Re: Howto Determine mimetype without the file name extension?

2006-07-19 Thread dwelch91
Try this:

Re: Partial classes

2006-07-19 Thread Sanjay
Hi Alex,

Thanks for the input.

Being new to Python, and after having selected Python in comparison to
ruby (Turbogears vs Rails) , is jerks me a bit. In my openion it should
be an obvious and easy to implement feature and must be, if not already
have been, planned in future releases of Python.

Would love to listen to others.



Re: Recursive function returning a list

2006-07-19 Thread Steve Holden
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> Boris Borcic a écrit :
>>Hello Bruno,
>>Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>>>Or how to *not* address the real problem...
>>>Boris, using a generator may be a pretty good idea, but *not* as a way
>>>to solve a problem that happens to be a FAQ !-)
>>Sorry, but I don't understand your reasoning.
> It's quite simple. The OP's problem is well-known (it's a FAQ), and easy 
> to solve. The righ answer to it is obviously to give a link to the FAQ 

So, why didn't you?

> (or take time to re-explain it for the zillionth time), not to propose a 
> workaround.
Or did I miss something?

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Iterator protocol changes, was: Coding style

2006-07-19 Thread Peter Otten
Terry Reedy wrote:

> Guido has so far vetoed adding .__len__() to the iterator protocol because
> a) it is not always possible and 

Be warned that this is a veto after the fact:

# (only) python 2.4 
>>> len(iter(range(42)))

# python 2.5
>>> len(iter(range(42)))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
TypeError: len() of unsized object

> b) he want to keep the protocol as simple 
> as it is.

You will be able to write considerably more complex generators in 2.5:


Re: question about what lamda does

2006-07-19 Thread Steve Holden
tac-tics wrote:
>>Hey there,
>>i have been learning python for the past few months, but i can seem to
>>get what exactly a lamda is for. What would i use a lamda for that i
>>could not or would not use a def for ? Is there a notable difference ?
>>I only ask because i see it in code samples on the internet and in
> Lambda is just as powerful as a function, but totally useless =-P
> Lambda used to be handy before the introduction of list comprehensions.
> Now, though, there primary use is obfuscating your code.
I do wish you could hold yourself back and stop muddying the waters. 
Lambdas and list comprehensions have little or nothing to do with each 
other. Unless you know something I don't ...

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Partial classes

2006-07-19 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sanjay wrote:

> Being new to Python, and after having selected Python in comparison to
> ruby (Turbogears vs Rails) , is jerks me a bit. In my openion it should
> be an obvious and easy to implement feature and must be, if not already
> have been, planned in future releases of Python.

Can you flesh out your use case a little bit and tell why you can't solve
the problem with inheritance or a meta class?

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Partial classes

2006-07-19 Thread Dave Benjamin
On Wed, 18 Jul 2006, Sanjay wrote:

> What is the equivalent in Python? Inheriting is a way, but is not
> working in all scenerios.

Have you tried multiple inheritance? For example:

from GeneratedPerson import GeneratedPerson
from HandcraftedPerson import HandcraftedPerson

class Person(GeneratedPerson, HandcraftedPerson):

If this doesn't work for you, can you explain why?


Text Summarization

2006-07-19 Thread Jim Jones
Is there  a Python library that would allow me to take a paragraph of text, 
and generate a one or two sentence summary of that paragraph?


Re: Accessors in Python (getters and setters)

2006-07-19 Thread Steve Holden
mystilleef wrote, making me somewhat tired of his/her repeated inability 
to get what's being said [sigh]:
> Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>>mystilleef wrote:
>>>Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
mystilleef wrote:
>Gerhard Fiedler wrote:
>>On 2006-07-15 06:55:14, mystilleef wrote:
>>>In very well designed systems, the state of an object should only be
>>>changed by the object.
>>IMO that's not quite true. Ultimately, the state always gets changed by
>>something else (user interaction, physical events); very few objects are
>>completely self-contained in their behavior.
>Then in those cases the system becomes a victim of high coupling.

This makes it somewhat obvious that you don't appear to fully understand 
the concept of coupling as applied to software systems.

Time to burn your book and face reality. ObjA sends message Msg1 to
ObjB. Part of the associated behaviour is that in responce to Msg1, objB
changes it's own state. Practical result : ObjB's state has been changed
by ObjA. Practical question : how do you hope to avoid this "hi
coupling" (lol), apart from making all your objects totally autistic ?

>>>Are you serious?
>>Deadly serious. But I'm afraid you're still missing the point.
>>>Well, you design an object that serves as a mediator.
>>>All objects can then only interact with themselves and the mediator
>>>only. Via signals, objects learn to automatically adjust their states
>>>and respond to events.
>>signal -> message -> method call -> change state.
>>Spell it how you like, add as many indirection levels you want, it still
>>boils down to the fact that *something* triggers the state change.
> Right!
If you implement an accessor to change a class's instances' states, 
surely something has to call that accessor. You seem to be implying that 
such calls can only be made from within other methods of the same 
object, which (if true, which it isn't) would tend to leave each class 
in a vacuum where nothing else can affect its instances.

Of *course* objects are subject to external influences: since you like 
the concept of coupling, how else could different components be coupled 
at all?
>>>This is just one of several methods you can
>>>dramatically reduce coupling.
>>It's just one of several methods that dramatically increases complexity,
>>without changing anything to the fact that in the end, *practically*,
>>some object ObjA changes its state as a response to a message sent by ObjB.
> Say that to game/simulation developers.
This is a complete non-sequitur as you don't say why game developers 
specifically benefit from the reduced coupling that you allege the 
provision of accessor methods introduces.

Tight coupling would be (for example) where you provided the argument to 
a method by storing it in a global variable rather than passing it as an 
argument. From a coupling point of view it makes no difference whether 
you call an accessor method or (in Python) read or write a referenced 
object's attributes directly. You still have to know the required API: 
whether you call a method (in which case you have to know its name) or 
read/write an attribute (in which case you have to know its name ...) 
makes no essential difference.

It appears you have seen the term "content coupling" as defined, for 
example, in

and taken that to mean that any knowledge at all of another object's 
internals will lead to over-tight coupling and hence low cohesion. The 
Python point of view is somewhat different, and says that since both 
methods and data items are attributes of instances there is little 
difference (except in efficiency) between accessing data via a method 
(inefficient) and accessing data directly through the attribute 
containing that data (efficient).

It has already been pointed out to you several times that once you have 
written your code to access attributes you can introduce properties 
without changing the client (accessing) code should further isolation or 
additional computation be required.
>>>I'm sure glad I didn't burn my book.
>>No comment.
>>In most systems (and you possibly have written some of them) are objects
>>whose state gets changed by other objects -- possibly through the
>>intermediation of setter methods that do nothing else but set the state.
>>There's no conceptual difference between directly setting the state or
>>calling a setter function that does nothing else but directly setting the
>>state -- except for one unnecessary level of indirection in the latter.
>It depends. If certain conditions need to be met before changing the
>state of an object, then arbitrarily changing it can be dangerous.

Does this imply a 'method call' *syntax* ?
>>>That's language dependent.
Given the existence of
"computed attributes" (ie: support for

Retrieve ext. variables in python program

2006-07-19 Thread alfa1234
Trying to convert TCL code to python.

Have a property file from where I read some VAR's. Looks like this:
EARPROJECT = sgs-procDist
APPNAME = SGSProcedure

In my TCL code I confirm the existence of the VAR = f.ex EARPROJECT by
using code:

if { ([info exists APPNAME] && [info exists STAGEDIR] && [info exists
EARPROJECT] && [info exists EARDESTINATION]) } {

Does anyone know and equalent way to confirm a Variable from the same
property file using PYTHON code ???


Re: No need to close file?

2006-07-19 Thread Steve Holden
> T> Do I need to close the file in this case?  Why or why not?
> T> for line in file('foo', 'r'):
> T>   print line
> No.  The magic of reference counting.
Though of course we have to remember that not all Python implementations 
*use* reference counting. It's certainly true, though, that most Python 
programmers are happy to rely on whatever garbage collector *is* 
implemented to detect the absence of references to the file and close it 
automatically. Or have the operating system do so if the interpreter 
somehow terminates without closing the file.

I suspect the real answer is "it isn't strictly necessary in modern 
environments, but it can never hurt".

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Fall Python training seminar in Colorado

2006-07-19 Thread lutz
Mark Lutz's Python Training Services is pleased to announce that
our Fall 2006 public Colorado seminar is now open.  This 5-day
Python training event will be held November 6 through November 10.

This year, our Fall seminar will be held at Historic Crag's Lodge,
a resort in Estes Park, Colorado.  Estes Park is a mountain town 
80 miles from Denver's airport, and gateway to Rocky Mountain 
National Park.

This in an all-inclusive event.  Come spend 5 days mastering Python
in the beautiful Colorado Rockies, and let us handle the details of
your visit.  We will be providing students with rooms at the resort,
three full meals per day, a guided sightseeing tour, shuttle service
to and from the Denver airport, and our new "Snake Charmers" T-shirt.

Besides the included amenities, the extended format of this session
will allow for in-depth coverage of class topics.  Like all our 
public classes, this seminar will be taught by best-selling Python
author and trainer Mark Lutz, and is open to individual enrollments.

For more details, please see our web page:

Python Training Services


Re: Partial classes

2006-07-19 Thread Daniel Dittmar
Sanjay wrote:
> Hi All,
> Not being able to figure out how are partial classes coded in Python.
> Example: Suppose I have a code generator which generates part of a
> business class, where as the custome part is to be written by me. In
> ruby (or C#), I divide the code into two source files. Like this:
> GeneratedPerson.rb
> Class Person
>   .
>   .
>   .
> End Class
> HandcraftedPerson.rb
> Class Person
>  .
>  .
>  .
> End Class
> The intrepretor adds the code in both to compose the class Person.
> What is the equivalent in Python? Inheriting is a way, but is not
> working in all scenerios.

import GeneratedPerson

class Person:
 def somemethod (self):

GeneratedPerson.Person.somemethod = Person.somemethod

Using reflection to merge all methods of HandcraftedPerson.Person into 
GeneratedPerson.Person is left as an exercise.


Re: Partial classes

2006-07-19 Thread Peter Otten
Sanjay wrote:

> Hi All,
> Not being able to figure out how are partial classes coded in Python.
> Example: Suppose I have a code generator which generates part of a
> business class, where as the custome part is to be written by me. In
> ruby (or C#), I divide the code into two source files. Like this:
> GeneratedPerson.rb
> Class Person
>   .
>   .
>   .
> End Class
> HandcraftedPerson.rb
> Class Person
>  .
>  .
>  .
> End Class
> The intrepretor adds the code in both to compose the class Person.
> What is the equivalent in Python? Inheriting is a way, but is not
> working in all scenerios.

I, like everybody else it seems, am interested to know why/when (multiple)
inheritance doesn't work. Meanwhile

# this is a hack
import inspect
import textwrap

class Generated:
def generated(self):
print "generated"

def class_body(Class):
return textwrap.dedent(inspect.getsource(Class).split("\n", 1)[1])

class Handmade:
exec class_body(Generated)
def handmade(self):
print "handmade"

if __name__ == "__main__":
print dir(Handmade)


Re: Partial classes

2006-07-19 Thread Sanjay
> Can you flesh out your use case a little bit and tell why you can't solve
> the problem with inheritance or a meta class?

I have to study about metaclass and see whether this can be handled. It
seemed inheritence is not working.

PROBLEM: Separating plumbing code and business logic while using
SQLAlchemy ORM.

Database script:

  id SERIAL,
  passport VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
  first_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
  middle_name VARCHAR(30) NULL,
  last_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
  email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE contact (
  contact_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES person,
  PRIMARY KEY(person_id, contact_id)

DB definitions and plumbing code goes into one module, say

import sqlalchemy.mods.threadlocal
from sqlalchemy import *

global_connect('postgres://userid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5432/tm')
person_tbl = Table('person', default_metadata, autoload = True)
class Person(object):
contact_tbl = Table('contact', default_metadata, autoload = True)
class Contact(object):
assign_mapper(Person, person_tbl, properties = {
'contacts' :

assign_mapper(Contact, contact_tbl, properties = {
'person' :

Business logic in another module, say

Class PersonBO(Person):
 def Block():
  blocked = True

While using PersonBO in another module, like this:

p1 = PersonBO(passport = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", first_name='john',
last_name='smith', email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
p2 = PersonBO(passport = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", first_name='ed',
last_name='helms', email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
p3 = PersonBO(passport = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", first_name='jonathan',
last_name='lacour', email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]")

# add a contact

the following error message occurs:

AttributeError: 'PersonBO' object has no attribute 'contacts'

What I guess, from my limited knowledge of the technologies involved,
is that assign_mapper does some magic only on Person class, and things
work. But after inheritence, it is not working.

The point in general, to my knowledge, about inheritance is that it
can't be a substitute for all the usages of partical classes. Metaclass
is a new concept for me, which I have to study.

As far as my project is concerned, I have found out some other way of
doing the things, and it is no more an issue.

Thanks a lot,


Re: No need to close file?

2006-07-19 Thread Gerard Flanagan

> T wrote:
> > Do I need to close the file in this case?  Why or why not?
> >
> > for line in file('foo', 'r'):
> >   print line
> I was running a program in IDLE that opened a file for
> reading and forgot to add the close.
> The program ran and terminated normally.
> But when I tried to open it from Windows Explorer,
> I got the message that it was still in use. Had to close
> IDLE to release it. That wouldn't have happened if I had
> closed it from within the program.

yes, this invariably happens me (with PythonWin) if I try to get away
without a 'finally'



Re: Text Summarization

2006-07-19 Thread gatti

Jim Jones wrote:
> Is there  a Python library that would allow me to take a paragraph of text,
> and generate a one or two sentence summary of that paragraph?

There is a OTS wrapper.


Re: Coding style

2006-07-19 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bruno Desthuilliers

> Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
>> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bob Greschke
>> wrote:
>>>I'd go even one step further.  Turn it into English (or your favorite
>>>non-computer language):
>>>1. While list, pop.
>>>2. While the length of the list is greater than 0, pop.
>>>Which one makes more sense?  Guess which one I like.  CPU cycles be
>> One of my rules is, always program like the language actually has a
>> Boolean type, even if it doesn't.
> Python has a boolean type.

A _proper_ boolean type would _have_ to be used in conditionals.

>> That means, never assume that arbitrary values
>> can be interpreted as true or false,
> There's nothing to assume, and nothing arbitrary in it. It's all clearly
> defined in whole letters in the language references.

Not simply enough.

>> always put in an explicit comparison
>> if necessary so it's obvious the expression is a Boolean.
> The fact that the expression is used in the context of a if statement is
> clearly enough to denote a boolean expression.

Which is an inconsistent use of the term "boolean" compared to your
statement above that "Python has a boolean type", is it not?

> Explicitly testing against a boolean is uselessly redundant...

Not sure this has anything with what I was saying.


Re: Partial classes

2006-07-19 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Sanjay wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> Thanks for the input.
> Being new to Python, and after having selected Python in comparison to
> ruby (Turbogears vs Rails) , is jerks me a bit. In my openion it should
> be an obvious and easy to implement feature and must be, if not already
> have been, planned in future releases of Python.
> Would love to listen to others.

I've never had a use case for this kind of feature in the past seven years.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

Re: Coding style

2006-07-19 Thread Georg Brandl
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bob Greschke wrote:
>> I'd go even one step further.  Turn it into English (or your favorite
>> non-computer language):
>> 1. While list, pop.
>> 2. While the length of the list is greater than 0, pop.
>> Which one makes more sense?  Guess which one I like.  CPU cycles be
>> damned.
>> :)
> One of my rules is, always program like the language actually has a Boolean
> type, even if it doesn't. That means, never assume that arbitrary values
> can be interpreted as true or false, always put in an explicit comparison
> if necessary so it's obvious the expression is a Boolean.

You can do that, but it's not considered Pythonic. And it might be ineffective.

Other than in PHP, Python has clear rules when an object of a builtin type
is considered false (i.e. when it's empty). So why not take advantage of


Re: Text Summarization

2006-07-19 Thread Duncan Booth
Jim Jones wrote:

> Is there  a Python library that would allow me to take a paragraph of
> text, and generate a one or two sentence summary of that paragraph?
If you are on Windows you could use COM to stuff the text into a Word 
document and then use Word's autosummarize feature to generate the summary.

However, even Microsoft admit that "It’s unlikely that Word will create the 
exact summary that you need. You will need to do some editing of the 

Re: Getting and Setting Cookies

2006-07-19 Thread Vlad Dogaru

John J. Lee wrote:
> "Vlad Dogaru" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I am trying to use cookies and Python to create a simple login example.
> > But I am very disoriented at the existence of two cookie libraries,
> > namely Cookie and cookielib. I have seen examples of setting cookies
> [...]
> From the cookielib docs:
> | The cookielib module defines classes for automatic handling of HTTP
> | cookies. It is useful for accessing web sites that require small
> | pieces of data - cookies - to be set on the client machine by an HTTP
> | response from a web server, and then returned to the server in later
> | HTTP requests.
> (note the *accessing* there)
> [...]
> | Module Cookie: HTTP cookie classes, principally useful for server-side
> | code. The cookielib and Cookie modules do not depend on each
> | other.
> Module cookielib is for web client code (writing code that works like
> a browser).  Module Cookie is for server-side code (writing code to
> make a web site work).  You don't make it entirely clear which you're
> doing, but it sounds like the latter.

I am trying to write a simple login script. I understand (or rather I
think I understand) how to set a cookie with the Cookie module. My
problem is getting the cookies that are currently set. How can I do


Re: New SourceForge project: Diet Python!!!

2006-07-19 Thread Simon Hibbs
I was reading an article about the One Laptop Per Child initiative the
other day, and being a Python fan I wondered if there are any plans to
put Python on it, or at least make it available. A cut-down version of
python, preferably with bindings to the Sugar GUI framework they are
developing, would be a Very Good Thing.

They're planning on manufacturing 100 million of these things!

Simon Hibbs


TextCtrl focus events in wxWidgets

2006-07-19 Thread Simon Hibbs
I have a simple form with some input values and some calculated values
in TextCtrl widgets.

What I would like to do is have the display update automaticaly when
the user changes one of the input fields, without having to click on a
'Calculate' button. I was thinking of having an update triggered when
one of the text Controlls loses focus, indicating that the user has
finished changing it's value.

I don't want to do an update on every character entry, as this would
create a lot of bogus/meaningless updates. There doesn't seem to be
such an event. Any ideas how I could implement this, or a similarly
user friendly behaviour?

Best regards,

Simon Hibbs


Re: Python linker

2006-07-19 Thread Ben Sizer
Simon Brunning wrote:
> So, they'll download and install the .NET framework at 23 MB, but they
> won't download and install Python at 9 and half?

I think the .NET framework gets thrown down via Windows Update - or at
least it did for me - so that doesn't count as a 'separate download'
for many purposes.

Ben Sizer


Re: New SourceForge project: Diet Python!!!

2006-07-19 Thread Simon Brunning
On 19 Jul 2006 02:34:09 -0700, Simon Hibbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was reading an article about the One Laptop Per Child initiative the
> other day, and being a Python fan I wondered if there are any plans to
> put Python on it, or at least make it available. A cut-down version of
> python, preferably with bindings to the Sugar GUI framework they are
> developing, would be a Very Good Thing.

Sounds like Sugar is built (partially) with Python.

Simon B,

Re: question about what lamda does

2006-07-19 Thread Iain King

Steve Holden wrote:
> tac-tics wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >>Hey there,
> >>i have been learning python for the past few months, but i can seem to
> >>get what exactly a lamda is for. What would i use a lamda for that i
> >>could not or would not use a def for ? Is there a notable difference ?
> >>I only ask because i see it in code samples on the internet and in
> >>books.
> >
> >
> > Lambda is just as powerful as a function, but totally useless =-P
> >
> > Lambda used to be handy before the introduction of list comprehensions.
> > Now, though, there primary use is obfuscating your code.
> >
> I do wish you could hold yourself back and stop muddying the waters.
> Lambdas and list comprehensions have little or nothing to do with each
> other. Unless you know something I don't ...

I think he meant that lambda's main use before was inside map and
filter;  as stated earlier in the thread, lambda's main use was for
passing simple functions as arguments, and of these map and filter must
have made up a majority (and then I'd guess TKinter would be next).
List comprehensions replace map and filter, so...

I wouldn't put it as explosively as he has, but I find a lambda less
clear than a def too.


> regards
>   Steve

> --
> Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
> Holden Web LLC/Ltd
> Skype: holdenweb
> Recent Ramblings


Re: TextCtrl focus events in wxWidgets

2006-07-19 Thread Steve Holden
Simon Hibbs wrote:
> I have a simple form with some input values and some calculated values
> in TextCtrl widgets.
> What I would like to do is have the display update automaticaly when
> the user changes one of the input fields, without having to click on a
> 'Calculate' button. I was thinking of having an update triggered when
> one of the text Controlls loses focus, indicating that the user has
> finished changing it's value.
> I don't want to do an update on every character entry, as this would
> create a lot of bogus/meaningless updates. There doesn't seem to be
> such an event. Any ideas how I could implement this, or a similarly
> user friendly behaviour?
It should be quite simple: you need to handle EVT_SET_FOCUS and/or 
EVT_KILL_FOCUS events (documented in the wxPython docs) to know when to 
recaclulate the values. Sounds like that should be enough of a hint to you.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Python linker

2006-07-19 Thread Ben Sizer
Sion Arrowsmith wrote:
> Er, what? How are you generating your standalone executables? What
> size is "acceptable"? python24.dll is only 1.8M -- surely on any
> non-embedded platform these days 1.8M isn't worth bothering about.
> And since you mention wx (all of another 4.8M) I'd guess we're
> talking about desktop applications. Who's going to notice if your
> executable is a couple of M slimmer?

I've considered making a few lightweight GUI apps in the past but you
just can't do it with wxPython. When you have similar products done in
Visual C++ weighing in at kilobytes rather than megabytes, it's hard to
convince people that it's worth downloading your product. Say I wanted
to develop a simple Notepad clone with 1 or 2 extra features: the MS
executable is 68Kb, yet to simulate it in wxPython would be over 5MB;
nobody would want it. I suppose you can use the msvcrt library directly
and cut out wx from the dependencies, but sadly the Python overhead is
still a slight deterrent.

Not that I see an easy solution to this, of course.

Ben Sizer


Re: Coding style

2006-07-19 Thread Boris Borcic
PTY wrote:
> Which is better?
> lst = [1,2,3,4,5]
> while lst:
>   lst.pop()
> OR
> while len(lst) > 0:
>   lst.pop()

allways that either-or stuff ! And why did you not consider

while len(lst) : list.pop()

a neat middle ground, wouldn't you say ?

Cheers, BB
666 ?? - 666 ~ .666 ~ 2/3 ~ 1-1/3 ~ tertium  non datur ~ the excluded middle
  ~ "either with us, or against us" !!

Re: Partial classes

2006-07-19 Thread Kay Schluehr

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> Sanjay wrote:
> > Hi Alex,
> >
> > Thanks for the input.
> >
> > Being new to Python, and after having selected Python in comparison to
> > ruby (Turbogears vs Rails) , is jerks me a bit. In my openion it should
> > be an obvious and easy to implement feature and must be, if not already
> > have been, planned in future releases of Python.
> >
> > Would love to listen to others.
> I've never had a use case for this kind of feature in the past seven years.

Interesting. Are there other use cases you did not have too?


Re: New SourceForge project: Diet Python!!!

2006-07-19 Thread Stefan Behnel
Simon Brunning wrote:
> On 19 Jul 2006 02:34:09 -0700, Simon Hibbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I was reading an article about the One Laptop Per Child initiative the
>> other day, and being a Python fan I wondered if there are any plans to
>> put Python on it, or at least make it available. A cut-down version of
>> python, preferably with bindings to the Sugar GUI framework they are
>> developing, would be a Very Good Thing.
> Sounds like Sugar is built (partially) with Python.

Great Scott! I don't think this newsgroup can handle another 100 million 


Re: Coding style

2006-07-19 Thread Boris Borcic
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> empty_list = []
> bool(empty_list) is False
> => True

it's just a pity that the symmetric expression

list(False) is []

doesn't hold.

I guess the problem is that if list(False) was thus defined, it would be 
difficult not to define list(True). And then the zen of Python clashes

"In the presence of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess".

OTOH, my favorite there would be

list(True) is [None]

together with

list(n) == n*[None] for all positive integers n

Cheers, BB
666 ?? - 666 ~ .666 ~ 2/3 ~ 1-1/3 ~ tertium  non datur ~ the excluded middle
  ~ "either with us, or against us" !!

Re: Compiling Python using the Portland Group compiler

2006-07-19 Thread Konrad Hinsen
On Jul 12, 2006, at 15:57, Konrad Hinsen wrote:

> I am trying to install Python 2.4.3 on an AMD Opteron system using
> the Portland Group's compiler (pgcc). Using
> export-dynamic" ./configure --without-cxx
> I finally managed to obtain an executable that would start and work,
> but it fails a couple of test cases:

I ended up debugging the first case of failure, and diagnosed faulty  
code generation. I sent a bug report to Portland Group, who promised  
to look at it.

Konrad Hinsen
Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire, CNRS Orléans
Synchrotron Soleil - Division Expériences
Saint Aubin - BP 48
91192 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France
Tel. +33-1 69 35 97 15


text representation of HTML

2006-07-19 Thread Ksenia Marasanova

I am looking for a library that will give me very simple text
representation of HTML.
For example
TitleThis is a test

will be transformed to:


This is a

i want to send plain text alternative of html email, and would prefer
to do it automatically from HTML source.
Any hints?


Re: need help getting xml feed from a url

2006-07-19 Thread Stefan Behnel
Shan wrote:
> If i have a list of urls how can I extract or pull their respective xml
> feeds?

from lxml import etree
feeds = []
for url in my_url_list:
feeds.append( etree.parse(url) )

For the rest, find out about the ElementTree API.


Re: TextCtrl focus events in wxWidgets

2006-07-19 Thread Simon Hibbs

Steve Holden wrote:

> It should be quite simple: you need to handle EVT_SET_FOCUS and/or
> EVT_KILL_FOCUS events (documented in the wxPython docs) to know when to
> recaclulate the values. Sounds like that should be enough of a hint to you.

I've tried that, but it doesn't work. Here is the test code:

self.PlantCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "")

self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnUpdatePlantCtrl,

def OnUpdatePlantCtrl(self, event):
print "set Plant"

When the control loses focus, I don't get the message in the console.
I'm trapping other events successfuly elsewhere using similar code.

Simon Hibbs


Re: text representation of HTML

2006-07-19 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Ksenia Marasanova wrote:

> Hi,
> I am looking for a library that will give me very simple text
> representation of HTML.
> For example
> TitleThis is a test
> will be transformed to:
> Title
> This is a
> test
> i want to send plain text alternative of html email, and would prefer
> to do it automatically from HTML source.
> Any hints?

html2text is a commandline tool. You can invoke it from python using


Re: Dispatch with multiple inheritance

2006-07-19 Thread looping

looping wrote:
> Michael J. Fromberger wrote:
> >
> > Is there a better (i.e., more elegant) way to handle the case marked
> > (**) above?
> >
> You have to call super in each method __init__, if you don't, the call
> chain break before the end:
> class A (object):
> def __init__(self):
> super(A, self).__init__()
> print "cons A"
> class B (object):
> def __init__(self):
> super(B, self).__init__()
> print "cons B"
> class C (A):
> def __init__(self):
> super(C, self).__init__()
> print "cons C"
> class D (B):
> def __init__(self):
> super(D, self).__init__()
> print "cons D"
> class E (C, D):
> def __init__(self):
> super(E, self).__init__()  # calls C constructor
> print "cons E"

After a second tought, it's probably better to call __init__ method
explicitly in class E:

class A (object):
def __init__(self):
print "cons A"

class B (object):
def __init__(self):
print "cons B"

class C (A):
def __init__(self):
super(C, self).__init__()
print "cons C"

class D (B):
def __init__(self):
super(D, self).__init__()
print "cons D"

class E (C, D):
def __init__(self):
print "cons E"

this way you have to choose which __init__ from class D or class C is
calling, and which is calling first.
Any Python Guru to give is opinion ?


Re: Coding style

2006-07-19 Thread Christophe
Patrick Maupin a écrit :
> The perverse wish, expressed in the specific example, that SOME piece
> of code SOMEWHERE should PLEASE throw an exception because some idiot
> passed a generator expression rather than a list into a function, is
> not apt to be well received by an audience which strives for generality
> when it makes sense

Well then, you haven't beed using enouth generator expressions or else, 
that kind of mistake would have bitten you badly by now and you would 
agree with that remark !

> confronted with the wished-for exception, would fix the function so
> that it quite happily accepted generator expressions, rather than
> changing a conditional to use len() just so that an equivalent
> exception could happen a bit earlier.

Thanks but NO. If that function needs to iterate twice on the 
expression, then it needs to iterate twice and passing it a generator 
will only cause strange bugs.

Regular expression issue

2006-07-19 Thread dmbkiwi
I'm trying to parse a line of html as follows:

101.120:( KPA (-)
Snow on Ground)0 

however, sometimes it looks like this:

Snow on Ground)0 

I want to get either the numerical value 101.120 (which could be a
different number depending on the data that's been fed into the page,
or in terms of the second option, 'N/A'.

The regexp I'm using is:


Can someone help me debug this.  It's not picking up the number, and
I'm not sure I've got the syntax for '|' right, but can't find a
detailed tutorial on how to use |.

Any help would be appreciated.




Re: Retrieve ext. variables in python program

2006-07-19 Thread bearophileHUGS
> Does anyone know and equalent way to confirm a Variable from the same
> property file using PYTHON code ???

Using globals(), locals(), and dir() you can find if your name exists



Re: Augument assignment versus regular assignment

2006-07-19 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2006-07-18, Terry Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Antoon Pardon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> On 2006-07-17, Terry Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>  Or, whether docs (and reasonable interpretation thereof) and
>>> implementation match, which I claim they do it this case.
> The claim, in reference to the CPython implementation, that you refer to 
> below.
>> Well this dispute seems to boil down what is and what is not
>> involved in evaluating a target,
> Yes, and that is interpreter/implementation dependent.

Well I can agree that some things are implemantation dependent.
But shouldn't a language reference describe behaviour in terms or
implementation independent things?

>> and I have come to doubt that
>> target evaluation is even a meaningfull concept in python,
> Abstractly, it is whatever the interpreter does before it actually attaches 
> an object to the name or slot.  Again, the details are interpreter 
> dependent.

Well I can sort of agree with this. IMO there are two possible views
here, (not necessarily mutual exclusive) But if you agree with the first
IMO the language reference shouldn't make use of the concept to
describe behaviour.

  1) target evaluation is not a pythonic concept.

  2) It is whatever the interpreter does before it actually
 attaches an object, to a name/slot/... (in a primary).

>> so maybe in order that I can understand how you come to that claim,
> I looked at the CPython bytecode and saw that for augmented assigment, it 
> saved on the stack the internal information it needed for get and set 
> instead of recalculating it after the operation.  This is what I expected 
> and what I think the docs imply.
>> can you explain what a target evaluates to?
> The internal information the interpreter needs to do the assignment 
> (binding).

Yes but that seems to be an entirly internal interpreter affair. If
you stay at the level of the byte code, you will not find any opcode
that will result in or manipulate a target evaluation.

If you look at the language reference for the assignment, you will
not find the notion of a target evaluation mentioned there either.

That is because as far as I can see, an assignment is essentially
a ternary operation in python. An assignment needs a (name)space/scope,
an index/key/name and an object and those three are combined into
an assignment. Sometimes it looks like only two elements
are given, but that is because the space is implicit in cases
of a rebinding, (the STORE_GLOBAL and STORE_FAST opcode).

Talking about a target evaluation IMO only makes sense if
you view an assigment as a binary operation.

>> So in a statement like
>>  col['t'] = exp
>> What is the evaluation of col['t']?
> Try some personal introspection.  When you act as a Python interpreter, 
> what do you do?

I do the evaluation of the target in the __setitem__ method
(or the STORE_SUBSCR opcode).

Let as look what the compilor makes of it:
[blank lines added for clarity]

>>> dis(compile("col['t'] = exp", '', 'single'))

  1   0 LOAD_NAME0 (exp)
  3 LOAD_NAME1 (col)
  6 LOAD_CONST   0 ('t')


The bytecodes at 0, 3 and 6 don't do any evaluation, they
just put things on the stack.

So what does the STORE_SUBSCR at location 9 do (or __setitem__)?

Well it will first do a number of preparations, like searching
for a bucket in a dictionary or a node in a tree or list, may
be even create one if a suitable wasn't available. And after
that is done, the object will be somehow attached.

So IMV those preparation before the attachment, belong to
whatever the interpreter does before it actually attaches
an object to a name/slot.

So the evaluation of the target is part of what is done by
STORE_SUBSCR or __setitem__.

Now you can object to the fact that I have divided the work
within an opcode. But if you do that, there seems to be
no place left to talk about a target evaluation in this

So as a conclusion I would say one has two options:

  1) View target evaluations as not a pythonic concept

  2) Accept that target evaluation is done by STORE_SUBSCR/__setitem__

Antoon Pardon

Re: TextCtrl focus events in wxWidgets

2006-07-19 Thread rony steelandt
Since the event handler of a textctrl inherits from wxCommandEvent,
I would guess that the binding should be to EVT_COMMAND_KILL_FOCUS

Not tested...


Le Wed, 19 Jul 2006 03:15:36 -0700, Simon Hibbs a écrit :

> Steve Holden wrote:
>> It should be quite simple: you need to handle EVT_SET_FOCUS and/or
>> EVT_KILL_FOCUS events (documented in the wxPython docs) to know when to
>> recaclulate the values. Sounds like that should be enough of a hint to you.
> I've tried that, but it doesn't work. Here is the test code:
> self.PlantCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "")
> self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnUpdatePlantCtrl,
> self.PlantCtrl)
> def OnUpdatePlantCtrl(self, event):
> print "set Plant"
> When the control loses focus, I don't get the message in the console.
> I'm trapping other events successfuly elsewhere using similar code.
> Simon Hibbs
> .


Re: TextCtrl focus events in wxWidgets

2006-07-19 Thread Simon Hibbs

rony steelandt wrote:
> Since the event handler of a textctrl inherits from wxCommandEvent,
> I would guess that the binding should be to EVT_COMMAND_KILL_FOCUS

Still not working :(



Re: Partial classes

2006-07-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sanjay wrote:
> Hi All,
> Not being able to figure out how are partial classes coded in Python.
> Example: Suppose I have a code generator which generates part of a
> business class, where as the custome part is to be written by me. In
> ruby (or C#), I divide the code into two source files. Like this:

I would do this by inheritance if really needed - what isn't working?
That said, you can get this behaviour fairly easy with a metaclass:

class PartialMeta(type):
registry = {}
def __new__(cls,name,bases,dct):
if name in PartialMeta.registry:
for k,v in dct.items():
setattr(cls2, k, v)
cls2 = type.__new__(cls,name,bases,dct)
PartialMeta.registry[name] = cls2
return cls2

class PartialClass(object):

class Person(PartialClass):
def foo(self): print "foo"
import generatedperson
class Person(PartialClass):
def bar(self): print "bar"

and you should get similar behaviour.

  I've used just the name to determine the class involved to be the
same as your Ruby example.  However, this means that any class in any
namespace with the name Person and inheriting from PartialClass will be
interpreted as the same - this might not be desirable if some other
library code has a different Person object doing the same thing.  Its
easy to change to checking for some property instead - eg. have your
handcrafted class have the line "__extends__=generatedperson.Person" ,
and check for it in the metaclass instead of looking in a name

  Also, if two or more classes define the same name, the last one
evaluated will overwrite the previous one.


Re: Coding style

2006-07-19 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Boris Borcic wrote:

> Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>> empty_list = []
>> bool(empty_list) is False
>> => True
> it's just a pity that the symmetric expression
> list(False) is []
> doesn't hold.

You want the empty list to be a singleton!?  And I don't find
`list(False)` to return an empty list be very obvious.

> I guess the problem is that if list(False) was thus defined, it would be 
> difficult not to define list(True). And then the zen of Python clashes
> "In the presence of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess".
> OTOH, my favorite there would be
> list(True) is [None]

Wow it even gets better, the list containing one `None` object should be a
singleton too.  Argh.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: TextCtrl focus events in wxWidgets

2006-07-19 Thread Simon Hibbs

Simon Hibbs wrote:
> rony steelandt wrote:
> > Since the event handler of a textctrl inherits from wxCommandEvent,
> > I would guess that the binding should be to EVT_COMMAND_KILL_FOCUS
> Still not working :(

I can trap EVT_TEXT_ENTER events successfuly, without using
EVT_COMMAND_ENTER. This almost gets me where I want to be. The user
must press 'enter' after modifying each value though. If they forget
the UI isn't updated, so I'd need some way of visualy distinguishing
between modified values that have been ENTER'd and those that haven't
which is a pain, and not very user friendly at all.

There must be some way of doing this, but blowed if I can figure it



Re: Regular expression issue

2006-07-19 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, dmbkiwi wrote:

> I'm trying to parse a line of html as follows:
> 101.120:( KPA (-)
> Snow on Ground)0 
> however, sometimes it looks like this:
> N/A
> Snow on Ground)0 
> I want to get either the numerical value 101.120 (which could be a
> different number depending on the data that's been fed into the page,
> or in terms of the second option, 'N/A'.
> The regexp I'm using is:
> .*?Pressure.*?"left">(?P\d+?|N/A)|\sKPA.*?Snow\son\sGround
> Can someone help me debug this.  It's not picking up the number, and
> I'm not sure I've got the syntax for '|' right, but can't find a
> detailed tutorial on how to use |.

What about something like


You need the flags re.MULTILINE and re.DOTALL when compiling the regular

You'll have to check the 'baro' and 'na' groups to decide if it matched a
numerical value or 'N/A'.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Coding style

2006-07-19 Thread Ant

Christophe wrote:
> ... you haven't beed using enouth generator expressions ...

You should get yourself to the doctors about that cold dude. :-)


Simple file writing techiques ...

2006-07-19 Thread cdecarlo

I've often found that I am writing little scripts at the interpretor to
read a text file, perform some conversion, and then write the converted
data back out to a file. I normally accomplish the above task by
reading the lines of the entire file into a list, preforming some
function to that list and then writing the list back out. I want to
write a generic function/module that will free me from repeatedly
typing the same thing, perhaps convertFile(filename, covertFunc) and I
was wondering what would be a more optimal solution for writing the

fout = open('somefile','w')
for line in convertedData:
  fout.write("%s\n" % line)

 -- or --

fout = open('somefile','w')
fout.write("%s" % '\n'.join(convertedData))

... or maybe some hybrid of the two which writes chunks of the
convertedData list out in one shot ...

An issue that I'm probably most concerned with is scalabitiy, what if
the file was huge, like some sort of log file. As well, I know from
'import this' that there should only be one obvious way to do something
... however to me it's not so obvious :(

Any suggestions,



Re: TextCtrl focus events in wxWidgets

2006-07-19 Thread Frank Millman

Simon Hibbs wrote:
> Steve Holden wrote:
> > It should be quite simple: you need to handle EVT_SET_FOCUS and/or
> > EVT_KILL_FOCUS events (documented in the wxPython docs) to know when to
> > recaclulate the values. Sounds like that should be enough of a hint to you.
> I've tried that, but it doesn't work. Here is the test code:
> self.PlantCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "")
> self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnUpdatePlantCtrl,
> self.PlantCtrl)
> def OnUpdatePlantCtrl(self, event):
> print "set Plant"
> When the control loses focus, I don't get the message in the console.
> I'm trapping other events successfuly elsewhere using similar code.
> Simon Hibbs

Try self.PlantCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnUpdatePlantCtrl)

Frank Millman


Re: Coding style

2006-07-19 Thread Boris Borcic
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Boris Borcic wrote:
>> Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>>> empty_list = []
>>> bool(empty_list) is False
>>> => True
>> it's just a pity that the symmetric expression
>> list(False) is []
>> doesn't hold.
> You want the empty list to be a singleton!?


list(False) == [], then.

BTW, be careful with 'singleton' when applying to aggregates - it took me a 
while to figure out you did not mean an obj X s.t. len(X)==1.

>  And I don't find
> `list(False)` to return an empty list be very obvious.

What would be your choice ?

Re: TextCtrl focus events in wxWidgets

2006-07-19 Thread Steve Holden
Simon Hibbs wrote:
> Steve Holden wrote:
>>It should be quite simple: you need to handle EVT_SET_FOCUS and/or
>>EVT_KILL_FOCUS events (documented in the wxPython docs) to know when to
>>recaclulate the values. Sounds like that should be enough of a hint to you.
> I've tried that, but it doesn't work. Here is the test code:
> self.PlantCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "")
> self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnUpdatePlantCtrl,
> self.PlantCtrl)
> def OnUpdatePlantCtrl(self, event):
> print "set Plant"
> When the control loses focus, I don't get the message in the console.
> I'm trapping other events successfuly elsewhere using similar code.
This would probably be a good question for the wxPython list then - you 
are clearly in some little-known area of swamp ;-)

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Partial classes

2006-07-19 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Kay Schluehr wrote:
> Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>>Sanjay wrote:
>>>Hi Alex,
>>>Thanks for the input.
>>>Being new to Python, and after having selected Python in comparison to
>>>ruby (Turbogears vs Rails) , is jerks me a bit. In my openion it should
>>>be an obvious and easy to implement feature and must be, if not already
>>>have been, planned in future releases of Python.
>>>Would love to listen to others.
>>I've never had a use case for this kind of feature in the past seven years.
> Interesting. Are there other use cases you did not have too?
Probably quite a lot, why ?-)

bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

Re: Partial classes

2006-07-19 Thread Sanjay
Thanks for the code showing how to implement partial classes. Infact, I
was searching for this code pattern. I will have a study on metaclass
and then try it.



Re: Capturing instant messages

2006-07-19 Thread Ed Leafe
On Jul 18, 2006, at 3:17 PM, Yu-Xi Lim wrote:

> This is going to be quite off-topic.

But helpful nonetheless.

> I'm not entirely familiar with SOX regulations. Is it necessary to
> capture it at the gateway?

I'm no lawyer either, so I probably know as much about this as you  
do. It was the client who proposed this type of solution; I'm in the  
process of figuring out if it's at all possible.

> The best solution would be to provide logging
> at the individual chat clients. Piecing together conversation threads
> from individual packets while filtering out other non-chat junk can be
> extremely tedious.

I got the impression that they want to capture the IM traffic and  
record it somewhere JIC they are ever audited or subpoenaed, but that  
most of it would never get looked at again.

> I understand the standard AIM client doesn't provide logging. Probably
> won't any time soon, since it wasn't made for enterprise. There are
> enterprise gateways for AIM, but I'm not sure of the cost or other
> deployment issues. (Try looking at Jabber) You should consider  
> those. Or
> a switch to a more enterprise-friendly protocol if that's possible.
> Other alternatives would be to use a better client. Multi-protocol
> clients like GAIM, Trillian, Miranda, and Adium X generally provide
> logging. Most provide the ability to toggle logging for specific
> sessions, thus reducing privacy issues.

Thanks for the suggestions; I'll run them by the client. They don't  
want to do it at the individual desktop level; they want a central  
location to ensure that someone doesn't have the capability to  
disable the logging, so perhaps an enterprise gateway might be a  
better solution.

-- Ed Leafe


Re: Partial classes

2006-07-19 Thread Kay Schluehr

> Sanjay wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Not being able to figure out how are partial classes coded in Python.
> >
> > Example: Suppose I have a code generator which generates part of a
> > business class, where as the custome part is to be written by me. In
> > ruby (or C#), I divide the code into two source files. Like this:
> I would do this by inheritance if really needed - what isn't working?
> That said, you can get this behaviour fairly easy with a metaclass:
> class PartialMeta(type):
> registry = {}
> def __new__(cls,name,bases,dct):
> if name in PartialMeta.registry:
> cls2=PartialMeta.registry[name]
> for k,v in dct.items():
> setattr(cls2, k, v)
> else:
> cls2 = type.__new__(cls,name,bases,dct)
> PartialMeta.registry[name] = cls2
> return cls2
> class PartialClass(object):
> __metaclass__=PartialMeta

This definition lacks a check for disjointness of the parts. No two
partial classes shall contain a method with the same name.


Re: TextCtrl focus events in wxWidgets

2006-07-19 Thread Simon Hibbs

Frank Millman wrote:

> Try self.PlantCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnUpdatePlantCtrl)

And Voila! It works. Many, many thanks.

Any idea what is going on?



Re: Simple file writing techiques ...

2006-07-19 Thread Will McGugan
cdecarlo wrote:

> fout = open('somefile','w')
> for line in convertedData:
>   fout.write("%s\n" % line)
> fout.close()
>  -- or --
> fout = open('somefile','w')
> fout.write("%s" % '\n'.join(convertedData))
> fout.close()

I'd go for something like...

fout = open('somefile','w')
fout.writelines( line+"\n" for line in convertedData )

Although your first solution should perform about the same.

If you have 2.5, you may prefer this...

with open('somefile','w') as fout:
fout.writelines( line+"\n" for line in convertedData )

> ... or maybe some hybrid of the two which writes chunks of the
> convertedData list out in one shot ...

The OS should buffer it for you.

Will McGugan


Project organisation

2006-07-19 Thread rony steelandt
Imagine I have x projects and they all use

What would be the best way to organise this

c --\project1\*.py

This organisation has the problem that if I have to modify something to that I need in project2, I'll have to retest project1 to make sure
it still works (that could be project 1..n). 

A copy of in each project directory ? The advantage is that I can
modify each in function of the need of the project but it looks
clutered, having n versions of

What is the best solution ? or is there another even better solution ?



Re: TextCtrl focus events in wxWidgets

2006-07-19 Thread David Hughes
Simon Hibbs wrote:
> Frank Millman wrote:
> > Try self.PlantCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnUpdatePlantCtrl)
> And Voila! It works. Many, many thanks.
> Any idea what is going on?

AIUI, wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS is not a Command Event i.e. it doesn't
propagate up the hierarchy of widgets until it gets handled, so it has
to be bound explicitly to the control itself, as above.

Originally you used:

self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnUpdatePlantCtrl, self.PlantCtrl)

which binds the event to self (presumably the containing frame or
panel) and adds the condition that it must come from  self.PlantCtrl -
which never happens.

David Hughes


Re: Project organisation

2006-07-19 Thread Steve Holden
rony steelandt wrote:
> Imagine I have x projects and they all use
> What would be the best way to organise this
> 1.
> c --\project1\*.py
>   |
>   |-\project2\*.py
>   |
>   --\globals\
> This organisation has the problem that if I have to modify something to
> that I need in project2, I'll have to retest project1 to make sure
> it still works (that could be project 1..n). 
Of course it does. And if you genuinely want to share components between 
projects, how else could you verify that utility changes for one project 
hadn't broken the other?
> 2.
> A copy of in each project directory ? The advantage is that I can
> modify each in function of the need of the project but it looks
> clutered, having n versions of
It will aslso give you probems if they get out of step, or if you want 
to make parallel changes in them all. I certainly wouldn't recommend this.

> What is the best solution ? or is there another even better solution ?
Seems to me that the best solution of all would be to have independent 
tests for the functionality defined in, and to run those tests 
after each change no matter for which project.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: TextCtrl focus events in wxWidgets

2006-07-19 Thread Peter Decker
On 19 Jul 2006 04:55:24 -0700, Simon Hibbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Frank Millman wrote:
> > Try self.PlantCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnUpdatePlantCtrl)
> And Voila! It works. Many, many thanks.
> Any idea what is going on?

Your first attempt used self.Bind, which binds the kill focus event of
self to the method. This version binds the kill focus event of the
*text control* to the method, which is what you want.

I used to get bitten by this a lot, but now I've switched to using the
dabo.ui module of Dabo to do my GUI stuff. It has the concept of
binding changes in controls to update events, which was needed for
database-type apps, but you can bind a control to any property of any
object. You should really check it out if you need this sort of
interactive updating in your app.


# p.d.

Re: Simple file writing techiques ...

2006-07-19 Thread Ant
> fout = open('somefile','w')
> for line in convertedData:
>   fout.write("%s\n" % line)
> fout.close()
>  -- or --
> fout = open('somefile','w')
> fout.write("%s" % '\n'.join(convertedData))
> fout.close()

I shouldn't think it matters too much which of these you use - time
them and see what happens.

> An issue that I'm probably most concerned with is scalabitiy, what if
> the file was huge, like some sort of log file.

Sucking in the entire file into a list won't scale well, as a huge log
file could quickly eat all of your available memory. You'd be better
off processing each line as you go, and writing it to a temp file,
renaming the temp file once you have finished. Something like:

in_f = "access.log"
out_f = "access.log.tmp"

infile = open(in_f)
outfile = open(out_f)

for line in infile:


os.rename(out_f, in_f)

(Not tested, but you get the idea...)


Using super()

2006-07-19 Thread Pupeno
I have a class called MyConfig, it is based on Python's
It implements add_section(self, section), which is also implemented on
ConfigParser.ConfigParser, which I want to call.
So, reducing the problem to the bare minimum, the class (with a useless
add_section that shows the problem):

>>> class MyConfig(ConfigParser):
... def add_section(self, section):
... super(MyConfig, self).add_section(section)

Create an object

>>> m = MyConfig()

and call the problematic method:

>>> m.add_section("blah")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 3, in add_section
TypeError: super() argument 1 must be type, not classobj

Why is super() requiring a type ? doesn't it work with classes ? Is there a
way to achieve what I am trying to do (other than calling the specific
class that happens to be the parent today) ?


Re: text representation of HTML

2006-07-19 Thread Laurent Rahuel

I guess stripogram would be more pythonic :



Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

> Ksenia Marasanova wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am looking for a library that will give me very simple text
>> representation of HTML.
>> For example
>> TitleThis is a test
>> will be transformed to:
>> Title
>> This is a
>> test
>> i want to send plain text alternative of html email, and would prefer
>> to do it automatically from HTML source.
>> Any hints?
> html2text is a commandline tool. You can invoke it from python using
> subprocess.
> Diez


Re: Simple file writing techiques ...

2006-07-19 Thread Ganesan Rajagopal
> cdecarlo  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> fout = open('somefile','w')
> for line in convertedData:
>   fout.write("%s\n" % line)
> fout.close()

>  -- or --

> fout = open('somefile','w')
> fout.write("%s" % '\n'.join(convertedData))
> fout.close()

> ... or maybe some hybrid of the two which writes chunks of the
> convertedData list out in one shot ...

The second option would be definitely faster. 

> An issue that I'm probably most concerned with is scalabitiy, what if
> the file was huge, like some sort of log file. 

Considering that you've already read in the whole file into a list, it's too
late to worry about scalability when writing out :-). Have you considered
the fileinput module?


Ganesan Rajagopal


Re: Simple file writing techiques ...

2006-07-19 Thread Ant

> outfile = open(out_f)

outfile = open(out_f, 'w')

may be better ;-)


Re: Partial classes

2006-07-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Kay Schluehr wrote:

> This definition lacks a check for disjointness of the parts. No two
> partial classes shall contain a method with the same name.

Yes - I mentioned at the bottom that the last one evaluated will
overwrite any existing one.  You're right that its probably a better
idea to check for it and throw an exception.


Re: Coding style

2006-07-19 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2006-07-19, Georg Brandl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
>> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bob Greschke wrote:
>>> I'd go even one step further.  Turn it into English (or your favorite
>>> non-computer language):
>>> 1. While list, pop.
>>> 2. While the length of the list is greater than 0, pop.
>>> Which one makes more sense?  Guess which one I like.  CPU cycles be
>>> damned.
>>> :)
>> One of my rules is, always program like the language actually has a Boolean
>> type, even if it doesn't. That means, never assume that arbitrary values
>> can be interpreted as true or false, always put in an explicit comparison
>> if necessary so it's obvious the expression is a Boolean.
> You can do that, but it's not considered Pythonic. And it might be 
> ineffective.
> Other than in PHP, Python has clear rules when an object of a builtin type
> is considered false (i.e. when it's empty). So why not take advantage of
> this?

Because it doesn't always do what I want.

I once had a producer consumer code. When the client asked whether new
items were available the function could return three different values

  1) a list with items, to be consumed
  2) an empty list (meaning there were no items available for the
moment but there could be in the future
  3) None (meaning the producer was done)

Just testing for the truth value of the returned result in order
to see whether the client should continue or not would often
have made the client exit prematurely.

IME such cases where testing for the truth value of an object
don't give the expected result, happen often enough to make me
carefully think about what I want to test for and then explicitly
do so.

Antoon Pardon


Re: Recursive function returning a list

2006-07-19 Thread Boris Borcic
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> Boris Borcic a écrit :
>> Hello Bruno,
>> Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>>> Boris Borcic wrote:
> Do you have any ideas?

 you could use a recursive generator, like

 def genAllChildren(self) :
 for child in self.children :
 yield child
 for childchild in child.genAllChildren() :
 yield childchild
>>> Or how to *not* address the real problem...
>>> Boris, using a generator may be a pretty good idea, but *not* as a way
>>> to solve a problem that happens to be a FAQ !-)
>> Sorry, but I don't understand your reasoning.
> It's quite simple. The OP's problem is well-known (it's a FAQ),

This is really an oversimplification. What's the case is that his showstopper 
was covered by the FAQ list. The OP's "problem" is actually a stack of 
problems/subproblems and was presented as such.

> and easy 
> to solve.

I did consider a couple distinct ways to solve "it" while passing lists around 
did you notice that the OP's code made no clear choice as to whether it wanted 
to pass them by reference or as return values ? That's how a generator struck 
as most pythonic if you want ("In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation 
to guess").

> The righ answer to it is obviously to give a link to the FAQ 
> (or take time to re-explain it for the zillionth time), not to propose a 
> workaround.

Given your usage of code simplicity in another thread as (roughly) a measure of 
pythonic virtue, I feel it warranted to ask why should one recognize simpler 
code as "the workaround" (assuming it fits the bill) ?

Because it doesn't cross the FAQ, seems to be your answer...

>> How can you exclude that the OP /may/ find that a generator neatly 
>> solves his problem ?
> I don't exclude it, and explicitly mentioned in whole letters that, I 
> quote, it "may be a pretty good idea". And actually, the OP's problem is 
> really with default values evaluation scheme - something that every 
> Python programmer should know, because there are cases where you cannot 
> solve it with a generator-based solution !-)
 >> - and the quirks of default values being FAQ stuff don't change that.
 >> Sure if nobody had covered that aspect, but a couple other posters did...
 > Yes, but you forgot to mention that - and I would not have post any
 > comment on your solution if you had explicitly mentioned the FAQ or
 > these other answers.

At this point I recognize that our difference may very well have deep roots 
relating to cognitive style, educational policy, etc. Generally speaking I 
welcome debate on such premisses as an occasion to learn more (not so much from 
my contradictor than from the debate itself), but a precondition is that the 
partner/contradictor understands my motive (what I can't count on since the 
of learning from the debate itself is pretty typical such cognitive style 
divides). Besides, I don't quite have the time right now.

The short form is : "I strongly disagree with you".

Best, BB
"On naît tous les mètres du même monde"

Re: Using super()

2006-07-19 Thread Laszlo Nagy
Pupeno írta:
> Hello,
> I have a class called MyConfig, it is based on Python's
> ConfigParser.ConfigParser.
> It implements add_section(self, section), which is also implemented on
> ConfigParser.ConfigParser, which I want to call.
> So, reducing the problem to the bare minimum, the class (with a useless
> add_section that shows the problem):
The problem is that ConfigParser.ConfigParser is an old style class. It 
is in the standard library, so I have no clue why. For old style 
classes, you should directly call the ancestor class method.
For new style classes it works just fine:

class ConfigParser(object):
def add_section(self, section):
print section, "in ",self.__class__.__name__

class MyConfig(ConfigParser):
def add_section(self, section):
super(MyConfig, self).add_section(section)

m = MyConfig()

The output:

blah in  MyConfig


Re: TextCtrl focus events in wxWidgets

2006-07-19 Thread Frank Millman

Simon Hibbs wrote:
> Frank Millman wrote:
> > Try self.PlantCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnUpdatePlantCtrl)
> And Voila! It works. Many, many thanks.

My pleasure

> Any idea what is going on?

I only understand it in simple terms, though it can get complex. Here
is my simple explanation.

Events are received by objects. There are default event handlers that
are called to deal with the events. If you want your own event handler
to be called, you use Bind(), which brings together three elements -
the window receiving the event (in wxPython, all objects derive from
wx.Window), the event itself, and the event handler to be called.

In pseudo code, you call Bind() like this -

w = the window receiving the event
e = the event
h = the handler to be called


You bound EVT_KILL_FOCUS to self, which I assume in your case is a
panel, but the panel does not receive the KILL_FOCUS event, the text
control does.

For more information, type help(wx.Window.Bind) at the interpreter

If you want an authoritative answer, post a question to the wxPython
mailing list. Robin Dunn, the creator of wxPython and the resident
guru, is always happy to explain in detail exactly what is going on.
You can also get Robin's book, wxPython In Action.



problem in Trying to include new address family in socketmodule.c

2006-07-19 Thread viktough
i am trying to include a new Address family (PF_CAN) in the extension
module of socket - socketmodule.c... At first i am just trying to
create a socket. When I use
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM), a socket is
created at a address
s=socket.socket(socket.PF_CAN, socket.SOCK_RAW), it gives an errror (
97: Address family not supported")
The PF_CAN is a family from the CAN family and the test cases made in C
language are currently working fine. like the statement works
absolutely fine -->
s = socket(PF_CAN, SOCK_RAW, CAN_RAW))
But I would like to design test cases with Python.
What are the changes required to add this address family also in the
socket extension module ??




Converting a web to pdf or ..‍

2006-07-19 Thread Bayazee
Hi ,
I have a web site and i want to write a perogram with python that my
users can convert custom web page of site to pdf (or other type :jpeg,
doc,odt,or...) and download it . i dont want only convert text . it is
be very good to i can don it for both text and images ... similar to
web page ... can i do it with  ReportLab ??

Iranian Python Community -->


Re: Accessors in Python (getters and setters)

2006-07-19 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
>> Then why do you advise "(making) all attributes of a class
>> private/protected" and systematically using properties ?
> Because you don't want third parties illegimately tampering with an
> object's internal data and thus crashing your system?

Ah, you mean like in JAVA where the compiler prevents you from accessing
private variables, but the runtime allows access to these very variables
via reflection? 

Or in C++, where the malevolent programmer just removes the private
declarations in his compile run, and accesses the "private" data from your
object as if it was never declared that way?

You better forget thinking about these hilarious mechanisms of access
control as something that enforces security, and start thinking about them
as a convention that states "I told you not to tamper with this, you've
been warned" - which is done in python using a leading underscore. Or two.

Unless setting or getting a property implies code being run beside the
actual state change, there is absolutely no reason to use accessors. But I
fear this horse has been beaten to death in front of you so many times, yet
still you refuse to see it that way - so, go and use accessors if you like.
Nobody cares


Re: Accessors in Python (getters and setters)

2006-07-19 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
>> What I'm saying here is that it's totally useless to duplicate default
>> behaviour.
> And who's doing that?

Somebody who uses setters that only set a property?


Re: Project organisation

2006-07-19 Thread Magnus Lycka
rony steelandt wrote:
> Imagine I have x projects and they all use
> What would be the best way to organise this
> 1.
> c --\project1\*.py
>   |
>   |-\project2\*.py
>   |
>   --\globals\
> This organisation has the problem that if I have to modify something to
> that I need in project2, I'll have to retest project1 to make sure
> it still works (that could be project 1..n). 
> 2.
> A copy of in each project directory ? The advantage is that I can
> modify each in function of the need of the project but it looks
> clutered, having n versions of
> What is the best solution ? or is there another even better solution ?

Extensive automated regression tests certainly helps!
Take a look at e.g.

This is really not a Python issue at all, it would be
the same thing with a util.dll written in C++...

Re: Track keyboard and mouse usage

2006-07-19 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Lars wrote:

> Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
>> will make the devices world readable. While I haven't thought about any
>> security implications that might have (and am not especially
>> knowledgeable in such things to be honest), I'm convinced it is way less
>> likely to introduce any exploitable holes than suid root would.
> Depending on what kind of info these devices produce, couldn't they be
> used to spy on someone typing in a password? (I can't check, I'm on
> FreeBSD.)

I guess so. Good point.


Re: Using super()

2006-07-19 Thread Pupeno
Laszlo Nagy wrote:

> Pupeno írta:
>> Hello,
>> I have a class called MyConfig, it is based on Python's
>> ConfigParser.ConfigParser.
>> It implements add_section(self, section), which is also implemented on
>> ConfigParser.ConfigParser, which I want to call.
>> So, reducing the problem to the bare minimum, the class (with a useless
>> add_section that shows the problem):
> The problem is that ConfigParser.ConfigParser is an old style class. It
> is in the standard library, so I have no clue why. For old style
> classes, you should directly call the ancestor class method.
> For new style classes it works just fine:
> class ConfigParser(object):
> def add_section(self, section):
> print section, "in ",self.__class__.__name__
> class MyConfig(ConfigParser):
> def add_section(self, section):
> super(MyConfig, self).add_section(section)
> m = MyConfig()
> m.add_section("blah")

I see, thank you.

class MyConfig(ConfigParser, object):
def add_section(self, section)
 super(MyConfig, self).add_section(section)

seems to work and as expected. Is there anything wrong with it ?

Re: Using super()

2006-07-19 Thread Laszlo Nagy

> I see, thank you.
> class MyConfig(ConfigParser, object):
> def add_section(self, section)
>  super(MyConfig, self).add_section(section)
> seems to work and as expected. Is there anything wrong with it ?
I have never seen this before. :) I don't know the answer, but I'm 
interested too.



Re: Augument assignment versus regular assignment

2006-07-19 Thread Boris Borcic
Antoon Pardon wrote:

> The language reference doesn't talk about objects. And IMO you
> should be carefull if you want to use the word "object" here.
> In the line: "foo += 1", you can't talk about the object foo,
> since foo will


> be bound to a different object after the assignment
> than it was bound to before.


   >>> class Foo(list) :
  def __iadd__(self,other) :
  return self

   >>> bar = foo = Foo()
   >>> foo += 1
   >>> foo is bar
   >>> foo

while of course

   >>> bar = foo = 0
   >>> foo += 1
   >>> foo is bar

Best, BB
"On naît tous les mètres du même monde"

Re: TextCtrl focus events in wxWidgets

2006-07-19 Thread Frank Millman

David Hughes wrote:
> AIUI, wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS is not a Command Event i.e. it doesn't
> propagate up the hierarchy of widgets until it gets handled, so it has
> to be bound explicitly to the control itself, as above.


This is one of the sources of confusion with events - which ones
'propagate up the hierarchy' and which ones do not.

This is a quote from the wxWidgets documentation -

"Typically events that deal with a window as a window (size, motion,
paint, mouse, keyboard, etc.) are sent only to the window. Events that
have a higher level of meaning and/or are generated by the window
itself, (button click, menu select, tree expand, etc.) are command
events and are sent up to the parent to see if it is interested in the

Simon's first attempt would have been correct if EVT_KILL_FOCUS was
treated as a Command Event. Unfortunately, it is not, and therefore it
was not passed up to 'self' for handling.



Re: CSV with comments

2006-07-19 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
Daniel Dittmar  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> if line [:1] == '#':

What's wrong with line[0] == '#' ? (For one thing, it's fractionally
faster than [:1].)

  ___  |  "Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other"
  \X/  |-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

access to submodules

2006-07-19 Thread TG

This is my first try on modules.

I've got :


then, when I'm in my ipython shell :

?> from tom import *

this works, it loads core, ui and data
but when I do this :

?> import tom

?> tom.core
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'core'

Well, i guess I missed something, but I don't see what ...


Re: Project organisation

2006-07-19 Thread Phil Thompson
On Wednesday 19 July 2006 3:12 pm, rony steelandt wrote:
> Imagine I have x projects and they all use
> What would be the best way to organise this
> 1.
> c --\project1\*.py
>   |-\project2\*.py
>   --\globals\
> This organisation has the problem that if I have to modify something to
> that I need in project2, I'll have to retest project1 to make sure
> it still works (that could be project 1..n).
> 2.
> A copy of in each project directory ? The advantage is that I can
> modify each in function of the need of the project but it looks
> clutered, having n versions of
> What is the best solution ? or is there another even better solution ?

You could introduce version numbers to your module hierarchy...


...then in your code do something like...

from globals.v1-0 import util

...which would allow some sharing without needing to retest.


Re: access to submodules

2006-07-19 Thread TG
I've just found this :

If I add :

"import core, data, ui" inside my  "tom/" file, it will
work. But this line does not seems to exist in other files (after
having a look at several files inside /usr/lib/python2.4).


Re: Retrieve ext. variables in python program

2006-07-19 Thread alfa1234


> alfa1234:
> > Does anyone know and equalent way to confirm a Variable from the same
> > property file using PYTHON code ???
> Using globals(), locals(), and dir() you can find if your name exists
> already.
> Bye,
> bearophile

Hi bearophile !!
Thanks for the answer..Tried to use these methods, but with no luck.

What needed is a way for my code to look at the external property file
with the lines:
>>earProject = sgs-procDist
>>Appname = SGSProcedure

and accept "earProject"  and  "Appname"  as a Variable if they exist...

Can Y help here..??
Rgds alfa1234


Re: Project organisation

2006-07-19 Thread Harry George
rony steelandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Imagine I have x projects and they all use
> What would be the best way to organise this
> 1.
> c --\project1\*.py
>   |
>   |-\project2\*.py
>   |
>   --\globals\
> This organisation has the problem that if I have to modify something to
> that I need in project2, I'll have to retest project1 to make sure
> it still works (that could be project 1..n). 
> 2.
> A copy of in each project directory ? The advantage is that I can
> modify each in function of the need of the project but it looks
> clutered, having n versions of
> What is the best solution ? or is there another even better solution ?
> Rony

Is "" supposed to do the same thing wherever it is used?  No
one can answer that for you.  Your comments suggested mostly the same,
but some differences.  In that is the case, then use one main
for the common items, and do a local for the locally-specific
items.  Given proper attention to paths, there should be no confusion.

I wouldn't bury the common in a package called "globals".
That could get really confusing.  You might make it a standalone
package, or maybe use "utilities" or "common".

Harry George
PLM Engineering Architecture

Re: CSV with comments

2006-07-19 Thread Duncan Booth
Sion Arrowsmith wrote:

> Daniel Dittmar  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> if line [:1] == '#':
> What's wrong with line[0] == '#' ? (For one thing, it's fractionally
> faster than [:1].)
line[0] assumes that the line isn't blank. If the input iterator is a file 
then that will hold true, but if you were ever to reuse CommentStripper on 
a list of strings which didn't have a trailing newline it would break at 
the first blank string.

Personally I would use:

  if line.startswith('#'):

which takes about three times as long to execute but I think reads more 
clearly. -s "line=' hello world'" "line[:1]=='#'"
100 loops, best of 3: 0.236 usec per loop -s "line=' hello world'" "line[0]=='#'"
100 loops, best of 3: 0.218 usec per loop -s "line=' hello world'" "line.startswith('#')"
100 loops, best of 3: 0.639 usec per loop

Re: CSV with comments

2006-07-19 Thread Steve Holden
Sion Arrowsmith wrote:
> Daniel Dittmar  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>if line [:1] == '#':
> What's wrong with line[0] == '#' ? (For one thing, it's fractionally
> faster than [:1].)
For that matter, what's wrong with


which expresses the intent rather better as well.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Coding style

2006-07-19 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Boris Borcic wrote:

>> And I don't find `list(False)` to return an empty list be very obvious.
> What would be your choice ?

``list()`` or ``[]`` for empty lists and a `TypeError` for
``list(False)``. Just like it is right now.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

mysqldb problem

2006-07-19 Thread liupei
when I set mysql some fields collate utf8_bin, and then fetch these
fields is array.array,not the string I expected


Re: Partial classes

2006-07-19 Thread John Salerno
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:

> Can you flesh out your use case a little bit and tell why you can't solve
> the problem with inheritance or a meta class?

 From my experience with C#, the only real use for partial classes is 
when you want to separate your GUI code from the rest of your logic. But 
since GUI programming in Python isn't always done, this isn't as big of 
a deal.

Aside from that, if you really need to split up your classes, it's 
probably an indication that you could create multiple classes instead, 

Re: access to submodules

2006-07-19 Thread BartlebyScrivener
>> > from tom import *

You CAN do this, but it's a bad habit.


>>import tom

Then call by tom.function()



Re: Project organisation

2006-07-19 Thread rony steelandt
Le Wed, 19 Jul 2006 14:31:06 +0100, Phil Thompson a écrit :

> On Wednesday 19 July 2006 3:12 pm, rony steelandt wrote:
>> Imagine I have x projects and they all use
>> What would be the best way to organise this
>> 1.
>> c --\project1\*.py
>>   |-\project2\*.py
>>   --\globals\
>> This organisation has the problem that if I have to modify something to
>> that I need in project2, I'll have to retest project1 to make sure
>> it still works (that could be project 1..n).
>> 2.
>> A copy of in each project directory ? The advantage is that I can
>> modify each in function of the need of the project but it looks
>> clutered, having n versions of
>> What is the best solution ? or is there another even better solution ?
> You could introduce version numbers to your module hierarchy...
> --\globals\v1-0\
>   \v1-1\
>   \v2-0\
> ...then in your code do something like...
> from globals.v1-0 import util
> ...which would allow some sharing without needing to retest.
> Phil

Yes, this actually looks like a very good idea, without the need of
retesting everything


Number combinations

2006-07-19 Thread placid
Hi all,

Just wondering if there is a better way of generating a 4 digit number
(that gets converted to a string), ive got the following code which
generates strings between -.

for a in range(0,10):
for b in range(0,10):
for c in range(0,10):
for d in range(0,10):
print "%s%s%s%s" %(str(a), str(b), str(c),str(d)



Re: Simple file writing techiques ...

2006-07-19 Thread BartlebyScrivener
See also this recent discussion on techniques for making sure you get
the file closed, even if there is an exception.



Re: access to submodules

2006-07-19 Thread TG
I know this is a bad habit ... I was just doing it to show what is
disturbing me.

Obviously the "star" syntax finds the submodules because they are
loaded, but when I properly load the module alone with "import tom",
the "dot" syntax does not find "tom.core".

BartlebyScrivener wrote:
> >> > from tom import *
> You CAN do this, but it's a bad habit.
> Try:
> >>import tom
> Then call by tom.function()
> rd


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