound.

which of course explains why some XML parsers for Python are a 100 times 
faster than other XML parsers for Python...



Re: assign operator as variable ?

2006-06-07 Thread -- bj0rn

 in python is there any way to do this

 op = 
 a = 10
 b = 20
 if a op b :
print a is less than b

 in python is there any way to do this

 op = 
 a = 10
 b = 20
 if a op b :
print a is less than b

Will this work for you?:

import operator
op =
a = 10
b = 20
if op(a, b):
print a is less than b

-- bj0rn


Re: 10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-07 Thread Fredrik Lundh
fuzzylollipop wrote:

 Is it possible to read an XML document in compressed format?
 compressing the footprint on disk won't matter, you  still have 10GB of
 data that you need to process and it can only be processed uncompressed.

didn't you just claim that this was an I/O bound problem ?



Re: assign operator as variable ?

2006-06-07 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 in python is there any way to do this
 op = 
 a = 10
 b = 20
 if a op b :
print a is less than b

the operator module contains functions corresponding to all builtin 

 import operator

 ops = {
 ==: operator.eq,
 =: operator.le,

 op = 

 a = 10
 b = 20

 if ops[op](a, b):
 print a is less than b



Any good module for chart creation ?

2006-06-07 Thread struggleyb struggleyb
Hi , I am just doing a trivial job , which generate a bar chart from a collection of data , for example :I have a file like below ,Tom:23John:12Marry:56Jack:34...
What I want to do is to read the data from the file and display it as a bar chart or some other chartand then put the chart in my web page !I know it is something veryeasy but I got blocked in installing reportlab package . It failed to generate
any picture and told that it can't find the 'Times-Roman' .pfd file .And the traceback is at below :Warn: Can't find .pfb for face 'Times-Roman'Traceback (most recent call last):  File ./, line 21, in ?
renderPM.draw(d,c,0,0,showBoundary=rl_config._unset_)  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/reportlab/graphics/, line 49, in drawR.draw(drawing, canvas, x, y, showBoundary=showBoundary)
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/reportlab/graphics/, line 188, in drawself.initState(x,y)  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/reportlab/graphics/, line 86, in initState
self.applyState()  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/reportlab/graphics/, line 80, in applyStateself._canvas.setFont(s['fontName'], s['fontSize'])  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/reportlab/graphics/, line 327, in setFont
_setFont(self._gs,fontName,fontSize)  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/reportlab/graphics/, line 207, in _setFontraise RenderPMError, Can't setFont(%s) missing the T1 files?\nOriginally %s: %s % (fontName,s1,s2) Can't setFont(Times-Roman) missing the T1 files?Originally exceptions.TypeError: makeT1Font() argument 2 must be string, not NoneI get bored to do that , can anyone give me some help or is there any other python package to accomplish
the task more simply and fast ?Thanks in advance !Best Regards !

Re: Using pysqlite2

2006-06-07 Thread xera121
Many thanks Gerhard - the solution you offer is workable in the scope
of my project.
Gracias muchacho


Re: 10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-07 Thread Fredrik Lundh
 This is interesting. Unfortunately, I have no control over the XML
 output. The file is from Goldmine. However, you have given me an
 Is it possible to read an XML document in compressed format?

sure.  you can e.g. use to create a file object that 
decompresses on the way in.

 file =

 for event, elem in ET.iterparse(file):
 if elem.tag == item:

I tried compressing my 1 GB example, but all 1000-byte records in that 
file are identical, so I got a 500x compression, which is a bit higher 
than you can reasonably expect ;-)  however, with that example, I get a 
stable parsing time of 26 seconds, so it looks as if gzip can produce 
data about as fast as a preloaded disk cache...



Re: python-dev Summary for 2006-04-01 through 2006-04-15

2006-06-07 Thread Fredrik Lundh
 Python 2.5a1 Released
 Python 2.5 alpha 1 was released on April 5th.  Please download it and
 try it out, particularly if you are an extension writer or you embed
 Python -- you may want to change things to support 64-bit sequences,
 and if you have been using mismatched PyMem_* and PyObject_*
 allocation calls, you will need to fix these as well.

gotta do something about the lag, really ;-)

for the record, 2.5 alpha 2 was released in late april; get it here:

the rest of the summary blurb still applies; extension writers should 
read PEP 353:



Re: newbie: python application on a web page

2006-06-07 Thread gene tani

puzz wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'd also appreciate a link to a beginner forum

and (not really a beginner forum, not really high volume, either)


pyqt show wizard

2006-06-07 Thread Yves Glodt

I have a mainwindow in my pyqt application, and on click of a button I 
want to start an assistant (wizard).

I have create the wizard with the Qt Designer, generated the python code 
with pyuic, imported it from assistant import *, and subclassed it as 

To show it, the onclick method of the button does:

w = Wizard()

bot nothing happens...

How must I do to start the wizard...?

Best regards,


Re: how not to run out of memory in cursor.execute

2006-06-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
whenever you are using a package that leaks memory.
it can be appropriate to use Rpyc ( to run
the leaking code in a different process, and restart it from time to
I've been using this method to avoid the leaks of matplotlib.


Re: A more elegant way to do this list comprehension?

2006-06-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7,
  7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8]
 [i+1 for i in range(8) for j in range(i+1)]
[i for i in range(9) for j in range(i)]


Re: what are you using python language for?

2006-06-07 Thread mystilleef
Desktop application development


Re: what are you using python language for?

2006-06-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
scientific computing
testing systems
hobby: games. check


Re: Writing to a certain line?

2006-06-07 Thread bruno at modulix
Tommy B wrote:
 bruno at modulix wrote:


import os
old = open(/path/to/file.txt, r)
new = open(/path/to/new.txt, w)
for line in old:
  if line.strip() == Bob 62
line = line.replace(62, 66)
os.rename(/path/to/new.txt, /path/to/file.txt)

 Umm... I tried using this method and it froze. Infiinite loop, I'm

Wrong guess - unless, as Fredrik suggested, you have an infinite disk
with an infinite file on it. If so, please share with, we would be
*very* interested !-)

Seriously : a for loop can only become an infinite loop if the iterable
is infinite. AFAIK, file objects (created from regular files on a
standard filesystem) are definitively not infinite.

Problem is elsewhere. But since you prefered to guess - instead of
providing relevant informations - we just can't help.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Bug in list comprehensions?

2006-06-07 Thread Iain King
I was playing with list comprehensions, to try and work out how doubled
up versions work (like this one from another thread: [i for i in
range(9) for j in range(i)]).  I think I've figured that out, but I
found something strange along the way:

 alpha = [one, two, three]
 beta = [A, B, C]
 [x for x in alpha for y in beta]
['one', 'one', 'one', 'two', 'two', 'two', 'three', 'three', 'three']
 [x for x in y for y in beta]
['C', 'C', 'C']
 beta = [alpha, alpha, alpha]
[['one', 'two', 'three'], ['one', 'two', 'three'], ['one', 'two',
 [x for x in y for y in beta]
['C', 'C', 'C']
 [y for y in beta]
[['one', 'two', 'three'], ['one', 'two', 'three'], ['one', 'two',
 [x for x in y for y in beta]
['one', 'one', 'one', 'two', 'two', 'two', 'three', 'three', 'three']

Shoudn't both lines '[x for x in y for y in beta]' produce the same
I'm guessing I'm the one confused here... but I'm confused!  What's
going on?



Re: Bug in list comprehensions?

2006-06-07 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Iain King wrote:

 I'm guessing I'm the one confused here... but I'm confused!  What's 
 going on?

reading the documentation may help:

 /.../ the elements of the new list are those that would be produced
 by considering each of the for or if clauses a block, nesting from left
 to right, and evaluating the expression to produce a list element each
 time the innermost block is reached.

the clauses nest from left to right, not from right to left, so [x for 
x in y for y in beta] is equivalent to

  out = []
  for x in y:
  for y in beta:



Re: Bug in list comprehensions?

2006-06-07 Thread Duncan Booth
Iain King wrote:

 [x for x in y for y in beta]
 ['C', 'C', 'C']
 [y for y in beta]
 [['one', 'two', 'three'], ['one', 'two', 'three'], ['one', 'two',
 [x for x in y for y in beta]
 ['one', 'one', 'one', 'two', 'two', 'two', 'three', 'three', 'three']
 Shoudn't both lines '[x for x in y for y in beta]' produce the same

[x for x in y for y in beta] is a shorthand for:

tmp = []
for x in y:
for y in beta:

So x iterates over whatever y is before the loop starts, and y iterates 
over beta (but that doesn't affect what x is iterating over).

The important thing is to remember that the order of 'for' and 'if' 
statements is the same as though you had written the for loop out in full.

Use of Python in .NET

2006-06-07 Thread sushant . sirsikar
  I am developing a code which has MVC (Model - View - Controler)
architecture.My view is in .NET. And my controller is in Python.So can
i call Python script from .NET? If yes,
 Can anybody tell me method or related documentation?
  Thanks in Advamce


secure xmlrpc server?

2006-06-07 Thread Laszlo Nagy


I'm trying to create a simple XMLRPC server and a client. It is a small 
application, but the connection needs to be secure. I would like the 
client to be as thin as possible. Ideally, the client should only 
require the basic python library, nothing else. I found many examples on 
the net. But I could not find secure ones (except twisted/xmlrpc, but I 
would like to use the basic python lib on the client side, if possible). 
I know that python supports HTTPS. In theory, this could be used to 
bulild a secure xmlrpc server. I think that the client would work with 
this code:

# Connect to server
server = ServerProxy(;)

But I do not know how to create an XML RPC server in Python that uses 
HTTPS for XML transports.  (The server may use other libraries, just the 
client needs to be thin.)
Can you help me please?




Re: Need pixie dust for building Python 2.4 curses module on Solaris 8

2006-06-07 Thread skip

John Was libncurses.a compiled with -fpic (or -fPIC, if necessary)?


When built shared the source was compiled with -fPIC.  -fPIC is not used
when not built shared.  I forced that in a non-shared build.  It still gave
me the undefined acs32map error.  I tried adding either termlib or termcap
to the link libraries, as they both provide that symbol:

bash-2.03$ nm -p /usr/lib/libtermcap.
bash-2.03$ nm -p /usr/lib/ | egrep acs32map
245332 B acs32map
bash-2.03$ nm -p /usr/lib/libtermcap.a | egrep acs32map
04 D acs32map
00 U acs32map
00 U acs32map
00 U acs32map
00 U acs32map
00 U acs32map

I got all sorts of warnings about various symbols having differing sizes:

ld: warning: symbol `acs_map' has differing sizes:
(file /opt/app/nonc++/ncurses-5.5/lib/libncurses.a(lib_acs.o) 
value=0x200; file /usr/ccs/lib/ value=0x4);
/opt/app/nonc++/ncurses-5.5/lib/libncurses.a(lib_acs.o) definition 
ld: warning: symbol `numnames' has differing sizes:
(file /opt/app/nonc++/ncurses-5.5/lib/libncurses.a(names.o) 
value=0xa0; file /usr/ccs/lib/ value=0x88);
/opt/app/nonc++/ncurses-5.5/lib/libncurses.a(names.o) definition 

The link succeeded when I added termcap and the generated _curses and
_curses_panel modules import successfully.  The fact that both modules
appear to refer to /usr/lib/ now:

$ ldd build/lib.solaris-2.8-i86pc-2.4/ =/usr/lib/ = /opt/app/nonc++/lib/ = /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/
$ ldd build/lib.solaris-2.8-i86pc-2.4/ =/usr/lib/ = /opt/app/nonc++/lib/ = /usr/lib/ =/usr/lib/

bothers me since I explicitly asked to get the version I had installed and
(based on the warnings above) it appears to have retrieved many symbols from
that version.  Also, running the unit test seems to hang.  It certainly ties
up the xterm.


Re: Python language problem

2006-06-07 Thread Boris Borcic
 class A:
 ...   pass
 a = A()
 b = a
 del b
 __main__.A instance at 0x00B91BC0
 I want to delete 'a' through 'b', why It does't? 
 How can I do that?

del a,b


Re: Python language problem

2006-06-07 Thread Laszlo Nagy
 class A:
 ...   pass
 a = A()
 b = a
 del b
 __main__.A instance at 0x00B91BC0
 I want to delete 'a' through 'b', why It does't? 
 How can I do that?

You must undestand that 'a' and 'b' are names. You can only delete 
names, not objects. Objects are freed by the garbage collector, 
automatically. Probably you used to write programs in C or Pascal or 
other languages with pointers. In Python, there are no pointers, just 
references and you cannot free an object. You can only delete the 
references to it. The good question is: why would you like to free an 
object manually? The garbage collector will do it for you automatically, 
when the object has no more references. (Well, cyclic references are 
also garbage collected but not immediately.)

If you need to handle resources, you can still use the try-finally 
statement. Like in:

f = file('example.txt','r')
s =
f.close() # The resource is freed. But the object that was used to 
access the resource, may not be freed here




Re: Python language problem

2006-06-07 Thread ripley

Boris Borcic wrote:
  class A:
  ...   pass
  a = A()
  b = a
  del b
  __main__.A instance at 0x00B91BC0
  I want to delete 'a' through 'b', why It does't?
  How can I do that?

 del a,b

But 'b' is also deleted, i want use 'b' to delete 'a', 'b' is exists.


CENSORSHIP - Django Project (Schema Evolution Support)

2006-06-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
[posted publicly to comp.lang.python, with email notification to 6 
recipients relevant to the topic]

I have implemented a simple schema evolution support for django, due to 
a need for a personal project. Additionally, I've provided an Audit:

As a result, I was censored ('banned' from the development list)

My initial non-public complain [1] about censorship on django devel, 
sent to six relevant project recipients [2] remained unanswered.

The only 'answer' I got was an additional censorship on the _user_ list, 
which is _completely_ unjustified, as I've just requested comments to my 
code-level working results:


I understand that the community was possibly confused due to my past 
evaluations. But this gives in _no_ way the right to attack me 
personally and to apply censorship.

Django was originally created in late 2003 at World Online, the Web 
division2 of the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper in Lawrence, Kansas

The Django Project should really avoid such non-liberal actions in future.

Please enable my access to the user list, thus I can complete my work.

Thank you.



If anyone is interested to verify the results, in order to stabelize the 
  simple schema evolution support for django, please review the results 



I've implemented the above as the suggestions from the django project 
(manually create an execute ALTER TABLE statements) would hinder me to 
develop my application incrementally:

If you do care about deleting data, you'll have to execute the ALTER 
TABLE statements manually in your database. That's the way we've always 
done it, because dealing with data is a very sensitive operation that 
we've wanted to avoid automating. That said, there's some work being 
done to add partially automated database-upgrade functionality.



Date   : 2006-06-03 08:32
Subject: pj.audit.django.censorship/offer.


* Censorship on django-developer
* Personal Projects
[...] - (non-public commercial part omitted)


I would like to know for which reason I was banned from the developers

Django comes from an newspaper environment, and I think you should
really evaluate your information twice before you *censor* someone on
the list, who has posted only topics relevant to django development in
order to fulfill several tasks for an Audit:

Is this here really enough to justify censorship?:

Please, Mr. Holovaty, enable my access to the development-list again
thus I can finalize my work.



Instead of blocking me without any justification from the
development-list, why don't you just look on my website, where I list
some links (including that one found' and explain the project:

I've worked several years on this Core Project, which is finalized,
and in 2006 I've started to define the resulting services:

As stated, I use django for a personal project (which I hope will secure
me some incomings). The evolve functionality was necessary in order to
start with development of my project. At the same time I made the audit
publicly, thus other people can benefit from my experiences.

Additionally, I look for a reference customer. Although I had planned to
finalize the Audit first and then to contact you, the missing access to
the developer list forces me to change my schedule.

[...] - (non-public commercial part omitted)


The recipients were take for the following file:

and from this file:



Re: Python language problem

2006-06-07 Thread ripley

Laszlo Nagy wrote:
 You must undestand that 'a' and 'b' are names. You can only delete
 names, not objects. Objects are freed by the garbage collector,
 automatically. Probably you used to write programs in C or Pascal or
 other languages with pointers. In Python, there are no pointers, just
 references and you cannot free an object. You can only delete the
 references to it. The good question is: why would you like to free an
 object manually? The garbage collector will do it for you automatically,
 when the object has no more references. (Well, cyclic references are
 also garbage collected but not immediately.)

 If you need to handle resources, you can still use the try-finally
 statement. Like in:

 f = file('example.txt','r')
 s =
 f.close() # The resource is freed. But the object that was used to
 access the resource, may not be freed here



Thanks for your so detailed explain, I think I know you, But my Engish
is not enough
to explain.

I create same object in Tree, I want to update Tree, when I need to
delete subtree.
If where no references, I can't do that. some thing like blow:
for i in list:
   del i
From that code, I can't update list anymore.


Re: Python language problem

2006-06-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Thanks for your so detailed explain, I think I know you, But my Engish
 is not enough
 to explain.
 I create same object in Tree, I want to update Tree, when I need to
 delete subtree.
 If where no references, I can't do that. some thing like blow:
 for i in list:
del i

This makes no sense. In python, objects are garbage collected when there are
no references to the anymore. What you do is 

 - create a reference to an object by letting i point to it

 - remove i, such that the reference is removed.

This has no effect at all --  1 - 1 = 0

If you want to remove items from a list, do something like this:

l[:] = [e for e in l if predicate(e)]

This will alter the list l such that only the elements of it that fullfill
the predicate are retained.

In other words:

your code above should work when written like this:

l[:] = []

which effectively removes all elements from the list. 

This does NOT mean that the objects referenced to by the list are deleted! 
If they are referenced from anywhere else, they are kept!!


Re: CENSORSHIP - Django Project (Schema Evolution Support)

2006-06-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

[posted publicly to comp.lang.python, with no email notification to 
 recipients that certainly don't consider this a relevant topic and for all
those who don't know Illias]


Re: tempfile Question

2006-06-07 Thread John Machin
On 7/06/2006 3:57 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On Wed, 07 Jun 2006 09:56:13 +1000, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
 The dir, prefix and suffix parameters are passed to mkstemp().
 So I'd be thinking about using the (deprecated) mktemp() instead, 
   I think you passed over the mkstemp() variation. Granted, it, too,
 returns an opened file, along with the full pathname of the file, but it
 requires the caller to handle eventual disposal of the file.
   Merely close the opened file; pass the pathname to the subprocess,
 await completion of subprocess, reopen the file for use in Python...
 Then at the end, close the file and use the pathname to delete the file
 from the system.

I passed over mkstemp() because (according to my reading of the manual), 
mkstemp() requires an *extra* step (close the file), leaving the 
situation then *exactly* the same as with mktemp() i.e. some pirate 
process may molest the file before the caller's child process can open 
the file.


Re: CENSORSHIP - Django Project (Schema Evolution Support)

2006-06-07 Thread Simon Willison
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 [posted publicly to comp.lang.python, with email notification to 6
 recipients relevant to the topic]

 I have implemented a simple schema evolution support for django, due to
 a need for a personal project. Additionally, I've provided an Audit:

 As a result, I was censored ('banned' from the development list)

Please see this message for background:

To summarise, it was felt that Ilias was deliberately trolling the
mailing list. No further explanation seems necessary.


Re: secure xmlrpc server?

2006-06-07 Thread Jeethu Rao
Using Twisted on the server side for xmlrpc doesn't restrict your 
options to using only Twisted on the client side.
Nothing prevents you from using xmlrpclib.ServerProxy on the client side.

Jeethu Rao

Laszlo Nagy wrote:

 I'm trying to create a simple XMLRPC server and a client. It is a small 
 application, but the connection needs to be secure. I would like the 
 client to be as thin as possible. Ideally, the client should only 
 require the basic python library, nothing else. I found many examples on 
 the net. But I could not find secure ones (except twisted/xmlrpc, but I 
 would like to use the basic python lib on the client side, if possible). 
 I know that python supports HTTPS. In theory, this could be used to 
 bulild a secure xmlrpc server. I think that the client would work with 
 this code:

 # Connect to server
 server = ServerProxy(;)

 But I do not know how to create an XML RPC server in Python that uses 
 HTTPS for XML transports.  (The server may use other libraries, just the 
 client needs to be thin.)
 Can you help me please?





Re: CENSORSHIP - Django Project (Schema Evolution Support)

2006-06-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

What has this wikipedia entry to do with the topic here?

What is the credibility and value of the provided wikipedia entry?

Let's review the editor's list:


Howdy. I'm James Bennett, a web developer[...]and then moved to 
Lawrence, Kansas where I now work for World Online, the online division 
of the Lawrence Journal-World and home of the Django web framework.


- no profile available -


Note to readers:

Further links and explanations about my past evaluation work are 
publicized on my website:

Those evaluations are now closed, and I try to focus on personal 
projects, whilst contribution results back to other users in the open 
source way.


I try now to apply such Requirements Compliancy Audits in a more 
decent way:

For some reason, the Django Project Community and leadership has reacted 
extremely against my findings, writings and even code-level contributions.

At this point I don't know why.

But possibly I will do so shortly.



A WAD(-like) C-level exception catcher for Windows?

2006-06-07 Thread robert
For Unix there exists the WAD (part of SWIG) to catch C/machine-level 
errors (mem. access error, etc. ) and transform them into nice Python 
( )

Does something like that exist for Windows?
Or does somebody know a roadmap how to do something like that with 
Windows most easily?


Re: subprocesses, stdin/out, ttys, and beating insubordinate processes into the ground

2006-06-07 Thread Steve Holden
Jonathan Smith wrote:
 First a bit about what I'm trying to do. I need a function which takes a 
 patchfile and patches a source directory. Thats it. However, I need to 
 be able to do so no matter what the patchlevel (-px) of the diff is. So, 
 my solution is to just try to patch until it works or you try a level 
 more than 3. However, if you have a reversed patch, or patch can't find 
 the right file, GNU patch tries to ask for input and I don't want that. 
 I know that patch will run non-interactively when backgrounded in a 
 shell (no controlling tty). This is what I've tried so far:
  def patchme(self, provides, f, destDir, patchlevels):
  for patchlevel in patchlevels:
  patchArgs = ['patch', '-d', destDir, '-p%s'%patchlevel, ]
  if self.backup:
  patchArgs.append(['-b', '-z', self.backup])
  if self.extraArgs:
  patchArgs.append(self.extraArgs)'attempting to patch the source with file %s and 
 patchlevel %s' % (f,patchlevel))
  p1 = subprocess.Popen([provides, f], 
 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
  p2 = subprocess.Popen(patchArgs, stdin=p1.stdout, shell=False)
  message = p2.communicate()[0] # patch seems to use stdout 
 for everything, even errors
  if message != None and
  os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM)
  elif p2.wait():'patch did not apply with path level %s' % 
  print message
  log.error('could not apply the patch to your build dir')
 However, I still get an interactive prompt, no matter what I try! Using 
 shell=False did not help, nor did trying to kill the pid if python sees 
 a line from patch which isn't saying what its patching or giving info on 
 a specific hunk. Any suggestions?
 PS: if you're a maintainer for GNU patch, a --non-interactive would be 
 really nice ;-) (and no, -f and -t aren't good enough as they force 
 other things that I don't want)

If the technique you want to use doesn't work, it's usually a good idea 
to try another technique. Your current approach is pretty dreadful, when 
it would be relatively easy to parse the start of the patchfile and 
determine the appropriate level (i.e. -p argument) by finding the file 
to be patched.

Neither your approach nor my suggested alternative is that good when the 
patch is modifying a file whose name appears at several points in the 
directory hierarchy (as may be the case with README, for example), so it 
might be even better to parse the whole patchfile and ensure that the 
level you choose correctly identifies all target files.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog
Recent Ramblings


Re: secure xmlrpc server?

2006-06-07 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Laszlo Nagy wrote:
cut ssl for xmlrpc
Have a look at:


Re: tempfile Question

2006-06-07 Thread Steve Holden
John Machin wrote:
 On 7/06/2006 3:57 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
On Wed, 07 Jun 2006 09:56:13 +1000, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:

The dir, prefix and suffix parameters are passed to mkstemp().


So I'd be thinking about using the (deprecated) mktemp() instead, 

  I think you passed over the mkstemp() variation. Granted, it, too,
returns an opened file, along with the full pathname of the file, but it
requires the caller to handle eventual disposal of the file.

  Merely close the opened file; pass the pathname to the subprocess,
await completion of subprocess, reopen the file for use in Python...
Then at the end, close the file and use the pathname to delete the file
from the system.
 I passed over mkstemp() because (according to my reading of the manual), 
 mkstemp() requires an *extra* step (close the file), leaving the 
 situation then *exactly* the same as with mktemp() i.e. some pirate 
 process may molest the file before the caller's child process can open 
 the file.
Surely if you set permissions correctly on /tmp (sticky-but to require 
ownership for deletion) and you create your temporary file with sensible 
ownership and permissions then rogue processes without root privileges 
can't do anything bad to your files. Or am I wrong?

Of course if a rogue process has root privileges then all security bets 
are off anyway.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog
Recent Ramblings


Re: Again, Downloading and Displaying an Image from the Internet in Tkinter

2006-06-07 Thread Dustan
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Dustan wrote:

  Ok, that worked (was it plain w or the writelines/readlines that messed
  it up?).

 the plain w; very few image files are text files.

   But Tkinter still can't find the image. I'm getting an error
  TclError: image C:\Documents and [pathname snipped] doesn't exist
  If it makes a difference, I'm on a Windows XP machine, and don't have
  to go cross-platform.

 the image option takes a PhotoImage object, not a file name:

 note that the built-in PhotoImage type only supports a few image
 formats; to get support for e.g. PNG and JPEG, you can use PIL which
 ships with it's own PhotoImage replacement:

Thanks for the information.

The reason I hadn't made any attempt before is well illustrated here; I
didn't have enough information at my disposal to know where to start
and how I it works. My references are more basic-level than that (I do
have a better reference to look to, but it's currently inaccessible).


Re: Use of Python in .NET

2006-06-07 Thread Fuzzyman

   I am developing a code which has MVC (Model - View - Controler)
 architecture.My view is in .NET. And my controller is in Python.So can
 i call Python script from .NET? If yes,
  Can anybody tell me method or related documentation?

There are at least two individual projects in the top ten results that
may work for you... :-)


   Thanks in Advamce


Re: CENSORSHIP - Django Project (Schema Evolution Support)

2006-06-07 Thread Fuzzyman

Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 What has this wikipedia entry to do with the topic here?

 What is the credibility and value of the provided wikipedia entry?

Wow, you're a troll with your own wikipedia entry. That's impressive -
you should put it on your CV.



cgi and popen

2006-06-07 Thread Maarten van Veen
A long story made short, I've build a python/cgi website consisting of 
two pages. Page1 has a html form in which you can input a series of 
queries. Then via Popen it starts a pythons search script, which stores 
the results in a python shelve.
As the Popen command is given it should redirect to page2, which will 
check if the shelve is ready (search finished) and if not displays a 
search page, refreshing itself after 10 seconds.
The Popen command works nice when tried out in the console. The script 
isueing the Popen quits, and the other process keeps on running till 
But when embedded in page1.cgi, page 1 waits till the search is 
finished, resulting in a browser timeout when big queries are done. It 
was this problem in the first place why I split up the page in two and 
added Popen.
Does anybody know how to get the page not waiting on Popen to finish?


Re: how not to run out of memory in cursor.execute

2006-06-07 Thread John Hunter

[EMAIL PROTECTED] whenever you are using a package that leaks memory.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] it can be appropriate to use Rpyc
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ( to run the leaking
[EMAIL PROTECTED] code in a different process, and restart it from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] time to time.  I've been using this method to avoid
[EMAIL PROTECTED] the leaks of matplotlib.

The only known leak in matplotlib is in the tkagg backend which we
believe comes from tkinter and is not in matplotlib proper.  There are
a variety of ways to make it look like matplotlib is leaking memory,
eg overplotting when you want to first clear the plot, or failing to
close figures properly.  We have unit tests to check for leaks, and
they are passing.  Perhaps you can post some code which exposes the


Re: Python language problem

2006-06-07 Thread Steve Holden
ripley wrote:
 Boris Borcic wrote:

class A:

...   pass

a = A()
b = a
del b

__main__.A instance at 0x00B91BC0
I want to delete 'a' through 'b', why It does't?
How can I do that?

del a,b
 But 'b' is also deleted, i want use 'b' to delete 'a', 'b' is exists.
You can't do what you want to do.

Python names are independent references to objects. The del statement 
deletes a name from a namespace (or an item from a structure), and 
cannot be used to delete all references to a given object. In general 
there's no way to delete a referenced object - we normally rely on the 
implementation (in CPython reference counting plus garbage collection, 
in other implementations just plain garbage collection) to perform the 
deletion when no live references to an object remain.

Perhaps you'd like to explain *why* you find a need to do this (in other 
words, what's your use case)?

Weak references are one possibility that might help you, but without 
knowing your real requirements it's difficult to be more helpful.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog
Recent Ramblings


Re: python socket proxy

2006-06-07 Thread jstobbs

Thanks for the reply.

I found a proxy that works for me. Now I would like to know if its
possible to run a python script, so its not visible in the cmd window
(windows, i know, its bad :-) ) Maybe run it as a windows service?

Filip Wasilewski wrote:
  Hi all
  I am trying to create a lighweight tcp proxy server.

 There is a bunch of nice recipies in the Python Cookbook on port
 forwarding. In the [1] and [2] case it should be fairly simple to add
 an extra authentication step with pyOpenSSL.



Re: secure xmlrpc server?

2006-06-07 Thread Laszlo Nagy
Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
 Laszlo Nagy wrote:
 cut ssl for xmlrpc
 Have a look at:
C:\temp\cccpython install
running install
running build
running build_py
running build_ext
error: The .NET Framework SDK needs to be installed before building 
extensions f
or Python.


Does it mean that .NET framework is required for tlslite on Windows?

Also can you please provide an example for tlslite/xmlrpc integration? 
The documentation of tlslite is very detailed, but it has many options 
and I could not find an example.




Re: secure xmlrpc server?

2006-06-07 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Laszlo Nagy wrote:
 Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
 Laszlo Nagy wrote:
 cut ssl for xmlrpc
 Have a look at:
 C:\temp\cccpython install
 running install
 running build
 running build_py
 running build_ext
 error: The .NET Framework SDK needs to be installed before building 
 extensions f
 or Python.

In the installers directory is exe for windows installation.

 Does it mean that .NET framework is required for tlslite on Windows?
 Also can you please provide an example for tlslite/xmlrpc integration? 
 The documentation of tlslite is very detailed, but it has many options 
 and I could not find an example.

SimpleXMLRPCServer uses SimpleHTTPServer for its transfer stuff, so you 
might want to look more in that direction.



Re: python socket proxy

2006-06-07 Thread Jeethu Rao
Simplest way would be to rename your python file with a .pyw extension 
instead of a .py extension.
If you're looking for windows services, checkout 
win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework in pywin32.

Jeethu Rao

 Thanks for the reply.

 I found a proxy that works for me. Now I would like to know if its
 possible to run a python script, so its not visible in the cmd window
 (windows, i know, its bad :-) ) Maybe run it as a windows service?

 Filip Wasilewski wrote:
 Hi all

 I am trying to create a lighweight tcp proxy server.

 There is a bunch of nice recipies in the Python Cookbook on port
 forwarding. In the [1] and [2] case it should be fairly simple to add
 an extra authentication step with pyOpenSSL.





Re: capture video from camera

2006-06-07 Thread aljosa
i had no intention to say that videocapture is bad but it's not what
i'm looking for.
concerning docs, everybody has their own view on how docs should look

that said, i should have written more clearly what i'm looking for.


Re: secure xmlrpc server?

2006-06-07 Thread Laszlo Nagy
Martin P. Hellwig írta:
 Laszlo Nagy wrote:
 Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
 Laszlo Nagy wrote:
 cut ssl for xmlrpc
 Have a look at:
 C:\temp\cccpython install
 running install
 running build
 running build_py
 running build_ext
 error: The .NET Framework SDK needs to be installed before building 
 extensions f
 or Python.



 In the installers directory is exe for windows installation. - no exe installers. - no file packages to download

 SimpleXMLRPCServer uses SimpleHTTPServer for its transfer stuff, so you 
 might want to look more in that direction.
Yes, In fact I read the whole source code of SimpleXMLRPCServer and 
other examples like

but I cannot combine the two. I see that the request handler is a 
customised HTTP request handler:

class SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):

but I have no idea how to use it with https. Do you know a small example 
(like the ones above)? That would help a lot.



Re: pyqt show wizard

2006-06-07 Thread David Boddie
Yves Glodt wrote:   I have a mainwindow in my pyqt application, and on
click of a button I   want to start an assistant (wizard).I have
create the wizard with the Qt Designer, generated the python code  
with pyuic, imported it from assistant import *, and subclassed it as
  usual.To show it, the onclick method of the button does:   
w = Wizard() nothing happens...  If this is within
a method that returns immediately after the show() call, the wizard
will go out of scope and be deleted. I suspect that you really want to
call   w.exec_loop()   intead, since this will only return control to
the method after the user has finished interacting with the wizard.
Take a look at the QWizard documentation for more information:   David


Re: pyqt show wizard

2006-06-07 Thread David Boddie
Summary of the usual mess made by the Google Groups web interface:

I suspect that you really want to call w.exec_loop() instead, since
this will only return control to the method after the user has finished
interacting with the wizard.

Take a look at the QWizard documentation for more information:



curses event handling

2006-06-07 Thread John Hunter

I have a curses app that is displaying real time data.  I would like
to bind certain keys to certain functions, but do not want to block
waiting for 
  c = screen.getch() 

Is it possible to register callbacks with curses, something like

  screen.register('keypress', myfunc)


Re: what are you (not) using python language for?

2006-06-07 Thread robert
hacker1017 wrote:

 im just asking out of curiosity.

I am curious for what kind of (new) serious programs and projects the 
Python language and its offsprings like Pyrex would not be the optimal 
programming language currently?  (Unless you completely misbelieve in Ruby)

Device drivers, small memory mics and browser client software - areas 
which (still) lack Python support ?


Re: Python language problem

2006-06-07 Thread baiju
May be you are looking for weakref module:

Baiju M


Re: Django Quick Start with Schema Evolution Support

2006-06-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
[Replying to comp.lang.python, due to censorship on Django User]
[additional notification of poster via email, as medium is changed]

 yep.  i feel particularly hosed for trying to work with you offline to
 synchronize our efforts.  

I don't think that telling me when your project starts and stops can be
called working with me offline.

 and even more retarded for the time i spent and
 help i offered regarding your web site design, resume and general how to
 better present yourself as a consulting business.  

You suggestion subjecting the term failure was a positive one and I
have reacted.

But again, I think you exaggerate about the amount of time invested.

(overall conversation: 7 messages of yours, 20 lines, ~3 lines/message)

 (considering i've been
 a fulltime programmer/consultant for many years now and you were claiming
 to just be starting out)

I've just (Jan 2006) re-started with the _new_ services.

 however i am far from your largest detractor here.  and i don't wish to
 be, so i won't contribute any more to this discussion.  this will be my
 last post here regarding you.

I've not asked you to post about me, but about the SoC Schema Evolution

See further below:

 -- derek
 p.s. for the record i'm not totally convinced you're an intentional troll.
  i suspect you're just socially and professionally inept.  but with your
 history on other listservs, it seems that you are incapable of learning
 how to better interact with others.  so a rose by any other name...  the
 effect is the same.  

= {i suspect you're just socially and professinally inept}

I better don't take you as an example how to better interact with others.

And btw: why speculating, instead of just reading the explanations?:

 i recommend to all ignoring ilias here.

Possibly to avoid the basic question?

My question to you was basically:

May I ask you to point my to a resource which shows your current plans,
results etc.?

Mine is here:

And with a little support of the team, it could be now a stable working
temporary solution, and a reference/foundation for your SoC project.

 Derek Anderson wrote:
 i believe it's time for...
 Mr. Anderson,

 we had some private conversation at the start of my work with Django,
 where I had answered all of your questions.

 Based on this, you should have a better rating about me, especially when
 knowing my private situation (or at least some indicators).


 You are the Student which will execute the Google Summer of Code
 Project, which will implement the Schema Evolution Support for Django,

 May I ask you to point my to a resource which shows your current plans,
 results etc.?

 As you have seen, I have provided within a few days something what the
 django project and its community has not provided since a _very_ long

 A working draft version of a Schema Evolution Support for Django:


 You should understand that it looks really somehow, that especially you
 talk so loud about a 'troll'.

 Finally, you should be aware of something: all of your writings were
 publically archived.

/|  /|  |  |
||__||  |   Please don't   |
   /   O O\__   feed   |
  /  \   the trolls|
 /  \ \|
/   _\ \ --
   /|\\ \ ||
  / | | | |\/ ||
 /   \|_|_|/   |__||
/  /  \|| ||
   /   |   | /||  --|
   |   |   |// |  --|
* _|  |_|_|_|  | \-/
 *-- _--\ _ \ //   |
   /  _ \\ _ //   |/
 *  /   \_ /- | - |   |
   *  ___ c_c_c_C/ \C_c_c_c

 -- derek  :)


 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 Django users group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For more options, visit this group at



wddx problem with entities

2006-06-07 Thread Tim Arnold
I'm confused about why I get this error:
UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)

when I try to load a wddx file containing this string:
stringThe image file, gif/aper#231;u.png, does
  not exist./string

When I loop through the file as if it's text and check the ord() value of 
each character, of course it's clean. Do I have to replace numbered entities 
in the wddx file before I can wddx.load() it?

example program:
from xml.marshal import wddx

datastring = '''?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE wddxPacket SYSTEM wddx_0090.dtd
wddxPacket version=0.9
  stringThe image file, gif/aper#231;u.png,does not exist./string

data = wddx.loads(datastring)


Re: secure xmlrpc server?

2006-06-07 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Laszlo Nagy wrote:
cut - no exe installers. - no file packages to download

Download the zip and unpack it:
Then there is an installers directory

 SimpleXMLRPCServer uses SimpleHTTPServer for its transfer stuff, so 
 you might want to look more in that direction.
 Yes, In fact I read the whole source code of SimpleXMLRPCServer and 
 other examples like
 but I cannot combine the two. I see that the request handler is a 
 customised HTTP request handler:
 class SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
 but I have no idea how to use it with https. Do you know a small example 
 (like the ones above)? That would help a lot.

Something like:

import SocketServer
import SimpleXMLRPCServer
import tlslite.api

# Overriding with ThreadingMixIn and TLSSocketServerMixIN
# to create a secure async server.
class txrServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn,

But the above is untested (been a while ago, since I experimented with 
it, for my case it was more functional to use VPN's instead of SSL/TLS).

For the rest you can follow the same principals as for the SimpleHTTPServer:


Re: tkinter: making widgets instance or not?

2006-06-07 Thread John Salerno
John McMonagle wrote:

 def __init__(self, master):
 self.parent = master
 self.entry1 = self.draw_entry('First Name:')
 self.entry2 = self.draw_entry('Last Name:')

Genius! :) Looks like you solved both of my problems! Thanks!

Re: what are you using python language for?

2006-06-07 Thread Dale Huffman

hacker1017 wrote:
 im just asking out of curiosity.

Embedded control system


Re: what are you (not) using python language for?

2006-06-07 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-06-07, robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am curious for what kind of (new) serious programs and projects the 
 Python language and its offsprings like Pyrex would not be the optimal 
 programming language currently?

The stuff I work on for which I don't use Python:

 * Device drivers (Linux and BSD).

 * Embedded systems.  Even at the high end of things, my
   projects have only a few MB of memory -- not nearly enough
   to run Python. There's really not much point in discussing
   Python for the smaller projects with 16KB of ROM and 256
   bytes of RAM. ;)

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  I'm gliding over a
   visi.comATLANTA, Georgia!!

help to install MySQL-python module

2006-06-07 Thread ciccio

Dear python users,

I have an account on a Linux Cluster. I installed python version 2.3.5 on my 
account. I need to install the module MySQL-python to interact with a MySQL 
server already installed on the cluster.
However, I read the README file but running

python build 

the system fails to build the module and gives me the following error:

 error: invalid Python installation: unable to 
open /usr/local/lib/python2.3/config/Makefile (No such file or directory)

How can I solve this problem?

Thank you in advance


This mail sent through IMP:



2006-06-07 Thread gen_tricomi

I write here to make a request on behalf of all the programmers on
earth who have been or are intending to use the Google web search API
for either research purposes or for the development of real world
applications, that Google make their indexes downloadable.

Currently application programmers using the Google web search API are
limited to 1000 queries a day. This on the one hand is a reasonable
decision by Google because; limiting the queries will prevent harm on
the Google system by unnecessary automated queries; but it is also
limiting us programmers severely. The query limit limits the usefulness
of whatever applications we decide to craft out and even limits our
imagination on what is possible with a handful of indexes.

Firstly, I will commend the Google Corporation for opening their
preciously crawled indexes. This is a great service to humanity and
especially to the band of programmers who are interested in
epistemology and are using the Google web search API to enable them
achieve their goals.

Google would be doing another great service for us if they would make
their indexes downloadable to programmers with a good interface for
programmatically accessing the indexes.

The advantages of the above approach would be:

1.  Decentralizing the Google system.
2.  Reducing the overhead of queries on Google from programmers.
3.  Enabling programmers to craft out applications that run on their
local systems (only requiring internet connection when a web page is
needed since the links return on a query are the most important in the
result set)  thus enabling them have unlimited number of queries should
these applications go public.
4.  Give Google the competing edge in search engine technology and user
satisfaction by gaining programmer loyalty.
5.  Encouraging the global adoption and use of the API + INDEXES
provided by Google.
6.  Another good thing may be here for Google if they create mechanisms
in the downloaded INDEXES + API that enable programmers update the
indexes from the web. An agreement can now be made that Google will
have unlimited access to the indexes whenever the user's computer is
online and IDLE. So Google update its own indexes from the ones on
various programmers' local machines. Thereby building a truly
distributed global crawler. This can be achieved using grid
technologies thereby possibly cutting down the 300year range for
crawling the world's crawlable information.

Google may still enforce their terms of service by enforcing some kind
of authentication for the use of index already residing on the
programmer's local machine. Though it may not require that the
programmer be on the internet every time he/she wishes to access the
system; since the programmer may wish to tinker with the API and
indexes locally without requiring an internet connection. Online
authentication may be required anytime the user gets online. The
non-commerciability of the indexes must be emphasized through several

The Google API can be a tool for epistemological engineers to craft
future Infowares (Information Applications). The most important thing
in the indexes is the links to resources that are returned on queries.

2 versions of the API + INDEXES can be made available.
1. The one without cached pages attached. So that on querying the API
on the local machine with the locally stored indexes, the results are
like those on the regular internet API result set.

2. The one with the cached pages. This one is optional as it will be
large in size.

If you people were good enough to release your API's publicly then
you would also consider this request.

It would be good if the API + INDEX download is accessible by
programmers who program in the following languages:
(a) Python
(b) Java
(c) Perl
(d) Ruby

Or some language independent mechanism can be formulated so programmers
in various languages can access the API + INDEX download.

Page Rank may or may not be included in the package depending on
decisions at Google.

It may also be closed source / open source / or partial source (part
open part closed).

This will be a great service to humanity and to programmers especially.


Ogah Ejini,

Nigeria, West Africa.

Mobile: +234 802 601 5061


Re: Django Quick Start with Schema Evolution Support

2006-06-07 Thread Steve Holden
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 [Replying to comp.lang.python, due to censorship on Django User]
 [additional notification of poster via email, as medium is changed]
And yet you still don't see why people call you a troll?

This is completely inappropriate for comp.lang.python. Please take it 

This newsgroup is not a proxy for any other group who may have tired of 
your postings, and is not an arbitration forum for disputes.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog
Recent Ramblings


Re: Django Quick Start with Schema Evolution Support

2006-06-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Steve Holden wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 [Replying to comp.lang.python, due to censorship on Django User]
 [additional notification of poster via email, as medium is changed]

 And yet you still don't see why people call you a troll?

Missing liberal qualities?

 This is completely inappropriate for comp.lang.python. Please take it 

This is perfectly appropriate for comp.lang.python, as it is the closest 
usenet group for django.

 This newsgroup is not a proxy for any other group who may have tired of 
 your postings, and is not an arbitration forum for disputes.


It's a place to discuss python.

And it's a place to continue discussions which were censored within 
other media of the python domain.



I forgot to post the link to the original article:




2006-06-07 Thread Duncan Booth
gen_tricomi wrote:

 Currently application programmers using the Google web search API are
 limited to 1000 queries a day. This on the one hand is a reasonable
 decision by Google because; limiting the queries will prevent harm on
 the Google system by unnecessary automated queries; but it is also
 limiting us programmers severely. The query limit limits the usefulness
 of whatever applications we decide to craft out and even limits our
 imagination on what is possible with a handful of indexes.
If you know which sites you are interested in searching then you can 
already license hardware from Google which will let you index up to 15 
million documents and an api to search the indexed content without 

If you simply want to compete with Google on searching the entire internet 
then they are unlikely to want to help you.

If you fall somewhere in between what can be done with a Google Search 
Appliance and competing with Google then you are talking about paying 
Google sufficient money that they ought to be interested in sitting round a 
table with you. As it says on their website: For larger deployments, 
contact us and we’ll be happy to talk to you about building a custom search 
solution for your environment.

Re: Django Quick Start with Schema Evolution Support

2006-06-07 Thread Brian

Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

I would agree with you that this is a place to discuss python.
However, your posts primarily deal with your expulsion from another
group.  Instead of discussing that, why don't your discuss the python
technicalities of your project and leave the rest alone since we want
to hear about the former and not the later.



Re: Django Quick Start with Schema Evolution Support

2006-06-07 Thread Steve Holden
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

[Replying to comp.lang.python, due to censorship on Django User]
[additional notification of poster via email, as medium is changed]

And yet you still don't see why people call you a troll?
 Missing liberal qualities?
Your definition, not anyone else's. And not a very good one IMO.
This is completely inappropriate for comp.lang.python. Please take it 
 This is perfectly appropriate for comp.lang.python, as it is the closest 
 usenet group for django.
Nope, the Django group is that. This is *not* a substitute, and it is 
*not* acceptable to post to the closest usenet group to one that won't 
tolerate your actions.
This newsgroup is not a proxy for any other group who may have tired of 
your postings, and is not an arbitration forum for disputes.
 It's a place to discuss python.
 And it's a place to continue discussions which were censored within 
 other media of the python domain.
Sorry, that's exactly what it isn't. Kindly stop.
 I forgot to post the link to the original article:
I repeat: and yet you still don't see why people call you a troll?

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog
Recent Ramblings



2006-06-07 Thread Steve Holden
gen_tricomi wrote:
 I write here to make a request on behalf of all the programmers on
 earth who have been or are intending to use the Google web search API
 for either research purposes or for the development of real world
 applications, that Google make their indexes downloadable.
Frankly I doubt whether the average programmer possesses sufficient 
storage or has access to sufficient bandwidth to make downloading the 
Google indexes a practical proposition - let alone the cached page 
contents too.

There's also the tiny factoid that Google might regard their index 
structure, not to mention its contents, as proprietary.

Finally, how frequently would you propose to update your local copy? 
Google is adding the results of new spidering to their indices all the time.

A nice idea, perhaps, but surely completely impractical.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog
Recent Ramblings


Re: How to add few pictures into one

2006-06-07 Thread Lad

K.S.Sreeram wrote:
 Lad wrote:
  I really would like to have ALL pictures in one file.

 import Image

 def merge_images( input_files, output_file ) :
 img_list = [ for f in input_files]
 out_width = max( [img.size[0] for img in img_list] )
 out_height = sum( [img.size[1] for img in img_list] )
 out = 'RGB', (out_width,out_height) )
 y = 0
 for img in img_list :
 w,h = img.size
 out.paste( img, (0,y,w,y+h) )
 y += h output_file )

 Use like this:
  merge_images( ['1.jpg','2.jpg','3.jpg'], 'output.jpg' )

Thanks a lot

 Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
 Content-Disposition: inline;
 Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature
 X-Google-AttachSize: 253


Re: cgi and popen

2006-06-07 Thread Thomas Guettler
Am Wed, 07 Jun 2006 14:54:41 +0200 schrieb Maarten van Veen:

 A long story made short, I've build a python/cgi website consisting of 
 two pages. Page1 has a html form in which you can input a series of 
 queries. Then via Popen it starts a pythons search script, which stores 
 the results in a python shelve.
 As the Popen command is given it should redirect to page2, which will 
 check if the shelve is ready (search finished) and if not displays a 
 search page, refreshing itself after 10 seconds.
 The Popen command works nice when tried out in the console. The script 
 isueing the Popen quits, and the other process keeps on running till 


You can find out where the process hangs, by
sending SIGINT to the python script:


This is like ctrl-c, you should get a traceback.

If the page1 script is not alive anymore, during
the unwanted waiting, this does not work.

Which form of popen do you use? Popen4 is the best,
because you cannot get a deadlock if there is output
on stdout and stderr.

I guess you have the same strange thing, if you
ssh to the server, start the script1 and you want
to logoff before the subprocesses is finished.

You can try to start the script like this:

nohup nice mein-script  $HOME/log/mein-script.log 21 /dev/null 


Thomas Güttler,
E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de


Re: 10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-07 Thread gregarican
Am I missing something? I don't read where the poster mentioned the
operation as being CPU intensive. He does mention that the entirety of
a 10 GB file cannot be loaded into memory. If you discount physical
swapfile paging and base this assumption on a normal PC that might
have maybe 1 or 2 GB of RAM is his assumption that out of line?

And I don't doubt that Python is efficient as possible for I/O
operations. But since it is an interpreted scripting language how could
it be just as fast as any language as you claim? C would have to be
faster. Machine language would have to be faster. And even other
interpreted languages *could* be faster, given certain conditions. A
generalization like the claim kind of invalidates the remainder of your

fuzzylollipop wrote:
 K.S.Sreeram wrote:
  Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
   What the OP needs is a different approach to XML-documents that won't
   parse the whole file into one giant tree - but I'm pretty sure that
   (c)ElementTree will do the job as well as expat. And I don't recall the
   OP musing about performances woes, btw.
  There's just NO WAY that the 10gb xml file can be loaded into memory as
  a tree on any normal machine, irrespective of whether we use C or
  Python. So the *only* way is to perform some kind of 'stream' processing
  on the file. Perhaps using a SAX like API. So (c)ElementTree is ruled
  out for this.
  Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
   No what exactly makes C grok a 10Gb file where python will fail to do so?
  In most typical cases where there's any kind of significant python code,
  its possible to achieve a *minimum* of a 10x speedup by using C. In most
  cases, the speedup is not worth it and we just trade it for the
  increased flexiblity/power of the python language. But in this situation
  using a bit of tight C code could make the difference between the
  process taking just 15mins or taking a few hours!
  Ofcourse I'm not asking him to write the entire application in C. It
  makes sense to just write the performance critical sections in C, and
  wrap it in Python, and write the rest of the application in Python.

 you got no idea what you are talking about, anyone knows that something
 like this is IO bound.
 CPU is the least of his worries. And for IO bound applications Python
 is just as fast as any other language.


Re: cgi and popen

2006-06-07 Thread Maarten van Veen
 Thomas Guettler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Am Wed, 07 Jun 2006 14:54:41 +0200 schrieb Maarten van Veen:
  A long story made short, I've build a python/cgi website consisting of 
  two pages. Page1 has a html form in which you can input a series of 
  queries. Then via Popen it starts a pythons search script, which stores 
  the results in a python shelve.
  As the Popen command is given it should redirect to page2, which will 
  check if the shelve is ready (search finished) and if not displays a 
  search page, refreshing itself after 10 seconds.
  The Popen command works nice when tried out in the console. The script 
  isueing the Popen quits, and the other process keeps on running till 
 You can find out where the process hangs, by
 sending SIGINT to the python script:
 This is like ctrl-c, you should get a traceback.
 If the page1 script is not alive anymore, during
 the unwanted waiting, this does not work.
 Which form of popen do you use? Popen4 is the best,
 because you cannot get a deadlock if there is output
 on stdout and stderr.
 I guess you have the same strange thing, if you
 ssh to the server, start the script1 and you want
 to logoff before the subprocesses is finished.
 You can try to start the script like this:
 nohup nice mein-script  $HOME/log/mein-script.log 21 /dev/null 

Thx for your reply Thomas. I use subprocess.Popen, because popen 1t/m 4 
are deprecated. 
I found a dodgy way around my problem though. By inserting another page 
between the input and the results page,a user sees a i'm searching 
page which wants to redirect to the results page directly, but keeps 
waiting for the search process to finish.
So I put what used to be my problem to good use. :D


Re: Django Quick Start with Schema Evolution Support

2006-06-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Brian wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 I would agree with you that this is a place to discuss python.
 However, your posts primarily deal with your expulsion from another
 group.  Instead of discussing that, why don't your discuss the python
 technicalities of your project and leave the rest alone since we want
 to hear about the former and not the later.

thank you.



I would like to know, if this construct is valid, or if it can result in 

1083from django.rework.evolve import evolvedb
1084except ImportError:
1085def evolvedb():
1086Evolve Command Dummy
1087print 'Command evolvedb not imported'
1088evolvedb.args =''



A second problem is, how to make the setup for users (testers) more 
convenient. Is there e.g. any mechanism to apply a patch in an automated 
manner (e.g. using a python library)?



The django commands are hard-coded:

thus elegant/dynamic additions of commands seem not possible.

Another possibility is to enlink (hook?) the functionality into an 
existent function

Is there any way (beside a patch) to alter the behaviour to an existing 
function. Is ther a python construct similar to the alias_method of Ruby:

(example from an simple evolution support for a ruby orm)

# use alias_method to enlink the code

 class SqliteAdapter
 alias_method :old_create_table,  :create_table
 def create_table(*args)
 result = old_create_table(*args)
 return result


If anyone is interested to verify the results in order to stabelize the 
  simple schema evolution support for django, please review the results 



Re: pyqt show wizard

2006-06-07 Thread Iain King

David Boddie wrote:
 Summary of the usual mess made by the Google Groups web interface:

 I suspect that you really want to call w.exec_loop() instead, since
 this will only return control to the method after the user has finished
 interacting with the wizard.

 Take a look at the QWizard documentation for more information:



Re: 10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-07 Thread fuzzylollipop

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 fuzzylollipop wrote:

  you got no idea what you are talking about, anyone knows that something
  like this is IO bound.

 which of course explains why some XML parsers for Python are a 100 times
 faster than other XML parsers for Python...

dependes on the CODE and the SIZE of the file, in this case

processing 10GB of file, unless that file is heavly encrypted or
compressed will, the process will be IO bound PERIOD!

And in the case of XML unless the PARSER is extremely inefficient, and
I assume, that would be an edge case, the parser is NOT the bottle neck
in this case.

The relativel performance of Python XML parsers is irrelvant in
relationship to this being an IO bound process, even the slowest parser
could only process the data as fast as it can be read off the disk.

Anyone saying that using C instead of Python will be faster when 99% of
the time in this case is just waiting on the disk to feed a buffer, has
no idea what they are talking about.

I work with TeraBytes of files, and all our Python code is just as fast
as equivelent C code for IO bound processes.


Very nice python IDE (windows only)

2006-06-07 Thread ago
I have just discovered Python Scripter by Kiriakos Vlahos and it was a
pleasant surprise. I thought that it deserved to be signalled. It is
slim and fairly fast, with embedded graphical debugger, class browser,
file browser... If you are into graphical IDEs you are probably going
to enjoy it. Windows only unfortunately.


Re: CENSORSHIP - Django Project (Schema Evolution Support)

2006-06-07 Thread Rene Pijlman
Ilias Lazaridis:
What is the credibility and value of the provided wikipedia entry?

Wikipedia always tells the Absolute Truth, because if it doesn't, we can
edit it and fix it right away.

Re: Django Quick Start with Schema Evolution Support

2006-06-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Steve Holden wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

This thread is now technical.

Thank you for your comments.



Re: PUDGE - Project Status, Alternative Solutions

2006-06-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 What is going on with the pudge project?
 Any chance to get an comment on this?

After a little bit off-list discussion, I understand that many python 
documentation projects stop at some point, and that efforts are in 
general not very synchronized.

Small overview here (work in progress):


btw: Still, the pudge.general list needs to be activated!!!

 Mr. Patrik O'Brien (Orbtech LLC) had told me that there is no similar 
 tool available within the python domain, thus I have invested some 
 effort to create a Website template, and to enable pudge to generate 
 colored code:

 I like to reuse the results for personal projects, but I am wondering 
 that the pudge email-list is death (since the server update) - and 
 that no one of the project reacts to personal and public postings.

 Additionally, the schevo project removes the pudge stuff, mscott, the 
 developer which has introduced pudge removes it again (although this 
 was done with several other tools in the past, too):


 Is there a similar tool available, with which I can generate python 
 documentation / websites or both based on templates and reST?

 Or an overview of such tools?

 I mean such an organized tool is essential for developmente with python.




Re: CENSORSHIP - Django Project (Schema Evolution Support)

2006-06-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Rene Pijlman wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis:
 What is the credibility and value of the provided wikipedia entry?
 Wikipedia always tells the Absolute Truth, because if it doesn't, we can
 edit it and fix it right away.




Re: help to install MySQL-python module

2006-06-07 Thread Lou Losee

 Dear python users,

 I have an account on a Linux Cluster. I installed python version 2.3.5 on my
 account. I need to install the module MySQL-python to interact with a MySQL
 server already installed on the cluster.
 However, I read the README file but running

 python build

 the system fails to build the module and gives me the following error:

  error: invalid Python installation: unable to
 open /usr/local/lib/python2.3/config/Makefile (No such file or directory)

 How can I solve this problem?

 Thank you in advance


Where did the install put Python - the obvious situation is that the
Makefile is not where the install of MySQL-Python thinks it is.


Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Re: curses event handling

2006-06-07 Thread Walter Dörwald
John Hunter wrote:
 I have a curses app that is displaying real time data.  I would like
 to bind certain keys to certain functions, but do not want to block
 waiting for 
   c = screen.getch() 
 Is it possible to register callbacks with curses, something like
   screen.register('keypress', myfunc)

You could use curses.halfdelay(), so that screen.getch() doesn't block
indefinitely. I'm not sure if this will be fast enough for your application.


Re: 10GB XML Blows out Memory, Suggestions?

2006-06-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks guys for all your posts...

So I am a bit confusedFuzzy, the code I saw looks like it
decompresses as a stream (i.e. per byte). Is this the case or are you
just compressing for file storage but the actual data set has to be
exploded in memory?

fuzzylollipop wrote:
 Fredrik Lundh wrote:
  fuzzylollipop wrote:
   you got no idea what you are talking about, anyone knows that something
   like this is IO bound.
  which of course explains why some XML parsers for Python are a 100 times
  faster than other XML parsers for Python...

 dependes on the CODE and the SIZE of the file, in this case

 processing 10GB of file, unless that file is heavly encrypted or
 compressed will, the process will be IO bound PERIOD!

 And in the case of XML unless the PARSER is extremely inefficient, and
 I assume, that would be an edge case, the parser is NOT the bottle neck
 in this case.

 The relativel performance of Python XML parsers is irrelvant in
 relationship to this being an IO bound process, even the slowest parser
 could only process the data as fast as it can be read off the disk.

 Anyone saying that using C instead of Python will be faster when 99% of
 the time in this case is just waiting on the disk to feed a buffer, has
 no idea what they are talking about.

 I work with TeraBytes of files, and all our Python code is just as fast
 as equivelent C code for IO bound processes.


Re: help to install MySQL-python module

2006-06-07 Thread Tim Chase
 error: invalid Python installation: unable to open
 /usr/local/lib/python2.3/config/Makefile (No such file or
 Ernesto, Where did the install put Python - the obvious
 situation is that the Makefile is not where the install of
 MySQL-Python thinks it is.

Some binary distros of Python omit this piece of the package.  I
had a similar problem with the installation of WebStack on Debian
Linux.  Alexis Roda's solution of

apt-get install python2.3-dev

got matters working for me.  Likely there's a python
development package you can install for your version of Python
that should provide this header.  You omit details regarding what
platform you're using, though you hint at something *nix-ish
given the path (/usr/local/lib/python...).  If it's Debian, the
same solution may work for you too.



creating and naming objects

2006-06-07 Thread Brian
I have a question that some may consider silly, but it has me a bit
stuck and I would appreciate some help in understanding what is going

For example, lets say that I have a class that creates a student

Class Student:
def setName(self, name) = name
def setId(self, id) = id

Then I instantiate that object in a method:

def createStudent():
foo = Student()
/add stuff

Now, suppose that I want to create another Student.  Do I need to name
that Student something other than foo?  What happens to the original
object?  If I do not supplant the original data of Student (maybe no id
for this student) does it retain the data of the previous Student
object that was not altered?  I guess I am asking how do I
differentiate between objects when I do not know how many I need to
create and do not want to hard code names like Student1, Student2 etc.

I hope that I am clear about what I am asking.



How do I automatically redirect stdout and stderr when using os.popen2?

2006-06-07 Thread mikem76
How do I automatically redirect stdout and stderr when using os.popen2
to start a long running process.  If the process prints a lot of stuff
to stdout it will eventually stop because it runs out of buffer space.
Once I start reading the stdout file returned by os.popen2 then the
process resumes.  I know that I could just specify  /dev/null when
starting the process but I'd like to know if there is a way to start a
process using os.popen2 or some other way so that all standard out and
standard error goes to /dev/null or some other file.



Re: CENSORSHIP - Django Project (Schema Evolution Support)

2006-06-07 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Ilias Lazaridis (2006-06-07 12:35 +)
 [posted publicly to comp.lang.python, with email notification to 6 
 recipients relevant to the topic]

I think I have a deja-vu... Did someone say Xah?!


Re: Python to C converter

2006-06-07 Thread Carl Friedrich Bolz
Chance Ginger wrote:
 If you are looking for a real python to C, well in this case
 C++ look for the shedskin compiler. It will take a rather
 nice subset of Python and generate C++ code from it. 

In which sense is shedskin a more real python to C/C++ compiler than 
some of the other mentioned projects? As most of the others (PyPy, 
Pyrex), Shedskin works only for a small number of Python programs that 
don't mix types too wildly.

BTW: While the RPython (the subset of the Python language that PyPy can 
compile) might not be extremely advanced, using it gives you a number of 
very interesting features: like having the resulting program been 
enhanced to not use the C stack (for deeply recursive code), using 
different garbage collection strategies...


Carl Friedrich Bolz


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